GCE Information and Communication Technology INFO4: Practical Issues Involved in The Use of ICT in The Digital World
GCE Information and Communication Technology INFO4: Practical Issues Involved in The Use of ICT in The Digital World
GCE Information and Communication Technology INFO4: Practical Issues Involved in The Use of ICT in The Digital World
Marking Grids for use in the January and June 2013 examinations
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GCE Information and Communication Technology (2520) Unit 4 Practical issues involved in the use of ICT in the Digital World (INFO4)
These grids should be completed and securely attached as a separate document to the front of the candidate's work. They should either be sent to the moderator if the candidate's work is requested or retained at the Centre. If sent to the moderator they will be retained and not returned with the coursework. Centre Name: Candidate Name:
Assessment criteria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Background and Investigation Analysis and Deliverables Design and Planning for Implementation Testing and Documentation of the Implementation Evaluation of the Implemented Solution The Project Report
Maximum mark
14 15 14 13 7 7
Mark awarded
Moderator mark
8 5 10 12 4 5 44
Teacher comments
A brief introduction to the organisation. Page 4 A brief outline of the current system (or existing situation).
A full introduction to the organisation (type, purpose, size, scale and contact).
Teacher comments
A description of the current system (or existing situation) which shows understanding.
A description of the current system (or existing situation) and its environment which shows understanding.
Pages 4-5 lacks detail of the environment The client has been identified. The client, all potential users and any audience (if required) have been clearly described. 1
Teacher comments
Page 5, the distinction in roles needs to be made between the client and user Reasons(s) why the client requires a solution. A justification for the required solution showing full understanding of the clients requirements.
Teacher comments
Page 5 Evidence that one investigation technique has been used with a basic understanding of the technique. Evidence that two or more investigation techniques have been understood and used effectively OR one investigation technique is understood and used effectively with a clear understanding of how it was appropriate for the task. Pages 6 to 7 Some client needs are identified. The requirements of the client are clearly identified showing a good understanding of the problem. Skills in the use of two or more investigation techniques are evidenced with a clear understanding of how they were appropriate for the task. 1
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Page 7
Note: the maximum mark achievable in this section is 5 if a simple task, rather than a system, has been analysed. Total Row 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks for row There is a brief statement of the scope of the project. There is a clear statement of the scope of the project demonstrating that a substantial problem has been analysed. There is a clear understanding of the scope of the project and any external or internal constraints are described.
Teacher Comments
Page 8, hardware and software briefly mentioned but not constraints A superficial description of the proposed system is included. Some deliverables have been referred to in the report showing some idea of what should be produced. A description of the proposed system with some anticipated benefits is included. The deliverables are listed, demonstrating some understanding of what should be produced. A description of the proposed system, and the benefits, with an explanation of the likely impact on the organisation. Full understanding of the deliverables that are required is shown.
Teacher Comments
Pages 8 and 9 deliverables are present with some benefits Processes have been identified and some understanding of what is involved in the new system is shown. The processes in the new system are outlined showing some understanding of what is involved in each process. There is some evidence that findings have been checked with the client. Processes are fully documented, showing understanding of what is involved in each process and including the inputs and outputs required. The documentation could be used for design work. Strong skills of analysis and logical thinking and of the need to check and amend in response to client feedback are shown.
Teacher Comments
Page 9 An attempt to identify the skills of a user or some users. The skills of most types/ categories of users have been described showing an understanding of the need to consider user skills when designing a solution. The skills of most types/ categories of users have been described showing an understanding of the need to consider user skills in designing a solution including a description of how the users will use the proposed system.
Teacher Comments
Page 10 also page 7 question 7, but not really described Evaluation criteria have been provided showing some understanding of the need for the assessment of a solution. Page 11-12 Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria have been included showing understanding of the need for the objective assessment of a solution. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria have been included that match the client requirements and show a good understanding of the need for the objective assessment of a solution.
Teacher Comments
Note: the maximum mark achievable in this section is 5 if a simple task, rather than a system, has been designed and planned. Row 1 mark Alternative design solutions to the problem have been investigated. 2 marks Alternative design solutions have been considered and evaluated objectively in relation to the clients requirements. 3 marks Total for row
Teacher Comments
Page 13 software only has been evaluated, vague links to requirements A design for a solution has been produced. A design for a solution has been shown to the client and amended in the light of comments from the client. A final design for the solution has been produced and approved by the client with an explanation of how it meets the clients requirements.
Teacher Comments
Pages 13 to 25 A limited plan for implementing, testing and installing/introducing the solution (including any training required) has been produced which includes suggested deadlines. A plan for implementing, testing and installing/introducing the solution (including any training required) has been produced which includes expected durations as well as deadlines. A plan for implementing, testing and installing/introducing the solution (including any training required) has been produced which includes expected durations as well as deadlines. How the plan meets the clients requirements and the needs of the users is explained.
Teacher Comments
Pages 26-30 All tasks are covered and related to client requirements Some ideas for planned testing of the effectiveness of the implemented system. Pages 31-32 The test plan is brief and/or includes only functional testing. The test plan shows clear understanding of the need for testing against evaluation criteria or the client requirements. The test plan shows clear understanding of the need for testing against evaluation criteria and against the client requirements. A strategy for planned testing of the effectiveness of the implemented system. A strategy for planned testing of the effectiveness of the implemented system that has been justified.
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Pages 32-35
Note: the maximum mark achievable in this section is 5 if a simple task, rather than a system, has been tested and documented. Total for row 2
1 mark
There is evidence that some testing of the implementation has been carried out. Pages 36-49 Testing has been completed by the candidate only.
2 marks
Testing of complete processes in the implementation has been carried out.
3 marks
There is evidence that the solution as a whole has been tested.
Teacher Comments
Testing has involved both the candidate and the client or potential user(s).
Clear evidence of how the testing has involved both the client and potential users of the solution and audience if necessary.
Teacher Comments
Candidate (36-46) client and user (46-48) audience (49) Page 67 contains evidence of testing the user guide Some documentation has been provided. Appropriate type/form of documentation has been provided for the implemented solution. Appropriate type/form of documentation has been provided for the implemented solution that meets the requirement(s) of the client.
Teacher Comments
Pages 50-59 page 50 good reflection Documentation that partly describes the implemented solution. Documentation of the solution has been provided that would allow the implemented solution to be used or maintained or developed further.
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Pages 50-67 Documentation is understandable. Candidate demonstrates that documentation is appropriate for the identified users.
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5 Row
2 marks
The candidate has critically evaluated the implemented solution identifying strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement.
3 marks
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Some strengths weaknesses and improvements. The candidate has critically evaluated the implemented solution against the evaluation criteria or the requirements of the client. Pages 68-70 The candidate has evaluated their own performance in producing the solution. The candidate has identified strengths and weaknesses in the approach they have taken in producing the solution. The candidate has identified strengths and weaknesses in the approach they have taken and has identified how they would improve their performance on a similar project in the future. The candidate has critically evaluated the implemented solution against the evaluation criteria and the requirements of the client.
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2 marks
A project report has been produced which is well structured and makes good use of the software available.
3 marks
A project report has been produced to a professional standard making full use of appropriate software.
Teacher Comments
Not professional standard, errors in formatting, numbering, sketches unclear. The language used by the candidate is generally appropriate to the report, but the content may be disorganised. The language used is suitable and the report is logical and well organised.
Teacher Comments
Diagrams and/or other types of illustrations have been used appropriately in the report to enhance the clarity for the reader.
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