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All About Yoga

Understanding The Basics

All About Yoga

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Understanding The Basics

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All About Yoga:

Understanding The Basics

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Topics Covered:

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All About Yoga
Understanding The Basics

Tracing the History of Yoga

Benefits of Yoga
All About Yoga
What is Yoga?
Yoga: Learn the Basics
Strike it Up with Your Yoga Poses
The Basic Yoga Positions for Beginners
Working with Yoga Asanas
Different Yoga Poses and Asanas
Tips and Steps to Perform a Good Yoga Posture
Keeping up with Good Yoga Postures
A Review on Yoga Poses Galleries on the Internet
All About Yoga:
Understanding The Basics

Tracing the History of Yoga

The History of Yoga has a lot to do with the present times. The earliest Yoga
started some 5000 years ago since human civilization has begun. The scholars
have believed that Yoga was originated out of Stone Age Shamanism.

This is because there were some cultural similarities between Mehrgarh, which
was a Neolithic settlement and the Modern Hinduism. The shamanistic culture
of Mergarh was in fact influenced by Hindu ideals, symbols and rituals of the
present. The ancient shamanism and early Yoga had so much similarity for the
reason both wanted to go beyond the human condition.

Shamanism’s primary goal was to heal the members who were in their
community and at the same time act as the religious mediators.

Archaic Yoga also had the same objectives as they were community oriented
and they aimed to determine the enormous order through senses and inner
vision, which then can be applied to our daily lives.

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As time went on, Yoga has progressed and has regarded the inmost experience.
Yogis then have focused on how to improve the individual enlightenment,
recovery and salvation.

Yoga’s evidences were first tracked in the archeological evidence, which was
found in stone seals exhumed from the Indus valley. Yoga postures were traced
and seen fro the figures which were illustrated in the stone seals. The artifacts
were placed on History books circa 3000 B.C., which was linked to the great
Indus-Sarasvati Civilization, which was known to be the largest civilization
that existed in the ancient world.

The Indus-Sarasvati, being a maritime society, exported goods all over Africa
and the Middle East. They build up sewage systems and put up geometrical
brick roads and constructed multistory buildings.

The Vedas are known as the oldest scripture in the world which were the
ancient texts, was brought by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization. It was a
compilation of hymns that commends a high power, which included the oldest
recorded teachings in Yoga.

They have considered this the divine revelation. The intelligence of the Vedas
was known as the Pre-classical Yoga or the Vedic. This was described by the
ritualistic ceremonies that the Yoga practitioners have been required in order to
go beyond the limitations of the mind.

The history of yoga would not have been completed in the classical stage of
yoga. After the time and turn of the millennium, yoga and its spread in
different forms have come up with the need for standardization. This is
important so that the people will be aware with it and it can be applied by
them. Due to this, during the second century, C.E., Patanjali has composed and
collected seminal text which was the Yoga-Sutra which had defined the
Classical Yoga.

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At the age of Postclassical Yoga in the enormous history of Yoga, it gave rise
to some productive literature which has included the Tantra and the Hatha
which is famously known nowadays. These were taught in schools for Yoga
and practiced by many. Therefore, post classical Yoga is described to the
adaptation of our present state. It is the time when yoga has evolved greatly
and introduced to people. It has then been applied in the United States in the

Now in the recent decades, yoga has greatly and swiftly evolved. Swami
Sivananda was one of the prominent gurus ever to master yoga. He has served
as a doctor and he has generously opened up schools in Europe and America.

Now as we move on with the yoga practices that we have today, it is much
helpful and easier to understand if we looked back on the history of yoga.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga through meditation works remarkably to achieve harmony and helps the
mind work in synchronization with the body. How often do we find that we are
unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of
the confusions and conflicts in our mind weighing down heavily upon us?

Stress is the number one suspect affecting all parts of our physical, endocrinal
and emotional system. And with the help of yoga this things can be corrected.

At the physical level, yoga and its cleansing practices have proven to be
extremely effective for various disorders.

Listed below are just some of the benefits of yoga that you can get.

Benefits of Yoga 1: Yoga is known to increase flexibility; yoga has postures

that trigger the different joints of the body. Including those joints that are not
acted upon with regular exercises routines.

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Benefits of Yoga 2: Yoga also increases the lubrication of joints, ligament and
tendons. The well-researched yoga positions exercise the different tendons and
ligaments of the body.

It has also been found that the body which may have started doing yoga being a
rigid one may experience a quite remarkable flexibility in the end on those
parts of the body which have not been consciously worked upon.

Benefits of Yoga 3: yoga also massages all organs of the body. Yoga is perhaps
the only exercise that can work on through your internal organs in a thorough
manner, including those that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire

Benefits of Yoga 4: Yoga acts in a wholesome manner on the various body

parts. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefits us by keeping
away disease and providing a forewarning at the first possible instance of a
likely onset of disease or disorder.

One of the far-reaching benefits of yoga is the uncanny sense of awareness that
it develops in the practitioner of an impending health disorder or infection.
This in turn enables the person to take pre-emptive corrective action.

Benefits of Yoga 5: yoga offers a complete detoxification of the body. It gently

stretches the muscles and joints as we;; as massaging the various organs, yoga
ensures the optimum blood supply to various parts of the body.

This helps in the flushing out of toxins from every nook and cranny of your
body as well as providing nourishment up to the last point. This leads to
benefits such as delayed ageing, energy and a remarkable zest for life.

Benefits of Yoga 6: yoga is also an excellent way to tone your muscles.

Muscles, which have been flaccid and weak, are stimulated repeatedly to shed
excess fats and flaccidity.

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But these enormous physical benefits are just a “side effect” of this powerful
practice. What yoga does is harmonize the mind with the body and these results
in real quantum benefits.

It is now an open secret that the will of the mind has enabled people to achieve
extraordinary physical feats, which proves beyond doubt the mind and body

In fact yoga = meditation, because both work together in achieving the

common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit which can lead to an experience
of eternal bliss that you can only feel through yoga.

The meditative practices through yoga help in achieving an emotional balance

through detachment.

This in turn creates a remarkable calmness and a positive outlook, which also
has tremendous benefits on the physical health of the body.

All About Yoga

There are a lot of people who are crazy about yoga. The reason why most
people do yoga is that it makes them feel better and in shape. The different
poses and postures make their body healthy. Yoga for most is the best way to
relax and unwind. If you want to keep your body in shape, this might be the
best exercise for you.

Did you know that yoga is good to fight certain illness that may come? There
had been researches which proved that yoga helps you to control anxiety,
reduces asthma, arthritis, blood pressure, back pain, multiple sclerosis, chronic
fatigue, epilepsy, diabetes, headaches, stress and many more.

Yoga has a lot of benefits and advantages. All in a day’s work, it can reduce
tension and stress. Of course after a heavy day, you will feel that your muscles
have been stuck up and you will feel wasted.

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Understanding The Basics

If you do yoga, your self esteem will be higher. It is important to gain more
confidence inside and out so that you can face people with no worries.

Yoga is good for the body in increasing your muscle tone, strength, stamina
and flexibility.

If you are too fat and conscious about your body figure, yoga can help you
lower your fat and keep your body in shape. Yoga exercises can burn excess fat
and give you the desired figure that you want.

If you need time to relax and forget your responsibilities, yoga will be good to
improve your concentration and enhance your creativity. Yoga helps you to
think more positively away from all anxieties. If you have a fresh mind, you
can think of good things and apply it easily.

Your body needs to relax once in a while. Sometimes, work can leave us
wasted and exhausted. During the heavy days, we may not find time to unwind
because work is still on our tail. Yoga can help you create a sense of calmness
and well being.

Yoga exercise helps you improve a good circulation. Your organs and veins
need to be exercised for it to function properly.

Yoga can help stimulate your immune system and keep you away from
diseases. If you have a good immune system, you can be sure that you are free
from sickness.

Some people do yoga to be enlightened. They believe that yoga will help them
bring up their spirit and keep them relieved. Yoga works differently for people
be it spiritual, emotional, psychological, mental and physical.

People think that yoga is only for spiritual people. But that belief is wrong.
Even if you are not that religious, you can do yoga. You will see and feel the

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Understanding The Basics

difference at the same time find out how it works for you.

Due to the pressure and demands of life, we become stressed out and we forget
the essence of life. We tend to lose touch with the ones we used to spend time
with, even ourselves.

We find ourselves rushing most of the time with the deadlines and hassles we
need to keep up with. This leaves us a small time to wander and have that
physical awareness.

These are the few things that yoga can provide. Once in a while, find time to
dedicate a part of it to yourself to relax and unwind which only yoga can give.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is extensively known as a form of exercise that stretches and strengthens

the body through various poses known as ASANAS. For other people yoga is
the realization of inner self satisfaction. For other it is a religion that the
believe and must follow.

All of this statement makes it hard to really make a full realization of what
yoga is.

So what is yoga?

Yoga goes far beyond just mere exercises full of awkward routines. Yoga is the
union of mind, spirit and body. Yoga comes from the Hindu philosophy used to
attain spiritual insight and harmony.

What is yoga? Yoga generally refers to the common use of a system of

exercises that is practiced as part of this discipline.

The word is derived from the Sanskrit “yeung,” which means to join. A yoke as
used on oxen is closely related, but also the same root gives us "join",

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Understanding The Basics

"junction", "junta","adjust", "joust", and "juxapose" to name a few.

There are many institutions of yoga all of which have their own unique
practices and beliefs. But in this article we have listed down the five most
common yoga practices.

However, schools and paths have been established with many different
variations that aren't listed here.

Hatha: this is the most popular variety of yoga and one that has been
commonly taught for years. So what is yoga for them? For them it is perfecting
the mind by way of perfecting the body.

With this technique many asanas or postures, breathing techniques and

meditations are used.

Ashtanga: this yoga is another popular type they are much faster than the other
schools. What is yoga for ashtangas?

For them yoga can be considered as a type of aerobic yoga for they instill quick
and smooth transitions between poses.

Kundalini: This school is focused on awakening and focusing what is known as

kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is most easily compared to life energy that
lies dormant in our bodies. It is commonly represented by a coiled snake.

Mantra: this type of yoga is focused on calming the mind and body through the
usage of words and sounds. The well known 'om' chant is commonly heard in
this school.

Tantra: This type of school is well known by way of its focus on sexual
spirituality. They also focus on kundalini energy, although their intent for
awakening it is much different from the Kundalini practice.

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Understanding The Basics

Yoga is a very diverse practice, no matter which school you choose. People
young and old can gain many benefits from regular yoga practices, and asanas
can be adjusted to fit physical limitations and other complications.

If you want a break from treadmills, weight rooms, or the pool, take a look at
yoga. Not only are you striving towards physical well being, you are striving
towards spiritual well being as well.

Traditionally, yoga consists of eight fundamental paths: Karma Yoga, Bhakti

Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Purna Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Maha Yoga and
Ashtanga or Raja Yoga. In the western world, the term yoga often refers to
Hatha yoga and its postures, movements, and breathing techniques.

The ultimate goal of yoga is the attainment of liberation from worldly suffering
and the cycle of birth and death. Yoga entails mastery over the body, mind, and
emotional self, and transcendence of desire. It is said to lead gradually to
knowledge of the true nature of reality.

Yoga: Learn the Basics

For you to learn what yoga are you should know first what the real meaning of
yoga is. So what is yoga?

Yoga is present for more that 3,000 years and originated from the land of India.
The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means to bind, join
attach and yoke. This also means "union, to direct and concentrate one's
attention on, to use and apply."

In other words, yoga is about concentrating on your mind and body to bind you
to God.

It's about disciplining yourself to balance your mind, soul, and emotions, so
that you can connect with your individual spirit or your "jivatma," which is in
turn part of the Supreme Universal Spirit or the "Paramatma," a.k.a. God.

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Understanding The Basics

It's about focusing your energy into constructive channels. And the name of an
individual who follows the teachings of yoga is known as a "yogi."

In this article Yoga, learn the basics you will be exposed to the basic forms of
yoga. There are actually lots of different types of yoga; it is not strictly a term
for the stretchy exercise we will be discussing. The term "yoga" can refer to
any of these things:

Karma yoga - focuses on giving of oneself without expecting any reward

Jnana yoga - a philosophical approach to unveiling the illusions of the world

Bhakti yoga - channeling emotional energy into one's spiritual practice

Rhaja yoga - focuses on concentration and mind control

As there are many styles of dance, so are there many forms of yoga that you
should learn. In fact, a new one might be developing right now, as a teacher
puts his or her own stamp on a specific technique.

Current popular yoga styles include, but are not limited to:

Gentle yoga, which is sometimes also called by the generic name "hatha yoga"
--this usage of "hatha" is debatable; some folks believe the term should only be
used to refer to the general idea for all physical yogas, while others use it
colloquially to refer to the gentler style.

In Gentle yoga, the focus is on long stretches and flexibility, with slow, deep
breathing (yogic breathing is known as "Pranayama"). This can be very
soothing for the mind -- it is the kind of mellow style most people picture when
they think of yoga.

Kundalini yoga, which works on the premise that the body has eight "chakras,"

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and through use of "breath of fire" (rapid breathing), one can heat up the body
from the bottom up, eventually "raising kundalini" to achieve a feeling of high

Power yoga, which is also known by the Sanskrit term Vinyasa yoga (a
"vinyasa" is a series of rapid movements which warm up the body all over).
This is a very active form of yoga, in which a person is moves quickly through
the poses (called "Asanas"), not holding them as long as in other styles.

It is virtually guaranteed that you will sweat a lot in this; it is not for the faint
of heart and gives a real challenge to the muscles

To learn yoga you must put your full attitude and spirit into it. This not a gym
exercises where you can just stride through when you are already feeling fat.

Yoga is much more into the spiritual well being that being into the physical

Strike It Up with Your Yoga Poses

There are a lot of yoga poses and you might wonder if some are still exercised
and applied. The answer is yes. Yoga poses function and perform differently.
Each pose is designed to develop one’s flexibility and strength.

Here are some of the yoga poses that are commonly used:

Standing Poses

Standing is one of the important yoga poses. This type of pose is helpful in
aligning your body and your feet. This is also very useful in improving and
maintaining a good posture. It is an advantage because if you have a bad
posture, your backbones can be stretched and straightened without noticing it.
Standing poses helps in giving strength to your legs and at the same time
increase elasticity in your legs and hips because they are all connected to each

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Seated poses

These types of yoga poses increase your lower back and hip’s flexibility. This
also strengthens your back. This adds suppleness to your knees, groin, ankle
and most especially your spine. Another advantage is that it helps you to
breathe in deep, which gives you that calm and peaceful feeling.

Forward Bends

This type helps you in stretching the hamstrings and your lower back also
strengthening it. This lessens the tension found in your neck, shoulder, back
and increase flexibility in your spine. Calmness is also achieved in this type of

Back bends are amazingly helpful in opening your chest, hips and even the rib
cage. This is helpful in strengthening and making your arms shoulders
stronger. At the same time, it simultaneously increases your flexibility and
elasticity in your shoulders. The great thing is that it helps to relieve the tension
from the front of your body up to your hips and it increases your spinal ability.
Your spinal cord is one thing that is important in your body so you need to take
good care of it.

Back Bends

Notice that the forward bends are challenging because the exercise gives you a
nice feeling and it can cause to fix some injuries. In this type of position, you
can use a prop like the strap or the black because it will be very helpful.


Balance poses are very challenging. People who do yoga get too excited in
performing balances. This is good because the fun that the person acquires

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helps him to live up his spirit and enlighten his soul. Balance is helpful in
improving your posture. In improving your posture, the spinal cord is
elongated which helps to keep yourself from some injuries and falling over.

Balance helps in training your ability to focus on your main goal and attention.
However, attention should be obtained in the ultimate level because if your
concentration is weak, for sure you cannot perform this type of pose.

Balance is one of the yoga poses that people truly appreciate and exert effort
for. Along with the balance poses comes the twist which extremely releases
tension all over your body. The tension in your spine is made clear. Twisting
may seem to be hard to obtain. It is important to execute twists on both sides of
the body so that the balance and alignment is obtained.

Taking note of these yoga poses will help you get along with yoga perfectly.
Keep in mind that concentration is your main key if you want to be successful
in doing these yoga poses.

The Basic Yoga Positions for Beginners

Yoga positions for beginners are so easy to learn. If you have not experienced
any yoga session or have not seen one, this is not a problem.

Practitioners have talked about the unification of the mind, body and spirit.
They claimed that this will be acquired through the practice of yoga exercises
and techniques.

If it is your first time to hear of yoga, you will of course wonder how these
exercises are done and how it looks like. Since you are a beginner, you will
also definitely ask what kind of positions will be best for you.

Yogis have believed that the mind and the body are bonded into a unified
structure. This belief has never failed and changed through time. Yoga has
extensively performed an amazing procedure of healing oneself through

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Understanding The Basics

harmony. This can be successfully done if you are in a proper environment.

With the great effects of yoga, the doctors have been convinced that yoga has
some therapeutic results and can be recommended for people who have
illnesses that is hard to cure.

If you have some illness that has been with you for a long time, you can
practice the yoga positions for beginners and apply it to yourself.

If you want to practice the yoga positions for beginners, you must believe that
yoga is effective and will help you to be cured or be refreshed.

Yoga is not just a recent application. It has been practiced and applied a long
time ago and up to the present, the people are benefiting a lot from it.

Investigations and researches have been implemented to prove that yoga can be
helpful in the healing process.

Therefore, it has been proved that the yoga positions for beginners are
extremely effective and useful when it comes to maintaining a high level of
joint flexibility. Although the yoga positions for beginners are just simple and
basic, it can slowly bring up a healthy lifestyle and bring more when it is
practiced over and over again.

The yoga positions for beginners are very interesting and exciting to perform.
Beginners will never find it hard to keep up with the exercises because it is just
simple. The technique of yoga gives a very big contributing factor to our
internal glands and organs. It also includes the parts of the human body which
is barely stimulated.

If you want to learn the yoga positions for beginners, you can learn it easily at
home or at school where yoga is taught.

Some basic yoga positions for beginners include standing poses, seated poses,

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forward and backward bends, balance and twisting. These yoga positions for
beginners are not that far from those who are used to practicing yoga. Only that
the extreme poses and positions are handled at the latter part of the exercise.

The time duration in executing the positions are also lessened because a
beginner cannot fully cope up with a longer time exposure in practice. Rest is
required of the beginner so that he will not be drained easily to prepare the
body for further positions.

Since you are a beginner, the most important thing you should understand is
self discipline. Yoga is not just doing yoga and executing the poses. If you
haven’t mastered the basics yet, do not jump into the complex stages and
positions because you will not feel the essence of executing the yoga positions
for beginners.

Working with Yoga Asanas

Yoga has been prevalent nowadays. So many people are engaged in it. Most of
them say that there are many benefits that can be gained from the practice of
Yoga. Flexibility is one of the so many advantages acquired in practicing

With the so many positions, a person may enhance his or her own physical
well-being. Some say that it acts as a cleansing exercise which lessens the pain
and offers a degree of relief from certain disorders. While some others say that
it is an extremely effective form of exercise.

By the various yoga asanas or positions, one can establish and experience an
amazing improvement in the flexibility of some parts of the joints, tendons, and

In addition, some researchers have found that various yoga positions can carry
out certain processes together creating harmony. When this harmony is
attained, developed flexibility is achieved.

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Furthermore, researches have revealed that diverse yoga asanas is one form of
activity that rubs down and massages the organs and internal parts of the body
which results to enhanced well-being and very good health.

Moreover, these different yoga asanas promotes improved blood circulation

and allows optimum supply of blood going to various parts of the entire body.
With all of these, there is a complete detoxification process that occurs.

Little by little, this exercise aids in washing out and cleanses the body as time
goes by. As a result, ageing is deferred plus an extra amount of energy is
released which gives a refreshing feeling. Practicing the different yoga asanas,
the muscles are not only exercised but it also nurses back its strength. The
muscle that was weakened and had become lifeless comes back into its original

By engaging in Yoga, repeated stimulation occurs, thus, improves the

flaccidity of the muscles. Moreover, the muscles of the body are healed and
toned during the process.

Another thing is, Yoga serves as an enormous form of contemplation and

reflection, which helps in balancing the activities in the nervous system. People
who practice it often say that they have improved their health and well-being
through mediation and performing Yoga.

In addition, it is a tremendous solution to the reductions of stress. Since it is a

form of a slow exercise together with a controlled breathing exercise, it
promotes a relaxed feeling or eases stress.

There are many known positions that can be performed when practicing Yoga.
They are all trouble-free and efficient body movements that help increase vigor
of the back and firming the muscles in the stomach. It also fosters and
improves stamina and endurance.

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Common yoga positions are also known as asanas.

It is the Sanskrit name for yoga poses and positions. It is a very effective and
efficient way of meditating and reflecting.

In Yoga, one’s mind must be coordinated with the body’s movement. In this
manner, the body experiences a harmonious activity that results to a forcible
and healthy life.

Some of the categories of positions are standing, twisting, balancing, back

bending and many others. These positions are made to achieve alignment and
balance as well as improve strength both in the body and in mind.

However, these different poses are varied for different kind of people, which
vary in flexibility, age and strength. Some of the basic poses or Yoga asanas
are the corpse pose, mountain pose, and four-limb staff pose.

Different Yoga Poses and Asanas

Classical yoga has developed over time to include many different styles for a
range of situations, needs and preferences. However the majority of Yoga
styles still fall neatly into either the therapeutic or the meditative category.
Both categories have many hundreds of different Asanas, (poses or positions)
and all of these are designed to benefit both the body and the mind.

Yoga takes the five 'prayer' positions and uses a corresponding yoga position to
activate the seven chakras in the body. A Chakra is a type of energy field or is
sometimes thought as a key position in the flow of energy throughout our body.

Each different type of Yoga and each different Yoga position will have a
different chakra as it's core emphasis. All of these positions, which we tend to
think of nowadays in Western Yoga as exercises, were in fact originally the
preparation for the Yogi to enter a state of meditation.

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The actual positions or poses of Yoga are known as Asanas and they may seem
complicated or difficult to a new Yoga student. It's important not to forget that
all of the basic positions of Yoga are designed to improve the bodies strength
and flexibility, and as these characteristics are improved it also makes the
positions more comfortable and easier to settle into. The deep stretching that is
the basis of most Yoga positions is beneficial for trauma disorders, tendonitis,
carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow amongst others.

Before you begin you may find it beneficial to attain a basic knowledge of the
philosophy and theory behind Yoga, however this is not a requirement or
essential to your success. It does assist with being comfortable settling into
and performing the poses associated with Yoga, and it should be remembered
that if you cannot do this then you will probably not benefit from Yoga.

There is a common misconception about Yoga that it is only for the

tremendously flexible who can contort themselves into weird and wonderful
positions. Chanting is often also associated with a Yoga class in people's
preconceptions. Neither of these ideas is true. The Yoga positions are
generally quite easy to get into but they do have several different depths in
many cases.

This means that a completely beginner can move into a position and still
benefit from it at a great level after many years of Yoga. There are some
advanced positions that a beginner should probably not bother themselves
with. Just as you are not going to compete with top marathon runners on your
first day jogging, but can still get benefits, you are also not going to be able to
ease into some of the positions that an instructor is capable of.

Likewise if you are pregnant or perhaps have an injury such as a bad back you
should inform your Yoga instructor before you begin. There are some
positions that can actually be detrimental to certain conditions. Twist exercises
with a recurring back injury is one of these.

Yoga is something that is most beneficial in a comfortable environment, as the

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muscles will stretch better when they are still warm. It's important to learn the
discipline to enter and leave each new pose or position slowly.

Not only does this help avoiding injury but also the movement from one pose
to another is often part of the program. Don't hold the poses and positions
longer than is natural for you either. As you become more used to practicing
the Yoga positions each day the benefits will allow you to hold a position with
more ease for longer periods of time.

When practiced correctly the benefits of Yoga are many. Lubrications of the
joints, ligaments and the tendons will result directly from performing the
exercises best suited to you. Posture will increase dramatically and you will
also experience a sense of wellbeing. There is also a deeper spiritual level to
Yoga (it actually has it's own philosophy and code of ethics) that you will
move closer towards and enhance each time you stretch and go through the
breathing exercises.
Tips and Steps to Perform a Good Yoga Posture

Keeping up a good yoga posture is all it takes for you to be able to keep up
with a good yoga practice.

Yoga's not only fine for achieving balance, developing calm, and making you
elastic enough to make your body move to its utmost. A yoga posture can also
build the inner strength.

Fighting the Cobra

This relieves slight pain in your back and tones abs.

First step: Stretch out on your stomach with legs and feet joined in together.
Plant palms on the floor below shoulders with fingers facing onward.

Second step: Next is to lift the upper body by gradually lifting the head and
chest, just make sure that you keep your shoulders down. (Pelvis and thighs

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Understanding The Basics

shouldn't leave the yoga mat.)

The last step: Hold your pose for about twenty to thirty seconds as you breathe
in even breaths all the way through your nose. Go back to your preliminary
location and do it all over again.

Strengthens Your Abs

First: In the first yoga posture, you should situate yourself in a standing
position with legs hip width separately, holding arms directly ahead with palms
facing down.

Second: Twist your knees and squat if you want as if you're about to sit in a
chair in your classroom. Make sure to center weight in your heels, lock it and
don't bring hips lower than the level of your knees.

Third: Allow yourself to reach forward, and center your eyes in a straight line
ahead while breathing in and breathing out all the way through the nose. Hold
this yoga posture for about 20 seconds. Gradually go back to standing position,
and then you can release your arms.

The Wind-Relieving Posture

This yoga posture stretches your spine and helps in the digestion of your
stomach. It’s a good thing to have a good running stomach so that you will
always feel fresh.

First: Recline on your rear or back. As you breathe in, drag your right knee
near to your chest. Keep your left leg in a straight line and on the ground.

Second: push your shoulders and the rear side of your neck into the ground at
the same time as firmly holding your knee. You can breathe for ten seconds
only. This might be quick but seems longer when you execute it.

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Third: Change the sides, while holding the left knee to your chest for about ten
seconds. Complete this set by hugging both of your knees to your chest and
holding it for another ten seconds. Do the set again.

The Upward Boat Posture

This strengthens your abs, improves your balancing ability, and also helps in

First: Sit down on the floor. Bend your knees and place feet flat on the floor.

Second: breathe in, bend back and raise heels off the ground, straightening
your legs as possible as you can. Expand your arms with palms facing
downward. If you find it difficult to perform, you can rest your hands beneath
your knees for support. This may be a difficult yoga posture to perform but
after a few practices, you will never have that difficulty again

Third: while you hold the pose for thirty seconds, you should keep your back
in a straight line, and make sure your abs are doing the work.

Practice this yoga posture all over again when you have time and you will find
it easy to execute after you have continuously repeated it. A yoga posture can
save your health, your digestion and your backbone so better keep it up.

Keeping Up with Good Yoga Postures

Yoga helps generate good bearing by increasing, elongating, and keeping the
alignment of your spine and the muscles in the region of it. Yoga also
strengthens your body including your abdominal muscles, which guards you
back from injuries and damages.

These yoga postures teach every part of your body to bear its own weight as an
alternative of relying on other muscles to bring the load. The recompense for
good yoga postures is enlarged with power and self-assurance.

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Put into practice these yoga postures daily. Make a custom of doing Mountain
Pose all over the place: when you are in line at the bank, or even preparing
dinner, or at whatever time you think of it. You should stick to this program
because the longer you do it, the stronger your back and abdominal muscles
will become.

Yoga postures are too easy to practice you only need a little dedication and you
can set off to practicing it anytime.

The mountain pose is one of the most practiced yoga postures one could ever
practice. In fact, many practitioners have recommended this for use because it
is easy to learn and just reading the steps will give you the idea that it can be
very handy.

1. This is one of the yoga postures that look easy, but each part of your body
ought to be concerned. Stand with your feet in a straight line beneath your
hipbones. Make your feet equivalent, with your second toes pointing in a
straight line onward. Push the balls and heels of your feet into the floor and
increase your toes.

2. with no movement of your feet and toes, turn around the insides of your
thighs frontward. Make sure that you do not lock your knees. This is important
to consider.

3. Shift your hipbones back one inch and draw your navel on the way to your
spine. Lower your tailbone in the direction of the floor and raise your torso up
and about away from your hips.

4. Picture a light glowing from your heart and your spine moving in the
direction of the front of your body. Point your fingers in the direction of the
floor as you roll your shoulders toward the back and glide them down into your
back. Raise the crown of your head in the direction of the ceiling and carry
your chin in slightly on the way to your neck.

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5. You can pretend and think that your body is a tree, and sense your
roots--your pelvis, legs, and feet--growing profound into the soil. Imagine of
your torso as twigs reaching up toward the sun. Grasp this position for 10 to 30
breaths. Picture yourself that you are drawing force up from the earth as you
breathe in, and then transport it back downward into the earth as you breathe

Following these simple yoga postures are the best strategy to learn yoga easily.
This will be a good remedy to self-healing and relaxation. Yoga postures are
very relaxing when you feel it. You just need dedication so that you will truly
feel the magic it does to chance your life. Every step in doing yoga postures is
essential in enlightening the soul, mind, body and spirit. So take these yoga
postures and start learning it.

A Review on Yoga Poses Galleries on the Internet

With numerous resources that you can find from the internet, it may be a
difficult task for you to find a good yoga postures that will fit in your needs.

And people being more adapt to visual learning, it is much better for us to see
the actual pose than to read out the complicated instructions on how to do this

So we have searched through the World Wide Web and compiled all the best
yoga poses galleries that can surely help you in your yoga needs.


This website has good resource of yoga poses galleries. They provide yoga
classes and workshops designed to increase employee productivity.

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Understanding The Basics

They are much more into mental and physical well being and the interests for
optimal workforce performance. They believe that yoga is a scientific
discipline of removing or eradicating stress and tension and its source.

Their yoga poses galleries exudes the belief that all tension both physical and
mental, is stored somewhere in the body and true stress reduction is a matter of
discovering how to release that tension on both levels.

The yoga programs directly address tension in both the body and the mind.
These classes remove stress from both sources since tension in one area has a
direct effect on the other.


This website introduces you to the practice of Yoga, and to the Sunrise Yoga or
much more known as the HATHA YOGA all of their classes are provided in
Christchurch, New Zealand.

They also supply a range of Yoga products. They also have a lot of photos
available on their yoga poses galleries which can really help you in your yoga
posture needs.

This site’s yoga page provides information about sunrise yoga and Neti Pot for
nasal cleansing.

The site provides general information about Yoga including coming events,
and they also have a page offering books related to Yoga.


This yoga site was founded by Phil Aston, a specialist in yoga which

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Understanding The Basics

specializes in stress management and development.

They offer a good size of yoga poses galleries complete with instructions on
how to do them correctly. Theirs is a holistic approach to mind and body
health. Their proven record in helping people overcome stress and enjoy their
lives is paramount in this approach.

Their yoga school is located 25 meters from the sea with views over Mount
Bay and Saint Michaels Mount in United Kingdom.

Their Yoga poses galleries include pictures and instruction of some basic and
expert’s yoga poses. They have in their Yoga poses galleries the following
poses; The Triangle pose, the wheel pose, the side plank pose, lunging salute,
the tree, cobra, the crane pose, the downward facing dog and other yoga poses.

For additional details just visit their site and see for yourself the other available
yoga poses.


This site also offers an extensive list of photos on their yoga poses galleries.
Their studio is located on the 4th floor of D tower in Cabotville, Chicoppe

It has 1,200 square feet of space that is big enough for you to roll around. They
have polished hardwood floors, large traditional south facing windows and big

They also have ample space for parking and the studio is accessible by stairs or

This are just a few list of yoga poses galleries available online, there are so
many other sites that may offer a better list of yoga poses galleries compared to

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this site.

So don’t limit yourself to this list. If you haven’t found what you need on the
listed sites above, just go around the net and search them on your own.

Yoga Info Products

Shapeshifter Yoga
- No-nonsense Yoga Program.

Brilliant Yoga
- All Natural Holistic Secrets That Transform Your Body, Mind, And

The Yoga Of Alignment Yofa

- Tools For Conscious, Joyful Living

Qigong For Happiness, Health And Vitality

- Learn China’s 1500 Year Old

Stay Young, Health And Energy Secret

Alchemy Meditations Advanced Energy/dna Activations

- Kundalini-infused With The Most Powerful Kriya Yoga

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Understanding The Basics

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