Healthy Work: Managing Stress in The Workplace: Health and Safety Is Good Business
Healthy Work: Managing Stress in The Workplace: Health and Safety Is Good Business
Healthy Work: Managing Stress in The Workplace: Health and Safety Is Good Business
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 What is stress? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 How (and why) does stress affect us? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 But we cant live without some stress in our lives, can we? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Stress due to causes outside work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Individual differences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 What are the effects of stress?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Causes of unnecessary workplace stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Some features of poorly organised work resulting in unnecessary stress . . . . . . 10 Taking a realistic approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Providing healthy work is a shared responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 What are the keys to providing healthy work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 What if a problem emerges? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 When things go wrong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Help and information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and the amendments made to it in 2002 are designed to make New Zealands workplaces as healthy and safe as possible. Healthy and safe workplaces are a measure of successful employment relationships that exhibit mutual trust and confidence, and promote sustainable and productive relationships. Creating a healthy and safe workplace requires employers and employees to work together systematically to identify hazards and manage them. It also requires a workplace with ongoing and effective communications between the employer and employees. A part of creating a healthy and safe workplace is managing stress in the workplace. Stress arising from workplace factors can result from unmanaged hazards that have the potential to cause both harm and poor business outcomes. The Health and Safety in Employment Act is promoted and enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Service (OSH) of the Department of Labour, but other organisations can be approved to undertake enforcement in specialist areas. Currently the Maritime Safety Authority (MSA) is approved to promote and enforce the Act at sea. This booklet identifies the approach that OSH, the MSA and other designated agencies will take when considering stress in the workplace.
Some employers and employees will be approaching the issue of stress in the workplace for the first time. Others will find that this booklet reflects the good practice they already follow in their workplace. Working systematically to identify workplace hazards means you should not wait until an employee has a physical or mental health problem before taking steps to deal with stressors in the workplace. The concept of hazard identification and management also means that there is only a requirement to manage work stressors or the individuals stressed situation where you can be reasonably expected to know about the stress. Even then the obligation is only to do what is reasonably practicable in the circumstances. More comprehensive information is available through the Department of Labours Workinfo service ( or 0800 20 90 20) or from the MSA through 0508 22 55 22 or
What is stress?
There are many definitions of stress, and many theories about what causes it. Key definitions and concepts adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Service (OSH) when it considers workplace stress are: Stress Workplace stress is the result of the interaction between a person and their work environment. For the person it is the awareness of not being able to cope with the demands of their work environment, with an associated negative emotional response. Stressors These are events or circumstances that lead to someone feeling that physical or psychological demands are about to exceed his or her ability to cope. Stressors can be of several types. Stressors can: Be inherent in the job because of factors that make that occupation what it is for example, the mixture of pressures in police work, with shift work, the threat of violence and sometimes dealing with emotionally repugnant material. Arise because of the way the job is organised. This may include physical factors (excess heat, noise, cold etc) as well as physiological factors that affect the bodys balance (such as shift work, inadequate recuperative time etc). Arise out of excessive work demands such as unrealistic deadlines. Arise out of personal factors such as health status, relationships, ability to cope with difficult situations etc.
Substance abuse
The bucket model suggests that stress and fatigue result when a persons reservoir of personal resilience is drained faster than it is replenished. Things like interesting work, supportive relationships, good health and rest fill the bucket. Difficult working conditions, conflict at work, emotionally draining work, excess (or not enough) work and difficulties at home can drain the bucket. You are coping when you maintain the balance between these factors. As the bucket model shows, theres no point in filling the bucket if stressors keep draining it quickly. Control of stressors is frequently needed to plug the holes, or at least reduce their size in order to prevent stress building up.
But we cant live without some stress in our lives, can we?
A life with no challenges would be very dull. In that sense, some stress is good for us. There is evidence that a lack of challenge at work can be just as stressful as work that is reasonably demanding physically or mentally. Even so, a balance between stimulation and rest is required. Whether stress is good or bad depends on personal tolerance levels and adequate recovery time. This common-sense approach tells us that prolonged and/or profound stress or prolonged and/or profound exposure to stressors can be bad for a person and an organisation. Indications of a negative (as opposed to a merely challenging) situation are, for example, where a previously effective work group becomes dysfunctional. The right balance can change with time. For example, a challenge, when mastered, may become a monotonous, routine task that a person finds stressful for that reason alone.
Individual differences
Individuals have different tolerances or susceptibilities to workplace stress (different sizes of personal resilience buckets). This will depend on a number of personal factors as well as: the amount of support they get from personal and work relationships the demands of the work the individuals health status the interest and meaning she or he finds in the job. There is no reason to expect that a persons resilience will be constant with time: as a person changes or has temporary difficulties, there will be times when resilience is less or greater. Just because one person can cope when another person cannot doesnt mean that the one is right and the other is wrong or weak. For example, some people lose their hearing more quickly than others when exposed to noise; but exposure to excess noise for prolonged periods will eventually make everyone deaf. So noise standards are set at a level that protects the great majority of the employees working an average working day for an average working lifetime. In addition, employers have a responsibility to protect more sensitive employees who may develop problems sooner than others do. Acceptable levels of workplace stressors should not be established according to what the last survivor can cope with, or by what bothers the most vulnerable. As with all health and safety systems, the standard procedure is to identify stressors that are known hazards and to take all reasonably practicable steps to manage them so that they do not harm people at work.
B: The content of the work Work characteristic Task design Conditions possibly stressful to an employee Lack of variety and/or short work cycles, fragmented or tedious work Under-utilisation of skill Constant customer contact Workload or work pace Lack of control over work rate/pacing Work over-load or under-load High work rate or time pressure Work schedule The disruption to body processes caused by changes in shift work patterns especially when these are badly designed Inflexible work schedules Unpredictable working hours or long or unsociable working hours Work context Inherently hazardous No two-way communication on workplace issues
Extreme levels of these factors may produce a stress reaction in some people. In such cases, the work may need to be re-organised to allow for this reaction. Where this occurs it involves balancing operational issues, achievability and cost against the hazard that the reaction creates for the individual or workplace. In some cases, the employee may have to take responsibility, as where family pressures, out of work activities and the like are affecting work performance. Achieving the right balance can involve trade-offs and contradictions. For example, resolving a tasks ambiguity may result in work practices that are too rigid; increasing the variety of work may leave some people with greater responsibility than they either want or can deal with. Particular types of work may be intrinsically more difficult to cope with than others, for example: work that is emotionally repugnant or draining (e.g. social work in a clinic for sexually abused children, working in some branches of medicine, police work) work that requires long periods of intense concentration (e.g. judges clerks) work that has high consequences of error (e.g. air traffic control, nursing) work that is inherently hazardous (e.g. forestry, mining, quarrying). Employers in such areas need to be particularly vigilant for signs of workplace stress in their employees and, where it occurs, have in place effective methods to counter the stress reaction. The nature of the work itself is not the only factor that may result in a person perceiving unreasonable demands. For example, when people are in a job that doesnt suit their skills or personality, stress may continue to affect them no matter how well the work is organised. It is common and perfectly normal experience for people to find more satisfaction when they move on to a job that suits them better. Increased pressure and demands in the workplace may arise because of the expectations and behaviour of members of the public, over which employers may have little control. Employers do not have to cocoon employees from such demands, but they should take whatever steps are practicable in the circumstances. Employees can usually make good suggestions.
1. Healthy work
Work that is enjoyable, interesting and stimulating, with many elements of healthy work such as task variety and personal control over how tasks are performed Someone creates their own stressors because of personal choices such as refusing to ask for help, refusing reasonable change or partying all weekend
Good management practice the healthy work approach set out in the table on page 15
Work that is free from intrinsic stressors that characterise category 4 work, but is poorly organised so that it spreads over a much longer period of time than necessary
Aim to eliminate, isolate and minimise stressors that relate to time and other organisational pressures through a combination of prevention methods. Employers should ensure that their work organisation and structure do not match the factors identified in the table on pages 10-11
Good management practices the healthy work approach set out in the table on page 15
Stress prevention programme focus This work will involve stressors that may, at times, be intense and unmanageable. The programme will be unable to eliminate or isolate most of these stressors and will aim to minimise them. Employers in this category would be expected to be proactive in assessing and controlling stressors
Resources required
This kind of work could involve emotionally draining or repugnant activities, require intense, prolonged concentration, or have very high consequences of error
Work in this category would require a comprehensive stress prevention programme. Employers and employees should consult the comprehensive OSH guide to stress and fatigue, available from
Employers and employees can make use of a number of prevention methods to eliminate, isolate or minimise stressors. These are set out in the following table:
Prevention level Primary prevention Approach Create a healthy place of work and control stressors so that to the extent possible the work is interesting, rewarding and within the persons capabilities Improve the fit between the person and the job by staff selection, on-the-job training, performance feedback and monitoring of problems, and, where requested or required, establish employee participation in health and safety to enhance the above Help the person experiencing stress or deal with the harm that may have resulted from it Outcome Elimination of the hazard where that is practicable
Secondary prevention
Isolation of the hazard by ensuring that only adequately trained and equipped personnel deal with it
Tertiary prevention
Workplace collaboration
Participate effectively and co-operatively with the employer and fellow employees
Appropriate rewards
Maintain skills and knowledge; have a realistic sense of self worth; acknowledge others accomplishments Ask for help when you need it; accept support when you need it; give support when needed
A supportive workplace
Understand that change can be tiring and threatening, and therefore affect morale; have good communication and consultation strategies during times of change Provide opportunities to work well and improve performance; match individuals to task requirements; provide opportunities for progress in the workplace Dont allow hierarchies to dominate the workplace
Accept that change may be inevitable and necessary; participate in communicating about and helping to manage change
Personal progress
Maintain skills and knowledge; learn from mistakes; contribute to the organisations goals; be willing to accept the change and knocks that are necessary for personal growth Dont play status-related games; take responsibility for personal tasks; use discretion wisely
Workplace hierarchies
Do not be afraid to try something new. Where practicable share less interesting tasks with other employees Take responsibility for personal tasks; use discretion provided wisely; respect the employers position when there is no latitude available
Workplace collaboration
Work on maintaining healthy personal relationships; understand the difference between giving way and giving in
Good communication
Have strategies for communicating about work; promote honest feedback in both directions; praise success at work
Contribute to a positive atmosphere in the workplace; avoid criticising destructively or undermining colleagues; ask necessary questions
Two Services of the Department of Labour also have expertise: The Inspectors and medical advisors of the Occupational Safety and Health Service can provide information and assistance. The Employment Relations Service can offer information on problem solving. Where external input can assist, mediation services are available.
Both services can be contacted through the Department of Labours Workinfo service ( or 0800 20 90 20). The Maritime Safety Authority can also provide information to employers and employees in their area of expertise.
evidence of harm that resulted from a defined medical condition. For example, a court found a probation officers heart disease and a police photographers post-traumatic stress disorder were the consequence of workplace stress. 2. Is there clear evidence of recognisable stressors that the employer knew about, or should have known about because of the nature or content of the work? For example, is the work intrinsically stressful because: it is emotionally draining or repugnant? it requires intense, prolonged concentration? it has very high consequences of error? it is inherently hazardous? and/or is the work stressful because of the way it is organised? 3. Is there clear evidence of some significant hazard that has led directly to the harm? For example: Is the work too difficult for the individual concerned? Is the workload unrealistic? Are there factors such as persistent bullying in the workplace? 4. Is there clear evidence that there were no pre-existing conditions or there was no significant personal contribution to the harm? For example, did the harm exist before the person commenced that work? Were there significant out-of-work stressors? Did the person accept more than their share of work in spite of repeated instructions from management not to do so? 5. Is there clear evidence of a lack of employer action or inappropriate employer action? Did the employee make any complaints or suggestions? On becoming aware of the report of stressors, did the employer investigate and take appropriate and practicable steps to manage the stressors? If it is recognised that harm has occurred because of a failure to have systems in place to recognise stress, or because known stress was not responded to, the normal range of actions under the Act can be considered by Inspectors.
This booklet is a guide only and may not be accurate for all situations. It should not be used as a substitute for legislation or for legal or other expert advice.
February 2003