Rationing Health Care More Fairly

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Rationing Health Care More Fairly

Older adults are understandably anxious about the political sniping over the future financing of Medicare. That is precisely the intention of the presidential campaigns. Yet the cross-fire over who will cut Medicare by how much sidesteps a critical issue about the future of our medical care: If we must ration our care to hold down costs in the future, how can we do it in a fair, efficient and transparent way? Mitt Romneys campaign was brazenly misleading in its charge that the presidents health plan would cut medical services to older adults by reducing Medicare spending by $716 billion. The presidents savings will come mostly from smaller payments to managed care companies, which provide the same services as Medicare at a higher cost, and from slower growth in reimbursement rates to health care providers. But the response of President Obamas campaign also aimed to stoke voters fears. It stressed rightly that the plan to curb Medicare costs proposed last year by Representative Paul D. Ryan, Mr. Romneys vice-presidential running mate, would add thousands of dollars to older Americans out-ofpocket expenditures. Yet it ignored Mr. Ryans recent efforts to soften the plan. Both campaigns claim they are out to protect future health care. Yet the sniping hides the real issue. Protecting federal health programs over the long term, as the population ages and medical costs keep rising faster than economic growth, will require curbing the programs spending. And we havent quite figured out how to do that. The federal governments spending on health care consumes 4.8 percent of the nations economic production and is expected to eat up 9.2 percent in 25 years, according to estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. A vast majority of economists agree that restoring a sustainable budget will mean either cuts in Medicare and Medicaid or a tax increase on the middle class. Decisions will have to be made about what services are not worth the cost. Yet so far, our political leaders have failed to acknowledge this to voters, offering instead an illusion that we can resolve the matter without any pain. Recall the political firestorm in 2009 when the Preventive Services Task Force recommended that women start regular screening for breast cancer at age 50 rather than 40. This is how rationing begins,said Representative Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican. This is when you start getting a bureaucrat between you and your physician. The task force is an independent panel of experts financed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Doctors and private insurers usually follow its recommendations. Still, in 2010 after Mr. Obamas health reform legislation passed Congress the department said that insurers should ignore its latest findings and instead go back to its recommendation from 2002: that women start screening at 40. Does it make sense that older adults in their last year of life consume more than a quarter of Medicares expenditures, costing more than six times as much as other beneficiaries? Are there limits to what Medicare should spend on a therapy prolonging someones life by a month or two? Its a tough political call. In light of the difficulties, our political leaders have preferred to punt on the issue, hoping it doesnt have to be decided on their watch. Instead, when they talk about health care, they call rationing by some other name. Rationing is inevitable in a world with finite resources. We do it in this country, too, and it is still one of the least fair and most inefficient rationing systems in the world. You get care if you have the money to pay for it; if not, you probably wont.

The 30 percent of the population who are the heaviest users of health care account for nearly 89 percent of health care expenditures, according to a government study. But high-income Americans are more likely to see a doctor when they are sick, according to a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. And the disparity between rich and poor is much higher than in other developed countries. Meanwhile, tens of millions of Americans those whose employers dont provide health insurance, who are too poor to pay for it themselves and yet are too rich to use Medicaid get the least health care of all. A study of hospital emergency rooms in Wisconsin found that victims of severe traffic accidents without health insurance got 20 percent less care. Hospitals spent $3,300 more on average for each victim who was insured. They kept the insured 9.2 days, on average, and the uninsured just 6.4 days. Unsurprisingly, the uninsured were 40 percent more likely to die from their injuries. Every health care proposal from the right and the left includes some form of implicit rationing device. Mr. Ryan's plan, on the Republican side, would keep spending on Medicare under 4.75 percent of the nations output until 2050 by giving older adults born after 1958 a dollop of money to buy their own insurance, forcing many to choose cheaper plans or fewer procedures. The presidents health care reform encourages rationing, too, by levying a tax on Cadillac insurance plans, and in turn pushing employers to seek cheaper options and lower costs. It creates an advisory board to cut costs from Medicare if spending rises above a set rate. And it finances an institute to evaluate which therapies are most clinically effective. Careful to avoid political blowback, the presidents plan forbids Medicare to base its reimbursement decisions on the institutes findings. But neither initiative seems likely to solve our health care financing squeeze over the long term. The cuts proposed by Mr. Ryan shifting the risk of health care inflation onto the shoulders of older adults are certainly drastic. They also seem politically unfeasible. Under Mr. Ryans most recent proposals, in 2030 Medicare would spend $2,220 less in todays money on each new enrollee than under the most likely outcome envisioned by the Congressional Budget Office based on current policies. By 2050, it would pay $8,000 less. Voters seem to think that might be too drastic a cut. The presidents plan was more about offering health insurance to all, to end our Dickensian system of rationing by income, than long-term cost control. Savings mandated by the Affordable Care Act over the next 10 years will be difficult to maintain beyond that. It puts a lot of faith on eliminating waste, with potentially large savings. David Cutler, a health economist at Harvard, argues that a third of our health care dollars go to therapies that do not improve our health. A lot of that waste could be slashed simply by no longer paying providers a fee for each service, whether we need it or not, and paying them instead to keep us healthy. Going after waste seems sensible in a health care system that costs more than almost any other in the developed world, yet delivers lower-quality care. But savings from waste tend to be hard to achieve. Even with the Affordable Care Act in place, federal health spending will eat up almost twice as much of this nations economic product in 2037 as it does today, according to the budget office. While it is reasonable for politicians to shy away from rationing especially when voters believe no expense should be spared to save a human life if the experience of other countries serves as precedent, they will probably get there sooner or later. In Britain, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence determines what therapies will be covered by the National Health Service. It generally recommends against paying for a therapy that costs more than $31,000 to $47,000 for each year of life gained, adjusted for quality. Putting a value on life, as it were, is controversial. The National Institute in Britain has denied or limited coverage of expensive drugs for ailments like pancreatic cancer, macular degeneration and Alzheimer's. But in a world of limited budgets, such decisions must be made.

Similar systems exist in many countries, including Australia and New Zealand, where the government decided not to pay for a universal vaccine against pneumococcal disease until its price fell to 25,000 New Zealand dollars (about $20,000) per quality-adjusted life year. Though this concept may sound foreign, Washington has been putting a price on life since the administration of Ronald Reagan who determined that regulations should pass through a strict costbenefit analysis, with values placed on factors like life and health. The Environmental Protection Agency values a life at about $9 million today. In 2009, the Transportation Department used a price tag of about $6 million. If safety improvements on a road were projected to cost more than the value of the lives expected to be saved by the improvement, the project would be deemed too expensive. This approach has been contentious. And it has had an impact on Americans health. In 1991 an appeals court reversed the E.P.A.s decision to ban asbestos on the ground that it was too costly. The E.P.A., it argued, would have this court believe that Congress, when it enacted its requirement that the E.P.A. consider the economic impacts of its regulations, thought that spending $200 million to $300 million to save approximately seven lives (approximately $30 million to $40 million per life) over 13 years is reasonable. The court disagreed. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/22/business/economy/rationing-health-care-more-fairly.html? pagewanted=all&r=0

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