List The 16 Documents of Vatican II
List The 16 Documents of Vatican II
List The 16 Documents of Vatican II
Sacrosanctum concilium, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1963. It ordered an extensive revision of worship so that people would have a clearer sense of their own involvement in the Mass and other rites. 2. Inter Mirifica, Decree On the Means of Social Communication, 1963. It called on members of the church, especially the laity, to instill "a human and Christian spirit" into newspapers, magazines, books, films, radio and television. 3. Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution On the Church, 1964. It presented the church as a mystery, as a communion of baptized believers, as the people of God, as the body of Christ and as a pilgrim moving toward fulfillment in heaven but marked on earth with "a sanctity that is real, although imperfect." 4. Orientalium Ecclesiarum, Decree On the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite,1964. It said that ecumenism should be everyone's concern and that genuine ecumenism involves a continual personal and institutional renewal. 5. Unitatis Redintegratio, Decree on Ecumenism, 1964. Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches ("Orientalium Ecclesiarum"), Nov. 21, 1964. It stated that variety within the church does not harm its unity and that Eastern Catholic churches should retain their own traditions. 6. Christus Dominus, Decree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops In the Church, 1965. It said each bishop has full ordinary power in his own diocese and is expected to present Christian doctrine in ways adapted to the times. It urged conferences of bishops to exercise pastoral direction jointly. 7. Perfectae Caritatis, Decree On Renewal of Religious Life, 1965. It recommended that seminaries pay attention to the spiritual, intellectual and disciplinary formation necessary to prepare priesthood students to become good pastors.
8. Optatam Totius, Decree On Priestly Training, 1965. It provided guidelines for the personal and institutional renewal of the lives of nuns, brothers and priests belonging to religious orders.
9. Gravissimum Educationis, Declaration On Christian Education, 1965. It said the Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in non-Christian religions, called for an end to anti-Semitism, and said any discrimination based on race, color, religion or condition of life is foreign to the mind of Christ. 10. Nostra Aetate, Declaration On the Relation Of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, 1965. It affirmed the right of parents to choose the type of education they want for their children, upheld the importance of Catholic schools and defended freedom of inquiry in Catholic colleges and universities. 11. Dei Verbum, Dogmatic Constitution On Divine Revelation, 1965. It said the church depends on Scripture and tradition as the one deposit of God's word and commended the use of modern scientific scholarship in studying Scripture. 12. Apostolicam Actuositatem, Decree On the Apostolate of the Laity, 1965. It said the laity should influence their surroundings with Christ's teachings. 13. Dignitatis Humanae, Declaration On Religious Freedom, 1965. It said that religious liberty is a right found in the dignity of each person and that no one should be forced to act in a way contrary to his or her own beliefs. 14. Ad Gentes, Decree On the Mission Activity of the Church, 1965. It said the primary duty of priests is to proclaim the Gospel to all, approved and encouraged celibacy as a gift and recommended fair salaries. 15. Presbyterorum Ordinis, Decree On the Ministry and Life of Priests, 1965. It said missionary activity should help the social and economic welfare of people and not force anyone to accept the faith. 16. Gaudium et Spes, Pastoral Constitution On the Church In the Modern World,1965. It said the church must talk to atheists, a continual campaign must be waged for peace, nuclear war is unthinkable and aid to underdeveloped nations is urgent. It said marriage was not just for procreation and urged science to find an acceptable means of birth regulation.
In the 60's, the Catholic church had to change. Why? Because of the decline of its followers numbers and the bad image it had at the time. Many of its policies seemed out of place, and most of its forms of worship were stiff and outdated. There was a feeling among the bishops that the Church needed to evolve with the times, and there was also a growing to reunite with Rome, that she was going to have to give herself a more pleasant and appealing appearance. There was also criticism from her own ranks that her doctrines needed to be clarified and "restated" in a simpler and less dogmatic tone than previous councils had done. Thus the Second Vatican Council was called by Pope John XXIII in 1962, and continued under Pope Paul VI until 1965 when it issued "The Documents of Vatican II," each on different aspects of church teaching and doctrine. The spirit and attitude of these documents were remarkably different from any the Roman Church had ever produced. They were full of scriptural references, and did not include any blatant "curses" on those who did not agree (as previous councils had done). They were revolutionary in freeing individual parish priests to conduct Masses in the way they best could reach the local culture and community. This, as well as changes in church administration and religious freedom were the main results of the Council. In the following years, there were other changes that proceeded out of Rome as a result of the new attitudes which were born from Vatican II. These included the removal of the strict requirement to refrain from eating meat on Fridays (and also the command to fast during Lent). Although these practices were still encouraged, they were now optional instead of mandatory. The whole Church seemed to be loosening up. And ecumenical leaders the world over were beginning to see the light at the end of the church-unity tunnel. But in the midst of all this, a few ardent Christians still stubbornly pointed out that although the procedure and the language of the Mass might have changed, the meaning of it still remained very much the same. And though the outward forms and words used by Rome had been altered much, the things she taught and believed had only been confirmed and repeated in the soft and soothing tone of the Vatican II documents.