Session 13b4: Example 1. Entity and Architecture

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Session 13b4 Logic Design Using VHDL

Massoud Moussavi Johnson & Wales University, School of Technology Providence, R.I. 02903
Abstract: In the digital system design world, VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) has become an essential tool for designers. Understanding VHDL will help students successfully find a well paying position in todays job market. Nevertheless, not all engineering schools, especially those without a graduate program, offer a VHDL course. This paper intends to show how to integrate basic VHDL in the junior level Logic Design Course.






The simple SOP combinational circuit of figure (1) is a good starting point to learn VHDL. In this example three basic gates: AND, Invertor, and OR gates (AOI) are connected together. The minterm expression of the output X is: X(A,B,C) = (AB) + (BC)

A 0

7400/4 7432/4

VHDL is a design tool that contains text editors, compilers, debuggers, and simulators. Within the last decade, it has become a powerful tool for engineers to design fully tested and reliable digital systems. There are two major Hardware Descriptive Languages in the current market, AHDL and VHDL. AHDL is Alteras version of VHDL. Since Altera has a very supportive policy towards universities and colleges, educators may consider Alteras MAX + PLUS II in their digital circuit design class. Beside digital circuit design, VHDL has also been used in digital filter design. Obviously, VHDL needs to be consider as a separate course in electronic/computer engineering. But adding a new course to the current curriculum comes with dropping one existing course and the approval of many time consuming committees. In order to shorten such a long process of approval, it is possible to teach basic of VHDL by integrating into a digital circuit design or a similar course. To fully understand VHDL, students may sign up for one of the available VHDL training courses, such as Aldec ( or or register for webtraining programs, such as Doulos ( There are also many good books on VHDL that are listed at the end of this article. To integrate VHDL in a logic design course, we may spend 15-20 percent of a typical 45 hour (total of 8-10 hours) class and teach basic VHDL through some examples. The following examples may provide a guideline for such an attempt.


Figure 1. A simple combinationalcircuit. A VHDL code typically starts with a definition and is followed by entity and architecture. Thus, the VHDL model of figure (1) is as follow: Line 1. Line 2. Line 3. Line 4. port Library IEEE; Use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; entity SOP is (A,B,C: in X: out bit; bit);

Line 5. end SOP; Line 6. architecture structure of SOP is begin X <= ((not A and B) or ( C and D)); Line 7. end structure; In this example, SOP and structure are the chosen names for the digital circuit. Words in, out, and bit show both the inputs and outputs are represented by one bit.

0-7803-5643-8/99/$10.00 1999 IEEE November 10 - 13, 1999 San Juan, Puerto Rico 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 13b4-22

Session 13b4
Example 2. Signal and Propagation Delay
In a digital circuit, it always takes a certain period of time for the output of each gate to respond to the events at its inputs. In a VHDL program, we should indicate the amount of propagation delay for an event on each signal. In the above example, input events on signals A,B, and C produce events on the internal signals (AB) and (BC). Events on signal (AB) produce events on (AB). Finally, events on internal signals (AB) and (BC) will produce events on the output signal X. Thus, there are three signals (AB), (AB), and (BC) in our digital circuit as shown in figure (2).

Example 3. Components
A digital circuit is a interconnection of many components. The VHDL code describes the interconnection of the various components in terms of a "netlist". A 2-to-1 Multiplexer is a good example to show the interconnection of components. A 2-to-1 MUX consists of one Inverter (G1), two 2-input AND gates (G2 and G3) , and one 2-input OR gate (G4). Figure (3) shows how these components are connected to each other. A 2-to-1 MUX has three inputs and one output: two "data inputs", data_0 and data_1, one "sel" and one "output" respectively. The VHDL model of a 2-to-1 MUX is as follows: Line 1. entity 2_1mux is Line 2. port (data_0, data_1 : in std_logic; selector : in std_logic; output : out std_logic); Line 3. end 2_1mux; --component declaration Line 4. architecture structure of 2_1mux is Line 5. component and2_gate Line 6. port (in_1, in_2: in std_logic; output: out std_logic); Line 7. end component; Line 8. component or_2gate Line 9. port (in_1, in_2: in std_logic; output: out std_logic); Line 10. end component; Line 11. component inv_gate Line 12. port (in_1: in std_logic; output: out std_logic); Line 13. end component; --internal signal declaration Line 14. signal not_sel, x, y: std_logic; -- not_sel carries signal from G_1 to G_2 -- x carries signal from G_2 to G_4 -- y carries signal from G_3 to G_4 Line 15. begin G_1 : inv_gate port map (sel, not_sel); G_2 : and2_gate port map (data_0, not_sel, x); G_3 : and2_gate port map (data_1, sel, y); G_4 : or2_gat port map (x,y,output); Line 16. end structure


7404/6 7432/4

(AB)' B 0

? (BC)

Figure 2. A combinational circuit with internal signals. A change at inputs will transfer through these three signals and reach the output with a total propagation delay of 5ns (2ns for each of the 2-input gates and 1ns for the 1-input gate). Consequently, the above VHDL code will change as follows: Line 1. Line 2. Line 3. Line 4. Library IEEE; Use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; entity SOP is port (A,B,C: in bit; X: out bit); Line 5. end SOP; Line 6. architecture structure of SOP is signal AB, AB, BC: std_logic:=0'; begin AB <= A and B after 2ns; BC <= B and C after 2ns; AB <= not AB after 1ns; X <= AB or BC after 2ns; Line 7. end structure; The above form of the signal assignment statement implicitly places a after 0ns time expression following the value expression.

0-7803-5643-8/99/$10.00 1999 IEEE November 10 - 13, 1999 San Juan, Puerto Rico 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 13b4-23

Session 13b4
data-0 1 data-1 1



G-1 G-2




Figure 3. 2-to-1 MUX. Example 4. Bit-Vector (Array) A 3-bit binary counter is a good example for a sequential logic circuit with the data type of a bit-vector (an array of three bits). In a 3-bit binary counter, the minterm expression of the three D-flip-flop inputs are as follows: Q(A) = q(A)q(B) + q(A)q(C) + q(A)q(B)q(C) Q(B) = q(B) XOR q(C) Q(C) = q(C) where Q and q represent the next state and present state respectively. Figure (4) shows the logic circuit of a 3-bit binary counter and its VHDL model is as follows: Line 1. entity 3bbinary_count is Line 2. port (clk: in bit; Z: out bit_vector (2 downto 0)); Line 3. end 3bb_count; Line 4. architecture structure of 3bb_count is type ff_index is (Q(A), Q(B),Q(C ); type ff_type is array (ff_index) of bit; signal Q: ff-type; Line 5. begin --state: D flip-flops Dff: block (clk = 1' and not clkstable); Q(A) <= guarded (q(A) and not q(B)) or (q(A) and not q(C ) or (not q(A) and q(B) and q(C )); Q(B) <= guarded q(B) xor q(C); Q( C) <= guarded not q(C); Line 6. end block Dff; --output Line 7. Q <= Q(A) & Q(B) & Q(C); Line 8. end structure; In this example, the statement "ff_index" defines the

indexing scheme for the array type "ff_type". The "block" statement is used to describe level-sensitive synchronous behavior (i.e. clock signals for the gated D-latch control whether the gated latch responds to or ignores transitions on its D inputs. Each "block" statement contains a "guarded" expression which controls the execution of the concurrent signal assignment. The two consecutive dashes "--" in line 6 specifies a "comment". There are many other good examples that we may find in the variety of VHDL books that are listed in the reference. A good source of information on VHDL is "VHDL International User Forum (VIUF) which is available on the Internet (

Clock 7411/3 7408/4





7486/4 7432/4

R C1

1D S

R C1

1D S

R C1

1D S







Figure 4. A 3-bit binary counter.

VHDL is an powerful and popular language for modeling a digital system. Students, with the VHDL knowledge, have a better opportunity to find a well paid position in high-tech companies. If VHDL is not part of a curriculum at the undergraduate level, it is possible to introduce VHDL in a design course such as logic design. Selecting a couple of students design projects and redesigning them by using VHDL will furnish students with the basic knowledge on this subject. There are many channels that student could take to enhance their knowledge after taking such integration of VHDL and logic design course.


0-7803-5643-8/99/$10.00 1999 IEEE November 10 - 13, 1999 San Juan, Puerto Rico 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 13b4-24

Session 13b4
[1] Scarpino, Frank, VHDL and AHDL digital system implementation, Prentice-Hall PTR Pub. Co., 1998. [2] Yalamanchili, Sudhakar, VHDL starters guide, Prentice-Hall Pub. Co., 1998. [3] Roth, Jr., Charles H., Digital System Design Using VHDL, PWS Pub. Co., 1998. [4] Dewey, Allen. Analysis and Design of Digital Systems with VHDL, PWS Pub. Co., 1997. [5] Pellerin David and Taylor, Douglas. VHDL Made Easy!, Prentice-Hall PTR, Pub. Co., 1997. [6] Menchini, Paul. Dr. VHDLs Power-Up Guidebook. Check [7] Ashenden, Peter J., The Students Guide to VHDL. Morgan Kaufman Pub. Co. [8] Bhasker, J. VHDL Primer, 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall Pub. Co.

Online Resources:
[1] Cadence, [2] Cypress, (has a $99 VHDL synthesis package). [3] Mentor Graphic, [4] OrCAD, (now has joint product with Xilinx). [5] Synopsys, [6] Wiewlogic, [7] Xilinx, [8] Synplicity, [9] (a news group)

0-7803-5643-8/99/$10.00 1999 IEEE November 10 - 13, 1999 San Juan, Puerto Rico 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 13b4-25

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