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BRILLANTES, Sixto, Jr. TAGLE, Lucenito N., YUSOPH, Elias R., LIMy Robert '*, PADACA, Maria Gracia Cie

Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner

Promulgated:~arck2 1 ,

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'WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9369 authorizld the Commission on Election to use an Automated Election System (AES) as it may deem appropriate and practical for the processes of voting, counting and transmission of results;

WHEREAS, in pursuit of this mandate, the Comn~ission on Elections will adopt the AES for use nationwide in the May 13,2013 national and Local Elections;

WHEREAS, in Minute Resolution No. 12-1029 dated November 20, 2012, the Commission on Elections authorized the use of AES in the conduct of overseas voting in seven posts; namely: Hong Kong PCG, Singapore PE, Abu Dhabi PE, Jeddah PCG, Kuwait PE, Dubai PCG and Riyadh PE for the May 13, 2013 National and Local Elections;

NOW, THEREFORE, The Con~mission on Elections, by the powers vested in it by the Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, Republic Act No. 9369, and other election laws, RESOLVES to promulgate the following General Instructions Governing the Consolidation/'Canvassing and Transmission of Votes in connection with the conduct of overseas voting for purposes of the May 13, 2013 National and Local Elections.

ARTICLE I SPECIAL BOARD OF CANVASSERS Section 1; Special Board o f Canvassers; constitution and appointment. - The Commission, through the Chairman of the Committee on Overseas Voting (COV), shall, not later than January 31, 20x3, constitute in each country, one (I) Special Board of Canvassers (Board) to canvass the Overseas Voting (OV) Election Returns and prepare the corresponding Certificate of Canvass (COC).

The members of the Board shall be appointed by the Commission and shall be cornposed of a Chairman who must prefeiably be a lauyer, or in the absence thereof, a senior career officer from the Post as chairman, and a vice-chairman and membersecretaiy wllo sllali be career officers from the Post or anjr of the government agencies , .- $

maintaining a post abroad or, in the absence of another government officer, any citizen of the Philippines qualified to vote under R.A. No. 9189.
Sec. 2. Quali$cations of members o f the SBOC. - No person shall be appointed as a member of the SBOC, unless he:

a) Is of good moral character and irreproachable reputation; and b) Is able to speak and write English or Pilipino. Sec. 3. Disquali~cations. - The following are disqualified from serving as members of the SBOC: a) Those who are related within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to:


Any member of the same SBOC; Any of the candidates for Senator; or

3) Any of the nominees for the party-list system of representation.

b) Those 1 4 0 have been convicted of any election offense or of any other crime punishable by more than six ( 6 ) months of imprisonment; or, C)Those why have a pending case filed against them for any election offense.
See. 4 . Powers and functions of tlze Board. - The Board shall have full authority to keep qrder within the canvassing room or hall including its premises and orders. If any person refuses to obey any lawful order of enforce obedience to its la~yful the Board or conducts himself in such disorderly manner as to disturb or interrupt its proceedings, the Board may, by a majority vote, order in writing any peace officer/guard of the embassy or eonsulate to take such person into custody until adjournment of the meeting. In the absence of any peace officer/guard, any other competent and able person deputized by the Board in writing, shall execute such order. Such fact shall be noted in the Minutes of the proceedings.

Further, the;Board shall: a) Canvass/~onsolidate the electronic results;


b) Generate and print the COC and SOV; c) Load the Pesults; and d) Perform such other functions as may be directed by the Commission.


Sec. 5. Consolidation and Canvassing System (CCS) Operator. - The SBOC shall be assisted by an information technology-capable person authorized to operate the CCS, to be known as CCS operator. The CCS operator shall be deputized by the Comnlission, from among the personnel of the Post or other agencies and instrumentalities of the government, including government-owned and controlled corporations maintaining offices abroad.


The CCS operators shall be designated by the head of Post and shall be considered as member of the SBOC but he cannot participate in the deliberation of the three (3) members of the SBOC except on technical matters. The members CCS Operator shall not be related to each @her or to any member of the Board or to any candidate whose votes will be canvassed by the Board, within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.
Sec. 6. Reception and Custody Group. The Board may constitute a Reception and Custody Group (RCG) for the reception and safekeeping of the main memory card and of the hardcopies of ERs.

The RCG shall be composed of not more than tw7o (2) members who are government appointive officials. They shall be designated by the concerned chairman of the Board and shall receive honoraria computed as that of the members of the Board. , I The members of the RCG shall not be related to each other or to any member of the Board or to any candidate whose votes will be canvassed by the Board, within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.
Sec. 7. Duties and Responsibilities of the Reception and Custody Group. The RCG shall:

a) Receive from The SBEI, the envelope containing the main memory card of PCOS anh the envelopes containing the printed copies of the ERs intended the SBOC; . b) Log the following:

I) Date and time of receipt;


Condition and the serial number of corresponding paper seal of the envelope;'

3) The precinct number of the envelope containing the memory card;

c) Mark In hhe project of precincts the corresponding precincts ~ ~ h i envelope ch containing the main memory card; d) Place the envelopes containing the ERs/COCs inside the ballot box, close the same with security seal; and

Fom7ard:to the Board, the ballot boxes containing the ERs/ COCs and one copy of.the list of precincts as marked.

Sec. 8. Notice of disqualification - Any member of the Board who is disqualified for any of the above reasons shall, upon appointment, noti@ the Head of the Post, in writing, who shall, in turn submit a replacement to the Commission, through the COV Chairman, for appointment.

For this purpose, the COV shall fi~rnish the Post, through the DFA-OVS, the list of senatorial candidates and the names of nominees of party list groups participating in the party-list system of representations for the May 13, 2013 National, and Local Elections so that the members of the Board will be able to know whether they are qualified or not to accept their appointments
Set. g. superviiionand cont~-01. - The Commission shall exercise direct.

u 4 '

supenfision and control over the Board and may m o t proprio ~ relieve, at any time for a cause, any member thereof and designate the corresponding substitute/replacement.

Sec. lo. Replacement of Chairman and Members of the Board. - In case of non-availability, absence, disqualification due to relatio~ship, or incapacity for any cause of the Chairman, the replacement shall come from among any other ranking official from 'the Post or from any of the government agencies maintaining a post abroad, of good standing, not othenvise disqualified under the law.
With respect to the other members of the Board, the replacement shall be from the qualified foreign service corps personnel or from members of the Filipino community at the Posts.


For this purpose, all replacements shall be appointed by the Chairman of the


Set. 11. Notice of meetings of the Board. - Not later than May 8,

Philippine time, the Chairman of the Board shall give written notice (OVF No. 11-C) to the other member4 of the Board, and, through the COV, give similar notice to each candidate, politicali party or coalition of political parties fielding candidates for Senator and political parties, organizations or coalitions thereof participating under the partylist system of representation. The notice shall include the date, time and place of the canvassing, which shall be held in the Philippine Embassy/Consulate, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. Similar notices shall also be given for subsequent meetings unless notice has been given in open session. Proof of service of notice to each member, candidate, political party fielding candidates for senator, and political party, organization or coalition thereof participating under the party-list system of representation shall be attached to and foum part of the records of the proceedings. For this purpose, the COV shall send the proof of service of notice to the Posts, through the DFA-OVS, which in turn, shall ensure that said proof of service of notice are with the different Boards at the time they convene. ' .

If notice is given in open session, such fact shall be recorded in the Minutes of the proceedings. Notice of the canvassing shall also be posted in three (3) conspicuous places in the building where the canvass shall be held as well as in the websites of the Commission, the DFA and of the Post concerned. The COV whenever practicable, use other means of disseminating such notice which may include but not be limited to the tri-media.

Sec. 1 2 . B-eliminary to canvassing. - Not later than M a y 1 2 , 2013, Philippine time, the members of the Board shall meet to:

~c~uaint'themselves with each other; ~arniliari~ze themselves with their respective duties and responsibilities during the canva'ssing;

3) Ensure that all the required canvassing forms and supplies are complete; and
4) Discuss {perational and procedural matters to ensure that they are able to fulfill their duties and responsibilities in accordance with these general instructions and other guidelines set by the Commission.


4 '

Sec. 13. Convening of the Board. - The Board shall meet at 6:00 o'cloclc in the evening of M a y 13, 2013, Philippine time, at the designated building/place in the Philippine Embassy/Consulate or other foreign sewice establishments authorized by the Commission, to receive the election returns and to immediately canvass those that have already been received. It shall meet continuously frpm day to day until the canxrassis completed, and may adjourn only for the purpose of awaiting other election returns. However, as the need arises, the Board may declare a recess.

The proceedings of the Board shall be open and public.

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Sec. 14.Minutes of the Board; distribution. - The Member-Secretary shall

prepare the Minutes of Canvassing (OVF No. 11-B) of the Board in three (3) copies by recording therein the proceedings and such other incidents or matters relevant to the canvass. 1: Copies of the Minutes of the proceedings shall be distributkd as follows: a. one copyifor the Chairman of the Board; b. one copyifor the Law Department of the Commission; c. one copy;for the Special Ballot Reception and Custody Group (SBRCG) at the Post whei-e the canvassing was held.
Sec. 1 5 . Temporary Absence of a Regular Board Member. - In case a regular member of the Board is temporarily absent, the members present shall first verify whether notice has been served on the absent member. In case no such notice was sent, one shall be immediately served on the absent member. If the latter cannot be located or his whereabouts are unknown, he shall be substituted in accordance with Sec. 6 hereof. These facts shall be recorded in the Minutes of the Board. As soon as the absent member appears, the substitute member shall relinquish his seat to the regular member. Sec. 16. Prohibition against transfer, leaving omcia1 station. - During the period beginning election day, May 13, 2013, until the COC shall have been personally submitted to the Commission, no member or s~~bstitute member of the different Boards shall be transferred, assigned or detailed outside of his official station nor shall he leave said station without prior authority of the Chairman of the COV.

Set. 17. Feigned Illness. - Any inember of the Board feigning illness in order

to be substituted frbm the start until the completion of the canvass shall be liable for an election offense.

Sec. 18. Incapacity o f a Regular Member of the Board. - In case of siclcness or serious injury of a regular member of the Board, the member concerned shall submit to the other members of the Board a medical certificate attesting to his incapacity. Said medical certificate shall be recorded in and form part of the Minutes of the Board. Upon submission of the medical certificate, a substitute shall be appointed likewise in accordance with Sec. 6 hereof.
Sec. 19. Qeorum. - A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority vote of all the members thereof shall be necessary t'o render a decision. Sec. 20.1sSues that may be raised during the consolidation/ canvass. 1ssuks affecting the composition or proceedings of the Boards may be initiated by filing a verified petition before the Board or directly with the Commission.

If the petition is filed directly with the Board, its decision may be appealed to the Commission within three (3) days from issuance thereof. However, if commenced directly with the Commission, the verified petition shall be filed immediately when the board begins to act illegally, or at the time of the appointment of the member of the board whose capacity to sit as such is objected to.

There shall be no pre-proclamation cases on issues/controversies relating to the generationjprinting, transmission, receipt and custody and appreciation of ERs or the




Sec. 21. Right to be present and to counsel. - Every registered political party and party-list group, and every candidate for Senatgr has the right to be present and to counsel during the canvass of the election returns: Provided, that if there are two (2) or more counsel, only one (1) may argue for each party or candidate. They shall have the right to examilie the election returns being canvassed without touching them, make observations thereon, and file protests. No dilatory action or tactics shall be allowed by the Board.
Sec. 22. Watchers during canvass. - Every registered political party fielding candidates for Senator, and party-list group shall be entitled to one (1) watcher at any given time in everyicanvassing center.

The citizens' arm of the Commission, and civic, religious, professional, business, service, youth and other similar organizations shall collectively, and upon prior authority of the Chairman of the COV,be entitled to one ( 1 ) watcher at any given time.

However, if:there is no sufficient space for all watchers to be accommodated, preference shall be given to the watchers of the dominant majority and dominant minority parties as determined by the Commission, one (I) common watcher for the independent candidates, one (I) comlnon watcher for the accredited citizens' arm and one (I) common watcher for accredited OFW organizations. The watchers shall have the right to: a) Be present at, and take note of, all the proceedings of the Board; b) Stay behind the Chairman of the Board near enough to be able to read the election returns without touching said documents; and c) File the: appropriate protest against any alleged irregularity noted in the election ,returns and obtain from the Board a resolution thereon in writing. Watchers shall not be allowed to participate in the deliberation of the Board.
A person convicted by final judgment of any election offense or of any other crime, or who is related to any member of the Board within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity shall not be appointed as watcher.
Sec. 23. Persons not allowed inside the canvassing room. - During the

canvass, it shall be' unlawful for any person canying any firearm or deadly weapon to entersthe room where the canvass is being held or to stay within a radius of fifty (50) meters from such room.

Set. 24. Safekeeping o f Election Returns. - The Board shall place the election returns intended for the Commission in a specially marked envelope which shall be sealed with serially numbered security tapes. The serial number of every security tape used shall be entered in the Minutes.

The said special envelope shall be kept in a safe and securkd room before, during and after the canvass to ensure that no envelope may be taken out of or deposited in the room without the presence of the Board.



Sec 25. Preliminaries to Canvassing SBOC shall observe the follo~ving procedures:

- Before the canvassing begins, the


a) Show to the public and the watchers present that the CCS box is sealed;
b) Remove the plastic seal of the CCS box;
c) Open the CCS box; d) Check whether the following are inside the CCS box:
1 )

CCS iaptop box which contains: i. ii. iii. iv.


, Laptop; . Secure Digital (SD) card (installed);



Power cable of the laptop; Electrical adaptor of the laptop; Three(3) Universal Serial Bus (USB) Security Tokens with label;


Three (3) envelopes with label each containing: i. One (I) system's username and password; and ii. One (I) USB Token with corresponding username and the password.

3) Extension Cord;
4) Printer box:

a) b) c) d)

Printer (HP Laserjet P1oo6) Toner (installed) Power cable of the printer USB cable to connect the laptop and printer

7) Memdry Card Reader and

8) Security plastic seal;


e) Retrieve the envelopes containing the system's username and password and the USB tolcens for each member of the Board and distribute the same among themselves. The system's username and password shall be in the custody of the Chairman of the Board; and

f) Retrieve the CCS laptop from its box and place the CCS laptop properly on top

of the table.
Sec. 26. Procedures for canvassing. - Immediately after convening, the Board shall receive the envelope containing memory card for PCOS and undertake the following canvassing procedures:



The CCS Operator shall: i. ii. iii. iv.


Plug the power cord of the laptop to the extension code; Plug the extension cord to the electrical outlet or generator, when , necessary; I Turn on the laptop by pressing the power button. The screen mill display the WELCOME page of the CCS; Click on "ENTER" button; Connect the printer cable to the USB port of the laptop and the power cable of the printer to the extension cord; Turn on the printer by pressing the power button; Insert sufficient paper in the printer feeder; Click on "ENTER button in the WELCOME page of the CCS. The LOG INTO THE SYSTEM screen mill be displayed on the right top portion of the screen; The CCS will require for the system's username and password. Request Chairman to enter the system's username and password in the space provided; Click "ACCEPT" button. The screen will display the "MASTER SWITCH" located on the right top portion of the screen; Request the Chairman to again enter the system's username and password in the space provided Click "ACCEPT" button. The screen will display the dialogue box; Request all the members of the Board, to insert their USB tokens in the USB slot of the laptop, one at a time, enter their usernames and security key passwords in the space provided. Thereafter, click "OK" button; Wait until the "INITLALIZATION REPORT" is displayed. Print the "INITIALIZATIONREPORT" by clicking the printer icon on the upper left corner of the PRINT PREVIEW page. Wait for the printer dialogue box to be displayed. Then click the " O K button located at the lower right corner of the screen;

vi. vii. viii.


xi. xii.




Afier printing the "INITIALIZATION REPORT", click on the "CONTINUE button in the lower portion of the screen and wait for the WELCOME page to appear.


The members of the Board shall sign and affix their thumbmarks on the certification portion of the "Initialization Report"; the "INITIALIZATION REPORT", the Chairman shall show t o the public the "INITIALIZATION REPORT"; and

3. After signing and affixing their thumbmarks on the certification portion of

4. The Member-Secretary shall place the "INITIALIZATION REPORT" in the

envelope intended for the purpose.

After initializing the CCS, in the "WELCOME" page, the CCS operator shall:

Click on "ENTER" button; and Request the Chairman to enter the system's username and password in the space provided and click on "ACCEPT" button. The screen will display the "HOME PAGE".

c) IMPORTING OF PRECINCT RESULTS FROM PCOS - The Board shall receive from the RCG an envelope containing CF card for the precinct. The Board shall open the said envelope, retrieve the memory card and give the same to the CCS Operator. The CCS .Opeisatorshall:
1 .

Attach memory card reader to the laptop; Insert the main memory card in the main memory card reader; "HOME PAGE" screen.


3. Click' on "ADMINISTRATION" in the Administration options will be displayed;

4. Click on "IMPORT RESULTS";

5. Click on "BROWSEJ' button. The CCS will display the "FILE UPLOAD" dialogue box;
6. Click "CF CARD" at the left pane of the dialogoe box;
7. Clicli "RESTRANS" file from the list of files at the right pane of the dialogue box and click on "OPEN" button;

8. Click "ACCEPT" button;

g. Wait iintil the processing is finished. HOMEPAGE w6ll be displayed with a

message, '(THE ELECTION RETURN WAS SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED", at the left top portion of the HOME PAGE screen;


- - ---


---- ----------

lo. Remove the main memory card from the memory card reader and return it
to its original envelope and label it "UPLOADED"; All memoiy cards that have already been processed shall be submitted to the Election Officer for safelzeeping.

Repeat steps 2 to 10 until all main memory cards contained in envelopes are processed; and main memory card reader from the laptop.

12. Remove the

d) MONITORING OF RESULTS. The Board shall monitor which results have alrdady been loaded into the system.

Click on the "MONITORING" option in thetCcHOME PAGE", then cliclz on "MO~~ITOR RESULTS TRANSMISSION". A listjof post/embassy (barangay) for the country shall be displayed with colored button beside the name of the post/embassy. The color of the button will determine the status of trailsmission of the specific barangay. Red means that the precinct results have not yet loaded; and Green means that the precinct results have been loaded.


To monitor the loading of results from a particular post under a country, cliclz on the "POST NAME (barangay)", and a list of voting centers will appear;

3. To mbnitor the loading of results from a particular precinct/ clustered precincts under a voting center, click on the VOTING CENTER where the precilict/clustered precincts concerned belong; and
4. To update the status of loading of from a clustered precinct from time to

time, !click on the "UPDATE TRANSMISSION REPORT" button located at the bdttom of the screen.



The CCS operator shall generate Canvass Report before generating and printing COC. For this purpose, the CCS operator shall:

I. Generation and Printing of Grouped Canvass Report

Before a Certificate of Canvass can be generated and printed, the CCS operator must first generate and print a Grouped Canvass Report. For this purpqse, the CCS operator shall: a. b. c. d. Click the "CANVASSING" option in the HOME PAGE; Click the "GROUPED CANVASS =PORT7';

The CCS shall DISPLAY THE "GROUPED CANVASS REPORT" located at the right top portion of the screen; Click the checlcbox beside the title "CONTEST/QUESTION/ DELIBERATIVE ORGANIZATION"


Click on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom portion of the screen and the screen will return to "HOMEPAGE".

This Grouped Canvass Report can be generated from time to time.


Generation and printing of Certificate of Canvass (COC).

I. If all expected clustered have been uploaded, the Board shall generate the COC. For this purpose, the CCS operator shall: a. b. c. Click the "CANVASSING option in the HOME PAGE; Click the "GROUPED CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS (COC)". dialogue box will be displayed; A

Request all members of the Board, to ipsert Qeir USB tokens, one at a time, enter their username and security key password in the space provided, and thereafter, click "OK" button; The CCS shall display the "GROUPED CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS (COC)" located at the right top portion of the screen.

d. e. f. g. h.

Qick the checlbox beside the title "CONTEST/QUESTION/ DELIBERATIVE ORGANIZATION" Click on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom of the screen; The CCS shall generate and display the COC. Scroll down to view the COC; Print the COC by clicking on the printer icon, then type "30"in space provided for the number of copies to be printed. Then click "OK"; Click on "CONTINUE button located at the bottom portion of the screen; and the screen will return to the "HOMEPAGE.

If the CCS remains idle for

60 seconds, a dialogue box will be displayed requiring the insertion of the three (3) security tokens in the USB slot. The Board shall, insert their USB tokens, one at a time, enter their usernbme and security key password in the space provided and there~fler, click "OK" button.

1 .

Click the "CANVASSING" option in the HOME PAGE; Click the "CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF VOTES (SOV)". A dialogue box d l 1 be displayed;

3. ~ e ~ u eany s t two (2) members of the Board, to insert their security tokens in the USB slot, one at a time, enter their username and security key password in the space provided, and thereafter, click "OK button;
The ccs shall display the "CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF VOTES (SOV)" located at the right top portion of the screen.


4. Click. the checkbox beside the title "CONTESTIQUESTIONJ DELIBERATIVE ORGANIZATION", if the SOV for all contests shall be generated; If the.SOV for selected contest(s) will be generated, the CCS Operator shall only ;heck the checlbox of the CONTEST(s); q 5. Click on "CONTINUE" button located at the bottom portion of the screen;
6 . Wait 'until the print preview of the SOV is displayed. Click on the printer

icon, then type "I" in the space provided for the number of copies. Then cliclc ''OK"; and
7. Cliclc !'CONTINUE" button, and the CCS 1 4 4 1 return to HOMEPAGE.

If the CCS remains idle for 60 seconds, a dialogue ,box zuilI be displayed
requiring the insertion of the two (2) security'tokens in the USB slot. Any two (2) hembers of the Board shall, insert their USB tokens, one at a time, enter their username and security key passzuord in the space provided and thereaftel; click "OK" button.
The CCS opyrator shall:
I) Click the "EVENTS LOG" option in the I-IOMEPAGE;

2) Click "VIFJWJPRINTLOGS REPORT" option. A dialogue box will be displayed requiring the insertion of a sec~uity token in the USB slot.

3) Request any member of the Board to insert his USB token, enter his username
and security ltey password in the space provided. Thereafter, cliclc "OK" button; 4) The screen will display the logs of the CCS;


PRINT button at the bottom of the screen;

Click the printer icon and press OK button;

3) Click C O ~ I N U button E and the screen mill return to HOMEPAGE.


After all the kesults have been successfully transmitted, the CCS Operator shall:

Insert a blank disc in the CD drive;

2. Click the "ADMINISTRATION" in the HOME PAGE; 3. Cliclc "BACK-UP RESULTS"; 4. A d i a l o a e box displaj~ed requiring the insertion of two (2) security tokens in the USB slot. Request any two (2) members of the Board to insert, one at a time, their USB tokens enter the username and security key password in the space provided. Thereafter, click "OK" button;

'. y.G

5. Wait until the back-up process is finished;

6. The CCS will display the list of positions with reports generated and a message "SUCCESSFULLY PROCESSED CD BACKUP REQUEST" at the top of the screen;
7. Cliclc "ACCEPT" button. A dialogue box will be displayed. Request any hvo (2) members of the Board to insert, one at a time, their USB tokens, type their

username and security key password in the space provided. Thereafter, click "OK" button and the "HOMEPAGE" will be displayed;
8. Remove the CD from the CD drive;

a) Place inside an envelope provided for the purpose and seal the same;

b) Label the envelope NOT TRANSMITTED" to show whether the results are not transmitted; I , c) Indicate in the envelope the name of Post; and d) Sign ihe envelope;
g. Repeat steps 1 to 8 to back-up the files in two (2) additionaldiscs.

lo. Turn-Over the envelopes containing the CDs to the Chairman of the Board;

Submit to the Reception and Custody Group of the National Board of Canvassers

The two duly sealed envelopes containing the two (2) CDs used to back-up the Post results shall be submitted to the SBOC and Commission.

After printing of all the reports and transmission of the municipal/city/district/provincial results to all destinations, the following shall be undertaken:

Click on the "EXIT" option in the "HOMEPAGE"; Press the power button. The screen will display a message "SHUT DOWN THE COMPUTER,

3. Click on the "SHUTDOWN" button;

4. Turn-over CCS laptop to the Technician.


Immediately after printing copies of the COCs, and SOVs, the Board shall:

Affix their signatures and thumb marlcs on the printed COCs, and SOVs; Ask the. watchers present to affix their signatures and thumb marks on the printed COCs and SOV; The Chairman of the Board shall publicly announce the total number of votes received by each candidate, stating their corresponding offices;





The Member-Secretary shall announce the posting of the COCs on the wall within the premises of the canvassing area; and The Member-Secretary shall place in the corresponding envelopes with paper seals all reports.


Sec. 27. Distribution of COCs and SOVs. - Upon completion of the canvass, the Boards shall distribute the COCs as follows:


The first coby shall be delivered to the NBOC for use in the canvass of election results for spators, parties, organizations or coalitions participating under the I party-list system; The second copy shall be sent to the Commission;

3. The third copy shall be kept by the chairman of the board;

4. The fourth copy shall be given to the PPCRV as the citizens' arm designated by the Commission to conduct and unofficial count. It shall be the duty of the PPCRV to furnish independent candidates copies of the COC at the expenses of the requesting party; 5. The fifth copy shall be posted on a wall within the premises of the canvassing center and shall be supported by a Statement of Votes by precinct; 6. The sixth coby and seventh copies shall be given to the dominant majority and minority parities;
7. The eighth to seventeenth copies shall be given to the ten (lo) accredited major

national pacies, excluding the dominant majority and minority parties, in accordance with a voluntajr agreement among them. If no such agreement is reached, the Commission shall decide which parties shall receive the copies on the basis of the criteria provided in Section 26 of Republic Act No. 7166; 8. The eighteenth and nineteenth copies shall be given t o the two accredited major local partiesiin accordance with a voluntaly agreement among them. If no such agreement is reached, the Commission shall decide 14hich pai-ties shall receive the copies on the basis of criteria analogous to that provided in Section 26 of Republic Act No. 7166; 9. The twentiep to the twenty-fourth copies, to national broadcast or print media entities as my be equitably determined by the Commission in view of propagating the copies to the widest extent possible; lo. The twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth copies, to local broadcast or print media entities as 'may be equitably determined by the Commission in view of propagating the copies to the widest extent possible; and 11. The twenty!seventeenth to the thirtieth copies, to the major citizens' arms, including the accredited citizens' arm, and other non-partisan groups or organizations enlisted by the Commission pursuant to Section 52 ( I < of ) Batasan Pambansa Rlg. 881. Such citizens' arm, groups and organizations may use the three certified copies or ERs for the conduct of citizens' quick counts at the local or national levels.


The first, second and third copies of the COC shall be supported by the CDs used to back-up the municipal/city consolidated results and shall be placed individually in a duly sealed envelope..

ARTICLE VI POST CANVASSING PROCEDURES Sec. 28. Personal delivery of the COC/SOV/ Back-Up CD, Main Memory Cards, and Minutes of the proceedings and Election Returns. The Chairman of the Board or his representative shall personally submit the following:
a) First copy of the COC, together with the SOV and Back-up CD; elections election returns (Copy for the National Board of Canvasser), to the NBOC; b) To the COV, copies of the COC (Copy for the Commission and COV) together with the SOVP, Back-Up CD, Main Memory Cards, election returns (Copy for the Commission), and Minutes of the PfoceedTngs (Copies for the Commission and the Law Department). COV, in turn, shall forward the election returns and Back-Up CD to the Election Records and Statistics Department (ERSD) and the copy of the Minutes of the Proceedings to the Law Department of the Commission.

Sec. 29. Adfministrative matters to be observed by Chairmen of the SBOC zvho shall personally deliver the COC/SOV/Back-Up CD, Main Memory Cards and Minutes of the proceedings and Election Returns and other election documents to Manila.
A. Prior to Depai-ture from the Post:
I. They shall turn over all records and documents, used or unused, to the custody of the SBRCG at the Post, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Commission. These shall be properly acknowledged by the SBRCG.
I .

2. They shall secure a Certificate o f Completion o f Canvassing from the Heads of Posts indicating the following:

- Date the canvassing commenced - Date thk canvassing ended - Date w\en the Chairman of the Board left the Post
If the Chairpan of the Board is the Head of the Post, the certificate shall be accomplished by the second highest foreign service official thereat.

3. They shall immediately depart within the day or at the latest, a day after the completion of canvassing proceedings for travel to Manila through the most direct flight , route.
Any deviation from the scheduled flight or re-booking which is not allowed by the Commission shall Ije for the personal account of the concerned Chairman of the Board.

B. Upon Arrival iin Manila:


They shall be escorted by security forces assigned to them by the Commission in going to theaCommission's Main Office at the 8th Floor, Palacio del Gobernador Bldg., Intramuros, Manila to deliver the COC and other documents mentioned



above. If they have their own private vehicles, they shall likewise be accompanied by security forces.

They shall submit to COV, within the same day of their arrival, or the following day, the following:

The photocopy of their plane ticket.

As soon as: they return to their Posts, the SBOC Chairs should send to the Committee through the fastest available means the used plane ticket.

Copy of the Travel Authority; and

2.3. Certificate of Completion of Canvassing issued by the Heads of Posts where they were appointed Chairmen of SBOC.


They shall, be issued Certificates of Appearance gnd Submission (CAS) by the COV upon receipt of the documents identified therein.

4. They shall be brought to the DFA, after submission of the documents, if they were fetched from the airport by the Commission vehicle. Those with personal vehicles can also leave as soon as they submit the documents.

5. In all probability, the COC will be canvassed on the same day of submission, the latest being the following day if the Chairman of the Board arrives in the evening. The Chairmen of the Board are requested to make themselves on-call for a day in case there will be questions that will be raised on the COC. 6. They shall be given honoraria of US$ 200 per day of canvassing which should ideally not' exceed five (5) days inclusive of travel time to Manila until submission!of the ERs and the COCs. For purposes of OAV, their duties as Chairmen ofthe Boards shall commence on May 13,2013.


Sec. 30. Election Oflenses; Electoral Sabotage. - In addition to the prohibited acts and election offenses mentioned herein and those enumerated in Sections 261 and 262 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 881, as amended, Republic Act 7166, as amended, and othkr related election laws, the following shall be guilty of an election offense: a) Any person who removes the COC posted on the wall, whether within or after the prescribed forty-eight (48) hours of posting, or defaces the same in any manner; b) Any person who simulates an actual COC or statement of votes, or a print or digital copy thereof; c) Any person who simulates the certification of a COC or statement of votes; d) The Chairman or any member of the Board of canvassers who, during the prescribed period of posting, removes the COC or its supporting statement of votes from the wall on which they have been posted other than for the purpose of immediately transferring them to a more suitable place; qf

e) The chairman or any member of the Board of canvassers who signs or authenticates a print of the COC or its supporting statement of votes outside of the polling place; f) The Chairman or any member of the Board of canvassers who signs or authenticates a print which bears an image different from the COC or statement of votes produced after counting and posted on the wall. Further, the following shall be guilty of a special election offense to be ltnown as electoral sabotage: g) Any person or member of the Board of election inspector or Board of canvassers who tampers, increases or decreases the votes received by a candidate in any election or any member of the Board who refuses, after proper verification and hearing, to credit the correct vote or deduct such tampere? votes: Provided, however, That when the tampering, increase or decrease'of votes or the refusal to credit the correct votes and/or to deduct tampered votes are perpetrated on a large scale or in substantial numbers, the same shall be considered, not as an ordinary electiori offense under Section 261 and/or 262 of the Omnibus Election Code, but a special election offense to be known as electoral sabotage and the penalty to be imposed shall be life imprisonment. The act or offense committed shall fall under the category of electoral sabotage in any of the following instances:


When the tampering, increase and/or decrease of votes perpetrated or the -refusal to credit the correct votes or to deduct tampered votes, islare committed in the election of a national elective office which is voted upon .nationwide and the tampering, increase and/or decrease votes, refusal to credit the! correct votes or to deduct tampered votes, shall adversely affect the results of the elections to the said national office to the extent that losing candidate/s isjare made to appear the winner/s; Regardless of the elective office involved, when the tampering, increase and/or +crease of votes committed or the refusal to credit the correct votes or to deduct tampered votes perpetrated, is accomplished in a single election document or in the transposition of the figures/results from one election document to another and involved in the said tampering increase and/or decrease:or refusal to credit correct votes or deduct tampered votes exceed five thousand (5,000) votes, and that the same adversely affects the true results of the election; and


3. Any and 'all other forms or tampering increase/s and/or decrease/s of votes perpetuated or in case of refusal to credit the correct votes or deduct the tampered votes, where the total votes involved exceed then thousand (10,ooo) votes. :

Any and all other persons or individuals determined to be in conspiracy or in connivance 14th the members of the BEIs or BOCs involved, shall be meted the same penalty of life imprisonment.
ARTICLE VIII EFFECTIVITY AND DISSEMINATION Sec. 31. Faectivify.- This Resolution shall take effect on the seventh (7th) day fallowing its publibation in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines. A-

Sec. 32. Dissemination. - The Education and Illformation Department shall cause the publication of this Resolution in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines and to furnish the Department of Justice, Department of Education, the Department of Finance, all Regional Election Directors, Provincial Supel-iisors and Election Officers, and City/Provincial/Division and City Superintendent of Schools and the City/Municipal Treasurers W t h the copies of this Resolution.




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