Garcia Etal 2004
Garcia Etal 2004
Garcia Etal 2004
Abstract We analyze 17 intermediate-depth, normal-faulting, inslab earthquakes of Mexico (4.1 Mw 7.4; 35 km H 118 km), recorded on hard sites at local and regional distances (R 600 km), to study spectral attenuation of seismic waves, quality factor Q, source spectra, and Brune stress drop. Assuming 1/R geometrical spreading, the quality factor is given by Q(f ) 251f 0.58. Although there is considerable uncertainty in Q due to the trade-off between geometrical spreading and Q, this uncertainty does not inuence strongly the estimation of source spectra and stress drops. We nd that source spectra of nine events (4.1 Mw 6.4) follow the x2 model, while those of the other eight (5.8 Mw 7.4) signicantly deviate from it. Interpreting the high-frequency level of the source spectra with the x2 model yields a nearly constant stress drop, Dr, with a median value of 304 bars. This is more than 4 times greater than the corresponding value for interplate earthquakes in central Mexico. The observed source acceleration spectra, S(f ), is, however, better t by an empirical source spectrum characterized by two corner frequencies, f a and f b, such that S(f ) f 2M0 /[{1 ( f /f a)2} {1 ( f /f b)2}]1/2, where f a 4.962 1010/M00.454, f b 4.804 105/M00.213, and M0 is in dyne centimeters. This empirical source spectrum may be useful in predicting ground-motion parameters using stochastic methods.
In recent years, much progress has been made toward understanding the source characteristics of interplate earthquakes of Mexico. Similarly, our knowledge of wave propagation from these events and our ability to estimate ground motions from such earthquakes have also radically improved. However, the improvement has been relatively slow for inslab earthquakes, which occur in the subducted oceanic Cocos Plate. Yet, historically, some of these earthquakes have devastated cities and towns located above the slab, in the Mexican altiplano. Some examples are the earthquake of 1858 (M 7.7), which damaged towns in Michoaca n and Mexico City (Singh et al., 1996); the 1931 earthquake (Mw 7.8), which caused major destruction to the state and city of Oaxaca (Singh et al., 1985); the Mw 7.0 Orizaba and Huajuapan de Leo n earthquakes of 1973 and 1980, respectively (Singh and Wyss, 1976; Yamamoto et al., 1984); and the 1999 earthquake of Tehuaca n (Mw 6.9), which caused unexpectedly large damage to colonial structures in the city of Puebla (Singh et al., 1999). In fact, if the Valley of Mexico, with its abnormal soil characteristics and large population, were excluded from the statistics, then the damage and the loss of lives due to interplate and inslab events in Mexico may be about equal, despite the more frequent occurrence of the former type of earthquakes. The large damage during inslab earthquakes is, at least partly, due to the high population density of the Mexican 789 altiplano. Nevertheless, there is evidence that suggests that source and wave propagation characteristics of inslab events also play an important role. A comparison of modied Mercalli intensities for inslab and interplate earthquakes in Mexico shows that ground motion during the inslab events is higher than the interplate ones (Singh et al., 1980). Moreover, the seismic wave elds from the two types of earthquakes signicantly differ, as demonstrated by Furumura and Singh (2002). For these reasons, it is of interest to analyze inslab events to study source spectra and to develop attenuation relations for these earthquakes. Thanks to the improvement in the seismic networks in Mexico and an enhanced inslab activity in the region since 1994, some recent inslab earthquakes have been well recorded. The data from these events have permitted detailed source studies of several of these events (e.g., Cocco et al., 1997; Mikumo et al., 2000; Hernandez et al., 2001; Iglesias et al., 2002). In this article we focus on spectral attenuation, source spectra, and stress drops of the inslab earthquakes estimated from local and regional S waves of strong-motion recordings. From the spectral attenuation, we estimate the quality factor Q and examine the amplication at hard sites in the Valley of Mexico. We then determine the source spectra and the stress drops of the events. Finally, we compare the inslab and interplate earthquakes.
The source parameters of the 17 intermediate-depth inslab earthquakes (4.1 Mw 7.4; 35 km H 118 km) used in this study are listed in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the epicenters and focal mechanisms of the events. These earthquakes gave rise to 268 free-eld strong-motion recordings at 51 stations located on hard sites at hypocentral distances between 40 and 600 km. These stations are equipped with digital accelerographs and/or broadband seismographs. Accelerograms are available at sampling rates of 80, 100, 200, or 250 Hz. In a few cases (14% of the data), accelerations were obtained by differentiating velocities recorded at the sampling rate of 80 Hz. The choice of 600 km as the upper limit is somewhat arbitrary but includes most of the recordings and limits the study to a distance range that may be of interest to earthquake engineering. The magnitude versus distance plot, illustrated in Figure 2, summarizes the data set used. These recordings were used to estimate spectral attenuation and source spectra. For attenuation analysis, events 4, 5, and 7 were excluded because of the small number of recordings. Event 17 was not considered because it occurred after this step of the analysis had already been completed. Figure 3 shows the epicenters, stations, and ray paths covered by the data.
were windowed. The window length was chosen such that it included the main S-wave arrival and at least 85% of the total energy. The signals were then Fourier transformed by a fast Fourier transform, smoothed by a 1/6 octave-band lter, and 5% tapered. Amplitudes were then measured at 10 selected frequencies: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, and 18 Hz. Finally, the quadratic mean of the spectral amplitude of both horizontal components at each frequency was computed. Attenuation and Source Spectra Analysis Our analysis follows that of Ordaz and Singh (1992; henceforth OS92) for Mexican interplate events. We assume that the far-eld, point-source approximation is valid. Thus the Fourier acceleration spectral amplitude of the most intense part of the ground motion (S-wave group) of event j at station i can be written as Aij( f, Rij) C Sj( f ) G(Rij) ep f Rij /b Q( f ), where C Rh F P (2p)2 . 4p q b3
In these equations, f is frequency, Rij is the hypocentral distance of the ith station with respect to jth event, Rh is the average radiation pattern (0.55; Boore and Boatwright, 1984), F is the free-surface amplication (2.0), P takes into account the partitioning of energy in the two horizontal components (1/2), q is the density in the focal region (3.2 g/
Table 1
Source Parameters of Inslab Earthquakes Analyzed in This Study
Event No. Date (yymmdd) Latitude (N) Longitude (W) H (km) M0 (dyne cm) Mw Strike () Dip (d) Rake (k) fc (Hz) Dr (bars) Stations|
940223 940523 941210 960101 960719 970111 970519 970522 980420 990615 990621 990930 991229 000721 010305 010306 020130
17.75 18.02 17.98 17.04 17.24 18.34 17.28 18.37 18.35 18.13 18.15 16.03 18.00 18.11 17.15 17.14 18.15
97.27 100.57 101.52 99.51 100.38 102.58 100.45 101.82 101.19 97.54 101.70 96.96 101.63 98.97 100.11 100.11 95.98
75 50 50 41 50 40 44 54 64 61 53 47 50 50 35 38 118
6.28 2.77 5.20 2.00 2.81 6.06 9.41 6.53 1.01 3.10 3.11 1.72 8.29 7.14 1.00 8.30 9.43
1024 1025 1025 1022 1023 1026 1022 1025 1025 1026 1025 1027 1024 1024 1024 1023 1024
5.8 6.2 6.4 4.1 4.9 7.1 4.6 6.5 5.9 6.9 6.3 7.4 5.9 5.9 5.3 5.2 5.9
278 273 130 122 308 292 104 269 290 309 296 300 122 305 338 336 317
36 39 79 57 39 82 75 62 61 40 32 49 73 32 15 37 63
83 76 86 63 79 106 85 96 86 83 88 78 76 80 63 64 94
0.855 0.521 0.486 4.718 2.373 0.174 2.637 0.345 0.627 0.306 0.490 0.167 0.572 0.760 1.224 1.498 1.365
324 324 494 173 310 266 143 221 206 733 303 660 128 258 151 230 1981
8 23 21 3 4 23 5 21 18 18 16 25 14 15 19 19 16
*Location and depth from local and regional data. M0 and focal mechanism from Harvard CMT. Location, depth, M0, and focal mechanism from local and regional data. Corner frequency, f c, estimated by tting an x2 model to the source acceleration spectrum (see text). Dr computed from equation (6) assuming b 4.68 km/sec. | Number of stations whose recordings were used in computing source spectrum.
21 20 19 6 18 13 17 16
10 17 -98
Cocos Plate
15 -104 -103 -102 -101 -100
-99 -97 -96 -95 -94
10 30
16 (5.2) 15 (5.3) 4 (4.1) 6 (7.1) 3 (6.4) 7 (4.6) 2 (6.2) 12 (7.4) 5 (4.9) 13 (5.9) 11 (6.3) 8 (6.5) 9 (5.9) 1 (5.8)
Depth (Km)
50 70 90 110
14 (5.9) 10 (6.9)
17 (5.9)
130 150 0 50 100 150 200 250 Distance from the trench (Km) 300 350 400
Figure 1. (Top) Map of Mexico showing epicenters and focal mechanisms of normal-faulting, intermediate-depth inslab earthquakes analyzed in this study. Each event is identied by a number, which is keyed to Table 1. TMVB, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt; MAT, Middle America Trench. (Bottom) The projection of the hypocenters of the inslab events on a vertical plane AA. Moment magnitude, Mw, of each event is given in brackets. The dashed lines delineate the subducted Cocos plate. cm3 for oceanic mantle), b is the shear-wave velocity in the focal region (4.68 km/sec for the subducted oceanic mantle), and Q( f ) is the quality factor, which includes both anelastic absorption and scattering. The geometrical spreading term, G(Rij), is given by 1/Rij , for Rij R0 G(Rij) . (R0Rij)1/2, for Rij R0 0j( f ), Sj( f ) f 2 M
0j( f ) is the moment-rate spectrum. Finally, for an where M x2 source model, Sj( f )
2 f 2 f cj M0j . 2 f f2 cj
In equation (5), the corner frequency of the jth event, fcj, is given by Brune (1970)
Figure 2. Magnitude versus distance plot summarizing the data used in this study. Symbols indicate the type of data available: open circles, accelerograms; diamonds, broadband velocity data. Stations located in the Valley of Mexico, known to suffer large amplication of seismic waves, are not plotted. Note that the data set includes four events that have the same magnitude of Mw 5.9 (Table 1). fcj 4.91 106b (Drj /M0j)1/3,
where Drj is the Brune stress drop in bars, b is in kilometers per second, and M0j is the seismic moment in dyne centimeters. The form of G(Rij) is the same as that chosen by OS92 for Mexican interplate events. It implies the predominance of body waves for distances shorter than R0 and of surface waves at R R0. We ignore any attenuation of seismic waves near the site, commonly included in equation (1) by multiplying the right-hand side by epjf . Thus, the distanceindependent part of j is included in the source term, Sj( f ), while the distance-dependent part gets absorbed in Q( f ). Taking the logarithm to the base 10 of equation (1), we obtain logAij( f, Rij) logG(Rij) log(C Sj( f )) 1.36 f Rij . b Q( f )
spectra computed later. To estimate the errors we used the standard deviation of the residuals of the rst regression, rres. In these calculations, we have assumed that R0 , that is, body waves are the predominant phase at all distances. This is supported by 2D and 3D simulations of wave propagation for inslab earthquakes (Furumura and Kennett, 1998; Furumura and Singh, 2002). We repeated the calculations using R0 100 and 200 km. The standard deviations were very similar for different R0s, and there was no clear bias of the residuals with R. For these reasons, we consider it reasonable to choose R0 for inslab events. An assumption in these calculations is the validity of far-eld, point-source approximation. We note that R 40 km in all cases. For f 0.1 Hz, 88% of the data are in the far eld (R k k, k wavelength). For the remaining 12% of the data, this condition does not hold at 0.1 Hz. Computations excluding this 12% of the data resulted in almost the same Q( f ) as obtained with the entire data set. We also examined the validity of point-source approximation (R k L). We assumed a rectangular fault with L 2W, where L is the length and W is the width. This is the upper limit of the L/W ratio for the largest, recorded Mexican events. We estimated L from the relation Mw log A 4, where A LW is in square kilometers (Kanamori and Anderson, 1975). The difference in the results based on all data and neglecting those with R 3L (11%) is negligible. It follows that fareld, point-source approximation is acceptable for our data set.
We solve this equation in the least-squares sense to obtain Q( f ) and Sj( f ) at each frequency. For this purpose, we follow the two-step method proposed by Joyner and Boore (1981). First, the global shape of the attenuation curve is determined using the whole data set in the regression (all earthquakes in Table 1 except 4, 5, 7, and 17), thus obtaining 1/Q( f ) and one term per event proportional to the source term. In the second step, we nd the appropriate shift for each event, thus the source term Sj( f ). The source terms Sj( f ) obtained in the second regression were only used to check the results of the regressions, by comparing these source terms with the
with correlation coefcient r2 0.87. This gives Q( f ) 251f 0.58. In Table 2 we summarize the results of the rst regression. We include for each frequency the standard deviation of the residuals and the mean residual, both computed using logarithm to the base 10. Residuals as a function of Mw and R are shown in Figure 5 for two representative frequencies, 0.3 and 3 Hz. There is a signicant correlation of the residuals with R for only 0.3 Hz. For the rest of the frequencies, the residuals and the correlation with R are smaller than at 0.3 Hz. In fact, 0.3 Hz shows the worst t to the Q1( f )f regression (Fig. 4). The correlation with R, in turn, seems to reect the distribution of the data with distance (Fig. 2). Smaller residuals correspond to frequencies between 2 and 6 Hz, whereas larger residuals and dispersion appear at the extreme frequencies studied here (0.10.2 and 1018 Hz).
793 Figure 3. Epicenters of the inslab earthquakes (circles), stations (triangles), and ray paths used in attenuation analysis (events 4, 5, 7, and 17 excluded). The square denotes the location of stations CUIG and TACY, situated in the hill zone of the Valley of Mexico, which were only used to determine amplication at these sites.
-104 -103
Comparison of Attenuation: Inslab versus Interplate Earthquakes Q( f ) for Mexican inslab earthquakes is quite similar to that obtained by OS92 for interplate events in the same area, Q( f ) 273f 0.66 (Fig. 4). This is an unexpected result for three reasons. (1) OS92 used recordings up to 320 km generated by shallow (H 37 km) thrust earthquakes, whereas we have analyzed data up to 600 km from inslab, normalfaulting events (35 km H 75 km). (2) The trajectories and dominant waves in the two cases are different. For inslab events, the dominant high-frequency (15 Hz) direct S waves travel in the oceanic mantle and crust of the subducted Cocos Plate and then cross the continental crust of the North America Plate. On the other hand, dominant S waves from interplate events of lower frequency (0.31 Hz) are trapped within the North American continental crust as Lg waves (Furumura and Kennett, 1998). (3) The chosen geometrical spreading terms differ for inslab and interplate events (OS92 chose R0 100 km, assuming predominance of Lg waves beyond this distance). For these reasons one would expect different Q( f ) values for interplate and inslab earthquakes. Yet, the difference in the estimated Q( f ) is almost negligible. However, because of the trade-off between Q( f ) and geometrical spreading, discussed earlier, it is not meaningful to compare the estimated Q( f ) for interplate and inslab earthquakes. It seems more interesting to compare the attenuation function C( f, R) G(R) ep f R/b Q( f ).
Figure 4. Q1(f ) versus frequency for inslab Mexican earthquakes. Computed values are shown by solid dots and error bars corresponding to 1 standard deviation. Continuous line is the weighted linear least-squares t. Dashed line shows the result from OS92 for Mexican thrust events.
Table 2
Estimated Q1( f ) as a Function of Frequency and Relevant Statistical Parameters
f (Hz) 1/Q rres* Mean Residual
0.023 0.006 0.008 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.0028 0.0006 0.0022 0.0003 0.0022 0.0001 0.00159 0.00009 0.00109 0.00007 0.00069 0.00004
0.32 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.27 0.23 0.28 0.34 0.40
0.04 0.03 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.07
*Standard error of residuals (computed in logarithm to the base 10) resulting from rst regression.
Figure 6 shows C( f , R) for inslab and interplate earthquakes at four frequencies. The curves nearly coincide at small distances (for R 100 km, the geometrical spreading is the same). For distances larger than 200 km the differences become noticeable, the attenuation being higher for inslab earthquakes, especially at higher frequencies. For example, at f 10 Hz and R 300 km and 500 km, C( f , R) for inslab events are 0.61 and 0.48 times the corresponding val-
Figure 5. Residuals of the attenuation regression (rst step) versus moment magnitude Mw and hypocentral distance R for 0.3 and 3 Hz. In the gures for R, circles represent data from events with Mw [5.2,5.9], crosses from Mw [6.2,6.5], and squares from Mw [6.9,7.4]. There are no data for magnitudes between these bins. Continuous lines represent linear regression of residuals. ues for interplate events, respectively. This result is in agreement with the characteristics of waves and propagation for both types of earthquakes detailed earlier. Amplication of Seismic Waves at Hard Sites in the Valley of Mexico during Inslab Earthquakes OS92 reported that seismic waves at hard sites in the Valley of Mexico, located in the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB), suffer amplication during interplate earthquakes. This amplication at these sites is caused by the low-velocity structure of the MVB. It is interesting to investigate whether the amplication at these sites for inslab earthquakes is similar to that reported by OS92. We analyzed 21 recordings at two hard sites used by OS92: CUIG and TACY, both located in the hill zone of the Valley of Mexico. Data from these stations are plotted in Figure 6 (triangles). Figure 7 shows amplication at these sites measured with respect to the attenuation function C( f , R). There is clear amplication between 0.1 and 3 Hz. Above 3 Hz, the waves at hard sites in the Valley of Mexico are deamplied. We attribute this behavior at high frequencies to the attenuation caused by the relatively shallow (1 km) sediments that lie below the volcanic rocks that cover the hill zone of the valley. On the other hand, the difference in deamplication between CUIG and TACY at high frequencies may be attributed to the difference in the subsurface characteristics at these two sites. This deamplication is more than that reported for thrust events (dotted lines). Based on 2D and 3D simulation of seismic-wave propagation up to 4 Hz, Furumura and Singh (2002) found that the amplication of Lg waves in the Valley of Mexico from interplate earthquakes is larger than for Sn waves from inslab events. They attributed it to the differences in the incident angle and the frequency contents of the phases. However, our results suggest that the difference in amplication for both types of earthquakes is minor. Source Spectra of Mexican Inslab Earthquakes: x2 and Empirical Models The average source acceleration spectra, Sj(f ), of the 17 earthquakes, listed in Table 1, are shown in Figure 8. They have been obtained by correcting the observed spectra, Aij( f ), using equation (1), with geometrical spreading given by equation (3) and Q( f ) by equation (8). Figure 8 also
Figure 6. Attenuation function, C(f , R), as a function of hypocentral distance, R, for four representative frequencies. Continuous curve corresponds to the mean value, dashed curves show the percentiles 16 and 84, and dotted curve represents the attenuation function for Mexican thrust events (OS92). Circles, data used for the regression analysis; triangles, data from stations at the hill zone of the Valley of Mexico (not included for the attenuation regression).
shows the x2 source model obtained by xing the seismic moment and requiring that the theoretical spectra match the high-frequency level of the observed spectra. For this purpose, we used the seismic moments provided by the Harvard centroid moment tensor (CMT) catalog for 12 of these events (Table 1). The moments of the remaining ve events were estimated from the low-frequency level of the source displacement spectra. The resulting corner frequency f c and stress drop Dr (obtained from equation 6) of each event are included in Table 3. Also included in this table are Q( f ), f c, and Dr corresponding to three values of R0 (R0 , 200, and 100 km). We note that the difference in f c and Dr values for the three cases is insignicant. In further analysis, we will assume R0 . The source spectra in Figure 8 begin to drop down at frequencies higher than about 10 Hz. The near-surface attenuation, which has not been accounted for, is the likely cause for the spectral fall-off (e.g., Singh et al., 1982; Anderson and Hough, 1984). The source spectra of nine earthquakes (events 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17; 4.1 Mw 6.4) are well ap-
proximated by the x2 source model. The spectra of the remaining events (5.8 Mw 7.4) deviate signicantly from this model. We will rst analyze the data within the framework of the x2 source model. A more appropriate representation of the source spectra is discussed later. Figure 9a shows a plot of f c as a function of M0. The gure includes lines corresponding to a constant Dr of 100 and 1000 bars. Data points from all earthquakes except the deepest one fall in this range of Dr. A least-square t to the data gives
0.297 fc 1.956 107 M0
with correlation coefcient r2 0.976. As we can see in the gure, the data support a constant Dr model. In Figure 9b, Dr is plotted as a function of M0. Assuming a constant stress drop, the median Dr, which ts the data in Figure 9b, is 304 bars. Again, a least-square t to the data offers Dr 0.609M0.108 0
Figure 7.
Amplication during inslab earthquakes as a function of frequency for two selected sites in the hill zone of the Valley of Mexico. Dotted curves are the maximum, minimum, and mean amplication measured at the same sites by OS92 during interplate earthquakes.
with a low correlation coefcient, r2 0.477, due to the large scatter in the (Dr, M0) data. Thus, the data suggest a minor dependence of Dr on M0. In order to explain this apparent dependence, in Figure 10 we show plots of M0 and Dr versus depth. In the large dispersion of the data, one may discern a slight tendency of both M0 and Dr to increase with depth. The increase of M0 with depth is, of course, a reection of the catalog of well-recorded events available at present. An increase of Dr with depth, on the other hand, has been suggested in many studies (e.g., Mikumo, 1971; Sasatani, 1980; Bos et al., 1998; Houston et al., 1998), although other studies have found no clear pattern of depth dependence (e.g., Singh et al., 2000). In any case, it is possible that the apparent minor scaling of Dr with M0 is a consequence of the combined effect of the increase with depth of both M0 and Dr. In the previous analysis, we have assumed an x2 source. As we pointed out before, this assumption is reasonable for only about half of the events studied here. For the other events, especially the larger ones (Mw 6.5), the spectra may be better described by two corner frequencies, f a and f b ( f a f b). Several studies have proposed source spectra that depart from the simple x2 model (e.g., Gusev, 1983; Boatwright and Choy, 1992; Atkinson and Boore, 1995). For inslab Mexican earthquakes, we assume that the source spectrum, S( f ), is described by S( f ) f 2M0( f ) f 2M0 .
The source spectrum in equation (12) is similar to the one proposed by Boatwright and Choy (1992), who related f a to the source duration T by f a 1/(2T). Following Boore (2003), for Mw 5.3 we write
0.454 fa 4.962 1010/M0 ,
where M0 is in dyne centimeters. To obtain an expression for f b, we require that the high-frequency spectral level from the two-corner source spectrum, f a f b M0, be equal to the corresponding level for the x2 source, f c2 M0; that is, f a f b f c2. If we use the median value of Dr of 304 bars for inslab Mexican earthquakes, then f c 1.544 108/M01/3 and, therefore,
0.213 fb 4.804 105/M0 .
(1 (f/fa)2) (1 (f/fb)2)
In Figure 8 the predicted spectra from equations (12) and (14) are superimposed on the observed spectra. Note that in computing these spectra, we have taken the stress drop of each event, as listed in Table 1, rather than the median value. These two-corner source spectra match the observed spectra better than the x2 source spectra for seven of the earthquakes considered (1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12), including three of the four larger events (6, 8, and 12; Mw 6.5, 7.1, and 7.4, respectively). One of the larger events (event 10, Mw 6.9) is not well described either by the x2 model or by the two-
Figure 8.
1 standard deviation curves). Superimposed on the spectra are predicted curves from an x2 source model (dashed smooth curves) and a two-corner empirical source model (continuous smooth curves). Theoretical curves correspond to the seismic moments of the events, and their stress drops are constrained by the high-frequency spectral level.
Figure 8. Source acceleration spectra of the inslab Mexican earthquakes (mean and
corner model. For the smaller events (Mw 5.3; events 4, 5, 7, 15, and 16), both models of source spectra coincide and t the observed spectra. In fact, from equation (14) we note that f a f b at M0 6.39 1020 dyne centimeters (Mw 3.2) and, consequently, an x2 source model should be used for Mw 3.2. However, since the difference between the two source models is negligible for 3.2 Mw 5.3, either of them can be used in this magnitude range. Finally, for the remaining four source spectra (events 3, 13, 14, and 17), an x2 model offers source spectra closer to the observed ones. Thus, for estimation of ground motions and response spectra from future inslab earthquakes in the area, using a stochastic approach, it may be better to use the source spectra characterized by equations (12) and (14). Comparison of Source Spectra of Inslab and Interplate Mexican Earthquakes In Figure 11 we compare source spectra of inslab and interplate earthquakes of Mexico. In the estimation of spectra of interplate events, we have followed the same procedure as for the inslab earthquakes, except that we have now taken the appropriate parameters for interplate events that
occur in the depth range of about 1525 km. These parameters are (OS92) b 3.5 km/sec, q 2.8 g/cm3, Q( f ) 273f 0.66, and G(R) given by equation (3) with R0 100 km. The spectra in Figure 11 are grouped in four magnitude bins. It is clear that the high-frequency spectral levels of inslab earthquakes are much higher than those of the interplate earthquakes of the same magnitude. If there is no systematic bias in the analysis, then the gure implies higher stress drop for inslab as compared to interplate earthquakes. Indeed, the median stress drop of the seven interplate earthquakes, whose source spectra are shown in Fig. 11, is 71 bars, less than one-fourth of that for inslab events. However, a systematic bias is possible due to uncertainty in b of the source region, since both the high-frequency spectral level and corner frequency depend on its choice (see equations 1, 2, and 6). To test the sensitivity of the results, we recomputed source spectra and stress drop assuming a b of 3.8 km/sec for interplate earthquakes and 4.2 km/sec for inslab events. The median Dr values were now 79 and 308 bars, respectively. This shows that the stress drops are insensitive to reasonable choices of b in the source region. Since the source spectral level is proportional to b3, the choice of b affects
Table 3
Effect of Q(f ), Estimated Assuming Different Forms of Geometrical Spreading, on f c and Dr
R0 * Event No. Q( f ) 251 f 0.58 M0 (dyne cm) f c (Hz) Dr (bars) f c (Hz) Dr (bars) f c (Hz) Dr (bars) R0 200 km Q( f ) 182 f 0.66 R0 100 km Q( f ) 145 f 0.71
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
6.28 1024 2.77 1025 5.20 1025 2.00 1022 2.81 1023 6.06 1026 9.41 1022 6.53 1025 1.01 1025 3.10 1026 3.11 1025 1.72 1027 8.29 1024 7.14 1024 1.00 1024 8.30 1023 9.43 1024 Drmedian (bars)
0.855 0.521 0.486 4.718 2.373 0.174 2.637 0.345 0.627 0.306 0.490 0.167 0.572 0.760 1.224 1.498 1.365
324 324 494 173 310 266 143 221 206 733 303 660 128 258 151 230 1981 304
0.950 0.550 0.522 4.989 2.373 0.187 2.712 0.383 0.709 0.339 0.535 0.185 0.582 0.815 1.267 1.551 1.485
445 380 609 205 310 328 155 303 297 1000 393 905 135 319 168 256 2549 372
0.950 0.559 0.531 4.989 2.440 0.184 2.789 0.383 0.673 0.322 0.526 0.189 0.593 0.829 1.312 1.606 1.444
445 400 642 205 337 311 169 303 254 858 373 953 143 336 187 284 2343 375
*The results discussed in this study correspond to G(R) 1/R, that is, R0 (see text for details). Corner frequency, f c, estimated by tting an x2 model to the source acceleration spectrum (see text). Dr computed from equation (6) assuming b 4.68 km/sec.
the estimation of the corner frequency f c. However, in the calculation of the stress drop, the shear-wave velocity enters as b3. The overall effect is such that Dr is only weakly dependent on the choice of b. It follows that the uncertainty in b is not the cause of the large difference in the median value of Dr of interplate and inslab earthquakes. Moreover, since inslab and interplate earthquakes were recorded at many of the same sites, a systematic difference in the site characteristics where both types of events were recorded also does not appear to be the cause. Therefore, we conclude that the difference in the spectra and the stress drops of interplate and inslab earthquakes is a reection of the difference in source characteristics. These differences could also explain why the areas under modied Mercalli intensities of V and VI for inslab events are signicantly greater than those for interplate events (Singh et al., 1980).
Spectral analysis of S-wave recordings from 17 intermediate-depth, normal-faulting, inslab earthquakes of Mexico (35 km H 118 km; 4.1 Mw 7.4) shows that there is considerable trade-off between geometrical spreading, G(R), and quality factor, Q( f ). Assuming G(R) 1/R (i.e., dominance of body waves) yields Q( f ) 251f 0.58 (0.1 Hz f 18 Hz). The trade-off between G(R) and Q( f ), however, has little effect on the attenuation function, C( f , R); source spectra, S( f ); and corner frequency, f c. At distances larger than 100 km, the attenuation of seismic waves
from the inslab earthquakes is larger than for Mexican interplate events. The difference grows with increasing distance and frequency. The attenuation function provides a gauge for estimating amplication at other sites. We nd that the amplication at hill-zone sites in the Valley of Mexico during inslab events is about the same as that reported previously for interplate events for frequencies up to 3 Hz. It seems that the character of incident waves in the Valley of Mexico, which differ for inslab and interplate events, does not play an important role in the amplication at hill-zone sites. The estimated source acceleration spectra of the inslab earthquakes are at at high frequencies, between about 2 and 10 Hz. The spectral fall-off seen at frequencies greater than about 10 Hz may be a consequence of near-surface attenuation, unaccounted for in our formulation. The x2 model provides a reasonably good approximation to the source spectra of nearly half of the 17 earthquakes (up to 10 Hz). The source acceleration spectra of the remaining earthquakes show a sag at intermediate frequencies. Interpreting the source spectra within the framework of the x2 model yields a nearly constant Brune stress drop, Dr, with a median value of 304 bars. This stress drop is about 4 times greater than the corresponding value for Mexican interplate earthquakes obtained by OS92 using the same procedure and mostly the same sites of recording. However, an empirical source model with two corner frequencies provides a better description of the observed spectra of these earthquakes. Indeed, the spectra in equation
Figure 9. (a) Corner frequency, f c, as a function of seismic moment, M0. Dashed lines, Dr 100 and 1000 bars; solid line, f c 1.956 107M00.297. (b) Stress drop, Dr, as a function of seismic moment, M0. Dashed line, median Dr 304 bars; solid line, Dr 0.609 M00.108; lled circles, data from spectra well tted by an x2 source model; diamonds, data from spectra better matched by the empirical twocorner frequency source model.
Figure 10. (a) M0 versus depth. (b) Dr versus depth. Filled circles, data from spectra well tted by an x2 source model; diamonds, data from spectra better matched by the empirical two-corner frequency source model. In the large dispersion of the data, one may discern a slight tendency of both M0 and Dr to increase with depth. the ground motions from the former type of earthquakes decay faster than the latter type (Fig. 6). These results are in agreement with those of Atkinson and Boore (2003), who have recently studied empirical ground-motion relations for subduction-zone earthquakes based on a global database. They concluded that pseudoaccelerations from large inslab earthquakes (M 7.5) would be higher than for large interplate earthquakes (M 8) within 100 km of the fault. They also found, however, that inslab motions attenuate much more rapidly with distance.
(12), with the two corner frequencies given by equation (14), t reasonably well the observed spectra of all but three earthquakes. Following Boatwright and Choy (1992), we have related the lower corner frequency, f a, to the source duration by equation (14a). The expression of higher corner frequency, f b, is obtained by the requirement that M0 f a f b M0 f c2, where f c is the corner frequency corresponding to the x2 model that ts the high-frequency level of the spectra. The empirical source model may be gainfully used in the stochastic method of ground-motion estimation. Our study implies that the ground motions during the inslab events are higher than the interplate ones, because of the larger Dr of the former ones. It also demonstrates that
We thank technicians who maintain the broadband network operated by Instituto de Geof sica, UNAM, and accelerographic networks at the Ins-
Figure 11. Comparison of source spectra of Mexican inslab (continuous lines) with interplate earthquakes (dashed lines). The events are grouped in four magnitude bins. Note that the high-frequency spectral amplitude levels of inslab earthquakes are signicantly higher than those of interplate events of similar magnitude.
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