Lab - 2 Frequency Modulation: 2.1 Objective
Lab - 2 Frequency Modulation: 2.1 Objective
Lab - 2 Frequency Modulation: 2.1 Objective
In this lab, you will learn how to perform the Frequency modulation using IC 566 and to calculate the modulation index for various modulating voltages.
2.4.3 Test procedure 1. The circuit connection is made as shown in the circuit diagram. 2. The modulating signal FM is given from an AFO (1KHZ) 3. For various values of modulating voltage Vm the values of Fmax and Fmin are noted 4. The values of the modulation index are calculated. 2.5 LAB RESULT Thus the FM circuit using IC566 was performed and the modulation index was found. 2.6 POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. What will be the changes in the wave under FM when the amplitude or frequency of the modulating signal is increased ? 2. The FM station have less noise while receiving the signal. Justify your answer. 3. What happens when a stronger signal and a weaker signal both overlap at the same frequency in FM? 4. Name two applications of two way mobile radio? 5. Which mathematical expression is used to decide the side band amplitudes in a FM signal ?
ASSESSMENT Prelab (design (10), circuit (10), tabulation (10)) Lab performance Viva-voce : 30 marks : 15 marks : 30 marks