Englsh CBSE-Updates (Compendium of CBSE Circulars) Vol-I
Englsh CBSE-Updates (Compendium of CBSE Circulars) Vol-I
Englsh CBSE-Updates (Compendium of CBSE Circulars) Vol-I
Annexure A
Pre-Visit - Contact the School Principal
(to fix a week in which you visit visit)
Carry CBSE letter which identifies you as Monitor & Mentor
Carry Tools: Checklist, Classroom Observation Scale, Interaction
with Teacher Form & Self Review Form on CCE
Verify evidence regarding Self Review Form on CCE
Record feedback on Mentoring Form
Share Areas that Need Mentoring with Principal and Teachers
Feedback needs to be positively shared with Empathy and Sensitivity
Provide support through sharing of material
Submit Report to CBSE online by registering through your unique Mentoring id
105 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Gram: CENBOSEC, Delhi-92 Phone: (011) 22515828
Website: www.cbse.nic.in Fax (011) 22057089
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 092
CBSE/ACAD/ (HI&R) 2010 27.07.2010
Circular no:36
All the Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Strengthening Formative Assessment in affiliated Schools under
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.
Dear Principal,
After the introduction of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in the schools affiliated to CBSE,
Formative Assessment has come to occupy the centre stage in the classroom transaction of curriculum. Though
not a new concept in educational dynamics, formative assessment has, till now, been perceived more as a
complement of summative evaluation than as an integral part of pedagogy that aims to enhance learning. It is
also to be conceded that as frontal teaching ruled the classroom, formative assessment tasks continued to be
only cursorily attempted, if at all at that. Consequently, most of the practices in this field have aimed at measuring
the achievement of students instead of facilitating a process of better and more complete learning. Further,
formative assessment, to fulfil its purpose, has to be carried out as part of the teaching-learning process by using
a wide range of tools and techniques. Besides contributing to effective learning, variety in classroom practices
makes the process of learning more joyful and interesting.
In a sense CCE can also be perceived as Child Centred Education because it lays emphasis on catering to
multiple intelligence and individual talent. Another significant aspect of CCE in general and Formative
Assessment in particular is that the teacher and the learner have to make use of the data generated by various
tools and techniques that are employed in the classroom for improving the teaching-learning process. The
teachers Manual on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, brought out by the Board provides detailed
information to teachers on the salient features of CCE including formative assessment. The extensive training
workshops conducted by the Board have, the Board fervently hopes, created awareness and conceptual clarity
about CCE.
As a follow up, the Board is bringing out a series of Teachers Manuals on Formative Assessment in Hindi,
English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science for class IX and X. The main objective of this endeavour is
to place illustrative examples of formative assessment tasks in the hands of teachers so that they are encouraged,
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besides using the materials provided, to build their capacity for preparing their own materials to add value to
curriculum delivery. Practical guidelines for integrating the formative assessment tasks and activities included
in the manual will help teachers in using them at the appropriate stages of curriculum delivery.
The Manuals have been prepared keeping the curriculum objectives of the respective subjects in mind.
Thus, being curriculum specific, the content has been so organized that teachers will find it convenient to select
activities and tasks according to their and students needs. By using the manuals effectively, teachers would be
able to breathe life into their classrooms. Learner involvement, dynamic and lively interaction and creative
engagement would become integral features of the teachinglearning process, helping the teacher and the learner
move away from routine and often dull text-book based activities.
A variety of tasks and activities have been included in the manuals and in the hands of an imaginative
teacher, they will address the varied talents and needs of learners, facilitating inclusive development. Problem
solving, critical thinking, creativity and other higher order skills have been harmoniously integrated with the
aim of not only enhancing thinking skills but also to make the activities and tasks adequately challenging to
learners. Teachers will do well to plan, prepare and conduct the various activities for each of their lessons,
without being satisfied with a mechanical approach that characterizes curriculum transaction carried out in the
frontal teaching mode. If used in its true sprit, formative assessment as a part of Continuous and Comprehensive
Evaluation will, on the one hand introduce the much needed child-centredress in the classroom and promote
motivation among learners on the other to utilise their innate abilities and skills for better, more comprehensive
and deeper learning.
At the first phase the Board is bringing out the Manuals in English Communicative, English Language and
Literature, Hindi course A and B for class IX. They are also available on the CBSE Website (www.cbse.nic.in).
The manuals in the book form will be available as priced documents in the stores of CBSE, 17, Rouse Avenue
New Delhi 110002 as well as in the Regional Offices of the Board. Manuals in other subjects for class IX and
in all the major subjects for class X will shortly be available. There is no gainsaying the fact that Formative
Assessment is all set to revolutionize the teaching-learning process in the schools of our country.
This may kindly be brought to the notice of all teachers and students across different subjects. Parents may
also be encouraged to visit the CBSE website to familiarise themselves with the Manuals in all subjects.
Yours faithfully
(Vineet Joshi)
107 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Gram: CENBOSEC, Delhi 92
website: www.cbse.nic.in
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt. of India)
CBSE/CE/CCE/2010 Dated: 02.08.2010
Circular No.: 44/2010
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject: Clarifications about ongoing Examination Reforms for the Session
Dear Principal,
You are aware that the scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) and Grading System
was introduced by Central Board of Secondary Education at Secondary Stage in all schools affiliated to it from
the academic session 2009-2010. The reforms are continuing and being strengthened further during the ongoing
session. The detailed information about the same is being given to schools from time to time through different
circulars which are also available on CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in.
Some of the salient features of these reforms are being reiterated below for clarification, reinforcement and
(a) The recently announced scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) for classes IX
and X is to be followed in all schools affiliated to the Board.
(b) Under the CCE, an academic year has been divided into two terms-Term I extending from April to
September and Term II from October to March except for winter closing schools. The latter will have
Term I from Jan to June and Term II from July to December.
(c) The syllabus in each subject for Classes IX and X has been distributed term wise. This term wise
syllabus is available on the CBSE website at the CCE Corner under the section Secondary School
Curriculum 2012.
(d) The assessment scheme to be followed in Secondary as well as Senior secondary schools in classes IX
and X is exactly the same except that Class-X students studying in secondary schools will take Board
conducted Summative Assessment-II (SA-II) in place of School conducted Summative Assessment-
II (SA-II) in Senior Secondary Schools.
(e) All the students irrespective of their studying in secondary or senior secondary school or continuing or
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leaving the CBSE Board after class-X, will be required to undergo various assessments in co-scholastic
areas in classes IX and X at school level as indicated earlier.
(f) For assessment in scholastic areas the schools will undertake both Formative and Summative Assessments
in both the classes IX and X. For Formative Assessments, detailed guidelines have been issued separately.
For Summative Assessments, the question papers in every subject for classes IX and X for SA-I will be
based on Term I syllabus and for SA-II on Term II syllabus.
(g) Various assessments under scholastic areas and students required to appear therein are again clarified
Class-IX Class-X
Secondary Secondary Secondary Sr. Secondary
School School School School
Formative All students All students All students All students
Formative All students All students All students All students
Summative All students All students All students All students
Formative All students All students All students All students
Formative All students All students All students All students
Summative All students All students All students All students except
Assessment-II those leaving the
(SA-II) CBSE Board
Summative Not applicable Not applicable All students Only those leaving
Assessment-II the CBSE Board
109 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
(h) The Summative Assessments-II (SA-II) conducted by the school ( School conducted) and conducted by
the Board (Board conducted) will be
1. Based on same syllabus prescribed for Term II only,
2. Will carry the same weightage of 40% towards final grade,
3. Will be based on the same types of question papers in term of question paper design, blue print and
difficulty level
4. Will be evaluated on the basis of similar marking schemes prepared by the Board.
(i) Both the School conducted SA-II and Board conducted SA-II will based on the question papers sent/
vetted by the Board.
(j) The students appearing in the School conducted SA-II will be assessed by the schools themselves and
their answer books will be randomly verified by the Board. However, the students appearing in the
Board conducted SA-II will be assessed by the External Examiners as has been the practice in the past
for Board Examinations.
(k) At the end of class-X, every student (irrespective of his/her studying in secondary or senior secondary
school or continuing or leaving the CBSE Board after class X) will get the same Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation Certificate of School Based Assessment prepared, printed and signed
by the Board. For this, the board will collect the data electronically from all the schools. The Board
reserves the right to randomly verify the records of different assessments done by the schools and
moderate the same if required. Detailed procedure for collection of data will be sent to the schools in
due course of time.
(l) All schools except winter closing schools are expected to conduct Term I Summative Assessment (SA-
I) in the month of September and Term II Summative Assessment (SA-II) in the month of March. The
Board will provide/vet the question papers and marking schemes in all the subjects for classes IX and X
for SA-I as well as SA-II. For details regarding question papers for SA-I, the Boards Circular No. 43/
2010 dated 02.8.2010 may please be referred to.
Term I and Term II will have following weightage:
Term I: FA1 (10%) +FA2 (10%) +SA1 (20%) = 40%
Term II: FA3 (10%) +FA4 (10%) +SA2 (40%) = 60%
Formative Assessments:
FA1 (10%) +FA2 (10%) + FA3 (10%) +FA4 (10%) = 40%
Summative Assessments:
SA1 (20%) +SA2 (40%) = 60%
The schools may adapt the Report Card to some extent in terms of the size, colour, paper to be used,
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however, the divisions and the content must follow as given in the format. The Model Format of the Report
Card is already provided to the schools. Schools are requested to use the current format w.e.f. this session both
for Classes IX & X.
It is observed that information related to ongoing examination reforms which is put on CBSE website and
sent to schools through different circulars from time to time does not reach all stakeholders. It results in undue
anxiety and worry amongst them. Therefore, it is also requested that the above information may be shared with
all students, teachers and particularly the parents.
The Board has initiated series of additional measures related to strengthening of scheme of Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation. Some of these include Monitoring and Mentoring programmes, development of
supplementary materials on Formative Assessment in all subjects for classes IX-X, collection of feedback and
suggestions on the scheme and organization of teacher training programmes on CCE. It is expected that all
affiliated schools will make necessary efforts to understand, appreciate, implement and disseminate the ongoing
examination reforms.
Yours sincerely,
111 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
NEW DELHI-110002
CBSE/CM/2010 Dated: 01.09.2010
Circular No.56/10
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject: Conduct of Optional Proficiency Test for Class-X
Dear Principal,
As a part of ongoing examination reforms, the Board has initiated a series of measures related to strengthening
of school education and aligning the assessment practices with international standards. One such measure relates
to conduct of Proficiency Test at the end of Class-X in all the five main subjects from next year. The related
information has already been included in Boards earlier circulars No.39, 40 dated September, 2009 on Scheme
of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation and Grading system.
Broad objectives of the test
The proposed Proficiency Test is being conducted with the broad objectives of :
acting as a benchmark in testing of skills and higher mental abilities of students
providing motivation to students for academic excellence in the respective subject
providing feedback to students and parents on how well the students have achieved the desired learning
providing feedback to schools on levels of learning of their students and setting goals, priorities and
targets in their future educational plan.
Specific objectives
Some of the specific objectives of the proposed test include assessing students :
abilities and skills to apply concepts and principles of the subject to everyday life situations.
abilities to apply understanding of concepts to interpret data, diagrams, maps, graph etc.
skills to create and devise methods for solving subject related problems.
abilities to analyse, synthesise and evaluate a given situation on the basis of learning in the subject.
What is a Proficiency Test?
A proficiency test measures an individuals abilities and skills in a domain or subject to know how well he/
she has learned, understood and internalised the related concepts and principles. Such a test in language e.g may
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assess a students skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking or vocabulary. Similarly a test in Science may
focus on assessing students abilities to apply concepts and principles to analyse a given situation, solve a given
problem and conduct practical work efficiently. A test in Mathematics may similarly assess problem solving
abilities and skills of mathematical thinking, mathematical reasoning and procedural techniques followed by
students. Thus, the proposed Proficiency Test will mainly focus on assessing students abilities and skills to
apply knowledge and understanding of any subject to new and unfamiliar everyday life situations.
The core testing element of such a test will include observing, comparing, classifying, solving, translating,
interpreting, analyzing, synthesising, creating, composing, deducing, justifying and judging/evaluating.
General Features of the Test
It will be optional in nature. Only those students who wish to take this test willingly may appear.
There will be separate test in each of the five main subjects viz. English, Hindi, Social Science,
Mathematics and Science.
A student may appear in one or more subject (s) according to his/her choice. One test will be held on a
single day.
It will be a paper-pen test to be administered on the same day across all willing schools in the country.
The proposed test is likely to be conducted in the month of May/June next year (2011). The exact
schedule will be notified later.
Students wishing to appear in the test will have to pay separate examination fee for the same. This fee is
likely to be in the range of Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- for all the subjects. The schools will be informed about
the exact amount of fee and its submission mode at a later stage.
Any student studying in Secondary or Senior secondary school affiliated to CBSE and has appeared in
Class-X final examination (School conducted or Board conducted ) is eligible for this test.
Students appearing in the test will be issued a joint certificate by CBSE and the collaborating agency
indicating percentile rank.
Design of the Question Paper
The duration of the test in every subject will be 2 hours.
Question paper in every subject will carry 100 marks
All questions will be of multiple choice type with only single correct answer.
The test will be based on classes IX-X syllabus in the subject prescribed by CBSE
The typology of questions will be different from the type of questions asked in conventional final
examination conducted by the Board at the end of Class-X. The test will not include any direct recall,
information-based or memory-based questions. It will only include questions to assess students skills
and abilities to apply understanding of concepts to analyse a given situation or an unfamiliar everyday
life problem.
The total number of questions may vary from one subject to another.
113 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
The questions included in the question paper will be of varying difficulty level.
Negative marks will be awarded for wrong answers
The willing schools will be required to submit the related information to the Board in advance through
online filling up of the registration form available on CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in under CCE corner. The
last date for submitting the online information is October 31, 2010.
The printout of filled in online registration form (hard copy) duly signed and attested by the Principal may
be submitted to the respective Regional Office of the Board by 30th November,2010.
For any further information in this regard, the schools may contact Controller of Examination, CBSE at
mcsharma2007@rediffmail.com or Consultant, CBSE at science.cbse@gmail.com
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Vineet Joshi)
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi-110002.
CBSE/CM/CCE-feedback/2010 Dated: 03.09.2010
Circular No.: 58
All the Heads of the institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Concerns of Parents and Students on implementation of
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation - Formative and
Summative Assessments.
Dear Principal,
The CBSE had initiated the Scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) and Grading
System at secondary stage in all Schools affiliated to it from the session 2009-10 in Class IX. By and large the
scheme has been accepted and implemented whole heartedly by the schools. However as part of the formal and
informal feedback from the parents, students, principals and teachers a few concerns have been raised by a few
stakeholders which are recorded below:
1. Too many tests, assignments, projects, homework and review tests (in some schools as many as seven
review tests per week) are being taken.
2. The projects are being given to students (to be done at home) which in most cases lead to no real
learning as they are either done by siblings/parents or conveniently outsourced to entrepreneurs who
have set up shop.
3. The stress on students is increasing due to minute microscopic examination of behaviour which also
makes students behave artificially.
4. No real time is being provided to students to play or participate in Co-Scholastic activities
5. There is an element of subjectivity in assessing skills especially the coscholastic skills.
6. Some Schools have no Parent Teacher Meeting at all or where it is convened, it remains a few and far
between event.
Keeping the above facts in mind, the Board once again would like to clarify and reinforce the following
The Board vide its circular no 01, 2010 had specifically stated that the tasks which relate to projects
115 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
and activities can be done in groups as in-class and School activities and not become an extension
of work to be done by siblings or parents.
Further to it, the Board in its circular no. 36, 2010 has given a background to the need of involving and
integrating various formative tasks as part of the Formative Assessment.
The Board has also come to know that a section of teachers feel that they are required to put in more work
in the new paradigm by way of preparing their lesson plans, designing formative activities and evolving additional
teaching-learning materials. It augurs well for the teaching community that it is now beginning to move away
from the text-book oriented teaching to more creative ways of involving students in the learning process. Of
course, teachers will have to put in greater effort to improve their teaching on the basis of regular feedback and
diagnosis followed by remedial instruction. Every class is a new experience, unique in its own way and hence
repetitive and mechanical transaction has no place in the emerging classroom. While teachers may find the
additional work a little challenging or even taxing, they will soon learn to enjoy their work a lot more seeing
their reward in the form of improvement of their students in all the domains of their personality. Further, once
they learn to plan their work in the initial phase, they will find the schedule more rewarding and less hectic.
The Board has brought out Teachers Manuals on Formative Assessment in the subjects of Hindi, English,
Science and Social Science for class IX which are available on CBSE website. These manuals are detailed and
exhaustive documents focusing on formative aspects of learning and provide valuable guidance to the teachers
in respective subjects.
Schools have also been advised to familiarize parents and students with all the material, circulars, and
various manuals brought out on CCE and Formative Assessments. This is essential to provide correct information
to the parents. Moreover the Schools need to involve parents in the changes being made in terms of transaction
of syllabus, conduct of Formative Assessment, conduct of Co-Scholastic Skills and maintaining records of
marks and grades in case of Summative Assessment. It is also important that Schools should not be charged
with subjectivity while evaluating Co-Curricular skills. It is therefore advised that Schools should arrange the
evaluation of co curricular skills in such a way that more than one teacher is involved for assessing Life Skills,
Co-Curricular Skills, Attitudes and Values.
In addition to the above the following sheet may also be studied and circulated to parents as well as students
of the School.
What is not CCE? What is CCE? What can Schools Do?
Testing/Examining the Assessing students on a Formative Assessment needs to
students in a formal manner continuous basis in a cyclic be taken up with discrimination
every day/week is not CCE. manner is CCE and in consultation with all sub-
jects teachers so that projects of
all subjects are not given at the
same time.
Excessive homework / Collaborating of project Self learning and study skills
assignments or project work and research work in need to be encouraged through
is not CCE. groups; in-class activities.
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Balancing of projects and Project work may be given in
assignments across groups and the group members
subjects is CCE need to work in school under
the direct supervision of the
Invoking fear in students in the Integrating assessment with Through an interactive classroom,
guise of assessment by the teaching and learning; the teacher must engage students
teacher is not CCE. Balancing the Scholastic in exploring, experimenting and
Areas with the Co-Scholastic experiencing learning
Areas (to encourage students
participation) is CCE
Minutely assessing the Encouraging and motivating School may lay emphasis on
students for behaviour is not students to be positive in their Co-Scholastic Areas i.e., Life
CCE. positive in their attitude is Skills, Attitudes and Values for
CCE personality development.
Giving feedback of the students
to the parent from time to time
is important.
Believing that Formative Reference to the Manuals Uncovering and discovering
Assessment is only meant for for Formative Assessment syllabus is more important than
students and is not indicative tools for teaching, learning, merely completing syllabus in
of a feedback mechanism of diagnosis and feedback is all subjects.
teachers teaching methodology CCE.
is not CCE
Lack of coordination with other Teachers judgement when Integrated Projects may be given
subject teachers resulting in made through an honest where subjects are interlinked.
over assessment of the and objective appraisal Subject teachers should plan and
students is not CCE. without bias is CCE. develop the project and assess it
Not informing the parents and Continuous interaction with Sessions for parents on CCE;
students about the parameters parents with regard to the handouts can be given to parents
of assessment is not CCE. students and progress and students;
performance is CCE. Details of CCE can be mentioned
in the Schools Almanac/Diary/
Syllabus booklet.
The Board is also creating a cadre of Trainers for CCE and will be undertaking teachers training once again
in all Schools to reinforce the concept of Summative Assessment, using Tools and Techniques, assessing co-
scholastic areas and recording and documentation.
117 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
The Board is also in the process of implementing the Monitoring & Mentoring framework in all Schools
whereby Mentors will act as peer assessors and hand hold other Schools where required. This ought to be a
mutually beneficial experience which leads to insightful learning or both teams involved in this initiative.
Being a purely voluntary activity motivated teams are involved in Monitoring and Mentoring.
The CBSE is in continuous interaction with parents community and has taken up concerns raised by them.
For any change and reform to be successful, every school, every teacher as well as the parents body need to
work together in a collaborative spirit to move forward successfully.
These concerns may be brought to the notice of all teachers, parents and students of the School.
Yours sincerely
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DELHI - 110092
CBSE/ACAD/CCE/2010/ 09/09/2010
Circular No. 59
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject : Teachers Manual on CCE Classes VI-VIII
Dear Principal,
The Teachers Manual for Classes VI-VIII has been long awaited as the scheme of CCE at the upper primary
level was announced vide circular No. 02 dated 31.01.2006.
After initiating Achievement Records for Classes I-V detailing the various aspects of scholastic and co-
scholastic activities, the Board had recommended a seven point scale vide this circular for Classes VI-VIII.
However the present Teachers Manual has recommended a nine point scale for scholastic components
and a five point scale for co-scholastic components. The CCE Teachers Manual at the upper primary stage
provides teachers with meaningful information about putting into practice an evaluation that is continuous in
that it occurs over a period of time and comprehensive in that it incorporates both the scholastic and the co-
scholastic components of learning.
The manual focuses on the various features and parameters of CCE and School Based Assessment. It also
brings out the gradual progression of CCE from Classes I-V and then on to Classes VI-VIII. The Board has
already recommended that the students should not carry school bags and there should be no homework up to
Classes I & II. It has also recommended that a two year profile of the students be maintained for students of
Classes I & II and the three year profile be maintained for Classes III-V vide circular No. 25 dated 12.06.2004.
The current manual covers the details and techniques required for Formative Assessment in scholastic areas as
well as assessment of co-scholastic areas. The implications for Schools and the broad guidelines for teachers
are also a part of the Manual.
The format of the Report Card to be printed for Classes VI-VIII has been given as a model which the
schools can adapt and adopt while retaining the major areas and activities mentioned.
The assessment will cover both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects and will be carried out in schools over
the two terms, Term 1 and Term 2 by means of formative and summative assessments using a variety of tests
and assignments. For purpose of teaching and assessment, the syllabus for different subjects may be bifurcated
for the two terms.
There will be four Formative Assessments each of with a weighting of 10% each. There are two Summative
Assessments (SA1 and SA2) with a weighting of 30% each.
119 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
First Term : FA1(10%) + FA2 (10%) + SA1 (30%) = 50%
Second Term : FA3 (10%) + FA4(10%) + SA2 (30%) = 50%
Formative Assessment can be carried through using multiple modes of assessment such as assignments,
quizzes, debates, Group discussions, Projects and only one pen and paper test. It may be clearly communicated
to all teachers teaching various subjects that all Projects and assignments must be done as group activities
within the class and school time only. Each subject must have only one paper pencil test under Formative
Assessment. The other modes of assessment must be part of classroom interactive activities.
The Summative Assessment is a written, end of the term examination which may consist of objective type,
short answer and long answer questions.
For making evaluation comprehensive, both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects should be given importance.
Co-scholastic areas will consist of Life-Skills, Attitudes and Values, Co-scholastic Activities and Health and
Physical Education.
The details regarding the descriptors for grading co-scholastic areas and the process of arriving at a grade is
given in the Teachers Manual.
A copy of the Teachers Manual is placed on the CBSE website (www.cbse.nic.in) and can be downloaded
from under the CCE corner. The priced publication will be available from the stores at Central Board of Secondary
Education, Shiksha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi 110002.
This may be brought to the notice of all teachers students and parents of Classes VIVIII.
Yours sincerely,
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Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar,Delhi-92
CBSE/PRO/SGAI/2010 21.09.2010
Circular No : 62/10
All Heads of Institutions
of CBSE Affiliated Schools
Subject: Aptitude and Interest Assessment with the First Ever CBSE
Students Global Aptitude Index : Enrolment For The Programme
Dear Sir/Madam,
As you are well aware CBSE has recently extended the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation scheme
in classes IX & X, introduced grading system in class X and has phased out class X exams for students of senior
secondary schools. The common factor running across these initiatives is to make the entire spectrum of school
education learner friendly.
The new approach also highlights the fact that each individual is unique with different sets of abilities.
Identifying and optimizing abilities while preparing an individual for life and the world of work is one of the
important and meaningful tasks of education. Senior secondary stage becomes the most defining phase as it
influences higher studies and career choices later in life. More often than not, the choice of subjects is determined
by the marks as also by the parental and peer pressure or the role models. In an ideal situation a child should be
allowed to choose subjects based on his abilities and interest.
Therefore, in order to facilitate a child, CBSE has designed a tool named as the Students Global Aptitude
Index (SGAI) to measure the aptitude in combination with the interest.
The aptitude reflects the inherent capacity, talent or ability of a child. Aptitude testing is a student-friendly,
universally accepted mode of rating capabilities for a particular activity. Aptitude tests are known to be reliable
predictors of future scholastic achievement as they provide a profile of strengths and weaknesses of a student.
Although a variety of aptitude screening tests are already in vogue to help the student identify personal
interests and vocations, yet:-
1. SGAI is a battery of Aptitude Tests which also combines interest profile of a student.
2. It has been customized to suit the Indian context and variety of student population in CBSE affiliated
Private, Government and Aided Schools.
121 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
3. Unlike the conventional Aptitude Tests, which indicate professional orientations the CBSE SGAI will
indicate subject orientations at +2 level.
4. The CBSE SGAI is meant for students of secondary classes. This coincides with the onset of adolescence
and beginning of career concepts (although not in the concrete form). It is therefore crucial to give a
road map to the child which is realistic and favorable.
5. SGAI is aimed to empower a child with self knowledge in terms of the Aptitude and Interest, to
enable the child in making informed subjects choices.
6. Since CBSE SGAI purports to reduce the mismatch between the Aptitude and the Interest it will further
help in :
Optimizing the child potential and enhance satisfaction
Increasing motivation
Reducing wastage of human and financial resources
CBSE SGAI is a battery of tests, designed for students pursuing class X in CBSE affiliated schools. It is a
simple paper and pencil test, which requires approximately 2 2 hours. Due care has been taken to make the
assessment and interpretation less complicated for the teachers. The assessment broadly indicates:
Scientific Aptitude
Numerical Aptitude
Social Aptitude
Behavioral Science Aptitude
Art Aptitude
Interest areas
A random survey was conducted in schools by devising a questionnaire to primarily gauge whether the
schools, parents and students were aware of Aptitude Tests, at what stage should these tests be conducted and
parents attitude towards Aptitude Tests. The responses received were studied by a group comprising of
psychiatrists, psychologists, experts in Psychometrics and practicing counselors. It was decided to construct a
battery of Aptitude Tests and an Interest test which will be customized to suit the CBSE clientele.
The CBSE SGAI has been pilot tested on a sample of secondary level students drawn from 100 CBSE
affiliated Private, Government and Aided Schools from different parts of the country.
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Six orientation workshops were conducted between November December 2009 to orient and train two
teachers and one counselor from the selected schools.
These workshops were held in Delhi, Bhopal Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Mumbai.
The participants were made aware of the rationale and the actual conduct of the test batteries. The
details of scoring were also discussed with the participants.
Time lines were given to the schools to conduct the test and send the responses to the board for analysis
by Jan 2010.
The results obtained were put to item analysis done by a specialized agency and based on that changes
were made in the test.
For the mental preparedness and climate building, Training Manuals, Literature and FAQs for parents and
students were prepared to generate awareness about Aptitude and benefits of Assessment.
After the analysis of first trial and the Pre and Post trial feedback from participating teachers and counselors,
the test was modified and put to a second micro trial to ascertain the efficacy.
The CBSE SGAI is finally ready for launch after rigorous process of standardization.
CBSE- SGAI can be taken in class X to know the students preference for subjects after class X. However,
it should be taken only as an indicator or a facilitator. The test will help the larger population including
parents, teachers and students to initiate a dialogue on subject choices leading to careers ahead in life. However,
the results of SGAI taken together with the students assessment from other sources will ultimately help students
and parents in making informed choices. Mental preparedness and sincere responses are the pre- requisites for
this test. SGAI scores may depend upon childs environmental stimulus and motivation level.
The option of using the CBSE SGAI rests with the schools, however for those interested, the board will
conduct training workshops to familiarize the principals and teachers with this new concept as well as its
administration. These principals, teachers and counselors will in turn advocate and educate students and parents
about the CBSE SGAI. Since it is not feasible to cover all schools in one go, the training workshops will be
conducted in a phased manner. The details of the training programs along with the dates and venues will be
intimated in due course of time.
123 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
The CBSE SGAI will be offered to those interested at a very nominal fee of Rs.100 (one hundred) per
student only. The first ever CBSE Students Global Aptitude Test will be held for class X students tentatively on
15th January 2011. The principals may assess the number of class X students who would be interested to
enroll for this activity and thereafter register online on the CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in The fee may be sent
via Demand Draft payable at Delhi in the name of Secretary, CBSE. The conformation may be sent by15 th
October 2010 positively to:
Rama Sharma
PRO & Project Incharge
Central Board of Secondary Education
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar,Delhi-92
Email- rs.cbse@gmail.com
Tele Fax- 011-22440083
( M.C. Sharma)
Controller of Examinations
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Enrolment for CBSE Student Global Aptitude Index
Assessment Programme
Name of the Principal ___________________________________________________________________
Name of the School _____________________________________________________________________
Complete Address ______________________________________________________________________
School Code (Examination Code) _________________________________________________________
Affiliation Number _____________________________________________________________________
Affiliation Status (Secondary/Senior Secondary) ____________________________________________
Contact Number Tel (O) _____________ (R ) ______________ Mob __________________________
Email Id: School _______________________________________________________________________
Email Id: Principal _____________________________________________________________________
Total number of Students: _______________________________________________________________
a. Sections in Class X ________________
b. Students in Class X ________________
c. Differently abled students if any with specific details ________________
d. Total No of students taking SGAI ________________
e. Details of payment
125 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Govt. of India)
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar,Delhi-110092
CBSE/ACAD/2010 Dated: 6th January, 2011
Circular No : 01
All the Heads of the Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: New Year Greetings 2011
Dear Principal,
Greetings for the New Year!
Its the time of the year again when we look into what we have achieved and what we have to still reach for.
The year 2010 marked many milestones for the CBSE as well as for the schools affiliated with it. The School
Based Assessment and CCE scheme in its strengthened form was implemented and the Mentoring scheme of
CCE launched throughout the country. The year also saw launch of CBSE-i or CBSE International as a pilot
project in approximately 30 schools in 9 countries. Moreover, the Board launched many new leadership
development programmes in collaboration with reputed business schools across the country and abroad.
We have received huge support in all our endeavours from schools, whether it was the Educational campaign
to preserve and protect the heritage monuments in the country or Clean Delhi Day Drive or Commonwealth
in Education Programme. The schools have done us proud.
There is, however, much work to be done at various levels and I urge all the Heads of institutions, their
management, teachers, students and parents involved with reforms to get together with renewed commitment
so that we are able to achieve the best for the learners and young people in schools affiliated to the Board.
The following are some of the areas that we need to consider for continued momentum in the implementation
of initiatives started by the CBSE.
1. Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
The Revised Teachers Manual for Classes IX X will be uploaded on the CBSE website soon as it will be
applicable to the Class IX of the ensuing session (2011-12). The Class X for this session will follow the old
Teachers Manual. The Teachers Manual for Classes VI-VIII has already been uploaded and is also available in
the printed form from the CBSE Stores which has now been relocated at Regional Office, Delhi, PS 1-2,
Institutional Area, I.P. Extension, Patparganj, Delhi 110092.
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CBSE has through its various advisories reiterated time and again that schools should not micro manage
and assess students behaviour or conduct too many tests. The Board has clearly brought out what is not CCE,
what is CCE and what schools should do to implement CCE in the right spirit.
The Board will continue its empowerment of teachers. In order to achieve this, it proposes to broad base its
training of teachers and plans to empanel agencies for training in the online and interactive mode. The processes
have been finalized and the list of agencies approved will be communicated shortly. It is mandatory for all
schools to train their teachers.
2. Use of CCE Logo, Slogan and CCE Song
In order to communicate the spirit behind CCE effectively to all stakeholders, the logo, slogan and song on
CCE adopted by the Board should be used by all schools in their documents and correspondence with other
stakeholders such as parents and the community. These are downloadable from the CCE Corner on the CBSE
3. Mentoring and Monitoring
The Mentoring Scheme has already begun in most parts of the country. The Mentors are requested to
submit their reports in the online Mode only. Let us do our bit to save on paper transaction.
4. Support Material
One of the major feedback from teachers was the need to develop activities for assessment for learning in
the classroom and therefore the Board has brought out Teachers Manual on Formative Assessment in all the
major subjects. These have been uploaded on the CBSE website under the CCE corner and are also available
from the Stores.
5. New Languages and new subjects
The Board plans to introduce in addition to Bodo and Tanghkul, Mandarin Chinese. For introduction of
Mandarin Chinese in Class VI, schools need to send in details regarding their willingness in a notification
already placed on CBSE website. The Board proposes to support the initial introduction of the language by
providing experts and textual material.
6. Revision of Class X English Communicative textbooks
The Class X textbooks have been revised on the basis of feedback received from schools. The revised text
books aim at integration of Skills in all student books as well as introduction of revised test item types as per
CCE scheme. The revised books of Class X will be available from the Stores and Regional Offices shortly.
7. Health and Wellness Clubs
For promotion of holistic development, the Board advised schools to set up Health and Wellness Clubs in
2005 and four Health Manuals were prepared. The Revised Health Manuals in four volumes which are priced
127 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
documents have been launched during the 17th Sahodaya Conference and are available at the Store and from the
Regional Offices.
It is in this context that the schools should set aside at least two periods in a fortnight for participation of
students in Health and Wellness Clubs, Eco Clubs, Science Clubs, Dramatics Clubs etc.
8. Launch of Life Skills Manuals for Classes IX and X
Life Skills are essential for living and learning in the 21st century. The Teachers Manual for Classes IX and
X is available from the Stores and Regional Offices. The Board through its empanelled agencies will be conducting
training programmes for Life Skills.
9. 17
National Annual Sahodaya Conference
The 17th Annual National Sahodaya Conference was held at Bangalore and its recommendations and
resolutions have been uploaded on the website.
One of the recommendations of the Conference was to update and link Sahodaya website. CCE is a great
social equalizer. Sahodaya in a mission mode can manage this change and its implementation. As a first step,
the Bangalore Sahodaya Schools Association has volunteered to link all websites of the current Sahodaya
School Complexes to its own website which is hyperlinked in the CBSE website. All the Sahodayas will continue
to update their own websites. Teachers of different schools can upload their best tasks and worksheets, rubrics
for assessment through their own Sahodayas on their own website. These will become accessible to all the
teachers of schools affiliated to CBSE.
10. Inclusion of Child Rights Issues
Further to the CBSEs Circular Nos. 16, 18 and 24 in 2009, the Board would like to once again request
schools to remember that schools are ideological institutions and not factories. These must treat children as
sensitive individuals who need to be protected at any cost. The schools need to be aware of the sensitive and
impressionable nature of minds of school children and must ensure that all students, irrespective of their
differences in physical, social, economic status or by their being differently abled are dealt with in a dignified
manner. Adolescents are vulnerable to many influences and must be empowered to take informed decisions. No
school under the guise of enforcing discipline should mistreat any student or parent thereof. This must be
strictly observed and enforced notwithstanding any external pressure whatsoever.
11. Introduction of New Subjects
In addition to Mass Media Studies, Media Production, Geospatial Practices, Hospitality and Tourism, the
Board also proposes to bring out more subjects to provide more options for students at Senior Secondary level.
12. Teacher Training in Urdu
Teacher training has continued for most subject areas as also for Physical Education teachers. For the first
time the Board is planning to conduct teacher training for teachers teaching Urdu in Classes IX and X.
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13. Development of website by each school
The Board has already intimated Vide Cir 3/10 dated Oct 18, 2010 that all schools have to develop their
own websites. This will help the larger community to know more about schools in their neighbourbood.
14. Interact with Chairman feature
This year a huge amount of feedback has already been received from various stakeholders: Students, teachers,
Parents and educators through the Interact with Chairman facility available on the CBSE website. As a
result FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section has been put up on the website in the CCE corner. All teachers
and students are encouraged to go through this section as this is an evolving document.
15. Interaction with Parents
The Board has received feedback that many schools restrict their meeting with parents to one or two parent-
teachers meetings or open houses in a year. In the wake of reforms brought in by the Board it is imperative that
complete transparency is maintained and open communication channels are followed with the parents body by
the school. The Board has also initiated interaction with parents in a workshop mode in various cities where
other programmes are being held. It is honestly hoped that the schools will initiate many more workshops with
their own parent communities.
16. Cenbosec as Monographs
As you are aware, the Board brings out the quarterly journal or Cenbosec which is often built around a
theme. Schools are requested to contribute by way of sending in articles, news from their own school, events
that may have involved the community or other instances of best practice. The journal provides a unique platform
for schools both within the country and aboard to share with each other. It has also been resolved that the
Cenbosec will be brought out in the form of monographs which makes it even more imperative for schools and
their teachers to contribute good articles on the issues of current importance in the area of school education.
My request to all of you is to find time to visit the CBSE website as frequently as possible to update
yourself on various developments taking place on a continuous basis.
Yours sincerely
129 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Email:mcsharma2007@rediffmail.com Phone: 011-22515828
website: www.cbse.gov.in Fax: 011-22057089
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Govt. of India)
CBSE/CE/CCE/2011 Dated: 10.02.2011
Circular No : 10/2011
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject: Promotion Policy for Class IX under the scheme of Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
Dear Principal,
You are aware that the Central Board of Secondary Education introduced examination reforms and the
scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in its affiliated schools from October, 2009 in Class IX.
The related information and details were made available to schools through Circular No.39 dated. 20th
September.2009, Circular No.40 dated 29th September, 2009 and Circular No.42 dated 12th October, 2009 as
well as a number of other circulars issued later.
The School-based Assessment card includes reporting of students performance in scholastic as well as
given co-scholastic areas in terms of grades. In order to provide sufficient scope and space for different abilities
of different students, number of significant co-scholastic areas has been included in the assessment scheme. It
is hoped that the schools have provided essential facilities as well as necessary learning experiences to help the
students acquire these skills, attitudes, values and abilities before assessment.
As far as overall assessment of a student for the purpose of promotion to next class is concerned, the
following points should be kept in mind and adhered to:
I. General
(A) The assessment of students in terms of grades in scholastic as well as co-scholastic areas is to be done
as per the directions issued by the Board through different circulars issued from time to time.
(B) The year-end subject wise grades of a student in Class IX are to be calculated on the basis of performance
in all formative assessments and summative Assessments in scholastic areas as well as grades obtained
in co-scholastic areas.
(C) In scholastic areas, all the five main subjects i.e. two languages, Mathematics, Science and Social
Science are to be considered at par for promotion purpose.
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II. Assigning weightage to Co-scholastic areas for Promotion purpose
(D) The grades in co-scholastic areas may be included in awarding overall grade to every student as per the
following procedure:
(i) The grades obtained in different co-scholastic areas may be converted into grade points by using
the following conversion scale:
Life Skills
A+ ---------------- 5
A ------------------ 4
B+ --------------- 3
B ---------------- 2
C ---------------- 1
All other Co- scholastic Areas
A+ ---------------- 3
A ---------------- 2
B ---------------- 1
(ii) Total grade points earned by any student may be calculated by adding grade points for all co-
scholastic areas as per the above conversion scale.
(iii) A student who gets A+ in all the categories of co-scholastic areas included in the report card will
earn 42 grade points according to the above scale. {Life skill (15), attitudes and values (15), co-
curricular activities (6) and Health and physical education (6)}.
(iv) Those students who get total grade points in the range 34-42, may benefit by getting upgraded to
the next higher grade in two subjects in scholastic areas.
(v) Those students who get total grade points in the range 19-33, may benefit by getting upgraded to
the next higher grade in one subject in scholastic areas.
(vi) If a student gets less than 19 total grade points in co-scholastic areas, separate remark may be
made in the report card stating that participation and achievement in co-scholastic areas needs
improvement. However, this should not affect the students promotion to higher class.
(vii) A star may be put on every up-scaled grade to indicate that the final grade has been arrived after
including the achievement of the student in co-scholastic areas. A footnote in this regard may be
given at appropriate place in the report card.
(viii) The benefit of upscaling the grade in different subjects may start from the subject in which a
student obtains lowest grade followed by next higher grade and so on.
(ix) Benefit shall be given to the students who win I/II positions/prizes in competitions held at state
level and/or participation in competitions held at national/international level organized by a body
recognized by the state/central Government /CBSE. Any competition organized by such agencies
131 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
related to the co-Scholastic areas included in the Boards CCE Card may be considered for giving
this benefit. Those students who qualify under this provision will benefit by getting their grade
up-scaled to the next higher grade in two subjects provided this benefit has not been given to the
student under the aforesaid grade point scheme.
III. Promotion to Higher Class
(E) Every student is required to get a qualifying grade D or above in all the subjects excluding 6th additional
subject as per scheme of study for the purpose of promotion to next class.
(F) A student getting E1 or E2 grade in scholastic areas in one or more subjects will have to improve his/her
performance in one subsequent attempt to obtain qualifying Grade D in these subjects.
(G) If a student fails to obtain qualifying grade D in one or more subjects, even after adding grade points
from co-scholastic areas and after availing one improvement chance, he/she will be required to repeat
the same class during next academic year.
(H) It is mandatory to appear in both Summative Assessments during the academic year.
IV. Improvement Chance
(I) After summative assessment II in class IX, a student will get only one more chance for improvement to
obtain a qualifying grade D. This is also applicable to those students who are not able to appear in
summative assessment due to sickness.
(J) This chance may be provided preferably within a time of one month from the time of declaration of
final result. Some flexibility in time schedule for conduct of improvement examination may be kept in
mind for convenience of all.
V. Syllabus
(K) Syllabus for improvement examination should be same as that of SA II. The school will prepare its own
question paper for improvement examination based on design of SA II. Due care may be taken to ensure
that the standard of this question paper is comparable to question paper used for SA II.
All Heads of schools are advised to explain the above promotion policy for Class IX in detail to the parents,
teachers and students to create desired awareness and avoid unnecessary inconvenience at later stage.
Separate promotion policy for Class-X will be notified by the Board shortly.
Yours faithfully,
(M.C. Sharma)
Controller of Examinations
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Gram: CENBOSEC Phones: 011-22509252-59
Website: www.cbse.nic.in Fax: 011-22515826
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Govt. of India)
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar,Delhi-110092
No. CBSE/CE/VEA/X/2011 Date: 24
February, 2011
Circular No : 12/2011
All the Heads of Schools
affiliated to the CBSE
Subject: Verification of Evidence of Assessment (EAs) of Class X students for
Academic Session 2010-2011
Dear Principal,
As you are aware, the Board has decided to issue uniform certificates to all the students appearing in class
X in March 2011 Examination irrespective of the fact whether they are assessed by the Board or by the School
in Summative AssessmentII (SAII).
To ensure the reliability, validity and fairness of assessment, the Board is collecting marks/grades assigned
at school level through specially designed software.
Besides the collection of marks/grades, the Board is simultaneously doing a random collection and verification
of the Evidence of Assessments (EAs) conducted at school level under Formative and Summative assessments.
These Evidence of Assessments (EAs) and the marks awarded will be verified by the subject experts
appointed and empanelled by the Board at the Regional level. The objective is to assess the Practices of School
Based Assessment. The experts would submit their report on these Evidence of Assessments (EAs) visavis
award of marks. Their report will help in verifying the school based assessments as well as provide feedback to
the Board about implementation of CCE scheme at grassroots level.
The schools which will be shortlisted by the Regional Office will be requested to send the Evidence of
Assessments (EAs) for SA1, FA3 & FA4. This material (FA tasks and SA answer sheets) is being collected
initially in five subjects: Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Please ensure that these
Evidence of Assessments (EAs) sent to the Board comprise of the performance of five students taken from
each of the three categories i.e. top, middle and bottom levels of achievements. Thus, your school if selected,
should be submitting fifteen Evidence of Assessments (EAs) (FA tasks and SA answer sheets) for every assessment
i.e. 15 for FA (FA3, FA4 taken together) and 15 for SA1. This is applicable only to one subject which will be
communicated to you by the Regional Office. (Refer to Annexure I for selection of samples).
133 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
The school is required to send details about all the fifteen FA tasks in the subject as directed by Regional
Office which should include the breakup of marks as well as the parameters for assessment. If the nature of the
Evidence of Assessments (EAs) is such that it cannot be posted or transported such as oral testing, seminars,
group discussion, model, chart etc. a brief writeup as already prepared by the teacher on the assignment may
please be sent along with marks awarded. This should include the details of the task assigned to students
individually or in groups as well as the strategies adopted and the parameters used for assessment. The schools
should send only those tasks that have been taken into account for arriving at the grades for FA3 and FA4.
(Please refer to para 5 and 8 of Annexure II).
Question Paper used and its marking scheme in the subject should also be attached with SA answer sheet
irrespective of whether you have used the question paper sent by the Board or your own question paper.
The Board would initiate similar exercise for the coscholastic areas shortly. You are requested to keep the
Evidence of Assessments (EAs) for the Coscholastic areas also in safe custody.
After you are informed by the Regional Office, please ensure that all the Evidence of Assessments (EAs),
in the subject indicated by the Regional Office are sent through speed post or hand delivered (at schools cost)
to the concerned Regional Office latest by 20th March 2011 along with the checklist for collection of evidence
(Annexure II).
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Encl: Annexure I Selection of Samples
Annexure II Checklist for Collection of Student Data SBA Scholastic
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Annexure I
No.CBSE/CE/VEA/X/2011 24th February 2011
Circular No. 12 /2011
Subject: Verification of Evidence of Assessments (EAs) of Class X students
for Academic Session 20102011
Summative Assessment:
i. Arrange all the students of class X (all sections) in increasing order of marks calculated for SA1.
ii. Divide the total number of students in three groups as follows:
a. Top onethird students,
b. Middle onethird students, and
c. Bottom onethird students.
For example: If there are 100 students in Class X in a School, the three groups may consist of 33, 33
and 34 students after they have been arranged in increasing order of marks.
iii. Pick up the top five students from the first group, the last five students from the third group and any five
students from the middle group.
iv. This set of fifteen students is your sample for whom Evidence of Assessments (EAs) are to be sent.
Formative Assessment:
i. Arrange all the students of class X (all sections) in increasing order of marks calculated for FA3 & FA4
taken together.
ii. Divide the total number of students in three groups as follows:
a. Top onethird students,
b. Middle onethird students, and
c. Bottom onethird students.
For example: If there are 100 students in Class X in a School, the three groups may consist of 33, 33
and 34 students after they have been arranged in increasing order of marks.
iii. Pick up the top five students from the first group, the last five students from the third group and any five
students from the middle group.
iv. This set of fifteen students is your sample for whom Evidence of Assessments (EAs) are to be sent.
Note : Samples of 15 students selected for Summative Assessment and 15 students selected for Formative
Assessments may differ depending on the performance of students.
135 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Annexure II
No.CBSE/CE/VEA/X/2011 24th February 2011
Circular No. 12 /2011
Subject: Verification of Evidence of Assessments (EAs) of Class X students
for Academic Session 20102011
CLASS X : 201011
1. Name of the School (with Complete Address): .............................................................................
providing samples to the Regional Office .............................................................................
i) School Number .............................................................................
ii) Name of the Principal .............................................................................
iii) Phone No. (School) .............................................................................
iv) Mobile No. .............................................................................
v) Email .............................................................................
vi) Website, if any .............................................................................
2. Subject/s of which Evidences of Assessments are being sent {Please tick ()}
i) English
ii) Hindi
iii) Mathematics
iv) Science
v) Social Science
3. Number of students in Class X .............................................................................
4. Number of Sections in Class X .............................................................................
5. Number of tasks in FA3 and FA4:
i) English
ii) Hindi
iii) Mathematics
iv) Science
v) Social Science
6. Criterion used in awarding final grades under FA3 and FA4:
FA3 i) All the tasks ii) Best of All iii) Best of Two
iv) Any other criterion: ..............................................................
FA4 i) All the tasks ii) Best of All iii) Best of Two
iv) Any other criterion: ............................................................
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7. Type of tasks in FA3 and FA4 (Quiz, Book Review, Visit, Field Trip, Survey Project, Models
Group, Discussion, Debate, Declamation, Dramatization, Role play, Presentation, Seminar,
Practicals, Maths Lab Activities, Map work, etc)
8. Formative Assessment Samples
Samples provided in case of three categories with names
Names of students Total* Total* Types of Samples
& Roll No. assigned Marks obtained in Maximum marks in enclosed
by the Board
FA-3 FA-4 FA-3 FA-4
Top level of 1.
(Top 05 students) 2.
Middle level of 1.
(Mid 05 students) 2.
Bottom level of 1.
(Bottom 05 2.
* This pertains to the Assessments of FA3 and FA4 which have been finally taken into account for arriving at
the grades. Samples of all assessments used for arriving at grades under FA3 and FA4 should be sent. Please
refer to para 5 pre page.
** There should be a variety of tasks / assessments and if samples are not possible, reports be attached.
137 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
9. Question Papers for Summative Assessment (SA1)
(i) Question Paper sent by CBSE
(ii) Question Paper Mixed and matched from papers sent by CBSE
(iii) Question Papers framed by the school
(Tick the correct option and attach relevant SA1 Question Paper & Marking Scheme. Even if you opt
for (i) and (ii), attach the Question Paper and Marking Scheme)
10. Summative Assessment Samples
Samples provided in case of three categories with names
Names of students & Marks obtained Answer Script, supplementary
Roll No. assigned by in Summative answer scripts, drawing sheet,
the Board Assessment graph paper etc. enclosed
Top level of 1.
(Top 05 students) 2.
Middle level of 1.
(Mid 05 students) 2.
Bottom level of 1.
(Bottom 05 2.
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11. Evidence of Assessment in Co-Scholastic (No evidence to be sent, only give write up)
a) Report of Activities done (in one page to be attached)
b) Indicators of Assessment used (in one page to be attached)
I certify that the information given is correct and has been personally verified.
COMPLETE ADDRESS..............................
Attachments with the checklist (Please ):
1. Samples of evidences of assessments for 15 students for FA3 and FA4 taken together
2. Samples of evidences of assessments for 15 students for SA1
(Answer Scripts, Supplementary Answer Scripts, Drawing Sheets, Graph Paper etc.)
3. Samples of Question Paper used for SA1
4. Samples of Marking Scheme used for SA1
5. Writeup on evidences of Formative Assessments that cannot be sent (if applicable)
6. Writeup on activities done under Coscholastic areas
7. Writeup on activities indicators of assessment used for Coscholastic areas.
139 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Gram : CENBOSEC, Delhi 92 Phones: 22509256-59
E-Mail: ccedata.cbse@nic.in Fax: 22057089
website: www.cbse.nic.in
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Govt. of India)
CBSE/CE/Data Collection/2011 February 25, 2011
Circular No : 14/2011
All the Heads of the Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject: Collection of Assessment Data of students presently in Class X and
appearing in SA2 in March, 2011
Dear Principal,
You are aware that the scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) and Grading System
was introduced by Central Board of Secondary Education at Secondary Stage in all schools affiliated to it from
the academic session 2009-2010. The detailed information about the same has been given to schools from time
to time through different circulars which are also available on CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in.
You are also aware that the Board has decided to issue uniform certificates to all the students appearing in
Class X in March 2011 Examination irrespective of the fact whether they are assessed by the Board or by the
School in Summative Assessment-II (SA-II)
1. For this, the Board is collecting the assessment data electronically from all the schools.
2. The format of Certificate of School Based Assessment to be issued by the Board is already available on
our website. The Board has finalized a software for all schools to download List of Candidates with
Roll No from Boards website; compile and upload term wise the following details in respect of each
Part 1(A) - Scholastic Areas Academic Performance:
Sub I & Sub II Any two prescribed languages as per scheme of study
(Out of the two languages one shall be English or Hindi)
Sub III, Sub IV & Sub V Mathematics, Science & Social Science Marks
Sub VI - Additional Subject A candidate may offer any one additional subject as per
(optional) Scheme of Study
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Part 1(B) Scholastic Areas Academic Performance:
a. 500 - Work Experience Descriptive Indicators and Grades on
b. 501 - Art Education Five Point Scale to be given as
c. 502 - Physical and Health Education/ Games A+, A, B+, B, C
Part 2 Co- Scholastic Areas:
Part 2 A - 511 - Thinking Skills Descriptive Indicators and Grades on
Life Skills 512 - Social Skills Five Point Scale to be given as
513 - Emotional Skills A+, A, B+, B, C
Part 2 B - 521 - Teachers Descriptive Indicators and Grades on
Attitude and 522 - School-mates Three Point Scale to be given as
Values towards 523 - School Programmes A+, A, B
524 - Environment
525 - Value Systems
Part 3 Co- Scholastic Activities : Descriptive Indicators and Grade in
Part 3 A (Any two of following to be assessed)
531 - Literary & Creative Skills Descriptive Indicators and Grades
532 - Scientific and ICT Skills on Three Point Scale to be given
533 - Visual & Performing Arts as A+, A, B
534 - Organizational & Leadership Skills
Part 3 B (Any two of following to be assessed) Descriptive Indicators and Grades
Physical and 541 - Sports/Indigenous sports (Kho-Kho etc.) on Three Point Scale to be given
Health Education 542 - NCC/NSS as A+, A, B
543 Scouting and Guiding
544 - Swimming
545 - Gymnastics
546 - Yoga
547 - First Aid
548 - Gardening/Shramdaan
549 - Work Education
Note: a. 2009-10 Class IX had only Term II i.e. FA3, FA4 (20 % weightage each) and SA2 (60% weightage)
as the Scheme was introduced from Term II.
b. Marks under Part 1(A) are to be provided Term wise for each of the Classes IX and X, for all
assessments and for all subjects.
c. Descriptive Indicators and Grades under Part 1(B), Part 2(A) & 2(B) and Part 3(A) & 3(B) are to
be sent for Class IX and Class X separately for each Activity for entire year.
141 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
3. The schools are required to send following Marks and Descriptive Indicators / Grade for each candidate
for Session 2009-11 as per schedule indicated against each term:
Class Academic Term Activity Schedule
IX 200910 II Part 1(A) - Marks for FA3, FA4 and SA2 for all subjects by 15th
Part 1(B), Part 2 and Part 3 - Descriptive Indicators and March, 2011
Grades for each activity for entire year
X 201011 I Part 1(A) - Marks for FA1, FA2 and SA1 for all subjects by 31st
March, 2011
II Part 1(A) - Marks for FA3, FA4 and SA2* for all subjects by 20th
Part 1(B) , Part 2 and Part 3 - Descriptive Indicators and April,2011
Grades for each activity for entire year
SA2*: In Class X 2010-11, SA2 shall be either School Conducted or Board Conducted. Schools have to supply
marks for those appearing for School Conducted SA2. For Board Conducted SA2 Marks would be
available with the Board.
Note: Winter bound schools to supply complete data by 31st March, 2011.
4. The data for Class IX 2009-10 Term-II, Class X 2010-11 Term-I for these candidates may be uploaded
immediately. However, Data for Class X 2010-11 Term-II may be uploaded by 20th April, 2011.
5. The procedure for Compilation and Uploading of required data shall be available w.e.f 25th Feb.,
2011 and shall be as follows:
Visit Boards website www.cbse.nic.in and click on Public Portal
Click on the link Compilation and Uploading of Assessment Data for Academic session 2009-
For login, you have to use your affiliation number as User-ID and password as given by you at the
time of submission of on-line data for Classes IX/ X/ XI/ XII.
After login, take printout of E-Manual and read it carefully before start of work. Click on Data
Collection Software for installing required software on your computer and follow instructions as
per E-manual.
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6. For any query or help in this regard, contact the following Help Line during working days between 10.00
AM to 18.00 PM :
Telephone E-mail
General 011-22521094, 011-22045173 ccedata.cbse@nic.in
08447981581 to 590 (10 lines)
Regional Office, Ajmer 09309361446 ccedata.roajmer@gmail.com
Regional Office, Panchkula 0172-2585577, 08699126066 ccedata.ropanchkula@gmail.com
Regional Office, Guwahati 0361-2234661, 08876463195, ccedata.roguwahati@gmail.com
Regional Office, Chennai 044-26164608 ccedata.rochennai@gmail.com
Regional Office, Allahabad 08447981588, 08447981582, ccedata.cbse@nic.in
Regional Office, Delhi 09013894907, 09013894908, ccedata.rodelhi@gmail.com
09013894909, 09013894910
Regional Office, Bhubaneswar 08447981589, 08447981584, ccedata.cbse@nic.in
Regional Office, Patna 08447981590, 08447981586, ccedata.cbse@nic.in
The Schools are advised to contact their concerned Regional Office for immediate help.
7. In the interest of Schools own candidates, schools are advised to start compiling and uploading the required
assessment data before the last dates to avoid the possibility of dis-connection / inability / failure to log on
to the Boards website on account of heavy load on internet / website jam during the last few days. In case,
assessment data is not uploaded in time, result of the School may get delayed.
8. The Board has prescribed word limit of 240 characters for Descriptive Indicators. Therefore, restrict the
description within the prescribed word limit of 240 characters.
9. The schools are expected to ensure that the data uploaded for each candidate is accurate in all respects and
the schools must retain a copy of the data after the same has been uploaded on CBSEs website for future
10. The data once uploaded would not be altered by the school under any circumstances. If any changes or
mistakes come to the notice of the school during checking of final list generated from Boards website, the
same may be corrected in the hard copy with the red ink, attested by the Principal and sent to the concerned
Regional Officer in a sealed envelope superscribed as CONFIDENTIAL. The staff of the school involved
in this activity must be permanent/ regular, trust-worthy and competent so that all information provided to
the Board is accurate and correct in all respects.
143 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
11. It may also be noted that the Board is separately also doing a random collection and verification of Evidence
of Assessments conducted at School level under Formative and Summative Assessments for which a cicular
has been issued separately.
Yours faithfully,
(M.C. Sharma)
Controller of Examinations
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Website: www.cbse.nic.in Phone: (011) 232335
EmailID: manicbse@yahoo.co5.i2n
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan , 17, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi110002
EO (H&L)/Cir./FA/2011 04.03.2011
Circular no: 17
All the Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Dear Principal,
CBSE has published 12 Manuals for Teachers on Formative Assessment for Classes IX & X in HindiA,
HindiB, EnglishCommunicative, EnglishLanguage & Literature, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. All
the Manuals are available at the book stores of the Regional Offices and the Head Office of the Board. Details
of the titles and price are given below:
1. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Hindi A IX 145.00
2. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Hindi A X 145.00
3. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Hindi B IX 145.00
4. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Hindi B X 145.00
5. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual English IX 204.00
6. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual English X 185.00
7. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Mathematics IX 130.00
8. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Mathematics X 125.00
9. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Social Science IX 110.00
10. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Social Science X 95.00
11. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Science IX 100.00
12. Formative Assessment Teachers Manual Science X 120.00
CBSE had already sent two circulars on Formative Assessment CIRCULAR NO. 36 dated
27.07.2010 and CIRCULAR NO. 58 dated 03.09.2010. You are requested to read these circulars again
and discuss their content with your teachers.
You are advised to procure the Manuals and provide one copy to each subject teacher of classes IX and X.
Also please keep one complete set with you for reference. Kindly discuss all the issues raised in the Manuals in
the subject committees of your school to ensure clarity on the modalities and concepts with regard to Formative
145 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Assessment. It is essential that a comprehensive annual plan of Formative Assessment is prepared at the beginning
of the academic session.
From the feedback received from schools, it is seen that some schools are treating Formative Tasks more as
tests rather than tools for improving the teachinglearning process. Some guidelines are given below to help
teachers implement Formative Assessment in its true sprit:
1. Formative Assessment should be used as an opportunity for the teacher to consult parents at least twice
in each term, i.e., after each Formative Assessment so that the strengths and weaknesses of every student
can be discussed and efforts are made to address the gaps in learning. In such meetings the students
views should also be obtained so that it becomes a fruitful dialogue between the student, the teacher and
the parent.
2. Every Formative Assessment must be followed by diagnosis of the difficulties faced by students. It
means that Formative Assessment must be diagnostic in nature so that suitable remedial measures are
taken to ensure improvement.
3. FA 1, FA 2, FA 3, and FA 4 should not be based on only one task. Every such assessment should make
use of two or more tasks ensuring variety such as role play, practical work, presentations, projects,
worksheets etc.
4. It is to be borne in mind that all the Formative Assessment tasks need not be meant for assessment.
Some may be used purely for teaching and some for assessment.
5. If many tasks are used for any one formative assessment, the best grades obtained by a student may be
taken for recording. It means that grades need not be given on the basis of identical tasks for all. It will
help us cater to multiple intelligences besides enabling every student to tap her/his strengths.
6. Formative Assessment should help us to make the teaching learning process enjoyable for all students.
So it is essential that we follow a childfriendly approach to assessment.
Please discuss this circular with the teachers of your school to ensure proper Formative Assessment practices.
Yours faithfully
(P. Mani)
Education Officer (H&L)
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Website: www.cbse.nic.in
(An autonomous Organisation under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan, 17-Rouse Avenue, New Delhi 110 002
Circular No. 20/2011
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Dear Principal,
The scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation for classes IX & X has been introduced w.e.f.
Academic session 2009-10 and is being followed in all schools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary
Education. CBSE also proposes to prepare Question Bank for the following subjects for Classes IX and X for
term-I. The subjects are :
Sl No. Name of Subject
1 Hindi A
2 Hindi B
3 English (Communicative)
4 English (Language & Literature)
5 Mathematics
6 Social Science
7 Science
8 Sanskrit
With the above mentioned objective, the board would like to invite schools to set and send as many questions
as possible, conforming to the guidelines, syllabus, blue print, design and sample question paper of the above
mentioned subjects for each Classes IX & X.
147 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
The Guidelines, Syllabus, Blue Print, Design and Sample Question Papers are available at the links given
below (Available in Examinations section of CBSE website):
Class IX
Subject SQP Syllabus
English Communicative SQP Syllabus
English Lang. & Lit. SQP Syllabus
Hindi - A SQP Syllabus
Hindi - B SQP Syllabus
Mathematics SQP Syllabus
Science SQP Syllabus
Social Science SQP Syllabus
Class X
Subject SQP Syllabus
English Communicative SQP Syllabus
English Lang. & Lit. SQP Syllabus
Hindi - A SQP Syllabus
Hindi - B SQP Syllabus
Mathematics SQP Syllabus
Science SQP Syllabus
Social Science SQP Syllabus
Sanskrit SQP Syllabus
Guidelines for Class IX and X
English Communicative & Lang. Lit.
Hindi - A & B
Social Science
Sanskrit (English)
Sanskrit (Hindi)
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Every question should be accompanied with the following details:
I. For Mathematics, Science & Social Science:
Question should be accompanied with the Marking Scheme. Also for each question the following details
should be given :
Subject Unit Chapter Topic Sub Typology Marks Difficulty Name of Name of
name name topic question level source source
(if any) MCQ/VSA/SAI/ Easy - E book of book of
SA II/LA Average - A the answer
Difficult - D
II. For languages :
Every question should be accompanied with its Marking Scheme. Also for every question, the following
details should be given:
Subject Section Form of Question Topic/ Typology of Question Marks Difficulty level Name of
Reading/ Prose/Poetry/ Chapter MCQ/SA/LA/ Easy - E Source
Writing/ Drama Name Mixed Average - A book of
Grammer/ Difficulty - D the
text book Question
The questions can be sent to the following address in hard copies on A-4 size paper :
Dr. Srijata Das
Shiksha Sadan, 17-Rouse Avenue,
New Delhi 110 002
Only one side of the A 4 size paper should be used for writing purposes. The questions can be handwritten
or typewritten. Questions can also be sent through mail at E-mail: srijata10@gmail.com.
Timely delivery of questions will greatly improve our efficiency.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. Srijata Das)
Education Officer
149 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
CBSE/CE/PT/2011 Dated: 11.04.2011
Circular No.29
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject: Schedule for Conduct of Proficiency Test for Class-X
Dear Principal,
You are aware that Central Board of Secondary Education is conducting Optional Proficiency Test for
Class-X students in the subjects of English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Related information
about the test was made available to all the affiliated schools vide circular No.56/10 dated 01.09.2010. A
subsequent circular No.76/2010 dated 19.11.2010 was issued by the Board for submission of List of Candidates
(LOC) and payment of fee.
Taking into consideration the convenience of the schools and candidates and the schedule of other major
examination related activities of the Board, it has been decided that the proposed Proficiency Tests will be
conducted in the month of July,2011 as per the following schedule:
Day Date Subject
Monday 4th July, 2011 Mathematics
Tuesday 5th July, 2011 Hindi
Wednesday 6th July, 2011 Science
Thursday 7th July, 2011 Social Science
Friday 8th July, 2011 English
The following salient features of the said tests may be taken note of:
a) Only those students are allowed to take the proposed test(s) who have applied through the schools and
paid requisite fee.
b) A student will have to appear from the same city/place where his/her school is located. .The examination
will be conducted only at pre-decided centres as per Class-X Board examination.
c) Question paper in every subject will carry 100 marks.
d) The timings of the test will be from 10.30 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. in every subject.
e) It will be a paper-pencil test. All questions will be of Multiple Choice type. A student will be required to
mark the answers in a given OMR sheet.
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f) General guidelines, sample questions in every subject and information about overall design of the question
paper is available on CBSE website.
g) The Board will issue Admit Card to every student appearing in the test. These cards will be made
available at the respective school in which a student is studying.
h) The test in every subject will be based on classes IX-X CBSE syllabus.
i) Negative marks will be awarded for wrong answers in different subjects as per the general guidelines
and sample questions for proficiency test available on CBSE website. More than one answer indicated
against a question will also be deemed as incorrect response and will be negatively marked.
j) Students appearing in the test will be issued a certificate by the Board indicating percentile rank.
k) Detailed guidelines for the conduct of test will be issued to centre superintendents by the Board Shortly.
The above information may be brought to the notice of all concerned and particularly the students who have
applied to appear in the test earlier and paid the fee immediately. For any further information in this regard, the
schools may contact Controller of Examinations CBSE at mcsharma2007@rediffmail.com or Consultant CBSE
at science.cbse@gmail.com .
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
M.C. Sharma
Controller of Examinations
151 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Website: www.cbse.nic.in
(An autonomous Organisation under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan, 17-Rouse Avenue, New Delhi 110 002
Circular No. 52/2011
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Dear Principal,
Central Board of Secondary Education has strengthened Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
for Classes IX & X in all its schools since 2009. Under this scheme, many new activities are being initiated at
CBSE end for implementation in its schools.
All schools affiliated to CBSE are required to register themselves at CBSE website : www.cbse.nic.in so
that the updated information can be disseminated in time. The schools can register themselves from 25.07.2011
till 05.08.2011 at the link Registration for Schools - eform (Circular No. 52/2011) available at Public
Portal on CBSE website : www.cbse.nic.in. The registration at the website is mandatory for all CBSE affiliated
You are requested to disseminate this information to all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. Srijata Das)
Education Officer
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Gram : CENBOSEC, Delhi-92 Phone: 011-23237779
E-Mail : eoscience@live.com Fax : 23217128
Website : www.cbse.gov.in
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt. of India)
No.CE/CCE/SAI/201112 August 16, 2011
All the Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject: Conduct of School Based Summative AssessmentI (September, 2011)
Classes IX and X 2011
Dear Principal,
As you are aware, the Central Board of Secondary Education has introduced Examination Reforms and
Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in its Schools since the academic year 2009-10 and the detailed
scheme has already been intimated to all Heads of Schools vide CBSEs previous circulars.
2. The scheme is in operation in all CBSE affiliated schools. As per the scheme, four Formative Assessments
and two Summative Assessments would be held in an academic year. The first Summative Assessment (SA-
I) for this term for Class IX and X is scheduled to be conducted in the second half of September, 2011.
3. Under the School-Based Summative Assessment-I, the students will be tested internally based on the following
criteria :
(a) Syllabus and design of the Examination Question Paper in different subjects for Classes IX and X
Summative Assessment(s) will be the same as circulated by the Board earlier. The same is also available
on CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in in under Examination Link.
(b) As was done earlier, the Summative Assessment-I will be in the form of a pen-paper test conducted by
the schools themselves.
(c) In order to ensure standards, the Question Paper Bank in different subjects would be sent by the Board
so as to reach schools well in time.
(d) Evaluation of answer scripts will be done by the school teachers themselves on the basis of the Marking
Scheme provided by the Board. The School may use the Sahodaya School Cluster for spot evaluation so
that teachers from other schools are also involved, if they so wish.
153 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
(e) There will be random verification of the assessment procedures of schools by the Board officials/nominees
appointed by the Board.
4. It has been decided to provide Question Paper Bank for English Communicative, English Language &
Literature, Hindi-A, Hindi-B, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and Communicative Sanskrit. In
respect of other subjects/languages, the schools will administer their own question paper based on Sample
Question Paper pattern available on the Boards websiet.
5. The Board will be sending Compact Disc (CD) containing Question Paper Bank for Classes IX & X and the
school may :
(i) pick up one question paper for each subject
(ii) mix and match the paper by using different questions/sections from different sets of question papers
and prepare a question paper based on Boards sample paper, design and blue print
(iii) prepare their own question papers as per sample paper, design and blue print available on CBSEs
website (www.cbse.nic.in). However, in case the school prepare its own question papers, the question
papers and marking scheme so prepared should be emailed to the Board (email id: eoscience@live/
com) for its verification within a week of conduct of the respective papers.
(iv) The Board plans to dispatch the CDs containing question papers for classes IX and X to all schools so
as to reach by 10
September, 2011.
(v) Every School, Sahodaya Cluster(s) or City may design their own date-sheet for Classes IX and X
examination accordingly.
6. The Schools need to take out the print of the desired question paper (refer para 5 above) and, thereafter, the
required number of prints/copies may be made at the school level. These question papers must be kept in the
safe custody carefully.
7. The Schools will conduct the SA-I for Classes IX and X during the second half of September, 2011.
8. Another CD containing the Marking Scheme of the main subjects would be sent to every school
separately in due course and will reach the schools well in time.
9. The answer book should be evaluated by teachers as per the marking scheme provided by the Board.
However these must be preserved and kept in the safe custody at the school for at least a period of three
years (in case of Class IX) and two yea5s (in ase of Class X) along with question papers and Marking
Scheme for any verification by the Board subsequently.
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11. It may be noted again that the question papers for Classes IX and X have been designed by the Board and
are being sent to schools with the purpose of maintaining standards. Depending upon the feedback and suggestions
from the stakeholders, the Board may reconsider this policy in future, if need be.
This may be brought to the notice of all teachers, students and parents of Class IX and X.
For any further clarification please contact Dr. Srijata Das, Education Officer, CBSE, Rouse Avenue, New
Delhi-110002 (Contact no. 011-23237779 and email id eoscience@live.com).
Yours faithfully,
(M.C. Sharma)
Controller of Examinations
155 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Gram : CENBOSEC, Delhi-92 Phone: 011-23237779
E-Mail : eoscience@live.com Fax : 23217128
Website : www.cbse.gov.in
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt. of India)
No.CE/CCE/201113 Dated: August 29, 2011
CIRCULAR NO. 61/2011
All the Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject: Revision in weightage of marks in Summative Assessment (SA-I)
and Summative Assessment II (SA-II) in respect of Classes IX and
X for the academic session 2011-2013.
Dear Principal,
As you are aware, that under Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) Scheme, the break-p of
assessments in scholastic areas (Class X, 2011) was as under:
Term Type of Percentage of Term-wise Total
Assessment weightage in weightage
academic session
FIRST TERM Formative 10% Formative Formative
(April-Sept.) Assessment-1 Assessment = 40%
1 + 2 = 20%
Formative 10%
Summative 20% Summative Summative
Assessment I Assessment = 60%
I = 20%
SECOND TERM Formative 10% Formative Formative
(Oct.-March) Assessment-3 Assessment = 40%
3 + 4 = 20%
Formative 10%
Summative 40% Summative Total
Assessment II Assessment = 100%
II = 40%
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However, for present class IX Summative Assessment I scheduled to be held in September, 2011 and
Summ Assessment II to be held in March, 2012 (Academic Session 2011-2013), the break-up of assessments
in Scholastic areas would be as under :
Term Type of Percentage of Term-wise Total
Assessment weightage in weightage
academic session
FIRST TERM Formative 10% Formative Formative
(April-Sept.) Assessment-1 Assessment = 40%
1 + 2 = 20%
Formative 10%
Summative 30% Summative Summative
Assessment I Assessment = 60%
I = 30%
SECOND TERM Formative 10% Formative Formative
(Oct.-March) Assessment-3 Assessment = 40%
3 + 4 = 20%
Formative 10%
Summative 40% Summative Total
Assessment II Assessment = 100%
II = 30%
The above information may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
157 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
CBSE/PRO/SGAI/2011 09.09.2011
Circular No. 64
Subject: Aptitude and Interest Assessment with the CBSE Students Global
Aptitude Index: Enrolment for the 2012 Programme
All the Heads of Institutions of CBSE Affiliated Schools
Dear Madam/Sir,
As you may be aware CBSE has designed Students aptitude assessment tool specially for class X students
studying in CBSE affiliated schools across the world. It was an optional activity. The ever first edition of CBSE
Students Global Aptitude Index (SGAI) was successfully conducted on 22
January 2011. There were
approximately 212466 students from 3225 CBSE affiliated schools who took this assessment. There were 3134
schools in India, and 91 schools outside India.
CBSE SGAI is a collection of aptitude indices designed for students in class X in CBSE affiliated schools
to broadly assess:
Scientific Aptitude
Numerical Aptitude
Social Aptitude
Behavioural Science Aptitude
Art Aptitude
Interest Profile
A student appears for a simple paper and pencil indicator having multiple choice items. The total duration
of the CBSE SGAI is about 22.5 hours. Efforts are on to make the assessment On-line very soon.
1. Date of CBSE SGAI: 22nd January 2012.
2. Last date for on-line registration: 25 September 2011.
3. Last date for submission of fee via DD 10th October 2011.
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The CBSE SGAI is meant for students of secondary classes. This coincides with the span of adolescence
and beginning of career concepts and planning (although not in the concrete form). It is therefore crucial to give
a road map to the child with a .............................
Although a variety of aptitude screening tests are already in vogue to help the student identify personal
interests and vocations
1. CBSE SGAI is a collection of aptitude indices alongwith a facilitator manual for generating interest
areas amongst students for requisite career planning.
2. It has been customized to suit the Indian context and variety of student population in CBSE affiliated
Private, Government and Aided Schools.
3. Unlike the conventional Aptitude Tests, which indicate professional orientations the CBSE SGAI will
indicate subject orientations at +2 level.
4. SGAI is aimed to empower a child with self knowledge in terms of the Aptitude and Interest, to
enable the child in making informed subjects choices.
5. CBSE SGAI will further help in :
Optimizing the child potential and enhance satisfaction in future
Increasing motivation
Reducing wastage of human and financial resources
Facilitate the career exploration process of students.
Based on the feedback, Teacher Training Manuals, Literature and FAQs for parents and students have been
updated to generate awareness about Aptitude and benefits of Assessment. These would also help for the mental
preparedness and better understanding about SGAI.
CBSE- SGAI is an optional assessment that can be taken by any class X students to know preference for
subjects on the basis of assessment. However, CBSE SGAI should be taken only as an indicator or a facilitator.
The test will help the larger population including parents, teachers and students to initiate an ongoing dialogue
on subject choices and climate building through workshops/discussion that lead to effective career planning
in life. It will help students and parents in making informed subject choices in class XI.
Mental preparedness and sincere responses are the pre- requisites for this test. SGAI scores may depend
upon childs environmental stimulus and motivation level.
The option of using the CBSE SGAI rests with the schools, however for those interested, the board will
design calendar of activities to be undertaken prior to the conduct Training workshops to familiarize the principals
159 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
and teachers with this new concept as well as its administration may also be conducted on-/ off-line . These
principals, teachers and counsellors will in turn advocate and educate students and parents about the CBSE
SGAI. The details of the training programs along with the dates and venues will be intimated in due course of
Schools interested in the CBSE SGAI 2012 can register on-line for a nominal fee of 100/- per student.
The CBSE Students Global Aptitude Index will be held on 22nd January 2012.
Schools may register online at www.cbse.nic.in by 25th September 2011 positively.
Schools may fill up registration form carefully as this registration will be one time.
After on-line registration confirmation page may be downloaded and attached while sending the DD to
the undersigned.
Fee without conformation page will not be entertained.
The fee via Demand Draft in the name of Secretary, CBSE payable at Delhi along with confirmation
page may be sent by 10th October 2011 positively to:
Rama Sharma
PRO & Project In charge
Central Board of Secondary Education
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar,Delhi-92
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Gram: CENBOSEC Phones: 011-22509252-59
Website: www.cbse.nic.in Fax: 011-22515826
(An autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi 110092
No.CBSE/CE/VEA/X/2011 Date : 3rd November, 2011
Circular No.77 /2011
All the Heads of Schools
affiliated to the CBSE
Subject: Verification of Evidence of Assessments (EAs) of Class IX and Class
X students for Academic Session 2011-2012
Dear Principal,
As you are aware, the Board issued uniform CCE certificates to all the students appeared in class X in
March 2011 Examination irrespective of the fact whether they were assessed by the Board or by the School in
Summative Assessment-II (SA-II).
To ensure the reliability, validity and fairness of assessment, the Board also collected marks/grades assigned
at school level through specially designed software.
Besides the collection of marks/grades, the Board also collected Evidence of Assessments (EAs) conducted
at school level under Formative and Summative assessments.
These Evidence of Assessments (EAs) and the marks awarded were verified by the subject experts
appointed and empanelled by the Board at the Regional level. The objective was to assess the Practices of
School Based Assessment. The experts submitted their report on these Evidence of Assessments (EAs) vis-a-
vis award of marks. Their report helped in verifying the school based assessments as well as provided a very
good feedback to the Board about implementation of CCE scheme at grassroots level. Results of this verification
exercises were very encouraging.
Since last year this exercise was carried out only at Class X level that too after completion of all the FAs and
SAs, the inference of the exercise was limited. This year, to have more objective and thorough verification, the
Board has decided to carry out the exercise of verification of Evidence of Assessments (EAs) both for Class
IX and Class X and that too after each Summative Assessment. In this exercise the whole hearted participation
of all the affiliated schools of the Board is solicited to establish and display the strength of the Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
Like last year , this year also the schools will be shortlisted by the concerned Regional Offices and such
161 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
short listed schools will be requested to send the Evidence of Assessments (EAs) for FA-1, FA-2 and SA-1, in
the month of November and FA-3 , FA-4 and SA-2 in the moth of April. This material (FA tasks and SA answer
sheets) will be collected in five subjects: Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Please
ensure that these Evidence of Assessments (EAs) sent to the Board comprise of the performance of five
students per class ( IX and X ) taken from each of the three categories i.e. top, middle and bottom levels of
achievements. Thus, your school if selected, should be submitting fifteen Evidence of Assessments (EAs) (FA
tasks and SA answer sheets) for every assessment per class i.e. 15 for FA and 15 for SA. This is applicable only
to one subject which will be communicated to you by the Regional Office. (Refer to Annexure I for selection of
The school is required to send details about all the fifteen FA tasks in the subject as directed by Regional
Office which should include the break-up of marks as well as the parameters for assessment. If the nature of the
Evidence of Assessments (EAs) is such that it cannot be posted or transported such as oral testing, seminars,
group discussion, model, chart etc. a brief write-up as already prepared by the teacher on the assignment may
please be sent along with marks awarded. This should include the details of the task assigned to students
individually or in groups as well as the strategies adopted and the parameters used for assessment. The schools
should send only those tasks that have been taken into account for arriving at the grades for FAs. (Please refer
to para 5 and 8 of Annexure II)
Question Paper used and its marking scheme in the subject should also be attached with SA answer sheet
irrespective of whether you have used the question paper sent by the Board or your own question paper.
The Board would initiate similar exercise for the co-scholastic areas/activities shortly. You are requested to
keep the Evidence of Assessments (EAs) for the Co-scholastic areas/activities also in safe custody.
After you are informed by the Regional Office, please ensure that all the Evidence of Assessments (EAs)
in the subject indicated by the Regional Office are sent through speed post or hand delivered (at schools cost)
to the concerned Regional Office latest by 30th Nov 2011 for Ist Term and 20th April 2012 for 2nd Term
along with the checklist for collection of evidence (Annexure II).
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Encl: Annexure I Selection of Samples
Annexure II Checklist for Collection of Student Data SBA- Scholastic 3
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Annexure I
No.CBSE/CE/VEA/X/2011 3rd November 2011
Circular No. 77 /2011
Subject: Verification of Evidence of Assessments (EAs) of Class IX and Class
X students for Academic Session 2011-2012
Summative Assessment:
i. Arrange all the students of class IX and Class X(all sections) in increasing order of marks calculated for
ii. Divide the total number of students in three groups as follows:
a. Top one-third students,
b. Middle one-third students, and
c. Bottom one-third students.
For example: If there are 100 students in Class IX or Class X in a School, the three groups may consist
of 33, 33 and 34 students after they have been arranged in increasing order of marks.
iii. Pick up the top five students from the first group, the last five students from the third group and any five
students from the middle group.
iv. This set of fifteen students is your sample for whom Evidence of Assessments (EAs) are to be sent.
Formative Assessment:
i. Arrange all the students of class IX and Class X (all sections) in increasing order of marks calculated for
FAs of a term taken together.
ii. Divide the total number of students in three groups as follows:
a. Top one-third students,
b. Middle one-third students, and
c. Bottom one-third students.
For example: If there are 100 students in Class IX or Class X in a School, the three groups may consist
of 33, 33 and 34 students after they have been arranged in increasing order of marks.
iii. Pick up the top five students from the first group, the last five students from the third group and any five
students from the middle group.
iv. This set of fifteen students is your sample for whom Evidence of Assessments (EAs) are to be sent.
Note : Samples of 15 students selected for Summative Assessment and 15 students selected for Formative
Assessments may differ depending on the performance of students. 5
163 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Annexure II
No.CBSE/CE/VEA/X/2011 3rd November 2011
Circular No. 77 /2011
Subject: Verification of Evidence of Assessments (EAs) of Class X students
for Academic Session 2011-2012
CLASS IX / CLASS X : 2011-12
1. Name of the School (with Complete Address): .............................................................................
providing samples to the Regional Office .............................................................................
i) School Number .............................................................................
ii) Name of the Principal .............................................................................
iii) Phone No. (School) .............................................................................
iv) Mobile No. .............................................................................
v) Email .............................................................................
vi) Website, if any .............................................................................
2. Subject/s of which Evidences of Assessments are being sent {Please tick ( )}
i) English
ii) Hindi
iii) Mathematics
iv) Science
v) Social Science
3. Number of students in Class IX and Class X .............................................................................
4. Number of Sections in Class IX and Class X .............................................................................
5. Number of tasks in FAs:
FA..... FA.....
i) English
ii) Hindi
iii) Mathematics
iv) Science
v) Social Science
6. Criterion used in awarding final grades under FA..... and FA....:
FA3 i) All the tasks ii) Best of All iii) Best of Two
iv) Any other criterion: ..............................................................
FA4 i) All the tasks ii) Best of All iii) Best of Two
iv) Any other criterion: ............................................................
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7. Type of tasks in FAs (FA-1 to FA4) (Quiz, Book Review, Visit, Field Trip, Survey Project, Models
Group, Discussion, Debate, Declamation, Dramatization, Role play, Presentation, Seminar,
Practicals, Maths Lab Activities, Map work, etc)
8. Formative Assessment Samples
Samples provided in case of three categories with names
Names of students Total* Total* Types of Samples
& Roll No./Regn. Marks obtained in Maximum marks in enclosed
No. assigned by
the Board FA-... FA-... FA-... FA-...
Top level of 1.
(Top 05 students) 2.
Middle level of 1.
(Mid 05 students) 2.
Bottom level of 1.
(Bottom 05 2.
* This pertains to the Assessments of FA3 and FA4 which have been finally taken into account for arriving at
the grades. Samples of all assessments used for arriving at grades under FA3 and FA4 should be sent. Please
refer to para 5 pre page.
** There should be a variety of tasks / assessments and if samples are not possible, reports be attached.
165 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
9. Question Papers for Summative Assessment (SA)
(i) Question Paper sent by CBSE
(ii) Question Paper Mixed and matched from papers sent by CBSE
(iii) Question Papers framed by the school
(Tick the correct option and attach relevant SA1 Question Paper & Marking Scheme. Even if you opt for
(i) and (ii), attach the Question Paper and Marking Scheme)
10. Summative Assessment Samples
Samples provided in case of three categories with names
Names of students & Marks obtained Answer Script, supplementary
Roll No./Regn. No. in Summative answer scripts, drawing sheet,
assigned by the Board Assessment graph paper etc. enclosed
Top level of 1.
(Top 05 students) 2.
Middle level of 1.
(Mid 05 students) 2.
Bottom level of 1.
(Bottom 05 2.
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11. Evidence of Assessment in Co-Scholastic (No evidence to be sent, only give write up)
a) Report of Activities done (in one page to be attached)
b) Indicators of Assessment used (in one page to be attached)
I certify that the information given is correct and has been personally verified.
COMPLETE ADDRESS..............................
Attachments with the checklist (Please ):
1. Samples of evidences of assessments for 15 students for FA3 and FA4 taken together
2. Samples of evidences of assessments for 15 students for SA1
(Answer Scripts, Supplementary Answer Scripts, Drawing Sheets, Graph Paper etc.)
3. Samples of Question Paper used for SA1
4. Samples of Marking Scheme used for SA1
5. Writeup on evidences of Formative Assessments that cannot be sent (if applicable)
6. Writeup on activities done under Coscholastic areas
7. Writeup on activities indicators of assessment used for Coscholastic areas.
167 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Gram: CENBOSEC Telefax: 23234324
Website: www.cbse.nic.in
(An autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
17, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi 110 002
F. No. CBSE/ACAD/Dir (Trg.)/M&M/2011 December 5, 2011
Circular No.86/2011
Subject: Mentoring and Monitoring exercise for the session 2011-12
appointment of Mentors regarding.
Dear Principal,
Mentor/Mentee schools,
For proper implementation of CCE in its schools, the Board has conducted a number of Mentoring and
Monitoring workshops to train the Mentors through out the country. In the academic session 2010-11 and in the
current session together the board has covered almost entire country for M&M training.
Nowadays mails and phone calls are being received regarding M&M training and the Mentors allotted to an
individual school for the current year.
In reference to such queries it is for information of the Mentors and Mentee schools that :
1. The mentee schools where Mentors were appointed last year may continue to take Mentorship of old
mentors until they receive any communication from the Board about change of Mentor.
2. The Old Mentors are requested to Mentor the schools allotted to them last year with the same Mentor ID
which was allotted last year until they receive any fresh communication following a training programme,
if any, attended by them in the current session.
3. New Mentors who have been trained during the current session may kindly start mentoring those schools
which have been allotted to them at the time of training or through letter sent/being sent on your e-
4. After the Mentee schools are visited and mentored by the Mentors, they are requested to kindly submit
the Online Reports at the earliest in the Handout-3F in respect of each school mentored by them. No
combined report in respect of all the schools mentored should be sent. They may also submit their
Bills for Token Honorarium and actual conveyance duly certified and supported with documents strictly
as per guidelines contained in appointment letter issued to them.
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5. For further information, if any, they may kindly contact Mr. Shekhar Chandra, Section Officer (CCE/
M&M) through e-mail on: www.cbsemnm@gmail.com or on telefax No. 011-23234324.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Dr. Sadhana Parashar)
Director (Trg.)
169 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
No. D(A)/PA/201/4817-54916 Dt. 25th February, 2001
Circular No. 4
All Heads of Institutions
Of Schools affiliated to CBSE
Dear Principal,
Subject : Introduction of Etrepreneurship as an Elective Subject of Study at
the Senior School Level
As you are aware, the last decade has witnessed significant developments in the field of science and
technology. Impact of multimedia, communication technology and Information explosion has resulted in a
gradual process of globalisation leading to competition between manufacturers, business houses, industrial and
other service sector agencies. The type of workforce necessary to meet the emerging challenges has to be
prepared by the educational agencies through appropriate and meaningful responses to these social and
technological changes.
It has long been felt that the students graduating in various disciplines do not have a sense of enterprise and
lack qualities of self-motivation, participation and preserverance. Whatever be the field of higher education
they choose and pursue, in the absence of such qualities they fail to achieve optimal success in their endeavours.
Moreover, they also have inhibition and lack drive for seeking self-employment opportunities even increase
where they exist.
The Central Board of Secondary Education has responded to this situation and has decided to introduce a
course of ENTREPRENEURSHIP for the senior School classes in th affiliated Schools of the Board.
The Salient Features of this Course Would be:
1. The course is aimed to provide inputs to the students to develop qualities of entrepreneur.
2. The basic academic ingredients required to attain these qualities are incorporated in the syllabus.
3. The curriculum has been designed by eminent experts who have worked in this field for long.
4. The syllabus will have the component of theory and projects.
5. The textual material is being published by the CBSE.
6. The course is being offered under the academic stream.
7. The subject can be offered by all candidates immaterial of the fact whether they are offering academic
stream or vocational stream.
8. The teachers with Post graduate qualification in Economics or Commerce will be qualified to teach this
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9. The Board will undertake training program for the teachers and preparation of Teacher Resource
10. The course will be introduced in class XI of the academic year 200102 and class XII examination of
March 2003.
The schools affiliated to the Board for the senior School classes can seek affiliation for this course immediately
by payment of the necessary affiliation fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) through Demand Draft
payable to the Secretary, CBSE, Delhi and the same could be forwarded to the following address:
Deputy Secretary (Affiliation)
Central Board of Secondary Education,
Communication Centre, Preet Vihar,
In case if you need any further information in this regard, you may kindly write to the undersigned or send
your communication on fax 011-2215826 or e-mail to Directoracad@hotmail.com.
Yours faithfully
G. Balasubramanian
Director (Academic)
171 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Application for Introduction of Additional Subject(s)
The Secretary:
Central Board of Secondary Education,
Shiksha Kendra, 2-Community Centre,
Preet Vihar, Delhi-110992
Subject: Request for introduction of additional subjec(s) from.......................
Session in class..........................
Approval for teaching of the following additional subject(s) with effect from ......................................
.............................................................. is requested:
Subjects: (i) .................................. (ii) ..................................
(iii) .................................. (iv) ..................................
Information in respect of facilities available/proposed to be made available for the teaching of additional
subject is attached on following points:
(a) Additional accommodation for teaching the subject (if the subject needs a separate room).
(b) Particulars of teacher(s) to teach the subject(s) (Give details of academic qualifications etc. on the
prescribed proforma).
(c) Apparatus and equipment provided for teaching the subject(s) and amount spent (Attach separate lists
of articles and apparatus etc. with cost for each subject, if applicable).
(d) Amount proposed to be spent on the equipments and accessories required for introduction of the new
subject(s) in the next year .............................................................
(e) Particulars of library book added/proposed to be added on the subjects) in the current financial year.
(f) Dimensions of the laboratory if the subject involves practical work.
(g) Any other relevant information ..............................................
Countersigned: Yours faithfully
Education Officer/President/
of Trust/Society, Name.........................................
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1. Every application must be accompanied with the prescribed fee for each additional subject proposed to
be introduced. The amount be remitted through a crossed demand draft payable to the Secretary, Central
Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi or in cash. The details of fees are as under
(i) Independent Schools with in the country Rs. 1000/-
(ii) Govt./aided/KVS/JNVs Rs. 700/-
(iii) Overseas independent Schools Rs. 2000/-
2. Application for introduction of additional subject(s) should reach the Boards office not later than 30th
June of the year preceding in which the school is proposed to be introduced.
173 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
No. D(A)/2002/BT-155979-59978 Dt. 26.3.2002
Circular No. 4
All Heads of Institutions
of Schools affiliated to CBSE
Past few decades have witnessed an unprecedented growth of human knowledge in the field of Biological
Science. This knowledge, coupled with equally significant developments in the field of technology, are likely to
bring significantly changes into existing social and economic systems. The emerging field of Biotechnology is
bound to further enhance the applications of Science and Technology in the service of human welfare. Besides,
it is likely to occupy central position in relation to further advancements and developments which will affect
very walk of life.
Keeping in view the immense potential of this fast emerging area of Biotechnology in relation to career
opportunities as well as academic persuits, the Central Board of Secondary Education has responded to the
situation and has decided to introduce a new course on Biotechnology for senior school classes as an independent
elective subject in its affiliated schools from the academic session 20022003.
Salient Features of the Course
1. The Course is aimed to provide understanding of elementary concepts of Biotechnology and its
applications in different fields.
2. The syllabus will have the components of theory, practicals and project work.
3. The course will be introduced in class XI of the academic year 200203 and class XII examination of
March, 2004.
4. The course is being offered under the academic stream.
5. The textural material will be published by CBSE.
6. The Board will also develop Teacher Resource Material in the subject.
7. The Board will organize orientation programmes for teachers in theory as well as in practicals.
8. The course will be introduced in the beginning in about 100 schools who are willing to provide all
related facilities to students and meet the requirements of the Board.
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School desirous of starting this course may forward their request to Director (Academic) / Education
Officer (Science) by 15th April, 2002. However, final selection of schools will be made exclusively by the
Board after assessing the related facilities available in the schools.
You may contact the undersigned on Telephone No. 011-2215829 for any further clarification in this matter.
Yours faithfully
175 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
No. D(A)/FE/03 Circular No. 3
25th February, 2003
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Dear Principal,
Subject: Clarification Regarding Functional English - Class XI
As you are aware the CBSE has decided to introduce Functional English as a separate Elective Subject in
Class XI from the academic yeat 20032004. The Board has prepared the textual material for the same. There
will be two presribed books for the same as follows:
1. Main Course Book Volume I
2. Literature Read at Volume I
The textual materials for Class X would be available by the end of March 2003 from the Bookstores of the
Head Office. CBSE or from the Regional Offices of the Board. The code number of the course on Functional
English is 101.
The schools that are already following English communicative might and the above course providing a
basic continuity in course content and Methodology. The schools who would like to introduce the subject may
send their request for the additional subject. The application form for the additional subject can also be downloaded
from ourwebsite at www.cbse.nic.in.
The applicalion copies may also be enclosed on email at directoracad@hotmail.com. However, once they
have applied for the course they need not wait for a formal communication from the Board. They will get their
permission letters in due course.
The Board has however, decided to continue the English Core (Code No. 301) and English Elective (001) as
per the existing curriculum and scheme of studies. The schools are free to opt any or all the above courses
according to their convenience.
For further clarifications, if any, you may mail at directoracad@hotmail.com
Yours faithfully
(G Balasubramanian)
Director (Academic)
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No. D(A)/PA/FS/04 Circular No. 12/04
26th February, 2004
All Heads of the Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Dear Principal
Subject : Introduction of Fashion Studies as an elective subject
The Board has decided to introduce Fashion Studies as one of the elective subjects at the academic stream
at the senior school level in class XI from the ensuing academic year 200405. The course has been designed in
collaboration with the National Institute of Fashion Technology. The focus of the subject will be on Garment
design, Garment manufacture and other related areas. The course can be offered along with any other elective
subject in the academic stream. A copy of the brochure developed in this regard is enclosed for information.
The course will be introduced as a project initially in not exceeding 200 schools spread all over the country.
The schools desirous of introducing the above subject will have to comply with the following requirements:
(a) Facility for Fashion studies laboratory
(b) Adequate infrastructure and apparatus in the laboratory as per the recommendations
(c) A qualified teacher for teaching the subject as per the specified qualifications
The approximate expenditure for the apparatus and instruments for the laboratory will be around Rs. 4 to 5
lakhs for a student strength of 30 per class. The Board has already designed the curriculum in this regard along
with the laboratory requirements. The Board also intends to give teacher training for the selected schools in
collaboration with NIFT.
If you are interested to introduce the course you may kindly send your requests to the following address:
Shri C.D. Sharma
Education Officer
CBSE, Shiksha Sadan,
17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110002.
You may also send the request through email at directoracad@hotmail.com.
177 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
The selected schools will be required to fill in the application for additional subject and remit a sum of Rs.
1000/- as fee for additional subject.
The request for the subject should reach the office of the Board before 31st March, 2004.
Best Wishes,
Yours faithfully,
G. Balasubramanian
Director (Academic)
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No. D(A)/PA/Env. Edn/05 1st February, 2005
Circular No. 08/2005
All the Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction of Environmental Education as a compulsory subject
in schools from Class I to XII - Reg
Dear Principal,
The issues of environmental concerns relating to depleting natural sources, eradication of many natural
species, increasing pollution, global warming resulting in ecological imbalances and natural calamities, health
concerns arising out poor wastage management systems and other diverse issues have attracted the attention of
the people worldwide. Educating the people of a nation on the above issues appears to be vital for the sustenance
of the globe in all its grandeur.
It is in this context, the Honble Supreme Court of India has directed all educational agencies in the country
to make environmental education as a compulsory component of the system from the current academic year.
The NCERT has already brought out a curriculum for all classes from I to XII in compliance with the above
directions of the Honble court.
The Board has therefore decided to introduce the environmental education as a compulsory subject for all
classes from I to Secondary and Senior Secondary level from the current academic year. While the Board will
come out with separate specific instructions shortly with regard to the syllabi, curriculum tansaction and
evaluation procedures, the schools are advised to take the following initiative with immediate effect while
planning their curriculum for the next academic year.
1. Environmental education will be a separate compulsory subject in the curriculum.
2. It will enjoy the same status as any other subject prescribed in the school curriculum.
3. The schools shall allot a minimum of two periods per week for the study of the above subject.
4. The schools will also provide adequate opportunities for integration of the environmental concerns
while tansacting different disciplines.
5. The environmental sensitivities as reflected in the prescribed curriculum may also be reflected as apart
of the various co-scholastic activities carried out by the school both inside and outside the classrooms.
6. The students shall be evaluated by the schools in this subject as in any other subject and their achievements
may be reflected in the school achievement record in the form of grades.
179 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
7. The schools may avail the benefit and wisdom of the local resources engaged in environmental concerns
to enhance the knowledge and skill inputs of their teachers and students.
The Board will shortly send a copy of the syllabus of the above subject to all the affiliated schools. They
would also be made available in the CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in The Board will shortly come with an
additional notification regarding introduction of the above subject in classes IX & XI from the ensuing academic
year and the students will be appearing in the Boards examination in Class X & XII in the year 2007.
The cooperation and commitment of schools in effective implementation of the environmental education in
schools will go a long way in bringing about an attitudinal change among the citizens on the relevant issues. It
will further help in saving and cherishing the diverse gifts of nature the country has been bestowed with. The
Board seeks the cooperation of schools in meaningful implementation of the above in the curricular stucture.
G. Balasubramanian
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No. D(A)/05 Circular No. 34/05
November 8, 2005
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction of Japanese Language
Dear Principal,
As you are aware, the Central Board of Secondary Education offers 29 languages besides Hindi and English
at Secondary and Senior Secondary levels. Out of these 09 are foreign languages. As a follow up of an MOU
signed between the Govemment of lndia and the Govemment of Japan, the Board proposes to introduce Japanese
language in the school curriculum for its affiliated schools from the academic year 2006-07. Initially the language
will be introduced at Class VI and it will be extended to higher classes progressively. The course materials are
being developed by experts and they would be available to schools before the commencement of the 2006-2007
academic session.
Teacher training will also be provided by the Japan Foundation in collaboration with the Japanese Embassy
to India wherever it is found necessary.
Schools that are interested in introducing the teaching of Japanese language at Class VI from the year 2006-
07 may kindly write to the undersigned giving their willingness for the same. The letter of willingness should
reach the undersigned by the 15th December, 2005 to enable the Board to prooess the applications further.
Yours sincerely,
(G Balasubramanian)
Director (Academic)
181 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
S/PA/06/ Ist February, 2006
Circular No.: 03/06
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject : Physical Education as an Elective Subject at the Senior Secondary level
Dear Principal,
The Board offers physical Education as one ofthe Eiective Subjects at the Senior Secondarlr level under
the academic stream. Schools are granted affiliation to this Subject after the fulfilment of certain conditjons
which include the availability of play ground and other teaching facilities. It is also imperative that the
schools should have a fully qualified teacher wirh Masters Degree in Physical Education in order to teach the
It is important that the students who opt for this Subject should be able to enhance their competence and
aptitude in sports and games. Further this should help in irnproving their fitness levels for participation and
performance in various activities. This would be possibie only if adequate improvernent is brought in the
trcuisaction of the cuniculum of this Subject.
It has been brought to the notice of the Board that some schools do not adequately attend to the needs
forefftctive transaction ofthe cuniculum ofthis Subject. The schools are, therefore, informed that:
a. No school which does not have a fully qualified teacher in the Subject is entitled to have afliliation for
the Subject at the Senior Secondar) level.
b. The Schools offering physical Education as an Elective Subject at Serrior Secondary level should have
at ieast a 200 Meters Track and free space sufficient to create a Basketball/Volleyball, Handball/Kho
Kho court.
c. Schools are required to provide adequate thrust and emphasis in reaiizing the cunicular objectives of
the Subject and shall provide adequate support mcchanisms in tetms of equiprnent for effective
Any non-compliance of the basic requirements for teaching this Subject would attract the provisions of the
affiliation bye-laws for withdrawal of permission for teaching this Subject at the Senior Secondary level.
Further, the Schools are advised to give greater thrust to physical and Health Education at the middle and
secondary school level to improve general fitness level of the students so that the learning domains of the
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Subject effectively contribute to the physical and mental well being of the students. It is equally importnat to
identiff and nurture talents in sports to cnable them to participate in sports events at various levels.
The Board is confident that the Schools would appreciate the importance and relevance of Physical and
Health Education and take appropriate steps to strengthen the curricular objectives.
Yours faithfully
Vineet Joshi
183 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
No. F2-1/VOC(PCE)-FMM/CBSE/2006 Circular No. 04/07
16th January, 2007
All the Heads of the
CBSE affiliated schools
Subject: Introduction of Financial Market Management as a course under
Vocational Education at Senior Secondary level.
Dear Principal,
As you are aware, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been offering a number of courses
under vocational education at Senior Secondary level. The Govt. of India in recent years has laid a lot of
emphasis on streamlining vocational education so that it fulfils the emerging need of the market by focusing on
employability skills. In consonance with this thrust the CBSE is planning to introduce a course in Financial
Market Management (FMM) under vocational steam which is likely to be renamed as Professional Education
& Training.
It has been felt for long that the school pass outs need to be more financially literate. As perhaps you are
aware in other parts of the world, Financial Education is imparted from class VI onwards. Financial Education
can make a difference not only in the quality of life that individuals can afford, but also the integrity and quality
of markets. The CBSE, therefore, has taken the initiative to introduce Financial Market Education at +2 level in
India is one of the emerging markets in the world with more than two crores of investors. Public at large has
shown tremendous faith in mutual funds and share markets. A large number of Foreign Institutional Investors
FIIs are investing heavily in India. Thus, it is felt that there is huge employment potential in financial markets.
As per industry estimates there is a shortage of more than 50,000 professionals in stock and commodity market
alone. This shortage is projected to be more than one lac by 2008-09. There is an acute shortage of trained
professionals in the financial market. Similarly, the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry has created
a huge demand for employment and this trend is likely to continue. Computerized accounting and finance in
organized and unorganized sectors is another area of employment for the youth.
Keeping in view the acute shortage of trained professionals and the emphasis of Govemment of India on
development of employability skills, the CBSE is attempting a paradigm shift in school education from pure
academics to orientation towards skill development and employability while maintaining the scope of vertical
mobility for higher education. The CBSE, therefore, proposes to introduce Financial Market Management as
one of the courses under vocational education for senior secondary classes. All affiliated schools of the Board
are free to opt for this course from the academic session 2007-08.
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
The new course will consist of three vocational subjects each in classes XI & XII. Besides, these three
vocational subjects students will have to take two academic elective subjects one of which must be a language.
The students can also opt for additional sixth subject which can either be a language or an academic elective
1. The primary objective of the course is to develop practical employability skills in financial markets,
BPOs and Financial Accounting.
2. The course will have the following three core subjects at classes XI & XII.
Class XI
(a) Accounting for Business-I
(b) Inhoduction to Financial Markets-I
(c) Computer Applications in Financial Markets
Class XII
(a) Accounting for Business-II
(b) lntroduction to Financial Markets-II
(c) Business Process Outsourcing Skills
3. The vertical mobility for students pursuing higher education is taken care.
4. The curriculum has been designed by eminent experts from relevant industries in the field.
5. The basic academic ingredients required to attain this quality are incorporated in the syllabus.
6. The textual material is being prepared by subject experts drawn from different fields and will be published
by the CBSE before the start ofnext academic session.
7. The qualifications of the teaching staff are enclosed as Annexure.
8. The Board will undertake training of teachers both for theory and practical.
9. The course will be introduced in Class XI of the academic year 200708.
10. Infastrucfure required:- The school should have sufficient computers with internet facility to infoduce
this new course.
The schools that are interested in introducing this new course under vocational stream from academic year
200708 may write to the undersigned giving their willingness for the same at email address i.e.
cbseedusat12@rediffmail.com or by post. The letter of willingness should reach the undersigned by 28th February,
2007 to enable the Board to process the applications further. The syllabus of the course is available on our
website www.cbse.nic.in
Yours sincerely,
185 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
(a) Full Time Teacher
(b) Part Time Teachers (Drawn from the industry/relevant field)
Full Time Teachers
(a) Essential
M.Com./MBA/MA (Economics)/Master of Financial Control/Master of Financial Services or equivalent
for Accounting for Business.
Bachelor degree from recognised University/Institutes with NSEs Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM)
having passed 3 molecules with minimum 60% in:
1. Financial Markets (Beginners Module)
2. Capital Market Dealers Module
3. Derivative Markets Dealers Module.
Bachelor degree in Computer Science/Application from recognised University/Institutes with Minimum
two years experience of working in all the module of MS-Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook).
(b) Desirable
(i) Bachelor of Education or teaching degree from recognized University/Institution
(ii) Having experience of Accounting Software.
Part Time Teachers
Practical trainers duly trained by organization dealing in financial markets. The trainers should
have passed relevant module of NSE.
Practical Trainers should be from stock exchanges or stock broking companies/financial institutions
or BPO Industry with minimum of 2 years experience in the field.
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
No. EO(H&L)/JL/07/ February 21, 2007
Circular No. 09/2007
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Teaching of Japanese Language
Dear Principal,
As you may be aware the Japanese language was introduced as one of the optional foreign languages in the
schools affiliated to CBSE in class VI from the year 200607. The textbook and workbook prepared by Japan
Foundation in consultation with the Board were made available to schools which intoduced the language in
class VI. The course in Japanese language will be extended to class VII from the year 200708. Announcement
and syllabus for class VII have been put up on CBSE website. Schools which have already introduced the
language in class VI may write to the Japan Foundation at the address given below with a copy marked to CBSE
giving details of their requirement of textbooks and workbooks for class VII which are under preparation now.
Schools which plan to introduce the language from the academic year 200708 in Class VI/VII may also write
to the Japan Foundation giving details of their requirement of course materials.
The Japan Foundation, New Delhi has come forward to conduct teacher training programmes for teachers
who are willing to teach Japanese language in their schools. The details of the teacher training programme
along with the application form are available on CBSE website: www.cbse.nic.in. Schools can depute teachers
to the following programme by instructing the teachers by sending the application form online to the Japan
Foundation, New Delhi at e-mail id-query@jfindia.org.in. Teachers may also send their applications by post to
the following address:
The Japan Foundation, 5-A, Ring Road (Below Moolchand Flyover)
Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi-110024
Tel: 011-2644-2967/68,
E-mail: query@jfindia.org.in
URL: www.jpfindia.org.in
The letter seeking permission from the Board for intoduction of Japanese language in class VI/VII may be
sent to the following address by 15th March, 2007 giving details of class in which the language is to be intoduced,
number of students, the name of the teacher with qualification and requirement of course materials:
187 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
The Education Officer (H&L)
Central Board of Secondary Education
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre
Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092
Phone No.: 011-22515829
(P. Mani)
Education Officer (H&L)
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi
No. CBSE/Dir. (A)/New Subjects/07/ March 15, 2007
Circular No. 18
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction to Creative Writing and Translation Studies as an
elective subject at Senior Secondary level
Dear Principal,
As you may be aware, the Central Board of Secondary Education has, in recent years, introduced a number
of new courses such as Biotechnology, Fashion Studies, Multimedia & Web Technology and Entrepreneurship
at the Senior School level with the object of addressing emerging needs of the student community. In pursuance
of this policy of expanding the choice of subjects for students, particularly in non-conventional spheres of
knowledge and skills that have bright employment prospects, the Board has decided to introduce a course in
Creative Writing and Translation Studies as an optional elective under academic subjects at senior secondary
level. It can be offered by students as one of the four elective subjects and also as an additional elective subject
at +2 stage in combination with any subjects that are already available in the Scheme of Studies of the Board.
The subject is be introduced from the academic session 2007-08.
There are many students who are imaginative and have a flair for language. Presently such students do not
get specialized inputs to develop and sharpen their creative skills because the conventional language curricula
focus by and large on generic linguistic skills. The course in Creative writing and Translation Studies aims at
equipping the students-with higher order skills suchas critical analysis, deconstructing texts and interpretation
that would help them gain an insight into the creative processes undertaken by writers of fiction and non fiction.
Further students will also be introduced to endurances of language and techniques needed for different genres
such as short stories, screen plays, poetry drama, biography etc. This would enable them to sharpen their skills
of creative expression through various modes.
Keeping in view the rising demand for good translators and interpreters in a globalized world, the course
also aims at sensitizing students to basics skills in translation studies. Those who develop an interest in this field
will be able to pursue specialized courses in translation at University tevel. The syllabus and details of course
materials will be available on CBSE website: wwrn.cbse.nic.in shortly.
Teachers who are presently teaching English at senior secondary level and are proficient in Hindi can take
up the teaching of this subject. professionals wiru uIe arreaity engaged in the area of translation or interpretation
189 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
and have a post-graduate degree in English with a good working knowledge of Hindi may also be hired to teach
the subject.
Schools which are interested in introducing the course ftom the academic session 2007-08 at class XI may
write to the undersigned giving their willingness for the same. They will also be required to apply for approval
of the additional elective subject online and pay a fee of Rs. 1000/- (one thousand only) for the same.
(C. Gurumurthy)
Director (Academic)
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
No. F2-1/VOC(PCE)/FMM/CBSE/2007 Circular No. 48
26 December, 2007
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction to Financial Market Management as a course under
Professional Competency Education at Senior Secondary level.
Dear Principal,
As you are aware, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been offering a nurnber of courses
under vocational education at senior seeondary level. The Govt. of India in recent years has laid a lot of emphasis
on streamlining vocational education so that it fulfils the emerging need of the market by focusing on employability
skills. In consonance with this thrust the CBSE has introduced a course in Financial Market Management
(FMM) under vocational stream from the academic session 2007-08.
In recent times, there is a strong public perception for imparting the knowledge about the financial markets,
the kind of processes & activities taking place in these & the kind of skills required to handle such dealings. All
this demands a lot of expertise & entails an early exposure to this field. The sheer volume of knowledge that has
been generated in this field, its practical value in the context of prospective growth profile of Indian Financial
Market, makes it all the more important to present packages especially devoted to the cause of this enterprise.
India as one of the emerging markets in the world, with more than two Crores of investors including a large
number of foreign Institutional Investors, promises to provide early job opportunities to many. Also the Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry has created a huge dernand for employment and this trend is likely to
continue in the years to come. The general computer application in financial sector, an important part of all
offices irrespective of their nature, organized/unorganized, public/private, could be another area of employment
for the youth as the course covers all such skills under its curriculum.
The Board has been fulfilling its commitment to provide for the newer & hitherto untapped options to
groom the employability skills of students at school level in a more focused & effective manner. Following the
same line the Board introduced Financial Market Management from the session 2007 as one of the vocational
courses for senior secondary classes. The response to this vision has been overwhelming so far & more than
seventy schools with around 1400 students have already been admitted in classes XI in 2007.
Now Board would like to invite the affiliated schoolsof the board having required infrasructural facilities &
dedicated faculty to learn & teach newer pragmatic subjects are again welcorne to join in for this course from
the academic session 2008-09.
191 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
This new package consists of three vocational subjects each in class XI and XII. Besides, these three vocational
subjects students are required to take one language and one academic elective subject relevant to the field or
students can take two languages besides three vocational subjects. The students can also opt for additional sixth
subject which can either be a language or an academic elective subject.
l. The primary objective of the course is to develop practical employability skills in financial markets,
BPOs and Financial Accounting.
2. The course will have the following three core subjects at classes XI & XII,
Class XI
(a) Accounting for Business-I
(b) Introduction to Financial Markets-I
(c) Computer Application in Financial Markets
Class XII
(a) Accounting for Business-II
(b) Introduction to Financial Markets-II
(c) Business Process Outsourcing Skills
3. The vertical mobility for students pursuing higher education is taken care
4. The cuniculum has been designed by eminent experts from relevant industries in the field.
5. The basic academic ingredients required to attain this quality are incorporated in the syllabus
6. The textual material has been prepared by subject experts drawn from different fields and published by
the CBSE
7. The qualifications of the teaching staff are enclosed as Annexure-I.
8. The Board will undertake training of teachers both for theory and practical.
9. The course can be started in Class XI of the academic year 2008-09.
10. Infrastructure requires: The school should have sufficient computers with intemet facility to introduce
this new course.
The schools that are interested in introducing this new course under vocational stream from academic year
2008-09 may write to the undersigned giving their willingness for the same at e-mail address i.e.
cbseedusat12@rediffmail.com or by post. The letter of willingness should reach the undersigned by 10th February,
2008 to enable the Board to process the applications further. The syllabus of the course is available on our
website www.cbse.ruc.in
Yours sincerelY,
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
(a) Full Time Teacher
(b) Part Time Teachers (Drawn from the industry/relevant field)
Full Time Teachers
(a) Essential
M.Com./MBA/MA (Economics)/Master of Financial Control/Master of Financial Services or equivalent
for Accounting for Business.
Bachelor degree from recognised University/Institutes with NSEs Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM)
having passed 3 molecules with minimum 60% in:
1. Financial Markets (Beginners Module)
2. Capital Market Dealers Module
3. Derivative Markets Dealers Module.
Bachelor degree in Computer Science/Application from recognised University/Institutes with Minimum
two years experience of working in all the module of MS-Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook).
(b) Desirable
(i) Bachelor of Education or teaching degree from recognized University/Institution
(ii) Having experience of Accounting Software.
Part Time Teachers
Practical trainers duly trained by organization dealing in financial markets. The trainers should have passed
relevant module of NSE.
Practical Trainers should be from stock exchanges or stock broking companies/financial institutions or
BPO Industry with minimum of 2 years experience in the field.
193 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Center,
Preet Vihar, New Delhi-110002
No. AEO-FMM/CBSE/2008 February 20, 2008
Circular No. 07/08
The Principal
Subject: Financial Market Management-Implementation guidelines
Dear Principal,
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is pleased to inform you that on the basis of your
application for introducing Financial Market Management (FMM) a new vocational course, from the academic
session 2008-09, your school has been short listed for starting this skill oriented programme. You are therefore
requested to send a bank draft of Rs.3000/- in favour of the Secretary, CBSE as affiliation fee for three vocational
subjects alongwith an undertaking declaring that your school agree to provide all the facilities required for this
The FMM consists of three compulsory Professional subjects each in classes XI & XII in addition to two
academic electives one of which must be a language. Though not compulsory, the students offering this package
may be advised to offer Functional English for language-1. For the second elective there are 3 optional academic
subjects. The students may further opt for an additional sixth subject which can either be a language or an
academic or a professional subject at the elective level, in order to ensure vertical mobility for pursuing higher
studies, if necessary. The subjects under FMM course are given below:
Compulsory Vocational Subjects - Class XI
1. Accounting for Business-I
2. Introduction to Financiai Markets-I
3. Computer Aplications in Financial Markets
Optional Mutual Fund OR Anyone from existing academic subjects
Compulsory Subjects Professional -Class XII
1. Accounting for Business-II
2. Introduction to Financial Markets-II
3. Business Process Outsourcing Skills
Optional-Commodity Market OR Anyone from existing subjects
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Class XI
The practical examinations in all the papers will be conducted by the schools on an internal basis as is the
practice in other subjects; however Board will provide the Question Papers and date sheet for final theory
examinations in three vocational papers to be held in March 2009. These papers will also be evaluated internally
by the schools.
Class XII
The theory and practical examinations in all the papers will be conducted by the CBSE on an exlemal basis
as is the practice in other subjects with the help of NSE and experts from the industqy.
NSE is a leading Stock Exchange in lndia and one of the largest in the world. For the purpose of CBSE NSE
joint certification, the students will be required to pass 3 modules of NSE called NCFM (NSEs Certification in
Financial Markets) as given below:
1. Financial Markets: A Beginners Module To be passed during summer vacation between XI
and XII Class. OR latest before the commencement
of the Board examination in March.
2. Capita Market (Dealers)-Module To be passed in class XII between 15th December to
28th February, before the commencement of Board
3. Derivatives Market @ealers) Module examination in March.
NCFM is a professionally accepted certificate in the finance market industry. Joint certification with NSE
will add credibility to employability of CBSE students. NCFM-examination is an online computer based testing
system that tests the practical knowledge and skills required to operate in the financial markets. It is a fully
automated system with testing, assessing, scores reporting and invigilation in a secure and unbiased manner.
The NCFM module viz. Financial Markets: A Beginnen Module is to be passed during the sumnret vaeation
between XI and XII. The students will get one more additional chance to pass this module without any additional
fee before the commencement of the Board exarnination and therefore it will not affect the class XI result.
The school should have sufficient computers with internet facility to introduce this new course. The software
for the professional subjects for stock market trading, accounting etc will also have to be procured by the
The qualification as required for the teaching staff is given below.
1. QUALIFICATION-FullTimeTeachers
a) Essential
195 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
An M.Com./MBA/MA (Eonomics)/Master of Financial Control/Master of Financial Services or equivalent
for Accounting or Business.
A Bachelors degree from a recognized University/Institute with NSEs certification in Financial Markets
(NCFM) having passed 3 modules with minimum 60% in:
1. Financial Markets (Beginners Modde)
2. Capital Market (Dealers) Module
3. Derivative Market (Dealers) Module.
A Bachelors degree in Computer Science/Application from recognized University/Institute with Minimum
two years experience of working in all the modules of MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).
b) Desirable
i. A Bachelor Degree in Education or a teaching degree from a recognized University/Institution.
ii. Having experience in Accounting Soft-ware.
2. Part Time Teachers
Practical tainers duly tained by organizations dealing in financial markets. The trainers should have passed
the relevant modules of NSE.
Practical Trainers should be from stock exchanges or stock broking companies/financial institutions or
BPO Industry with minimum of 2 years of experience in the field.
Training of Teachers
As this is a new course, the CBSE will arrange to provide training to Master Trainers through experts from
industry on payment. Two teachers for theory may be got trained by each of the schools opting for the FMM.
The traning required for two papers of class XI viz. Accounting for Business-I and Introduction to Financial
Markets-I will be held at Delhi in a phased manner. The schools are required to have two teachers trained for the
purpose. The details of the training programme will be intimated at a later date.
The Bank Draft for affiliation fee may be sent at the following address:
PH. Qrt-22444845.
In case of any doubt please feel free to contact the undersigned for successful implementation of FMM
Yours sincerely,
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Center,
Preet Vihar, New Delhi-110002
F-2-4/CBSE/GHC-Pt/2008 05.03.2008
Circular No. 11/08
All Heads of Senior Secondary Schools
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction of a new course under vocational stream, namely,
General Health Care in collaboration with relevant Industry/
Organization from the academic session 2008-09.
Dear Principal,
You may be aware that the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is implementing competency
based vocational education with industry support and collaboration in a phased manner. As there is a felt need
for skilled workforce in the field of health care services, Board is planning to introduce a vocational coruse in
General Health Care in collaboration and joint certification with relevant organisation.
The General Health Care consists of three compulsory Vocational subjects each in classes XI & XII in
addition to two academic electives one of which must be a language. The students have to study Biology, an
academic elective) as second elective. The students may further opt for an additional sixth subject which can
either be a language or an academic elective, in order to ensure vertical mobility for pursuing higher studies, if
necessary. The subjects under General Health Care course are given below:
Class XI
A) One Language offered by the Board at senior secondary level;
B) Biology;
C) Three Compulsory Vocational Subjects
1. Anatomy & Physiology
2. Healthcare Delivery System, Hospital Organization and Services and Medical Equipments and
3. Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
D) Additional (Optional) any other subjects from academic electives except Biology
197 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Class XII
All other subjects remain same as those in class XI except following tluee compulsory vocational subjects
1. Health Education, Communication & Public Relations and Public Health.
2. Basic concepts of Health and Disease and Medical Tenninology.
3. First Aid & Emergency Medical Care.
Other Salient treatures of the course
1) The main objective this course is to develop competency and employable skills in General Health care.
2) The vertical mobility issue would be dealt with the concemed Institutes/organizations.
3) The Curriculum and textbooks are being developed by eminent practicing scholars in this field.
4) The qualification of the faculty as well as a list of equipments required is provided in a separate Annexrne
A enclosed with ftis letter.
5) The Board will conduct the training progamme for teachers to make them understand the fundamentals
of the contents of three vocational papers shortly.
The Board would like to request Senior Secondary Schools desirous to introduce this new course under
vocational stream from the academic session 2008-09 to send their option. Interested schools may mail their
willingness at cbseedusat12@rediffmail.com or send it by post not later than April 10, 2008 for further processing.
ln case of any doubt please feel free to contact the undersigned.
Yours sincerely,
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
General Health Care
Medical monitors, allow medical staff to record patients vital parameters Monitors may measure patients
vital signs and other parameters including ECG EEG, blood pressure, and gases in the blood.
Medical laboratory equipment automates or helps analyze blood urine and gases.
The equipment needed includes:
1. Phlebotomy & Intravenous (IV) Cannulation Kit
2. First aid equipment
3. Skeletons, charts and posters
4. Models for all parts of body (different organs and organ systerns).
5. Microscopes
6. Handwashing equipment
- reusable towels
- pumice stones (for scrub wash)
- soap & water
- alcohol hand rubs
7. Biomedical Waste (BMW) Containers and Syringe & Needle destroyers samples of different sizes
8. Slides cover slips, various stains.
9. Nutrition related charts and posters.
10. Computer and printer with Intemet connection.
11. B.P apparatus dial type, electronic type and mercury type
12. Thermometer
13. Glucometer
General Health Care
Teaching Faculty and Their Qualifications
(a) Full Time Teacher
(b) Part Tirne Teacher (Drawn from the hospital/relevant field).
199 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Full Time Teacher
MSc. (Zoology)/B.Sc. (Nursing)/MBBS/PGT (Biology)
Part time Teacher
MSc. (Home Science)
Graduate (B.Sc.) or Hospital Record keeping
Medical Officers from relevant field
Visifing Lectures/Instructors
PG teachers (Biology)
Graduate Nurses: B.Sc. (Nursing)
MBBS Doctors
Graduates (B.Sc.) of Hospital Records Keeping
M.Sc. (Home Science): for lectures on food, nutrition and dietetic
Fire officers for classes on first aid, fire fighting and disaster preparedness.
Red Cross Society Officers: for classes on frst aid, emergency medical care and disaster preparedness.
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
No. CBSE/ACAD/NEW SUBJECTS/2008 30th April, 2008
Circular No. 17/08
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction to New Elective Subjects in Class XI for the current
session (200809) in Heritage Crafts and Graphic Design
Dear Principal,
The Central Board of Secondary Education is involved in a continuous process of curriculum reform and
innovation and it is in its on going process that the Board has decided to introduce the subiects of Heritage
Crafts and Graphic Design in Class XI w.e.f. the session 20082009. The first Board examination for these two
electives will be held in March 2010. The detailed syllabus of the above two subjects have been posted on the
CBSE website (www.cbse.nic.in). The textbooks for the same will be available on the NCERT website shortly.
The qualification of teachers to teach these subjects will be intimated shortly.
The Schools which are Interested in opting for these electives may download the forrn from the CBSE
website (www.cbse.nic.in) and address it to the Secretary CBSE with the demand draft of Rs. 1,000/-. Copy of
the same may be sent to the Director (Academic) for information.
For any further queries the Academic Branch at CBSE may be contacted at telephone no. 232201531/
Yours sincerely
Details of the Subject:
Heritage Crafts
Graphic Design
201 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Shiksha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi-110002
No. CBSE/Dir.(A)/New Subjects/2008/ April 30, 2008
Circular No. 18/08
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction of Creative Writing and Translation Studies
(Code No. 069) as an elective subject at Senior Secondary level
Dear Principal,
As you may be aware, the Central Board of Secondary Education has, in recent years, introduced a nurnber
of new courses such as Biotechnology, Fashion Studies, Multimedia & Web Technology and Entrepreneurship
at the senior school level with the view of addressing the emerging needs of the student community. In pursuance
of this poricy of expanding the choice of subject for students, particularly in non-conventional spheres of
knowledge and skills that have bright employment prospects. Board has decided to introduce a course in Creative
Writing and Translation Studies, as an optional elective under academic subjects at senior secondary level. It
can be offered by students as one of the four elective subjects and also as an additional elective subject at +2
stage in combination with any subjects that are already available in the Scheme of Studies of the Board The
subject was introduced from the academic session 200708 in Class XI for which the Reader was prepared and
made available by the Board. Sample Question Papers are also put up on CBSE website (www.cbse.nic.in).
The class XII Reader will be available in the current session. The examination specifications for the Elective
are a part of the Curriculum Document 2010 Volume I, Main Subjects which is available on the website as well
as in printed form can be obtained from Publication Stores, CBSE, PS-1 Institutional Area, Patparganj, Delhi.
There are many students who are imaginative and have a flair for language. The course in Creative Writing
and Translation studies aims at equipping the students with higher order skills such as critical analysis
deconstructing texts and interpretation that would help them gain an insight into the creative processes undertaken
by writers of fiction and non-fiction. Furrher, students will also be introduces to nuances of language and
techniques needed for different genres such as short stories, screen plays, poetry drama, biography etc. This
would enable them to sharpen their skills of creative expression through various modes.
Keeping in view the rising demand for good transiators and interpreters in a globalized world, the course
also aims at sensitizing students to basics skills in transtation studies. Those who develop an interest in this field
will be able to pursue specialized courses in translation at unirversity level.
Teachers who are presently teaching English at senior secondary level and are proficient in Hindi can take
up the teaching of this subject. professionals who are already engaged in the area of translation or interpretation
and have a post-gaduate degree in English with a good working knowledge of Hindi may also be hired to teach
the subject.
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Schools which are interested in introducing the course may write to the undersigned giving their willingness
for the same. They will also be required to apply for approval of the additional elective subject online and pay
a fee of Rs. 1000/- (one thousand only) for the same.
(C. Gurumurthy)
Director (Academic)
203 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
F-2-4/AEO(E&V)/CBSE/GHC-Pt/2008 May 22, 2008
Circular No. 23/08
All Heads of Senior Secondary Schools
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Change of the name of newly introduced vocational course from
the General Health Care to the Healthcare Sciences with technical
support of Academy of Hospital Administration.
Dear Principal,
In continuation of our earlier circular no 11 dated March 5, 2008; I would like to intimate you that the Board
has renamed the newly introduced vocational course General Health Care. It will now be called Healthcare
Sciences inplace of General Health Care.
TheBoard will be conducting the training programme for teachers to make them understand the fundamentals
of the contents of three vocational subjects in collaboration with the Academy of Hospital Administration. The
date venue and course fee will be intimated to selected schools shortly.
The selected schools shall be required to send the names of the teachers with their qualification, a copy of
affiliation letter to prove their Senior Secondary status and an undertaking to provide all the facilities required
for the implementation of this course. The details of the Course curriculum, Infrastructure, and eligibility of the
faculty etc. has already been sent to you vide our circular No. 11 and the same can be had from our website
In case of any doubt please feel free to contact the undersigned at cbseedusat l2@rediffmail.com.
Yours sincerely,
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General Health Care
Meclical monitors, allow medical staff to record patients vital parameters Monitors may measure patients
vital signs and other parameters including ECG, EEG, blood pressure, and gases in the blood.
Medical laboratory equipment automates or helps analyze blood urine and gases. The equipment needed
1. Phlebotomy & Intravenous (IV) Cannulation Kit
2. First aid equipment
3. Skeletons, charts and posters
4. Models for all parts of body (different organs and organ systerns).
5. Microscopes
6. Hand washing equipment
- reusable towels
- pumice stones (for scrub wash)
- soap & water
- alcohol hand rubs
7. Biomedical Waste (BMW) Containers and Syringe & Needle destroyers samples of different sizes
8. Slides coverslips, various stains.
9. Nutrition related charts and posters.
10. Computer and printer - with Intemet conneetion.
11. B.P apparatus - dial type, electronic type and mercury type
12. Thermometer
13. Glucometer
General Health Care
Teaching Faculty and Their Qualifications
Teaching Faculty
205 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
(a) Full Time Teacher
(b) Part Time Teacher (Drawn from the hospital/relevant field)
Full Time Teacher
MSc. (Zoology)/B.Sc. (Nursing)/MBBS/PGT (Biology)
Part time Teacher
MSc. (Home Science)
Graduate (B.Sc.) or Hospital Record keeping, Medieal Officers - from relevant field
Visiting Lecturers/Instructors
PG Teachers (Biolory)
Graduate Nurses: B.Sc. (Nursing)
MBBS Doctors
Graduates (B.Sc.) of Hospital Records Keeping
M.Sc. (Home Science): for lectures on food, nutrition and dietetic
Fire officers for classes on first aid, fire-fighting and disaster preparedness
Red Cross Society Officers: for classes on first aid, emergency medical eare and disaster preparedness
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BO(L&T)/A/GERMAN/2008/ September 29, 2008
Circular No. 37/08
All the Heads of the
CBSE affiliated schools
Subject: Introduction of German Language
Dear Principa,
As you are aware, the Central Board of Secondary Education offers 31 languages besides Hindi and English
at Secondary and Senior Secondary levels. Out of these 11 are foreign languages. German language has already
been introduced at the Secondary and Senior Secondary level. The Board now proposes to introduce German
language in the school curriculum for its affiliated schools in class VI from the academic year 2008-09. Initially
the language is proposed to be introduced at Class VI and it will be extended to classes VII & VIII in a phased
manner in the successive years. The syllabus prepared by the Board is enclosed in Annexure and also placed on
CBSE website. www.cbse.nic.in The textual material will also be made available shortly.
Teacher training is proposed to be provided by the Max Mueller Bhavan in collaboration with the German
Embassy to India to orient the practicing teachers to the new syllabus and materials.
Schools which are interested in introducing the teaching of German Language at Class VI from the year
2008-09 may send their willingness to the undersigned. The letter of willingness should reach the undersigned
by the 15th of October 2008 to enable the Board to process the applications further.
Youn Sincerely
Enpl. As above
207 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
EO(V&E)/BIO-TEC/CBSE/2008 November 5, 2008
Circular No. 52/08
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Guidelines in respect of Biotechnology Lab Manual
Dear Principal,
The CBSE is receiving certain queries on Biotechnorogy Lab Manual published by CBSE for class XI and
XIII. It is clarified that the three experiments namery, Cell viability assay (using Evans blue stain), Determination
of blood groups and Estimation of DNA have been shifted from class Xl to class XII as per the curriculum 2009.
However the textual material for these experiments has continued to be incorporated in class XI Lab Manual. It
is intended to revise the lab manuals and make them available at the earliest. Till such time the schools are
requested to consult the class XI LabManual for these experiments.
The same may be brought to the notice of all teachers and students concerned.
Yours sincerely,
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
CBSE/EO(OL)/A/JAP. LANG./2009 February 5, 2009
Circular No. 03//09
All the Heads of the
CBSE affiliated schools
Subject : Introduction of Japanese Language in classes IX & X reg.
Dear Principal,
As you may be aware the Board has introduced Japanese Language as one of the optional foreign languages
in the schools affiliated to CBSE from classes VI to VIII in the years 2006-07,2007-08, 2008-09 respectively.
The textbooks along with the workbooks prepared by the Japan Foundation in consultation with the Board
were made available to schools which introduced the language in these classes.
It has now been decided to introduce the language for class IX in the academic year 2009-10 and the Board
Examination for class X would be held in the year 2011. The syllabus prepared for class IX & X are enclosed.
The textbooks are under preparation and will be made available soon with the commencement of the academic
year 2009-10.
Teacher-training programmes are also proposed to be held in the month of May-June, 2009 in collaboration
with the Japan Foundation, New Delhi. Your requirement may be intimated to the undersigned on or before
April 15, 2009.
Yours faithfully,
Encl. As above
Syllabus of Japanese Language
209 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
NO. EO (OL)/A/GRAPHIC DESIGN/2009 February 24, 2009
Circular No. 05/2009
All the Heads of the Institutions
affiliated to CBSE.
Subject :Introduction of Graphic Design (Code No. 071) in Class XI for the current
session (2008-2009) and class XII in 2009-10.
Dear Principal,
Your attention is drawn to the Boards Circular No. 17 dated 30
April,2008 regarding the introduction of
the new Elective Subject Graphic Design (Code No. 071) in Class XI from the session 2008-09 and class
XII in 2009-10.
In this connection, please find enclosed the detailed syllabus along with examination specifications, guidelines
for practical work, requirement of qualification for teachers, and infrastructure need.
The textbooks have been published by the NCERT and the titles are as follows: -
(i) Story of Design Part - I for class XI
(ii) Story of Design Part - II for class XII
Teachers Qualification:
A. A Post Graduate in any Art form (Masters in Drawing or Painting) with Diploma in Computer Aided
Designing or Certificate Course in Multimedia
B. BFA and Masters (MFA) with knowledge in Multimedia/Design
C. M.Ed with Diploma in Computer Aided Design/Multimedia.
Desirable Qualification: In addition to the above, teaching experience of at least two years is desirable.
Teacher needs to be oriented by NCERT/CBSE.
Lab Assistant: Lab assistant with the following minimum qualifications may be appointed:
A. 10-+2 student who has passed the Graphic Design elective course.
B. A class X
with certificate Course in Multimedia Design and experience of handling a multimedia Lab.
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(i) The student computer ratio must be 1:1 compulsorily.
(ii) Computers to be used in this studio must be multimedia compatible.
(iii) Existing Computer Labs may not be able to serve the purpose.
(iv) Accessories Scanner, printer, pen tablet should also be part of the studio.
A training programme for 10 days for teachers is proposed to be conducted by the Board in collaboration
with the NCERT. Your requirement in this connection may be communicated to the undersigned by 10
Details of this circular may kindly be brought to the notice of the teachers concerned and students who have
offered this as an Elective for the session 2008-2009 in Class XI.
Yours sincerely,
211 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
NEW DELHI110 002
NO. EO (OL)/A/HERITAGE CRAFTS/2009 February 25, 2009
Circular No.06/09
All the Heads of the Institutions
affiliated to CBSE.
Introduction of Heritage Crafts (Code No. 070) in Class XI for the current
session (2008-2009) and class XII in the academic session 2009-10.
Dear Principal,
Your attention is drawn to the Boards Circular No. 17 dated 30
April,2008 regarding the introduction of
the new Elective Subject Heritage Crafts (Code No. 070) in Class XI from the session 2008-09 and class XII
in 2009-10.
In this connection, please find enclosed the detailed syllabus along with examination specifications, guidelines
for practical work, requirement of qualification for teachers, and infrastructure need.
The textbooks have been published by the NCERT and the titles are as follows:
(i) Living Craft Traditions of India, Textbook for class XI
(ii) Living Craft Traditions of India, Textbook for class XII
(iii) Workbook: Exploring Craft Traditions of India for both class XI & XII
Teachers Qualification :
A. Essential Qualification : A Post Graduate in any Art Form (Masters in Fine Arts (MFA) or Masters in
Drawing or Painting)
1.1 An exposure to at least one Craft even if it is in an unorganised sector.
B. Desirable Qualification : Experience of working with crafts persons for at least three months or attending
crafts workshop.
Infrastructure :
(i) A laboratory/art room to accommodate the class with ample space to work.
(ii) Potter wheel, kiln and other equipments which would vary depending upon the craft being offered.
(iii) School will need to conduct workshops with the artist and artisans from time to time and should be able
to provide materials to the students.
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Training :
A training programme for 10 days for teachers is desirable and will be conducted by the Board in collaboration
with the NCERT. Your requirement in this connection may be communicated to the undersigned.
Details of this circular may kindly be brought to the notice of the teachers concerned and students who have
offered this as an Elective for the session 2008-2009 in Class XI.
Yours sincerely,
213 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
(An autonomous Organisation under the Union Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan, 17-Rouse Avenue, New Delhi110 002
CBSE/EO(SD)/2009/ Dated: 13.04.2009
Circular No. 09
All the Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject : Regarding modification in the name of the course curriculum
Introductory Information Technology at Secondary Level and the
changes in its evaluation scheme.
Dear Principal,
The course curriculum on Introductory Information Technology at Secondary Level is the Foundation
course for all other courses relating to Computer Science/Multimedia and Web Technology/Informatics Practices/
Information Technology Applications in classes XI & XII. Keeping this in view, CBSE has renamed the course
curriculum Introductory Information Technology at Secondary Level as Foundation of Information
Technology from the session 2009-2010 for Class IX and 2010-2011 for Class X with necessary changes in
the course content of the subject.
Some of the basic characteristics of Foundation of Information Technology are
1. It does not recommend any proprietary software.
2. The skills/competencies realized through this course are holistic in the context of vertical mobility both
in vocational as well as in academic fields.
3. Use of open software has been recommended.
4. All the commands are functional and generic.
The evaluation scheme of this course has also been modified as follows:
Theory Examination 60 marks
Practical Examination 20 + 20 = 40 marks
The Practical Examination has two components:
a) Hands-on school based year-end
practical examination 20 marks
(Internal in Classes IX & X)
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b) Practical skill based Multiple-choice
question type 20 marks
year-end written examination
(External in Class X)
These modifications have been reflected in the Secondary School Curriculum document 2011, Vol. I (Main
You are requested to note these changes and accordingly intimate all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
215 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
NEW DELHI-110002
CBSE/EO(SD)/ 2009/ Dated: 26.05.2009
Circular No. 15
All the Heads of the Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject : Regarding modification in the name of the course curriculum En-
gineering Drawing at Senior Secondary level
Dear Principal,
With changing trends, keeping pace with the latest technological development in the field, CBSE has updated
its curriculum at Senior Secondary level in the subject of Engineering Drawing and as a first step in this process
has modified the name of the subject from Engineering Drawing to Engineering Graphics. The name
Engineering Graphics has been widely accepted in all engineering and professional institutions at national
and international levels. This also enlarges the scope of the subject enabling the inclusion of Computer Aided
Designing in the updated syllabus.
This will be effective from the session 2009-2010 for Class XI and 2010-2011 for Class XII and the changes
have been incorporated in the curriculum document 2011.
You are requested to note the change and accordingly intimate all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
AEO(DR)/ACAD./ADDL. LANG./2010 Dated : 13.01.2010
Circular No. 26
All the Heads of all CBSE affiliated schools
Subject: Introduction of new languages 1. Tangkhul 2. Bodo in CBSE curriculum reg.
Dear Principal,
Recently there have been persistent demands from various stakeholders for introduction of Tangkhul and
Bodo as a large No. of students in the states of Assam and Nagaland have felt the need to study the languages at
secondary and senior school level. Hence the Board has decided to introduce two new courses in the languages
of Bodo and Tangkhul in its curriculum at secondary and senior school level and will be implemented in phases
as follows:
For classes IX & XI from the academic year 2010-11
For classes X & XII from the academic year 2011-12
Syllabus in the above mentioned languages is available on the CBSE website.
Kindly disseminate the above information to all the teachers and studentsconcerned immediately.
Yours faithfully,
Director (Academic)
217 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Phone No. 011-23220153 Email: cbse.edusat@rediffmail.com
Phone No. 011-23231067 skjena.cbse@gmail.com
(An Autonomous Organisation under the Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, ITO, New Delhi 110002
No. AEO (V&E)/CBSE/2011 Circular No. 08/11
3rd February 2011
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE.
Subject: Introduction of Geospatial Technology, Food Production, Food &
Beverage Services, Mass Media Studies and Media Production as
Competency based vocational courses at Senior Secondary level.
Dear Principal,
As you are aware, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), keeping in view the acute shortage of
trained professionals and development of employability skills among the students, has been offering a number
of courses under vocational Education at Senior Secondary level. In recent years, the CBSE has started
collaborating with various industries/ institutions for introducing competency based joint certification courses
as per the present needs of society and the relevant industries.
In pursuance to this policy of exploring the new domain of knowledge and skills that have bright employment
prospects as well as career opportunities, the Board has introduced the following new Vocational courses at
senior secondary level.
1. Geospatial Technology.
2. Food Production (Hospitality and Tourism)
3. Food and Beverage Services(Hospitality and Tourism)
4. Mass Media Studies and Media Production.
The aforesaid courses were introduced in few selected schools in class XI from the Academic Session 2010-
11 on pilot basis. Based on the feedback received from the Pilot schools and on the basis of overwhelming
response from the other independent schools, the Board has decided to open it to all affiliated schools in the
country and abroad form the academic session 2011-12 for class-XI. The detailed objectives and the salient
features of such courses are enclosed at Annexure-I to III.
The schools that are interested in introducing those new courses in class-XI from the academic year 2011-
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12 may fill in the proforma enclosed at Annexure-IV and may forward to Sh. S.K. Jena, Asstt. Education
Officer (Voc & Edusat), CBSE, Shiksha Sadan,17, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi-110002 on or before 5th March
2011 or Email to cbse.edusat@rediffmail.com copy to skjena.cbse@gmail.com The letter of willingness in
Annexure IV should reach by 5th March 2011 to enable the Board for processing the applications further.
Yours sincerely,
(Shashi Bhushan)
Director (Voc & Edusat)
& Director (Academic)
219 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
In recent times, there is a strong public perception for imparting knowledge on Geospatial Technology due
to emerging growth of Geodatabase creation and spatial information analysis. The economy requires huge
manpower equipped with relevant skills to manage in the Geospatial and remote sensing technology. The
increasing use of fully automated methods of spatial data collection to ensure spatial accuracy, continuing
developments in scanning technology and increasing availability of spatial data in various digital forms are
making Geospatial Practices increasingly attractive to organizations of all kinds. Geospatial Practices is widely
functional in everyday life by many of the services we rely on.
Indian Geospatial Market is on the edge of remarkable growth. Companies are bagging projects that are
valued more than the total annual revenue of company. Demand for Geospatial Practices has skyrocketed over
the past few years. By linking geographic data with demographic information and business intelligence,
organizations are finding new uses for Geospatial Practices. This needs huge trained manpower requirements
from Geospatial Industries by both private and public organizations of all sizes, which have generated more
demand for Geospatial professionals. This course offers an opportunity for the students to understand the basics
of geospatial technology dealing with mapping and applications. Students obtain insight into geospatial database
concepts, creating and implementing databases, GIS theory, supported by extensive practical exercises, spatial
analysis (network and surface operations) and developing Geospatial Practices skills. The present curriculum
would help a large number of youth to acquire skills for further studies and to enter the world of professional
work for their decent livelihoods and for economic growth of the country.
Geospatial Technology is offered as single vocational elective in class XI and XII. The students can opt
it as an elective with any other combination of subjects at senior secondary level or as an additional sixth
subject as per the scheme of studies of the Board.
The main objective is to introduce Geospatial Practices at secondary level for the growing need of GIS in
the country.
The specific objectives of the course are:
1. To build geospatial skills in students to create Geodatabase and mapping.
2. To provide practical understanding of Geospatial technology which includes Remote sensing,
Photogrammetric and Geographic Information System.
3. To provide latest knowledge on GIS Architecture, Geospatial Database and Geospatial Analysis.
4. To provide unique platform and opportunities to get involved in the process of the projects and
5. The curriculum has been designed by eminent experts from relevant industries in the field. The basic
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academic ingredients required to attain this quality are incorporated in the syllabus. The textual material
has been prepared by subject experts drawn from different fields and published by the CBSE.
6. The course will have the following subjects at classes XI & XII
Class XI Geospatial technology I (Code No. 740)
Class XII Geospatial Technology II (Code No. 740)
On completion of this course students can create maps, geospatial databases and integrate this information
for various applications like Navigation, Urban Planning, Administrative planning and Web GIS.
7. The Board will undertake training of teachers both for theory and practical in collaboration with Rolta
India Limited, Mumbai. However, the Qualification of the teacher to teach the subject are-
a) Full Time Teacher
b) Part Time Teachers (Drawn from the industry/relevant fields)
Full Time Teachers
a) Essential
Post Graduates with Science/Maths/Geography/Computer Sciences/IT
b) Desirable
Bachelor of Education or teaching degree from recognized University/Institution
Having knowledge of GIS and Remote Sensing.
Part Time teachers
Practical Trainers duly trained by organizations dealing in Geospatial Practices. Or trainers should
be from Rolta with minimum of 2 years experience in the field.
8. The course can be started in Class XI from the academic year 2011-12.
9. Infrastructure requirement: - The school should have sufficient computers with Software (Image
processing SW and GIS SW for Class XI), internet facility to introduce this course. However, the
selected schools offering such course will be provided the relevant software i.e. (Geometrica) free of
cost by Rolta India Limited, Mumbai.
Lab Setup for Image Processing, GIS & Digital Photogrammetric
1. Computer System Configuration
Hard Disk Capacity : 160 GB
Graphic Card: NVIDIA quadro FX 4500
221 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Processor Speed : 3GHz
Pentium 4
OS Windows XP
2. Hardware Configuration
IBM 19 CRT Monitors
LAN connection
Mouse : 2D Mouse.
3. Software required
R Imager Image Processing Software
R GIS GIS Software
R Mapper Photogrammetric Software
R GSF Geospatial Fusion Web GIS
4. Data Sets
Digital Images : IRS LISS III P6, IRS P, SPOT, IKONOS, Quick Bird, Carto SAT (15 15) Archival
Scanned Top sheets covering the same area in digital images on 1:50,000 scale.
Satellite images : Hard copy of IRS P6 LISS III & PAN, SPOT and scanned Top sheets covering the
same area in digital images
Analog Stereo Pair of Aerial Photographs (23 x 23 inches) Coloured and scanned Top sheets covering
the same area in digital images
Digital Stereo Pair IKONOS, Quick Bird, Carto SAT III and scanned Top sheets covering the same
area in digital images
Earth Globe, 3D Physiographic Map of India
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Indias hotel industries is the second largest in the Asia-Pacific region. It is expected that hospitality industry
in India is projected to grow at a rate of 8.8 per cent during 2007-16, placing India as the second-fastest growing
tourism market in the world. The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast
becoming a major global destination. Indias http://www.economywatch.com/businessandeconomy/
tourismindustry.html travel and tourism industry is one of the most profitable industries in the country, and also
credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange.
India offers diverse opportunities for tourism. Over 5 million foreign tourists come to India every year. By
comparison, domestic tourism is significantly greater. Recent statistics reveal that India is likely to witness a
further increase in both domestic and international tourist strength. Annual demand for trained manpower in
hotels & restaurants is approximately 2.03 lakh per year. Huge expansions are envisaged in the fast food/caf
segment as well as the 1 to 3 star budget hotels.
Keeping in view the acute shortage of trained professionals and the emphasis of Government of India on
development of employability skills, the CBSE has decided to launch two vocational packages under Hospitality
and Tourism Sector and the packages are 1. Food Production 2. Food and Beverage Services.
The new course will consist of two vocational subjects each in classes XI and XII. Besides these two
vocational subjects students will have to take one language and two academic elective subjects relevant to
the field or students can take two languages and one academic elective besides two vocational subjects. The
students can also opt for additional sixth subject which can either be a language or an academic elective
1. The primary objective of the course is to develop practical employability skills in Hospitality and
Tourism Sector.
2. The details of two vocational packages are :-
1) Food Production I Vocational Subject (Code No. 734)
2) Food Production II Vocational Subject (Code No. 735)
3) Language I
4) Language II or Economics (030) or Business Studies (054) or Entrepreneurship (066)
5) Any other Academic Elective
6) Additional (Optional)
223 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Class XII
1) Food Production III Vocational Subject (Code No. 734)
2) Food Production IV Vocational Subject (Code No. 735)
3) Language I
4) Language II or Economics (030) or Business Studies (054) or Entrepreneurship (066)
5) Any other Academic Elective
6) Additional (Optional)
1) Food Service I Vocational Subject (Code No. 736)
2) Beverage Service Vocational Subject (Code No. 737)
3) Language I
4) Language II or Economics (030) or Business Studies (054) or Entrepreneurship (066)
5) Any other Academic Elective
6) Additional (Optional)
Class XII
1) Food Service II Vocational Subject (Code No. 736)
2) Food and Beverage: Cost and Control. Vocational Subject (Code No. 737)
3) Language I
4) Language II or Economics (030) or Business Studies (054) or Entrepreneurship (066)
5) Any other Academic Elective
6) Additional (Optional)
3. The vertical mobility for students pursuing higher education has been incorporated with the provision
of CBSE academic subjects including additional subject along with vocational subjects.
4. The curriculum and textual material has been prepared by subject experts from relevant industries in the
5. The basic academic ingredients required to attain the quality are incorporated in the syllabus.
6. Infrastructure required: - 3,000 sq. ft. constructed area for establishing laboratories.
7. The students passing out with this course will be awarded joint certificate by Central Board of Secondary
Education (CBSE) and National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT)
under Ministry of Tourism which will be value addition to the course.
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8. The students of this course will have an added advantage in entrance examination for graduate courses
in Hotel Management in the Institutes of Hotel Management in the country.
9. The nearest IHM will be mentor institution to help the school opting this course
10. The students passing out with this course will have potential employment opportunities in different
hotels and other concerned organisations.
11. Initially the qualified teachers to teach this course may be selected from IHM campus with the consultation
Successful students of the two vocational streams, who wish to make career in hospitality, would be able to
find ready employment in this sector at skill level. The National Council for Hotel Management, which is the
professional body for the joint certification, has national as well as international recognition and is synonymous
with imparting quality hospitality education through its institutes of hotel management. Vocational students of
CBSE stand to gain through this joint program with the vast array of jobs.
225 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Mass Media Studies and Media Production is one of such fields which is attracting a lot of young people
these days because of such interesting career options in the fields, like various kinds of Media News Papers,
Magazines, Video, Television, Advertisement and Public relations etc.
The Board has started this new package on Mass Media Studies and Media Production as an academic
elective as well as vocational package in collaboration with Whistling Woods International Limited (WWIL),
Mumbai for technical support and teachers training.
The new course will consist of two vocational subjects each in classes XI and XII. Besides these two
vocational subjects students will have to take one language and two academic elective subjects relevant to
the field or students can take two languages and one academic elective besides two vocational subjects. The
students can also opt for additional sixth subject which can either be a language or an academic elective
Salient Features of the Course
1. The primary objective of the course is to develop employability skills among the students in the field of
(Film & Media).
2. The details of two vocational packages are
Class XI
a. Understanding the Evolution and Forms of Mass MediaI
b. The Creative and Commercial Process in Mass MediaI
Class XII
a. Understanding the Evolution and Forms of Mass MediaII
b. The Creative and Commercial Process in Mass MediaII
3. Besides these two vocational subjects, students will have to take one language and two academic electives
subjects such as Multi Media and Web Technology (067) or Fashion Studies (053) or Entrepreneurship
(066) or any other academic elective of the Board.
4. Students can also opt for additional six subjects such as Fine Art or Music or Dance or any other
5. The vertical mobility for students pursuing higher education has been incorporated with the provision
of CBSE academic subjects including additional subject along with vocational subjects.
6. The curriculum and textual material has been prepared by subject experts from relevant industries in the
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7. The basic academic ingredients required to attain the quality are incorporated in the syllabus.
8. Infrastructure required:
a. Computers an ideal ratio of 1 Computer for every 5 Students, the specifications can be :
PCs or i Macs with a minimum of 2 GB RAM and 200 GB HDD with dual core processors.
Appropriate editing / sound softwares most of which are freely available.
b. The computers, ideally, should be on a UPS or a backup power so as to not damage them in case
of power failures.
c. Handicams/Hand-held video cameras with a ideal ratio of 1:10 (1 camera for every 10 students.).
d. A screening room equipped with a television set or projector and speakers for playback of video
OR screening images through a computer.
9. The students passing out with this course will be awarded joint certificate by Central Board of Secondary
Education (CBSE) and Whistling Woods International, Mumbai.
10. The students passing out with this course will have potential employment opportunities in different
Medias, News Papers, Magazines, Video, Television, Advertisement and Public relations etc.
Successful students of the vocational stream, who wish to make career in media and journalism would be
able to find ready employment in this sector at skill level. The Whistling Woods International, Mumbai which
is the professional body for the joint certification, has national as well as international recognition and is
synonymous with imparting quality media education through its esteemed institution. Vocational students of
CBSE stand to gain through this joint program with the vast array of jobs.
227 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
17,Rouse Avenue, New Delhi-110002
Introduction of competency based vocational Courses-2011
(Geospatial Technology, Food Production, Food and Beverage Services,
Mass Media Studies and Media Production)
1. Name of the Course applied for : ................................................................................
2. Name of the school (complete address) : ................................................................................
3. Name of the Principal : ................................................................................
Phone No. : ................................................................................
Mobile No. : ................................................................................
Email : ................................................................................
4. Infrastructure
No. of Students : ................................................................................
No. of teachers : ................................................................................
Student-teacher ratio : ................................................................................
No of classrooms : ................................................................................
Books in Library : ................................................................................
Total computers in computer labs : ................................................................................
Specification of Computers specifically for
Geospatial Practices ................................................................................
Details of constructed area for : ................................................................................
establishing laboratories for Hospitality and
Tourism Courses
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5. Teachers who will be taking up this course with their qualifications:
Name : ................................................................................
Qualification with specialization, if any : ................................................................................
Phone No : ................................................................................
Mobile No : ................................................................................
Email : ................................................................................
Note :
1. The above document may be mailed to Sh. Shashi Bhushan, Director (Edusat) at
cbse.edusat@rediffmail.com with CC to Sh. S. K. Jena, Asstt. Education Officer (Voc & Edusat) at
2. For any further query you can contact at 011-23220153, 23231067.
3. The completed form in all respects may be sent to the following address latest by 5th March 2011.
Sh. S. K. Jena,
Asstt. Education Officer,
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Shiksha Sadan,
17, Rouse Avenue
New Delhi 110002
Signature & Seal of the Principal:
229 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
|| ==||== i:-n|-+z
Gram: CENBOSEC,Delhi-92
Email: cbsedli@nda.vsnl.net.in
Website: www.cbse.nic.in
= -: |= =|=i== i. |-|| || = -: |= =|=i== i. |-|| || = -: |= =|=i== i. |-|| || = -: |= =|=i== i. |-|| || = -: |= =|=i== i. |-|| ||
(-||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = == -||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = == -||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = == -||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = == -||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = ==)
i. |-|| =:=, :, :-=i== = |=n -| |, |== )+ -= , i:-n|-+++z
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi-110002.
AEO (L)/Japanese/In Ser Trg/2011 February 21, 2011
Circular No 11/2011
Subject: Introduction of Japanese Language in class XI (Code No 192) from the academic year 2011-12.
Dear Principal,
The CBSE introduced Japanese language in class VI in the academic year 2006-07 and afterwards extended
it in the next higher class in each subsequent year. The first batch of students will be passing out class X in the
year 2011.Therefore in pursuance of policy of expanding the choice of subjects for students, particularly in
nonconventional spheres of knowledge and skills that have bright employment prospects, the Board has decided
to extend Japanese Language as an optional elective under academic subjects at senior secondary level from
April 2011. It can be offered by students as one of the four elective subjects and also as an additional elective
subject at +2 stage in combination with any of the subjects that are already available in the Scheme of Studies
of the Board.
The textbook has been prepared and are available. Teacher-training programme is also proposed to be held
very shortly in collaboration with the Japan Foundation, New Delhi. In case you plan to introduce Japanese
language in classes XI-XII (Subject Code 194) from April 2011, you are requested to apply immediately for
online subject affiliation and deposit affiliation fee in the form of Bank Draft as per the details given in the e-
affiliation section of our website www.cbse.nic.in.
The confirmation of submission of online application along with the fee in the form of Bank Draft drawn in
favor of The Secretary, CBSE may be sent to: Deputy Secretary, (Affiliation), Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community
Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092 with a copy to Mr. A H Ahmed, Assistant Education Officer, Shiksha
Sadan,17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi 110002.E Mail: alhilal.cbse@nic.in
This will facilitate the necessary approval/ sanction for Senior Secondary Certificate Examination under
All India Scheme w.e.f 2011-12 session.
Yours sincerely,
(Shashi Bhushan)
Director (Academic)
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
(An autonomous Organisation under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
CBSE/Sports/2011-2012/Cir.No.18 09.03.2011
All the Head of Schools
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction of Vocational Course in Sports - reg.
Since long a need has been felt that a Vocational Course in Sports is introduced at +2 level that may prepare
the students for the future Professional Courses in Sports and may provide them the job opportunities after
passing out from the school system. Also, such course will develop more awareness for the Sports in the country.
Keeping in view the above, I am pleased to inform you that the Board proposes to introduce Body Science
Fitness, Aerobics & Health a Vocational Course in Sports.
Information in regard to the proposed course is as under:
1. The schools who will apply for the above course will be required to begin the class at +1 level.
2. The schools opting for the course should have a Gym as minimum infrastructure within the school
premises; or should have such facility nearby where they tie up for practical lessons.
3. The schools should have a permanent Post Graduate Teacher in Physical Education on roll.
4. The Physical Education Teacher of the school will have to under go two orientation programs each of
15 days duration. The first program will be held before the commencement of class XI and the second
before the commencement of class XII.
5. The students that opt for the subject will have to undergo 30 days of Internship Training in the Gym
designated/recognised by the Board and to be held during the summer vacation falling in between class
The Board is discussing the issue with various universities/organisations for the Joint Certification of the
It is further informed that the content of the course is ready and will be posted soon on the Boards web site.
The Text Book too will be published by the Board.
Once the above course is introduced successfully; the Board proposes to introduce yet another vocational
course in Sports, titled Sports Journalism.
You will soon be receiving another circular that will have information in detail as to how to apply for the
above course.
Best wishes
Veera Gupta
231 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
|| ==||== i:-n|-+z
Gram: CENBOSEC,Delhi-92
Email: cbsedli@nda.vsnl.net.in
Website: www.cbse.nic.in
= -: |= =|=i== i |-|| || = -: |= =|=i== i |-|| || = -: |= =|=i== i |-|| || = -: |= =|=i== i |-|| || = -: |= =|=i== i |-|| ||
(-||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = ==) (-||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = ==) (-||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = ==) (-||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = ==) (-||=+ = =|= i+=|= = ||n=, -||- ==|, = |= )= =+|=- = ==)
i. |-|| =:=, :, :-=i== = |=n -| |, |== )+ -= , i:-n|-+++z i. |-|| =:=, :, :-=i== = |=n -| |, |== )+ -= , i:-n|-+++z i. |-|| =:=, :, :-=i== = |=n -| |, |== )+ -= , i:-n|-+++z i. |-|| =:=, :, :-=i== = |=n -| |, |== )+ -= , i:-n|-+++z i. |-|| =:=, :, :-=i== = |=n -| |, |== )+ -= , i:-n|-+++z
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi-110002.
CBSE/ACAD/MMS/2011 24.3.2011
Cir No. 22/2011
To all the
Senior Secondary Schools affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction of the academic elective Mass Media Studies at Senior Secondary level.
Dear Principal,
You may be aware that in pursuance of policy of expanding the choice of subjects for students, particularly
in non-conventional spheres of knowledge and skills that have bright employment prospects, the Central Board
of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced Mass Media Studies an academic elective at senior secondary
level from academic year 2010-11 on pilot basis in some selected schools. The programme is in collaboration
and joint certification with a reputed institute in Media industry.
The Mass Media Studies, an academic elective can be offered by students as one of the four elective subjects
and also as an additional elective subject at +2 stage in combination with any of the subjects that are already
available in the Scheme of Studies of the Board.
Salient features of the Elective
Introduction to the comprehensive understanding of the five principal mass media viz. Film, TV, Print,
Radio and Internet.
Introduction to the Evolution of Mass Media
To understand how the content of mass media shapes our thoughts, vision, ethics and action.
Analysis of the ways in which content is created in media
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To understand creative and technical processes involved in filmmaking, television production, newsprint,
radio and the internet.
Introduction to the organization of media and entertainment industries- the financial and commercial
To delineate the roles and responsibilities of creative, technical and administrative people in media
To familiarize with the career options in media and entertainment industry.
To analyze the vital importance of mass media in the functioning of a secular, liberal, democracies like
To understand the Convergence of mass media as the futuristic trend opening up more and more exciting
career and creative opportunities.
Infrastructure Requirements in Schools
Computers - an ideal ratio of 1 computer for every 5 students, with the following specifications:
- PCs or iMacs (latest those purchased in 2009) with a minimum of 1GB RAM and 100 GB HDD
with dual/quad core processors OR MacIntel processors (in the case of iMacs)
- Appropriate editing / sound softwares. These will be freely available softwares, which WWI will
select & recommend to the schools. These should be available at no cost or a minimal cost, if at
The computers, ideally, should be on a UPS or a backup power so as to not damage them in case of
power failures
Handycams / Hand-held video cameras (Sony HC 96 or equivalent) with an ideal ratio of 1:10 (1
camera for every 10 students)
A screening room equipped with a television set or projector and speakers for playback of video OR
screening images through a computer.
Qualification for Faculty
An M. A. in mass communication preferably with B.Ed.
The Board would wish to extend the option to all the Senior Secondary Schools desirous to introduce this
new elective from the academic session 2011-12 in classes XI-XII (Subject Code 072) from April 2011.Schools
interested are requested to apply immediately for online subject affiliation and deposit affiliation fee in the form
of Bank Draft as per the details given in the e-affiliation section of our website www.cbse.nic.in.
The confirmation of submission of online application along with the fee in the form of Bank Draft drawn in
favor of The Secretary, CBSE may be sent to: Deputy Secretary, (Affiliation), Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community
Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092 with a copy to Mr. A H Ahmed, Assistant Education Officer, Shiksha
Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, Delhi 110002.E Mail: alhilal.cbse@nic.in. This will facilitate
the necessary approval/ sanction for Senior Secondary Certificate Examination under All India Scheme w.e.f
2012-13 session.
233 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
The Board is going to organize a five day training programme for teachers from all the schools offering this
elective in the third week of May 2011 at Mumbai. The details regarding fee and exact dates of the programme
will be communicated to schools registered for this elective.
For further enquiries you may revert to the undersigned at sadhanap.cbse@nic.in or call on telephone no.
011-23234324, 23237780 or Mr. A H Ahmed, Assistant Education Officer at aeoasedof@gmail.com or call on
Yours sincerely,
(Vineet Joshi)
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
(An autonomous Organisation under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Govt. of India)
Tel. 011-22050061
CBSE/SPORTS/2011-2012/Cir. 23 17.03.2011
All the Principals of
Independent Category of Schools
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Physical Education and Discipline Specific Orientation Programs June 2011.
I am pleased to inform you that the Board proposes to organise the following Orientation Programs for the
Physical Education Teachers of the Independent Category of Schools.
* Physical Education Orientation Program in association with the LNUPE Gwalior:
Dates: 15 to 30 June 2011 (15 Days)
Venue: LNUPE Gwalior
Course Fee: Rs 8500.00 (Rupees Eight Thousand Five Hundred) Includes Course Fee; Lodging; Boarding
and Study Material
Maximum 100 teachers, on first-cum-first basis, would be enrolled for the above program. The schools that
are interested in sending their teachers for the above program shall forward their request in writing along with
the name of the teacher, school name & address, e-mail & telephone numbers and the course fee draft favouring
Registrar, LNUPE Gwalior and payable at Gwalior, so as to reach undersigned latest by 15 May 2011. The
teachers that will be enrolled for the program will be informed through e-mail. They must report at LNUPE
Gwalior on 14 June and will be permitted to leave after 05.00 pm on 30 June 2011.
* Discipline Specific Orientation Programs in Athletics; Badminton; Basketball; Football; Table Tennis
& Volleyball in association with AFI; BAI; BFI; AIFF; TTFI & VFI:
Dates: 06 11 June 2011 (06 Days)
Venue: Ganga International School, New Delhi
Course Fee: Rs 6000.00 (Rupees Six Thousand) Includes Course Fee; Lodging; Boarding and Study Material
235 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Min. 25 & max. 50 teachers, on first-cum-first basis, would be enrolled for each of the above discipline/
program. The program will cover aspects like Rules & Regulations; Officiating; Coaching & Laying of play
field. The schools that are interested in sending their teachers for any of the above program, shall forward their
request in writing along with the name of the teacher, school name & address, e-mail & telephone numbers and
the course fee draft favouring Pawan Ganga Educational Society and payable at Delhi, so as to reach
undersigned latest by 05 May 2011. The teachers that will be enrolled for the program will be informed through
e-mail. They must report at the venue on 05 June and will be permitted to leave after 05.00 pm on 11 June 2011.
The program, in which the minimum required number of participants will not enrol, will not be held.
The Board and LNUPE/Federation shall award the certificate to all the candidates who successfully complete
the program.
Best wishes,
Veera Gupta
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
(An autonomous Organisation under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Govt. of India)
Tel. 011-22050061
CBSE/SPORTS/2011-2012/Cir.49 18.08.2011
All the Principals of
Independent Category of Schools
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: CBSE Inter School Sports & Games Competitions reg..
I am pleased to inform you that the CBSE Inter School Sports & Games Competition Calendar 2011-12 and
related information such as Rules etc has already been uploaded on the Boards web site www.cbse.nic.in.
1. Please download the Sports Calendar and other details.
2. Read the Guidelines & Rules carefully before Organizing/Participation.
3. Carrom has been included as one of the discipline for competition.
4. Send your participation consent to the respective Organizing School without waiting for any formal
invitation for participation.
5. Incomplete Eligibility Performa/Entry Form in any respect is liable for disqualification of the Team/
6. Whatsoever the reason may be, on the spot entry and late entry will not be accepted. Further, postal
delay will not be considered as an excuse for accepting late entry.
7. No player will be permitted to participate at any of the levels without original documents. All are
advised to carry with them the Original Date of Birth Certificate; Identity Card in the prescribed CBSE
format and class X certificate issued by the Board.
8. Besides general rules; refer the rules of the discipline/specific sport/game in which you wish to participate.
9. No team shall be accompanied by more than two officials.
10. A copy of the CBSE Sports Rules & Regulations and Calendar may be forwarded to the Department of
Physical Education/Physical Education Teacher of the school for information.
237 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
11. Sports Fee:
All the Independent Category of Schools Affiliated to the Board and situated in India must remit Rs
5000.00 per year as mandatory Annual Sports Fee irrespective of the fact whether a particular school
takes part or not in any of the tournament.
The schools of CBSE Ajmer Region; Allahabad Region; Bhubaneswar Region; Chennai Region;
Guwahati Region, Panchkula Region & Patna Region must remit the Annual Sports Fee draft favoring
Secretary, CBSE with the respective CBSE Regional Office.
The schools of CBSE Delhi Region shall remit the Annual Sports Fee draft/cheque with the AEO
(Sports) CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092.
The schools situated in the Gulf and in other countries need not remit sports fee to the Board.
For any query in regard to Sports & Games; you may contact the AEO (Sports) CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi-
Best wishes,
Veera Gupta
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Website: www.cbse.nic.in 011-23220153
(An autonomous Organisation under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
Shiksha Sadan, 17, Institutional Area, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi-110002
CBSE/ EO (COM.)/CIRCULAR/ 2011 31st March, 2011
Circular No.27/11
Subject: Introduction of e-Typewriting-English/Hindi from the academic ses-
sion 2011-12 of Class IX and 2012-13 of Class X
Dear Principal,
As you are aware that the CBSE offers Typewriting- English/Hindi (Code No. 354) as an additional subject
under Commerce Group at Secondary level. With the purpose to make it more functional to meet the increasing
use of computers in government and private offices, the Board has decided to replace the existing course of
Typewriting- English/Hindi with the course in e-Typewriting (Electronic Typewriting)- English and Hindi from
the academic session 2011-12 of Class IX and 2012-13 of Class X.
The detailed syllabus and the scheme of examination have been given as Annexure 1. Kindly bring this to
the notice of concerned teachers & students.
Yours Faithfully,
Shashi Bhushan
Director (Academic)
Annexure 1: Syllabus of e-Typewriting- English/Hindi
239 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Annexure 1
Syllabus of e-Typewriting- English/Hindi (Code No. 354)
Class IX-Class X
With the advent of computers and internet connectivity, the information revolution has affected all facets of
life. Information plays a vital role in the conduct of business to initiate and maintain continuous contact with
customers/clients, suppliers, investors, govt. agencies, banks, insurance companies etc, and in order to exchange
information, letters, memos, notices, circulars, reports etc. are written regularly. As the information is mostly
fed directly through a keyboard, keyboard & word processing skills are of utmost importance for efficient and
effective information exchange.
In this context, e-typewriting is a primary skill in order to efficiently handle information. CBSE has decided
to meet this challenge in the emerging scenario in India which demands competence in terms of speed, accuracy
and information management skills. The conventional course in typewriting is renamed as e-Typewriting i.e.
Electronic Typewriting. Every care is being taken that the candidate is able to perform well in English along
with elementary hands on skill in Hindi as well through INSCRIPT keyboarding, which facilitates extension to
any other Indian language. Similarly, e-typewriting in Hindi would require some basic hands on skills in English
as well.
The students of e-typewriting course are also encouraged to acquire some basic Internet skills which will
only be for practice and not to be tested. It is expected that after doing this course the students will be able to get
jobs in the government and private offices, micro, small & medium enterprises in organized and unorganized
sectors, large industrial units, call centers, publishing houses, banks, insurance corporation offices and data
centers in educational institutions etc. The students can get self-employment by taking up job works from the
nearby offices, schools, colleges and universities. Besides opening up job opportunities, the Course also helps
in giving a competitive edge to the students in higher studies.
Learning Objectives of e-Typewriting course
After completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Use proper keyboarding techniques.
2. Improve speed and accuracy while keyboarding.
3. Create and edit a variety of documents using word processor and spreadsheet software.
4. Identify and correct common typing errors.
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
This paper has been divided in two parts i.e. Theory and Practical. The division of marks of Theory and
Practical is as given below:
Theory 30 Marks
Practical 70 Marks
Total 100 Marks
1. As per CCE guidelines the syllabus for e-Typewriting - English/Hindi for classes IX & X has been
divided term wise.
2. The units specified for each term shall be assessed through both Formative and Summative Assessments.
3. In each term, there will be two Formative Assessments with each carrying a 10% weightage.
4. The Summative Assessment in the first term and second term will carry 30% weightage for each term.
5. In both Summative Assessments I and II, there will be one Theory Paper of 30 Marks of 2 hours duration
and one Practical Paper of 70 Marks of 1 hour duration.
6. The Formative Assessments 1&2 for the first Term and Formative Assessments 3 and 4 for the second
term will include assignments, observation, Viva/Oral Test and Practical.
Design of a Theory Question Paper
Class IX
Term I
Unit Title of the Unit Marks
1. Introduction to e-Typewriting 10
2. Keyboard Layout (QWERTY & INSCRIPT) 10
3. Touch Typewriting 10
Total 30
Term II
Unit Title of the Unit Marks
4. Introduction to Word Processing :
4.1 Creating, Saving and Opening a document in a Word Processor. 5
4.2 Text styles (Bold, Italic, and Underline); selecting font faces, size and color. 10
4.3 Text alignment, automatic page numbering, cut-copy-paste, Undo and Redo. 10
4.4 Preview & printing a document 5
Total 30
241 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Class IX
Term I
Theory Maximum Marks: 30
1. Introduction to e-Typewriting: 10 Marks
1.1 What is e-Typewriting, Importance of learning e-Typewriting, Types of Keyboards Physical
Keyboard & Virtual Keyboard, Wireless & Wired Keyboard, Standard and Multimedia Keyboard.
2.1 Starting and shutting down a Computer and Printer: Steps to switch on and switch off a computer;
Difference between Turn Off, Stand By, Hibernate, and Restart.
2. Keyboard Layout (QWERTY & INSCRIPT) 10 Marks
2.1 QWERTY Keyboard Layout: General Keys, Function Keys, Lock Keys, Lock Indicators (Lights),
Cursor Control Keys, Numeric Keys, Numeric Keypad.
2.2 INSCRIPT Keyboard Layout: Importance of INSCRIPT Keyboard, Concept of using standard
QWERTY keyboard with INSCRIPT overlay. (Availability of INSCRIPT keyboard layouts at
http://tdil.mit.gov.in/isciichart.pdf) .
3. Touch Typewriting 10 Marks
3.1 Ergonomics: Layout, Correct sitting posture, Position of Keyboard, Mouse and Monitor.
3.2 Methods of Typewriting:
Touch Method of Typewriting
Sight Method of Typewriting
(Advantages and disadvantages of both the methods)
3.3 Positioning of fingers on the Keyboard according to touch method of Typewriting.
3.4 Use of Touch Typing Tutor Software (Online and Downloadable; Freeware and Open Source
Software) for practice.
3.5 Importance of Speed And Accuracy.
Class IX
Term II
Maximum Marks: 30
4. Introduction to Word Processing
4.1 Creating, Saving and Opening a document in a Word Processor 5 Marks
4.2 Text styles (Bold, Italic, and Underline); Selecting Font Faces, Size and Color. 10 Marks
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
4.3 Text Alignment, Automatic Page Numbering, Cut-Copy-Paste, Undo and Redo. 10 Marks
4.4 Preview & Printing a document 5 Marks
Note: Corresponding Keyboard shortcuts may also be used. Those will also be tested.
Term I
Unit Title of the Unit Marks
1. Word Processing Features:
1.1 Page-Setting (Size, Orientation and Margins); Setting Line Spacing &
1.1 Paragraph Spacing. 6
1.2 Inserting Special Characters and Symbols; Creating Bulleted & Numbered
1.2 List; Inserting Pictures & Using Find & Replace. 9
1.3 Creating a Table and Entering Data in it. 3
1.4 Using Superscript & Subscript; Using Spell Check and Grammar Check;
1.4 Adding Header and Footer. 9
1.5 Using Mail Merge 3
Total 30
Term II
Unit Title of the Unit Marks
2. Introduction to Spreadsheet 10
3. Speed and Accuracy Calculation 10
4. Proof Reading and Correcting a Proof-Read Document 10
Total 30
Class X
Term I
Theory Maximum Marks: 30
1. Word Processing Features
1.1 Page-Setting (Size, Orientation and Margins); Setting 6 Marks
Line Spacing & Paragraph Spacing.
243 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
1.2 Inserting Special Characters and Symbols; Creating Bulleted & Numbered List;
Inserting Pictures & Using Find & Replace. 9 Marks.
1.3 Creating a Table and Entering Data in it. 3 Marks.
1.4 Using Superscript & Subscript; Using Spell Check and Grammar Check;
Adding Header and Footer. 9 Mark
1.5 Using Mail-Merge. 3 Marks
Note: Corresponding Keyboard Shortcuts may be used. These will also be tested.
Class X
Term II
Theory Maximum Marks: 30
2. Introduction to Spreadsheet 10 Marks
- Creating, Saving & Opening a Spreadsheet
- Selecting Cells and Ranges
- Entering Numbers & Text in Spreadsheet
- Simple Arithmetic Operations (+, -, *, /)
- Copying Data from Spreadsheet into a Word Processing Document
Note: Corresponding Keyboard shortcuts may also be used.
These will also be tested.
3. Typewriting Speed and Accuracy Calculation 10 Marks
- Tips for improving speed and accuracy
- Detection of Errors
- Penalty for Errors committed
- Calculation of Gross (Running) Speed
- Calculation of Net (Accurate) Speed
4. Proof Reading and Typing a Proof-Read Document 10 Marks
- Proof Reading & its importance
- Commonly used Proof Correction Signs
- Precautions in Proof Correction
- Typing a Proof Read Document
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Term I Practical
1. Keyboard Operations:
a) Setting fingers on the Keyboard and practicing each row of the Keyboard. (Home, Upper, Bottom,
and Number Rows)
b) Practicing Numeric Keypad
c) Using Touch Typing Tutor Software for Practice.
Class IX
Term II
2. Document preparation (Simple letter): Documents like simple letters, paragraphs are required to be
created with the following features:
a) Word Processing Text Styles (B,I,U)
b) Selecting Font, Size and Color.
c) Text alignment,
d) Automatic Page Numbering,
e) Cut-Copy-Paste.
f) Word-Count.
3. Preview and printing of Documents
4. Common Errors and Remedial Practices
a) Common errors committed while typing
b) Accessing a dictionary
c) Using Spell Check and Grammar Check.
d) Use of Typing Tutor Software
e) Computer Assisted Typing Tests to assess typing performance
Note: Corresponding Keyboard shortcuts may also be practiced. These will be tested.
Term I Practical
1. Document preparation with advanced features
a) Setting Line Spacing & Paragraph Spacing
b) Adding Header and Footer
245 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
c) Using Spell Check and Grammar Check
d) Inserting Special Characters and Symbols
e) Creating Bulleted & Numbered list
f) Inserting Pictures
g) Using Find & replace
h) Using Superscript & Subscript
i) Page-Setting (Size, Orientation and Margins)
j) Creating a Table and Entering Data
k) Using Mail-Merge.
Note: Corresponding Keyboard shortcuts may also be practiced. These will be tested.
Class X
Term II Practical
2. Creating a Spreadsheet
a) Creating, Saving & Opening a Spreadsheet
b) Selecting Cells and Ranges
c) Entering Numbers & Text in Spreadsheet
d) Simple Arithmetic Operations (+, -, *, /)
3. Copying Data from Spreadsheet into a Word Processing Document
Note: Corresponding Keyboard shortcuts may also be practiced. These will be tested.
4. Accuracy and Speed Calculation
a) Detection of Errors
b) Calculation of Gross (Running) Speed
c) Calculation of Net (Accurate) Speed
d) Assignment of Marks
5. Proof-Reading of Documents
6. Typing Proof-Read Documents
=-:|= =|=i== i.|-|| =|, i:-n|
Design of a Practical Question Paper
There is no pre-set question paper provided by CBSE for conduct of practical examination. Detailed
instructions on distribution of marks and conduct of practical examination have been provided, on the basis of
syllabus. The examiner is advised to set the question paper according to the prescribed curriculum and distribution
of marks.
It is important to note that the candidate in English Typewriting should have elementary typewriting
skill in Hindi Typewriting and vice versa. For this, along with typing speed test of English/Hindi
Typewriting, a minimum 10% speed will be tested for Hindi/English Typewriting respectively using virtual/
physical keyboard.
Term I
(A) HANDS ON EXPERIENCE Maximum Marks: 70
For e-Typewriting-English
A document is required to be created for testing the following areas:
i. Typing Speed Test (English) 25 Marks
(A document of 100 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 10 words per minute).
ii. Typing Speed Test (Hindi) 5 Marks
(A test of expected minimum speed of 1 word per minute)
iii. Typing Accuracy Test 30 Marks
(A test of 10 minutes duration)
For e-Typewriting-Hindi
A document is required to be created for testing the following areas:
i. Typing Speed Test (Hindi) 25 Marks
(A document of 75 words is to be typed and tested of 5 minutes duration with speed of minimum 5
words per minute)
ii. Typing Speed Test (English) 5 Marks
(A test of 1 word per minute)
iii. Typing Accuracy Test 30 marks
(A test of 10 minutes duration)
247 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
(B) Assignment File* 10 Marks
Total Marks: 70
Class IX
Term II
(A) HANDS ON EXPERIENCE Maximum Marks: 70 Marks
A document is required to be created for testing the following areas:
a) Creating, Saving and Opening a document,
b) Word Processing Text styles (B,I,U)
c) Selecting Font Face, Size and Color.
d) Text Alignment, Page Numbering, Cut-Copy-Paste.
e) Preview & Printing Document
For e-Typewriting-English
i. Typing Speed Test (English) 25 Marks
(A Document of 150 words to be typed and tested of 10 minutes duration with expected minimum speed
of 15 words per minute)
ii. Typing Speed Test (Hindi) 5 Marks
(A test of expected minimum speed of 2 words per minute)
iii. Typing Accuracy Test 30 Marks
(A test of 10 minutes duration)
For e-Typewriting-Hindi
i. Typing Speed Test (Hindi) 25 Marks
(A document of 125 words is to be typed and tested of 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 10 words per minute)
ii. Typing Speed Test (English) 5 Marks
(A Test of expected minimum speed of 1 word per minute)
iii. Typing Accuracy Test 30 Marks
(A test of 10 minutes duration)
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(B) Assignment File* 10 Marks
Total Marks: 70
Term I
(A) HANDS ON EXPERIENCE Maximum Marks: 70
A document is required to be created for testing the following areas:
i. Word Processing Features 30 Marks
(A document containing at least 10 features of word processor is to be typed) For e-Typewriting (English)
ii. Typing Speed and Accuracy Test (English) 25 Marks
(A document of 200 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 20 words/minute)
iii. Typing Speed and Accuracy Test Hindi) 5 Marks
(A document of 50 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 2 words/minute)
For e-Typewriting (Hindi)
ii. Typing Speed and Accuracy Test (Hindi) 25 Marks
(A document of 175 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 15 words/minute)
iii. Typing Speed and Accuracy Test(English) 5 Marks
(A document of 50 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 2 words/minute)
(B) Assignment File* 10 Marks
Total Marks: 70
Class X
Term II
(A) HANDS ON EXPERIENCE Maximum Marks: 70
A document is required to be created for testing the following areas:
i. Spreadsheet/Word Processing Features 15 marks
(A document containing at least 10 features of spreadsheet and word processor is to be typed)
249 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
For e-Typewriting (English)
ii. Typing Speed and Accuracy Test (English) 10 marks
(A document of 250 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 30 words/minute)
iii. Typing Speed and Accuracy Test (Hindi) 5 marks
(A document of 50 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 5 words/minute)
iv. Proof Reading 15 marks
(A document containing at least 10 mistakes to be proof-read)
v. Typing a Proof-Read Document 15 marks
(A proof-read document with min. 10 correction symbols is to be typed)
For e-Typewriting (Hindi)
ii. Typing Speed and Accuracy Test(Hindi) 10 marks
(A document of 225 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 25 words/minute)
iii. Typing Speed and Accuracy Test (English) 5 marks
(A document of 50 words is to be typed and tested for 10 minutes duration with expected minimum
speed of 3 words/minute)
iv. Proof Reading 15 marks
(A document containing at least 10 mistakes to be proof-read)
v. Typing a proof-read document 15 marks
(A proof-read document with min. 10 correction symbols is to be corrected)
(B) Assignment File* 10 Marks
Total Marks: 70
* The purpose of Assignment file extends much beyond the formality. The Assignment file should reflect and
measure a students continual improvement in e-Typewriting. An Assignment File must contain one document
per month (in total 3 documents per term). Every month, an initial document without carrying out corrections
is to be kept in the file which will be known as initial document. The same document should be typed by
carrying out corrections, which will be known as final document. Both of these documents must be duly
signed by the Instructor. (Private candidates may put self- attested test documents)
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An analysis report, for each term, may be prepared by each student in the following format with self-assessment:
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final
document document document document document document
An additional analysis report at the end of Second Term may be prepared by each student in the following
format with self-assessment of speed and accuracy:
Term 1 Term 2
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
State your inference about your project report:
These assignments will help the student to know whether s/he is continually improving his/her performance
or not. It will also help the teacher in analyzing the class performance.
To encourage self-assessment by student; it is suggested that marks be allotted only for completion of the
original work without assessing the speed and accuracy reported by the student.
Aasaan-Hindi-Typing-Tutor (free downloadable from many sites)
Speed Tests
http://speedtest.10-fast-fingers.com/gabes typometer (free downloadable from many sites)
Desirable Skills
The students of e-typewriting course are also required to acquire some basic Internet skills which will only be
for practice and not for testing:
Use a web browser.
Conduct a basic search using a search engine.
Formulate Search query-Use NOT, AND, OR operators while searching to optimize search.
Start an Email program.
Understand the structure of an Email address.
Compose and send an Email message.
Send a carbon copy of a message to more than one recipient. (CC, BCC).
Attach a document to a message.
Open an e-mail message.
Send a reply.
Forward an e-mail message.
Delete messages from a mailbox.
Create and maintain lists of Email addresses.
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No. EO (Sc)/Acad/00/Env/122679-125178 Circular No. 16
Dated: 12.6.2001
All the Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board
Subject: Environmental Protection through Eco-Clubs in Schools
Dear Principal,
You are aware that the Central Board of Secondary Education has included large number of concepts related
to protection and conservation of environment in its syllabi of different subjects. Realising the potential of
education as a powerful tool to reshape and re-orient the thinking of individuals, the Board firmly believes that
it has a significant role to play in not only spreading awareness about environmental problems but also inculcating
desired environmental ethics and values in the learners studying in the Schools.
The Board through its circulars to the schools has always emphasized on laying maximum stress on
environrnental conservation tlrough focusing on related concepts included in different subjects. The institutions
have been advised to undertake additional promotional activities like pollution control drive, adoption of trees
and organization of different competitions to further strengthen environmental consciousness and sensitivity in
the learners. It is encouraging to know that a large number of schools in the country have initiated many of such
activities through setting of eco-clubs in the schools. If such a club does not already exist in the school, you
are advised to initiate necessary action in this matter immediately.
In order to further strengthen the concept of eco-clubs in schools, the Board is organizing series of orientation
programmes, for incharge-teachers of Eco-clubs. The nodal officer of respective region will be shortly requesting
you to depute these teachers for the proposed programrnes. The Board is of the firm conviction that collective
and concefted effort in this matter can go in a long way in reshaping the thinking and lifestyles of would-be
Your whole hearted co-operation in the matter is solicited.
Yours faithfully,
253 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
NO.D(A)/PA/Env.Edn/05 1
February, 2005 CIRCULAR NO.08/2005
All the Heads of institutions
affiliated to CBSE
Subject : Introduction of Environmental Education as a compulsory subject
in schools from Classes I to XII Reg
Dear Principal,
The issues of environmental concerns relating to depleting natural sources, eradication of many natural
species, increasing pollution, global warming resulting in ecological imbalances and natural calamities, health
concerns arising out poor wastage management systems and other diverse issues have attracted the attention of
the people worldwide. Educating the people of a nation on the above issues appears to be vital for the sustenance
of the globe in all its grandeur.
It is in this context, the Honble Supreme Court of India has directed all educational agencies in the country
to make environmental education as a compulsory component of the system from the current academic year.
The NCERT has already brought out a curriculum for all classes from I to XII in compliance with the above
directions of the Honble court.
The Board has therefore decided to introduce the environmental education as a compulsory subject for all
classes from I to Secondary and Senior Secondary level from the current academic year. While the Board will
come out with separate specific instructions shortly with regard to the syllabi, curriculum transaction and
evaluation procedures , the schools are advised to take the following initiatives with immediate effect while
planning their curriculum for the next academic year.
1. Environmental education will be a separate compulsory subject in the curriculum.
2. It will enjoy the same status as any other subject prescribed in the school curriculum.
3. The schools shall allot a minimum of two periods per week for the study of the above subject.
4. The schools will also provide adequate opportunities for integration of the environmental concerns
while transacting different disciplines.
5. The environmental sensitivities as reflected in the prescribed curriculum may also be reflected as a part
of the various co-scholastic activities carried out by the school both inside and outside the classrooms.
6. The students shall be evaluated by the schools in this subject as in any other subject and their achievements
may be reflected in the school achievement record in the form of grades.
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7. The schools may avail the benefit and wisdom of the local resources engaged in environmental concerns
to enhance the knowledge and skill inputs of their teachers and students.
The Board will shortly send a copy of the syllabus of the above subject to all the affiliated schools. They
would also be made available in the CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in . The Board will shortly come with an
additional notification regarding introduction of the above subject in classes IX & XI from the ensuing academic
year and the students will be appearing in the Boards examination in Class X & XII in the year 2007.
The cooperation and commitment of schools in effective implementation of the environmental education in
schools will go a long way in bringing about an attitudinal change among the citizens on the relevant issues. It
will further help in saving and cherishing the diverse gifts of nature the country has been bestowed with. The
Board seeks the cooperation of schools in meaningful implementation of the above in the curricular structure.
Yours faithfully,
255 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
D(A)/EVS/2005 Dated: 03.05.2005
Circular No. 24/2005
All the Heads of the
CBSE affiliated schools
Subject: Directives to schools regarding Environmental Education from Class I-VIII.
Dear Principal,
Kindly refer to the circular no: 08/2005 dated lst February, 2005 inviting your attention to the introduction
of Environmental education as a compulsory subject in schools. You are aware that it is being increasingly
realized all over the world that living a harmonious and healthy life on this planet Earth is mans greatest need.
In keeping with this concern the Honble supreme court had directed NCERT to develop a model syllabus of
Environmental Education as a compulsory subject in a graded manner. NCERT has recommended that a value
based action oriented course of Environmental education would lead from knowledge to feeling and finally to
appropriate action. There is a need to develop a graded, action oriented, value based course in Environmental
Education for a1l the classes I levels of schooling in such a way that it addresses the general environment
concerns without adding to the curricular load.
The Central Board of Secondary Education has already forwarded a syllabus of Environmental Education
in schools from classes I-XII which aims at generating among young learners an awareness of and sensitivity to
the total environment in a holistic manner.
The main focus of EE is to expose students to the actual world they live in. They have to be acquainted with
the environment related issues and problems. They must also be able to look at the environment problems and
concerns, analyse, evaluate, draw inferences and equip themselves to resolve them. Thus the objectives of EE
need to focus not only on knowledge but more importantly on generating awareness, developing attitudes,
values and skills and promoting education and action among children at all levels of school education. By
implication learning would not remain limited to the classroom alone but extend much beyond it.
I. Elementary Levels (Classes I & II)
1. Curriculum
In classes I & II, the curriculum for EE can become a part and parcel of language, mathematics and the
Art of Healthy and Prorluctive Living
2. Text Books
There is no need for a separate text book for EE in these classes
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3. Transaction
ln Classes I & II the entire transaction needs to be woven around the childs immdiate environment, and
it must also be built upon the childs inherent curiosity, observation and the ability to corelate at that
age. There need to be numerous activities to enable children to translate awareness into effective
behavioural action.
4. Evaluation
Grading of childrens performance is preferred in assessing the qualitative aspects of the subject. At this
stage no formal evaluation is recommended.
II. Primary level (Classes III-V)
l. Curriculum
The curriculum of EE in standards III to V needs to place a greater emphasis on students carrying out
activities in their local environment and development of habits and values.
2. Text Books
In Classes III to V no separate text books need to be provided. The content and the themes for these
classes has already been detailed in the syllabus. The concepts could be developed fiom the existing
books of environmental sciences in order to usher in enhanced sensitivity to the themes outlined in the
3. Transaction
A greater focus is needed to develop skills, proper habits and positive attitudes towards environment.
Teachers may innovate and design activities suitable to their own surrounding and level of interest of
4. Evaluation
The evaluation practices need to be both informal and formal in Classes III to V. The focus at this stage
would be on assessment of socio/emotional development and behavioural patterns of the learners besides
their cognitive learning. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation using learners profiles and assigning
them grades would be desirable. Periodical assessment may be utilized for diagnosis as well as for
planning remedial measures.
III. Upper Primary Level (Classes V I - VnD
1. Curriculurn
The curriculum of EE at the upper primary level needs to focus on affective and conative components
by providing additional inputs in the form of investigation, project work and co-scholastic activities.
2. Text Books
The information and the level of sensitivity required to be provided may need additional support in the
form of textual or other support materials. The content of EE for various classes has already been
enumerated in the syllabus document. The content needs to be further strengthened in its cognitive,
257 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
affective and conative components by providing additional inputs in the form of investigations, projects
and co-scholastic activities.
3. Transaction
Every child from the upper primary levels onwards should be provided with the opportunity to participate
in at least one nature/outdoor field visit experience.
The content and transaction of EE needs to recognize, acknowledge, respect and celebrate all forms of
diversity and local contextuality.
4. Evaluation
The assessment of learners achievement in EE would encompass all the three aspects of development,
i.e. cognitive, affective and conative. Both process and product evaluation techniques will need to be
used. These will help in ascertaining the growth, patterns, identification of strengths and weaknesses as
also in utilizing systematic feedback for development of environment friendly habits, positive attitudes
and desirable values amongst learners.
Continuous and comprehensive evaluation using learners profiles and assigning them grades would be
Proper records of learners progress would need to be maintained and their profiles, so developed,
would be utilzed for effecting improvement leading to desirable understanding and behavioural actions
towards the environment.
The pedagogy of EE in all the classes will have to be based on local contextuality, indigenous knowledge,
experiential learning strategies, multi-disciplinary approaches, project based-methods and action oriented practical
The Central Board of Secondary Education is also in the process of finalizing guidelines to teachers for
Classes I to VIII which will be available shortly.
Yours faithfully
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O.CBSE/EE/2006 4th May, 2006
Circular No. 08/2006
All the Heads of the Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Introduction of Activity Based Manual in Environmental
Education for Class IX - reg
Dear Principal,
As you are aware the environmental concern such as depleting natural sources, eradication of many species,
increasing pollution, global warming resulting in ecological imbalances and natural calamities, health concems
arising out of poor wastage management systerns are matter of great concem to the world today.
The CBSE vide its circular no.24/2005 dated 3.5.2005 has already circulated directives to schools regarding
Environmental Education from Classes I-VIII. At present it is bringing out an Activity Based Manual for Class
IX which will be available shortly.
The manual consists of activities with specific objectives which can be conducted by the teachers as part of
their every day curricular and co-curricular periods.
The Board has recommended that atleast two periods per week should be allocated to the study of Environment
Education. The students should be assessed on a five point grading scale as part of continuous and comprehensive
evaluation which must be reflected in the grade card or progress report of the learner. This assessment will be
internal and school based.
Your cooperation and commitment on issues of environmental concern will go a long way in sensitizing
students and help them to develop positive and healthy attitudes towards matters of national and global importance.
The Board looks forward to your continued commitment in the implementation of environment education as
part of the school curriculum.
Yours sincerely
259 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
CBSE/ACAD/EO (L)/NUSSA/2009 Dated: 24.6.2009
Circular No. 22
All the Heads of the Institutions
Affiliated to CBSE.
Subject : National Urban School Sanitation Awards 2009 in the context of
setting up of Health and Wellness Clubs and Eco-Clubs in schools.
Dear Principal,
The CBSE in collaboration with the Ministry of Urban Development and GTZ has introduced the National
Initiative on School Sanitation and the aim is to inculcate good sanitation habits among the school children.
The Annual National Urban School Sanitation Awards(NSSUA) has been instituted by Ministry of Urban
Development along with German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and Central Board of Secondary Education
CBSE to inspire, acquaint and celebrate excellence in Urban School Sanitation.
These Awards are instituted with the purpose of honouring urban schools who are taking significant steps
towards effective sanitation and improvement in service delivery leading to behavioral change.
The awards are open to all school affiliated to CBSE which include Kendriya Vidyalayas, Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalayas, Government Schools, Private Independent Schools, DAV Schools, CTSA Schools,
Army Schools etc.
Awards will be given in the following categories which schools can take up as part of Health and Wellness
Clubs and Eco-Clubs
Awareness generation leading to behavioural change through students and community mobilization
Technical innovation and interventions
Improving sanitation facilities for the girl child
Best performing Health and Wellness Clubs
Sustainability of the effort
Waste management and disposal
Water conservation and waste water recycling and its utilization
Conservation of green spaces
Public Private Partnership
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Parameters for the Selection
1. Sustainability :Demonstrated success geared towards long term hygiene and safe sanitation.
2. Replicability: Potential for replication of practices and models that have resulted in better service
3. Safe Hygiene Practices
4. Waste Segregation and Waste Management
5. Awareness Generation Efforts and impact leading to Behavioral Change
6. Water and Sanitation:Tangible Improvements in Service Delivery
7. Efforts towards Water Management
8. Innovation: Demonstrated Innovation, Uniqueness and Originality in the use of Ideas, Technology and
9. Dynamism: Activity points scored by participation in various activities as organized from time to time
through website; www.schoolsanitation.com
Mechanism and Procedures
MoUD, CBSE and GTZ have constituted an Advisory Group for deciding on Awards.
Initial scrutiny will be done by Committee and then the final hundred entries will be submitted for
critical examination and final selection for the Awards by the Advisory Group.
The Awards will be in the form of certificates of excellence, mementos, citations, participation in a school
sanitation exchange programmes, joint development of pilot projects on zero waste producing concepts with
the schools and also special certificates to Principals, teachers and students associated with excellent Health &
Wellness Clubs and Eco Clubs.
You are requested to disseminate the information to all and participate in this initiative of National importance.
You are requested to send in CD-ROM addressed to the Nodal Officer, National Urban School Sanitation
Awards 2009 by courier at CBSE, Shiksha Sadan, 4th Floor, Room No. 404. Under no circumstances either
projects or models should be sent to the CBSE or GTZ Office. For more information about the National initiative
on Urban School Sanitation visit: www.schoolsanitation.com and for further queries, the Academic Branch at
CBSE may be contacted at telephone no. 011-23234324 (Dr. Sneha Singh / Syed Shaney Alam)
Yours sincerely,
261 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
NO. CBSE/ACAD/CIRCULARS/2009 10th July, 2009
Circular No. 23
All the Heads of the institutions
Affiliated to CBSE.
Subject : Kaun Banega Paryavaran Ambassador
Dear Principal,
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India has launched a campaign titled Kaun
Banega Bharat Ka Paryavaran Ambassador (KBPA) In Partnership With The Centre for Environment
Education (CEE) with a view to promote public awareness about environmental issues. The campaign was
inaugurated by Smt. Pratibha Devi Patil, Honble President of India on July 5, 2008.
KBPA is a nationwide campaign that is intended to mobilize opinion of the general public and particularly,
the students and children from about 2 lakh schools in the country to select/nominate an ambassador who would
be expected to espouse and promote the cause of environment.
The campaign is aimed at spreading awareness and sensitivity about climate change, high consumption
lifestyle approaches, its causes and effects for school children in particular choosing the best choices and
options in lifestyle approaches for greater sustainability and growth.
The campaign is an initiative to develop an action based education programme that focuses on explaining
this complex and multi-dimentional concept in simple terms and easy to understand manner for the young
school going children (and public at large).
The campaign is an Initiative of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. This is
being facilitated and implemented by the Centre for Environment Education (CEE)
Broad Objectives:
The main objectives of the campaign are to:
Increase schools participation in the campaign and to start the process to create 10 Youth CC Champions
(equal boys and girls) in every school outreached through this campaign
Involve as many students (through the 200,000 schools outreached) as possible in selecting the Paryavaran
Initiate educational, action based activities at the school-level involving and taking forward the small
sustainable ideas to environment protection and link into the MoEF National Green Corps schools.
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Equip children to champion the cause of climate change education and lifestyles consumption patterns.
The Paryavaran Ambassador campaign was conceptualized when Ministry of Environment and Forest
(MoEF) expressed the need for a celebrity / brand ambassador who could endorse communication and initiatives
taken by the MoEF as part of the programmes for promoting environmental protection / action. In view of this
a campaign related to climate change education initiative was conceptualized.
The campaign started in the year 2008 based on the The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
selected theme to draw attention to the carbon economy. In English, the theme was CO2-Kick the Habit:
Towards a Low Carbon Economy.
In the Phase I (2009-2013) of the campaign the Ambassador would start discussion on selection of School
The idea is to turn selected students into Climate Change leaders who would represent India globally.
The selected students would be trained and would be working on environmental projects on the priority
For more information, please log on to www.ceeindia.org . For further details of the campaign,please contact
CEE: 079-26858003/04/05; 011-26262878-79-81. (prarthana.borah@ceeindia.org; prabhjot.sodhi@ceeindia.
org; kartikeya.sarabhai@ceeindia.org;)
Yours sincerely,
263 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
NEW DELHI-110002
CBSE/CM/ACAD/2009 Circular No. 34
All Heads of Institutions
Affiliated to the Board.
Subject : Schools Water Portal A unique resource for teachers on Water
Dear Principal,
The Central Board of Secondary Education has included large number of concepts related to conservation
of natural resources in its syllabi of different subjects. The Board has also advised schools to set up Eco Clubs
as far as 08 years back. Moreover it has brought out Teachers Manual for Classes I VIII priced at Rs. 30/- and
Class IX priced at Rs. 40/- which are available in the Publication Stores, CBSE, Shiksha Sadan, 17 Rouse
Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi-110002.
There are a number of activities related to the conservation of water as a natural resource in these
manuals :
Classes IVIII Teachers Manual: Activities:
1. Class 3 : Activity 4 Water for Life
2. Class 4 : Activity 5 Safe Drinking Water
3. Class 5 : Activity 5 : Water Cycle in Nature
4. Class 6 : Activity 2 : Purifying Water by Solar Energy
Class IX Teachers Manual: Activities :
Chapter 1 :
Activity 1 : Transpiration and Water Cycle
Chapter 5 :
Activity 1 : Water Conservation
Water is one of our most precious natural resources, crucial for sustainability and growth. Water
mismanagement remains a key concern today and the importance of increasing water consciousness and values
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among our young ones cannot be overstated, especially the problems of dwindling freshwater resources,
contamination of water bodies, neglect of traditional water harvesting structures, the human and environmental
impacts of large dams etc. Though water as a theme, spans almost all subjects in the curriculum, many teachers
feel that transferring these concepts into their behaviour patterns and lifestyles continues to be a challenge.
Can water education be made fun? The schools water portal http://schools.indiawaterportal.org certainly
thinks so. National Knowledge Commission (NKC) and Arghyam, a non-profit trust, have created this national
web portal to equip the young generation with knowledge of water sector problems, their causes and practical
solutions. The National Knowledge Commission has created the Schools Water Portal an excellent open
web based platform for sharing learning resources on water amongst educators, students, school management
and parents.
Education is a powerful tool to reshape and reorient the thinking of individuals. The Board firmly believes
that it has a significant role to play in not only spreading awareness about problems and challenges related to
natural resources but also inculcating desired ethics and values in the learners studying in schools.
This information may be brought to the notice of all teachers, students and parents so that it helps in creating
awareness and reinforcement of water values amongst the students.
Yours sincerely
265 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
DELHI - 110092
CM/EO/2010/ 30/07/2010
Circular No. 42
All Heads of Institutions of CBSE
affiliated schools under Regional Office (Delhi), (Panchkula) & (Allahabad)
Subject : Observance of Clean Delhi Day on 12th September, 2010
Dear Principal,
The citizens awareness campaign titled Meri Dilli Meri Yamuna on March 16th 2010 was also launched
by Art of Living at Purana Qila. The organisation spearheaded a week-long cleanliness drive of the 8 Yamuna
ghats where thousands of volunteers cleaned the ghats, waded into the water and removed debris and waste and
also planted trees on the ghats to beautify them.
The CBSE in collaboration with the Ministry of Urban Development and GTZ has introduced the
National Initiative on School Sanitation where the aim is to inculcate good sanitation practices in the school
children. The CBSE has also issued directives to schools to set up Health Wellness Clubs and Eco Clubs through
which it is expected that schools will mobilize students and community in awareness generation leading to
behavioral change in the areas of Sanitation and Safe Hygiene Practices, Waste Management and Disposal,
Water conservation and Waste Water Recycling and its Utilization, Conservation of Green Spaces, Innovation
and Sustainability and Water and Sanitation and efforts towards water management.
Meri Dilli Meri Yamuna work towards 3As Awareness, Action and Accountability among multiple
stakeholders including citizens, the government, NGOs, educational institutions, corporate houses, who will all
be exhorted to play their part both in cleaning up and sustaining cleanliness of the Yamuna and will culminate
in a Clean-up drive of Delhi in September before the Commonwealth Games on 12th September. September
12th is being observed as CLEAN DELHI DAY.
The Delhi Government has given a great boost by adopting Meri Dilli Meri Yamunas Clean Delhi Drive
(CDD). The Meri Dilli Meri Yamuna plans to undertake the cleanliness and awareness drive throughout
Delhi from the 6th-11th September. The city has been divided into various zones and the Meri Dilli Meri
Yamuna has assigned coordinators for each of these zones who will be liaising with all civic agencies and
provide all possible logistical support to schools in their zone who register with Clean Delhi Drive (CDD)
through the registration form that will be available soon.
All the schools affiliated with the Board in the NCR are urged to undertake the worthy cause of engaging
with Clean Delhi Drive (CDD) purely on a voluntary basis.
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The volunteer schools are required to undertake the following as a participant:
All children from the 3rd to the 8th standard to distribute information/ awareness pamphlets to atleast
50 people. The pamphlets to be given to them to take home and the children may distribute to their
neighbours, people who visit their home, shopkeepers in their local marketplaces, parents colleagues
The schools are requested to adopt a site nearby and have the children (13 year -17 years) nurture it till
5th September. The site may be a park, a block of houses, a marketplace etc. One section of the school
can visit the adopted site with garbage bags etc and clean it. If required the MDMY will provide gloves
and masks for the children and the MDMY zonal CDD coordinators would also provide logistical
support where requested.
6th -11th September- On the decided date for each zone all the schools from the respective zone will go
to their adopted site and urge all the citizens to come out and celebrate their efforts of the children and
also urge the citizens to help maintain the sites and keep them clean.
Following this all schools are requested to nominate 10 students as Clean Delhi Captains who will pledge
to nurture the sites till the end of this academic year. They are expected to help keep the site clean by monitoring
the sites, visiting them once a week and urging the people to keep it clean and reporting to appropriate authority
if the site is not clean.
Clean Delhi Day
12th September- Meri Dilli Meri Yamuna (MDMY) would invite all the participants of the Clean
Delhi Drive (CDD) to converge on to India Gate and celebrate their efforts and of course a cleaner city.
We would also like to honour the Clean Delhi Captains for their effort they pledge to undertake of
maintaining the sites.
A Registration Form and Reporting Form is enclosed which needs to be mailed to
ask.me.for.a.cleaner.delhi@gmail.com with a CC to sadhanap.cbse@nic.in The complete list of zones in which
Delhi is being divided for Clean Delhi Drive along with the names and contact no. of the Meri Delhi Meir
Yamuna (MDMY) zonal Clean Delhi Drive (CDD) Coordinators will be on the CBSE website as well as
Yours sincerely,
Encl: 1.Registration Form
2.Reporting Form
267 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Name of the school
Schools Contact No. Schools e-mail id
Name /Contact No. -
School Faculty In charge
Adopted Site Details:
(Market Place/Park/
Colony etc)
MDMY Support Required Publicity Material Flier Pledge Form
Site Identification
Confirmation for CDD
Presentation Day: Date: Time:
We agree to support the Clean Delhi Drive campaign and come out in support of the campaign on 12th
September for creating awareness in the society and share our experience through a brief report covering
the challenges and successes in conducting the campaign at the adopted site.
Principals Signature