OD Applications:: Application of OD in Business Enterprises
OD Applications:: Application of OD in Business Enterprises
OD Applications:: Application of OD in Business Enterprises
In the current context of global business, every organization strives to maintain its competitiveness
around four levels of competitiveness i.e. Cost, Quality, Service and Speed. Organizations,
irrespective of being profit oriented or non-profit oriented – Cost, Quality, Service and Speed
continues to be the standard parameters to determine efficiency and effectiveness. From time to time,
organizations re-orient themselves to achieve higher degrees of adherence to these four parameters.
Re-orientation is better understood in the context of change and broadly organizations are exposed to
two levels of change – the one that the organization itself volunteers to undertake and the other that
the organization gets subjective to due to changes in its operating external environment.
OD merits its application whenever an organization embarks upon a process of “Planned Change”
(see Models of Change). Planned Change could be to achieve operational efficiencies as well as
strategic objectives i.e. Changes at the activities level of the manufacturing process, changes at the
ground level for distribution process, centralizing or de-centralizing a process. As also to achieve a
strategic objectives of alignment of the Legacy System to a new system during Mergers and
Acquisition, towards Total Human Resource Alignment essential for any significant enterprise level
endeavor that the enterprise embarks upon – either strategic or operational.
Thus, the applications of OD can only be illustrated and not exhausted. In a way every organization
irrespective of its nature and purpose could have a scope for application of OD.
Application of OD in Business Enterprises
Scope for OD exists in Startups as well as matured organizations.