Cp2020 - Chrome Books 1-4 (Shadowrun Conversion)

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Plastic Warriors 00042.

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Updated for Cybertechnology, Virtual Realities 2.0, Rig-

ger 2, and Shadowrun, Third Edition!

Conversions By Gurth
GENERAL NOTES....................... Diving Suit................................. TimesSquare Plus™..................
Book Dates................................ IR Combat Cloak....................... Wearman Mark II.......................
Previous Releases..................... Slosh Bag.................................. Tazer Grip..................................
Updates.................................. Travel Kit.................................... E­Monitor...................................
Book Data.................................. Medieval Armor......................... Mag­Duct™ Spots.....................
CONVERSION NOTES................ Power Grid® Solar­Electric  Gyro­Stabilizer...........................
Cyberdecks................................ Panel......................................... Dodgeball™...............................
Full ’Borgs.................................. Shower­in­a­Can........................ Video Cam/Transmitter..............
Vehicles..................................... Flavored Cigarettes................... Video Imager.............................
Weapons................................... Bar­in­a­Briefcase...................... Frequency Changer...................
VEHICLES.................................... Cyberoptic Teargas Sprayer......
CHROMEBOOK 1...........
Bensen Cascade ...................... Lifesaver™ Skinweave..............
BMW 9018s .............................. Anti­Plague Nanotech................
Harley­Davidson Thundergod ... Gang Jazzler.............................
Advanced Communications 
Kundalina Roadworks Shiva® . . WEAPONS...................................
Pedicab ..................................... Militech Crusher SSG................
Line Tap Detector......................
Ambunaught ............................. Budgetarms Laser­Niner............
Arasaka Riot­VIII ....................... Malorian Arms Sliver Gun..........
Office Communications Suite....
GM/Hyundai Worker Bee .......... Colt Alpha­Omega.....................
Cab Hailer..................................
Bell Spy­Eye 18 ........................ Glock Thirty Machine Pistol.......
Headgear™ Cybermodem 
Sikorsky­Mitsubishi Dragon ...... Setsuko­Arasaka “PMS” 
AV­9 .......................................... Advanced SMG.........................
Punknaught .............................. Goncz­Taurus Pistol...................
Net­Runner™ Cybermodem 
CYBERWARE.............................. Malorian Arms Heavy Flechette 
Utility Suit...................................
Psiberstuff® Independant  Pistol..........................................
Smartlock Door Security 
Cyberhand................................. Militech M­31a1 Advanced 
Kiroshi® OptiShields®............... Infantry Combat Weapon...........
Digits® Cyberfingers ................ Militech Mini­Grenade Launcher
Paper Shredder.........................
Dartgun Cyberfinger Darts........ Militech Mini­Grenade Launcher
EBM Carfaxx© 2002..................
Finger Bomb.............................. HEP (High­Explosive Cratering) 
Sonar Scanner...........................
Watch­Man®.............................. grenade.....................................
Auto Punchout...........................
Skate Foot®............................... Fragmentation grenade.............
DataTel’s Mapmaker®...............
Whip.......................................... Anti­Personnel Flechette...........
Netrunner Flip Switch................
LimbLink.................................... Beretta M­24 Advanced SMG....
Deck Security System...............
Magnetic Feet/Hands ............... EMP Grenade............................
Image Wallet..............................
Gas Jet...................................... DCR Rifle Grenade....................
Flashbulb™............................... 22mm Muzzle Adaptor...............
DPI Drumsticks..........................
Wet Drive .................................. FEN Dz 22 “Saucer Grenades”.
Sleep Inducer............................
Voice Pattern............................. FEN Dz25 “Det Card”................
Fireproof Clothing......................
Forked Tongue........................... Malorian Arms Sub­Flechette 
Digital Recording Studio............
Mace Hand................................ Gun............................................
Digital Weapon Uplink...............
Icer™......................................... Multi­Flechette Ammo................
DUD Smartgun Controller.........
Cutting Torch............................. GPz­78 Mini­grenade................
Cybercam EX.1..........................
Derringer.................................... Kendachi Dragon.......................
ID Badgemaker..........................
Rebreathers............................... Biotech­Askari Motion 
Decentralized Heart................... Restraints..................................
Detcord High Explosive.............
Pacesetter® Sport Heart........... Militech Military/Police Shotgun.
Temperfoam Furniture...............
Pacesetter 2000™ Overdrive  Stundart Pistol...........................
Advanced Alarm Removal Kit....
Heart.......................................... Stundart Rounds.......................
Personal Body Alarm.................
T­MAXX “Cyberliver”.................. Rostovic Wrist Racate...............

Rostovic Wrist Racate  Mister Lover Chip....................... Cyphire Remote Eye..................
Ammunition................................ Biofeedback Chips.................. Upgraded Skinweave.................
Techtronica Black­Zap Glove..... Stress Chip................................ EQUIPMENT................................
Darra­Polytechnic M­9 Assault  Adrenalin/Endorphin Surge....... Biotechnica Nutrisupplement.....
Rifle........................................... Increased Neural Feedback  Biotechnica Nymph Perfume.....
Hollow­Point Ammunition.......... Option........................................ Geotech Enviroscanner.............
Militech Mini­Gat Machine  Ambidexterity Chip.................... Nikkon America Campod...........
Carbine...................................... Deathtrance............................... SecSystems Protection Field.....
H&K G­6 Advanced Squad  Redundancy Loop..................... Mead Electronic Notebook........
Automatic................................... “Fish N’ Chips”........................... DataTel 2350A Vidphone ..........
Militech­10 SMG........................ Visual Recognition Chips....... Microtech Virtual Reality BBS ...
Federated Arms 454 DA “Super  Techie Chip................................ Frostech Portable Cryogenic 
Chief”......................................... Corporate Officer Chip............... Case..........................................
Malorian Arms 3516................... Police......................................... Portable Electropack.................
APEX Mobile Point Defense  Military....................................... Kiroshi Optics Remote 
System....................................... Rocker....................................... CyberCam 20............................
Federated Arms Light Assault  Secretarial................................. SecSystems Detention Collar....
15............................................... HOUSING..................................... DDI Prayerware.........................
Stein & Wasserman Model F  Araska Sleep Facility................. SecSystems Maglock................
“Cyborg Assault” Weapon  Security Services, Inc.  Computers & Periphals...........
System....................................... Professional Apartments........... Zetatech “E­Book” Microcomp...
HEP (High­Explosive Cratering) Harris & Company Masterpiece. EBM “PCX” Minicomp................
Armor­Piercing Incendiary......... Silverhand Studios..................... Microtech IIKL­4 WorkStation....
Acid Shell................................... New American Motor’s Drifter.... Telectronics “Black Book” 
Kendachi Mono­Two.................. SOFTWARE................................. Microcomp.................................
Kendachi M­33 Powersword...... Wolf .......................................... Language Processors................
FASHION...................................... Guard­Dog ................................ WorldSat Communications 
Psiberstuff Cyberarm................. Bulldog and Smarteye .............. Flopscreen™.............................
Nu­Tek Wearman Series............ Termite ...................................... Direct Dataware EXPERT 
Uniware..................................... Psychodrome............................. Series Computer Skill 
Image Fashionware................... Vampyre II and Bunnies ........... Programs ..................................
ICON America........................... Fatal Attractor ........................... Datatel “Treasurer” Datawatch...
Gibson Battlegear...................... Tritech Datashielding.................
CHROMEBOOK 2...........
Takanaka ¬Exec¬ Line............ Kiroshi Optics Heads­Up 
Eji of Japan................................ Display.......................................
Dynalar Technologies “Digits” 
SERVICES.................................... Datatel Modem Units ................
Cyberfingers .............................
CHIPWEAR.................................. Zetatech CompuMods™ ...........
Kiroshi OptiShield Options.........
Security & Operative Chips.... Hybrid™ Wearable Computer....
M.O. Chips................................. MedicGear Combat Medical 
Cytech Custom Cyberhands......
Courier Chips ............................ Armor.........................................
Anchoring Cyberfeet..................
Security Chip............................. Security Scanners & 
Quickdraw Armholster...............
Digi­Tone ID............................... Equipment................................
Kill Display.................................
Special Operative Chip.............. Telectronics Tattletale® Voice 
Cyphire Tri­Dart Launcher.........
Poser Impersonation Chip......... Stress Analyzer.........................
Wetdrive Access Link ...............
Storage, Entertainment and  CCI BRl­3014 Window Trembler
Color Gland Control...................
Information Chips.................... Bug Detector..............................
Gradiated Subdermal Armor 
PhotoMemory RAM Chip........... Bug Jammer..............................
Memory Compression............... Arasaka “Komaku” Laser Mikes.
Subdermal Armor (Skull) ..........
Programmable Chipware .......... Omega Phone Tap By Tritech....
Subdermal Viewscreen..............
Mind Games®........................... Arasaka OmniTec Radar 
Zetatech BodyComp..................
Business Trip Chip..................... Detector.....................................
Nanooptical Upgrade.................
Tourism Chip............................. Telectronics “Scout” Signal 
Retractable Vampires................
Space Chip ............................... Tracker.......................................
Total Body Plating......................

Arasaka JetSetter Executive  Explosive ammo (LAPHE)......... Slamdance Inc. Spawnblade.....
Briefcase.................................... Arasaka RDAK Spy &  Kendachi Monowhip..................
NachtJager Gas......................... Assassination Remote .............. Kendachi Monowire...................
WorldSat Communications  Consumer Electronics............. Taser Wallet...............................
Linear Beam Commlink............. Autotanner................................. Mystic Technologies Spring 
Arasaka ECM Comm­ Phone Upgrades........................ Knife..........................................
Scrambler.................................. Rush® Virtual Entertainment  Drug­a­Thug™...........................
Tritech “Mumbler” White Noise  System....................................... Taser II™...................................
Generator.................................. Total Environment™.................. Skunker.....................................
Telectronics ScanMan™ Full  Multi­Player Adaptor.................. Ammunition..............................
Indentity Scanner....................... Video Wall™.............................. Dual­Purpose Rounds...............
Arasaka “Scanway” Scanner  SegAtari Virtual Villains............. API – Armor­Piercing 
Gates......................................... Scholar™ Home Learning  Incendiary..................................
Cyberdecks & Net­Stuff.......... System ...................................... Kendachi Fragmentation 
Raven Microcyb Net­Vision™  WEAPONS................................... Flechettes..................................
IG­Algorithm Glasses ............... Tsunami Arms Ramjet Rifle....... Rubber Bullets...........................
Zetatech Deckmate .................. Ramjet ammo............................ Stinger Shotgun Shells..............
Zetatech D2­3000 Armdeck....... Polymer One­Shot Cannon....... Gas Shotgun Shells...................
Music­Tech &  Militech Cyborg Rifle.................. Flare Shotgun Shells.................
Instrumentation........................ Stein & Wasserman “Tri­Star”  Smoke Shotgun Shells..............
DPI “Black Box” Backup  Revolver..................................... Flash Shotgun Shells.................
Synthamp.................................. #000 Triplex ammo.................... Propelled/Hand Grenade 
DPI Body Rythm™ Dance  Pursuit Security Incorporated  Types.........................................
Bracelets.................................... Webgun..................................... Urban Technologies Slasher.....
Washburn Soundmachine  Carbosteel Wire Net.................. Splatshell...................................
Guitar......................................... FEN Dz­55 Det­Web.................. Militech Muzzle Adaptor............
Chameleon Clothing and  Rhinemetall EMG­85 Kinetic  Militech 25mm Pistol­Grenades.
Stealth Armor........................... Energy Railgun.......................... Micromissiles.............................
Militech M96 “Ghostsuit”  Luigi Franchi “King Buck” Multi­ Scatter Grenade........................
Chameleon Clothing.................. Magnum..................................... Stench Bomb.............................
Gibson Battlegear “Sneak Suit”. Underbarrel Capacitor Laser..... Flashbang Grenade...................
Militech M73 “Mirage Gear”  Techtronica M40 “Pulse Rifle”.... Spraypaint Grenade..................
Environmental Assimilation  Nova .338 Citygun..................... Weapon Modifications.............
System....................................... Colt­Mauser M2X Cannon......... Nine­Eleven Chip.......................
Armored Stockings.................... Extra High Impact ammunition. . Security Chipping......................
Holography............................... Militech AM­3 “Anti­Matter Rifle” Gun­Cam...................................
Holoscreen Holographic  Militech Urban Missile Launcher Electrothermal Ammo 
Viewers ..................................... Micro­Missile Pod...................... Enhancement............................
DataTel Holotanks..................... Militech PDU­3 Multi­Purpose  TEAMS.........................................
Eastman KodaGraphix  Perimeter Defense Unit............. Sphere ......................................
Holographic Cameras................ Tsunami Arms “Airhammer”  Lifetime Escort Service .............
Eastman Arts Mindscape®  5.3mm Air Pistol........................ C­Team .....................................
Cyberholo Art Imager................ Kendachi Fragmentation  Cybernetic Intervention 
Remotes & Drones................... Flechette.................................... Services ....................................
Flechette.................................... Orion .........................................
Remote Control Systems ..........
JellSluggs.................................. Autojoks ....................................
Bell “Bumblebee” Remote 
Gas............................................ FULL BODY REPLACEMENT.....
Rotocraft ...................................
Practice...................................... Alpha Class ..............................
Mitsubishi “Rover” Wheeled 
Techtronica Model 009 Volt  Aquarius ...................................
Remote .....................................
Pistol.......................................... Copernicus ...............................
Militech RPV­400 Light Combat 
Arasaka “Nauseator” Riot  Eclipse ......................................
Tiltrotor Remote ........................
Control Device™....................... Enforcer ....................................
2­barrel HMG Chaingun............
IMI “ChainKnife”......................... Brimstone .................................
Light Armor­Piercing/High 

Gemini ...................................... The Bear Necissities ................. Gmbh.........................................
Wingman .................................. The Superman .......................... Fax Plus 1000™ Fax Machine...
Samson .................................... Hold That Tiger! ........................ ThunderArc Industries Three­D 
Dragoon .................................... Bug Out! ................................... Holophone.................................
Options for Full Body  Slightly Buggy......................... More Cell Phone Options!.........
Conversions............................. Bughouse................................ Miniature Copier........................
Stylization ................................. Aquaforms ................................ Datatel Rotowrighter..................
Increased SP ............................ Merman................................... Telectronics® Modulation Chip .
Increased SDP ......................... Sharkman............................... Yamaha RX4000 “Hurricane” 
Increased Stats ......................... The Faithful Dog (p.109)............ Ultrasynth..................................
Shielding ................................... Minor....................................... Midnight Arms Smart Glove ......
Quick­Change Mounts .............. Major....................................... Arasaka R­101 Lie Detector.......
Interchangable Biopod .............. Here There Be Dragons ........... The Great Outdoors.................
Longevity Module ..................... Playbeing ................................. Everest VentureWare Grapple 
VEHICLES.................................... CHROMEBOOK 3........... Line............................................
Aerodynes................................ EQUIPMENT, ITEMS, AND  Everest VentureWare Climbing 
AV­3 “Aerocop” ......................... Spikes........................................
Family Flier ............................... Esporma Environment Suit........
Midnight Arms Smartgoggle 
Nissan Ford FanMaster ............ The Automapper™ by 
Mach ......................................... ThunderArc................................
Utopian “Small Wonders” 
Swan ......................................... Geotech Enviroscanner.............
Ground Cars............................. Pharmaceuticals......................
Arc Furnace...............................
Crowder .................................... Militech Combat Drugs .............
Communications Accessories. . .
The Max Interceptor ................. Trauma Drugs ...........................
Raven® Interface Monitor..........
The Toyo­Chevrolet ’17 Chevy .. Surveillance Kit..........................
Telectronics® Micromanipulator 
Motorcycles.............................. Visual Adaptor ..........................
The Ashigaru ............................ SecSystems Detection Wand....
The Bermuda ............................ Optitech MagViewer..................
The Darkwing ........................... IEC Domitic System...................
Aircraft and Mini­Jets.............. Virtual Ventures, Ltd. ................
Blood Substitute .......................
Royo Bodyfree Masks................
GD F­36 Comet ........................ LPTU™ Limb Preservation and 
Optical Remote..........................
MDD F­33 Wasp ....................... Transport Unit ...........................
IEC Solodrinker.........................
Fed­Boeing Falcon ................... Bodyweight Portable Intern Unit
GD Hummingbird ...................... CYBERWARE..............................
Aesculapius Incorporated 
Lockheed­Cessna Pinto ........... Sycust “FleshWeave”.................
Dynalar Technologies “Digits®” 
Airships..................................... Masetto Tech Clothing............
India Sky­Barge ........................ ‘Alessio’ Coveralls......................
Cyclops International “Bug Eye”
“Madison Avenue” Blimp ........... ‘Lano’ Armour Coveralls............
Raven Microcyb Supercompact 
Sky Queen Cruise­Liner ........... ‘Guercio’ Helmet........................
Braindance Recorder.................
EXOTICS...................................... ‘Gianni’ Helmet..........................
Smartgun 2® SmartPlate 
Minor Exotic Package Deals... ‘Pinamonte’ Boots......................
Weapons Link ...........................
Me­Yow ..................................... ‘Ciampolo’ Gloves......................
Leg Boosters.............................
Hickory, dicoky, dock ................ ‘Francesca’ Tech Scanner.........
Cyberoptic Compass.................
Do the Bunney Hop .................. ‘Farinata’ Tech Tool Kit..............
Mediaware Cellular Phone........
Hiss­s­s­s­s ............................... ‘Venedico’ Electronics Tool Kit...
Kiroshi® Laser­Comm Optic......
Fantasy Packages.................... Raven® “Tripod” Waldo Set.......
Elf ............................................. Raven® “Spider” MicroWaldo 
SuperSized Arms.......................
Dwarf or Halfling ....................... Bracer........................................
The Bonespike...........................
Ork/Goblin ................................ Techtronica “Mite” Diagnostic 
Bodyweight AutoInjector............
Troll/Ogre .................................. Remote......................................
Bodyweight Pacemaker 
Fishman .................................... CTS, plc ‘Pembroke’ 
Graftables ................................. Techscanner..............................
Dynalar Web Hand....................
Major Exotic Packages............ Tool Kits by Buchsterhude 

Fresco’s Personal Nano­ Roadcar .................................... Personal Comp..........................
Groomers................................... Scion Technologies  New Cyberdecks......................
CapsuleCo CyberPillow™......... Dunemaster .............................. EBM PNI 210.............................
CyberPillow Cases by  GMI HovTransport .................... Zetatech Parraline 5700............
KraftMatrix................................. Tetracorp Fei Lien 100  Raven Microcyb Rook................
Cyphire “Spitting Cobra”............ Aerodyne .................................. Lang Conpro­II Masterdeck.......
Optical Interface........................ Hyundai Minicopter ................... Zetatech Parraline 5800............
Kiroshi Optics Cyberoptic  New American Motors Nautilus  EBM PNI 412.............................
Interferomerty System............... Mini Road­Home ....................... Omnibus Cyberspace Explorer 
Kiroshi Optics “Tricloptics™”  Kundalini Roadworks “Dart” ...... One............................................
Third Eye Cyberoptic Implant.... Kundalini “Torpedo” Police  PCT Danzig...............................
Dynalar Technologies “Endo­ Interceptor Cycle ....................... Raven Microcyb Eagle...............
Frame” CyberSkeletal  ATF­37B Thunderhawk ............. Zetatech Virocana.....................
Enhancement............................ New American Motors  Raven Microcyb Kestrel.............
Husqvarna ChainRipp®............. “Armadillo” Armored Road­ EBM PNI 724π...........................
Dermatech Cam­O­Skin............ Home ........................................ Jeweldecks................................
Slamdance Spyke!™ Furniture.. New American Autoworks  Raven Microcyb Owl..................
Wyzard Technologies  “Vulture” Heavy Tow Truck ........ Dantech Cacciaguida................
“Romanova” Cyberlegs.............. Sport Eurasia “Microbike” ......... Aztec 600 Assault Programmer.
Wyzard Technologies Verbal­ Brennan “Hermes” Courier  Lang presents “The Green 
Eyes™ series “Windows of the  Motorcycle ................................ Knight”.......................................
Soul”.......................................... M­62 “Volcano” SAM Launcher. Computer Improvements........
Cyberfacial Remounts............... Bell UH­10 PAPC ...................... Protective/Utility Items ..............
Retro Cyberware...................... Spinelli Autotech “Nomad” ........ Hardware Options .....................
Kiroshi Model 100 Interface  Brennan Cycles “Ares” Combat  Option Slot Items ......................
Plugs.......................................... Bike ........................................... Cybermodem Enhancements.
BioDyne Systems “Enable”  BMW Burowagen HSR ............. Tight­Beam Radio Relay ...........
cyberlimbs................................. Vehicular Options.................... Batteries ...................................
General Products Exoskeleton  Civilian Navigation System ....... Zetatech Diagnet™ ...................
Series........................................ Puncture­Proof Tires ................ Dead Man’s Handle ..................
AuraSound “Spectrum”  Bulletproof Glass ...................... EBM 99080 “Muse” ...................
cyberaudio implant.................... Mini­Comp ................................ Datawalls & Code Gates ..........
Gene­Teck’s See­It™  Winch System ........................... Software....................................
transparent skin......................... External Vidcam ....................... Flip Switch 2.0 ..........................
Dermatech Mood Skin............... Chute ........................................ Dummy .....................................
Life Vision “Revelation”  Loudspeaker ............................. Multinetter .................................
cyberoptic implant...................... Ram .......................................... Cascade ...................................
Lead’s Turn­On Nails................. Gas Spectrometer .................... π in the Face .............................
Lead’s Show­Off Nails............... Radiation Detector .................... Clairvoyance (SeeYa 3.0) .........
BioTec Σ “SomaWare” Sleep  Homing Beacon/Tracer ............. Hellburner .................................
Induction Chip............................ Firing Port ................................. Thug .........................................
Direct Dataware  Mine Layer ................................ George ......................................
Navigation/Orientation Chip ...... Minelayer Munitions Options..... Looking Glass ...........................
Direct Dataware Crypto Chips... COMPUTERS, CYBERDECKS,  Dazzler .....................................
DataEdge Inc. Stutter Chipping. SOFTWARE AND  Pile Driver .................................
New Martial Arts Forms ............ PERIPHERALS............................ Sledgehammer .........................
Auditory Recognition Chips....... Daemon Netrunning ................. Flare Gun ..................................
VEHICLES.................................... New Personal Computers....... Ball and Chain ..........................
Bensen Violator Hovercycle ...... Zetatech® PS­4040  Dupré ........................................
Takaya Daimyo ......................... Portastation............................... Cry Baby ...................................
Cadence Industries Wanderer . . Zetatech® PDA+........................ Evil Twin  and Shadow ..............
Mitsubishi Portabike ................. Microtech “PCZ Super” Laptop. . Typhoid Mary ............................
New American Autoworks  Wyzard Electronics “HandBox”  Possessor .................................

Exorcist  to Stationary ............... Arasaka Mfg. Type­17k  ChipLok.....................................
Threat ....................................... “Guardian” Assisted Combat  Facedown Chip..........................
Knevil ........................................ Personal Armor ......................... Speedreading Chip....................
Terminator  to Black Sky ........... Militech & Trauma Team Tb/0  Home Chip.................................
Cartographer ............................ “Lifeline” Assisted Combat  Dream Suppressant Chip..........
Dogcatcher ............................... Personal Armor ......................... BIOWARE & NANOTECH...........
Outjack ..................................... WADs (Working Assistant  Otec Nitrogen Binders...............
CYBERPETS................................ Droids)....................................... Advanced Muscle and Bone 
Animal Stats ............................. Duroi/Janvier “Frelon”................ Lace...........................................
Animal Cyberware .................... Fiat “Nova”................................. Replitech “TuffBone” Skeletal 
Berserk Chip.............................. International Electric “Newport  Enhancement and Bodyweight, 
IFF Chip..................................... Mk. II”......................................... Inc. “Metaheme” Hemological 
Watchdog Chip.......................... Duroi/Janvier “Scarabee”........... Replacement ............................
External Weapon Harness......... Biotechnica NeoAppendix.........
CHROMEBOOK 4...........
Sample Animals......................... NanoAuditory Rebuild................
The Digital Watchdog ............... Biotechnica “Sunblocker” 
Extra Twist™ Joint Addition.......
Perfect Pets .............................. Sunscreen ................................
Dynalar Technologies “Digits” 
The Cyberpred .......................... Biotechnica NeoLung ...............
Cyberfingers .............................
Animal Eyes .............................. Dornier­Bauer Biotechnische 
Flesh Mount............................
ROBOTS, CYBERFORMS,  Neural Bridge and Circulatory 
One­Shot Special....................
FULL ’BORGS AND POWERED  Sphincters .................................
Ballpoint Finger.......................
ARMOR........................................ Revolution Genetics Poison 
NovelTech Corvette Cyberlegs. .
Bots........................................... Glands.......................................
Donner Savage Medical 
Brandt­Neumann Washbot........ Revolution Genetics Tailored 
Modular Hand............................
Carolli M­bot.............................. Pheromones..............................
Catspaw™ Stealth Foot.............
Carolli V­bot............................... N­A C “Kaloric” Secondary Gut, 
Sycust Extending Leg Units.......
Mini­Cyberforms...................... “Freezeban” Bioconstruct and 
Sycust Joint Options..................
“QuickClot” Hemofribrinic 
Mini­Cyberform Model A­2  Soviet Cyberware......................
“Tarantula” ................................ Dynalar NewTeeth.....................
Revolution Genetics Flashlite 
Mini­Cyberform Model B­2  Dynalar PowerJaw.....................
“Centipede” ............................... Dakai Soundsystems 
Replitech Toxin Screen and T­
Mini­Cyberform Model A­3  NewThroat.................................
MAXX Ileocecal Siphon.............
“Beetle” ..................................... Dakai Soundsystems Scramble.
Physiology Tailoring and 
Full Body Conversions............ Kiroshi Monovision....................
Moore Technologies “Sheol”  Bodyweight Variable­Chamber 
Bioenhancement Tablets...........
Hazardous Operations Full  Heart Option..............................
Neurochemical Memory Tabs ...
Conversion ............................... Nikkon America Double­Split 
MD Tech, Inc. “Kildare” Medical  Pupil...........................................
Full Conversion ......................... Bodyweight Vein Clips...............
Adrek Robotics “Burroughs”  Stinger....................................... Mitsuzuki C21 Kenada ..............
Mars Operations Standard Full  BigRipp...................................... Mitsuzuki MSX900 “Bakushin” ..
Conversion ............................... High Five, AKA The Palm Bomb Honda R400 Trail ......................
Militech Cybernetics  Radine Laboratories  VMW “Volksrad” ........................
International “Spyder”  Blitzkrieg™ Arc Thrower............ Kundalina Roadworks 
Reconnaissance Duty Full  Dermatech Logo­Line™ Tattoos GSR1200 Tetsuo ......................
Conversion ............................... Techtronica Echolocation  Cars, Vans, Trucks...................
Raven Microcybernetics  System Coprocessor................. Toyo­Chevrolet Hopper .............
“Wiseman” Cyberspace  Nu­Tek TVSkin........................... VMW Cohort .............................
Commando Full Conversion ..... Militech Cyber­Detection  GMI Sierra Hatch ......................
New Full­’Borg Options........... Computer (MCDC)..................... GMI Sierra GL ..........................
Eelskin ...................................... Taste Boost................................ Mitsuzuki Fuji ............................
CyberSteroids ........................... Lockdown.................................. Mitsuzuki Bushi .........................
Shape Recognition Chipware.... Gaz/Lada Cossack ...................
Powered Armor........................

Toy­Chevrolet Corpora ............. FASHION...................................... Aztechnology GCR­50 ..............
MAC­Deux “Monster” ................ Leisurewear .............................. Beechcraft Model 2400 
Kundalina Roadworks  RecreaTech Powerblades....... Starship 10 ................................
“Bedouin” Truck ........................ Shock Touch™ Personal  Dune Buggy ..............................
Imperial Metropolitan  Protection Gloves.................... GMC­Beachcraft Striker ...........
Agriculture Nomad .................... EQUIPMENT................................ Mil­62 ........................................
Spinelli Autotech Shiltron Twin  Tritech Echolocation Goggles.... Mostrans KVT­2 ........................
Cab ........................................... Pressure Trigger........................ Patrol Vehicle ............................
MacLaren/Jaguar XJ220C­P  Protective Headgear Insert........ Piper Montebank ......................
Police Interceptor ...................... TechJager Anti­Pursuit Liquids.. Suzuki 500ET ...........................
Spinelli Autotech Spirit .............. Stephenson Technologies  Paranoid Animals of North 
Tetracorp DR2100 Multi­fuel  Sound Optimization System...... America.....................................
Longnose .................................. Nano­Paper............................... Aston Martin “Whisper” G12P ...
Military Vehicles....................... Wutani Sensors Motion Tracker. BMW “VIP” 9000L ....................
Paneurope VBL APC ................ EnduroDrink............................... Ferrari “Ghost” 679 ...................
Paneurope Zobel (EuroLAV II) . Wall Speakers............................ Jaguar XXJ10 ...........................
Hovers/GEVs............................ ArmorSaver Drink...................... Mazda “Commando” XV ...........
Kundalina Roadworks Gevhog . Thermite­in­a­Tube.................... Mercedes “Mirage” Limousine . .
Cadence Industries HoverVan . . TechJager Plug­in Air Foulers. . . Porsche “Cannon Ball” 971 .......
Aerodynes................................ Kevlar Backpacks...................... SAMPLE CHARACTERS. .
Bell­Boeing Aircar ..................... Bodyweight InterFlex™  Cyberpirate..........................182
British Aerospace AV FAB ........ Cybergenics Machine................ Former Simsense Star...............
Mexican Metals Llama .............. Bodyweight InterFlex Prime™... Free Trader..........................185
MacLaren/Jaguar Sports  SOURCEBOOK UPDATES Technomancer.....................186
Aerodyne .................................. Running Gear........................... EQUIPMENT TABLES......
NETGEAR & SOFTWARE........... Chrysler­Nissan Python Turbo .. Lifestyle...................................
Shadowdeck to Microtech  Eurocar 3000 ............................ Biotech....................................
Residence.................................. Fledermaus PKF40 Ausf. B ...... Melee Weapons......................
Programs.................................. McDonnell Douglas C111 .......... Projectile Weapons.................
New Programming Modifier:  Bell Boeing V­22B Osprey ........ Firearms..................................
Code Optimization .................... Bell F­152 Autogyro .................. Weapon Accesories................
Mirror ........................................ Honda Metrocar ........................ Ammunition and Explosives....
Weed ........................................ McDonnell­Douglas AV­4  Clothing and Armor.................
Ninja ......................................... Tactical Urban Assault Vehicle . Cyberware..............................
Red­Out .................................... AV­6 Combat Assault Vehicle ... Bioware...................................
The Audio Virus ........................ Toyo­Chrysler Omega ............... Chips.......................................
Translator 2000 ......................... Toyota Avante ........................... Security and 
DeckShield One ........................ Tech Specs............................... Countermeasures...................
Igor ........................................... UH­90 Utility/Squad Helicopter . Cyberdecks and Programs 
Guest Book ............................... Yakurichi­Ural BR70 Heavy  (SRII)......................................
A Picture’s Worth ...................... Transporter ............................... Cyberdecks and Programs 
Superballs ................................. All­Terrain Bike .......................... (SR3)................................233
Swarm ...................................... Project 3.................................... Vehicles (SRII)........................
Grid Wave ................................. Ares Coyote Attack Helicopter . . Vehicles (SR3)........................
Scribe .......................................
Conversions, Writing, Editing, Layout,
etc. etc. etc.
Gurth <gurth@xs4all.nl>

Traditional Thanks
The Chromebook designers — without them,

this book wouldn’t exist in the first place.
James Ojaste for writing The Shop, which Now I Feel You’ve Left Me Standing
allowed me to create the Rigger 2 vehicle stats In A World That’s So Demanding
much faster than when I would have had to do all
Chromebook, Cyberpunk 2020, and a whole
calculations by hand.
load of other terms probably used in this book, are
Jani Fikouras for the color version of Rogue.
trademarks or registered trademarks of R. Talsori-
an Games.
Traditional Greets in No Particular Shadowrun and Matrix are registered trade-
Order marks of FASA Corporation. Many other names and
Joe & Sue Cotton, Lady Jestyr, the former BOE terms mentioned in this book are trademarks of
(Garmt Meulendijks, Hilde Hoogland, Michel FASA Corporation.
Platteeuw, Martijn Weezepoel), Danny Schog (non- Either way, no violation of anybody’s trade-
BOE :), Marc Heerkens, Dvixen, Ed Mayhall, Martin marks or copyrights is intended (though I’m sure
& Karina Steffens, Erik Jameson, Adam J., the you can find that even if you don’t look very hard).
GenCon ’98-ers (Bull, Mongoose, Tony Glinka, Loki, This file may not be distributed in any way (as
Bookworm, Jett, Rookie, Tim Kerby, Chris Maxfield, software or in hardcopy form) if you intend to
K, Herc, Caric, NightLife, Tricia Jones, Jon Szeto, charge money for it, or will gain any other profit
Steve Kenson, Vael, Shadorat (okay, so I don’t from it except deep, personal satisfaction from
remember talking to you…:), Zach Bush, Teeg, knowing that you’ve Done The Right Thing™.
Victor Fisher, but certainly not that girl who played To any other legal stuff I can only say that I’m
in our SR tournament team), Mark Steedman, all not a lawyer and don’t exactly feel like writing a
on NERPS and ShadowRN, and not to mention 240-page book with trademark warnings, copy-
whoever I forgot (who I’m not going to mention): . right notices, and other bullshit just to keep every-
body happy.
Geek Code v3.1:
GAT/! d–(dpu) s:– ! ANYWAY… you’re not allowed to modify this
file except for your own personal use. You may
a>? C+(++)@ U P
modify the file all you like, as long as you don’t
L E? W(++) N o? K– give modified copies to anyone else. The reason
w+ O V? PS+ PE Y for this condition is because I want to see my work
PGP- t(+) 5++ distributed complete and not in parts or whatever.
X++ R+++>$ For this reason, and this reason alone, I, the per-
tv+(++) b++@ DI? son you know as Gurth@xs4all.nl, claim copyright
D+ G(++) e h! ! © 1995 to 1999 on this file and its contents.
r(–––) y?
Plastic Warriors Net Presence
To contact Plastic Warriors, send an email to
gurth@xs4all.nl, preferably with something like
“Plastic Warriors” or the title of a Plastic Warri-
ors book in the subject line.
On the world wide web, visit the all-new site at

o, what’s this all about, then?
Chromebooks? What the hell are those

anyway? And how useful are they in Shad-
As most Cyberpunk 2020 players can
tell you, they’re probably the coolest

sourcebooks around for that particu- lar
game system, with loads of goodies,
weapons, cyberware, drugs, chips, hous-
ing — you name it, if it’s useful in a dark
future, it’s probably in one of the
FASA has never introduced equi- val-
ents of most Chromebook items, even
though almost all are very usable in Shad-
owrun after a few modifications. One per-
son even commented that he
avoided playing Shadowrun in part be-
cause Cyberpunk had the Chrome- books,
and Shadowrun didn’t. Until he found earlier
versions of these adaptations…

What this book attempts to do is to

convert virtually all Chromebook items
to Shadowrun. Some are more
powerful than the Shadowrun equivalents, but should not pose
a problem if applied with a little thought. To use these conver-
sions effectively you’ll need the Chromebooks, otherwise a lot
of what appears in these pages will make little sense.

Short History
These conversions first came about in late 1993 or early ’94,
when I bought the first Chromebook with an eye on integrating
it into my Shadowrun campaign. I had never played Cyberpunk
2020, I’d never even seen the rulebook up close, but started
converting anyway; this was never published but was used in
my own campaign. Later, I decided to buy the Cyberpunk 2020
main rulebook, which gave me some insight into the actual
game mechanics behind the Chromebook equipment. Chrome-
book 2 followed some time later again, using the newly-learned
game mechanics from Cyberpunk 2020 to update the earlier
Chromebook 1 conversions. The results were uploaded, as AS-
CII files, to the cerebus.acusd.edu ftp site, in June 1994—at the
time, the place to go for Shadowrun files on the Internet.
Later again, in early 1995, I bought the Chromebook 3, which
had recently been released, and started conversions for it as
well. I took the opportunity to revise the earlier conversions,
making the Shadowrun items more loyal to what they do in Cy-
berpunk. Then Chromebook 4 conversions were added in 1997
(but not released), and finally in 1998-99 the whole set of con-
versions was updated to conform to FASA’s recent releases that
overhauled and/or added major rules for cyberware, the Matrix,
vehicles, and eventually the whole system.


Each item from the three Chromebooks is listed
The current file also has conversions for
below, in the following format: the item’s name is Chromebook 4 and updates the previous release to
listed at the start of the description. Behind this, in correspond to the rules laid out in the Shadowrun
brackets, is the page of the Chromebook on which books Cybertechnology, Virtual Realities 2.0, and
the item can be found. Rigger 2, as wel as the third edition of the main
Next, at the right-hand side of the line is Shad- rules.
owrun’s Legality rating (see pp. 101 to 108 of Items in this book that have been changed from
Shadowtech). Since SR3 revised the legality code the previous version are marked with a  symbol.
(see p. 274, SR3), the letter for the legality code
under SR3 rules follows in parentheses after the
Shadowtech code. The numerical rating stays un-
Next follow the alterations to the description of
the item, needed for Shadowrun, Second Edition
and Shadowrun, Third Edition, or the note “No
changes.” which means that the item’s description
from the Chromebook in question can be used
without modifications. If the description lists “Not
available,” it means that the item is not usable in
Shadowrun. After this come the Shadowrun game
statistics. All statistics are for the second and third
editions of Shadowrun—there are very few differ-
ences, but any there are will be clearly indicated.
Also listed are some items that appear in the de-
scriptions of other items in the Chromebooks.
These mainly consist of new ammunition and gren-
ade types.

 Book Dates
For gamemasters running a campaign where
new sourcebooks are introduced when the cam-
paign’s timeline matches the dates in the source-
books, the following dates are suggested for intro-
ducing the Chromebooks into the campaign.

Chromebook 1: 2052
Chromebook 2: 2053
Chromebook 3: 2055
Chromebook 4: 2057

It is recommended items from the books be-

come available over time, so that for example by
the end of 2053, all items from Chromebooks 1 and
2 will be available, while halfway into 2055, players
will be able to get about half the items from
Chromebook 3 as well.

Previous Releases
The conversions for the Chromebook and
Chromebook 2 were first released as ASCII files
around June 1994 on the (now defunct) cerebus.a-
cusd.edu ftp site, and after that they were incorpor-
ated into a single file together with the Chrome-
book 3 conversions and released in 1995 on the
Plastic Warriors site.

Book Data
For many items, mainly Matrix-related gear and
vehicles, two sets of data are given. The reason for The books for which conversions are presented
this is that Virtual Realities 2.0 has changed the here should be available from most game stores,
Matrix rules so much that new rules and game and are published by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., P.O.
stats are needed compared to SRII and the original Box 7356, Berkeley, CA 94707, USA. You are
Virtual Realities rules (which are basically the strongly encouraged to buy them if you intend to
same). The same happened with vehicles when use these adaptations in a Shadowrun game.
Rigger 2 was published. R. Talsorian Games nor FASA Corporation have
In cases where two sets of game stats are given, anything to do with these conversions, so don’t
the ones under the heading SRII are for use with bother them about it. Instead, questions, remarks,
the older rules; for vehicles, this means Shadowrun and so on can be addressed to Gurth@xs4all.nl.
Second Edition and/or the Rigger Black Book, while
for matrix-related items it means Shadowrun
Second Edition and/or the original Virtual Realities.
For Matrix-related items, SR3 indicates stats for
use with Shadowrun, Third Edition and/or Virtual
Realities 2.0 (even if used with second-edition
rules) while for vehicles it indicates stats for use
with Shadowrun, Third Edition and/or Rigger 2.
Any data or rules that is not preceded by such a
heading applies no matter which set of rules is

However, due to the differences in the systems,

there can be some variation in what an item actu-
ally does or how much it costs in each of the sys-
tems. For example, some vehicles have become a
lot more expensive in Rigger 2, while others are
much cheaper.
Players should use the stats for the rules
they are using, not the stats that give the
highest bonuses! For example, using Rigger 2
stats the ’51 Chevy (page 88 of this book) has bet-
ter speed and range, a higher Body, and costs less
than the Rigger Black Book version of the same
car; some players might be tempted to refer to the
SR3 data for such a vehicle even when using Shad-
owrun Second Edition or Rigger Black Book rules—
gamemasters should pay attention to prevent this
kind of munchkinism.

The Plastic Warriors Errata can be downloaded

in HTMLformat from:
That file is always the most up-to-date, and will
show which changes are made necessary because
of new sourcebooks released by FASA.

Talsorian stock no. ISBN Copyright

Chromebook 3701 0-937-279-17-X © 1991 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc.
Chromebook 2 3181 0-937279-29-8 © 1992 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc.
Chromebook 3 3331 0-937279-49-8 © 1994 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc.
Chromebook 4 3471 0-937279-81-1 © 1996 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc.

Just so you know how this all came to be. I must SHADOWRUN STAT EQUALS CP2020
place a note here that all this is on a “I did it like STAT(S)
this (most of the time)” basis, and not “this is writ- MPCP Data Walls × .75
ten in stone.” Hardening Data Walls × .25
Active Memory Memory × MPCP
Cyberdecks Storage Memory Memory × .5 × MPCP2
Since Virtual Realities 2.0 has come out after Response Speed [note: maximum Re-
the original release of these conversions, two sets sponse is MPCP × 4]
of cyberdeck stats are needed: one for use with Load (Speed – Response) × 7.5
Shadowrun, Second Edition and/or the original Vir- I/O (Speed – Response) × 5
tual Realities, and one for the revised Virtual Real-
ities 2.0 and Shadowrun, Third Edition. As a sample conversion, if you have a deck
with Speed +3, 20 MU memory, and Data Walls
Shadowrun, Second Edition Stats +5, it would look like this (approximately):
Data Walls +5 translates to an MPCP of 5 x
For cyberdeck stats, I took the Data Walls
.75 = 3.75 = 4. There is 1 point of Data Walls
strength as the base for both the MPCP rating and
left, which goes to a Hardening rating of 1. The
Hardening of the Shadowrun deck. I multiplied the
Speed is +3, so the deck would have 3 levels of
Data Walls rating by .75 to find the MPCP, and
Response Increase; since the maximum pos-
used the remaining part as Hardening.
sible is 1, there are 2 points left over. 2 x 7.5 =
Memory is used to find the deck’s Active and
15, so the Load rating is 15. The I/O rating is
Storage Memory ratings: the CP2020 deck’s
then 2 x 5 = 10. The deck has 20 MU memory,
Memory is multiplied by the Shadowrun deck’s
which translates to 20 x 4 = 80 Mp Active
MPCP rating and out comes the deck’s Active
Memory, and 20 x .5 x 42 = 20 x .5 x 16 = 10 x
Memory. The CP2020 deck’s Memory is then di-
16 = 160 Mp Storage.
vided by 2 and multiplied by the square of the
MPCP and becomes the Storage Memory rating.
Memory ratings are normally rounded off to the Shadowrun, Third Edition & Virtual
nearest multiple of 5 megapulses. Realities 2.0 Stats
The CP2020 Speed rating is used to find the All cyberdecks listed in the Chromebook Con-
level of Response Increase, Load, and I/O. The versions should be considered off-the-shelf decks
Speed is exactly equal to the level of Response In- that anybody can buy in a shop, and as such their
crease, or at least as far as possible (to get level 2 costs are calculated using the tables on page 89 of
response increase, you need an MPCP rating of 8). Virtual Realities 2.0. The way to calculate the
Any Speed left over is used to find Load and I/O Shadowrun stats is as follows:
ratings as follows: the remaining Speed is multi-
plied by 7.5 to find the Load rating, while to find SHADOWRUN STAT EQUALS CP2020
the I/O, multiply the remaining Speed by 5. If STAT(S)
Speed is 0 or less, I took it to be 1 to calculate MPCP Data Walls
Load and I/O ratings. Hardening Data Walls × .25 (round up or
Usually. down as you prefer)
Active Memory Memory × MPCP x 10
Storage Memory Memory × 5 × MPCP2
Response Speed [note: maximum Re-
sponse is MPCP ÷ 4]
I/O (Speed – Response) × 50

Other ratings, such as those for Persona pro-

grams and the ASIST interface, are calculated from
the Shadowrun stats or decided upon depending
on the Cyberpunk description of the deck. Persona
programs are generally equal to 75% of the MPCP
rating, rounded down. Evasion and Masking pro-
grams are not normally installed in the decks (and
the decks also have no slots for them if they aren’t
present); these may be found in “assault” decks

intended for hot-shot corp deckers, though. Simil- (Structural Damage Points) by 25, rounding off to
arly, only assault decks will have Hardening and the nearest whole number. Armor is found by di-
the other good stuff deckers want… Most decks viding the vehicle’s SP (Stopping Power) by 10,
have cool ASIST filters, too. All decks come with rounding off.
Basic casing, providing 1 point of Impact armor. Signature, Autopilot, and cargo/storage ratings
Unless mentioned otherwise, of course. are more difficult, and are generally arbitrarily set,
Availability is equal to the deck’s cost divided taking into account the corresponding values (if
by 55,000 (round nearest, minimum is 4) and a re- any) from the CP2020 stats.
quired time of 7 days. Street Index is 1 for all Handling is taken from the Maneuverability stat,
decks. Costs for cyberdecks do not include the by using Handling = 4 – (Maneuver ÷ 2). Fuel ca-
10% reduction for buying a complete deck. pacity was determined by taking the maximum
range of the vehicle, and then by using a suitable
 Full ’Borgs economy rate, fuel capacity can be calculated. For
The ’borg’s Shadowrun Attributes are converted vehicles from Chromebook 2, fuel efficiency rates
from the varying CP2020 stats as follows: are given, so these were converted directly. The
fuel type is IC for most vehicles, MultiF for CHOO-
SHADOWRUN STAT EQUALS CP2020 STAT(S) H2-powered ones, and Elec or ImpElec for most of
Body Body ÷ 2 (round down) the others.
Quickness Movement Allowance × 0.4 Seating and access are pretty obvious by look-
(round off normally) ing at the pictures, stats, and descriptions. Sensors
Strength Lift ÷ 50 (round off nor- and ECM/ECCM were also decided upon using
mally) fuzzy-logic (that is, depending on the mental
Ballistic armor average of all SPs ÷ 10 health of the author, currently prevailing wind dir-
(round off normally) ection, time of day, and/or position of the moon).
Impact armor average of all SPs ÷ 10 Special equipment is easy enough to convert to
(round off normally) Shadowrun by using corresponding accessories
from the Rigger Black Book.
Essence Cost is based on the Essence cost of
four cyberlimbs, a cybertorso, and a cyberskull Shadowrun, Third Edition & Rigger 2
(from Cybertechnology), plus the Essence cost of Stats
the “accessories” the ’borg is equipped with.
Each vehicle was designed using the system on
Vehicles pages 108 through 147 of Rigger 2, using an ap-
propriate chassis and engine as the basis, and se-
Just as Virtual Realities 2.0 forced a revision of lecting design options and vehicle modifications as
cyberdeck stats, Rigger 2 made it necessary to re-
appropriate to the ones listed in the Chromebooks.
design the vehicle stats. The original ones are in- Attempts were made to get stats that were as
cluded as well, for those who don’t own Rigger 2
close as possible to the SRII/Rigger Black Book
and still use Shadowrun, Second Edition or Rigger stats, though this was not alway fully possible.
Black Book vehicle rules.
Some new chassis and engines needed to be in-
troduced, as it proved impossible to create satis-
Shadowrun, Second Edition & Rigger factory versions of absolutely all vehicles with the
Black Book Stats ones provided in Rigger 2.
Parts of these are easy, parts are tough. For
starters, the CP2020 game stats have changed Weapons
over the time the various Chromebooks came out, These are a bit difficult, because both Cyber-
so the vehicles in Chromebook 1 have only basic punk and Shadowrun don’t have consistent dam-
stats such as top speed, armor ratings, and the ages. For example in Shadowrun, a typical subma-
number of people that can ride in it. By Chrome- chine gun does 6M damage, while a heavy pistol
book 3, stats also include maneuverability, accel- does 9M. In real life, they’d probably fire the same
eration/deceleration, cargo, special equipment, ammo, but the SMG has a longer barrel, so it
and so on. would do greater damage (because the bullet has
To convert this all to Shadowrun stats, things a higher velocity when it leaves the weapon). Sim-
like speeds are easy: converting the CP2020 speed ilarly, in Cyberpunk a 10 mm medium SMG has a
from miles per hour to meters per 3-second turn is damage of 2D6+3, similar to a medium pistol, but
done easily enough by multiplying by 1.6 and then a 7.62 mm assault rifle does 6D6+2.
dividing by 1.2—in short, by multiplying the miles What I have done is as follows: the CP2020
per hour speed by 1.33. This is Shadowrun’s Max weapon type was converted to the closest Shad-
Speed. Cruise Speed is generally one-third this owrun equivalent, usually according to the table
number, of for aircraft, between one-third and one- below. If the CP2020 damage is average for the
half the Max Speed. weapon type, I used an average Shadowrun dam-
Body is calculated by dividing the vehicle’s SDP age; a high CP2020 damage means a high Shad-
owrun damage, and so on.


Advanced Communications Suitcase (p. 4)


This suitcase contains a Pocket Computer with 100 Mp memory, a handset cellphone with booster pack, a
printer (all items p. 259, SRII/p. 287, SR3), and the equivalent of a Radio Shack PCD-100 cyberdeck, in the

tortoise variety, i.e. no plugging in (p. 262, SRII); for SR3, consider this an MPCP-2/3/0/0/3 deck with 10 Mp
active memory, 50 storage, and an IO speed of 5. Add 800¥ for short-wave radio. For SRII, this radio is the
equivalent of the headware radio (p. 260, SRII), while for SR3 it’s equivalent to a rating 2 transceiver (p. 290,

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 6 8/48 hrs 8,000¥ 1.5

Line Tap Detector (p. 4) 4P-E2(V)

This device is a rating 1 Bug Scanner (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

7 1 — 4/24 hrs 60¥ .8

Linozap™ (p. 4) 4-E2(V)

This device can only be used with telephone lines using old-fashioned copper cables to transmit signals. In
most areas, fiber-optic lines are in use today. If a copper line is tapped, this device will clear the bug on a roll
of 2 to 6 on 1D6. If a 1 is rolled, the tap is still operative; multiple attempts may be made. Linozap does not
indicate whether the line has been successfully cleared, and so the gamemaster may make this roll secretly.
If applied against a person, the Linozap™ does 6S Stun damage, using the Shock Weapons rules from page
103, SRII/p. 124, SR3.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 — .75 6/4 days 350¥ 2

Office Communications Suite (p. 5) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost* Street Index

— — — 10/10 days 10,000¥ 2.5
* +11,000¥ for office vid system

Cab Hailer (p. 5) Legal

Activation charges are 10¥ per month, plus fares.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

10 — — upon payment 150¥ 1

 Headgear™ Cybermodem Helmet (p. 6) as cyberdeck
This helmet houses a cyberdeck. The helmet has armor ballistic 1, impact 1. The user must have a data-
jack in order to use the Cybermodem helmet. There is a chance that the deck inside the helmet gets dam-
aged. Whenever the wearer of this helmet gets shot at by a weapon with a base Wound Level of Serious or
Deadly, roll 1D6. If the roll is a 1, the cyberdeck has been shot. Treat it as a piece of cyberware, and roll for
damage as described on page 40 of Shadowtech. Light damage adds +1 to all target numbers, Moderate
damage adds +2, Serious damage adds +4, and Deadly damage adds +8. A Destroyed result means the cy-
berdeck has been destroyed completely.

Conceal Ballistic Impact WeightAvailability Cost Street Index
— 1 1 4.5 6/8 days 9,000¥ 1.1
Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O
2 1 20 20 15 5

Active Storage Street
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Index
2/1/1/0/1 1 200 200 Cool No 100 0 4/7 days 12,855¥ 1

Life/Support® (p. 6) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 — 1.5 5/36 hrs 500¥ .9

 Net-Runner™ Cybermodem Utility Suit (p. 7) 2-CD(S)

This suit has a built-in cyberdeck (see below for stats) with Response Increase +1. A second model (the
Cellular) has built-in satlink equipment and program (p. 33, Virtual Realities or p. 88, Virtual Realities 2.0),
though it still needs an external antenna. This second model also gives anyone with Thermographic vision a
+1 to spot the wearer. Either suit can get damaged in the same way as the Headgear™ Cybermodem Helmet
(see above).

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index
2 3 2 3.25 5/14 days 10,000¥* 1
Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O
2 1 40 40 8 5
* the Cellular costs 14,500¥

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response AvailabilityCost Street In-
Standard 3/2/2/0/2 1 600 900 Hot No 50 0 4/7 days 28,005¥ 1
Cellular 3/2/2/0/2 1 600 900 Hot No 50 0 4/7 days 30,270¥ 1

Smartlock Door Security System (p. 8) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— 1-8 — 5/72 hrs rating x 250¥ 1.5

Mini-Printer (p. 8) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — .5 always 125¥ 1

Paper Shredder (p. 8) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 2.5 always 500¥ 1
EBM Carfaxx© 2002 (p. 8) Legal
No changes.


Skill: Electronics (B/R) or appropriate Design Cost: 3 Parts Cost: 500¥
Vehicle (B/R) skill Maximum Rating: NA Parts Availability: 2/6 hrs
target number: 3 CF Consumed: 1 CF Street Index: 0.8
Parts cost: 500¥ Load Reduction: 1 kg Maximum Rating: NA
Equipment needed: Vehicle Toolkit Base Time: 1 hour
CF: 1 Skill: Electronics B/R Skill
Target Number: 2
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Toolkit
CF Consumed: 1 CF
Load Reduction: 1 kg

Sonar Scanner (p. 8) Legal

To detect movement of someone using Stealth skill to hide, the Sonar Scanner rolls three dice (its rating)
against a target number equal to the character’s Stealth skill result in an Open Test (p. 11, Shadowbeat/p. 42,
Rigger 2/p. 39, SR3). If the scanner rolls more successes, the character has been detected. In case of a tie,
both roll again.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 3 .2 5/48 hrs 50¥ 1.2

Auto Punchout (p. 8) 3-CD(S)

A decker using this device may roll a number of dice equal to twice his Willpower when trying to jack out
while under attack by Black IC (p. 21, Virtual Realities/p. 171, SRII).
The Punchout must be located between the decker and his cyberdeck. Installing it requires a successful
Computer (B/R) roll with a target number of 3. The user’s Initiative is reduced by –5 when this device is

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — .1 8/14 days 330¥ 5

In function this is much the same as an ICCM filter (Virtual Realities 2.0 p. 86), but it reduces the decker’s
Initiative by –5 when switched on.


Rating: MPCP Rating Time: MPCP Rating × 2 days Time: MPCP Rating × 2 days
Multiplier: 3 Test: Avg. Computer B/R and Biotech Test: Avg. Computer B/R and Biotech
(MPCP Rating) Test (MPCP Rating) Test
Parts: OCC @ Auto Punchout pro- Parts: PLC @ MPCP Rating2; DTC @
gram size MPCP Rating2; Bioscanner @ 5,000¥
Tools: Personal computer (memory: Tools: Microtronics Shop
Auto Punchout program size); Micro- Off-The-Shelf Cost: (MPCP rating2 ×
tronics Shop; Optical-Chip Encoder [(PF × 2) + 40] + (MPCP rating ×
50)¥; PF Basis: MPCP

DataTel’s Mapmaker® (p. 9) Legal

The Mapmaker can use the chips for the orientation system (p. 63, Shadowtech).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost* Street Index

4 — 1 4/4 days 500¥ 1
* +400¥ for Navstar satellite link system

Netrunner Flip Switch (p. 9) 4-CD(S)
No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
— — — 4/24 hrs 1,350¥ .9

Rating: MPCP rating Time: Program rating × 2 days Time: Program Rating × 1 days
Multiplier: 2 Test: Computer B/R (Program Rating) Test: Computer B/R (Program Rating)
Test Test
Parts: OCC @ program size Parts: PLC @ Program Rating2; DTC
Tools: Personal Computer (Memory: @ Program Rating
flip switch rating); Microtronics Shop; Tools: Microtronics Kit
Optical Chip Encoder Off-The-Shelf Cost: MPCP Rating2 ×
(PF + 10)¥; PF Basis: MPCP Rating

Deck Security System (p. 9) 3-CD(S)

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
Retinal — 1 — 6/4 days 1,000¥ 1.6
Thumbprint — 2 — 4/4 days 400¥ 1.5

None None Time: 12 hours
Test: Computer B/R (4) Test
Parts: Appropriate deck security sys-
tem (retinal @ 1,000¥ or thumbprint
@ 400¥).
Tools: Microtronics Kit
Off-The-Shelf Cost: Parts cost +

Image Wallet (p. 10) Legal

The thumbprint scanner is rating 1 (see pp. 86-87, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p. 235, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8 1 .1 4/36 hrs 250¥ 1

Newsviewer (p. 10) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 — .1 3/36 hrs 100¥ 1

DPI Drumsticks (p. 11) Legal

Can be linked to a synthlink (p. 246, SRII/no equivalent in SR3). When using this device, the Impact the
character generates is increased by +1 (p. 11, Shadowbeat).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 — .25 3/36 hrs 800¥ 1

Sleep Inducer (p. 11) Legal

If applied to an unwilling subject, the target rolls a Willpower (4) test, and the Sleep Inducer rolls a test us-
ing its rating, against a target number equal to the target’s Willpower. If the Inducer rolls more successes, the
target falls asleep for a number of hours equal to the net number of successes rolled. If the target rolls more
successes, he stays awake.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 4 .5 6/4 days 85¥ 2
Fireproof Clothing (p. 11) Legal
This clothing has an Impact rating against fire damage only. Note that this rating is not halved when resist-
ing fire damage, and the clothes have a Fire Resistance Rating of 5 (see p. 72, Tech Specs). The armor ratings
are added together as more items are worn. This clothing does not protect against any other type of damage
in any way. The Overcoat also gives any weapon concealed under it a +2 on Concealability.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Coat 8 0 2 1 4/48 hrs 220¥ 2
Jacket 8 0 2 1 4/48 hrs 200¥ 2
Shirt 8 0 1 .5 4/48 hrs 130¥ 2
Hat 8 0 1 — 4/48 hrs 130¥ 2
Skirt 8 0 1 1 4/48 hrs 150¥ 2
Pants 8 0 2 1.5 4/48 hrs 150¥ 2
Overcoat 8 0 2 2 4/48 hrs 500¥ 2
Note: these costs are for Ordinary Clothing. Multiply the costs by 5 for Fine Clothing and by 10 for Très Chic Cloth-

Digital Recording Studio (p. 12) Legal

Functions as a combination mixer/sampler/polycorder (pp. 94-96, Shadowbeat). The mixer has 16 input
and 4 output channels. The sampler has 16 tracks.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 8/14 days 12,000¥ 1.1

Digital Weapon Uplink (p. 12) 4P-CA(N)

This system gives the user data concerning his weapon, as mentioned in the description, but does not
give a modifier to the target number when firing the weapon.
A weapon fitted with this system must be connected to smart goggles, a smartlink, a datajack (datajacks
from Shadowtech require that the user has an I/O SPU or encephalon as well), or a heads-up display (p. 259,
SRII/p. 287, SR3).

Mount Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Top or Under –1 — .5 6/6 days 500¥ 2

DUD Smartgun Controller (p. 12) 3P-CA(N)

This system, when built into a weapon equipped with either an Internal or External Smartgun Link, allows
the user to fire his weapon when he is not holding it. The system recognizes the voice of the owner, and the
owner has to say "Fire" aloud in order for the weapon to fire. The weapon will fire in the mode it is currently
in, and will fire the maximum number of rounds allowed for that mode. Double all recoil modifiers.
All weapons which recognize the character as their owner will fire on command, which means it is not pos-
sible to fire a specific weapon. In case someone else wants to command the weapon, this device has a rating
3 voice recognition system (p. 87, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p. 236, SR3).

Mount Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Top or Under –1 3 .25 8/6 days 5,000¥ 2.5

Cybercam EX.1 (p. 13) Legal

A set of camgoggles (p. 89, Shadowbeat). The wearer has +1 on all target numbers when wearing this
device because he or she is looking through the camera.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 — 2.2 4/48 hrs 1,200¥ 1.25

 ID Badgemaker (p. 13) Legal

To forge a card, the character needs to make a test in the Special Skill of Forgery (or use Intelligence,
adding +4 to the target number). The target number is set by the gamemaster, depending on how realistic
the forgery is to be. The target number of the forger becomes the target number of anyone who wants to
spot if the card is forged, but that person must add the rating of the device used to forge the card.
To forge a badge, make an Open Test with Forgery skill and roll the ID Badgemaker’s rating as compliment-
ary dice (in SRII, roll the dice in addition to the character’s skill dice), and remember the result. To spot if a
badge is forged, requires a Perception test against a target number equal to the result of the test made to
forge the badge.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 3 1 5/48 hrs 500¥ 2

 Speedholster (p. 13) Legal
A pistol-sized weapon (Concealability 4 or higher) held in a speedholster may be quick-drawn (SRII p. 82/p.
107, SR3) in a Free Action. This requires a Reaction (4) test to successfully draw the weapon; if the test fails,
the weapon cannot be drawn in a Free Action but must be drawn normally (the character may not spend a
Simple Action to try quick-drawing it again).
A weapon’s Concealability is increased by +1 if it is held in this holster.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

+2 — .25 4/24 hrs 200¥ 1.25

Detcord High Explosive (p. 13) 3-I(J)

This includes one Radio Detonator in each 10 meter package.

Conceal Rating Weight* Availability Cost* Street Index

6 6 5 10/48 hrs 900¥ 1.5
* Per 10 meters

Temperfoam Furniture (p. 13) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost* Street Index

— — varies 2/24 hrs 80¥ to 140¥ .5
* Per piece of furniture

Advanced Alarm Removal Kit (p. 14) 3-E1(U)

Using this kit gives a –2 modifier to the target number for removing the casing of keypads, cardreaders,
and print scanners and also when dealing with door/window alarms (pp. 86, 87 and 89, Neo-Anarchists’
Guide to Real Life/pp. 234-235, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 — 3 8/12 hrs 2,900¥ 5

 Personal Body Alarm (p. 14) Legal

Breaking this card in half triggers the nearest PANICBUTTON™ alarm system. Purchase of the card costs
40¥, subscription is an additional 30¥ per month. Use the rules for lifestyle payments to decide if the card re-
mains valid if a character misses one or more payments.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — on payment 40¥ —
+ 30¥/month

Diving Suit (p. 15) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost* Street Index

Diving Suit — 2 1 10 10/10 days 6,000¥ 3
* +100¥ per 30-minute Liquid Breathing Medium tank

IR Combat Cloak (p. 15) Legal

A character using purely thermographic vision has a +4 modifier to all Perception tests to spot or attack
the wearer of this cloak. Characters using partly (natural) thermographic vision only get a +2.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

IR Combat Cloak +4/+2 0 0 2 6/48 hrs 450¥ 2

Slosh Bag (p. 16) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 — 2 4/72 hrs 65¥ 1

Travel Kit (p. 16) Legal

The “first aid kit” is a Medkit (p. 265, SRII/p. 304, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost* Street Index

3 — 5 always 500¥ 1
* +10¥ for 10 extra pajamas

Medieval Armor (p. 16) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Standard — 2 3 10 8/48 hrs 3,500¥ 1
Maximillian — 3 4 14 10/4 days 10,600¥ 1

Power Grid® Solar-Electric Panel (p. 16) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost* Street Index

2 — 1 4/36 hrs 100¥ 1.1
* +25¥ for extension cord

Shower-in-a-Can (p. 16) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8 — .5 2/12 hrs 3¥ 1

Flavored Cigarettes (p. 16) Legal

No changes.

AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/pack Street Index

3M 1 20 immediate inhalation 3D6+3 minutes always 2¥ .8
Effects: +1 Willpower, –1 Charisma, relaxant, Tranq (2)
Crash Effects: –1 Willpower, irritability, anxiety

Bar-in-a-Briefcase (p. 16) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 5 6/36 hrs 100¥ .75


 Bensen Cascade (p. 18)

The Cascade can leap up to three meters off the ground after a successful Handling test. The number of
successes generated is the height of the jump, in meters (maximum 3 meters). Another Handling test is re-
quired to land correctly. If either test is failed, make a Crash Test. Jumping up and landing take place in the
same Combat Phase.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

Cascade 7 115/350 2/1 2 2 200,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + bench Access: 2 standard + hatchback
Economy: 5 km per liter Fuel: IC/300 liters
Cargo/Storage: 3 CF trunk + 2 CF underseat Accessories: APPS™, datajack link

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 180 10 4 1 0
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 46 360
Seating: 2 bucket + 2 bench Setup/Breakdown: None
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 trunk Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (400 liters) Economy: .5 km/liter
Point Value: 580 Cost: 145,000¥
Template: Medium Hovercraft Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: APPS™, concealed armor (1), datajack port,
turbocharging (2)

 BMW 9018s (p. 19)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
9018s 3/8 90/280 4/2 2 3 500,000¥
Seating: twin + quad bucket seats Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 20 km per liter Fuel: IC/80 liters
Cargo/Storage: 4 CF trunk
Accessories: Rigger control gear, plus anything desired (at appropriate cost)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/8 190 14 4 2 0
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 4 180
Seating: 2 bucket + 2 bucket + 2 bench Setup/Breakdown: None
Entry Points: 2+2 doors + 1 trunk Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline ((80 liters) Economy: 7 km/liter
Point Value: 1,212 Cost: 121,200¥
Template: Limousine Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: Datajack port, rigger adaptation, turbocharging (2)

 Harley-Davidson Thundergod (p. 20)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Thundergod 4/5 50/150 1/0 3 2 15,000¥
Seating: 1 front + 1 rear Fuel: MultiF/10 liters
Economy: 60 km per liter Options: Datajack link plus rigger control gear available
Cargo/Storage: 4 CF underseat + 2 CF per sidebox 4,000¥. This reduces the underseat storage to 0 CF.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/5 100 4 2 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 80
Seating: 2 bucket (1 front, 1 rear) Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (44 liters) Economy: 13.65 km/liter
Point Value: 194 Cost: 15,000¥
Template: Chopper Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: improved suspension (1), off-road suspension (1)
Options: Datajack port, rigger control adaptation, and sensors (1)
increases cost to 23,750¥ and reduces Load to 58 kg.

 Kundalina Roadworks Shiva® (p. 21)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A* Sig Apilot Cost
Shiva® 2/6 70/210 1/1 2 2 12,000¥
Seating: 1 front + 1 rear Access: Full canopy*
Economy: 40 km per liter Fuel: IC/10 liters
Cargo/Storage: 1 CF underseat
Accessories: Datajack link, improved suspension (1), performance
* The rider and passenger are completely enclosed within the hull of the bike. The armor of the bike protects them
as well as the bike.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
2/6 140 16 2 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 0 40
Seating: 1 bucket Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (30 liters) Economy: 13.2 km/liter
Point Value: 194 Cost: 12,000¥
Template: Racing Bike Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: Datajack port, improved suspension (1),
performance tires

 Pedicab (p. 22)

The fare is usually 1¥ per kilometer, with heavy people (trolls for example) paying extra. If the Pedicab it-
self is fired upon, roll 1D6. If the roll is 1 to 4, there is only cosmetic damage (no matter what the Damage
Level of the weapon firing at the "vehicle"). A roll of 5 or 6 means the Pedicab takes damage as normal.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Pedicab 3/7 10/30* 1/0 10 0 1,200¥
Seating: 1 front + 1 rear Cargo/Storage: 1 CF sidebox
* Proper motivation can get the speed up to 15/45

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/7 20* 1 1 0 10
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 50
Seating: 2 bucket (1 front + 1 rear) Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: NA Economy: NA
Point Value: ? Cost: 1,200¥
Template: none Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: none
* Proper motivation required to get up to maximum speed

 Ambunaught (p. 23)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Ambunaught 4/8 30/95 5/4 1 2 200,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + 4 stretchers + bench Access: 2 standard + double-sized rear
Economy: 15 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/80 liters
Cargo/Storage: 5 CF in assorted stowage lockers Accessories: Crash cage, EnviroSeal™ (gas + water
seal), life
Additional features: Rear area contains medical gear and support system (16 man-hours)
room for four stretchers and two paramedics.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/6 64 6 7 8 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 6 1570
Seating: 1 bucket, 2 buckets, 4 stretchers Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 double-sized gate Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (800 liters) Economy: 2 km/liter
Point Value: 1,137 Cost: 200,000¥
Template: Wheeled APC Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: Concealed armor, EnviroSeal™ (gas), life support
(16 man-hours), roll bars

 Arasaka Riot-VIII (p. 24)

The water cannon normally uses the Light Pistol ranges, but using the steam option reduces this to Taser
ranges. Normally, the water cannon does damage as described in SRII, p. 253, but when using steam the
damage is increased to 6S Stun plus 6L Physical, and the target is not knocked over. Impact armor is used for
both water and steam, but is only half effective (round down). The grenade launcher on the roof is treated as
a normal grenade launcher, but belt-fed with space for 18 grenades.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Riot-VIII 4/9 55/160 8/3 1 3 250,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + 6 folding bench Access: 2 standard + 1 rear hatch
Economy: 10 km per liter Fuel: IC/100 liters
Cargo/Storage: 300 CF Accessories: Datajack link, micro turret with water can-
Sensors: Enhanced (1) (enough water for 50 shots), rigger control gear

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/6 85 8 7 6 0
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 1 10 2058
Seating: 1 bucket, 9 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 1 hatch + 1 rear ramp Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (800 liters) Economy: 1.9 km/liter
Point Value: 1,336 Cost: 335,000¥
Template: Wheeled APC Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: Datajack port, remote micro turret, rigger
adaptation, turbocharging (1)

 GM/Hyundai Worker Bee (p. 25)

The secondary arms, when used to punch, have a damage code of 10D Stun and +2 Reach.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Worker Bee 4/10 10/30 2/2 1 3 150,000¥
Seating: single bucket seat Access: open top
Economy: 10 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/100 liters
Cargo/Storage: 1 CF trunk Sensors: Advanced (3)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/12 20 3 3 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 3 1 1 2,000
Seating: 1 bucket Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (500 liters) Economy: 1 km/liter
Point Value: ? Cost: 150,000¥
Template: special Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: Crane (Strength 3), mechanical arms (Strength 3),
remote-control interface
 Bell Spy-Eye 18 (p. 26)

Optional IR baffling gives the vehicle a Security I (1) ECM system, and increases the signature by +1. It
also adds +2 to the target numbers of anyone using purely thermographic vision to target or spot the heli-
copter. This costs 35,000¥.
Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Spy-Eye 18 2 185/370 3/1 4 2 500,000¥
Seating: twin + twin bucket seats Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 1 km per liter Fuel: IC/500 liters
Cargo/Storage: 4 CF Sensors: Security I (4)
Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL Accessories: Bucket seats have Armor 2, integrated

IR baffling is level 1 thermal baffles (p. 130, Rigger 2). It adds 18,750¥ to the cost and lowers Load to 435
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 245 10 4 1 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 4 13 458
Seating: 2 buckets, 2 buckets Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2+2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Jet (2,000 liters) Economy: .25 km/liter
Point Value: 3,386 Cost: 850,000¥
Template: Utility Helicopter Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: Concealed armor, armored bucket seats (2)

 Sikorsky-Mitsubishi Dragon (p. 27)

Armament is not included in the helicopter’s price.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Dragon 4 280/560 8/9 2 4 5,000,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats +20 bench Access: 2 standard + double-sized rear
Economy: 1 km per liter Fuel: 1,000 liters
Cargo/Storage: 900 CF Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Sensors: Security II (5) ECM/ECCM: Military I (4)/Security III (3)
Accessories: Crash cage, datajack link, 8 Hardpoints (forward-
firing), rigger control gear

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 350 13 7 9 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 5 51 494
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 20 folding bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 double-sized Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Jet (1,000 liters) Economy: .2 km/liter
Point Value: 6511 Cost: 5,000,000¥
Template: Cargo Helicopter Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: Datajack port, ECM (4), ECCM (3), 1 firmpoint
(external, forward-firing), 3 hardpoints (external, forward-firing),
rigger adaptation

 AV-9 (p. 28)
This vehicle has two remotely-controlled micro turrets (one mounted to the right and one to the left, with a
180° traverse each), with a Grenade Launcher (belted ammunition, firing mode FA) and 120 rounds of ammo
each. There is one Firmpoint per wing, each mounted to fire forward.
The basic AV-9 airframe (without any modules) has a cockpit with the two crewmembers sitting behind
each other under a full canopy; other seating is provided by the interchangeable modules. The AV-9 is Vec-
tored-Thrust Vehicle.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
AV-9 5 270/530 7/5 2 4 30,000,000¥
Seating: 1 + 1 bucket seats Access: full canopy
Economy: 1 km per liter Fuel: 600 liters
Cargo/Storage: 5 CF Landing/Take-off Profile: VSTOL/VSTOL
Sensors: Military II (7) ECM/ECCM: Military II (5)/Military II (5)
Gunship module: Seating: 1 + 1 bucket seats; Access: full canopy;
each weapon system is provided with an additional 5 CF of
dedicated ammo storage; 2 extra forward-mounted Hardpoints
Troop carrier module: Seating: 1 + 1 bucket seats + 6 bench;
Access: full canopy + 2 standard; Storage: 300 CF
Command module: Seating: 1 + 1 bucket seats + 4 bucket seats;
Access: full canopy + 1 standard

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 530 35 6 5 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 7 66 8,730
Seating: 1 + 1 ejection seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: full canopy Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (3,000 liters) Economy: .2 km/liter
Point Value: 9,070 Cost: 30,000,000¥
Template: Thunderbird Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: ECM (5), ECCM (5), 2 firmpoints (external,
forward-firing, fitted with LMGs and 200 rounds), 2 remote
micro-turrets (with FA grenade launcher, 180° arc of fire, 120
Gunship Module: increases LMG ammo capacity to 500 rounds each.
Troop Carrier Module: adds 4 reinforced bench seats and 2
rear doors.
Command Module: adds 4 bucket seats and rear door.

Punknaught (p. 29)

Not (yet) available…

Note: For various systems, the Essence costs is in parentheses. The Essence loss only apply when the
system is installed in a natural limb; when placed in a cyberlimb, Essence cost is 0.

 Psiberstuff® Independant Cyberhand (p. 31) Legal

Damage from a punch with a cyberhand is (str+1)M Stun, or (str)L Physical, at the player’s choice. A cy-
berhand can accept additional hand-mounted cyberware up to .5 Essence without an extra Essence cost; cy-
berfingers (p. 29) do not count against this limit. A smartlink installed in an arm with a cyberhand costs .4 Es-
sence, the remaining .1 Essence going off the .5 points that the hand can accept.
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
.3 3/4 days 50,000¥ 1

Kiroshi® OptiShields® (p. 31) Legal

These shield the wearer’s eyes from dust and dirt, and also provide flare compensation. They can not be
integrated into a cybereye, but accept up to .3 Essence points of vision enhancement without extra Essence
loss (this adds to the .5 points for cybereyes, giving a character with cyber-eyes and OptiShields .8 Essence
to spend without extra Essence loss).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.05 5/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1

 Digits® Cyberfingers (p. 32)

These cannot be installed in an organic hand.

a) Dartgun 5P-CC(R)
This finger fires a single dart at the following ranges: Short 1, Medium 2, Long 3, Extreme 5. See below for
the darts.

b) Lockpick 6-CA(N)
No changes.

c) Light Pen Legal

No changes.

d) Mini Light Legal

Batteries cost 10¥ each.

e) Finger Bomb 3-CC(R)

See below for details on the bomb. It costs a Simple Action to remove the bomb from the finger holding it.
The bomb must be removed from the finger before it can be thrown.

f) Scissors/Wire Cutters 5P-CA(N)

Damage when used as a weapon is 4L; use Impact armor. Cutting through a wire requires a Strength test
with a target number equal to the Barrier Rating of the wire. This item consists of two fingers.

g) Mace Sprayer 4P-CB(Q)

This can be loaded with two doses of any aerosol poison. To hit the target, make a melee attack. If the
character using the mace sprayer has more successes, he successfully delivers the poison. The poison must
be of a type that can be delivered through the air.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Dartgun — 8/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2.5
Lockpick — 6/48 hrs 500¥ 1.5
Light pen — 4/36 hrs 450¥ .9
Mini light — 4/36 hrs 250¥ .9
Finger bomb — 10/7 days 1,500¥ 3
Scissors/Wire cutters — 6/48 hrs 500¥ 1.25
Mace sprayer — 8/6 days 1,500¥ 2.5

Dartgun Cyberfinger Darts (p. 32) As Weapon

These darts can be fired from the dartgun cyberfinger (p. 32, Chromebook). They do 3L damage, and are
resisted with one-half Impact armor. Each dart can hold one dose of poison, which must be applied before the
dart is loaded into the finger. The stats below are for a pack of 10.

Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

10 3L .1 6/48 hrs 20¥ .5

Finger Bomb (p. 32) 3-I(J)

This grenade can be fitted inside a finger bomb cyberfinger (p. 32, Chromebook). It is a non-aerodynamic
grenade (p. 96, SRII/p. 119, SR3)

Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index

10 8M –2 per meter .1 6/6 days 35¥ 1.5

Watch-Man® (p. 33) Legal
No changes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 3/36 hrs 1,800¥ 1

Skate Foot® (p. 33) Legal

A character using skate feet may move a number of meters up to his or her Quickness multiplied by 3
when “walking.” When “running,” the character may move up to his or her Quickness multiplied by 10, in
meters. All modifiers to target numbers due to attacker movement are doubled. The character must have
Athletics skill, or Athletics (Skating), otherwise a Quickness test with a target number of 4 (modified for ter-
rain, gamemaster’s discretion) is needed to keep from falling every action the skate feet are used.
Extending or retracting the wheels takes an Activate Cyberware Free Action. If the user is wearing shoes
with soles, the wheels can not be extended. Skate Feet can only be installed if the character has two cyber-

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 4/24 hrs 10,000¥ 1

 Whip (p. 34) 3-CC(R)

This may be installed in either a normal arm or a cyberarm. Whipping someone does 6L damage with +2
Reach, but if used to strangle an opponent, the user must first roll an Armed Combat skill test with a +3 mod-
ifier to the target number. If successful, the whip is around the opponent’s neck, and he takes 5M Stun dam-
age at the end of every turn. Armor does not defend against this damage. If the attack misses because of the
+3, the target takes normal damage.

Essence CostDamage Reach Availability Cost Street Index

(.25) 6L/5M +2 12/7 days 4,000¥ 2

 LimbLink (p. 34) 4P-CA(N)

A cybergun linked to this system installed is turned into a smartgun, but this is not as good as a real
smartgun (only a –1 on the target number). If the arm already has a smartlink installed, this item is not
needed. The limb link only provides smartgun circuitry for cyberguns, not for hand-held weapons.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

(.15) 5/4 days 1,000¥ 1

 Magnetic Feet/Hands (p. 34)

Use the magnetic cyberlimb system from page 32 of Cybertechnology.

Gas Jet (p. 34) 3-CC(R)

This gives the same effect as a toxin exhaler (p. 32, Shadowtech), but instead of a Quickness (4) test, an
Unarmed Combat (4) test is needed. Any type of gas can be used in this weapon, and it contains enough gas
for 6 doses.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

(.5) 8/6 days 3,000¥ 2.5

Flashbulb™ (p. 35) 4P-CB(Q)

Successful use of this light requires a normal Unarmed Combat skill test. If the target does not generate
enough successes, he must make a Quickness (6) test in order to shield his eyes. Sunglasses reduce the tar-
get number by 1, while characters with flare compensation or OptiShields® are never affected. Failure of this
test means the target is blinded for 1D6 minutes (+8 to all target numbers, but of course no other visibility
modifiers). Maximum range of the light is 6 meters.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

(.3) 6/72 hrs 2,500¥ 2

Wet Drive (p. 35)

Not available.

Voice Pattern (p. 35) 2-CB(Q)

This system can be used to deceive voice recognition systems (p. 87, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p.
236, SR3), and also (gamemaster’s discretion) to fool other people. It is available in ratings 1 through 6.

RatingEssence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1 .25 3/36 hrs 35,000¥ 1.1
2 .3 4/48 hrs 50,000¥ 1.1
3 .35 5/60 hrs 65,000¥ 1.25
4 .45 6/72 hrs 85,000¥ 1.5
5 .6 8/6 days 110,000¥ 1.75

Forked Tongue (p. 35) Legal

The user gets a –1 modifier to target numbers of Social Skill and Charisma tests. This does not help magi-
cians in countering the Drain caused by summoning spirits or for astral abilities.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.35 5/72 hrs 12,500¥ 2

Mace Hand (p. 36) 3-CC(R)

A punch with a mace hand does (str+2)M Stun damage, and gives the user a +1 Reach. The user does
have a +2 modifier to all target numbers with that hand, except for making unarmed melee attacks. The
mace hand will accept additional cyberware with an Essence cost up to .3 without additional Essence loss.
Spurs or hand razors mounted on the mace hand also get the +1 Reach modifier.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

(.5) 8/5 days 10,000¥ 3

Icer™ (p. 36) Legal

Hitting a target requires an Unarmed Combat Success Test. On a successful Called Shot to the head, the
target is blinded for 1D6 turns.

Essence Cost Damage Availability Cost Street Index

(.4) 6M 4/24 hrs 2,000¥ 1.25

Cutting Torch (p. 36) Legal

This torch can penetrate barriers of most materials except brick, stone, or concrete. When using it to cut
through barriers, the barrier’s Rating is reduced by 1 every action the torch is used. It does 8S damage if
used in combat. Use one-half Ballistic armor (round down) to defend against this attack. The torch has a Fire-
setting Rating of 4 (see the fire rules in Tech Specs).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

(.4) 6/48 hrs 3,500¥ 2

Derringer (p. 36) 7P-CB(Q) + E(E)

No changes.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Essence Availability Cost Street Index
Light Pistol 12 2 (m) SA 6L .5 (.2) 8/7 days 220¥ 2

Rebreathers (p. 36) Legal

The character can hold his or her breath for 90 seconds longer than normal, for a total of (Body × 30) +
90 seconds, and has a –1 modifier on stamina-based tests (see p. 76, Fields of Fire). However, the rebreath-
ers also function as a rating 3 Tracheal Filter (p. 33, Shadowtech).

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.75 5/4 days 95,000¥ 1

Decentralized Heart (p. 37) Legal

The character may roll three additional dice when checking for Deadly Wounds and Permanent Damage
(p. 113, SRII/pp. 127-128, SR3).

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

2 14/24 days 130,000¥ 4

Pacesetter® Sport Heart (p. 37) Legal
The character may roll an additional die in all Athletics-based Success Tests, while his Body and Quickness
are increased by 1. This Quickness modifier only applies to how far the character may move in a turn, not to
other things.
After four minutes, roll 1D6. If the roll is less than the character’s natural Body attribute, there is no effect.
Roll again every four minutes, but add 1 to the die roll for every additional roll made. If the roll exceeds the
character’s natural Body, natural Body is halved for the next four minutes.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1.3 10/10 days 90,000¥ 3

Pacesetter 2000™ Overdrive Heart (p. 37) Legal

As the above Pacesetter Sport, but +2 Body and Quickness, and +2 dice for Athletics-based Success Tests.
Check every two minutes.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1.6 14/10 days 98,500¥ 3.5

T-MAXX “Cyberliver” (p. 37) Legal

The character gets a number of extra dice, equal to the Cyberliver’s rating, when resisting toxins and for
making Addiction tests. The maximum rating is equal to the character’s natural Body.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

T-MAXX .1 + (level × .1) 6/4 days level × 60,000¥ 1.1
T-MAXX II .1 + (level × .15) 6/4 days level × 120,000¥ 1.1

TimesSquare Plus™ (p. 38) 6P-CA(N)

This piece of cyberware is needed to be able to use visual recognition chips (see page 47 of this book) to
the full. It is linked to a cybereye, and can be incorporated in it.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.3 6/72 hrs 15,000¥ 1.5

Wearman Mark II (p. 38) Legal

This is a set of stereo implant speakers. Any normal audio player, whether disk or chip, can be modified
(for a 50¥ fee) to be compatible with this system, after which the speakers can be used to listen, privately, to
the recording on the chip or disk.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 2/12 hrs 200¥ .75

Tazer Grip (p. 38) 5-CB(Q)

This gives the target a shock of 6S Stun, and uses the Shock Weapon rules (p. 103, SRII/p. 124, SR3).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

(.25) 8/8 days 3,000¥ 2

E-Monitor (p. 38) Legal

This device rolls a number of dice equal to its rating, against a target number of 4 when in use.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 4/5 days level × 2,000¥ 1

Mag-Duct™ Spots (p. 38) Legal

Functions like a datajack with a data flow rate of 15 (p. 45, Shadowtech).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 2/6 hrs 2,200¥ 1

Gyro-Stabilizer (p. 38) Legal

This gives the user an additional die for all Athletics-based skill tests, and also an additional die to remain
standing after taking damage (Stopping and Knockdown, p. 91, SRII or Knockdown, p. 124, SR3).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 5/48 hrs 10,000¥ 1.2
Dodgeball™ (p. 39) 4-CB(Q)
This device, which can be integrated in a cybereye, gives one extra die to roll for Armed and Unarmed
Combat skill tests, but only if the user has spent at least three Simple Actions to observe the movement of
his intended target.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.3 6/72 hrs 14,500¥ 1.5

 Video Cam/Transmitter (p. 39) Legal

In SRII, range is 1.5 kilometers. In SR3, it has a Flux rating of 2.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.8 6/48 hrs 33,000¥ 1

Video Imager (p. 39) Legal

The user can receive video images and project them onto his retina, or can store them in headware
memory. It also allows the user to project images stored in headware memory on his retina.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 4/48 hrs 3,500¥ 1.5

Frequency Changer (p. 39) Legal

Functions as a commlink of rating 6 (p. 76, Street Samurai Catalog/p. 298, SR3).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 4/48 hrs 30,000¥ 1.35

Cyberoptic Teargas Sprayer (p. 39) Legal

Mounted inside a cybereye. Hitting a target requires a Quickness (6) test (the target number drops to 4 if
the target is surprised). See the CS grenade (p. 25, Running Gear) for details on the tear gas. Only one shot is
stored; range is 1 meter.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 6/24 hrs 2,000¥ 1

Lifesaver™ Skinweave (p. 39) 4P-BB(Q)

With this item installed, a character with a Deadly wound does not take an extra box of damage every 10
minutes, but takes one every 15 minutes instead. Healing time is also reduced by 10%. However, each time
the character takes a Deadly wound (and thus, each time the Lifesaver has to become active), the Lifesaver’s
Damage Level goes up by one category (see page 6 of Shadowtech).

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

2 12/10 days 45,000¥ 2

Anti-Plague Nanotech (p. 39) Legal

The user gets two extra dice to resist diseases and biological weapons (such as doom and gamma-an-
thrax, pp. 80-81 of Shadowtech).

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.4 6/7 days 17,500¥ 1.5

Gang Jazzler (p. 40) 2-CC(R)

Delivers a 9D Stun electrical shock, using the Shock Weapons rules, p. 103 of SRII/p. 124, SR3. If the tar-
get rolls all ones on his Resistance Test, the damage is Physical instead of Stun.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 10/24 days 6,000¥ 1


Militech Crusher SSG (p. 42) 5P-F(F)

This weapon fire shotgun rounds but uses Light Pistol ranges. Increase the target number at Medium
range by +1, at Long range by +2, and at Extreme range by +4 (telescopic sights do not alter these modifi-
ers). Damage at Short and Medium ranges is 6S, at other ranges it is 8M.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Shotgun 5 6 (c) SA 6S/8M 3 6/48 hrs 1,450¥ 1.5 —

Budgetarms Laser-Niner (p. 42) 5-G(G)

This weapon has a built-in laser sight. The 35-round clip lowers concealability by 1. This weapon fires
caseless rounds (p. 77, Fields of Fire).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Light Pistol 5 15/35 (c) SA/BF/FA 6L 1.5 4/36 hrs 675¥ 1.2 —

Malorian Arms Sliver Gun (p. 42) 3P-J(K)

This pistol does not use ordinary ammunition. Instead, it requires batteries and a ceramic block. Batteries
last for 18 minutes, while the ceramic block must be replaced after 7 shots. A ceramic block costs 25¥, while
a battery costs 7¥. The weapon makes no more noise than a normal pistol with silencer. It uses the Flechette
rules, and Heavy Pistol ranges. The cybergun-version costs 1,550¥, costs .6 points of Essence, and has a Leg-
ality rating of 3P-CC.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 4 7 (c) SA 6S(f) 2.5 6/72 hrs 1,375¥ 3 —

Colt Alpha-Omega (p. 43) 7P-E(E)

Comes with a rating 1 gas vent installed on the barrel and an internal smartlink.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 4 10 (c) SA 9M 2.5 5/24 hrs 500¥ 1 1

Glock Thirty Machine Pistol (p. 43) 4-G(G)

This Glock has many plastic parts, giving it a +1 on Concealability when being checked by a metal detect-
or. The 30-round clip decreases Concealability by 1. It has a rating 2 gas vent.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 6 20/30 (c) SA/BF 9M 2.5 6/36 hrs 705¥ 2 2

Setsuko-Arasaka “PMS” Advanced SMG (p. 44) 4-G(G)

This weapon comes with an internal smartlink and sound suppressor. There is a model without the smart-
link, costing 950¥. Both fire caseless ammo (p. 77, Fields of Fire).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
SMG 4 40 (c) SA/BF 6M 3.5 4/72 hrs 1,150¥ 1 —

Goncz-Taurus Pistol (p. 44) 6P-E(E) or 4-G(G)

The 30-round clip reduces concealability by 1.

Standard version (Legality: 6P-E(E)):

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 6 15/30 (c) SA 9M 2 4/48 hrs 500¥ 1 —

Selective-fire version (Legality 4-G(G)):

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 6 15/30 (c) SA/FA 9M 2 8/72 hrs 700¥ 1.75 —

Malorian Arms Heavy Flechette Pistol (p. 45) 4P-E(E)

This weapon comes with an internal smartlink as standard. The weapon uses two magazines: one 25-
round clip holding the bullets, and a 200-shot “fuel tank” holding the liquid propellant. It uses its own am-
munition, and can not use any other weapon’s ammunition. Furthermore, the only ammunition this weapon
can fire is equal to needle ammo (p. 30 of Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life). The liquid propellant costs 30¥
to fill the magazine (i.e. .15¥ per shot), while the needle ammo costs its normal price.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 5 see above SA 9M 2.5 9/48 hrs 1,595¥ 2 —

Militech M-31a1 Advanced Infantry Combat Weapon (p. 45) 1-G(G)

This weapon has a built-in (i.e. non-removable) under-barrel Militech Mini-Grenade Launcher (see below),
in the 4-shot variety. The M-31a1 is a super machinegun (p. 81, Fields of Fire) firing SMG ammo, but using as-
sault rifle ranges.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Rifle 1 150 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 6.5 20/28 days 1,695¥ 4.5 —

Militech Mini-Grenade Launcher (p. 46) 2-J(K)

If fitted to another weapon, it lowers the concealability of that weapon by 2.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Grenade Launcher3 4 (m) SA grenade 3.5 10/6 days 2,550¥ 3 —

Militech Mini-Grenade Launcher (p. 46) 1-J(K)

The user can fire any grenade in the drum, although it costs a Simple Action to select the grenade type. A
smartlinked weapon can select ammo types as a Free Action. If fitted to another weapon, it reduces the Con-
cealability of that weapon by 4.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Grenade Launcher1 16 (c) SA grenade 5 24/12 days 4,750¥ 5 —

HEP (High-Explosive Cratering) grenade (p. 46) 2-I(J)

One-half of the damage (round up) is Physical, while the other half (round down) is Stun. This grenade
only exists as a mini-grenade for grenade launchers.

Per grenade:
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 10S –1 per meter .1 9/5 days 60¥ 2.5

Fragmentation grenade (p. 46) 2-I(J)

This grenade is similar to an Defensive AP Grenade. It only exists as a mini-grenade, for grenade launch-

Per grenade:
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 10D(f) –1 per .5 meter .1 8/4 days 50¥ 3

Anti-Personnel Flechette (p. 46) 2-I(J)
This is not really a grenade, but more a flechette round fired from a grenade launcher. It uses the flechette
ammo rules (p. 93, SRI/p. 116, SR3I), but does not suffer the normal minimum ranges for grenade launchers
(p. 88, SRII/p. 110, SR3), nor does it scatter as a grenade would. It also uses the shotgun rules for the spread
of the shot (see Shotguns, p. 95, SRII or p. 117, SR3, with a choke of 10). It is only available for grenade

Per grenade:
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 10D(f) — .1 9/14 days 100¥ 3.5

Beretta M-24 Advanced SMG (p. 46) 4-G(G)

The non-smartlinked version costs 950¥.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
SMG 4 50 (c) BF/FA 7M 3.5 6/4 days 1,250¥ 1.25 —

EMP Grenade (p. 47) 1-I(J)

Anyone within 4 meters of the explosion point must roll for cyber-system damage as if he or she has taken
a Deadly wound (see page 39, Shadowtech). Everyone within 10 meters must do the same, but only for a
Serious wound. Only electronic cyberware systems can be damaged by this grenade: items such as dermal
plating, bone lacing, and so on can not be damaged. Headware memory that is damaged loses all informa-
tion stored in it.
Everyone within ten meters from the explosion have a +4 modifier due to orientation loss, on all target
numbers for the next 3 turns, reduced by 1 turn for every two successes on a Body(6) test.
Note: the physics behind a grenade like this are somewhat dodgy, so if you prefer a game based as far as
possible in realism, you might want leave it out of your campaign.

Per grenade:
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
6 special — .3 10/10 days 400¥ 4

DCR Rifle Grenade (p. 47) 2-I(J)

The grenade uses the SMG ranges. The anti-tank grenade does not suffer from Damage Level reduction
against vehicles.

Per grenade:
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
Anti-Tank 4 16D –8 per meter .5 8/8 days 100¥ 2
Concussion 4 12M Stun –1 per meter .5 8/8 days 50¥ 2
Defensive 4 10S –1 per .5 meter .5 8/8 days 50¥ 2
Offensive 4 10S –1 per meter .5 8/8 days 50¥ 2

22mm Muzzle Adaptor (p. 47) 4-J(K)

This adapter is needed to fire the DCR Rifle Grenades listed above.

Mount Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Barrel — — — 6/48 hrs 100¥ 3

FEN Dz 22 “Saucer Grenades” (p. 47) 2-I(J)

These use the ranges for aerodynamic grenades (p. 96, SRII/p. 119, SR3).

Per grenade:
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
7 8S –1 per meter .25 6/10 days 65¥ 3

FEN Dz25 “Det Card” (p. 47) 1-I(J)

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

10 4 .02 8/5 days 120¥ 4

Malorian Arms Sub-Flechette Gun (p. 48) 3-G(G)

The 30-round clip reduces Concealability by 1. This weapon has a rating 3 improved gas vent, and fires
only caseless ammo (p. 77, Fields of Fire).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
SMG 3 10/30 (c) BF/FA 6M 4 4/24 hrs 795¥ 1 3

Multi-Flechette Ammo (p. 48) 4-L(M)

Use Impact armor to resist this ammo, however it can only punch through a maximum armor rating of 3.
Roll 1D6 for the number of darts that hit for each bullet fired, and treat the shot as a burst of that number of
rounds. The damage per dart is one-half (round down) the Power Level of the weapon that fires it, while the
Damage Level is one less than that of the firing weapon (though not below L). As an example, this ammo
fired from a 9M pistol would do 4L damage per dart.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 see above .5 5/48 hrs 100¥ 1

GPz-78 Mini-grenade (p. 48) 1-I(J)

This small grenade is aerodynamic(p. 96, SRII/p. 119, SR3), and can not be fired from a grenade launcher.

Per grenade:
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 8M –1 per .5 meter .1 4/60 hrs 40¥ 1.5

Kendachi Dragon (p. 48) 1-J(K)

It costs one Complex Action to ignite this weapon, and in this action it may not be fired. In any following
actions, it can be fired without problems. Turning it off costs a Simple Action. If the weapon is a smartgun
controlled through a smartlink, it still costs a Complex Action to turn on, but only a Free Action to switch off.
The Dragon uses any flammable liquid as its ammunition. Based on the fuel, the Damage Code may be
adjusted (gamemaster’s discretion). Impact Armor is used to defend against fire, but use only half its rating
(round down). The ranges for this weapon are: Short NA; Medium 0-1; Long 2-3; Extreme 4. This weapon has
a Firesetting Rating of 6 (see page 72, Tech Specs, for details).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Special 3 4 (m) SS 10M 4.25 10/5 days 1,660¥ 4.5 —

Biotech-Askari Motion Restraints (p. 48) Legal

This grenade traps any character who is in the area of effect (one meter radius), as if entangled in a small
net fired from a net gun (p. 72, Street Samurai Catalog). It is an non-aerodynamic grenade.

Per grenade:
Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
6 — .5 6/48 hrs 60¥ 2

Militech Military/Police Shotgun (p. 48) 5P-F(F)

The first set of stats below are for the 12-gauge version, while the second set is for 10-gauge models. Both
use the same ammo.

10 gauge model:
Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Shotgun 2 6 (m) SA 10S 4.5 4/60 hrs 800¥ 1 —

12 gauge model:
Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Shotgun 2 8 (m) SA 8S 4.5 4/60 hrs 800¥ 1 —

Stundart Pistol (p. 49) 5P-E(E)
This weapon uses the Shock Weapons rules, p. 103 of SRII/p. 124, SR3, but does not use the normal taser
ammunition. Instead, it fires a round that works on the same principle but is of Heavy Pistol caliber. These
rounds can not be fired from other Heavy Pistols. It can also use normal HP ammo, but if this is done, roll
1D6. On a roll of 1 to 5, the round misfires and causes 9M damage to the firer (armor is only half effective),
which also destroys the pistol. When normal HP ammo is fired, the weapon has a base Damage Code of 9M,
modified by the ammunition type. With its own shock ammo, it uses the listed Damage Code. The ammuni-
tion is listed below.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 3 2 (b) SS 10S Stun 3.5 8/4 days 1,090¥ 2 —

Stundart Rounds (p. 49) As Weapon

These are only available for Heavy Pistols, and were developed for the Stundart Pistol (above). They can
be fired from normal pistols, but have a 1 to 5 in 1D6 chance of misfiring in such weapons, delivering a 10S
Stun + shock attack against the firer (no armor can be used to resist this with). They only work properly in
the Stundart Pistol. If fired from a normal pistol, it uses the damage code listed below, and uses the Shock
Weapons rules on p. 103, SRII/p. 124, SR3. These rounds have an expiry date listed on the package, which is
usually 2D6 months after purchase.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 10S Stun .75 6/72 hrs 80¥ 2

Rostovic Wrist Racate (p. 49) 1-J(K)

This weapon uses its own, special ammunition. See below for details.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Shotgun 6 6 (m) SA/BF 9S 2.5 18/20 days 3,800¥ 3.5 —

Rostovic Wrist Racate Ammunition (p. 49) As Weapon

These are sold in packets of six, not ten. They can only be fired from the Rostovic Wrist Racate.

Per 6 rounds:
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
5 9S –3 per meter 1.25 14/20 days 200¥ 3.5

Techtronica Black-Zap Glove (p. 49) 4-B(B)

This weapon uses Shock Weapons rules, p. 103 of SRII/p. 124, SR3. A character wearing this glove has a
Damage Code of (str+1)M Stun if the taser circuitry is not used, or 9S Stun if used as a taser. Cyberware
which is built into the hand wearing the glove (like hand razors, spurs, smartlinks, etc.) cannot be used.

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 0 9S Stun 1 6/48 hrs 1,200¥ 2.2

Darra-Polytechnic M-9 Assault Rifle (p. 50) 2-G(G)

Equipped with a rating 1 telescope sight, this weapon fires caseless ammo (p. 77, Fields of Fire).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Rifle 3 40 (c) SA/FA 8M 3.75 3/36 hrs 1,300¥ .9 —

Hollow-Point Ammunition (p. 50) As Weapon

These rounds increase the Damage Level by 1 (6M becomes 6S, and so on), but Ballistic armor gets +2 on
its rating to defend against these. If Ballistic is 0, it does not get the +2 bonus.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 +1 Damage .5 4/24 hrs 25¥ .8

Militech Mini-Gat Machine Carbine (p. 50) 1-J(K)

This weapon uses Light Pistol ammo, but SMG ranges; ammo is caseless (p. 77, Fields of Fire). It has the
rate of fire of a minigun (p. 81, Fields of Fire).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
SMG 1 120 (c) BF/FA 6L 5.75 20/14 days 2,695¥ 5 —
H&K G-6 Advanced Squad Automatic (p. 51) 2-H(H)
This LMG comes equipped with an internal smartlink II (p. 57, Fields of Fire) and rating 2 thermographic
telescope sight. It fires caseless SMG ammo (p. 77, Fields of Fire) at super machinegun rates (p. 81, Fields of

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Light MG — 100 (c) FA 7M 7 14/21 days 2,050¥ 3.5 —

 Militech-10 SMG (p. 51) 1-G(G)

This SMG comes equipped with a Militech Mini-Grenade Launcher (p. 46, Chromebook) with 4-round in-
ternal magazine, sound suppressor and rating 1 telescope sight. Since this weapon is made mostly of plastic,
its concealability is increased by 1 if checking for detection by metal detectors.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
SMG 2 30 (c) BF/FA 6M 7 5/72 hrs 3,455¥ 3 —

Federated Arms 454 DA “Super Chief” (p. 52) 5P-E(E)

This weapon uses Heavy Pistol ammo, but Shotgun ranges. This weapon is equipped to fire Firepower™
ammo (p. 26, Running Gear), which is already figured into the Damage Code.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 3 5 (cy) SS 12M 3.5 5/36 hrs 1,375¥ 1.25 —

Malorian Arms 3516 (p. 52) 6P-E(E)

This weapon requires that the arm with which the gun is fired is a cyberarm, and that the user has at least
Strength 4. A character without a cyberarm has a +4 modifier to his target number, while a character with a
Strength lower than 4 gets a modifier of +([4 – Strength] × 2). All these are cumulative. The weapon comes
equipped with an internal smartlink II (p. 57, Fields of Fire). It fires Firepower™ ammo (p. 26, Running Gear),
which is already figured into the Damage Code.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy 4 6 (c) SS 12M 3 — 4,525¥ — —

APEX Mobile Point Defense System (p. 53) 2P-J(K)

This device contains a “Smart” gun system (p. 89 of Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p. 236, SR3), has a
Firearms skill of 6, covers the full 360°, and has an Initiative of 15+2D6. It also includes an assault rifle (not
removable), firing at minigun rates, and with 400 rounds of belted ammunition. The mounting provides 6
points of recoil compensation. The outside of the unit has a Barrier Rating of 6.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Rifle — 400 (belt) FA 8M 20 11/21 days 25,000¥ 4 6

Federated Arms Light Assault 15 (p. 54) 2-G(G)

This weapon has its concealability raised by +1 when being checked by metal detectors due to its plastic
construction. It comes with a rating 1 telescope sight; the version with internal smartlink costs 700¥. Both
weapons fire caseless ammo (p. 77, Fields of Fire).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Rifle 3 30 (c) BF/FA 8M 3.5 4/36 hrs 400¥ 1.25 —

Stein & Wasserman Model F “Cyborg Assault” Weapon System (p. 54) 1-G(G)
It costs a Simple Action to select an ammo type, or a Free Action if the weapon is controlled through a
smartlink. Although it is an Assault Rifle, it uses Sporting Rifle ammo. The weapon is equipped with a 22 mm
Muzzle Adaptor (p. 47, Chromebook).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Rifle 4 8 (c) SS 8S 4 10/5 days 1,650¥ 2.5 —

HEP (High-Explosive Cratering) (p. 54) As Weapon
This ammunition increases its Power Level by 1, as with regular explosive rounds, but one-half (round up)
of the damage is Physical, while the remaining half is Stun. As an example, a character who would take a
Moderate wound from this ammo, takes two boxes of Physical and one box of Stun damage instead. Armor is
only one-half effective (use Ballistic and round down). These rounds can misfire in the same way as explosive
ammo (p. 93, SRII/p. 116, SR3).

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 +1 Power .75 5/36 hrs 60¥ 1.1

Armor-Piercing Incendiary (p. 54) 2-L(M)

This ammunition uses the normal rules for APDS ammo (p. 63, Street Samurai Catalog, p. 277, SRII or p.
116, SR3), but also have a Firesetting rating of 2. If a burst is fired, add +1 to this rating per round fired
(three rounds have a Firesetting rating of 5, etc.). See page 72, Tech Specs.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 see above .25 16/14 days 80¥ 4.5

Acid Shell (p. 54) As Weapon

Defense against these rounds uses the Impact value of armor. These rounds do normal damage, but if the
Power Level of the attack (without any reductions due to armor) exceeds the total Ballistic plus Impact ra-
tings of the target, both the Ballistic and Impact values are permanently reduced by –1. Against barriers, if
the Power exceeds twice the Barrier Rating, the base Barrier Rating goes down by –1. These rounds can mis-
fire in the same way as explosive ammo (p. 93, SRII/p. 116, SR3), but instead of damaging the firer, they
wreck the weapon.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 as weapon .5 14/8 days 100¥ 4

Kendachi Mono-Two (p. 55) 5-B

This weapon is sold in sets of two: one long and one short sword. They cannot be bought separately.

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability* Cost* Street Index*

Long sword 3 1 (str+3)M 1 5/48 hrs 1,650¥** 2.1
Short sword 5 0 (str+1)M .75
* per set of one long sword and one short sword
** 1700¥ for weapons with colored laser

Kendachi M-33 Powersword (p. 55) 3-B

This sword breaks if all ones are rolled on any Armed Combat Success Test when using this weapon. Im-
pact armor is used to defend against this sword, but is only one-half effective (round down).

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 1 (str+1)S 3 8/14 days 1,860¥ 3


Psiberstuff Cyberarm (p. 57) Legal

No changes. Also see Limbs on p. 249, SRII or Cyberlimbs on p. 301, SR3
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
1 6/72 hrs 170,000¥ 1

Nu-Tek Wearman Series (p. 58) Legal
No changes.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Jacket — 0 0 1 3/48 hrs 300¥ .9
Skirt — 0 0 .75 3/48 hrs 200¥ .9

Uniware (p. 59) Legal

A weapon concealed under an Armored Trenchcoat has its Concealability increased by +2.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Vest — 0 0 .5 8/4 days 50¥ 1.2
Pants — 0 0 1 8/4 days 70¥ 1.2
Boots — 0 0 1 4/4 days 60¥ 1.2
Skirt — 0 0 .75 8/4 days 70¥ 1.2
Blouse/Shirt — 0 0 .75 8/4 days 40¥ 1.2
Dress — 0 0 1.5 6/4 days 100¥ 1.2
Torso Armor 8 2 2 2 10/4 days 300¥ 1.3
Legpads 8 2 2 1.5 9/4 days 300¥ 1.3
Utility Belt — 0 0 .5 5/4 days 30¥ 1.1
Jumpsuit — 0 0 1.5 8/4 days 150¥ 1.2
Armored Jacket 7 3 2 1.5 10/4 days 800¥ 1.3
Armored Trenchcoat 7 4 3 2 10/4 days 900¥ 1.3

Image Fashionware (p. 60) Legal

No changes.

Availability Cost Street Index

Trademarks & Logos 4/24 hrs 100¥ 1
Stars & Shapes 2/24 hrs 50¥ 1
Heat-sensitive Color Changers 3/24 hrs 120¥ 1

ICON America (p. 61) Legal

A weapon held in the Gun Belt counts as being held in a holster for quickdrawing it (p. 82, SRII). A weapon
concealed under the Long Duster has its concealability increased by 50%, if its concealability is 4 or greater.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Bomber Jacket — 0 2 1.5 always 900¥ .9
Tunic — 0 1 1 always 660¥ .8
Pants — 0 0 1 always 750¥ .8
Miniskirt — 0 0 .5 always 300¥ .8
Long Skirt — 0 0 1 always 600¥ .8
Gun Belt — 0 0 .25 3/24 hrs 180¥ .9
“Gunfighter” Hat — 0 0 .5 always 300¥ .8
Long Duster — 0 1 1.5 always 1,500¥ .8
Boots — 0 0 1 always 450¥ .8
Half Boots — 0 0 .75 always 300¥ .8

Gibson Battlegear (p. 62) Legal

The armor ratings of these items are added together when more than one is worn; for example, wearing a
T-shirt and denim jacket gives armor 3/1.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Acid-washed Jeans10 2 1 1 4/48 hrs 300¥ 1
T-Shirt 10 1 0 .5 4/48 hrs 100¥ 1
Denim Jacket 9 2 1 1 4/48 hrs 1,500¥ 1

Takanaka ¬Exec¬ Line (p. 63) Legal

A weapon concealed under the Top Coat, Full Armored Topcoat, Cape, or Opera Cloak adds +2 to its Con-

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Jacket — 0 0 1 6/72 hrs 800¥ .9
Vest — 0 0 .75 6/72 hrs 500¥ .9
Pants — 0 0 1 6/72 hrs 700¥ .9
Top Coat — 0 0 1.5 6/72 hrs 1,000¥ .9
Full Armored Topcoat10 4 1 2.5 8/72 hrs 2,000¥ .9
Matching Briefcase — 0 0 1.5 5/72 hrs 600¥ .8
Monogram Shirt — 0 0 .75 7/72 hrs 200¥ 1.1
Tie — 0 0 — 6/72 hrs 100¥ .9
Cravat — 0 0 .5 6/72 hrs 100¥ .9
Scarf — 0 0 .25 6/72 hrs 75¥ .9
Cologne — — — — 6/72 hrs 150¥ .9
Sword Case — — — .5 8/72 hrs 300¥ 1
Cape — 0 0 1.5 6/72 hrs 900¥ .9
Opera Cloak 10 3 1 2.5 8/72 hrs 1,200¥ .9

Eji of Japan (p. 64) Legal

A weapon concealed under the armored cloak has its concealability increased by +2.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Designer’s Jeans — 0 0 1 always 50¥ .75
Lamb’s Wool Sweater— 0 0 1 always 60¥ .75
Armored Cloak 14 2 1 1.5 always 500¥ .75


Change all eurodollar (eb) prices to nuyen on a 1:1 ratio.

All these chips must be plugged into a chipjack or softlink. Use the normal rules for skillsofts (p. 48, Shad-
owtech or pp. 295-296, SR3). The “Memory” rating is how much memory the data on the chip requires when
uploaded into headware memory.

S E C U R I T Y & O P E R AT I V E C H I P S

M.O. Chips (p. 73) 1-CC(R)

These allow the character to ask the gamemaster one yes/no question for every two successes rolled on
an Intelligence (8) test, about the criminal or his actions. The character must make a Willpower (5) test when
he first uses the chip. If he fails, his personality will shift to that of the criminal. The character will remain this
way until the chip is removed (which he will not want to happen); if the character receives regular therapy, a

Willpower (6) test may be made once per week. If successful, the character regains his personality.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know — 300 Mp 10/14 days 12,000¥ 10

Courier Chips (p. 73)

Not available.

Security Chip (p. 73) Legal

A Computer (B/R) test with a target number of 12 allows a character to retrieve the data from an erased
Type I chip. The stats below are added to the normal ones of the chip in question.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

— — — +1/×1.5 Type I: 50¥ +.25
Type II: 75¥

Digi-Tone ID (p. 73) 5-CB(Q)

A character with cyberears can, after plugging in this chip, recognize a digital tone phone signal. The sig-
nal can be displayed on a cybereye (if the user is equipped with a display link), or are relayed to the brain dir-
ectly (if the user is equipped with an Encephalon, Softlink, Chipjack, or I/O SPU). A successful roll, pitting the
rating of the chip against a target number as for a Perception Test, is needed to recognize the number dialed.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1-6 rating × 2 Mp rating/4 daysrating x 70¥ 1

 Special Operative Chip (p. 73) Legal

This chip gives the user the following skills: Language of selected country 4, Geography 4, and your choice
of Survival 4, or Police Practices 4, or Etiquette (Selected Country) 4, or Military Organisation 4. In order to
use the Survival and Etiquette skills, skillwires are needed; for the other skills, a datasoft link (knowsoft link in
SR3) is required.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
special 4 500 Mp 8/6 days 60,000¥ 2

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
special 4 144 Mp 8/6 days 14,400¥ 2

 Poser Impersonation Chip (p. 73) 3-CB(Q)

This chip gives the following skills: Behavior (Specialization: Subject Person) 6 and Acting 4. For an extra
price, the chip also has the skill Habits (Specialization: Subject Person) 6. This chip requires skillwires to use
the Acting skill, and a datasoft link (knowsoft link in SR3) for the other skills.

Without Habits skill:
Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
Active see above 320 Mp 20/20 days 30,000¥ 1
With Habits skill:
Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
Active see above 440 Mp 24/20 days 40,000¥ 1

Without Habits skill:
Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
Active see above 80 Mp 20/20 days 9,600¥ 1
With Habits skill:
Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
Active see above 112 Mp 24/20 days 14,400¥ 1


PhotoMemory RAM Chip (p. 74) Legal

This chip gives the user a –2 modifier on the target number to remember specific things, as long as they
have been recorded in the chip. See the mnemonic enhancer, p. 25 of Shadowtech for more information.
Starting or stopping the recording device in the chip is a Free Action. No additional hardware is required,
since the chipjack or softlink can handle the I/O-functions required. This datasoft can only be accessed
through a datajack if the user has an I/O processor or encephalon installed.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Data “–2” — 6/72 hrs 16,000¥ 1.25

Memory Compression (p. 74) as chip

Data compression on the chips themselves, in much the same way as using a data management SPU.
Data on such a chip takes up 25% less space than normal (100 Mp of data only takes up 75 Mp on a data
compression chip, for instance), but system load delay (page 44, Shadowtech) is increased by +1. These
chips cannot be combined with any other form of data compression.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

any — –25% +2/×2 +3,000¥ +.5

Programmable Chipware (p. 74)

Not available.

Mind Games® (p. 74) Legal

No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know — game-dependent always 500¥ to 1,000¥ .6

 Business Trip Chip (p. 74) Legal

This chip gives the following skills: Language of selected country 4, Etiquette (Selected Country) 4, and a
choice of Wardrobe/Style 4 or Business Law 4, as applicable to the inhabitants of the country. This chip re-
quires skillwires to use the Etiquette skill, and a datasoft link (knowsoft link in SR3) for the other skills.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
special 4 424 Mp 6/4 days 42,500¥ 1

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
special 4 128 Mp 6/4 days 12,000¥ 1

 Tourism Chip (p. 74) Legal

This chip gives the following skills: Language of selected country 4, Etiquette (Selected Country) 4 and
General Knowledge (Selected Country) 4. This chip requires skillwires to use the Etiquette skill, and a datasoft
link (knowsoft link in SR3) for the other skills.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
special 4 344 Mp 6/4 days 42,500¥ 1

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
special 4 128 Mp 6/4 days 12,000¥ 1

Space Chip (p. 74)

Not available.

 Mister Lover Chip (p. 74) Legal

Increases Charisma and Social Skills by its rating, but only when attempting to seduce another person.
Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
Active 1-3 rating × 5 mp 5/48 hrs rating × 100¥ .9

Works as a complimentary skill (p. 97, SR3) to Charisma and Social Skills tests, but only when attempting
to seduce another person.
Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index
Active 1-6 rating × rating 5/48 hrs Mp × 100¥ .9
× 2 Mp


 Stress Chip (p. 75) Legal

This chip gives +1 Willpower to resist stress or stressful situations only.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

special — 20 Mp 4/36 hrs 3,500¥ 1

Adrenalin/Endorphin Surge (p. 75) 4-CA

Wound penalties are reduced by the rating of the chip; this means that the total modifiers to target num-
bers and Initiative due to wounds are reduced by the rating. For example, a character with a Moderate wound
and Serious Stun damage normally has a +5 on his target numbers and –5 Initiative. With a rating 3 chip, this
would become +2 on target numbers and –2 on Initiative. The chip can not make negative modifiers positive,
or positive modifiers negative: the above wounds, with a rating 6 chip, would become +0 and –0, not –1 and
+1, respectively.
Once every 8 hours, the user can stimulate adrenaline production, giving the bonuses of a level 1 adrenal
pump (p. 19, Shadowtech). The character must roll a Resistance Test against fatigue, in exactly the same way
as with a level 1 Adrenal Pump. The user must roll a Willpower (4) test (plus injury modifiers) to activate the
adrenaline production. If the character has a working adrenal pump already, this extra adrenaline surge has
no effects, but the character must still resist the fatigue of the extra adrenaline. This also goes the other way

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

special 1-6 rating × 150 Mp (rating+5)/72 hrsrating x 12,500¥ 2

 Increased Neural Feedback Option (p. 75) as normal chip

This is basically a one-time skill chip. It can be of any type, but the chip burns out after 4D6 minutes of
use. It has the bonus of reducing softlink system load delay (p. 46, Shadowtech) by half (round up).

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

any 1-10 as normal as normal half normal 1.1

 Ambidexterity Chip (p. 75) Legal

A chip that holds the Special Skill of Ambidexterity at its rating; see page 81, Fields of Fire. Calculate the
memory and price per the normal rules for skill chips (p. 248, SRII/p. 296, SR3).

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Active 1-5 as normal as normal as normal 1.25

Deathtrance (p. 75) Legal

Life functions can be detected on a Biotech (6) test.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Active 1 50 20/10 days 5,000¥ .9

Redundancy Loop (p. 75) as normal chip

At a crucial moment, both the player and the gamemaster make a skill test against the same target num-
ber. The roll which yields the least successes is used.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

any 1-10 as normal as normal 75% of normal .9

“Fish N’ Chips” (p. 75) Legal

No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

special — 20 Mp 4/4 days 1,000¥ 1

In order to use one of these chips, the character makes an Intelligence test, adding the chip’s rating to the
character’s Intelligence. (In SR3: the chip is used as a complementary skill, as explained on page 97, SR3.)
The target number is determined according to the following table (this is only a guideline. Gamemasters may
alter target numbers as appropriate).

Task difficulty Target number

Easy 2 or 3
Average 4 or 5
Difficult 6 to 8
Very Difficult 9 or higher

To make full use of these chips, TimeSquare Plus cyberware (p. 38, Chromebook) is needed. If this is not
present, the chip functions at one-half its normal rating (round down), and add +4 to the target number.

Techie Chip (p. 76) Legal

No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1-10 as normal 6/4 days as normal 1.5

Corporate Officer Chip (p. 76) Legal

No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1-10 as normal 10/4 days as normal 1.5

Police (p. 76) 4-CB(Q)

No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1-10 as normal 10/4 days as normal 2.5

Military (p. 76) 4-CC(R)

No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1-10 as normal 12/6 days twice normal 2.5

Rocker (p. 76) Legal

No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1-10 as normal 5/4 days as normal 1.5

Secretarial (p. 76) Legal
No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1-10 as normal 8/4 days as normal 1.5


Araska Sleep Facility (p. 78/79)

These are coffin hotels (see Cheap Hotel, p. 25 of Sprawl Sites, and Seattle On 30¥ A Night, pp. 49-53,
Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life). Each cubicle’s walls are Barrier Rating 8, while the doors are Barrier Rat-
ing 6. The normal lock is a simple sliding pin, while the heavy-duty lock is a rating 3 cardreader Maglock, re-
quiring the credstick of the person renting the cubicle, instead of a normal keycard. The prices are as follows:
Cubicle rent: 40¥ per night.
Electrical outlet: 10¥ per hour of use
In-cubicle trideo: 50¥ deposit and 5¥ fee
In-cubicle radio: 25¥ deposit and 2.5¥ fee
Private telephone (voice-only): 10¥ fee + .75¥ per minute
Heavy-duty lock: 100¥ deposit and 10¥ fee
Privacy option: 1,000¥ deposit and 100¥ fee

Getting at the trideo or radio requires an Electronics skill test, with a target number of 8 (= the Barrier
Rating of the cubicle). The casing has a rating 1 Anti-tamper system. See Keypads, p. 86 of Neo-Anarchists’
Guide to Real Life or p. 235, SR3. To find equipment such as a gun or similar piece of hardware, make an
Etiquette (Street) skill test with a target number of 5, If successful, make the usual Availability test. If not suc-
cessful, nobody is present to sell guns to the character. Finding someone to do a crime has a target number
between 3 and 8 (or higher), depending on the severity of the crime. Finding a street doc has a target num-
ber of 10.

Security Services, Inc. Professional Apartments (p. 80-82)

Rent: 2,500¥ per apartment per month
Extra furniture: 20¥ to 50¥ fee per piece of furniture
Upgraded food service: 100¥ per week or 20¥ per meal
Extra pressure and/or IR-sensors: 2,000¥
Use of the heavy safe: 100¥ per 10 pages of documents

The phone lines are tapped by a rating 4 dataline tap (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3). The security consists of
the following: the ultrasonic sensor is a rating 6 vibration detector (p. 87, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life);
the IR-beams are IR lasers (p. 17, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life; also see that page for the pressure de-
tectors built into the doors and windows).
The safe in the apartment is Barrier Rating 12, while the safe in the guard’s room is Barrier Rating 18.

Harris & Company Masterpiece (p. 83-85)

Buying an apartment: at least 800,000¥
Retinal and Print scanners: see p. 258, SRII, pp. 86-87, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life or p. 235,
The apartment’s walls are Barrier Rating 24, the windows are Barrier Rating 14, while the armored shut-
ters are also of Barrier Rating 24. Inside the building are vibration detectors and IR lasers. The electrical de-
fense system rolls 6 dice against a target number based on the Taser range table (p. 88, SRII/p. 111, SR3),
plus any normal modifiers for ranged combat. It delivers damage within the following limits: 1L to 10S. Within
these limits, any Power Level between 1 and 10, and any Damage Code between L and S can be chosen. The
exact damage is set by the owner, and can be changed at any time. Damage is always Stun, and uses the
Shock Weapon rules (p. 103, SRII/p. 124, SR3).
The computer system (with its own LTG#) usually consists of a CPU with a number of SPUs attached to it,
and various Datastores, Slave Nodes and I/O-Ports also included. There usually is a SAN, although some sys-
tems are not connected to the Matrix. Whatever the computer, the following IC will almost always be in-
stalled: Access, Barrier, Scramble, Killer, Trace and Report, and/or Blaster. Some owners also install Black IC.
In Virtual Realities 2.0/SR3 terms, the computer is at least a medium-security orange host, rolled up ran-
domly using the rules and tables on pages 62 through 65 in Virtual Realities 2.0.

Silverhand Studios (p. 86-88)

Rent is 600¥ per month.

Each year an artist spends in such a community gives the character a one-point reduction in the Karma
cost to increase any one artistic skill.

New American Motor’s Drifter (p. 88/89)

The modular repair system gives the user a –1 target number for Technical Skills when repairing the Drift-

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Drifter 4/8 35/105 3/1 2 2 90,000¥
Seating: Twin bucket seats + bench Access: 2 + 1 standard
Economy: 5 km per liter + 1 PF per km Fuel: MultiF/230 liters + 320 PF
Cargo/Storage: 10 CF in assorted lockers

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 70 2 4 1 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 10 120
Seating: 2 bucket seats + bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 door Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (1,000 bars) + Electric (320 PF) Economy: 1.15 km/bar (Methane), 1 km/PF (Electric)
Point Value: 1,668 Cost: 167,000¥
Template: Van Reference: Chromebook 1
Other Features: Concealed armor, living amenities (basic, 3


Wolf (p. 91) has Moderate staging (p. 20, Virtual Realities).
Wolf is mobile.
Target: Bod
Load Rating: Rating + 1
This gray IC is usually disguised as white IC, un-
til it attacks. To identify it as Wolf, the decker must SR3 STATS
successfully execute an Analyze utility against the
Not available (treat it as Killer).
IC. If the utility succeeds, the IC is detected as ac-
tually being Wolf, and Wolf gets no bonuses. If the Guard-Dog (p. 91)
utility fails, Wolf gets an extra 1D6 for Initiative
and –1 to all its target numbers during the first SRII STATS
turn it attacks. In all next turns, it has normal Initi-
This white IC is most often encountered in I/O
ative and target numbers. It fights like Killer, but

ports and SANs. If it detects someone using that out, once per day. If he fails, he can not jack in to
node, it reports that to the system. It is then up to the Matrix that day. If he achieves at least three
the system operator to decide whether or not the successes, he need not roll again until he is
system is being threatened. To see if Guard-Dog knocked out of the Matrix again by another Psy-
detects a decker, it must roll an opposed test, chodrome.
between its rating and the decker’s Masking rat-
ing. If the test yields at least one success, the
decker has been detected, and his presence is re-
ported to the system operator. The IC then stops
interrogating the decker. If the initial test fails, the
IC may attempt again on its next action, but with a
+2 to its target number for each new attempt.
Guard-Dog is normally not visible, except as a
flicker at the horizon or edge of the node. If detec-
ted (by Analyze or similar software), it appears
near the decker.
Guard-Dog is not mobile.
Target: Masking
Load Rating: 1/3 Rating (round down)

Once activated, this white IC makes a test
against the decker’s Detection Factor every time
the decker makes a System Test. If the Guard Dog
Test is successful, the system operator is warned
that a decker may be active in the system. The
sysop can then decide to take action or not. Note
that Guard Dog does not directly trigger either a
passive or active alert.

Bulldog and Smarteye (p. 91)

Not available.

 Termite (p. 91)

Termite is considered a Combat Utility, and is
used to break through Barrier IC. It is only effective
against Barrier, and can not be used to attack oth-
er IC. It attacks the Barrier in the same way as
Size: (Rating2) Mp

Termite is an Operational Utility, and can be
used to lower the target number for Access Tests
in Logon-type system operations only. However, it
cannot work together with other programs that
normally do this job (like Deception).
Multiplier: 1
System Operations: Logon to Host, Logon to LTG,
Logon to RTG

Psychodrome (p. 91/92)

This Black IC always causes Stun damage. If the
decker manages to jack out, the IC rolls a test us-
ing its rating against a target number equal to the
decker’s Willpower. This test is unresisted. The
decker is unconscious for a number of hours equal
to the number of successes generated.
If the decker has jacked out, he must make a
Willpower test with a target number equal to the
rating of the Psychodrome IC that knocked him
SR3 STATS Fatal Attractor (p. 92)
A form of non-lethal black IC that attacks just
like any other of its kind, doing Stun damage. If it SRII STATS
causes Deadly damage to its target, the target re- This gray IC appears as the persona of another
main unconscious for (IC Rating) hours, minus one decker, and is very friendly to its target. It accom-
hour per success on a Willpower (IC Rating) test. A panies its target for 1D6+1 turns, but then attacks
decker who has been dumped from the Matrix in like Blaster, with Serious staging (p. 20, Virtual
this way must roll a Willpower (IC Rating) test each Realities).
day, if he fails he cannot make himself jack into Fatal Attractor is mobile.
the Matrix that day. Once a roll is made, he can Target: Evasion
enter the Matrix normally, until the next time he Load Rating: 2 × Rating
gets hit in a similar manner.
Vampyre II and Bunnies (p. 92)
When activated, this gray IC looks like another
Not available. persona for 1D6+1 turns, after which it attacks like
Blaster. Detecting that it is IC requires a successful
Analyze IC or Analyze Persona system operation.

Note: For various systems, the Essence costs is in parentheses. The Essence loss only apply when the
system is installed in a natural limb; when placed in a cyberlimb, Essence cost is 0.

 Dynalar Technologies “Digits” Cyberfingers (p. 4)

These cannot be installed in an organic hand.

a) Quick Change Mount 5P-CC(R)

Can only be installed in a cyberhand or cyberarm. Cost of modifying a cyberfinger is 20¥.

b) Vidcam Legal
Functions as a cyberoptic (p. 89, Shadowbeat), but reduce the Impact of all Pix Tests (pp. 40-41, Shadow-
beat) by –4 due to the unstable mounting in the finger. The finger can be fitted with one of the following:
Thermographic 200¥, Magnification (10×) 225¥, Low-light 100¥. Images are stored in headware memory, or
in external memory through a Datajack.

c) Self-propelled Grenade 2-CC(R)

Use the following ranges: Short 0-1, Medium 2-3, Long 4-5, Extreme 6-7. The explosion (on impact) does
6M damage, Power Level Reduction –3 per meter. The grenades cost 25¥ each, Availability 6/72 hrs, Street In-
dex 2.5.

d) Air Hypo Legal

This can be used to inject poisons, but hitting an unwilling target requires an Unarmed Combat skill test.
Replacement air containers are 3¥ each, Availability 3/12 hrs, Street Index 1.

e) Tracking Device 4-E1(U)

The tracking devices are rating 2 (see p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3), price 100¥, Availability 4/5 days, Street In-
dex 2.25, and can be tracked on any Signal Locator. The finger uses the following ranges to shoot the track-
ing devices: Short NA, Medium 0-1, Long 2, Extreme 3.

f) Lighter Legal
Has a Firesetting Rating of 2 (see Tech Specs, page 72). Extra fuel is 1¥ per refill.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Quick Change Mount — 2/12 hrs 150¥ 1
Vidcam .15 5/10 days 8,000¥ 1.5
Self-Propelled Grenade .15 12/8 days 2,000¥ 3.5
Air Hypo .15 3/24 hrs 600¥ 1.25
Tracking Device .15 9/7 days 1,500¥ 2.5
Lighter .15 2/12 hrs 250¥ .9

Kiroshi OptiShield Options (p. 5) Legal
These options can only be built into the Kiroshi OptiShield (p. 31, Chromebook). They cannot be fitted into
a cybereye. The Essence Cost is subtracted from the .3 points of Essence that the OptiShields can accom-
modate. Once .3 points are filled, no more options can be installed.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

TimesSquare .05 5/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1
TimesSquare Plus .15 8/72 hrs 15,000¥ 1.5
Magnification (1) .1 6/48 hrs 2,500¥ 1
Magnification (2) .1 6/48 hrs 4,000¥ 1
Magnification (3) .1 8/48 hrs 6,000¥ 1
Low-light .1 6/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1.25
Infrared* .1 6/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1.25
Time/Day Display .05 4/24 hrs 1,000¥ .9
* functions as thermographic (p. 260, SRII/p. 300, SR3)

Winch (p. 5) Legal

The winch can lift a number of kilograms up to 50 times the character’s Strength. If the character lifts
more than 25 times his or her Body in kilograms, he or she takes 6M damage (resisted using natural Body)
and loses 1 point off his or her natural Body rating for 1D6 days.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 4/60 hrs 5,000¥ 1.1

Cytech Custom Cyberhands (p. 5) Legal

Double-jointedness gives a –1 modifier to the target number when trying to escape from bindings.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 5/4 days 9,000¥ 1

Anchoring Cyberfeet (p. 5) Legal

The spikes can penetrate Barrier Rating 4 or less. Replacement spikes cost 1,200¥.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 3/4 days 4,000¥ 2

Quickdraw Armholster (p. 6) As Weapon

Quick-drawing a weapon from this holster is a Free Action. Only pistols and knives can be held in the hol-

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 6/72 hrs 400¥ 1.3

Kill Display (p. 6) Legal

No changes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.3 5/60 hrs 1,000¥ .9

Cyphire Tri-Dart Launcher (p. 6) 3P-CC(R)

Fires three darts of the same type as the dartgun cyberfinger (p. 32, Chromebook), out to the same

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.5 10/60 hrs 3,000¥ 3

Wetdrive Access Link (p. 6)

Not available.

Color Gland Control (p. 6) Legal

Will not fool retina scanners, and cannot be used with cybereyes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.02 4/36 hrs 2,500¥ 1
Gradiated Subdermal Armor (Torso) (p. 7) varies
This functions the same as dermal plating (p. 261, SRII/p. 302, SR3), but also providing Ballistic and Im-
pact armor (this armor is cumulative with any worn armor). Levels 8 and 9 reduce the user’s Reaction by 1.
To avoid this loss, subdermal armor made from high-tech orbital materials can be used; this costs 8 times as
much as the normal variant.

Level Concealability Essence Body Ballistic Impact Availability Cost Street Index Legality
1 12 .1 +0 0 1 3/10 days 3,500¥ .9 9P-CA
2 11 .3 +0 1 1 3/10 days 5,000¥ 1 8P-CA
3 10 .5 +1 1 1 4/12 days 6,500¥ 1 6P-CA
4 9 .8 +1 1 2 4/12 days 8,000¥ 1.1 6P-CA
5 8 1 +2 1 2 4/12 days 10,000¥ 1.1 5P-CA
6 6 1.2 +2 2 2 5/12 days 11,000¥ 1.2 4P-CA
7 5 1.4 +2 2 3 5/12 days 12,000¥ 1.3 3P-CA
8 4 1.6 +3 2 3 6/12 days 14,500¥ 1.4 3-CA
9 3 1.9 +3 3 3 8/12 days 17,500¥ 1.5 2-CA

Subdermal Armor (Skull) (p. 7)

Not available.

Subdermal Viewscreen (p. 8) Legal

This system works as a data unit (p. 259, SRII/p. 287, SR3), but does not have its own memory. Instead, it
can display the contents of the user’s headware memory or that of chips plugged into the user’s datajack,
chipjack, or softlink.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 3/24 hrs 500¥ 1

Zetatech BodyComp (p. 8) Legal

Hardened systems are not available. Installing this unit into a cyberlimb uses the limb’s storage space, but
reduces Essence cost to .05 (there’s still some cabling needed to connect it to the rest of the user’s systems).
The multi-processor option is not available, but for 1,250¥ extra the BodyComp can be linked to the user’s
headware memory.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.8 3/24 hrs 9,000¥ 2

 Nanooptical Upgrade (p. 8) Legal

Gives the user the equivalent of cybernetic low-light vision. Cannot be installed in a cybereye.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 6/48 hrs 7,500¥ 1.25

Retractable Vampires (p. 9) Legal

Biting an opponent requires an Unarmed Combat attack.

Damage Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Retractable Vampires(str–1)L .2 5/48 hrs 500¥ 1
Sharkgrin (str÷2)L .1 5/48 hrs 500¥ 1
Extended Canines (str)L .1 5/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1
Sharkgrin Special (str+1)L .2 5/48 hrs 1,400¥ 1

Total Body Plating (p. 9) 4P-CA(N)

Adds 3 to the user’s Body Attribute Rating, and also provides the entire body with armor Ballistic 3 and Im-
pact 3, though this armor is not cumulative with worn armor (except when layering armor, as per page 94 of
the Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life). The user gets –1 Quickness and a +2 modifier to the target numbers
of all Stealth skill tests. The built-in nanotechnological machines heal 1 box of damage per day on a success-
ful Body (6) test. Annual maintenance is 6,800¥.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

3 6/14 days 68,000¥ 1.1

Cyphire Remote Eye (p. 9) Legal
This eye is removable, and comes with built-in camera and transmission equipment. The user must have a
headware radio or radio receiver if the images transmitted by the camera are to be recorded. Recording one
minute of video takes up 1 Mp, while about 60 still shots can be stored in 1 Mp. Detaching the eye costs a
Simple Action, and the user must have at least one hand free. Essence Cost below is for one eye, and the eye
can hold up to .2 Essence Points in additional cyberware.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.15 6/48 hrs 15,000¥ 2

Upgraded Skinweave (p. 9) 5P-BA(N)

Not compatible with orthoskin (p. 17, Shadowtech) or other cyber-implant armors.

Level Concealability Body Cost Ballistic Impact Availability Cost Street Index
1 12 .5 1 0 8/8 days 25,000¥ .8
2 10 1 1 1 8/8 days 60,000¥ .8
3 8 1.5 2 1 8/8 days 100,000¥ .9
4 6 2 2 2 9/8 days 150,000¥ 1
5 6 2.5 3 2 10/10 days 225,000¥ 1.2
6 4 3 3 3 12/14 days 300,000¥ 1.5


Biotechnica Nutrisupplement (p. 11) Legal

After the first week, every additional two weeks of use cause the loss of 1 point off the user’s natural
Body, which come back at a rate of 1 point per week when the user is back on normal food. If Body drops be-
low 0, the user dies shortly afterward, unless hospital treatment is given.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — .5 always 10¥ .8

Biotechnica Nymph Perfume (p. 11) Legal

Gives a –1 target number modifier when trying to seduce or persuade members of the opposite sex.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — always 200¥ .9

Geotech Enviroscanner (p. 11) Legal

Works as a hand-held chemical analyzer (p. 60, Shadowtech). It has the chemical reference program built
into its on-board memory.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 4 1 4/24 hrs 1,400¥ 1.2

Nikkon America Campod (p. 11) Legal

A portacam with a portacam base (p. 89-91, Shadowbeat).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 2 4/72 hrs 2,000¥ 1

SecSystems Protection Field (p. 12) Legal

Characters coming within 2 meters must roll a Willpower (4) test to come closer. Anyone within half a
meter takes 6L Stun damage each turn.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8 6L Stun 1.5 6/36 hrs 750¥ 1.5

Mead Electronic Notebook (p. 12) Legal

A pocket computer (p. 259, SRII/p. 287, SR3) with 30 Mp memory.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 30 Mp 1 always 3,000¥ 1

 DataTel 2350A Vidphone (p. 12)

A tabletop telephone, with the features listed.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 — 1 always 150¥ .75

Microtech Virtual Reality BBS (p. 12)

The Creator program gives a –1 modifier to the target number to program a reality filter (p. 52, Virtual
Realities or p. 84, Virtual Realities 2.0). The actual BBS is not available.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— –1 — 6/7 days 10,000¥ 1

Frostech Portable Cryogenic Case (p. 13) Legal

Has Ballistic and Impact armor ratings (2/2).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 2/2 2 6/12 hrs 250¥ 1.2

Portable Electropack (p. 13) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 2 always 100¥ 1

Kiroshi Optics Remote CyberCam 20 (p. 13) Legal

Note that this is a normal camera, and not what Shadowbeat calls a cybercam.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 1 2/48 hrs 1,350¥ 1

SecSystems Detention Collar (p. 13) 5P-E2(V)

The collar can deliver a 6S Stun electrical shock against which armor does not defend. The drug causes 6D
Stun damage.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 — .5 8/10 days 260¥ 3

DDI Prayerware (p. 13) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

7 — — on payment 120¥ —

SecSystems Maglock (p. 13) Legal

A rating 3 maglock. Add 80¥ for the camera.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 3 1 4/72 hrs 300¥ 1

C O M P U T E R S & P ER I P H A L S

Zetatech “E-Book” Microcomp (p. 14) Legal

Basically, this is a wrist computer with 12 Mp memory with no frills. It has a chipslot for standard chips,
and it can accept other attachments. The cyber model adds a –1 target number to any Technical skill test
that can be computer-assisted.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

E-Book 4 12 Mp — always 4,800¥ 1.5
Cyber model 4 12 Mp — 3/36 hrs 6,720¥ 2

EBM “PCX” Minicomp (p. 14) Legal

A pocket computer with 25 Mp memory. The CPU does not have an Intelligence stat. The Cyber-PCX adds a
–1 target number to any Technical skill roll that can be computer-assisted.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

PCX 3 25 Mp 1 always 2,500¥ 1
Cyber-PCX 3 25 Mp 1 3/24 hrs 3,500¥ 1.5

Microtech IIKL-4 WorkStation (p. 15) Legal

A table-top computer with 40 Mp memory. The cybernetic version offers no special benefits.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

IIKL-4 — 40 Mp 10 always 800¥ .75
Cyber model — 40 Mp 10 3/36 hrs 1,120¥ 1

Telectronics “Black Book” Microcomp (p. 15) Legal

A wrist computer with 12 Mp memory, but also with a built-in hand-held phone with booster pack (which
can be used by the computer to access other computer systems). It is normally controlled through a data-
jack, though it can be used without due to the small keyboard.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 — — always 5,750¥ 1.6

Language Processors (p. 15) Legal

These processors are considered to have a skill rating of 4 in the chosen language. They do not allow the
computer to speak (they do have voice-recognition ability), but text entered into the machine can be trans-
lated at a rate of (rating) words per second. Installing one takes a base time of 5 hours, and a Computer (B/R)
skill test with target number 5.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— 4 — always +40% 1

WorldSat Communications Flopscreen™ (p. 16) Legal

No changes.
Per square meter:
Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
— — 1 always 4,500¥ 1.1

Direct Dataware EXPERT Series Computer Skill Programs (p. 15)

Not available.

Datatel “Treasurer” Datawatch (p. 16) Legal

Has 1 Mp of memory.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

12 1 Mp — always 55¥ 1.5

Tritech Datashielding (p. 17) Legal

Installing this requires an Electronics (B/R) skill test with target number 4, and a base time of 5 hours.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — +1 5/48 hrs +20% 1.2

Kiroshi Optics Heads-Up Display (p. 17) Legal

Spotting the wire of the mirrorshades requires a Perception (10) test. Note that none of the HUDs has in-
ternal memory.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Goggles — — 1 8/7 days 150¥ 3.5
Monocle — — — 8/7 days 200¥ 3.5
Mirrorshades — — — 8/7 days 300¥ 3.5

Datatel Modem Units (p. 17)

Not available.

 Zetatech CompuMods™ (p. 18)

a) Voice Stress Analyzer Package Legal

Requires (rating2 × 3) Mp memory. In SRII, this gives the user one extra die per rating point to roll on Inter-
rogation skill tests; in SR3, it functions as a complimentary skill to the user’s Interrogation skill (p. 97, SR3).

b) Lie Detector Package Legal

As Voice Stress Analyzer (effects are cumulative).

c) Bug Detector Package Legal

Requires (rating2 × 2) Mp memory, and functions as a rating bug scanner of its rating (p. 258, SRII/p. 292,

d) Bug Jammer Package 4P-E1

Requires (rating2) Mp memory, and functions as a jammer of its rating (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3).

e) Radar Detector Package Legal

Requires (rating × 2) Mp memory, and rolls a number of dice equal to its rating, against a target number

5, to detect radar signals.

f) Signal Tracker Package Legal

Requires (rating2 × 2) Mp memory, and functions as a standard signal locator of its rating (p. 258, SRII/p.
292, SR3).

g) Medscanner Package Legal

Requires (rating2 × 5) Mp memory. In SRII it gives the user a number of extra dice equal to its rating, to
roll on Biotech (First Aid) skill tests; in SR3, it functions as a complimentary skill to the user’s Biotech skill
(see p. 97, SR3).

h) Techscanner Package Legal

As Medscanner Package, but for all B/R-skills (each skill requires a separate program).

i) Drug Analyzer Legal

Requires (rating2 × 4) Mp memory, and can analyze unknown substances or determine the purity of
known substances on a successful test, rolling a number of dice equal to its rating, against a target number
set by the gamemaster.

j) Credit Transactor Package Legal

Requires 1 Mp memory.

Rating Availability Cost Street Index
Voice Stress Analyzer 1-3 (rating × 2)/48 hrs rating × 300¥ 2
Lie Detector 1-3 (rating × 3)/48 hrs rating × 600¥ 2
Bug Detector 1-10 rating/48 hrs rating × 600¥ 1.5
Bug Jammer 1-10 rating/72 hrs rating × 600¥ 1.5
Radar Detector 1-10 rating/72 hrs rating × 450¥ 1.5
Signal Tracker 1-10 rating/48 hrs rating × 900¥ 1.5
Medscanner 1-4 rating/24 hrs rating × 750¥ 1.5
Techscanner 1-4 rating/24 hrs rating × 750¥ 1.5
Drug Analyzer 1-4 rating/48 hrs rating × 225¥ 2
Credit Transactor — 2/24 hrs 750¥ 1

Hybrid™ Wearable Computer (p. 19) Legal

The computer built into this suit has 25 Mp memory. The MedicWear model functions as a medkit (p. 263,
SRII/p. 304, SR3) in addition to the normal functions.

Conceal Rating Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Hybrid™ 6 — 0 0 2 10/8 days 3,000¥ 2
MedicWare 6 Biotech: 3 0 0 2 10/8 days 3,500¥ 2

MedicGear Combat Medical Armor (p. 19) 6P-K(L)

This armor has a medkit (p. 263, SRII/p. 304, SR3) built-in, as well as a rating 2 drug analyzer and rating 2
techscanner (see page of this book for both; skill for techscanner must be selected on purchase). The suit
also has a drug injector with 5 doses of 10 different injected drugs, a respirator with pressure regulator (p.
258, SRII/p. 295, SR3), and the gloves can be electrified. If this is used as a taser, a melee attack is needed,
with a +1 modifier to the target number, doing 6S Stun + Shock Weapon rules (p. 103, SRII/p. 124, SR3).
There is enough charge for 3 attempts/attacks.

Conceal Rating Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 see above 3 1 4 10/14 days 3,400¥ 2

S EC U R I T Y S C A N N E R S & E Q U I P M E N T

Telectronics Tattletale® Voice Stress Analyzer (p. 20) Legal

Gives the user a –1 target number modifier for Interrogation skill tests.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8 –1 .5 3/48 hrs 400¥* 1.8
* The interfaced version costs 500¥

CCI BRl-3014 Window Trembler (p. 20) Legal

Subtract this device’s rating from that of a laser microphone (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3) aimed at the sur-
face to which the window trembler is attached. If the microphone’s rating is reduced below 1 by this means,
it is unable to “hear” what is going on.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

9 1-10 — (rating+1)/4 daysrating x 120¥ 2.5

 Bug Detector (p. 20) 5P-E1(V)

A rating 2 bug scanner (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 2 1 2/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1.5

Bug Jammer (p. 20) 3P-E1(U)

A rating 2 jammer (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 2 5 2/72 hrs 2,000¥ 1.5

Arasaka “Komaku” Laser Mikes (p. 20) 6P-E1(U)

A rating 4 laser microphone (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3). No version for cybercams exists.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 4 1 4/48 hrs 6,000¥* 1.5
* 7,500¥ for fixed version

Omega Phone Tap By Tritech (p. 21) 6P-E2(V)

A rating 6 dataline tap (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3), which can monitor up to 10 lines at the same time.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 6 .5 10/10 days 35,000¥ 2

 Arasaka OmniTec Radar Detector (p. 21) Legal

Roll a number of dice equal to the rating of the detector, against a target number equal to 8 minus the
radar’s Flux rating to detect radar signals. If three or more successes are rolled, it indicates the direction from
which the signals come as well.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

7 4 1 4/72 hrs 2,000¥ 1.5

Telectronics “Scout” Signal Tracker (p. 21) Legal

A rating 3 signal locator (p. 258, SRII).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 3 2 3/48 hrs 3,000¥ 1.5

Arasaka JetSetter Executive Briefcase (p. 21) Legal

The briefcase has armor Ballistic 3 and Impact 3, which may be added to the wearer’s normal armor (from
his clothing), if the gamemaster agrees that the briefcase is in a position to absorb attacks. A rating 5 keypad
maglock (p. 86, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p. 235, SR3) is fitted to the briefcase. For 200¥ extra, a si-
lent alarm and NachtJager gastrap can be installed (see below for NachtJager gas).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 4.5 4/36 hrs 2,000¥ 1.2

NachtJager Gas (p. 21) 6P-M1(X)

Normally delivered by air, anyone breathing in this gas takes 8D Stun damage immediately.

Rating Speed Vector Availability Cost/dose Street Index

8D Stun Immediate Air 4/12 hrs 100¥ 2

WorldSat Communications Linear Beam Commlink (p. 22) Legal

Allows untappable, eavesdrop-proof communication for up to 1,500 meters, as long as both parties are
within sight of each other and are not blocked by any object with a Barrier Rating 4 or higher. Installation has
a base time of half an hour and requires an Electronics (B/R) test, with target number 6.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 6/72 hrs 2,000¥ 2.5

Arasaka ECM Comm-Scrambler (p. 22) Legal

Functions as a level 6 crypto circuit HD (p. 77, Street Samurai Catalog).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 6 1 6/36 hrs 30,000¥ 1.2

 Tritech “Mumbler” White Noise Generator (p. 22) 8P-E1(U)

A rating 4 white noise generator (p. 258, SRII/p. , SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 4 1 4/72 hrs 6,000¥ 1.5

Telectronics ScanMan™ Full Indentity Scanner (p. 22) 4-E2(V)

Rolls a number of dice equal to its rating against a target number 4 (this target number increases to 6 if

the subject has undergone body sculpting).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 5 2.5 14/14 days 21,000¥ 5

 Arasaka “Scanway” Scanner Gates (p. 23) 8P-E1(U)

Weapons Detector: a rating 5 automatic weapons detection system (p. 92, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real
Life/p. 237, SR3).
Cyberware Detector: a rating 5 cyberware detector (p. 237, SR3). This device does not detect weaponry.
Chemicals and Explosives Detector: a rating 5 chemical detection system (p. 93, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide
to Real Life).
For combinations of the above, add up the costs of each separate detector. A large screen costs 500¥.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Weapons — 5 — 6/7 days 25,000¥ 1
Cyberware — 5 — 8/7 days 50,000¥ 1
Chemicals — 5 — 9/7 days 350,000¥ 1


Raven Microcyb Net-Vision™ IG-Algorithm Glasses (p. 24)

Not available.

Zetatech Deckmate (p. 24)

Not available.

 Zetatech D2-3000 Armdeck (p. 25) 4P-CD(S)

A cyberdeck with the stats listed below. It comes with the netrunner flip switch (p. 9, Chromebook) and
also functions as a wrist computer, though in that mode it uses the deck’s Storage memory to stash its data.
Comes with a vidscreen.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
3 1 45 70 15 10 4/7 days 22,200¥ 1

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
4/3/0/0/3 0 600 1,200 Cool No 150 1 4/7 days 67,465¥ 1


DPI “Black Box” Backup Synthamp (p. 25) Legal

Datachips are 100¥ each.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 — 3 6/48 hrs 8,000¥ 1.3

DPI Body Rythm™ Dance Bracelets (p. 26) Legal

To use these, the character needs a synthlink.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — always 400¥* 1
* Per pair; for amps see p. 94, Shadowbeat

Washburn Soundmachine Guitar (p. 26) Legal

Increases the Impact Rating of a single player (not of a band) by +1.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— +1 3.5 5/60 hrs 1,000¥ 1

Militech M96 “Ghostsuit” Chameleon Clothing (p. 27) Legal

Functions as a suit treated with ruthenium polymers (p. 94, Shadowtech), giving a +4 modifier to Percep-
tion Test target numbers when the wearer is standing still, +2 if he is moving.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

“Ghostsuit” +4 2 1 3 6/14 days 53,000¥ 8
Helmet — +1 +0 1.5 8/14 days 6,000¥ 8

Gibson Battlegear “Sneak Suit” (p. 28) Legal

Gives a +4 modifier to the target number for an observer’s Perception Test (visual or thermographic) to
spot anyone wearing a sneaksuit in darkness, shadows, or low light conditions. Any hit doing Serious or
Deadly damage to the wearer overheats the suit, making it inoperative. If more than one piece of this set is
worn, add up the armor ratings, but only use the highest Concealability modifier.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Sneak Suit +4 1 0 1 8/5 days 1,560¥ 3
Flak Vest +2 2 1 1.5 8/5 days 1,375¥ 2
Combat Helmet — +1 +0 1.5 10/5 days 1,185¥ 2.5
Space Suit +4 1 1 10 14/7 days 25,000¥ 4.5
Diving Suit +4 0 0 2 12/7 days 35,000¥ 3.5

Militech M73 “Mirage Gear” Environmental Assimilation System (p. 28) Legal
If the wearer is standing still, observers get a +2 modifier to all target numbers to spot him, +1 if he is

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

“Mirage Gear” +2 1 0 1.5 5/48 hrs 1,050¥ 3
Combat Helmet — +1 +0 1 9/4 days 700¥ 2.5
Flak Vest — 2 1 1.5 7/4 days 1,275¥ 2.5

Armored Stockings (p. 28) Legal

Add the stockings’ armor rating to that of other armor present.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Armored Stockings 15 +1 0 — 6/72 hrs 110¥ 1.1


Holoscreen Holographic Viewers (p. 29)

Not available.

DataTel Holotanks (p. 29) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Tabletop — — 5 4/48 hrs 500¥ 1.2
Desktop — — 15 4/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1.2
Holotank — — 100 5/48 hrs 5,000¥ 1.2

Eastman KodaGraphix Holographic Cameras (p. 30) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

normal — normal always 2× normal +1

Eastman Arts Mindscape® Cyberholo Art Imager (p. 30) Legal
Gives an extra die to roll for painting or drawing skills. Requires the artist to jack into the device.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— +1 — always 6,000¥ 1


Remote Control Systems (p. 30)

See the Rigger Black Book, SRII, Rigger 2, and/or SR3 for details on remote control decks.

 Bell “Bumblebee” Remote Rotocraft (p. 31)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Bumblebee 5 80/160 1/1 4 2 8,000¥
Operational Duration: Fuel-limited Set-up/Breakdown Time: 5 minutes
Store: 6 CF Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Economy: 10 km per PF Fuel: 40 PF
Sensors: Standard (1)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 107 7 1 1 7
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
— 2 1 0 10
Seating: None Setup/Breakdown: 5 minutes
Entry Points: None Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Electric (160 PF) Economy: 2.5 km/PF
Point Value: 1,068 Cost: 27,000¥
Template: Small rotary-wing UAV Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Engine customization (Speed, level 1, already
factored in)

 Mitsubishi “Rover” Wheeled Remote (p. 31)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Rover 6/9 20/60 2/2 3 2 9,000¥
Operational Duration: Fuel-limited Set-up/Breakdown Time: 2 minutes
Store: 10 CF Cargo/Storage: 1 CF storage
Economy: 10 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/30 liters
Sensors: Enhanced (2) Accessories: Micro-turret

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 40 2 2 2 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
— 2 2 0 22
Seating: None Setup/Breakdown: 2 minutes
Entry Points: None Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (150 bars) Economy: 2 km/bar
Point Value: 890 Cost: 22,250¥
Template: Wheeled remote patrol vehicle Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Mini-turret

 Militech RPV-400 Light Combat Tiltrotor Remote (p. 31)

Has one centerline Hardpoint (2 CF dedicated ammo storage) and one Firmpoint, both firing forward. The
Hardpoint is normally fitted with a 2-barrel HMG Chaingun (see below).
Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
RPV-400 4 140/280 3/3 4 4 150,000¥
Operational Duration: Fuel-limited Set-up/Breakdown Time: 10 minutes
Store: 40 CF Cargo/Storage: 4 CF storage
Economy: 2.5 km per liter Fuel: IC/300 liters
Sensors: Advanced (3) Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Accessories: centerline Firmpoint, centerline Hardpoint (all

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 187 6 3 3 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
— 4 3 4 32
Seating: None Setup/Breakdown: 10 minutes
Entry Points: None Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (800 liters) Economy: 0.9 km/liter
Point Value: 4,248 Cost: 265,500¥
Template: Large tilt-wing UAV Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: centerline Firmpoint, centerline Hardpoint (all

 2-barrel HMG Chaingun (p. 31) 1-H(H)

This weapon fires at minigun rates (p. 81, Fields of Fire). It can be loaded with two ammunition belts, and
the gunner can switch between them by spending a Simple Action (a Free Action for a smartlinked weapon).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
HMG — 2× belt FA 10S 20 26/21 days 6,500¥ 2 —

 Light Armor-Piercing/High Explosive ammo (LAPHE) (p. 31) 2-L(M)

Treat this ammo as APDS, but give it +1 Power Level like Explosive ammo. It can also misfire like Explos-
ive. It is only available for heavy machine guns.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 see above .75 16/14 days 100¥ 2.5

 Arasaka RDAK Spy & Assassination Remote (p. 32)

A Hold-out or Light Pistol can be fitted in the rear of the vehicle, but ammo capacity and ranges are halved
(round down). Comes with a 5-dose “stinger.”

Armor is not hardened.
Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
RDAK 4 12/36 1/1 18 1 12,000¥
Operational Duration: 5 hours Set-up/Breakdown Time: none
Store: 1 CF (or in your pocket)
Economy: .5 km/PF Fuel: ImpElec/40 PF
Sensors: Standard (1)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 12 1 0 0 8
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
— 1 1 0 5
Seating: None Setup/Breakdown: None
Entry Points: None Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (40 PF) Economy: .5 km/PF (idle: 2 min/PF)
Point Value: 295 Cost: 2,950¥
Template: Micro Walker Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: none


Autotanner (p. 33) Legal

Gives no advantages or disadvantages.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 1 always 200¥ .9

Phone Upgrades (p. 33) Legal

Availability = always and Street Index = 1 for all these items except as noted below.

a) Voicemail (40¥/month)
No changes.

b) Fax Interface (150¥)

No changes.

c) Digital Recorder (150¥)

Records on optical chips, and requires 1 Mp per minute of sound. See p. 99, Shadowbeat.

d) ECM Scrambler (2500¥, Availability 6/36 hrs)

Functions as a rating 1 crypto circuit HD (p. 77, Street Samurai Catalog).

e) Video Option (450¥)

Not available for ear-plug phones.

f) Emergency Autodialer (25¥)

No changes.

g) Conference Calling (50¥/month)

No changes.

h) Split Line (100¥)

No changes.

i) Cybermodem Interface
Not available.

j) Privacy Plus™ (3,000¥)

The ECM and the bug detector are both rating 1. The 20-number memory costs 50¥.

Rush® Virtual Entertainment System (p. 34) Legal

Datajack required for use.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 4.5 always 500¥ .8

Total Environment™ (p. 34) Legal

No changes.
Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
— — .75 always 1,000¥ .8

Multi-Player Adaptor (p. 34) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — always 100¥ .6

Video Wall™ (p. 34) Legal

Requires at least a 2m × 2m space of wall to be effective.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 5 always 3,500¥ 1

SegAtari Virtual Villains (p. 34) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — always 150¥ .9

Scholar™ Home Learning System (p. 34)

Not available.


Tsunami Arms Ramjet Rifle (p. 36) 1-J(K)

Can only fire its own special ammo (see below). The weapon comes equipped with a bipod (under-barrel
mount), rating 1 recoil compensation by the free-floating barrel, magnification 3 telescope sight (top mount)
and an internal smartlink II (p. 57, Fields of Fire). Damage is 10S at short range, 12S at medium range, 14S at
long range, and 16S at extreme range.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Sniper Rifle — 9 (c) SA/BF* see above 5 16/14 days 7,380¥ 4 1
* Can fire one burst per Complex Action

Ramjet ammo (p. 36) As Weapon

Can only be fired by the Tsunami Arms Ramjet Rifle (above). Use Ballistic armor value to defend against
this round, but if any damage remains after the Body Resistance Test, one extra box of damage is taken by
the target (no Resistance Tests for this extra damage).

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 normal .5 8/72 hrs 100¥ 2

Polymer One-Shot Cannon (p. 36) 5P-F(F)

Holds a single HEP round (see Chromebook, p. 54; already figured into Damage Code), and can not be re-
loaded. If the Rule of One is invoked, the weapon explodes, doing 6M damage to the firer (no armor resists).
It is a Heavy Pistol, but uses Shotgun ranges.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 5 1 SS 5S 1.5 3/12 hrs 190¥ .6 —

Militech Cyborg Rifle (p. 36) 3-J(K)
This weapon fires LMG ammo, but uses assault rifle ranges. It includes a rating 2 gas vent on the barrel.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Rifle 2 30 (c) SA 6S 7.5 10/7 days 800¥ 2.5 2

Stein & Wasserman “Tri-Star” Revolver (p. 37) 5P-E(E)

This weapon comes with a top-mounted laser sight.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 3 6 (cy) SS 10M 2.5 6/24 hrs 375¥ 1.5 —

#000 Triplex ammo (p. 37) As Weapon

These rounds are only available for Heavy Pistols. They fire three pellets in a shotgun pattern with a choke
of 5 (p. 95, SRII). Roll 1D6÷2 to find how many pellets hit a target, then treat the shot as a burst of the num-
ber of pellets that hit. Each pellet does 6L damage. For example, a hit with 2 pellets causes 8L damage, while
all three cause 9M.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 6L/pellet .5 4/60 hrs 50¥ 1.25

Pursuit Security Incorporated Webgun (p. 37) Legal

Treat as a netgun using large nets (p. 72, Street Samurai Catalog). Adapting the weapon for carbosteel wire
nets costs 100¥.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 3 1 (m) SS as net 3.5 6/3 days 500¥ 2.5 —

Carbosteel Wire Net (p. 37) 5P-E2(V)

Anyone hit by this net takes 10S Stun damage, per the Shock Weapons rules (p. 103, SRII/p. 124, SR3), in
addition to being entangled.

Per net:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
5 10S Stun 1 6/48 hrs 100¥ 2

FEN Dz-55 Det-Web (p. 37) 4-I(J)

This web contains 2 kilograms of rating 6 explosive, delivering an 8D explosion to the target.

Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 8D –1 per meter 2 10/72 hrs 450¥ 3

 Rhinemetall EMG-85 Kinetic Energy Railgun (p. 38) 1-J(K)

Use the following ranges: short 0-150 m, medium 151-500 m, long 501-1,000 m, extreme 1,001-2,000 m.
The weapon has a built-in gyro mount (rating 5, plus providing (3/1) armor) and internal smartlink II (p. 57,
Fields of Fire). A minimum Body of 5 is needed to fire the weapon, otherwise increase all target numbers by
+((5 – Body) × 2). When not using the gyro mount, add +4 to all target numbers, regardless of the user’s
Body Attribute.
The ammo unit costs 1,200¥, Availability —, Street Index —. After each shot, the rifle may not be fired un-
til after the end of the next turn, in order for it to recharge.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Cannon — 5 (m) SS 25D 35 — 113,700¥ — 5

Luigi Franchi “King Buck” Multi-Magnum (p. 38) 6-F(F)

Each barrel can be fired separately (requiring a Simple Action per barrel), or all can be fired at once (re-
quiring a Complex Action). There is no need to switch between modes. When firing multiple barrels, treat it as
a burst of the appropriate number of rounds.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
Shotgun 1 4 (m) SA 9S 7 12/4 days 800¥ 2.1

Underbarrel Capacitor Laser (p. 39) 2-J(K)

Clips to the under-barrel mount of another weapon. It uses the Light Pistol ranges, but has its Power Level
decreased by 2 for every step beyond short range (medium –2, long –4, extreme –6). Use one-half Impact ar-
mor to defend against the laser. Smoke reduces the laser’s Power Level by –1 for every meter the beam
passes through. The laser has no recoil.
The laser normally uses a battery as power pack. This battery provides 2 charges, costs 250¥, Availability
12/8 days, Street Index 4. The power pack provides 20 shots, weighs 4 kg, and costs 2,500¥ (Availability
16/14 days, Street Index 2.5).
No Microwaver exists.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Light Pistol –2 2 or 20 SA 10M 5 24/21 days 95,000¥ 3.5 —

 Techtronica M40 “Pulse Rifle” (p. 39) 3P-J(K)

Use the Shotgun ranges for this weapon. When it is fired, the firer rolls a normal Firearms skill test against
the range-determined target number. If it hits an electronical device, the weapon rolls 5 dice against the base
target number for the range (4 for short, 5 for medium,
etc.). The device being fired at rolls a number of dice equal
to the M40’s target number against a target number 5. If Range Damage No. of cyberware
the M40 has more successes, the electronics are damaged systems damaged
or destroyed (gamemaster’s discretion). If the target is Short (1-10m) 8D Physical all present
alive, the M40 delivers an attack, with the damage depend- Medium (11-20m) 6D Stun 2D6–5
ing on the range to the target, in addition to the other lis- Long (21-50m) 4D Stun 1D6–2
ted effects (in all cases, Alpha and Beta-grade cyberware Extreme (51-100m) 4S Stun 1D6–4
are allowed a damage resistance test, see p. 98-99, Street
Samurai Catalog). For cyberware damage, see pages 93 to
96 of the Street Samurai Catalog and pages 39 and 40 of Shadowtech.

The M40 uses a 6-shot battery for “ammunition.” This costs 50¥, Availability 10/7 days, Street Index 3.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Rifle 1 6 (c) SS special 8.5 — 3,500¥ — —

Nova .338 Citygun (p. 40) 6P-E(E)

Comes with two clips of Regular ammo. It cannot use barrel-mounted accessories, since the gas porting on
the barrel prevents this. The gas porting gives it a firing rate of SA, instead of SS.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 5 7 (c) SA 10M 2.5 4/24 hrs 460¥ 1 —

Colt-Mauser M2X Cannon (p. 40) 2-H

If the target is missed (i.e. no successes are rolled on the Gunnery skill test to fire this weapon), the firer
must resist 6L Stun damage with his Body, using one-half Impact armor. If all ones are rolled on this test, the
weapon is dropped. The M2X has a magnification 2 telescope sight (top mount) and shock pads (stock
Though this is an assault cannon, it uses HMG ranges.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Cannon — 8 (c) SS 18D 23 20/14 days 6,100¥ 2 1

Extra High Impact ammunition (p. 40) As Weapon

Use one-half (round up) the armor’s Ballistic rating to defend against these rounds. If the total armor rat-
ing is greater than one-quarter the Power Level of the attacking weapon, add +2 to the Power to determine
the target number for the target’s Resistance Test. Take this example: Joe is shot by an assault cannon (18D)
firing EHI ammo. He is wearing a light security armor (Ballistic 5), so this provides him with 5 ÷ 2 = 3 points
of armor, making his Resistance Test target number a pretty hard 15. But because the armor rating of 5 is
greater that one-quarter of 18 (18 ÷ 4 = 4.5), he gets another +2 to his target number, setting it at 17… If
the armor rating is greater than one-half the Power Level of the weapon, do not add the +2 Power Level.
This ammo is only available for assault cannons.

Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 see above 1.5 8/4 days 1,000¥ 2.25

Militech AM-3 “Anti-Matter Rifle” (p. 41) 1-J(K)
If the target is missed (i.e., no successes are rolled on the Gunnery skill test to fire this weapon), the firer
must resist 6L Stun damage with his Body, using one-half Impact armor. If all ones are rolled on this test, the
weapon is dropped.
If the firer is standing up during firing, he must roll a Body test, target number 6, to avoid being knocked
over. If knocked over, the target is automatically missed, and the firer must resist 6M Stun, in addition to the
6L Stun for missing the target.
The AM-3 has a magnification 3 telescope sight (top mount), shock pads (stock mount), internal smartlink,
and a gas vent rating 2 (barrel mount). It uses Missile Launcher ranges, though the weapon is an assault can-

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Cannon — 5 (c) SS 20D 26 20/14 days 8,000¥ 3 3

Militech Urban Missile Launcher (p. 41) 3-H(H)

Fires only Micromissiles (p. 49, Chromebook 2).

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Assault Rifle 3 12 (c) SA missile 3.5 10/7 days 4,500¥ 2 —

Micro-Missile Pod (p. 41) 3-H(H)

Fires only Micromissiles (p. 49, Chromebook 2), and must be clipped to the under-barrel mount of another
weapon. A modification to the weapon is needed, costing 50¥, after which the under-barrel mount can only
be used for the micro-missile pod.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
Assault Rifle –2 1 (m) SS missile .75 8/5 days 2,000¥ 1.9

Militech PDU-3 Multi-Purpose Perimeter Defense Unit (p. 42) 4-I(J)

This device is equipped with passive thermal sensor, a magnetic door contact, a tripwire, and a normal
time delay (2 seconds to 2 minutes). The thermal sensor is rating 4, while the tripwire is rating 1 (see Re-
mote Sensors, page 79 of Tech Specs, for details).

Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8 10S –2 per .5 meter .25 10/7 days 150¥ 2.5

Tsunami Arms “Airhammer” 5.3mm Air Pistol (p. 42) 9P-E(E)

The weapon has three modes: Target, Combat, and Overload. Switching between them costs a Simple Ac-
tion (a Free Action for a smartgun). The damage done depends on the modes: 6L in Target mode, 7M in Com-
bat mode, and 10M in Overload mode. The air reservoir is treated as a clip for changing purposes, the rounds
are contained in a cylinder. The weapon can only use its own ammunition, described below.
Two models exist: the normal model has a five-shot cylinder, an under-barrel laser sight, and a 10-shot
camera on the top mount (this camera takes a picture every time a shot is fired). The second model (the
Mark 2) has a seven-shot cylinder, and an internal smartlink.

Mark 1:
Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 5 5 (cy) SA see above 1.5 11/14 days 325¥ 2.5 —

Mark 2:
Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy Pistol 6 7 (cy) SA see above 1.5 12/14 days 400¥ 3 —

Kendachi Fragmentation Flechette (p. 42) As Weapon

Only available for the Airhammer pistol (p. 42, Chromebook 2). Treat as needle ammo (p. 30, Neo-Anarch-
ists’ Guide to Real Life), but gives +1 Power because it is also an explosive round (and can misfire as such;
see p. 93, SRII/p. 116, SR3).

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
9 +1 Power .15 6/48 hrs 15¥ 2

Flechette (p. 42) As Weapon

Only available for the Airhammer pistol (p. 42, Chromebook 2). Shatters if fired at hard cover (i.e. does no
damage in such a case), and Ballistic armor is only one-fourth (round up) effective against it. It should not be
confused with the normal Shadowrun flechette ammunition.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
9 normal .15 6/48 hrs 15¥ 2

JellSluggs (p. 42) As Weapon

Only available for the Airhammer pistol (p. 42, Chromebook 2); treat as gel rounds, but these rounds will
not penetrate hard cover or hardened armors.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
9 –2 Power, .25 8/60 hrs 20¥ 1.5
Stun damage

Gas (p. 42) As Weapon

Only available for the Airhammer pistol (p. 42, Chromebook 2). This round creates a cloud of gas, 4 meters
in diameter. The gas must be selected before purchase of the round. Roll for the availability of the gas separ-

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
9 special .25 8/4 days 40¥ 2

Practice (p. 42) As Weapon

Only available for the “Airhammer” pistol (p. 42, Chromebook 2). Treat as regular ammo, except for the re-
duced damage.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
9 3L .15 4/24 hrs 15¥ 1.5

 Techtronica Model 009 Volt Pistol (p. 43) 5P-F(F)

This weapon uses the Shock Weapons rules (p. 103, SRII/p. 124, SR3). The energy pack costs 25¥, Availab-
ility 5/24 hrs, Street Index 1. The Power Level is reduced by –1 at medium range, long –3, and extreme –6,
and by –1 per meter of smoke the beam passes through.

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index RC
Heavy 3 6 (c) SS 10S Stun 3.5 8/72 hrs 1,950¥ 2.5 —

Arasaka “Nauseator” Riot Control Device™ (p. 43) Legal

This device affects an area as if it were a shotgun with a choke of 2. The device rolls 6 dice against a tar-
get number 4, everyone within 25 meters of the device must roll a Body(6) test (use natural Body, without
cyberware modifiers). The number of successes rolled are compared. If the device has more, consult the fol-
lowing table for the effects:

Net successes Effects on target

1 +2 penalty to all target numbers for 1D6 turns after leaving affected area
2 or 3 +4 penalty to all target numbers, Quickness and Strength reduced by 1, all for 2D6 turns after leaving
affected area
4+ unconscious for 1D6 minutes (no actual damage taken)

Creatures with wide-band hearing get a +2 modifier to the Body Test target number. Targets equipped
with hearing improvements also get modifiers to the Body test, per the next table:

Cyberware Modifier
High Level Hearing +2
Low Level Hearing +1
Hearing Amplification +2
Damper –4
Select Sound Filter –rating (if switched on)

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
— 6 25 14/7 days 19,000¥ 4

IMI “ChainKnife” (p. 44) 3P-B(B)

Use one-half Impact armor rating against this knife.

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 0 (str+5)L .75 6/48 hrs 120¥ 1.2

 Slamdance Inc. Spawnblade (p. 44) 5-B(B)

If used to stab normally, it does normal damage for a knife (i.e. (str)L). If a target has been hit successfully
(he must have taken damage from the attack), the user may trigger the blade. This does an additional Light
wound, which may not be resisted. Once opened, removing the knife requires a Biotech test with a target
number 5. Any other means of removal, or if the Biotech roll is failed, causes another Light wound. Using the
knife to stab while in its extended form makes its Damage Code (str–1)L.

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8 0 (str)L .5 4/72 hrs 100¥ 1.1

Kendachi Monowhip (p. 44) 1-J(K)

This weapon uses the rules for monofilament whips (p. 103, SRII/p. 121, SR3).

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

9 3 10S — 26/14 days 3,500¥ 3

Kendachi Monowire (p. 44) Legal

See p. 89, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life. The data below is per meter of wire.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 8/7 days 60¥ 2.5

Taser Wallet (p. 45) Legal

Beyond 2 meters the thief must roll a Body or Willpower test (whichever is higher) with target number 10,
each turn. One success if sufficient to hold on to the item. A Willpower (4) test is needed to avoid crying out.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

10* — — 5/48 hrs 165¥ 1.5
* this is the target number to spot (from the outside) that the wallet contains a taser-device.

Mystic Technologies Spring Knife (p. 45) 6P-D

When used to stab, the knife does (str+2)L damage. It can be launched in a Simple Action, and uses the
following ranges: short 0-1, medium 2, Long 3, Extreme 4-5. When launched, it does 5L damage.

When used to stab:

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 0 (str+2)L .75 4/12 hrs 125¥ 1.2

When used to shoot:

Type Ammo Mode Damage RC
special 1 (m) SA 5L —

Drug-a-Thug™ (p. 45) As Drug

Hitting an unwilling opponent requires a melee attack. If the attack hits, the drug is delivered, and the tar-
get must resist its effects.

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 0 drug .5 3/8 hrs 150¥ 2

Taser II™ (p. 45) 6-C(C)

Uses the Shock Weapons rules (p. 103, SRII/p. 124, SR3).

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

7 0 5S Stun .5 4/24 hrs 300¥ 1
Skunker (p. 45) As Gas
Functions much like a toxin exhaler (p. 42, Shadowtech), but a melee attack is needed to deliver the gas
on the target. For 5-10¥, the gas can be mixed with odiferous chemicals creating additional effect equal to
the stench bomb (p. 49, Chromebook 2).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

7 — .25 5/60 hrs 70¥ 1.3


Dual-Purpose Rounds (p. 46) 3-L(M)

Ballistic armor is only one-half (round up) effective, but the rounds do normal damage. If an unarmored
target is hit and damage is done (i.e., the target does not remove all damage), an additional box of damage
is taken by the target.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 see above .5 16/14 days 80¥ 4

API – Armor-Piercing Incendiary (p. 46) 2-L(M)

This ammunition uses the normal rules for APDS ammo (p. 63, Street Samurai Catalog/p. 277, SRII/p. 116,
SR3), but also have a Firesetting rating of 2. If a burst is fired, add +1 to this rating per round fired (three
rounds have a Firesetting rating of 5, etc.). See page 72, Tech Specs for details.
Note: this ammo is exactly the same as the API ammo in the Chromebook, page 54.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 see above .25 16/14 days 80¥ 4.5

Kendachi Fragmentation Flechettes (p. 46) As Weapon

Treat these as needle ammo (p. 30, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life), not as flechette, and also give a
+1 to the Power Level of the weapon. They can misfire in the same way as explosive rounds (p. 93, SRII/p.
116, SR3).

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 +1 Power .5 12/10 days 100¥ 4.5

Rubber Bullets (p. 47) As Weapon

At ranges over 3 meters, the round does normal damage, but all damage is Stun (a 6M round becomes 6M
Stun, etc.), and is resisted using Impact armor. At ranges up to 3 meters, one-half (round up) the damage is
Physical, the other half is Stun.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 Stun .5 3/12 hrs 10¥ .75

Stinger Shotgun Shells (p. 47) As Weapon

Only available for Shotguns. Beyond 3 meters ranges, damage is Stun, as with rubber bullets (above). Up
to 3 meters, use the normal Damage Code for the shotgun.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 Stun .5 4/18 hrs 30¥ 1

Gas Shotgun Shells (p. 47) As Weapon

Only available for Shotguns. This round does no damage, but delivers a cloud of gas (4 meters diameter
around the impact point). The type of gas must be chosen before purchase.

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 gas .5 6/48 hrs 50¥ 1.1

Flare Shotgun Shells (p. 47) As Weapon
Only available for Shotguns. Works like a micro flare (p. 46, Street Samurai Catalog/p. 295, SR3). Damage
is 6M if fired against a living target. The flare also has a Firesetting Rating 5 (see p. 72, Tech Specs).

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 6M .5 4/24 hrs 50¥ 1

Smoke Shotgun Shells (p. 47) Legal

Only available for Shotguns. Does no damage, but fills an area 6 meters in diameter around the point of
impact with heavy smoke (p. 89, SRII/p. 112, SR3).

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 none .5 3/12 hrs 40¥ .8

Flash Shotgun Shells (p. 47) Legal

Only available for Shotguns. Does no damage, but produces a flash on impact, similar to that of a flash
pak (p. 45, Street Samurai Catalog).

Per 10 rounds:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 none .5 4/24 hrs 60¥ 1

P R O P E L L E D /H A N D G R E N A D E T Y P E S

Urban Technologies Slasher (p. 47) 3-L(M)

Only available for Shotguns, MMGs, HMGs, and Grenade Launchers. The slugs are considered to have
spread out at the muzzle of the barrel. The length of the wire depends on the weapon type: Shotgun 1 m,
MMG 2 m, HMG and Grenade Launcher 2.5 m. The rounds travel only 50 meters for Grenade Launchers, and
only 10 meters for all other weapons.
Determine a target number for anyone in the path of the wire, adding a +2 for everyone standing in front
of each new target. The firer rolls only one Success Test, and the successes are compared to the target num-
ber for each target separately. Anyone in the path of the wire takes 11S damage (not staged for the firer’s
successes), using one-half (round down) Impact Armor to resist.

Per round:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 11S .1 14/10 days 75¥ 2.5

Splatshell (p. 47) As Weapon

Only available for grenade launchers. Each shell contains 20 balls, each of which can contain any sort of li-
quid. These are fired in a shotgun pattern with a choke of 4 (page 95, SRII/p. 117, SR3).

Per round:
Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 splatballs .1 6/48 hrs 10¥* 1
* plus cost of splatballs

Militech Muzzle Adaptor (p. 48) Legal

This device is required to fire Militech 25 mm pistol-grenades (p. 48, Chromebook 2); having it fitted costs
about 50¥.

Mount Conceal Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Barrel — — 4/48 hrs 200¥ .9

Militech 25mm Pistol-Grenades (p. 48)

These grenades require the Militech muzzle adaptor (above). The range to which the grenade can be fired
depends on the Power Level of the firing weapon: a Power Level of 6 or less means that the grenade uses the
Light Pistol ranges, while Power Level 7 or higher uses Shotgun ranges. All stats below are for a single round.

a) HEP (Cratering) 4-I(J)

One-half (round up) of the damage is Physical, while the remaining half is Stun. Armor is only one-half ef-
fective (use Ballistic and round down).

b) Incendiary 3-I(J)
Has a Firesetting Rating of 6.

c) Offensive Frag 4-I(J)

No changes

d) Defensive Frag 4-I(J)

No changes

e) Smoke/Tear Gas Legal

Fills a 3 meter radius area around the point of impact with Dense Smoke (p. 89, SRII) or tear gas. Tear gas
counts as Light Smoke for visibility purposes, and adds +4 to all target numbers of anyone inside it. If the
eyes are shielded, reduce this modifier to +2. If the whole face is shielded (by using a gas mask, for
instance), there is no modifier.

f) Concussion 4-I(J)
No changes.

g) Flash Bomb 4-I(J)

The base target number modification for all those looking in direction of flash is +4, reduced by 1 for
every 5 meters away from the point of ignition. Flare Compensation reduces the modifier by 50% (round

Type Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
HEP (Cratering) 8 4S — .1 4/6 days 30¥ 1.5
Incendiary 8 6M –6 per meter .1 8/7 days 30¥ 2
Offensive Frag 8 6S –3 per meter .1 5/7 days 25¥ 2
Defensive Frag 8 6M –3 per meter .1 5/7 days 20¥ 2
Smoke/Tear Gas 8 gas — .1 6/7 days 20¥ 2.5
Concussion 8 8M Stun –2 per meter .1 5/6 days 15¥ 2
Flash Bomb 8 4L –1 per meter .1 4/72 hrs 15¥ 1.2

Micromissiles (p. 49) 1-J

Use the rules for missiles (p. 99, SRII/p. 120, SR3); they can target persons as well as vehicles. For HEP-
missiles, one-half the damage (round up) is Physical, the other half is Stun, using one-half Ballistic armor.
Use the Assault Rifle range table, but with a minimum range of 10 m. All stats below are for single mis-

ConcealIntelligence Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Normal 10 2 12M –6 per meter .25 14/14 days 500¥ 2
Anti-Armor 10 2 12M –12 per meter .25 16/14 days 750¥ 2
HEP 10 2 14M — .25 12/14 days 200¥ 2

Scatter Grenade (p. 49) Legal

This grenade has a six-second (two turn) delay, which can not be changed. After ignition, it fills an area of
5 meters radius around the ignition point with thermographic smoke (p. 89, SRII/p. 112, SR3). The cloud lasts
for 5 turns (15 seconds) in calm winds.

Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 — — .25 3/48 hrs 70¥ 1.5

Stench Bomb (p. 49) Legal
Anyone in the area must roll a Willpower (8) test every turn. If no successes are rolled, the person must
leave the area on his next action. Characters with a switched-on olfactory booster (p. 62, Shadowtech) add
the booster’s rating to the target number, while characters with some sort of filter mask may have a lower
target number (gamemaster’s discretion).

Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 — — .25 3/48 hrs 20¥ .8

Flashbang Grenade (p. 49) 1-I(J)

This grenade emits a bright flash, and a concussion effect. The flash gives a +5 modifier to all target num-
bers of all people looking at the detonation; this modifier is reduced by 1 for every 5 meters distance from
the grenade. Flare compensation reduces the modifies by 50% (round down).

Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 12M Stun –2 per meter .25 8/6 days 80¥ 2.25

Spraypaint Grenade (p. 49) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 — — .25 2/3 days 20¥ .9


Nine-Eleven Chip (p. 50) Legal

This device is a PANICBUTTON™, which alerts the local police force. Response times depend on the part of

Mount Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Top or Under –1 — — call Lone Star 1,750¥ —

 Security Chipping (p. 50) Legal

An Electronics B/R (10) test is needed to break the lock, with a base time of 15 minutes.

Mount Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Top or Under — 10 — 4/72 hrs 1,250¥ 1

Gun-Cam (p. 50) Legal

No changes.

Mount Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Top or Under -1 — .25 3/36 hrs 100¥ 1.2

Electrothermal Ammo Enhancement (p. 50) 1-J

This modification to the weapon adds a 100-shot battery inside the weapon (battery cost 150¥, Availability
6/48 hrs, Street Index 1). Only weapons using cased ammo can use this modification, and only if the weapon
fires at Single-Shot or Semi-Automatic mode. If a Burst-Fire or Full-Automatic weapon is rebuilt to ET, roll 1D6
every Combat Phase the weapon is fired. If the roll is less than, or equal to, the number of rounds fired in that
Combat Phase, the gun explodes, exposing the firer to an attack by all remaining ammo (treat as a Burst of
the number of rounds left in the weapon).
Weapons with this modification have their Power Level and all ranges increased by 50% (round up). Apply
Power Level modifiers (like the +1 from Explosive rounds) to the new Power Level. For example, rebuilding an
Ares Predator to ET costs 450¥ for the weapon, plus 675¥ for the modification. Damage would become 14M,
while ranges become short 1-8, medium 9-30, long 31-50, extreme 51-90.
As an added bonus, the weapon is insulated from electrical shocks: any electrical attack on the weapon
will not harm it. Against magical electrical effects, the gun counts as a Highly Processed Object (target num-
ber 10 or higher).
The cost of the modification is usually equal to 150% of the new-price of the weapon, and has an Availabil-
ity of 10/7 days, and Street Index of 2.


Convert all prices from eurodollar (eb) to nuyen (¥) on a one-to-one ratio. Stats for NPCs are for humans;
apply metahuman Attribute modifiers as appropriate.
The BI and In Attributes stand for Body Index and Initiative Dice, respectively. If an “H” appears behind
the NPC’s armor ratings, the armor is Hardened—that is, attacks with a Power Level less than or equal to the
armor’s rating will cause no damage to the wearer at all.

Sphere (p. 52)

Codelock Safeboxes™ have a Barrier Rating 8.

Sphere Driver/Representative
B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
4 4 4 3 3 3 3.4 — 3 — 3+1D6 3/2
Skills: Athletics 4, Car 6, Etiquette (Corporate) 2, Firearms 3, Unarmed Combat 2, Winged 2
Cyberware: Chipjack, Cybereyes with Flare Compensation and Low-light, Datajack, Vehicle Control Rig (1)
Gear: Light Armor Jacket (3/2), Pocket Computer (50 Mp), Sternmeyer Stakeout 10 [Shotgun, 10 (m), SA, 9S,
10/20/50/100, 50 Regular rounds], Vehicle (type and model vary)
Threat/Professional Rating: 2/3

Lifetime Escort Service (p. 53)

Average Escort
B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
4 4 4 4 3 3 5.8 — 3 .6 3+1D6 4/2
Skills: Biotech (First Aid) 2, Car 4, Etiquette (Corporate) 3, Etiquette (Street) 5, Firearms 3, Stealth 3, Unarmed
Combat 4
Cyberware: Chipjack, Cybereyes with TimeSquare Plus
Bioware: Tracheal Filter (3)
Gear: Colt Alpha-Omega [HP, 10 (c), SA, 9M, 5/20/40/60, Internal Smartlink, Laser Sight, Silencer, 3 clips Regular
ammo], Concealable Holster (Pistol), Concealable Holster (SMG), HK MP-2013 [SMG, 35 (c), SA/BF/FA, 6M, Laser
Sight, Sound Suppresser, 5 clips Regular ammo], Knife [4L], Lined Coat (4/2)
Threat/Professional Rating: 3/3

C-Team (p. 54)

Air-mobile units have a standard Hughes WK-2 Stallion (p. 53, Rigger Black Book or p. 159, Rigger 2).

Standard C-Team Leader

B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
4(6)4(5) 4(5) 2 3 3 .45 — 3(6) .8 6+2D6 6/5 Hardened
Skills: Athletics 4, Cybertechnology 2, Firearms 4, Gunnery 1, Leadership 3, Military Theory 4, Unarmed Combat 3
Cyberware: Chipjack, Cyberarms (both arms), Cyberears with Damper, Cyber-eyes with Flare Compensation, Low-
light and Thermographic, Datajack, Dermal Plating (1), Smartlink, Wired Reflexes (1)
Bioware: Muscle Augmentation (1)
Gear: Assault Rifle with 15 clips Regular, Heavy Pistol with 5 clips Regular, MetalGear (6/5 Hardened)
Threat/Professional Rating: 5/3

Heavy Weapon/Demo Trooper

B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
5 5 5(6) 2 3 4 1.75 — 4(6) 2.65 6+2D6 6/5 Hardened
Skills: Athletics 3, Demolitions 4, Firearms 4, Gunnery 5, Military Theory 2, Stealth 1, Unarmed Combat 3
Cyberware: Chipjack, Cyberarm (right or left) with Increased Strength (1) and Smartlink, Cyberears with Damper,
Cybereyes with Flare Compensation, Low-light and Thermographic, 2× Datajack, Wired Reflexes (1)
Bioware: Adrenal Pump (1), Muscle Augmentation (1), Tracheal Filter (3)
Gear: LMG with 800-round belt Regular or Grenade Launcher with 25 assorted grenades, MetalGear (6/5
Hardened), Plastic Explosives, Radio Detonator, Submachine Gun with 7 clips
Threat/Professional Rating: 5/3

Commo/ECM Trooper
B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
4 4(5) 4(5) 2 4 3 1.55 — 4(6) .8 6+2D6 6/5 Hardened
Skills: Cybertechnology 2, Electronics 4, Electronics (B/R) 5, Firearms (B/R) 1, one Vehicle skill (conc. Remote Oper-
ations) 3
Cyberware: Chipjack, Cyberears with Damper, Cybereyes with Flare Compensation, Low-light and Thermographic,
Datajack, Dermal Plating (1), Radio with Commlink-VIII and Crypto Circuit HD (7), Smartlink, Wired Reflexes (1)
Bioware: Muscle Augmentation (1)
Gear: Assault Rifle with 10 clips Regular, Electronics Toolkit, Head-up Display (50 Mp), MetalGear (6/5 Hardened),
Remote Control Deck (2), Weapons Toolkit, Wrist Computer (100 Mp)
Threat/Professional Rating: 3/3

Common Trooper
B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
4 4 4 2 5 3 .45 — 4(6) 0 6+2D6 6/5 Hardened
Skills: Armed Combat 4, Athletics 4, Demolitions 4, Firearms 4, Gunnery 4, Military Theory 2, Stealth 4, Unarmed
Combat 4
Cyberware: Chipjack, Cyberarms (both arms), Cyberears with Damper, Cyber-eyes with Flare Compensation, Low-
light and Thermographic, Datajack, Dermal Plating (1), Smartlink, Wired Reflexes (1)
Gear: Assault Rifle with 20 clips Regular, Knife [4L], 4 Offensive Grenades, MetalGear (6/5 Hardened), Ration Bars
(20 days), 3 Smoke or Gas Grenades, Survival Kit
Threat/Professional Rating: 5/3

Cybernetic Intervention Services (p. 57)

Team makeup is the same as a standard C-TEAM (above), but with the extra equipment below:

EMP grenade (p. 47, Chromebook), Biotech-Askari motion restraint bombs (p. 48, Chromebook), Sharpwire
net underbarrel mount (p. 58, Chromebook 2), Pursuit Security, Inc. webgun (p. 37, Chromebook 2), Techtron-
ica M-40 pulse rifle (p. 39, Chromebook 2)

Sharpwire Net Under-Barrel Mount (p. 58) Legal

Clips to the under-barrel mount of a weapon, and is a one-shot net gun (treat as a normal net, p. 72,
Street Samurai Catalog), which can not be reloaded. This weapon uses Taser ranges.

Mount Conceal Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Under –2 2 5/4 days 450¥ 2

Gauss Field Projector EX (p. 58)

Not available.

Orion (p. 58)

Team Leader
B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
5(6)5(6) 5(6) 3 5 5 .7 — 5 1.6 5+2D6 6/5 Hardened
Skills: Armed Combat 5, Athletics 6, Etiquette (Corporate) 4, Etiquette (Street) 5, Firearms 6, Leadership 6, Military
Theory 4, Stealth 7, Unarmed Combat 5
Cyberware: Boosted Reflexes (1), Bone Lacing (1), Chipjack, 2× Datajack, Muscle Replacement (1), Olfactory
Booster (4), Smartlink, Vehicle Control Rig (1)
Bioware: Orthoskin (2), Pain Editor
Gear: Arasaka WSA [Heavy Pistol, 15 (c), SA, 9M, 5/15/30/50, Internal Smartlink, Silencer, 3 clips Regular ammo],
MetalGear (6/5 Hardened), Militech Bulldog [Shotgun, 21 (c), SS/BF/FA, 9S, 10/20/50/100, Internal Smartlink, 5 clips
Pocket Computer (50 Mp), Smartgoggles with Low-light, Tanaka *Exec* Line suit (0/0), Wrist-Model Phone with Flip-
Up Screen
Threat/Professional Rating: 4/3

B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
4 4 4 3 4(5) 4 4.3 — 4 0 4+1D6 3/1
Skills: Biology 5, Biotech 7, Cybertechnology 6
Cyberware: Cyberhand with Air Hypo, 2x Datajack, Encephalon (1), Skillwires (3), Softlink (2)
Gear: Malorian Arms Sub-Flechette Gun [SMG, 10/30 (c), BF/FA, 6S(f), Improved Gas Vent (3), 5 clips Flechette],
MedicGear Combat Medical Armor, Medkit, Medkit Supplies, Skillsofts [Firearms 3, Unarmed Combat 3, Stealth 3],
Smartgoggles with Low-light and Thermographic, Stabilization Unit (2)
Threat/Professionality Rating: 3/3

Basic Operative
B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
5 5 5 3 4 4 4.3 — 4 0 4+1D6 6/5 Hardened
Skills: Armed Combat 4, Athletics 5, Etiquette (Street) 4, Firearms 4, Stealth 6, Unarmed Combat 5
Cyberware: Chipjack, Datajack, Muscle Replacement (1), Retractable Spurs
Gear: 4× AFR-7 Flash Grenade, 4× Defensive Grenade, 2× EMP Grenade, Federated Arms Light Assault 15 [AR, 30
(c), SA/BF, 8M, 15/40/100/250, Internal Smartlink, 10 clips APDS], MetalGear (6/5 H)
Threat/Professional Rating: 4/3

B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
4 4 3 4 5 4 4.1 — 4 .6 4+1D6 3/0
Skills: Computer 8, Computer (B/R) 7, Cybertechnology 5, Electronics 6
Skillsofts: Firearms (SMG) 3, Stealth 4
Cyberware: 3× Datajack, Encephalon (1), Skillwires (4)
Bioware: Pain Editor
Gear: Armor Clothing (3/0), Fuchi Cyber-6 Cyberdeck [Bod-5, Evasion-5, Masking-5, Sensors-5, Analyze-4, Attack-6,
Deception-6, Sleaze-6, Slow-5], Militech Viper [SMG, 40 (c), SA/BF/FA, 6M, 10/40/80/150, 5 clips Regular]
Threat/Professionality Rating: 4/3

Autojoks (p. 61)

A Typical Autojok
B Q S C I W E M R BI In Armor
3 3 2 4 5 4 5.2 — 4 0 4+1D6 5/3
Skills: Computer (Software) 6, Computer (B/R) 7, Electronics 6, Etiquette (Street) 4, Firearms (Pistol) 4, Unarmed
Combat 3
Cyberware: Chipjack, 3× Datajack
Gear: Arasaka WSA [Heavy Pistol, 15 (c), SA, 9M, 5/15/30/50, Internal Smartlink, Silencer, 3 clips Regular ammo],
Concealable Holster, Fuchi Cyber-4 Cyberdeck [Response Increase (2), Bod-6, Evasion-6, Masking-8, Sensors-7, Ana-
lyze-5, Attack-6, Browse-8, Deception-6, Medic-5, Mirrors-4, Sift-3, Sleaze-6]
Threat/Professional Rating: 4/3

Full borgs are described adequately on pp. 63-65 before being transformed into a full borg, the
of Chromebook 2, but the following additions need gamemaster decides for each item whether or not
to be made for their use in Shadowrun. it can stay. Mostly, things that don’t affect the brain
Full ’borgs can only be created by clinics capable and/or digestive system must be removed while
of cybermancy. Since there are about 5 or 6 of others can be left in place, though the doctors may
these in the world, don’t expect to see ’borgs on simply decide to remove everything. Instead of
every street corner just yet… Even if, due to the each ’borg having a rating that indicates for how
character taking custom-grade cyberware, the Es- many Body and Essence points of bioware and cy-
sence cost drops to or below 6, cybermancy is still berware can be installed, the ’borg has been given
required. an Essence cost, very simple. You can install as
Body, Quickness, and Strength are those listed much extra cyberware and bioware as you want (up
in the ’borg’s stats; these figures totally replace to gamemaster’s discretion, as always) but must
those of the original character (hey, you are repla- pay the normal Body or Essence costs for it, getting
cing almost all of your meat…). The character’s yourself further in trouble as far as cybermancy is
Mental Attributes remain as they were. concerned…
If the character had any bioware or cyberware All full ’borgs come equipped as standard with

an automatic-medication system and an invoked km/h (equivalent to Quickness 35, counts as
memory stimulator (see Cybertechnology page 80 running) underwater. Essence cost: 1.2
for both). These are not listed in their descriptions Long-Range Radio: Range 50 km, with 10 chan-
but you can bet your ass they’re included in the nels. Essence cost: .75
overall product. Yes, even if the ’borg’s Essence
cost is less than 6. Copernicus (p. 69)
Although all full ’borgs have a nuyen price listed The dual-purpose limbs can act just like arms,
in their description, ignore this. FASA has given no but at a +2 modifier to all target numbers due to
prices for cybermancy because it’s so damn ex- inferior dexterity.
pensive that no runner can pay for it anyway, and
anyone foolish enough to pay for a shadowrunner Body: 6
getting a full body conversion can pay the bill for Quickness: 7 ×3
the ’ware involved easily. Strength: 10
Essence Cost: 17.9
The Essence costs given below have been calcu- Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun
lated by adding up all the cyberware fitted into the Armor (B/I): 3/3
’borg in question. Each ’borg is assumed to have
four cyberlimbs, a cybertorso, a cyberskull, a data- OPTIONS PACKAGES
jack, and an invoked memory stimulator (a total Sensor Options
cost of 6.7 Essence), onto which the other bits are Flare Compensation: Essence cost: .1
added. Essence cost is for standard-grade cyber- Radar Sensor: 2 km range. Essence cost: .3
ware; if you want alpha, beta, or delta grade simply Radio Beacon: 100 km range. Essence cost: 1
multiply the entire ’borg’s Essence cost by the ap-
propriate multiplier for that cyberware. Most full
’borgs would be built at least as beta-grade, to cut
down on the Essence loss, and thereby making he
surgeon’s task easier. Full ’borgs are not available
as second-hand models.)

Alpha Class (p. 66)

Body: 6
Quickness: 7 ×3
Strength: 10
Essence Cost: 10.7
Unarmed Combat Damage: (str+1)M Stun
Armor (B/I): 3/3

Aquarius (p. 67)

Body: 8
Quickness: 7 ×3 (underwater: 7 ×4)
Strength: 12
Essence Cost: 14.75
Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun
Armor (B/I): 3/3

Sensor Options
Sonar: 1 km range. If a full-power sonar pulse
(“ping”) is directed at a human at close range
(20 m), the person must resist 10L Stun dam-
age. Essence cost: .3
Spotlights: 100 m range, varies depending on
conditions. When used at close ranges, can
function the same way as a flash grenade (p.
44, Street Samurai Catalog). This only works
above water. Essence cost: .4
Weapon Options
Electrified Hull: Use requires a successful melee
attack. Damage is 10S Stun + Shock Weapon
rules (p. 103, SRII/p. 124, SR3). This electrifies
the entire surface of the borg. Essence cost: .6
Other Options
Caterpillar Drive: Maximum speed is approx. 45
Spotlights: 500 m range, varies depending on in ruthenium polymers (p. 94, Shadowtech)
conditions. When used at close ranges, can giving observers a +4 modifier to target num-
function the same way as a flash grenade (p. bers to spot the Eclipse. Essence cost: —
44, Street Samurai Catalog). Essence cost: .4
Other Options
Dual-Purpose Limbs: These can act just like arms,
but at a +2 modifier to all target numbers due
to their inferior dexterity. Essence cost: 1 per
Electromagnetic Shielding: Hardened surface and
heat-reflective surface. Essence cost 1
Grapple Line: 20 m range, otherwise treat as
grapple gun (p. 43, Street Samurai Catalog/p.
195, SR3). Essence cost: .7
Gyroscope: Gives the user an additional die for all
Athletics-based skill tests, and also an addi-
tional die to remain standing after taking dam-
age (Stopping and Knockdown, p. 91, SRII or
Knockdown, p. 124, SR3). Essence cost: .1
Maneuver Verniers and Back Thruster: This sys-
tem gives –2 modifier to the target number of
any test made to maneuver in zero-G, and al-
lows acceleration of 5 m/s2. There are 20
seconds of burn for the thruster, and 12 hours
of maneuvering for the verniers. Refuelling
pods cost 5,000¥ each. Essence cost: 2
Magnetic Hands & Feet: Essence cost: .2
Toolhand: Contains a powerful screwdriver, a vac-
solderer, a micro-probe, and a small wirecutter.
Essence cost: .3

Eclipse (p. 71)

Body: 6
Quickness: 9 ×3
Strength: 10
Essence Cost: 17.6
Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun
Armor (B/I): 3/3

Sensor Options
Damper: p. 260, SRII/p. 299, SR3. Essence cost: .1
Hearing Amplification: p. 78, Street Samurai Cata-
log. Essence cost: .2
Homing Tracer: A standard signal locator, p. 258,
SRII/p. 292, SR3. Essence cost: .2
Radio with level 4 Crypto Circuit HD: p. 260,
SRII/p. 298, SR3 and p. 77, Street Samurai
Catalog. Essence cost: .75 for radio, .1 for
Crypto Circuit HD
Weapon Options
Dartgun, Finger-Bomb, Gas Sprayer, and Lock-Pick
Fingers: see p. 32, Chromebook. Essence cost:

Retractable Monoblade: A retractable hand blade,
p. 36, Cybertechnology/p. 302, SR3. Essence
cost: .25
Silenced Pop-Up Gun: A Light Pistol cybergun (p.
86, Street Samurai Catalog) with silencer and
smartlink. Essence cost: .35 for pistol, .1 for si-
lencer, .25 for smartlink
Venomhand: Not available.
Other Options
Chameleon Covering: The whole body is covered

ECM Generator: Gives the Eclipse an ECM/ECCM
rating of 4 (p. 184, SRII/p. 289, SR3). Essence Brimstone (p. 74)
cost: .7 Body: 7
Gyro-Balancer: Gives the user an additional die Quickness: 7 ×3
for all Athletics-based skill tests, and also an Strength: 11
additional die to remain standing after taking Essence Cost: 16.15
damage (Stopping and Knockdown, p. 91, SRII Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun
or Knockdown, p. 124, SR3). Essence cost: .1 Armor (B/I): 3/3
Grip Foot: Gives the user an extra die for Athletics
(Climbing) skill tests. Essence cost: .6 OPTIONS PACKAGES
IR Thermal Dam: Gives all observers using Ther- Sensor Options
mographic vision a +5 modifier to all target Hearing Amplification with Damper and level 5
numbers to spot the Eclipse. Essence cost: .5 Select Sound Filter: pp. 78 and 82, Street
Pain Editor: p. 26, Shadowtech. Body cost: .6 Samurai Catalog and p. 260, SRII/p. 299, SR3.
Secret Spaces: 5 cm × 15 cm × 5 cm large, one in Essence cost: .2 for Hearing Amplification, .1
each leg. Essence cost: — for Damper, .2 for Select Sound Filter.
Sound Canceller: Gives all listeners a +3 modifier Radar Sensor: 100 m range. Essence cost: 1
to all target numbers to hear the Eclipse. Es- Radio: p. 260, SRII/p. 298, SR3. Essence cost: .75
sence cost: .5 Other Options
Stealth Foot: Gives the user an extra die for CO2 Fire Extinguisher: If used as a weapon, target
Stealth skill tests in order to move silently. Es- must roll a Quickness (6) test to avoid being
sence cost: .2 blinded for 1D6÷2 turns. Essence cost: .7
Wired Reflexes level 1: p. 261, SRII/p. 302, SR3. Light Bars: These can not be used to blind, just as
Essence cost 2 signals. Essence cost: .2
Pain Editor: p. 26, Shadowtech. Body Cost: .6
Enforcer (p. 73) Waterhose System: See water cannon, p. 253,
Body: 6 SRII/p. 307, SR3. Essence cost: 1.3
Quickness: 10 ×4
Strength: 10 Gemini (p. 76)
Essence Cost: 15.6 To notice that this is not a real human requires a
Unarmed Combat Damage: (str+2)M Stun Perception (10) test. If using thermographic vision
Armor (B/I): 3/3 or a Scanman, or other such sensors, the target
number drops to 3. Astral perception immediately
OPTIONS PACKAGES reveals the Gemini to be a ‘borg. The actual Body
Sensor Options and armor ratings can not be increased.
Thermographic, Low-light, and Flare Compensa-
tion: p. 260, SRII/p. 300, SR3. Essence cost: .2 Body: 6
Vision Magnification level 1: p. 85, Street Samurai Quickness: 7 ×3
Catalog/p. 300, SR3. Essence cost: .1 Strength: 10
Video Recorder: A Video Link, p. 84, Street Essence Cost: 11.7
Samurai Catalog. Essence cost: .5 Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun
Weapon Options Armor (B/I): 3/3
Grenade Storage: Can hold 3 hand grenades or
bombs of any type. Essence cost: .3 OPTIONS PACKAGES
Leg Holster: Can hold any type of pistol or small Other Options
SMG (gamemaster’s decision), as well as a “Disguise” Option: This allows the cyborg to alter
spare clip of ammo. Essence cost: .4 its skin tone and facial features, effectively giv-
Taser Grips: Cyberarm Tasers, p. 36, Cybertechno- ing the borg 2 extra dice to roll on a skill test to
logy. Essence cost: 0 disguise itself. This is not a standard feature,
Other Options but costs 10,000¥. Essence cost: .5
Black Book Micro-Computer: See p. 15, Chrome- Sexual Implant: No changes. Essence cost: .5
book 2. Essence cost: .4
Boosted Reflexes level 1: p. 87, Street Samurai
Catalog/pp. 302-303, SR3. Essence cost: .5
Headware Memory: 120 Mp headware memory, to
store video images. Essence cost: 1.2
Light Bars: Cannot be used as blinders, just as
signals. Essence cost: .2
Striptape Dispenser: Holds 12 plastic restraints (p.
258, SRII/p. 294, SR3). Essence cost: .2
Wingman (p. 77) Dragoon (p. 81)
Body: 6 Use the full Impact armor value against lasers,
Quickness: 7 ×3 instead of halving it. The Behavioral Inhibitor Pro-
Strength: 10 gram does what is described on p. 82 of the
Essence Cost: 16.8 Chromebook 2, but also effectively halves the Bor-
Unarmed Combat Damage: (str–1)M Stun g’s Intelligence stat (rounding up).
Armor (B/I): 3/3
Body: 10
OPTIONS PACKAGES Quickness: 17 ×4
Sensor Options Strength: 16
Flare Compensation: p. 260, SRII/p. 300, SR3. Es- Essence Cost: 19.9
sence cost: .1 Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun
Locator Beacon: A radio signal with 100 km range. Armor (B/I): 4/4 (Hardened)
Essence cost: .3
Optical Magnification level 3: p. 85, Street OPTIONS PACKAGES
Samurai Catalog/p. 300, SR3. Essence cost: .2 Sensor Options
TimeSquare Plus: p. 38, Chromebook. Essence Cyberaudio: has the following audio installed
cost: .3 (cannot be changed): hearing amplification,
Weapon Options damper, eadio, crypto circuit HD (9), commlink
Leg Holster: Can hold any pistol or small SMG, (6). Total Essence cost: 1.45
plus one clip of ammo. Essence cost: .4 Front Optic Mount: has the following optics in-
Survival Blade: A retractable spur, p. 261, SRII/p. stalled (cannot be changed): low-light, thermo-
302, SR3. Essence cost: .3 graphic, electronic magnification (3), flare
Other Options compensation, TimeSquare Plus. Total Essence
Datajacks: Two extra datajacks, p. 260, SRII/p. cost: .9
298, SR3. Essence cost: .2 per datajack Twin Sensory Booms: No changes. Essence cost:
Gyroscope: Gives the user an additional die for all —
Athletics-based skill tests, and also an addi- Weapon Options
tional die to remain standing after taking dam- none installed, but all four limbs have quick-
age (Stopping and Knockdown, p. 91, SRII or change mounts.
Knockdown, p. 124, SR3). Essence cost: .1 Other Options
Parachute: Cannot work under 70 m. Essence Ambidexterity Subprocessor No changes. Essence
cost: 1 cost: .1
Vehicle Control Rig level 2: p. 261, SRII/p. 302, Ammo Hopper: No changes. Essence cost: —
SR3. Essence cost: 3 Autoinjector: No changes. Essence cost: .1
Black Box Recorder Every minute of recording re-
Samson (p. 79) quires 1 Mp; comes with 60 Mp memory. Es-
Body: 9 sence cost: 1
Quickness: 7 ×3 Chipware Socket: Level 4 skillwires with built-in
Strength: 14 chipjack (p. 261, SRII/pp. 298 and 302, SR3).
Essence Cost: 15.8 Total Essence cost: .8
Unarmed Combat Damage: (str+2)M Stun Combat Crystal: +1 to Initiative and 1 extra die
Armor (B/I): 3/3 for Perception tests. Essence cost: .4
Chronometer: No changes. Essence cost: —
OPTIONS PACKAGES Environmental Assimilation System: If the Dra-
Sensor Options goon is standing still, observers get a +2 modi-
Flare Compensation: p. 260, SRII/p. 300, SR3. Es- fier to all target numbers to spot it, +1 if it is
sence cost: .1 moving. Essence cost: 1.1
Radiation Detector: No changes. Essence cost: .7 IFF Transponder: No changes. Essence cost: .15
TimeSquare Plus: p. 38, Chromebook. Essence Interchangable Biopod: No changes. Essence cost:
cost: .3 2
Other Options IR Thermal Dam: Gives all observers using Ther-
Arc Welder: Can cut through Barrier Rating 12, mographic vision a +5 modifier to all target
and does 8D damage if used as a weapon (use numbers to spot the Dragoon. Essence cost: .5
one-half Impact armor). Has a Firesetting rat- Locator Beacon: A rating 5 standard tracking sig-
ing of 6. Essence cost: 1.2 nal (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3). Essence cost: .05
Radiation Shielding: No changes. Essence cost: — Micro-Computer: No changes. Essence cost: .4
Techscanner: Allows the user to roll 1 extra die for Pain Editor: p. 26, Shadowtech. Body cost: .6
any Build/Repair skill. Essence cost: .6 Satellite Link: No changes. Essence cost: .5
Toolhands: No changes. Essence cost: .3 per hand Shielding: No changes. Essence cost: —


Stylization (p. 84)

A monstrous appearance can give a –1 or –2 modifier to tests made to intimidate people (p. 90, Shad-
owrun Companion/pp. 93-94, SR3). Price varies.

Increased SP (p. 84)

Each point of Ballistic armor costs 2,000¥, each point of Impact armor costs 1,500¥.

Increased SDP (p. 84)

Not available.

Increased Stats (p. 85)

Attribute increases have costs as shown below. These increases are in addition to any other cyber or
bioware increases that may be fitted to the ’borg. Essence Cost is per +1 increase; Quickness increase car-
ries over to Reaction as normal.

Attribute Max increase Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Body +4 .5 — 10,000¥ —
Quickness +5 .5 — 15,000¥ —
Reaction +3 .5 — 20,000¥ —

Shielding (p. 85)

No changes. Essence cost: —; price: 20,000¥.

Quick-Change Mounts (p. 85)

Weapons do not take up “spaces.” 2,000¥, Essence cost: —.

Interchangable Biopod (p. 85)

No changes. Essence cost: 2; price: 200,000¥.

Longevity Module (p. 85)

No changes. Essence cost: 1.4; price: 150,000¥.


All aerodynes are vectored thrust low-altitude vehicles, similar to T-birds but for civilian applications. They
are extremely uncommon in Shadowrun, for this reason double their Availability target number and time, as
well as their Street Index.


To facilitate the design of many of the vehicles from the Chromebooks under the Rigger 2 rules, some new
chassis and engines need to be added.

Starting Max Landing/ Design

HandlingBody Armor CF CF Autonav Sensor Seating Entry ptsTakeoff Pts
Aerodyne (S) 4 3 0 3 25 2 0 2b 2 VSTOL 950
Aerodyne (M) 5 4 0 5 40 2 0 2b+1B 2 VSTOL 1,650
Aerodyne (L) 5 5 0 7 150 2 0 2b+2b+1B 2+2 VSTOL
Zeppelin (M) 6 11 0 750 7,500 1 1 2b 2 VTOL 3,000
Zeppelin (L) 8 15 0 1,250 30,000 1 1 2b 2 VTOL 6,000


Starting Max Starting Max Starting Max Sig Starting Max (Starting) Pts
(in km/l)(in km/l) (in liters)
Aerodyne (S) 45/150 45/600 14 21 250 800 5 0.5 1.1 500 600
Aerodyne (M) 50/150 50/570 12 19 350 1,000 4 0.35 1 650 850
Aerodyne (L) 50/160 50/500 9 16 500 1,300 3 0.25 0.75 750 1,100
Zeppelin (M) 60 250 6 23 5,000 15,000 2 0.75 2 2,000 500
Zeppelin (L) 40 200 3 16 5,000 40,000 2 0.5 1.5 2,000 750

Aerodyne (S) 80/200 80/650 28 70 3,000 10,000 2 0.2 0.3 700 1,000
Aerodyne (M)100/225100/700 25 65 5,000 15,000 1 0.1 0.3 1,000 1,500
Aerodyne (L) 100/200100/650 20 55 7,500 22,500 1 0.1 0.25 1,200 2,200
Zeppelin (M) 105 375 8 23 7,000 20,000 1 0.25 0.5 2,000 750
Zeppelin (L) 70 350 5 17 7,000 50,000 1 0.10 0.25 2,000 1,000

 AV-3 “Aerocop” (p. 87)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Aerocop 4* 330/465* 4/2 4* 3 1,500,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats (ejection) + twin bench Access: 2 standard
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: IC/1,200 liters
Cargo/Storage: 5 CF trunk
Accessories: crash cage, computer link to police HQ, loudspeaker,
police strobe lights, radio, spotlight
* when on the ground (using its wheels), the AV-3 has Handling 4/8, Speed 80/200, and Signature 7

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 100/310 65 4 2 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 0 4,670
Seating: 2 ejection bucket seats + 2 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (1,000 liters) Economy: .1 km/liter
Point Value: 3,720 Cost: 1,860,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (M) Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Concealed armor, crash cages (front seats only),
electronics port, remote mini turret (excl. weapon)

 Family Flier (p. 88)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Family Flier 5 100/200 3/1 0 2 500,000¥
Seating: twin + quad bucket seats Access: 2 standard + double-size rear
Economy: 1 km per liter Fuel: IC/400 liters
Cargo/Storage: 4 CF trunk Accessories: APPS™

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 100/225 33 4 1 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 4 4,320
Seating: 2 bucket + 2 bucket + 2 bucket Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 double-sized Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (1,070 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 3,738 Cost: 935,000¥

Template: Aerodyne (M) Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: APPS™, concealed armor

 Nissan Ford FanMaster (p. 89)

No changes.

The FanMaster can not float if more than 100 CF of cargo is loaded. The enclosed-van model costs 20,000¥
Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
FanMaster 5* 35/135* 3/2 4 2 200,000¥
Seating: triple bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: 8 km per liter Fuel: IC/100 liters
Cargo/Storage: 300 CF storage Accessories: boat hull modification
* in water, Handling is 6, and Speed is 3/7.

The FanMaster can not float if more than 250 kg of cargo is loaded. The enclosed-van model costs 20,000¥
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 90 10 4 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 100 750
Seating: 3 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (400 liters) Economy: 2 km/liter
Point Value: 866 Cost: 220,000¥
Template: Medium Hovercraft Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Concealed armor, hovercraft water seals

 Mach (p. 89)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Mach 3 265/665 2/1 2 3 1,300,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: IC/1,200 liters
Cargo/Storage: 2 CF trunk Accessories: audio and video entertainment system

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 100/445 65 4 1 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 5 5,020
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (1,200 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 3,990 Cost: 1,500,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (M) Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Audio and video entertainment system,
concealed armor

 Swan (p. 90)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Swan 5 135/265 3/2 4 3 800,000¥
Seating: twin + single bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: .6 km per liter Fuel: IC/1,200 liters
Cargo/Storage: 5 CF trunk Accessories: APPS™, crash cage

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 100/265 45 4 2 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 5 4,830
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (1,200 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 3,810 Cost: 1,450,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (M) Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: APPS™, crash cage


 Crowder (p. 91)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Crowder 5/10 25/55 1/1 6 1 9,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: 2 PF per km Fuel: Elec/250 PF
Cargo/Storage: 2 CF trunk

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 75 4 3 0 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 2 40
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (320 PF) Economy: 1 km/PF
Point Value: 255 Cost: 25,500¥
Template: Commuter/Subcompact Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: none

 The Max Interceptor (p. 92)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Max Interceptor3/8 65/240 2/2 2 2 140,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + bench Access: 2 standard
Economy: 8 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/160 liters
Cargo/Storage: 2 CF trunk
Accessories: both bucket seats have Armor 2, fire extinguisher,
loudspeaker, police radio, police strobe light, satellite uplink for
onboard computer, spotlight

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/8 160 12 3 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — — 2 5
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 1 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 standard Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (160 liters) Economy: 8.1 km/liter
Point Value: 514 Cost: 51,500¥
Template: Sportscar Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Armored bucket seats (armor 2), fire extinguisher,
loudspeaker, police radio, police strobe light, satellite uplink for
onboard computer, spotlight

 The Toyo-Chevrolet ’17 Chevy (p. 92)

Note that this vehicle is now called the ’51 Chevy.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
’51 Chevy 3/7 40/120 2/0 5 1 35,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + twin bench Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 12 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/40 liters
Cargo/Storage: 6 CF trunk

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/7 120 6 3 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 6 60
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2+2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (500 bars) Economy: 1 km/bar
Point Value: 165 Cost: 16,500¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: none


 The Ashigaru (p. 93)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Ashigaru 3/8 40/95 1/0 6 1 3,500¥
Seating: 1 front + 1 rear Cargo/Storage: 1 CF underseat
Economy: 1 PF per km Fuel: ImpElec/280 PF

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 63 4 2 0 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 1 25
Seating: 1 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (115 PF) Economy: .5 km/PF
Point Value: 70 Cost: 3,500¥
Template: Scooter Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: none

 The Bermuda (p. 94)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Bermuda 3/5 60/205 2/0 2 1 15,000¥
Seating: 1* Cargo/Storage: 0 CF*
Economy: 25 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/20 liters
Accessories: off-road suspension (1)
* the standard model can carry only one passenger. For 1,000¥ extra, the bike can be fitted with a special seat
which allows carrying another passenger or 4 CF of cargo.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/5 137 10 2 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 0 50
Seating: 1 bucket Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (30 liters) Economy: 16 km/liter
Point Value: 209 Cost: 10,500¥
Template: Racing Cycle Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: none

 The Darkwing (p. 94)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

Darkwing 4/4 40/135 2/1 3 1 9,000¥
Seating: 1 Cargo/Storage: 1 CF underseat
Economy: 30 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/20 liters

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/4 90 4 2 1 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 1 40
Seating: 1 bucket Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (300 bars) Economy: 2 km/bar
Point Value: 254 Cost: 12,500¥
Template: Off-Road Bike Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Concealed armor, off-road suspension (1)


 GD F-36 Comet (p. 95)

If a Comet takes Serious damage or higher, roll 2D6 each turn. If the roll is 4 or less, the computers lose
control and the Comet crashes.

The aircraft carries a centerline hardpoint and one firmpoint on each wing. All are mounted forward. The
hardpoint has 3 CF of dedicated ammo storage, and is normally fitted with a Victory rotary assault cannon (p.
124, Rigger Black Book). Each firmpoint has 1 CF of dedicated ammo storage.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

F-36 1 830/1,860 7/2 5 3 4,500,000¥
Seating: single bucket seat (ejection) Access: 1 canopy
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: 2,000 liters
Cargo/Storage: 1 CF underseat Landing/Take-off Profile: STOL/STOL
Sensors: Military I (6) ECM: Military I (4)
Accessories: centerline Hardpoint (forward), fly-by-wire system,
2 wing-mounted Firmpoints (forward)

The aircraft carries a centerline hardpoint and one firmpoint on each wing. All are mounted forward. The
hardpoint has 3 CF of dedicated ammo storage, and is normally fitted with a Victory rotary assault cannon (p.
92, Rigger 2) with 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature

2 150/1,865 55 7 2 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 6 1 1,190
Seating: 1 bucket seat (ejection) Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: STOL
Fuel: Jet (2,500 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 14,845 Cost: 16,500,000¥
Template: Jumpjet Fighter Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Drive-by-wire (increases Acceleration), 2×
external firmpoint, internal hardpoint

 MDD F-33 Wasp (p. 96)

No changes.

Comes with a forward-mounted centerline Hardpoint (with 3 CF of dedicated ammo storage), as well as
two firmpoints (with 1 CF of ammo storage each) on each wing. All fire forward. The hardpoint normally
mounts a Vigilant rotary autocannon (p. 124, Rigger Black Book).

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

F-33 2 730/1,660 8/2 3 3 3,500,000¥
Seating: single bucket seat (ejection) Access: 1 canopy
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: 2,500 liters
Cargo/Storage: 2 CF underseat Landing/Take-off Profile: STOL/Normal
Sensors: Military I (6) ECM: Military II (5)

Comes with a forward-mounted internal hardpoint mounting a Vigilant rotary autocannon (p. 92, Rigger 2)
with 500 rounds of ammo, as well as two firmpoints on each wing.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature

3 150/1,105 55 7 2 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 6 2 1,205
Seating: 1 bucket seat (ejection) Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: STOL
Fuel: Jet (3,350 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 12,005 Cost: 12,500,000¥
Template: Jumpjet Fighter Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: 4× external firmpoint, internal hardpoint

 Fed-Boeing Falcon (p. 96)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Falcon 4 135/400 4/1 4 2 2,500,000¥
Seating: twin buckets seats + 6 bench Access: 2 standard + double size rear
Economy: 2 km per liter Fuel: 600 liters
Cargo/Storage: 50 CF cargo Landing/Take-off Profile: VSTOL/VSTOL
Sensors: Enhanced (2)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 135/280 20 6 1 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 2 50 495
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 6 folding benches Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 double-sized Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (600 liters) Economy: 2 km/liter
Point Value: 1,391 Cost: 350,000¥
Template: Twin Engine (Jet Propeller) Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Concealed armor

 GD Hummingbird (p. 97)

Taking off from a skyscraper requires a Handling Test, with a +4 modifier to the target number. Failure
means a crash (either into the ground or into the skyscraper).

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Hummingbird 3 400/800 4/2 2 3 1,500,000¥
Seating: twin + eight bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: .25 km per liter Fuel: 4,000 liters
Cargo/Storage: 5 CF storage Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VSTOL
Sensors: Enhanced (2) ECM: Security II (2)
Accessories: EnviroSeal™, fire extinguisher, Life Support System
(100 man-hours), telecom with 100 Mp, wet-bar

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3 535 30 6 2 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 2 4 400
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 8 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (2,400 liters) Economy: .5 km/liter
Point Value: 2,968 Cost: 1,113,000
Template: Twin Engine (Turbine) Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Concealed armor, EnviroSeal™, fire extinguisher,
life support system (100 man-hours), telecom with 100 Mp, wet-bar

 Lockheed-Cessna Pinto (p. 98)

No changes.

Has two forward-mounted hardpoints in the fuselage, and carries two firmpoints under each wing, also for-
ward-firing. Each hardpoint and each firmpoint has 2 CF of dedicated ammo storage. Each hardpoint is nor-
mally fitted with a Victory rotary assault cannon (p. 124, Rigger Black Book).

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

Pinto 3 265/600 6/2 4 2 10,500,000¥
Seating: twin + twin bucket seats (ejection) Access: 2 canopies
Economy: 1.25 km per liter Fuel: 2,000 liters
Cargo/Storage: 4 CF underseat Landing/Take-off Profile: STOL/STOL
Sensors: Military II (7) ECM/ECCM: Military I (4)/Military I (4)
Accessories: all bucket seats have Armor 2, Integrated Controls

Has two forward-mounted hardpoints in the fuselage, and carries one firmpoint under each wing, also for-
ward-firing. Each hardpoint is fitted with a Victory rotary assault cannon (p. 92, Rigger 2) with 2,000 rounds
of ammunition.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature

3 135/400 20 6 2 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 7 4 1,400
Seating: 2 ejection bucket seats + 2 ejection bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 canopies Landing/Takeoff: STOL
Fuel: Jet (2,000 liters) Economy: 1.25 km/liter
Point Value: 6,387 Cost: 6,400,000¥
Template: Twin Engine (Jet Propeller) Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Armored bucket seats (level 2), ECCM (4), ECM
(4), 2× firmpoint, 2× hardpoint


 India Sky-Barge (p. 99)

Can carry up to 6,000 CF worth of cargo, strung underneath the ship, without speed loss. Speed is de-
creased to 30/60 when carrying up to 10,000 CF underneath the ship.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

India 6 40/80 6/6 7 2 10,000,000¥
Seating: twin + quad bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: 1 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/12,000 liters
Cargo/Storage: 2 CF underseat Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
6 80 6 11 6 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 1 338 11,270
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (12,000 liters) Economy: 1 km/liter
Point Value: 6,170 Cost: 925,500¥
Template: Jet Propeller Medium Zeppelin Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: concealed armor, living amenities (improved,
6 people)

 “Madison Avenue” Blimp (p. 100)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Madison Avenue 6 20/45 5/1 9* 3 2,500,000¥
Seating: 1 bench Access: 1 hatch
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: IC/2,000 liters
Accessories: 6 m × 12 m electronic projection screens,
spotlights, video cameras
* Signature drops to 2 when the projection screens are turned on.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
6 45 8 8 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 1 52 830
Seating: 1 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: hatch Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (2,000 liters) Economy: .5 km/liter
Point Value: 1,835 Cost: 183,500¥
Template: Jet Propeller Zeppelin Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Concealed armor, electronic port

 Sky Queen Cruise-Liner (p. 100)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Sky Queen 5 55/135 10/9 7 4 20,000,000¥
Seating: twin + twin bucket seats Access: 2 + 4 standard
Economy: .1 km per liter Fuel: 32,000 liters
Cargo/Storage: 50 CF Accessories: 3 bars, crew compartment for 20 people,
sleeping accommodations for 150 people, 2 restaurants

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 135 5 15 9 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 1 215 37,500
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 4 doors Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (32,000 liters) Economy: .1 km/liter
Point Value: 22,981 Cost: 5,745,000¥
Template: Turbine Large Zeppelin Reference: Chromebook 2
Other Features: Concealed armor, ECM (3), internal rocket
mounts (6), living amenities (basic, 20 people; high, 150 people)


Cyberpunk 2020 uses different names for sur- Movement Multiplier remain the same) whenever
gery, so use the following conversion chart to the user is on his feet. If acquired with a tail, the
change them over to Shadowrun terms. See page legs allow one extra meter of movement. Digiti-
53 of Cybertechnology and page 114 of SRII for de- grade Legs cost 100,000¥, not 4,000¥.
tails about these types of surgery. (Unfortunately, I: Fur/Scales/Skinchange: if 3 or less is rolled
SR3 doesn’t include details for elective surgery, so on 2D6, the subject develops cancer. Curing takes
you’ll have to refer to one of the other books.) 1D6 months and costs 2,000¥ to 12,000¥.
J: Heavy Scales: gives Ballistic and Impact ar-
Cyberpunk Shadowrun mor ratings of 1, cumulative with worn armor.
Negligible (N) Minor Cosmetic K: Exoskeleton: gives Ballistic and Impact ar-
Minor (M) Minor Invasive mor ratings of 2, cumulative with worn armor, and
Major (MA) Major Invasive reduces Quickness by 2 (never below 1).
Critical (CR) Drastic Invasive M: Behavior Chip: removing a chip requires a
Willpower(6) test; each new attempt gets a +1 to
As far as therapy is concerned, use the rules giv- the Target Number, with a maximum of +6. The
en on pp. 101-102 of Chromebook 2, but convert chips have the following ratings (see p. 87, Shad-
the Eurodollar (eb) prices to nuyen on a 1:1 ratio. owtech): Addiction 6M, Tolerance 1, Strength 10.
The “Humanity Points Regained” part of the Ther- These things are almost BTLs, and are not so very
apy Costs And Effects table is not used. legal in most places.
N: ArmorWeave: an addition to orthoskin (p.
The table for exotic cyberware (p. 102 of 17, Shadowtech) and bone lacing (p. 42, Shadow-
Chromebook 2) remains in use, but convert the tech), this gives the user +1 Body, +1 Impact ar-
prices as listed above. The “HL” section of the table mor, and –1 Quickness. The subject must already
is converted as follows: divide the maximum that have orthoskin and bone lacing (both of any level)
can be rolled on the listed dice by 20 to find the to buy armorweave.
Body or Essence cost of the item (HL = 3D6, for in- O: Speed Grafts: Increases the Movement Mul-
stance, gives a Body or Essence cost of (3 × 6) ÷ tiplier for running by +1.
20 = .9). All items are considered to be bioware
(thus having a Body cost), except for natural fangs
and claws, retractable claws, digitigrade legs, exo- M I N O R E XO T I C P A C K A G E D E AL S
skeleton, frame alteration, behavior chip, and
speed grafts. These therefore have an Essence
cost. Me-Yow (p. 104)
The surgery type and cost is determined accord- Surgeries: Minor Cosmetic, 2× Major Invasive
ing to the rules on p. 114, SRII, and p. 6, Shadow- Total surgery cost: 51,000¥
tech). Availability is 6/7 days, and Street Index is 1 Body cost: 1.95
for all conversions. Essence cost: —
The notes remain large unchanged, though Price: 13500¥
some need minor adjustments:
Hickory, dicoky, dock (p. 104)
B: Mandibles: do (str)L damage in melee com- Surgeries: Minor Cosmetic, Major Invasive
bat, but have –1 Reach. Total surgery cost: 26,000¥
C: Natural Fangs: do no damage. Body cost: 1.05
D: Natural Claws: +2 to all Target Numbers re- Essence cost: —
quiring use of fingertips. Price: 11,000¥
G: Combat Tail: does (str)M Stun damage in
melee combat, with a +1 Reach. Tails with poison Do the Bunney Hop (p. 105)
stingers do (str)L for the stingers, plus the poison The bunny tail has a Body Cost of .1, cost 250¥)
damage. A stinger tail costs 500¥ more than a reg- Surgeries: 2× Minor Cosmetic
ular tail. Total surgery cost: 2,000¥
H: Digitigrade Legs: if acquired without a tail, Body cost: .25
reduces the number of meters that may be moved Essence cost: —
per turn by half (though actual Quickness and Price: 1,200¥
Hiss-s-s-s-s (p. 105) Graftables (p. 106)
The olfactory boost is a level 3 olfactory booster includes orthoskin (1), bone lacing (1), and wol-
(p. 62, Shadowtech) installed separately, and not vers (Tech Specs p. 17)
included in the minor facial modification. Surgeries: 2× Major Invasive, Drastic Invasive
Surgeries: Minor Cosmetic, Minor Invasive, Total surgery cost: 300,000¥
Drastic Invasive Body cost: 1.4
Total surgery cost: 256,000¥ Essence cost: 1.4
Body cost: 1.05 Price: 104,250¥
Essence cost: .8
Price: 14,500¥
The Bear Necissities (p. 106)
Some races will need frame alteration in addi- Includes muscle augmentation level 2.
tion to anything listed below; use common sense: a Surgeries: 3× Drastic Invasive
troll converted into a dwarf…? Total surgery cost: 750,000¥
Body cost: 3.1
Elf (p. 105) Essence cost: 1.8
Surgeries: Minor Cosmetic Price: 113,500¥
Total surgery cost: 1,000¥
Body cost: .15 The Superman (p. 107)
Essence cost: — Includes muscle augmentation (2), bone lacing
Price: 1,000¥ (2), boosted reflexes (1), pain editor, Pacesetter
2000 heart, rebreather lungs, Lifesaver SinkWeave,
Dwarf or Halfling (p. 105) speedgrafts, and retinal modifications (low-light
–1 Quickness due to shorter legs, and Movement and thermographic).
Multiplier becomes 2. Surgeries: 6× Drastic Invasive
Surgeries: Minor Cosmetic, Major Invasive Total surgery cost: 1,500,000¥
Total surgery cost: 26,000¥ Body cost: 6.25
Body cost: .15 Essence cost: 2.05
Essence cost: .6 Price: 426,750¥
Price: 9,000¥
Hold That Tiger! (p. 107)
Ork/Goblin (p. 106) Surgeries: Minor Invasive, 3× Drastic Invasive
–1 Charisma. Total surgery cost: 755,000¥
Surgeries: Minor Invasive, Major Invasive, Body cost: 2.1
Drastic Invasive Essence cost: 3
Total surgery cost: 276,000¥ Price: 115,000¥
Body cost: 1.2
Essence cost: 1.2 Bug Out! (p. 108)
Price: 20,500¥
Slightly Buggy
Troll/Ogre (p. 106)
Includes cybereyes.
–1 Charisma.
Surgeries: Minor Invasive, 2× Major Invasive
Includes muscle replacement (1) and dermal
Total surgery cost: 55,000¥
plating (1), p. 261, SRII.
Body cost: 1.2
Surgeries: Minor Cosmetic, Major Invasive, 2×
Essence cost: .2
Drastic Invasive
Price: 17,000¥
Total surgery cost: 526,000¥
Body cost: .15
Essence cost: 2.7 Bughouse
Price: 35,500¥ Includes boosted reflexes (1), olfactory booster
(3), cybereyes with low-light, and cyberears.
Fishman (p. 106) Surgeries: 4× Drastic Invasive
Includes a rating 6 artificial gill (a variant of the Total surgery cost: 1,000,000¥
air filtration system, p. 261, SRII/p. 302, SR3). Body cost: 1.5
Surgeries: 2× Minor Cosmetic, Drastic Invasive Essence cost: 3
Total surgery cost: 252,000¥ Price: 64,500¥
Body cost: 1.05
Essence cost: .6 Aquaforms (p. 108)
Price: 101,000¥

The gill is a rating 6 artificial gill (a variant of the
air filtration system, p. 261, SRII/p. 302, SR3).
Surgeries: 2× Drastic Invasive
Total surgery cost: 500,000¥
Body cost: .9
Essence cost: 1.8
Price: 116,000¥

Sharkman Surgeries: Minor Invasive, Major Invasive, 2×

The gill is a rating 6 artifical gill(a variant of the Drastic Invasive
air filtration system, p. 261, SRII/p. 302, SR3). In- Total surgery cost: 530,000¥
cludes orthoskin (2). Body cost: 2.1 (2.4 with Long Muzzle)
Surgeries: Major Invasive, 2× Drastic Invasive Essence cost: 2.4
Total surgery cost: 525,000¥ Price: 117,000¥ (117,500¥ with Long Muzzle)
Body cost: 2.8 Here There Be Dragons (p. 109)
Essence cost: 1.2
Price: 187,500¥ No changes.
Surgeries: Minor Invasive, Major Invasive,
The Faithful Dog (p.109) Drastic Invasive
Total surgery cost: 530,000¥
Body cost: 2.1
Minor Essence cost: .6
No changes. Price: 16,000¥
Surgeries: Minor Cosmetic, Drastic Invasive
Total surgery cost: 501,000¥ Playbeing (p. 110)
Body cost: 1.05 Playbeings usually have a Charisma of 5 or high-
Essence cost: .6 er.
Price: 11,500¥ Surgeries: Minor Invasive, Major Invasive
Total surgery cost: 30,000¥
Major Body cost: 0
Essence cost: .6
No changes.
Price: 30,000¥



Midnight Arms Smartgoggle Mirrorshades (p. 3)

Can hold two vision-enhancing options such as low-light or thermographic, each option costing the same

as for goggles, as on page 257 of SRII or p. 290, SR3. Only available in smartlink level 1 technology (p. 261,
SRII/p. 282, SR3).

Conceal* Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 — — 3/36 hrs 4,500¥ 1
* Concealability indicates how easy it is to notice that this is a set of smart goggles and not simply mirror shades.

Utopian “Small Wonders” NanoAgents (p. 4) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 4/60 hrs 500¥ 2

Arc Furnace (p. 4) Legal

Consumes about 300¥ worth of power per day.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 6/7 days 10,000¥ 1

Communications Accessories (p. 4) Legal

Fibre-Optic Cable
Costs about 0.10¥ per meter for normal-quality cable. High-quality cable gives +1 Reaction to all deckers
and IC, as long as the entire cable route consists of this type of cable, which costs 1¥ per meter.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — always 0.10¥ 1

 Repeaters

This is a dedicated data line junction (p. 12, Virtual Realities), and is used purely for signal amplification.
The “right glitch” requires a successful Computer (10) test in the repeater’s node.
Not available.

Not available (in Virtual Realities, use a dataline junction instead).

Raven® Interface Monitor (p. 5) Legal
Gives a –1 target number modifier while repairing cyberware.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 –1 1 6/48 hrs 8,000¥ 1

Telectronics® Micromanipulator Rig (p. 5) Legal

Requires a datajack and encephalon (p. 49, Shadowtech) to use. It eliminates “Bad Working Conditions”
and “Inadequate Tools” penalties for all Build/Repair tasks except vehicle- and magical-related ones (see
page 183, SRII/p. 95, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 8/72 hrs 3,000¥ 3


 Archaesthetic (p. 6) Legal

Lowers the doctor’s target numbers for surgery by 1 once correctly connected, which requires a Biotech
(5) test.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— –1 1 6/7 days 10,000¥ 4

RapiDetox (p. 6) Legal

The user must roll a Biotech skill test, with a target number equal to the poison’s Power Level or Strength
Rating. Once test may be made per turn, with the substance being neutralized three turns after a successful

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 5 5/4 days 1,500¥ 3

Blood Substitute (p. 6)

Not available: assume this is always used when needed. If used on a magician, it counts as high-tech
treatment, so the +2 modifier for treating a magician is not used, meaning a check for Magic loss must be

LPTU™ Limb Preservation and Transport Unit (p. 6)

As for blood substitute, it’s easiest to assume such things are always used.

Bodyweight Portable Intern Unit (p. 7) Legal

If coupled to a medkit (p. 263, SRII/p. 304, SR3), this device increases the medkit’s skill rating by 1. By it-
self, it has a Biotech skill of 1, working in the same way as a medkit.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 1 2 3/24 hrs 120¥ 1.5

Aesculapius Incorporated Cybercast (p. 7) Legal

Gives a +2 modifier to all actions carried out with the limb, but days spent wearing it count as resting, and
therefore healing. Hospitals rent them out at around 200¥ a day.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 +2 1.5 3/12 hrs 3,000¥ 2


‘Alessio’ Coveralls (p. 7) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

‘Alessio’ Coveralls — — — — always 200¥ 1
‘Lano’ Armour Coveralls (p. 7) Legal
No changes.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

‘Lano’ Coveralls 6 3 2 1 always 1,600¥ 1

‘Guercio’ Helmet (p. 8) Legal

Comes with a flare-compensating visor and built-in respirator.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

‘Guercio’ Helmet — — +1 1 3/48 hrs 600¥ 2

‘Gianni’ Helmet (p. 8) 4P-CA(N)

Has built-in smart goggles (level I).

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

‘Gianni’ Helmet — — +1 1 4/48 hrs 3,500¥ 2

‘Pinamonte’ Boots (p. 8) Legal

No armor values.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

‘Pinamonte’ Boots — — — — always 50¥ 1

‘Ciampolo’ Gloves (p. 8) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

‘Ciampolo’ Gloves — — — — always 40¥ 1

‘Francesca’ Tech Scanner (p. 8) Legal

No modifiers to Wardrobe & Style or Reputation-like things. It simply counts as a Computer toolkit (p. 259,
SRII/p. 288, SR3), even though tech-minded people will probably think you’re really cool if you use one of

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 5 5/48 hrs 1,200¥ 2

‘Farinata’ Tech Tool Kit (p. 9) Legal

Again no modifiers to Wardrobe & Style or Reputation-like things. This one is a Vehicle toolkit (p. 259,
SRII/p. 288, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 5 5/48 hrs 350¥ 2

‘Venedico’ Electronics Tool Kit (p. 9) Legal

Once more, no modifiers to Wardrobe & Style or Reputation-like things. It is an Electronics toolkit (p. 259,
SRII/p. 288, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 5 5/48 hrs 1,350¥ 2

Raven® “Tripod” Waldo Set (p. 10) Legal

The user must jack into the waldo, and can then effectively perform work requiring two people. No modifi-
ers or anything.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 25 10/7 days 8,000¥ 3.5

Raven® “Spider” MicroWaldo Bracer (p. 11) Legal
The user must jack into this waldo as well, and it basically provides another pair of hands. A cyberarm ver-
sion is also available.

Normal version:
Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
— — 2 6/72 hrs 7,000¥ 3

Cyberarm version:
Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
— — 2 8/72 hrs 8,000¥ 3.25

Techtronica “Mite” Diagnostic Remote (p. 11) Legal

No changes.

Normal version:
Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
— — 1 6/72 hrs 4,000¥ 3

Cyberarm version:
Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
— — 1 8/72 hrs 5,000¥ 3.25

CTS, plc ‘Pembroke’ Techscanner (p. 12) Legal

An Electronics toolkit (p. 259, SRII/p. 288, SR3) that gives a –1 to the target number of any task involving
fixing something that came out before the update chip became available.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— –1 5 9/72 hrs 1,500¥ 3.5
* +100¥ per month subscription update

Tool Kits by Buchsterhude Gmbh (p. 12) Legal

No modifiers to skills or target numbers in any way. It is a simple toolkit.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 5 6/48 hrs 1,000¥* 2
* 1,500¥ for high-style. Multiply prices by 2 for vehicle toolkit, or by 3 for electronic, computer, or cyberware toolkit.

Fax Plus 1000™ Fax Machine (p. 12) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 — .5 always 300¥ 1

ThunderArc Industries Three-D Holophone (p. 13) Legal

The Matrix-style icon (persona) chips cost 500¥ apiece.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 1 3/24 hrs 9,000¥ 1.25

More Cell Phone Options! (p. 13) Legal

Tight Beam
This has a range of about 1.5 kilometers. (In SR3, it has a Flux Rating of 2.)

Call Waiting
No changes.

Call Forwarding
No changes.
Weight Availability Cost Street Index
Tight Beam 3 2/12 hrs 200¥ 2
Call Waiting — always 50¥* —
Call Forwarding — always 50¥* —
* per month

Miniature Copier (p. 13) Legal

Has a 1 Mp memory for storing images.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — .5 2/12 hrs 230¥ .8

Datatel Rotowrighter (p. 13) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8 — .25 always 20¥ 1

Telectronics® Modulation Chip (p. 13)

Not available.

Yamaha RX4000 “Hurricane” Ultrasynth (p. 14) Legal

This synthesizer adds +4 the Impact (see Shadowbeat), but every extra element controlled gives a cumu-
lative –2 to Impact (three effects give a +0 to Impact, five elements give –4). If the user tries to control more
elements than twice his or her Intelligence Attribute Rating, roll a Willpower (4) test to avoid passing out un-
der the strain. This fine quality-rated synthesizer has 8 voices built in.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— +4 — always 9,380¥ 1

Midnight Arms Smart Glove (p. 14)

Not available.

Arasaka R-101 Lie Detector (p. 15) 3P-E1(U)

This machine makes an opposed test between its rating and the subject’s Willpower. In SRII, the number of
net successes on the machine’s part reduce the target number for Interrogation skill tests on a one-to-one
basis. In SR3, the R-101 functions as a complimentary skill to the user’s Interrogation skill (p. 97, SR3).

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 6 3 14/20 days 5,000¥ 4


Everest VentureWare Grapple Line (p. 15) Legal

The line can support a weight of 500 kg. It uses Shotgun ranges when fired.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

2 — 3 always 240¥ 1

Everest VentureWare Climbing Spikes (p. 15) Legal

These spikes lower the target number for climbing tests by 1 (see p. 75, Fields of Fire). If used as a
weapon, the spikes do (str+1)L damage.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost* Street Index

3 –1 — 2/24 hrs 75¥ 1
* 140¥ total cost for interface control

Esporma Environment Suit (p. 16) Legal
The suit provides a Barrier Rating of 6 to corrosive chemicals. Closing one “breathing” panel costs a
Simple Action. The sealed suit has a wearing time of 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes per two panels kept open.
Every 15 minutes over the duration, the wearer must roll a Body (4) test, otherwise all his or her Physical At-
tributes are halved for as long as he or she continues to wear the suit.

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Esporma 1 2 1 5 6/4 days 7,250¥ 3

The Automapper™ by ThunderArc (p. 16) Legal

The interface port (60¥) can be used by anyone with a datajack.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

7 — .5 6/48 hrs 600¥ 1

Geotech Enviroscanner (p. 16) Legal

Use the rules for gas detection systems (p. 88, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life), but this scanner de-
tects only biological and radioactive contamination within 7 meters.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 3 1 8/7 days 45,000¥ 3


Militech Combat Drugs (p. 17)

Prime 3-M1(X)
AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/dose Street Index
2M 4 6 1 turn injection 1D6+1 hours 14/7 days 500¥ 3
Effects: +2 Intelligence, +1 Willpower
Crash Effects: distractions, concentration difficulties, +2 target numbers for all skill use, –1 Willpower [resist all
with one Willpower (4) test] for 1D6÷2 hours

Timewarp 3-M1(X)
AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/dose Street Index
4P 3 5 1 turningestion, injection1D6+1 minutes 14/7 days 300¥
Effects: +2 Initiative
Crash Effects: 6L Stun damage [resist with Willpower]

Berserker 3-M1(X)
AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/dose Street Index
6P 3 3 immediate injection 1D6+1 minutes 14/7 days 400¥ 3
Effects: +1 Body, +1 Strength, +1 Willpower, +1 Reaction
Crash Effects: 6L damage [resist with Body]
Permanent Effects: Essence reduced by 1D6÷20 [resist with Willpower (6) test]

Trauma Drugs (p. 17)

Sedative 4P-M1(X)
AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/dose Street Index
— — — 1 turn injection 1D6+1 minutes 4/6 hrs 40¥ 2
Effects: 8D Stun damage [resist with Willpower]

Stim 4P-M1(X)
AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/dose Street Index
— — — 1 turn injection 1D6+1 minutes 4/6 hrs 50¥ 2
Effects: negates injury modifiers to target numbers only, not to initiative
Crash Effects: Light Stun wound

Surge 4P-M1(X)
AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/dose Street Index
2P 4 5 1D6 minutes injection 1D6+1 hours 4/6 hrs 75 2
Effects: ignore food and sleeping needs, –1 target number to resist any Stun damage.
Crash Effects: all Attributes are halved [sleep 5 hours to get rid of this reduction]

Trauma I 4P-M1(X)
AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/dose Street Index
4P 2 10 immediate injection 1D6+1 turns 4/6 hrs 60¥ 2
Effects: as Trauma Patch

Surveillance Kit (p. 18) 4P-E1(U)

This kit contains the following equipment (all p. 258, SRII/p. 290, SR3 unless otherwise noted):
a) 20 micro-transceivers, 10 micro-camcorders, 10 micro-recorders, and multi-band receiver with chip re-
corder (not listed in SRII).
b) 20 tracking signals (rating 3, conceal 5) and a signal locator (rating 5)
c) A shotgun microphone (rating 3) and a laser microphone (rating 3)
d) A portacam (p. 88, Shadowbeat/p. 292, SR3) with 20 Mp memory to store images

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 6.5 6/5 days 98,000¥ 2

Visual Adaptor (p. 18)

Not available: most portacams can have such options installed anyway.

SecSystems Detection Wand (p. 18) Legal

See the rules for weapon detection on page 92 of the Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life or p. 237, SR3.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 2 .5 2/12 hrs 10,000¥ 1

Optitech MagViewer (p. 18) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost* Street Index

4 20x 1 always 375¥ .8
* +100¥ for IR, +125¥ for low-light, +75¥ for digital camera with 5 Mp memory

IEC Domitic System (p. 19) Legal

Cost is 2D6×50¥ per square meter. Most systems are linked to the Matrix, but are almost completely Blue

Availability Cost Street Index

2/48 hrs 2D6x50¥ —

Virtual Ventures, Ltd. (p. 19)

This company puts the user into a Matrix system scuplted to represent the history being portrayed. The
customer can either jack into their system from his home (provided he has some sort of cyberdeck), or from
Virtual Ventures’ offices.
Prices given on the table on page 19 of Chromebook 3 are in nuyen for 3, 6, and 12 hour trips.

Royo Bodyfree Masks (p. 20) Legal

Gives no modifiers to skills or Attributes. Filter masks are 50¥ extra.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8* — — always 600¥ 1
* this is to spot that the character is wearing a mask

Optical Remote (p. 20) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 4/12 hrs 100¥ .7

IEC Solodrinker (p. 20) Legal
Convert all prices from eb to nuyen at a 1:1 ratio. Availability for all is Always, Street Index is .75.

Note: For various systems, the Essence costs is in parentheses; in such a case, the Essence loss only ap-
ply when the system is installed in a natural limb; when placed in a cyberlimb, Essence cost is 0.

 Sycust “FleshWeave” (p. 21) Legal

Instead of being a retro-fit, this is a complete limb. Repairs cost 50% more than normal, and the limb
counts as both bioware and cyberware, so it has both an Essence and a Body Cost. In case of the user taking
a Deadly wound, check twice for damage to the limb—once for the cyberware part and once for the bioware

Essence CostBody Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.5 .5 6/36 hrs 120,000¥ 1.5

Dynalar Technologies “Digits®” Cyberfingers (p. 22) per finger

Cyberfinger Probe Link Legal

A datajack with data flow rate of 30 (p. 45, Shadowtech) mounted in your finger.

 Parabolic Microphone 6P-E1(U)

Has a rating 1 shotgun microphone (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3) built into the finger.

Flasher Legal
Functions as a flash pak (p. 45, Street Samurai Catalog/p. 283, SR3). Replacement bulbs are 25¥.

IR/UV Flashlight Legal

No changes.

Flare Legal
Functions as a micro flare (p. 46, Street Samurai Catalog/p. 295, SR3). Replacement flares cost 75¥.
Ranges are Short 1-2m, Medium 3-15m, Long 16-40m, Extreme 41-80m.

Storage Compartment Legal

No changes.

Laser Pointer Legal

Effective to 20 meters during the day, 200 meters at night.
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
Probe Link (.15) 2/12 hrs 1,500¥ 1
Microphone (.15) 2/48 hrs 3,500¥ 1.5
Flasher (.15) 4/36 hrs 750¥ 1
Flashlight (.15) 4/36 hrs 200¥ 1
Flare (.15) 6/48 hrs 200¥ 1.5
Storage (.15) 4/48 hrs 150¥ 1
Laser Pointer (.15) 5/36 hrs 750¥ 1.25

Cyclops International “Bug Eye” (p. 23) Legal

This set of eyes can hold up to .6 points of extra vision enhancements without additional Essence loss.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 2/24 hrs 7,500¥ 1

Raven Microcyb Supercompact Braindance Recorder (p. 23) Legal

A full-X simsense rig (p. 97, Shadowbeat/p. 302, SR3), which needs to be connected to external memory
(recording 2 hours of wet record simsense requires 21,600 Mp of memory, which would cost 72 Essence
points…!). It does come with its own specialized datajack, though.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1.8 8/12 days 600,000¥ 3

Smartgun 2® SmartPlate Weapons Link (p. 23)

Not available: all normal smartlinks in Shadowrun work this way already.

Leg Boosters (p. 24) Legal

Adds three meters to the distance the character can jump (see p. 76, Fields of Fire).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 6/6 days 5,000¥ 1

Cyberoptic Compass (p. 24) Legal

Can be integrated into a cybereye. The information the compass provides is projected onto the user’s ret-
ina, so a TimesSquare is not required. Available in two models: normal and logcompass. The latter is a pro-
grammable inertial compass that keeps track of the user’s changes in direction from a fixed bearing or point.

Normal model:
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
.1 4/24 hrs 3,000¥ .9

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
.2 6/24 hrs 3,000¥ .9

Mediaware Cellular Phone (p. 24) Legal

A headware telephone, p. 260, SRII/p. 298, SR3

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.5 3/24 hrs 5,000¥ .9

Kiroshi® Laser-Comm Optic (p. 24) Legal

To successfully send a message, a Quickness test is required, using Light Pistol ranges to find the base tar-
get number. To understand the message, the user must have TimesSquare, subdermal screen, or cyberears.
Replacement chips cost 175¥. This device can be fitted into a cybereye.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.3 6/60 hrs 4,250¥ 1.5

LiveWires (p. 24) Legal

Essentially, this is a datajack with a data flow rate of 50 (p. 45, Shadowtech) mounted on a user-control-
lable cable.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.35 3/48 hrs 4,000¥ .9

SuperSized Arms (p. 25) Legal

These arms give a –1 target number modifier to intimidate opponents, but all reflex-based actions with the
arms have a +2 target number. Unarmed combat damage is (str+2)M Stun.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1 made to order120,000¥ to 150,000¥ —

The Bonespike (p. 25) 3-B

Inflicts (str–1)M damage, and has a concealability of 9 when retracted.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.3 5/72 hrs 10,000¥ 1.5

Bodyweight AutoInjector (p. 25) As Drug
For and additional 200¥, the AutoInjector can be wired to a Biomonitor. The reservoir can be refilled by
making a successful Biotech (3) skill test.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 2/6 hrs 750¥ .9

Bodyweight Pacemaker Coprocessor (p. 26) Legal

Allows the character to make a second natural Body test to see if his or her condition stabilizes after tak-
ing a Deadly wound (p. 115, SRII/p. 129, SR3).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 6/24 hrs 1,500¥ 2

Dynalar Web Hand (p. 26) Legal

Characters get +1 die for Athletics (Swimming) skill tests for every pair of limbs equipped with a web
hand. It can only be mounted on a cyberarm or cyberhand.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 4/36 hrs 10,000¥ 1

 Fresco’s Personal Nano-Groomers (p. 26) Legal

The first package gives two dice to roll, with an additional die per extra package bought (max. 4 dice).
Whenever someone makes a skill test in an attempt to improve a character’s appearance, roll these dice and
halve their number of successes. (In SR3, this make them essentially a complimentary skill, as per the rules
on page 97 of SR3.)

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 per package 3/12 hrs 4,000¥ .8

CapsuleCo CyberPillow™ (p. 26) Legal

No changes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— always 800¥ .75

CyberPillow Cases by KraftMatrix (p. 26) Legal

No changes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— always 100¥ .75

Cyphire “Spitting Cobra” (p. 27) 4-CA(N)

Effective range is 2 meters. If fitted into retractable Vampires (p. 9, Chromebook 2), cost is 7,000¥.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 3/36 hrs 4,000¥ 2

Optical Interface (p. 27) Legal

A set of two cybereyes with a datajack (with a data flow rate of 60; see p. 45, Shadowtech) built into one
of the eyes. The eyes cannot accept additional vision enhancements without extra Essence loss.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 3/36 hrs 6,000¥ 1

Kiroshi Optics Cyberoptic Interferomerty System (p. 27) Legal

Must be fitted into cybereyes, and functions as rating 1 optical magnification.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 5/48 hrs 3,000¥ 1

Kiroshi Optics “Tricloptics™” Third Eye Cyberoptic Implant (p. 28) Legal
One or more cybereyes in your forehead. Each eye can accommodate up to .25 points of Essence in addi-
tional vision enhancements.

Per eye:
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
.1 2/24 hrs 5,000¥ .9

Dynalar Technologies “Endo-Frame” CyberSkeletal Enhancement (p. 28) Legal

Apart from setting off all metal detectors, the character gets +2 Body. The design does not come in sec-
tions, instead the whole body is done at once. This stuff is only available in Alpha (or higher) grade cyber-
ware; the stats below are for Alpha-grade, but you will have to roll for Availability as normal even after locat-
ing the clinic (see p. 98, Street Samurai Catalog).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1.25 6/14 days 100,000¥alpha clinics

 Husqvarna ChainRipp® (p. 29) 1-B(B) + CA(N)

Damage is (str)S, using one-half Ballistic armor to resist.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

(.6) 8/72 hrs 12,500¥ 1.5

Dermatech Cam-O-Skin (p. 30) Legal

Use the rules for camouflage clothing from page 77 of Fields of Fire or pp. 283-284 of SR3.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1.5 6/72 hrs 8,500¥ 2

 Slamdance Spyke!™ Furniture (p. 30) 2-A(A)

Can only be added to dermal plating, dermal sheathing, cyberlimbs, or other types of cyberware that
either add armor plates to the skin or replace a major part of the anatomy by metal. If there are spikes on the
arms or legs, add +1 to the Power Level of unarmed melee attacks per pair of limbs.
The spike plates add Ballistic 1, Impact 1 armor to the area they are installed in, cumulative with other ar-
mor, but this is only applicable to called shots made against that part of the body; they do not add that ar-
mor rating against attacks made against the whole of the target.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Head — 6/48 hrs 4,000¥ 1
Shoulders & Upper Chest — 6/48 hrs 5,000¥ 1
Arms (both) — 6/48 hrs 4,500¥ 1
Legs (both) — 6/48 hrs 6,000¥ 1

Wyzard Technologies “Romanova” Cyberlegs (p. 31) Legal

These add 10 to 15 centimeters to your height, and don’t give any penalties for running in spiked heels.

For two legs:

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
2 6/7 days 250,000¥ 1

Wyzard Technologies Verbal-Eyes™ series “Windows of the Soul” (p. 32) Legal

Basic Option
Simply cybereyes. If the character already has cybereyes, this is a retrofit at the same cost (but no extra
Essence loss).

Video Imager Option

A video camera mounted in the eyes. Requires headware memory to store images.

Customised Images Option

A set of cybereyes with built-in TimesSquare Plus™ (p. 38, Chromebook) and customizable images; other-
wise it is as the Basic option, above.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
Basic .2 3/24 hrs 7,500¥ .9
Video Imager .5 4/48 hrs 22,000¥ 1
Customized .5 4/48 hrs 24,000¥ .9

Cyberfacial Remounts (p. 33) Legal

Evileye can accept vision enhancements up to .25 points of Essence for that eye only (each enhancement
is at half its normal Essence cost, because it is fitted into only one eye).
Jigsaw can accept up to .25 Essence points of vision enhancements (again, each enhancement is at half
its normal Essence cost) and up to .25 points of Essence worth of other headware.
Twoface can accept up to .5 Essence points of vision enhancements (each enhancement is at its normal
Essence cost because both eyes are covered), up to .2 points of hearing enhancements, and up to .5 points
of Essence worth of other headware.
All three models also provide armor, like helmets, though a helmet can be worn over the cyberware.

Essence Cost Ballistic Impact Availability Cost Street Index

Evileye .15 +0 +1 6/48 hrs 15,000¥ 1
Jigsaw .25 +1 +1 6/48 hrs 25,000¥ 1
Twoface .5 +1 +1 8/48 hrs 35,000¥ 1

Though Shadowrun doesn’t mention any actual dates from which cyberware became common, it is sug-
gested to add approximately 25 years to all dates mentioned in this section of the Chromebook 3.

Kiroshi Model 100 Interface Plugs (p. 33) Legal

These have a data flow rate of only 10 (see page 45, Shadowtech).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 3/24 hrs 1,000¥ 1

BioDyne Systems “Enable” cyberlimbs (p. 34) Legal

The user’s Reaction is reduced by 1 per limb implanted.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1 6/7 days 100,000¥ 1

General Products Exoskeleton Series (p. 34) Legal

Quickness for movement purposes is set at 4, no matter what the user’s actual Quickness is, with the
movement multiplier for running being ×2. Each model has its own Strength (which replaces the user’s
Strength Attribute), and also armors the wearer: Series-A has Strength 9 and armor Ballistic 1/Impact 2;
Series-B has Strength 11 and armor 1/3.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Series-A 2 6/14 days 240,000¥ 2
Series-B 2.5 8/14 days 300,000¥ 2

AuraSound “Spectrum” cyberaudio implant (p. 35) Legal

Any Attribute/skill roll involving balance has a +1 target number modifier for a character with a Spectrum
implant. Using an enlarged ear gives a –1 modifier to the target number for any audio-based Perception test;
omnidirectional audio scalp implants give a –2 modifier.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Enlarged ear .3 4/24 hrs 4,500¥ 1
Omnidirectional +.5 +1/normal +1,500¥ normal

Gene-Teck’s See-It™ transparent skin (p. 35) Legal

Reduce Charisma by –2 if the face is transparent, but only for dealings with other people who have visual
contact with the character; this does not affect magical abilities. Also gives the user a Severe Sunlight Al-

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.5 per m2 4/24 hrs 1,000¥ per m2 .9
 Dermatech Mood Skin (p. 35) Legal
Reduce Body by –1 every 4 months for a year. It will not drop lower than 1, but if it would, reduce the char-
acter’s Racial Maximum for Body instead.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 per m2 4/36 hrs 200¥ per m2 .8

Life Vision “Revelation” cyberoptic implant (p. 36) Legal

Characters with Revelation eyes get a –1 modifier to visual-based Perception tests.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 3/24 hrs 6,000¥ .8

Lead’s Turn-On Nails (p. 36) Legal

No changes.

Per pair of limbs:

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
.05 always * .75
* 25¥ per nail, 200¥ for set of 10; 50¥ for coloring pen

Lead’s Show-Off Nails (p. 36) Legal

No changes.

Per pair of limbs:

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index
.1 always * .75
* 45¥ per nail, 425¥ for set of 10; 90¥ for coloring pen

BioTec Σ “SomaWare” Sleep Induction Chip (p. 37) Legal

This chip is addictive, in the same way as a drug is. One chip can be used over and over again.

AddictionTolerance Strength Speed Vector Duration Availability Cost/dose Street Index

4M 15 10 25 seconds chip 8 hours 2/6 hrs 400¥ 1
Effects: user falls asleep for duration of chip
Addiction Effects: user can’t sleep without chip

Direct Dataware Navigation/Orientation Chip (p. 37)

Not available.

Direct Dataware Crypto Chips (p. 37) Legal

This is an extra for language chips. It cannot be used separately, but must be encoded in the same chip as
the language. Prices are per chip; naturally, both people must use chips with the same encoding to under-
stand each other.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Lingua any +10 Mp +1/normal +600¥ normal

 DataEdge Inc. Stutter Chipping (p. 38) 6P-CA(U)

To use this thing, you must have a cyberware smartlink of any level; designating someone as a “friendly”
requires a Complex Action. The chip must be slotted into a chipjack or softlink. The chip requires 1 Mp of the
user’s headware memory to store each friendly. The 20 Mp size of the chip is for the program that handles
the designation and storing of friendlies.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know — 20 Mp 4/48 hrs 3,100¥ 1.5

New Martial Arts Forms (p. 38)

See Tech Specs for details about unarmed combat using the rules below. Costs are as for normal Act-

Block Choke Dodge Escape Grapple Hold Kick Strike Sweep Throw
Arasake-Te +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Thamoc +1 +2 +2 +1 +1

 Auditory Recognition Chips (p. 39) Legal
See the Visual Recognition Chips on page 47 of this book and page 76 of the Chromebook for details on
these chips’ usage. The only difference is that these are used to recognize sounds instead of pictures.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1-10 normal 7/4 days normal 1.5


 Bensen Violator Hovercycle (p. 40)

No minimum skill required.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Violator 4 65/200 1/0 2 2 100,000¥
Seating: 1 front + 1 rear Cargo/Storage: 4 CF storage
Economy: 2 km per liter Fuel: IC/320 liters
Accessories: Datajack link, radio

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3 200 9 3 0 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 5 390
Seating: 1+1 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (2,560 bars) Economy: 0.25 km/bar
Point Value: 368 Cost: 100,000¥
Template: Small Hovercraft Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Datajack port, electronics port

Takaya Daimyo (p. 41)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Daimyo 3/8 65/200 2/0 4 3 44,000¥
Seating: front + rear twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard + open top
Economy: 40 km per liter Fuel: IC/12 liters
Cargo/Storage: 2 CF underseat + 5 CF trunk Accessories: Anti-theft system (2), cellular phone, crash
cage, entertainment system

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/8 137 10 3 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 6 50
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + open top Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (60 liters) Economy: 8 km/liter
Point Value: 280 Cost: 28,000¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Anti-theft system (2), crash cage, electronics port

 Cadence Industries Wanderer (p. 42)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Wanderer 6/10 35/105 2/2 3 3 50,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + 3 bench Access: 2 + 1 standard
Economy: 25 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/30 liters
Cargo/Storage: 25 CF storage Accessories: Anti-theft system (4), cellular phone, crash
cage, environmental control system, fold-down bed
(sleeps two), radio

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/10 107 4 4 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 232 430
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 3 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 door Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (250 liters) Economy: 4 km/liter
Point Value: 517 Cost: 52,000¥
Template: Van Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Anti-theft system (4) with shock option,
concealed armor, crash cage, electronics port, EnviroSeal™ (gas),
living amenities (basic, 2 people)

 Mitsubishi Portabike (p. 42)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Portabike 3/9 10/35 1/0 7 0 250¥
Seating: 1
Economy: 1 PF per km Power: Elec/215 PF

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 22 3 1 0 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 0 10
Seating: 1 Setup/Breakdown: 1 minute
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (125 PF) Economy: 2 km/PF
Point Value: ? Cost: 250¥
Template: none Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: none

 New American Autoworks Roadcar (p. 42)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Roadcar 4/8 35/105 1/0 3 1 11,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: 35 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/30 liters
Cargo/Storage: 3 CF trunk Accessories: Crash cage

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 71 6 3 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 3 0
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (450 bars) Economy: 2.125 km/bar
Point Value: 179 Cost: 18,000¥
Template: Commuter/Subcompact Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Crash cage

 Scion Technologies Dunemaster (p. 43)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Dunemaster 4/3 45/135 2/1 1 1 40,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats Cargo/Storage: 2 CF cargo
Economy: 25 km per liter Fuel: IC/40 liters
Accessories: Long-range radio, roll bars

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

Dust Devil 5/4 35/105 2/2 1 1 46,000¥
Seating: twin buckets seats Cargo/Storage: 2 CF cargo
Economy: 20 km per liter Fuel: IC/40 liters
Sensors: Standard (1) Accessories: Long-range radio, pintle mount, roll bars

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/3 90 10 3 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 13 255
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (80 liters) Economy: 12 km/liter
Point Value: 269 Cost: 32,500¥
Template: Sand Buggy Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Concealed armor, roll bars

Dust Devil
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/3 71 9 3 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 1 11 98
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (80 liters) Economy: 12 km/liter
Point Value: 368 Cost: 92,000¥
Template: Sand Buggy Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Concealed armor, pintle mount, roll bars

 GMI HovTransport (p. 44)

Normal weaponry consists of two pintle-mounted Vindicator miniguns (p. 58, Street Samurai Catalog), one
firing to the left and one to the right, and a turret-mounted Vengeance minigun (p. 124, Rigger Black Book/p.
92, Rigger 2).

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
HovTransport 5 65/200 4/4 4 2 720,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + 10 bench Access: 2 standard
Economy: 0.5 km per liter Fuel: IC/1,280 liters
Sensors: Advanced (3) ECM: Security I (1)
Accessories: Crash cage, datajack link, EnviroSeal™, life support Cargo/Storage: 10 CF storage
system (10 man-hours), micro-turret, rigger control gear

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 133 5 5 4 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 3 32 198
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 6 bench seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (1,280 liters) Economy: .5 km/liter
Point Value: 3,377 Cost: 2,120,000¥
Template: Large Hovercraft Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Crash cage, datajack port, EnviroSeal™ (gas), life
support (10 man-hours), 2× pintle mount with Vindicator minigun,
rigger adaptation, small turret with Vengeance minigun

 Tetracorp Fei Lien 100 Aerodyne (p. 45)

A vectored-thrust vehicle.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Fei Lien 100 4 300/600 2/3 1 3 1,290,000¥
Seating: front + rear twin bucket seats Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 1 km per liter Fuel: IC/1,250 liters
Cargo/Storage: 5 CF trunk Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Accessories: Anti-theft system (4), cellular phone, crash cage,
datajack link, ejection seats, EnvrioSeal™, seat massagers, VR

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 400 25 4 3 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 5 4,590
Seating: 2 bucket seats (ejection) + 2 bucket seats (ejection) Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2+2 doors Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (1,250 liters) Economy: .2 km/liter
Point Value: 4,176 Cost: 1,044,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (M) Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Anti-theft system (4) with shock option,
concealed armor, crash cage, datajack port, electronics port,
EnviroSeal™ (gas)

 Hyundai Minicopter (p. 46)
No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Minicopter 4 70/160 1/1* 2 1 155,000¥
Seating: single bucket seat Access: full canopy
Economy: 4 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/80 liters
Cargo/Storage: 2 CF storage Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Sensors: Standard (1)
* Armor is not Hardened.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 107 15 3 1 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 1 2 18
Seating: 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (250 liters) Economy: .4 km/liter
Point Value: 340 Cost: 85,000¥
Template: Autogyro Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Concealed armor (not hardened)

 New American Motors Nautilus Mini Road-Home (p. 46)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Nautilus 6/10 35/105 2/1 1 0 32,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + bench Access: 2 standard
Economy: 30 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/20 liters
Cargo/Storage: 5 CF storage Accessories: Fold-down bed, one-person/week water
supply, radio, refrigerator, small bathroom, trideo

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/10 71 2 4 1 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 240 600
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (1,000 bars) Economy: .6 km/bar
Point Value: 280 Cost: 28,000¥
Template: Van Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Concealed armor, electronics port, living
amenities (Basic, 1 person)

 Kundalini Roadworks “Dart” (p. 46)

Normal Handling is 4/8, but for Handling tests involving stability, it is 3/6.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

Dart 4/8 (3/6) 55/160 1/1 3 1 10,000¥
Seating: 1 front + 1 rear Access: full canopy
Economy: 50 km per liter Fuel: IC/9 liters
Cargo/Storage: 1 CF storage

Normal Handling is 4/6, but for Handling tests involving stability, it is 3/6.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature

4/6 (3/6) 105 10 2 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 60
Seating: 1 + 1 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (36 liters) Economy: 12 km/l
Point Value: 234 Cost: 16,500¥
Template: Chopper Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: none

 Kundalini “Torpedo” Police Interceptor Cycle (p. 47)

Normal Handling is 4/6, but for Handling tests involving stability, it is 3/5.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Torpedo 4/6 (3/6) 65/190 1/2 3 2 36,000¥
Seating: 1 Access: full canopy
Economy: 45 km per liter Fuel: IC/10 liters
Sensors: Standard (1) Accessories: 2 forward-firing Firmpoints (no weapons in-
stalled), long-range radio

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/6 (3/6) 128 10 2 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 1 0 118
Seating: 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (36 liters) Economy: 12 km/liter
Point Value: 395 Cost: 70,000¥
Template: Chopper Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: 2× firmpoint

 ATF-37B Thunderhawk (p. 48)

Comes with 2 Victory rotary assault cannons, one on each of the forward-firing hardpoints.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
ATF-37B 3 600/1385 8/2 5 5 12,500,000¥
Seating: single bucket seat Access: full canopy
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: 8,500 liters
Sensors: Military II (7) ECM/ECCM: Military III (6)/Military II (5)
Landing/Take-off Profile: Normal/Normal
Accessories: crash cage, datajack link, ejection seat, EnviroSeal™,
4 forward-firing Firmpoints, 2 forward-firing Hardpoints (one
Victory cannon with 1 CF dedicated ammo storage each), life
support system (10 man-hours), rigger control gear

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3 925 80 7 2 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
5 — 5 0 6,825
Seating: ejection seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: Standard
Fuel: Jet (8,850 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 5,340 Cost: 3,337,500¥
Template: Jet Fighter Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Crash cage, datajack port, EnviroSeal™
(overpressure), ECCM (5), ECM (7), 3× external firmpoint
(forward-firing), 2× external hardpoint (forward-firing), life
support system (10 man-hours), rigger adaptation

 New American Motors “Armadillo” Armored Road-Home (p. 49)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Armadillo 6/10 35/105 4/3 1 1 85,000¥
Seating: triple + twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: 30 km per liter Fuel: IC/25 liters
Cargo/Storage: 10 CF storage
Accessories: Anti-theft system (2), 2 fold-down beds, galley,
radio, six-person/week water supply, small bathroom, trideo
with satellite dish

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/10 71 4 4 3 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 230 210
Seating: 3 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (250 liters) Economy: 4 km/liter
Point Value: 354 Cost: 35,500¥
Template: Van Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Anti-theft system (2), living amenities (Basic,
2 people)

 New American Autoworks “Vulture” Heavy Tow Truck (p. 50)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Vulture 6/11 35/105 5/4 2 0 215,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: 20 km per liter Fuel: IC/40 liters
Accessories: Heavy winch, long-range radio, micro-turret (comes
without weapons), remote-controlled tow connector

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5/12 71 3 5 4 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 0 6,967
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown:
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff:
Fuel: Diesel (750 liters) Economy: 3 km/liter
Point Value: 5,567 Cost: 557,000¥
Template: Tractor Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Concealed armor, internal firmpoint (remote
micro turret), winch (5)

 Sport Eurasia “Microbike” (p. 50)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Microbike 4/12 35/105 1/0 5 0 1,000¥
Seating: 1
Economy: 50 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/4.5 liters

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 71 8 2 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 0 60
Seating: bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: 1 minute
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (175 bars) Economy: 1.25 km/bar
Point Value: 55 Cost: 2,750¥
Template: Scooter Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: none

 Brennan “Hermes” Courier Motorcycle (p. 50)

The 1 CF cargo is contained in a detachable courier case. The case has a rating 4 keypad maglock (p. 86,
Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p. 235, SR3), and has a Barrier Rating of 5. The case types available are
hot/cold (100¥), med transport (200¥), high security (with rating 5 cardreader maglock and Barrier Rating 7,
300¥), and a biohazard transport case (400¥).

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Hermes 3/6 30/95 1/0 2 0 12,500¥
Seating: 1 Cargo/Storage: 1 CF cargo (see above)
Economy: 90 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/5 liters
Accessories: Cellular phone, radio

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 64 8 2 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 60
Seating: bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (300 bars) Economy: 1.44 km/bar
Point Value: 121 Cost: 6,500¥
Template: Scooter Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Cellular phone, electronics port, radio

 M-62 “Volcano” SAM Launcher (p. 51)
This vehicle has two 5-shot missile launchers, which are normally loaded with SAMs (p. 59, Street Samurai
Catalog). They can, however, also fire other missiles. Each missile can be aimed at a different target if re-
quired. Each launcher can fire all its missiles in one Combat Phase, with no recoil.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Volcano 3/4 20/55 6/4 5 2 9,500,000¥
Seating: 1 + 2 bucket seats Access: 1 front hatch, 1 double-size rear hatch
Economy: 2 km per liter Fuel: IC/240 liters
Sensors: Security II (5)
Accessories: Amphibious operations package (1), EnviroSeal™,
fire extinguisher, life support system (10 man-hours), small turret
with twin 5-barrel missile launcher, vehicle smoke generator
(6-shot model)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/4 36 5 7 4 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 2 0 2,530
Seating: 3 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 1 hatch + 1 double-size Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (800 liters) Economy: 2 km/liter
Point Value: 1,481 Cost: 460,000¥
Template: Tracked APC Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Amphibious operations package (1), EnviroSeal™
(gas), fire extinguisher, life support system (10 man-hours), small
turret with twin 5-barrel missile launcher, vehicle smoke generator
(6-shot model)

 Bell UH-10 PAPC (p. 52)

Designed for the CAS Army.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
UH-10 5 90/180 8/4 5 4 1.85M¥
Seating: twin bucket seats Access: Full canopy
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: 3,200 liters
Sensors: Military I (6) ECM: Military I (4)
Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL Accessories: Ejection seats

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 120 10 7 4 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 6 30 5,000
Seating: 2 ejection bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (6,400 liters) Economy: .25 km/liter
Point Value: 6,329 Cost: 4,000,000¥
Template: Cargo Helicopter Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: ECM (4)

 Spinelli Autotech “Nomad” (p. 53)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Nomad 4/2 45/135 2/1 3 2 55,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: 25 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/30 liters
Cargo/Storage: 80 CF rear Accessories: Amphibious operations package (1), crash
cage, EnviroSeal™, long-range radio

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/2 89 5 4 1 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 17 530
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (1,230 bars) Economy: .65 km/bar
Point Value: 670 Cost: 67,000¥
Template: Pickup Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Amphibious operations package, concealed
armor, crash cage, EnviroSeal™ (gas), off-road suspension (1)

 Brennan Cycles “Ares” Combat Bike (p. 54)

The cannon is a fully-automatic Assault Cannon (p. 255, SRII).

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Ares 3/7 40/125 1/1 1 1 21,000¥
Seating: 1 Cargo/Storage: 1 CF storage
Economy: 40 km per liter Fuel: IC/5 liters
Options: without cannon, the bike costs 17,500¥ Accessories: Hardpoint (forward-firing) with automatic
assault cannon and 1 CF of dedicated ammunition stor-

Without cannon, the bike costs 29,250¥.
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 84 7 2 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 2 50
Seating: 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (20 liters) Economy: 10.35 km/liter
Point Value: 234 Cost: 35,750¥
Template: Off-Road Motorcycle Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Concealed armor, hardpoint (forward-firing with
full-automatic assault cannon), sidecar (small)

 BMW Burowagen HSR (p. 55)

This vehicle was manufactured from 2044 to 2051, and this is the model 2047.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Burowagen HSR3/10 50/145 3/1 2 4 900,000¥
Seating: twin + quad bucket seats Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 30 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/10 liters
Cargo/Storage: 5 CF trunk
Accessories: Anti-theft system (4), APPS™, datajack link,
EnviroSeal™, entertainment system, satellite uplink, video display
system, rigger control gear

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature

3/8 100 11 4 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 0 5 310
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 4 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (60 liters) Economy: 8 km/liter
Point Value: 1,213 Cost: 184,000¥
Template: Limousine Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Anti-theft system (4), APPS™, concealed armor,
datajack port, electronics port, EnviroSeal™ (gas), entertainment
system, satellite uplink, video display system, rigger adaptation


Civilian Navigation System (p. 56)

Not available (treat this as a rating 1 navigation system).

Puncture-Proof Tires (p. 56)

See Runflat Tires, p. 118, Rigger Black Book and p. 146, Rigger 2.

 Bulletproof Glass (p. 56)

Not available.

Mini-Comp (p. 56)

Not available (just chuck in a normal computer).

 Winch System (p. 56)

No changes. See page 146 of Rigger 2.

Base Time: 2 days

Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill
Target Number: 5
Parts Cost: 1,500¥
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Shop
CF: 2

 External Vidcam (p. 56)

The camera stores its images on any chip you care to plug into it. See p. 99, Shadowbeat for memory re-
quirements of video systems.


Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill Design Cost: 1 point Parts Cost: 500¥
Target Number: 3 Maximum Rating: NA Parts Availability: 4/48 hrs
Parts Cost: 500¥ CF Consumed: 0 Street Index: 1
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Toolkit Load Reduction: 0 kg Maximum Rating: NA
CF: None Base Time: 1 day
Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill
Target Number: 3
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Toolkit
CF Consumed: 0
Load Reduction: 0 kg

 Chute (p. 56)


When deployed, the vehicle When deployed, the vehicle has CUSTOMIZATION SPECIFICATIONS
loses 100 off its current speed per its Acceleration stat increased by Parts Cost: 2,000¥
turn, until it stops. A Handling test 100, but for deceleration purposes Parts Availability: 8/7 days
is required to prevent crashing in only; it cannot gain speed when Street Index: 2.25
the Combat Phase the chute is de- the chute is deployed. A Handling Maximum Rating: NA
ployed. Deploying the chute is a test is required to prevent crashing Base Time: 2 days
Simple Action, or a Free Action for in the Combat Phase the chute is Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill
a jacked-in rigger. Repacking the deployed. Deploying the chute is a Target Number: 5
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Facility
chute takes 4 turns (12 to 20 Simple Action, or a Free Action for
CF Consumed: 4
seconds). a jacked-in rigger. Repacking the
Load Reduction: Body × 25 kg
chute takes 4 turns (12 to 20
Base Time: 2 days seconds).
Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill
Parts Cost: 2,000¥ Design Cost: 8 points
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Shop Maximum Rating: NA
CF: 3 CF Consumed: 3
Load Reduction: Body × 25 kg

 Loudspeaker (p. 56)

No changes.


Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill Design Cost: 0 points Parts Cost: 150¥
Target Number: 2 Maximum Rating: NA Parts Availability: 2/12 hrs
Parts Cost: 150¥ CF Consumed: 0 Street Index: .75
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Toolkit Load Reduction: 0 kg Maximum Rating: NA
CF: None Base Time: 1 day
Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill
Target Number: 2
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Toolkit
CF Consumed: 0
Load Reduction: 0 kg

 Ram (p. 56)

A vehicle that is being rammed by another vehicle equipped with a ram gets a +1 modifier to the target
number in its Resistance Test (see Ramming, p. 107, SRII, p. 47, Rigger 2, or p. 145, SR3).


Base Time: 3 days DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Parts Cost: 1,000¥
Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill Design Cost: 2 points Parts Availability: 5/36 hrs
Target Number: 4 Maximum Rating: NA Street Index: 1
Parts Cost: 1,000¥ CF Consumed: 2 Maximum Rating: NA
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Facility Load Reduction: 100 kg Base Time: 3 days
CF: 2 Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill
Target Number: 4
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Facility
CF Consumed: 2
Load Reduction: 100 kg

Gas Spectrometer (p. 57)
This device uses the rules for the cyberware gas spectrometer (p. 61, Shadowtech). Maximum level is 6. It
can be linked to a life support system (p. 117, Rigger Black Book or p. 128, Rigger 2).


Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill Design Cost: 1 point per level Parts Cost: level × 1,000¥
Target Number: 4 Maximum Rating: 6 Parts Availability: rating/36 hrs
Parts Cost: level × 1,000¥ CF Consumed: 0 Street Index: 1
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Toolkit Load Reduction: 5 kg Maximum Rating: 6
CF: 1 Base Time: 2 hours
Skill: Electronics B/R Skill
Target Number: 4
Equipment Needed: Electronics
CF Consumed: 1
Load Reduction: 5 kg

Radiation Detector (p. 57)

As for the gas spectrometer (p. 61, Shadowtech), but this one detects radiation. It is available in ratings 1
through 6.


Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill Design Cost: 1 point per level Parts Cost: level × 250¥
Target Number: 4 Maximum Rating: 6 Parts Availability: rating/36 hrs
Parts Cost: level x 250¥ CF Consumed: 0 Street Index: 1
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Toolkit Load Reduction: 5 kg Maximum Rating: 6
CF: 1 Base Time: 2 hours
Skill: Electronics B/R Skill
Target Number: 4
Equipment Needed: Electronics
CF Consumed: 1
Load Reduction: 5 kg

 Homing Beacon/Tracer (p. 57)

Functions as a standard tracking signal (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3), using the cost, Availability, and Street
Index figures for that. Installation time and costs are negligible.

 Firing Port (p. 57)

Any weapon up to LMG size can use such a firing port. It is possible to shoot through the firing port from
the outside, but at a +8 modifier to the target number. Anyone firing a weapon from a firing port receives the
Running Attacker modifier, regardless of the actual speed the vehicle moves with, and in addition to any oth-
er movement modifiers incurred by the vehicle.


Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill Design Cost: 1 point Parts Cost: 50¥
Target Number: 4 Maximum Rating: NA Parts Availability: 4/4 days
Parts Cost: 50¥ CF Consumed: 0 Street Index: 1.5
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Shop Load Reduction: 0 kg Maximum Rating: NA
CF: None Base Time: 24 hours
Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill
Target Number: 4
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Shop
CF Consumed: 0
Load Reduction: 1 kg

Mine Layer (p. 57)

To determine the scatter of each mine, roll a number of D6s equal to the vehicle’s current speed divided
by 10. Detecting these mines requires the detection gear to make a roll against a target number equal to the
number of meters it is from the mine, divided by 10. They’re also visible to the naked eye on a Perception (4)
test. The dispenser always deploys all mines it holds in one Complex Action.


Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill Design Cost: 250 Parts Cost: 250,000¥
Target Number: 5 Maximum Rating: NA Parts Availability: 28/30 days
Parts Cost: 3,000¥ for the dis- CF Consumed: 2 CF for the mine Street Index: 4
penser, +1,000¥ per CF devoted to dispenser, add 1 CF for every 5 Maximum Rating: NA
mine storage mines stored. The mine dispenser it- Base Time: 2 hours
Equipment Needed: Vehicle Facility self holds no mines. Skill: Appropriate Vehicle B/R Skill
CF: 2 for the mine dispenser, add 1 Load Reduction: 500 kg Target Number: 5
CF for every 5 mines stored. The Equipment Needed: Vehicle Toolkit
mine dispenser itself holds no mines. CF Consumed: 2 CF for the mine
dispenser, add 1 CF for every 5
mines stored. The mine dispenser it-
self holds no mines.
Load Reduction: 750 kg

Minelayer Munitions Options (p. 57) 2-I

 Anti-Personnel Mine
Concealability is 16 or higher when buried. For a character stepping directly on the mine, armor does not
resist the damage, but it does for anyone else in the blast radius.
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
4/16 7D(f) –1 per meter .1 10/7 days 350¥ 3

 Antitank Mine
This mine has an armor-piercing anti-vehicle warhead. Concealability is 16 when buried.
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
4 14D –7 per meter 15 10/7 days 400¥ 3

Directional A-P Mine

This mine has two Damage Codes: the first is in a 30° cone in the direction it is deployed in, the second is
a normal sphere-shaped blast radius.
Conceal Damage Power Level Weight Availability Cost Street Index
4 cone: 8D(f)–1 per 4 meters .5 10/7 days 100¥ 3
sphere: 8S–1 per 2 meters

 Daemon Netrunning (p. 58)


This nothing more than using a smart frame (p.

Disguise and Doppleganger.

44, Virtual Realities/p. 107, Virtual Realities 2.0) to

infiltrate a system. This normally involves making
the frame appear like it belongs there, so you’ll
need two new options, available only to frames:

Disguise For IC to spot that the frame is not what it ap-
This option can be made in any required rating, pears to be requires an Opposed Test between the
from 1 upward. It adds (rating × 3)% to a frame’s Disguise rating and the IC rating. If the IC has
size, and also adds one-half its rating (round up) to more net successes than the number rolled by the
the target number to program the frame. It allows frame on its Analyze or Sensor test, it recognizes
the frame to take on the identity of another pro- the frame for what it is. Deckers use their Sensor
gram, including codes, passwords, and appear- rating to make the same test.
ance of the imitated program.
In Virtual Realities, to do this requires the frame Doppleganger
to make a test using its Analyze or Sensor rating As for Disguise, Doppleganger can be made in
(as appropriate to the thing being imitated, IC or any rating required. It adds (rating × 5)% to the
decker) against a target number equal to the IC’s frame’s size, and increases the target number for
rating or the decker’s Evasion. If the test suc- programming the frame by its rating. It functions
ceeds, the frame looks like what it tries to re- in the same way as Disguise, but a frame with
semble. Keep track of the number of successes Doppleganger not only looks like something else,
rolled by the frame. but can also act like it, albeit at a rating equal to
In Virtual Realities 2.0, the frame uses its DINAB the number of successes rolled on the imitation
rating to make the same test. test, and never at a higher rating than the item
being imitated.


Zetatech® PS-4040 Portastation (p. 61) Legal

A table-top computer with 30 Mp memory, 10 slots for extra memory chips, a printer, a scanner, a 4-hour
internal power supply, and 3 option slots (see p. 70, Chromebook 3). It comes in a solid briefcase (has armor
Ballistic/Impact 2/2).

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— 30 Mp 3 always 1,600¥ .75

Zetatech® PDA+ (p. 62) Legal

A pocket computer with 20 Mp memory and a rating 4 voice recognition scanner (p. 87, Neo-Anarchists’
Guide to Real Life/p. 236, SR3) so it can recognize its owner.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 20 Mp 1.1 always 3,000¥ 1

Microtech “PCZ Super” Laptop (p. 62) Legal

A table-top computer with 30 Mp memory, 5 clots for extra memory chips, a scanner, a printer, and 2½-
hour power supply. It has one empty option slot.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

1 30 Mp 3 always 750¥ .75

Wyzard Electronics “HandBox” Personal Comp (p. 63) Legal

A pocket computer without on-board memory; instead you plug in a memory chip as needed. None of the
extras on page 63 of Chromebook 3 are available. The computer is, however, cyber-controlled if you plug it
into a datajack.

Conceal Memory Weight Availability Cost Street Index

3 — 1 2/6 hrs 6,700¥ 1.25


 EBM PNI 210 (p. 63) 4P-CD(S)

No changes.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
2 0 20 20 8 3 4/7 days 7,590¥ 1
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
2/1/0/0/1 0 200 200 Tortoise No 0 0 4/7 days 7,400¥ 1

 Zetatech Parraline 5700 (p. 63) 4P-CD(S)
Comes with a vidscreen.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
2 1 20 20 8 3 4/7 days 8,200¥ 1

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
3/2/0/0/2 0 300 450 Cool No 50 0 4/7 days 17,890¥ 1

 Raven Microcyb Rook (p. 64) 4P-CD(S)

Comes with satlink gear installed (p. 33, Virtual Realities/p. 88, Virtual Realities 2.0) and has a level 1 cas-

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
2 1 20 20 8 3 4/7 days 11,500¥ 1

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
3/2/0/0/2 0 300 450 Cool No 50 0 4/7 days 20,555¥ 1

 Lang Conpro-II Masterdeck (p. 64) 4P-CD(S)

When trying to control a slave module, this deck gives a –1 to the decker’s target number. This deck also
has a satlink as standard.
Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
8 3 120 480 8 3 6/7 days 328,500¥ 1

Has casing level 1, satlink interface, system-control rig emulator (Internal, p. 78, Corporate Security Hand-
book), and provides a –1 target number modifier when making Slave tests
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
10/6/6/0/6 3 1,500 7,500 Hot Yes 200 0 24/7 days 1,972,940¥ 1

 Zetatech Parraline 5800 (p. 64) 4P-CD(S)

Comes with a vidscreen and level 1 response increase. It can also move independently through the Matrix
in “tour” more, but can only go through Blue nodes (or hosts) and datalines, and even then only moves in
random directions.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
5 2 75 190 15 5 4/7 days 58,500¥ 1

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
6/4/0/0/4 1 900 5,400 Cool Yes 100 1 4/7 days 153,795¥ 1

 EBM PNI 412 (p. 65) 4-CD(S)

Comes with a vidscreen, printer, and a rating 4 thumbprint scanner (p. 86, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real
Life/p. 235, SR3). For an extra 400¥ this deck has moving, abstract designs on the outer panels.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
3 1 30 45 15 5 4/7 days 18,000¥ 1

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
4/2/0/0/2 0 400 800 Hot No 100 0 4/7 days 49,590¥ 1

 Omnibus Cyberspace Explorer One (p. 65) 4P-CD(S)

Not available.

Originals cost about 150,000 nuyen.
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
2/1/0/0/1 0 200 200 Tortoise No 25 0 4/7 days 8,250¥ 1

 PCT Danzig (p. 65) 4-CD(S)

If you ever roll a all ones while in the Matrix, roll 1D6: 4-5 = you are immediately dumped; 2-3 = you are
dumped and your deck is burned beyond repair; 1 = take a Light Physical wound immediately (no Resistance
test!), you’re dumped, and your deck is burned. If the deck is moved around carelessly, roll 3D6. If the roll is
4 or less, the deck falls apart. If you move it urgently, this happens on a 3D6 roll lower than 7.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
2 1 20 20 8 3 4/7 days 7,625¥ 1

Actual price is 19,720¥, but listed cost is because this is a cheap deck.
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
3/2/0/0/2 1 300 450 Cool No 30 0 4/7 days 17,748¥ 1

 Raven Microcyb Eagle (p. 66) 4-CD(S)

The deck does (str+2)L damage if used as a melee weapon. It also has level 1 response increase, a rating
5 thumbprint scanner (p. 86, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p. 235, SR3) and satlink gear.

The deck is armored to ballistic/impact ratings 3/3
Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
5 1 100 250 15 5 4/7 days 90,135¥ 1

This deck has a casing level 3.
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
5/3/3/0/3 2 1,000 2,500 Cool No 100 1 4/7 days 143,970¥ 1

 Zetatech Virocana (p. 66) 4P-CD(S)
This is both a cyberdeck and a conventional (table-top) computer. The computer uses the cyberdeck’s
memory as it needs to, and has a printer and a scanner. The whole assembly is locked by a rating 4 thumb -
print scanner (p. 86, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p. 235, SR3), and the deck has level 1 response in-
crease and a vidscreen built-in.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
6 2 120 360 8 3 4/7 days 94,700¥ 1

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
8/6/0/0/6 0 1,600 12,800 Cool No 250 0 10/7 days 441,330¥ 1

 Raven Microcyb Kestrel (p. 66) 4P-CD(S)

The thumbprint scanner is rating 6, and the deck has satlink gear as standard.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
3 1 30 45 30 10 4/7 days 30,000¥ 1

The casing is level 1.
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
4/2/0/0/2 1 400 800 Cool No 150 1 4/7 days 61,465¥ 1

 EBM PNI 724π (p. 67) 4-CD(S)

For 200¥ extra, the coating is ColorChange™. The palm lock is a handprint scanner, rating 6 (p. 86, Neo-
Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life/p. 235, SR3), and the deck has level 1 response increase.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
5 2 100 250 23 8 4/7 days 65,400¥ 1

This deck has a level 2 casing.
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
7/4/4/0/4 2 1,400 4,900 Hot No 150 1 10/7 days 378,460¥ 1

 Jeweldecks (p. 67) 4-CD(S)

The minimum price is half a million nuyen, with average price so far being 2.7 million… These decks are
not really upgradable.

Just because you might like to know, the construction cost of this deck in Virtual Realities is 5,692¥. The
model listed here has level 1 response increase.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
4 1 60 120 8 3 — see above —

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
5/3/0/0/3 0 750 1,875 Hot No 100 0 — half a million nuyen and UP!

 Raven Microcyb Owl (p. 67) 3P-CD(S)

The coating is made of ruthenium polymers (p. 94, Shadowtech). The deck’s beeper uses an encrypted
signal, which can be duplicated on an Electronics B/R (4) test. Add +2 to the target numbers of any tests
made to upgrade this deck.

The deck comes with satlink gear, and always has a Sleaze-3 program running, hardwired into the deck,
and as such taking up no memory of any kind.
Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
3 1 30 45 8 3 4/7 days 25,550¥ 1

The deck comes with satlink interface, and always has a Sleaze-4 (not 3) program running, hardwired into
the deck, and as such taking up no memory of any kind.
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
4/2/0/2/2 1 400 800 Hot No 50 0 4/7 days 67,700¥ 1

 Dantech Cacciaguida (p. 68) 4P-CD(S)

Has a vidscreen, and has a baked-in reality filter (p. 52, Virtual Realities/pp. 69, 72 and 82 of Virtual Real-
ities 2.0) that transforms everything into classical images. The filter can be switched on and off, though.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
4 1 40 80 8 3 4/7 days 29,100¥ 1

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
5/3/0/0/3 0 500 1,250 Cool No 50 0 4/7 days 91,650¥ 1

 Aztec 600 Assault Programmer (p. 69) 4P-CD(S)

This deck does not have the Deckmate system, but does have the other options described. It also has a
vidscreen, level 1 response increase, and the outer casing has armor ratings Ballistic/Impact 4/4.
Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
4 1 100 200 8 3 4/7 days 37,400¥ 1

Has a level 3 casing, a satlink interface, and a vidscreen.
Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
5/3/3/3/3 2 1,250 3,125 Hot Yes 100 1 4/7 days 157,795¥ 1

 Lang presents “The Green Knight” (p. 69) 4P-CD(S)

No immunity is provided against any programs. The deck has a vidscreen.

Persona Hardening Memory Storage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index
6 3 60 180 8 3 4/7 days 95,000¥ 1

Active Storage
MPCP Hardening Memory Memory ASIST ICCM I/O Response Availability Cost Street Index
8/6/0/0/6 2 800 3,200 Cool Yes 50 0 12/7 days 511,290¥ 1

 Protective/Utility Items (p. 69) Rating: Power Strip Rating
Multiplier: 5
Power Strip 2020 As Deck COOK TASK
This protects the user from Black IC by dumping Time: Power Strip Rating × 3 days
him. The device rolls an opposed test against the Test: Avg. Computer B/R and Biotech (Power Strip
IC’s rating each time Black IC attacks the decker, Rating) Test
using 4 dice for the Power Strip. If the Strip wins, Parts: OCC @ Power Strip program size
the decker is dumped and takes no damage, but if Tools: Personal Computer (Memory: Power Strip size);
the IC wins it can damage the decker as normal. Microtronics Shop; Optical Chip Encoder
SRII STATS Time: Power Strip rating × 2 days
Conceal Rating Weight Test: Avg. Computer B/R and Biotech (Power Strip
— 4 — rating) Test
Availability Cost Street Index Parts: PLC @ Program Rating2; DTC @ Program Rat-
6/7 days 5,000¥ 1 ing2
Tools: Microtronics Kit
SR3 STATS Off-The-Shelf Cost: Power Strip Rating2 × [(4 × PF)
+ 120]¥; PF Basis: Power Strip rating
This is much like an ICCM filter as far as func-
tion is concerned. The difference is that Power Smartstrip
Strip 2020 has it own rating, independent of MPCP
Not available.
or any other components in the deck. When the
decker comes under attack by Black IC, it rolls a Hardware Options (p. 70)
test using its rating in dice, against the Ice’s rating
Not available.
as the target number. If the test succeeds, the
decker is dumped and suffers from dump shock Option Slot Items (p. 70)
(page 124, Virtual Realities 2.0/p. 227, SR3) but is
subject to none of the effects of the Black IC. Note Modems
that the Power Strip even attempts to dump the
Not available.
decker if the IC did not attack successfully. The
device can be switched on and off by the decker Memory Upgrades Legal
spending a Free Action; however if it is not
Every memory board adds 10 Mp to the com-
switched on in a Combat Phase before the Ice at-
puter’s memory.
tacks, the decker does not receive the benefits.
The maximum rating Power Strip that can be in- External Memory Modules Legal
stalled is equal to the MPCP rating, and Power Strip See Memory Upgrades, above. Weight is 0.25
counts against the same limit as Persona pro- kg.
grams. For instance, take an MPCP 6/3/4/3/3 deck
—the Persona programs add up to 13 points, with Dataports Legal
the limit of their total rating being 18, so a Power No changes.
Strip of a maximum rating of 5 can be installed in
this deck. Decks equipped with a Power Strip can- Chipreader
not be run in “Power Strip Mode.” Not available (standard on most Shadowrun

Not available.
Availability Cost Street
Memory Upgrades always 200¥ .75
External Memory always 200¥ .75
Dataports always 100¥ .75

Tight-Beam Radio Relay (p. 71) Cook Time: None required

Appropriate Skill: Computer B/R
Not available; use the rules for satellite linkup Skill Target:4
from p. 33 of Virtual Realities or p. 30 of Virtual Cost: 3¥ per Mp
Realities 2.0 if the need for such a device arises. Required Tools: Mictrotronics Tool Kit
Upgrade Procedure: Replacement: Full Value (Full
Batteries (p. 71) memory replacement)
Not available. Limits: None

Zetatech Diagnet™ (p. 71) SR3 STATS

Gives a –1 target number to the skill test re- SOFTWARE TASK
quired to design a utility, as long as the utility’s None
rating is less than or equal to Diagnet™’s. It must COOK TASK
be run on a computer with enough memory to None
store both Diagnet™ and the utility being written. INSTALLATION TASK
Size: (rating2) × 6 Mp Time: Memory Size ÷ 75 days (round up)
Cost: Size × 5,000¥ Test: Computer B/R (Memory Size ÷ 75, round up)
 Dead Man’s Handle (p. 71) Parts: OMC @ Memory Size; DTC @ Memory Size ÷
The decker’s Initiative is reduced by –3 (but 7.5 (round up)
never below 1). If the user gets hit by Black IC, Tools: Microtronics Kit
normally preventing him from jacking out, he may Off-The-Shelf Cost: Mp × 8¥
now roll a Quickness test with a target number 6. If
this test achieves at least one success, the decker
Datawalls & Code Gates (p. 72)
can jack out before the IC actually hits him. Not available.

Base Time: 1 day
Cook Time: None required
Appropriate Skill: Computer B/R
Skill Target: 6
Cost: MPCP × 1,000¥
Required Tools: Mictrotronics Tool Kit
Upgrade Procedure: Install new unit
Limits: None

Rating: MPCP Rating
Multiplier: 4
Time: MPCP Rating × 1 day
Test: Computer B/R (MPCP Rating) Test
Parts: OCC @ program size
Tools: Personal Computer (Memory: Dead Man’s
Handle program size); Microtronics Shop; Optical Chip
Time: 1 day
Test: Computer B/R (MPCP Rating) Test
Parts: PLC @ MPCP Rating; DTC @ MPCP Rating
Tools: Microtronics Kit
Off-The-Shelf Cost: MPCP Rating × 1,000¥

EBM 99080 “Muse” (p. 71)

The MUSE memory functions as a second set of
Storage memory. The decker can store files here
as normal, but to open or close it costs a Simple
Action. If closed, IC that affects the deck’s memory
(Hog, Tar Pit, etc.) cannot affect the MUSE.

Base Time: Mp ÷ 75 (round down)


Flip Switch 2.0 (p. 72) Target: deckers, files

Options: area, chaser, DINAB, limit, one-shot, optim-
Also see the Flip Switch on page 9 of Chrome- ization, penetration, stealth, targeting
book 1 (and p. of this book). An offensive utility that attacks like an Attack
program when used, but erases 1D6 Mp out of the
decker’s active memory per net success. If used
The decker has a +2 penalty to all visual Per- against files, it erases 1D6 Mp from the file.
ception tests for real-world things, and –5 Initiat-
ive. Roll for all Initiative using Matrix Reaction, π in the Face (p. 73)
rather than physical-world Reaction.
Options: one-shot
Size: rating2 Mp
Not available.
Multiplier: none (see below)
Options: none Multiplier: 3
To use this program, the flipswitch hardware Options: one-shot, squeeze
must be installed in the cyberdeck. It then func- Make a Control Test, subtracting π In The Face’s
tions as described on page 72 of Chromebook 3; rating from the target number. If the test suc-
executing Flip Switch 2.0 requires a Complex Ac- ceeds, the host will start calculating pi, adding a
tion, but no tests. Flip Switch 2.0 has no real rat- modifier to all its target numbers equal to one-half
ing, but uses up 30 Mp of memory. When Flip the number of net successes rolled by the decker
Switch 2.0 is active, the decker receives a +2 on the Control Test.
modifier to all Perception tests (whether made in
the Matrix or outside it), and subtracts 1D6 from
Clairvoyance (SeeYa 3.0) (p. 73)
his or her Matrix initiative dice—should this take Not available.
the decker to 0D6 initiative, halve the decker’s Re-
action rating and roll 1D6 for initiative as normal.
Hellburner (p. 74)

Dummy (p. 72) SRII STATS

Not available.
Not available. SR3 STATS
Multiplier: 25
SR3 STATS Options: one-shot, targeting
Multiplier: 4 HellBurner works against hosts in much the
Options: DINAB, limit, one-shot same way Blaster IC does against deckers (or their
This utility looks like nother utility when activ- cyberdecks, to be more accurate). Make a Control
ated. The decker rolls a Control test, subtracting Test using HellBurner’s rating; if successful the
the Dummy utility’s rating from the target number. host’s hardware will take damage, starting at Light
For other deckers to spot that Dummy is not what but staged up according to the number of suc-
it appears to be, they need more successes on cesses rolled—use a condition monitor to keep
their Analyze Icon test than were rolled for the track of this, and add the normal target number
dummy utility. modifiers to all tests made by the host or the IC in
it. If damage reaches Deadly level, the host shuts
Multinetter (p. 72) down immediately, and cannot be restarted until
Not available. some of the hardware has been replaced (taking
2D6 hours at least).
Cascade (p. 73) HellBurner is very uncommon on the street, but
has been reported in use by a number of hot-shot
SRII STATS corporate deckers.
This program functions like Attack, but instead
of damaging the opposing decker, it erases 1D6
Thug (p. 74)
Mp from the opponent’s Active memory per extra
success. If used against data in a Datastore, it
erases 1D6 Mp of the attacked file per extra suc- This is an Attack program that always comes
cess; it cannot be used against IC. with the Mobility option.
Options: area-effect, link, mobility, one-shot, penet- Options: area-effect, one-shot, penetration, staging
ration Size: rating2 × 3 MP
Size: rating2 × 2 Mp
SR3 STATS Multiplier: 8
Multiplier: 4 Target: deckers, frames, IC, SKs
Options: none SR3 STATS
This functions like an Attack-S program (p 98, Not available (use Attack-Moderate instead).
Virtual Realities 2.0/p. 221, SR3) with Chaser and
DINAB (at the same rating as the Thug utility) built Flare Gun (p. 75)
into it as standard.
George (p. 74) Not available.
Relocate under another name, so see page 176
of SRII, page 97 of Virtual Realities 2.0, and/or SR3 STATS
page 220 of SR3. Multiplier: 3
Options: none
Looking Glass (p. 74) Executing Flare Gun requires a Files Test, modi-
Not available. fied by the Flare Gun’s rating. The decker must
have a message composed (which is done by buf-
Dazzler (p. 75)
fering messages, as explained under Speak A
Word, page 121, Virtual Realities 2.0/p. 224, SR3).
SRII STATS This message is sent to all deckers in the same
Not available. host if the Files Test is successful.
SR3 STATS Ball and Chain (p. 75)
This black IC attacks like Killer, causing only
damage to the deck and not the decker, but when SRII STATS
it causes the deck’s condition monitor to reach or Similar to Slow, this utility affects only other
exceed Deadly damage, it generates what appears deckers.
like an entirely new host for the decker. This will Options: area-effect, link, mobility, one-shot
usually appear very similar to the one the decker Target: Evasion
was just in, but everything that happens in it is il- Size: rating2 × 4 Mp
lusionary and does not affect the real host—any
damage taken in this “host,” for instance, is gone SR3 STATS
as soon as the decker jacks out. On its first action Multiplier: 5
after the decker gets hung up in this host, Dazzler Targets: deckers
triggers a built-in Trace to find the decker’s physic- Options: area, DINAB, one-shot
al location. Similar to Slow, this utility affects only other
To see through the fake host requires the deck- deckers.
er to roll an Intelligence test (no utilities help)
against the Dazzler IC’s rating, +3 (because of the Dupré (p. 76)
damage suffered by the cyberdeck). One success
is sufficient to realize the “host” is not real, but the SRII STATS
decker can only leave the host by jacking out. Not available.

Pile Driver (p. 75) SR3 STATS

Multiplier: 1
SRII STATS Options: none
An Attack program with the Penetration and This utility functions like Decrypt (p. 96, Virtual
Serious staging options built into it as standard. Realities 2.0/p. 220, SR3), except that every time
Options: area-effect, link, mobility, one-shot it has made a successful Decrypt Access, Dcrypt
Size: (rating+5)2 × 3 Mp File, or Decrypt Slave system operation it gets a –1
modifier to its target number to use the same op-
SR3 STATS eration on that same host, up to a maximum of –8.
Multiplier: 4 Add the host’s Access rating to the size the utility
Options: none occupies in the cyberdeck’s memory after each
An Attack-S program with the Penetration op- successful test.
tion built into it as standard. Add +1 to the utility’s Note: Dupré requires the decker and/or game-
rating before adding the multiplier. master to keep track of which modifier applies to
which host. A major revision of the host’s security
Sledgehammer (p. 75) would negate the modifier, and deckers can erase
the modifier for a host by spending a Simple Ac-
SRII STATS tion per host.
An Attack program with the Moderate staging
option built in. Cry Baby (p. 76)
Options: area-effect, link, mobility, one-shot, penet-
Size: (rating+2)2 × 2 Mp This white IC pretends to be data, but once
downloaded it will set off any Trace-type IC in any

nodes the decker passes through if it rolls at least
one success on a test (using its rating for the num- Typhoid Mary (p. 77)
ber of dice) against the decker’s MPCP rating. In
order to dump it from the deck, the decker must SRII STATS
kill it or reboot the deck. This IC has a size of (rat- Typhoid Mary is gray IC that attacks like a Killer-
ing2) MP when in a cyberdeck. M (p. 171, SRII), and will dump the decker as nor-
Load Rating: 1/2 rating (round down). mal if it inflicts Deadly damage to the deck.
However, if Typhoid Mary is successfully at-
SR3 STATS tacked by the decker, but less than Deadly dam-
Make a Cry Baby Test against the decker’s De- age is caused to it, Typhoid Mary “crashes,” ap-
tection Factor every time he makes a System Test. pearing as if it has taken Deadly damage. At this
If successful, Cry Baby installs itself in the deck’s point, roll a test using Typhoid Mary’s rating
active memory, taking up memory equal to its rat- against the deck’s MPCP rating plus its Hardening
ing, squared. Once there it decreases the deck’s rating. Each success allows Typhoid Mary to delete
Trace Factor by its rating. Removing Cry Baby from one utility from the deck’s active memory, chosen
memory requires a Computer (Software) Test randomly.
against Cry Baby’s rating; this costs a Complex Ac- Target: Bod
tion. Load Rating: 1.5 × rating
At the gamemaster’s discretion, Cry Baby can
be programmed to only work in systems belonging SR3 STATS
to certain companies or organizations—for ex- Typhoid Mary is white IC that attacks like a
ample, a Cry Baby that will only work if it is in a Killer (p. 41, Virtual Realities 2.0/p. 228, SR3), and
Mitsuhama system. This feature adds 1 to the ef- will dump the decker as normal if it inflicts Deadly
fective rating to determine the size it takes up in damage to the deck.
the cyberdeck’s memory. However, if Typhoid Mary is successfully at-
tacked by the decker, but less than Deadly dam-
Evil Twin (p. 76) and Shadow (p. 77) age is caused to it, Typhoid Mary “crashes,” ap-
Not available. pearing as if it has taken Deadly damage. At this
point, roll a test using Typhoid Mary’s rating
against the deck’s MPCP rating plus its Hardening
rating. Each success allows Typhoid Mary to delete
one utility from the deck’s active memory, chosen

Possessor (p. 77)

Not available.

Multiplier: 15
Target: IC
Options: chaser, DINAB, limit, one-shot, optimiza-
tion, sensitive
A special offensive utility, that attacks as nor-
mal, but once it crashes IC, that IC comes under
control of the decker, who can let it perform its
normal functions as if he were the host. Any dam-
age done by Possessor to the IC is gone, and re-
mains gone when Possessor is released from the
IC. Each Possessor can only control one piece of IC,
and once the IC is released, it will start performing
its normal functions again. If an attack is made
against either Possessor or the Ice it controls, roll
1D6; 1-3 = IC gets hit, 4-6 = Possessor gets hit.
Possessor is reportedly in use by combat deck-
ers from major corporations.

Exorcist (p. 77) to Stationary (p. 78)

Not available.
Threat (p. 79) Options: one-shot
Use of this utility requires an Access test in a
SRII & SR3 STATS Complex Action, subtracting Cartographer’s rating
from the target number. On a successful test, the
This black IC does no damage, but gives the decker knows a number of steps in the security
decker a nagging feeling that his meat body is in sheaf equal to the number of successes rolled; for
danger. Roll for damage as normal, and let the example, with four successes the decker would re-
player apply it to the decker’s Stun Condition Mon- ceive information about the first four steps. This
itor; this damage is removed as soon as the decker information consists only of the trigger points, not
jacks out, or when the Threat IC is destroyed or the IC or other measures taken at those steps.
shut down. Once the decker has taken “damage” Before making the test, the decker may choose
from the Threat, he must roll a Willpower test to to assign successes to discovering the action
avoid jacking out. taken at each step, in which case that data is also
given for a number of steps equal to the successes
Knevil (p. 79)
allocated, provided they were less than or equal to
the number of steps about which the decker gets
information. For example, if a decker decides to al-
Not available. locate 3 successes to getting IC data, and then
rolls 5 successes, he will get data for only two
SR3 STATS steps because he only has two successes assigned
Multiplier: 4 to the trigger points of the security sheaf.
Options: none Subsequent successful tests add to the original
A variant of the Rigger Protocol Control Emula- number of successes.
tion; to use this utility, the decker must have a
System-Control Rig Emulator installed in his deck Dogcatcher (p. 80)
(see page 78, Corporate Security Handbook). Not available.
When executed, the decker can jack into a rigged
vehicle, but must use the rules on page 105 of the Outjack (p. 80)
Corporate Security Handbook to battle it out with
any rigger who might already be plugged into the SRII STATS
same vehicle. When the decker in actual control of Not available.
the vehicle, use the same rules.
Terminator (p. 79) to Black Sky (p. 80)
Multiplier: 6
Not available. Options: none
This program must be loaded into active
Cartographer (p. 80) memory in order to work, and rolls a test using its
rating for the number of dice each time the decker
takes Physical damage. The target number is 10
This program has the Mobility option built in, minus the number of boxes of damage taken by
and once activated, it seeks out the CPU and asks the decker. If the test succeeds, the decker is auto-
it for a system map. Treat this exactly as a Trace matically jacked out. OutJack will not work if the
program with regards to the time taken to retrieve damage is illusionary, such as might be caused by
the map. certain Illusion spells, and it will not unplug the
Options: one-shot decker he is being held in the Matrix by Black IC. A
Size: rating2 × 4 Mp decker dumped from the Matrix by OutJack still
suffers from dump shock, but subtracts OutJack’s
rating from the Power Level.
Multiplier: 6


Animal Stats (p. 82)

Many of the animals in the Chromebook 3 don’t appear in any Shadowrun book, so stats for these are in
the table below.

ANIMAL B Q S C I W E R Initiative Attacks

Baboon 4 3×3 4 — 3/4 2 6 5 5+2D6 6M
Cheetah 3 12×5 3 — 2/4 2 6 6 6+3D6 8M
Chimp 4 4×3 6 — 4/4 3 6 5 5+2D6 8M
Dog, Medium 2 4×4 2 — 2/4 2 6 4 4+1D6 4M
Dolphin 5 4×4 4 3 4 3 6 4 4+3D6 7M
Gorilla 8 3×3 10 — 4/4 3 6 5 5+1D6 8S, +1 Reach
Lion 8 5×4 7 — 3/4 2 6 6 6+3D6 10S, +1 Reach
Otter 2 4×4 1 — 2/4 2 6 5 5+2D6 5L, –1 Reach
Note: Running multiplier on land is 2
Rabbit 1 3×3 0 — 1/4 2 6 4 4+1D6 3L, –1 Reach
Raptor 1 6×5 2 — 2/6 2 6 5 5+3D6 5L, –1 Reach
Note: Running multiplier on land is 2
Raptor, Large 2 5×5 2 — 2/6 2 6 4 4+3D6 5M
Note: Running multiplier on land is 2
Rodent, Small 1 3×3 0 — 1/3 2 6 5 5+1D6 2L, –2 Reach
Squirrel 1 5×3 0 — 1/4 2 6 4 4+1D6 4L, –1 Reach

Animal Cyberware (p. 83)

Follow the rules for fitting cyberware into critters on page 220 of SRII and/or page 6 of Critters (which
comes with the Shadowrun Gamemaster Screen, Third Edition). For this reason, animals are usually modified
by putting bioware into them, even though this costs more in monetary terms.
The Animal Cyberware table on pages 84-85 of Chromebook 3 is not used. If you want to put cyberware
into a critter, use any normal cyberware you want to put into the animal. Following are some of the special
kinds of cyberware that Chromebook 3 gives for animals; these can only be used for animals, not for
(meta)humans. Things not listed below are not available.
Animals can use skill chips in exactly the same way (meta)humans can.

 Berserk Chip (p. 84) Legal

This chip gives the animal a –2 modifier to its target numbers to make attacks, and also gives it +1 Power
for those attacks. The animal’s Professionality Rating is automatically set to 4, and the test to see if the anim-
al turns on its handler (SRII p. 220/Critters p. 6) gets a +3 modifier to the die roll. The chip can also be used
by (meta)humans, but in this case make an opposed test between the user’s Willpower and the chip’s rating.
If the chip gets more successes, the character can use the chip.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Active 2 20 Mp 6/4 days 2,000¥ 1.25

IFF Chip (p. 84) Legal

To successfully recognize someone requires a Perception test on the animal’s part, adding the chip’s rating
to the number of dice rolled. It can also be used by (meta)humans. The memory requirements are as for nor-
mal skillsofts (p. 248, SRII).

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 1 to 10 standard 5/4 days Mp x150¥ 1.25

Watchdog Chip (p. 84) Legal

No changes.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Know 3 30 Mp 6/4 days 4,500¥ 1.25

External Weapon Harness (p. 84) As Weapon

The animal’s Body must be at least 2 to be able to use this. The weapon size is limited by the next table:

Body Max. weapon size

2-3 Light pistol
4-5 Heavy pistol
6-7 SMG
8-9 LMG
10+ any

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.5 6/36 hrs 2,000¥ 1.25

Sample Animals
Below follow the sample animals from Chromebook 3. Costs are including surgery, healing costs, training,
you name it, except for the animal it is to be put into.

The Digital Watchdog (p. 85)

This package involves a softlink (1), a Watchdog chip (usually plugged into the softlink), and cyberears.
This costs the animal .35 Essence points and Major Invasive Surgery. Training includes Identity 3 and Loyalty
6 skills, while total cost is 50,000¥.

Perfect Pets (p. 86)

The animal gets a softlink (1), a tailored behavorial chip, and Loyalty 3 skill. Essence cost is .15, nuyen
cost is 13,000¥.

The Cyberpred (p. 86)

Modifications normally consist of muscle augmentation (2), orthoskin (2), and pain editor bioware, with cy-
berware being retractable hand razors, cybereyes (with low-light, thermographic, and flare compensation),
softlink (2), and olfactory boost (6). Body cost is 3.2, Essence loss is .9, while cost is 510,000¥.

Animal Eyes (p. 87)

This package has cybereyes with low-light and video link with internal transmitter, datajack (1), and
cyberears. Essence cost is .9, money cost is 70,000¥.


None of these are common in any sense of the word in Shadowrun.


 Brandt-Neumann Washbot (p. 88) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 1.5 12/7 days 4,250¥ 2

 Carolli M-bot (p. 88) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 12 14/10 days 11,500¥ 2

 Carolli V-bot (p. 89) Legal

No changes.

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 6 12/7 days 6,500¥ 2


 Mini-Cyberform Model A-2 “Tarantula” (p. 90)

The injector can hold any liquid substance, and can penetrate Impact armor with a maximum rating of 4.
The Tarantula can be controlled by any normal remote control deck, and has a high Autopilot rating because
of the ceretronic core (see p. 89, Chromebook 3).

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Tarantula 3/4 10/20 1/0 7 3 14,000¥
Operational Duration: 8 hours Set-up/Breakdown Time: none
Store: 1 CF Sensors: Standard (1)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/4 13 1 0 0 8
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
— 3 1 0 5
Seating: none Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: none Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (40 PF) Economy: .75 km/PF
Point Value: 622 Cost: 6,220¥
Template: Micro Walker Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Remote-control interface, rigger adaptation
 Mini-Cyberform Model B-2 “Centipede” (p. 91)
The mandibles inflict 4M damage (versus Impact armor) on a successful hit, but have a –1 Reach. The air-
gun’s rounds are treated as needle ammunition (p. 30, Neo-Anarchists’ Guide to Real Life), and refer to p. 59,
Chromebook 2 for information on the micro missiles. The Centipede’s outer coating gives a +3 penalty to
sound, vision, or thermal-based Perception tests to spot the Centipede.

Adapting the Centipede for zero-G operations costs 12,500¥, after which it can move at speed 10/25
through space.
Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Centipede 4/4 8/15 1/0 6 3 25,000¥
Operational Duration: 30 days Set-up/Breakdown Time: none
Store: 3 CF Sensors: Enhanced (1)

Adapting the Centipede for zero-G operations costs 12,500¥, after which it can move at speed 17 through
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/4 10 1 0 0 8
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
— 3 1 0 5
Seating: none Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: none Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (3,000 PF) Economy: 1 km/PF
Point Value: 1,825 Cost: 18,250¥
Template: Micro Walker Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Remote-control interface, rigger adaptation

Advanced Air Gun:

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage
Light Pistol — 0 (c) SS 4L

Missile launcher:
Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage
Assault Rifle — (m) SS missile

 Mini-Cyberform Model A-3 “Beetle” (p. 92)

The buzzsaws do 6L damage, going against one-half Impact armor. The Beetle’s outer coating gives a +2
penalty to sound or thermal-based Perception tests to spot the Beetle. The Beetle’s ablative armor gives it an
armor rating of 3 (vehicle armor) against laser attacks only. Adapting it for zero-G is similar to doing the
same for a Centipede.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Beetle 4/5 5/10 1/0 7 3 25,000¥
Operational Duration: 30 days Set-up/Breakdown Time: none
Store: 2 CF Sensors: Standard (1)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/4 7 1 0 0 8
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
— 3 1 0 5
Seating: none Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: none Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (3,000 PF) Economy: 1 km/PF
Point Value: 1,819 Cost: 18,190¥
Template: Micro Walker Reference: Chromebook 3
Other Features: Remote-control interface, rigger adaptation

Type Conceal Ammo Mode Damage
Light Pistol — 2 SA 8M

Refer to the adaptations on page of this book Other Options
for details on what’s what with these. Stim System: no changes. Body Cost: .5
Medical Shielding: no changes. Essence Cost: —
Left and Right Medical Hands: the laser scalpel
Moore Technologies “Sheol” Hazard- does (str)L when used as a weapon, the stand-
ous Operations Full Conversion (p. 93) ard scalpel does (str÷2)L, while the buzz saw
Body: 9 does (str–1)L. Essence Cost: .3 per hand
Quickness: 7 ×3 Injector Reservoir: no changes. Essence Cost: .1
Strength: 14 per reservoir
Essence Cost: 12.9 Blood/IV Supply: no changes. Essence Cost: .1 per
Unarmed Combat Damage: (str+1)M Stun reservoir
Armor (B/I): 3/3
Adrek Robotics “Burroughs” Mars Op-
OPTIONS PACKAGES erations Standard Full Conversion (p.
Sensor Options 97)
Times Square Plus: p. 38, Chromebook. Essence Body: 6
Cost: .3 Quickness: 7 ×3
Radiation Detector: 10 meters range. Essence Strength: 10
Cost: .4 Essence Cost: 11.75
Toxin Scanner: a Chemical Analyzer (p. 60, Shad- Unarmed Combat Damage: (str+1)M Stun
owtech). Essence Cost: .2 Armor (B/I): 4/4
Other Options
Radiation Shielding: provides almost complete OPTIONS PACKAGES
protection against radiation. Essence Cost: — Sensor Options
Toxin Shielding: provides a complete EnviroSeal™ Radio Beacon/Detector: a headware radio (p. 260,
system. Essence Cost: — SRII/p. 298, SR3) combined with a rating 4
Acid Shielding: provides almost complete protec- tracking signal (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3). Es-
tion from all known acids. Essence Cost: — sence Cost: .8
Squirters: these use the following ranges: Short 1- Other Options
2, Medium 3, Long 4, Extreme 5 meters, and Goop Ball Launcher: each shot can seal up to a 5
have a 5-shot “magazine.” Essence Cost: — cm hole, but does no damage. It holds 1 shot,
and uses Taser ranges. Essence Cost: .25
MD Tech, Inc. “Kildare” Medical Full Radiation Shielding: provides almost complete
Conversion (p. 95) protection against radiation. Essence Cost: —
Body: 6 Sand Feet: No changes. Essence Cost: —
Quickness: 7 ×3 Temperature Control: this system gives the Bur-
Strength: 10 roughs +1 Impact armor to resist heat-based
Essence Cost: 15.45 weapons and spells. Essence Cost: —
Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun Increased SP: not available.
Armor (B/I): 2/2
Militech Cybernetics International
OPTIONS PACKAGES “Spyder” Reconnaissance Duty Full
Sensor Options Conversion (p. 99)
Medical Scanner: a built-in medkit (p. 263, SRII/p. Body: 6
304, SR3). Essence Cost: .3 Quickness: 13 ×3
Times Square Plus: p. 38, Chromebook. Essence Strength: 10
Cost: .3 Essence Cost: 21.2
Micro-Optics: no changes. Essence Cost: .1 Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun
Enhanced Thermographic Sensor: gives the Kil- Armor (B/I): 3/3
dare cybernetic thermographic vision (p. 89,
SRII/p. 112, SR3). Essence Cost: .2 OPTIONS PACKAGES
Phone Splice: a headware telephone (p. 260, Sensor Options
SRII/p. 300, SR3). Essence Cost: .5 Front Optic Mount: a set of cybereyes, with the
Radio Link: a headware radio (p. 260, SRII/p. 298, following options: flare compensation, low-
SR3). Essence Cost: .75 light, optical magnification (3), smartlink, ther-
Image Enhancement: Electronic magnification mographic (all p. 260, SRII/pp. 298-302, SR3),
level 2 (p. 85, Street Samurai Catalog/p. 300, and Times Square Plus (p. 38, Chromebook).
SR3). Essence Cost: .1 Essence Cost: 1.1
Amplified Hearing: Hearing amplification (p. 78,
Street Samurai Catalog/p. 299, SR3). Essence
Cost: .2
Right Head Sensory Extension: mounts a single Cost: —
cybereye, a single cyberear (p. 260, SRII/pp. IR Thermal Dam: +4 target number to spot the
299-300, SR3), and a video link with internal Spyder by thermographic vision only. Essence
transmitter (p. 84, Street Samurai Catalog). Es- Cost: —
sence Cost: .85 Environmental Assimilation System: Allows the
Left Head Sensory Extension: mounts a single Spyder to camouflage itself in almost any ter-
cybereye with low-light, a single cyberear (p. rain. See p. 77, Fields of Fire. Essence Cost: .1
260, SRII/pp. 299-300, SR3), and a video link Expert System: not available.
(p. 84, Street Samurai Catalog). Essence Cost:
.55 Raven Microcybernetics “Wiseman”
Right Shoulder Sensory Extension: mounts a Cyberspace Commando Full Conver-
single cybereye with flare compensation and
low-light, and a single cyberear (p. 260, sion (p. 104)
SRII/pp. 299-300, SR3). Essence Cost: .2 Body: 6
Left Shoulder Sensory Extension: mounts a single Quickness: 7 ×3
cybereye, a single cyberear (p. 260, SRII/pp. Strength: 10
299-300, SR3), and a LOS tight-beam laser Essence Cost: 22.1
communicator. Essence Cost: .4 Unarmed Combat Damage: (str)M Stun
Acoustic Alarm System: a rating 3 select sound fil- Armor (B/I): 3/3
ter (p. 82, Street Samurai Catalog/p. 299, SR3),
hearing amplification (p. 78, Street Samurai OPTIONS PACKAGES
Catalog/p. 299, SR3), and damper (p. 260, Sensor Options
SRII/p. 299, SR3). Essence Cost: .7 Video Imager: p. 39, Chromebook. Essence Cost:
Military Radio: a headware radio (p. 260, SRII/p. .25
298, SR3) with crypto circuit HD level 6 (p. 77, Net-Vision: not available.
Street Samurai Catalog) and commlink-VIII (p. Times Square Plus: p. 38, Chromebook. Essence
76, Street Samurai Catalog). Essence Cost: .9 Cost: .3
Parabolic Microphone: a rating 5 shotgun micro- Micro Video Optic: a video link (p. 84, Street
phone (p. 258, SRII/p. 292, SR3). Essence Cost: Samurai Catalog). Definitely not unlimited re-
.2 cording time. Essence Cost: .5
Cellular Phone: a headware telephone (p. 260, Micro Recorder Link: included in the micro video
SRII/p. 298, SR3). Essence Cost: .5 optic’s system.
Satellite Uplink: no changes. Essence Cost: — Phone Splice: a headware telephone (p. 260,
Raser™ Scanner: negates all camouflage modifi- SRII/p. 298, SR3). Essence Cost: .5
ers. Essence Cost: .2 Scrambler: a rating 4 crypto circuit HD (p. 77,
A/V Recorder: a level 2 softlink (p. 46, Shadow- Street Samurai Catalog). Essence Cost: —
tech). Essence Cost: .2 Tight Beam Radio Link: a headware radio (p. 260,
Sniffer: a rating 4 olfactory booster (p. 62, Shad- SRII/p. 298, SR3). Essence Cost: .75
owtech). Essence Cost: .2 Other Options
Radiation Detector: rating 3. Essence Cost: .2 INT-3 Computer: p. 8, Chromebook 2. Essence
Remote Targeting Link: no changes. Essence Cost: Cost: .5
.25 DataShielding: p. 17, Chromebook 2. Essence
Motion Detectors: rating 4. Essence Cost: .3 Cost: .4
Magnetometer: a rating 2 MAD. Essence Cost: .4 Wet Drive Access Link: a level 1 encephalon (p.
Radar Suite: rating 3. Essence Cost: .4 49, Shadowtech). Essence Cost: .5
Laser Detector: rating 3. Essence Cost: .25 TechScanner & CTD CompuMods: allows the Wise-
Weapon Options man to read (and write) credsticks and key-
Quick-Change Mount: this pod holds one Militech cards. Essence Cost: .3
M31a1 rifle with grenade launcher (p. 45, Chip Ports: A rating 4 softlink (p. 46, Shadowtech).
Chromebook). Essence Cost: — Essence Cost: .3
Other Options Chronometer: no changes. Essence Cost: .05
Variable Spectrum Spotlight: has a 1-5 on 1D6 Cybermodem Link: a level 4 datajack (p. 45,
chance of blinding unshielded organic eyes. Es- Shadowtech). Essence Cost: .25
sence Cost: — Cellular Cybermodem: not cellular, but this is a C2
EMP Shielding: level 4 shielding against electrical deck (pp. 54-59, Shadowtech) with the follow-
shocks. Essence Cost: .5 ing stats. This deck comes with a level 6 per-
Gyro-Balancer: –2 target number to any test made sona module (p. 55, Shadowtech).
involving balance. Essence Cost: .3 Persona Hardening Memory Storage
Parasail: cannot work under 60 meters. Essence 6 2 240 1440
Cost: — Load I/O ResponseEssence Cost
23 8 1 7.4
Climbers: -2 target number for climbing tests.
Extra Databanks: these extra 720 Mp are already
They do (str)M damage in melee combat. Es-
figured into the Storage of the deck.
sence Cost: .3
Auto Punchout Option: p. 8, Chromebook. Essence
Grappling/Rapelling Cable: no changes. Essence
Cost: .2

Flip Switch: p. 9, Chromebook. Essence Cost: .2

N E W F U L L -’B O RG O P T I O N S

Eelskin (p. 107)

This system works like a taser.

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 10S Stun — 6/7 days 1,400¥ 2

CyberSteroids (p. 107)

Not available.

Powered armors are full-body, powered suits that are worn by combat soldiers, and are a step up from the
military armors presented in Fields of Fire (p. 54) Someone must sit inside one, and most are made in “hu-
man” size, so dwarves and trolls will not normally fit into them.
For game purposes, powered armors are treated like normal clothing, except that they can give modifiers
to Attributes, and have lots of things—such as weapons—built into them. The suit’s weight is not a burden to
the person inside it, but it will be to anyone trying to lift the suit up. All powered armors have Hardened ar-
If a weapon has belted ammunition stored anywhere on the armor, it can use that ammo at all times; oth-
erwise, the weapon uses normal clips.

Arasaka Mfg. Type-17k “Guardian” Assisted Combat Personal Armor (p. 108)
This suit adds +5 to the wearer’s Strength.

Head Right arm Left arm Right leg Left leg Torso
HUD (150 Mp) Grapple gun Heavy Machine Gun Black Book 10 clips Flechette
Life-sign monitor
Thermographic Ingram Valiant LMG Ares Viper pistol 100 rounds LMG ammo for Viper
Cellular phone
Laser detector (4) Volt Pistol Retina Scanner (3) ammo Smoke grenade Mapmaker + GPS
Radio Fire Extinguisher Flash Pak 10 Plastic Restraints

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— 3 3 138 30/2 months 76,260¥ 4

Militech & Trauma Team Tb/0 “Lifeline” Assisted Combat Personal Armor (p. 110)
This suit adds +6 to the wearer’s Strength. The climbing claws add -1 target number for climbing tests.
The Lifeline is equipped with EnviroSeal™ and 10 man-hours of life support.

Head Right arm Left arm Right leg Left leg Torso
HUD (300 Mp) Militech M-31 rifle Grapple gun Flask Pak Smoke grenade Medkit
Crypto Circuit (4) Fire extinguisher Mini Comp 10 Climber claws Climber claws
Radio Medkit Power saw [6S]
Ares Viper pistol Basic toolkit Climber claws
Searchlight Climber claws

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— 4 4 158 30/2 months 99,000¥ 4

WADS are treated like any other drone. Construction of them, as given in Chromebook 3, is not possible.
All come with remote contol gear installed.

Duroi/Janvier “Frelon” (p. 113/116)

Head Right arm Left arm Right leg Left leg Torso
Radio Tool suite Tool suite Fire extinguisher Goop-ball dispenser Envrionment-
al/ Crypto Circuit (4) Emergency breather Grapple gun Slap-
patch Tech scanner
Searchlight (white) supplies (2× half- dispenser
Searchlight (IR) hour units) Grapple gun
Tool suite
Cost: 67,280¥

Fiat “Nova” (p. 113/117)

Head Right arm Left arm Right leg Left leg Torso
Radio Grapple gun Grapple gun
Crypto Circuit (3)
Sonar rangefinder
(armor 1/1)
Cost: 78,390¥

International Electric “Newport Mk. II” (p. 114/118)

Head Right arm Left arm Right leg Left leg Torso
Cellular phone Tool suite Tool suite Fire extinguisher
Camera Maintenance
Searchlight (white) computer
Searchlight (UV) Phone
Cost: 56,440¥

Duroi/Janvier “Scarabee” (p. 115/119)

Head Right arm Left arm Right leg Left leg Torso
Camera Fire extinguisher Grapple gun Climber claws Climber claws
Radio Tool suite Tool suite
(armor 1/1)
Cost: 76,640¥


Extra Twist™ Joint Addition (p. 3) Legal

The user gets a +4 penalty to all target numbers with the limb for one week after installation; reduce the
penalty by 1 for every success on a Reaction (6) test. If a Reaction, Quickness (and, in SR3, a test using a skill
based on one of these attributes), or Athletics test ever rolls all ones, the character loses use of the limb for
1D6 turns (apply the Rule of Six to this roll).
Per limb, the character gets a –1/2 target number (rounded against the character: –0 with one limb, –1
with two or three limbs, and –2 with four limbs) for all Athletics skill tests except for running, and also for
making grapples and escapes from being held in unarmed melee combat.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 6/6 days +30% of limb 1

Dynalar Technologies “Digits” Cyberfingers (p. 4)

A) Flesh Mount Legal
Cyberfingers can only be installed in a meat hand by also installing the flesh mount in the hand; one
mount is required per finger. With the flesh mount installed, use the listed Essence Cost for the finger; the
mount itself costs no Essence as this is calculated into that of the finger.

B) One-Shot Special 6-CC(R)

A one-shot Hold-Out pistol. Halve all ranges for the weapon, and use the average of the character’s Quick-
ness Attribute Rating and Firearms Skill Rating to fire it. Reloading takes one Complex Action.

C) Ballpoint Finger Legal

Refills are 2¥.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Flesh Mount — +1/normal 100¥ 1
One-Shot Special .15 8/5 days 500¥ 2
Ballpoint Finger .15 3/24 hrs 250¥ .8

NovelTech Corvette Cyberlegs (p. 5) Legal

A set of two cyberlimbs. Both systems add +2 to the Power Level of any kick made by the character. The
Basic system adds 3 to the character’s Quickness for movement purposes only, the Advanced system adds 3
to Quickness and +1 to the Running Multiplier. Upgrading from Basic to Advanced costs 25,000¥.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Basic System 2 6/6 days 225,000¥ 1.5
Advanced System 2.2 8/6 days 250,000¥ 1.5

Donner Savage Medical Modular Hand (p. 5) Legal
Using this hand negates the +4 modifier for not having a medkit handy during first aid.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.35 5/4 days 58,500¥ 2

Catspaw™ Stealth Foot (p. 5) Legal

Must be installed in both feet, and adds 1 die to Stealth skill tests to remain unnoticed while walking.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 4/7 days 7,500¥ 1.5

Sycust Extending Leg Units (p. 6) Legal

When extended, Quickness is increased by +1 for determining walking speed only. Cannot be used with
legs/options mentioned, nor with hydraulic jacks (p. 43, Shadowtech).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 9/14 days 40,000¥ 1.25

Sycust Joint Options (p. 6) Legal

Per two limbs so equipped, double-jointed gives the character a –1 target number modifier when making
grapple melee attacks, and a –1 target number to escape from them. Moving a locked joint requires a suc-
cessful Strength (10) test; this is not an opposed test—the character whose joint is locked does not actually
do anything. Reaction is reduced by –1 for every locked joint. 360° rotating joints give a –1 target number to
escape from bindings.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Double Joints* — 6/6 days 100,000¥* 1.25
Locking Joint — 6/6 days 5,000¥ 1.25
360° Rotating Joint — 6/6 days 6,000¥ 1.25
* Per two limbs

Soviet Cyberware (p. 7) Varies

All normal cyberware (except specific brand names) is available from Russia; divide the nuyen cost by
1D6, and there is a 1–3 on 1D6 chance of a 10% extra Essence cost. Roll for each piece of cyberware indi-

Dynalar NewTeeth (p. 7) Legal

Damage from a successful bite attack is (Str)L.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.05 3/24 hrs 2,000¥ 1

Dynalar PowerJaw (p. 7) Legal

Increase the Power Level of bite damage by +2.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 3/24 hrs 1,000¥ 1

Dakai Soundsystems NewThroat (p. 8) Legal

Can hold up to .5 Essence points of voice-related pieces of cyberware (not bioware) without additional Es-
sence cost. The throat area is considered to have a Barrier Rating of 4.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 6/10 days 8,500¥ 2

Dakai Soundsystems Scramble (p. 8) Legal

Works as an internal voice mask, but at a rating of 3D6.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 6/60 hrs 10,000¥ 1

Kiroshi Monovision (p. 9) Legal

Gives a –1 target number for Perception and surprise tests to notice something in the character’s peri-
pheral vision. It can accept up to .3 Essence points of vision improvements without extra Essence loss to the

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.3 4/48 hrs 6,500¥ 1

Bodyweight Variable-Chamber Heart Option (p. 9) As heart

Can be installed in a natural heart. Gives +1 Body for stamina tests; using the Pacesetter® heart’s (p. 37,
Chromebook) overdrive when this option is in use automatically causes a heart attack (10 boxes of Physical
and Stun damage).

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1 10/10 days 45,000¥ 3

Nikkon America Double-Split Pupil (p. 10) Legal

No changes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.05 5/36 hrs 2,000¥ 1

Bodyweight Vein Clips (p. 10) Legal

Add one extra minute to the time between taking overflow damage boxes (from 10 to 11 minutes per

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.75 8/7 days 7,000¥ 1.75

Stinger (p. 10) 5P-CA(N)

No changes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 6/60 hrs 2,000¥ 1.35

BigRipp (p. 11) 2-B(B)

Damage is (Str+2)M; if mounted along the forearm it has –1 Reach. Cyberarm mounting costs 8,500¥.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.4 3/72 hrs 12,000¥ 1

High Five, AKA The Palm Bomb (p. 11) 1-E(E)

To use this weapon, make a melee attack. The device can be found in a model that fires shotgun shells (9S
damage) and one that uses heavy pistol rounds (9M damage); either has a 1-shot internal magazine. When
used as a ranged weapon, either uses Taser ranges and adds +1 to the target number at Short, +2 at Medi-
um, +4 at Long, and +6 at Extreme range; Concealability is 11 and this weapon must be fitted to a cyber-
hand or cyberarm.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Heavy Pistol model — 12/14 days 3,550¥ 2
Shotgun model — 14/14 days 3,550¥ 2.5

Radine Laboratories Blitzkrieg™ Arc Thrower (p. 12) 3P-CC(R)

Must be installed in a cyberlimb. Use taser ranges, doing 10S Stun damage on a successful hit; use the
shock weapons rules, SRII p. 103/p. 124, SR3, and the Cyberware And Shock Weapons rules, Tech Specs p.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 6/4 days 2,100¥ 1.5

Dermatech Logo-Line™ Tattoos (p. 13) Legal

No changes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.05 2/4 hrs 100-2,000¥ .75

Techtronica Echolocation System Coprocessor (p. 13) Legal

Requires cybereyes with video imager (Chromebook 1), voice modulator with tonal shift, and cyberears;

the coprocessor’s Essence cost cannot be taken from the “free” Essence space provided by the eyes and
ears. Once installed, it works like an ultrasound sight (p. 36, Street Samurai Catalog/p. 282, SR3).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 3/36 hrs 1,800¥ 1

Nu-Tek TVSkin (p. 14) Legal

A battery costs 20¥.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.5 2/60 hrs 6,000¥ .9

Militech Cyber-Detection Computer (MCDC) (p. 14) 4-CB(Q)

Identification requires a test using the computer’s level against the Signature of the target; modify the tar-
get number as for vehicle sensors trying to acquire a target (see SRII p. 104 to 109, Fields of Fire p. 83, Rig-
ger Black Book p. 106, Rigger 2 p. 28, and/or SR3 p. 135). The number of successes determines the informa-
tion the user receives about the targets, using the Perception Success Table on page 186 of SRII or p. 232 of
SR3. Every sensory cyberware enhancement adds +1 to the computer’s level, as for a tactical computer
(p.53, Shadowtech).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Level 1 1 8/7 days 300,000¥ 3
Level 2 1.5 9/7 days 400,000¥ 3
Level 3 2 10/10 days 575,000¥ 3.5

Taste Boost (p. 15) Legal

Intelligence tests must be rolled to identify substances (target number at gamemaster’s discretion); any
kind of olfactory boost reduces the target number by one-half its rating (round the final target number up).
This device is not as capable as the chemical analyzer (p. 60, Shadowtech), but when both are implanted
used together, the taste boost lowers the chemical analyzer’s target number by 1.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.2 4/6 days 1,000¥ 1

Lockdown (p. 15) 2P-CB(Q)

Requires an Intelligence (10) test to locate the shooter’s position; every two shots fired reduce the target
number by 1. A display link can be used in place of the Times Square, and hearing amplification or select
sound filter in place of enhanced hearing. A tactical computer adds its effective rating to the number of dice
rolled, and a full Lockdown system gives the tactical computer two extra dice (although these are not added
when the tactical computer aids the Lockdown system).

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 16/21 days 30,000¥ 3

Shape Recognition Chipware (p. 15) Legal

The character must have a display link, Times Square Plus, or encephalon to use this system. Recording
an item on a blank chip takes up 1D6×50 Mp per item.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.25 8/72 hrs 5,000¥ 1.75

ChipLok (p. 15) Legal

No changes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index

— 4/24 hrs 150¥ 1.25

Facedown Chip (p. 16) Legal

This Knowsoft adds an extra die to the character’s Charisma or Willpower for making facedown tests (p.
90, Shadowrun Companion).

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Knowsoft +1 50 Mp 5/4 days 7,500¥ 1.5

Speedreading Chip (p. 16) Legal

Requires cybereyes and skillwires, and divides reading time by its rating. Maximum rating is equal to the
character’s Intelligence.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

Activesoft 1-10 normal 6/4 days normal 1.25

Home Chip (p. 16) Legal

Resisting the chip requires a successful Willpower test using the chip’s rating as the target number.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

special 1-10 normal 5/5 days normal 1.5

Dream Suppressant Chip

For every two weeks of use, the character loses one point of Charisma temporarily, which can be regained
by sleeping normal for one night.

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index

special — — 8/7 days 3,000¥ 2


Otec Nitrogen Binders (p. 17) Legal

Adds 2 to the character’s Body for purposes of resisting shaking off nitrogen narcosis (p. 159, Cyberpir-
ates) when diving, and also reduces decompression time for decompression sickness (p. 158, Cyberpirates)
by 50% . The user must undergo upkeep every 3 months, at a cost of 4,000¥.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.6 6/4 days 32,000¥ 1.5

Advanced Muscle and Bone Lace (p. 17) See below

Adds its level to the user’s Body. Unlike the bone lacing in Shadowtech (p. 42), this is bioware and does
not add to the user’s armor rating. Cybernetic and bioware bone lacing cannot be combined.

Level Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

1 .5 6/14 days 10,000¥ 1.5 6P-BA(N)
2 1.5 7/14 days 15,000¥ 1.5 6P-BB(Q)
3 2.5 8/14 days 30,000¥ 1.75 5P-BC(R)

Replitech “TuffBone” Skeletal Enhancement and Bodyweight, Inc. “Metaheme”

Hemological Replacement (p. 18)
See Genetek “TuffBone” skeletal enhancement and Clavisware “Metaheme” hemological replacement on

pages 40 and 38 of Paranoid Animals of North America.1

1 Hey, can we help it that Talsorian picked up on Morninman’s bioware net.supplement after Plastic War-
riors did the Shadowrun conversions? :)

Biotechnica NeoAppendix (p. 19) Legal

Gives an extra die to roll for finding food when using Survival skill.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.3 5/7 days 15,000¥ 2

NanoAuditory Rebuild (p. 20) Legal

Equivalent to hearing amplification and damper cyberware (Street Samurai Catalog p. 78, SRII p. 247,
and/or p. 299, SR3).

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.3 6/72 hrs 9,000¥ 1.5

Biotechnica “Sunblocker” Sunscreen (p. 20)

See Biomod, Inc. “Sunblocker” sunscreen on page 41 of Paranoid Animals of North America.

Biotechnica NeoLung (p. 21)

See extended volume on page 31 of Shadowtech.

Dornier-Bauer Biotechnische Neural Bridge and Circulatory Sphincters (p. 22)

See ConGen neural bridge and circulatory sphincters on pages 35 and 38 of Paranoid Animals of North

Revolution Genetics Poison Glands (p. 23) 3-BB(Q)

The poisons have the following effects:
Hallucinogens: adds +4 to all of target’s target numbers for 10 turns; the target is allowed a Body (6)
test, every success reduces the intoxication time by 1 turn.
Nausea: adds +4 to all of target’s target numbers for 10 turns and gives a Light Stun wound; the target is
allowed a Body (6) test, every success reduces the intoxication time by 1 turn.
Somatic: the target must resist 5M Stun damage every turn for 5 turns.
Biotoxin: the target must resist 5S Physical damage.

Type Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

Teeth .3 8/10 days 5,000¥* 1.5
Hands .5 8/10 days 5,000¥** 1.5
*10,000¥ for Biotoxin I
**8,000¥ for hallucinogen, 11,000¥ for Biotoxin I

Revolution Genetics Tailored Pheromones (p. 23) Legal

These work like the tailored pheromones on page 18 of Shadowtech, but they only give extra dice in their
particular “field”: Love adds dice for seducing other people, while Gullibility adds dice for Negotiation tests
and similar persuasion attempts. Confusion pheromones are a special case in that it subtracts its level from
the Intelligence and Reaction of anyone within 1 meter of the user. Cultured versions have their effectiveness

Level Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

1 .2 12/14 days 10,000¥ 2
2 .3 12/14 days 22,500¥ 2

N-A C “Kaloric” Secondary Gut, “Freezeban” Bioconstruct and “QuickClot” Hemo-

fribrinic Nodes (p. 24-25)
See Myogi SK “Kaloric” secondary gut, Shukutei Biomed “Freezeban” bioconstruct and “QuickClot” hemo-
fribrinic nodes on pages 39, 45 and 38 of Paranoid Animals of North America.

Revolution Genetics Flashlite Implant (p. 26) Legal

No changes.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index

.1 6/4 days 2,900¥ 1.5

Replitech Toxin Screen and T-MAXX Ileocecal Siphon (p. 27-28)

See Genetek toxin screen and ConGen ileocecal siphon on pages 39 and 45 of Paranoid Animals of North

Physiology Tailoring and Adaptations (p. 29) See below
This stuff comes from Japan, not Europe. It is only available in beta-grade and higher clinics, and is always
custom bioware (already factored into the Body and nuyen costs). The +1 Racial Body Maximum adds 1 to
the maximum Body the character can have (normally 6 for humans, it would become 7 by this “bioware”),
but does not add 1 to the character’s actual Body—that requires the normal expenditure of Good Karma to
achieve. Each of these enhancements may be taken only once.

Type Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

+1 Reaction .3 16/30 days 200,000¥ 4 6P-BC(R)
+1 Racial Body Maximum 0 16/30 days 300,000¥ 4 Legal
+1 Attractiveness —not available—
+1 Quickness .3 16/30 days 200,000¥ 4 5P-BC(R)
Reduce Oxygen Lungs .3 16/30 days 200,000¥ 4 Legal
UV Resistance .2 16/30 days 175,000¥ 4 Legal
Skin Armor (Ballistic 2) .75 16/30 days 250,000¥ 4 5P-BA(N)

Bioenhancement Tablets (p. 29) 4P-M1(X)

Effects are as follows:
Endurance: ignore Stun wounds for 12 hours (the damage is there, but you don’t feel it until it reaches
Deadly Stun), but double your food and water needs. At the end of the 12 hours, resist 5M physical damage
with the lesser of Body or Willpower. The Stun damage taken is also applied at that time, and “healing” time
for it is tripled.
Ignore Pain: gives 2 extra dice to resist Stun damage for 12 hours, but also reduces the number of dice
for tactile Perception tests by 1.
Anti-Trauma: for 12 hours, adds 1 die to Body tests made for healing and to resist permanent damage
after taking a Deadly wound.
All these drugs are addictive: Addiction 4P, Tolerance 3, Strength 4. Costs and Availability are at the game-
master’s discretion.

Neurochemical Memory Tabs (p. 29)

Not available.



Mitsuzuki C21 Kenada (p. 30)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
C21 Kenada 2/6 69/205 1/0 1 0 15,100¥
Seating: 1 Storage: 1 CF underseat
Economy: 85 km per liter Fuel: IC/10 liters
Options: Datajack link (3,000¥)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
2/6 138 16 2 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 50
Seating: bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (53 liters) Economy: 16 km/liter
Point Value: 269 Cost: 13,500¥
Template: Racing Cycle Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: none

Mitsuzuki MSX900 “Bakushin” (p. 31)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
MSX900 3/6 85/255 1/0 1 0 13,200¥
Seating: 1 Storage: 1 CF underseat
Economy: 75 km per liter Fuel: IC/8.5 liters
Options: Datajack link (2,600¥)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 170 13 2 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 50
Seating: bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (42 liters) Economy: 15.2 km/liter
Point Value: 270 Cost: 13,500¥
Template: Racing Cycle Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: none

Honda R400 Trail (p. 32)

Available in electric and multifuel (methane) models.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
R400 Electric 4/2 53/160* 1/0 5 0 6,000¥
Seating: 1 Storage: 1 CF underseat
Economy: 1 PF per km Fuel: ImpElec/250 PF
Accessories: Off-road suspension (1)
* Off-road speed 43/130

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

R400 MultiF 4/2 53/160* 1/0 5 0 6,000¥
Seating: 1 Storage: 1 CF underseat
Economy: 80 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/8 liters
Accessories: Off-road suspension (1)
* Off-road speed 43/130

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/3 90 6 2 0 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 15
Seating: bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (320 PF) Economy: 2 km/PF
Point Value: 493 Cost: 25,000¥
Template: Off-Road Motorcycle Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Off-road suspension (2)

Methane Variant

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/3 90 6 2 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 60
Seating: bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (320 bars) Economy: 2 km/bar
Point Value: 266 Cost: 13,500¥
Template: Off-Road Motorcycle Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Off-road suspension (2)

VMW “Volksrad” (p. 32)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Volksrad 5/3 27/80* 1/0 3 0 2,300¥
Seating: 1 Storage: 1 CF underseat
Economy: 90 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/7 liters
Accessories: Off-road suspension (1)
* Off-road speed 17/50

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5/3 53 5 2 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 0 60
Seating: bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (310 bars) Economy: 2 km/bar
Point Value: 190 Cost: 9,500¥
Template: Scooter Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Off-road suspension (2)

Kundalina Roadworks GSR1200 Tetsuo (p. 33)

No changes

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
GSR1200 2/8 91/272 1/1 1 1 25,000¥
Seating: 1 Storage: 2 CF underseat
Economy: 95 km per liter Fuel: IC/9 liters
Sensors: Standard (1)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
2/6 181 17 2 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 1 1 38
Seating: bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (61 liters) Economy: 14 km/liter
Point Value: 403 Cost: 20,500¥
Template: Racing Cycle Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: none

C A R S , V A N S , T RU C K S

Toyo-Chevrolet Hopper (p. 33)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Hopper 4/8 22/66 1/0 3 1 16,250¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + folding bench Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 60 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/8 liters
Storage: 3 CF (5 CF with bench folded down) trunk

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 100 6 3 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 6 60
Seating: 2 bucket seats + folding bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (500 bars) Economy: 1 km/bar
Point Value: 75 Cost: 7,500¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: none

VMW Cohort (p. 33)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Cohort 4/8 35/105 1/0 2 1 22,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + folding bench Access: 2 standard + hatchback
Economy: 40 km per liter Fuel: IC/12 liters
Storage: 5 CF (7 CF with bench folded down) trunk

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 105 8 2 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 6 60
Seating: 2 bucket seats + folding bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + double-sized trunk door Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (60 liters) Economy: 8 km/liter
Point Value: 90 Cost: 9,000¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: non

GMI Sierra Hatch (p. 34)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Sierra Hatch 4/8 35/105 1/1 2 2 27,900¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + folding bench Access: 2 + 2 standard + hatchback
Economy: 40 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/12 liters
Storage: 5 CF (7 CF with bench folded down) trunk Accessories: anti-theft system (2), APPS™
Options: Datajack link (2,500¥)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 105 6 2 1 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 4 145
Seating: 2 bucket seats + folding bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors + double-sized trunk door Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (500 bars) Economy: 1 km/bar
Point Value: 186 Cost: 19,000¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (2), APPS™ (driver’s seat only),
concealed armor

GMI Sierra GL (p. 34)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Sierra GL 5/9 35/105 1/1 2 2 40,700¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + folding bench Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 40 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/12 liters
Storage: 5 CF (7 CF with bench folded down) trunk Sensors: 1
Accessories: anti-theft system (2), APPS™, datajack link

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 105 6 2 1 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 1 4 133
Seating: 2 bucket seats + folding bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (500 bars) Economy: 1 km/bar
Point Value: 261 Cost: 26,500¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (2), APPS™ (driver’s seat only),
concealed armor, datajack port

Mitsuzuki Fuji (p. 34)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Fuji 4/8 33/100 2/1 3 2 17,450¥
Seating: front/rear twin bucket seats Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 50 km per liter Fuel: IC/10 liters
Storage: 6 CF trunk Accessories: Anti-theft system (2), crash cage for all
four seats

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 100 8 3 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 4 245
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (60 liters) Economy: 8 km/liter
Point Value: 201 Cost: 20,500¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (2), concealed armor, crash cage

Mitsuzuki Bushi (p. 35)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Bushi 4/8 27/80 2/2 2 1 27,000¥
Seating: twin front + triple rear bucket seats Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 55 km per liter Fuel: IC/9 liters
Accessories: Anti-theft system (2), crash cage for front two seats Options: Datajack link (6,000¥)

A datajack port costs 2,500¥.
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 80 8 3 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 1 2 38
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (60 liters) Economy: 8 km/liter
Point Value: 326 Cost: 33,000¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (2), concealed armor, crash cage

Gaz/Lada Cossack (p. 36)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Cossack 5/4 33/100* 3/2 1 0 34,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + twin bench Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 30 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/25 liters
Sensors: 1
Cargo: 40 CF rear Accessories: Off-road suspension (1)
*Off-road speed 23/70

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5/4 67 6 3 2 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 1 26 98
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (500 bars) Economy: 1.61 km/bar
Point Value: 458 Cost: 46,000¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Concealed armor, off-road suspension (1)

Toy-Chevrolet Corpora (p. 36)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Corpora 4/8 35/105 2/2 1 2 41,000¥
Seating: front/rear twin bucket seats Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 40 km per liter Fuel: IC/8 liters
Storage: 5 CF trunk Sensors: 1
Accessories: Anti-theft system (2), datajack link, radio

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Corpora Sport 4/8 35/105 2/2 1 2 46,000¥
Seating: front/rear twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: 40 km per liter Fuel: IC/8 liters
Storage: 5 CF trunk Sensors: 1
Accessories: Anti-theft system (2), APPS™, datajack link, radio

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 71 8 3 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 1 5 138
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 standard Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (40 liters) Economy: 8 km/liter
Point Value: 208 Cost: 31,500¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (2), concealed armor, datajack
port, electronics port

Corpora Sport
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 71 12 3 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 1 5 138
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 standard Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (40 liters) Economy: 8 km/liter
Point Value: 276 Cost: 41,500¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (2), APPS™ (front seats),
concealed armor, datajack port, electronics port

MAC-Deux “Monster” (p. 37)

Originally produced in 2056, and has a pintle mount (normally unarmed) on the roof hatch.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Monster 4/8 44/133 7/2 1 3 240,000¥
Seating: triple bucket seats + folding bench Access: 2 standard + roof hatch
Economy: 8 km per liter Fuel: IC/160 liters
Storage: 4 CF storage Sensors: Standard (1)
Accessories: Anti-theft system (3), APPS™, EnviroSeal™, pintle Options: Rigger control gear (17,000¥)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 89 3 6 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 1 304 5,228
Seating: 3 bucket seats + folding bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + hatch Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (425 liters) Economy: 3 km/liter
Point Value: 905 Cost: 226,500¥
Template: Heavy Transport Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (3), APPS™ (all seats),
EnviroSeal™ (gas), concealed armor, living amenities (basic),
pintle mount (without weapon)

Kundalina Roadworks “Bedouin” Truck (p. 38)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Bedouin 6/2 27/80 4/2 1 3 105,000¥
Seating: twin + quad bucket seats Access: 2 + 1 standard
Economy: 20 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/40 liters
Cargo/Storage: 60 CF cargo/2 CF storage Sensors: Enhanced (2)
Accessories: Anti-theft system (5), off-road suspension (2),
pintle mount with LMG

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
6/2 53 5 4 2 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 2 19 565
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 4 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 door Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (1,000 bars) Economy: .81 km/bar
Point Value: 1,236 Cost: 124,000¥
Template: RV Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (5), concealed armor,
electronics port, off-road suspension (2), pintle mount with LMG

Imperial Metropolitan Agriculture Nomad (p. 38)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Nomad 6/2 33/100 3/2 1 2 51,000¥
Seating: triple bucket seats Access: 2 + 1 standard + double-size rear
Economy: 25 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/20 liters
Cargo: 40 CF cargo Accessories: off-road suspension (2)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
6/2 67 4 4 2 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 40 1,060
Seating: 3 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 door + 1 gate Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (835 bars) Economy: .58 km/bar
Point Value: 786 Cost: 79,000¥
Template: RV Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: concealed armor, living amenities (basic,
2 people), off-road suspension (2)

Spinelli Autotech Shiltron Twin Cab (p. 38)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Shiltron 6/9 31/93 3/1 1 2 40,000¥
Seating: front/rear twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard + 1 double-sized
Economy: 25 km per liter Fuel: IC/20 liters
Cargo: 40 CF cargo Options: (total cost of vehicle rises to 55,000¥) Anti-
theft system (3), autopilot (2), datajack link, sensors (1)

A version without the anti-theft system, autonav, datajack port, and sensors costs 26,500¥ (262 points),
and has Load 1,080 kg.
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/10 62 6 4 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 1 40 1,058
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 1 gate Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (96 liters) Economy: 5 km/liter
Point Value: 347 Cost: 35,000¥
Template: Van Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (3), concealed armor, datajack

MacLaren/Jaguar XJ220C-P Police Interceptor (p. 39)

The passenger area is Barrier Rating 6.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
XJ220C-P 3/6 75/225 4/3 3 2 165,000¥
Seating: twin crash cage bucket + bucket seat Access: full canopy
Economy: 55 km per liter Fuel: IC/10 liters
Storage: 10 CF trunk Sensors: Advanced (3)
Accessories: Anti-theft system (3), crash cages for front seats,
rigger control gear

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 151 12 3 3 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 3 10 130
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (65 liters) Economy: 8.8 km/liter
Point Value: 848 Cost: 85,000¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (3), concealed armor, crash
cages (front seats), datajack port, electronics port, rigger adaptation

Spinelli Autotech Spirit (p. 40)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Spirit 3/6 44/133 4/4 4 3 235,000¥
Seating: twin bucket + quad crash cage bucket seats Access: 2 + 2 standard
Economy: 20 km per liter Fuel: IC/21 liters
Cargo/Storage: 6 CF trunk Accessories: Crash cage for four rear seats,
Sensors: Advanced (3) ECM: Security I (1)
Options: Datajack link, hardpoint with full-automatic grenade
launcher with 30 rounds

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 89 11 4 4 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 3 6 13
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 4 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (53 liters) Economy: 8 km/liter
Point Value: 1,666 Cost: 416,500¥
Template: Limousine Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Concealed armor, crash cages (rear seats),
datajack port, ECM (1), EnviroSeal™ (gas), internal hardpoint
(full-automatic grenade launcher with 30 rounds)

Tetracorp DR2100 Multi-fuel Longnose (p. 40)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
DR2100 6/10 45/135 6/4 2 2 200,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard + roof hatch
Economy: 5 km per liter Fuel: MultiF/415 liters
Standard Load: 1,500 CF Sensors: Enhanced (2)
Accessories: EnviroSeal™, life-support (20 man-hours) Options: Pintle mount (500¥ + weapon cost), rigger con-
trol gear (14,000¥)

A pintle mount costs 500¥, a datajack port plus rigger adaptation is 6,000¥ and reduces Load to 11,095
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5/10 90 3 5 4 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 2 305 11,105
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 standard + hatch Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (695 liters) Economy: 3 km/liter
Point Value: 2,003 Cost: 200,500¥
Template: Heavy Transport Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Concealed armor, EnviroSeal™ (gas), life support
(20 man-hours), living amenities (basic, 1 person)


Paneurope VBL APC (p. 41)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
VBL 4/4 31/93 3/4 4 3 1,450,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + bench Access: 2 standard + double-sized rear
Economy: 5 km per liter Fuel: IC/140 liters
Cargo: 200 CF rear
Sensors: Security I (4) ECM: Military I (4)
Accessories: Ablative vehicle armor (1), amphibious operations Options: Pintle mount with grenade launcher
(5,000¥), heavy
package (1), datajack link, off-road suspension (1), 8 smoke machine gun (5,000¥), or medium machine gun
* Off-road speed is 26/68, water speed is 21/63

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/4 62 7 7 4 2(3)
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 4 3 2,180
Seating: 2 bucket seats + bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + gate Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (350 liters) Economy: 2 km/liter
Point Value: 3,059 Cost: 765,000¥
Template: Wheeled APC Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Ablative armor (1), amphibious operations
package (1), datajack port, ECM (4), pintle mount, thermal
baffling (1), 8× smoke discharger

Paneurope Zobel (EuroLAV II) (p. 41)

This is not a low-altitude vehicle (the “LAV” in the name actually stands for Light Armored Vehicle), but a
normal, wheeled APC.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
EuroLAV II 4/4 27/80* 3/4 5 3 1,050,000¥
Seating: twin bucket seats + bench Access: 2 standard + double-sized rear
Economy: 5 km per liter Fuel: IC/140 liters
Cargo: 200 CF rear
Sensors: Security II (5) ECM: Military I (4)
Accessories: Ablative vehicle armor (1), amphibious operations Options: Pintle mount with grenade launcher
(5,000¥), heavy
package (1), datajack link, off-road suspension (1), 8 smoke machine gun (5,000¥), or medium machine gun
* Off-road speed is 22/65, water speed is 17/50

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/4 53 5 7 4 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 5 12 2,395
Seating: 2 bucket seats + bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + gate Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (250 liters) Economy: 2.8 km/liter
Point Value: 2,916 Cost: 730,000¥
Template: Wheeled APC Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Ablative armor (1), amphibious operations
package (1), datajack port, ECM (4), off-road suspension, 8×
smoke discharger


Kundalina Roadworks Gevhog (p. 42)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Gevhog 5 40/120 1/0 1 0 16,100¥
Seating: 1 front + 3 rear Storage: 10 CF rear
Economy: 3 km per liter Fuel: IC/215 liters
Options: Datajack link (6,240¥)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3 80 5 3 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 10 300
Seating: 1 bucket seat + 3 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (400 liters) Economy: 1.625 km/liter
Point Value: 375 Cost: 93,750¥
Template: Small Hovercraft Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: none

Cadence Industries HoverVan (p. 42)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
HoverVan 5 33/100 2/2 1 2 105,000¥
Seating: front/rear twin bucket seats Access: 2 standard + double-sized rear
Economy: 2 km per liter Fuel: IC/320 liters
Cargo: 55 CF rear

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 67 5 4 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 55 1,330
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + gate Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (400 liters) Economy: 1.6 km/liter
Point Value: 598 Cost: 150,000¥
Template: Medium Hovercraft Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Concealed armor, electronics port


Bell-Boeing Aircar (p. 43)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Aircar 3 240/480 2/1 1 4 3,000,000¥
Seating: twin + quad crash cage bucket seats Access: 2 double-sized
Economy: .75 km per liter Fuel: 2,850 liters
Cargo/Storage: 0 CF Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Sensors: Advanced (2) Accessories: EnviroSeal™

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3 320 9 5 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 2 0 180
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 4 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 double-sized Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (2,850 liters) Economy: .75 km/liter
Point Value: 4,870 Cost: 1,217,500¥
Template: Aerodyne (L) Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Concealed armor, crash cages for all seats,
EnviroSeal™ (overpressurization)

British Aerospace AV FAB (p. 44)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
AV FAB 4 150/300 10/3 1 4 8,400,000¥
Seating: twin crash cage ejection seats + quad bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: 5,100 liters
Standard Load: one 500 CF cargo container Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Sensors: Enhanced (3) ECM: Security III (3)
Accessories: Crash cage for ejection seats, EnviroSeal™, life Options: rigger control gear (42,000¥)
support (16 man-hours), small turret with Victory rotary assault
cannon (1,100 rounds)

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost

AV FAB military 4 180/360 10/4 1 4 13,500,000¥
Seating: twin crash cage ejection seats + quad bucket seats Access: 2 standard
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: 5,100 liters
Standard Load: one 250 CF cargo container Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Sensors: Military I (6) ECM: Military I (4)
Accessories: Crash cage for ejection seats, EnviroSeal™, life
support (16 man-hours), small turret with Victory rotary assault
cannon (1,100 rounds), rigger control gear, 8× smoke discharger

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 200 20 5 3 0
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 3 0 6,745
Seating: 2 ejection bucket seats + 4 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (6,400 liters) Economy: .25 km/liter
Point Value: 7,661 Cost: 4,800,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (L) Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Concealed armor, crash cage for ejection seats,
ECM (3), EnviroSeal™ (gas), life support (16 man-hours), small
turret with Victory rotary assault cannon (1,100 rounds)

Military Version
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 240 20 5 4 0
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 6 3 6,555
Seating: 2 ejection bucket seats + 4 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (6,400 liters) Economy: .25 km/liter
Point Value: 9,151 Cost: 6,000,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (L) Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Concealed armor, crash cage for ejection seats,
datajack port, ECM (4), EnviroSeal™ (gas), life support (16 man-
hours), rigger adaptation, small turret with Victory rotary assault
cannon (1,100 rounds), 8× smoke discharger

Mexican Metals Llama (p. 45)

This company would perhaps best be renamed “Aztlan Metals.”

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Llama 4 60/133 1/0 3 1 330,000¥
Seating: front ejection seat + rear bucket seat Access: full canopy
Economy: .75 km per liter Fuel: 1,700 liters
Storage: 7 CF storage Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Accessories: Datajack link

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 89 21 3 0 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 1 240
Seating: ejection bucket seat + bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (1,700 liters) Economy: .75 km/liter
Point Value: 1,742 Cost: 435,500¥
Template: Aerodyne (S)
Other Features: Datajack port

MacLaren/Jaguar Sports Aerodyne (p. 45)

No changes.

Handling Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost
Sports Aero. 3 500/1,080 2/1 3 5 15,000,000¥
Seating: twin crash cage ejection seats Access: full canopy
Economy: .5 km per liter Fuel: 2,400 liters
Sensors: Enhanced (3) Landing/Take-off Profile: VTOL/VTOL
Accessories: Anti-theft system (8), crash cage for both ejection
seats, datajack link

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3 720 65 5 1 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
5 — 3 0 4,875
Seating: 2 ejection bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (2,800 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 7,115 Cost: 1,800,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (M) Reference: Chromebook 4
Other Features: Anti-theft system (8) with shock option,
concealed armor, crash cages, datajack port, engine customization
(speed, level 1, already factored in)


Shadowdeck to Microtech Residence the program is increased by 50% for design pur-
(p. 46-48) poses, but the actual memory taken up by the pro-
gram is only one-half the actual rating. Also see
Not available.
Options on page 42 of Virtual Realities.
In Virtual Realities 2.0, this option already ex-
P R O G R AM S ists; see the Optimization option on page 104 of
that book.
Program costs are calculated per Virtual Realit-
ies 2.0, by multiplying the square of the program’s
Mirror (p. 49)
rating by the Multiplier listed to find the program’s When an attack hits the decker’s persona while
size in megapulses, and then using the Program Mirror is in active memory, the decker may roll a
Prices Table on page 107 to find the Availability, test using Mirror’s rating against the rating of the
Cost, and Street Index. attacking utility or IC. Reduce the attacker’s suc-
cesses by those achieved on the Mirror Test; if
New Programming Modifier: Code there are any excess successes in favor of Mirror,
the original attacker suffers an attack from his or
Optimization (p. 48) her own program, with a number of successes
In Shadowrun, Second Edition and Virtual Real- equal to one-half (round down) the excess suc-
ities, Code Optimization means that the rating of cesses on the Mirror Test.

Mirror loses 1 Rating Point every time it is used, Target: Deckers, frames, IC, SKs
whether successfully or unsuccessfully. A decker Options: area, chaser, DINAB, limit, one-shot, optim-
may load a fresh copy in memory in the normal ization, penetration, targeting
way. Ninja is an Attack (Serious) utility with the Skulk
Note: Do not confuse Mirror with the Mirrors option at a level equal to one-half (round up)
utility that already exists in Shadowrun. Ninja’s rating. For this reason, multiply the utility’s
rating by 1.5 and round up before calculating the
SRII STATS program’s cost.
Options: one-shot
Size: Rating2 × 5 Mp Red-Out (p. 49)
Treat as Restrict, p. 37 of Virtual Realities or p.
SR3 STATS 99 of Virtual Realities 2.0.
Type: Defensive
Multiplier: 5 The Audio Virus (p. 50)
Options: one-shot, optimization When a decker makes a successful attack using
The Audio Virus, it plays an old tune. The exact ef-
Weed (p. 49) fects are up to the gamemaster, though –1 Intelli-
gence and the loss of one initiative die is recom-
SRII STATS mended, as well as losing 1 point off Reaction for
To use Weed, the decker must roll a test using every 2 successes rolled for the virus.
Weed’s rating against a target number equal to The song to be played can be selected by the
the System Rating of the node it is used in. Every decker, and the list of available songs can be mod-
two successes reduce the initiative of all IC in that ified. Every minute of music adds 1 megapulse to
node by –1. If used in the CPU, the initiative of all the program’s memory requirement.
IC in the system is reduced in this way, not just the
Options: mobility, one-shot Options: area-effect, one-shot
Size: Rating2 × 3 Mp Target: Evasion
Size: Rating2 × 9 Mp
Type: Offensive (special) SR3 STATS
Multiplier: 3 Type: Offensive
Target: Hosts Multiplier: 9
Options: DINAB, one-shot, optimization Target: Deckers
Deckers use Weed to attack the host’s ability to Options: area, one-shot, optimization, targeting
control IC. The decker rolls a Control test, using
Weed to reduce the target number. Every 2 net Translator 2000 (p. 50)
successes on this test reduce the initiative of all IC Not available.
in the host by –1; this is cumulative with previous
successful Weed attacks. However, every 2 suc- DeckShield One (p. 50)
cesses also add 1 to the Security Tally, in addition Against attacks by Blaster, and other IC or utilit-
to the tally’s normal increase. ies that attempt to destroy the decker’s cyber-
System operators or deckers may delete Weed deck, add DeckShield One’s rating to the target
from a system by performing a Disinfect operation number for the IC’s effects. For example, Blaster’s
against the host’s Control rating. target number is the deck’s MPCP; on a deck with
DeckShield One in active memory, the target num-
Ninja (p. 49) ber is the MPCP rating plus DeckShield One’s rat-
SRII STATS Every time DeckShield One helps defend
Ninja is an Attack utility that works against the against IC, its rating is reduced by 1. This can be
lower of the target’s Bod and Evasion ratings, or restored to full by loading a new copy into active
the node’s Security Rating for IC. It always has the memory.
Serious-staging option added in. (See Virtual Real-
ities p. 43. For SRII users, the program always SRII STATS
causes at least Serious damage to its target when Options: none
it hits; extra successes add one box per success as Size: Rating2 × 5 Mp
Options: area-effect, mobility, one-shot, penetration SR3 STATS
Target: Bod or Evasion (against deckers), Security Type: Offensive
Rating (against IC) Multiplier: 5
Size: (Rating+3)2 × 3 Mp Options: none

SR3 STATS Igor (p. 51)

Type: Offensive Not available.
Multiplier: 4
Guest Book (p. 51) Grid Wave (p. 53)
Not available.

A Picture’s Worth (p. 52) SRII STATS

Not available. To use Grid Wave, roll an Open Test (Shadow-
beat p. 11) using its rating. Any decker present in
Superballs (p. 52) the node (including the character who activated
Grid Wave) now rolls an Open Test using his deck’s
SRII STATS Evasion; all active IC rolls its rating in a similar
test, and the node itself rolls its System Rating.
Roll a Superballs Test against a target number
Anything that fails to achieve a result equal to
equal to the target’s Sensors rating (if the target is
or higher than Grid Wave’s result is crashed—deck-
a deckers) or the node’s Security Rating (when tar-
ers are dumped from the Matrix, while IC disap-
geting IC). Every two successes add +1 to the tar-
pears and must be reloaded by the system operat-
get numbers and –1 to the initiative for the target
or. Should the node fail its test, it instantly goes
for as long as Superballs remains active.
offline in its entirety (without the normal warnings
Deckers may make a Sensor Test, with a target
and safe shut-down period) and takes 1D6+4
number equal to Superballs’ rating. Every success
minutes to reboot; every decker in the node is
cancels one of Superballs’ successes, and thus the
automatically dumped.
target number and initiative penalties.
Options: mobility
After the initial node, Grid Wave moves out to
Size: Rating2 × 3 Mp the next node(s), where the above repeats itself,
then to the nodes after that, and so on. For every
SR3 STATS “step,” it loses 1 off its rating; once its rating
reaches 0, it will not continue further. For example,
Roll a Superballs Test against a target number
rating 4 Grid Wave is activated in a node. In all
equal to the target’s Sensors rating (if the target is
nodes linked to the first node, it is rating 3; in all
a deckers) or the host’s Control rating (when tar-
nodes that can be reached from these, it is rating
geting IC). Every two successes add +1 to the tar-
2, and so on.
get numbers and –1 to the initiative for the target
Options: none
for as long as Superballs remains active.
Target: Node’s Security Rating
Deckers may make a Sensor Test, with a target Size: Rating2 × 30 Mp
number equal to Superballs’ rating. Every success
cancels one of Superballs’ successes, and thus the SR3 STATS
target number and initiative penalties.
To use Grid Wave, roll an Open Test using its
Type: Defensive
Multiplier: 3
rating. Any decker present in the host (including
Options: area, DINAB, one-shot, optimization the character who activated Grid Wave) now rolls
an Open Test using his deck’s Evasion; all active IC
Swarm (p. 52) rolls its rating in a similar test, and the host itself
Treat as Hog (p. 36, Virtual Realities/p. 98, Vir- rolls its Control rating.
tual Realities 2.0). Anything that fails to achieve a result equal to
or higher than Grid Wave’s result is crashed—deck-
ers are dumped from the Matrix, while IC disap-
pears and must be reloaded by the system operat-
or. Should the host fail its test, it instantly goes off-
line in its entirety (without the normal warnings
and safe shut-down period) and takes 1D6+4
minutes to reboot; every decker in the host is
automatically dumped.
Type: Offensive
Multiplier: 30
Target: anything and everything
Options: DINAB, one-shot, optimization

Scribe (p. 53)

Not available.


In this section, convert eurodollar (eb) to nuyen (¥) prices by multiplying them by 2. Availability is Always
for all items and Street Index is 1. Armor ratings can be found by dividing the SP (Stopping Power) value by
10 and rounding to the nearest whole number; this is the value for both the Ballistic and Impact ratings of the
armor. For example, an SP 15 armor costing 200 eb would have Ballistic 2/Impact 2, and cost 400¥.

Leisurewear (p. 56)

RecreaTech Powerblades Legal
Give a –1 modifier to the target number of Athletics (Skating) tests, while the power-assisted roller action
adds 2 to the character’s Running Multiplier.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — 2.5 3/48 hrs 400¥ 1

Shock Touch™ Personal Protection Gloves 5-B(B)

Use the Shock Weapon rules, SRII page 103 or SR3 page 124, for these gloves.

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index

9* 0 6S Stun — 5/48 hrs 720¥ 2
* to spot the taser


Tritech Echolocation Goggles (p. 68) Legal

Treat as ultrasound goggles with a built-in ultrasound sight. The goggles cannot be linked to a weapon, but
a character does get the ultrasound visibility bonuses while wearing them.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — .5 3/36 hrs 2,500¥ 1

Pressure Trigger (p. 69) Legal

Cost is per square meter.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

8 — — 6/4 days 150¥ 3

Protective Headgear Insert (p. 69) Legal

Functions as a helmet.

Concealability Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

9 +1 +1 .25 8/7 days 50¥ 1.75

TechJager Anti-Pursuit Liquids (p. 69) 3-M2(Y)
Effects are as follows:
Stickum: characters stepping in the liquid must make a Strength (8) test to get free.
BadFumes: characters must make a Body or Willpower (whichever is higher) test to avoid nausea.
FireFun: the fire causes 6M damage for 10 turns.

Type AvailabilityCost/LiterStreet Index

Stickum 6/72 hrs 400¥ 2
BadFumes 6/72 hrs 500¥ 2
FireFun 8/72 hrs 700¥ 3

Stephenson Technologies Sound Optimization System (p. 70) Legal

If the speakers are positioned for maximum effect, add +2 to the band’s Impact Rating. Positioning them
takes a Musical Production (8) skill test.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— +2 — 8/7 days 10,000¥ 1

Nano-Paper (p. 70) Legal

Concealability Weight Availability Cost Street Index

Paper — — 8/14 days 30¥ per sheet 3
Light 8 — 5/72 hrs 10¥ 1.5

Wutani Sensors Motion Tracker (p. 71) Legal

See the rules for motion sensors on page 99 of the Corporate Security Handbook and/or page 234 of SR3.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

6 2 4 4/72 hrs 770¥ 3

EnduroDrink (p. 71) Legal

Gives a +1 Body and Willpower bonus for two hours after consumption, but only to resist fatigue, not
against other kinds of damage.

Availability Cost Street Index

2/3 hrs 8¥ per can .75

Wall Speakers (p. 72) Legal

No changes.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

12 — — Always 250¥ 1

ArmorSaver Drink (p. 72) Legal

Functions like a one-shot dermal armor repair kit (see Dermal Plating on page 47 of Cybertechnology).

Availability Cost Street Index

6/72 hrs 50¥ per can 2

Thermite-in-a-Tube (p. 72) 4P-M1(X)

Cuts through metal or stone barriers with a maximum of Barrier Rating 20, at a rate of 2 points per turn.
Causes 8M damage for 10 turns to organic targets.

Availability Cost Street Index

5/7 days 90¥ per tube 3.5

TechJager Plug-in Air Foulers (p. 73) 2-M2(Y)

No changes.
Burnt Almond Scent (700¥): the target must resist 5S Physical damage.
Wintergreen (550¥): adds +4 to all of target’s target numbers for 7D6 minutes; the target is allowed a
Body (6) test, every success reduces the intoxication time by 1 minute.
Potpourri (550¥): the target must resist 5M Stun damage every turn for 5 turns.
Spring Breeze (650¥): adds +2 to the character’s target number to resist Interrogation tests for 2D6
hours, minus 1 hour for every success on a Willpower test.
Hickory Smoke (575¥): adds +4 to all of target’s target numbers after 1D6 hours, and also gives a Light
Stun wound at that time; the target is allowed a Body (6) test, every success reduces the intoxication time by
1 turn.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

4 — — 8/10 days see above 3

Kevlar Backpacks (p. 73) Legal

Protects only against attacks from behind; the backpack does not ease encumbrance.

Type Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index

W/out inserts — 1 0 .5 5/72 hrs 50¥ 1.5
With inserts — 3 2 2 5/72 hrs 100¥ 1.5

Bodyweight InterFlex™ Cybergenics Machine (p. 74) Legal

No changes.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 6/7 days 2,800¥ .9

Bodyweight InterFlex Prime™ (p. 75) Legal

No changes.

Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index

— — — 6/7 days 4,400¥ .9

This section provides updated game statistics for vehicles, cyberdecks, and programs published in earlier
Plastic Warriors books. They are listed in the same order as in the book they originally appeared in.


Chrysler-Nissan Python Turbo (p. 31)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/8 195 18 3 0 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 2 40
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (130 liters) Economy: 8.55 km/liter
Point Value: 499 Cost: 75,000¥
Template: Sports Car Reference: Running Gear
Other Features: Roll bars, turbocharging (level 1, already
factored in)

Eurocar 3000 (p. 31)

The 3000 Convertible has Entry Points 2 doors + open, and costs 67,000¥.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature

3/8 180 10 3 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 4 30
Seating: 2 bucket seats + bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (155 liters) Economy: 9 km/liter
Point Value: 619 Cost: 62,000¥
Template: Sports Car Reference: Running Gear
Other Features: APPS™ for all seats

Fledermaus PKF40 Ausf. B (p. 32)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3 880 50 7 1 5
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 6 1 1,564
Seating: 1 ejection bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (2,500 liters) Economy: .25 km/liter
Point Value: 11,655 Cost: 7,300,000¥
Template: Jump Jet Fighter Reference: Running Gear
Other Features: Drive-by-wire system (level 2, already factored
in), ECCM (3), ECM (4), 3× firmpoint (forward-firing), hardpoint
(forward-firing, with Vanquisher minigun with 1,000 rounds)


McDonnell Douglas C111 (p. 33)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
All variants:4 120 10 7 4 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
Commuter 3 — 1 9 570
Executive 3 — 1 45 1,470
Security 3 — 1 16 825
Seating: Commuter: 2 bucket seats + 12 bucket seats
Setup/Breakdown: NA
Executive: 2 bucket seats + 6 bucket seats
Security: 2 bucket seats + 10 bench
Entry Points: door + gate Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (1,000 liters) Economy: .35 km/liter
Point Value: 1,755/1,755/1,966 Cost: 440,000¥/660,000¥/1,230,000¥
Template: Cargo Helicopter Reference: Running Gear
Other Features: Security variant has 2× firmpoint (forward-firing),
pintle mount (firing to the left), remote mini-turret

Bell Boeing V-22B Osprey (p. 50)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
All variants:5 340 13 5 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
Cargo 3 — 1 3 250
Commuter 3 — 1 9 400
Executive 3 — 1 33 1,000
Seating: Cargo: 2 bucket seats + 15 folding bench
Setup/Breakdown: NA
Commuter: 2 bucket seats + 14 bucket seats
Executive: 2 bucket seats + 10 bucket seats
Entry Points: 2 doors + gate Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (900 liters) Economy: 1 km/liter
Point Value: all variants: 1,376 Cost: 344,000¥/344,000¥/516,000¥
Template: Tilt-Wing Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: none

Bell F-152 Autogyro (p. 50)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 320 10 3 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 4 1 15
Seating: 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (200 liters) Economy: .4 km/liter
Point Value: 990 Cost: 620,000¥
Template: Autogyro Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: Engine customization (level 4, already factored
in), firmpoint (forward-firing)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 320 10 3 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 1 15
Seating: 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (200 liters) Economy: .4 km/liter
Point Value: 454 Cost: 113,500¥
Template: Autogyro Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: Engine customization (level 4, already factored in)

Honda Metrocar (p. 51)
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 40 6 3 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 2 40
Seating: bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (500 bars) Economy: 2 km/bar
Point Value: 60 Cost: 6,000¥
Template: Commuter/Subcompact Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: none

McDonnell-Douglas AV-4 Tactical Urban Assault Vehicle (p. 51)

Can be fitted with up to three additional bucket or bench seats.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature

5 300 35 4 6 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 20 4,520
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors + gate Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (2,000 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 4,120 Cost: 1,030,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (M) Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: none

Military/Security Variant
Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 300 35 4 6 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 19 4,500
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors + gate Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (2,000 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 4,130 Cost: 2,600,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (M) Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: 2× firmpoint (forward-firing)

AV-6 Combat Assault Vehicle (p. 51)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 420 30 4 9 0
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 2 50 6,605
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors + gate Landing/Takeoff: VSTOL
Fuel: Jet (3,800 liters) Economy: .25 km/liter
Point Value: 6,290 Cost: 3,950,000¥
Template: Aerodyne (L) Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: Datajack port, 2× firmpoint (forward-firing),
remote mini-turret (chin), rigger adaptation

Toyo-Chrysler Omega (p. 52)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 100 6 3 0 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 3 160
Seating: 2 bucket seats + bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 4 doors + trunk Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Methane (825 bars) Economy: 2.1 km/bar
Point Value: 435 Cost: 43,500¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: none

Toyota Avante (p. 52)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/8 190 16 3 1 2

Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 5 45
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (125 liters) Economy: 7.2 km/liter
Point Value: 473 Cost: 120,000¥
Template: Sportscar Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Running Gear
Other Features: Concealed armor, datajack port


UH-90 Utility/Squad Helicopter (p. 20)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 180 16 4 3 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 3 10 470
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 6 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 double-sized Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (1,000 liters) Economy: .2 km/liter
Point Value: 2,054 Cost: 1,300,000¥
Template: Utility Helicopter Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Tech Specs
Other Features: ECM (1), EnviroSeal™ (gas, overpressurization),
2× firmpoint (forward-firing), life support system (60 man-hours),
remote mini-turret (under-nose)

Yakurichi-Ural BR70 Heavy Transporter (p. 20)

Use the normal rules for nitrous oxide injectors (p. 121, Rigger 2) instead of the text on page 20 of Tech

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature

3/6 100 3 6 4 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 3 5 5,155
Seating: 2 ejection bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + roof hatch Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Diesel (1,200 liters) Economy: 3 km/liter
Point Value: 3,646 Cost: 365,000¥
Template: Heavy Transport Reference: Cyberpunk 2020/Tech Specs
Other Features: Concealed armor, datajack port, improved
suspension (1), living amenities (basic, 2 people), nitrous oxide
injectors (6), rigger adaptation

All-Terrain Bike (p. 35)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3 * ** 1 0 6
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
0 — 0 1 20
Seating: 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: none Economy: NA
Point Value: special Cost: 650¥
Template: special Reference: Tech Specs
Other Features: none
* Speed is equal to three times the rider’s Quickness Attribute Rating.
** Acceleration is equal to the rider’s Strength Attribute Rating.


Ares Coyote Attack Helicopter (p. 19)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 267 30 5 12 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
5 — 7 2 975

Seating: 1 bucket seat + 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (4,000 liters) Economy: .3 km/liter
Point Value: 9,124 Cost: 5,702,500¥
Template: Attack Helicopter Reference: Project 3 (Aaron Wigley)
Other Features: Datajack port, ECCM (4), ECM (4), electronics
port (1), EnviroSeal™ (overpressurization), life support (40 man-
hours), remote micro turret (rear), remote small turret (chin),
rigger adaptation

Aztechnology GCR-50 (p. 19)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/4 15 2 2 3 7
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
— 1 1 2 20
Seating: None Setup/Breakdown: 5 minutes
Entry Points: None Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Electric (70 PF) Economy: .75 km/PF
Point Value: 392 Cost: 3,920¥
Template: Large tracked crawler Reference: Project 3 (Aaron Wigley)
Other Features: none

Beechcraft Model 2400 Starship 10 (p. 20)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5 135/390 24 6 1 4
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 1 0 100
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 9 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 1 door + 1 emergency door Landing/Takeoff: STOL
Fuel: Jet (2,000 liters) Economy: 2.5 km/liter
Point Value: 1,396 Cost: 349,000¥
Template: Twin engine propeller Reference: Project 3 (Aaron Wigley)
Other Features: Concealed armor

Dune Buggy (p. 20)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
5/4 120 14 3 0 0
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
1 — 0 18 260
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (60 liters) Economy: 10.4 km/liter
Point Value: 329 Cost: 33,000¥
Template: Sedan Reference: Project 3
Other Features: off-road suspension (2), off-road tires, roll bars,
turbocharging (2)

GMC-Beachcraft Striker (p. 20)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 130 8 3 6 1
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 3 4 350
Seating: 1 ejection bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (750 liters) Economy: .5 km/liter
Point Value: 1,810 Cost: 1,132,000¥
Template: Small hovercraft Reference: Project 3
Other Features: Armored seat (2), datajack port, hovercraft water
seals, rigger adaptation, remote mini-turret, roll bars

Mil-62 (p. 21)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4 320 20 5 8 3
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 6 0 358
Seating: 1 bucket seat + 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: VTOL
Fuel: Jet (4,500 liters) Economy: .25 km/liter
Point Value: 5,270 Cost: 3,300,000¥
Template: Attack helicopter Reference: Project 3
Other Features: Datajack port, ECCM (1), ECM (4), 2× firmpoint
(forward-firing), remote micro-turret (chin), rigger adaptation

Mostrans KVT-2 (p. 21)

This vehicle uses the rules for large ships in Cyberpirates, pages 162 through 167.

Handling Speed Acceleration Hull BulwarkSignature

5 105 3 5 4 2/2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Sonar Cargo Load
3 — 4 0 2,500 7,000
Accommodation: 8 Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: front ramp, 4 standard entry points, rear ramp Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gas Turbine (10 kiloliters) Economy: 100 km/kiloliter
Other Features: Datajack port, EnviroSeal™ (overpressurization), Reference: Project 3
hovercraft water seals, life support (1,500 man-hours), rigger

Patrol Vehicle (p. 22)

See the Generic Surveillance Drone on page 156 of Rigger 2.

Piper Montebank (p. 22)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
2 60/333 21 3 0 2(4)
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 — 0 11 275
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: STOL
Fuel: Jet (450 liters) Economy: 3 km/liter
Point Value: 1,390 Cost: 350,000¥
Template: Single-engine propeller Reference: Project 3 (Aaron Wigley)
Other Features: Datajack port, drive-by-wire (2, already factored
in), electronics port, thermal baffles (2)

Suzuki 500ET (p. 22)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/6 180 17 2 2 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 1 10
Seating: 1 bucket seat Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: canopy Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (30 liters) Economy: 10 km/liter
Point Value: 359 Cost: 18,000¥
Template: Racing Cycle Reference: Project 3
Other Features: performance tires, roll bars


Aston Martin “Whisper” G12P (p. 10)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 250 18 3 3 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 4 65
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (130 liters) Economy: 9.9 km/liter
Point Value: 867 Cost: 130,000¥
Template: Luxury sportscar Reference: Paranoid Animals of North America (Steam-
Other Features: APPS™, concealed armor

BMW “VIP” 9000L (p. 10)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 160 12 3 3 2

Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 5 85
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (70 liters) Economy: 9.6 km/liter
Point Value: 625 Cost: 94,000¥
Template: Luxury sedan Reference: Paranoid Animals of North America (Steam-
Other Features: Anti-theft system (4), APPS™, concealed armor

Ferrari “Ghost” 679 (p. 10)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
3/5 270 18 3 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 0 2 45
Seating: 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (105 liters) Economy: 9 km/liter
Point Value: 1,362 Cost: 205,000¥
Template: Luxury sportscar Reference: Paranoid Animals of North America (Steam-
Other Features: Anti-theft system (10), APPS™, EnviroSeal™
(gas), improved suspension, roll bars

Jaguar XXJ10 (p. 11)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 160 11 3 6 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 6 30
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 2 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 doors Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (50 liters) Economy: 10 km/liter
Point Value: 769 Cost: 120,000¥
Template: Luxury sedan Reference: Paranoid Animals of North America (Steam-
Other Features: APPS™, concealed armor, EnviroSeal™ (gas)

Mazda “Commando” XV (p. 11)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/7 133 10 3 3 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 4 125
Seating: 2 bucket seats + bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + double-sized Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (120 liters) Economy: 12 km/liter
Point Value: 680 Cost: 110,000¥
Template: Luxury sedan Reference: Paranoid Animals of North America (Steam-
Other Features: APPS™, concealed armor, roll bars

Mercedes “Mirage” Limousine (p. 11)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/6 160 10 4 1 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
4 — 0 10 100
Seating: 2 bucket seats + 4 bucket seats Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + 2 double-sized Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (300 liters) Economy: 12.4 km/liter
Point Value: 1,699 Cost: 350,000¥
Template: Luxury limousine Reference: Paranoid Animals of North America (Steam-
Other Features: APPS™

Porsche “Cannon Ball” 971 (p. 11)

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Signature
4/8 270 18 3 0 2
Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
3 — 0 2 50
Seating: 2 bucket seats + bench Setup/Breakdown: NA
Entry Points: 2 doors + open Landing/Takeoff: NA
Fuel: Gasoline (100 liters) Economy: 7.5 km/liter
Point Value: 642 Cost: 120,000¥
Template: Luxury sportscar Reference: Paranoid Animals of North America (Steam-
Other Features: APPS™, roll bars

Some sample charactes, all of them making use of the Chromebooks for equipment,
cyberware, vehicles, and so on, as well as using some things from regular Shadowrun
sourcebooks. All characters were created using Shadowrun, Third Edition character
generation rules, and will need some adjusting for use with second edition rules.

CYBERPIRATE Arasaka OmniTec Radar Detector
3× Biotech-Askari Motion Restraints
DDI Prayerware
RACE (D) Everest VentureWare Grapple Line
Dwarf 10× FEN Dz 22 “Saucer Grenades”
Body: 6 Combat: 8
Quickness: 6
Strength: 7
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 6
Body Index: 0.6
Essence: 5.45
Magic: —
Reaction: 5
Initiative: 5+1D6
Cyber-Implant Weapons: 4 Famous Pirates: 4
Diving: 5 Motorboat Background:
Etiquette (Maritime): 3(5) Navigation: 3
Heavy Weapons: 4 Pirate Bars: 3
Intimidation: 4 Pirate Identification: 4
Motorboat: 6 Politics: 2
Ship: 3 Sea Monsters: 2
Shotguns: 5 Smuggling Routes: 4
Throwing: 4
Mace Hand
Nikkon America Double-Split Pupil
Otec Nitrogen Binders
3 other Cyberpirates
Mafia Boss

Goncz-Taurus Pistol, selective-fire version (with

3× 30-round clip and 100 rounds Multi-Flechette
2× GPz-78 Mini-grenade
Militech Crusher SSG (with 5 clips and 50 rounds
Regular ammunition)
Militech Military/Police Shotgun 12 gauge model
(with 20 rounds Flare ammunition and 50
rounds Regular ammunition)
Optitech MagViewer
Polymer One-Shot Cannon
Slamdance Inc. Spawnblade
Telectronics “Scout” Signal Tracker
Low (12 months) 1,822¥ + (3D6x100¥)

Cyberpirates can be found all over the world,
stealing cargo from ships—or simply the ships
themselves—to stay alive. They’re in it for the
money, and because it’s the only way they know
to make a living.
(See Cyberpirates for more information.)



The Former Sim-
Body: 3 Combat: 6
sense Star used to be
Quickness: 6
Strength: 3
on top of the world.
Charisma: 6 She played in a num-
Intelligence: 4 ber of well-known sim-
Willpower: 5 sense recordings, and
Body Index: 0.2 she is still often recog-
Essence: 3.33 nized by fans of her
Magic: — work. Unfortunately,
Reaction: 5 something caused her
Initiative: 5+1D6 to lose her job—per-
Athletics: 5 BTL Dealers: 1 something she should-
Bike: 3 English: 6 n’t have, or maybe the
Car: 3 English Read/Write: 3 studio found someone
Computer: 2 Electronics Back- else they liked better
ground: 3 than her. Whatever the
Diving: 3 Legendary Simsense case, she ended up
Stars: 4 out of work and with a
Electronics (Simsense): 1(3) Media Personalit- grudge against her for-
ies: 5
mer employer. As a
Etiquette (Corporate): 1(3) Simsense Produc-
result, she took to the
tion: 5
Etiquette (Media): 3(5)
shadows in an attempt
Etiquette (Street): 1(3) to pay them back for
Pistols: 2 dumping her like
Submachine Guns: 1 garbage.
Unarmed Combat: 1 Former Simsense
Special Skills Stars often have ac-
Acting (Simsense): 5(7) cess to some people
Dancing: 4 they knew when they
CYBERWARE were in “the business,”
Color Control Gland and usually have
Mediaware Cellular Phone enough money to
Raven Microcyb Supercompact Braindance Re- make up for their relat-
corder ive lack of shadow-
Voice Pattern (3) running skills. While it
Wearman Mark II is true that money
BIOWARE can’t buy everything,
Fresco’s Personal Nano-Groomers (Hollywood it can buy equipment
Hair™) needed to keep you
CONTACTS alive until you learn
Bodyguard (level 1) how to do that without
Club Owner (level 1)
that gear to fall back
Decker (level 1)
on. The Former Sim-
Media Producer (level 1)
Street Mage (level 1)
sense Star is now learning how to do just that.
Armor Jacket (Designer-quality)
Bodyweight InterFlex Prime™
Budgetarms Laser-Niner (with 3, 15-round clips
and 50 regular rounds)
DocWagon™ Contract (Platinum)
Kundalini Roadworks “Dart”
Tres Chic Clothing
Truman Paradiso simsense deck
High (6 months)
Low (12 months)


Free Traders are a vital part of the shadow
community, supplying it with everything that is
either not legally available, or costs too much on
the normal market. If somewhere there’s a need
Body: 7 Combat: 7
for something, there will be at least one Free
Quickness: 6 Control: 9 Trader risking life and limb to get it there and sell
Strength: 5 it to the local fences and fixers.
Charisma: 3 A Free Trader needs to be well-connected in all
Intelligence: 4 the areas he plans to smuggle contraband
Willpower: 5 between, in order to first of all know what is
Body Index: 0 wanted and what is offered for sale, as well as to
Essence: 3.55 stay one step ahead of the law enforcement and
Magic: — border guards trying to prevent him from deliver-
Reaction: 5 ing the goods.
Initiative: 5+1D6 (9+3D6 when rigging) Since border security can be tight in North
ACTIVE SKILLS (C) KNOWLEDGE SKILLS America, many Free Traders use low-altitude
Car: 5 Border Guard Proced- vehicles (LAVs) to make their runs. Often they are
ures: 3 highly modified, with rigger controls, weapon
Car Build/Repair: 3 Mafia Territory: 3 mounts, and uprated engines to increase the
Gunnery: 4 Smuggling Routes: 5 chances of survival when (it’s usually not “if”) the
Launch Weapons: 3 Yakuza Territory: 3 Free Trader gets spotted. The Free Traders doing
Negotiation: 4 Who Wants What: 4 the best business can afford T-birds like the GMC
Stealth (Hiding): 4(6)
Banshee, but many have to make do with modi-
Submachine Guns: 4
fied commercial vehicles, which do have the ad-
Vector Thrust Aircraft: 5
vantage that they do not attract as much atten-
tion in cities.
Tazer Grip
Vehicle Control Rig (2)
Corporate Official (level 1)
Fence (level 2, in home town)
Fence (level 1, in different city)
Mafia Boss (level 1)
Yakuza Boss (level 1)
Bell-Boeing Aircar (second-hand; with datajack
port, rigger adaptation, and standard armor (3);
minus 4 bucket seats. CF: 24, Load: 405 kg)
Contraband (100,000¥ worth in whatever form
you like)
DataTel’s Mapmaker® (with Navstar satellite link
ID Badgemaker
Militech-10 SMG (with 5 clips, 60 rounds regular
ammunition, 90 rounds HEP ammunition, and
10 fragmentation grenades)
Nova .338 Citygun (with 6 clips and 54 rounds
regular ammunition)
Spinelli Autotech “Nomad” (with datajack port
and rigger adaptation)
ThunderArc Automapper™
Travel Kit (with 10 extra pajamas)
Low (6 months) 21,683¥ + (3D6x100¥)
Middle (4 months)

2× Expendable Spell Focus (Detection Spells,
2× Expendable Spell Focus (Illusion Spells, Force
RACE (E) MAGIC (A) Hermetic Library (Conjuring, rating 6)
Human Full Magician Hermetic Library (Sorcery, rating 6)
Body: 3 (4) Combat: 7 Mitsuzuki Bushi
Quickness: 5 Spell: 7 Optitech MagViewer (with Digital Camera, IR, and
Strength: 4 Low-Light)
Charisma: 3 Ordinary Clothing
Intelligence: 4 SecSystems Protection Field
Willpower: 5 Sleep Inducer
Body Index: 0 Stein & Wasserman “Tri-Star” Revolver (with 50
Essence: 5.15 rounds #000 Triplex ammunition and Speedhol-
Magic: 5 ster)
Reaction: 4 Telectronics “Black Book” Microcomp
Initiative: 4+1D6 Telectronics Tattletale® Voice Stress Analyzer
ACTIVE SKILLS (D) KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ThunderArc Industries Three-D Holophone
Assault Rifles: 4 English: 6 LIFESTYLE STARTING CASH
Aura Reading: 3 English Read/Write: 3 Middle (3 months) 4,427¥ + (3D6x100¥)
Conjuring: 6 Electronics Back-
Cyber-Implant Weapons: 3 Magic Background: 4 Unlike many magicians, the Technomancer
Etiquette (Street): 1(3) Math: 5 makes active use of all the latest technology;
Interrogation (Machine- Modern Technology: 3
most magicians do use modern technology—it is
Aided): 3(4) Psychology: 2
hard not to when living in the Sixth World—but
Pistols: 3 Spirit Types: 3
Sorcery: 5
Technomancers try to integrate magic and tech-
CYBERWARE nology as far as possible. They use electronic
Gradiated Subdermal Armor (level 3) items as fetishes and foci, learn spells that affect,
Kiroshi® OptiShields® (with Low-Light, Magnifica- or can be used with, technological devices, and
tion (3), and TinesSquare Plus) many even have cyberware implanted into their
Psiberstuff® Independant Cyberhand (with Wol- bodies.
vers) However, they are not burnouts, and try to
SPELLS CONTACTS keep a careful balance between invasive techno-
Analyze Device: 6 Fixer (level 1) logy and their magical capabilities, so as to avoid
Chaos: 4 Street Mage (level 2) losing their abilities altogether. Still, this does not
Combat Sense: 4 Talismonger (level 1) stop them from using any non-implant technology
Lightning Bolt: 5 they feel is necessary to accomplish their goals.
Magic Fingers: 5 Some even attempt to learn decking or rigging
Stealth: 4 skills, with varying success.
GEAR Technomancers are relatively rare in the shad-
Arasaka JetSetter Executive Briefcase (with silent ows, and in the world in general in fact, but many
alarm and NachtJager gas trap) believe they are the wave of the future—after all,
Darra-Polytechnic M-9 Assault Rifle (with laser they reason, technology will march on and magic
sight and 3 clips and 120 rounds hollow-point will have to somehow integrate with it if it is to
ammunition) survive as well.
2× Elemental Conjuring Materials (6)
Following are the game stats for all items from the four Chromebooks, plus those from the other Plastic
Warriors releases, updated to include Paranoid Animals of North America and the conversions for Black-
hand’s Street Weapons. The Book notation gives the book in which the item can be found, together with the
relevant page number in that book: BSW = Blackhand’s Street Weapons 2057, CB1 = Chromebook 1, CB2 =
Chromebook 2, and CB3 = Chromebook 3, CB4 = Chromebook 4, P3 = Project 3, PA = Paranoid Animals of
North America, RG = Running Gear; TS = Tech Specs. (For items that appear in multiple books, only one is

Firearm names often have a code following them to indicate any accessories that come standard with the
weapon. This code is as follows: b = bipod, c = caseless ammo, et = electro-thermal ammo enhancement,
g# = gas vent level #, l = laser sight, ll = low-light, m# = magnification level #, p = shock pads, r# = in-
ternal recoil compensation level #, rf = rangefinder, rg = rangefinder grenade link, ss = silencer/suppresser,
s# = smartlink level #, t = thermographic. Codes are separated by commas to avoid confusion between sim-
ilar ones.

General Items Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Armament Suitcases
Armament Briefcase — amor 0/2 1.5 4/36 hrs 500¥ 2 RG
Computer Case — — 1.5 4/36 hrs 450¥ 2 TS
Guitar Case — — 3.5 5/36 hrs 700¥ 2 TS
Keyboard Case — — 3 6/36 hrs 700¥ 2 TS
Large Suitcase — — 3 6/36 hrs 600¥ 2 TS
Small Suitcase — — 2.5 5/36 hrs 500¥ 2 TS
Tool Case — — 1 4/36 hrs 400¥ 2 TS
Violin Case — — 2 6/36 hrs 650¥ 2 TS
ArmorSaver Drink — — — 6/72 hrs 50¥ per can 2 CB4 p.72
Autotanner 3 — 1 always 200¥ .9 CB2 p.33
Bar-In-A-Briefcase 3 — 5 6/36 hrs 100¥ .75 CB1 p.16
Biotech Nutrisupplement — — .5 always 10¥ .8 CB2 p.11
Biotech Nymph Perfume — — — always 200¥ .9 CB2 p.11
Bodyweight InterFlex™ Cybergenics Machine — — — 6/7 days 2,800¥ .9 CB4
Bodyweight InterFlex Prime™ — — — 6/7 days 4,400¥ .9 CB4 p.75
Boyo Bodyfree Masks 8 — — — 600¥ 1 CB3 p.20
Filter mask +50¥
DDI PrayerWare 7 — — on payment 120¥ — CB2 p.13
EnduroDrink — — — 2/3 hrs 8¥ per can .75 CB4 p.71
Everest VentureWare Climbing Spikes 3 –1 — 2/24 hrs 75¥ 1 CB3 p.15
Everest VentureWare Grapple Line 2 — 3 always 240¥ 1 CB3 p.15
Flavored Cigarettes — — — always 2¥ per pack .8 CB1 p.16
Folding Pocket Optical Binoculars 8 7× — always 50¥ 1 P3 p.17
Image Fasionware
Heat-sensitive Color Changers — — — 3/24 hrs 120¥ 1 CB1
Stars & Shapes — — — 2/24 hrs 50¥ 1 CB1
Trademarks & Logos — — — 4/24 hrs 100¥ 1 CB1
Life/Support® 4 — 1.5 5/36 hrs 500¥ .9 CB1 p.6
Nano-Paper — — — 8/14 days 30¥ per sheet 3 CB4 p.70
Light 8 — — 5/72 hrs 10¥ 1.5 CB4
RadTech Rechargeable Battery Pack 11 — .1 2/36 hrs 50¥ .8 RG p.94
RadTech SmartWheel — +1 — 6/36 hrs 90¥ 1.2 RG p.95
RadTech Surface Imaging Sonar/SmartLogic — –2 .1 6/36 hrs 210¥ 1.2 RG
RecreaTech Powerblades — — 2.5 3/48 hrs 400¥ 1 CB4 p.56
Shower-In-A-Can 8 — .5 2/12 hrs 3¥ 1 CB1 p.16
Skunker 7 — .25 5/60 hrs 70¥ 1.3 CB2 p.45
Sleep Inducer 6 4 .5 6/4 days 85¥ 2 CB1 p.11
Slosh Bag 2 — 2 4/72 hrs 65¥ 1 CB1 p.16
Sonic-II SkateBoard 2 — 2 8/48 hrs 750¥ 2 RG p.95
Spider-IX SkateBoot 2 — 2 9/60 hrs 1,900¥ 2.1 RG p.95
Swiss Army Kife — — — always 30¥ 1 P3 p.17
Taser Wallet 10 — — 5/48 hrs 165¥ 1.5 CB2 p.45
TechJager Anti-Pursuit Liquids
BadFumes — — — 6/72 hrs 500¥ 2 CB4
FireFun — — — 8/72 hrs 700¥ 3 CB4
Stickum — — — 6/72 hrs 400¥ 2 CB4

LIFESTYLE (continued)
General Items Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
TechJager Plug-in Air Foulers
Burnt Almond Scent 4 — — 8/10 days 700¥ 3 CB4
Hickory Smoke 4 — — 8/10 days 575¥ 3 CB4
Potpourri 4 — — 8/10 days 550¥ 3 CB4
Spring Breeze 4 — — 8/10 days 650¥ 3 CB4
Wintergreen 4 — — 8/10 days 550¥ 3 CB4
Temperfoam Furniture — — varies 2/24 hrs 80¥ to 140¥ .5 CB1 p.13
Thermite-in-a-Tube — — — 5/7 days 90¥ per tube 3.5 CB4 p.72
Travel Kit 3 — 5 always 500¥ 1 CB1 p.16
Utopian “Small Wonders” NanoAgents — — — 4/60 hrs 500¥ 2 CB3 p.4

ENTERTAINMENT Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book

DataTel Holotanks
Desktop — — 15 4/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1.2 CB2
Holotank — — 100 5/48 hrs 5,000¥ 1.2 CB2
Tabletop — — 5 4/48 hrs 500¥ 1.2 CB2
Eastman Arts Mindscape® Cyberholo Art Imager — +1 — always 6,000¥ 1 CB2
Eastman KodaGraphix Holograpgic Camera normal — normal always 2x normal +1 CB2
Newsviewer 4 — .1 3/36 hrs 100¥ 1 CB1 p.10
Rush® Virtual Entertainment System 3 — 4.5 always 500¥ .8 CB2 p.34
Multi-player Adaptor — — — always 100¥ .6 CB2
Total Environment — — .75 always 1,000¥ .8 CB2
Video Wall™ — — 5 always 3,500¥ 1 CB2
Virtual Villains — — — always 150¥ .9 CB2
Stephenson Technologies Sound
Optimization System — +2 — 8/7 days 10,000¥ 1 CB4
Wall Speakers 12 — — Always 250¥ 1 CB4 p.72

ELECTRONICS (memory capacityConcealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
In parentheses where applicable)
Advanced Communications Suitcase 3 — 6 8/48 hrs 8,000¥ 1.5 CB1 p.4
Cab Hailer 10 — — upon payment 150¥ 1 CB1 p.5
Computer Upgrades
Dataports — — — always 100¥ .75 CB3
External Memory — — .25 always 200¥ .75 CB3
Memory Upgrades (+10 Mp) — — — always 200¥ .75 CB3
DataTel RotoWrighter 8 — .25 always 20¥ 1 CB3 p.13
DataTel “Treasurer” Datawatch (1 Mp) 12 — — always 55¥ 1.5 CP2 p.16
EBM Carfaxx® 2002 — — — — 500¥ — CB1 p. 8
EBM “PCX” Minicomp
Cyber-PCX (25 Mp) 3 — 1 3/24 hrs 3,500¥ 1.5 CB2
PCX (25 Mp) 3 — 1 always 2,500¥ 1 CB2
Enhanced Sunglasses
Flare Compensation 12 — .1 5/24 hrs 2,000¥ 1.5 P3
Smartgun 12 — .1 4/24 hrs 1,950¥ 1 P3
Thermographic 12 — .1 4/24 hrs 2,600¥ 1.25 P3
Fax Plus 1000™ Fax Machine 6 — .5 always 300¥ 1 CB3 p.12
Hybrid™ Wearable Computer (25 Mp) 6 — 2 10/8 days 3,000¥ 2 CB2 p.19
MedicWare 6 Biotech: 3 2 10/8 days 3,500¥ 2 CB2
IEC Domitic System — — — 2/48 hrs2D6x50¥/sq. meter — CB3 p.19
Image Wallet 8 1 .1 4/36 hrs 250¥ 1 CB1 p.10
Kiroshi Optics Heads-Up Display
Goggles — — 1 8/7 days 150¥ 3.5 CB2
Mirrorshades — — — 8/7 days 300¥ 3.5 CB2
Monocle — — — 8/7 days 200¥ 3.5 CB2
Language Processors — 4 — always +40% 1 CB2 p.15
Mastoid Commo 8 — — 2/12 hrs 1,000¥ .6 RG p.49
Mead Electronic Notebook (30 Mp) 4 — 1 always 3,000¥ 1 CB2 p.12
Microtech IIKL-4 Workstation
Cyber model (40 Mp) — — 10 3/36 hrs 1,120¥ 1 CB2
IIKL-4 (40 Mp) — — 10 always 800¥ .75 CB2
Microtech “PCZ Super” Laptop (30 Mp) 1 — 3 always 750¥ .75 CB3 p.62
Miniature Copier 3 — .5 2/12 hrs 230¥ .8 CB3 p.13
Mini-Printer 3 — .5 always 125¥ 1 CB1 p.8
Office Communications Suite — — — 10/10 days 10,000¥ 2.5 CB1 p.5
Optical Remote — — — 4/12 hrs 100¥ .7 CB3 p.20
Orientation Unit 6 — .5 5/4 days 1,500¥ 1 P3 p.13
Paper Shredder — — 2.5 always 500¥ 1 CB1 p.8

LIFESTYLE (continued)
ELECTRONICS (memory capacityConcealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
In parentheses where applicable)
Phone Upgrades
Call Forwarding — — — always 50¥/month — CB3
Call Waiting — — — always 50¥/month — CB3
Conference Calling — — — always 50¥/month 1 CB2
Digital Recorder — — — 6/36 hrs 2,500¥ 1 CB2
ECM Scrambler — — — always 25¥ 1 CB2
Emergency Dialer — — — always 150¥ 1 CB2
Fax Interface — — — always 150¥ 1 CB2
Privacy Plus™ — — — always 3,000¥ 1 CB2
Split Line — — — always 100¥ 1 CB2
Tight Beam — — 3 2/12 hrs 200¥ 2 CB3
Video Option — — — always 450¥ 1 CB2
Voicemail — — — always 40¥/month 1 CB2
Pocket Commo 7 — .1 always 500¥ .5 RG p.50
Power Grid® Solar-Electric Panel 2 — 1 4/36 hrs 100¥ 1.1 CB1 p.16
Pressure Trigger 8 — — 6/4 days 150¥ 3 CB4 p.69
Techtronics “Black Book” Microcomp (12 Mp) 4 — — always 5,750¥ 1.6 CB2
ThunderArc Industries Three-D Holophone — — 1 3/24 hrs 9,000¥ 1.25
CB3 p.13
Tritech Datashielding — — +1 5/48 hrs +20% 1.2 CB2 p.17
Tritech Echolocation Goggles — — .5 3/36 hrs 2,500¥ 1 CB4 p.68
Wutani Sensors Motion Tracker 6 2 4 4/72 hrs 770¥ 3 CB4 p.71
Wyzard Electronics “Handbox” Computer 3 — 1 2/6 hrs 6,700¥ 1.25
CB3 p.63
Zetatech “E-Book” Microcomp
Cyber model (12 Mp) 4 — — 3/36 hrs 6,720¥ 2 Cb2
E-Book (12 Mp) 4 — — always 4,800¥ 1.5 CB2
Zetatech CompuMods™
Bug Detector — 1-10 — rating/48 hrsrating x600¥ 1.5 CB2
Bug Jammer — 1-10 — rating/72 hrsrating x600¥ 1.5 CB2
Credit Transactor — — — 2/24 hrs 750¥ 1 CB2
Drug Analyzer — 1-4 — rating/48 hrsrating x225¥ 2 CB2
Lie Detector — 1-3 — (rating x3)/48 hrsrating x600¥ 2
CB2 p.18
Medscanner — 1-4 — rating/24 hrsrating x750¥ 1.5 CB2
Radar Detector — 1-10 — rating/72 hrsrating x450¥ 1.5 CB2
Signal Tracker — 1-10 — rating/48 hrsrating x900¥ 1.5 CB2
Techscanner — 1-4 — rating/24 hrsrating x750¥ 1.5 CB2
Voice Stress Analyzer — 1-3 — (rating x2)/48 hrsrating x300¥ 2
CB2 p.18
Zetatech® PDA+ (20 Mp) — — 1.1 always 3,000¥ 1 CB3 p.62
Zetatech® PS-4040 Portastation (30 Mp) — — 3 always 1,600¥ .75 CB3

WORKING GEAR Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Arc Furnace — — — 6/7 days 10,000¥ 1 CB3 p.4
Barbed Wire (per 100 meters) — 3L 20 always 25¥ .75 P3 p.53
Buchsterhude GmbH Tool Kits — — 5 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2 CB3 p.12
CTS, PLC ‘Pembroke’ Techscanner — –1 5 9/72 hrs 1,500¥ 3.5 CB3 p.12
Duct Tape — — — always 10¥ per 35 meters 1 P3 p.17
‘Farinata’ Tech Tool Kit 3 — 5 5/48 hrs 350¥ 2 CB3 p.9
‘Francesca’ Tech Scanner 3 — 5 5/48 hrs 1,200¥ 2 CB3 p.8
Frostech Portable Cryogenic Case 2 armor 2/2 2 6/12 hrs 250¥ 1.2 CB2 p.13
Geotech Enviroscanner 5 3 1 8/7 days 45,000¥ 3 CB3 p.16
Geotech Enviroscanner 6 4 1 4/24 hrs 1,400¥ 1.2 CB2 p.11
Kendachi Monowire — — — 8/7 days 60¥ per meter 2.5 CB2 p.44
Microtech Virtual Reality BBS — –1 — 6/7 days 10,000¥ 1 CB2 p.12
Monowire (per meter) — — — always 2¥ 1 P3 p.17
Portable Electropack 3 — 2 always 100¥ 1 CB2 p.13
Portable Fire Extinguisher 2 4 9 2/12 hrs 150¥ .8 P3 p.74
Raven® Interface Monitor 5 –1 1 6/48 hrs 8,000¥ 1 CB3 p.5
Raven® “Spider” Microwaldo Bracer
Cyberarm version — — 2 8/72 hrs 8,000¥ 3.25 CB3
Normal version — — 2 6/72 hrs 7,000¥ 3 CB3
Raven® “Tripod” Waldo Set — — 25 10/7 days 8,000¥ 3.5 CB3 p.10
Razor Wire (per 100 meters) — 3M 25 3/48 hrs 75¥ 1 P3 p.53
Swiss Army Chronograph — — — always 120¥ 1 P3 p.18
Techtronica “Mite” Diagnostic Remote
Cyberarm version — — 1 8/72 hrs 5,000¥ 3.25 CB3
Normal version — — 1 6/72 hrs 4,000¥ 3 CB3
Telectronics® Micromanipulator Rig — — — 8/72 hrs 3,000¥ 3 CB3 p.5
‘Venedico’ Electronics Tool Kit 3 — 5 5/48 hrs 1,350¥ 2 CB3 p.9

LIFESTYLE (continued)
MEDIA EQUIPMENT Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Digital Recording Studio — — — 8/14 days 12,000¥ 1.1 CB1 p.12
Fibre-Optic Cable — — — always 0.10¥ per meter 1 CB3 p.4
Kiroshi Optics Remote Cybercam 20 — — 1 2/48 hrs 1,350¥ 1 CB2 p.13
Nikkon America Campod — — 2 4/72 hrs 2,000¥ 1 CB2 p.11
WorldSat Communications Flopscreen™— — 1 always 4,500¥ 1.1 CB2 p.16

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
DPI “Black Box” Backup Synthamp 4 — 3 6/48 hrs 8,000¥ 1.3 CB2 p.25
Datachips — — — 6/48 hrs 100¥ 1.3 CB2
DPI Body Rythm™ Dance Bracelets (per pair) — — — always 400¥ 1 CB2
DPI Drumsticks 4 — .25 3/36 hrs 800¥ 1 CB1 p.11
Washburn Soundmachine Guitar — +1 3.5 5/60 hrs 1,000¥ 1 CB2 p.26
Yamaha RX4000 “Hurricane” Ultrasynth— +4 — always 9,380¥ 1 CB3 p.14


DRUGS AddictionToleranceStrength Speed Vector Availability Cost Street Book

(dose) Index
Alcohol 2M 3 50 1D6 min. ingestion Always 1-10¥ .8 RG p.71
Amphetamines 5P 3 6 5 min. ingestion 4/3 hrs 75¥/50 tablets 1.5 RG p.79
Barbiturates 4M,3P 3 5 10 min. ingestion 4/3 hrs 1¥ .8 RG p.71
Benzodiazepines 2M,2P 5 5 10 min. ingestion 4/3 hrs 1¥ .9 RG p.71
Bioenhancement Tablets 4P 3 4 immediate ingestion — gamemaster’s discretion — CB4 p.29
Brown Study 1M 4 10 30 min. ingestion 6/6 hrs 35¥ 3 RG p.79
Butaqualide 5M 3 10 1D6 min. ingestion 5/1 hr 20¥ 2.5 RG p.71
Caffeine 1M 3 50 30 min. ingestion Always 5¥/100 tablets 1 RG p.79
Chloral Hydrate 4M,3P 3 5 30 sec. injection 5/4 hrs 2¥ 1 RG p.71
Cocaine 6P 3 5 immediate inhalation 4/1 hr 10¥ 2 RG p.79
Diamond-Four 2P 2 10 immediate injection 10/48 hrs 1,500¥ 3.5 RG p.74
Ecstacy 4M 4 20 2 min. inhalation 5/7 hrs 150¥ 4 RG p.75
2 min. injection
30 min. ingestion
Endorphins 4P 4 5 1D6 min. injection 6/3 hrs 30¥ 3 RG p.79
FoolKiller 5P 2 10 immediate inhalation 8/3 hrs 35¥ 2.5 RG p.74
Genesios Three 2M 5 20 1D6 turns injection, 14/14 days 1,000¥ 8.5 RG p.75
Glutethimide 3M,4P 4 3 10 min. ingestion 5/4 hrs 3¥ 1 RG p.72
Heroin 5M,5P 3 3 1 turn injection 5/2 hrs 20¥ 2.5 RG p.77
Hydromorphone 4M,4P 5 7 1 min. injection 5/6 hrs 250¥ 1.5 RG p.77
J 1M 1 50 1 min. ingestion 10/3 hrs 600¥ 4 RG p.80
LSD 1M 2 4 20 min. ingestion 4/7 hrs 5¥/dose or 1.5 RG p.75
200¥/100 tablets
Marijuana 3M 3 10 2D6 min. inhalation 6/1 hr 4¥ .5 RG p.72
1D6 min. ingestion 20¥
MDA, MDMA 2M 2 6 20 min. ingestion 4/7 hrs 10¥ 1.7 RG p.76
Meperidine 4M,4P 5 4 1 min. injection, 6/56 hrs 500¥ 2.5 RG p.78
Mescaline 2M 2 4 5 min. air 4/5 hrs 80¥ 2 RG p.76
Methadone 2M,3P 3 5 1 min. inhalation 5/6 hrs 50¥ 2 RG p.78
Methaqualone 4M,4P 4 2 10 min. ingestion 4/3 hrs 3¥ 1.2 RG p.72
Methylphenidate 3P 5 4 5 min. or ingestion, 4/3 hrs 25¥ 1.8 RG p.80
1 min. inhalation,
Morphine 4M,4P 4 10 1 min. injection 4/3 hrs 150¥ 1.25 RG p.78
Musk 3M 3 20 2D6 hrs injection 3/1 hr 250¥ 2 RG p.74
Nicotine 3M 1 20 immediateinhalation, Always 2¥/pack .8 RG p.72
NuYou 6M 3 10 3D6 hrs injection 4/2 hrs 350¥ 3 RG p.74
Opium 4M,4P 3 15 10 min. inhalation 6/2 hrs 50¥ 1.25 RG p.78
Paxium 2M 4 20 2D6 min. ingestion 3/1 hr 5¥ 2.5 RG p.73
Phencyclidine 5M 4 2 2 min. injection 8/14 hrs 25¥ 2.5 RG p.76
Phenmetrazine 5P 4 5 5 min. ingestion 5/3 hrs 75¥/10 tablets 1.5 RG p.80
1 min. injection
Ribopropylmethionine 8P 2 2 3 min. injection 10/7 hrs 100¥ 3 RG p.76
Schwarzeneine 6P 4 5 1D6 min. injection 8/3 hrs 45¥ 3.5 RG p.73
Shades 5M 2 5 30 min. ingestion 4/1 hr 30¥ 2 RG p.73
Sonniene 4M 3 5 2D6 min. ingestion 4/1 hr 80¥ 3 RG p.73
Spaz 5P 1 5 immediateair, ingestion 8/24 hrs 10¥ 1.5 RG
Triphetamines 2M 4 5 1 min. ingestion 5/3 hrs 25¥/50 tablets 1.5 RG p.81
Zen 5M 3 10 10 min. inhalation 5/10 hrs 120¥ 3 RG p.77

BIOTECH (continued)
Miscellaneous Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Aesculapus Incorporated Cybercast 3 +2 1.5 3/12 hrs 3,000¥ 2 CB3 p.7
Archaesthetic — –1 1 6/7 days 10,000¥ 4 CB3 p.6
Bodyweight Portable Intern Unit 2 1 2 3/24 hrs 120¥ 1.5 CB3 p.7
RapiDetox — — 5 5/4 days 1,500¥ 3 CB3 p.6

Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Axe 2 1 (str)S 2.5 2/4 hrs 60¥ 1 BSW p.2
Bayonet 8 0 (str)L .25 2/8 hrs 35¥ .8 TS p.22
Bayonet/Survival Knife 8 0 (str)L .25 2/8 hrs 35¥ .8 BSW p.2
Bear-Knife 3 0 (str+2)M 1 6/48 hrs 2,000¥ 1 P3 p.44
Bio-Injector 8 0 5L — 14/7 days 15,000¥ 3 TS p.29
Bio-Injector 8 0 5L + drug .5 10/96 hrs 15,000¥ 1 PP3 p.9
Bowie Knife 6 0 (str+2)L 1 3/24 hrs 50¥ .8 P3 p.74
Brass Knuckles 10 0 (str+1)M Stun .2 2/24 hrs 20¥ .75 BSW p.2
Brass Knuckles 16/4 0 (str+1)M Stun .2 2/24 hrs 20¥ .75 P3 p.9
Broadsword 4 1 (str+1)M 2 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.47
Bullwhip 8 2 (str)L 1 6/48 hrs 100¥ 1 P3 p.46
Cane Knife 2 1 (str+1)M 1 10/7 days 600¥ 2 P3 p.10
Cane Sword 2 1 (str+1)M 1 10/7 days 600¥ 2 P3 p.10
Cat With Nine Tails 5 2 (str+2)M 3 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.46
Club 5 1 (str+1)M Stun 1.5 2/6 hrs 10¥ 1 P3 p.44
Chainsaw — 1 6S 4 3/6 hrs 500¥ 1 BSW p.2
Decapitator battleaxe — 2 (str+4)S 11 6/48 hrs 2,000¥ 3 P3 p.43
Devil’s Star mace — 2 (str)S 10 6/48 hrs 1,500¥ 3 P3 p.44
DinaTech F5C 8 0 (str÷2)L or (str)L — 10/14 days 350¥ 3 P3 p.56
Drug-A-Thug™ 6 0 drug .5 3/8 hrs 150¥ 2 CB2 p.45
Dynatech Industries Hand Taser 7 0 9S Stun .5 5/36 hrs 500¥ 2 BSW p.6
Entrenching Tool 3 0 (str)M .75 3/16 hrs 50¥ 1 BSW p.2
Excalibur Nightstick 5 1 1 4/48 hrs 1,800¥ 2 BSW p.2
Basic-type (str+1)M Stun
Mace-type mace
Taser-type 8S Stun
Fashion Gloves — 0 (str+1)M Stun .2 4/36 hrs 350¥ 1 P3 p.16
Flail 3 2 (str+1)M Stun .75 4/12 hrs 50¥ 1 P3 p.10
Flogger whip 6 2 (str)M 1 6/48 hrs 500¥ 3 P3 p.46
Gasher battleaxe 2 1 (str)S 2 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.43
Gutter dagger 8 0 (str)M .5 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1 P3 p.44
Halberd 2 2 (str)S 6 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.46
IMI “Chainknife” 6 0 (str+5)L .75 6/48 hrs 120¥ 1.2 CB2 p.44
Katana 3 1 (str+3)M 2 6/48 hrs 2,000¥ 3 P3 p.47
Kendachi M-33 Powersword 4 1 (str+1)S 3 8/14 days 1,860¥ 3 CB1 p.55
Kendachi MonoKatana® 3 1 (str+4)M 1 8/5 days 1,200¥ 2.5 RG p.52
Kendachi Monoknife® 7 0 (str+1)L .5 6/60 hrs 200¥ 1 RG p.52
Kendachi Mononaginata 2 1 (str+2)L .5 6/60 hrs 300¥ 1 RG p.52
Kendachi Monosword Cane 2/10 0 (str+1)M .75 8/72 hrs 1,020¥ 1 BSW p.3
Kendachi Mono-Two 5/48 hrs 1,650¥ 2.1 CB1 p.55
Long Sword 3 1 (str+3)M 1
Short Sword 5 0 (str+1)M .75
Kendachi Monowhip 9 3 10S — 26/14 days 3,500¥ 3 CB2 p.44
Kitchen Sink — 0 ((2× Strength)–6)S10 always 100¥ 1 P3 p.57
Lance — 2 (kph÷5)M 2 4/12 hrs 60¥ 1 P3 p.10
Long Spear 2 2 (str)S 4 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.46
Longsword 4 1 (str+2)M 2 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1 P3 p.47
Mace 2 1 (str)M 5 6/48 hrs 700¥ 3 P3 p.44
Mace 4 1 (str+1)M Stun 1 2/6 hrs 40¥ 1 P3 p.10
Mersch MX-23 Stunlance 2 2 point: (str+2)L 3 5/48 hrs 2,500¥ 1 RG p.22
taser: 9S Stun
Militech Electronics Taser II™ 7 0 5S Stun .5 4/24 hrs 300¥ 1 BSW p.7
Mjolnir warhammer — 2 (str+4)D 15 6/48 hrs 2,000¥ 3 P3 p.45
Morning Star 2 1 (str+1)M 7 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.44
Mystic Technologies Spring Knife 8 0 (str+2)L .75 4/12 hrs 125¥ 1.2 CB2 p.45
Mystic Technologies Nunchaku/Blade 4 1 .5 3/8 hrs 800¥ .75 BSW
Nunchaku (str+2)M Stun
Sword (str+3)M
Naginata 2 1 (str+1)L 1.5 4/12 hrs 50¥ 1 BSW p.2
Nomad Smartwhip 6 2 (str+3)L 1 6/72 hrs 600¥ 1 BSW p.3
Nunchaku/Tonfa 7 1 (str+2)M Stun .5 3/8 hrs 40¥ .75 BSW p.2
Powell Knife Pistol 8 0 (str)L .5 5/48 hrs 250¥ 1 P3 p.10

Rapier 5 1 (str+2)M 2 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.47
MELEE WEAPONS (continued)
Conceal Reach Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Rippers cyberweapons 6 0 (str÷2)M — 5/3 days 8,000¥ 1 TS p.16
Scimitar 4 1 (str+2)M 1.5 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.47
Scratchers cyberweapons — 0 (str+1)L — 4/3 days 5,000¥ 1 TS p.17
Scythe — 2 (str+1)S 7 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.46
Shock Touch™ Personal Protection
Gloves 9 0 6S Stun — 5/48 hrs 720¥ 2 CB4
Shortsword 5 1 (str)M 2 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.47
Skull Crusher warhammer 2 1 (str)S 5 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 P3 p.45
SlamDance, Inc. Hyper-Hammer 1 1 (str+2)D 8 20/21 days 2,000¥ 2.5 BSW p.38
Slamdance Inc. Spawnblade 8 0 (str)L .5 4/72 hrs 100¥ 1.1 CB2 p.44
Sledgehammer 1 1 (str+2)S Stun 3 2/4 hrs 50¥ 1 BSW p.2
SPM-1 Battleglove — 0 (str+3)M 1.5 10/7 days 900¥ 2 BSW p.4
Staff 2 2 (str+3)M Stun 2 3/24 hrs 100¥ 1 P3 p.46
Stiletto 10 0 (str)L .3 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1 P3 p.44
Stiletto 14 0 (str–1)L .1 2/24 hrs 10¥ .5 P3 p.9
Switchblade 9 0 (str–1)L .1 2/6 hrs 25¥ .75 BSW p.2
Taser II™ 7 0 5S Stun .5 4/24 hrs 300¥ 1 CB2 p.45
Techtronica Black-Zap Glove 4 0 9S Stun 1 6/48 hrs 1,200¥ 2.2 CB1 p.49
Tetsubo — 2 (str+3)S 3 5/24 hrs 500¥ 1 P3 p.11
Two-Handed Sword 2 1 (str+3)S 5 6/48 hrs 3,000¥ 3 P3 p.47
Utility Sword/Machete 4 1 (str+2)M .75 4/24 hrs 60¥ 1 BSW p.4
Whip 6 2 (skill÷2)L .5 5/24 hrs 200¥ 1 P3 p.11

BOWS Conceal Str. Min. Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Arasaka Arms Half-Bow 3/6/10 3 6M 1.25 6/7 days 300¥ 1.5 BSW p.4
Eagletech “Bearcat” Self Bow 2/4 5 9M 1.25 6/72 hrs 500¥ 1.75 BSW p.4
Eagletech “Tigercat” Comp. Bow 1 5 8M 1.5 6/72 hrs 500¥ 1.75
BSW p.4
Eagletech “Tomcat” Comp. Bow2 5 9M 1.5 6/48 hrs 750¥ 1 BSW p.4
Eagletech “Wildcat” Sport Bow 4 3 5M 1 3/36 hrs 350¥ 1 BSW p.4

LIGHT CROSSBOWS Conceal Str. Min. Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Eagletech Handbow 5 1 3M .5 2/24 hrs 75¥ 1 BSW p.5
Cyberarm model (12-shot) 5 1 3M .5 2/24 hrs 3,000¥ 1 BSW
Nomad Hand Crossbow — 1 3M .5 10/7 days 100¥ 1 BSW p.5

MEDIUM CROSSBOWS Conceal Str. Min. Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Eagletech “Arbelest” 2 5 7M 3 8/7 days 500¥ 1 BSW p.5
Eagletech “Stryker” 2 2 4M 3.25 6/48 hrs 440¥ 1 BSW p.5

HEAVY CROSSBOWS Conceal Str. Min. Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Eagletech “Scorpion” — 5 8S 5 8/7 days 1,500¥ 1 BSW p.5

THROWN WEAPONS Conceal Str. Min. Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Nomad Boomerang 5 — (str)M .25 3/36 hrs 30¥ 2 BSW p.7
Nomad Sling 12 1 (str ÷ 2)L — 6/5 days 10¥ 1 BSW p.8

HOLD-OUT PISTOLS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Astra Style-6 9 6 SA 4L .5 3/12 hrs 75¥ .75 BSW p.10
BudgetArms C-13 8 8 (c) SA 4L .5 2/8 hrs 150¥ .75 RG p.53
Ceska Diplomat 8 6 (cy) SS 4L .5 3/12 hrs 250¥ 1 RG p.34
Colt Take-Down 8 2 (b) SA 7M .5 4/12 hrs 150¥ .8 RG p.5
Dai Lung Cybermag 15 7 10 (c) SA 4L .5 3/12 hrs 100¥ .7 RG p.53
Federated Arms X-22 7 10 (c) SA 4L .5 2/12 hrs 300¥ .8 RG p.53
Hämmerli Model 520 [r1] 4 6 (c) SA 4L 1.25 8/4 days 1,000¥ 1 RG p.6
Militech Silver Shadow Flechette Pistol 5 10 (c) SA 4M(f) 1 5/72 hrs 300¥ 2 BSW
North Industries Firing Knife 6 5 (cy) SA 4L .5 5/12 hrs 250¥ 1 RG p.6
Star Model DWT 7 6 (c) SA 5L .5 3/18 hrs 300¥ .8 RG p.7

LIGHT PISTOLS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Ares AMP [g2] 6 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 6L 2.75 8/36 hrs 1,000¥ 2 RG p.7
Ares Black Widow 6 21 (c) SA/BF 6L 1 14/7 days 1,500¥ 3 P3 p.54
Ares Hornet 8 7 (cy) DAR 7L 2 4/48 hrs 250¥ .8 P3 p.52
Ares Scorpion 8 7 (cy) DAR 7L 2.25 4/48 hrs 275¥ 1 P3 p.52
Beretta M97P [c,l] 4 18 (c) SA 7L 1.75 3/24 hrs 480¥ 1.25 BSW p.11
BudgetArms Laser-Niner [c,l] 5 (4) 15/35 (c) SA/BF/FA 6L 1.5 4/36 hrs 675¥ 1.2 CB1 p.42
CCMMC Goaxing Xiuxi CM-3 5 8 (c) SA 6L 1 — 75¥ — BSW p.11

Colt Protector 8 6 (cy) SS 6L .75 2/12 hrs 300¥ .7 P3 p.55
Dai Lung Streetmaster 6 12 (c) SA 6L 1 3/12 hrs 325¥ .8 RG p.54
Derringer cybergun 12 2 (m) SA 6L .5 8/7 days 220¥ 2 CB1 p.36
FIREARMS (continued)
LIGHT PISTOLS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Fashion Gun 9 7 7 (c) SA 6L 1 2/18 hrs 160¥ 1 BSW p.11
Federated Arms X-9mm 5 12 (c) SA 6L 1 3/12 hrs 450¥ .75 RG p.54
Glock 19 Mk. IV 5 17 (c) SA 6L 1 8/24 hrs 750¥ 2 P3 p.56
H&K P7S15 6 15 (c) SA 6L 1 4/24 hrs 400¥ 1 P3 p.57
H&K P11M8 8 8 (c) SA 6L 1 5/36 hrs 600¥ 1.25 RG p.7
H&K P11M13 8 13 (c) SA 6L 1 5/36 hrs 650¥ 1.25 RG p.7
H&K VP80Z 6 21 (c) SA/BF 6L 1.25 6/48 hrs 1,200¥ 3 P3 p.57
Micro Uzi III [l] 6 16 (c) BF 6L 1.5 6/36 hrs 750¥ 1 RG p.8
Militech Arms Avenger 6 10 (c) SA 6L 1 3/12 hrs 325¥ .8 RG p.54
Militech Black Widow Flechette Pistol 5 10 (c) SA 6M(f) 1 6/72 hrs 400¥ 1.5 BSW
Powell Knife Pistol 8 1 (b) SS 6L .5 5/48 hrs 250¥ 1 P3 p.10
Ruger P-4 4 100 (c) BF 7L 1.25 8/48 hrs 1,350¥ 2.25 TS p.22
Ruger P-8 8 10 (c) SA 7L .75 4/24 hrs 395¥ 1 TS p.22
S&W Model 6739 8 5 (cy) SS 6L .75 3/36 hrs 250¥ .9 RG p.8
Sci Fi Starrior 4 [l] 4 12 (c) SA 6L 1.5 3/36 hrs 640¥ 1 BSW p.13
Seco Quickfire [l] 5 18 (c) SA/BF/FA 6L 1.5 5/24 hrs 750¥ 2 RG p.35
Thumper 6 10 (c) SA 5L Stun 1.25 3/12 hrs 120¥ .75 TS p.23
Towa Manufacturing Type-12
Police Pistol 5 6 (cy) SS 6L .75 4/24 hrs 450¥ 1 BSW
Towa Manufacturing Type-12
Police Pistol [s1] 5 6 (cy) SS 6L .75 4/24 hrs 810¥ 1 BSW
Towa Manufacturing Type-14
Police Pistol 5 16 (c) BF/FA 6L 1.5 6/48 hrs 520¥ 2.75 BSW
Towa Manufacturing Type-14
Police Pistol [s1] 5 16 (c) BF/FA 6L 1.5 6/48 hrs 820¥ 2.75 BSW
Tsunami Express Racegun [et,g1] 3 24 (c) SA 9L 1.25 8/7 days 5,300¥ 3 BSW
Wondernines 5 1D6+14 (c) SA 6L 1 2/24 hrs (1D6×10)+240¥ .8 BSW p.14

HEAVY PISTOLS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
454 Magnum Disposable 7 2 SS 10M .75 8/4 days 100¥ 1.5 BSW p.16
Ameritech Magnum 4 5 (cy) SS 10M 2.75 — 1,000¥ — BSW p.16
Arasaka WSA Autopistol 5 15 (c) SA 9M 2 4/24 hrs 400¥ .9 BSW p.10
Ares Constrictor 6 6 (cy) DAR 10M 2.5 7/7 days 400¥ 2 P3 p.52
Ares Jaguar 5 6 (cy) DAR 10M 2.5 5/4 days 300¥ 1 P3 p.52
Ares Predator III 4 15 (c) SA 9M 2.5 6/36 hrs 700¥ 1 P3 p.54
Ares Stingray 4 6 (cy) DAR 10M 2.75 7/7 days 500¥ 3 P3 p.52
Armalite 44 4 8 (c) SA 9M 2.25 4/24 hrs 450¥ 1 RG p.54
Beretta Model 95S [g2,s2] 5 15 (c) SA 9M 2.5 3/24 hrs 500¥ 1 RG p.9
Beretta Model 95S-B [g2,s2] 5 15 (c) SA/BF 9M 2.5 6/72 hrs 750¥ 1.75 RG p.9
Beretta 100S [l] 5 15 (c) SA 9M 2.5 5/36 hrs 650¥ 1.5 RG p.35
Beretta 100S [s1] 5 15 (c) SA 9M 2.5 5/36 hrs 1,300¥ 1.5 RG p.35
Beretta Model 110-T [l] 5 16 (c) SA 9M 2 3/24 hrs 400¥ 1 RG p.9
Bond & Carrington MP-11 [g2,l]4 15/30 (c) SA/BF 9M 3 8/36 hrs 1,200¥ 2 RG p.36
Bond & Carrington MP-11 [g2,s1] 4 15/30 (c) SA/BF 9M 3 8/36 hrs 2,000¥ 2 RG
Browning Defender 10 5 15 (c) SA/BF 9M 2 5/36 hrs 900¥ 2 RG p.36
Browning Defender 10 [s1] 5 15 (c) SA/BF 9M 2 5/36 hrs 1,800¥ 2 RG p.36
BudgetArms Auto 3 5 8 (c) SA 9M 2.25 4/12 hrs 350¥ .7 RG p.55
BudgetArms C-41 [g1,s1] 5 10 (c) SA/BF 9M 1 6/36 hrs 500¥ 1 BSW p.11
Colt Alpha-Omega [g1,s1] 4 10 (c) SA 9M 2.5 5/24 hrs 500¥ 1 CB1 p.43
Colt AMT Model 2000 5 8 (c) SA 9M 2.5 5/24 hrs 500¥ 1 RG p.55
Colt Enforcement 10 Sidearm 5 14 (c) SA 9M 2 6/48 hrs 550¥ 1.5 BSW p.11
Colt Enforcement 10 Sidearm [s1] 5 14 (c) SA 9M 2 6/48 hrs 1,050¥ 1.5 BSW
Colt Manhunter S 5 16 (c) SA 9M 2.25 4/24 hrs 600¥ 1 P3 p.55
Colt Manhunter S+ 5 16 (c) SA 9M 2.25 6/48 hrs 800¥ 1 P3 p.55
Colt Peacemaker 4 6 (cy) SS 10M 2.75 3/24 hrs 350¥ .9 P3 p.55
Colt Penetrator 5 12 (c) SA 9M 2 4/24 hrs 600¥ 1.5 RG p.37
Constitution Arms Multi-
Ammunition Pistol 4 5 (cy) SS 9M 2.25 6/60 hrs 525¥ 2 BSW
Dai Lung Magnum 6 10 (c) SA 9M 2 2/12 hrs 240¥ .8 BSW p.14
DinaTech F5A 10 1 SS 10M — 10/14 days 500¥ 3 P3 p.55
DinaTech F5B 10 1 SS 7S — 12/14 days 700¥ 3 P3 p.55
Espinoza One Shot 5 1 SS 10M 2.5 2/24 hrs 75¥ 1 BSW p.14
Federated Arms 454 DA 3 5 (cy) SS 11M 3.5 5/36 hrs 1,375¥ 1.25 CB1 p.52
Fichetti Hurricane 5 14/30 (c) SA/BF 9S(f) 2 3/48 hrs 600¥ 1 RG p.37
Fichetti Military XI [g1,l] 4 18 (c) SA/BF 9M 2.25 5/36 hrs 900¥ 2 RG p.37

Fichetti Military XI [g1,s1] 4 18 (c) SA/BF 9M 2.25 5/36 hrs 1,800¥ 2 RG p.37
FN Browning “3-Spot” MP [c] 4 24 (c) BF 9M 2 8/60 hrs 425¥ 2 BSW p.11
Glock 22 Mk. III 4 15 (c) SA 9M 2.5 6/24 hrs 600¥ 1.5 P3 p.56
Glock Thirty Machine Pistol [g2]6 (5) 20/30 (c) SA/BF 9M 2.5 6/36 hrs 705¥ 2 CB1 p.43
Goncz-Taurus Pistol 6 (5) 15/30 (c) SA 9M 2 4/48 hrs 500¥ 1 CB1 p.44
Goncz-Taurus Pistol (Select.) 6 (5) 15/30 (c) SA/FA 9M 2 8/72 hrs 700¥ 1.75 CB1 p.44
H&K “Blaster” 4 6 (m) SS 12M 3 — — — P3 p.56
H&K OHWS [l] 5 12 (c) SA 9M 1.2 18/14 days 2,500¥ 2 RG p.38
FIREARMS (continued)
HEAVY PISTOLS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
IMI Gamad [l] 6 7/15 (c) SA 8M 1.25 8/7 days 575¥ 2 BSW p.12
IMI Gamad [s1] 6 7/15 (c) SA 8M 1.25 8/7 days 575¥ 2 BSW p.12
Ingram Mk IV [g3] 4 16 (c) SA/BF 10M 3 18/14 days 2,500¥ 3 RG p.38
Kang Tao Type 97 6 10 (c) SA 9M 2.25 3/24 hrs 280¥ .9 BSW p.12
LeRoi Maxi-10 4 10 (c) SA 9M 2 4/24 hrs 150¥ 1 BSW p.12
Malorian Arms 3516 [s2] 4 6 (c) SS 12M 3 — 4,525¥ — CB1 p.52
Malorian Arms Heavy Flechette
Pistol [s1] 5 special SA 9M 2.5 9/48 hrs 1,595¥ 2 CB1 p.45
Malorian Arms Sliver Gun 4 7 (c) SA 6S(f) 2.5 6/72 hrs 1,375¥ 3 CB1 p.42
Mustang Arms “Mark II” [g1] 4 (3) 12/20 (c) SA 9M 1.75 6/48 hrs 425¥ 1.25 BSW p.15
Nomad .357 Magnum Autoloader 4 8 (c) SA 9M 1.75 5/36 hrs 300¥ 1 BSW
Nomad .357 Magnum Revolver 4 6 (cy) SS 9M 1.75 5/36 hrs 250¥ 1 BSW p.13
Nomad .44 Magnum Revolver 4 6 (cy) SS 10M 2.5 6/48 hrs 375¥ 1 BSW p.17
Nova .338 City Gun 5 7 (c) SA 10M 2.5 4/24 hrs 460¥ 1 CB2 p.40
Nova Model 757 Cityhunter 3 18 (m) SS 9M 2.75 6/4 days 480¥ 2 BSW p.15
Nova Arms Plasmatic™ Revolvers
“Arno” .454 [et] 3 6 (c) SS 16M 3 10/7 days 1,799¥ 2 BSW
“Bronson” .41 [et] 4 6 (c) SS 15M 2.5 8/7 days 1,199¥ 2 BSW
“Eastwood” .44 [et] 3 6 (c) SS 15M 2.5 9/7 days 1,499¥ 2 BSW
“Stallone” .357 [et] 4 6 (c) SS 14M 2.25 8/7 days 999¥ 2 BSW
Phoenix Gyroc 3 3 (b) SA ammo 3 8/7 days 10,000¥ 2 TS p.23
Polymer One-Shot Cannon 5 1 SS 5S 1.5 3/12 hrs 190¥ .6 CB2 p.36
Riot Gun 8 3 (c) SA 9S(f) 2 4/48 hrs 500¥ 1 P3 p.36
Royal Enfield Ordnance Spitfire4 12 (c) SA 10M 2.5 6/60 hrs 550¥ 2.5 BSW p.17
Royal Enfield Ordnance Spitfire [s1] 4 12 (c) SA 10M 2.5 6/60 hrs 700¥ 2.5 BSW
Ruger M45 6 18 (c) SA/FA 9M 2 8/60 hrs 860¥ 3 P3 p.60
Ruger P-105 4 10 (c) SA 10M 2.5 4/24 hrs 600¥ 1 RG p.39
Ruger Warhawk 5 6 (cy) SS 9M 2 3/24 hrs 250¥ 1 RG p.10
S&W Bi-Power Handcannon 2 3 8/5 days 850¥ 1.5 BSW p.15
Barrel 1 6 (cy) SS 10M
Barrel 2 10 (c) SA 8M
S&W “Tri-Star” [l] 3 6 (cy) SS 10M 2.5 6/24 hrs 375¥ 1.5 CB2 p.37
Sig Sauer P300 [c,l,ss] 4 18 (c) SA 9M 3.25 8/48 hrs 800¥ 2 RG p.10
SMF ‘Interdictor’ 3 5 (cy) SS 11M 3.5 10/7 days 950¥ 2 P3 p.41
SternMeyer Type 35 5 8 (c) SA 9M 2.5 4/36 hrs 400¥ 1 RG p.55
Sternmeyer P-41 Autoloading Pistol 5 12 (c) SA 9M 2 5/36 hrs 275¥ 1.25
BSW p.13
Stolbovoy St-2 Pistol 5 14 (c) SA 9M 2.25 8/7 days 450¥ 1.5 BSW p.13
Stolbovoy St-2 Pistol [s1] 5 14 (c) SA 9M 2.25 8/7 days 850¥ 1.5 BSW p.13
SuperEagle 4 7 (c) SA 11M 2.75 6/48 hrs 600¥ 1.5 RG p.10
Surprising Stranger [l] 4 4 (b) SA 9M 2.5 3/24 hrs 180¥ .9 BSW p.13
Teen Dreem 6 10 (c) SA/FA 9M 2.5 4/48 hrs 290¥ 1.5 BSW p.13
Towa Manufacturing Type-13
Police Pistol 5 12 (c) SA 9M 1.5 6/48 hrs 500¥ 1.75 BSW
Towa Manufacturing Type-13
Police Pistol [s1] 5 12 (c) SA 9M 1.5 6/48 hrs 800¥ 1.75 BSW
Tsunami Arms “Raimei” Ramjet
Pistol [m2] 3 6 (c) SA see above 2 16/14 days 2,150¥ 4 BSW
Tsunami Arms “Raimei” Ramjet
Pistol [s1] 3 6 (c) SA see above 2 16/14 days 2,150¥ 4 BSW
Wolf™ 5 17 (c) SA/BF 9M 2.5 5/48 hrs 800¥ 1.5 P3 p.59
Zastava Magnum Mod.2054 5 7 (cy) SS 9M 1.75 4/36 hrs 350¥ .9 RG p.11

SPECIAL WEAPONS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Apex Mobile Point Defense System — 400 (belt) FA 8M 20 11/21 days 25,000¥ 4 CB1
Arasaka Restraint Caster 5 4 (m) SS special 1 6/72 hrs 200¥ 2 BSW p.6
Arasaka WXA Computer-Aimed
Weapon [r6] — 500 (belt) FA 7S 50 12/21 days 30,000¥ 4 BSW
Avante P-1135 Needlegun 5 15 (c) SA 5L 1 2/12 hrs 200¥ .75 TS p.21
Colt TP-6A taser 7 6 (m) SS 8S .75 6/24 hrs 550¥ 1 RG p.11
Enerts AKM Power Squirt 5 50 (m) SS drugs 1 always 15¥ 1 TS p.21
Flamethrower cyberweapon — 4 SS 10M 3 10/7 days 1,200¥ 2 TS p.15

Hammer M-11 Bolt Pistol 5 10 (c) SA 9L 1.5 12/14 days 320¥ 3 BSW p.12
Highway-Hawk Mark-II PoonGlove 7 1 (m) SS 6L 1 10/5 days 1,680¥ 3.75
RG p.96
Hughes Rocket Rifle — 3 (m) SS 12S 5.5 16/21 days 750¥ 5 BSW p.31
Kendachi Dragon flamethrower3 4 (m) SS 10M 4.25 10/5 days 1,660¥ 4.5 CB1 p.48
M-99 EVAW — 30 (c) SA 7S 7 — 5,000¥ — BSW p.31
Grenade Launcher 10 (c) SS grenade
Micromissile Launcher
cyberweapon — 4 (m) SA micromissile .5 10/7 days 4,500¥ 1.1 TS
Micro-Missile Pod (–2) 1 (m) SS micromissile .75 8/5 days 2,000¥ 1.9 CB2 p.41
Militech Urban Missile Launcher3 12 (c) SA micromissile 3.5 10/7 days 4,500¥ 2 CB2 p.41
Miltech Electronics Taser 6 10 (m) SS 8S Stun 1.5 5/36 hrs 600¥ 1.4 RG p.55
Mitsubishi Taser 6 12 (c) SS 8S Stun 1.5 6/4 days 1,000¥ 1 BSW p.7
FIREARMS (continued)
SPECIAL WEAPONS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Mystic Technologies Arrow Gun 2 8 (m) SS 8M 2 4/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1.5 BSW p.7
Nelspot “Wombat” Airpistol 4 20 (c) SA 4L Stun 1.5 2/24 hrs 200¥ .75 TS p.21
Nomad Pneumatic Bolt Gun — 4 (m) SS 9M 3.5 10/7 days 350¥ 1 BSW p.7
Pursuit Security Webgun 3 1 (m) SS as net 3.5 6/3 days 500¥ 2.5 CB2 p.37
Pursuit Security Beanbag Gun 4 1 (m) SS special .5 2/12 hrs 100¥ .75 BSW p.8
Rostovic Wrist Racate 6 6 (m) SA/BF 9S 2.5 18/20 days 3,800¥ 3.5 CB1 p.49
Sonic Stunner 6 10 SA 15M 2 6/36 hrs 1,000¥ 1.5 RG p.22
StreetMaster PoonGun 3 1 (m) SS 6L 3.5 8/72 hrs 980¥ 2.2 RG p.96
Streettech “Burst” 8 1 SS 5S .1 2/24 hrs 33¥ 1.5 BSW p.8
Stundart Pistol 3 2 (b) SS 10S Stun 3.5 8/4 days 1,090¥ 2 CB1 p.49
Techtronica Model 009 Volt Pistol 3 6 (c) SS 10S Stun 3.5 8/72 hrs 1,950¥ 2.5 CB2
Techtronica M40 “Pulse Rifle” 1 6 (c) SS special 8.5 — 3,500¥ — CB2 p.39
Texas Arms Model-351 Gyrojet Pistol 5 8 (c) SA 6L 1 8/5 days 420¥ 2 BSW
Tsunami Arms “Airhammer”
Mark 1 [l] 5 5 (cy) SA special 1.5 11/14 days 325¥ 2.5 CB2 p.42
Mark 2 [s1] 5 7 (cy) SA special 1.5 12/14 days 400¥ 3 CB2 p.42
UrbanTech “Lance” Mini-Missile5 1 SS 6S (–6/meter) .5 5/48 hrs 1,000¥ 3 BSW p.10
Underbarrel Capacitor Laser (–2) 2/20 SA 10M 5 24/21 days 95,000¥ 3.5 CB2 p.39

SUBMACHINE GUNS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Arasaka Minami 10 6 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 7M 3.25 3/24 hrs 1,000¥ .9 RG p.56
Arasaka Minami 10 [ss] 4 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 7M 3.75 5/48 hrs 1,400¥ .9 BSW p.18
Beretta M-24 Advanced 4 50 (c) BF/FA 7M 3.5 6/4 days 950¥ 1.25 CB1 p.46
Beretta M-24 Advanced [s1] 4 50 (c) BF/FA 7M 3.5 6/4 days 1,250¥ 1.25 CB1 p.46
Buzzsaw 4 1,000 (c) FA 7L 5.5 12/14 days 215¥ 1 TS p.24
CCMMC Tuzi-7 4 30 (c) SA/FA 7M 3.25 — 125¥ — BSW p.20
Ceres Tri-Barrel 2 36 (c)/belt BF/FA 6L 4.5 9/60 hrs 1,000¥ 3 TS p.24
Chadran Arms City Reaper 2 5.75 8/10 days 950¥ 2 BSW p.20
Shotgun section 10 (c) SA 8S
SMG section 40 (c) SA/FA 7M
Constitution Arms Deluge Crowd
Control Weapon — 400 (c) FA 5D Stun 12 9/14 days 8,000¥ 2.5 BSW
Defiance AT-900 [g2,l] 4 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3.75 5/36 hrs 900¥ 1 RG p.39
Defiance AT-900 [g2,s1] 4 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3.75 5/36 hrs 1,800¥ 1 RG p.39
Defiance AT-900 fold. stock [g2,l] 4 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3.75 5/36 hrs 1,000¥ 1 RG
Defiance AT-900 fold. stock [g2,s1] 4 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3.75 5/36 hrs 1,900¥ 1 RG
Eagle™ 4 50 (c) SA/FA 6M 3 5/3 days 900¥ 1 P3 p.60
Federated Arms Tech-Assault 4 30 (c) SA/FA 6L 3.5 4/36 hrs 640¥ 1 BSW p.17
Federated Arms Tech Assault II 5 50 (c) SA/FA 6L 2.5 4/36 hrs 600¥ 1 RG p.56
FN P55 [g2,m2] 5 50 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 3.5 8/4 days 650¥ 2.5 RG p.12
FN P55 [g2,s1] 5 50 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 3.75 9/4 days 900¥ 2.75 RG p.12
H&K MP-9 [g3,s1] 4 25 (c) SA/BF 7M 3.75 5/36 hrs 900¥ 1 RG p.40
H&K MP-2013 3 35 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 2.75 5/48 hrs 900¥ 1.1 RG p.56
H&K MPK9 5 35 (c) SA/BF 7M 3 5/36 hrs 1,040¥ .8 RG p.57
H&K MPK-11 4 30 (c) SA/FA 7M 3.5 5/48 hrs 1,400¥ 1.2 RG p.57
Ingram MAC-14 6 20 (c) SA/FA 7M 3 4/36 hrs 650¥ 1 RG p.57
Ingram MAC-20 5 SA/FA 6/48 hrs 700¥ 1.5 RG p.13
Heavy Pistol ammo 20 (c) 9M 3.75
SMG ammo 16/32 (c) 7M 3.5
IMI “Gamdaii” — 2× 35 (c) SA/FA 6M 4.5 5/60 hrs 950¥ 3 BSW p.19
Grenade Launcher 1 (m) SS grenade
Malorian Arms Sub-Flechette
Gun [c,g3] 3 (2) 10/30 (c) BF/FA 6M 4 4/24 hrs 795¥ 1 CB1
Militech-10 [m1,ss] 2 30 (c) BF/FA 6M 7 5/72 hrs 3,455¥ 3 CB1 p.51
Grenade Launcher 4 (m) SA grenade
Militech Mini-Gat Machine Carbine [c] 1 120 (c) BF/FA 6L 5.75 20/14 days 2,695¥ 5 CB1
Militech Viper Submachinegun 5 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 2.5 6/5 days 600¥ 3 BSW p.19
Mustang Arms ARS-5C 3 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 7M 3.75 6/72 hrs 600¥ 1.75 BSW p.19
Mustang Arms ARS-5C [l] 3 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 7M 3.75 6/72 hrs 700¥ 1.75 BSW p.19
Mustang Arms ARS-5C [m1] 3 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 7M 3.75 6/72 hrs 700¥ 1.75 BSW p.19
Mustang Arms ARS-5C [s1] 3 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 7M 3.75 6/72 hrs 1,200¥ 1.75 BSW p.19
Mustang Arms ARS-5C [ss] 3 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 7M 3.75 6/72 hrs 650¥ 1.75 BSW p.19
Nomad “Personal Weapon” Derivatives
Heavy Pistol ammo variant 4 50 (c) SA/BF 9M 3.5 8/7 days 500¥ 1 BSW
SMG ammo variant 4 50 (c) SA/BF 7M 3.5 8/7 days 500¥ 1 BSW
Sandler Model II [l,g2] 3 30 (c) BF/FA 6M 3.75 4/24 hrs 700¥ 1 RG p.40
Setsuko-Arasaka “PMS” [c,ss] 4 40 (c) SA/BF 6M 3.5 4/72 hrs 950¥ 1 CB1 p.44
Setsuko-Arasaka “PMS” [c,s1,ss] 4 40 (c) SA/BF 6M 3.5 4/72 hrs 1,150¥ 1 CB1 p.44
Suranam Machine Pistol 5 (3) 25/50 (c) SA/FA 8L 2 4/4 days 375¥ 1.5 BSW p.18
“Sten” 3 30 (c) SA/FA varies 3.5 3/24 hrs 200¥ 1 BSW p.19
Sternmeyer SMG 21 4 30 (c) SA.BF/FA 7M 3.25 4/36 hrs 1,000¥ 1.1 RG p.58
Steyr MP i 25 [g1,l] 4 35 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3.75 5/60 hrs 725¥ 2 RG p.12
Stolbovoy StS Submachinegun 4 35 (c) SA/FA 7M 3 8/7 days 600¥ 2 BSW p.20

FIREARMS (continued)
SUBMACHINE GUNS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Stolbovoy StS Submachinegun [s1] 4 35 (c) SA/FA 7M 3 8/7 days 1,200¥ 2 BSW
Uzi 3S 5 24 (c) SA/BF 6M 2.5 10/36 hrs 900¥ 2 P3 p.8
Uzi IV [g2,l] 4 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3 6/60 hrs 1,000¥ 1 RG p.12
Uzi IV [g2,s1] 5 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3.25 8/60 hrs 1,200¥ 1.25 RG p.12
Uzi Miniauto 9 5 30 (c) BF/FA 6M 3 4/36 hrs 700¥ 1 RG p.58
Walther S900 [g2,l] 4 30 (c) SA/BF 6M 3 5/36 hrs 900¥ 1 RG p.40

ASSAULT RIFLES Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
AKR-20 [g1,l] 3 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 4 5/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2 RG p.59
Anti-Vehicular Rifle 3 10 (c) SA/BF 8S 5.3 14/16 days 6,000¥ 3.2 P3 p.74
Arasaka WAA Bullpup Assault
Weapon [m2,s2] 2 5/15/30 (c) BF/FA 8M 4.25 6/72 hrs 1,600¥ 2.25 BSW
CCMMC Jinhua M-9 1 35 (c) SA/FA 8M 4 — 250¥ — BSW p.27
Chadran Arms Jungle Reaper — 60 (c) SA/FA 6M 5.75 12/14 days 3,100¥ 3 BSW p.27
Grenade Launcher 6 (m) SA grenade
Colt M18 Assault Weapon 2 35 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 3.5 4/48 hrs 1,500¥ 2 BSW p.27
Darra-Polytechnic M-9 [c,m1] 3 40 (c) SA/FA 8M 3.75 3/36 hrs 1,300¥ .9 CB1 p.50
Fábrica de Armes M-2012 [c,l,m1] 3 30 (c) SA/BF 8M 5 4/60 hrs 1,400¥ 2 BSW
Fábrica de Armes M-2012HB SAW 2 30/100 (c)SA/BF/FA 8M 5.2 6/3 days 1,700¥ 2.25
BSW p.33
FA Light Assault 15 [c,m1] 3 30 (c) BF/FA 8M 3.5 4/36 hrs 400¥ 1.25 CB1 p.54
FA Light Assault 15 [c,m1,s1] 3 30 (c) BF/FA 8M 3.5 4/36 hrs 400¥ 1.25 CB1 p.54
FN AGRL [g2,l,m2] — 40 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 5 5/36 hrs 2,000¥ 2 RG p.44
Grenade Launcher 6 (m) SS grenade
FN RAL [m1] 3 30 (c) SA/FA 8M 5 5/60 hrs 1,200¥ 2 RG p.59
H&K HK 70 [g2] 2 (1) 20/45 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 3.75 8/7 days 950¥ 2 RG p.17
H&K HK 70 K [g2] 3 (2) 20/45 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 4 8/7 days 950¥ 2.25 RG p.17
Heckler & Koch HK77UK 3 30/45 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 4 6/72 hrs 750¥ 1.75 BSW p.30
Heckler & Koch HK77UK [s1] 3 30/45 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 4 6/72 hrs 1,350¥ 1.75 BSW p.30
Heckler & Koch HK77UK [s1,ss]3 30/45 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 4 6/72 hrs 1,550¥ 1.75 BSW p.30
Heckler & Koch HK77UK [ss] 3 30/45 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 4 6/72 hrs 950¥ 1.75 BSW p.30
Honda AR-1 [m1] 3 28 (c) BF/FA 8M 4.25 9/6 days 1,000¥ 2 RG p.18
Kalashnikov A-80 1 35 (c) SA/FA 8M 4.5 4/36 hrs 1,100¥ 2.5 RG p.60
Kalishnikov AK-100 [g2] — 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 5.75 5/36 hrs 1,000¥ 2 RG p.43
Kalishnikov AK-100 [g2,s1] — 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 5.75 5/36 hrs 2,000¥ 2 RG p.43
Kalishnikov AK-101 [g2,l] 2 30 (m) SA/BF/FA 8M 5.5 8/4 days 1,600¥ 2 RG p.43
Kalishnikov AK-101 [g2,s1] 2 30 (m) SA/BF/FA 8M 5.5 8/4 days 3,200¥ 2 RG p.43
Maramont LR 3 36 (c) BF/FA 8M 4.25 6/4 days 1,400¥ 2.5 P3 p.58
Militech Cyborg Rifle [g2] 2 30 (c) SA 6S 7.5 10/7 days 800¥ 2.5 CB2 p.36
Militech Dragon Light Assault
Weapon [g2] 4 35 (c) SA/FA 7M 3 12/14 days 700¥ 3.5 BSW
Militech High Power 15 1 180 (c)/belt SA/BF/FA 6M 5.5 15/8 days 3,200¥ 4.25 BSW p.33
Militech M-31a1 AICW 1 150 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 6.5 20/28 days 1,695¥ 4.5 CB1 p.45
Grenade Launcher 4 (m) SA grenade
Militech M-232 Squad Assault/
Automatic Weapon [b] 2 35 (c)/belt FA 8M 7.25 6/72 hrs 2,000¥ 2.5 BSW
Militech Mk IV Assault Weapon
(Revised) [g2] 2 35 (c) SA/FA 8M 4 12/14 days 800¥ 3 BSW
Militech Ninja [c,ss] 1 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 5L 4.5 12/7 days 2,100¥ 3.75 BSW p.31
Militech Renegade SAW [b,g3] — 35 (c)/belt SA/FA 9M 6.5 16/14 days 2,200¥ 3.5 BSW p.34
Militech Ronin Light Assault [l] 1 35 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 3.5 4/48 hrs 900¥ 2 RG p.60
Mossberg M-712 [m2,s1] 3 6 12/7 days 4,000¥ 3 RG p.42
Assault rifle section [g2] 35 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M
Shotgun section 15 (c) SA 10S
Nomad .357 Magnum Automatic
Carbine 3 30 (c) SA/BF 9M 3 5/48 hrs 400¥ 1 BSW
Nomad .357 Magnum Lever-
Action Carbine 3 9 (m) SS 9M 3 5/48 hrs 300¥ 1 BSW
Nomad .44 Magnum Lever-Action
Carbine 3 8 (m) SS 10M 3 5/48 hrs 650¥ 1 BSW
Nomad 7.62mm Bolt-Action Rifle 1 6 (m) BA 7S 6.5 6/48 hrs 500¥ 1 BSW
Panther™ 1 5.25 8/7 days 4,000¥ 3 P3 p.59
Assault rifle section 40 (c) SA/FA 8M
Shotgun section 25 (c) SA/BF 8S
Royal Enfield Ordnance Liquid
Propellant Assault Rifle [r1]— 2× 45 (c) SA/BF/FA 6L/6M/9M 5 18/1 mth 1,800¥ 6 BSW p.29
S&W Model F “Cyborg Assault” 4 8 (c) SS 8S 4 10/5 days 1,650¥ 2.5 CB1 p.54
SIG 88x-series
880 [g2,l] 2 30 (c) SA/BF 8M 4 4/36 hrs 850¥ 2 RG
882 [g2,l] 3 30 (c) SA/BF 8M 4 5/36 hrs 850¥ 2 RG
883 [b,g3,l,p] 1 30/50 (c) SA/FA 9M 6.5 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2.5 RG
883 SP [m2,p] 2 5/30 (c) SA 9M 4.25 3/36 hrs 950¥ 1.5 RG
Seco M-995 [g3,l,rf,rg] — 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 5.75 10/4 days 3,000¥ 3 RG p.44
Grenade Launcher 6 (m) SS grenade

FIREARMS (continued)
ASSAULT RIFLES Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Seco M-995 [g3,rf,rg,s1] — 30 (c) SA/BF/FA 8M 5.75 10/4 days 6,000¥ 3 RG p.44
Grenade Launcher 6 (m) SS grenade
Sternmeyer M95A4 (CG-13B) [m1] 2 90 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3.7 14/9 days 3,000¥ 4 BSW
Sternmeyer M95A4 [m1,l] 2 90 (c) SA/BF/FA 6M 3.7 14/9 days 3,150¥ 4 BSW p.29
Stolbovoy St-5 Assault Rifle 2 30 (c) SA/FA 8M 4.25 10/7 days 900¥ 3 BSW p.29
Stolbovoy St-5 Assault Rifle [s1] 2 30 (c) SA/FA 8M 4.25 10/7 days 1,800¥ 3 BSW
Stolbovoy St-5 Assault Rifle (short) 3 30 (c) SA/FA 7M 4.25 10/7 days 900¥ 3 BSW
Towa Manufacturing Type-20
AICW [b,s2] 1 100 (c) BF/FA 7M 4.75 12/14 days 4,200¥ 3.5 BSW
Grenade Launcher 4 (m) SA grenade
Towa Manufacturing Type-99 [b,s2] 3 35 (c) BF/FA 8M 3.75 10/14 days 1,500¥ 1.75
BSW p.29

SNIPER RIFLES Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Arasaka WSSA Sniper
System [ll,m3,rf,s2,ss] — 40 (c) SA 14S 3.8 16/14 days 9,600¥ 4.5 BSW
Barrett M-90 Sniper Rifle — 10 (c) SS 12D 7.5 14/10 days 3,000¥ 5 BSW p.30
Barrett M-90 Sniper Rifle [s1] — 10 (c) SS 12D 7.5 14/10 days 5,000¥ 5 BSW p.30
FR-F6 [b,l,m2,ss] — 10 (c) SA 14S 5 12/7 days 4,400¥ 4 BSW p.30
H&K PSG-65 [g2,ll,m3,s1,t] — 20 (m) SA 14S 6 12/7 days 7,000¥ 4 RG p.40
Nomad 15mm “Long Rifle” [b,ll,m3] — 9 (c) SS 14D 12 14/30 days 3,000¥ 5 BSW
RAI Model 1050 [l,ll,m3,p] — 5 (c) SA 15S 5.25 14/10 days 6,000¥ 4 RG p.14
Remington Gyro-Sniper Rifle [ll,s2,t] — 6 (m) SS 10S/14S 7 12/10 days 5,000¥ 4.75
BSW p.30
SMF K6 — 30 (c) SA/FA 10S 5 14/21 days 2,000¥ 3 P3 p.41
Towa Manufacturing Type-00-Kai
[et,s1] — 6 (c) SS 21S 6.25 15/7 days 6,000¥ 4.5 BSW
Tsunami Arms Ramjet Rifle
[b,m3,r1,s2] — 9 (c) SA/BF special 5 16/14 days 7,380¥ 4 CB2

SHOTGUNS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Arasaka Rapid Assault Shot 12 1 20 (c) SA/FA 8S 5.5 8/10 days 1,800¥ 2.25 RG p.58
Ares Wippet 4 6 (m) SA shot 6M 2 5/36 hrs 1,500¥ 1.5 RG p.41
slug 9M
Autoshot Riot Gun 2 20 (c) SA/FA 9S 4.5 10/7 days 1,500¥ 2 P3 p.35
Chandler Capture 100 [g2,p] 3 10 (m) SA 10S 4 4/24 hrs 1,500¥ 2 RG p.41
Chandler Capture 100 [g2,p,s1]3 10 (m) SA 10S 4 4/24 hrs 2,200¥ 2 RG p.41
CCMMC Qi-15 — 15 (c) SA/FA 9S 4.5 — 150¥ — BSW p.21
Cobra™ 2 (4) 10 (c) SA 10S 4.5 4/60 hrs 1,200¥ 1 P3 p.60
Constitution Arms Hurricane
Assault Weapon [r1] — 40 (c) SA/FA 8S 5 14/21 days 1,000¥ 4 BSW
Enfield-Ubichi LastChance 5 1 SS 10S .5 4/48 hrs 60¥ 1 BSW p.21
Holland & Holland .600 NE — 2 (b) SA 12S 4.5 call H&H 10,000¥ — RG p.15
Kimatsuhama Under-Barrel Shotguns
UBS-5 (–2) 4 (m) SS 7S 2.25 5/48 hrs 500¥ 1.1 RG
UBS-6 (–2) 6 (m) SA 7S 2.5 6/48 hrs 750¥ 1.1 RG
UBS-7 (–3) 2× 4 (m) 2× SS 7S 3.5 10/7 days 1,700¥ 1.25 RG
Luigi Franchi P.16 4 20 (c) SA/FA 8S 3.75 8/12 days 980¥ 2.5 BSW p.21
Luigi Franchi “King Buck” Magnum 1 4 (m) SA 9S 7 12/4 days 800¥ 2.1 CB2
MetaCorp Warhammer™ — 16 (c) SA/BF 10S 3.25 8/72 hrs 700¥ 2.75 BSW p.21
Military M-12 Close Assault
Weapon — 20 (c) SA/BF/FA 9S 4.25 6/7 days 950¥ 3 BSW
Militech .477 Boomer Buster 4 4 (m) SS see above 3 6/48 hrs 450¥ 2 BSW p.17
Militech Bulldog Compact
Assault Shotgun [g1,l] 2 21 (c) SS/BF/FA 9S 6.5 12/9 days 1,000¥ 3 BSW
Militech Bulldog Compact
Assault Shotgun [g1,s1] 2 21 (c) SS/BF/FA 9S 6.5 12/9 days 1,500¥ 3 BSW
Militech Crusher SSG 5 6 (c) SA 6S/8M 3 6/48 hrs 1,450¥ 1.5 CB1 p.42
Militech Military/Police Shotgun
10 gauge 2 6 (m) SA 10S 4.5 4/60 hrs 800¥ 1 CB1
12 gauge 2 8 (m) SA 8S 4.5 4/60 hrs 800¥ 1 CB1
Mustang Arms Close-Control 203 15 (c) SA 8S 4 9/7 days 350¥ 1.25 BSW p.22
Mustang Arms “Raider” Riot Shotgun 1 5(c) or 9(m) SA 8S/9S 3.75 5/60 hrs 400¥ 1 BSW
Polymer One-Shot Cannon 3 1 SS 5S 1.5 3/12 hrs 190¥ .6 BSW p.32
Ranger Arms Security 12 [g2,l] 3 15 (c) SA/BF/FA 10S 4.5 10/8 days 2,000¥ 2 RG p.41
Remington 1628 4 8 (m) SS 8S 3 3/24 hrs 500¥ 1 RG p.42
Remington Rapid Assault 12 [s1] 3 15 (c) SA/BF 10S 4.5 12/8 days 2,000¥ 2 RG
Sandler “Mad Max” 5 2 (b) SA 6S 2.25 4/48 hrs 400¥ 1 RG p.17
Sternmeyer Stakeout 10 4 10 (m) SA 9S 3.75 8/7 days 900¥ 1.5 RG p.58
Tsunami Arms “Ragnarok” Close
Assault Weapon [et] — 40 (c) SA/FA 12S 4.75 16/21 days 4,500¥ 5 BSW
Vehicular Shotgun 1 10 (c) SA 9S 8.5 8/72 hrs 2,500¥ 1.75 P3 p.62
Wristbreaker I 2 (3) 2× 10 (m) 2x SA/FA 8S 4.25 14/14 days 1,450¥ 3 TS p.25
Wristbreaker II 3 (4) 2× 5 (m) 2x SA 8S 2.75 8/10 days 1,450¥ 1.5 TS p.25

FIREARMS (continued)
LIGHT MACHINE GUNS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Constitution Arms Cyclone
Squad Support Weapon [b,c] — 100 (c) FA 7S 8 8/7 days 1,200¥ 2 BSW
H&K G-6 ASA [c,m2,s2,t] — 100 (c) FA 7S 7 14/21 days 2,050¥ 3.5 CB1 p.51
IWS Mini-5 [l] — belt FA 7S 14 24/14 days 13,000¥ 2 RG p.45
IWS Mini-5 [s1] — belt FA 7S 14 24/14 days 26,000¥ 2 RG p.45
Sternmeyer M-5A SAW [b] — belt FA 7S 8.75 6/6 days 2,000¥ 2 BSW p.34
Tiger™ — 40 (c)/belt SA/FA 7S 8.25 7/7 days 3,000¥ 2 P3 p.59

HEAVY WEAPONS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
2-Barrel HMG Chaingun — belt FA 9S 20 26/21 days 6,500¥ 2 CB2 p.31
60mm Light Mortar — 1 SS mortar round 15 12/14 days 1,500¥ 2 BSW p.34
Ares MP Maser — 20 SA 10M + special 25 — 750,000¥ — RG p.19
Barrett-Arasaka Light 20mm — 10 (c) SS 18D 19 15/14 days 6,000¥ 2 RG p.61
Colt-Mauser M2X Cannon [m2,p] — 8 (c) SS 18D 23 20/14 days 6,100¥ 2 CB2
Dover GA-1112 Autogun [s1] — 400 (c) FA ×2 9S 15 25/1 mth 11,100¥ 4 BSW p.33
Vehicle-mounted variant [s1] — 400 (c) FA ×2 9S 15 25/1 mth 17,600¥ 4 BSW
Flechette Gun — 20 (c) SA/FA 9D(f) 45 14/14 days 17,000¥ 1.5 P3 p.62
FN MG-6 “One-on-One” — 100 (c) FA ×2 8M 8.5 6/7 days 1,800¥ 2.5 BSW p.33
Gauss Gun — 10 (c) SS 11S 135 — 500,000¥ — P3 p.62
General Products Rocket Launchers
7.62cm 10-Barrel — 10 (m) FA 7.62cm rocket 30 22/14 days 9,500¥ 4 TS
7.62cm Single Barrel — 1 (m) SA 7.62cm rocket 2.5 10/10 days 1,000¥ 1.75 TS
12.7cm 10-Barrel — 10 (m) FA 12.7cm rocket 35 24/14 days 12,000¥ 4 TS
12.7cm Single Barrel — 1 (m) SA12.7 cm rocket 3 11/10 days 1,250¥ 1.75 TS
Hellblazer Mk.II Flamethrower — 4 (cy) SS/FA 10M 9.5 18/14 days 6,500¥ 4
Infrared Laser normal normal normal normal normal +4/+7 daysdouble normal +1 P3 p.63
IWS Assault 20 [g4,p] — 20 (m) SA 18D 16 16/14 days 7,200¥ 2 RG p.46
Kenshiri-Adachi F-253 Flamethrower — 10 SS 6S/9L 15 — 4,500¥ — BSW
Laser LAW 2 1 (m) SS 12M 5 24/21 days 75,000¥ 3 P3 p.74
Laser VLAW 4 1 (m) SS 10M 3.5 24/21 days 60,000¥ 3 P3 p.74
Light Anti-tank Weapons
HLAW — 1 SS 16D (–4/m) 5 8/48 hrs 1,600¥ 2 BSW
LAW 2 1 SS 12D (–6/m) 2 6/48 hrs 600¥ 2 BSW
M2A5 Browning .50cal HMG — belt FA 10S 20 17/14 days 4,000¥ 2 BSW p.33
M10A Light Recoilless Rifle — 1(b SS lt. rcl. grenade 6.5 12/14 days 2,000¥ 2 TS p.26
M-60D Medium Machine Gun — belt FA 9S 9.5 16/14 days 2,000¥ 2 BSW p.33
M400 HMG [g3] — 2× belt FA 10S 18.5 22/21 days 5,500¥ 2 RG p.20
M400 HMG [g3,s2] — 2× belt FA 10S 19 24/21 days 7,500¥ 2.5 RG p.20
Militech 20L Autocannon — belt FA 18D 60 — 90,000¥ — BSW p.34
Militech AM-3 [g2,m3,p,s1] — 5 (c) SS 20D 26 20/14 days 8,000¥ 3 CB2 p.41
Militech Electronics LaserCannon — special SA 3M to 15M 25 26/21 days 130,000¥ 3.25
TS p.21
Militech Hotshot L-ATGM — 1 SS 20D (–5/m) 3 8/48 hrs 2,500¥ 2 BSW p.35
Militech Rocket-Grenade Launcher — 1 (m) SS missile 4.5 9/14 days 4,500¥ 2.5 RG
NR-10 Multi-Barrel HMG — 35 (c)/belt FA 10S 41 28/30 days 75,000¥ 3 P3 p.58
Panther Heavy Recoilless Rifle — 1 (b) SShvy. rcl. grenade 10 14/14 days 4,000¥ 3 TS p.26
Rhinemetall EMG-85 Railgun [s2] — 5 (m) SS 25D 35 — 113,700¥ — CB2
Royal Enfield Ordnance 25mm
Cockerill Assault Cannon — 12 (c) SS 18D 20 18/14 days 7,400¥ 2 BSW
Scorpion 16 Missile Launcher — 1 (b) SS missile 5 10/14 days 6,000¥ 2 RG p.61
Towa Manufacturing Type-8 [c] — 100 (c) FA 9S 12.5 18/14 days 5,000¥ 3 BSW p.34
Tsunami Arms Type-17 Anti-
Armor Rifle [b,s2] — 12 (c) SS 18D 20 18/14 days 7,500¥ 2 BSW
Twin Laser — special SA 18S 340 — 700,000¥ — P3 p.63
Whitney-Morgan Caseless MMG— belt FA 9S 35 26/30 days 25,000¥ 4 RG p.21

GRENADE LAUNCHERS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Ares Suppressor — 12 (c) SA/BF grenade 7 18/14 days 3,400¥ 3 RG p.45
Ares Suppressor [rf,rg] — 12 (c) SA/BF grenade 7 18/14 days 4,300¥ 3 RG p.45
Ares Suppressor [s1] — 12 (c) SA/BF grenade 7 18/14 days 6,800¥ 3 RG p.45
Ares Suppressor [rf,rg,s1] — 12 (c) SA/BF grenade 7 18/14 days 7,700¥ 3 RG p.45
Grenade Launcher (–2) 1 (m) SS grenade 1 6/4 days 1,250¥ 2.75 RG p.61
Grenade Launcher cybergun — 1 (m) SS grenade .25 10/7 days 2,500¥ 2 TS p.16
Hand-Held Grenade Launcher 2 5 (c) SS grenade 2.5 9/5 days 2,300¥ 3 P3 p.73
M-32 Auto Grenade Launcher — belt FA grenade 12 18/21 days 5,000¥ 3.5 BSW p.35
M-205 3/(–2) 1 (b) SS grenade 1 6/4 days 500¥ 2 BSW p.35
M-212 — 8 (cy) SA grenade 3 10/5 days 2,000¥ 2.5 BSW p.35
Militech “Cowboy” U-55 — 12 (m) SA/BF grenade 3.25 8/48 hrs 1,600¥ 3 BSW p.35
Militech Mini-Grenade Launcher
Drum variant 1 (–4) 16 (c) SA grenade 5 24/12 days 4,750¥ 5 CB1
Pump variant 3 (–2) 4 (m) SA grenade 3.5 10/6 days 2,550¥ 3 CB1
Rockwell AGL-113 — 20 (c)/belt FA grenade 50 24/21 days 15,000¥ 4 RG p.19
Towa Manufacturing Type-9 — 8 (cy) SA grenade 3.5 9/7 days 1,750¥ 2 BSW p.37
Tsunami Arms Type-18 — 30 (m) FA grenade 25 12/7 days 4,000¥ 3.5 BSW p.37

FIREARMS (continued)
FULL ’BORG WEAPONS Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
12.7mm “Assault Rifle” — 50 (c) SA/BF/FA 9S 10 16/21 days 2,000¥ 5 BSW p.38
14.5mm “Assault Rifle” — 50 (c) SA/BF/FA 10S 15 18/21 days 2,500¥ 5 BSW p.38
Arasaka “Pocket Tsunami”
Grenade Launcher — 6 (cy) SS grenade 8 14/14 days 1,250¥ 4 BSW
Arasaka “Rage” Submachinegun 2 10/20/50 (c)SA/FA 6S 8 14/14 days 4,500¥ 4 BSW
Caseless “SMG” 2 50 (c) SA/FA 8M 4 14/14 days 1,200¥ 4 BSW p.37
HiVel Caseless Auto-GL — 25 (c) SA/FA grenade 12.5 17/21 days 2,000¥ 5 BSW p.38
Magnum Opus “Big Government” 4 13 (c) SA 13M 3 10/14 days 2,000¥ 3 BSW
Magnum Opus “Hellbringer” 2 3 (m) SS 7S 4.25 15/14 days 4,000¥ 3.5 BSW p.38
Malorian 3600 Super-SMG 3 20 (c) SS/BF 7S 5.75 16/14 days 3,000¥ 4 BSW p.38
“Pistol” 3 9 (c) SA 8S 3.25 11/14 days 1,000¥ 3.5 BSW p.38
Tsunami Arms Helix [l,r6] — 60 (c) FA 10S 15 30/30 days 9,000¥ 4 BSW p.38
United Armaments CLAW — 28 (c) FA 9D 16 28/1 mth 1,600¥ 8 BSW p.39

Mount Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
22mm Muzzle Adaptor Barrel — — — 6/48 hrs 100¥ 3 CB1 p.47
Ares MirrorSmarts — 10 — — 6/60 hrs 6,500¥ 2 TS p.28
Composite Clip — — — .25 6/72 hrs 50¥ 2 PA p.24
Digital Weapon Uplink Top or Under –1 — .5 6/6 days 500¥ 2 CB1 p.12
DUD Smartgun ControllerTop or Under –1 3 .25 8/6 days 5,000¥ 2.5 CB1 p.12
Electrothermal Ammo Enhance.— — — .5 10/7 days +150% 2 CB2 p.50
Camouflage — — — — +1/normal +100% normal PA
Chrome/Pearl/Gloss — — — — +1/normal +100% normal PA
Hypo-Allergenic — — — — +2/×2 +100% normal PA
Natural Colors — — — — +1/normal +10% normal PA
Neon-Glow — — — — +2/×1.5 +150% normal PA
Oil-Resistant — — — .1 8/7 days +200% 2 PA
Printless — — — — +4/×2 +200% normal PA
Wood Furniture — — — — normal/×2 2000¥+ normal PA
Flashlight Top or Under –1 — .25 2/24 hrs 50¥ .9 PA p.21
Flashlight + Smart Focus Top or Under –1 — .25 4/24 hrs 100¥ 2 PA p.21
Flash Suppressor Barrel –1 — .2 6/48 hrs 250¥ 1 PA p.22
Gun Cam Top or Under –1 — .25 3/36 hrs 100¥ 1.2 CB2 p.50
Gun Camera Top or Under –1 — .25 2/24 hrs 300¥ .5 RG p.23
Infrared Top –2 — .25 8/4 days 1,800¥ 1 PA p.21
IR Laser Sight Top or Under –1 –1 .25 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1 PA p.21
LaserEdge® melee weapons –1 +1 Damage .25 6/5 days 700¥ 2 P3 p.61
Luminous Sight Inserts — — –1 — 2/24 hrs 50¥ 1 PA p.21
Midnight Arms Smartgoggle
Mirrorshades — 5 — — 3/36 hrs 4,500¥ 1 CB3 p.3
Militech Muzzle Adaptor Barrel — — — 4/48 hrs 200¥ .9 CB2 p.48
Alternative Feed — — — .25 6/72 hrs 500¥ 1.5 PA
Barrel Re-bore — — — — 2/24 hrs 100¥ 1 PA
Barrel Replacement — — — — 3/36 hrs50% of weapon cost 1 PA
BF Macroplast Casing — — — — +6/×2 +100% 2 PA
FA Macroplast Casing — — — — +4/×1.5 +75% 2 PA
Caliber Modifications — Gamemaster’s discretion, both up and down — PA p.24
Ceramic Casing — — — — +12/×3 +200% 3 PA
Electric Feed — — — — 6/72 hrs 500¥ 2 PA
Battery Pak — –1 — .25 6/72 hrs 500¥ 2 PA
Battery Clip — — — .25 6/72 hrs 50¥ 2 PA
Extra-Heavy Bolt — — — .25 6/48 hrs 500¥ 1 PA
Fire Rate
Alternative ROF — — — — 4/48 hrs 400¥ 1 PA
Floating Breech — — — — 8/7 days 1,000¥ 2 PA
Locking Bolt — — — — 6/36 hrs 500¥ 1 PA
Selective ROF — — — .1 4/48 hrs 500¥ 1 PA
Short-Burst — — — — 4/36 hrs 500¥ 1 PA
Heavy Bolt — — — — 3/36 hrs 250¥ 1 PA
Long Barrel — –1 — .2 6/36 hrs +50% 1 PA
Short Barrel — +1 — –.2 6/36 hrs +50% 1 PA
Selective Feed — — — .25 6/72 hrs 1,000¥ 2 PA
Snap-Down, Normal — — — — +6/×2 +100% 2 PA
Snap-Down, Rugged — — — — +12/×3 +200% 3 PA
Solenoid Trigger — — — — 6/72 hrs +100% 1 PA
Nikkon COT Top –2 3 1 8/4 days 8,000¥ 2 PA p.21
Nine-Eleven Chip Top or Under –1 — — call Lone Star 1,750¥ — CB2 p.50
Optical Infrared Top –3 — .5 4/48 hrs 4,000¥ 1 PA p.21
Optical Low-Lite Top –3 — .5 4/48 hrs 3,000¥ 1 PA p.21

Mount Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Optical Ultra-Violet Top –3 — .5 4/48 hrs 4,000¥ 1 PA p.21
Revolver Silencer Barrel –3 — 1 6/60 hrs 700¥ 3 RG p.23
Security Chipping Top or Under — 10 — 4/72 hrs 1,250¥ 1 CB2 p.50
Sharpwire Net Mount Under –2 — 2 5/4 days 450¥ 2 CB2 p.58
Sighting Band Top — –1 .25 4/24 hrs 20¥ 1 P3 p.61
Silencers/Sound Suppressors
Improved Silencer Barrel –2 +1 .2 8/72 hrs 5,000¥ 2 P3
Improved Sound Suppressor Barrel –2 +1 .5 8/72 hrs 7,500¥ 2 P3
Mini Barrel — –1 .1 6/48 hrs 2,500¥ 1 P3
Shhh 7000 Sound SuppressorBarrel –3 +2 1 9/72 hrs 11,250¥ 2.5 P3 p.9
Short Silencer Barrel –1 — .1 6/72 hrs 750¥ 2 PA
Short Suprpessor Barrel –1 — .3 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2 PA
Slimline Barrel –1 — .2 6/48 hrs 2,500¥ 2 P3
No magnification Top –2 –1/0 1 5/60 hrs 3,250¥ 1 RG
Magnification 1 Top –2 –1/1 1 5/60 hrs 3,500¥ 1 RG
Magnification 2 Top –2 –1/2 1 5/60 hrs 3,750¥ 1.1 RG
Magnification 3 Top –2 –1/3 1 5/60 hrs 4,250¥ 1.1 RG
Speedholster — +2 — .25 4/24 hrs 200¥ 1.25 CB1 p.13
Speedloader — 8 — .5 2/24 hrs 10¥ .75 P3 p.9
SumnerTech Gyro-Mount 1S Under –3 3 2.5 6/48 hrs 2,000¥ 1 RG p.24
Ultra-Violet Top –2 — .25 8/4 days 1,800¥ 1 PA p.21
UV Laser Sight Top or Under –1 –1 .25 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1 PA p.21
Xenon Projector Top or Under –1 — .25 8/7 days 1,500¥ 2 PA p.21
Xenon Proj. + Smart FocusTop or Under –1 — .25 10/7 days 1,600¥ 2 PA p.21


AMMUNITION (per 10 rounds) Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
#000 Triplex (for Heavy Pistols) 9 6L per pellet, 3 pellets .5 4/60 hrs 50¥ 1.25 CB2 p.37
30mm-Explosiv 8 +1 Power 1 6/36 hrs 100¥ 1.5 TS p.35
30mm-massiv 8 normal 1 4/24 hrs 40¥ 1 TS p.35
30mm-Schrot 8 –1 Damage, Flechette 1 4/24 hrs 40¥ 1 TS p.35
Acid 8 as weapon .5 14/8 days 100¥ 4 CB1 p.54
Anti-Personnel 8 +2 Power, +1 Damage .75 12/10 days 100¥ 3.5 P3 p.68
Anti-Vehicular 8 special .25 16/14 days 300¥ 4 P3 p.68
APDS Flechette 8 +1 Damage, 1/2 Ballistic.25 14/14 days 100¥ 4 P3 p.48
Arasaka Restraint Caster Capsules (20 rnds) 8 as normal net gun — 6/72 hrs 60¥
2 BSW p.6
Armor-Piercing 8 –2 Ballistic .75 4/4 days 50¥ 2 BSW p.44
Armor-Piercing Incendiary 8 1/2 Ballistic .25 16/14 days 80¥ 4.5 CB1 p.54
Carbosteel Wire Net (per net) 5 10S Stun 1 6/48 hrs 100¥ 2 CB2 p.37
Crawler 8 as flechette .5 14/14 days 100¥ 6 P3 p.41
Dartgun Cyberfinger Darts 10 3L .1 6/48 hrs 20¥ .5 CB1 p.32
Dual-Purpose 8 1/2 Ballistic + special .5 16/14 days 80¥ 4 CB2 p.46
Duplex 8 two bullets .75 5/36 hrs 90¥ 1 RG p.26
FEN Dz-55 Det-Web (per web) 5 8D (–1/m) 2 10/72 hrs 450¥ 3 CB2 p.37
Firepower™ (for Heavy Pistols) 8 +1 Power .5 3/36 hrs 35¥ .75 RG p.26
Gauss Gun ammo (for Gauss Guns) 6 normal 1.5 — 300¥ — P3 p.62
Glaser™ 8 +2 Damage, 2× Ballistic .75 16/14 days 100¥ 4 RG p.27
HEP (High-Explosive Cratering) 8 +1 Power, 1/2 is Stun .75 5/36 hrs 60¥ 1.1 CB1 p.54
HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) 8 special .75 18/14 days 200¥ 3 RG p.47
Hollow-Point 8 +1 Damage, +2 Ballistic .5 4/24 hrs 25¥ .8 CB1 p.50
Incendiary 8 normal .25 6/48 hrs 30¥ 2 P3 p.68
Kendachi “Airhammer” ammo
Fragmentation Flechette 9 +1 Power .15 6/48 hrs 15¥ 2 CB2
Flechette 9 normal .15 6/48 hrs 15¥ 2 CB2
Gas 9 special .25 8/4 days 40¥ 2 CB2
JellSluggs 9 –2 Power, Stun .25 8/60 hrs 20¥ 1.5 CB2
Practice 9 3L .15 4/24 hrs 15¥ 1.5 CB2
Kendachi Fragmentation Flechettes 8 +1 Power .5 12/10 days 100¥ 4.5 CB2 p.46
Light Armor-Piercing/High Explosive 8 +1 Power, 1/2 Ballistic .75 16/14 days 100¥ 2.5 CB2 p.31
Multi-Flechette 8 special .5 5/48 hrs 100¥ 1 CB1 p.48
Plastic Bullet Rounds 8 see rules .25 6/72 hrs 80¥ 1 PA p.31
Ramjet (for Ramjet Rifle) 8 normal .5 8/72 hrs 100¥ 2 CB2 p.36
Rubber 8 Stun .5 3/12 hrs 10¥ .75 CB2 p.47
Safety Rounds 8 +1 Damage Level .5 10/10 days 120¥ 3 BSW p.45
Stundart (for Heavy Pistol) 8 10S Stun .75 6/72 hrs 80¥ 2 CB1 p.49
Tracer 8 as weapon .5 2/24 hrs 30¥ 1 P3 p.9
Wirtz-Betäubung (for Wirtz “DemoControl) 6 12M Stun 1.5 8/36 hrs 100¥ 2 TS
Wirtz-Schrot (for Wirtz “DemoControl”) 8 11S(f) 1.25 8/36 hrs 80¥ 2 TS p.36

SHOTGUN AMMO (per 10 rounds)Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Dragon’s Breath 8 fire .75 12/7 days 90¥ 3 TS p.26
Flare 8 6M .5 4/24 hrs 50¥ 1 CB2 p.47
Flash/Flash-Bang 8 none .5 4/24 hrs 60¥ 1 CB2 p.47
Gas 8 gas .5 6/48 hrs 50¥ 1.1 CB2 p.47
HE 8 8S (–16/m) .75 12/14 days 100¥ 2 BSW p.45
HEAT 8 8S(–16/m) .75 14/14 days 200¥ 4 BSW p.45
Smoke 8 none .5 3/12 hrs 40¥ .8 CB2 p.47
Stinger 8 Stun .5 4/18 hrs 30¥ 1 CB2 p.47
Stundart 8 10S Stun + shock .75 6/72 hrs 80¥ 2 BSW p.45
Thermite 8 see above .5 8/7 days 300¥ 3 BSW p.45

PRE-LOADED CLIPS (per round in clip) Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street
Index Book
Hermetically Sealed Disposable Macroplast Clips
Explosive ammo normal normal normal 5/4 days 12¥ 1 P3
Flechette ammo normal normal normal 5/4 days 22¥ 1 P3
Gel ammo normal normal normal 6/4 days 8¥ 1.5 P3
Needle ammo normal normal normal 6/3 days 10¥ 1.5 P3
Standard ammo normal normal normal 4/3 days 6¥ 1 P3
Stun ammo normal normal normal 6/4 days 22¥ 1.5 P3
Tracer ammo normal normal normal 6/3 days 8¥ 1 P3

ARROWS (per arrow) Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Broadhead 3 +1 Damage .1 4/36 hrs 15¥ 1 BSW p.46
Spinner 3 +2 Power, +1 Damage .1 4/48 hrs 15¥ 1 BSW p.46
Stun 3 Stun .1 3/36 hrs 10¥ 1 BSW p.46
Warhead 1 as pistol grenade .2 6/7 days 35¥ 2 BSW p.46

CROSSBOW BOLTS (per BOLT) Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Broadhead 3 +1 Damage .05 6/36 hrs 8¥ 1 BSW p.46
Spinner 3 +2 Power, +1 Damage .05 6/48 hrs 8¥ 1 BSW p.46
Stun 3 Stun .05 5/36 hrs 5¥ 1 BSW p.46
Warhead 1 as pistol grenade .1 8/7 days 30¥ 2 BSW p.46

ASSAULT CANNON (per 10 rounds)Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Armor-Piercing 3 3/4 armor 1.5 12/7 days 1,000¥ 3 PA p.28
Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot 3 1/2 armor 1 24/21 days 1,500¥ 5.5 PA p.28
AP Fin-Stablized Discarding Sabot 3 1/3 armor 1 30/30 days 2,750¥ 9 PA p.30
Chemical (C = chemical’s stats) 3 –2 Damage .75 C+2/C×2 C+250¥ C+.25 PA p.30
Extra High Impact 3 special 1.5 8/4 days 1,000¥ 2.25 CB2 p.40
High-Explosive Anti-Tank 3 1/2 armor (–4 per m) 1.25 24/21 days 1,750¥ 5.5 PA p.30
Shot 3 normal, use Shotgun rules1.25 6/4 days 500¥ 2 PA p.30

LAUNCHED GRENADES (per grenade) Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street
Index Book
Anti-Armor Grenade 8 10S (–5/m) .1 8/5 days 125¥ 3.5 RG p.25
Anti-Personnel Flechette 8 10D(f) .1 9/14 days 100¥ 3.5 CB1 p.46
Bean Bag 8 12S Stun .1 6/4 days 100 2 BSW p.42
Classic Rifle Grenades
Chemical 3 — .5 6/8 days 50¥ 2 BSW
HE 3 10S (–1/.5 m) .5 6/8 days 50¥ 2 BSW
HEAT 3 14D (–14/m) .5 6/8 days 50¥ 2 BSW
DCR Rifle Grenade
Anti-Tank 4 16D (–8/m) .5 8/8 days 100¥ 2 CB1 p.47
Concussion 4 12M Stun (–1/m) .5 8/8 days 50¥ 2 CB1 p.47
Defensive 4 10S (–1/.5 m) .5 8/8 days 50¥ 2 CB1 p.47
Offensive 4 10S (–1/m) .5 8/8 days 50¥ 2 CB1 p.47
Flash-Bang 8 12M Stun (–2/m) .1 10/6 days 160¥ 3.25 BSW p.42
Heavy Recoilless Rifle Grenades
Anti-Armor 5 18D (–6/m) 3 5/36 hrs 200¥ 3 TS
Anti-Personnel 5 18D(f) (–1/.5 m) 3 5/36 hrs 150¥ 3 TS
High Explosive 5 18S (–1/.5 m) 3 5/36 hrs 150¥ 3 TS
Smoke 5 — 2.5 4/36 hrs 125¥ 2.5 TS
HEP 8 8S .1 6/6 days 60¥ 2.5 BSW p.42
Illumination 7 6M .1 7/36 hrs 150¥ 2 BSW p.42
Light Recoilless Rifle Grenades
Anti-Armor 5 12D (–6/m) 3 5/36 hrs 200¥ 3 TS
Anti-Personnel 5 12S(f) (–1/.5 m) 3 5/36 hrs 150¥ 3 TS
High Explosive 5 12S (–1/.5 m) 3 5/36 hrs 150¥ 3 TS
Smoke 5 — 2.5 4/36 hrs 125¥ 2.5 TS
Mikrogranate (for Wirtz “DemoControl” only)
Defensive 9 10S (–5/m) .1 6/36 hrs 80¥ 1.5 TS
Offensive 9 10S (–3/m) .1 6/36 hrs 80¥ 1.5 TS
Schock 9 12M Stun (–2/m) .1 8/36 hrs 80¥ 1.5 TS

LAUNCHED GRENADES (per grenade) Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street
Index Book
Militech 25mm Launched Grenades
Chemical 6 — .25 8/8 days 30¥ 2.5 BSW
Flechette 6 (2D6)S(f) .25 8/8 days 30¥ 2.5 BSW
Fragmentation 6 8S(f) (–1/1.5 m) .25 8/8 days 30¥ 2.5 BSW
HEP 6 8S .25 8/8 days 30¥ 2.5 BSW
Militech 25mm Pistol-Grenades
Concussion 8 8M Stun (–2/m) .1 5/6 days 15¥ 2 CB2
Defensive Frag 8 6M (–3/m) .1 5/7 days 20¥ 2 CB2
Flash Bomb 8 4L (–1/m) .1 4/72 hrs 15¥ 1.2 CB2
HEP (Cratering) 8 4S, 1/2 is Stun .1 4/6 days 30¥ 1.5 CB2
Incendiary 8 6M (–6/m) .1 8/7 days 30¥ 2 CB2
Offensive Frag 8 6S (–3/m) .1 5/7 days 25¥ 2 CB2
Smoke/Tear Gas 8 gas .1 6/7 days 20¥ 2.5 CB2
Net 6 — .25 8/48 hrs 300¥ 3 BSW p.42
Rostovic Wrist Racate Ammo (per 6 rounds) 5 9S (–3/m) 1.25 14/20 days 200¥ 3.5 CB1
Shotgun Minigrenades (for Shotguns only)
Concussion 8 10M (–1/m) .2 7/4 days 600¥ 3 RG
Defensive 8 8S (–1/.5 m) .2 6/4 days 600¥ 3 RG
Offensive 8 8S (–1/m) .2 6/4 days 600¥ 3 RG
SplatShell 8 splatballs .1 6/48 hrs 10¥ 1 CB2 p.47
Tränengas-Minigranate 8 8M .15 4/24 hrs 50¥ 1.5 TS p.36
Urban Technologies Slasher (for Shotguns,
MMGs, HMGs, and Grenade Launchers) 8 11S .1 14/10 days 75¥ 2.5 CB2

THROWN GRENADES (per grenade)Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Anti-Tank 4 15S (–3/m) 1 6/7 days 120¥ 3.5 BSW p.39
Biotech-Askari Motion Restraints 6 — .5 6/48 hrs 60¥ 2 CB1 p.48
Concussion Grenade 7 10M Stun (–2/m) .25 6/72 hrs 40¥ 1.2 P3 p.68
Crawler Grenade 6 as normal .25 20/14 days 150¥ 6 P3 p.41
CS Grenade 5 tear gas .5 6/4 days 75¥ 2.5 RG p.25
EMP Grenade 6 special .3 10/10 days 400¥ 4 CB1 p.47
Explosive Grenade 7 6M (–1/m) .25 6/72 hrs 25¥ 1.5 P3 p.68
FEN Dz 22 “Saucer Grenades” 7 8S (–1/m) .25 6/10 days 65¥ 3 CB1 p.47
Finger Bomb 10 8M (–1/m) .1 6/6 days 35¥ 1.5 CB1 p.32
Flashbang Grenade 6 12M Stun (–2/m) .25 8/6 days 80¥ 2.25 CB2 p.49
Foam Grenade 6 — .25 3/48 hrs 30¥ .9 P3 p.69
Fragmentation mini-grenade 8 10D(f) (–1/.5 m) .1 8/4 days 50¥ 3 CB1 p.46
Gas Grenade 5 Neuro-Stun VIII .5 5/4 days 60¥ 2 RG p.26
GPz-78 Grenade 8 8M (–1/.5 m) .1 4/60 hrs 40¥ 1.5 CB1 p.48
Green Ring 4 6 gas .25 10/6 days 80¥ 2.5 P3 p.11
HEP (High-Explosive Cratering) mini-grenade 8 10S (–1/m), 1/2 is Stun .1 9/5 days 60¥
2.5 CB1 p.46
Incendiary Grenade 6 10M (–1/.5 m) + .25 10/8 days 100¥ 3 P3 p.49
10L per turn
Mace XII 6 gas .25 8/6 days 50¥ 2 P3 p.11
Militech PDU-3 8 10S (–2/.5 m) .25 10/7 days 150¥ 2.5 CB2 p.42
Mini gas (any but Green Ring 4) 8 gas .1 10/6 days 100¥ 2 P3 p.11
Mini Green Ring 4 8 gas .1 14/6 days 120¥ 3 P3 p.11
Mini smoke 8 — .1 10/6 days 50¥ 2 P3 p.11
Neurostun IX 6 gas .25 6/6 days 50¥ 2 P3 p.11
Neurostun-Minigranate 8 8M + gas .15 12/4 days 200¥ 3 TS p.36
Ninja Smoke Pellets 10 — .1 4/48 hrs 25¥ per 5 pellets 1 BSW p.40
Niref D 6 gas .25 10/6 days 80¥ 2 P3 p.11
Paint Grenade 6 — .25 3/48 hrs 20¥ 2 P3 p.69
Scatter Grenade 6 — .25 3/48 hrs 70¥ 1.5 CB2 p.49
Scatter Grenade 5 3 charges .5 6/5 days 100¥ 2.25 RG p.27
Concussion charge 8M Stun (–1/m)
High Explosive charge 7S (–1/m)
Smoke —
Smoke 6 — .25 4/4 days 30¥ 2 P3 p.11
Sonics 6 special .5 8/72 hrs 80¥ 2 BSW p.39
Spraypaint Grenade 6 — .25 2/3 days 20¥ .9 CB2 p.49
Stench Bomb 6 — .25 3/48 hrs 20¥ .8 CB2 p.49
Thermal Smoke 6 — .25 5/4 days 40¥ 2 P3 p.11

COMMERCIAL EXPLOSIVES Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Detcord (per 10 meters) 6 6 5 10/48 hrs 900¥ 1.5 CB1 p.13
FEN Dz 25 “Det Card” 10 4 .02 8/5 days 120¥ 4 CB1 p.47
Shaped Charge 4 15D (–5/m) 1 12/48 hrs 500¥ 2.5 RG p.28

MISSILES Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Anti-Power-Plant Rocket — 12M 2 6/48 hrs 2,500¥ 1.3 P3 p.66
Armor-Piercing Missile — 16D (–8/m) 2.5 10/6 days 4,500¥ 3 P3 p.66
Armor-Piercing Rocket — 16D (–8/m) 3 12/6 days 3,500¥ 2.5 P3 p.66
Baffler — 8M Stun 2.5 6/3 days 3,000¥ 2 P3 p.67
Fireball Special Missile — 12D (–6/m) 2.5 12/7 days 4,500¥ 2.5 P3 p.67
Fireball Special Rocket — 12D (–6/m) 2.5 10/4 days 3,500¥ 2.3 P3 p.67
Anti-Armor (Intelligence 2) 10 12M (–12/m) .25 16/14 days 750¥ 2 CB2
HEP 10 14M, 1/2 is Stun .25 12/14 days 200¥ 2 CB2
Normal (Intelligence 2) 10 12M (–6/m) .25 14/14 days 500¥ 2 CB2
Puff Dragon Missile — 8M Stun 2.5 10/72 hrs 3,200¥ 2 P3 p.67
Puff Dragon Rocket — 8M Stun 2 9/72 hrs 2,200¥ 2 P3 p.67
Smoking Jenny — 8M Stun 2 8/72 hrs 2,000¥ 1.8 P3 p.67

MINES Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book

Anti-Personnel Mine 4/16 7D(f) (–1/m) .1 10/7 days 350¥ 3 CB3 p.57
Anti-Personnel Mine 6/18 6D (–3/m) .25 14/10 days 50¥ 4 P3 p.48
Antitank Mine 4/16 14D (–7/m) 15 10/7 days 400¥ 3 CB3 p.57
Claymore 4 cone: 10D (–1/5 m) 1.5 8/6 days 175¥ 3 RG p.25
sphere: 10S (–1/3 m)
Directional A-P Mine 4 cone: 8D(f) (–1/4 m) .5 10/7 days 100¥ 3
sphere: 8S (–1/2 m)
Explosive-Tipped Spikes 10 2D .1 8/10 days 5¥ 2 P3 p.66
Thermite Limpet Mine 8 10S (–5/m) .25 9/7 days 80¥ 2.5 P3 p.75

OTHER EXPLOSIVES Conceal Damage Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
C-6 “Flatfire” Plastic Explosive 6 as rating 8 explosive 1 8/48 hrs 100¥ 1.25 BSW p.43
Cloud Bomb — 6S (–1/.5 m) 45 10/7 days 1,000¥ 4 P3 p.63


Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Animal Armor
Light — 2 1 Body × .5 5/7 days 600¥ 1.5 PA
Medium — 3 2 Body 5/7 days 750¥ 1.5 PA
Heavy — 4 2 Body × 1.25 5/7 days 1,000¥ 1.5 PA
Arasaka Jetsetter Executive Briefcase — 3 3 4.5 4/36 hrs 2,000¥ 1.2 CB2 p.21
Armanté “Tokyo” Business Suit 13 2 1 1 3/48 hrs 1,000¥ .75 TS p.32
Armored Stockings 15 +1 0 — 6/72 hrs 110¥ 1.1 CB2 p.28
Armor Street Clothes
Type 1 12 3 1 1.5 3/24 hrs 500¥ .8 P3
Type 2 12 2 2 1.5 3/24 hrs 500¥ .8 P3
Battle Vest 7 0 0 1 5/3 days 750¥ 1.75 P3 p.74
Combat Biker Body Armor
Light — 3 2 1.25 4/48 hrs 900¥ 1 P3
Heavy — 6 5 2.75 4/48 hrs 1,200¥ 1 P3
Helmet — +1 +1 .5 5/48 hrs 600¥ 2 P3
Diving Suit — 2 1 10 10/10 days 6,000¥ 3 CB1 p.15
Doorgunner’s Vest — 6 4 12 9/8 days 7,500¥ 1.9 RG p.49
Eji of Japan
Armored Cloak 14 2 1 1.5 always 500¥ .75 CB1
Designer’s Jeans — 0 0 1 always 50¥ .75 CB1
Lamb’s Wool Sweater — 0 0 1 always 60¥ .75 CB1
Esporma Environment Suit 1 2 1 5 6/4 days 7,250¥ 3 CB3 p.16
Fireproof Clothing
Coat 8 0 2 1 4/48 hrs 220¥ 2 CB1 p.11
Jacket 8 0 2 1 4/48 hrs 200¥ 2 CB1 p.11
Shirt 8 0 1 .5 4/48 hrs 130¥ 2 CB1 p.11
Hat 8 0 1 — 4/48 hrs 130¥ 2 CB1 p.11
Skirt 8 0 1 1 4/48 hrs 150¥ 2 CB1 p.11
Pants 8 0 2 1.5 4/48 hrs 150¥ 2 CB1 p.11
Overcoat 8 0 2 2 4/48 hrs 500¥ 2 CB1 p.11
Fireproof Suit 4 special special 3 6/72 hrs 500¥ 2.5 P3 p.73
Fire-Resistant Coveralls 10 0 3 3.5 10/48 hrs 2,000¥ 1 RG p.29
Flack Vest — 4 4 2 6/4 days 1,000¥ 1 RG p.49
Gibson Battlegear
Acid-washed Jeans 10 2 1 1 4/48 hrs 300¥ 1 CB1
Denim Jacket 9 2 1 1 4/48 hrs 1,500¥ 1 CB1
T-Shirt 10 1 0 .5 4/48 hrs 100¥ 1 CB1

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Gibson Battlegear “Sneak Suit”
Combat Helmet — +1 +0 1.5 10/5 days 1,185¥ 2.5 CB2
Diving Suit +4 0 0 2 12/7 days 35,000¥ 3.5 CB2
Flak Vest +2 2 1 1.5 8/5 days 1,375¥ 2 CB2
Sneak Suit +4 1 0 1 8/5 days 1,560¥ 3 CB2
Space Suit +4 1 1 10 14/7 days 25,000¥ 4.5 CB2
Heavy Leather (Jacket or Pants) — 0 2 1 always 750¥ .75 RG p.48
Nylon — +1 +1 — 12/14 days 200¥ 1.5 RG
Steel — +1 +2 — 14/14 days 250¥ 1.75 RG
ICON America
Bomber Jacket — 0 2 1.5 always 900¥ .9 CB1
Boots — 0 0 1 always 450¥ .8 CB1
Gun Belt — 0 0 .25 3/24 hrs 180¥ .9 CB1
“Gunfighter” Hat — 0 0 .5 always 300¥ .8 CB1
Half Boots — 0 0 .75 always 300¥ .8 CB1
Long Duster — 0 1 1.5 always 1,500¥ .8 CB1
Long Skirt — 0 0 1 always 600¥ .8 CB1
Miniskirt — 0 0 .5 always 300¥ .8 CB1
Pants — 0 0 1 always 750¥ .8 CB1
Tunic — 0 1 1 always 660¥ .8 CB1
IR Combat Cloak +4/+2 0 0 2 6/48 hrs 450¥ 2 CB1 p.15
Kelmar Police Armor (Hardened)
Light 2 3 5 2.5 20/14 days 10,000¥ 3 RG
Heavy 1 5 7 4 24/20 days 12,500¥ 3.5 RG
Helmet — +0 +1 .75 20/14 days 2,000¥ 3.5 RG
Kevlar Armor Jacket
Light 8 3 2 1 2/36 hrs 600¥ .8 RG
Medium 6 4 3 1.5 3/36 hrs 800¥ .8 RG
Heavy 5 5 4 2 3/36 hrs 1,000¥ .8 RG
Kevlar Backpack
With inserts — 3 2 2 5/72 hrs 100¥ 1.5 CB4
Without inserts — 1 0 .5 5/72 hrs 50¥ 1.5 CB4
Kevlar Blanket — 2 0 — always 500¥ 1 P3 p.18
Kevlar T-Shirt/Vest 11 2 0 1 4/48 hrs 220¥ 2 RG p.48
Masetto Tech Clothing
‘Alessio’ Coveralls — — — — always 200¥ 1 CB3
‘Ciampolo’ Gloves — — — — always 40¥ 1 CB3
‘Gianni’ Helmet — — +1 1 4/48 hrs 3,500¥ 2 CB3
‘Guercio’ Helmet — — +1 1 3/48 hrs 600¥ 2 CB3
‘Lano’ Armour Coveralls 6 3 2 1 always 1,600¥ 1 CB3
‘Pinamonte’ Boots — — — — always 50¥ 1 CB3
MedicGear Combat Medical Armor 5 3 1 4 10/14 days 3,400¥ 2 CB2 p.19
Medieval Armor (Maximillian) — 3 4 14 10/4 days 10,600¥ 1 CB1 p.16
Medieval Armor (Standard) — 2 3 10 8/48 hrs 3,500¥ 1 CB1 p.16
MetalGear™ (Hardened; add ratings of components together)
Arm 2 1.5 1.25 2 10/7 days 2,000¥ 3 RG
Helmet — 1 1 1.5 10/7 days 2,000¥ 3 RG
Leg 2 1.5 1.25 3 10/7 days 2,000¥ 3 RG
Torso 3 2 1.5 4 10/7 days 2,000¥ 3 RG
Military Chemsuit — — — Body × 1.5 18/14 days 15,000¥ 2 P3 p.16
Militech M73 “Mirage Gear” Environmental
Assimilation System
Combat Helmet — +1 +0 1 9/4 days 700¥ 2.5 CB2
Flak Vest — 2 1 1.5 7/4 days 1,275¥ 2.5 CB2
“Mirage Gear” +2 1 0 1.5 5/48 hrs 1,050¥ 3 CB2
Militech M96 “Ghostsuit” Chameleon Clothing
“Ghostsuit” +4 2 1 3 6/14 days 53,000¥ 8 CB2
Helmet — +1 +0 1.5 8/14 days 6,000¥ 8 CB2
Nu-Tek Wearman Series
Jacket — 0 0 1 3/48 hrs 300¥ .9 CB1
Skirt — 0 0 .75 3/48 hrs 200¥ .9 CB1
Protective Headgear Insert 9 +1 +1 .25 8/7 days 50¥ 1.75 CB4 p.69
Ruthenium Clothing — — — — 5/48 hrs 30,000¥ you’re kidding, PA p.32
Shadow Suit 12 4 1 1.5 6/48 hrs 800¥ 1 P3 P.16
Sneak Suit +4 0 0 2 8/14 days 50,000¥ 7.5 RG p.29
Spidersilk Armor
Jumpsuit — 7 5 Body ÷ 3 18/1 mth Body x 750¥ 3 TS
Under-clothing 12 4 1 Body ÷ 4 14/14 days Body x 500¥ 3 TS

Conceal Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Takanaka ¬Exec¬ Line
Briefcase — 0 0 1.5 5/72 hrs 600¥ .8 CB1
Cape — 0 0 1.5 6/72 hrs 900¥ .9 CB1
Cologne — — — — 6/72 hrs 150¥ .9 CB1
Cravat — 0 0 .5 6/72 hrs 100¥ .9 CB1
Full Armored Topcoat 10 4 1 2.5 8/72 hrs 2,000¥ .9 CB1
Jacket — 0 0 1 6/72 hrs 800¥ .9 CB1
Monogram Shirt — 0 0 .75 7/72 hrs 200¥ 1.1 CB1
Opera Cloak 10 3 1 2.5 8/72 hrs 1,200¥ .9 CB1
Pants — 0 0 1 6/72 hrs 700¥ .9 CB1
Scarf — 0 0 .25 6/72 hrs 75¥ .9 CB1
Sword Case — — — .5 8/72 hrs 300¥ 1 CB1
Tie — 0 0 — 6/72 hrs 100¥ .9 CB1
Top Coat — 0 0 1.5 6/72 hrs 1,000¥ .9 CB1
Vest — 0 0 .75 6/72 hrs 500¥ .9 CB1
Thermal Regulation Suit 14 — — 2 6/48 hrs 8,000¥ 2 P3 p.15
Armored Jacket 7 3 2 1.5 10/4 days 800¥ 1.3 CB1
Armored Trenchcoat 7 4 3 2 10/4 days 900¥ 1.3 CB1
Blouse/Shirt — 0 0 .75 8/4 days 40¥ 1.2 CB1
Boots — 0 0 1 4/4 days 60¥ 1.2 CB1
Dress — 0 0 1.5 6/4 days 100¥ 1.2 CB1
Jumpsuit — 0 0 1.5 8/4 days 150¥ 1.2 CB1
Legpads 8 2 2 1.5 9/4 days 300¥ 1.3 CB1
Pants — 0 0 1 8/4 days 70¥ 1.2 CB1
Skirt — 0 0 .75 8/4 days 70¥ 1.2 CB1
Torso Armor 8 2 2 2 10/4 days 300¥ 1.3 CB1
Utility Belt — 0 0 .5 5/4 days 30¥ 1.1 CB1
Vest — 0 0 .5 8/4 days 50¥ 1.2 CB1
Urban Brawl Body Armor
Light — 3 2 1.25 4/48 hrs 700¥ 1 P3
Medium — 4 3 1.5 4/48 hrs 750¥ 1 P3
Heavy — 6 4 2.5 4/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1 P3
Helmet — +1 +1 .5 5/48 hrs 600¥ 1 P3

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Book
Anchoring Cyberfeet — 3/4 days 4,000¥ 2 CB2 p.5
Ares Duo-Smart — 8/48 hrs +200% 2 PA p.26
Aurasound “Spectrum” Cyberaudio Implant .3 4/24 hrs 4,500¥ 1 CB3 p.35
Omnidirectional +.5 +1/normal +1,500¥ 1 CB3 p.35
Balance Tail .5 5/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1 PA p.31
BigKnucks .15 4/48 hrs 5,000¥ 1 TS p.15
BigRipp .4 3/72 hrs 12,000¥ 1 CB4 p.11
Biodyne Systems “Enable” Cyberlimb.5 (Body Cost: .5) 6/7 days 100,000¥ 1 CB3 p.34
Biomonitor .1 always 1,000¥ 1 TS p.5
Biomonitor .5 4/36 hrs 40,000¥ 1 P3 p.16
Bodyweight Autoinjector .1 2/6 hrs 750¥ .9 CB3 p.25
Bodyweight Pacemaker Coprocessor .2 6/24 hrs 1,500¥ 2 CB3 p.26
Bomb Implant .5 20/14 days 500,000¥ 1 TS p.34
Bug Detector (ratings 1 to 6) .05 + (rating÷20) (rating+1)/12 daysrating × 12,500¥ 1.75 TS p.13
Buzz Hand — 8/6 days 24,000¥ 1 TS p.10
Capsuleco CyberPillow™ — always 800¥ .75 CB3 p.26
Cyberpillow cases — always 100¥ .75 CB3 p.26
Catspaw™ Stealth Foot — 4/7 days 7,500¥ 1.5 CB4 p.6
ChemSkins .5 3/24 hrs 6,000¥ 1.1 TS p.5
ChipLok — 4/24 hrs 150¥ 1.25 CB4 p15
Clock Radio .5 2/24 hrs 3,000¥ .8 P3 p.51
Color Control Gland .02 4/36 hrs 2,500¥ 1 CB2 p.6
Color Shift cybereyes .25 3/24 hrs 6,000¥ .9 TS p.14
Contraceptive Implant .05 6/4 days 1,000¥ 1.25 TS p.6
Cordless Smartlinking
Level 1 +.1 6/48 hrs +200% 2 PA p.26
Level 2 +.1 8/72 hrs +200% 2 PA p.26
Cutting Torch .4 6/48 hrs 3,500¥ 2 CB1 p.36
Cyberarm Add-In Options
Bio-Injector — 14/96 hrs 30,000¥ 1 P3 p.16
Shock Inducer — 8/48 hrs 2,000¥ 1 P3 p.16
Taser Touch — 8/4 days 2,000¥ 2 P3 p.16

CYBERWARE (continued)
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Book
Cyberfacial Remounts
Evileye (armor +0/+1) .15 6/48 hrs 15,000¥ 1 CB3 p.33
Jigsaw (armor +1/+1) .25 6/48 hrs 25,000¥ 1 CB3 p.33
Twoface .5 8/48 hrs 35,000¥ 1 CB3 p.33
Cyberlimb Coverings
Plastic — 2/24 hrs 40¥ to 8,000¥ .8 TS p.9
RealSkinn™ — 5/7 days 8,000¥ 1.5 TS p.9
Superchrome® — 4/5 days 8,000¥ 1.2 TS p.9
Cyberoptic Compass
Logcompass .2 6/24 hrs 3,000¥ .9 CB3 p.24
Normal model .1 4/24 hrs 3,000¥ .9 CB3 p.24
Cyberoptic Teargas Sprayer .2 6/24 hrs 2,000¥ 1 CB1 p.39
Cyclops International “Bug Eye” .25 2/24 hrs 7,500¥ 1 CB3 p.23
Cyphire Remote Eye .15 6/48 hrs 15,000¥ 2 CB2 p.9
Cyphire “Spitting Cobra” .1 3/36 hrs 4,000¥ 2 CB3 p.27
Cyphire Tri-Dart Launcher .5 10/60 hrs 3,000¥ 3 CB2 p.6
Cytech Custom Cyberhands — 5/4 days 9,000¥ 1 CB2 p.5
Dakai Soundsystems NewThroat .25 6/10 days 8,500¥ 2 CB4 p.8
Dakai Soundsystems Scramble .1 6/60 hrs 10,000¥ 1 CB4 p.8
Dermatech Logo-Line™ Tattoos .05 2/4 hrs 100-2,000¥ .75 CB4 p.13
Dermatech Mood Skin (per m2) .25 4/36 hrs 200¥ .8 CB3 p.35
Derringer .2 8/7 days 220¥ 2 CB1 p.36
Dodgeball™ .3 6/72 hrs 14,500¥ 1.5 CB1 p.39
Donner Savage Medical Modular Hand .35 5/4 days 58,500¥ 2 CB4 p.5
Dynalar Digits® Cyberfingers
Air Hypo .15 3/24 hrs 600¥ 1.25 CB2 p.4
Ballpoint Finger .15 3/24 hrs 250¥ .8 CB4 p.4
Dartgun .15 8/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2.5 CB1 p.32
Finger Bomb .15 10/7 days 1,500¥ 3 CB1 p.32
Flare .15 6/48 hrs 200¥ 1.5 CB3 p.22
Flasher .15 4/36 hrs 750¥ 1 CB3 p.22
Flesh Mount — +1/normal 100¥ 1 CB4 p.4
IR/UV Flashlight .15 4/36 hrs 200¥ 1 CB3 p.22
Laser Pointer .15 5/36 hrs 750¥ 1.25 CB3 p.22
Light Pen .15 4/36 hrs 450¥ .9 CB1 p.32
Lighter .15 2/12 hrs 250¥ .9 CB2 p.4
Lockpick .15 6/48 hrs 500¥ 1.5 CB1 p.32
Mace Sprayer .15 8/6 days 1,500¥ 2.5 CB1 p.32
Mini Light .15 4/36 hrs 250¥ .9 CB1 p.32
One-Shot Special .15 6/5 days 500¥ 2 CB4 p.4
Parabolic Microphone .15 2/48 hrs 3,500¥ 1.5 CB3 p.22
Probe Link .15 2/12 hrs 1,500¥ 1 CB3 p.22
Quick-Change Mount — 2/12 hrs 150¥ 1 CB2 p.4
Scissors/Wire Cutters .3 6/48 hrs 500¥ 1.25 CB1 p.32
Self-Propelled Grenade .15 12/8 days 2,000¥ 3.5 CB2 p.4
Storage .15 4/48 hrs 150¥ 1 CB3 p.22
Tracking Device .15 9/7 days 1,500¥ 2.5 CB2 p.4
Vidcam .15 5/10 days 8,000¥ 1.5 CB2 p.4
Dynalar “Endo-Frame” Cyberskeletal
Enhancement 1.25 6/14 days 100,000¥ alpha clinics CB3 p.28
Dynalar NewTeeth .05 3/24 hrs 2,000¥ 1 CB4 p.7
Dynalar PowerJaw .1 3/24 hrs 1,000¥ 1 CB4 p.7
Dynalar Web Hand — 4/36 hrs 10,000¥ 1 CB3 p.26
E-Monitor .2 4/5 days level × 2,000¥ 1 CB1 p.38
Extension Hand — 5/6 days 14,000¥ 1 TS p.10
Extra Twist™ Joint Addition — 6/6 days +30% of limb cost 1 CB4 p.3
Flamethrower .9 10/7 days 1,200¥ 2 TS p.15
Flashbulb .3 6/72 hrs 2,500¥ 2 CB1 p.35
Frequency Changer .25 4/48 hrs 30,000¥ 1.35 CB1 p.39
Gang Jazzler .2 10/24 days 6,000¥ 1 CB1 p.40
Gas Jet .5 8/6 days 3,000¥ 2.5 CB1 p.34
General Products Exoskeletons
Series-A 2 6/14 days 240,000¥ 2 CB3 p.34
Series-B 2.5 8/14 days 300,000¥ 2 CB3 p.34
Gene-Teck’s See-It™ Transparent
Skin (per square meter) .5 4/24 hrs 1,000¥ .9 CB3 p.35
CYBERWARE (continued)
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Book
Gradiated Subdermal Armor
level 1 (+0 Body; 0/1 armor) .1 3/10 days 3,500¥ .9 CB2 p.7
level 2 (+0 Body; 1/1 armor) .3 3/10 days 5,000¥ 1 CB2 p.7
level 3 (+1 Body; 1/1 armor) .5 4/12 days 6,500¥ 1 CB2 p.7
level 4 (+1 Body; 1/2 armor) .8 4/12 days 8,000¥ 1.1 CB2 p.7
level 5 (+2 Body; 1/2 armor) 1 4/12 days 10,000¥ 1.1 CB2 p.7
level 6 (+2 Body; 2/2 armor) 1.2 5/12 days 11,000¥ 1.2 CB2 p.7
level 7 (+2 Body; 2/3 armor) 1.4 5/12 days 12,000¥ 1.3 CB2 p.7
level 8 (+3 Body; 2/3 armor) 1.6 6/12 days 14,500¥ 1.4 CB2 p.7
level 9 (+3 Body; 3/3 armor) 1.9 8/12 days 17,500¥ 1.5 CB2 p.7
Grapple Hand — 6/6 days 14,000¥ 1.1 TS p.10
Grenade Launcher .5 10/7 days 2,500¥ 2 TS p.16
Grip Foot — 4/4 days 20,000¥ 1 TS p.12
Gyro-Stabilizer .1 5/48 hrs 10,000¥ 1.2 CB1 p.38
Hammer Hand — 8/6 days 24,000¥ 1 TS p.11
Headware Pocket Secretary .6 4/48 hrs 10,000¥ 1 PA p.32
High Five, AKA The Palm Bomb — 12/14 days 3,550¥ 1 CB4 p.11
Husqvarna Chainripp® .6 8/72 hrs 12,500¥ 1.5 CB3 p.29
Hydraulic Rams (level 1 to 5) .25 5/6 days level × 4,500¥ 1 TS p.10
Icer™ .4 4/24 hrs 2,000¥ 1.25 CB1 p.36
Image Enhancements .15 6/48 hrs 3,000¥ 1.5 TS p.14
Kerenzikov Boosterware
Level 1 .6 5/48 hrs 15,000¥ 1 TS p.8
Level 2 1.15 6/60 hrs 25,000¥ 1.25 TS p.8
Kill Display .3 5/60 hrs 1,000¥ .9 CB2 p.6
Kiroshi Laser-Comm Optic .3 6/60 hrs 4,250¥ 1.5 CB3 p.24
Kiroshi Model 100 Interface Plugs .25 3/24 hrs 1,000¥ 1 CB3 p.33
Kiroshi Monovision .3 4/48 hrs 6,500¥ 1 CB4 p.9
Kiroshi Optics Cyberoptic
Interferometry System .1 5/48 hrs 3,000¥ 1 CB3 p.27
Kiroshi Optics “Tricloptics™”
Third Eye Cyberoptic Implant .1 2/24 hrs 5,000¥ .9 CB3 p.28
Kiroshi® Optishield® .05 5/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1 CB1 p.31
Infrared .1 6/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1.25 CB2 p.5
Low-light .1 6/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1.25 CB2 p.5
Magnification (1) .1 6/48 hrs 2,500¥ 1 CB2 p.5
Magnification (2) .1 6/48 hrs 4,000¥ 1 CB2 p.5
Magnification (3) .1 8/48 hrs 6,000¥ 1 CB2 p.5
Time/Day Display .05 4/24 hrs 1,000¥ .9 CB2 p.5
TimesSquare .05 5/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1 CB2 p.5
TimesSquare Plus .15 8/72 hrs 15,000¥ 1.5 CB2 p.5
Lead’s Show-Off Nails .1 per pair of limbs always 45¥ per nail, 425¥ per 10 .75 CB3 p.36
Lead’s Turn-On Nails .05 per pair of limbs always 25¥ per nail, 200¥ per 10 .75 CB3 p.36
Leg Boosters — 6/6 days 5,000¥ 1 CB3 p.24
Life Vision “Revelation” Cyberoptics .25 3/24 hrs 6,000¥ .8 CB3 p.36
Light Tattoos .05 always 10¥ to 200¥ .6 TS p.6
LimbLink .15 5/4 days 1,000¥ 1 CB1 p.34
LiveWires .35 3/48 hrs 4,000¥ .9 CB3 p.24
Lockdown — 16/21 days 30,000¥ 3 CB4 p.15
Mace Hand .5 8/5 days 10,000¥ 3 CB1 p.36
Mag-Duct™ Spots .2 2/6 hrs 2,200¥ 1 CB1 p.38
Magnetic Feet/Hands .4 6/48 hrs 500¥ 1 CB1 p.34
Mediaware Cellular Phone .5 3/24 hrs 5,000¥ .9 CB3 p.24
Micromissile Launcher 1.1 10/7 days 4,500¥ TS p.16
Militech Cyber-Detection Computer
Level 1 1 8/7 days 300,000¥ 3 CB4 p.14
Level 2 1.5 9/7 days 400,000¥ 3 CB4 p.14
Level 3 2 10/10 days 575,000¥ 3.5 CB4 p.14
Modular Hand — 6/5 days 24,000¥ 1 TS p.11
Mr. Studd/Midnight Lady .35 3/48 hrs 3,000¥ 2 TS p.6
Nasal Filters (level 1 to 4) .1 × level 4/4 days level × 600¥ 1 TS p.13
Nikkon America Double-Split Pupil .05 5/36 hrs 2,000¥ 1 CB4 p.10
NovelTech Corvette Cyberlegs
Advanced System 2.2 8/6 days 250,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.5
Basic System 2 6/6 days 225,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.5
Nu-Tek TVSkin .5 2/60 hrs 6,000¥ .9 CB4 p.14
Optical Interface .2 3/36 hrs 6,000¥ 1 CB3 p.27
Pain Editor .6 5/6 days 60,000¥ 1.2 TS p.14
Program Carrier .2 4/48 hrs 25,000¥ 1 TS p.34
Psiberstuff Cyberarm 1 6/72 hrs 170,000¥ 1 CB1 p.57
Psiberstuff® Independent Cyberhand .3 3/4 days 10,000¥ 1 CB1 p.31
Quick-change Mount — 3/24 hrs 8,000¥ 1 TS p.10
Quickdraw Armholster — 6/72 hrs 400¥ 1.3 CB2 p.6

CYBERWARE (continued)
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Book
Radine Labs Blitzkrieg™ Arc Thrower — 6/4 days 2,100¥ 1.5 CB4 p.12
Raven Microcyb Supercompact
Braindance Recorder 2 8/12 days 450,000¥ 3 CB3 p.23
Retractable Vampires .2 5/48 hrs 500¥ 1 CB2 p.9
Extended Canines .1 5/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1 CB2 p.9
Sharkgrin .1 5/48 hrs 500¥ 1 CB2 p.9
Sharkgrin Special .2 5/48 hrs 1,400¥ 1 CB2 p.9
Ripper Hand — 6/4 days 24,000¥ 1 TS p.11
Rippers .2 5/3 days 8,000¥ 1 TS p.16
Saeder-Krupp Smart-Ware
Headware Level 1 .25 4/36 hrs 1,500¥ 1 PA p.25
Headware Level 2 .25 7/48 hrs 2,100¥ 1 PA p.25
Palmlink Level 1 .25 4/36 hrs 1,000¥ 1 PA p.25
Palmlink Level 2 .25 7/48 hrs 1,100¥ 1 PA p.25
Sandevistan Reflexes
Level 1 1.8 5/8 days 53,000¥ 1 PA p.25
Level 2 2.7 6/8 days 157,000¥ 1 PA p.25
Level 3 4.5 10/14 days 475,000¥ 1 PA p.25
Scratchers .1 4/3 days 5,000¥ 1 TS p.17
Shape Recognition Chipware .25 8/72 hrs 5,000¥ 1.75 CB4 p.15
Shift-tacts .05 2/6 hrs 10¥ to 200¥ .8 TS p.6
Skate Foot® — 4/24 hrs 10,000¥ 1 CB1 p.33
Skinwatch .1 always 500¥ .9 TS p.6
Smartball System .5 4/48 hrs 4,000¥ 1 P3 p.35
Speedware 1.7 4/8 days 50,000¥ 1 TS p.9
Spike Hand — 5/3 days 20,000¥ 1 TS p.11
Spike Heel — 6/4 days 20,000¥ 1 TS p.12
Standard Hand — 4/4 days 6,000¥ 1 TS p.12
Stinger .1 6/60 hrs 2,000¥ 1.35 CB4 p.10
Subdermal Armor .5 6/7 days 12,000¥ 1.5 TS p.7
Subdermal Viewscreen .25 3/24 hrs 500¥ 1 CB2 p.8
SuperSized Arms 1 made to order 120,000¥ to 150,000¥ — CB3 p.25
Sycust Extending Leg Units — 9/14 days 40,000¥ 1.25 CB4 p.6
Sycust “FleshWeave” — 6/36 hrs 2,000¥ + 20% of limb cost 1.5 CB3 p.21
Sycust Joint Options
360° Rotating Joint — 6/6 days 6,000¥ 1.25 CB4 p.6
Double Joints (per two limbs) — 6/6 days 100,000¥* 1.25 CB4 p.6
Locking Joint — 6/6 days 5,000¥ 1.25 CB4 p.6
Synthskins .8 5/48 hrs 12,000¥ 1.2 TS p.7
Tactile Boost (level 1 to 6) .2 5/6 days level x 1,500¥ 1 T p.15
Talon Foot — 5/4 days 24,000¥ 1 TS p.12
Taste Boost .2 4/6 days 1,000¥ 1 CB4 p.15
Tazer Grip .25 8/8 days 3,000¥ 2 CB1 p.38
Techhair .1 2/12 hrs 10¥ to 200¥ .75 TS p,7
Techtronica Echolocation Coprocessor .1 3/36 hrs 1,800¥ 1 CB4 p.13
TimesSquare™ Marquee .1 5/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1 TS p.15
TimesSquare Plus™ .3 6/72 hrs 15,000¥ 1.5 CB1 p.38
Tool Foot — 3/4 days 12,000¥ 1 TS p.13
Tool Hand — 3/4 days 8,000¥ 1.25 TS p.12
Total Body Plating 3 6/14 days 68,000¥ 1.1 CB2 p.9
Ultrasound Vision Modification .8 14/7 days 25,000¥ 1.5 P3 p.17
Ultra Violet .2 4/36 hrs 3,000¥ 1.25 TS p.15
Canines .05 2/12 hrs 200¥ 1 TS p.8
Sharkgrin .1 3/12 hrs 300¥ 1 TS p.8
Video Cam/Transmitter .8 6/48 hrs 33,000¥ 1 CB1 p.39
Video Imager .25 4/48 hrs 3,500¥ 1.5 CB1 p.39
Voice Pattern
Rating 1 .25 3/36 hrs 35,000¥ 1.1 CB1 p.35
Rating 2 .3 4/48 hrs 50,000¥ 1.1 CB1 p.35
Rating 3 .35 5/60 hrs 65,000¥ 1.25 CB1 p.35
Rating 4 .45 6/72 hrs 85,000¥ 1.5 CB1 p.35
Rating 5 .6 8/6 days 110,000¥ 1.75 CB1 p.35
Voice Synthesizer .15 (rating+2)/24 hrs 40,000+ 1+(rating ÷ 6) TS p.8
(rating x15,000)¥
Watch-Man® — 3/36 hrs 1,800¥ 1 CB1 p.33
Wearman Mark II — 2/12 hrs 200¥ .75 CB1 p.38
Web Foot — 4/5 days 20,000¥ 1 TS p.13
Whip .25 12/7 days 4,000¥ 2 CB1 p.34
Winch — 4/60 hrs 5,000¥ 1.1 CB2 p.5
Wolvers .3 5/3 days 8,000¥ 1 TS p.17
Wyzard Technologies “Romanova”
Cyberlegs (per pair) 2 6/7 days 250,000¥ 1 CB3 p.31
CYBERWARE (continued)
Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Book
Wyzard Technologies Verbal Eyes™
Series “Windows of the Soul”
Basic .2 3/24 hrs 7,500¥ .9 CB3 p.32
Customized Images .5 4/48 hrs 24,000¥ .9 CB3 p.32
Video Imager .5 4/48 hrs 22,000¥ 1 CB3 p.32
Zetatech BodyComp .8 3/24 hrs 9,000¥ 2 CB2 p.8

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index Book
Advanced Muscle and Bone Lace
Level 1 .5 6/14 days 10,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.17
Level 2 1.5 7/14 days 15,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.17
Level 3 2.5 8/14 days 30,000¥ 1.75 CB4 p.17
Anti-Plague Nanotech .4 6/7 days 17,500¥ 1.5 CB1 p.39
Arcane Biological “Enduro” Arterial Pumps .25 6/7 days 6,800¥ 1.5 PA p.37
Biomod, Inc. “Sunblocker” Sunscreen .9 3/5 days 20,000¥ .8 PA p.41
Biotechnica NeoAppendix .3 5/7 days 15,000¥ 2 CB4 p.19
Bodyweight Vein Clips .75 8/7 days 7,000¥ 1.75 CB4 p.10
Bodyweight Variable-Chamber Heart Option 1 10/10 days 45,000¥ 3 CB4 p.9
Bonespike .3 5/72 hrs 10,000¥ 1.5 CB3 p.25
Claviswate “Metaheme” Hemological Replacement .4 6/4 days 13,000¥ 1 PA p.38
Compound Eyes (level 1-5) .3 6/60 hrs 3,000¥/level 1.25 TS p.33
Ultra-Violet — 6/60 hrs +4,500¥ 1.25 TS p.33
ConGen “Bodyblade” Spur .1 4/4 days 13,000¥ 1 PA p.43
Hollow version (for use with Venom Glands) .1 4/4 days 15,000¥ 1 PA p.43
ConGen Circulatory Sphincters .8 6/7 days 32,000¥ 2 PA p.38
ConGen “Exotica” Tail
Level 1 .2 4/7 days 3,000¥ 1 PA p.42
Level 2 .7 6/7 days 15,000¥ 1.25 PA p.42
ConGen Ileocecal Siphon 1.25 8/7 days 120,000¥ 3 PA p.45
GonGen ‘Intimidator” Incisors .1 6/6 days 10,000¥ 1 PA p.43
Hollow version (for use with Venom Glands) .1 6/6 days 11,000¥ 1 PA p.43
ConGen “Kiten” Dermal Plating 1.25 10/7 days 30,000¥ 2 PA p.41
ConGen Neural Bridge .2/level 10/6 days 15,000¥/level 3 PA p.35
ConGen “PowerAct” Muscle Tissue
Level 1 .7 5/7 days 40,000¥ 1 PA p.40
Level 2 1.3 6/7 days 93,000¥ 1 PA p.40
ConGen “PowerMax” Exoskeletal Rebuild
Level 1 .7 5/7 days 36,000¥ 1 PA p.40
Level 2 1.4 6/7 days 69,000¥ 1 PA p.40
ConGen “Raptor” Claws .2 6/4 days 15,000¥ 1 PA p.43
Hollow version (for use with Venom Glands) .2 6/4 days 16,000¥ 1 PA p.43
ConGen “Seabreath” Secondary Gills 2 8/8 days 30,000¥ 1 PA p.42
ConGen “Viper” Retractable Fangs .2 8/7 days 30,000¥ 1.25 PA p.44
Decentralized Heart 2 14/24 days 130,000¥ 4 CB1 p.37
Dermatech Cam-O-Skin 1.5 6/72 hrs 8,500¥ 2 CB3 p.30
Fluid Rerouter .2/level 6/48 hrs 2,500¥/levek 1 P3 p.50
Forked Tongue .35 5/72 hrs 12,500¥ 2 CB1 p.35
Fresco’s Personal Nano-Groomers .1 3/12 hrs 4,000¥ .8 CB3 p.26
Genetek “Afterburner” Symbiotic Digester .4 4/3 days 4,000¥ 1.25 PA p.39
Genetek Neo-Myelin .4 4/5 days 7,000¥ 1.5 PA p.35
Genetek Optimmunal Nodes 1.75 10/14 days 400,000¥ 4 PA p.45
Genetek Toxin Screen .1/level (2+level)/5 days 34,000¥/level .9 PA p.39
Genetek “TuffBone” Skeletal Enhancement
Level 1 .5 6/14 days 12,000¥ 1 PA p.40
Level 2 1 6/14 days 23,000¥ 1 PA p.40
Gohisuro Genetics “Needleskin” Quills
Level 1 .15 6/10 days 2,000¥ 1 PA p.44
Level 2 .25 6/10 days 3,000¥ 1 PA p.44
Every quill after the first +0.05 normal +100¥ normal PA p.44
Grafted Muscle 1 8/14 days 100,000¥ 1.25 TS p.17
Independant Air Supply .7 4/7 days 50,000¥ 1 TS p.17
Lifesaver™ Skinweave 2 12/10 days 45,000¥ 2 CB1 p.39
Low-Light .2 5/36 hrs 4,500¥ 1.25 TS p.33
Morris Biosystems “Optitect” Eye Shield .2 6/4 days 2,200¥ 1.75 PA p.45
Myogi SK “Kaloric” Secondary Gut .75 4/6 days 3,000¥ 1 PA p.39
NanoAuditory Rebuild .3 6/72 hrs 9,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.20
Nanooptical Upgrade .2 6/48 hrs 7,500¥ 1.25 CB2 p.8
Otec Nitrogen Binders .6 6/4 days 32,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.17
Pacesetter 2000™ Overdrive Heart 1.6 14/10 days 98,500¥ 3.5 CB1 p.37
Pacesetter® Sport Heart 1.3 10/10 days 90,000¥ 3 CB1 p.37

BIOWARE (continued)
Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index Book
Physiology Tailoring and Adaptations
+1 Quickness .3 16/30 days 200,000¥ 4 CB4 p.29
+1 Racial Body Maximum 0 16/30 days 300,000¥ 4 CB4 p.29
+1 Reaction .3 16/30 days 200,000¥ 4 CB4 p.29
Reduce Oxygen Lungs .3 16/30 days 200,000¥ 4 CB4 p.29
Skin Armor (Ballistic 2) .75 16/30 days 250,000¥ 4 CB4 p.29
UV Resistance .2 16/30 days 175,000¥ 4 CB4 p.29
Rebreathers .75 5/4 days 95,000¥ 1 CB1 p.36
Regal Biotract “Love Lure” Pheromone Glands
Level 1 .25 10/14 days 18,000¥ 2 PA p.42
Level 2 .45 11/14 days 24,000¥ 2 PA p.42
Same-sex Effectiveness normal normal +1,000¥ normal PA p.42
Revolution Genetics Flashlite Implant .1 6/4 days 2,900¥ 1.5 CB4 p.26
Revolution Genetics Poison Glands
Hands .5 8/10 days 5,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.23
Hands with Biotoxin I .5 8/10 days 11,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.23
Hands with Hallucinogen .5 8/10 days 8,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.23
Teeth .3 8/10 days 5,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.23
Teeth with Biotoxin I .3 8/10 days 10,000¥ 1.5 CB4 p.23
Revolution Genetics Tailored Pheromones
Level 1 .2 12/14 days 10,000¥ 2 CB4 p.23
Level 2 .3 12/14 days 22,500¥ 2 CB4 p.23
Shukutei Biomed “FastPath” Neural Replacement
Level 1 .3 4/4 days 8,000¥ 1.25 PA p.35
Level 2 .45 5/4 days 15,000¥ 1.25 PA p.35
Shukutei Biomed “Freezeban” Bioconstruct .7 6/6 days 35,000¥ 1 PA p.45
Shukutei Biomed “HiMem” Memory Utility
Level 1 1 18/14 days 240,000¥ 4 PA p.36
Level 2 2 24/18 days 440,000¥ 4 PA p.36
Shukutei Biomed “Kickstart” Adrenal Maximizer 1.1 10/14 days 56,000¥ 2.75 PA
Shukutei Biomed “Mentor” Cerebral Enhancement
Level 1 .3 6/14 days 30,000¥ 2 PA p.37
Level 2 .6 6/14 days 55,000¥ 2 PA p.37
Level 3 .9 10.20 days 100,000¥(?) 3(?) PA p.37
Shukutei Biomed “Phibia” Aquatic Webbing
Level 1 .6 4/5 days 5,000¥ 1 PA p.43
Level 2 1.2 5/5 days 8,000¥ 1.25 PA p.43
Shukutei Biomed “QuickClot” Hemofibrinic Nodes .5 4/7 days 25,000¥ 2 PA p.38
Shukutei Biomed Torso Endoarmor
Level 1 1 8/8 days 50,000¥ .8 PA p.41
Level 2 1.75 9/8 days 80,000¥ .9 PA p.41
Level 3 2.5 10/9 days 120,000¥ 1 PA p.41
Shukutei Biomed Venom Gland .3 10/4 days 22,000¥ + (20× cost 3 PA p.44
of 1 dose of toxin)
Skin Weave .5 8/8 days 60,000¥ .8 TS p.18
T-MAXX “Cyberliver” .1 + (.1 × level) 6/4 days 60,000¥/level 1.1 CB1 p.37
T-MAXX II .1 + (.15 × level) 6/4 days 120,000¥/level 1.1 CB1 p.37
Upgraded Skinweave
Level 1 (1/0 armor) .5 8/8 days 25,000¥ .8 CB2 p.9
Level 2 (1/1 armor) 1 8/8 days 60,000¥ .8 CB2 p.9
Level 3 (2/1 armor) 1.5 8/8 days 100,000¥ .9 CB2 p.9
Level 4 (2/2 armor) 2 9/8 days 150,000¥ 1 CB2 p.9
Level 5 (3/2 armor) 2.5 10/10 days 225,000¥ 1.2 CB2 p.9
Level 6 (3/3 armor) 3 12/14 days 300,000¥ 1.5 CB2 p.9

Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index Book
Adrenalin/Endorphin Surge special 1-6 rating × 150 Mp (rating+5)/ rating 2 CB1 p.75
73 hrs × 12,500¥
Ambidexterity Chip
Rating 1 Active 1 10 Mp 6/4 days 1,000¥ 1.25 CB1
Rating 2 Active 2 20 Mp 6/4 days 2,000¥ 1.25 CB1
Rating 3 Active 3 30 Mp 6/4 days 3,000¥ 1.25 CB1
Rating 4 Active 4 200 Mp 6/4 days 20,000¥ 1.25 CB1
Rating 5 Active 5 250 Mp 6/4 days 25,000¥ 1.25 CB1
Auditory Recognition Chips Know 1-4 rating × 50 Mp 7/4 days memory × 150¥ 1.5 CB3 p.39
Business Trip Active/Lingua 4 424 Mp 4/24 hrs 42,500¥ 1 CB1 p.74
DataEdge Inc. Stutter
Chipping Know — 20 Mp 4/48 hrs 3,100¥ 1.5 CB3
DeathTrance Active 1 50 Mp 20/10 days 5,000¥ .9 CB1 p.75
Digi-Tone ID Know 1-6 rating × 2 Mp rating/4 daysrating × 70¥ 1 CB1 p.73
Direct Dataware Crypto ChipsLingua any +10 Mp +1/normal +600¥ normal CB3 p.37

CHIPS (continued)
Type Rating Memory Availability Cost Street Index Book
Dream Suppressant Chip special — — 8/7 days 3,000¥ 2 CB4 p.16
Facedown Chip Know +1 50 Mp 5/4 days 7,500¥ 1.5 CB4 p.16
“Fish N’ Chips” special — 20 Mp 4/4 days 1,000¥ 1 CB1 p.75
Home Chip special 1-10 normal 5/5 days normal 1.5 CB4 p.16
Increased Neural Feedback
Option any 1-10 as normal as normal half normal 1.1 CB1
Memory Compression any — –25% +2/×2 +3,000¥ +.5 CB1 p.74
Mind Games® Know — depends on game always 500¥ to 1,000¥ .6 CB1 p.74
Mister Lover Active 1-3 rating × 5 Mp 5/48 hrs rating × 100¥ .9 CB1 p.74
M.O. Know — 300 Mp 10/14 days 12,000¥ 10 CB1 p.73
PhotoMemory RAM Data “–2” — 6/72 hrs 16,000¥ 1.25 CB1 p.74
Poser Impersonation
With Habits skill Active 4 and 6 440 Mp 24/20 days 40,000¥ 1 CB1
Without Habits skill Active 4 and 6 320 Mp 20/20 days 30,000¥ 1 CB1
Redundancy Loop any 1-10 as normal as normal 75% of normal .9 CB1 p.75
Type I +1/×1.5 +50¥ +.25 CB1
Type II +1/×1.5 +75¥ +.25 CB1
Special Operative Active/Know/Lingua4 500 Mp 8/6 days 60,000¥ 2 CB1 p.73
Speedreading Chip Active 1-10 normal 6/4 days normal 1.25 CB4 p.16
Stress special — 20 Mp 4/36 hrs 3,500¥ 1 CB1 p.75
Tourism Active/Lingua 4 344 Mp 4/24 hrs 42,500¥ 1 CB1 p.74
Visual Recognition Chips
Corporate Officer Know 1-4 rating × 40 Mp 10/4 daysmemory × 150¥ 1.5 CB1
Military Know 1-4 rating × 100 Mp 12/6 daysmemory × 150¥ 2.5 CB1
Police Know 1-4 rating × 65 Mp 10/4 daysmemory × 250¥ 2.5 CB1
Rocker Know 1-4 rating × 50 Mp 5/4 days memory × 150¥ 1.5 CB1
Secretarial Know 1-4 rating × 50 Mp 8/4 days memory × 150¥ 1.5 CB1
Techie Know 1-4 rating × 50 Mp 6/4 days memory X 150¥ 1.5 CB1


Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Advanced Alarm Removal Kit 2 — 3 8/12 hrs 2,900¥ 5 CB1 p.14
ANQ 3/22 Remote Seismic Sensor 4 3 1 6/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2.5 TS p.28
Arasaka ECM Comm-Scrambler 4 6 1 6/36 hrs 30,000¥ 1.2 CB2 p.22
Arasaka “Komaku” Laser Mike 5 4 1 4/48 hrs 6,000¥ 1.5 CB2 p.20
Fixed version 5 4 1 4/48hsr 7,500¥ 1.5 CB2
Arasaka Omnitec Radar Detector 7 4 1 4/72 hrs 2,000¥ 1.5 CB2 p.21
Arasaka R-101 Lie Detector 2 6 3 14/20 days 5,000¥ 4 CB3 p.15
Arasaka “Scanway” Scanner Gates
Chemicals and Explosives — 5 — 9/7 days 350,000¥ 1 CB2
Cyberware — 5 — 8/7 days 50,000¥ 1 CB2
Weapon Detector — 5 — 6/7 days 25,000¥ 1 CB2
Large screen — — — as detector 500¥ 1 CB2
Bug Detector 3 2 1 2/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1.5 CB2 p.20
Bug Jammer 2 2 5 2/72 hrs 2,000¥ 1.5 CB2 p.20
CCI BRL-3014 Window Trembler 9 1-10 — (rating+1)/ rating 2.5 CB2 p20
4 days ×120¥
Chemical Analyzer 5 1-6 .5 4/5 days 7,500¥ + (level 1 P3 p.15
× 2,500¥)
Chemical Detection System 3 1-3 1 12/6 daysrating × 70,000¥ 1.25 P3 p.14
Compound 1 4 1 .4 5/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2 P3
Compound 4 4 4 .4 8/7 days 4,000¥ 4 P3
DataScope® 8 — .25 4/36 hrs 5,000¥ 1 TS p.29
DataTel’s Mapmaker® 4 — 1 4/4 days 500¥ 1 CB1 p.9
Gas Detector 4 1-6 .5 (rating ×3)/ rating2 2 P3 p.15
7 days × 5,000¥
Gas Spectrometer 5 1-6 .5 4/5 days 7,500¥ + (level 1 P3 p.15
× 2,500¥)
Hearing Amplifiers
Micro 12–rating 1-8 .1 × rating 6/36 hrs rating × 500¥ 1.5 P3
Standard 12–(2× rating) 1-8 .2 × rating 4/24 hrs rating × 200¥ 1 P3
ID badgemaker 3 3 1 5/48 hrs 500¥ 2 CB1 p.13
Keypad Sequencer — 1-6 .5 (rating/2)/ rating2 1 P3 p.14
10 days × 500¥
Laser Detector 6 1-6 .3 8/72 hrs rating × 5,000¥ 1.75
LaserTrack™ Aerosol — — — 4/24 hrs 50¥ 1 P3 p.18
Limpet Beacon 8 –1 — 8/6 days 250¥ 1.2 P3 p.75
Line Tap Detector 7 1 — 4/24 hrs 60¥ .8 CB1 p.4
Linozap™ 5 — .75 6/4 days 350¥ 2 CB1 p.4
M-0116 Tripwire Sensor 6 1 — 3/24 hrs 20¥ 1 TS p.30

Conceal Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Magnetic Anomaly Detector 3 1-4 1 8/4 days rating × 5,000¥ 1 P3 p.14
MS 1803 Panoramic Motion Sensor 2 5 2.5 8/48 hrs 1,000¥ 2 TS p.31
Omega Phone Tap 5 6 .5 10/10 days 35,000¥ 2 CB2 p.21
Optitech MagViewer 4 20× 1 always 375¥ .8 CB3 p.18
Digital Camera with 5 Mp memory +75¥
Infrared +100¥
Low-light +125¥
PanicButton™ Jammer — — — 8/48 hrs 200¥ 1 P3 p.12
Personal Body Alarm — — — on payment varies — CB1 p.14
Portable Motion Detector — 1-5 2 4/24 hrs rating × 200¥ 1.25 P3 p.13
Portacom Jammer — — — 4/24 hrs 20¥ 1 P3 p.12
Radio Jammer — — — 5/36 hrs 100¥ 1 P3 p.12
Radio Transmission Scrambler
Level 1-4 — 1-4 — 5/24 hrs level × 1,000¥ 1 P3
Level 5-7 — 5-7 — 5/24 hrs level × 2,000¥ 1.25 P3
Level 8-9 — 8-9 — 6/36 hrs level × 3,000¥ 1.5 P3
Level 10 — 10 — 8/36 hrs 50,000¥ 1.25 P3
Retinal Pattern Duplicator 3 1-10 1 14/10 daysrating × 60,000¥ 1 P3 p.11
Retinal Pattern Input Device 4 1-9 .5 10/6 daysrating × 1,000¥ 4 P3 p.11
S91KA Remote Heat Sensor 4 8 .5 4/48 hrs 2,000¥ 1.5 TS p.32
Scramble Breaker
Level 1-4 — 1-4 — 5/36 hrs level × 2,000¥ 1.5 P3
Level 5-7 — 5-7 — 5/36 hrs level × 4,000¥ 1.75 P3
Level 8-9 — 8-9 — 6/36 hrs level × 5,000¥ 1.75 P3
Level 10 — 10 — 9/36 hrs 60,000¥ 1.7 P3
SecSystems Detection Wand 4 2 .5 2/12 hrs 10,000¥ 1 CB3 p.18
SecSystems Detention Collar 4 — .5 8/10 days 260¥ 3 CB2 p.13
SecSystems Maglock 3 3 1 4/72 hrs 300¥ 1 CB2 p.13
SecSystems Protection Field 8 6L Stun 1.5 6/36 hrs 750¥ 1.5 CB2 p.12
See Through Paper Spray — — — always 15¥ per can 1 P3 p.18
Smartlock Door Security System — 1-8 — 5/72 hrs rating × 250¥ 1.5 CB1 p.8
Sonar Scanner 4 3 .2 5/48 hrs 50¥ 1.2 CB1 p.8
Superball (per meter) — 1-10 — (rating ×2)/rating × 50¥ 3 RG p.30
48 hrs
Surveillance Kit — — 6.5 6/5 days 98,000¥ 2 CB3 p.18
Synthetic Print Duplcation Equipment — — — 4/12 hrs 500¥ 1 P3 p.17
Supplies — 1-4 — 412 hrs rating × 200¥ 1 P3
Telectronics “Mumbler” White Noise Generator 3 4 1 4/72 hrs 6,000¥ 1.5 CB2
Telectronics Scanman™ Full Identity Scanner 4 5 2.5 14/14 days 21,000¥ 5 CB2
Telectronics “Scout” Signal Tracker 3 3 2 3/48 hrs 3,000¥ 1.5 CB2 p.21
Telectronics Tattletale® Voice Stress Analyzer 8 –1 .5 3/48 hrs 400¥ 1.8 CB2
Interfaced version 8 –1 .5 3/48 hrs 500¥ 1.8 CB2
Thermographic Camouflage Dye — +4 — 6/24 hrs 20¥ per dose 1 RG p.30
ThunderArc Automapper™ 7 — .5 6/48 hrs 600¥ 1 CB3 p.16
Ultrasound Detector/Distorter 8 — .2 8/48 hrs 1,500¥ 1.5 P3 p.12
U-Open-It® 2 1-5 5 6/48 hrs rating × 75¥ 2 P3 p.54
WorldSat Communications Linear Beam Commlink — — — 6/72 hrs 2,000¥ 2.5 CB2

CYBERDECKS AND PROGRAMS — Data for Shadowrun, Second Edition & Virtual
Persona Hardening MemoryStorage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index Book
Allegiance Beta 3 1 50 100 10 5 5/7 days 29,500¥ 1 PA p.48
Allegiance Epsilon 4 1 75 155 25 10 7/7 days 44,200¥ 1 PA p.48
Aztec 600 Assault Programmer 4 1 100 200 8 3 4/7 days 37,400¥ 1 CB3 p.68
Dantech Cacciaguida 4 1 40 80 8 3 4/7 days 29,100¥ 1 CB3 p.68
EBM PNI 210 2 0 20 20 8 3 4/7 days 7,590¥ 1 CB3 p.63
EBM PNI 412 3 1 30 45 15 5 4/7 days 18,000¥ 1 CB3 p.65
EBM PNI 724π 5 2 100 250 23 8 4/7 days 65,400¥ 1 CB3 p.67
Fairlight Interface Nova 14 6 700 1,500 125 60 29/7 days 14,587,500¥ 1 PA p.48
Fairlight Tempest 10 5 350 1,000 80 50 17/7 days 3,875,500¥ 1 PA p.48
Fuchi Cyber-9 11 4 300 1,400 70 45 15/7 days 2,315,000¥ 1 PA p.48
Headgear™ Cybermodem Helmet 2 1 20 20 15 5 6/8 days 9,000¥ 1.1 CB1
Jeweldecks 4 1 60 120 8 3 — half a million and UP— CB3 p.67
Kirama LPD-12 1 0 20 20 10 5 4/7 days 4,815¥ 1 TS p.18
Lang Conpro-II Masterdeck 8 3 120 480 8 3 6/7 days 328,500¥ 1 CB3 p.64
Lang “Green Knight” 6 3 60 180 8 3 4/7 days 95,000¥ 1 CB3 p.69
MCT 672 4 1 70 400 15 10 4/7 days 17,800¥ 1 P3 p.50
Mitsuhama Dragon 7 2 130 250 30 25 7/7 days 122,300¥ 1 PA p.48
Mitsuhama Phoenix 8 3 150 500 40 30 8/7 days 256,000¥ 1 PA p.48
Mitsuhama Tiger 5 2 80 175 30 20 5/7 days 94,000¥ 1 PA p.48
Net-Runner™ Cybermodem
Utility Suit 2 1 40 40 8 5 5/14 days 10,000¥ 1 CB1 p.7
PCT Danzig 2 1 20 20 8 3 4/7 days 7,625¥ 1 CB3 p.65

CYBERDECKS AND PROGRAMS — Data for Shadowrun, Second Edition & Virtual
Realities (continued)
CYBERDECKS Persona Hardening MemoryStorage Load I/O Availability Cost Street Index Book
Radio Shack Tandy TRX 3 0 50 120 15 5 4/7 days 22,000¥ 1 PA p.48
Raven Microcyb Eagle 5 1 100 250 15 5 4/7 days 90,135¥ 1 CB3 66
Raven Microcyb Kestrel 3 1 30 45 30 10 4/7 days 30,000¥ 1 CB3 p.66
Raven Microcyb Owl 3 1 30 45 8 3 4/7 days 25,500¥ 1 CB3 p.67
Raven Microcyb Rook 2 1 20 20 8 3 4/7 days 11,500¥ 1 CB3 p.64
Renraku LRX-34 4 1 75 150 30 20 4/7 days 94,000¥ 1 PA p.48
Renraku LRX-66 6 2 100 200 40 25 5/7 days 88,600¥ 1 PA p.48
Renraku LRX-89 7 2 100 300 50 30 6/7 days 174,600¥ 1 PA p.48
Renraku LRX-110 8 3 125 400 55 30 8/7 days 275,600¥ 1 PA p.48
Renraku LRX-155 9 4 150 600 60 35 11/7 days 831,700¥ 1 PA p.48
SGI Technologies “Elysia” 4 1 80 160 15 10 4/7 days 38,675¥ 1 TS p.18
Sony CTY-340 4 2 35 75 15 10 4/7 days 71,400¥ 1 PA p.48
Texas Instruments TI-4500 3 0 30 65 10 10 4/7 days 15,000¥ 1 PA p.48
Texas Instruments TI-4550 3 1 45 100 15 10 4/7 days 22,525¥ 1 PA p.48
Texas Instruments TI-5700 4 0 50 100 20 12 4/7 days 32,000¥ 1 PA p.48
Texas Instruments TI-5770 4 1 75 150 25 15 5/7 days 38,500¥ 1 PA p.48
Texas Instruments TI-8280 5 2 125 250 30 20 6/7 days 81,400¥ 1 PA p.48
Texas Instruments TI-9400 6 2 150 350 40 25 6/7 days 96,300¥ 1 PA p.48
Zetatech D2-3000 Armdeck 3 1 45 70 15 10 4/7 days 22,200¥ 1 CB2 p.25
Zetatech Parraline 5700 2 1 20 20 8 3 4/7 days 8,200¥ 1 CB3 p.63
Zetatech Parraline 5750 3 1 30 45 15 10 4/7 days 19,230¥ 1 TS p.18
Zetatech Parraline 5800 5 2 75 190 15 5 4/7 days 58,500¥ 1 CB3 p.64
Zetatech Virocana 6 2 120 360 8 3 4/7 days 94,700¥ 1 CB3 p.66

DECK OPTIONS Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index Book
Auto Punchout — — .1 8/14 days 330¥ 5 CB1 p.8
Deck Security System
Retinal — 1 — 6/4 days 1,000¥ 1.6 CB1 p.9
Thumbprint — 2 — 4/4 days 400¥ 1.5 CB1 p.9
Netrunner Fip Switch — — — 4/24 hrs 1,350¥ .9 CB1 p.9
Power Strip 2020 — 4 — 6/7 days 5000¥ 1 CB3 p.69

UTILITIES Size (in Mp) Book UTILITIES Size (in Mp) Book
Audio Virus Rating2 × 9 CB4 p.50 Ninja Rating2 × 3 CB4 p.49
Ball and Chain Rating2 × 4 CB3 p.75 Pile Driver (Rating+5)2 × 3 CB3 p.75
Cartographer Rating2 × 4 CB3 p.80 Sledgehammer (Rating+2)2 × 2 CB3 p.75
Cascade Rating2 × 2 CB3 p.73 Superballs Rating2 × 3 CB4 p.50
DeckShield One Rating2 × 5 CB4 p.50 Termite Rating2 CB1 p.91
Flip Switch 2.0 Rating2 CB3 p.72 Thug Rating2 × 3 CB3 p.74
Grid Wave Rating2 × 30 CB4 p.53 Weed Rating2 × 3 CB4 p.49
Mirror Rating2 × 5 CB4 p.49

CYBERDECKS AND PROGRAMS — Data for Shadowrun, Third Edition & Virtual
Realities 2.0
MPCPHardeningActiveStorage ASIST ICCM I/O ResponseAvailabilityCost St. Index Book
Aztec 600 Assault Programmer5/3/3/3/32 1,250 3,125 Hot Yes 100 1 4/7 days 157,795¥ 1 CB3 p.69
Dantech Cacciaguida 5/3/0/0/3 0 500 1,250 Cool No 50 0 4/7 days 91,650¥ 1 CB3 p.68
EBM PNI 210 2/1/0/0/1 0 200 200 Tortoise No 0 0 4/7 days 7,400¥ 1 CB3 p.63
EBM PNI 412 4/2/0/0/2 0 400 800 Hot No 100 0 4/7 days 49,590¥ 1 CB3 p.65
EBM PNI 724π 7/4/4/0/4 2 1,400 4,900 Hot No 150 1 10/7 days378,460¥ 1 CB3 p.67
Headgear™ Cybermodem
Helmet 2/1/1/0/1 1 200 200 Cool No 100 0 4/7 days 12,855¥ 1 CB1 p.6
Jeweldecks 5/3/0/0/3 0 750 1,875 Hot No 100 0 —half a million nuyen and UP! CB3 p.67
Lang Conpro-II Masterdeck10/6/6/0/6 3 1,500 7,500 Hot Yes 200 0 24/7 days1,972,940¥ 1 CB3 p.64
Lang “Green Knight” 8/6/0/0/6 2 800 3,200 Cool Yes 50 0 12/7 days511,290¥ 1 CB3 p.69
Net-Runner™ Cyber-
modem Utility Suit 3/2/2/0/2 1 600 900 Hot No 50 0 4/7 days 28,005¥ 1 CB1 p.7
Cellular version 3/2/2/0/2 1 600 900 Hot No 50 0 4/7 days 30,270¥ 1 CB1 p.7
Omnibus Cyberspace Explorer
One 2/1/0/0/1 0 200 200 Tortoise No 25 0 4/7 days 8,250¥ 1 CB3 p.65
PCT Danzig 3/2/0/0/2 1 300 450 Cool No 30 0 4/7 days 17,748¥ 1 CB3 p.65
Raven Microcyb Eagle 5/3/3/0/3 2 1,000 2,500 Cool No 100 1 4/7 days 143,970¥ 1 CB3 p.66
Raven Microcyb Kestrel 4/2/0/0/2 1 400 800 Cool No 150 1 4/7 days 61,465¥ 1 CB3 p.66
Raven Microcyb Owl 4/2/0/2/2 1 400 800 Hot No 50 0 4/7 days 67,700¥ 1 CB3 p.67
Raven Microcyb Rook 3/2/0/0/2 0 300 450 Cool No 50 0 4/7 days 20,555¥ 1 CB3 p.64
Zetatech D2-3000 Armdeck4/3/0/0/3 0 600 1,200 Cool No 150 1 4/7 days 67,465¥ 1 CB2 p.25
Zetatech Parraline 5700 3/2/0/0/2 0 300 450 Cool No 50 0 4/7 days 17,890¥ 1 CB3 p,.63
Zetatech Parraline 5800 6/4/0/0/4 1 900 5,400 Cool Yes 100 1 4/7 days 153,795¥ 1 CB3 p.64
Zetatech Virocana 8/6/0/0/6 0 1,600 12,800 Cool No 250 0 10/7 days441,330¥ 1 CB3 p.66
CYBERDECKS AND PROGRAMS — Data for Shadowrun, Third Edition & Virtual
Realities 2.0 (continued)
UTILITIES Multiplier Book UTILITIES Multiplier Book
Audio Virus 9 CB4 p.50 Knevil 4 CB3 p.79
Ball and Chain 5 CB3 p.75 Mirror 5 CB4 p.49
Cartographer 6 CB3 p.80 Ninja 4 CB4 p.49
Cascade 4 CB3 p.73 Outjack 6 CB3 p.80
DeckShield One 5 CB4 p.50 π in the Face 3 CB3 p.73
Dummy 4 CB3 p.72 Pile Driver 4 CB3 p.75
Dupré 1 CB3 p.76 Possessor 15 CB3 p.77
Flare Gun 3 CB3 p.75 Superballs 3 CB4 p.52
Flip Switch 2.0 — CB3 p.72 Termite 1 CB1 p.91
Grid Wave 30 CB4 p.53 Thug 8 CB3 p.74
Hellburner 25 CB3 p.74 Weed 3 CB4 p.49

VEHICLES — Data for Shadowrun, Second Edition & Rigger Black Book
CARS Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book
Ashton Martin “Whisper” G12P 4/8 80/250 2 3 2 3 250,000¥ PA p.10
BMW 9018s 3/8 90/280 4 2 2 3 500,000¥ CB1 p.19
BMW Burowagen HSR 3/10 50/145 3 1 2 4 900,000¥ CB3 p.55
BMW “VIP” 9000L 4/8 65/180 2 3 1 3 130,000¥ PA p.10
Cadence Industries Wanderer 6/10 35/105 2 2 3 3 50,000¥ CB3 p.42
Crowder 5/10 25/55 1 1 6 1 9,000¥ CB2 p.91
Chrysler-Nissan Python Turbo 3/8 65/195 2 0 3 2 85,000¥ RG p.31
Dune Buggy 5/4 40/120 3 0 1 1 15,000¥ P3 p.20
Eurocar 3000 3/8 60/180 2 0 3 3 75,000¥ RG p.31
Ferrari “Ghost” 679 3/5 110/300 3 1 3 4 650,000¥ PA p.10
Gaz-Lada Cossack 5/4 33/100 3 2 1 0 34,000¥ CB4 p.36
GMI Sierra GL 5/9 35/105 1 1 2 2 40,700¥ CB4 p.34
GMI Sierra Hatch 4/8 35/105 1 1 2 2 27,900¥ CB4 p.34
Honda Metrocar 4/10 20/60 1 0 5 0 7,000¥ RG p.51
Jaguar XXJ10 4/8 70/180 3 6 1 3 260,000¥ PA p.11
Mazda “Commando” XV 4/7 80/200 3 3 2 3 110,000¥ PA p.11
Mercedes “Mirage” Limousine 4/6 55/160 4 1 3 4 350,000¥ PA p.11
Mitsuzuki Bushi 4/8 27/80 2 2 2 1 27,000¥ CB4 p.35
Mitsuzuki Fuji 4/8 33/100 2 1 3 2 17,450¥ CB4 p.34
New American Autoworks Roadcar 4/8 35/105 1 0 3 1 11,000¥ CB3 p.42
New American Motor’s Drifter 4/8 35/105 3 1 2 2 90,000¥ CB1 p.88
New American Motors “Armadillo” 6/10 35/105 4 3 1 1 85,000¥ CB3 p.49
New American Motors Nautilus 6/10 35/105 2 1 1 0 32,000¥ CB3 p.46
Porsche “Cannon Ball” 971 4/8 90/270 2 0 1 3 120,000¥ PA p.11
Spinelli Autotech Spirit 3/6 44/133 4 4 4 3 235,000¥ CB4 p.40
Takaya Daimyo 3/8 65/200 2 0 4 3 44,000¥ CB3 p.41
Toyo-Chevrolet ’51 Chevy 3/7 40/120 2 0 5 1 35,000¥ CB2 p.92
Toyo-Chevrolet Corpora 4/8 35/105 2 2 1 3 41,000¥ CB4 p.36
Toyo-Chevrolet Corpora Sport 4/8 35/105 2 2 1 3 46,000¥ CB4 p.36
Toyo-Chevrolet Hopper 4/8 22/66 1 0 3 1 16,250¥ CB4 p.33
Toyo-Chrysler Omega 4/8 50/150 2 0 2 1 20,000¥ RG p.52
Toyota Avante 3/8 95/285 2 1 1 3 480,000¥ RG p.52
VMW Cohort 4/8 35/105 1 0 2 1 22,000¥ CB4 p.33

BIKES Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book

All-Terrain Bike (bicycle) 3 special 1 0 6 — 650¥ TS p.35
Ashigaru 3/8 40/95 1 0 6 1 3,500¥ CB2 p.93
Bermuda 3/5 60/205 2 0 2 1 15,000¥ CB2 p.94
Brennan Cycles “Ares” 3/7 40/125 1 1 1 1 21,000¥ CB3 p.54
Brennan “Hermes” 3/6 30/95 1 0 2 0 12,500¥ CB3 p.50
Darkwing 4/4 40/135 2 1 3 1 9,000¥ CB2 p.94
Harley-Davidson Brawler 5/7 64/192 4 6 1 2 26,000¥ P3 p.37
Harley-Davidson Thundergod 4/5 50/150 1 0 3 2 15,000¥ CB1 p.20
Honda R400 Trail (electric) 4/2 53/160 1 0 5 0 6,000¥ CB4 p.32
Honda R400 Trail (multifuel) 4/2 53/160 1 0 5 0 6,000¥ CB4 p.32
Kundalina Roadworks “Dart” 4/8 (3/6) 55/160 1 1 3 1 10,000¥ CB3 p.46
Kundalina Roadworks GSR1200 Tetsuo 2/8 91/272 1 1 1 1 25,000¥ CB4 p.33
Kundalina Roadworks Shiva® 2/6 70/210 1 1 2 2 12,000¥ CB1 p.21
Mitsubishi Portabike 3/9 10/35 1 0 7 0 250¥ CB3 p.42
Mitsuzuki C21 Kenada 2/6 69/205 1 0 1 0 15,000¥ CB4 p.30
Mitsuzuki MSX900 “Bakushin” 3/6 85/255 1 0 1 0 13,200¥ CB4 p.31
Pedicab 3/7 10/30 1 0 10 0 1,200¥ CB1 p.22
Scion Technologies Dunemaster 4/3 45/135 2 1 1 1 40,000¥ CB3 p.43
Dust Devil 5/4 35/105 2 2 1 1 46,000¥ CB3 p.43
Sport Eurasia “Microbike” 4/12 35/105 1 0 5 0 1,000¥ CB3 p.50
Suzuki 500ET 3/6 90/270 1 2 2 3 25,000¥ P3 p.22
VMW “Volksrad” 5/3 27/80 1 0 3 0 2,300¥ CB4 p.32

VEHICLES — Data for Shadowrun, Second Edition & Rigger Black Book (continued)
TRUCKS Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book
Ambunaught 4/8 30/95 5 4 1 2 200,000¥ CB1 p.23
GM/Hyundai Worker Bee 4/10 10/30 2 2 1 3 150,000¥ CB1 p.25
Imperial Metropolitan Agriculture Nomad 6/2 33/100 3 2 1 2 51,000¥ CB4 p.38
Kundalina Roadworks “Bedouin” 6/2 27/80 4 2 1 3 105,000¥ CB4 p.38
MAC-Deux “Monster” 4/8 44/133 7 2 1 3 240,000¥ CB4 p.37
New American Motors “Vulture” 6/11 35/105 5 4 2 0 215,000¥ CB3 p.50
Spinelli Autotech “Nomad” 4/2 45/135 2 1 3 2 55,000¥ CB3 p.53
Spinelli Autotech Shiltron Twin Cab 6/9 31/93 3 1 1 1 40,000¥ CB4 p.38
Tetracorp DR2100 Multi-fuel Longnose 6/10 45/135 6 4 2 2 200,000¥ CB4 p.40
Yakurichi-Ural BR70 3/6 50/150 4 4 2 4 120,000¥ TS p.20

HOVERCRAFT Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book

Bensen Cascade 7 115/350 2 1 2 2 200,000¥ CB1 p.18
Bensen Violator Hovercycle 4 65/200 1 0 2 2 100,000¥ CB3 p.40
Cadence Industries HoverVan 5 33/100 2 2 1 2 105,000¥ CB4 p.42
Kundalina Roadworks Gevhog 5 40/120 1 0 1 0 16,100¥ CB4 p.42
MosTrans KVT-2 5 35/105 14 30 3 4 90M¥ P3 p.21
Nissan Ford FanMaster 5 35/135 3 2 4 2 200,000¥ CB2 p.89
in water 6 3/7

WINGED PLANES Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book
Beechcraft 2400 Starship 10 5 460/585 6 1(3) 4 4 ? P3 p.20
Fed-Boeing Falcon 4 135/400 4 1 4 2 2,500,000¥ CB2 p.96
GD Hummingbird 3 400/800 4 2 2 3 1,500,000¥ CB2 p.97
Piper Montebank 2 300/500 3 0 3 2 50,000¥ P3 p.22

VECTORED THRUST Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book
AV-4 5 150/450 5 6 3 2 1,500,000¥ RG p.51
Aztlan Metals Llama 4 60/133 1 0 3 1 330,000¥ CB4 p.45
Bell-Boeing Aircar 3 240/480 2 1 1 4 3,000,000¥ CB4 p.43
British Aerospace AV FAB 4 150/300 10 3 1 4 8,400,000¥ CB4 p.44
Family Flier 5 100/200 3 1 0 2 500,000¥ CB2 p.88
Mach 3 265/665 2 1 2 3 1,300,000¥ CB2 p.89
MacLaren/Jaguar Sports Aerodyne 3 500/1080 2 1 3 5 15,000,000¥ CB4 p.45
Swan 5 135/265 3 2 4 3 800,000¥ CB2 p.90
Tetracorp Fei Lien 100 4 300/600 2 3 1 3 1,290,000¥ CB3 p.45

ROTORCRAFT Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book

Bell Boeing V-22B Osprey 5 170/510 4 0 3 3 900,000¥ RG p.50
Bell F-152 Aerogyro 4 160/480 2 0 4 1 300,000¥ RG p.50
Bell Spy-Eye 18 2 185/370 3 1 4 2 500,000¥ CB1 p.26
Hyundai Minicopter 4 70/160 1 1 2 1 155,000¥ CB3 p.46

AIRSHIPS Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book

India Sky-Barge 6 40/80 6 6 7 2 10,000,000¥ CB2 p.99
“Madison Avenue” Blimp 6 20/45 5 1 9 3 2,500,000¥ CB2 p.100
Sky Queen 5 55/135 10 9 7 4 20,000,000¥ CB2 p.100

MILITARY/SECURITY Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book

Ground Vehicles
Arasaka Riot-VIII 4/9 55/160 8 3 1 3 250,000¥ CB1 p.24
Kundalina “Torpedo” Motorcycle 4/6 (3/5) 65/190 1 2 3 2 36,000¥ CB3 p.47
M-62 “Volcano” SAM Launcher 3/4 20/55 6 4 5 2 9,500,000¥ CB3 p.51
MacLaren/Jaguar XJ220C-P Interceptor 3/6 75/225 4 3 3 2 165,000¥ CB4 p.39
Max Interceptor 3/8 65/240 2 2 2 2 140,000¥ CB2 p.92
Paneurope VBL APC 4/4 31/93 3 4 4 3 1,450,000¥ CB4 p.41
Paneurope Zobel (EuroLAV II) 4/4 27/80 3 4 5 3 1,050,000¥ CB4 p.41

GMC-Beachcraft Striker 4 80/200 4 6 5 2 500,000¥ P3 p.20
GMI HovTransport 5 65/200 4 4 4 2 720,000¥ CB3 p.44

Ares Coyote Attack Helicopter 5 200/400 5 12 5(2) 5 ? P3 p.19
ATF-37B Thunderhawk 3 600/1385 8 2 5 5 12,500,000¥ CB3 p.48
AV-3 “Aerocop” 4 330/465 4 2 4 3 1,500,000¥ CB2 p.87
ground mode 4/8 80/200 7
AV-6 5 210/630 6 9 3 3 3,500,000¥ RG p.51
AV-9 5 270/530 7 5 2 4 30,000,000¥ CB1 p.28
Bell UH-10 PAPC 5 90/180 8 4 5 4 1,850,000¥ CB3 p.52
British Aerospace AV FAB military 4 180/360 10 4 1 4 31,500,000¥ CB4 p.44
Fledermaus PKF-40 Ausf. B 3 440/880 3 1 4 4 2,500,000¥ RG p.32
GF F-36 Comet 1 830/1860 7 2 5 3 4,500,000¥ CB2 p.95

VEHICLES — Data for Shadowrun, Second Edition & Rigger Black Book (continued)
MILITARY/SECURITY (Aircraft) Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book
Lockheed-Cessna Pinto 3 265/600 6 2 4 2 10,500,000¥ CB2 p.98
McDonnell Douglas C111 4 120/275 3 4 3 3 750,000¥ RG p.33
MDD F-33 Wasp 2 730/1660 8 2 3 3 3,500,000¥ CB2 p.96
Mil-62 4 240/480 4 8 4 3 1,900,000¥ P3 p.21
Sikorsky-Mitsubishi Dragon 4 280/560 8 9 2 4 5,000,000¥ CB1 p.27
UH-90 Utility/Squad Helicopter 4 230/270 4 3 3 3 1,000,000¥ TS p.20

DRONES Handling Speed Body Armor Signature APilot Cost Book

Arasaka RDAK 4 12/36 1 1 18 1 12,000¥ CB2 p.32
Aztechnology GCR-50 4/4 5/15 3 3 3 — ? P3 p.19
Bell “Bumblebee” Rotorcraft 5 80/160 1 1 4 2 8,000¥ CB2 p.31
Militech RPV-400 Tiltrotor 4 140/280 3 3 4 4 150,000¥ CB2 p.31
Mitsubishi “Rover” Wheeled Remote 6/9 20/60 2 2 3 1 9,000¥ CB2 p.31

VEHICLES — Data for Shadowrun, Third Edition & Rigger 2

CARS Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
Ashton Martin “Whisper” G12P 4/8 250 18 3 3 2 3 — 0 130,000¥ PA p.10
BMW 9018s 3/8 190 14 4 2 0 3 — 0 121,200¥ CB1 p.19
BMW Burowagen HSR 3/8 100 11 4 1 2 4 — 0 184,000¥ CB3 p.55
BMW “VIP” 9000L 4/8 160 12 3 3 2 3 — 0 94,000¥ PA p.10
Cadence Industries Wanderer 4/10 107 4 4 2 2 3 — 0 52,000¥ CB3 p.42
Crowder 4/8 75 4 3 0 5 0 — 0 25,500¥ CB2 p.91
Chrysler-Nissan Python Turbo 3/8 195 18 3 0 1 2 — 0 75,000¥ RG p.31
Dune Buggy 5/4 120 14 3 0 0 1 — 0 33,000¥ P3 p.20
Eurocar 3000 3/8 180 10 3 0 2 3 — 0 62,000¥ RG p.31
Ferrari “Ghost” 679 3/5 270 18 3 1 2 4 — 0 205,000¥ PA p.10
Gaz-Lada Cossack 5/4 67 6 3 2 4 0 — 1 46,000¥ CB4 p.36
GMI Sierra GL 4/8 105 6 2 1 4 2 — 1 26,500¥ CB4 p.34
GMI Sierra Hatch 4/8 105 6 2 1 4 2 — 0 19,000¥ CB4 p.34
Honda Metrocar 4/8 40 6 3 0 4 0 — 0 6,000¥ RG p.51
Jaguar XXJ10 4/8 160 11 3 6 2 3 — 0 120,000¥ PA p.11
Mazda “Commando” XV 4/7 133 10 3 3 2 3 — 0 110,000¥ PA p.11
Mercedes “Mirage” Limousine 4/6 160 10 4 1 2 4 — 0 350,000¥ PA p.11
Mitsuzuki Bushi 4/8 80 8 3 2 2 1 — 1 33,000¥ CB4 p.35
Mitsuzuki Fuji 4/8 100 8 3 1 2 2 — 0 20,500¥ CB4 p.34
New American Autoworks Roadcar 4/8 71 6 3 0 4 1 — 0 18,000¥ CB3 p.42
New American Motor’s Drifter 4/10 71 2 4 1 3 0 — 0 28,000¥ CB3 p.46
New American Motors “Armadillo” 4/10 71 4 4 3 2 1 — 0 35,500¥ CB3 p.49
New American Motors Nautilus 4/10 71 2 4 1 3 0 — 0 28,000¥ CB3 p.46
Porsche “Cannon Ball” 971 4/8 270 18 3 0 2 3 — 0 120,000¥ PA p.11
Spinelli Autotech Spirit 3/6 89 11 4 4 2 3 — 3 416,500¥ CB4 p.40
Takaya Daimyo 3/8 137 10 3 0 2 3 — 0 28,000¥ CB3 p.41
Toyo-Chevrolet ’51 Chevy 3/7 120 6 3 0 4 1 — 0 16,500¥ CB2 p.92
Toyo-Chevrolet Corpora 4/8 71 8 3 2 2 2 — 1 31,500¥ CB4 p.36
Toyo-Chevrolet Corpora Sport 4/8 71 12 3 2 2 2 — 1 41,500¥ CB4 p.36
Toyo-Chevrolet Hopper 4/8 100 6 3 0 4 1 — 0 7,500¥ CB4 p.33
Toyo-Chrysler Omega 4/8 100 6 3 0 4 1 — 0 43,500¥ RG p.52
Toyota Avante 3/8 190 16 3 1 2 1 — 0 120,000¥ RG p.52
VMW Cohort 4/8 105 8 2 0 2 1 — 0 9,000¥ CB4 p.33

BIKES Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
All-Terrain Bike (bicycle) 3 specialspecial 1 0 6 0 — 0 650¥ TS p.35
Ashigaru 3/6 63 4 2 0 5 1 — 0 3,500¥ CB2 p.93
Bermuda 3/5 137 10 2 0 2 1 — 0 10,500¥ CB2 p.94
Brennan Cycles “Ares” 3/6 84 7 2 1 2 1 — 0 35,750¥ CB3 p.54
Brennan “Hermes” 3/6 64 8 2 0 4 0 — 0 6,500¥ CB3 p.50
Darkwing 4/4 90 4 2 1 4 1 — 0 12,500¥ CB2 p.94
Harley-Davidson Thundergod 4/5 100 4 2 0 2 0 — 0 15,000¥ CB1 p.20
Honda R400 Trail (electric) 4/3 90 6 2 0 5 0 — 0 25,000¥ CB4 p.32
Honda R400 Trail (methane) 4/3 90 6 2 0 4 0 — 0 13,500¥ CB4 p.32
Kundalina Roadworks “Dart” 4/6 (3/6) 105 10 2 1 2 0 — 0 16,500¥ CB3 p.46
Kundalina Roadworks GSR1200 Tetsuo 2/6 181 17 2 0 2 1 — 1 20,500¥ CB4 p.33
Kundalina Roadworks Shiva® 2/6 140 16 2 0 2 1 — 0 12,000¥ CB1 p.21
Mitsubishi Portabike 3/6 22 3 1 0 5 0 — 0 250¥ CB3 p.42
Mitsuzuki C21 Kenada 2/6 138 16 2 0 2 0 — 0 13,500¥ CB4 p.30
Mitsuzuki MSX900 “Bakushin” 3/6 170 13 2 0 2 0 — 0 13,500¥ CB4 p.31
Pedicab 3/7 20* 1 1 0 10 0 — 0 1,200¥ CB1 p.22
Scion Technologies Dunemaster 4/3 90 10 3 1 2 1 — 0 32,500¥ CB3 p.43
Dust Devil 4/3 71 9 3 2 2 1 — 1 92,000¥ CB3
Sport Eurasia “Microbike” 3/6 71 8 2 0 4 0 — 0 2,750¥ CB3 p.50
Suzuki 500ET 3/6 180 17 2 2 2 3 — 0 18,000¥ P3 p.22
VMW “Volksrad” 5/3 53 5 2 0 4 0 — 0 9,500¥
CB4 p.32
VEHICLES — Data for Shadowrun, Third Edition & Rigger 2 (continued)
TRUCKS Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
Ambunaught 4/6 64 6 7 8 2 2 — 0 200,000¥ CB1 p.23
GM/Hyundai Worker Bee 4/12 20 3 3 0 2 2 3 1 150,000¥ CB1 p.25
Imperial Metropolitan Agriculture Nomad 6/2 67 4 4 2 4 2 — 0 79,000¥ CB4 p.38
Kundalina Roadworks “Bedouin” 6/2 53 5 4 2 4 3 — 2 124,000¥ CB4 p.38
MAC-Deux “Monster” 4/8 89 3 6 2 2 3 — 1 226,500¥ CB4 p.37
New American Motors “Vulture” 5/12 71 3 5 4 1 0 — 0 557,000¥ CB3 p.50
Spinelli Autotech “Nomad” 4/2 89 5 4 1 3 2 — 0 67,000¥ CB3 p.53
Spinelli Autotech Shiltron Twin Cab 4/10 62 6 4 1 2 2 — 1 35,000¥ CB4 p.38
Tetracorp DR2100 Multi-fuel Longnose 5/10 90 3 5 4 2 2 — 2 200,500¥ CB4 p.40
Yakurichi-Ural BR70 3/6 100 3 6 4 2 4 — 3 365,000¥ TS p.20

HOVERCRAFT Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
Bensen Cascade 4 180 10 4 1 0 2 — 0 145,000¥ CB1 p.18
Bensen Violator Hovercycle 3 200 9 3 0 3 1 — 0 100,000¥ CB3 p.40
Cadence Industries HoverVan 4 67 5 4 2 2 2 — 0 150,000¥ CB4 p.42
Kundalina Roadworks Gevhog 3 80 5 3 0 2 0 — 0 93,750¥ CB4 p.42
MosTrans KVT-2
Nissan Ford FanMaster 4 90 10 4 2 2 2 — 0 220,000¥ CB2 p.89

WINGED PLANES Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
Beechcraft 2400 Starship 10 5 135/390 24 6 1 4 4 — 1 349,000¥ P3 p.20
Fed-Boeing Falcon 4 135/280 20 6 1 4 2 — 2 350,000¥ CB2 p.96
GD Hummingbird 3 535 30 6 2 3 3 — 2 1,113,000¥ CB2 p.97
Piper Montebank 2 60/333 21 3 0 2(4) 2 — 0 350,000¥ P3 p.22

VECTORED THRUST Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
AV-4 5 300 35 4 6 1 2 — 0 1,030,000¥ RG p.51
Aztlan Metals Llama 4 89 21 3 0 5 1 — 0 435,500¥ CB4 p.45
Bell-Boeing Aircar 3 320 9 5 1 2 4 — 2 1,217,500¥ CB4 p.43
British Aerospace AV FAB 4 200 20 5 3 0 4 — 3 4,800,000¥ CB4 p.44
Family Flier 5 100/225 33 4 1 1 2 — 0 935,000¥ CB2 p.88
Mach 5 100/445 65 4 1 1 3 — 0 1,500,000¥ CB2 p.89
MacLaren/Jaguar Sports Aerodyne 3 720 65 5 1 1 5 — 3 1,800,000¥ CB4 p.45
Swan 5 100/265 45 4 2 1 3 — 0 1,450,000¥ CB2 p.90
Tetracorp Fei Lien 100 Aerodyne 5 400 25 4 3 1 3 — 0 1,044,000¥ CB3 p.45

ROTORCRAFT Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
Bell-15 4 320 10 3 0 4 1 — 0 113,500¥ RG p.50
Bell Boeing V-22B Osprey 5 340 13 5 0 4 3 — 1 344,000¥+ RG p.50
Bell Spy-Eye 18 4 245 10 4 1 3 2 — 4 850,000¥ CB1 p.26
Hyundai Minicopter 4 107 15 3 1 4 1 — 1 85,000¥ CB3 p.46

AIRSHIPS Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
India Sky-Barge 6 80 6 11 6 2 2 — 1 925,500¥ CB2 p.99
“Madison Avenue” Blimp 6 45 8 8 1 2 1 — 1 183,500¥ CB2 p.100
Sky Queen 5 135 5 15 9 1 4 — 1 5,745,000¥ CB2 p.100

MILITARY/SECURITY VEHICLES Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
Ground Vehicles
Arasaka Riot-VIII 4/6 85 8 7 6 0 3 — 1 335,000¥ CB1 p.24
Kundalina “Torpedo” Motorcycle 4/6 (3/6) 128 10 2 2 2 1 — 1 70,000¥ CB3 p.47
M-62 “Volcano” SAM Launcher 3/4 36 5 7 4 1 2 — 2 460,000¥ CB3 p.51
MacLaren/Jaguar XJ220C-P Interceptor 3/6 151 12 3 3 2 2 — 3 85,000¥ CB4 p.39
Max Interceptor 3/8 160 12 3 1 2 2 — — 51,500¥ CB2 p.92
Paneurope VBL APC 4/4 62 7 7 4 2(3) 3 — 4 765,000¥ CB4 p.41
Paneurope Zobel (EuroLAV II) 4/4 53 5 7 4 2 3 — 5 730,000¥ CB4 p.41

GMC-Beachcraft Striker 4 130 8 3 6 1 3 — 3 1,132,000¥ P3 p.20
GMI HovTransport 5 133 5 5 4 1 2 — 3 2,120,000¥ CB3 p.44

Ares Coyote Attack Helicopter 5 267 30 5 12 2 5 — 7 5,702,500¥ P3 p.19
ATF-37B Thunderhawk 3 925 80 7 2 5 5 — 5 3,337,500¥ CB3 p.48
AV-3 “Aerocop” 5 100/310 65 4 2 1 3 — 0 1,860,000¥ CB2 p.87
AV-4 Military/Security Variant 5 300 35 4 6 1 2 — 0 2,600,000¥ RG p.51
AV-6 5 420 30 4 9 0 3 — 2 3,950,000¥ RG p.51
AV-9 5 530 35 6 5 1 4 — 7 30,000,000¥ CB1 p.28
Bell F-152 Aerogyro 4 320 10 3 0 4 1 — 4 620,000¥ RG p.50
Bell UH-10 PAPC 5 120 10 7 4 3 4 — 6 4,000,000¥ CB3 p.52
British Aerospace AV FAB military 4 240 20 5 4 0 4 — 6 6,000,000¥ CB4 p.44
Fledermaus PKF-40 Ausf. B 3 880 50 7 1 5 4 — 6 7,300,000¥ RG p.32
GF F-36 Comet 2 150/1,865 55 7 2 5 3 — 6 16,500,000¥ CB2 p.95

VEHICLES — Data for Shadowrun, Third Edition & Rigger 2 (continued)


END (for now)
Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
Lockheed-Cessna Pinto 3 135/400 20 6 2 4 2 — 7 6,400,000¥ CB2 p.98
McDonnell Douglas C111 4 120 10 7 4 3 3 — 1 440,000¥+ RG p.33
MDD F-33 Wasp 3 150/1,105 55 7 2 5 3 — 6 12,500,000¥ CB2 p.96
Mil-62 4 320 20 5 8 3 3 — 6 3,300,000¥ P3 p.21
Sikorsky-Mitsubishi Dragon 4 350 13 7 9 3 4 — 5 5,000,000¥ CB1 p.27
UH-90 Utility/Squad Helicopter 4 180 16 4 3 2 3 — 3 1,300,000¥ TS p.20

DRONES Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cost Book
Arasaka RDAK 4 12 1 0 0 8 — 1 1 2,950¥ CB2 p.32
Aztechnology GCR-50 4/4 15 2 2 3 7 — 1 1 3,920¥ P3 p.19
Bell “Bumblebee” Rotorcraft 4 107 7 1 1 7 — 2 1 27,000¥ CB2 p.31
Militech RPV-400 Tiltrotor 4 187 6 3 3 4 — 4 3 265,500¥ CB2 p.31
Mitsubishi “Rover” Wheeled Remote 3/6 40 2 2 2 5 — 2 2 22,250¥ CB2 p.31

NAVAL VEHICLES Handling Speed Accel Hull Bulwark Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Sonar Book
Mostrans KVT-2 5 105 3 5 4 2/2 3 — 4 0 P3 p.21
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