Catechetics Class: "The New Catechetical Directory For The Philippines (Chapters 1-4) "
Catechetics Class: "The New Catechetical Directory For The Philippines (Chapters 1-4) "
Catechetics Class: "The New Catechetical Directory For The Philippines (Chapters 1-4) "
The New Catechetical Directory for the Philippines provides the necessary things to
consider in conducting a catechesis especially in the Philippine context. NCDP provides the
nature, goal and source of catechesis which aim to foster unity as inspired to the Sacred
Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church. Likewise, it follows the
foundation of catechesis as rooted from the revelation of God, faith and Church. Then, it presents
the basic content of our Church’s catechesis as well.
Thus, the pastoral implication as related to evangelization is how to bring Christ to the
lives of the people and to make Christ’s person as attached to the way of life of the faithful by
greatly considering all the necessary elements provided by NCDP. This is the now the real
struggle; how to make Christ presence concrete and tangible, most especially to the Filipinos
who are known to sensibility in expressing their faith, touching of Holy images for example.
That is the pastoral implication as to how to bring the Divinely person of Christ on a level which
people can walk together with Him on earth, in sadness or in happiness and in sickness or in
Thus, new evangelization is the path towards Christ. The new evangelization is the
calling to bear witness to the living word of God, the word made flesh. Furthermore, new
evangelization sustains and preserves the very teachings of Christ. As the letter to the Hebrews
13:8 imparts “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Therefore, nothing has
changed but there are new “ways” that sprouted. Perhaps, like a Narra tree that loses its leaves
but in a short period of time it produces many beautiful leaves and flowers. It is the same as
evangelization, there are times that a man’s soul could experience drought but when it regains its
passion moved by God’s love, new life comes. Remember, it is a gift from the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, to proclaim Christ with a new fervor, new expressions and new methods is not easy
without the grace of God given to us. In addition, let us also ask for the intercession of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, ‘the star of evangelization, and seek inspiration from
Her, and guided by the teachings of PCP II. (PCP II, 174).’ Let us make it possible and fruitfully
use all the resources we have nowadays. New Evangelization can be newly expressed with the
use of technology like mass media to spread the good news to all corners of the earth. Pope Paul
II provides three circumstance in evangelization: first preaching to those who have never heard
the gospel; second preaching to those Christian communities where the Church is present and
who have fervor in their faith; And third preaching to those Christian communities who have
ancient roots but who ‘have lost a living sense of the faith, or even no longer consider themselves
members of the Church, and lived a life far removed from Christ and his gospel.’ Therefore, it is
a call to conversion. Christ comes to gather the lost children of God. He comes to restore what
was lost. Therefore, returning to God through conversion will give us life that will never prosper,
a life to holiness and a life to salvation.