Secret Occult Orders - The Keepers of Secrets - IGOS

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International Guild of Occult Sciences College and Research Society

Secret Orders of Light

Copyright 2013 IGOS hor e!plar


Secret Orders of Light

Secret Orders are %ust that& secret# 'ou !ay (no" of certain na!es $ut& the real na!es of secret orders are (no"n only $y those in the Order# here are Orders "ithin Orders# he acti)ities of the Inner Order& is )ery different fro! the acti)ities of the Outer Orders# Occult Guilds and *ystery Schools ha)e a long history of secrecy# he need to preser)e ancient (no"ledge and (eep it fro! e)il orders has ne)er changed since ancient ti!es# +n e,a!ple of Orders "ithin Orders is& the *asons# here is a large outer organi-ation and their acti)ities are "ell (no"n# .ro! their !eetings to their fund raising& their acti)ities are fairly open and are !ore li(e of a typical clu$& than anything else# hen there is the Inner *asonic Orders that are in)ol)ed in all (inds of acti)ities fro! i!!ortality to "orld do!ination# .e" (no" of the real inner acti)ities# Certainly none of the outer order (no"s# Orders "ithin Orders create a support syste! for secret acti)ities "ithout& the support syste! (no"ing "hat is actually going on# his is a co!!on practice "ithin !any secret institutions li(e the !ilitary and intelligence ser)ices# here are all (inds of /$lac( operation/ orders "ithin go)ern!ent and the !ilitary# his is greater so "ith Secret Orders# he easiest "ay to (eep secrecy is on the /need to (no"0 $asis# Only those in)ol)ed in the acti)ities of the Inner Order need to (no" "hat is going on# It is also e,tre!ely i!portant to (no" that thousands of secrets are !ade and they are (ept fore)er1 hose that thin( this is not possi$le are sadly ignorant of the real "orld# he nu!$er of secrets (ept in all areas of life& is frightening1 2)ery $usiness has /trade0 secrets that are not shared "ith the general pu$lic# .ro! plu!$ers to stoc( $ro(ers& they all ha)e secrets the pu$lic are not allo"ed to (no"# here are tens

of !illions of indi)iduals (eeping secrets# 3ust the fact that organi-ed cri!e is )ery acti)e and ne)er controlled& pro)es that people (eep secrets under threats and pay offs# he fa!ous gangster +l Capone& "as ne)er con)icted of a cri!e& he "as con)icted of ta, e)asion& $ecause secrets "ere (ept a$out his acti)ities# +ll the airlines and !ost cities are all controlled $y organi-ed cri!e# Organi-ed cri!e is hea)ily in)ol)ed in occultis! as "ell& "ith an organi-ed satanic gangs using and controlling occultis!# hey o"n pu$lishers& are pu$lishers and e)en "rite $oo(s1 hose ignorant occultists that do not understand this& "ill regret this in the future# 'our occult (no"ledge is under co!plete control $y the Illu!inati Satanists Gangsters# hose trying to $rea( this strangle hold& are attac(ed on all le)els# 'O4 +R2 52I6G .227 8OR 9L2SS OCC4L I6.OR*+ IO6 5' 92 ILL4*I6+ I O 72:O82R 'O41 his is nothing ne"# his is a long struggle $et"een the forces of Light and the Satantic Lucifians# his caused the for!ation of Secret Orders of Light# Orders that (eep the $alance& Orders that hold sacred (no"ledge and relics so the "orld is not totally controlled $y the Satanic Lucifians# his can only $e acco!plished $y secret orders of highly dedicated occultists# he follo"ing gi)es a $rief history of one of these Secret Orders& the /Red 7ragon Order of .rance0# his Order is the /;eeper0 at this ti!e#

Guild +cti)ities and the Red 7ragon Order of .rance

he Guild<s !ain :ath& is called the 7ragon :ath& $ecause of our close association "ith the Red 7ragon Order of .rance# .e" ha)e e)er heard of this Order& outside a fe" secret occult groups in 2urope# +s a !atter of fact& fe" (no" of the great occult history of .rance in general#

.rance has a long history of occult secret societies and all (inds of strange Occult Orders# 2)en today& there is a great interest in occultis! in .rance# +fter all& this is the ho!e to !any Gnostic sects and the fa!ous ;nights e!plars# It "as e)en the ho!e to se)eral Gree( !ystery schools that influenced the Gnostic sects# he .rench "ere hea)ily in)ol)ed in the Crusades and founded "hat is no" !odern Le$anon# Richard& the Lion 9earted& "as .rench and "as ;ing of 2ngland for so!e ti!e# .rench Occult Orders ha)e $een acti)e in .rance for thousands of years# here contacts during the Crusades $rought the! large nu!$ers of ancient *iddle 2astern te,ts# hese Orders ha)e $een "or(ing "ith the Red 7ragon Order o)er !any hundreds of years# he Red 7ragon Order controls thousands of !iles of secret tunnels under .rance# hese tunnels "ere originally used for 8ine and Cheese storage# his net"or( of tunnels& are so )ast& that& a certain nu!$er of Red 7ragon Order *e!$ers& de)ote their entire life %ust learning ho" to !o)e through these tunnels safely# hose going into the tunnels& "ithout a guide are ne)er seen again# hese special guides li)e outside of .rance and are called upon only "hen needed to access certain relics and ancient te,ts stored in these tunnels# 8hat these tunnels actually hold are& thousands of rare te,ts and relics fro! !any

Occult Orders that ha)e as(ed the Red 7ragon Order to (eep the! safe# he large scale attac( on occult orders in .rance is "ell (no"n# o (eep Relics and Sacred e,ts fro! $eing destroyed these Occult Orders ga)e their treasures to the Red 7ragon Order to store in their )ast net"or( of tunnels and ca)es# he Red 7ragon Order is a neutral Order that ser)es the occult co!!unity as the /;eepers of Secrets#0 It is un(no"n& e,actly ho" !any relics and sacred te,ts are stored in this )ast net"or( of tunnels& $ut it is surely !any thousands& all gathered fro! around the "orld# One !a%or user of the tunnels "as 6apoleon 5onaparte# .e" (no" his true story# 9istory records hi! as con=ueror of the "orld $ut that is only part of the story# 6apoleon first sought out occult orders and tried to access their secret teachings& only to $e refused# 6apoleon (ne" he could not con=uer the "orld and !ore so& hold such large areas of the "orld# 9e "as not interested in physical con=uest he "as interested in sacred (no"ledge& the secrets of the ages# he only "ay to o$tain all this (no"ledge "as to ta(e it# his started his interest in "orld con=uest# 6apoleon told his troops that their first duty& after !ilitary )ictory "as to sei-e& all relics and $oo(s fro! e)ery (no"n e!ple# 6apoleon paid large su!s of !oney to spies& to tell hi! of the locations of secret te,ts and relics# +ll sei-ed "ere to $e $rought $ac( to the central Li$rary in :aris# Secretly the rarest te,ts and !ost po"erful relics "ere $rought to his o"n secret li$rary& "here !any translators "ere "aiting# hese translators& under penalty of death& "ere s"orn to secrecy# 9ere they "or(ed for !any years translating te,t after te,t into .rench# 6apoleon& $eing told $y his personal spiritual !ystics& that defeat "as co!ing soon& ga)e all his relics and sacred te,ts& to the Red 7ragon Order to hide in their )ast net"or( of tunnels for future elite Guilds and Orders# So!e te,ts "ere also transported to so!e secret Ger!an societies for safe (eeping& as "ell# Grand *aster Ro$ert 5lanchard& a(a 7ragon& is a !e!$er of this

.rench order& for !any years# 9is occult& .rench (no"ledge is unsurpassed in the 2nglish spea(ing "orld# +s such& the Red 7ragon Order is slo"ly allo"ing i!portant sacred te,ts to $e released through IGOS& in the co!ing years# hese te,ts )ary greatly co)ering ne)er seen $efore occult science syste!s& of all (inds# his greatly illustrates the i!portance of .rench te,ts in the occult sciences& o)er all other te,ts# Italian and 5ritish te,ts ha)e all $een terri$ly altered and poorly translated into those languages& "hile the .rench translations "ere done $y the $est# 7o not $e fooled $y those that tell you different# hese archi)es are $eing opened to IGOS only# +s in past "hen "e "ere the first& to $ring you )ast nu!$ers of classical gri!oire te,ts for the first ti!e& "e "ill $e doing the sa!e again# >ery rare !agical te,ts& fro! around the "orld& "ill slo"ly $e released through the Guild# his "ill ta(e a great a!ount of ti!e# hese te,ts are all in different languages and translating the! into usa$le !agical te,ts re=uires a great deal of "or( and support fro! an acti)e Guild#

Interesting 6ote?
he sacred treasures and relics fro! the 9e$re"s& ;nights e!plar& Cathars& and e)en the thousands stolen $y the 6a-is& ha)e ne)er $een found to this day# I "onder "ho has all these treasures and relics@

he Red 7ragon Order is not connected in any !anner "ith the gri!oire of the sa!e na!e#

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