Power Electronics
Power Electronics
Power Electronics
1. Draw the V-I characteristics of SCR and mark the holding current and latching current in the characteristics. 04 2. What are the advantages of GTO over BJT? 04 3. Define : holding current and latching current of SCR. 08 4. Define : string efficiency of SCRs connected in series .05 5. What is fast recovery diode? Mention its uses. 04 6. Distinguish between holding current and latching current of SCR.05 7. Why is pulse triggering preferred over RC triggering? 05 8. What is reverse recovery time? 06 9. Mention any two advantages of advantages of GTO over SCR. 04 10. Why MOSFETs are not preferred for low frequency applications? 06 11. Why are IGBT becoming popular in their application to controlled converters? 06 12. What are the factors that influence the turn-off time of a thyristor?06 13. Draw the turn on characteristics of SCR and mark the timings td ,tr and ton. 07 14. In TRIAC which of the modes the sensitivity of gate is high. O7 15. Define the term pinch off voltage of MOSFET. 07 16. What are the advantages of MOSFET with BJT? 08
1. Explain the structure and operation of turn on and turn off characteristics of SCR. Model I / AU 2. (i) Describe the any two methods of turn-on mechanism of SCR. (ii) Explain the turn off characteristics of SCR. Model II / AU
3. Discuss the transfer, output and switching characteristics of IGBT. Model II / AU 4. Explain the switching performance of BJT with relevant waveforms indicating clearly the turn on, turn off times and their components. Nov / Dec 07 5. (i) Draw and explain the forward characteristics of SCR using two transistor model of SCR. May/June 07 (ii) Compare any six salient features of MOSFET with IGBT. May/June 07 6. (i) Compare the performance characteristics of MOSFET with BJT. (ii) Briefly discuss the R-C triggering of SCR. April/may 08 7. Discuss the operation of power MOSFET and explain the transfer, output and switching characteristics of power MOSFET. Nov/Dec 07 8. Differentiate natural commutation and forced commutation. Apr/May 2008 9. Explain the operation of driver and snubber circuits for power MOSFET. 10. Explain with diagram the various modes of working of TRIAC Model AU
Part A 1. What is two pulse converter? 2. What is full converter? Mention its uses. 3. What is a delay angle of converters? 4. What is the principle of phase control half wave rectifier? 5. What is the function of freewheeling diode in Semi converter? AU/ME Jan 05, 06
6. Draw the three phase half wave converter. 7. Write the expression for 3 full converter with RL load. 8. What is meant by full controlled rectifier? 9. Define: firing angle ? 10. List the merits of phase control. 11. Why the power factor of semiconverter better than full Converter? April/May 08 12. What is the inversion mode of rectifiers? April/May 08 13. Define the terms: displacement factor, total harmonic Distortion. May/ June 07 14. Under what conditions a single phase fully controlled converter gets operated as an inverter. Nov/ Dec 07 15. State the principle of phase control in AC-DC converter. Nov/ Dec 07 16. It is required to operate a single phase full converter in the inverter mode with RLE load. Should the average output voltage be more or less than E during inverter operation? Why? Nov/Dec 06 17. List various applications of phase controlled converters. Nov/Dec 06 18. What is freewheeling diode and what is the purpose? ME/Jan 06 & AU model I 19. Define displacement factor. AU model I 20. Is the input power factor of fully controlled converter is less than that of half controlled converter? Justify your answer. AU model II 21. What are the applications of AC voltage controllers? AU model II
22. Define: distortion factor. AU model III 23. What is a AC voltage controller? AU model III 24. What are the effects of source impedance in the controlled rectifiers? Dec 06 25. What is meant by half controlled rectifier? MKU/ Apr 01 26. For the single phase fully controlled bridge converter having load of R, determine the average output voltage if the supply is 230V, 50 Hz , single phase AC and the firing angle is 60. AU/Dec 04 27. Mention the function of free-wheeling diode in controlled rectifier circuits. AU/Dec 06 28. Define: harmonic factor of the input current. AU/May 04 PART B 1. Discuss the operation of single phase half controlled rectifier with R load. Also derive the average output voltage equation. April/May 08 2. Explain the operation of three phase half controlled rectifier supplying R load with neat sketch. Also derive an expression for the average output voltage. April/May 08 3. With necessary circuit and waveforms, explain the principle of operation of three phase fully controlled bridge rectifier feeding R-L load and drive the expression for the average
output voltage. May/June 07 4. With necessary circuit and waveforms, explain the principle of operation of single phase ac voltage controller feeding R load by on-off control and phase control. Derive the expression for rms value of output voltage in both cases. May/June 07
5. For the single phase fully controlled bridge is
connected to RLE load. The source voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. The average load current of 10A continuous over the working range. For R= 0.4 and L = 2mH, Compute (a) firing angle for E = 120V (b) firing angle for E = -120V Nov/Dec 07 6. For a single phase Ac voltage controller feeding a R load draw the waveforms of source voltage, output voltage, source and output current. Describe its working with reference to waveforms drawn. Nov/Dec 07 7. I) Describe the operation of single phase two pulse bridge converter using 4 SCRs with relevant waveforms. Nov/Dec 06 II) Discuss the working of the above converter mode with RLE load.
Nov/Dec 06 I) A single phase two pulse converter feeds power to RLE load with R= 6, L= 6mH, E= 60V, AC source voltage is 230V, 50Hz for continuous condition. Find the average value of load current for a firing angle of 50. In case one of the 4 SCRs gets open circuited. Find the new value of average load current assuming the output current as continuous. Nov/Dec 06 II) Draw the possible configurations of a single phase AC voltage controller and compare them. Nov/Dec 06 8. Discuss with the aid of schematic diagram and waveforms, the principle of operation of a two quadrant two pulse converter in the rectifying and inverting mode of operation. AU/Model I 9. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of three pulse half controlled rectifier. AU/ Model I 10. I) Draw the schematic diagram of a single phase half controlled thyristor bridge converter and explain the operation of this system. AU/Model II II) The full wave controlled bridge rectifier has an ac Input of 120V rms at 60Hz and a 20 load resistor. The delay angle is 40.
Determine i) Average load voltage. ii) Average load current. iii) RMS load voltage. AU/Model II 11. Draw the power circuit diagram of a 6 pulse Two quadrant converter circuit. Explain the operation of the circuit with necessary wave forms. AU/Model II 12. I) Explain the effect of source inductance in Controlled rectifiers. II) Drive the expressions for average output voltage and rms output voltage of single phase semiconductor. AU/Model III 13. Explain the operation of single phase half wave and full wave ac voltage controllers. AU/Model III
14. For a single phase full converter having highly
inductive load, drive the following: i) Displacement factor ( 4 ) ii) Supply power factor ( 4 ) iii) Harmonic factor ( 4 ) iv) Current distortion factor ( 4 )
15. A resistive load of 10 is connected through a halfwave SCR circuit to 220V, 50 Hz, single phase source. Calculate the power delivered to the load for a firing angle of 60. Find also the value of input power factor.