Thermodynamic Model of Safety Valve With Test Conditions
Thermodynamic Model of Safety Valve With Test Conditions
Thermodynamic Model of Safety Valve With Test Conditions
5. THERMODYNAMIC MODEL OF SAFETY VALVE WITH TEST CONDITIONS In compressible flow, the fast unsteady effects are considered not significant. Indeed, because of compressibility of air and gas in general, the unsteady effects are not taken into account. Moreover, the pipe and the control valve downstream involve a capacity to fill and then to create a back pressure. When the equilibrium is not reached, it might cause chattering that could be destructive for the safety valve. To understand the dynamic behaviour during a test with or without back pressure, the whole test facilities and the valve have been modelled as shown in the figure [Fig.10].
Kd V1
L, D
Kv1 V2
Fig.10: Simplified test rig and simple valve model The law of conservation of mass and energy applied to the entire system with considering the air as a perfect gas allows to describe the variation of the pressure and temperature as here under [7]:
The masse flow through the upstream control valve is given by the following equations [8] Eq.(8):
qm =
P1 A
P2 b P1
P2 a A 2 qm = 2P P1 2 P if P > b rT1 1
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Brno
KV 4 10 4 Dv
The disc of the safety valve is subjected on the one hand to the pressure forces and on the other hand to the force applied by the spring. The lifting of the valve is governed by the following equation:
m d 2x + FF + kx = F p dt 2
The two terms most difficult to explain are the friction forces FF and pressure forces FP. Regarding the pressure forces, as shown in section 4.3 starting from the numerical simulation results, it is possible to consider two separate cases heard to simplify the calculations. Case 1: flow through the "curtain area" When the lifting is less than a quarter of the diameter of the nozzle, the chocked flow is located on a "curtain area" as shown in the figure [Fig.11]. The pressure on the inner disc is then equal to the pressure generator (this means that any losses in the nozzle and the upstream pipe are neglected). The pressure effort that occurs when the valve is open :
FP = P2 S1 Pb S 0
Sonic blocking
Blocage sonique
Fig.11: The critical pressures ration occurs in the lateral area between the nozzle and the disc - "curtain area"
Case 2: flow through the cross section of the nozzle. When the upstream pressure increases, the valve reaches a lift that is superior to one-fourth the diameter of the nozzle, the minimum is not the "curtain area" but the cross section of the nozzle itself. The shocked flow is located as following [Fig.12]. The force applied by the gas jet is taken into account as indicated by the following equation:
FP = P2' S1 Pb S 0
Fig.12: The critical pressures ration occurs both in the nozzle and in the lateral area between the nozzle and the disc -