Stephen Gombos Final Decision
Stephen Gombos Final Decision
Stephen Gombos Final Decision
A hearing was held on April 22, 2009 regarding the request of Mr. Stephen
Gombos to have his hunting privileges in the state of Connecticut restored. The parties in
attendance included Mr. Gombos mad his attorney, Donald Tamis and Capt. Rick Lewis
representing the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and its Enviromnenta!
Conservation Police. Also in attendance were Mr. William Graham and Ms. Cathie
Garfield who spoke on the record pursuant to Regs, Conn. State Agencies §22a-3a-6(t).
Based on the evidence in the record, I find as follows.
Findings of Fact
1. On November 20, 1999, Stephen Gombos fired his rifle while hunting and shot
William Garfield in the chest causing his death. Mr. Gombos fired his rifle carelessly
and before properly identifying his target. (Ex. DEP-1).
2. Mr. Gombos voluntarily relinquished his hunting license and privilege to hunt in
Connecticut on April 12, 2000 pursuant to General Statutes §26-62. (Ex. DEP-4)
3. Mr. Gombos was notified on October 17, 2008 that his hunting privileges were
indefinitely suspended and that the suspension remained in effect. (Ex. DEP-2).
4. Mr. Gombos has not completed a remedia! hunter education course as required by
§26-62 for restoration of his hunting license or privileges. Mr. Gombos was aware that
the firearms safety course he completed on March 3, 2008 did not qualify as a remedial
hunter education course. (Ex. RESP-1; test. 4/22/091, S. Gombos, K. Schneider).
~ The testimony and proceedings in this matter were recorded. No written transcript has been prepared.
The audio recording of this hearing is on file with the Office of Adjudications and is the official record of
this proceeding. (Printed on Recycled Paper)
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Conclusions of Law
Based on these findings of fact and as a matter of law, I cannot restore Mr.
Gombos’s hurtling privileges until he completes a hunter safety education course. "Any
person whose hunting license is under suspension pursuant to this section shall
successfully complete a remedial hunter education course as required under section 26-31
prior to any restoration of his privilege to obtain a hunting license." General Statutes
§26-62. Mr. Gombos has not met this basic requirement for restoration.
The present request for restoration can be rejected solely for the failure to
complete the hunter education course. However, based on the evidence presented and in
accordance with DEP’s recommendation, I conclude that even if Mr. Gombos completes
the required hunter education course, he should not have his hunting license or privilege
to hunt in the State of Connecticut restored. The Commissioner enjoys broad discretion
in deciding whether to suspend someone’s license under §26-62 and likewise whether to
restore someone’s license or privilege to hunt after it has been suspended. Mr. Gombos,
when offered an opportunity at the hearing, was unable to articulate through his own
testimony or through his attorney the reasons why his license or privilege to hunt should
be restored other than the passage of time. This explanation was insufficient and the lack
of mitigating facts in favor of restoration is distinct. Furthermore, Mr. Gombos was not
even prepared for the result he sought as evidenced by his knowing failure to complete
the required hunter education course. Finally, as noted by DEP, Mr. Gombos has
expressed no need for the restoration of his hunting privileges.