Sage Data Import

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Sage (UK) Limited Copyright Statement

Sage (UK) Limited, 2011. All rights reserved We have written this guide to help you to use the software it relates to. We hope it will be read by and helpful to lots of our customers and because of this it is written as general rather than specific guidance. As we have written the article, we own the content of it; this is known as copyright and our ownership is shown as Sage (UK) Limited, 2011. This means you may not copy, modify or distribute the article (either electronically or otherwise) without asking us first. We always do our best to make sure that the information in the article is correct but due to being general guidance we dont make any promises about the accuracy of the articles contents for your particular needs. You should also consider taking professional advice when appropriate, for example to ensure that the results obtained from using the software comply with statutory requirements. If we refer you to non-Sage information sources (for example, HMRCs website), this is because we want to be helpful but as we dont have any control over the contents of those non-Sage sources we cant accept responsibility for them. If any non-Sage trademarks are used in the article, we acknowledge the ownership of them by the relevant owner.

Sage (UK) Limited North Park Newcastle upon Tyne NE13 9AA Issue date: 30/06/2011 Pbn No: 14181

Sage 50 Accounts data import

Using the Sage 50 Accounts Data Import wizard, it is possible to import a wide variety of accounts data into Sage 50 Accounts. You transfer the information you have stored for:

Importing into Sage 50 Accounts.........2 Importing data using the data import wizard..................................................6 Dealing with Import Errors..................15 Customer record import template structure ............................................19 Supplier record import template structure ............................................32 Nominal ledger record import template structure ............................................44 Audit trail transactions import template structure ............................................58 Stock records import template structure 62 Stock transactions import template structure ............................................69 Project records import template structure ............................................72 Fixed asset records import template structure ............................................75 Project transactions import template structure ............................................79

Customer records Supplier records Nominal Ledger records Audit trail transactions Stock records Stock transactions Project records Fixed Asset records Project only transactions

The same method is used to create both records and transactions. This guide reviews the Data Import wizard, along with the file structures suitable for import.

Importing into Sage 50 Accounts

This guide is aimed at a business that stores information in another application, such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access. It is about making the most of the information you already have and using it to get up and running with Sage 50 Accounts as quickly as possible.

What information can I transfer?

You can transfer the information you have stored for your:

Customer records Supplier records Nominal Ledger records Audit trail transactions Stock records Stock transactions Project records Fixed Asset records Project only transactions

Note: If you are using Import to overwrite or update existing data, take a backup of your existing data before you proceed.

What do I need to do?

You need to prepare the information you want to transfer and then import it to Sage 50 Accounts. This means creating an import file in a structure that Sage 50 Accounts recognises and a format that Sage 50 Accounts accepts. The data that you import must be in a correctly formatted .CSV or .XLS / .XLSX file. To enable you to make sure that your files are correct, view the File Import Template structure lists to explore individual cells, their sizes and type. To assist you in structuring your file correctly for the particular data import type being imported, be it .CSV or .XLS, it is recommended that you use the File Import templates installed with your Sage 50 Accounts software. These templates can be located in the Import Templates folder of your installed software directory: C:\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\Import Templates A general description of these templates is given at the end of this guide.

Sage 50 Accounts data import

What file structure does Sage 50 Accounts recognise?

When you transfer information into Sage 50 Accounts, the software does not recognise what the information relates to - it simply takes each piece of information, in the order it is placed in the file, and puts it in the next available slot until it has finished. To get the information to go into the right slots it must be laid out precisely in a set pattern. Compare how your information is laid out to the layout expected by Sage 50 Accounts. Plan what you need to change so that your information is in the right order. Don't worry if you do not need to use all of the fields Sage 50 Accounts is expecting. You can leave these boxes blank if you do not need them, as long as they are not mandatory fields. For example, the A/C Ref box is mandatory and must contain data before you attempt to import the file. For further information about this, please refer to the various data type template sections, at the back of this document.

What are CSV files?

The basic file format that Sage 50 Accounts accepts for import is Comma Separated Value (CSV). These files are used to collect and exchange information between applications. In a CSV file, information is placed between commas and a whole transaction or record is contained by a line of information. For example: Sage0001,Sage UK Ltd,Sage House,Great Park,Newcastle upon Tyne,Tyne and Wear,NE13 9AA,Jess Telford Sage0002,Sage Ireland,3096 Lake Drive,Citywest Business Park,Dublin,,Dublin 24,Holly Parker Sage0003,Sage Peachtree,1505 Pavilion Place,,Norcross,Georgia,30093,Helen Baker It is effectively a table of information: each line is a row for the table and each piece of information followed by a comma is a column. Therefore the information shown in the example above would look like this:
Sage0001 Sage UK Ltd Sage Ireland Sage Peachtree Sage House Great Park Newcastle upon Tyne Dublin Tyne and Wear NE13 9AA Jess Telford Holly Parker Helen Baker


3096 Lake Drive 1505 Pavilion Place

Citywest Business Park

Dublin 24





Sage 50 Accounts data import

Some applications have the facility to convert information to CSV for you; others may need a bit of work to get the desired result. Before creating a CSV file for import there are also some rules you need to understand and follow. Note: The layout for the File Import template file structure, available in the Sage 50 Accounts Help system and this pdf guide, lists each piece of information for a record under the heading of 'Header Name'. The information required for each field is now referred to as a data unit. Maximum length Each data unit has a maximum length, which is indicated in the layout for the File Import template structure. Data that exceeds the maximum length is not imported. For example, if there are ten characters in an eight character field, then the data is simply shortened to the required length; an error is not reported during import. The maximum length allowed for any data unit is defined for each item. Data exceeding this figure causes an error to be reported. Data types accepted

Text: For example ABcd234 Integer: For example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Decimal number: For example 23.58, 132.05, 0.23 Date: For example 31/12/09

Each data unit uses one of these four data types. The required data type for each data unit is indicated in the layout for the CSV file structure. Sage 50 Accounts validates the incoming data during import. If it finds discrepancies with data types, it aborts the import and displays an error message. For example, if the import file holds a decimal number for a data unit that requires an integer then the import fails. Two consecutive commas This signifies a blank, or a zero length unit of data. Importing a blank unit of data does not overwrite data, leaving existing information intact. This can be used to change selected data in a record, for example the telephone number in a Customer Record. In this case, the import data might read: A0003,,,,,,,,0191 1234567 Note: If a blank field is encountered that corresponds to a date field, the system (PC) date is used.

Sage 50 Accounts data import

Space between two consecutive commas

The corresponding data in an existing record is erased. For example, A0003, , , , , , , ,0191 1234567 would replace the telephone number, but would also overwrite the existing data fields.


Text data type: Spaces at the start or end of a data unit are ignored, whereas spaces within a data unit are included. For example ,Ilford Road, is imported as Ilford Road. Note: Spaces found in the data unit of an account reference are automatically removed during import.

Decimal number, integer and date data type: Spaces are not allowed.


Enclosing a unit of data in quotes results in commas contained within the data unit to be read as part of the data, not as a separator of data. For example,"10, Acacia Avenue", is accepted as a single unit. Note: Import interprets double quotes as a field separator. Do not include them as part of a field, even though they are valid characters for most account text fields.

Account Reference data unit

This data unit is converted to upper-case lettering during import and any spaces are removed. For example Sage UK Limited converts to SAGEUKLI. The text is cropped to the maximum length of eight, the characters are in upper-case and the spaces are removed. The special non printing characters such as tab marks are ignored during import with the exception of carriage returns.

Control characters

Sage 50 Accounts data import

How do I prepare an import file?

The data that you import must be in a correctly formatted CSV or XLS / XLSX file. To enable you to make sure that your files are correct, view the File Import template lists to explore individual cells, their sizes and type. To assist you in structuring your file correctly for the particular data import type being imported, be it CSV or XLS / XLSX, it is recommended that you use the File Import templates installed with your Sage 50 Accounts software. These templates can be located in the Import Templates folder of your installed software directory: C:\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\Import Templates These Import Templates are described at the end of this guide.

Importing data using the data import wizard

In this version of Sage 50 Accounts, a data import wizard has been introduced to enhance and extend the existing File Import options in the software. You can import from:

A CSV file A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (XLS) file

To assist you in structuring your file correctly for the particular data import type being imported, be it CSV or XLS, it is recommended that you use the File Import templates installed with your Sage 50 Accounts software.

Before you begin the import process - backup!

Always adopt the cautious approach, when employing the Data Import option in Sage 50 Accounts. Data Import is a powerful tool, providing you with the means to bring in a lot of accounting data into your software. However, remember that you or a colleague will be overwriting existing data in the software. Creating a backup of your existing data is a quick and simple precaution against losing your valuable existing data. Do not worry if you choose to ignore this recommendation that you are reading now. In the first window of the wizard, you are prompted again to make a backup.

Sage 50 Accounts data import

To import data using the data import wizard

1. Open the File menu, and choose the Import option.

The Sage 50 Accounts Data Import wizard appears.


To continue through the Wizard, click Next. If you need to re-enter any information, to move to the previous window, click Back. To access this help topic at any time, click Help. Finally,

Sage 50 Accounts data import

to exit from the wizard at any time without saving any of the information you have entered, click Cancel.

Window 1 - Welcome
The Welcome window summarises the import function and strong emphasis is given to the fact that the import data operation is NOT reversible, and that you are strongly recommended to make a backup of your data. 1. 2. To make a backup of your company data before proceeding with the import, click Backup. To continue, click Next. The Data type window appears.

Sage 50 Accounts data import

Window 2 - Data type

1. Select the data type from the Data type list. This selection identifies the information type to be imported and determines where the imported data will be located in your Sage 50 Accounts software. 2. To continue, click Next. The Data source window appears.

Window 3 - Data source

1. Select the import source for your file from the two options provided:

Comma-separated (CSV) Selecting this option informs the software that the data source is a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. These files are used to collect and exchange information between software applications. 1. To select the file to import, click Browse. The Open window appears. 2. Locate and select the required CSV file, then click Open.

Sage 50 Accounts data import

3. If the first row of your CSV file contains headings, select the check box. 4. To continue, click Next. For more information about the structure and properties of CSV files, please refer to the accompanying What are CSV files? on page 3.

Excel worksheet (XLS / XLSX) Selecting this option indicates that the file to be imported is derived from a Microsoft Excel worksheet / workbook. 1. To select the file to import, click Browse. The Open window appears. 2. Locate and select the required XLS / XLSX file, then click Open. 3. If the first row of your XLS / XLSX file contains headings, select the check box. 4. If your selected file contains multiple worksheets, the wizard window is updated.

5. From the drop-down list that appears, select the required worksheet. 6. To continue, click Next. Although importing from an Excel workbook saves you from having to create specific CSV files for the sole purpose of importing, you will still need to base your Excel spreadsheet structure on the specific CSV template installed with your Sage 50 Accounts software. These templates can be located in the Import Templates folder of your installed software directory, by default: C:\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\Import Templates


Sage 50 Accounts data import


To continue, click Next. The Field Mappings window appears.

Window 4 - Field mappings

If your CSV or XLS / XLSX file has a header row based on the appropriate supplied CSV Template, the mapping table appears, similar to the illustration above. The imported field name matches the corresponding Sage Field name, and in most instances, little or no re-mapping is needed. Where your imported file has no header row, the mapping table appears similar to the illustration overleaf. Note: Where an asterisk is shown in the Required column, a corresponding selection must be made in the imported field column to correspond with the entry in the Sage Field column.


Sage 50 Accounts data import


Where there is no header row included in the import file, to enter a selection in the Imported Field column entry, choose the Imported Field drop-down list to map a column identifier in your imported file, with the corresponding Sage Field, as illustrated below:

2. 3. 4.

All asterisk-marked Required? rows require an Imported Field to be selected from the drop-down list to map with the corresponding Sage Field. Continue to map Imported Fields with the corresponding Sage Field, as required. When your mapping is completed, to save your Map, select Save Map...


Sage 50 Accounts data import

The Select a Data Import Map File window appears. 5. Select a filename and location, then to save your Data Import Map File (*.map), click Save. Your .map file is saved in your company.000 Import Maps sub-folder. This file can be reloaded on other occasions using the Load Map... option in the Field mappings window of the File Import wizard. If you make an error, while creating your map file, to discard your mappings and start again, click Clear Map. 6. When your field mapping is complete, and you have optionally, saved your map file, to continue, click Next. The Import window appears.

Window 5- Import
On this final window, a summary of the options chosen in the previous windows is provided for review, including the number of fields mapped. 1. 2. To modify any selections made in the previous windows, click Back. When you are satisfied with your selections, to proceed with the file import, click Import.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Important Note: The import process overwrites all existing data of the data type being imported. The file import process now begins with an initial validation that the data is of the right type and format, and that all journal debits and journal credits balance for each date. When the data import is complete, the Import Results window appears.

This window reports on all the records imported / not imported, and shows the mandatory field data for each record. If all records are imported successfully, the Save Errors and Edit Import buttons are inactive. Once you have successfully completed the import we recommend that you check your data files, using File > Maintenance... > Check Data. If the records are not imported successfully, the Edit Import button is active. For guidance on what to do when this occurs, please refer to the next section - Dealing with Import Errors on page 15.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Dealing with Import Errors

Where errors occur, those records not imported are shown in the lower pane of the Import Results window. A general reason for the failure to import is provided. It is then necessary to investigate the record fully to locate the specific reason for import failure. The import wizard deals with errors in one of two ways, depending upon the type of record being imported.

Method 1 - for Audit Trail Transactions / Customer Records/ Nominal Accounts / Product Records / Stock Transactions / Supplier Records With this method, the software first validates all of the data. Only if this validation is completely successful does the import operation then take place. Consequently, either all or none of the data is imported. Where errors are encountered, validation is unsuccessful, no import takes place, and the reasons for the import failure are listed in the lower pane. In addition, the Edit Import button becomes active.

Clicking Edit Import opens the import file in the application associated with the editing of CSV or XLS / XLSX files. Typically, this is likely to be Microsoft Excel if it is installed. Note: The Save Errors button is always inactive.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

It is then necessary to carefully edit the import file to correct the specific records for the errors described in the lower pane. This must be completed before attempting to repeat the import procedure.

Method 2 - Fixed Asset Records / Project Records / Project Transactions With these data types, the software validates and stores data progressively. The result is that some but not all of the data is imported into the software.

The Save Errors button becomes active. Clicking Save Errors opens a Save records not imported window to allow those records that failed to be imported to be saved as a .csv file. Note: The records that failed to be imported are saved as a CSV file, even if the original import file format was .XLS / XLSX. The Save records not imported window that appears provides a suggested filename, which is the original import filename but with -not imported appended to the end of the original filename.

Once this file has been saved the Edit Import button becomes active.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

To edit the error results CSV file, click Edit Import. Once you have edited the error records / transactions, and successfully completed their import, we recommend that you check your data files, using File > Maintenance... > Check Data.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Supplied file import template legend and format

In the supplied File Import XLS templates, the header cells are colour coded, according to the following legend:

Mandatory entry for data type

Optional entry for data type

For each field that appears, the field format is accessible as a tooltip, when hovering over the field cell:


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Customer record import template structure

Please Note: Any customer records that are imported, automatically take the Country details from the Customer Defaults window. Therefore you should check all foreign customer records after completing a customer record import if you use customer records with foreign country details.

Header Name Account Reference

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Description A code of up to eight alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify this customer. The name of your customer. Use up to sixty characters of text. The first line of your customer's address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The second line of your customer's address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The third line of your customer's address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fourth line of your customer's address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fifth line of your customer's address. Use up to sixty characters of text.

Example Entry CGS001

Account Name Street 1


County Golf Supplies


18a Sunderland Road

Street 2


Smithson East









DH14 3HT


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Contact Name Telephone Number

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A customer contact name. Use up to thirty characters of text. The customers main telephone number. Use up to thirty characters of text. The customers main fax / telex number. Use up to thirty characters of text. A customisable analysis field. Use up to thirty characters of text. A customisable analysis field. Use up to thirty characters of text. A customisable analysis field. Use up to thirty characters of text. A departmental reference number. Use an integer value 0 - 999. The VAT registration code of the account. Use up to thirty characters of text. The turnover month to date. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry Jeff Walker


0191 385 6432

Fax Number


0191 385 6434

Analysis 1



Analysis 2



Analysis 3





Tax ID


123 4567 89

MTD Turnover Optional



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name YTD Turnover

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The turnover year to date. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The turnover prior year to date. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The customers set credit limit. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. Terms details for this customer. Use up to thirty characters of text. The settlement period for early payment. Use integer 0 - 365. Early payment discount. Use decimal entry, up to five characters 0 - 99.99 The nominal code associated with this customer. Use an integer entry between 0001 and 99999999. Income accounts normally range from 4000 to 4999. A tax code between T0 and T99.

Example Entry 12876.98

Last Year



Credit Limit





Strictly thirty days

Due Days



Settlement Discount Default Nominal





Tax Code




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Trade Contact

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The business contact name to speak to on a regular basis. Text entry up to thirty characters. Second customer telephone number, for example a mobile number. Use up to thirty characters of text. The customer email address. Use text entry up to two hundred and fifty five characters. The customer website address. Use text entry up to two hundred and fifty five characters. A discount rate applied for this customer. Use decimal entry of up to five characters - two digits plus two decimal places, for example between 0 and 99.99 An integer between 0 and 365 to represent the Payment Due in days, for this customer A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate if you have agreed terms with this customer. 1 = terms agreed 0 = terms not agreed

Example Entry Julie Walker

Telephone 2


0191 385 6433






Discount Rate



Payment Due Days



Terms Agreed



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Bank Name Bank Address 1

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The name of the customers bank, using up to sixty characters. The first line of your customers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The second line of your customers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The third line of your customers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fourth line of your customers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fifth line of your customers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The name of the customer bank account. Use up to sixty characters The customers bank account sort code, using up to ten characters. The customers bank account number, using up to twenty characters.

Example Entry Alexander Bank


66 High Street

Bank Address 2


Mill Way,

Bank Address 3


My Town

Bank Address 4



Bank Address 5


MO11 NE2

Bank Account Name Bank Sort Code Bank Account Number


County Golf Supplies






Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Bank BACS Ref

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description If your customer uses BACS - the Bank Automated Clearing System to pay you, you must enter the reference number here. Use up to sixty characters.

Example Entry 123PA000112345

Online Payments


If a customers bank provides online payments, and you wish to receive your customers payments electronically, this can be indicated on the customer bank details. A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate whether online payments are to be made by the customers bank. 1 = pay electronically 0 = electronic payment not used

Currency No


An integer between 1 and 99 to represent the currency used by the customer. Refer to Settings > Currencies to set this value.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Restrict Mailing?

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate whether you wish to include / exclude this customer from credit control letter print runs. 1 = exclude 0 = include

Example Entry 1

Date Account Opened Next Credit Review


The date the customer account was opened in DD/MM/YYYY format. The date of the next credit review of this customer in DD/MM/YYYY format. The date of the last credit review of this customer in DD/MM/YYYY format. A text field using up to sixty characters, to indicate the account status for this customer. Use a description corresponding to the Account Status drop-down list in the Credit Control tab of the customer record window.




Last Credit Review



Account Status




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Can Apply Charges

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate if you wish to apply credit charges to this customer. 1 = apply charges 0 = do not apply charges

Example Entry 0

Use Bsociety Ref BSociety Ref


A Building Society roll number additional reference, using up to twenty characters. Additional text information, relating to this customers bank account. Use up to three lines of sixty characters each. A two - character text entry, representing country. For full details about country codes, press F1 to open the software help, and view the topic - The countries table.



Good reputation for payment.





Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Priority Trader

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description If a customer is sufficiently important to your business, they can be classified as a Priority Trader. A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate whether the customer is a priority trader. 1 = priority trader 0 = not priority

Example Entry 1

Override Stock Tax


A single digit: 1 or 0 Enter 1 if you wish to override the tax code entered in the customer record. Enter 0 if you do not wish to override the tax code on the customer record.

Override Stock Nom


A single digit: 1 or 0 Enter 1 if you wish to use the customers default nominal code for all product invoices and credit notes. Enter 0 if you do not wish to use this feature.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Bank Additional 1

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description Use this box to enter any additional information you have received about this customer's bank account. This area accepts any text, up to sixty characters. Use this box to enter any additional information you have received about this customer's bank account. This area accepts any text, up to sixty characters. Use this box to enter any additional information you have received about this customer's bank account. This area accepts any text, up to sixty characters.

Example Entry Good reputation for prompt payment

Bank Additional 2


Discuss scheduled payments

Bank Additional 3


Contact - Mrs. Smith


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Bank IBAN

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description International Bank Account Number. This is a specific format of the bank account number that is designed to make transactions between European countries easier by helping to reduce errors and delays. With an IBAN, additional characters appear in front of an existing bank account number and sort code. This complete combination of additional characters, existing code and account number together make up the IBAN. If your customer's bank has issued them with an IBAN, enter it here, using up to sixty characters. BIC is short for Bank Identification Code. Also known as the swift code, it is a method of identifying financial organisations. If your customer has notified you of a BIC number or swift code for their bank account, enter it here using up to sixty characters.

Example Entry BARC20992012345678

Bank BIC Swift




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Bank Roll Number

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description This is an additional reference used by some building societies. If your customer has notified you of a Roll Number for their bank - building society account, enter it here, using up to sixty characters. If a confidential customer report / document is required, involving a secure PDF document creation, then an optional report password can be set for the secure PDF. If entered, the password must be between six and thirty characters in length. The password will typically be agreed with your customer counterpart. The DUNS Number Data Universal Numbering System is a nine digit number, used to identify a business. Use a nine digit number only.

Example Entry 12345

Report password



DUNS Number




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Payment Method

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description Choose the preferred payment method agreed with this customer, from the following methods: BACS, Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Direct Debit (DD), Standing Order (SO), Other, or one of several user-defined methods.

Example Entry BACS

Letters Via Email


A single digit: 1 or 0 Enter 1 if you want to send letters and statements to this customer by email. Enter 0 if you do not wish to use this feature.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Supplier record import template structure

Please Note: Any supplier records that are imported, automatically take the Country details from the Supplier Defaults window. Therefore you should check all foreign supplier records after completing a supplier record import if you use supplier records with foreign country details.

Header Name Account Reference

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Description A code of up to eight alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify this supplier. The name of your supplier. Use up to sixty characters of text. The first line of your supplier's address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The second line of your supplier's address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The third line of your supplier's address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fourth line of your supplier's address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fifth line of your supplier's address. Use up to sixty characters of text.

Example Entry THO001

Account Name Street 1


Thompsons Electricals


73 St. David Road

Street 2


Smodson East



Haywards Heath






SS23 4RT


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Contact Name Telephone Number

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A supplier contact name. Use up to thirty characters of text. The suppliers main telephone number. Use up to thirty characters of text. The suppliers main fax / telex number. Use up to thirty characters of text. A customisable analysis field. Use up to thirty characters of text. A customisable analysis field. Use up to thirty characters of text. A customisable analysis field. Use up to thirty characters of text. A departmental reference number. Use an integer value 0 - 999. The VAT registration code of the account. Use up to thirty characters of text. The turnover month to date. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry Melanie Dodd


01825 872323

Fax Number


01825 872325

Analysis 1



Analysis 2



Analysis 3





Tax ID


987 6543 21

MTD Turnover Optional



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name YTD Turnover

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The turnover year to date. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The turnover prior year to date. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The suppliers set credit limit for your account. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. Terms details for this supplier. Use up to thirty characters of text. The settlement period for early payment. Use integer 0 - 365. Early payment discount. Use decimal entry, up to five characters 0 - 99.99 The nominal code associated with this supplier. Use an integer entry between 0001 and 99999999. Purchase accounts normally range from 5000 to 5299.

Example Entry 12876.98

Last Year



Credit Limit





Strictly thirty days

Due Days



Settlement Discount Default Nominal






Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Tax Code Trade Contact

Mandatory / Optional Optional Optional

Description A tax code between T0 and T99. The business contact name to speak to on a regular basis. Text entry up to thirty characters. Second supplier telephone number, for example a mobile number. Use up to thirty characters of text. The supplier email address. Use text entry up to two hundred and fifty five characters. The supplier website address. Use text entry up to two hundred and fifty five characters. A discount rate applied by this supplier. Use decimal entry of up to five characters - two digits plus two decimal places, for example between 0 and 99.99 An integer between 0 and 365 to represent the Payment Due in days, for this supplier.

Example Entry T1 Clint Peddie

Telephone 2


01825 872234






Discount Rate Optional


Payment Due Days




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Terms Agreed

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate if you have agreed terms with this supplier. 1 = terms agreed 0 = terms not agreed

Example Entry 1

Bank Name


The name of the suppliers bank, using up to sixty characters. The first line of your suppliers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The second line of your suppliers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The third line of your suppliers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fourth line of your suppliers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fifth line of your suppliers bank address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The name of the bank account. Use up to sixty characters

Alexander Bank

Bank Address 1


66 High Street

Bank Address 2


Mill Way,

Bank Address 3


My Town

Bank Address 4



Bank Address 5


MO11 NE2

Bank Account Name


Thompsons Electricals


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Bank Sort Code Bank Account Number Bank BACS Ref

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The suppliers bank account sort code, using up to ten characters. The suppliers bank account number, using up to twenty characters. If your supplier uses BACS - the Bank Automated Clearing System to pay you, you must enter the reference number here. Use up to sixty characters.

Example Entry 20-33-51





Online Payments


If a suppliers bank provides online payments, and you wish to pay your suppliers invoices electronically, this can be indicated on the supplier bank details. A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate whether online payments are to be made by the suppliers bank. 1 = pay electronically 0 = electronic payment not used

Currency No


An integer between 1 and 99 to represent the currency used by the supplier. Refer to Settings > Currencies to set this value.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Restrict Mailing

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate whether you wish to include / exclude this supplier from credit control letter print runs. 1 = exclude 0 = include

Example Entry 1

Date Account Opened Next Credit Review


The date the supplier account was opened in DD/MM/YYYY format. The date of the next credit review of this supplier in DD/MM/YYYY format. The date of the last credit review of this supplier in DD/MM/YYYY format. A text field using up to sixty characters, to indicate the account status for this supplier. Use a description corresponding to the Account Status drop-down list in the Credit Control tab of the supplier record window.




Last Credit Review



Account Status



Can Apply Charges


A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate whether credit charges will be applied by this supplier. 1 = will apply charges 0 = do not apply charges


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Use Bsociety Ref BSociety Ref

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A Building Society roll number additional reference, using up to twenty characters. Additional text information, relating to this suppliers bank account. Use up to three lines of sixty characters each. A two - character text entry, representing country. For full details about country codes, press F1 to open the software help, and view the topic - The countries table.

Example Entry 123456789


Good reputation for payment.




Priority Trader


If a supplier is sufficiently important to your business, they can be classified as a Priority Trader. A single integer 0 or 1 to indicate whether the supplier is a priority trader. 1 = priority trader 0 = not priority


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Override Stock Tax

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A single digit: 1 or 0 Enter 1 if you wish to override the tax code entered in the supplier record. Enter 0 if you do not wish to override the tax code on the supplier record.

Example Entry 0

Override Stock Nom


A single digit: 1 or 0 Enter 1 if you wish to use the suppliers default nominal code for all purchase orders and credit notes. Enter 0 if you do not wish to use this feature.

Bank Additional 1


Use this box to enter any additional information you have received about this supplier's bank account. This area accepts any text, up to sixty characters. Use this box to enter any additional information you have received about this supplier's bank account. This area accepts any text, up to sixty characters.

Good reputation

Bank Additional 2


Discuss scheduled payments


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Bank Additional 3

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description Use this box to enter any additional information you have received about this supplier's bank account. This area accepts any text, up to sixty characters. International Bank Account Number. This is a specific format of the bank account number that is designed to make transactions between European countries easier by helping to reduce errors and delays. With an IBAN, additional characters appear in front of an existing bank account number and sort code. This complete combination of additional characters, existing code and account number together make up the IBAN. If your supplier's bank has issued them with an IBAN, enter it here, using up to sixty characters.

Example Entry Contact - Mrs. Smith





Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Bank BIC Swift

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description BIC is short for Bank Identification Code. Also known as the swift code, it is a method of identifying financial organisations. If your supplier has notified you of a BIC number or swift code for their bank account, enter it here, using up to sixty characters. This is an additional reference used by some building societies. If your supplier has notified you of a Roll Number for their bank - building society account, enter it here, using up to sixty characters.

Example Entry BK60161331926819

Bank Roll Number




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Report password

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description If a confidential supplier report / document is required, involving a secure PDF document creation, then an optional report password can be set for the secure PDF. If entered, the password must be between six and thirty characters in length. The password will typically be agreed with your supplier counterpart.

Example Entry casa61blanca


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Nominal ledger record import template structure

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Header Name Refn

Description A code entry of up to eight numbers, within the range 0001 and 99999999. It is recommended that the entry conforms to the numbering scheme already installed with the software.

Example Entry Asset Account 0001 - 1999 Liability Account 2000 - 2999 Capital & Reserve Account 3000 - 3999 Income Accounts 4000 - 4999 Purchase Accounts 5000 - 5999 Direct Expenses 6000 - 6999 Overheads 7000 - 7999



The name of your nominal code. Use up to sixty characters of text. The full year budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The first month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Carbon Footprint Expenses 24000.00

Yearly Budget


Month 1 Budget




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Month 2 Budget

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The second month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fifth month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The sixth month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The seventh month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 2000.00

Month 3 Budget



Month 4 Budget



Month 5 Budget



Month 6 Budget



Month 7 Budget




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Month 8 Budget

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The eighth month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The ninth month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The tenth month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The eleventh month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The twelfth month budget value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year first month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 2000.00

Month 9 Budget



Month 10 Budget



Month 11 Budget



Month 12 Budget



Prior Year Month 1




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Year Month 2

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The prior year second month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year third month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year fourth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year fifth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year sixth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year seventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 1966.82

Prior Year Month 3



Prior Year Month 4



Prior Year Month 5



Prior Year Month 6



Prior Year Month 7




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Year Month 8

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The prior year eighth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year ninth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year tenth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year eleventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The prior year twelfth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, first month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 2167.87

Prior Year Month 9



Prior Year Month 10



Prior Year Month 11



Prior Year Month 12



Prior Yr 2 Month 1




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 2 Month 2

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The year before last, second month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, third month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, fourth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, fifth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, sixth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, seventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 123.45

Prior Yr 2 Month 3



Prior Yr 2 Month 4



Prior Yr 2 Month 5



Prior Yr 2 Month 6



Prior Yr 2 Month 7




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 2 Month 8

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The year before last, eighth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, ninth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, tenth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, eleventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The year before last, twelfth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, first month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 1289.00

Prior Yr 2 Month 9



Prior Yr 2 Month 10



Prior Yr 2 Month 11



Prior Yr 2 Month 12



Prior Yr 3 Month 1




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 3 Month 2

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The second year before last, second month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, third month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, fourth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, fifth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, sixth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 00.00

Prior Yr 3 Month 3



Prior Yr 3 Month 4



Prior Yr 3 Month 5



Prior Yr 3 Month 6




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 3 Month 7

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The second year before last, seventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, eighth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, ninth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, tenth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The second year before last, eleventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 00.00

Prior Yr 3 Month 8



Prior Yr 3 Month 9



Prior Yr 3 Month 10



Prior Yr 3 Month 11




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 3 Month 12

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The second year before last, twelfth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, first month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, second month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, third month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, fourth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, fifth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 00.00

Prior Yr 4 Month 1



Prior Yr 4 Month 2



Prior Yr 4 Month 3



Prior Yr 4 Month 4



Prior Yr 4 Month 5




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 4 Month 6

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The third year before last, sixth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, seventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, eighth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, ninth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, tenth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 00.00

Prior Yr 4 Month 7



Prior Yr 4 Month 8



Prior Yr 4 Month 9



Prior Yr 4 Month 10




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 4 Month 11

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The third year before last, eleventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The third year before last, twelfth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, first month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, second month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, third month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 00.00

Prior Yr 4 Month 12



Prior Yr 5 Month 1



Prior Yr 5 Month 2



Prior Yr 5 Month 3




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 5 Month 4

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The fourth year before last, fourth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, fifth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, sixth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, seventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, eighth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, ninth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 00.00

Prior Yr 5 Month 5



Prior Yr 5 Month 6



Prior Yr 5 Month 7



Prior Yr 5 Month 8



Prior Yr 5 Month 9




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Prior Yr 5 Month 10

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The fourth year before last, tenth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, eleventh month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters. The fourth year before last, twelfth month actual value. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 00.00

Prior Yr 5 Month 11



Prior Yr 5 Month 12




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Audit trail transactions import template structure

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Header Name Type

Description A two - character text entry acronym, representing transaction type. For full details about transaction types, view the csv template field comment. Alternatively, in the software, press F1 to open the software help, and view the topic - List of transaction types.

Example Entry

Account Reference


A code of up to eight alphanumeric characters that make up the sales / purchase or bank account reference, associated with the transaction. The nominal code originally associated with the transaction - this is an entry of up to eight numbers, within the range 0001 and 99999999. A departmental reference number. Use a numeric value 0 - 999. The date of the transaction in DD/MM/YYYY format.

CGS001 or THO001 or 1200 7304

Nominal A/C Ref


Department Code Date





Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Reference

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description This is the transaction reference, such as an invoice reference, Opening Balance reference (O/BAL), refund reference (REFUND), or salary reference (SALARY). Use an alphanumeric entry, up to thirty characters.

Example Entry 33 or O/BAL or REFUND or SALARY PC combo Pack 1



This is the detailed description of the transaction, using up to sixty characters. The net amount of the transaction - excluding VAT. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Net Amount



Tax Code Tax Amount

Mandatory Mandatory

A tax code between T0 and T99. The VAT amount of the transaction. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

T1 12.65


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Exchange Rate

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The exchange rate used, relative to the base currency, for a foreign transaction, up to six decimal places. Use numeric entry up to six decimal places - for a maximum of eleven characters.

Example Entry 472.768148

Extra Reference


This is any extra description relating to the transaction, using up to thirty characters. The name of the original person who entered the transaction. Use a text entry of up to thirty two characters.

Dispute resolved

User Name


John Smith

Project Refn


This entry is only of importance if Project Costing has been switched on. Enter a project reference code. Use up to twelve character alphanumeric entry.



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Cost Code Refn

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description This entry is only of importance if Project Costing has been switched on. Enter a cost code associated with a cost type. Use up to eight character alphanumeric entry.

Example Entry GHY1234H


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Stock records import template structure

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Header Name Stock Code

Description A code of up to thirty alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify the product. The product name or description. Use up to sixty characters.

Example Entry PCCOMBO2345-4GB



Whiteboard - Drywipe (900 x 1200)

Tax Code


The VAT rate to be applied by default when you raise a product invoice or credit note, and when you create a sales or purchase order for this product. A tax code between T0 and T99.


Sales Price


The net sales price excluding VAT. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.


Cost Price


The latest cost price for the product item. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Unit of Sale

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The unit of sale for the product, such as each, box, and 10-pack. Text entry up to eight characters.

Example Entry Each



The location of the product item, for example warehouse or bin number, using up to sixteen characters. The nominal code used to identify the nominal sales account to which the value of this item is posted, when you include the item on product invoices and credit notes. This is an entry of up to eight numbers, within the range 0001 and 99999999. Sales nominal code are normally 4000 to 4099.

Main Store

Nominal A/C Ref



Stock Category Department


An integer category (1 999) used for stock reporting purposes. A departmental reference number. Use an integer value 0 - 999. A code of up to eight alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify the product supplier.


Supplier A/C Ref




Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Supplier Part Ref

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A product reference number, such as the suppliers reference. Use up to sixteen characters.

Example Entry BubbleWrapA-30

Re-Order Level


The stock quantity, below which re-ordering takes place. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.


Item Type


Use to define if the item is a stock item, non-stock item or a service item. A single integer 0, 1 or 2 to indicate the item type. 0 = stock item 1 = non-stock item 2 = service item

Commodity Code


If you produce Intrastat Declarations, enter the items commodity code here, if the code is not the required eight numeric characters. Use up to thirty characters.

3706 90 9123


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Weight

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The weight of the product, used for reporting purposes. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.

Example Entry 14.98

Stock Take Date Re-Order Quantity


The date of your last stock take in DD/MM/YYYY format. The quantity of stock normally re-ordered. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.




Last Stock Take Qty


The quantity of stock at your last stock take. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.


Web Special Offer?


Use to define if the item is part of a special offer. A single integer 0, or 1 to indicate the special offer status. 0 = not part of special offer 1 = special offer


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Web Publish?

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description Use to define if the item is to be published to Sage WebCatalogue. A single integer 0, or 1 to indicate the special offer status. 0 = not published to web 1 = published to web

Example Entry 0

Web Description


An alternative product description to be used by your Sage WebTools, if required. Use up to sixty characters.

DVD - VHS Player Recorder DVP-12

Web Category A


Custom category entry for reporting purposes. Use up to sixty characters.

Home > Lounge > TV and Recording

Web Category B


Custom category entry for reporting purposes. Use up to sixty characters.

Leisure > Multimedia > DVD

Web Category C


Custom category entry for reporting purposes. Use up to sixty characters.

Electrical > TV, DVD and Video


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Web Details

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description Enter any information about your product that you want to publish using Sage WebTools. Use up to one thousand characters including spaces.

Example Entry A combined DVD - VHS Player Recorder

Intrastat Com Code


Accounts Professional only If you produce Intrastat Declarations, enter the items eight numeric character code. Use up to eight numeric characters.


Purchase Nom Code


Accounts Professional only The purchases nominal code, to which the value of the item is posted, when the item is included on purchase orders. Purchases nominal codes are normally 5000 - 5099


Last Purchase Date


The date when this item was last purchased in DD/MM/YYYY format.



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Country of Origin

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description A two-letter country code, signifying the country of origin. For details on the country codes used in the software, please refer to The countries table topic in the F1 help. Note: Leave this entry blank unless your company is based in the Republic of Ireland.

Example Entry FR for France or DE for Germany

Bar Code


Enter a bar code alphanumeric entry, using up to sixty characters.



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Stock transactions import template structure

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Header Name Type

Description A two - character text entry acronym, representing transaction type. For full details about these transaction types, view the csv template field comment. Alternatively, in the software, press F1 to open the software help, and view the topic - List of acronyms.

Example Entry GO



Stock Code


A code of up to thirty alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify the stock. Note: This code must already exist before importing transactions.




the date of the product transaction, when it was posted in DD/MM/YYYY format. The reference given to the transaction, when it was posted. Use up to sixty characters maximum.






Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Details

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The details or description text that was entered at the time of posting to identify the transaction. Use up to sixty characters.

Example Entry Whiteboard - Drywipe (900 x 1200)



The quantity of the stock transaction. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.


Cost Price


If transaction refers to AI, GI, DI, a cost price must be included. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.


Sales Price


If transaction refers to GO, a sales price must be included. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Project Refn

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description This entry is only of importance if Project Costing has been switched on. Enter a project reference code. Use up to twelve character alphanumeric entry.

Example Entry PROJ005

Cost Code Refn


This entry is only of importance if Project Costing has been switched on. Enter a cost code associated with a cost type. Use up to eight character alphanumeric entry.



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Project records import template structure

Note: If you leave the StatusID field blank, the record is imported and its status is marked Active.

Header Name Reference

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Description A code of up to twelve characters to uniquely identify this project. The name of the project using up to sixty characters. An integer between 1 and 5 for one of the five standard StatusID codes: 1 = ACTIVE 2 = SNAG 3 = COMPLETED 4 = SUSPEND 5 = INITIAL

Example Entry PROJ005



Fred Briant Home Installation 1

Status ID


Start Date


The date that the project was created in DD/MM/YYYY format. This defaults to the system date. The date that the project will end by, in DD/MM/YYYY format. This defaults to the system date. A description of the project, using up to two hundred and fifty five characters.


End Date





Home installation of single PC (PC Combo Pack 4) + Broadband.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Customer Reference

Mandatory / Optional Optional


Example Entry

A code of up to eight CGS001 alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify the customer for this project.

Order Number Street1


The order number for this project, using up to sixty characters The first line of the site address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The second line of the site address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The third line of the site address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fourth line of the site address. Use up to sixty characters of text. The fifth line of the site address. Use up to sixty characters of text. A customer contact name. Use up to thirty characters of text. The sites main telephone number. Use up to thirty characters of text. The sites main fax / telex number. Use up to thirty characters of text.



18a Sunderland Road



Snodderton East







Post Code


DH14 3HT



Jeff Walker



0191 385 6432



0191 385 6434


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Email

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The sites email address. Use text entry up to two hundred and fifty five characters. A two - character text entry, representing country. For full details about country codes, press F1 to open the software help, and view the topic - The countries table.

Example Entry newbusinessadvice@sag

Country Code



Analysis 1


A project custom analysis field for reporting purposes. Use up to thirty characters.


Analysis 2


A project custom analysis field for reporting purposes. Use up to thirty characters.


Analysis 3


A project custom analysis field for reporting purposes. Use up to thirty characters.


Price Quoted


The price quoted for the project. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places - up to eleven characters.



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Fixed asset records import template structure

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Header Name Asset Refn

Description A unique character code for easy identification of every asset. Use up to eight characters but do not use spaces in the reference.

Example Entry TRUCK01

Location or Employee


The asset location or the employee name using the asset. Use a text entry up to fifteen characters.


Description 1


A text description of the asset, using up to sixty characters A text description of the asset, using up to sixty characters A text description of the asset, using up to sixty characters

Snee Flyer Model 100A

Description 2


Location: Strockley Aerodrome, Mirkshire Engineering use only

Description 3


Serial No


The serial number of the SFM100A-456 asset, using a text entry of up to sixty characters.


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Supplier Refn

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description The supplier account reference code, from whom the asset was purchased. Alphanumeric entry up to eight characters

Example Entry SUP001

Bal Sheet Nom Refn


The nominal ledger balance sheet account code, used to store depreciation postings. Choose from one of the four below or create a new account, using up to eight characters. 0021 Plant/Machinery Depreciation 0031 Office Equipment Depreciation 0041 Furniture/Fixture Depreciation 0051 Motor Vehicles Depreciation



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name P and L Nom Refn

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Description The nominal ledger profit and loss nominal account code that you want to appear in your profit and loss report to show the cost of depreciation. Choose from one of the four below or create a new account, using up to eight characters. 8001 Plant/Machinery Depreciation 8002 Furniture/Fixture Depreciation 8003 Motor Vehicles Depreciation 8004 Office Equipment Depreciation

Example Entry 8003

Depreciation Method


Use to define the depreciation method to apply. A single integer 0, or 1 to indicate the depreciation method. 1 = straight line 2 = reducing balance 3 = write off

Purchase Date


The date that the item was purchased, expressed in DD/MM/YYYY format.



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Category

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description Categorise the fixed asset using an integer (1 - 100). Use the Settings > Configuration > Fixed Assets tab to select the integer category.

Example Entry 3



Assign depreciation of fixed asset to a specific department. Use an integer 0 - 999.



The annual percentage rate of depreciation using the method defined in Depreciation Method entry. Use numeric entry up to three digits plus two decimal places (six characters).


Cost Price


The net price paid for the asset. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places (five characters).


Net Book Value


The current book asset value including depreciation, if any. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places (eleven characters).



Sage 50 Accounts data import

Project transactions import template structure

Mandatory / Optional Mandatory

Header Name Type

Description A two character integer defining whether the transaction is a costing credit or debit. CC = costing credit CD = costing debit.

Example Entry CC

Project Reference


The project reference, to which the transaction is related, using up to twelve characters. The project reference cost code assigned to the transaction. Use up to eight characters.


Cost Code Reference





The date when the transaction was recorded, expressed in DD/MM/YYYY format. This defaults to the system date. The transaction reference entry, using up to thirty characters.




Time or Expenses or Purchases


Sage 50 Accounts data import

Header Name Details

Mandatory / Optional Optional

Description Detailed description of the transaction, using up to sixty characters. The resource reference, using up to eight characters. The amount or quantity used in the transaction. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places (up to eleven characters).

Example Entry Installing and fitting of router and cabling. 001

Resource Reference Quantity






The rate at which this transaction is charged. Use numeric entry up to eight digits plus two decimal places (eleven characters).


Nominal Code


The nominal code associated with this transaction. Use an integer entry between 0001 and 99999999.


Tax Code


A tax code associated with the transaction between T0 and T99. A departmental reference number. Use an integer value 0 - 999.





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