9 Root Cause Failure Analysis PDF
9 Root Cause Failure Analysis PDF
9 Root Cause Failure Analysis PDF
Root Cause Failure Analysis is a class of problem solving methods using step-by-step methods to discover the basic causes of failure. The fundamental purposes why RCFA is implemented are: - to eliminate the recurrence of a failure, or - to manage the consequences of a failure should they occur again. IWK CURRENT PRACTICE
IWK has a "Continuous Improvement Program" (CIP) that mimics formal RCFA. This CIP operates under a Standard Operating Procedure but is not formally documented. IWK have a failure coding system in IFS, however this coding system is overly complicated and includes factors that do not influence the failure, such as unpleasant odour, sewer water discoloration etc., which are failure consequences rather than failure modes. The coding system requires alignment of failure codes with actual failure modes. These failure modes should be the same as used in estimated effective life assessments (see below additional/support notes) to simply the overall asset management system. This is the same for failure analysis, as both are closely related. Currently, the procedure for failure analysis is not documented within IWK. IWK RECOMMENDED PRACTICE
IWK to formally document their RCFA process, procedures and "formats" in a document for wider dissemination within the organisation. Ensure that IFS is capable of recording non-repairable failures and suitable codes exist to facilitate this. IWK to review commercially available RCFA software packages and associated training to determine whether to formalise on one approach to RCFA. DATA REQUIREMENTS
Item Description Required Quality Level
Equipment type
Unique to Manufacturer
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Item Description Required Quality Level Currently Recorded by IWK? Y/N Quality
Type / Model Identifier Operating Service Time in Service Failure Code Repair Code
Manufacturers Model
Duty / Standby / Intermittent To hours level Direct indication of fault Indication of repair action
ITC REQUIREMENTS Accurate recording of failure modes, causes and repair actions. Ability to uniquely identify equipment manufacturer and type / model. CURRENT ITC CAPABILITIES IFS coding may lead to confusion and discrepancies between operators recording failures and repair actions. IFS ongoing problems / reputation with system users. IWK ACTION PLAN
Timeframe Reference
IWK to develop a formal procedure for Root Cause Failure Analysis. IWK to review the available off-the-shelf RCFA software packages for consideration as a basis for moving forward. IWK to consider a re-engineering of the IFS system to better align codes, reinstate automatic functions that have been manually carried out and improve long-term efficiencies in asset management operations.
Short-term Short-term
5.9 5.9
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Develop IWK Root Cause Failure Analysis Documentation taking into account the review and alignment of failure coding in the existing system. To allow re-engineering of the IFS system, a fundamental functional specification for the system is required. This should include all relevant coding currently in use with the system. IWK to review available market options and select a methodology / software tool for RCFA. ADDITIONAL/SUPPORT NOTES None
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