Regulatory Reform Over-The-Counter (OTC) Derivatives
Regulatory Reform Over-The-Counter (OTC) Derivatives
Regulatory Reform Over-The-Counter (OTC) Derivatives
In late March I laid out in congressional testimony a broad framework for regulatory reform. As
I indicated then, one essential element of reform is the establishment of a comprehensive
regulatory framework for over-the-counter (aTC) derivatives, which under current law are
largely excluded or exempted from regulation. Since then, the Treasury Department has been
consulting with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC), and other federal regulators regarding the design of such a
framework. Today I am writing to follow up with further details on the amendments to the
Commodity Exchange Act (CEA), the securities laws, and other relevant laws that I believe are
needed to enable the government to regulate the aTC derivatives markets effectively for the first
Government regulation of the aTC derivatives markets should be designed to achieve four broad
objectives: (1) preventing activities in those markets from posing risk to the financial system; (2)
promoting the efficiency and transparency of those markets; (3) preventing market manipulation,
fraud, and other market abuses; and (4) ensuring that aTC derivatives are not marketed
inappropriately to unsophisticated parties. To achieve these goals, it is critical that similar
products and activities be subject to similar regulations and oversight.
To contain systemic risks, the CEA and the securities laws should be amended to require clearing
of all standardized aTC derivatives through regulated central counterparties (CCPs). To ensure
that this measure is effective, regulators will need to take steps to ensure that CCPs impose
robust margin requirements and other necessary risk controls and to ensure that customized aTC
derivatives are not used solely as a means to avoid using a CCP. For example, if an aTC
derivative is accepted for clearing by one or more fully regulated CCPs, it should create a
presumption that it is a standardized contract and thus required to be cleared.
All aTC derivatives dealers and all other firms whose activities in those markets create large
exposures to counterparties should be subject to a robust and appropriate regime of prudential
supervision and regulation. Key elements of that robust regulatory regime must include
conservative capital requirements, business conduct standards, reporting requirements, and
conservative requirements relating to initial margins on counterparty credit exposures.
Counterparty risks associated with customized bilateral aTC derivatives transactions that would
not be accepted by a CCP would be addressed by this robust regime covering derivative dealers.
The GTC derivatives markets should be made more transparent by amending the CEA and the
securities laws to authorize the CFTC and the SEC, consistent with their respective missions, to
impose recordkeeping and reporting requirements (including an audit trail) on all GTC
derivatives. Certain of those requirements could be deemed to be satisfied by either clearing
standardized transactions through a CCP or by reporting customized transactions to a regulated
trade repository. CCPs and trade repositories should be required to, among other things, make
aggregate data on open positions and trading volumes available to the public and to make data on
any individual counterparty's trades and positions available on a confidential basis to the CFTC,
SEC, and the institution's primary regulators.
Market efficiency and price transparency should be improved in derivatives markets by requiring
the clearing of standardized contracts through regulated CCPs as discussed earlier and by
moving the standardized part ofthese markets onto regulated exchanges and regulated
transparent electronic trade execution systems for GTC derivatives and by requiring
development of a system for timely reporting of trades and prompt dissemination of prices and
other trade information. Furthermore, regulated financial institutions should be encouraged to
make greater use of regulated exchange-traded derivatives. Competition between appropriately
regulated GTC derivatives markets and regulated exchanges will make both sets of markets more
efficient and thereby better serve end-users of derivatives.
Market integrity concerns should be addressed by making whatever amendments to the CEA and
the securities laws which are necessary to ensure that the CFTC and the SEC, consistent with
their respective missions, have clear, unimpeded authority to police fraud, market manipulation,
and other market abuses involving all GTC derivatives. The CFTC also should have authority to
set position limits on GTC derivatives that perform or affect a significant price discovery
function with respect to regulated markets. Requiring CCPs, trade repositories, and other market
participants to provide the CFTC, SEC, and institutions' primary regulators with a complete
picture of activity in the GTC derivatives markets will assist those regulators in detecting and
deterring all such market abuses.
Current law seeks to protect unsophisticated parties from entering into inappropriate derivatives
transactions by limiting the types of counterparties that could participate in those markets. But
the limits are not sufficiently stringent. The CFTC and SEC are reviewing the participation
limits in current law to recommend how the CEA and the securities laws should be amended to
tighten the limits or to impose additional disclosure requirements or standards of care with
respect to the marketing of derivatives to less sophisticated counterparties such as small
I am confident that these amendments to the CEA and the securities laws and related regulatory
measures will allow market participants to continue to realize the benefits of using both
standardized and customized derivatives while achieving the key public policy objectives
expressed in this letter. I look forward to working with Congress to shape U.S. legislation
implementing these measures. We will need to take care that in doing so we do not call into
question the enforceability ofGTC derivatives contracts. We also will need to work with
authorities abroad to promote implementation of complementary measures in other jurisdictions,
so that achievement of our objectives is not undermined by the movement of derivatives activity
to jurisdictions without adequate regulatory safeguards.
The Honorable Christopher Dodd
The Honorable Richard Shelby
The Honorable Tom Harkin
The Honorable Saxby Chambliss
The Honorable Barney Frank
The Honorable Spencer Bachus
The Honorable Collin Peterson
The Honorable Frank Lucas