Types of spillway Design Flood(hydrologic design) Hydraulic Design Spillway Crest Gates
A spillway is a structure constructed at or near the dam site to dispose of surplus water from the reservoir to the channel downstream.
The essential requirements of a spillway It must have adequate discharge capacity It must be hydraulically and structurally safe The surface of the spillway must be erosion resistant The spillway must be so located that the spillway discharge does not erode or undermine the downstream toe of the dam It should be provided with some device for the dissipation of excess energy The spillway discharge should not exceed the safe discharge capacity of the downstream channel to avoid its flooding.
Types of Spillway
The spillways can be classified into different types based on the various criteria A. Classification based on purpose Main (or service) spillway Auxiliary spillway Emergency spillway B. Classification based on control Controlled (or gated) spillway Uncontrolled (or ungated) spillway
C. Classification based on prominent feature Free overfall (or straight drop) spillway Overflow or Ogee spillway Chute (or open channel or trough) spillway Side-channel spillway Shaft (or morning glory) spillway Siphon spillway Conduit (or tunnel) spillway Cascade spillway
Topography and Geology Topography and geology, with selected subsurface explorations, have greater influence on the location and type of spillway than any other factors. Ogee spillway : Most commonly used as the integral overflow section of a concrete dam Chute spillway: Adopted in a site where a suitable foundation with moderate depth of excavation is available where topography of the site permits the use of a relatively short channel Side channel spillway: Suitable for earth or rock-fill dams in narrow canyons and for other situations where direct overflow is not permissible
Shaft spillway/Tunnel spillway : Used advantageously at dam sites in narrow canyons where abutments rise steeply
Siphon spillway: Used when there is a desire for an automatic operation without mechanical parts and the discharge to be passed is small
Component Parts of a Spillway A spillway generally has the following component parts Entrance channel Control structure Discharge channel (or waterway) Terminal structure (energy dissipator) Exit channel
Hydrologic Consideration The required spillway capacity is usually determined by flood routing which is equal to the maximum outflow rate The following data are required for the flood routing - Inflow flood hydrograph - Reservoir-capacity curve(indicating the reservoir storage at different reservoir elevations) - Outflow discharge curve(Spillway rating curve)- indicating the rate of outflow through spillways at different reservoir elevations.
Economic Consideration The analysis seeks to identify an optimum combined cost of the dam-spillway combination.
Figure- Comparative costs: spillway-dam combinations. A:Minimum cost: gated spillway, B: Minimum cost: ungated spillway (shown in USBR, United States,1960).
Spillway-Hydraulic Design Free Overfall Spillway A free overfall spillway (or a straight drop spillway) is a type of spillway in which the control structure consists of : a low-height, narrow-crested weir and the downstream face is vertical or nearly vertical so that the water falls freely more or less vertical The overflowing water may discharge as a free nappe, as in the case of a sharp-crested weir, or it may be supported along the narrow section of the crest The water flowing over the crest drops as a free jet clear of the downstream face of the spillway-suction pressure should be avoided
In order to protect the stream bed from scouring an artificial pool is usually constructed by excavating a basin in the bed and then covering it with a concrete apron-(Plunge pool construction) If the tail water depth is adequate, a hydraulic jump may form after the jet falls from the crest, which can be used for the dissipation of energy. However, a long flat apron would be required to contain the hydraulic jump
Ogee (overflow) spillway The ogee or overflow spillway is the most common type of spillway. It has a control weir that is ogee or S-shaped The structure divides naturally into three zones: the crest, the rear slope, and the toe The shape of the crest of the ogee spillway is generally made to conform closely to the profile of the lower surface of nappe (sheet of water) of a ventilated jet issuing from a sharp-crested weir An ogee-shaped spillway is an improvement upon the free overfall spillway(the jet will be guided to glide on a channel)
The nappe-shaped profile is an ideal profile because at the design head, the water flowing over the crest of the spillway always remains in contact with the surface of the spillway as it glides over it No negative pressure will develop on the spillway surface at design head
Shape of the crest of the overflow spillway(spillway crest profile) Normally the crest is shaped to conform to the lower surface of the nappe from a fully aerated sharp-crested weir The shape of the ogee-shaped spillway depends upon Head over the crest, Height of the spillway above the stream bed or the bed of the entrance channel The inclination of the upstream face of the spillway Several standard shapes of the crests of overflow spillways are developed by U.S.B.R. at Waterways Experiment Station(WES)-Shapes are called WES standard spillway shapes
Early crest shapes were usually based on a simple parabola designed to the fit the trajectory of the falling nappe in the general form
The profiles are defined as they relate to the coordinate axes at the apex of the crest. The portion upstream of the origin is defined as a compound circular arc. The portion downstream is defined by the equation Equation for the D/S profile where Hd Design head K & n are constants whose values depend on the upstream inclination and velocity of approach. The shape downstream of the crest axis further symbolized by the equation for WES standard spillway shapes
where X and Y are coordinates of crest profile with origin at the highest point of the crest. Hd design head including velocity head of the approach flow. K and n are parameters depending on the slope of the upstream face.
Typical WES standard shapes
The curved profile of the crest section is continued till it meets tangentially the straight sloping surface of the downstream face of the overflow dam At the end of the sloping surface of the spillway, a curved circular surface, called bucket, is provided to create a smooth transition of flow from the spillway surface to the river downstream of the outlet channel
The bucket is also useful for the dissipation of energy and prevention of scour
The radius R of the bucket can be approximately obtained from the relation
Where V: is the velocity of flow at the toe of spillway (m/s) Hd: is the design head
The velocity of flow V may be approximately determined from the relation
Where Z: is the total fall from the upstream water level to the floor level at the d/s toe, Ha: is the head due to velocity of approach, y :is the depth of flow at toe and g: is the acceleration due to gravity.
Generally, a radius of about one-fourth of the spillway height is found to be satisfactory.
Upstream profile of the crest
(a) Vertical upstream face The upstream profile of the crest should be tangential to the vertical face and should have zero slope at the crest axis The upstream profile should conform to the following equation with usual notations
It may be noted that the values of x are negative according to the chosen axes of coordinates
It may be noted that the values of x are negative according to the chosen axes of coordinates The maximum absolute value of x is 0.270 Hd, for which the value of y is equal to 0126 Hd when the u/s face is vertical
b) Sloping upstream face
The coordinates of the upstream profile in the case of sloping upstream face can be determined from Table Slopes of 1:3, 2:3 and 3:3(H:V). For intermediate slopes the values may be interpolated
Discharge Characteristics Choosing as an example the rectangular weir without side contraction, the basic equation of the discharge is as follows
No allowance was made for the local losses of energy, therefore, the result need to be multiplied by an experimental factor, which is smaller than the unity and is generally called the discharge coefficient (Cd), For smaller velocities the value of can be neglected
It is important to mention, that while Cd is a dimension less value, the value of C always has a dimension, and is generally given in units of m /s
The discharge characteristics of the standard spillway can also be derived from the characteristics of the sharp crested weir
Q = CLe (H + H v )
3/ 2
Q- discharge C- Coefficient which depends on u/s and d/s flow condition Le- effective crest length H- head on the crest Hv- approach velocity head
Where crest priers and abutments are shaped to cause side contractions of the overflow, the effective length, Le, will be less than the net length of the crest
Le = L' 2(NK p + K a )( H + H V )
L- net length of the crest N- Number of piers Kp- piers contraction coefficient Ka- abutment contraction coefficient
Pier condition Square nosed pier with corners rounded on a radius equal to about 0.1 of the pier thickness Rounded nosed piers Pointed nose piers Kp 0.02 0.01 0
Abutment condition Square abutments with head wall at 90o to direction of flow Rounded abutments with head wall at 90o to the direction flow Rounded abutments with head wall placed at not more than 45o to the direction of flow
Ka 0.20 0.10 0
Side channel spillway The crest of the control weir is placed along the side of the discharge channel. The crest is approximately parallel to the side channel at the entrance The side channel spillway is usually constructed in a narrow canyon where sufficient space is not available for an overflow spillway.
Analysis of flow in a trough
Referring the figure the differential equation of the flow profile ignoring channel friction is given by
Since the discharge increases linearly with the distance, the velocity can also be assumed to vary with x in some arbitrary manner
The constants a and n are arbitrary and may be selected in such a way as to produce a profile that will most economically conform to the site conditions.
It can be seen that when n = 1/2, the profile will be linear, concave downward for n >1/2 and concave upward for n <1/2
A procedure without imposing any relationship between the average velocity V and distance x has been suggested by USBR (1977), as
which can be applied to calculate the water surface profile in a step-by-step manner. Q1 and V1 and Q2 and V2 are the discharge and velocity at the beginning and end of a small distance x.
The effect of channel friction and uneven velocity distribution can be introduced considering that A= Q/V (at respective locations), , and
This can be solved by a trial method, in conjunction with the relationship for the critical depth, for a given channel section If Xc < L, the total length of the channel, it would mean that the flow upstream of the critical flow section would be sub-critical and downstream of it will be supercritical
Siphon spillway A siphon spillways operates on the principle of siphonic action. There are basically two types of siphon spillways Hood or Saddle siphon (as shown in Figure 1) Volute siphon(as shown in Figure 2)
All necessary precautions must be taken to ensure that the vacuum is maintained and that it does not become so excessive as to cause cavitation The maximum negative pressure at the spillway crest is theoretically 10 m of water at sea level Allowing for the vapor pressure of water, loss due to turbulence, etc., the maximum net effective head is rarely more than about 7.5 m
Which means that the initial velocity in any siphon cannot exceed about 12 m/s at the inlet
Hydraulic Design Consideration The following characteristics are relevant in the hydraulic design of siphon spillways: Discharging capacity Priming depth Regulating flow Effect of waves in the reservoir Cavitation Vibration
Discharging Capacity The flow in the throat section of a saddle siphon can be idealised as a free vortex, so that
This velocity should be the same at all sections along the siphon barrel unless there is expansion or contraction of the section
when the siphon is running full, the velocity is given by the total head H
Energy Equation(Enterance and Exit) The required outlet area Ao can then be calculated from Vo
The discharge in the volute siphon can also be calculated in the same way by assuming that the flow entering the funnel at the lip takes a circular path
Cd may be assumed to be 0.70, however, model observations have shown this to be as high as 0.85
Chute spillway
A chute spillway (or trough spillway or open channel spillway) consists of a steep sloped open channel called a chute or trough, which carries the water passing over the crest of spillway to the river downstream
Shaft spillway
A shaft (or morning glory) spillway consists of a large vertical funnel, with its top surface at the crest level of the spillway and its lower end connected to a vertical (or nearly vertical) shaft.
Stepped Spillways(Cascaded spillway) It is ideally suited for very high dams in which the energy cannot be dissipated by a hydraulic jump or a bucket
Spillway Crest Gates The following factors influence the decision whether a spillway should be gated or ungated: Safety of the dam Cost economics Operational problems Downstream conditions Special considerations
From the standpoint of operation, the spillway crest gates can be divided into four groups:
The common types of mechanical gates include radial, vertical lift, and flap gates
Spillway Crest Gates Various types of gates have been evolved to control the flow of water over the spillway when the reservoir is full. I. Flashboards i.Temporary ii.permanent i.Stop logs & needles ii.Rectangular lift gates iii.Radial (Tainter) gates iv.drum gates v.Rolling (roller) gate vi.Tilting (Flap) gate
Stilling Basin
A channel
structure of mild slope whose purpose is to confine all or part of the hydraulic jump or other energy reducing action and dissipate some of the high kinetic energy of the flow
The stilling basin is designed to insure that the jump occurs always at such a location that the flow velocities entering the erodible downstream channel are incapable of causing harmful scour.
Hydraulic jump characteristics relevant to its application to the energy dissipation are: Classification of jump Length, including length of the roller Conjugate depth and energy loss Turbulence characteristics Air entrainment by hydraulic jump
Hydraulic jump equation
y2 1 = ( 8 F12 + 1 1) y1 2
E j E1
E j / y1 E1 / y1
Jump height:
y2 y1 1 3 2 = 8 F1 + 1 y1 2 2