3350-BA 7053 Project Management

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BA 7053 Project Management

Question Bank
Part A
1. What is a project?
2. What do you mean by projects? How it is differ from programmes?
3. How is a project different to any other work?
4. Define project management?
5. State the purpose and need of project identification.
6. How is project management related to other initiatives?
7. Why do projects need planning?
8. Define Project Management
9. What is Project Management
10. Write any four phases of Project Management
11. What is project Selection Method
12. What is project formulation
13. Who is Project Manager
14. Explain Project Manager Selection
15. Explain Project Teams
16. Explain the constraints of Project Management
17. Explain the scope of Project Management
18. What are the goals of Project Management
19. Explain Project Management Life Cycle
20. What are the phases of Project Life Cycle?
21. What are the responsibilities of Project Manager?
22. Explain Project Implementation Phase.
23. What is the importance of Decision Making in Project Management?

24. What do you mean by sensitivity Analysis?

25. How to build effective project teams?
26. Explain Project Execution.
27. Explain Project Planning and design.
28. What is Planning Process?
29. What are the steps involved in planning process?
30. What the various types of Plans?
31. Explain Conceptual Plan
32. What is a Plan Document?
33. What are the stages involved in Planning Process?
34. What is Work Breakdown Structure?
35. What is a Multidisciplinary Team?
36. Who serves on Project Teams?
37. How do Project Teams work?
38. What is a Project Budget?
39. Explain Cost Estimate
40. Explain Cost estimation models
41. What is budget uncertainty?
42. What is Risk Management?
43. What do you mean by Plan Integration?
44. Explain the concept of Work Breakdown Structure
45. Explain the steps to prepare you Project Budget?
46. Explain the types of Cost Estimation
47. What are the various cost estimation models?
48. What is PERT?
49. Explain the concept of PERT
50. What is CPM?
51. What are the steps in CPM?
52. Explain the concept of CPM

53. What is Scheduling?

54. Explain Scheduling Operations
55. What is Project Uncertainty?
56. What is Simulation?
57. Explain Simulation concept?
58. What is Gantt chart?
59. Why use Gantt Charts?
60. What is expediting?
61. What is Resource Loading?
62. What is resource leveling?
63. What is Critical Chain?
64. Write Goldratts Critical Chain
65. What is Risk Management?
66. What are Linear and Parallel activities?
67. What is Field Expediting and Desk Expediting?
68. Explain the Plan Monitor Control Cycle
69. What is Data collecting?
70. What do you mean by Data Reporting?
71. What is Project control?
72. What is evaluation
73. Explain Project evaluation
74. Explain Auditing and Termination
75. What is the Objective of Project Control?
76. Why is Project Control Important?
77. What is a Control System?
78. Explain Project Audit
79. What are the common reasons for Project termination?
80. What are the different types of Project Termination?
81. What are the critical factors for a Project Success?

82. Explain Primary and Secondary Data?

83. What is Qualitative and Quantitative Data
84. What is meant by Net Project Value?
85. Explain the steps involved in Project Evaluation.
86. What are various types of Audits?
87. How do you design a Project control system?
88. What is Organization Structure?
89. What are the four basic elements of Organization Structure?
90. What is Organization Design?
91. What is conflict?
92. What the consequences of conflict?
93. What the ways to resolve conflict?
94. What are the types of Organization Structure?
95. What is a Matrix Structure?
96. What is a Divisional Organization?
97. What are the characteristics of a Formal Organization?
98. What is an Informal Organization?
99. Differential between a Formal and Informal Organization.

Explain the reasons for an Informal Organization


What is a hierarchical system?


Explain Organization Design Process


List the types of Project Organizations.


What is a Formal Organization Structure?


What are the key elements in Organization Design?


What is meant by Departmentalization?


Explain Chain of Command.


What level of project management do I need?


What are project exports? State its problems


How important are the stakeholders?


What is a successful project?


What is a project plan and what does it involve?


State the role of project manager.


Doesnt Project Management stifle creativity?


What is Brain Storming?


What is Work Breakdown Structures?


What are the steps involved for identifying the project?


Explain the stages involved in project formulation.


Discuss the line and staff relations in project organization.


What is project scheduling? Describe its importance in project implementation.


What are the most common ways to monitor the project cost?


A work break down structure (WBS) is the staffing place for planning the project.


Explain cost over run?


What is Critical path analysis (CPA)?


What is Milestone Planning?


Differentiate Accrued cost and earned value analysis


Who else would be involved and what would they do?


What about running more than one project at a time?


Explain what is meant by a project environment.


List and describe the nine types of team members as defined by Belbin


Describe the qualities of a leader, especially in a project environment


Describe the five Kilman approaches to resolving conflicts


A project is born when someone reacts to the level of frustration surrounding a

problem. Discuss.


Why planning of the project parameters such as quality, time and cost is crucial?


What are the pre-requisites for the successful implementation of a project?


Discuss the potential budget problems in project management.


Enumerate the steps in controlling work-in progress.


Discuss the various performance indicators of a project


List out the key competencies of a project auditor and explain his role.


Explain the importance of project control system.


State the features of goal programming model.


Enumerate the main characteristics of the management information system.


What is risk? How can the risk of a security be calculated?


Explain the concept of Risk Management.


State the different types of risks.


Explain the relationship between risk and type of business.


How does on-site inspection serve as risk identification method?


What is the importance of threat analysis?

Part B
1. Why do you say that Project Management is the best method of implementing change?
2. What is the Project Management Methodology?
3. What tools and techniques are used?
4. Explain the role of the sponsor in a project organization and his/her relationship with
the project manager
5. Explain what is meant by stakeholder management and describe how the project
manager ensures stakeholder co-operation.
6. Describe the main project organization structures and give their advantages and
7. Draw a diagram of a typical project life cycle showing the phases
8. State 8 advantages for developing a life cycle
9. What is meant by an extended life cycle
10. What is Project Management? Explain the role of Project Management?
11. What are the goals of Project Management?
12. Explain Project Selection Methods in detail.
13. Who is a Project Manager and explain the types of Project Managers?

14. Describe Project Portfolio process

15. Explain the role and responsibilities of a Project Manager in detail.
16. Who are Project Managers and what are the responsibilities of project manager
explain Project formulation.
17. Explain Project Management Life Cycle and the various phases in a Project Life Cycle.
18. Explain the concept of Project Teams in detail.
19. Explain in detail the various steps involved in project formulation.
20. Explain the concept of Planning Process.
21. Describe Work Breakdown structure with suitable figures.
22. Explain the role of multidisciplinary teams
23. How do you budget the project and what are the methods of project budgeting?
24. Explain cost of estimating and improvement.
25. Describe budget uncertainty and Risk Management
26. What is Risk Management and explain the principles of risk management?
27. What is Project Budget and what are the steps involved in preparing your Project Budget
28. What is cost estimation and explain the methods involved in cost estimation
29. Explain budget uncertainty and its characteristics
30. Explain clearly about Project Evaluation
31. Illustrate about Project Auditing and Termination
32. How do you design the control system
33. Define and explain Data Collection and the different types of Data
34. Define Project Evaluation and the steps involved in Project Evaluation
35. Explain the various methods of Project termination in detail.
36. Explain Project Audits and the various methods of Audits in detail
37. What is conflict and explain the origin and consequences of conflict
38. How do you manage conflict Illustrate
39. What is Organizational Design and what are the elements of Organizational Design
40. Explain conflict and the various methods of resolving conflict
41. Explain the role of perception in conflict

42. Explain the elements of Organization Design in detail.

43. Explain the team methods of resolving conflict
44. Draw a simple work breakdown structure for the manufacture of a bicycle
45. Explain the benefits of using a work breakdown structure
46. State three other breakdown structures which can be developed from a WBS
47. Explain four types of estimates and give their approximate accuracy rating
48. Describe a risk management plan
49. Explain the risk management process
50. Explain what is meant by a Project Management Plan and give examples of its content.
51. Explain the advantages of working as a team
52. State the four development stages of a project team?
53. Explain what steps a project manager must take to ensure a smooth project close out
and handover
54. Describe a project close out report
55. Explain what actions a project manager might take to motivate his/her team
56. Explain the risk management process in detail.
57. Every business has its own size of risk Discuss.
58. Describe the important methods of measuring the risk.
59. What are the consequences of risk exposure losses?
60. Discuss the corporate strategies to manage risk.
61. Elaborate the methods of financing risk retention of projects.
62. In what way, the risk management helps to conduct the business effectively.

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