Twilight 2000 - GDW525 Heavy Weapons Guide
Twilight 2000 - GDW525 Heavy Weapons Guide
Twilight 2000 - GDW525 Heavy Weapons Guide
Design and Development: Loren K. Wisernan
Cover Art: James Colton McGonigle
Interior Art: Bryan Gibson and Steve Venters
Art Direction: Shea Ryan
Graphic Design and Production: Steve Bryant
Text Manager: Michelle Sturgeon
Text Processing: Julia Martin and Julie Arndor
Vehicle Damage
Introduction Each turn a vehicle is hit by a flame weapon, the referee must
No book can cover everything, and this one is no exception. As roll to see if the vehicle catches fire internally (an external fire is
always in putting together a work of this nature, choosing what to automatic). The base chance of this is 60% (+lo% if the fuel tanks
leave out was more difficult than choosing what to include. I have have taken any damage, +20% if the vehicle is open-topped, and
adopted noformaldefinitionof what constitutes a"heavy weapon," +lo% if any hatches or doors are open). The outside of a vehicle
but have played it by ear and have chosen to include a number of remains on fire until the flame burns out (1D6 30-second combat
items (such as smoke grenades)that are not really weapons at all. turns) or until it is extinguished. If in subsequent turns the external
Because of space constraints, I have left out some weapons that flames continue to burn, the referee should roll for interior fireonly
were contained inthebasicgame (such as the4.2" mortar) in favor if a vehicle is open-topped, has taken fuel damage, or if any
of more nonstandard types. Nevertheless, I feel that the players hatches or doors are open. Of course, a fresh hit by a flame
and referees of Tkillght: 2000 will find this guide to their liking. In weapon starts the cycle over again.
response to many requests, I have expanded the selection of Damage from Internal Fires: This is dealt with in the Fuel Hits
mines and grenades available (although I have not included all rule on page 10 of the Referee's Manual.
types that are available, practically every country makes its own Damage from External Fires:Allcombustible storesonexternal
version of the basic hand grenade, and to include them all would surfaces of a vehicle automatically catch fire and will burn until
crowd out something more interesting). The data on the mines destroyed or extinguished (how long this takes depends on the
(Dam, KDR, etc.) is calculated according to the basic game mine individual items and is up to the referee). Fuel or ammunition has
rules. I have tried to include a reasonable mix to enable referees a 50-percent chance of exploding each five-second turn it is on
to improvise types not mentioned. fire. Special mention should be made of vehicle suspensions:Both
I have included a few items which might, at first glance, seem wheeled and tracked versions have combustible components.
out of place, especially given the background of the game. Damage points are inflicted to suspensions according tothe same
Incendiary weapons such as flamethrowers need petroleum fuel, die rolls as for personnel, but suspensions have a maximum
and oil is almost impossible to get in the world of Twilight: 2000, damage level-6O%forwheeled, 30"/0fortracked. Once maximum
as every player knows. It was for this reason that flame weapons damage has been inflicted, further burning has no effect.
were not included in the original game. Many people, however, Any vehicle with an external and/or internal fire lasting more
have requested the information anyway, and a number say they than one minuteof game time becomes uninhabitable (dueto heat
have chosen to dispense with the game background and use the and lack of oxygen) and must be evacuated. Any personnel
Twilight: 2000 system for small-scale modern infantry combats. remaining inside after one minute lose consciousness. Any
For these people, I have included rules for the use of flame personnel remaining inside after an additional minute passes are
weapons (including the ever-popular improvised firebomb called seriously wounded. After a third minute, any personnel remaining
the Molotov cocktail). Players not using the standard game inside die.
background must devise their own price and availability criteria.
The antiaircraft missiles are intended for use with the helicopter
rules included in the module Free City of Krakow, and are Putting out a fire is a task whose difficulty level depends on the
provided for campaigns using the RDF Sourcebook, or for use in equipment available. Extinguishing a fire using a fire extinguisher
recreating nonbackground firefights. is ESYAGL. Extinguishing a fire using a blanket, tarp, or bucket
ofwater isAVG:AGL. Extinguishingafirewithoutproperequiprnent
FLAME WEAPONS (using improvised materials such as thrown dirt, sand, a jacket.
The fuel for flamethrowers is ordinary gasoline mixed with a etc.) is DIF:AGL. Extinguishing burning ammunition or fuel is one
jelling compound, but for game purposes gasoline or avgas (but level more difficult (AVG becomes DIF, etc.).
not diesel or any alcohol fuel) may be used. All ranges are
quartered when using nonjellied fuels. The price and availability of
both gasoline and avgas are given in the rules and should be
modified by the referee to suit the individual situation. Jellied
gasoline used with the standard game background should be Canada Czechoslovakia
three times as expensive and very rare (after all, there are better
uses for what little petroleum remains than putting it in a flame- ......:.,
thrower). Federal Republic
113 ..:;;;3,
:.:.; ....
Flame weaponsscore hits accordingto theordinaryfirecombat of Germany .......:,
rules (HW is the relevant skill).All persons and vehicles within the
burst radius of a shot are subject to hits and are rolled for KR Free City of Krakow Israel
individually. Damage to vehicles and personnel is as follows:
Personnel Damage Jugoslavia Sweden
Flame weapons (except as noted in this booklet or in the game
rules) which hit a person inflict damage on all body parts (dividethe
damage equally, rounding fractions down). This damage is equal
to 4D6 times the damage multiplier for the first five-second round,
Warsaw Pact pF$ United Kingdom
and it drops one die each subsequent round (but never drops
below 1D6 times the damage multiplier) for each round the person United States
is on fire. A person remains on fire until the flame burns out (1D6
30-second combat turns), or until it is extinguished.
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 5
L5 81mm Mortar
This mortar is being replaced in Canadian service by a lighter
60mm design similar to the U.S. M224.
Weight: 40 kg (bipod 15 kg, baseplate 10 kg, tube 15 kg)
Price: $10,000 (CIS)
Nation: Canada
TYP~ Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst IFR
lmm Mtr HE - x25C x10 5 30 4500
ROF: 1 WP - x15C x10 - 20 4500
Mag:O ILLUM - - - - 1000 4500
Page 6 GDW
Mag: 0
- -
20 4500
1000 4500
Price: $12,000 (CIS)
Nation: United Kingdom
The Wojo combination mortar will fire either 82mm or 81 mm
rounds and comes with a number of wooden sabots to permit it
Tjpe T n d l ? n g -D= Ann to use 60mm rounds as well. When firing 60mm rounds, IFR is
Combo Mtr HE 200 x25C x10 30 3000 reduced by 10 percent, but all other factors remain the same.
ROF:2 HEDP 200 x25C x2 15 3000 Welght: 40 kg
Mag:O WP 200 x15C x10 - 20 3000 Prlce: $8000 (CIC)
ILLUM 200 - - - 1000 3000 Nation: Free City of Krakow
R0F:l WP x20C x8 -
Mag:O CHEM - x l C x8 -
Grenade Launchers
Grenade Laulnehers
Adopted by the USMC in the early 1990s. the M I 2 SMAW
(shoulder-launched multipurpose assault weapon) was soon
-nicknamed the "bunker buster." The M I 2 had only begun to be
distributed to army infantry formations when the war began, and
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst it is much prized when it and its ammunition can be obtained.
82mm GL HEAT 100 x20C - 5 10 Weight: 3.5 kg (unloaded)
ROF: 1 HE 125 x25C x10 5 30 Price: $3000 (RIR)
Mag: (2) Nation: United States
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 11
TGS Grenade Launcher
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst IFR The TGS is similar in performance and characteristics to the
40mm GL HE 100 xlOC x10 5 10 400 M79 and HK-69 grenade launchers described in the basic rules
ROF: 1 HEDP 100 xlOC x2 2.5 5 400 equipment list.
Mag:l CHEM 100 xlC x10 - 5 400 Weight: 2 kg
ILLUM 100 - - - 100 400 Price: $500 (C/S)
APERS 40 10 x10 2.5 5 - Nation: Federal Republic of Germany
The RPG-22 is a disposable, rocket-propelledgrenade (RPG)
launcher issued to Warsaw Pact airborne and heliborne troops.
Weight: 4 kg
TYP~ Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst Price: $400 (WS)
RPG-22 HEAT 150 x15C - 5 5 Nation: Warsaw Pact
Grenade ILaunchers
Traditionally, the Czech armament industry has preferred to
manufactureits own variants of Warsaw Pact weapons for use by
TYP~ Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst its soldiers. The RPG-27 continues this long tradition.
RPG-27 HEAT 100 x20C - 5 10 Weight: 7.5 kg (loaded)
ROF: 1 Price: $1500 (-IR)
Mag: (2) Nation: Czechoslovakia
The Jugoslavian M79 (not to be confused with the American
GL of the same designation) is patterned after the French LRAC
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst IFR 89.
9Omm RPG HEAT 150 x18C - 2.5 10 400 Weight: 3.5 kg (unloaded)
ROF: 1 HEDP 250 x15C x2 5 20 400 Price: $3500 (-/R)
Mag:(2) WP 250 x15C x10 - 20 400 Nation: Jugoslavia
The advantages of a grenade launcher that can be attached to
an assault rifle or used separately are obvious, although the
Soviets took their time in developing theirs. The AK-GL was first
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst IFR used in the Afghan War in the mid- to late-1980s.
30mm GL HE 100 xlOC x10 5 10 400 Weight: 1 kg
ROF: 1 CHEM 100 xlC x10 - 5 400 Price: $700 (-4s)
Mag: 1 Nation: Warsaw Pact
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 13
~ 2 - 0 ~ 2.5
x20C x10 5 15 1 price: $20,000 @I--)
Nation: United States
Page 14 GDW
- 2.5
I ROF: 1
Mag: 0
HEAT 150 x20C 10 Price: $30,000 (-IS)
Nation: Warsaw Pact
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst fired from its tripod.
73mm Rcl HEAT 250 x20C - 2.5 5 Welght: 60 kg
ROF: 1 HE 250 x15C x i 0 10 15 Prlce: $35,000 ( R E )
Mag: 0 Nation: Warsaw Pact
Antitank Missiles
and Launchers
TYP~ Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst Thisweaponis the standard British LAW (light antitankweapon).
LAW HEAT 100 x20C - 5 5 Weight: 6 kg
ROF: 1 Prlce: $300 (W-)
The Armbrust (named after William Tell's crossbow) is a
German disposable LAW used by many armies and described
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst more fully in the basic game.
LAW HEAT 100 x20C - 5 5 Weight: 6 kg
ROF: 1 Price: $200 (SIR)
Mag: 0 Nation: Federal Republic of Germany
I AT-4 Antitank Rocket Launcher
The AT-4 is a copy of a Swedish disposable AT rocket adopted
by the U.S. in the late 1980s and manufactured under license
from the Swedes.
ATRL HEAT 100 x20C - Weight: 6 kg
ROF: 1 Price: $200 (CIS)
Mag: 0 Nation: United States
TOW is an acronym for 'tube-launched, optically-tracked,
L\, wire-guided." A sensor on the launcher tracks a light source on
the missile while thegunner keeps the sight'scrosshairs centered
on the target. Course corrections are fed to the missile through
,J>~ the wire linktrailed out by the missile in flight. The ROF and Mag
ratings areforthetripod-mounted, man-packed version, although
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst the launcher is more commonly mounted on a vehicle.
ATRL HEAT 3000 x25C - 5 10 Weight: 35 kg
ROF: 1 Price: $8000 (Rl-)
Mag: (2) Nation: United States
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 19
I ROF: 1
Mag: (2)
Price: $10,000 (SIR)
Nation: United States
The Czech RPG-75 is a disposable antitank missile first
manufactured in 1978 and now in service with a number of
Warsaw Pactarmies. Each launcher comeswith apairof earplugs
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst in a little plastic case attached to the carrying strap.
ATRL HEAT 100 x20C - 5 5 Weight: 4 kg
I ROF: 1
Mag: 0 I price: $3oo-(-m)
Nation: Czechoslovakia
Page 20 GDW
The RBS-56 BILL, likethe AmericanTank Breaker missile, flies
over the target and hits it from the top, where the armor of an AFV
is likely to be thinner. Manufactured by the Swedish firmof Bofors,
it has been exported to a number of other armies throughout the
O'P~ Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst world.
THL HEAT 2000 x30C - 5 10 Weight: 12 kg
I Mag: (2)
R°F:l I Price: $5500 (SIR)
Nation: Sweden
The LRAC 89 is a French antiarmor rocket launcher used by
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst airborne and heliborne forces.
89mm RL HEAT 150 x18C - 2.5 10 Weight: 3.5 kg (unloaded)
ROF: 1 HEDP 250 x15C x2 5 20 Price: $4500 (R/-)
Mag: (2) WP 250 x15C x10 - 20 Nation: France
I-portable, antitank,
missile-launchingsystem in service with the fdrces of France and
allied nations.
120mm AT HEAT 150 x30C - Weight: 15 kg
ROF: 1 150 x35C x10 10 . Price: $3500 (W-)
Mag:O WP 150 x15C x10 - 40 Nation: France
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 23
I Mag: (2)
Price: $1 200 (SIR)
Nation: France
The PzF-11-1 is a disposable antitank missile intended as
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst replacement for the older Armbrust.
AT HEAT 150 x25C - 5 10 Weight: 2 kg
ROF: 1 Price: $250 (SIR)
Mag: 0 Nation: Federal Republic of Germany
The RPG-16 is an improved version of the older RPG-7.
RPG-16 HEAT 150 x20C x4 Weight: 10 kg
ROF: 1 Price: $1000 (SIC)
Mag: (2) Nation: Warsaw Pact
yl\ B-300
I The iMl (Israeli Military Industries) 8-300 served as the basis
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst for the American M I2 SMAW.
I 82mm GL HEAT 100 x20C - 2.5 10 Weight: 3.5 kg (unloaded)
ROF: 1 HE 125 x25C x10 5 30 Price: $3000 (Rl-)
, Mag: (2) Nation: Israel
I ROF: 1
Mag: 0
Price: $350 ( - / R )
Nation: Warsaw Pact
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 25
Antiaircraft M ~ s s and
~ ~ Laanncherps
Antiaircraft Missiles
and Launchers
The Stinger is the standard SAM (surface-to-air missile) of the
U.S. armed forces and thoseof its allies. The Stinger replaced the
Redeye SAM in U.S. service in the 1970s.
Weight: 20 kg
TYP~ ROF Mag Rng Dam Arm KDR Price: $800 each (SIR)
SAM 1 112 6000 xlOC - 5 Nation: United States
w Redeye
Now obsolete, the Redeye was replaced as the U.S. standard
SAM by the Stinger. Redeyecan still befound with some National
Guard units and with the armed forces of numerous countries.
Weight: 20 kg
. TYP~ ROF Mag Rng Dam Arm KDR Price: $800 (SIR)
SAM 1 112 4000 xlOC - 5 Nation: United States
Page 26 GDW
Antiaircraft M i ~ ~ i nand
e s Launchers
Blowpipe is an obsolete British SAM now used by the armed
forces of countries other than the UK.
Weight: 20 kg
Type ROF Mag Rng Dam Arm KDR Price: $800 (W-)
SAM 1 112 4000 xlOC - 5 Nation: United Kingdom
Javelin replaced the Blowpipe as the standard SAM in the UK.
Weight: 22 kg
Type ROF Mag Rng Dam Arm KDR Prlce: $900 (SIR)
SAM 1 1/2 6000 xlOC - 5 Nation: United Kingdom
Thestandard SAMof the Warsaw Pact, the SAM-14 is basically
an improved version of the SAM-7 and nearly identical externally.
Weight: 15 kg
?i'~e ROF Mag Rng Dam Arm KDR Price: $800 (R/S)
SAM 1 112 6000 xlOC - 5 Nation: Warsaw Pact
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 27
The M I 4 is an small antipersonnel mine, designed to effect
only one person. It detonates on contact.
Weight: 3 kg
Price: $75 (SIR)
APERS Nation: United States
This mine is a shaped charge designed to direct the bulk of
its energy straight up when stepped on, and it affects only the
individual who triggers it. It detonates on contact.
Weight: .lkg, 16 kg per case of 150
TYP~ Dam Arm KDR Burst Price: $20, $3000 per case (SIR)
APERS 40 x2 Nation: United States
The M26 is amboundingAPERS" mine, which meansthat when
triggered, it bounds into the air to a height of about a meter and
then explodes, directing most of its fragments horizontally. It
detonates on contact or by means of a tripwire.
Weight: 1 kg
Price: $80 (SIR)
Nation: United States
The M I 6A1 is also a bounding APERS (antipersonnel) mine
but is larger than the M26. It detonates on contact, or by means
of a tripwire.
Weight: 4 kg, 18 kg per case of 4
Price: $80, $300 per case (SIR)
Nation: United States
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 29
---- -
_ ---
- --"-
--- ---/- ---
b"1 1- -- -_
M24 Off-Route Antitank Mine
This mine fires a shaped charge against the side of a vehicle
which rolls over a three-meter-wide pneumatic detonator (much
like the bell tube at agasstation), or it can be set off from a remote
.. _.- position up to 30 meters away. There is a 70% chance that the
charge will hit the vehicle's suspension, otherwise the hit is
scored against the C:HS.
Weight: 8 kg
TYP~ Dam Arm KDR Burst Price: $1000 (RI-)
AT M~ne 100 - 2.5 5 Nation: United States
M I Chemical Mine
The M I is simply a one-gallon can of chemicals with an
explosive charge taped to it. Like the M23, the M I releases a
cloud of gas throughout its burst radius and can be detonated by
a tripwire or from a remote position.
Weight: 10 kg
Price: $1400 (RI-)
Nation: United States
Type Dam Arm KDR Burst Price: $200 (RE)
AT Mine 800 x10 150 20 Nation: Warsaw Pact
KhF-2 Gas I
This mine releases a cloud of gas
of the various types) throughout the burst radius. It can be
detonated by a tripwire or from a remote position outide the burst
Weight: 10 kgs
Type Dam Arm KDR Burst 1 Price: $1400 (-IR)
CHEM - x20 50 1- Nation: warsaw pact
PM Antipersonnel Mine
'The mine affects only the person triggering it. The PM is a
small, easily concealed, plastic-cased,antipersonnelmine, usually
contactdetonated. Asimilar model, the PFM-1, is designed to be
scattered from aircraft and is solely contact detonated.
Weight: 6 kg
TYP~ Dam Arm KDR Burst Price: $25 (RIS)
APERS 40 x4 Nation: Warsaw Pact
Wojo Antipersonnel Mine
'Treat this mine as a claymore. This is the Wojo factory's
improvised claymore mine, consisting of a metal backplate, a
layer of plastic explosive, and a layer of nails, scored wire andlor
scrap metal. It is normally command-detonated from a remote
position, but characters with appropriate skills and access to an
engineer's demolition kit can improvise a tripwire system
(AVG:CBE). The mine has a 10% chance of misfiring.
YDR Burst
welght:.3 kg
Price: $75 (CIC)
Natlon: Free City of Krakow
Grenades,Pyrotechnics,and Explosives
and Explosives
G R E W E , H41\1D
OFFENSWE I%( Mk-3A2 Concussion Grenade
L Concussion grenades are less lethal than fragmentation
grenades (in the sense that their lethality radius is smaller) and
are used by hostage rescue teams and in urbancombat situations
where close quarters fighting is likely.
L Weight: 5 kg, 20 kg per case of 20
x20 5
- 1 Price: $4 each, $70 per case (CIS)
Nation: United States
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 35
Grenades,Pyrotechnics,and Ewpnosives
I 1
M31 HEAT Rifle Grenade
This grenade is one of the older model rifle grenades, which
require special adaptors on the rifle and need special cartridges
to launch. It is no longer in use with U.S. forces (file grenades
were withdrawn from U.S. service in 1962, and different models
were adopted in the 1990s), but it can be found in service with
other armies.
Weight: .7kg, 12 kg per case of 10
TVps Mag Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst IFR Price: $12 each, $1 00 per case (R/-)
HEATRG (2) 15 x15C - 5 15 200 Nation: United States
M25A2 CS Grenade
Grenades containing incapacitating chemical agents such as
CS are used for riot control or in situations where prisoners need
to be taken. The basic rules cover the game effects of various
chemical agents.
Weight: .5 kg, 12 kg per case of 16
Price: $6 each, $80 per case (SIR),
Nation: United States
Type ROF Mag Dam Arm KDR Burst Price: $4 each, $100 per case (-IR)
Frag 1 0 x8C x20 2.5 10 Nation: Czechoslovakia
Grenades,Pyrotechnics,and Explosives
140mm RAW HE
The RAW (rifleman's assault weapon) is dealt with in the basic
Weight: 3 kg
, TYP~ Mag Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst IFR Price: $50 (SIR)
Grenades,Pyrotechnics,and Explosives
Wojo Incendiary
The armaments factory of Juliusz Wojchiechowicz (Wojo, for
short) at Krakow, Poland, turns out a number of relatively simple
items of explosive ordnance. The Wojo incendiary bomb is an
improved version of the old molotov cocktail gasoline bomb. A
bottle filled with a mixture of gasoline and certain chemicals is
securely corked, and apaperenvelope containing otherchemicals
is taped around the outside. When thrown, the bottle breaks and
the reaction between the inside and outside chemicals creates
enough heat to ignite the gasoline. See the notes on page 4 for
adiscussion of flame effects. The high price reflects the fact that
there are better things to do with a liter of gasoline.
Welght: 1 kg
TYP~ ROF Mag Dam Arm KDR Burst Price: $250 (RIR)
lncen 1 0 x20C x10 0 2.5 Nation: Free City of Krakow
Grenades,Pyrotechnics,and Ewpnosives
The H AFLA (short for handflammpatr~ne+~hand flame
cartridge") is a single-shot, disposable flame weapon developed
for use by the West German army. Since it produces fragments
rather than a solid cloud of flame, damage should be handled in
the same way as a WP grenade (see the Referee's Manual,
V P ~ Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst page 6, under the heading "Incendiary Fragmentation").
HAFLA INCEN 20 x8C x10 5 10 Weight: .6 kg, 2 kg per case of 3
ROF: 1 Price: $150 each, $400 per case (W-)
Mag: 0 Nation: Federal Republic of Germany
LPO-50 Flamethrower
The LPO-50 is the standard flamethrower of Warsaw Pact
armies. As in NATO, it is issued only to assault engineer units for
certain specialized missions. If the user is hit from the rear and in
the chest or abdomen, treat that hit as a hit on the weapon
instead. For purposes of damage, treat this weapon as the fuel
tank on an unarmored vehicle. The LPO-50 requires 16 liters of
fuel and takes five minutes to reload (an air compressor is
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst required to recharge the air cylinder).
FT INCEN 25 x15C xl0 - 10 Weight: 23 kg (loaded)
ROF: 1 Price: $1200 (-4R)
Mag: 6 Nation: Warsaw Pact
Heavy Weapons Guide Page 43
Grenades, Pyrotechnics, and Explosives
M9A1 Flamethrower
In the U.S. Army, flamethrowers are issued to combat engineer
units for special purposes such as assaults. If the user is hit from
the rear and in the chest or abdomen, treat that hit as a hit on the
weapon instead. For purposes of damage, treat this weapon as
the fuel tank on an unarmored vehicle. The M9Al requires 16
liters of fuel and takes five minutes to reload (an air compressor
is required to recharge the air cylinder).
Weight: 23 kg (loaded)
Price: $1000 (RI-)
Nation: United States
Technically this is not a weapon, but it is often a constituent of
minefields and security perimeters, so it has been included. The
flare is activated by a tripwire and shoots a firework-like flare
straight up. A is most commonly used to signal the presence of the
enemy in a certain location, alerting sentries and illuminating the I
area. It works best at night. The flare illuminates an area equal to
its burst radius and burns for two 30-second combat turns.
Weight: 1 kg
vpe Dam Arm KDR Burst Prlce: $15 (CIS)
Flare 0 x20 0 300 Nation: United States
Page 44 GDW
Grenades,Pyrotechnics,and Explosives
M I 1 2 C4 Demolition Block
This is a block of plastic explosive (it can be cut and molded like
clay) measuring 25mmx50mmx275mm. One face has an ad-
hesive compound already applied to it, enabling the block to be
stuckwhere desired. The block may bedetonated by atripwire or
from a remote location using the electric detonator from an
engineer's demolition kit.
Weight: .5 kg
Type Dam Arm KDR Burst Price: $15 (SIR)
DEMO 100 x10 12 12 Nation: United States
Type Rnd Rng Dam Ann KDR Burst
M20 75mm Rcl HE 150 x20C x10 5 15
ROF: 1 HEAT 150 x15C - 2.5 10
Mag: 0 WP 150 x15C x10 - 10
M67 90mm Rcl HE 150 x25C x10 7.5 20
Consolidated Charts ROF: 1
Mag: 0
HEAT 150
x20C -
x20C x10 5
2.5 10
M40A2 106mm Rcl HEAT 350 x25C - 5 15
MORTARS ROF: 1 APERS 350 x25C x10 10 25
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst IFR Mag: 0
M224 60mm Mtr HE - x20C x10 5 20 4000 5 1 0 82mrn Rcl HE 150 x25C x10 7.5 20
ROF: 2 WP - ~ 1 5 C ~ 1 0- 10 4000 ROF: 1 HEAT 150 x20C - 2.5 10
Mag: 0 ILLUM - - - - 400 4000 Mag: 0
L5 81rnm Mtr HE - x25C x10 5 30 4500 5 11 107mrn R d HE 350 x25C x10 8 20
ROF: 1 WP - x15C x10 - 20 4500 ROF: 1 HEAT 350 x25C - 5 10
Mag: 0 ILLUM - - - - 1000 4500 Mag: 0
L16A1 81mm Mtr HE - x25C x10 5 30 4500 SPG-9 73rnm Rcl HEAT 250 x20C - 2.5 5
ROF: 1 WP - x15C x10 - 20 4500 ROF: 1 HE 250 x15C x10 10 15
Mag: 0 ILLUM - - - - 1000 4500 Mag: 0
M37, M41 81mm Mtr HE - x25C x10 5 30 4500 M59-A 82mm Rcl HE 150 x25C x10 7.5 20
ROF: 1 WP -x15CxlO - 20 4500 ROF: 1 HEAT 150 x20C - 2.5 10
Mag: 0 ILLUM - - - 1000 4500 Mag: 0
M29A1 81mm Mtr HE - x25C x10 5 30 4500 L-6 Wombat 120mrn Rcl HE 450 x30C x10 15 25
ROF: 1 WP - ~ 1 5 C x l O - 20 4500 ROF: 1 HEAT 450 x35C - 5 10
Mag: 0 ILLUM - - - - 1000 4500 Mag: 0
Vasilek82mmMtr HE 200 x25C x10 5 30 3000
Mag: 5 WP 200 x15C x10 - 20 3000 Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst
ILLUM 200 - - - 1000 3000 M20A1 3.5" RL HEAT 100 x15C - 2.5 5
Wojo Combo Mtr Use 82mrn, 81mm, or 60mm, above ROF: 1
T-B 120mm Mtr HE - x35C x10 10 45 5700 Mag: (2)
ROF: 1 WP - ~ 1 5 C~ 1 0 - 40 5700 M72 66mm LAW HEAT 100 xl5C - 2.5 5
Mag: 0 ILLUM - - - - 1500 5700 ROF: 1
CHEM - x l C x10 - 15 5700 Mag: 0
M38, M43 120mm Mtr HE - x35C x10 10 45 5700 LAW-80 HEAT 100 x20C - 5 5
ROF: 1 WP - x15C x10 - 40 5700 ROF: 1
Mag: 0 ILLUM - - - - 1500 5700 Mag: 0
CHEM - x l C x10 - 15 5700 Armbrust HEAT 100 x20C - 5 5
M43, M53 160mrn Mtr HE - x40C x8 12 50 8000 ROF: 1
ROF: 1 WP - x2OC x8 - 45 8000 Mag: 0
Mag: 0 CHEM - x l C x8 - 18 8000 M3 Carl Gustav84mm LAW HEAT 200 x20C - 2.5 5
M53 240mm Mtr HE - x45C x8 15 55 9000 ROF: 1 HEDP 200 x20C x5 5 5
ROF: 1 WP - x25C x8 - 50 9000 Mag: 0 CHEM 200 x l C x10 0 2.5
Mag: 0 CHEM - x2C x8 - 18 9000 AT-4 RL HEAT 100 x20C - 5 5
ROF: 1
Mag: 0
Type Rnd Rng Dam Arm KDR Burst IFR ROF: i
M79 40mm GL HE 100 xlOC x10 5 10 400 Mag: (2)
ROF: 1 HEDP 100 xlOC x2 2.5 5 400 TOW I AT Missile HEAT 3000 x25C - 5 10
Mag: 1 CHEM 100 x l C x10 - 5 400 ROF: 1
ILLUM 100 - - - 100 400 Mag: (2)
APERS 40 10 x10 2.5 5 - TOW II AT Missile HEAT 3500 x40C - 10 15
Mk-19 40mm AGL HVHE 200 xlOC x10 5 10 3000 ROF: 1
ROF: 8 HVHEDP 200 xlOC x2 2.5 5 3000 Mag: (2)
Mag: 50 Also, see M79 40mm GL (except APERS round) Tank Breaker AT Missile HEAT 2000 x30C - 5 10
M203 40mm GL See M79 40rnm GL ROF: 1
AGS-17 30mm AGL HE 150 x8C x10 2.5 5 1700 Mag: (2)
ROF: 5 RPG-75 HEAT 100 x20C - 5 5
Mag: 30 ROF: 1
MI2 SMAW 82mm GL HEAT 100 x20C - 5 10 Mag: 0
ROF: 1 HE 125 x25C x10 5 30 RBS-56 BILL HEAT 2000 x30C - 5 10
Mag: (2) ROF: 1
TGS 40mm GL See M79 40rnrn GL Mag: (2)
RPG-22 HEAT 150 x 1 5 C - 5 5 APILAS AT Missile Launcher HEAT 200 x20C - 5 5
ROF: 1 ROF: 1
Mag: 0 Mag: (21
RPG-7 HEAT 150 x20C x4 5 x10 Eryx i6omm AT ML HEAT 200 x20C - 5 5
ROF: 1 ROF: 1
Mag: (2) Mag: (2)
RPG-27 HEAT 100 x20C - 5 10 AT-3 (Sagger) HEAT 2500 x30C - 5 10
ROF: 1 ROF: 1
Mag: (2) Mag: (3)
M79 90mm RPG HEAT 150 x18C. - 2.5 10 400 AT-5 (Spandrell) HEAT 3500 x35C - 5 10
ROF: 1 HEDP 250 x15C x2 5 20 400 ROF: 1
Mag: (2) WP 250 x15C x10 - 20 400 Mag: (2)
AK-GL 30mm GL HE 100 xlOC x10 5 10 400 Milan AT HEAT 3500 x35C - 5 10
ROF: 1 CHEM 100 x f C x10 - 5 400 ROF: 1
Mag: 1 Mag: (2)
Page 46 GDW
89mm WP: Used in the LRAC 89 Weight: 5 kg Price: $190 Javelin Missile:Weight: 12 kg Price: $2000 (SIR)
(Rl-). Redeye Missile:Weight: 13 kg Price: $2000 (W-).
90mm HEAT: Used in the Milan. Weight: 7 kg Price: $1200 SA-14 Missile:Weight: 10 kg Price: $2100 (RIS).
(SIR). Stinger Missile:Weight: 16 kg Price: $2000 (SIR-).
120mm HEAT: Used in the DARD 120. Weight: 12 kg Price:
$800 (W-).
122mm Rkt: Weight: 46 kg Price: $350 (-JR). Fire Extinguisher Bottle, Vehicle: Three vehicle fire extin-
127mm HEAT: Used in the Dragon. Weight: 6.6 kg Price:$350 guisher bottles come as standard equipment in AFVs. Weght: 10
(SIR). kg Price: $500 (CIC).
127mm HEAT: Used in the TOW. Weight: 20 kg Price: $1200 Flame Retardant Suit: Nomex tanker's coveralls or similar
(Rl-). garments designed to provide temporary protection from flames
152mm HEAT: Used in the Tank Breaker. Weight: 10 kg Price: and flash burns. Helicopter and tank crewmembers receive one
$1000 (SIR). free as part of their initial equipment. Weight: 8 kgs Price: $500
152mm HEAT: Used in the TOW It. Weight:20 kg Price: $1500 (S/S).
(SIR). Wojo Sabot: Awooden sabot strapped around a 60mm mortar
160mm HEAT: Used in the Eryx.Weight: 11 kg Price: $1100 round to allow it to be fired from an 81182mm mortartube.Weight:
(Rl-). 2 kg Price: $5 (CIC).
. .
ACCP HEAT: Weight: 11 kg Price: $750 (RI-).
APILAS: Webhf: 10 kg Price: $1000 (W-1. '
AT-3: weight:-1 0 kg ~ & e :$1000 Armbrust: Weight: 6 kg Price: $200 (SIR)
AT-5: Weight: 12 kg Price: $1 200 (-JR). LAW-80: Weight: 6 kg Price: $300 (RI-).
BILL HEAT: Weight: 8 kg Price: $1200 (W-). M72 66mm LAW: Weight: 2 kg Price: $180 (SIR).
Blowpipe Missile:Weight: 11 kg Price: $2000 (Rl-). RPG-22: Weight: 4 kg Price: $400 (RIS).
HOT: Weight: 18 kg Price: $1000 (W-). RPG-75: Weight: 4 kg Price: $300 (-/R).
PO Box 1646
Bloomington, IL 61 702- 1 646
Over 11.0 Heavy Weapons for Twilight: 22000
The H ~ ~ E I V ~ Guide is a resource and guidebook to more than 110 mortars, grenade
launchers, recoilless rifles, mines, hand grenades, rifle grenades, SAMs, and othersupport weapons.
The latest in antitank missiles are described and illustrated, including B I U , ACCP, Eryx, and Tank
Breaker. Mortars range from the American M224 60mm up to the Scrvfet M-55 240mm.Grenade
launchers include the older American M79 "Thumper and the latest Soviet underbarrel AK-GL. In
addition, the game includes eight pieces of recoilless artillery, 26 W e t s and rocket launchers, 20
mines, and more than 30grenades covering all types currently in sedce and a few that haven? t e n
adopted yet.
As a spedal bonus, the Heavy Weapons Guide a h includes descriptions, illustrations, game
statistics, and rubs for the use of flame weapons in Wlllght: 2000; including Ramethmwersand the
ever-popular home-made firebomb called the "Molotov cocktail."