Hamptons Barbell
Hamptons Barbell
Hamptons Barbell
2012 Dennis B. Weis www.dennisbweis.com Published by CriticalBench.com All Rights Reserved. International Copyright www.CriticalBench.com This publication is fully copyrighted and does not come with giveaway or resale rights. You may not sell or redistribute this report. It is reserved solely for paid members of CriticalBench.com. Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be prosecuted. This document has been watermarked with a digital GPS identification tag.
The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of developments in the field of strength and conditioning. The program outlined herein should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional. Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physicians approval before beginning this or any other exercise program.
routine, Ive found that Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, or Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays works best. If you can only work out 2 times a week then it might be best to go Mondays and Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays. Or you may want to go 3 days one week and 2 days the next. Still yet, you can even play it by ear. Sometimes you may not want to work out at all. Thats fine! Break periods as good for the boy as working out and proper nutrition. Provided you dont skip too often, or for too long a period. If the body becomes -overworked and you continue to push it, then you will accomplish nothing more than pushing it into an over-trained state. Exhaustion will soon follow and that will weaken your immune system. Then, injures and sickness will follow.
Monday Workout
Wednesday Workout
Friday Workout
A run down body can be caused by more than just working out. It can be caused by being over worked on the job, holidays or any number of things in our personal life that - put a strain on our energy levels. For the person who puts in a lot of hours on the job, or works physical labor, or worse yet, one who works both
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long hours at a physical labor job is probably going to need much more rest than someone who only works part-time or doesnt work at all. Remember, your body doesnt care what activity exhausted it, whether it was working on the job or lifting weights, it just needs rest. And dont wait until you reach an exhausted state before you take a break or skip a workout. If youre tired and not feeling right, skip a workout or take a break. Also, the amount of weight one uses may change from workout to workout. Some nights you may feel like working out but not with the same intensity of other nights. If thats the case, lower the weight. The weight should never be really heavy but if you need to lower it, then by all means do so! Remember, the key to getting strong and fit is having fun. If you have fun doing it then you will stick with it for a long time. Ive seen too many people start a program and put too much time, intensity and weight into it because some expert told them that was the only way they were going to get results. And before you know it theyre burned out and never start again. This is sad because people who push this type of training dont know what they are talking about and they have pushed more people away from working out than they could ever imagine.
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A word on nutrition. Something else I have found over the years is that to lose weight and firm up, one must cut down on calorie intake. There is no magic food, vitamin or drug that will work. And there is no magic diet that one should follow. Stick with the wholesome foods such as vegetables, fruits, meats and grains. Just simply cut back on the amount of food you take in during a meal. Dont try to cut it in half. Just try to cut back. It could be a third, or a forth. But just cut back a little. And if you have a bad day, so what! If you dont feel that you need to lose weight, dont worry about it. Just have fun. One last thing. The weight used for each of these exercises will probably be different. Dont try to use the same weight! ake the time and change the weight for each exercise. The weight you may use for the Bench Press will be much heavier than the weight that you will be able to use for the bent over rows. This is due to the muscles involved, the position of the body and the leverage of the exercise. If you dont use proper weight then you are running the risk of injuring yourself. So please take the time and change the weight. The only equipment you will need for this routine is a barbell. One exercise, the Bench Press, requires a bench with a rack attached. If you do not have this piece of equipment, thats fine. You can either skip the exercise or perform it on the floor with the help of a friend. Good luck to you!
Barbell exercises
Demonstration: http://criticalbench.com/exercises/barbell-bench-press.htm BUILDS AND STRENGTHENS MUSCLES OF THE PECTORALS (CHEST) FRONT DELTOIDS, (SHOULDERS) AND TRICEPS. (MUSCLES OF THE REAR UPPER ARMS) You will need a bench to perform this exercise. Put the bar on the racks of the bench and load a weight that you can comfortably do 15 repetitions with. Then lay down on the bench with your head just under the bar. Place your hands on the barbell about shoulders width apart, or a little wider, whatever seems comfortable to you, and lift the barbell out of the racks and lower to the chest. The barbell should touch the chest lightly and then press it upward until at arms length. That is 1 repetition. Do only 10 reps. (Notice that I said the weight should be a weight that you can perform at least 15 reps with east, but recommended that you only do 10 reps. Thats for safety purposes.
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The Bench Press can be a dangerous exercise because it is held over ones head, neck and chest. This exercise should never be done without a spotter or proper bench press. If you do not have a spotter or a bench press, please skip this exercise.) Perform 10 reps for 3 sets. NOTE: ALWAYS USE A SPOTTER WHEN PERFORMING ANY KIND OF BENCH PRESS MOVEMENT. BENCH PRESSING CAN BE DANGEROUS AND CAN RESULT IN INJURY OR DEATH IF THE WEIGHT IS DROPPED ON YOU.
time keeping the back flat and straight. (Keeping the back straight doesnt mean keeping it vertical, it means keeping it flat as you bend over.) Grab the barbell with a grip that is about shoulder- width apart, palms facing down, and lift the barbell off the ground and bring it up to the shoulders while standing erect. (At this point if you are going to sit down, do it now.) Then press the weight in a slow and controlled motion over head to arms length and then return to the shoulders. This is one repetition. Repeat this for 10 reps for 3 sets.
hands being about 6-8 inches apart in the middle of the bar with palms down. Rise to a standing position with the barbell hanging at arms length. (Which is about mid-to high thigh for most of us.) Then raise the bar by pulling up with your fists and touching the bar to the chin. The elbows should be kept above the bar at all times and pointing out to the sides. Perform 10 reps for 3 sets.
the knees, while bending over mostly at the waist, while keeping the back flat, and grasp the bar with both hands at about shoulders width apart. Then, remain in that position and pull the bar up to the chest and then lower it to the floor. Perform 10 reps of 3 sets.
Then return the bar to the floor and immediately perform the next rep. Repeat this for 10 reps of 3 sets. NOTE: Use light weight and perform the movement in a slow manner. If performed properly this exercise will strengthen your lower back, gluts and hamstrings tremendously. If done with too much weight or too fast it can strain your back. But please dont be afraid to do this exercise. It is very efficient and safe when done right.
elbows should be held tightly to the sides. Raise the weight until the forearms are slightly above parallel and then lower the weight back to the thighs. Perform 10 reps of 3 sets.
Once in this position, spread your feet apart to a stance just wider than shoulder width apart. Then bend slightly at the waist, keeping the back flat, and at the same time squat down at the knees, pushing your butt down and slightly back. Perform 10 reps for 3 sets.
Demonstration: http://criticalbench.com/exercises/standing-barbell-calfraises.htm BUILDS THE CALVE MUSCLES (LOWER LEG) Place the barbell across the back of the shoulders just as you did for the squats. Then rise up on your toes and back down. Perform slowly as to not to lose your balance and fall. 10 reps of 3 sets.