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A Concept Paper Presented to

the Faculty of Recoletos de Bacolod Graduate School
University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Arts in Education Major in Mathematics

Juanito D. Abelarde III

October 2022
Chapter I


Background of the Study

Mathematics is one of the core and fundamental subjects in the basic educational
system. Students' learning practices, along with their numerical skills in mathematics, are
necessary and significant, for they are indicators of one's ability. As Roberts (2017)
mentioned, mathematics is a dynamic result of human critical thinking and reasoning.
Thus, numerical ability is the capability to solve problems in number sequencing, make
accurate mathematical deductions through advanced reasoning, evaluate complicated data
presented in various forms like graphs and illustrations, and generate conclusions (Shindi,
2015). These key areas illustrate the essence of mathematics in the real context and
nature. Hence, numerical ability can be used to measure the strengths and weaknesses of
students and classify them according to the level of their ability (Abed et al., 2015).
Students had diverse practices in mathematics that differed and established skills in
number sense, reasoning, and graphical representation to achieve specific goals. Students
nowadays must know how to manifest themselves in improving their fundamental skills
in mathematics. Students in high school find difficulty in dealing with such problems
encountered in daily lessons. Mathematics has taught students how to reason and think
logically and rationally.
From a global perspective, the performance of the Philippines in the Programme
for International Student Assessment (PISA) of the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) in 2018 revealed that the country ranked 70 in the
79 countries that took the test. The mathematical ability score was 353, which is below
average among the participating OECD countries (Mullis et al., 2016). Mathematics
educators within the region had a significant impact in applying and theorizing
mathematical concepts for its development (Galbraith, 2014). According to the 2017
World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey, the Philippines ranked 76 th out of
137 participating countries in the quality of mathematics education. In Southeast Asia,
the Philippines belonged to the upper half above Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
(David & Hoggang, 2018). Also, as cited by Nambtac (2011), Filipinos performed
poorly in Math among the 41 participating countries.
The Department of Education urges the campaign of the skills that the students
must possess. It is the concept of the foundations established in basic education. There
are problems facing today's generation regarding their attitudes and learning practices.
Students nowadays must know how to manifest themselves in improving their
fundamental skills in mathematics. At some point, students should have taken more of
the total scores in answering the test in NAT. In 2015, 14.88% of the students were
classified in the low mastery level, which resulted from not answering almost half of the
test (NEDA, 2017). Reports show that Filipino students have poor performance in
Science and Mathematics. The national mean percentage in Mathematics last 2012 was
48.90, which was below the national standard and among the lowest in the five subjects
in the National Achievement Test (NETRC, 2012).
Recently, data reflected in Galicia National High School mean percentage score in
Math of Grade 10 from the School Year 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 were 39.23 and
40.75, respectively, which is interpreted as low ability. Data from District of Ilog 1 from
SY 2021-2022 on the number of non-numerates and numerates on the conduct of the
Regional Unified Numeracy Test (RUNT) revealed 35 non-numerates and 57
enumerates. Almost 61% of Grade 10 students were considered non-numerates
compared to numerates. This gap adheres to the performance of students, especially in
the core subjects in the language of mathematics, especially in number sense, patterns
and algebra, and logical reasoning. As per the researcher's observation, students'
mathematics performance is deteriorating since they lack the basic skills and foundation
needed to solve complex problems and the ways and practices of how students learn their
mathematical concepts.
Relative to the goal of this study, the researcher aims to determine the relationship
between learning practices and the level of numerical ability of Grade 10 students of
Galicia National High School, Bocana National High School, & Tabu National High
School. The researcher will utilize a test questionnaire to identify the ability of the
respondents and a researcher-made questionnaire for the learning practices in
Mathematics. Future researchers and mathematics teachers can adopt this instrument to
identify the learners' numerical abilities. The researcher will focus and concentrate on the
result to inform the institution and devise supplemental activities that will cater to the low
ability of Grade 10 students in the areas of Mathematics. The researcher will recommend
a training program for teachers teaching Mathematics 10 to enrich their competency and
ability and improve their strategies and styles. Also, one of the researcher's goals is to
help Grade 10 students choose their appropriate track in senior high school as a baseline
for future careers or courses.

Research Problem
This study aims to determine the learning practices and the level of numerical
ability in Mathematics of Grade 10 students of Galicia National High School, Bocana
National High School and Tabu National High School in the District of Ilog I,
Municipality of Ilog, Negros Occidental when they are taken as a whole and grouped
according to sex and preferred strand. The learning practices in mathematics will focus
on active learning, collaboration, diverse ways of learning, and high expectations, while
the assessment of numerical ability will cover number sense, patterns and algebra, and
logical reasoning.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following research questions:
1. Is there a significant difference in the learning practices of Grade 10 students
when they are grouped according to sex and preferred strand?
2. Is there a significant difference in the level of numerical ability of Grade 10
students when they are grouped according to sex and preferred strand?
3. Is there a significant relationship between learning practices in mathematics
and areas of numerical ability, namely number sense, patterns and algebra,
and logical reasoning?
4. Do the areas of learning practices predict numerical ability?
5. Is there a best fit model that best influences the numerical ability of students?

1. There is no significant difference in the level of learning practices of Grade 10
students when they are grouped according to sex and preferred strand.
2. There is no significant difference in the level of numerical ability of Grade 10
students when they are grouped according to sex and preferred strand.
3. There is no significant relationship between learning practices in mathematics
and numerical ability, namely number sense, patterns and algebra, and logical

Definition of Terms
The following terms have been defined operationally:
Academic performance in Math refers to the quarterly grade obtained by the
students in Mathematics.
Grade 10 students are the respondents of the study who will answer the test
questionnaire to assess their level of numerical ability and their academic performance in
Sex refers to male and female Grade 10 students in the junior public high
Preferred strand refers to students' choice about the kind of track they
will be enrolling in the senior high school, such as technical vocational course,
humanities, and social sciences strand.
Level of numerical ability refers to the areas in Mathematics 10, such as number
sense, patterns and algebra, and logical reasoning. It signifies the ability of the students
in the different areas that will be categorized as high, average, and low.
Number sense signifies the strand, including concepts of numbers,
properties, operations, estimation, and their applications used in the test
Patterns and algebra signify a strand that studies patterns, relationships,
and changes among shapes and quantities. It includes using algebraic notations
and symbols, equations, and, most importantly, functions to represent and analyze
Logical reasoning signifies a strand that includes properties of two- and
three-dimensional figures and their relationships, spatial visualization, reasoning,
and geometric modelling and proofs.
Learning practices refer to students' habits, patterns, behaviour, and natures in
mathematics. It includes observation, performance, and application on the condition that
arises in a classroom setting.
Mathematics refers to the main variable of the study, which is the core element
of the study. It is a subject where the researcher seeks to answer the dilemmas about
learning practices and numerical ability.

Literature Review
The K to 12 curriculum envisions that mathematics education in the Philippines
highlights problem-solving and critical thinking. The students in the 21 st century will
develop 21st-century skills which enable learners to modify their individuality in
performing mathematical activities. The following areas included in the mathematics
curriculum at the secondary level are number sense, patterns and algebra, measurements,
logical reasoning, and statistics and probability (Math Curriculum Guide, 2013). The
learning practices in mathematics will focus on active Learning, collaboration, diverse
ways of learning, and high expectations.
Learning practices in mathematics. The learning practices of the students can
be anchored to the teaching practices of teachers. According to Inkeeree et al. (2017),
there is a relationship between self-confidence and mathematics achievement using a
cooperative learning strategy. In addition, Ing (2015) cited that the affective domain
gives motivation so that students can engage and participate in the discussion in Math and
creates a mindset about accuracy and excitement to participate in the activities through a
collaborative effort of the group. In addition, students' mathematics achievement
improved significantly when students' discussion was an integral part of the instruction
(Ing et al., 2015).
Sex. As cited in the study of Kadir (2021), there is an increase in the performance
in American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) of the ratio between males to females
from 2009 to 2019. As mentioned in the study of AMC, the findings had a possible
impact on males within the context of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) field (Kadir, 2021). The findings showed that whereas the sense of
school belonging was favourably connected with math self-concept in girls, student-
teacher interactions were positively associated with math self-concept in boys (Wong,
Konishi, & Tao, 2019). As cited in the study of Zhang, Chen, Zhang and Kelley (2021),
a significant connection between math-gender stereotypes and academic burnout among
adolescent females was mediated by the chain from the performance-avoidance objective
to self-handicapping.
Preferred track/strand. In addition, students benefit when they have access to
and the chance to engage in high-quality integrated STEM learning activities because
they gain an understanding of how mathematics is applied in everyday life and develop a
more positive attitude toward mathematics (Thomas et al., 2022). Furthermore, the
outline is the key ideas and messages, underlying psychological processes, and distinctive
design elements of a recent math intervention that was integrated into regular classroom
instruction and demonstrated success in enhancing children's growth mindsets and
gender-neutral beliefs about math ability (Lee, Lee, & Bong, 2022).
Numerical ability. According to Munifah et al. (2019), numerical ability helps
learners to institute and analyze any problem. It can be observed in daily living, which
emphasizes that these abilities of learners impact the learning result in mathematics
education. Furthermore, the SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual and Intelligence) learning
model and Scramble learning model were used to identify its effect on numerical ability.
It revealed that these models had significant influence and these learning models are
effective in developing the abilities of learners when it comes to numbers. In addition,
Yumiati and Haji (2018) cited in the study that the ability of mathematical connections
between concepts based on school level among Grade 8 students is significant in terms of
the school level.
Furthermore, as cited in the study of Amin and Sekestiyarno (2015),
metacognitive awareness in answering mathematical questions is dominant in the high
and medium standards. Meanwhile, metacognitive awareness falls on the average state,
the influence of cognitive skills on metacognition. The relationship between cognitive
skills and metacognitive skills has a positive linear relationship and positive correlation
among its variables.
Number sense. As reflected in the study of Yang and Wu (2010), the comparison
of the performance of students with the integration of number sense in every activity who
received instruction with two classes in the third year high school students revealed that
the tested groups are significant compared to control group, and numbers sense play a
flexible role in all aspects of mathematical problems. On the other hand, the students at
the third-grade level did not perform well in the number sense, which resulted in the
inclusion of the number sense concept in all studies in mathematical problems and the
idea that children should be taught at an early stage so that they will expose themselves in
the realm of mathematics (Yang & Li, 2008). Also, the study of Akkaya (2015) revealed
that the performance of high school students in the number sense was very low in each
grade level. However, there is no significant difference regarding sex as a demographics.
Moreover, the poor performance in the number sense results from the crucial role of
teachers' pedagogical knowledge and expertise and the inability of students to understand
the absence of the four basic fundamental operations (Harc, 2010; Mohamed & Johny,
2010; Singh, 2009). As stated in the study of Isik and Kar (2011), Kahay (2010) found
that there is no relationship between males and females in the number sense, while there
is a significant difference between sex (Singh, 2009).
Patterns and algebra. As mentioned by Baroudi (2015), algebra becomes an
alternative representation of the tangible situation; hence, students can grasp the
strategies for solving real-life problems to help them mobilize visual patterns.
Schulz (2011) said that students must understand patterns, relations, and functions
to form mathematical concepts. Students should know to analyze situations using
symbols and mathematical models to represent quantifiable comparisons from various
perspectives. A strong foundation in algebra leads to students' readiness for complex
situations and abstract experiences.
Algebra is one of the major courses in secondary mathematics. It is a preparation
for advanced mathematics, specifically at the senior and college level of education. Since
algebra is abstract math, teachers must emphasize how to deal with the subject easily so
that students can visualize its contribution of it in real life. Students must be flexible,
understand, and mediate the essence of math (van Laren & Moore, 2014). Solving
algebra problems is difficult to deal with in terms of the step-by-step procedures for
finding answers to certain problems. As stated in the study of Lian and Yew (2012), a
framework algebraic solving ability has three phases, namely investigating the pattern
from the data collected, presenting and tabulating the pattern using a table or an equation,
and giving judgment and applying the new situation in the real context and was
accompanied and incorporated by SOLO model to assess students' ability in this manner.
Since algebra is one of the most difficult topics in mathematics, the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2017 found that Indonesian
students' performance in algebra was significantly below the average level in Southeast
Asian countries.
Algebra has been widely recognized as one of the most difficult subjects.
According to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
(2017), student performance and achievement in this field were significantly below
average. A study by Jupri et al. (2014) on algebra-solving ability reveals that students
have difficulty translating verbal statements into mathematical statements in problem-
solving in written tests and interviews. Students have difficulty in algebraic expressions
and evaluating different symbols in algebraic expressions. As mentioned in the study of
Aktas and Karamik (2017) about the perception of secondary school math teachers on
using metaphors in algebraic thinking, it categorized quantities with numbers
variable/letters to generalize the context of algebraic thinking as a pattern in equality and
equations. Metaphors can be reflected daily to ensure that algebra learning is constant.
There are six key ideas of algebra: variable, function, patterns, modelling, technology and
multiple representations (Eddy et al., 2015).
Logical reasoning. According to the study of Beigie (2011), geometric patterns
help students concretize examples of the abstract nature of the problems. In addition,
geometric problems help the students' performance in mathematics in predicting
numerical patterns to generalize algebraic notation. Critical thinking and reasoning
enable students to mobilize their mathematical ability through discipline. As a result of
this study, critical thinking leads to creativity and flexibility in understanding concepts in
the number sense. It will help students to develop the ability to think, plan, and strategize
for the success of the organization, build decisions, and choose a career path chosen (Su
et al., 2015).
As mentioned in the study of Rahayu and Zakiah (2018), the mathematical
representation skills of junior high school students were based on mathematical exams.
The average mathematical representation ability of junior high school students decreases
annually as to the creation and representation to do organization, record and
communication of mathematical concepts and ideas. Furthermore, the average
proportion/percentage of the mathematical representation ability of male students is
higher compared to females.
Ability in geometry is the component which entails students solving problems
geometrically. As stated in the study of Nurwijayanti et al. (2018), based on Hoffer's
theory, visual, verbal, drawing, logical, and applied were the areas under geometry
ability. As reflected on the result, visual skills revealed a higher and moderate ability on
the elements of geometrical figures correctly; second, verbal skills revealed that there is a
relationship link from the moderate ability of students among shapes and their
characteristics. Third, on drawing skills, results show that higher-ability students can
create shapes based on their characteristics. However, moderate-ability and lower-ability
students find it more difficult to deal with this problem. Fourth, logical reasoning
revealed that students with higher and moderate abilities could draw a certain formula
from the given geometrical shape/figure. Those with lower abilities seemed unable to
perform this skill. Lastly, applied skills showed that students with high and moderate
abilities can conceptualize problem-solving questions but have difficulty with
computational techniques. Lower-ability students needed help to apply the concept in
geometry effectively.
Zaman et al. (2011) conducted a study on the predictive power of scores in
mathematics to school-based exams on mathematical thinking. Results revealed that
female students showed the inductive way while male students showed the deductive way
of proving reasoning abilities.
According to the study of Lestari (2019) on the problem-solving approach in
relation to mathematical reasoning ability, students' achievement of mathematical
reasoning ability with the problem-solving approach is convenient and better than the
conventional type of approach, and the mathematical reasoning ability is levelled on the
Students supported by an intervention participating in functional reasoning
express the rules of geometric and numerical patterns (Moss & McNab, 2011).
Level of numerical ability. The symbolic number-order ability predicts
mathematics competence that represents linkages of numbers in higher-order thinking
skills (HOTS). Also, it shows that complex-metal arithmetic tasks strongly influence
individual uniqueness and styles in learning the subject. Moreover, the findings show
that number-ordering ability improves the curriculum in mathematics and identifies
consistent skills that portray during the mathematics performance or discussion (Lyons &
Beilock, 2011). It means that mathematics education develops a learner that will make
them rational and critical thinkers.
Academic performance in Math. The study of Alcantara and Basca (2017)
reflected that the academic performance in critical thinking and problem-solving in Grade
7 academic performance in Mathematics is proficient. The level of critical thinking is
over average, as well as the level of problem-solving skills. Furthermore, academic
mathematics skills are positively correlated to critical thinking skills and problem-solving
skills; hence, the mathematics performance of the students depends on the level of critical
thinking and problem-solving skills. According to the study of Villanueva (2015), the
level of numeracy ability of Lucena National High School-Mayao parade extension is
categorized in the emergent level. The level of proficiency in school mathematics is
approaching proficiency, and there is a strong relationship between numerical ability tests
to academic performance in mathematics. In addition, the study by Ozcal (2019) on self-
concept in mathematics determines students rating on skills, ability, enjoyment and
interest in Mathematics which are necessary for mathematical achievement. In this study,
it was found that behavioural and disaffection of the subject leads to negative
mathematical achievement, no gender difference in self-efficacy in the respondents, and a
significant relationship between math performance and self-concept.
Numerical ability and sex and preferred strand. In the study of Zhao and
Perez-Fellener (2022), academic interest in these fields is a lesser predictor of STEM
major choice than perceived math and science competence. In addition, the study finds
subtle differences by self-identified race and a considerable gender disparity, with women
choosing STEM majors at a rate less than half that of men. From ninth to eleventh grade,
adolescent gender stereotypes grew noticeably more conventional. They discovered
substantial positive relationships between parents and adolescents' stereotypes, with
parents three times more likely to think that males are superior in math and science than
females (Starr, 2021). The study by Jiang, Simpkins, and Eccles (2020) revealed to
policymakers and practitioners that gender and college generation inequalities in STEM
are visible at least before the start of high school and persist throughout their STEM
college choices. Mozalem, Bouland, Gharem (2021) found that older girls are more
likely to acquire negative information from the four sources, resulting in lower levels of
perceived self-efficacy in math. These findings corroborate social roles theories by
indicating that multiple socialization processes are at work.
Learning practices and numerical ability. According to the study by Peteros et
al. (2022), smartphone use has a minimal negative association with students' academic
achievement in mathematics. Furthermore, there is no substantial association between
smartphone usage and respondents' math performance. As a result, teachers are
encouraged to monitor pupils' use of technology during math classes. The study found
that students' self-efficacy attitudes about learning and performance in Math positively
impacted their behavioural and affective engagement in math while negatively predicting
their behavioural and affective disaffection (Ozkal, 2019).
Furthermore, as cited in the study of Byeon and Kim (2020), the effect of
individual learning time on arithmetic achievement was highly dependent on homework
feedback from teachers. It presents new empirical evidence that instructor feedback is
critical in promoting self-directed learning and academic accomplishment in students.
The consequences of enhancing a teacher's assessment ability are examined in light of
these findings.

Theoretical Framework
This paper theorizes the prevalent learning practices and the level of numerical
ability in Mathematics of Grade 10 students from the different public high schools in the
district of Ilog I. The study is anchored on the assumptions that the result of the Regional
Unified Numeracy Test (RUNT), Mean Percentage Score, and Quarterly Assessment are
synchronous to the competency level stipulated in the curriculum guide for Mathematics
This study is anchored to Experiential Learning, advocated by David Kolb, that
learning occurs by making sense of direct everyday experiences. The Experiential
Learning Theory defines learning as "the process whereby knowledge is created through
the transformation of experience." The theory entails that “knowledge results from the
combination of grasping and transforming experience".
Meanwhile, the Situated Learning Theory of Lave and Wenger is learning in the
same context in which concepts and theories are applied. Constructivism, as proposed by
Hiebert and Carpenter (1992), is the theory that argues that knowledge is constructed
when the learner can draw ideas from one's experiences and connect them to new existing
ideas. Cooperative learning puts a premium on active learning by working with fellow
learners as they all engage in a shared task. The mathematics curriculum allows students
to learn by asking relevant questions and discovering new ideas. Discovery Learning and
Inquiry-based Learning (Bruner, 1961) support the idea that students learn when the
learners make use of personal experiences to discover facts, relationships, and concepts.

Conceptual Framework
Conceptually, this study is anchored on critical thinking. According to Scriven
and Paul (1987), critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and
skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating
information gathered from, or generating by, observation, experience, reflection,
reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. Mathematics can be seen
on an everyday basis. Part of mathematical concerns is the ability to be critically
capacitated regarding students' perspectives. To be critically motivated needs an
understanding of how certain things work.
Moreover, according to Polya (1945, 1962), mathematical problem solving is
finding a way around a difficulty, around an obstacle, and finding a solution to a problem
that is unknown. In mathematics, there is a need to do a step-by-step process to come up
with solutions to a problem. Students must know how to translate verbal phrases into
mathematical phrases to create working equations. Students must consider the given
since it will be the basis for attaining the result. Students must make evaluations and
judgments about the result or the outcome so that they will internalize the essence of the
answer to the problem itself.
The curriculum has five content areas adopted from the framework prepared by
MATHTED & SEI (2010): Numbers and Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry and
Patterns and Algebra. This framework adheres to the competencies in the curriculum
guide as to the target that will lead students to become problem solvers and critical

Conceptual Model
As shown in the model, the demographics of the respondents, namely the
preferred strand of Grade 10 students, will determine if there is a significant difference
among these variables in relation to students' numerical ability and academic
performance in math. This shows that the researcher will determine if there is a
distinction among the variables district and strand into numerical ability and academic
performance in mathematics. Moreover, when it comes to sex as a variable, the model
illustrates the significant relationship between numerical ability and academic
performance in mathematics. This shows that data will prove the connection and
relationship between males and females as to their numerical ability and academic

Conceptual Model

Learning Practices Numerical ability

Active Learning Patterns and


Number Sense

Diverse ways of Learning Logical Reasoning

Preferred Strand

Research design. The researcher will utilize a descriptive-correlational
research design to assess the level of numerical ability of Grade 10 students
among the demographics and determine the existence of the relationship between the
variables in the learning practices in mathematics and the level of numerical ability of
Grade 10 students (Prieto, Naval, & Carey, 2017). Also, this research study will adapt
the path analysis research design, which investigates patterns of effect within the system
of variables of learning practices in mathematics to the areas of numerical ability (Allen,
2017). It will seek to find relationships among the sub-topics of learning practices, such
as active learning, collaboration, diverse ways of learning, and high expectations to sub-
topics on numerical ability, which includes number sense, patterns and algebra, and
logical reasoning.
Respondents. The respondents of the study are the 300 Grade 10 students
coming from Galicia National High School, Bocana National High School and Tabu
National High School. To determine the number of samples, the researcher will use
Slovin's formula with a margin of error of 5%. In selecting the population sample, the
researcher will use probability sampling, such as stratified random sampling. This
sampling technique forms a stratum among a homogeneous sample of the population.
Using High expectation
stratified sampling, the researcher will draw from the population with the
following result among schools in the district with the same attributes and characteristics.
After the determination of desired sample size of 300 within the strata, simple random
sampling will be utilized to find the number of the sample from each demographics by
selecting each member of the population that has exactly equal chances. Table 1 presents
the population distribution of the respondents of Grade 10 students under the secondary
public high schools with the total number of students by enrolment and the actual

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Municipality of Secondary Public Total Number of Actual respondents
Ilog High Schools Students by
District of Ilog I Galicia National High 80 47
Bocana National High 163 95
Tabu National High 270 158
Total 513 300

Of a total population of 513 respondents, only 300 actual respondents will be

taken from the schools, with 47, 95, and 158, respectively.
Research instrument. The researcher will utilize a self-made test questionnaire
as a basis for the data on the numerical ability of Grade 10 selected students, focusing on
number sense, patterns and algebra, and logical reasoning. It is a multiple-choice test
devised by the researcher parallel to the test questionnaire used in the quarterly
assessment. The researcher will devise a table of specification (TOS) for the percentage
and number of items indicated in every area of numerical ability.
Furthermore, the researcher will innovate a self-made questionnaire for learning
practices in mathematics adopted from Educational Practices for Students, such as active
learning, collaboration, diverse ways of learning, and high expectations. The survey
questionnaire will be formulated from reading materials on the internet, observation in
the classroom, and the assessment of the mathematics teachers during discussion.
Part I of the test will be the demographics of the respondents, namely sex and the
elective strand/track for senior high school. There will be 10 questions in each area to
determine the numerical ability that will compose the 30-item test. The numerical ability
test results will be interpreted as high (21-30), average (11-20) and low (0-10). The areas
of numerical ability, such as number sense, patterns and algebra, and logical reasoning,
will be interpreted as poor (1-3), proficient (4-6) and highly proficient (7-10).
Consequently, there were 30 items included for learning practices from the sub-
topic on active learning, collaboration, diverse ways of learning, and high expectations.
The following guide will be used to answer the questions about the frequency of practices
in learning mathematics: 5 – Very Frequent (VF), 4 – Frequent (F), 3 – Moderately
Frequent (MF), 2 – Infrequent (IF), and 1 – Very Infrequent (VIF). The mean percentage
score on the learning practices will be interpreted as very frequent practice -VFP (4.20-
5.00), frequent practice-FP (3.40-4.19), moderate practice – MP (2.60-3.39), negligible
practice – NP (1.80-2.59), and very negligible practice- VNP (1.00-1.79).
For the validity of the questionnaire, the instrument will undergo the process of
content validation using the Lawsche Content Validity Ratio (CVR) with five experts in
the field of mathematics who will vividly check the items found in the test questionnaire.
The test questionnaire must be valid by the unanimous decision of the five experts when
it comes to the items carried. The questionnaire must attain a 0.8 and above value of the
validity index. For the consistency of the test, the questionnaire will be tested through an
item analysis to ensure the truthfulness of the items. The items will process the reliability
index to ensure that the items are reliable and consistent. Cronbach's Alpha formula set
to 0.05 will be utilized to find the reliability result and an item excluded in the test
questionnaire for single administration. The result must attain a value exceeding 0.8 to
be considered reliable.
Data gathering procedure. The researcher will personally ask permission from
the Public Schools District Supervisor of Ilog I to inform the undertakings of this study.
There will be an orientation before the administration of the study by the researcher to the
school head regarding the actions that will be taken during the conduct of the study.
Then, the researcher will administer the conduct of the study to students and give inputs
about the proposal. The respondents will be given enough time to answer their numerical
ability in the Grade 10 mathematics course. The researcher will inform the school head
about the test results and can talk about some issues that will help uplift the mathematical
ability and develop students' concerns in mathematics. With this, the researcher will
retrieve all the documents responded to by the respondents for tabulation, computation,
and statistical treatment for interpretation and discussion.
Data analysis procedure. To determine the learning practices in mathematics
according to the following areas: active learning, collaboration, diverse ways of learning,
and high expectations, mean and standard deviation will be used. Also, the mean and
standard deviation will be utilized to measure the level of numerical ability of Grade 10
students in the areas of number sense, patterns and algebra, and logical reasoning.
Inferential statistics will be employed after determining the sample or respondents
for the normality test. For regression, path analysis will be utilized to determine the
relationship between the areas of learning practices and numerical ability. Path analysis
is a type of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), a statistical approach that reveals the
causal and reciprocal relationships between observed and latent variables to test a
theoretic model (Shumacker & Lomax, 2004; Unlu, Ertekin, & Dilmac, 2017). A
multivariate statistical analytic method, structural equation modelling (SEM), is
employed to examine structural relationships. This method examines the structural link
between measured variables and latent constructs by combining component analysis and
multiple regression analysis. The researcher favours this approach since it estimates
numerous and connected dependencies in a single investigation. Endogenous and
exogenous variables are the two types of variables employed in this analysis.
Endogenous variables are the same as the independent and dependent variables.
Ethical considerations. The data from the respondents will be kept confidential,
and the researcher will retrieve all the files and documents owned by the respondents.
The subjects will be considered anonymous to keep their data in the test questionnaire
further. The voluntary participation of the respondents is highly considered; they have
the freedom to choose and select the information needed in the study. The information
can be accessed and used for educational and research purposes, not for sensible use.
The disposition of the researcher is to keep the documents as safe as possible. There will
be no linkages and networking of information spread in the scope of the study, and it will
tackle only important details that are beneficial to the people in particular. Parental
consent is highly encouraged in this study since the respondents are juveniles and need
guidance with the result.

Objectives Activities Time Frame

Research proposal review Prepare the manuscript; September 2022
and approval Apply for oral defense
Validity and reliability of Prepare the draft of the October 2022
test instrument instrument subject for
validation and reliability;
meet validators & the
statistician; conduct the
reliability testing.
Data collection Administration of the test November 2022
questionnaire to
Encoding, processing, Prepare the data for November 2022
analysis and interpretation statistical treatment and its
of the data interpretation.
Final Defense Present the findings of the December 2022
Revision of Paper Present the final January 2023
Submission of the Final Revision and Submission February 2023
Book of the Final Book


Supplies 1,000.00
Data Gathering and Travel Expenses 3,000.00
Honorarium of Panel Members 5,000.00
Validity and Reliability Expenses 2,000.00
Oral Defense Meal 1,000.00
Binding 2,000.00
Total 14,000.00


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