Instructor Guide

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CVEN 349 Civil Engineering Project Management

CVEN 349. Civil Engineering Project Management. (3-0). Credit 3. I, II, S Basic elements of management of civil engineering projects; roles of all participants in the process: owners, designers, contractors and suppliers; emphasis on contractual aspects of the process, estimating, planning, and controls. Prerequisite: Junior classification. (This is the formal catalogue entry.)

Topics Covered:
Over the years the course has evolved to cover the Project Development Process from initial concept to completion and what are the responsibilities of a Civil Engineering Project Manager in this context. The intent is to pull the process together in a single course to provide a conceptual understanding and leave the details to others. Conceptual and preliminary design, estimation, and scheduling are covered but detailed design and analysis, etc. is left for other courses. Student surveys over the past several years reveal that todays students have little or no hands-on construction experience of any kind. About 10% have actually worked on construction projects in summer jobs. This typically runs the gamut from house building to highways work. Another 10% may have visited a construction site for one reason or another. The rest have little or no knowledge of any kind.

Table 1. Topics Covered by Week Topic 00 Introduction 01 Needs Analysis 02 Fiscal Evaluation of Alternatives 02 Fiscal Evaluation of Alternatives 03 Plans, Specifications & Estimates 03 Plans, Specifications & Estimates 04 Contracting and Bidding 04 Contracting and Bidding 05 Organizational Structures 06 Labor, Materials, and Equipment Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Topics Project Development Process, teaming and behavior types and roles Needs Analysis, Ways and means of solving problems . Cash flow diagrams and discounted cash flow concepts. Evaluation of alternative projects using Net Present Value, Benefit\Cost Ratio, and Rate of Return. Rough and Parametric Cost Estimating and Scheduling, Work Packages. Bid Packages CPM diagrams, Bar Charts, and PERT The contracting/bidding process in general, and types of contracts, bid bonds Managing New Business Opportunities, Expected Value, Mock Trial Organizational Structures and Forms of Ownership. Risks, Complex Labor cost and unions. Materials management,

06 Labor, Materials, and Equipment 07 Project Cashflow Analysis 08 Project Controls 08 Project Controls 09 Project Close Out

11 12 13 14 15

Equipment costs, depreciation and taxes. Project cash flow, Capitol requirements. Bond financing S-Curves: As-Planned, As-Built, Measuring Progress, etc. Linear Charts for Work Packages. Earned Value Analysis Punch List, etc.

Module Organization:
The modules are organized by week, by topic, by part. For example, Module 08 Project Controls is covered during weeks 13 and 14. This module contains five or more parts each covering a specific sub-topic. Whereas the modules are stand-alone portions of the course, the parts must be executed in sequence. As the course evolves over time the modules will remain constant. Parts may be added or skipped as required by circumstances. The material making up each module consists of the following: 1. Instructor Modules (MS PowerPoint): This includes PowerPoint slides with Instructor Notes and ACL Exercises as a complete package. Learning objectives are included with each part of the module. 2. Student Modules (Adobe PDF): These were generated from the Instructor Modules into 3/page handout format. Student surveys show that this is the preferred format by students who actually read the material before class and use the handout to take notes on. 3. Exam Questions (MS Word): Typical, time-tested exam questions. 4. Exercise Generator (MS Excel): This includes a random combined S-Curve data generator for all 4 cases and a linear model solver. 5. Other Diagram: Original Visio diagrams for all work-flow, CPM, etc. diagrams.

Module Presentation
The Instructor Modules are designed for projection onto a large screen using a computer. Each presentation (or part) is designed to be less than the traditional 50-minute class period. Each presentation is complete with: learning objectives, examples, think, pair, share exercises and answers, etc. The Student modules are designed for uploading into a Web server by the Instructor and then downloaded into a desktop Web browser by the student. These files are compact versions (3 per page) in Adobe PDF of the Instructor Modules. The Exercises and Answers have been removed as appropriate. The other material mentioned above is to assist the Instructor in making changes.

Module: 08 Project Controls: S-Curves: S-Curves are considered and important project control technique and can be covered in a week or less. The Part 0: Context: 20-30 Minutes Purpose: To introduce the students to the activities necessary to carry a project from start to finish Learning Objective: Students should be able to sketch and annotate the process flow chart explained in class. Part 1: As-Planned Curve Set: 30-40 Minutes Purpose: To introduce the students to As-Planed S-Curves and how the data are generated. Learning Objectives: Students should be able to plot As-Planed S-Curves from PS&E results. Part 2: As-Built Curve Set: 30-40 Minutes Purpose: Learning Objectives Part 3: Analysis: 45-75 Minutes Purpose: To introduce the s Learning Objectives

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