Sonship Book
Sonship Book
Sonship Book
by Michael Shattuck
Colossians 3:3
I have died and my life is now hid with Christ
in God. I died with Christ to this world and
the things of this world. My desire for this
world died with Christ. My real life, my true
self, is hid with Christ in God. I have entered
with Christ into the secret life of God. My new
self is hidden from human sight in union with
Christ, in the being of God.
Romans 6:10, 11
I died to everything that Christ died to. Just
as Christ died and passed once and for all
out of the sphere of sin, in the same manner I
consider myself to be dead to sin. I regard
myself, I count myself, I think of myself, I see
myself as actually dead to the power of sin.
Jesus died to sickness as well as sin, and
since I died with Him, I also died to sickness.
I died with Him to the domination of sin. I am
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Ephesians 2:5
In giving life to Christ, God gave life to me
because I have been identified with Christ.
God saw me dead, He saw me buried, He
saw me made alive. I was made alive with
Christ. That same new life has now been
breathed into me. God gave me the very life
of Christ Himself, the same new life with
which God quickened Him. The same life
that made Jesus the master of hells dark
forces is in me
Colossians 2:15
His victory is my victory, for I was identified
with Him. He conquered principalities and
powers for me. He triumphed over them for
me. His triumph was my triumph. I share in
His victory. Satan is a defeated foe as far as
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Romans 8:37-39
The same life that made Christ the conqueror
of hell and demons is in me. I am a partaker
of His risen, victorious life. I have come
through a process of persuasion to the
settled conclusion that nothing can defeat
me. I am absolutely convinced that no depth,
no height, no devil, no circumstance can
conquer me. I am more than a conqueror. I
win overwhelming victory. I am constantly
more than victorious because the same life
that made Jesus triumphant over hell is in
me. Overwhelming victory is mine through
Him and His life in me.
Ephesians 2:5; Colossians 2:13
God made Jesus and me alive together. I
was identified with Him in His quickening
and triumph. I conquered with Him when He
dethroned Satan. I am full of the same life
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Colossians 1:13, 14
I have been rescued from the authority of
darkness and transferred to the kingdom of
the Son. I have passed out of Satans
dominion. I have been transplanted into the
realm of the Son. I am free from the
dominance exercised by the powers of
spiritual darkness. When I received eternal
life, I passed out of Satans jurisdiction and
into the new world of the Son of God. In Him
I have redemption and deliverance. I
possess the ransom that releases me from
captivity. I am just as free from Satans
dominion as the Israelites were free from
Pharaohs dominion after they had crossed
the Red Sea. Satan has lost his dominion
over me; my mind, my body, my finances
and all I have.
Romans 5:17
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eternal life.
John 6:53-57
I have eaten His flesh. I have drunk His
blood. He died for me. I now have life in me.
I already possess eternal life. I am enjoying
that life inside of me. I have eaten His flesh
and have drunk His blood. I am in union with
Him and He with me. Eternal life puts me in
union with Him. The same life that is in Him is
now in me. That life makes us one. Just as
Jesus drew life from the Father through union
with Him, I draw life from Jesus through my
union with Him. I am drawing life from Christ.
I am in union with Him.
John 14:19,20
Because He has life, I too have life. He has
life within Himself. I have that same life within
me. Jesus and I share a common life. I know
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