HMS-Doc V 1 1
HMS-Doc V 1 1
HMS-Doc V 1 1
2) Adding Disease Information 3) Adding Scanned Copy of Other Hospital Records. 4) Appointment 5) Reservation 6) Admission 7) Discharge 8) Billing 9) Receipts 10) 11) Credit Note Refund
b) Working Time Management(Admin) i) ii) Assign the duty (Day or Night shift) Working Timing set as Common and Individual Doctor Wise setup.
d) Doctor Daily Assignment (User) i) ii) iii) Regular Duty (Ward Checkup). Emergency Duty (Urgent cases). Appointment wise Duty
e) Prescription to patient(User) i) ii) iii) Search Patient Record View the patient History (includes View the X-ray, lab test and etc.) Add the patient Prescription/Modify the Prescription.
3. Nursing a) Service Orders b) Case Sheet Maintenance c) Discharge Summary d) Information Transmission between doctor and staff 4. Ward a) Ward Details Management(Add/Update/Delete) b) Bed Details Management(Add/Update/Delete)
5. Theater Management a) Theater Details Management b) Theater Scheduling c) Process Details d) Theater Maintenance 1) Equipment/Gas Details e) Usage of Equipment /Gas f) Drugs/Disposal Consumption
6. Laboratory a) Lab Details Management b) Lab Scheduling a. Patient Allocation b. Staff Allocation c) Order Acceptance d) Work List(Samples pending List) e) Lab Records f) Lab Kit Management g) Inventory Management for Lab. h) Result Reports. i) Maintenance of Lab 7. Radiology and Imaging. a) Diagnostic imaging services Management 1) X-rays 2) MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 3) CT(Computed Tomography)
b) Result Reports c) Images Records. d) Maintenance. e) Staff Allocation f) Patient Allocation 8. User Management. a) User Details Management (Add/Update/Delete) b) Activate/Deactivate Users c) Roles Management 1) Role Details(Add/Update/Delete) d) Menu Management 1) Menu Details (Add/Update/Delete) e) Menu Assignment 1) Map menu to Role 9. Disease Management a) Disease Details(Add/Update/Delete) 1) Adding Disease Basic Details(IDC(International Classification of Diseases) Code for Disease) 2) Disease Category and Sub Category. 3) Adding Detail Case Study 4) Adding Symptoms List 5) Attaching Additional Details (Doc, PDF and etc.) 6) Medicine for Disease 10.Administration a) Transfer of Employees b) Intake Patient Setup.
c) Doctor Fees Determination d) Administrative Fees Management e) Tax Amount Setup. f) Lab Test Fees Determination. g) Bed Fees Management. h) Daily Basics Employees Salary Determination i) Salary Structure Determination. j) Work Flow Determination. k) Assignment of Work to respective person. l)
Support Module 1. Blood Bank a) Blood Group Management b) Donor Details 1) In House Donations(Blood Bank donation) 2) Mobile Blood Donation (University, etc.) 3) Donor Management(List, Update, Delete) c) Blood Collection Bar Code for bag, Sample Number Generation. 1) Double Pack 2) Triple Pack 3) Quardruple Pack
d) Screening 1) HIV, HepB, HepC, MP, VDRL report Update. e) Blood Issue 1) While Screening Donor Sample if something some positive of above screening test that sample will get rejected and report send to donor. 1) Report Generation based on a specific User wise. 2) Status of Report to Donor (Status Tracking). f) Components Preparation 1) RBC. 2) FFP 1) CPP (Insert, Delete, Update) 2) Cryo (Insert, Delete, Update) 3) Platelets. g) Blood Storage 1) Expiry Date Management of Components. 1) Double/Triple RBC 35 Days Expiry Date. 2) Quardruple /Triple RBC 42 Days Expiry Date. 3) Platelets 5 Days Expiry Date. 4) FFP,CPP,Cryo 1 Year. 2) View report of stock and Expiry sample Count Day wise.
h) Blood Request 1) From Patient (Patient information, Blood Group )(List, Insert, Update, Delete) 2) From Other Hospital(List, Insert, Update, Delete) i) Compactable Test
1) Patient and Donor Compactable Test Report. (List, Insert, Update, Delete) j) Blood Issued 1) According to the Compatibility of Patient and Donor Blood will be issued. 2) To other Hospital they issue Only RBC. k) Statistics 1) Day/Week/Month/Year a) Donor. b) Blood samples. c) Blood Issue. d) Blood Problem. e) Request from Hospital/ Patient. f) Stock of Components (RBC, etc.) g) Blood Group Wise
2. Physiotherapy 1) 3. Dieting 4. Dialysis 5. Bio-Medical 6. CSSD(Central Sterile Services Department ) 7. Housekeeping 8. Complaints 9. Billing 1) Patient Billing a) Search Patient
b) Add the Billing Details into patient Account (Lab Test, Doctor Fees and etc. ). c) Payment a) Partial Payment 1) Transaction type and information will be capture 2) Receipt Print out. b) Full Payment.( Transaction type and information will be capture) 1) Transaction type and information will be capture 2) Receipt Print out.
2) Insurance Billing a) 3) Physician Service and Billing 10.Preventive Maintenance 1) 11.Pharmacy a) Stock Management 1) Stock Leger. 2) Stock Movement Statement. 3) Product location Management (rack-shelve). b) Purchase Management 1) Purchase Order generation to Vendor. 2) Order Receiving. 3) Bill generation. 4) Payment Transaction Tracking. c) Report 1) Stock Report.
2) Expiry products report and alert (product wise). 3) Expiry products report (Of each supplier). 12.Purchase 13.General Stores 14.Other Hospital Reference Management 15.Equipment Management System. 16.Health care Packages. 17.Roster Management Enterprise Module 1. Finance a) 2. Human Resources a) Employee Details Management b) Resignation/Retirements c) Daily/Monthly Attendance d) Leave Management e) Salary Slip Download (User). 3. Fixed Assets 4. Insurance a) Insurance Claim b) Scanned Copy of Insurance Form Submitting. c) Insurance Approval Process. d) After Approval of Insurance detect the amount from patient payment.