Catechetics Class: "The New Catechetical Directory For The Philippines (Chapters 1-4) "

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The key takeaways are that catechesis aims to guide people towards eternal things and salvation by addressing the challenges of modern society through developing relationships with Christ and becoming witnesses to His teachings.

The threefold dimensions of Church catechesis according to the document are doctrine, morals, and worship which are interrelated and cannot be separated.

The document says that the Philippine society faces challenges such as the influence of mass media, lack of family guidance and assistance for individuals, and a general 'decline of morality'.

Recoletos School of Theology


“The New Catechetical Directory for the

(Chapters 1-4)”

By Fray Renz Calex C. Soriano, OAR

I. Summary of each chapter

Chapter 1(The Philippine Context)

▪ In the Philippine context, catechetical ministry is a multifaceted combination of
demographic, economic, political and educational factors, which have a specific force on
the actual work of catechizing. Philippines is also known as the only predominantly
Christian country throughout the world. Although Filipinos are composed of unique
cultural blends of different traditions and dialects, they are unified when it comes to faith
and culture. On the contrary, nowadays the unstoppable developments in the land greatly
affect the people; even the decline of morality seems to take part in the contextual
influence of mass media and lack of family orientation. That is why the sprouting
circumstances challenge the catechetical ministry to work against these problems by
doing catechesis that educates the people in the light of Christian truths; inspired by the
gospel values and attitudes using artistically and correctly new means of technologies
within the life of Christian community. The New Catechetical Directory for the
Philippines stresses that Catechesis’ ‘first priority’ is to battle against the existing
challenges. Moreover, the Philippine catechetical context is the family wherein
Catechesis basically begins in the family where children are taught good manners and
right conduct. Therefore, despite the prevailing difficulties, Filipinos are still firm in their
way of life because they have a strong belief with the Almighty and they hope that God
will never stop blessing them.

Chapter 2 (Catechesis: Nature, Goal and Sources)

▪ In the history of the Church, it is evident how the Church Fathers faithfully endeavored
their effort to defend the ‘unity of the Church’ against the accounts of heretics and
schismatics. They even sacrificed their lives for the sake of the integrity of the Church.
Thus, one of the Church’s fathers believed that the blood of martyrs are the seed of
Christians. It sounds inspiring that even in the beginning there were faithful persons who
never let their faith be shaken. Furthermore, Tertulian accounted that the more Christians
were persecuted the more they multiplied. Thus, catechesis molds the faith to prepare the
person’s encounter with Christ. This chapter emphasizes the same endeavor that is to
foster unity and relationship particularly guided by the very source of our faith, as known
in catechism as the principal sources namely the Sacred Scriptures, the Tradition and the
Church’s Magisterium. These sources preserve and safeguard the truth of Christ’s
mystery as the Son of God and that He was sent into the world for the salvation of all.
Therefore, nowadays there is no other way to continue this search for the truth other than
by catechesis by which the teachings and mission of the Redeemer is clarified,
articulated, described and structured. Thus, the goal of catechesis is to develop man’s
relationship with Jesus Christ. We are called to the same mission that is to perpetuate
Christ’s mission; to sanctify ourselves and to become holy as He is holy. In other words,
we become his living witnesses. The Church, on the other hand, is the avenue to fulfill
this mission through the sacraments, the source of grace.

Chapter 3 (Foundations of Catechesis: Revelation, Faith, and the Church)

▪ Though Catechesis is an established means of instructing faith, it is no doubt that the
foundation of catechesis is Christ himself. This foundation was transmitted through
time--it starts with God. Since the people’s hearts were hardened by the original sin, God
sent Christ in order for man to experience how He loves us despite our own sinfulness.
Then, from Christ’s public ministry, healing and performing miracles, the apostles
continued as living witnesses of Christ’s mission on earth. Likewise, the apostles
transmitted all their experiences to their disciples, known as the Church Fathers who
moved further and took the risk to develop the teachings of Christ through systematic
study of the principles of faith. Furthermore, up to the present, the Pope together with the
bishops and Church’s authority, perpetuates the same mission with new ways of
evangelizing the people of God. Catechesis draws its strength and credibility upon the
revelation preserved in the sacred scriptures, tradition and Church’s teachings. That is
why the Church has a great role in imparting God’s message to mankind. On the other
hand, revelation won’t work without the involvement of faith—that is man’s free
response that Christ came to save the lost Children of God. Therefore, in doing
catechesis, revelation, faith and Church are essential elements in order to realize the fruits
and vitality of Christ’s real presence in the life of the Church.
Chapter 4 (Basic Content of the Church’s Catechesis)
▪ This chapter refers to the objective content of Christian faith. The objective content is
classified into three dimensions namely: First, the Doctrinal truths which encompass the
creed and the teachings that pertain with the faith of the Christians. Second, the moral
principle is that which concerns how man acts rightfully and morally. In this dimension,
freedom has to be examined well because it might lead us to the distorted way of
understanding what really freedom is. This freedom is modeled by Christ when He
denied himself for the sake of obeying the will of His Father. In this sense, obedience is
the best expression of freedom and this is what the chapter is conveying to us--how we
freely act in the light of the good and how we submit our individualistic will for the sake
of the will of God to us. Third, worship that will lead us to the question of why do we
pray and how we pray. Saint Augustine gives us an account about this matter as for him,
“when we read the scriptures, God talks to us and when we pray, we talk to God.” These
dimensions are applied in the perspective of the context in the Philippines which effort is
to bring the Filipino people to God, in the same way, to educate and instruct them in the
building up of the mystical body of Christ.

II. Pastoral Implications related to the demands of evangelization

The New Catechetical Directory for the Philippines provides the necessary things to
consider in conducting a catechesis especially in the Philippine context. NCDP provides the
nature, goal and source of catechesis which aim to foster unity as inspired to the Sacred
Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church. Likewise, it follows the
foundation of catechesis as rooted from the revelation of God, faith and Church. Then, it presents
the basic content of our Church’s catechesis as well.
Thus, the pastoral implication as related to evangelization is how to bring Christ to the
lives of the people and to make Christ’s person as attached to the way of life of the faithful by
greatly considering all the necessary elements provided by NCDP. This is the now the real
struggle; how to make Christ presence concrete and tangible, most especially to the Filipinos
who are known to sensibility in expressing their faith, touching of Holy images for example.
That is the pastoral implication as to how to bring the Divinely person of Christ on a level which
people can walk together with Him on earth, in sadness or in happiness and in sickness or in
Thus, new evangelization is the path towards Christ. The new evangelization is the
calling to bear witness to the living word of God, the word made flesh. Furthermore, new
evangelization sustains and preserves the very teachings of Christ. As the letter to the Hebrews
13:8 imparts “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Therefore, nothing has
changed but there are new “ways” that sprouted. Perhaps, like a Narra tree that loses its leaves
but in a short period of time it produces many beautiful leaves and flowers. It is the same as
evangelization, there are times that a man’s soul could experience drought but when it regains its
passion moved by God’s love, new life comes. Remember, it is a gift from the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, to proclaim Christ with a new fervor, new expressions and new methods is not easy
without the grace of God given to us. In addition, let us also ask for the intercession of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, ‘the star of evangelization, and seek inspiration from
Her, and guided by the teachings of PCP II. (PCP II, 174).’ Let us make it possible and fruitfully
use all the resources we have nowadays. New Evangelization can be newly expressed with the
use of technology like mass media to spread the good news to all corners of the earth. Pope Paul
II provides three circumstance in evangelization: first preaching to those who have never heard
the gospel; second preaching to those Christian communities where the Church is present and
who have fervor in their faith; And third preaching to those Christian communities who have
ancient roots but who ‘have lost a living sense of the faith, or even no longer consider themselves
members of the Church, and lived a life far removed from Christ and his gospel.’ Therefore, it is
a call to conversion. Christ comes to gather the lost children of God. He comes to restore what
was lost. Therefore, returning to God through conversion will give us life that will never prosper,
a life to holiness and a life to salvation.

III. Pastoral Reflection

The world is presently experiencing pervasive development when it comes to scientific

technologies. Technologies enable the people to have an immediate contact of particular concern
that provides their needs. With just a simple click, everything is provided. It makes people's life
easier as compared to their way of living in the past. Accordingly, the current context shows that
the rise of mass media becomes a necessity to achieve every individual’s well-being. The
developments are helpful especially for the family to dedicate more of their time to grow and to
develop in all aspects of their life, perhaps, their spiritual life in particular. However, the more
life becomes instantaneous, the more temptations come close. The challenge nowadays is on how
to safeguard the moral identity of the person amidst the rising developments in the world.
For this reason, it reflected on the pastoral means that would make the people conscious
of all the occurrences happening in the world. We may seem not aware but in reality, we are
already drowning into the influence of the world and we become its own slave. In today’s
generation, it is observable to what aspect do we fail in educating and instructing the people
namely the rise of mass media, influence of our friends, lack of assistance towards the person
and lack of guidance in the family. This is the basic concern of catechesis, the priority of
instructing and educating the persons by which the family as the primary avenue of growth and
development. Even from basing it from our experiences, immoralities may seem to take part and
become a normal feature within the society. Why? If someone commits a sin they would usually
say ‘is it a big deal?’. From that, it is clear how the people perceive such actions. It is very
unfortunate that society experiences the ‘decline of morality.’ We focus more on our
individualistic preferences, on our own rational thinking and on our selfish beliefs disregarding
its moral consequences. We become blinded and think only of the things we believe are right
though it is not. Now, is it really a big deal? Yes, because we offend God. Despite the prevailing
challenges, the National Catechetical Directory for the Philippines provides various means to
encounter the problems concerning the people’s attitude in modern society. That is why, it is to
be taken into account to find the roots of such behaviors as soon as they are still vulnerable to
dependence and eventually to submit themselves to be purified by the living word of God, the
word made flesh, Jesus Christ, the salvation of the world.
As we continue to reflect on this matter, it was able to find a scriptural text that would
really help us address the challenges. In Matthew 18:3 it is said “And said, verily I say unto you,
except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of
heaven.” The heart of the children is pure and they possess humility and simplicity. I believe this
is what most of the people lack, without these the truth cannot be seen well in its great
illumination. The light of truth is blurred by independence, impurity, pride and vanity. That is
why in the National Catechetical Directory for the Philippines, one of its chapters discussed the
threefold dimensions so that we will be able to grasp the connection between them. The basic
content of Church’s catechesis is impossible when the interconnection of the threefold
dimensions namely doctrine, morals and worship is set aside. Our knowledge of faith must not
be hanging in the air but it must be lived and practiced in view of the moral principles.
Eventually, faith (Doctrine) and morals are to be expressed in worship; it has to be done in
prayer, devotional practices, celebrations of the sacraments and the like. All these things are
greatly valued by the Filipino people. Thus, this is not just a challenge but a life should be well
thought-out. Catechesis must serve as a remedy to the dangers of the present world; an
immediate step to counteract the possible problems in the future. Don’t let the influence of the
world smite our inner self. Instead let our inner self show that the world was made by the
To sum up, all the things that the people are facing nowadays namely problems, crisis,
struggles and difficulties, are merely external things. What we have to place more importance
must be the things that will never prosper. As Christ assures us in Matthew 24:35, it is written
“heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Therefore, let us cling to
what is eternal, that is the Word of God. Catechesis endeavors to guide us towards our journey,
to lead us to the things that have no end, to the promise that will really come—salvation. It is a
gift from God and let us ask for His grace and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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