Free Skate Curriculum: U. S. Figure Skating Basic Skills Program

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U. S.

Figure Skating Basic Skills Program

Free Skate Curriculum

Each Free Skate level is divided into four sections: moves in the field, spins, dance/footwork sequence and jumps. The Free Skate levels are designed to give skaters a strong foundation on which to build their skills. This is the point where the skater can choose whether to pursue a recreational or competitive approach to the sport of figure skating. Free skate 1 A. Advanced forward stroking B. Basic forward outside and forward inside consecutive edges (4-6) C. Advanced back outside three-turns clockwise and counterclockwise (R and L) D. Scratch spin from back crossovers three revolutions minimum E. Waltz jump from 2-3 back crossovers F. Half flip Free skate 2 A. Basic back outside and back inside consecutive edges (4-6) B. Forward outside and forward inside spirals, clockwise and counter clockwise (R and L) C. Continuous forward progressive chasse sequence clockwise and counterclockwise D. Waltz threes, R and L E. Beginning back spin two turns F. Waltz jump, side toe hop, waltz jump sequence G. Toe loop Free skate 3 A. Forward and backward crossovers in figure 8 pattern B. Waltz 8 C. Advanced forward consecutive swing rolls (4-6) D. Backward inside three-turn: R and L E. Backspin with free foot in crossed leg position three revolutions minimum F. Salchow G. Half Lutz jump H. Waltz jump-toe loop combo or Salchowtoe loop combination sequence on a circle clockwise and counterclockwise Free skate 4 A. Spiral sequence: FI spiral, FI Mohawk, BO Spiral clockwise and counterclockwise B. Forward power three-rurns: R and L C. Continuous backward progressive, chasse sequence on a circle clockwise and counterclockwise D. Sit spin three revolutions E. Loop jump F. Waltz jump-loop jump combination Free skate 5 A. Backward outside three-turn, Mohawk into three backward crossovers repeat three times clockwise and counterclockwise B. Spiral sequence Forward outside spiral, forward outside three-turn, one backward crossover, back inside spiral: clockwise and counterclockwise C. Forward outside slide chasse swing roll sequence 36 times, alternating feet D. Camel spin three revolutions minimum E. Forward upright spin to back scratch spin three revolutions, each foot F. Loop/loop combination G. Flip jump H. Waltz jump-falling leaf-toe loop jump sequence Free skate 6 A. Alternating back crossovers to back outside edges B. Five-step Mohawk sequence clockwise and counterclockwise C. Camel-sit spin combination four revolutions total D. Split jump or stag jump E. Waltz jump-half loop-Salchow F. Lutz jump G. Axel walk through, preparation, jump Axel does not need to be landed to pass this test.


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