1. What is software project management? 2. What is a project? 3. Define process. 4. List the characteristics of software projects. 5. What is contract management? 6. Difference between contract management and technical project management. 7. What is the difference between feasibility study and planning? 8. How plans, methods and methodologies differ from each other? 9. What are the types of designs in software project? 10. What are the three successive process of software project management? 11. What are the categories of software projects? 12. What are the activities of project management? 13. What is activity plan? 14. What are the elements of product descriptions?
15. What do you mean by project breakdown structure? 16. What are the steps involved in identification of project scope and objectives? PART B 1. Explain the various activities covered by software project management. 2. Give an outline of step wise planning activities for a project with neat diagram. 3. Diagrammatically explain the ISO 12207 SDLC activities. 4. List the Outline of stepwise project planning. 5. For each stage of a typical IS development project list the type of personnel who are likely to be involved. 6. Identify the data that you would collect to ensure that during execution of project things are going according to plan.
1. What is strategic assessment? 2. Difference between strategic assessment and technical assessment. 3. How to identify and estimate the cost of project? 4. What is cash flow? 5. How will you find the present value of future cash flow? 6. Write short notes on cash flow forecasting life cycle?
7. What is payback period? 8. What is ROI? How it is calculated? 9. Calculate the ROI for a software project development, where the net profit is 60,000 and the total investment is 300,000. 10. How to calculate the net present value for a software project? 11. Define risk profile analysis. 12. What are the different types of cost related to project development? 13. How are risks identified? 14. What is IRR? How is calculated? 15. What are the advantages of using IRR method? 16. What is meant by project portfolio? 17. How are decision trees helpful in risk handling? PART B 1. Describe how cost- benefit evaluation techniques can be used to choose the best among competing project proposal. 2. Discus the typical product life cycle cash flows in project development. 3. Explain how project can be evaluated against strategic, technical and economic criteria. 4. What is risk management? How the risks are evaluated in software projects? 5. Explain in detail about the Amandas decision tree. 6. Discuss cash flow forecasting.
7. What do you mean by cost benefit analysis? Explain the different categories of cost in detail.
1. List the objectives of planning? 2. What are the advantages of project scheduling? 3. Define activity. 4. What is Activity on- arrow (AOA) and Activity-on-node (AON)? 5. What are the different approaches used in identifying activities? 6. Define a product breakdown structure. 7. What is a hybrid approach of project scheduling? 8. What is SSADM? 9. What is forward pass? 10. Difference between forward pass and backward pass. 11. Write short notes on Hammock activities. 12. Why a network should not contain dangles? 13. List the types of activity float? 14. How to shorten the project duration? 15. What is Risk management?
16. How are risk classified? 17. List the factors involved in risk planning. 18. What are steps involved in planning for risk? 19. Define a brainstorming technique. 20. Write short notes on Hazards identification. PART B 1. Explain the objectives of activity planning in detail. 2. Explain the different approaches of project activities. 3. What is project schedule? Explain the stages of project schedules. 4. Explain with an example how critical path can be identified in precedence networks. 5. Discus the network model represented by the CPM network. 6. How to formulate a network model in projects? 7. Explain the categories of risk framework. 8. Briefly explain the risk planning in project development. 9. Explain risk planning and control in detail. 10. Define hazard. How are hazards identified and analyzed? 11. Describe with an example how the effect of risk on project schedule is evaluated using PERT.
1. What are the different ways of collecting data? 2. What are the different categories of reporting? 3. Define a checkpoint. 4. What are the techniques used in visualizing progress. 5. Write any two advantages of function point analysis. 6. Write short notes on cost monitoring? 7. List the change control procedures? 8. What is earned value? 9. What is monitor earned value? 10. List the methods for assigning earned value in earned value anaylsis. 11. List the various prioritizing levels to monitor the project? 12. What are the roles of configuration librarians? 13. What are the supply processes in managing contract? 14. What are the different types of contracts? 15. List the various typical terms of a contract? 16. Write short notes on contract management? 17. Define change control. PART B 1. Explain in detail about creating the framework for monitoring & control.
2. What are the different types of visualizing progress explain in detail? 3. Explain how to get back the project to target. 4. Assessing the state of project. 5. Controlling changes to a project requirement. 6. Discus the change control procedures in detail. 7. Explain the managing contract under ISO 12207 approach. 8. Explain the different stages in contract placement. 9. Explain the earned value analysis methods.
1. Define organizational behaviour. 2. List the various motivation theories. 3. What is motivation under the Taylors model? 4. Mention the two factors of Herzbergs theory. 5. Write down the stages of team formation model. 6. What are the methods used to improve motivation? 7. Define job enlargement and job enrichment. 8. Mention the different categories of decisions.
9. How are leadership style classified? 10. How to work in a group? 11. Write short notes on leadership? 12. Define organization. 13. Define stress. 14. Give the difference between personal and organizational stress. 15. What are the responsibilities to make safety? 16. How is stress caused? PART B 1. Explain the Oldham-hackman job characteristic model. 2. Explain in detail about decision making. 3. Explain how new staff can be selected and inducted into a project. 4. Explain to improve group performance. 5. List the factors that are involved in making a team. Explain the characteristics. 6. Discus in detail about the organizational structures. 7. Define motivation. Explain the theories of motivation. 8. Explain the methods to increase staff motivation. 9. Write a note on leadership styles. 10. Write notes on stress handled in development process. 11. Give a brief note on health and safety issues.