Senior Project Raised Over $5,500
Senior Project Raised Over $5,500
Senior Project Raised Over $5,500
January 2009
Donald Burresh 3
Nicky Suard 3 January 2nd
Linda Sharp 8 POTLUCK
Nancy Gurley 9
Hosts:Larry & Linda
Carol Willis 16
Jimmy Hulmer 21
Linda Wolfe 31
Pat Lewis 31
January 9th
Elisabeth Frater 31 SURPRISE
January 16th
Bob & Nancy Weeks 12/27
January 23rd
Jim & Dana Robber 1 Hosts: Clay & Mary
2009 Galley Schedule Beef Burgundy
Please check the dates you would like to host one of Mashed Potatoes &
the Friday night dinners or potluck. Also, a reminder-- Gravy, Salad. & Dessert
-try to keep the dinners affordable, $10 or under.
Keep in mind that the 4 hosts and the 2 bartenders eat
for free. A small profit margin of 20% should be January 30
added in. To get the date you want, sign up early. The Hosts: Ellen & Steve
sign-up sheet is on the clubhouse bulletin board or call Vartan
Nancy Mueller, 967-8836 or Lori Fultz, 253-8311. Irish Stew
lucks are on the first Friday of the month. The empty
Salad & Dessert
dates are as follows:
January 9—16 February 13 March 13—20---27
April 10---17 May 1---22---29 June 12---19---26
July 3---10---24---31 August 14 September 11---25
October 2---9---23---30 November 13---20
FROM THE Larry Wolfe
FLAG Vice Commodore
January 2009
Thanks to everyone attending our Annual Meeting It is a new year and a new 'rear'. Since
Happy New Year----2009 this is my first column, thought I would list
and Change of Watch on December 13th. I sincerely
The Lighted Boat Parade on Decem- the committee chairs and outline some of
hope everyone had a good time It was a festive eve-
ning, yet pretty serious when one truly realizes the ber 6th was outstanding. There were their plans.
responsibility of the positions your new officers have 14 boats decorated and the decorations Bob Stephenson has graciously accepted
assumed. I know as incoming Commodore there is this year were bigger and better than the duties of Building and Grounds. Bob is
going to be a lot of opportunity to appreciate what all ever. The winning boats are as follows: fully aware of the plumbing problems in the
those who have served before seemed to make easy. I Best Theme--Bob & Joy Magoon on past, and is recommending port a potties on
can only promise to do the very best I can do with a the “Betty D” the grass.
lot of help from all our members and maybe even Kurt Stahr will be Fleet Captain this year
Best Visual Effects----Bill & Merrilee after an evening of substantial consumption
have some fun along the way. Newton on the “Why Not II”
My “theme” this year is “Building today toward a of 'Gentleman Jack'. Kurt is excited about
bright tomorrow”. With all that is on the agenda
Best of Show(a tie)--------Charlie & the recent reduction in fuel prices and is
already, we should be a very active group. I believe Karen Anew on “C King Fun” suggesting weekend trips to Santa Barbara,
the physical building, such as deck, kitchen expan- Kurt & Dominique Stahr on Fort Bragg, Morro Bay, and Portland. Kurt
sion/remodel and some hardscaping of the grounds “Starship” has assured me that the committee will be
will make our club a place we can be proud to visit Honorable Mention--------Larry & run in a democratic format.
and bring friends. Chris Brown on the “Lady C” Merchandise will be headed by Angela
I further believe building relationships with other and Art Lewis, who have done a great job
Thanks to Avi Strugo for captaining
members and other yacht clubs will serve us well in the past. Art told me that he is expecting
this big event. It was well run and or- a large performance bonus, so I sent a ' bail
both today and in a “bright tomorrow”. One of my
ganized. And, despite the cold and out request' to congress.
goals has always been to encourage our members to
really participate in activities at the club. From Fri- darkness there were no boat mishaps. Membership will be done by Evelyn
day Night Dinners to our special events there is The biggest problem of the evening was Silveri who has performed an exceptional
plenty to do and enjoy. We need to be a welcoming the dock starting to sink under the job in the past. Some members have com-
community to encourage new members in today’s weight of all the party goers and the plained about the size of the membership
world. lack of seating in the clubhouse for the cards; so Evelyn is looking into micro chip
Everyone should make sure building our image in implants for them.
chili dinner.
the community is positive and valued. Offering our Sally and Philip Craig will continue their
The Change of Watch on December great service to the club putting out the
club to organizations such as the Disabled Veterans
13th at the Napa Valley Country Club monthly newsletter. Philip informed
program, Friends Of the Napa River and others, as
our schedule permits, will continue to be viewed in a was another great evening. Thank you, me that based on the national
very positive way. Our Senior Program, headed Clay and Mary Parker for putting it all events of 2008 that the news media has had
Karen Agnew and the “Lady Angels” of the club together. Next year’s Change of a strong influence on the direction of the
have a tremendous positive impact on our contribu- Watch may be scheduled earlier to nation and the club newsletter could oper-
tion to the community. make it more affordable. The dates of ate in a similar fashion. Sally informed me
Other yacht clubs love to visit and have us return November 14th or 21st are being consid- privately that she is restricting Phil to the
to them, as well. This is not only good for the boating circulation desk.
ered. Carole Terry has done a great job
community, but also a good source of revenue for our
The South Beach Harbor cruise is heading the advertising and we are grate-
club. We need continue to build those relationships
and maybe even expand visitors to our club dock from December 27th to January 1st. We ful for her services this year. Carole says
when our own schedule allows. Port Captain Bill have 12 boats signed up with a catered she is close to completing and advertising
Newton has really made a difference in how our deal with Macys and Niemen Marcus which
dinner at the South Beach Yacht Club will definitely increase the club revenue.
NVYC is viewed by other clubs. The way we host
through providing dinners (a Bob & Nancy Weeks Sunday night, trips to the new aquar- Lynn Pritchett has again assumed the
specialty), our bar team serving our visitors, the ium and a New Year’s Eve party------ duties Public Relations. She has informed
Galley and Social teams doing their magic have us WOW. I’ll have to come home to rest. me that one of her first tasks will be to edu-
very high on places to cruise by other clubs. Good cate officers and directors of the club not to
work!! wear partisan political attire in public. This
By the time you receive this in early January, we has forced Clay and myself to burn our
should be ready to start some of the improvements Our NAPA VALLEY YACHT CLUB McCain hats.
waiting in the wings for a new lease. I will commit to membership directory is for your infor- The Web site committee is in transition
keep the process as a major goal moving to closure. mation only! It is never to be used for and we will have a report on them in Janu-
We are close, but not there as of this writing. The ary.
solicitation or as a mailing list for adver-
team we have working on the lease is dedicated and I extend a great deal of gratitude to the
tizing, unless approved by your Board of committee heads and look forward to work-
brings a lot of energy to getting the job done!
Directors. To advertize to our member- ing with each of you this year; although
In the meantime, I wish everyone a Happy Holiday
season! ship our monthly newsletter is available working with me does require a sense of
Have a safe and fun time on the water and join us for that purpose. humor.
at the club! Thank you for your Dirk Kruidenier
Clay Parker cooperation, Board of Directors Rear Commodore
Lighted Boat Parade-They were All Winners !
707 258-5211 707 258-5233
Look Cool in your very own
Napa Valley Yacht Club attire
TANGO; WALTZ; FOXTROT; SAMBA Sold every Friday night at the club
OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, CREW Meeting called to order at 5:30, December 9,
Board Members 2008, at NVYC Club House.
Commodore Clay Parker 224-0188 Present Jon Lander, Clay Parker, Larry Wolfe,
Vice Commodore Larry Wolfe 253-9158 Bob Weeks, Scott Brown, Charlie Agnew, Bill
Rear Commodore Dirk Kruidenier 554-1098
Secretary Bob Weeks 253-2276 Coffield, Bill Newton, James Robbers and Tom
Treasurer James Robbers 253-9052 Nunan.
Staff Commodore; Jon Lander 265-9003 Excused: Nancy Weeks.
Directors Previous month's minutes approved by Larry
Charlie Agnew 255-8115 Scott Brown 255-0885
Bill Newton 224-0306 Nancy Weeks 253-2276 Wolfe and seconded by Bill Newton.
Tom Nunan 252-7928 Bill Coffield 224-4429 Financial report: We have $36,000. in the check-
Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore ing account and $122,000 in CDs.
Port Captain Bill Newton 224-0306
Galley: Nancy Weeks 253-2276
Jon Lander reported we had 14 decorated boats in
Social Chair Mary Parker 224-0188 our Lighted Boat Parade. After the Parade about
Bar Captain Kisliuk William/Elizabeth Frater 287-2627 80 members and guests met at the Club House for
OD Coordinator: Nancy Muellar 967-8836 a great meal of chili and pizza.
(supplies) Bob & Marla Stephenson 255-6012
Bob and Judee Stemmer 255-9137
Clay Parker reported the Change of Watch is all
Chairs - Rear Commodore set for December 13 at the Napa Valley Country
Fleet Captain: Kurt Stahr 224-5157 Club.
Web Unknown 555-5555 James Robbers made a motion to purchase 50
Newsletter Philip Craig 260-4596
Newsletter Sally Servidio 224-6972
NVYC burgees seconded by Clay Parker.
Advertising Carole Terry 252-3098 We have the permit for the deck and will be start-
Merchandise Angela & Art Lewis 252-8586 ing construction soon.
Membership Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 The 2009 budget was approved by Scott Brown
Bldg. & Grounds Bob Stephenson 255-6012
Public Relations Lynn Pritchett 255-6619 and seconded by Bill Newton.
Other Staff - Commodore James Robbers made a motion seconded by Char-
Long Range Planning Steve Vartan 224-6553 lie Agnew for the Board Members to approve the
Telephone Kathy Nord 255-1804 minutes by e-mail prior to the board Meetings so
Sunshine Evelyn Silveri 255-1254
Christmas Seniors Karen Agnew 255-8115 that the minutes can be published in the Newslet-
PICYA Delegates Maxine Maas 255-4110 ter in a more timely manner.
Jon Lander 265-9003 Larry Wolfe made a motion to include the mes-
Larry Wolfe 253-9158 sage "No Club member may sell, exchange or loan
8 Bells Committee Evelyn Silveri 255-1254
Jackie Finnegan 255-6638 Kathy Nord 255-1804 the Club membership list to another organization
. or business without the written permission of the
Commodore and the Board. It is not to be used by
any single member for there personal benefit."
NVYC PAST COMMODORES seconded by Tom Nunan.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45.
1987-1988 Fos Pritchett Respectfully submitted,
1989 Jim Garcia (Dec’d) Bob Weeks, Secretary
1990-1991 George Donald (Dec’d)
1992 Kathy Nord
1993 Gary Schager
1994 Chuck Miller (Dec’d) 2002 Bill Newton
1995 Joe Ramos 2003 Mary Herschend-Robbers
1996 Wayne Friesel 2004 Carol Willis
1997-1998 Ria Donald 2005 Bob Keating
1999 Susie Pritchett 2006 Sherrill Schager
2000 Steve Vartan 2007 Avi Strugo
2001 Dan Robson 2008 Jon Lander
P.O.BOX 5951
NAPA, CA. 94581
707 252-3342
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