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Sans 1200 MJ

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UDC 624(083.


SABS 1200 MJ-1984







Obtainable from the SA BUREAU OF STANDARDS Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001 Republic of South Africa

Telegrams : Comparator, Pretoria Telex : 3-21308-SA Published and printed in the Republic of South Africa by the South African Bureau of standards

ISBN 0-626-07197-6

Gr 5

SABS 1200 MJ-1984 segmented paving

CONTENTS Clause 1 2 Page Number SCOPE INTERPRETATIONS supporting Specifications Application Definitions and Abbreviations MATERIALS Units General Class. strength and type Kerbs and Channels Sand for Bedding and Jointing PLANT General Roller Mechanical Compactor CONSTRUCTION Preparation New work Existing subbase substandard or too high Edge Restraints Placing and Compacting of Sand Bed Laying of Units Filling Gaps in Unit Pattern Compaction of Units General Paving subject to wheel loads exceeding 30 kN Damaged units No traffic until joints filled Joint Filling TOLERANCES General Paving as laid Method of measurement of deviations Frequency of checks on smoothness Permissible Deviations TESTING General Checking Standard of finished work not to specification Trial Section Subbase. Formation and Other Foundation Layers Blocks Wet strength test Other tests Concrete for Gap Filling Kerbs. Channels and Other Devices Ponding MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Principles Scheduled Items

. .
2.1 2.2 2 . 3


.......................................................................... ............................................................... ....................................................................................... 4. ..................................................................................... 4 . 1 ...................................................................................... 4.2 ........................................................................ 4 . 3 ................................................................................ 5. ................................................................................. 5 . 1 .................................................................................... 5 . 1 . 1 .................................................... 5 . 1 . 2 ............................................................................. 5 . 2 .......................................................... 5.3 ............................................................................. 5.4 ................................................................ 5.5 ......................................................................... 5 . 6 ..................................................................................... 5 . 6 . 1 ............................................... 5.6.2 ............................................................................... 5 . 6 . 3 .............................................................. 5 . 6 . 4 ............................................................................... 5 . 7 .................................................................................. 6. ..................................................................................... 6 . 1 ............................................................................. 6.1.1 ......................................................... 6 . 1 . 2 ........................................................... 6.1.3 ...................................................................... 6.2 ..................................................................................... 7. .................................................................................... 7 . 1 .................................................................................... 7.1.1 .............................................. 7 . 1 . 2 ............................................................................... 7.2 .............................................. 7.3 ...................................................................................... 7 . 4 ........................................................................... 7 . 4 . 1 ................................................................................. 7.4.2 .................................................................... 7 . 5 ........................................................... 7 . 6 7 . 7 ..................................................................................... ..................................................................... 8. .................................................................................. 8 . 1 ............................................................................. 8.2 APPENDIX A . APPLICABLE STANDARDS .....................................................................

3 . 1 . 1 3 . 1 . 2 3 . 2 3 . 3

....................................................................................... ............................................................................. ................................................................... ................................................................................. ............................................................... ................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ....................................................................

5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6



6 6

6 6

7 7 7 7
7 7

7 7 7
7 7

7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

SARS 1200

MJ-1984 segmented paving

1 . 1 . 1


SCOPE This specification covers the paving of roads and other areas with precast concrete segmental blocks laid closely together, the joints between the units being filled with a jointing sand. NOTE: The standards referred to in the specification are listed in Appendix A . INTERPRETATIONS SUPPORTING SPECIFICATIONS Where this specification is required for a project the following specifications shall, inter alia, form part of the contract document: a) Project specification; b) SABS 1200 A or SABS 1200 AA, as applicable; c) SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA, as applicable; d) SABS 1200 DM; e) SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable; f) SABS 1200 M; 9) SABS 1200 ME. In addition to the specifications referred to in 2.1.1, SABS 1200 MK may be required for the project. and SABS 1200 MK may or may not be bound in the contract document. NOTE: Items 2.1.1(b)-(g) APPLICATION. This specification contains clauses that are generally applicable to paving. Interpretations and variations of this specification are set out in Portion 2 of the project specification (see 2.1). DEFINITIONS AND ABBWVIATIONS. For the purposes of this specification the definitions and abbreviations given in the applicable of the specifications listed in 2.1 and the following definitions shall apply: Bedding (a) The layer of sand placed between the top of a subbase and the bottom of a block. (b) The operation of placing a block on top of a sand layer, including the compacting of the sand layer. Block (unit). A precast concrete paving block of such size that it can be lifted and laid with one hand. (The approximate dimensions of a block are normally as follows: Length 200 mm; width 100 m; thickness 50-120 nun and there are normally 40-50 blocks per square metre of paved area.) Chamfer. The bevelled edge of the wearing face of a unit. Class (of a block). A designation giving the nominal thickness in millimetres and, by means of an . g . 80/S-A. alphabetical code, the type or shape (see 3.11, e Compaction pass (pass). In regard to compacting, one movement of an approved compacting machine from one end of the layer being compacted to the other end. Stated dimensions. The nominal dimensions stated by the manufacturer. Subbase. The foundation layer on which the bedding for block paving is laid. (Although subbase is usually as specified in SABS 1200 ME it may, where shown on detail drawings, be the base, the subgrade or the formation. Wet strength. The strength at 28 d of a test block saturated in water for 24 h and tested in accordance with the relevant method given in SABS 1058a). MATERIALS UNITS General. The units as supplied shall be free from cracks that detract from'their general appearance. At the point of manufacture no unit shall have any chip of dimension exceeding 15 mm or covering more than 3 X of the periphery of the surface that is intended to be exposed. No unit shall have any protuberance of height exceeding 3 m. The surface texture and colour of the units shall fall within the range of texture and colour represented by the manufacturer's approved samples. The colour shall penetrate to a depth of at least 5 mm below the wearing surface of each unit and the coloured layer shall be integrally bound to the body of the unit. Class, Strength and Type. Except when the blocks are a) required for paving subject to wheel loads exceeding 30 kN (see 5.6.2); or b) required in terms of the project specification to be of Class 35 and are so scheduled; or c) required to comply with both (a) and (b) above, the blocks used shall be of Class 25. Class 25 blocks when tested in accordance with 7.4.1, shall have an average wet strength of at least 25 MPa and individual blocks shall have a wet strength of at least 20 MPa. Blocks shall be of the type (S-A, S-B or S-C) scheduled or given on the drawings or required in terms of the project specification, as applicable, and shall comply with the relevant requirements of SABS 105Ea).
KERBS AND CHANNELS. Kerbs and channels shall be of the sections shown on the drawings and shall comply with the relevant requirements of SABS 927 and, when applicable, SABS 1200 MK.

2 . 2.1 2 . 1 . 1

2.1.2 2 . 2


3 .

3 . 1 3 . 1 . 1

3 . 1 . 2

3 . 2 3 . 3

SAND FOR BEDDING AND JOINTING. Sand for bedding and jointing shall be free from substances that may be deleterious to blocks. In addition, the grading of the sand shall conform to that given in (a) or (b) below, as applicable, except that, where evidence satisfactory to the Engineer has been provided of the successful previous use of sand having another grading, sand of such other grading may be used. a) Bedding sand

Nominal sieve size 9.52 4,75 2,36

(mm) 95-100


50-85 25-60


5-15 0-10


Concrete paving blocks.

(In course of preparation.)

SABS 1200 MJ-1984 Segmented paving

b) Jointing sand shall pass a 1,18 nun sieve and shall contain 10-50 %(m/m) of material that passes a 0,075 m n sieve.
4 .

4 . 1 4.2 4.3

PLANT GENERAL. Plant that is operated on or over units that have been laid shall be such that it does not cause damage to or disturbance of the units (see 5 . 6 ) . ROLLER. A roller shall be subject to approval and shall be a light (2-4 t) vibratory roller or, where so required (see 5.6.2), a heavy pneumatic-tyred roller. MECHANICAL COMPACTOR. A mechanical compactor such as a flat-plate vibrator of high frequency and low amplitude, will be acceptable provided that it produces a) for units of thickness exceeding 80 mm, a centrifugal force of 16-20 kN at a frequency of 65-100 HZ on a plate area of 0,35-0,5 m2 (i.e. sufficient to cover at least 12 units); or b) for units of thickness not exceeding 80 nun, a centrifugal force of 7-16 kN at a frequency of 65-100 Hz on a plate area of 0,2-0,4 m2 (i.e. sufficient to cover at least 10 units). CONSTRUCTION PREPARATION New Work General. where the paving is to be laid on newly constructed earthworks or on an existing subgrade that is too low, the subgrade and subbase shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of SABS 1200 DM and SABS 1200 ME, respectively, and shall conform to the tolerance requirements of 6 . 2 . Depressions. Depressions shall be filled with material that has the physical properties specified for subbase material in SABS 1200 ME, and the material shall be compacted to 98 % of modified A A S H M maximum density. Bedding sand shall not, under any circumstances, be used for this purpose. Fall and level. The top of the subbase shall be so constructed that surface water cannot pond and shall have a longitudinal fall of at least 1 % and a transverse fall of at least 2 X. The level after compaction shall be the designated level of the top of the subbase 2 10 mm (see 6.2(b)). Existing Subbase Substandard or too High Substandard layers. Substandard layers and soft and unstable areas in the subbase (or subgrade or formation, as applicable) shall be replaced or strengthened as specified in 5 . 1 . 2 . 2 or, as applicable. Subbase not stabilized. Any portion of an existing subbase that has not been stabilized and is too high shall be lowered, harrowed and reconstructed to such depth that, after compaction, the subbase layer is of the same standard and thickness throughout or it shall comply with the requirements of the project specification and, in addition, the fall and level shall comply with Stabilized subbase. Any portion of an existing stabilized subbase that is too high shall be lowered, harrowed and reconstructed to such depth that, after compaction, the subbase layer is of the same standard and thickness throughout or it shall comply with the requirements of the project specification and, in addition, the fall and level shall comply with Depressions created in the course of lowering a stabilized subbase shall be filled with stabilized subbase material and compacted to form a subbase of at least the same standard as that of the existinq stabilized subbase. Alternatively, in the case of depressions of depth greater than 50 nun, concrete having a 7 d cube strength of at least 5 MPa shall be used. The fall and level after compaction shall comply with 5 . 1 . 1 . 3 . . 2 ) or other approved edge EDGE RESTRAINTS. Edge restraints consisting of kerbs or channels (see 3 strips, as scheduled or given on the drawings, shall be constructed on the subbase (or other specified formation) before any units are laid. PLACING AND COMPACTING OF SAND BED. Bedding sand shall be spread over the subbase and evenly screeded in the loose condition so as to achieve a compacted thickness of 25 2 10 nun. When the sand is spread, its moisture content shall be 6 2 2 %. The sand bed shall be laid slightly in advance of the placement of the units but only to the extent that the particular area of pavement can be completed on the same day. Where the sand bed is accidentally compacted before the units are laid, it shall be raked and evenly rescreeded in a loose condition. LAYING OF UNITS, The principal lines of the paving unit pattern as laid shall be as specified in the project specification or given on the drawings, and as agreed with the Engineer before laying commences. If the said principal lines are not so specified, given or agreed, the units shall be laid in a herrinqbone pattern if the block shape permits and, where units cannot be so laid, they shall be laid with the long axis at right angles to the line of traffic. Except where curved patterns are required, the lines of the unit pattern shall be visually straight and parallel to major kerbs or buildings or other structures, as most appropriate and as approved. Where appropriate, lines shall be set up at right angles to each other to control the alignment of the units. Joint widths shall be between 2 nun and 6 mm. Whole units shall be laid first. Full depth closure units of special size or cut or part units split from whole units, shall be fitted into gaps around the perimeter and around service installations such as manholes. Where plant has to be moved over an uncompacted newly laid pavement, boards shall be laid to prevent disturbance of the units. FILLING GAPS IN UNIT PATTERN. Each gap where a closure unit cannot be used, shall be filled, after thorough pre-wetting of all units bounding the gap, with concrete that has a 24 h cube strength of at least 15 MPa and contains aggregate of maximum nominal size 9,s mm. Filling shall be kept to an absolute minimum and shall be to full unit depth in all cases. The concrete shall be cured for at least 24 h by covering it with moist sand or approved plastics sheeting or hessian firmly held down at the edges. Where concrete is used for filling gaps, no compaction shall be carried out within 1 m of such filling until 24 h after the filling has been completed or until the specified cube strength of 15 MPa has been attained, whichever occurs first.

5 . 5.1 5 . 1 . 1 5 . 1 . 2 5 . 1 . 2 . 1 5 . 1 . 2 . 2

5 . 1 . 2 . 3

5 . 2



5 . 5

SABS 1200 1LJ-1984 Segmented paving 5.6 5 . 6 . 1 COMPACTION OF UNITS General. The manner of compaction of units sliail be such that damage to the units is prevented. At least two compaction passes shall be made over the paving as soon as practicable after laying, and before the introduction of any jointing sand. By the end of each day, compaction shall be completed to not closer than 1 m from any free edge. A uniform even surface shall be obtained over the paved area. Paving Subject to Wheel roads Exceeding 30 kN. Paving that is likely, in terms of the project specification, to be subjected regularly to wheel loads exceeding 30 kN shall, after joint filling (See 5.7) be finally locked up with at least five passes of a heavy pneumatic-tyred roller over the entire area of paving. The manner of compact.ion shall be as specified in 5.6.1. Damaged Units. Damaged units shall be replaced and compacted before joint filling is carried out. No Traffic until Joints Filled. No vehicular traffic shall be allowed over the paving until all joints have been filled with salid (see 5.7). JOINT FILLING. The joints shall not be filled until all closure units have been inserted, all the necessary adjustments to line and level have been made and the pavement has been subjected to at least two passes of the compactor. Sand that complies with 3 . 3 ( b ) shall be broomed into the joints until they are full, and sufficient passes of a plate compactor shall be made to settle the joint filling. The procedure shall be repeated until the joints remain full after compaction. On completion of compaction, all excess sand shall be broomed off and disposed of. Damage caused during compaction shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense. TOLERANCES GENERAL Paving as Laid. In addition to compliance with 6.2(c), the finished surface of the paving shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, present a regular and smooth appearance to the eye. Method of Measurement of Deviations. Any deviation from flatness of a plane surface will be measured as the maximum deviation of the surface from any straight line of length 3 m joining two points on the surface, determined by means of a straight-edge the ends of which are supported on identical blocks of suitable thickness placed over each of the points. Frequency of Checks on Smoothness. The frequency of checks on smoothness carried out by the Contractor shall, in the case of roads, conform to the relevant requirements of Subclause 6.3 of SABS 1200 M and, where an area other than a road is being paved, a check shall be carried out on every 300 m2 (max.) of area paved. PERMISSIBLE DEVIATIONS. The permissible deviations shall be as given below: Permissible deviation, nun )egree of accuracy I

5 . 6 . 2

5 . 6 . 3


6 . 6 . 1 6 . 1 . 1
6 . 1 . 2

6 . 1 . 3

6 . 2

Item a) Units as manufactured 1) Deviation of length from nominal length 2 ) Deviation of width from nominal width 3) Deviation of depth (or thickness) from nominal depth (or thickness) 4 ) Deviation from squareness (measured as specified in SADS 105aa)1.. b) Foundation layers 1) Deviation of top of subbase layer from designated level 2) Smoothness of top of subbase layer measured on a 3 m straight line in any direction 3) Thickness of 25 mm compacted sand bedding layer c) Finished paving. The finished surface of the paving shall, 3 months after opening to traffic, he accurate to within the following limits: 1) Line of attern (i) deviatiEn from any 3 m straight line, maximum ii) deviation from any 2 0 m straight line, maximum 2) Vertical deviation from 3 m straight line i) at kerbs, channels, gullies, manholes and other edge restraints

........................... .............................

. ........... ..................................................... ...................

.................... ................... ..

+ 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 10 + 10 + 10 -


+ 3 , -0 +10 -15 3

compliance with 6 . 1 . 1 and 7 . 6


+10 -15


7 . 1 7.1.1

7 . 1 . 2

7 . 2

Checking. The Contractor shall carry o u t sufficient checks to satisfy himself that the materials used and the workmanship (construction, tolerance and strength) attained comply consistently with the specified requiremetits. Checks will be carried out by the Engineer and the results made avai-le to the Contractor. Standard of Finished Work not to Specification. The Engineer may carry out such checks as he deems necessary at any point or at any depth or on any layer. Where the Engineer's checks reveal that the material used or that the construction or tolerance standard achieved does not comply with the applicable requirements of the specification, or that the compaction specified has not been attained, the Contractor shall so rectify the work that the materials, construction and tolerance comply with the said requirements and the compaction specified is attained. TRIAL SECTION. Commencing from at least one permanent edge restraint the first section of paving of length at least 20 m and of width approximately 6 m laid as part of the permanent paving will be regarded as a trial section for the purpose of assessing the Contractor's ability to produce a paving that complies with the applicable requirements of the specification. Full scale paving unit laying shall not commence until the trial section has been laid by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Subsequent laying operations shall be carried out using materials of a t least the same quality and with the same standard of workmanship as in the approved trial section. The Contractor shall remove, at his own expense, any trial section that is not approved.

SABS 1200 MJ-1984 Segmented paving

7.3 7 . 4 7 . 4 . 1 7 . 4 . 2

SUBBASE, FORMATION AND OTllER FOUNDATION LAYERS. The subbase, formation and other foundation layers shall be subjected to testing in terms of SABS 12C0 DM and SABS 1200 ME, as applicable. BLOCKS Wet Strength Test. The relevant test given in SABS 1058a) shell be used to determine whether blocks comply with the requirements for wet strength given in 3.1. Other Tests. Blocks shall be subjected to such other tests as are given in SABS 1058a) and in Precast concrete paving blocks: Specification'). CONCRETE FOR GAP FILLING. The concrete used for gap filling shall be subjected to testing in accordance with SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable. KERBS, CHANNELS AND OTHER DEVICES. Kerbs, channels and other devices used for edge restraints shall be subjected to testing in accordance with SAW 1200 MK. PONDING. Where the Engineer is of the opinion that, notwithstanding compliance by the Contractor with the requirements of, ponding may occur on the finished surface, the Engineer may order the whole or any part(s) of the surface to be flooded with water to determine whether ponding will occur. Rectification of areas where ponding is found to occur shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense. If ponding does not occur the Employer shall bear the cost of the test. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PRINCIPLES. Preparation, including trimminy to the designated level of the top of the subbase as specified in.5.1, and all other work necessary in terms of 5.1 carried out before the layer of bedding sand is placed and paving is laid, will be measured and paid for in terms of Clause 8 of SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA, SABS 1200 DM and SABS 1200 ME, as applicable. Construction above the designated level of the top of the subbase (see 5.1) will be measured and paid for under items scheduled in terms of 8 . 2 . SCHEDIJLED ITEMS Provision of Edge Restraints Unit: The length measured will be that of the outside perimeter of the paving units as shown on the drawings. Separate items as specified in Clause 8 of SABS 1200 MK will be scheduled, and the terms of SABS 1200 MK shall apply.

7 . 5 7 . 6


8 . 1

8 . 2
8 . 2 . 1



8 . 2 . 3

8 . 2 . 4


Construction of Paving Complete Separate items will be scheduled for each type -- of material, class and shaDe of unit, depth of paving, type of laying bond and, if applicable, colour (or mixture of colours). The area measured will be that to be paved as shown on the drawings. The rate shall cover the cost of supplying units and sand, placing the bedding layer, laying the units, compacting the pavement, filling gaps, filling joints, locking up the pavement (when relevant) and removing excess sand. Cutting Units to Fit Edge Restraints Separate items will be scheduled for straight, raking and circular cutting. The length measured will be the length of that part of the edge restraint where it is necessary to cut the units to fit. The rate shall cover the cost of cutting, waste of material, delays and disruption of the program. ioliing to Locked-up Condition as Specified in 5.6.2 (Provisional) Applicable only where rolling is required in terms of 5 . 6 . 2 . The rate shall cover the costs of-complying with 5.6.2 that are additional to the costs covered by 8 . 2 . 2 . Trial Section, not Part of Permanent Work (Size stated) (Prov.isiona1) Applicable only where a trial section is ordered and is found to be acceptable but does not form part of the works measured under 8.2.2. The rate shall cover all the costs enumerated in 8.2.2 together with the cost of obtaining approval and of delays and disruption of the program.




........................................................ .......................... .......................






or m2

------------a) 1) See p . 5 . Published by the Concrete Masonry Association at Halfway House in 1304.

SABS 1200 Eu-1984



Reference is made to the applicable issues (see Subclause 2 . 2 of SABS 1200 A or following standards: SABS 927
SABS 1058
SABS 1200 A

1200 AA, as applicable) of the

Kerbs and channels Concrete paving blocks (In course of preparation) Civil engineering construction : General Civil engineering construction : General (small works) Civil engineering construction

SABS 1200 AA SABS 1200 D SABS 1200 DA SABS 1200 DM

SABS 1200 G


Civil engineering construction : Earthworks (small works) Civil engineering construction : Earthworks (roads, subgrade) Civil engineering construction : Concrete (structural) Civil engineering construction Civil engineering construction
: :

SABS 1200 GA
SABS. 1200 M

Concrete (small works) Roads (general)

SABS 1200 ME SABS 1200 MK

Civil engiiieering construction : Subbase Civil engineering construction


Kerbing and channelling

ISBN 0-626-07197-6

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