The document describes a 200-hour yoga teacher training program that covers both yin and vinyasa styles of yoga, with a focus on anatomy. The training includes instruction on basic poses, joint anatomy, myofascial structures, and teaching methodology. It provides the schedule, location, costs, policies, and registration details for the program.
The document describes a 200-hour yoga teacher training program that covers both yin and vinyasa styles of yoga, with a focus on anatomy. The training includes instruction on basic poses, joint anatomy, myofascial structures, and teaching methodology. It provides the schedule, location, costs, policies, and registration details for the program.
Original Description:
Tina Lanzoni - Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Annapolis
The document describes a 200-hour yoga teacher training program that covers both yin and vinyasa styles of yoga, with a focus on anatomy. The training includes instruction on basic poses, joint anatomy, myofascial structures, and teaching methodology. It provides the schedule, location, costs, policies, and registration details for the program.
The document describes a 200-hour yoga teacher training program that covers both yin and vinyasa styles of yoga, with a focus on anatomy. The training includes instruction on basic poses, joint anatomy, myofascial structures, and teaching methodology. It provides the schedule, location, costs, policies, and registration details for the program.
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1i.. !..-..
i began teaching group htness in
1985, and starting practicing yoga in the late 90's. Ier practice and teaching is an eclectic expression of both vinyasa and yin yoga and of the many teachers she has studied with. Vithin the past few years she has had the honor to study Yin yoga and anatomy with Iaul and Suzee Grilley, and is currently a Teacher Trainer for Iaul Grilley. Tina's teachings renect her strong interest in anatomy and her passion for the energetic and meditative benehts of the practice of yoga .She leads 200 hour Teacher Trainings approved through Yoga Alliance, retreats, workshops, private, group and corporate classes. She is registered through Yoga Alliance at the E-RYT 500 hour level. Tina re- sides in Annapolis, Maryland with her husband, 3 children, 2 dogs and a cat. I.|.. l.!!, graduated from the Kripalu School of Ayurveda with certihcation as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Con- sultant and is registered with NAMA at the practitioner level. Debra also completed her 500 hour yoga teacher certihcation through Kripalu, with a specialization in Ayurvedic yoga. She also has a 500 hour certihcate through e Iard and the Soft Yoga Institute (Beryl Bender Birch) in Classical Yoga. She owns Life Elements Yoga and Ayurveda in Stevensville, MD. I NSTRUCTED BY 1I NA LANZONI L- RY1 500 Yin &Vinyasa YOCA 1LACHLR 1RAI NI NC Yin Yang Yoga I N S 1 R U C 1 I O N & I N S P I R A1 I O N 1INA LANZONI 410.991.8386 Ilahzohiverizoh.heI 1raihihg Io be held aI: LVOLU1IONS 1834 Ceorge Avehue Ahhapolis, MD 21401 410.244.7220 CANCELLATION POLICY Yin Yang Yoga reserves the right to cancel any teacher training if there are fewer than 10 participants registered 2 weeks prior to event date. us far, there has been no cancellaitons. 8IFUIFSZPVBSFJOUFSFTUFEJOUFBDIJOHZPHB PSTJNQMZXBOUUPEFFQFOZPVSQSBDUJDFUIJTDPNQSFIFOTJWF QSPHSBNXJMMTUSFOHUIFOZPVSVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGCPUI7JOZBTB BOE:JOTUZMFTPGZPHB5BVHIUCZ5JOB-BO[POJ UIJTUSBJOJOHXJMMQSPWJEFUIFTQBDFBOEHVJEBODFUPUBQ JOUPZPVSHSFBUFTUQPUFOUJBM4QFDJBMUZUSBJOJOHJO"ZVSWFEB UBVHIUCZ%FCSB,FMMZJTQSPHSBNJTSFHJTUFSFEBOE BQQSPWFEUISPVHI:PHB"MMJBODF I....,.ii:. Minimum 1 year of a consistent praice with a certied yoga instructor /..i:i...! I.,.i....: In addition to the 200 hour training, you will be required to participate in yoga classes at Lvolve yoga, assist 10 classes, and observe s additional yoga classes. 1..i.i. I.:. :o:o Y Y A T/A September 20-22 October +-6 November 1-3 November 1s-1 V Y T December 6-8 January 10-12 January 31 - Iebruary 2 Iebruary 21-23 March -8 ,..:i. 1i. Iridays: 6-10pm Saturdays: 11:30am-8:30pm Sundays: 8am-+:30pm !...:i.. Lvolve Yoga @ Lvolutions 183+ George Avenue Annapolis, MD 21+01 +10-991-8386 1.i:i.. Cost for the 200 hour training is $2,800. e YY 1 Yin Anatomy and eory training is $1,+00. A $3s0 deposit is due with the aplication and if accepted this deposit will be aplied to the total cost of the program. In addition to tuition you will be responsible for buying books, as well as taking classes at Lvolve yoga for the duration of the training. Yin Yang Training manual will be provided at no additional cost for those registered for the 200 hour training. I.}... I.!i., e following refunds will be returned minus $3s0 deposit. Prior to the rst weekend, 1007 minus deposit. Prior to the second weekend, s07 minus deposit. Aer the second weekend, no refunds will be made. y.. /!!i.... Yin Yang Yoga Teacher Training 200-hour Y is registered with Yoga Alliance and meets or exceeds all its requirements for 200-hour teacher training programs. . 1. /||!, Upon receipt of your registration with a deposit of $3s0, you will receive an aplication for enrollment. All deposits are non-refundable unless you are not accepted into the program. Mail registration to: Lvolutions / Lvolve Yoga Y Program 183+ George Avenue Annapolis, MD 21+01 /BNF "EESFTT &NBJM 1IPOF ANAI S NI N /... .} ;:.., YY H C (Y Y/A - A P S G) (A) Learn to teach 20 basic Yin poses 1+ joint segment analysis Analyze tension and compression in yoga pose Skeletal variation + myofascial compartments of the thigh 6 myofascial compartments of the torso 3 layers of a joint Muscle contraion, Iascial contracture eory of exercise Movements of the core muscles and joints Assisted Yin Yoga Variations, props and adjustments for yin yoga Modern Meridian eory Introduction to Ayurveda Y H C (V) : Learn to teach over 30 asanas, their alignment, modications and variations Learn to praice and teach s pranayama techniques Acquire a knowledge of how to sequence postures Become procient in teaching private yoga sessions, Vinyasa and Yin yoga Master and teach surya namaskar A and B and learn how to create namaskars History of yoga Study of yoga sutras 8 limbs of yoga Lthics for yoga teachers Study and discuss e Bagavad Gita Anatomy and physiology of movement and asanas Introduction to Chakras and the energy body Hands-on-assists Common injuries and modications Cueing through voice, language and touch How to teach and accommodate various levels Developing your teaching style Iundamentals of marketing, branding and promoting yourself and classes e Yin Yang Yoga Teacher Training has two options available. Participants are able to register for either the 100 hour Yin Yoga Anatomy and eory or continue into the full 200 hour certication.
Yoga For Beginners: Prenatal Yoga: The Complete Guide to Master Prenatal Yoga; Benefits, Essentials, Pranayamas, Asanas (with Pictures), Common Mistakes, FAQs, and Common Myths
Yoga For Beginners: Vinyasa Yoga: The Complete Guide to Master Vinyasa Yoga; Benefits, Essentials, Asanas (with Pictures), Pranayamas, Safety Tips, Common Mistakes, FAQs, and Common Myths