Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator Vasundhara
Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator Vasundhara
Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator Vasundhara
Vasundhara Mahajan*, Department Of Electrical Engineering, M P Christian College of Engineering & Technology Bhilai, Chattisgarh, INDIA. vasu.mahajangmailcom, asundharal 01 Abstract: Thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) controller, the first generation of flexible AC transmission
system (FACTs), can control the line impedance through the introduction of a thyristor-controlled capacitor in series with
history of emergence of FACTs and the recent developments in the field. Zhang and Ding [6] give a
presents some aspects and directions need to be studied.
. ther benefits . .
the transmission line. TCSC is used as series compensator in transmission system. The TCSC controller can be designed to control the power flow, to increase the transfer limits or to improve the transient stability. The TCSC controller can provide a very fast action to increase the synchronization
power through quick changing of the equivalent capacitive
de pm e b ly general overew ofof FACTsdevices This paper also FACTs describes the effects devices.
Habur and O'Leary [7] provide definitions of the most common application of FACTS devices as well as
mode to bypass mode the TCSC controller can be modeled with detailed dynamics. The TCSC controller is modeled in MATLAB SIMULINK and can be used in power system for stability improvement. Key words: TCSC, compensation, FACTs, reactance.
the compensation. The presented controller is suitable only in capacitive zone. For the transition from a capacitive vernier
reactance to the full compensation in the first few cycles after a fault, hence subsequent oscillations are damped. TCSC controller provides variable impedance, which is required for
. Generic informathon on the costs and benefits of FACTS devices is then provided. The paper then discusses seven applications of FACTS
the USA.
FACTs controllers to control the interrelated parameters that govern the operation of transmission system inldn se ipedance, tian ce, curren ' . .' . voltage, phase angle and the damping of oscillations at ~~various frequencies below the rated frequency. By ququ y y providing added flexibility, FACTs controllers can enable a line to carry power closer to its thermal rating. FACTs FACTs ftechnology refers to devices that enable flexible electrical economical means to solve thepower sstem tability power system operation, i.e. controlled active & reactive power flow redirection in transmission paths. FACTs an effective transient. abi dynamic stiy device offers continuous control of power flow or voltage, s t solving problems of ' against daily load changes or change in network steady state stability and voltage stability in long topologies. The first generation of FACTs devices transmission lines. By flexibly and quickly adjusting the emerged some thirty years ago in the form of passive reactance of the TCSC, many relevant benefits can be reactive elements driven by thyristor switch banks. The achieved such as the better utilization of transmission second generation FACTs can achieve the same, and in capability, efficient power flow control, transient stability some cases better, results with much smaller reactive improvement, power oscillation damping, control over sub elements by using power electronics with tur off synchronous resonance (SSR), and fault current limitation, capability. Because of their fast response FACTs can also II. FACTS CONTROLLERS IN POWER SYSTEM improve the stability of an electrical power system by helping critically disturbed generators to give away the excess ergy gined thrughthe tion during A large number of papers and reports have been published excess energy gained through the acceleration during IIiici- Rnl-c],%%7 4nfiii nnA Xnrm [1], Qncr fut on theses subjects. Books by Mathur and Varma rlI Song and Johns [2], and Hingorani and Gyugyi [3] cover the basic idea about the FACTs devices. A detailed explanation has III. TCSC CONTROLLER IN POWER SYSTEMS been given for all the FACTs devices. Edris [5] gives the
I. INTRODUCTION Power system engineers are currently facing challenges to increase the power transfer capabilities of existing transmission system. FACTs controllers can balance the power flow and thereby using the existing power system network most efficiently. Because of their fast response FACTs controllers can also improve the stability of an . electrical power system by helping critically.. , disturbed generators to give away the excess energy gained through the acceleration during fault. TCSC is an important device in
FACTs technology opens up new opportunities for CTr ol og the up new fpo o resent, controlling and enhancing the useable capacity of present, as well as new upgraded lines. The possibility that current through a line can be controlled at a reasonable cost enables a large potential of increasing the capacity of existing lines with longer conductors and use one of the FACTs controller to enable corresponding power to flow through such lines under normal and contingency ctions. Thes oppo unier through tility
Dai et at. [8] propose an improved, artificial neural functions are discussed. Xiaolu et at. [16] have presented network (ANN) inversion control strategy, which can a fundamental frequency stability model for TCSC. The linearize the controlled TCSC system into a first order paper first analyses the factors that influence the transients of TCSC when the operation condition changes and the integ,ral system in a wide range. By directly controlling active power through TCSC, both goals of indirectly time domain simulations are performed. Tan and Wang controlling remote generator's power angle and enhancing [17] have proposed a robust nonlinear thyristor controlled the system's transient stability are simultaneously reached. field excitation and series power flow controller to enhance the transient stability of a single machine infinite Juncheng et al. [9] present a mathematical model to explain the factors affecting transient response of the TCSC. The bus power system. The design of the resulting controller is model can give advice to the design of TCSC controller. independent of the operating point. Simulation results are Rules of controller parameter adjustment are discussed and presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed the model is verified by digital simulation results. Lei et al. controller for transient stability of the power system. [10] have presented a coordinated control scheme for Padiyar and Uma [18] have given a detailed analysis and excitation systems and TCSC controls for improving the study of a discrete control strategy for TCSC to improve stability of a transmission system, where a power plant is stability. SMIB is considered to illustrate the development connected with a proper grid through long transmission of control strategy. The energy function is used in lines. The proposed control scheme is developed upon determining the switching instants. The control nonlinear optimal variable aim strategies. The simulation is philosophy is later extended to multi - machine system. carried by the NETOMAC program system. Han et al. [19] have analyzed the detailed dynamics of Xu [11] explains the steady state characteristics of the the TCSC. The system considered is single machine TCSC in time domain and frequency domain. Based on this, connected to infinite bus through TCSC transmission line. the controllable impedance range of TCSC and its thyristor Transient characteristics as well as steady state controlled reactance (TCR) constraints are studied. It is characteristics of the TCSC are presented using the shown that the key point to select the reactance of the TCR analytical equation for three operating modes of the is to determine the ratio of the reactance of series capacitor TCSC. The simulations are performed using the to that of the TCR. The concept of impedance sensitivity MATLAB program. Noroozian et al. [20] examine factor (ISF) of the TCSC is presented and it is proved that improvement of power system dynamics by use of UPFC, TCPST and TCSC. The achieved control laws are shown ISF is the main factor determining the controllable to be effective both for damping of large signal and small impedance range of TCSC. Rosso [12] examines the use of TCSC for stability improvement of power systems. An signal disturbances and are robust with respect to loading condition, fault location and network structure. Gjerde et appropriate TCSC model for angle stability studies is used to al. [21] have discussed the application of FACTs for design a simple controller based on the dynamic response of the system. The aim of this paper is to design a proper TCSC enhancing system stability in the main grid of Southern controller based on small signal and transient stability Norway. General aspect of application of FACTs in the analysis so that transfer capability limits can be increased. A Norwegian power system has been discussed. The result indicates that TCSC could be used to redispatch the power simplified model of the Argentinean high voltage interconnected system is used to illustrate the concept flow on the tie lines and prevent synchronization problems after major disturbances in the South Norwegian presented in this paper. main grid. Jiang and Lei [13] have used a nonlinear control scheme for the TCSC to damp power oscillations and improve Paserba et al. [22] have presented a model for TCSC, transient stability of power system. The effectiveness and which is applicable for typical transient and oscillatory robustness of the proposed linear nonlinear control scheme stability studies. This paper also includes a discussion on are demonstrated with a single machine infinite bus power relevant information to extend the modeling detail of the TCSC for use with long - term stability analysis. system. The TCSC modeling and power system simulation are performed using the program system NETOMAC. In McDonald et al. [23] have analyzed TCSC for the transient stability improvement. The paper also describes comparison with a conventional control scheme, significant the mathematical modeling and high current test series for improvements of dynamical performance in the test power the application of TCSC controller under severe system are achieved by the proposed nonlinear control strategy for the TCSC. Li et al. [14] have proposed a method requirements. Patel et al. [24] has designed a TCSC that can accurately simulate the nonlinear performance of controller for SMIB as well as a multi-machine power at thewrsytm impacteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeofeeeeeeTCSCeeeeeeeeeoneeeeeepowereeeeeeeeeeesystemeeeeeeeeeeeeestabilityeeeeeeeeeeeeee system. The Detailed simulation studies were carried out canbemoebeaonbmorelatd.Zreasonably1] evaluated.eeee Zhou and Liange [15]eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewitheeeeeeMATLAB/SIMULINKeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenvironmenteeeeeeewthMand/SMUIthevioneeffecteefec havedscssddiscussedhem theCS controlth schemee for TCSC to enhanceoftheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeTCSCeeeeeeparametereeeeeeeeeevariationseeeeeeofthoveraamtetheiaio the systemesyte
A. Introduction Series capacitors offer certain major advantages over the shunt capacitors. With series capacitors, the reactive power increases as the square of line current, whereas with shunt capacitors, the reactive power is proportional to the square of bus voltage. For achieving same system benefits as those of series capacitors, shunt capacitors required are three to six times more reactive power rated than series capacitors. Furthermore shunt capacitors typically must be connected at the midpoint, whereas no such requirement exists for series capacitors.
B. Basic module of TCSC Controller The basic module has a fixed series capacitor C, in parallel with a thyristor-controlled reactor, L, as shown in figure
different TCSC modules may have different values to provide a wider range of reactance control. The inductor in series with the anti-parallel thyristor is split into two parts to protect the thyristor valves in case of inductor short circuit.
lL 7 L 0. 5L 0. L2
0 5Ln
, line LI(-
Operation ofTCSC Controller A TCSC is a series controlled capacitive reactance that can provide continuous control of power on the AC line over a wide range. A simple understanding of TCSC functioning can be obtained by analyzing the behavior of a variable inductor connected in series with a fixed capacitor, as shown in figure 3. The equivalent impedance Zeq of this LC combination can be expressed as:
A metal oxide varistor (MOV) is connected across series capacitor to prevent the occurrence of high capacitor over voltages as shown in figure l(b). MOV allows the capacitor to remain in circuit even during fault conditions and hence improestrnsien stblt.
_ + -C(
If cC - (1 / cL) > 0 or cL > (1 / cC), the reactance of the FC is less than that of the parallel connected variable reactor and this combination provides a variable .. reactance. capacitivethat results inIfinfinite-capacitive 0,a resonance CC 1/ CL = impedance, this develops is an unacceptable condition. If coC - (1 / coL) < 0, then the combination provides inductance above the value of fixed inductor. This situation corresponds to the inductive vernier mode of the TCSC operation, discussed in further section.
Fig. 1(b). TCS ,;?ctical module TCSC Fig 1X *i*al mod*lr A circuit breaker *() is installed across capacitor for (CB) controlling the insertion of capacitor. If TCSC valves are required to operate in fully on mode for prolonged duration, the conduction losses are minimized by installing an ultra high-speed contact (UHSC) across the valve. This offers a loss less switching operation similar to that of circuit breakers. The metallic contact is closed shortly after the thyristor is turned on, and is opened shortly before the valve is turned off. During a sudden overload of the valve, and also during fault conditions, the metallic contact is closed to minimize the stress on the valve. An actual TCSC system usually comprises a cascaded combination of many such TCSC modules, together with a fixed series capacitor; CF. This fixed series capacitor is provided primarily to minimize costs. Figure 2 shows the conceptual TCSC system with basic TCSC modules. The capacitors C1, C2,.., C11; in
capacitor. The behavior of TCSC is similar to that of the LC parallel combination. The difference is that the LC combination analysis is based on pure sinusoidal voltage and current in the circuit, where as in TCSC because of the voltage and current in the FC and thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) are not sinusoidal because of thyristor switching. The detail of TCSC working is discussed in further sections. D. Modes ofTCSC Operation TCSC can operate in different modes because of the various operations of thyristor valves. There are three different modes of TCSC operation. These are discussed in detail in this section.
1) Bypassed thyristor mode: In this mode, the thyristors are made to conduct fully with a conduction angle of 180. Gate pulses are applied as soon as the voltage across the thyristor reaches zero and becomes positive, resulting in continuous sinusoidal flow of current through the thyristor valves. The TCSC module behaves like a parallel capacitor inductor combination. 2) Blocked thyristor mode: This mode is also known as waiting mode; in this mode the firing pulses to the thyristor valves are blocked. If the thyristors are conducting and a blocking command is given, the thyristors turn off as soon as the current through them reaches a zero crossing. Hence this behaves as fixed series capacitor, and the net TCSC reactance is capacitive. 3) Partially conducting thyristor or vernier mode: This mode allows the TCSC to behave either as a continuously controllable capacitive reactance or as a continuously controllable inductive reactance. This is achieved by varying the thyristor-pair firing angle in an appropriate range. A variant of this mode is capacitive vernier control mode, in which the thyristors are fixed when the capacitor voltage and capacitor current have opposite polarity. This condition causes a TCR current opposite to capacitive current, thereby resulting loop current flow in the TCSC controller. The loop current increases the voltage across the FC, effectively enhancing the equivalent capacitive reactance and series compensation level for the same value of the line current. Another variant is the inductive vernier mode, in this mode the direction of circulating current is reversed and the controller behaves as inductive impedance.
is (t) = I..cos ct
stchyin insta. For balanced TcS operatine thyrist atinstants t andonI3,given as ar stched t current
_ T
advance before the forward voltage becomes zero. i.e. A = nT- a; 0 < , < 3max .The firing angle a is generated using a reference signal that can be in phase with the capacitor voltage. The thyristor switch S turns off at the instants 2 and 4defined as C C t2 = tI + co t4 = t3 + co Where is the conduction angle, which is same for . positive and negative cycle of conduction. (5) C = 2,8 or C = 2(7T- a) Here firing angle a , is defined as the period from the zero cross point of capacitor voltage v to the firing instant of the corresponding thyristor and Angle of advance 83, is defined as the period from firing instant to the time when the forward voltage of the thyristor is lost. By solving above equations the steady state thyristor current iTcan be given as
cT (t)
k -2
|L is(t)
Fig. 4. Simplified TCSC circuit.
&1 k
independent input variable and is represented as variable current source, is(t). Here for the analysis the line current is assumed to be sinusoidal. The current through the capacitor,
C, is given as: C
At cot =
k -1
dv( C =
iS (t) iT (t).u
Where u is the switching variable. u = 1 , When thyristor valves are conducting or when switch S is closed. u = 0, When thyristors are blocked or when switch S is open.
Vc (t) =k21
- sin cot + k
sin wrtJ;
iT (t)
Ct c
X_ 1--p-1=0.25 c
The variation of per unit TCSC reactance as a function of firing angle a for different values of Xc/Xp is described in figure5. If value of Xc is changed then the maximum value of XTCSC also changes and hence initial value of compensation can be changed. It is clear from figures 5 and 6 that change in Xc affects XTCSC variation significantly. Hence provides flexibility for compensation. Figure 7 shows XTCSC variation for different value of Xc for constant k.
2.5 22
Capacitive Zoine
120 130 140 150 160
14131 90
X oXp =0.25
gle alpha
04 ,0
e Iidtictive Zone
iIndictive Zonie
ol-@* -.-
Capacitive Zoie
| r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0-
i:.Capacitive Zoine
1 60
5. XTCSC VS oc for different values of k for Xc 0.08. X41 It is to be noted that a parallel resonance is created between Xp and Xc at the fundamental frequency. At the resonant point, the TCSC exhibits very large impedance and results in a significant voltage drop. The resonant region is avoided by installing limits on the firing angle. TCSC is mainly used in capacitive zone.
Transferfunction model of TCSC controller Figure 8 shows transfer function model of TCSC controller. TCSC controller input signal is speed deviation Aw and output signal is the stabilizing signal. (i.e. deviation in conduction angle Au ). It comprises of gain block, signal washout block and phase compensator block. An optimum controller can be obtained by suitable selection of time constants T, T1, T2 and gain K with some designing technique. The signal wash out block is a high pass filter that prevents the steady changes in the speed by modifying the conduction angle. The value of washout time constant Tw should be high enough to allow signals associated with rotor oscillation to pass unchanged. Tw may be in the range of 120 sec. The phase lead compensator is used for the phase lag between the angular speed and the resulting electrical torque, so that the TCSC controller produces a component of electrical torque in phase with the rotor speed deviation. The gain of TCSC controller is chosen such that it provides satisfactory damping.
The effective line reactance can be given asXTL = XLine-XCF-XTCSC(u); Where G = AG, Go initial value of conduction angle..XL,ne iS the line reactance. Change in conduction angle c changes initial compensation. The compensation may be provided only through TCSC controller (i.e.XTCSC) or it may be divided in two components i.e. fixed capacitorXCFwith TCSC controller
G. Placement ofthe TCSC Controller The placement of FACTs controllers at appropriate location is a critical issue. An optimally placed FACTs device requires a lower rating to achieve the same control objective than if it were located elsewhere. At times, the FACTs controllers may be need to be placed at nonoptimal locations to minimize costs, especially when land prices and environmental concerns become important. The following conditions generally apply when land
[13] D. Jiang, X. Lei, "A Nonlinear TCSC Control Strategy for Power prices and environmental concerns become important. The System Stability Enhancement", Kong, Oct of The following conditions generally apply when considering the conditons generally apply when considering the Conference on APSCOM 2000, Hong Proceedings 2000, pp. 5765th placement of TCSC controllers: 581 * The TCSC controllers should be located in lines [14] B. H. Li, Q. H. Wu, D. R. Turner, P. Y. Wang, X. X. Zhou, "Modeling of TCSC Dynamics for Control and Analysis of Power that experience limiting power oscillations. System Stability", Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 22, * The swing of voltage on each side of the TCSC 2000,pp.43 -49. controllers must be within acceptable limits. [15] X. Zhou, J. Liang, "Overview of control Schemes for TCSC to Enhance the Stability of Power System", IEEE proceedings of * The control action of the TCSC controllers in one transmission transmission path should not cause undue power patsoulntautransmission and distribution, Vol. 146, No. 2, March 1999, pp. 125 - 130. swings in a parallel path. If it does, then variable [16] L. Xiaolu, D. Xianzhong, Y. Jiang, D. Hongfa, H. Yangzan, "Fundamental Frequency Model of Thyristor Controlled Series series compensation may become necessary in the Capacitor for Transient Stability Studies", International conference on POWERCON 1998, Vol. 1, 18 21 Aug 1998, pp. 333 337. Sometimes it may be advisable to distribute the control [17] Y. L. tan, Y. Wang, "Robust Nonlinear Design for Transient Stabilization using Series Power Flow Compensator", Electrical action between multiple TCSC controllers rather than Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 19, No. 6, 1997, pp. 367 - 374. confining the control action to one large rating TCSC [18] K. R. Padiyar, U. Rao, "Discrete Control of Series Compensation controller. for Stability Improvement in Power Systems", Electrical Power
be used in power system stability improvement. The compensation can be decided by changing the value of thyristor firing angle. lne above analysis and results shows thyristor firingangl. The aDove analys1s ana results snows that TCSC has very wide range of reactance, which can be used for dynamic compensation as in case of transient instability. TCSC characteristic is explained mathematically hence it can be implemented in MATLAB OR SIMULINK and further can be extended for different applications. The modeling can be done for single machine infinite bus system as well as for multi-machine systems.
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Firing angle of thyristor, (0 Initial firing angle of thyristor, n p = Angle of advance, C = Conduction angle of thyristor, cm = Initial conduction angle. C = Capacitor, C = Fixed series capacitor, I F 'n Energy", Maximum current, is () =Variable current source, XT (t) s.pdfMxmmcretISt =Vaibecretsuc,I(t [8] X. Dai, K. Zhang, X. Lu, "An Improved ANN Inversion TCSC Thyristor current k= Compensation ratio, L = Thyristor controlled S T c Controller Based on Local Measurement", Power Engineering Society General Meeting 2003, Vol. 4, 13 - 17 July 2003, pp. 2555 - 2559. Funamental r VCF [9] G. Juncheng, T. Luyuan, G. Jun, W. Zhonghong, "Mathematical Model for Describing Characteristics of TCSC", Powercon 2002, Vol. frequency component of voltage, Xo Nominal reactance of the fixed C 3, 13- 17 Oct 2002, pp. 1498 - 1502. [10] X. Lei, X. Li, D. Povh, "A Nonlinear Control for Coordinating TCSC Inductive reactance of inductor connected in capacitor only, X and Generator Excitation to Enhance the Transient Stability of Long Transmission Systems", Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. parallel with fixed capacitor, XTCSC = Reactance provided by TCSC 59, 2001, pp. 103 - 109. controller, K = TCSC controller gain, Tw = wash out block time [11] Z. Xu, G. Zhang, H. Liu,"The Controllable Impedance Range of TCSC and Its TCR Reactance Constraints", IEEE Power Engineering constant, T,, T2 =lag/lead block time constants, Rotor angle Society Summer Meeting, 2001, Vol. 2, 15 - 19 July 2001, pp. 939 943. variation, 0t) =Rotor Speed, Aw) Speed deviation, X =Line [12] A. D. Rosso, C. A. Canizares, V. Quintana, V. Dona, "Stability Reactance. Improvement Using TCSC in Radial Power Systems", NAPS -2000, Waterloo, ON, Oct 2000. (