Coordination Design PSS and TCSC Controller For Power System Stability Improvement Using CLA-PSO Algorithm

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World Applied Sciences Journal 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012

ISSN 1818-4952
IDOSI Publications, 2012
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2012.20.12.2811
Corresponding Author: M.H. Sayyadnia, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Saveh Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran (e-mail:
Coordination Design PSS and TCSC Controller for Power System
Stability Improvement Using CLA-PSO Algorithm
M.H. Sayyadnia,
M. Sedighizadeh, and
A. Panahi
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., Tehran, Iran
Abstract: In power systems, using only conventional PSS for local and inter-area oscillation does not
provide sufficient damping. FACTS devices can als o be used in damping of power systems oscillations.
However, uncoordinated local control of FACTS devices and PSS may cause destabilizing interactions.
Therefore, to enhance local and inter-area oscillation damping and improved power system stability
coordination design Power System Stabilizer (PSS) with Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) has
been studied in this paper. The coordination design problem of excitation and TCSC-based controllers is
formulated as a time domain based optimization problem and a new model modification of PSO algorithm,
named (CLAPSO) which combination Cellular Learning Automata and Particle Swarm Optimization is
used to search for optimal controller parameters. To study the effectiveness of the proposed controllers,
different loading conditions are considered. The simulation results show that the proposed controllers are
effective in damping low frequency oscillations under different loading conditions.
Key words: Cellular Learning Automata (CLA) Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Power System
Stabilizer (PSS) Power System Stability Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)
Expand and complicate the power networks in the
last few decades many researchers to search and review
methods for improving the stability of power Networks
is made of including dynamic stability.
Low Frequency Oscillations (LFO) as one of the
most important problems in network stability have been
studied. LFO are generator rotor angle oscillations
having a frequency between 0.1 -2.0 Hz and are
classified based on the source of the oscillation. The
LFO can be classified as local and inter-area mode [1].
LFO in power system occur usually because of lack of
damping torque to overcome disturbances in power
system such as changes in mechanical power.
Traditionally, to resolve this problem LFO and increase
the damping, the installation of power system stabilizer
(PSS) as a solution for simple, effective and low cost
was considered [2]. However, in some operating
conditions, PSS cannot provide sufficient damping and
effective options are needed in addition to PSS.
The power electronics development has allowed
the application of new devices to improve power
system performance. Some of these devices may be
used to damp electromechanical oscillation. The
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), for
example, are examples of such devices that may be
used to damp oscillations in power systems [3]. The use
of FACTS devices is a cost-effective alternative to
improve the flexibility and performance of power
system operation compared to system expansion [4].
One of these FACTS devices is Thyristor Controlled
Series Capacitor (TCSC) that can provide rapid speed
control of active power through a transmission line. The
ability to control the transmittable power suggests the
potential application of these devices for damping of
Low frequency oscillations. However, separated design
of PSS and FACTS damping controller may cause
dynamic interactions between them. A coordination
procedure may be required to avoid such possible
dynamic interactions between PSS and FACTS
damping controller. The problem of PSS parameter
tuning in the presence of FACTS-based controller is a
complex exercise. Since the coordinated design of PSS
and TCSC is a nonlinear problem with a large number
of design parameters, it is appropriate to use nonlinear
optimization techniques such as the genetic algorithm
[5] and particle swarm optimization [6] to solve this
In this paper a new modification of particle swarm
optimization (PSO), named Cellular Learning Automata
PSO (CLAPSO), is proposed for optimal design of PSS
and TCSC-based stabilizer in Single Machine Infinite
Bus (SMIB) power system. In the PSO algorithm,
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
inertia weight is the coefficient of particle velocity that
is used to determine the particle velocity in the next
step. Setting this parameter can be established the
balance between global search and local search. In
some applications, inertia weight is considered fixed.
But often the inertia weight must have a higher value at
first and over time decreases value linearly. Thus,
particles at the beginning of the search process
attempted to identify new locations of the search space
but over time have more desire to following. Decries
inertia weight in linear way is very simple method that
doesnt have ability to complete apply basic knowledge
about the problem and also couldnt use the feedback
system. In order to solve this problem, CLAPSO
algorithm the combination of cellular learning automata
and particle swarm optimization, presented by
Sheybani, Meybodi at first [7]. In this algorithm using
Learning Automata has two important advantages:
First, the existing knowledge on the problem can be
used to determine process of change inertia weight and
secondly, this process is corrected by getting feedback
from implementation of algorithm. To set the behavior
of particles, each cell learning automata, use the
experiences of themselves and learning automata cells
neighboring. Thus a kind of cooperation between
populations of a cell and neighboring cells formed
which make them better performance [8].
In this paper, a Single Machine Infinite Bus system
with a TCSC shown in Fig. 1 is considered. The
generator is equipped with a PSS and a TCSC has been
placed in series with the transmission line to change the
line flow. Therefore, a TCSC can extend the power
transfer capability and provide additional damping for
low frequency oscillations.
Fig. 1 Single Machine Infinite Bus system with a TCSC
Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor
TCSC is a series FACTS device which allows
rapid and continuous changes of the transmission line
impedance. It has great application potential in
accurately regulating the power flow on a transmission
line, damping inter-area power oscillations, mitigating
subsynchronous resonance and improving transient
stability. Fig. 2 shows the simple diagram of TCSC
comprised of a series compensating capacitor shunted
by a Thyristors-Controlled Reactor (TCR) placed in
series with the transmission line. TCR is a variable
inductive reactor controlled by firing angle. Controlling
the firing angle of thyristor can regulate the TCSC
reactance and its degree of compensation [9].
Fig. 2 Simple diagram of TCSC
Linearized power system model
The generator is represented by the third-order
model comprising of the electromechanical swing
equation and the generator internal voltage equation.
The swing equation is divided into the following
equations [10], [11]:
( 1)
= (1)
( )( 1)
m e

is assumed to be constant and P
can be expressed
e d d q q
P v i v i = + (3)
The internal voltage, E'q, equation is:
( )
f d d d q
E x x E


The simplified IEEE Type-ST1A excitation system
is considered in this paper. In addition, a widely used
conventional leadlag PSS is considered. The diagram
of the IEEE Type-ST1A excitation system and the PSS
is shown in Fig.3.
Fig. 3 IEEE Type ST1A excitation system with PSS
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
The inputs to the excitation system are the terminal
voltage v, reference voltage V
and the signal from the
PSS output u
. The gain and time constants of the
excitation system are represented by K
and T
respectively. It can be described as:
( )
A ref PSS fd
f d
K V v u E
In the above equation:
2 2
d q
v v v = +
d q d
v X i = (7)
q q d d
v E X i = (8)
In the design of electromechanical mode damping
stabilizer, a linearized incremental model around an
operating point is usually employed. Referring to Fig.
1, the voltage v'=v-jX
i, i is the generator armature
current. The d and q components of v' can be written as:
( )
d q TCSC q
v x X i = + (9)
( )
q q d TCSC d
v E x X i = + (10)
The load current i
, and the line current i
The infinite bus voltage v
Z. The components of
can be written as:
1 2
b d q d q
v C v C v Ri X i = + (11)
2 1
b d q d q
v C v C v Xi Ri = (12)
Substituting from (9) and (10) into (11) and (12),
the following two equations can be obtained:
3 4 2
d q b q
C i C i v C E + = + (13)
5 6 1
d q b q
C i C i v C E + = (14)
Solving (13) and (14) simultaneously, i
and i
expressions can be obtained. Linearizing (13) and (14)
at the nominal loading condition, ? i
and ? i
can be
expressed in terms of ? d, ? E'q and ? X
as follows:
3 4 2 7
d q b q TCSC
C i C i v C E C X + = + + (15)
5 6 1 8
d q b q TCSC
C i C i v C E C X + = + (16)
Solving (15) and (16) simultaneously, ? i
and ? i
can be expressed as
9 10 11 d q TCSC
i C C E C X = + + (17)
12 1 3 1 4 q q TCSC
i C C E C X = + + (18)
The constants C
are expressions of Z, Y
, x'
, i
, i
, E'
and X
The linearized form of v
can be written as:
d q q
v x i = (19)
q q d d
v E x i = (20)
Using (9)-(20), the following expressions can be easily
1 2 e q P TCSC
P K K E K X = + + (21)
3 0 4
( )
d q f d Q TCSC
K sT E E K K X + = + (22)
5 6 q v TCSC
v K K E K X = + + (23)
Where the constants K
, K
, K
and K
expressions of C
. Fig. 4, illustrates the block
diagram of the linearized power system model.
Fig. 4 Block diagram of the linearized power system
Particle Swarm Optimization
Particle Swarm Optimization was first introduced
by Kennedy and Eberhart [12]. It is developed from
swarm intelligence and is based on the research of bird
and fish flock movement behavior.
PSO learned from the scenario and used it to solve the
optimization problems. In PSO, each single solution is a
bird in the search space that is call particle. All of
particles have fitness values, which are evaluated by the
fitness function to be optimized, and have velocities
which direct the flying of the particles. The particles fly
through the problem space by following the current
optimum particles. PSO is initialized with a group of
random particles (solutions) and then searches for
optimal solutions by updating generations [13].
For a D-dimensional search space, the ith particle of the
swarm is represented by a D-dimensional vector
]. The velocity of this particle is
represented by another D-dimensional vector Vi=[V
]. The previously best visited position of the
ith particle is denoted as Pi=[P
]. The index
of best particle among all of the particles in the group is
represented by the G
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
In every iteration, the velocity and the position of
each particle are updated using two quantities:
The first is the positions which satisfy the best solution
obtained by the particle up to that iteration. This value
is called " P
" and must be stored in the memory.
The other is the positions which satisfy the best solution
obtained by all the particles in the population up to that
iteration. This value is the global best and shown by
After finding the two best values, the particle updates
its velocity and positions with following equation (24)
and (25).
( 1)
, , 1 1 ,
2 2 ,
min , max
( )
( )
i d
i d
n n n n n
i d i d BEST i d
n n n
BEST i d
i d
v wv c r P x
c r G x
v v v
= +

( 1) ( 1)
, , ,
1,2,..., ; 1,2,...,
n n n
i d i d i d
x x v
i n d D
+ +
= +
= =
In the above equations:
r1 and r2: are the random numbers, which are used to
maintain the diversity of the population, and are
uniformly distributed in the interval [0 1].
Inertia weight w: A suitable value for the inertia
weight usually provides balance between global and
local exploration abilities and consequently a reduction
on the number of iterations required to locate the
optimum solution. A general rule of thumb suggests
that it is better to initially set the inertia to a large value,
in order to make better global exploration of the search
space, and gradually decrease it to get more refined
solutions, thus a time decreasing inertia weight value is
C1 and C2: are two positive constants, called
cognitive and social parameter respectively. The roles
of C1 and C2 are not so critical in the convergence of
PSO, however, a suitably chosen and fine tuned value
can lead to a faster convergence of the algorithm. A
default value of C1=C2=2 is suggested for general
purpose. But somewhat better results are found with
C1=C2=0.5 [14]. However, the values of cognitive
parameter, C1 larger than the social parameter C2 are
preferred from the performance point of view with the
constraint C1+C2 = 4 [20].
The final value for velocity of each particle is limited to
avoid the divergence: V
, V
], Where V
denotes the lower range and V
is the upper range of
the motion of the particle.
Cellular automata
Cellular automata (CA) are mathematical model
for systems consisting of large numbers of simple
identical components with local interactions. The
simple components act together to produce complicated
patterns of behavior with high degree of efficiency and
robustness. CA is non-linear dynamical systems in
which space and time are discrete and consists of a
finite dimensional lattice of cells whose states are
restricted to a finite set of integers. The state of each
cell at any time instant is determined by a rule from
states of neighboring cells at the previous time instant.
Given a finite set and a finite dimension d, CA can be
considered as a d-dimensional lattice [15].
Learning automata
Learning automata is a machine that can execute a
finite set of actions [16]. Each action has a certain
probability (unknown for the automaton) and is
evaluated by environment. The results of evaluation are
sent to automaton as a positive or negative signal. Each
action gets reward by this signal. The aim is to learn to
choose the optimal action (i.e. the action with the
highest probability of being rewarded) through repeated
interaction on the system. If the learning algorithm is
chosen properly, then the iterative process of interacting
on the environment can be made to result in selection of
the optimal action. Fig.5, illustrates how a stochastic
automaton works in feedback connection with a random
Fig. 5 The interaction between learning automata and
Learning Automata can be classified into two main
families: fixed structure learning automata and variable
structure learning automata (VSLA). We consider a
VSLA in our algorithm and it operates as follows: A
VSLA is represented by {a,,p,T}, where a={a
, a
} is a set of actions, ={
} is a set of inputs,
, p
,, p
} is learning algorithm.
Learning automata operates as follows; learning
automata chooses an action from its probability vector
randomly (p
) and takes it. Suppose that the chosen
action is (a
). Learning automata after receiving
reinforcement signal from environment updates its
action probability vector according to formulas (26) and
(27) in case of desirable and undesirable received
signals respectively. In formulas (26) and (27), a and b
are reward and penalty parameters respectively. If a=b
then algorithm is named L
. Also, if b<<a then the
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
algorithm is named L
. Similarly, if b=0 then the
algorithm is called L
If =0
( 1) ( ) .[1 ( )]
( 1) ( ) ( )
i i i
j j j j
p n p n a p n
p n p n ap n j i
+ = +
+ = +
If =1
( 1) (1 ) ( )
( 1) ( / 1) (1 ) ( )
i i
j j j
p n b p n
p n b r b p n j i
+ =
+ = +
Cellular Learning Automata
Cellular Learning Automata is a mathematical
model for dynamical complex systems that consists of
large number of simple components. In such kinds of
systems, the behavior of each component is based on its
neighbor's behavior and also its own experience. All of
these parts have learning capability and act together to
produce complex global behavior. Each CLA consists
of one CA that equipped by one more LAs. Learning
Automata work as a brain for each cell. It residing in a
particular cell determines its action based on its action
probability vector. There is a rule that CLA operate
under. The rule of the CLA and the actions selected by
the neighboring LAs of any particular LA determine the
reinforcement signal to the LA residing in a cell [18].
The basic idea of CLA, which is a subclass of
stochastic CA, is to use learning automata to adjust the
state transition probability of stochastic CA [19]. The
operation of CLA can be considered as follows:
a. The internal state of each cell is specified, based on
the action probability vector of its LA. This vector is
initiated either based on past exp erience or randomly.
b. The reinforcement signal of each LA in that cell is
determined according to the rule of CLA.
c. Each LA update its action probability vector based
on reinforcement signal which is determined in second
step and the chosen action.
These steps repeated until the desired results are
In this section, a new model called CLAPSO has
been introduced as a combination of cellular learning
automata and particle swarm optimization. In this
model, each cell of cellular learning automata is
equipped with a population of particles and also
learning automata. Each particle has a position and
velocity vector. The learning automaton in each cell of
CLA is responsible for adjusting behavior of a specific
particle dimension. Learning Automata of each cell has
two actions "following" and "to continue the current
The learning automaton in each cell of CLA is
responsible for adjusting behavior of a specific particle
dimension. LA determines the location of each particle
for next iteration. Each learning automata residing in a
cell has a set of actions which consist of 2 actions:
"following" and "to continue the current path". The
selected action of LA in any iteration specifies the
velocity updating method of particle for that iteration. If
"following" action selected, only following the best
personal experience and the best group experience, will
be considered to update velocity of a specific dimension
of particle and current velocity of the particles will be
eliminated as in (28). If "to continue the current path"
action selected, the previous velocity is also considered
to calculate new particle velocity as in (30).
One of the main problems in particle swarm
optimization algorithm is premature convergence.
Whenever the variety among particles, even in one
dimension decreases, the movement of all particles on
that specific dimension will stop. For this problem, we
use the CLA with a global variable. It means that each
cell uses both the situation of LA (which are around it)
and the global response of environment for making
decision about getting reward or punishment. The
global response which is received by all learning
automata determines as follows. If the position of a
particle improves (better than the previous position) all
the LAs which are assigned to all dimensions of that
particle will get reward. Otherwise they will get
punishment. This response is called g. Furthermore
each LA is received a local response which is called l.
To evaluate the selected action, the variance of
neighboring cells position (V
) is calculated. We
introduce a new parameter as a threshold of variance
). Whenever this variance (V
) is much less than
threshold of variance (t
) it means the particles close to
each other on that dimension and go towards
convergence. To prevent premature convergence, the
particle shouldnt continue "following" action. But
continue current path. In this condition if the action
chosen by the learning automata is "following", it is
evaluated negatively and if selected action is "to
continue the current path" it is evaluated positively.
Whenever variance of particles (V
) is much more than
threshold of variance (t
) it means the diversity between
particles is high and selected action doesnt cause
premature convergence, so "following" action is
evaluated positively and "to continue the current path"
action is evaluated negatively.
This algorithm describe as follow:
1. Initial position and velocity of particles randomly
placed in the search space.
2. A learning automaton dedicated to each dimension of
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
3. Probability vectors of select learning automata
4. Until the maximum number of steps to be performed
or the desired goal is achieved, steps 5 to 10 will be
repeated :
5. LA selects one of its actions using its probability
6. If "following" action is selected by LA of d
dimension of i
particle, velocity of particle is updated
as follows (the inertia of particle velocity is considered
1 1
2 2
( 1) ( )( ( ) ( ))
( )( ( ) ( ))
d d
i Best i
Best i
v t c r t P t x t
c r t G t x t
d N
+ =
If "continue the current path" action is selected, the
particle velocity is updated as follows:
1 1
2 2
( ) (29)
( 1) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ))
( ) ( ( ) ( )) (30)
d d d d d
i i i Best i
d d d
i Best i
t w
w t w
v t w t v t c r t P t x t
c r t G t x t

+ = +
7. Global response taken from environment by LA is
calculated as follows:
0 if fitness (X (t+1))<fitness (X (t))
1 otherwise
i i


8. Local response taken from environment by LA is
calculated as follows:
if variance (neighbor (X (t+1)))<
if LA .action=1
i p
if LA .action=1
9. Reward and punishment of learning automata in any
dimension are evaluated based on global and local
response as follows:
if 1
1 if 0
d i i
l g



PSS and TCSC Controller Structure
The commonly used leadlag structure is chosen in
this paper as TCSC-based supplementary damping
controller as shown in Fig.6. Fig. 3 shows the structure
of the Power System Stabilizer used in the present
Each structure consists of: a gain block; a signal
washout block and two-stage phase compensation
block. The phase compensation block provides the
appropriate phase-lead characteristics to compensate for
the phase lag between input and the output signals. The
signal washout block serves as a high-pass filter which
allows signals associated with oscillations in input
signal to pass unchanged. Without it steady changes in
input would modify the output. From the viewpoint of
the washout function, the values of T
and T
are not
critical and may be in the range of 1 to 20 seconds [20].
The damping torque contributed by the TCSC can be
considered to be in to two parts. The first part K
which is referred as the direct damping torque, is
directly applied to the electromechanical oscillation
loop of the generator. The second part K
and K
named as the indirect damping torque, applies through
the field channel of the generator.
Fig. 6 Structure of the TCSC controller
The input signal of the proposed TCSC stabilizer is
the speed deviation ?? and the output is change in
conduction angle ?s. In case of PSS the input signal is
the same speed deviation (??), and the output signal is
the voltage setting V
which is added to the excitation
system reference voltage V
The transfer functions of the PSS and the TCSC
controller are:
3 1
2 4
1 1
1 1 1
sT sT sT
sT sT sT
| | | | | | + +
| | |
+ + +
\ . \ . \ .
3 1
2 4
1 1
1 1 1
sT sT sT
sT sT sT
| | | | | | + +
| | |
+ + +
\ . \ . \ .
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
Where, U
& U
are the output signals of the
TCSC controller and PSS respectively and Y is the
input signal to these controllers. In this structure, the
washout time constants T
, T
and the time constants
, T
, T
and T
are usually prespecified. In this
paper, T
= T
=10s and T
= T
= T
= T
= 0.1s
are used. The controller gains K
& K
and the time
constants T
, T
, T
, and T
are to be determined [6].
Objective function
The behavior of rotor speed deviation following a
disturbance is a suitable criterion for power system
stability assessment. Therefore, it can be utilized to
construct the time-domain objective function. The
objective function used in this paper for CLA-PSO
algorithm is represented in (34), which is the Integral of
Time multiplied by Absolute Error (ITAE) of the speed
| |
( , )
J t t X dt =

In the above equation, ? ?(t,X) represents the rotor
speed deviation for a collection of controller
parameters, and t
is the simulated time range.
In the optimization process, it is aimed to minimize the
proposed objective function J. The problem constraints
are the PSS and TCSC controller parameter bounds.
Therefore, the design problem can be formulated as the
following optimization problem:
Minimize J
Subject to
min max
1 1 1 P P P
K T K (35)
min max
3 3 3 P P P
K T K (36)
min max
1 1 1 T T T
K T K (37)
min max
3 3 3 T T T
K T K (38)
min max
K K K (39)
min max
K K K (40)
The proposed approach employs CLA-PSO technique
to solve this optimization problem and search for the
optimal set of PSS and TCSC controller parameters.
The minimum and maximum values of the controllers
gain are set as 0.1 and 100 respectively. The maximum
values of T1 and T3 are set to 1.0s.
While applying algorithm, a number of parameters
are required to be specified. For CLAPSO algorithm the
value of w
, w
, c
, c
, a, b was set to 0.9, 0.4, 2, 2,
0.01, 0.01 respectively and Swarm size, Population size
and maximum generations was set to 20, 20, 80
respectively. The neighboring between cells is
considered Moore neighborhood.
The convergence rate of objective function of
Equation 34 with the iterations of generations using
CLA-PSO algorithm for the three loading conditions
(nominal, light and heavy) is shown in Fig.7. It is clear
from Fig. 7 that, for the optimization problem
considered, convergence rate of the CLA-PSO for
loading nominal, light and heavy respectively around
65,69,72 generations.
Fig. 7 convergence rate of objective function for
different loading conditions
To assess the effectiveness and robustness of the
proposed stabilizers, three different loading conditions
given in Table 1 are considered. The system
electromechanical mode eigenvalues without and with
P (pu) Q (pu) Parameter variation
Nominal 0.8 0.3649 No parameter variation
Light 0.5 0.169 %50 increase in line
Heavy 1.02 0. 6479 %10 decrease in line
reactance and %5 increase in
terminal voltage
With out
Nominal 0.018463.573i -0.55813.6249i -4.44831.3251i
Light 0.06082.9864i -0.65752.9737i -4.56082.9193i
Heavy 0.29743.2464i -0.49283.2950i -3.97400.7699i
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
the proposed controllers are shown in Table 2. For
comparison, the table 2 also shows the system
eigenvalues with conventional power system stabilizer
(CPSS) given in ref [2].
It is clear from Table 2 that the open loop system is
unstable at all the loading conditions because of
negative damping of electromechanical mode
(s = 0.01846, 0.0608 and 0.2974 for nominal, light and
heavy loading respectively). With CPSS, the system
stability is maintained as the electromechanical mode
eigenvalue shift to the left of the line in s-plane
(s = -0.5581, -0.6575 and -0.4928 for nominal, light
and heavy loading respectively) for all loading
conditions. It is also clear that proposed CLA-PSO
optimized PSS and TCSC controllers shift substantially
the electromechanical mode eigenvalue to the left of t he
line (s = -4.4483, -4.5608 and -3.9740 for nominal,
light and heavy loading respectively) in the s-plane,
which greatly enhances the system stability. Hence the
system stability and damping characteristics greatly
improve with the coordinated design approach.
According to Table 1, the system speed deviation
response for each of the three loading conditions
without control is shown in Fig.8.
Fig. 8 Speed Deviation without Control
The system speed, power angle and accelerating
power deviation responses for the above contingency at
nominal loading condition are shown in Figs. 9, 10 and
11 respectively.
In the Figs. 9, 10 and 11, the response with
conventional power system stabilizer (CPSS),
individual design of proposed CLAPSO-PSS and
individual design of proposed CLAPSO-TCSC are
shown with legends CPSS, CP-PSS and CP-TCSC
respectively; the coordinated design of CLAPSO-
PSS&TCSC is shown with legend CP-PSS&TCSC.
It is clear that PSOPSS outperforms the CPSS in
terms of overshoot and settling time. It is als o clear that
the system response with the proposed CLAPSO-TCSC
is better than that with the CLAPSO-PSS. Further, it
can be seen from the figure that the coordinated design
of CLAPSO-PSS&TCSC gives the best response in
terms of overshoot and settling time.
Fig. 9 Speed deviation response at nominal loading
Fig. 10 power angle response at nominal loading
Fig. 11 accelerating power response at nominal loading
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
Figs. 12 and 13, show the system response for the
above disturbance at light loading condit ions with the
parameter variation given in Table 2.
Fig. 12 Speed deviation response at light loading
Fig. 13 power angle response at light loading
These simulation results illustrate the effectiveness
and robustness of proposed design approach. It is clear
that the proposed CLA-PSO optimized PSS and TCSC
controller has good damping characteristics to low
frequency oscillations and stabilizes the system quickly
at light loading condition with parameter variation.
The system responses for the same dis turbance at
heavy loading conditions with the parameter variation
given in Table 2 are shown in Fig.14, It is clear that the
proposed CLA-PSO optimized controllers are robust
and perform satisfactorily at heavy loading condition
with parameter variation.
Fig. 14 Speed deviation response at heavy loading
The figure illustrates the advantage of coordinated
design approach over the individual design approach.
These positive results of the coordinated design
approach can be attributed to its faster response
compared to that of individual approach. The
coordinated design approach has good damping
characteristics to low frequency oscillations and
stabilizes the system much faster. This extends the
power system stability limit and the power transfer
In this paper, the power system stability
enhancement by coordinated design of PSS and TCSC-
based controllers is presented and discussed. The
coordinated design problem of PSS and TCSC-based
controller is formulated as an optimization problem and
new modification of particle swarm optimization named
CLA-PSO technique is employed to search for the
optimal controller parameters. The controllers are
designed; both individually and in a coordinated
manner and their performances are compared with the
conventional power system stabilizer. The controllers
are tested on weakly connected power system subjected
to different disturbances. The simulation results show
the effectiveness of the coordinated design approach
over individual design of controllers. Further, it is
observed that the control efforts are significantly
reduced when designed in a coordinated manner
compared to the individual design, which confirms the
potential of the coordinated approach for ultimate
utilization of the control schemes to enhance the system
dynamic stability.
World Appl. Sci. J., 20 (12): 1656-1665, 2012
System data: All data are in per unit (pu) unless
specified otherwise.
Generator: M = 9.26 s, D = 0, Xd = 0.973, Xq = 0.55,
X'd = 0.19, T 'do = 7.76, f = 60, VT = 1.05.
Exciter :( IEEE Type ST1): KA=50, TA=0.05 s.
Transmission line and Transformer: R=-0.034,
X=0.997, G=0.249, B=0.262.
TCSC Controller: XTCSC0=0.2169, a0=160?, XC=
0.2X, XP = 0.25XC
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