Eating Fish Is Unnecessary

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What has happened to the last 100 years? Looking

Fatally Flaw
back at articles published near the start of the last
century, there was already a huge amount of evidence
to show that plant foods were preferable to meat.
Since then, the health message has been constantly
obscured with a welter of red herrings. Fish eating
and fish oils to protect against heart disease (see this Laura Scott Explains Why Veggies are Right to Let
page) are only the latest example of how health messages get hyped,
exaggerated and inflated until they’re seen as a kind of panacea.

at more fish, eat some fish, eat this fish, eat that
It almost appears to be official policy to tinker around the edges of ill fish - for a food supposedly great for brains it sure
health, giving advice that, at best, merely alleviates the worst effects of makes your head hurt! According to government
very bad diets. As our research shows on page nine, the evidence that policy and almost every health magazine, vegetarians
plant-based diets are the answer to our growing health problems increases are doing themselves a disservice by not eating fish as
almost daily. It is now apparent that a far more effective way of improving its oils are an essential aid in avoiding heart attacks
people’s health and reducing their risk of heart disease would be to tackle and death from coronary heart disease.
bad eating habits head on rather than tinker with them at the edges.
A review of the scientific literature carried out by the VVF,
The bonus is, of course, that by tackling heart disease through diet, the however, blows a hole in this policy and begs the question
epidemics of other degenerative diseases which are flourishing would also why it has been promoted with such energy. Like the red
be effectively tackled. But unfortunately that isn’t the way it seems to work. meat industry, fishing attracts huge government subsidies.
Rather than encouraging people to change their diet as a whole, they are It raises the question as to whether the promotion of fish
encouraged to see diseases individually - fish oils for healthy hearts, has more to do with protecting an industry than
tomatoes for prostates, fibre for bowels, yoghurt for digestion, and so on. protecting human health. The review found that:

The extraordinarily unhealthy, celebrity-backed Atkins diet is another • plant oil is far more effective in reducing the
prime example of image over substance (see page 12). The media have chance of death in high-risk patients than fish oil;
fallen on it like a pack of ravening wolves despite the fact that it has • plant oil reduces the risk of secondary heart attack
already caused the death of one teenager and defies every tenet of by double compared to fish oil;
sensible health advice. It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious - bad • fish oil does not reduce the chances of death from
eating habits create excess weight and obesity and the solution, heart disease in those at low risk, plant oil does;
supposedly, is to make your diet even worse! • plant oils reduce the number of painful, non-fatal
heart attacks;
You would have expected the government’s Chief Medical Officer to • there are long-term survival benefits from
have made some kind of intervention, even if only to say ‘don’t touch consuming plant oils;
the Atkins diet with a barge pole’ but not a word. As a consequence, it • most fish oils contain poisons from environmental
has been treated as though it is simply a lifestyle choice. But the way pollution, such as mercury, organophosphates,
governments tackle ill health isn’t necessarily as straightforward as it PCBs and dioxin which may encourage heart
could, or perhaps should be ,as the article on page 15 makes clear. disease, infertility and harm developing foetuses.

One result is that our National Health Service is, in fact, a sickness Fishy Fats
service with almost all the available money being spent on pills, potions Eating fat is not the original sin; in fact, our bodies
and procedures and about two per cent on prevention. The World can’t function properly without it. But it should be the
Health Organisation is clear that such is the scale of disease facing right type, namely polyunsaturated fat found
western countries that it can only be tackled through large scale dietary principally in plant foods. It is also found in oily fish
intervention - and the diets they are referring to are plant based. such as herring, mackerel, sardines and salmon.

Juliet Gellatley There are two main types of polyunsaturated fats -

Founder & Director, Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation omega-6 (linoleic acid - LA) and omega-3 fats (linolenic
acid - LNA). The richest dietary sources of omega-3 are
veggiehealth is the campaigning magazine of the Vegetarian & Vegan not fish but seed oils such as linseed, rapeseed, soya and
Foundation, Top Suite, 8 York Court, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH. mustard and whole nuts - particularly walnuts. (1).
Tel: 0117 970 5190. Fax: 0117 924 4646. Green leafy vegetables are also a source of omega-3 (2).
W: E: Together, omega-3 and omega-6 are referred to as
essential fatty acids, or EFAs.
Director, Juliet Gellatley; Associate Director and Editor, Tony Wardle;
Cover photo: Rob Hill

Senior Nutritionist, Laura Scott; Senior Campaigner, Charlie Powell; Oily fish is promoted as a good source of EFAs
Fundraising Manager; Graeme Wotherspoon; Merchandising because it contains omega-3 but so do flaxseed and
Manager, Vanessa Buckler; Reception/Admin Assistants, Bev Hughes rapeseed (canola). There is a difference in how the
and Kat Himmel; Advertising and Promotions, Angie Greenaway; body deals with plant oils compared to fish oils but a
Editor’s Assistant, Michelle Preston; Company Secretary, John Carter. planned vegetarian diet provides all the omega-3
Design by Sussed Design. Registered Charity 1037486 necessary and renders fish eating unnecessary.

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Fish Policy
the One that Got Away, Stay Away

Fish and Heart Disease

Affairs of the heart are the primary reason why fish has
come to be viewed as a must-have accessory for a
healthy diet. Fatty acids found in fish flesh can help
reduce the likelihood of clots forming in the blood,
can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and fat
(triglyceride) levels in the body and may help to reduce
the risk of heart disease.

Fish got the thumbs up when it was observed that

some people who eat fish-rich diets, such as the
Japanese and Inuit (Eskimos), had low rates of
cardiovascular disease. Controlled trials showed that
marine fatty acids could significantly reduce mortality
in people who already have cardiovascular disease. So
perhaps it’s not surprising that the American Heart
Association (AHA) and the World Health Organisation
(WHO) both argue that fish is an important part of the The GISSI study also looked at patients who had
diet with the AHA recommending people to eat at least survived a heart attack but who had Mediterranean
two servings of fish per week - especially oily fish, as dietary habits. Patients were given omega-3 fish oil
well as plant foods rich in omega-3. Importantly, the capsules and there was a 10-15 per cent reduction in
AHA adds that this advice should be weighed against overall mortality, non-fatal MI and stroke over a three-
concerns over the contamination of fish from pollution and-a-half year period (7).
in the environment (3). Make no mistake, this is a
hugely important proviso and seriously erodes the idea The LYON study also looked at how essential fatty
that fish is healthy. acids can help prevent a second heart attack, the
difference being that plant-derived omega-3 was
Two important ‘secondary prevention’ trials (DART and used. Amazingly, it resulted in a 70 per cent
GISSI) spurred the promotion of fish to reduce the risk of reduction in cardiac deaths as well as a reduction in
a second heart attack. Much less publicised was the LYON ‘significant coronary events’ - almost twice the
study that looked at the effects of plant-derived omega-3 reduction of the fish and fish oil trials! The heart-
on hearts. Strange, considering it showed that plant- protection effects of their largely plant-based diet
derived omega-3 reduces the risks of secondary heart were found to start quickly and four years later, most
disease by almost double that of fish-based omega-3! patients were still following it and their hearts were
still being protected (9).
The DART trial looked specifically at people who had
recovered from a heart attack (myocardial infarction - The significance of this study is hard to over-
MI) when blood supply to the heart muscle (the emphasise. It shows that plant-derived omega-3 is
myocardium) is blocked, resulting in severe chest pain clearly superior to that derived from fish in reducing
or death. Males who had been advised to eat about the odds of dying from a heart attack and in avoiding
300g of fatty fish per week showed a reduction of the painful experience of a second non-fatal attack;
almost 30 per cent in mortality over two years. that plant-based diets can be successfully sustained;
Researchers believe that fish oils help to normalise and that it provides long-term heart protection.
heartbeat rhythms and prevent blood from becoming
too sticky and ‘clumping’. A 1997 study by Singh and colleagues looked at the
effects of both fish oil and mustard oil on a group with
The study showed that eating more fish resulted in a suspected MI. Belching and nausea were two side
small decrease in the amount of meat, meat effects of the fish oil treatment that led to some subjects
products, cheese and eggs eaten. The outcome was leaving the trial. Very nice! Both groups showed a
fewer fatal heart attacks but the total number of significant reduction in total cardiac events (10).
attacks was not significantly reduced (5). A follow-up In 2002, Singh looked at healthy Indo-Mediterranean
study 10 years later found that there were no long- diets rich in wholegrains, legumes, fruits and
term survival benefits. vegetables, coupled with foods high in omega-3 from

veggiehealth 7
nuts, mustard oil and soyabean oil. This diet was given
to a group of patients already showing risk factors for
heart disease such as angina and MI. The outcome was
a significant reduction in non-fatal MI and sudden
cardiac death. The authors concluded that omega-3
fatty acids consumed as mustard or soyabean oils,
walnuts, leafy green vegetables and wholegrains, rather
than fish or fish oil supplements, might also reduce the
risk of heart disease in people who already eat a fairly
healthy diet (11).

Low-Risk - No Gain
Marckmann and Gronbaek in 1999 found that fish
consumption does not reduce the risk of death from
coronary heart disease in low-risk people. They
concluded that people with healthy life-styles gain no
additional protection from eating fish. The authors
also ask the question whether it is fish oil that seems to
give protection to high-risk individuals or whether and the three species listed are above ‘safety’ levels.
other factors are involved (13).
A study looking at mercury levels in Mediterranean
Hearty Veggies tuna found they exceeded maximum levels in over 60
Low-risk people are those who have a low saturated per cent of bluefin tuna (31) and other edible fish were
fatty acid diet as saturated fat is a known risk factor for also contaminated. The authors expressed concern
coronary heart disease. It follows that vegetarians and over human consumption of some species (32) and
vegans usually come into this category. A recent review researchers insist fish must continue to be monitored
found that vegetarians have a 25 per cent reduced risk closely in order to assess the risks (33).
of dying from heart disease than meat eaters (14) and
the latest position paper by The American Dietetic Mercury and Heart Disease
Association puts them at lower risk of several Mercury in fish could possibly limit any supposed
degenerative diseases, including heart disease (16). heart protection benefits, according a 1995 study. It
showed that a high intake of mercury from eating non-
Marine Madness fatty fish was associated with an increased risk of MI
Thanks to pollution, the marine environment is and death. A daily intake of 30g or more increased the
anything but fresh and clean. All the world’s oceans risk of MI two-fold and it went up by five per cent for
have been polluted with toxic chemicals yet fish are each additional 10g of fish eaten per day (34).
marketed as essential to a healthy diet. Environmental
contaminants stemming from industrial processes reach The Food and Drink Administration (FDA) in America
all our water - streams, lakes, rivers as well as oceans. has already advised that high-risk groups such as
pregnant women should not eat fish with high levels of
A particularly toxic group is termed POPs - persistent mercury. The real question is - should anyone? (35).
organic pollutants. They are now part of many food
chains and become more concentrated the higher up Mercury and Infertility
the chain you go. Carnivorous fish such as salmon eat Mercury is also implicated as a possible cause of
smaller fish and take on their toxic load, becoming infertility in both men and women and a recent
ever more toxic themselves. Humans in turn eat the study examining infertile people found that those
salmon, tuna or mackerel. Mercury is one such POP eating the most seafood had elevated levels of
and recent studies show that fish are widely mercury in the blood (36).
contaminated with it.
Despite all these concerns, the FSA do from time to
According to a government agency, most of the organic time change their recommendations on how much,
mercury that people eat comes from methylmercury in who should and who shouldn’t eat what types of fish.
fish. Mercury is a poison known to affect the kidneys To make this easy for you then here’s a couple of
and central nervous system (29). The heart doesn’t like statements taken from the FSA website. FSA statement
mercury much either. ref. 2003/0330 states that two portions of fish should
be eaten weekly (30). The FSA leaflets entitled ‘Fish
Following a recent survey of mercury contamination in and shellfish’ and ‘Mercury in fish: your questions
fish, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) issued the answered’ state that: at least two servings of fish
following extraordinary statement: ‘The FSA is should be eaten per week. If you are a woman who is
advising pregnant and breastfeeding women, and or who may become pregnant don’t eat predatory fish
women who intend to become pregnant, to limit their like swordfish, shark, marlin or tuna. Just so you are
consumption of tuna’. These women are also advised clear then! Best advice - give up fish entirely.
to avoid eating shark, swordfish and marlin. The
reason is that mercury can harm the developing
nervous system of an unborn child. Shamefully, almost
all fish eaten contain trace amounts of methylmercury continued on page 18

8 veggiehealth
continued from page 8 acids. The fact seems to have been obscured by the
concerted promotion of fish - a diet almost no one
seems to want. Add to this the contamination of the
Don’t Fancy Yours world’s oceans and it means that when you take a
Despite the constant message that fish is a healthy and mouthful of fish, you take a mouthful of poison - most
necessary part of the diet, people aren’t impressed and likely mercury or PCBs.
eat just 144g per week of fish and fish products. Just
47g of this is the recommended oily fish compared to The fact that the government promotes fish as the
the 200g-300g they are encouraged to eat (38). As a solution to heart disease and barely mentions the
public health measure, promoting fish has been a better alternatives is extraordinary. Ignorance
spectacular failure. is no excuse and the only other reason
can only be wilfull
Farmed Failure misinformation. It gives
Due to the collapse of fish stocks, fish farming is the the message that
world’s fastest growing food sector but it brings with it there’s no need
health and nutritional concerns. Farmed salmon, for to make
instance, can contain three times less of the heart- fundamental
healthy omega-3 fats and 15 per cent less protein. changes to
They can also contain chemical pesticide residues as unhealthy
well as dangerous levels of toxic chemicals such as diets, all
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (39). you need
do is pop a
Researchers found that farmed salmon have 10 times fish ‘pill’. Dietician Sandra Hood
the toxic potential than wild salmon, with higher levels summed it up when she said that promoting fish is a
of PCBs, organochlorine pesticides (OPs) and kind of damage limitation exercise.
polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs). The source is
thought to be their feed of fish oil and fish meal, The science shows that our hearts don’t need fish, our
which is itself contaminated from industrial pollution brains don’t need fish and our health is far better
of the sea (40). served by a plant-based diet. Plants, not fish are the
way forward for health.
Fish are a source of the essential fats so necessary in This article is taken from Laura Scott’s scientific report,
the diet but they are not the only, or healthiest, source. a fully-referenced version of which is available from
Plants provide a far superior source of essential fatty VVF for £10. Tel 0117 970 5190 (Mon-Fri).

continued from page 15 ‘Beyond the rhetoric, this epidemic [of chronic
degenerative diseases] can be halted - the demand
for action must come from those affected. The
have done to the WHO in private with the support solution is in our hands’.
of tame politicians.
Yes, the solution is in our hands and what needs to be
We reported in the last issue of veggiehealth that an done isn’t a mystery. But before those whose health is
independent consultant had revealed that the food suffering are likely to act with determination, the
industry had infiltrated the WHO since the conflicting messages from governments and NGOs
publication of the 1990 report and was exerting alike must be ended and health advisory bodies
undue influence over its policy making. Top of the list everywhere must tell it like it is. And that means
was the so-called International Life Sciences Institute, relying on science, resisting the pressures of an
founded and funded by Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, unscrupulous industry and having the courage to stand
General Foods, Kraft and Procter & Gamble - some of up to politicians, who are equally as guilty in this
the biggest food and drink companies in the world. It unedifying tale of deceit.
would be naive in the extreme not to think that the
meat and dairy industry, which dwarfs all others in The profits of big business are being put before
term of size and political clout, has not also been at human health - which is bad news for us but good
work behind the scenes. news for big business because ill health and the
myriad pills and potions it spawns, is yet another
Beyond rhetoric huge profit centre. Maybe that could explain why the
If it is read with a critical eye and between the messages on health emanating from our own
lines, the 2003 report does offer some indictment Department of Health are as weak and feeble as they
of animal products and does link them with ill are and why they have done little to curb the
health. What it fails to do is repeat the call of the burgeoning epidemics of degenerative diseases and
1990 report and state forthrightly that there must improve our children’s diet.
be a massive reduction in the amount of animal
products consumed worldwide if health statistics Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, World
are to improve. In its closing sentence it says: Health Organisation, 2003, Technical report series 916.

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