Sonship Book

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by Michael Shattuck

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(this is the inside front cover)

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All scripture references are front he King

James Version of the Bible

Printed in the United States of America

All Rights Reserved
Fourth Edition
Thirteenth Printing - May 2015

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How to Use This Book

1. Read it daily.
2. Speak it at all times to your mind, soul,
body, and circumstances.
3. Use this meditation method: Sit or lie
quietly; speak aloud the Word; speak the
Word inside your mind several times. Repeat
Repeat Repeat.

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God, the creator was not recognized or

accepted by the world when He came to the
earth in the person of Jesus Christ, not even
by His own people, Israel. But to those who
did receive Him, those who believed, He
gave the precious privilege to become HIS
This new life, this new birth, was not due to
any will, ability or act of man, but due to the
will and life of God. We are recipients of the
precious gift of SONSHIP by His will.

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CONSIDER: Jesus was our substitute, acting

in our place, so that we were accredited with
what He did.
Romans 5:8
II Corinthians 5:14
II Corinthians 5:19
CONSIDER: Jesus became exactly what we
were in spirit, so that God viewed Him as
being us. We were identified with Him.
II Corinthians 5:21
Isaiah 53:9
Matthew 27:46

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Galatians 2:20
I was crucified with Christ. My old self was
crucified with Him. Christ took my old self to
the cross with Him and I died there with Him.
The cross was Gods way of doing away with
the old me. I was crucified with Him,
nevertheless I live. Yet not the old me, but
Christ lives in me. I live by faith in the Son of
God. I walk by faith, not by sight. I govern
my life by faith in the Word of God and who
He says I am and what He says I have in
Galatians 6:14
I was crucified with Christ. By His cross I
have been crucified to the world and the
world has been crucified to me. I am in the
world but not of the world. The world holds
no delusions or power over me. The cross
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with its shame and reproach meant absolute

separation from the world's glamour and
deceitfulness. I have been crucified to the
world with Christ.
Romans 6:6
My old self was crucified with Christ. My old
being was crucified with Him. My old nature
was crucified with Him. The old person I
used to be was nailed to the cross with Him.
I am a new self, a new being, a new creation.
My sinful nature has been wiped out. I am no
longer addicted to sin. My body is no longer
an instrument of sin. My body has been
made impotent and inactive for evil. I am no
longer a slave of sin. Sins tyranny over me
has been broken. My old self, my old being,
my old nature was crucified with Christ. I
know and recognize the fact that my old self
was crucified with Christ. The old (your
name) was crucified with Christ.
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Romans 6:8
My old self died with Him. I shared in His
death. His death was my death. My old
nature died with Him. I died with Him to the
world, to sin and to sickness. I now share His
life. I died with Christ.
Colossians 2:20
I have died with Christ. I died with Him to the
worlds way of looking at things. I have
parted company with worldly principles. I am
no longer dominated by the world. I am no
longer under the worlds control. I died with
Christ. I died with Him to the curse of the law
He bore for me. I died to sin, sickness and

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Colossians 3:3
I have died and my life is now hid with Christ
in God. I died with Christ to this world and
the things of this world. My desire for this
world died with Christ. My real life, my true
self, is hid with Christ in God. I have entered
with Christ into the secret life of God. My new
self is hidden from human sight in union with
Christ, in the being of God.
Romans 6:10, 11
I died to everything that Christ died to. Just
as Christ died and passed once and for all
out of the sphere of sin, in the same manner I
consider myself to be dead to sin. I regard
myself, I count myself, I think of myself, I see
myself as actually dead to the power of sin.
Jesus died to sickness as well as sin, and
since I died with Him, I also died to sickness.
I died with Him to the domination of sin. I am
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alive to God. I have the life of God in me. My

life is absorbed into the life of Jesus. I am
fully alive to serve God in union with Christ. I
am alive to righteousness; I am alive to
Romans 6:4, 5
The person I used to be has been entombed
with Christ. My diseases and bondages were
sealed away in the tomb with Him. Just as
He was raised by the Fathers glorious
power, I walk in possession of His wonderful
new life. That life is in me and controls me. I
live and move in a new sphere, that of life.
His own resurrection life is in me. The life that
enabled Him to conquer hell and Satan is the
same life now in me. I am free from all He
became and bore for me, including sin,
sickness, poverty and bondage. I have
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become part of Him, having died and been

buried with Him. Now, having been raised
with HIm I share His new resurrection life.
Colossians 2:12
Water baptism represented my identification
in His burial and resurrection. I was buried
with Him; I was raised with Him. My past was
buried with Him. My failures and bondages
were buried with Him. I now have new
victorious risen life in me. I am a partner in
the power and life of His resurrection.
Colossians 2:13
I was made alive with Christ. The Father
made us alive together; He co-quickened us.
His resurrection life is now in me. God
quickened me with the same new life with
which He raised Jesus. I am full of His life.
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Ephesians 2:5
In giving life to Christ, God gave life to me
because I have been identified with Christ.
God saw me dead, He saw me buried, He
saw me made alive. I was made alive with
Christ. That same new life has now been
breathed into me. God gave me the very life
of Christ Himself, the same new life with
which God quickened Him. The same life
that made Jesus the master of hells dark
forces is in me
Colossians 2:15
His victory is my victory, for I was identified
with Him. He conquered principalities and
powers for me. He triumphed over them for
me. His triumph was my triumph. I share in
His victory. Satan is a defeated foe as far as
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I am concerned. Christs conquest was my

conquest. Satans dominion over me has
come to an end.
Hebrews 2:14
Satan was rendered powerless toward me
by Christs victory. He has been dethroned,
defeated, put to naught, made of no effect,
overthrown, neutralized, paralyzed, crushed
and put out of commission as far as I am
concerned. I conquered him with Christ.
Christ's victory was my victory because I
was made alive and raised with Him.
Colossians 3:1
I have been raised with Christ to enjoy the
things that are above, where Christ is seated
at the right hand of the Father. The rich
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eternal treasures of that heavenly sphere are

mine to seize and enjoy. All the things of
God in Christ are mine. I was raised with
Christ. I shared in His glorious resurrection.
Ephesians 1:19-21
The same power that raised Christ from the
dead is at work in me. His resurrection
power is overwhelmingly great, unlimited,
immeasurable, infinite, resistless,
stupendous, and tremendously mighty. His
resurrection power is at work in me because
I was raised with Christ. I share the benefits
of His resurrection. I was raised with Christ.
Ephesians 1:19-21, 2:6; Luke 10:19
I was raised with Christ. The same mighty
power that raised Him up victorious over all
mans enemies also raised me up. I am
seated with Him, enthroned with Him in the
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heavenly realm. I share the authority of His

throne. I rule with Him over sin, poverty,
sickness, demons and circumstances. All
that is under His feet is under my feet
because I have been seated with Him. All
principalities, powers and demonic forces
are under my feet. Sickness and poverty are
under my feet. Satan is under my feet. I have
authority to tread on serpents and scorpions.
I have authority over all the power the enemy
The Reason for Jesus Coming and the
Primary Object of the Plan of Redemption
John 6:33,10:10; I John 1:1, 2, 4:9
Life has been manifested in Jesus. He is the
life-giver. The reason the Father sent the Son
was to give me life. The reason Jesus came
down from heaven was to give me life - the
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God kind of life, eternal life. I have that life in

Romans 5:18, 21
Adams sin brought spiritual death to the
world, but Christs righteousness has
opened the door to eternal life. Gods main
purpose in Christ was to make me righteous
and give me life. Christs redemptive act set
me free and gave me life. I have been set
right with God; eternal life has been imparted
to me. The eternal life of God is mine now in
Jesus Christ.
John 3:14-16, 6:51; I Thessalonians 5:10
The reason Jesus shed His blood and died
for me was to give me life. He paid the
penalty of my sin. I am now made righteous
and have life. The Father sent me life from
heaven. I have that life in me now. I have the
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God-kind of life, heavens kind of life in my

John 1:4, 5:26
God is a Spirit. Inside of Him there is life. It is
spiritual life, eternal life. Jesus had that same
kind of life in Him. I am a spirit. I have
received that same kind of life in me. I have
been born of God and now have the life of
God in me. I have the same kind of life in me
that exists in the eternal, self-existent I AM.
Ephesians 4:17-18; II Peter 1:4
Eternal life is the life of God; it is the divine
nature. I have the life and nature of God in
me. I am a partaker of the divine nature. I
have escaped the spiritual death that is in
the world through sin. I have Gods own life
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in me. I have come to share in His very being

because I have His life in me.
John 3:3-6
My spirit is the real me that lives inside my
body. Jesus called the spirit a man. I am a
spirit. Through Jesus, I have been born of
God. I have been re-fathered by God. I have
been born anew from above. The life of God
above has been imparted to me. I have been
born from above, born of God, with the very
life and nature of God in me. I am alive with
the life and nature of God. I am in the
Fathers family.
Hebrews 12:9
The life that is in the Father has been
imparted to me. I have His life in me. I have
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been re-fathered. God is my Father, my very

own Father, and I am His very own son. I
have His nature in me.
I Peter 1:23
My rebirth was a new birth of the life God
has imparted to me by His Word. Being full
of His life, Gods Word has deposited His life
into me. I am begotten of God (re-fathered)
through the Word of God, which contains the
life of God. I have the life and nature of God.
I have been regenerated, born anew in my
spirit from the incorruptible Word of Life. I am
a son of God now. God has given me His
own indestructible heredity. I have been refathered by the immortal Word of the Living
Ephesians 2:1; John 5:24
I was dead in trespasses and sins. Death
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possessed me, but God has made me alive.

I have already passed from death to life. I
am now possessing eternal life. I now
enjoying eternal life. I have crossed the
boundary from death to life. I have been
translated from the death region to that of
Romans 8:2,10
I am full of life. I am now enjoying life. The life
of God, the life of heaven above, the life that
is in Jesus Christ, is now in me. That life has
freed me from sin and death. The old nature
left, the new nature came in and set me free.
Jesus Christ has displaced the old law, the
old principle, the old condition, and the old
nature of sin and death in me. Gods
righteousness, Gods life, has actually been
imparted to me. The life of God has been
breathed into me, and I am a new being.
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II Timothy 1:10; Hebrews 2:9
Jesus abolished spiritual death, my old
nature, by tasting that death for me in His
own spirit. He wiped out my old nature. I now
have His life in me. I have passed from death
to life.

Acts 2:24, 27, 28

Jesus died in spirit as my substitute. He was
made alive again in spirit, after He had
satisfied the claims of justice against my sin.
My old nature, spiritual death, was wiped out
and I was given life in Christ. God gave me
life in the person of Christ. Jesus won life for
me by taking my death and paying the
penalty for my sin. I have that life in me now.
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I Peter 3:18; Colossians 1:18;

Revelation 1:5; Acts 13:32-34
Jesus was made alive in spirit before He was
raised again physically. God endowed Him
with life in His spirit. Jesus was the first to be
born again to life. He tasted death for me. He
was made alive again for me. He acted and
He stood for me. He represented me. God
set eternal life to the credit of my account
when He imparted it to His Son. It was as
though I were made alive. He bore my old
nature, spiritual death. He suffered the
penalty for my sin to satisfy the claims of
justice so I could be made righteous and
receive eternal life. He obtained life for me
and the same life that was imparted to Him
now dwells in me.
Colossians 2:15; Revelation 1:18;
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Romans 8:37-39
The same life that made Christ the conqueror
of hell and demons is in me. I am a partaker
of His risen, victorious life. I have come
through a process of persuasion to the
settled conclusion that nothing can defeat
me. I am absolutely convinced that no depth,
no height, no devil, no circumstance can
conquer me. I am more than a conqueror. I
win overwhelming victory. I am constantly
more than victorious because the same life
that made Jesus triumphant over hell is in
me. Overwhelming victory is mine through
Him and His life in me.
Ephesians 2:5; Colossians 2:13
God made Jesus and me alive together. I
was identified with Him in His quickening
and triumph. I conquered with Him when He
dethroned Satan. I am full of the same life
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that enabled Jesus to master hell. God has

breathed the same new life into me as into
Christ. I am enraptured with that new life. I
am sharing with Christ the same new life that
raised Him from the dead. His victorious,
risen, triumphant life is in me.
Romans 6:4
I was buried with Christ and just as He was
raised by the glory of the Father, I am now in
possession of His life. I live, move and
regulate my conduct by this new nature, this
new life within me. Christs resurrection life is
in me. I have been given His wonderful new
life to enjoy. I am in possession of pure life.
That life dominates me from within.
Romans 6:5
I am united with Christ in His resurrection. I
share a resurrection life like His. I have
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become a part of Him, having died with Him.

I share in one nature with Him by
participation in His death and resurrection.
His resurrection released the new life that
now dwells in me. I am planted with Him in
the garden of His risen life that causes me to
bear much fruit.
Romans 6:8
I, my old spiritual self, died with Christ and
now share His new life in my new spiritual
self. I am alive with the new life He received
when He was made alive in spirit. I share
Christs resurrection life. The life that made
Him master of hell is mine.
Romans 6:10, 11
By dying with Christ, I passed out of the
dominion of sin, sickness and Satan. I died
to all He died to and am alive to all He is
alive to because I have His life in me. I am
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alive to God and to all that God is and has.

My life is absorbed into the life of Christ.
Christs risen life, with which He conquered
sin, sickness, Satan, and death, is in me.
John 4:14
I have a well full of eternal life springing up
inside me. This well is watering me with
eternal life. The life of heaven is springing up
inside of me, refreshing my being. It
quenches my thirst for reality. It satisfies my
inner longings because it is the life of God
Himself. All that is in God is in His life. God
Himself satisfies me. My interior is filled and
running over with the life of God.
John 6:35
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Jesus my Lord is the life-giving bread. I have

Him; I have life. That life satisfies my spirit
hunger. It thrills and fills me from the depths
of my being. I have a continual supply of that
life flowing into me from heaven bringing me
heavens blessings, heavens joys, and
heavens contentment. It supersaturates my
whole being with God Himself.
John 7:38
Streams of life-giving water flow out of me,
out of my interior. From the depths of my
being flow living waters. Floods of life-giving
water gush from within me to pour out of my
heart, supplying life to my whole being and
affecting those around me. Out of my belly
flows streams of life.
Revelation 21:6, 22:1, 17
I can drink my fill of the water of life freely. I
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drink deeply of the water that flows from the

throne: clear, and pure, and brilliant as
crystal. That life pours into me, bringing
heavens reality. It energizes me, and
radiates out from me. The life of heaven
keeps flowing into me bringing heavens
blessing, heavens joy and heavens
contentment. I am fully satisfied by that life
flowing into me. I am a channel of heavens
I John 3:14, 15; Hebrews 2:14
I know I have passed from death to life. I
have made the transfer from death to life. I
have been translated out of death into life. I
have passed from death into life; I have
passed out of Satans dominion. He rules in
the sphere of death. I have passed from
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death to life. Therefore I have passed out of

his authority. Satan has been rendered
powerless in my life. He has been brought to
nothing and robbed of his power. I have
been released from Satan's authority by
receiving eternal life.
Acts 26:18
Jesus is the Lord of Life. He is Lord over all
that have received eternal life. I have passed
from death to life. I have passed from the
realm where Satan is Lord into the realm
where Jesus is Lord. I have been
transformed. I have been translated from
death to life. I am free from Satans
dominion. Spiritual death put me under
Satans dominion. Eternal life freed me from
it. I have left deaths realm and been
transferred to the life realm where Jesus is

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Colossians 1:13, 14
I have been rescued from the authority of
darkness and transferred to the kingdom of
the Son. I have passed out of Satans
dominion. I have been transplanted into the
realm of the Son. I am free from the
dominance exercised by the powers of
spiritual darkness. When I received eternal
life, I passed out of Satans jurisdiction and
into the new world of the Son of God. In Him
I have redemption and deliverance. I
possess the ransom that releases me from
captivity. I am just as free from Satans
dominion as the Israelites were free from
Pharaohs dominion after they had crossed
the Red Sea. Satan has lost his dominion
over me; my mind, my body, my finances
and all I have.
Romans 5:17
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I am a king in the new life of Christ. I reign as

a king in the realm of life. Spiritual death
made me a subject of Satan. Eternal life has
freed me from his jurisdiction and put me in
dominion. Eternal life makes me superior. It
makes me a king. I reign over Satan. I reign
over sickness. I reign over sin, poverty and
circumstances. I reign triumphantly in life
through Jesus Christ.
I John 5:11-13
God has given me eternal life. He has
imparted it to me. The life in me is the same
that exists in the Son. I have life. I recognize,
I am sure, and am aware that I possess
eternal life in my inner being. God has given
me life, the same life that dwells in the Son. I
have that life in me. I am a possessor of
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eternal life.
John 6:53-57
I have eaten His flesh. I have drunk His
blood. He died for me. I now have life in me.
I already possess eternal life. I am enjoying
that life inside of me. I have eaten His flesh
and have drunk His blood. I am in union with
Him and He with me. Eternal life puts me in
union with Him. The same life that is in Him is
now in me. That life makes us one. Just as
Jesus drew life from the Father through union
with Him, I draw life from Jesus through my
union with Him. I am drawing life from Christ.
I am in union with Him.
John 14:19,20
Because He has life, I too have life. He has
life within Himself. I have that same life within
me. Jesus and I share a common life. I know
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I am united with Him and He is united with

me; we are one. He is a spirit; He has life. I
am a spirit; I have life. I am in union with Him
and He is in union with me.
John 15:4,5
I have the very life of Christ Himself. Jesus
and I share a common life. I am in union with
Him. I have come into living union with the
Son of God, just as the branch is in union
with the vine. He is the vine, I am the branch.
Just as the life of a vine flows through a
branch, His life, the life of God, the Divine
Nature, flows into me and through me. I get
my life from Him. I am sharing His life. That
life causes me to be fruitful. It causes Christ
to grow in me. Christ is growing in me. Jesus
and I have grown together. All that is in a
vine flows through the branches. All that is in
Him flows into me. His life is full of all that He
is. All that is in Him is in me. I am full of
everything the vine contains. Christ is in me.
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I am in union with the fullness of the

Godhead. I am in union with the One who
has all wisdom and knowledge. I am in union
with the Creator and Sustainer of the
universe! I am in union with the Supreme
Head of all principality and power. I am in
union with Christ.
John 1:4, 8:12
The life of God gives off light. That life, in me,
shines light to my intellect. My mind has light
permeating it from my spirit and is not bound
in the darkness of sense knowledge. My
mind is being spirit taught and spirit
directed. My mind is being spirit dominated.
The life of God in me is flooding my mind
with light. I do not walk in mental darkness.
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My mind and personality are being liberated

from within by the life of God in me. That life,
Christs life, causes my soul to blossom with
Christs wholeness and personality. Christs
wholeness and personality are forming in me
by His life rising up inside me. His wisdom is
in me because His life is in me. The
understanding of Jesus Christ is gaining
authority in me. The personality of Jesus is
forming in me. Eternal life enlightens my
intellect and enhances my personality. I do
not walk in darkness, but I have the wisdom
of Jesus Christ to direct my affairs.
I John 3:9
I have Gods very nature in me. That divine
life is in me and controls me. I carry my
Fathers nature and heredity. That life in me
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overcomes sin. I do not practice sin. I am

free from the dominance of the law of sin
because the life of God is in me and controls
I John 5:4
I have been born of God with the life of God
in me. I am victorious over the world. I
master the world. I was born more than a
conqueror. The life of God in me always
conquers the world outside me. I triumph
over the things in the world sin, sickness
and Satan. I am constantly victorious over
the world because I am born of God with the
life of God in me.
I John 5:18
I have received new life from God. I have
been fathered by God. The divine life of the
Son of God protects me. Satan cant get hold
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of me. Satan cannot bind me. The life of God

in me repels sin, sickness and Satan. It
radiates out of me, enveloping me with glory.
It repels the devil and sickness like a
magnetic force field. The life of God is
radiating out of me repelling sin, sickness,
and Satan.
Romans 8:11
The Spirit of God makes His home in me. He
takes the life of God and spreads it
throughout my entire being, even my body.
The life of God is flowing up out of me into
my body, refreshing it and keeping it free
from disease. The life of God is in the life of
Jehovah Rapha, the Divine Physician. The
life of the Lord that heals me is at work in my
body, killing and repelling disease. The life
of God displaces disease in my body. The
Spirit of God supplies the life of God through
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me into my soul and into my body. He brings

to my whole being strength and vitality. The
Spirit of God, flowing out from me fills me
with new life even in my physical body.
Romans 5:10
I am saved, healed, preserved, delivered
and made sound by the life of Christ in me.
That life frees me from sins dominion, frees
me from sickness dominion and frees me
from Satans dominion. The life of God in me
repels sin, sickness and Satan. I am saved
by His life in me. I am delivered daily from
sin and sickness' dominion by His
resurrection life in me.
John 6:63, 68
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His words impart more and more life to me

right now. His words are full of life. His words
penetrate into me and there they deposit life.
I am being filled with life from the Word that
goes into me now.
Hebrews 4:12
Gods Word is alive with energy. It is a living,
active power - full of energy. It is full of life
and power. Gods Word is full of Gods life.
The Word of God is depositing more and
more of the life of God into me. The life of
God is developing in me. The Word of God is
piercing and penetrating its way down into
me, filling me with life. It permeates the very
core of my being right now and fills me with
life and power.
Galatians 6:8
As I sow the Word of God into me, I reap
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more and more of the life of God out of me.

Gods Word contains Gods life and energy. I
am full of that life and energy. It pulsates out
of me in ever increasing measure. The Word
of God is penetrating to the core of my being
and exploding there with life. The life of God
is radiating out of the inside of me.
John 10:10
I have eternal life in me. I have it in the fullest
measure, the overflowing measure. I am
expanding in my capacity to contain more
and more of the life of God. I have life
overflowing in me. I have life above measure.
I have life in ever increasing abundance. It
rises up inside me like the tide. It engulfs
and floods my mind and body bringing
restoration and power to my soul. The life of
heaven is flowing into me and out of me like
a river. Theres a river of life, of the God kind,
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flowing out of me. Miracle life, saving life,

heavens life is in me. It is developing in me
in ever increasing measure by the Word and
by the Spirit.

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Our Father God has bestowed an

unfathomable quality of love upon us by
calling and considering us SONS. We are
not recognized by the world as God's SONS
because the world does not know God.
We are truly, right now, the SONS of God. It
is not clear what we will be like when Jesus
comes, but we are sure that when He
comes, WE WILL BE LIKE HIM, because we
will see Him in all that He really is.
This hope causes us, to purify ourselves, to
become more like Jesus, in all His purity.1
John 3:1-3
Yes, Father, I agree with what you say about
me. Who I am, what I am, and what I can do
So be it.
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Scripture references to Sonship

John 1:12
Rom. 8:14-17
Rom 8:19
Rom 9:26
Gal. 3:26
Gal 4:5-7
Eph. 1:5
Phil. 2:15
Heb. 2:10
1 John 3:1,2
Rev. 21:7

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The work of this organization is focused to
help the Body of Christ come to an
increasing revelation of the knowledge of the
Son of God

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(this is the inside back cover)

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(This is the outside back cover)

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