United SOP
United SOP
United SOP
Virtual Airlines
We are not affiliated with any real airline/aviation companies. All flight and aeronautical information found here is for simulated use only. This is an operational guide for members of United Airlines Virtual.
This document is subject to change at any time without notice. This document is NOT to be used for real world aviation or navigation.
1. UAV is for pilots who have dedication, respect, and know FAA regulations and guide lines. 2. At no time while flying with UAV will there be swearing, racial comments, or any other harmful comments.
3. We influence flying on our FSX multiplayer server which will be discussed later in this handbook.
4. UAV will continue to be up to date with events, hops, and overall public relations.
** Please note if there are any questions with these few rules and regulations, contact one of our founders or administrators.
CEO/President Chase Morgan COO VACANT VP of HR Malachi Oie Directors Crew (Hub) Managers
If you would like to apply for a staff spot on DAV, please contact a founder or admin, then fill out an application on our website. Also note that just because you apply for a staff spot, does not guarantee a staff spot on DAV.
Here at UAV we follow a very strict code of conduct. All pilots, admins, hub managers, and executives are expected to follow these rules. Any failure to attend to these rule can result on suspension, long term suspension, and termination. Although UAV is a non-profit organization the airline reserves the right to suspend and terminate users from the airline. This code applies to any program, flight filing system, and Teamspeak 3.
- All members of UAV are expected to abide by rules and regulations of anything disputed
by the Airline as you are directly representing UAV.
- Respect is a very important topic here at UAV. We expect all members to be respectful
to other pilots, admins, and executives. If you hear any racial, or any harmful comments please contact an admin to get the user removed from the server.
- UAV encourages the spread of world events, and information regarding the aviation
world. DAV also encourages members keep up to date with other real world events and share it with the community, as long as the information is true and is not hurtful
All returning members will contact Human Resources to request validation of an earlier contract. Former members will not fill out a new pilot application. If you were removed for inactivity, you will need to contact the board of directors to get approved for a rehire. If you are a new pilot, you are required to file your first pirep report within 14 days of contract or risk being terminated.
Activity Requirements
In order to retain contract with United Airlines Virtual, we require you to file TWO pireps monthly. This so pilots maintain connection with the airline and we can see what pilots are dedicated to serving their passengers and who needs to go. If you know you will be unable to complete the flight requirements, please file a leave of absence (LOA) with Human Resources VIA the website.
Leave of Absence
As a pilot for UAV, it is your responsibility to abide by all of the airline regulations and requirements. One of these is to file TWO pireps every month. If you will be unable to execute this task, then you may file for a leave of absence. A leave of absence is a period in which you are requesting your account to be put on hold due to not being able to perform the required activity. Your leave of absence may not exceed 90 days and we require a specific reason for your leave of absence. To avoid abuse, pilots may not file for more than 3 leave of absences per year.
Pilot Ranking/Seniority
Second Officer (0 Flights) First Officer (5 Flights) Captain (20 Flights) Veteran (50 Flights) Most active pilot (Most flights in Hub) Top Pilot (Most active pilot in Airline) ATP Instructor (Pilot Trainer) (Must have at least 50 flights and pass exam)
Teamspeak 3 Server
United Airlines Virtual has a fully operational TS3 server. Teamspeak 3 is the most advanced VOIP (Voice over IP) software available. We use our server for multiplayer communications, pilot and staff communications and just for a social room of course. In the multiplayer session, we do not use FSX voice, but TS3 voice to decrease session lag, and to provide better voice communications. Below I list how to install TS3 on your PC.
Note: When you are accepted into the airlines, we will issue you the server address and password to connect to our server as well as the nickname to use.