Disaster Management in Japan: Cabinet Office Government of Japan

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内 閣 府
わが国の災害対策 CONTENTS

Ⅰ 国土と災害 The Nation and Its Disasters

1. 災害を受けやすい国土 ············1 1. A Disaster-prone Country ·····························································1
2. 災害の状況 ······························2 2. The General Disaster Situation ······················································2

Ⅱ 災害対策の歩み Progress in Disaster Management

1. 防災法制度・体制の歩み ··········4 1. Progress in Disaster Management Laws and Systems ·····················4
2. 災害対策の沿革(戦後)············7 2. The History of Disaster Management (Post-World War II) ··············7

Ⅲ 災害対策の法制度及び体制 The Legal System and Structure of Disaster Management

1. 災害対策基本法 ······················8 1. Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act ··············································8
2. 防災体制 ·································8 2. The Disaster Management System ·················································8
3. 防災計画 ·······························11 3. Disaster Management Planning ··················································11

Ⅳ 防災関係予算 Disaster Management Related Budget

防災関係予算 ··························12 Disaster Management Related Budget ·········································12

Ⅴ 災害対策の現況 The Present Situation of Disaster Management

1. 研究開発 ·······························13 1. Research and Development ························································13
2. 災害予防 ·······························14 2. Disaster Preparedness ································································14
3. 災害応急対策 ························18 3. Disaster Emergency Response ····················································18
4. 災害復旧・復興対策 ···············20 4. Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction ·········································20
5. 情報・通信システム ················22 5. Information and Telecommunication System ································22
6. 震災対策 ·······························24 6. Earthquake Disaster Countermeasures ········································24
7. 風水害対策 ···························30 7. Storm and Flood Countermeasures ·············································30
8. 火山災害対策 ························32 8. Volcano Disaster Countermeasures ·············································32
9. 原子力災害対策 ····················34 9. Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures ·············································34
10. その他の災害対策 ·················35 10. Other Disaster Countermeasures ················································35

Ⅵ 国際協力 International Cooperation

1. 世界の災害 ···························36 1. Disasters Throughout the World ··················································36
2. 日本の国際協力 ····················36 2. Japan's International Cooperation in Disaster Relief ····················36
3. 国際防災戦略への取組 ·········37 3. Working on the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction ····37
4. アジア防災センター ·············37 4. Asian Disaster Reduction Center ·················································37

表紙写真上/有珠山噴火(2000年3月) 写真提供:アジア航測 Front cover/Photo Above : Mt.Usu Eruption, March 2001 ; Asian Air Survey
表紙写真下/阪神・淡路大震災(1995年1月) 写真提供:共同通信社 Front cover/Photo Below : Great Hanshn-Awaji Earthquake, January 1995 ; Kyodo News
裏表紙写真/写真提供:神戸市 Back cover/Photo : Kobe City
Ⅰ 国 土 と
The Nation and Its Disasters
災 害

1 災害を受けやすい国土 A Disaster-prone Country

わが国は、地震、火山活動が活発な環太平洋変動帯に位置 Japan is located in the circum-Pacific mobile zone where

し、世界の0.25%という国土面積と比較して、地震の発生回数 seismic and volcanic activities occur constantly. Although
the country covers only 0.25% of the land area on the
や活火山の分布数の割合はきわめて高いものとなっています。 planet, the number of earthquakes and distribution of active
また、地理的、地形的、気象的諸条件から、台風、豪雨、豪 volcanoes is quite high. Also, because of geographical,
topographical and meteorological conditions, the country is
subject to frequent disasters such as typhoons, torrential
rains and heavy snow.

World Geographical Distribution of Hypocenters of 2000 and Plates

凡例 Legend
(2000, Magnitude ≧ 5.0, Depth ≦ 100km)

深さ Depth

Plate Boundaries

Source : Japan Meteorological Agency

世界の火山 Comparison of Natural Disasters in
Volcanos of the World Japan and Other Parts of the World
Number of earthquakes with magnitude of 6.0 or larger
世界 454 日本 Japan

その他 Others

Note : Total for 1994 to 1998. Prepared by the Cabinet Office based on
    data from the Japan Meteorological Agency and world data provided by USGS.

Number of active volcanos
世界 829
World 日本 Japan

その他 Others

In Japan, there are 86 active volcanos which is equivalent to about 10% of total volcanos on the earth. (注)気象庁等の資料を基に内閣府において作成。
Note : Prepared by the Cabinet Office based on data from the Japan Meteorological
資料:国立天文台編「理科年表 平成14年」丸善(2001) Source : National Astronomical Agency.

Observatory (ed.) “Rika

: nenpyo (Chronological Sceintific Tables) 2002”, Maruzen Co.,Ltd (2001).

2 災害の状況 The General Disaster Situation

わが国では、毎年、自然災害により多くの人命や財産が失 In Japan there is much damage to lives and property due to

われています。1950年代までは、大型台風や大規模な地震に natural disasters every year. Up until the 1950s, there were
numerous large typhoons or large-scale earthquakes which
より、死者1,000名を超える被害が多発しましたが、国土保全の claimed the lives of more than 1,000 people. However, due to
進展、気象予報の向上、災害情報伝達手段の充実、防災体制 the progress of countermeasures such as promotion of national
land conservation projects, improvement in weather
forecasting technologies, completion of disaster information
向にあります。 communications systems and preparation of disaster
management systems, the number of deaths and missing due
to natural disasters shows a declining tendency.
The Number of Deaths and Missing in Natural Disasters in Japan
人 persons

6,000 5,868

5,000 4,897

4,000 本気象災害年表、1953∼62は警察庁
3,000 Source : 1945 : Rika nenpyo, 1946∼52
: Japan Weather Disaster Annual
2,000 Table, 1953∼62 : National Police
1,504 1,515

1,291 Agency, 1963∼ : Fire and Disaster
1,000 975 727 765 Management Agency
528 575 578 607 587 524
449 381 438
307 367 350 324 301
259 183 213 273 174 153 208 148 232 199 199 148 190 141
163 85 69 93 96 123 19 39 84 71 109 78
1945 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 年 year

The Number of Deaths and Missing by Type of Disaster
0 100 200 300 400 500 6,000 7,000 人 persons





92 Type
93 風水害
Storm and Flood Damage
94 地 震  
95 雪 害  
96 その他


Source : Fire and Disaster Management Agency
年 year

施設関係等被害額 Amount of Damage of Facilities due to Disasters

(billion yen)
(十億円) (%)
6,000 3.0
施 国
設 民
関 総
係 5,000 2.5 生
等 産
被 に
害 対
額 4,000 2.0 す
Amount of Damage

Percentage in the GNP 率
Amount of Damage  
3,000 国民総生産に対する比率 1.5
Percentage in the GNP


2,000 1.0 資料:1 施設関係等被害額は各省庁調べ

2 国民総生産は「国民経済計算年報」による。
Source : 1 Damage to facilities due to disasters
1,000 0.5
: Each ministry
2 GNP : Report on revised
0 0.0
1963 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 National Accounts

しかしながら、平成7年には、阪神・淡路大震災により6,400人 But in 1995 more than 6,400 lives were lost in the Great
を超える死者が発生しており、また、海溝型の巨大地震である Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and there is concern that an
enormous ocean trench earthquake will occur in the Tokai
東海地震等の発生が懸念されるなど、自然災害の脅威は依然 region. So the menacing threat of major natural disasters
として大きなものがあります。 still lingers.

わが国の主な災害 Major Disasters in Japan Since 1888

年 月 災 害 死者・行方不明者数 年 月 災 害 死者・行方不明者数

Number of Deaths Number of Deaths
Date Disaster and Missing Date Disaster and Missing

明治21. 7.15 磐梯山噴火 461 昭和41. 9.23∼25 台風 24,26号(静岡、山梨等) 317

1888 Mt.Bandai Eruption 1966 Typhoon 24,26
明治24.10.28 濃尾地震(M7.9) 7,273 昭和42. 7 ∼ 8 7, 8月豪雨(中部以西、東北) 256
1891 Nobi Earthquake 1967 Torrential Rains in Central and Western Parts of Japan etc.
明治29. 6.15 明治三陸地震津波(M7.1) 21,959 昭和43. 5.16 十勝沖地震(M7.9) 52
1896 Meiji Sanriku Earthquake Tsunami 1968 Tokachi-oki Earthquake
昭和47. 7. 3∼15 台風6,7,9号及び 7月豪雨 447
大正 3. 1.12 桜島噴火 58 1972 Typhoon 6,7,9 and Torrential Rains
1914 Taisho Sakurajima Is.Eruption 昭和49. 5. 9 伊豆半島沖地震(M6.9) 30
大正12. 9. 1 関東大地震(M7.9) 142,807 1974 Izu-hanto-oki Earthquake
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake 昭和49.12 三菱石油水島製油所重油流出事故 ―
大正15. 5.24 十勝岳噴火 144 1974 Oil Spillage Accident at the Mizushima Oil Factory
1926 Mt.Tokachi Eruption 昭和51. 9. 8∼14 台風17号及び9月豪雨(香川、岡山等) 171
1976 Typhoon 17 and Torrential Rains in Kagawa etc.
昭和 2. 3. 7 北丹後地震(M7.5) 2,925 昭和52. 8. 7∼53.10 有珠山噴火 3
1927 Kita-tango Earthquake 1977 Showa Mt.Usu Eruption
昭和 8. 3. 3 昭和三陸地震津波(M8.3) 3,064 昭和53. 1.14 伊豆大島近海地震(M7.0) 25
1933 Showa Sanriku Earthquake Tsunami 1978 Izu-Oshima-Kinkai Earthquake
昭和 9. 9.20∼22 室戸台風 3,036 昭和53. 6.12 宮城県沖地震(M7.4) 28
1934 Typhoon Muroto 1978 Miyagi-ken-oki Earthquake
昭和13. 6.28∼ 7. 5 豪雨(神戸大水害) 925 昭和54.10.17∼20 台風20号(東海、関東、東北) 115
1938 Torrential Rains in Hyogo 1979 Typhoon 20
昭和18. 9.10 鳥取地震(M7.2) 1,083 昭和57. 7 ∼ 8 7,8月豪雨及び台風10号 439
1943 Tottori Earthquake 1982 Torrential Rains and Typhoon 10
昭和19.12. 7 東南海地震(M7.9) 1,223 昭和58. 5.26 日本海中部地震(M7.7) 104
1944 Tohnankai Earthquake 1983 Nihon-kai-chubu Earthquake
昭和20. 1.13 三河地震(M6.8) 2,306 昭和58. 7.20∼ 29 梅雨前線豪雨(山陰以東) 117
1945 Mikawa Earthquake 1983 Torrential Rains in the Sanin Region etc.
昭和20. 9. 7∼18 枕崎台風(広島、西日本) 3,756 昭和58.10.3 三宅島噴火 ― 
1945 Typhoon Makurazaki 1983 Miyake-jima Is.Eruption
昭和21.12.21 南海地震(M8.0) 1,443 昭和59. 9.14 長野県西部地震(M6.8) 29
1946 Nankai Earthquake 1984 Nagano-ken-seibu Earthquake
昭和22. 8.14 浅間山噴火 11 昭和59.12∼60. 4 豪雪(北陸、日本海側) 90
1947 Mt.Asama Eruption 1984 Heavy Snowfall in the Hokuriku Region etc.
昭和22. 9.14∼15 カスリーン台風(東海以北) 1,930 昭和60.12∼61. 3 豪雪(北陸、東北) 90
1947 Typhoon hits Kanto etc. 1985 Heavy Snowfall in the Hokuriku Region etc.
昭和23. 6.28 福井地震(M7.1) 3,769 昭和61.11.15∼12.18 伊豆大島噴火 −
1948 Fukui Earthquake 1986 Izu-Oshima Is. Eruption
昭和23. 9.15∼17 アイオン台風(東北等) 838
1948 Typhoon hits Northern Japan 平成 3. 6.11.17∼ 7. 5 雲仙岳噴火 44
昭和25. 9. 2∼ 4 ジェーン台風(四国以北) 539 1991 Unzendake Eruption
1950 Typhoon hits Shikoku 平成 5. 7.12 北海道南西沖地震(M7.8) 230
昭和26.10.13∼15 ルース台風(中国、九州等) 943 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-oki Earthquake
1951 Typhoon hits Chugoku and Kyushu 平成 7.31∼ 8.29 豪雨及び台風7,11号(九州等) 92
昭和27. 3. 4 十勝沖地震(M8.2) 33 1993 Torrential Rains in Kyushu etc. and Typhoon7,11
1952 Tokachi-oki Earthquake 平成 7. 1.17 阪神・淡路大震災(M7.3) 6,435
昭和28. 6.25∼29 大雨(前線:九州、四国、中国) 1,013 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
1953 Torrential Rains in Kyushu etc. 平成 9. 1.10∼ ナホトカ号海難・流出油災害 −
昭和28. 7.16∼24 南紀豪雨(和歌山県東北以西) 1,124 1997 Oil Spillage Accident by Wreckage of
1953 Torrential Rains in Wakayama Russian Tanker
昭和29. 5. 8∼12 風害(低気圧:北日本、近畿) 670 平成 9. 7. 2∼ 7.11 ダイヤモンドグレース号油流出事故 −
1954 Storm damage 1997 Oil Spillage Accident in Tokyo Bay
昭和29. 9.25∼27 洞爺丸台風 1,761 平成11. 6.23∼ 7. 3 梅雨前線豪雨(西日本∼全国) 39
1954 Typhoon Toyamaru 1999 Torrential Rains in Western Parts of Japan etc.
昭和32. 7.25∼28 諫早豪雨 722 平成11. 9.30 東海村ウラン加工施設事故 2
1957 Torrential Rains in Isahaya 1999 Criticality Accident at Uranium Conversion
昭和33. 6.24 阿蘇山噴火 12 Facility
1958 Mt.Aso Eruption 平成12. 3.31∼6.28 有珠山噴火 −
昭和33. 9.26∼28 狩野川台風 1,269 2000 Mt.Usu Eruption
1958 Typhoon Kanogawa 平成12. 6.25∼ 三宅島噴火及び新島、神津島近海地震 1
昭和34. 9.26∼27 伊勢湾台風 5,098 2000 Miyakejima-Oyama Eruption and Niijima
1959 Typhoon Ise-wan and Kozushima Earthquake
昭和35. 5.23 チリ地震津波 139 平成12. 9.11∼9.12 豪雨(東海∼全国) 10
1960 Chile Earthquake Tsunami 2000 Torrential Rains in the Tokai Region etc.
昭和38. 1.∼ 2. 豪雪(北陸) 231 平成12.10. 6 鳥取県西部地震(M7.3) −
1963 Heavy Snowfall in Hokuriku 2000 Tottori-ken-seibu Earthquake
昭和39. 6.16 新潟地震(M7.5) 26 平成13. 3.24 芸予地震(M6.7) 2
1964 Niigata Earthquake 2001 Heisei Geiyo Earthquake
昭和40. 9.10∼18 台風23,24,25号(徳島、兵庫、福井等) 181
1965 Typhoon 23,24,25

風水害は死者・行方不明者 500人以上、地震・津波・火山噴火は死者・行方 Note : Regarding the damage caused by storms and floods, data is included for disasters in which 500 or more people
were killed or reported missing. Regarding the damage caused by earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanic eruptions, data is
不明者10人以上のもののほか、災害対策基本法による非常災害対策本部が included for disasters in which 10 or more people were killed or reported missing. The data also includes disasters if a
Major Disaster Management Headquarters was established in accordance to the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act.
設置されたもの等(気象年鑑、理科年表による。死者・行方不明者について (The above data is based on the chronological table of the Weather Yearbook and the Chronological Secintific Tables.
は消防庁の調べによる。阪神・淡路大震災については平成12年12月27日現 Regarding the figures for people killed and reported missing, data is from Fire and Disaster Management Agency. For
the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the data shows the figures as of 27 December 2000. For Tottori-ken-seibu
。 Earthquake and Heisei Geiyo Earthquake, the data shows the figures as of 14 November 2001.)

Ⅱ 災 害 対 策 の 歩 み Progress in Disaster Management

Progress in Disaster Management

1 防災法制度・体制の歩み Laws and Systems
法律・制度の制定過程 The Enactment of Laws
年 災害対策にかかる法制度 防災計画・体制等
Year Disaster Management Acts Disaster Management Plans and Systems

明治13年 ・備荒儲蓄法(明治32年廃止) ・日本地震学会発足

1880 Provision and Saving Act for Natural Disaster Establishment of Seismological Society of Japan
明治17年 ・内務省測量司全国天気予報開始
1884 Department of the Interior Land Surveyor
Weather Report starts
明治29年 ・河川法(昭和39年全面改正)
1896 River Act
明治30年 ・砂防法 
1897 Erosion Control Act
Forest Act
明治32年 ・災害準備基金特別会計法(明治44年廃止)
1899 Disaster Preparation Funds Special Account Act
明治41年 ・水害予防組合法
1908 Flood Prevention Association Act
明治44年 ・治水費資金特別会計法
1911 Flood Control Expenditure Funds Special Account Act
大正14年 ・東京大学地震研究所発足
1925 Establishment of Earthquake Research
Institute, Tokyo Imperial University
昭和16年 ・津波警報組織発足
1941 Establishment of Tsunami Warning
昭和22年 ・災害救助法(10月)Disaster Relief Act
1947 ・消防組織法(12月)Fire Organization Act

昭和23年 ・消防法(7月) ・建設省設置

1948 Fire Service Act Establishment of Ministry of Construction
Establishment of Board of Inquiry for
Prevention of Damage from Earthquakes
昭和24年 ・水防法(6月)
1949 Flood Control Act
昭和25年 ・農林水産業施設災害復旧事業費国庫補助の暫定措置に関する法律(5月)
1950 Temporary Measures Act for Subsidizing Recovery Projects for Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries Facilities Damaged due to Disasters
昭和26年 ・公共土木施設災害復旧事業費国庫負担法(3月) ・京都大学防災研究所発足
1951 Act Concerning National Treasury Share of Expenses for Recovery Projects for Public Civil Establishment of Kyoto University Disaster
Engineering Facilities Damage due to Disasters Prevention Research Institute
昭和27年 ・気象業務法(6月) ・国家消防本部発足 Establishment of
1952 Meteorological Service Act National Fire-Fighting Headquarters
昭和30年 ・天災による被害農林漁業者等に対する資金の融通に関する暫定措置法 (天災融資法:8月)
1955 Temporary Measures Act for Financing Farmers, Forestrymen and Fishermen Suffering
from Natural Disasters
昭和31年 ・海岸法(5月) ・気象庁発足 Establishment of Japan
1956 Seashore Act Meteorological Agency

関東大震災  Great Kanto Earthquake, 1923 福井地震  Fukui Earthquake, 1948

写真提供:共同通信社  Photo : Kyodo News 写真提供:毎日新聞社  Photo : Mainichi News

年 災害対策にかかる法制度 防災計画・体制等
Year Disaster Management Acts Disaster Management Plans and Systems

昭和33年 ・地すべり等防止法(3月)
1958 Landslide Prevention Act
昭和35年 ・治山治水緊急措置法(3月) ・自治省消防庁発足
1960 Soil Conservation and Flood Control Urgent Measures Act Establishment of Ministry of Home Affairs
Fire and Disaster Management Agency
Distant Area Tsunami Warning System
昭和36年 ・災害対策基本法(11月) ・防災の日創設
1961 Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act Designation of“Disaster Management Day”
昭和37年 ・豪雪地帯対策特別措置法(4月) ・中央防災会議設置 
1962 Act of Special Countermeasures for Heavy Snowfall Area Establishment of Central Disaster
Management Council
Act Concerning Special Financial Support to Deal with the Designated Disaster of Extreme
昭和38年 ・防災基本計画策定(6月)
1963 Formulation of Basic Disaster Management Plan

Establishment of National Research Institute
for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
昭和39年 ・河川法全面改正(7月) ・測地学審議会「地震予知」について建議
1964 River Act (Revised) Geodesy Council’ s Proposition on
“Earthquake Prediction”
昭和41年 ・地震保険に関する法律
1966 Act for Earthquake Insurance
昭和44年 ・急傾斜地の崩壊による災害の防止に関する法律(7月) ・
1969 Act Concerning Prevention of Steep Slope Collapse Disaster Establishment of Coordinating Committee
for Earthquake Prediction
昭和45年 ・海洋汚染及び海上災害の防止に関する法律(12月)
1970 Marine Pollution Prevention Act
昭和47年 ・防災のための集団移転促進事業に係わる国の財政上の特別措置等に関する法律(12月)
1972 Act Concerning Special Financial Support for Promoting Group Relocation for Disaster
昭和48年 ・活動火山周辺地域における避難施設等の整備等に関する法律 ・火山噴火予知計画建議
1973 (7月。昭和53年 4月に活動火山対策特別措置法に改正) Proposition for Volcanic Eruption
Act Concerning Improvement etc. of Refuges etc. in Vicinal Areas of Active Volcanoes Prediction Plan
(revised to the Act on Special Measures for Active Volcanoes in 1978)
Act for the Payment of Solatia for Disaster
昭和49年 ・火山噴火予知連絡会設置
1974 Establishment of Coordinating Committee
for Prediction of Volcanic Eruption

Establishment of National Land Agency
昭和50年 ・石油コンビナ−ト等災害防止法(12月) Act on Prevention of Disaster in Petroleum
1975 Industrial Complexes and other Petroleum Facilities
昭和51年 ・地震予知推進本部設置
1976 Establishment of Headquarters for
Earthquake Prediction Promotion
昭和53年 ・大規模地震対策特別措置法(6月、地震防災基本計画)
1978 Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Special Act
(Basic Plan for Earthquake Disaster Prevention)

伊勢湾台風  Typhoon Ise-wan, 1959 長崎大水害  Torrential Rains in Nagasaki, 1982

写真提供:共同通信社  Photo : Kyodo News

年 災害対策にかかる法制度 防災計画・体制等
Year Disaster Management Acts Disaster Management Plans and Systems

昭和55年 ・地震防災対策強化地域における地震対策緊急整備事業に係る国の財政上の特別措置に
1980 関する法律(地震財特法:5月)
Special Fiscal Measures Act for Urgent Improvement Project for Earthquake
Countermeasures in Areas under Intensified Measures against Earthquake Disaster
昭和59年 ・国土庁に防災局設置
1984 Establishment of Disaster Prevention
Bureau in the National Land Agency
昭和60年 ・国際緊急援助隊発足
1985 Establishment of Japan Disaster Relief Team
昭和62年 ・国際緊急援助隊の派遣に関する法律(9月)
1987 Act Concerning Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Team
平成元年 ・国際防災の10年(IDNDR)推進本部設置
1989 Establishment of Headquarters for the
International Decade for Natural Disaster
Reduction (IDNDR)
平成 4年 ・南関東地域直下の地震対策に関する大綱
1992 制定(8月)
General principles relating to
Countermeasures for Earthquakes Directly
Below the Southern Kanto Region
平成 7年 ・阪神・淡路大震災復興の基本方針及び組織に関する法律(6月) ・防災基本計画修正(7月)
1995 Act for the Statement of Principles and Organization of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Amendment of Basic Disaster Management
Earthquake Revival Plan
・災害対策基本法一部改正(6月) ・地震調査研究推進本部設置
Partial Revision of Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act Establishment of the Headquarters for
・地震防災対策特別措置法(6月) Earthquake Research Promotion
Earthquake Disaster Management Special Measures Act
Partial Revision of Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act and Large-Scale Earthquake
Countermeasures Special Act
Act for Promotion of the Earthquake Proof Retrofit of Buildings
平成 8年 ・特定非常災害の被害者の権利利益の保全等を図るための特別措置に関する法律(6月)
1996 Act Regarding Special Measures to Weigh the Preservation of Rights and Profits of the
Victims of Specified Disasters
平成 9年 ・密集市街地における防災街区の整備の促進に関する法律(5月) ・防災基本計画修正(6月) Amendment of
1997 Act for Densely Inhabited Areas Improvement for Disaster Mitigation Basic Disaster Management Plan
平成10年 ・被災者生活再建支援法(5月)
1998 Act Concerning Support for Reconstructing Livelihoods of Disaster Victims
平成11年 ・原子力災害対策特別措置法(12月) ・地震防災基本計画修正(7月)
1999 Special Measures of Nuclear Disaster Act Amendment of Basic Plan for Earthquake
Disaster Prevention
平成12年 ・土砂災害警戒区域等における土砂災害防止対策の推進に関する法律(5月) ・国際防災連絡会議設置
2000 Sediment Disaster Countermeasures for Sediment Disaster Prone Areas Act Establishment of International Disaster
Prevention Liaison Conference
Amendment of Basic Disaster Management
平成13年 ・省庁再編に伴い、内閣府に防災部門設置
2001 Establishment of Disaster Management
Section in Cabinet Office in Connection
with Restructuring of Government
Ministries and Agencies.

北海道南西沖地震  Hokkaido-Nansei-oki Earthquake, 1993 阪神・淡路大震災  Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, 1995

写真提供:共同通信社  Photo : Kyodo News 写真転載:阪神・淡路復興対策本部編「阪神・淡路大震災復興誌」
Photo : Reprinted from the Headquarters for Reconstruction of the Hanshin-
Awaji Area (ed.)
“The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Reconstruction Report”

The History of Disaster Management
2 災害対策の沿革(戦後) (Post-World War II)
大きな被害をもたらした昭和34年の伊勢湾台風を契機として、 The immense damage caused by the Typhoon Ise-wan in
総合的かつ計画的な防災体制を整備しようという機運が高ま 1959 was a turning point for disaster management, giving
rise to a movement to plan and prepare a comprehensive
が制定されました。その後も、 disaster management system, and in 1961, the Disaster
大きな自然災害や事故の発生を契機として、防災体制が充実 Countermeasures Basic Act was enacted. Thereafter, the
disaster management system has been improved and
strengthened following the occurrence of large natural
disasters and accidents.

災害対策の沿革(戦後) The History of Disaster Management (Post-World War II)

年 契機となった災害 災害対策にかかる法制度
Year Events Disaster Management Acts
昭和21年 南海地震
1946 Nankai Earthquake
1947 災害救助法 Disaster Relief Act

昭和25年 農林水産業施設災害復旧事業費国庫補助の暫定措置に関する法律 Temporary Measures Act for Subsidizing

1950 Recovery Projects for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Facilities Damaged due to Disasters

昭和26年 公共土木施設災害復旧事業費国庫負担法 Act Concerning National Treasury Share of Expenses for Recovery

1951 Projects for Public Civil Engineering Facilities Damage due to Disasters

昭和34年 伊勢湾台風
1959 Typhoon Ise-wan
1960 治山治水緊急措置法 Soil Conservation and Flood Control Urgent Measures Act

昭和36年 災害対策基本法(S.37中央防災会議設置、S.38防災基本計画決定)
1961 Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act

昭和37年 激甚災害に対処するための特別の財政援助等に関する法律
1962 Act Concerning Special Financial Support to Deal with Designated Disasters of Extreme Severity
豪雪地帯対策特別措置法 Act of Special Countermeasures for Heavy Snowfall Area

昭和39年 新潟地震
1964 Niigata Earthquake
1966 地震保険に関する法律 Act for Earthquake Insurance

昭和47年 防災のための集団移転促進事業に係わる国の財政上の特別措置等に関する法律
1972 Act Concerning Special Financial Support for Promoting Group Relocation for Disaster Mitigation

昭和48年 災害弔慰金の支給等に関する法律 Act for the Payment of Solatia for Disaster

活動火山対策特別措置法(S.48制定、S.53改称) Act on Special Measures for Active Volcanoes

昭和51年 地震学会で東海地震発生可能性の研究発表
1976 Presentation about the possibility of Tokai Earthquake
1978 大規模地震対策特別措置法 Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Special Act

平成7年 阪神・淡路大震災 地震防災対策特別措置法 Earthquake Disaster Management Special Measures Act

1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
災害対策基本法の一部改正(6月、12月) Partial Revision of Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act
大規模地震対策特別措置法の一部改正 Partial Revision of Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Special Act

平成8年 特定非常災害の被害者の権利利益の保全等を図るための特別措置に関する法律
1996 Act Regarding Special Measures to Weigh the Preservation of Rights and Profits of the Victims of Specified Disasters

平成9年 密集市街地における防災街区の整備の促進に関する法律
1997 Act for Densely Inhabited Areas Improvement for Disaster Mitigation

平成11年 広島豪雨災害 被災者生活再建支援法

1999 Torrential Rains in Hiroshima Act Concerning Support for Reconstructing Livelihoods of Disaster Victims

JCO臨界事故 JCO Nuclear Accident 原子力災害対策特別措置法 Special Measures of Nuclear Disaster Act

平成12年 土砂災害警戒区域等における土砂災害防止対策の推進に関する法律
2000 Sediment Disaster Countermeasures for Sediment Disaster Prone Areas Act

Ⅲ 災害対策の法制度及び体制
The Legal System and Structure of Disaster Management

1 災害対策基本法 2 防災体制
Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act The Disaster Management System

「災害対策基本法」は、わ The Disaster Counter- (1)わが国の防災体制

が国の災害対策の基本とな measures Basic Act is the
basis for disaster management
る法律です。 in Japan. 災害対策の実効を上げるため、災害対策基本法に基づき、
○災害対策基本法の主な内容 ○ The main contents of the 国、地方公共団体、指定公共機関では、防災計画の策定及び
act are as follows;
1. 防災責任の明確化 その適切な実施を図ることとしています。
1. Definition of jurisdictions
2. 防災体制 and responsibilities for
3. 防災計画 disaster management (1)The Disaster Management System in
2. Disaster management system Japan
4. 災害予防 3. Disaster management plan
5. 災害応急対策 4. Disaster preparedness For effective disaster management, the Government, the
6. 災害復旧 5. Disaster emergency response local government and designated public corporations are
6. Disaster recovery expected to work out disaster management plans and carry
7. 財政金融措置 7. Financial measures them out appropriately, according to the Disaster
8. 災害緊急事態 8. State of emergency Countermeasures Basic Act.

防災組織 Disaster Management Organizations

〔国レベル〕 〔National level〕 防災計画の策定、実施、総合調整

内 閣 総 理 大 臣 Prime Minister Formulation and execution of disaster management plan,
comprehensive coordination
中 央 防 災 会 議 Central Disaster Management Council 防災基本計画の策定、実施の推進
Formulation and promoting execution of the Basic Disaster
指 定 行 政 機 関 Designated Administrative Organs Management plan
指 定 公 共 機 関 Designated Public Corporations 防災業務計画の策定、実施
Formulation and execution of the disaster management operation plan

〔都道府県レベル〕〔Prefectural Government level〕 防災計画の策定、実施、総合調整

Formulation and execution of Disaster Management plan,
知  事  Governor comprehensive coordination
都道府県防災会議 Prefectural Disaster Management Council
Formulation and promoting execution of Disaster Management Local
指定地方行政機関 Designated Local Administrative Organs

指定地方公共機関 Designated Local Public Corporations

〔市町村レベル〕 〔Municipal level〕 防災計画の策定、実施

市 町 村 長  Mayors of Cities, Towns and Villages Formulation and execution of disaster management plan

市町村防災会議  Municipal Disaster Management Council 市町村地域防災計画の策定、実施の推進

Formulation and promoting execution of Disaster Management Local Plan

〔住民レベル〕 〔Residents level〕

Designated Administrative Organs

The Cabinet Office and 24 ministries and agencies are designated as
“Designated Administrative Organs”which are national organizations
for disaster management.

指定公共機関  Designated Public Corporations

防災関係の公的機関として、日本銀行、日本電信電話 60 corporations in the fields of transportation, electric power, gas etc.,
㈱、日本赤十字社、日本放送協会をはじめ運輸、電力、ガ including the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone and the Nippon
として指定されて Broadcasting Corporation are designated as “Designated Public
います。 Corporations”for disaster management.

(2)防災行政の機能強化 (2)Enhancing the Disaster Management
Administration Function
平成13年の中央省庁再編に伴い、内閣府が防災行政に係 At the time of the reorganization of the Central
る政府全体の連携を確保し、内閣府政策統括官(防災担当) Government in 2001, the Cabinet Office undertook the
が、防災に関する基本的な政策の企画立案、大規模災害発生 administrative duties for disaster management. The
Director-General for Disaster Management is mandated to
時の対処に関する各省庁の総合調整等を行うこととなりました。 undertake basic policy making and planning, coordinate
が新設されました。 the activities of all ministries and agencies and respond to
large-scale disasters. In addition, the position“Minister of
State for Disaster Management”was newly established as
the Minister State for Special Missions.

Organization of Central Government and Cabinet Office (Disaster Management)

内閣府 Financial Agency
Cabinet Office
Defence Agency
内 閣
National Public Safety Commission
内閣官房 総務省
Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs,
Cabinet Posts and Telecommunications
Ministry of Justice

外務省 政策統括官 大臣官房審議官

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
防災担当大臣 (防災担当) (防災担当)
Minister of State for Disaster Management Director-General for Deputy Director General
Disaster Management for Disaster Management
Ministry of Finance
Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern 参事官(防災総括担当)
文部科学省 Territories Affairs, Minister of State for Director for Disaster Management
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Policy
Science and Technology
金融担当大臣 参事官(災害予防担当)
厚生労働省 Minister of State for Financial Affairs Director for Disaster Preparedness
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

経済財政政策担当大臣 参事官(災害応急対策担当)
農林水産省 Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy Director for Disaster Response Operations
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

規制改革担当大臣 防災通信官
経済産業省 Minister of State for Administrative Reform Officer for Emergency
and Regulatory Policy Telecommunication
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Minister of State for Gender Equality
国土交通省 参事官(災害復旧・復興担当)
MInistry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Director for Post-Disaster Recovery and

環境省 参事官(地震・火山対策担当)
Ministry of Environment Director for Earthquake and Volcanic Disaster

阪神・淡路大震災以降、大災害、重大事故、事件等の緊急 After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, in order to

事態における政府の危機管理機能を充実強化するため、内閣 improve and strengthen risk management functions in case
of emergency situations such as large disasters, serious
危機管理監の設置、内閣情報集約センターの設置等の体制強 accidents and incidents, the governmental system was
化が図られてきています。 enhanced, including the establishment of Deputy Chief
Cabinet Secretary for Crisis Management, the Cabinet
Information Collection Center and others.

(3)中央防災会議 (3)Central Disaster Management Council
The Central Disaster Management Council was established
政府には、総合的な災害対策を推進するため、内閣総理大 for the purpose of promoting comprehensive countermeasures
臣を会長とし、国務大臣等を委員とする中央防災会議が設置 in which the Prime Minister takes the chair and other
されています。 Ministers of State are members.

Organization of Central Disaster Management Council
Prime Minister,
Minister of State for Disaster Management

諮問 答申 意見具申
Inquiry Report Offer Opinion

中央防災会議 Central Disaster Management Council

会長 内閣総理大臣
Chairman Prime Minister
委員 防災担当大臣をはじめ 指定公共機関の長(4名) 学識経験者(4名)
Members とする全閣僚(17名以内) Chief of Designated Public Corporations People of experience or academic
of the standing
Council Minister of State for Disaster 日本銀行総裁
Management and all Cabinet Governor of the Bank of Japan
Ministers(less than 17 persons)
President of Japan Red Cross Society
President of Nippon−Hoso Kyokai
(Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
President of Nippon Telegraph and
Telephone Corporation

幹事会 Secretary Organization

会長 内閣府大臣政務官
専門調査会 Chairman:Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet Office
Organization for Technical Investigation 顧問 内閣危機管理監
Advisor:Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary for Crisis Management
副会長 内閣府政策統括官
Vice - Chairman:Director-General for Disaster Management, Cabinet Office
Deputy Manager of Fire and Disaster Management Agency
幹事 各府省庁局長等
Secretary:Chief of bureau of each ministry and agency

〔役割〕 〔Duties〕
○防災基本計画及び地震防災計画の作成及びその実施の - Prepare and promote implementation of the Basic Disaster Management Plan and draft the
推進 Earthquake Disaster Management Plan.
○非常災害の際の緊急措置に関する計画の作成及びその - Prepare and promote implementation of the urgent measures plan for major disasters.
実施の推進 - Deliberate important matters pertinent to disaster management according to requests from
○内閣総理大臣・防災担当大臣の諮問に応じた、防災に関 the Prime Minster and/or Minister of State for Disaster Management (general
する重要事項の審議(防災の基本方針、防災に関する施 coordination of basic disaster management policies and disaster management measures,
策の総合調整、災害緊急事態の布告等)等 declare emergency situations caused by disasters etc.)
○防災に関する重要事項に関し、内閣総理大臣及び防災担 - Offer opinions regarding important matters pertinent to disaster management to the Prime
当大臣への意見の具申 Minister and Minister of State for Disaster Management.

Central Disaster Management

3 防災計画 Disaster Management Planning

(1)防災計画の体系 (1)The System for Disaster Management

○防災基本計画:わが国の災害対策の根幹となる各種防災計画 ○ The Basic Disaster Management Plan : This plan
の基本となる計画で、災害対策基本法第34条に基づき中央防 sets forth the basic activities for each type of disaster
災会議が作成する防災分野の最上位の計画です。 management plan, which is the foundation of the nation's
disaster management measures. In the discipline of disaster
○防災業務計画:防災基本計画に基づき、各指定行政機関及 management, it is the master plan prepared by the Central
び指定公共機関が作成する防災計画です。 Disaster Management Council in accordance with Article 34 of
the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act.
村の防災会議が、地域の実状に即して作成する防災計画です。 ○ The Disaster Management Operation Plan : This is
a plan made by the respective Designated Administrative
Organizations and Designated Public Corporations according to
(2)防災基本計画 the Basic Disaster Management Plan.
○ The Local Disaster Management Plan : This is a plan
made by respective prefectural and municipal disaster
management councils according to local circumstances and the
年に全面的に改訂されました。同計画では、国、公共機関、地 Basic Disaster Management Plan.
記述しています。また、講じるべき対策が容易に参照できるよう、 (2)The Basic Disaster Management Plan
The Basic Disaster Management Plan was revised entirely
順序に沿って記述しています。 in 1995 based on the experiences incurred at the time of the
Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. The plan clarifies the
duties assigned to the Government, public corporations and the
local government in implementing measures. For easy
reference to countermeasures, the plan also describes the
sequence of disaster countermeasures such as preparation,
emergency response, recovery and reconstruction according to
the type of disaster.

防災基本計画の構成 防災基本計画の策定・修正経緯
Structure of Basic Disaster Management Plan Circumstances for Drafting and Revising Basic
(varies by type of disaster) Disaster Management Plan
自然災害 Natural Disasters
年 内 容
震災対策 風水害対策 火山災害対策 雪害対策 Year Contents
Earthquake Disaster Storm and Flood Volcano Disaster Snow Disaster
Countermeasures Countermeasures Countermeasures Countermeasures
昭和38年 初めての策定
事故災害 Accident Disasters 1963 Initial plan drawn up
海上災害対策 航空災害対策 鉄道災害対策 道路災害対策
Marine Disaster
Aviation Disaster
Railroad Disaster
Road Disaster
Countermeasures 昭和46年 地震対策、石油コンビナート対策等に係る修正
1971 Revision for earthquake countermeasures and
原子力災害対策 危険物等災害対策 大規模火災対策 林野火災対策 petrochemical complex countermeasures
Nuclear Disaster Hazardous Materials Large, Scale Fire Forest Fire Disaster
Countermeasures Disaster Countermeasures Disaster Countermeasures Countermeasures
平成 7 年 自然災害対策編の全面的な修正
1995 Overall revision of Natural Disaster Countermeasures

平成 9 年 事故災害対策編の追加
(災害対策の順序に沿った記述) 1997 Addition of Accident Disaster Countermeasures
(description follows order of disaster countermeasures)

平成12年 原子力災害対策編の全面的な修正
災害予防・事前対策 災害応急対策 災害復旧・復興対策 Overall revision of Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures
Disaster Preparedness/ Disaster Disaster Recovery and
Countermeasures Beforehand Emergency Response Reconstruction Countermeasures

(具体的な対策を記述:各主体の責務を明確化) ,
(description of general countermeasures : clarification of each body s role) Revision parallel with reorganization of ministries and
国 地方公共団体 住民等 平成14年 風水害対策編、原子力災害対策編の修正
Government Local Government Residents
2002 Revision of Storm and Flood Countermeasures and
Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures

Ⅳ 防 災 関 係 予 算 Disaster Management Related Budget

国の防災関係予算は、平成13年度当初予算で約3.0兆円で The budget for disaster management provided by the

あり、一般会計予算総額の5%程度を占めています。 Government was approximately 3.0 trillion yen in fiscal year
2001, accounting for approximately 5% of the total amount of
防災関係予算の経年変化と、予算を①科学技術の研究、② the budget for general accounts.
災害予防、③国土保全、④災害復旧等の4項目に区分したとき The budgetary appropriation for disaster management is
classified into four categories : ①Research and Development,
②Disaster Preparedness, ③National Land Conservation,
しました。 and ④Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction. The change in
budgetary appropriation for each category is shown in the
figure below.

Change in Disaster Management Related Budget

(billion yen)
(十億円) (%)
8,000 10
Percentage in the Total A mount of the Budget

Percentage in the Total Amount of the Budget

防 一般会計予算に占める割合 一
災 9 般
関 7,000 会
係 計
予 8 予
算 6,000 算
額 に
  7 占
Appropriation for Disaster Management

5,000 る

4,000 5  

2,000 Appropriation for Disaster Management
防災関係予算額 2

0 0
1962 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 (年度)
注 : 補正後予算額(国費)Note : Supplementary Budget Added 
資料: 内閣府調べ     Source : Cabinet Office

Change in Disaster Management Budget by Category Classification

70 National Land Conservation


Disaster Recovery
and Reconstruction
40 災害復旧等


20 Disaster Preparedness
Research and Development
10 of Science and Technology

1962 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 (年度)
資料: 内閣府調べ     Source : Cabinet Office

Ⅴ 災 害 対 策 の 現 況 The Present Situation of Disaster Management

1 研究開発 Research and Development

わが国の科学技術政策の理念を示した「第2期科学技術基 The Basic Science and Technology Plan-Second-Term

においては、国家的・社 (decided at the Cabinet meeting held on March 30, 2001),
which mentions the concept of Japan's science and technology
会的課題に対応した研究開発の重点化の一つとして、社会の policy, emphasizes research and development related to
抱えているリスクを軽減するための、地震防災科学技術、非常 national and societal interests, including the research and
development of science and technologies for earthquake
時・防災通信技術等の研究開発を掲げました。また、同計画の disaster management, communications technologies for times
重点化戦略における各重点分野について、研究開発の目標及 of emergency and disaster management etc. that reduce risks
of the society. Priorities in the strategies for emphasizing the
( 平成 plan in regards to“promotion strategies,”which determine
「安全 the basic matters to be targeted and promotion method for
research and development (September 2001) in the area of
social infrastructure,“creating safety”and nine research and
development disciplines are supported in the plan (see table).

Constructing Safety - Important Areas of Research and Development

①異常自然現象発生メカニズム 大規模地震、大規模火山噴火、異常集中豪雨、異常渇水等の自然現象の発生
Investigation of occurrence mechanism of Abnormal Natural 機構解明と発生予測技術
Phenomena Investigation of occurrence mechanism, and development of technology for forecasting the occurrence of large-
scale earthquakes, large-scale volcano eruptions, abnormal localized torrential rain, abnormal water shortage etc.

(防災IT、救急救命システム等) 災害及び事故発生時の迅速な対応により被害を最小化するためのシステム
Disaster Quick Response System (disaster management IT, Systems for minimizing damage by quick response when a disaster or an accident occurs.
emergency medicine and life saving systems etc.)

③過密都市圏での巨大災害被害軽減対策 過密都市圏において、異常自然現象に見舞われた時の、被害軽減技術(火災対
Countermeasures to Reduce Damage due to Massive Disaster in 策を含む)
Highly Populated Urban Areas Systems for supporting technologies to reduce damage (including measures for fire fighting),
smooth and quick recovery and reconstruction countermeasures, self-help and mutual help in
highly populated urban zones in case of the occurrence of abnormal natural phenomena.

④中枢機能及び文化財等の防護システム 社会・経済活動の中枢機能の対災性の向上、並びに文化財、科学技術研究基
Systems for Protecting Pivotal Functions and Cultural Assets 盤等公共性の高い資産の防護システム
Systems for disaster-proofing headquarter functions related to social and economic activities and
protecting public property such as cultural assets, scientific technologies and research installations etc.

⑤超高度防災支援システム 宇宙及び上空利用による高度観測・通信、モバイル機器、高機動性輸送機器、
Ultra-advanced Disaster Management Support System 防災救命ロボット等の次世代防災支援システム
Systems to support the next stage of disaster management such as high-level observation and
communication systems utilizing space and low-orbit satellites, mobile equipment, transportation
devices with high mobility, robots capable of rescue activities in disaster.

(ITS) 災害発生時・復興時の効率的な人流・物流を支援するシステム及び交通事故削
Advanced Road Traffic System (Intelligent Transportation System, 減等に資するシステム
ITS) Systems to support the transportation of people and physical distribution at the time of disaster as
well as during the period of reconstruction, and also systems that reduce traffic accidents.

⑦陸上、海上及び航空交通安全対策 陸海空の交通需要・特性の変化・増大に対応する安全対策
Traffic Safety Countermeasures for Land, Sea and Air Countermeasures that contribute to safety in response to changes and/or increases in ground, sea
and aviation traffic demand and/or characteristics.

⑧社会基盤の劣化対策 社会基盤施設の劣化による事故災害を防止するとともに長寿命化する対策
Countermeasures for a Deterioration of Infrastructure Countermeasures for infrastructure facilities to prevent accidents and disasters caused by
deterioration and to increase its durability.

⑨有害危険物質・犯罪対応等安全対策 公害などの近代の負の遺産を解消する、あるいは新しく科学技術の発展に伴っ
Safety Measures for Hazardous Materials, Crimes etc. て生まれる物質やシステムに対して安全を確保する、また公共的空間における犯
Countermeasures for solving problems due to the negative impact at the time of Industrialization,
ensuring safety against hazardous materials or systems due to the development of new technologies
and preventing crimes in public areas.

2 災害予防 Disaster Preparedness

(1)防災施設等の整備 (1)Improvement of Disaster Prevention

The improvement of the following facilities and equipment
レーダー、地震計等の観測機器、消防機材、貯水槽、発電機な are being promoted so that disaster management activities can
ど応急対策用の資機材、緊急情報連絡などの通信手段として be conducted quickly and smoothly: observation equipment
such as meteorological satellites, weather observation radar and
の通信・放送施設、ヘリコプター、船舶、車両などの輸送機材、 seismometers; materials and machinery required for
避難施設、災害対策本部施設などの整備が促進されています。 emergency response such as firefighting equipment, water
tanks and power generators; systems for liaising and
communicating emergency information such as
設の整備などの事業も進められています。 telecommunications or broadcasting facilities; transportation
とりわけ、都市部における地震災害に対しては、上記のほか vehicles such as helicopters, ships and automobiles; facilities for
evacuation and headquarters for disaster countermeasures.
In addition, projects such as fireproofing buildings,
及、公共施設の点検整備、ライフライン施設の耐震化といった providing evacuation routes, areas and facilities for disaster
予防対策がとられています。 preparation bases have been carried out.
Especially in urban areas, prevention measures such as
creating green space for disaster prevention, spreading
aseismic examination and reinforcement of existing buildings,
improving and inspecting public facilities and seismic retrofit
of lifeline facilities have been taken.
Images of Setting up a Wide-Area Disaster Management Base

In an Emergency 3 4 At Normal Times

1 Handle restoration materials 1 Parking lot (for people
visiting the park)
2 Parking space for vehicles 1
on standby 2 Grass parklands
3 Relief materials disposal 3 Athletics stadium
4 Temporary storage space 6 4 Gymnasium
for materials 2
5 Tennis court
5 Base camp for wide-area 12
6 Pond
support team 11
8 7 Stream
6 Preparation of hot meals
10 9 8 Overnight campsite
7 Emergency heliport
13 9 Heliport
8 Water tank 1
10 Training facilities for
9 Heliport
disaster simulation
10 Joint local headquarters
4 3 11 Main building
11 Area for giving medical 5
12 Parking lot (for visitors
6 7 and workers of the Main
12 Mobile heavy equipment building)
9 8
13 Earthquake-proof wharf 13 Symbolic road
14 Water park
15 Moorings for passenger
1 Food and everyday
commodities zone 3
2 Medical supplies zone 5
3 Base camp zone for wide- 6
area support team
4 Land transportation zone 2
5 Restoration materials zone
6 Medical assistance zone
7 Air transportation zone 13 8
8 Joint local headquarters zone
9 Marine and water 14
transportation zone 10

(2)国土保全 (2)National Land Conservation

A large investment extending over a long period of time

国土保全事業の推進については、膨大かつ長期間にわたる is required for promoting national land conservation.
投資を必要とします。このため、治山・治水事業五箇年計画、 Because of this, various plans such as the Five-Year Plan
海岸事業五箇年計画、急傾斜地崩壊対策事業五箇年計画、 for Soil and Water Conservation, the Five-Year Plan for
Coastline Projects, the Five-Year Plan for Steep Slope
下水道整備五箇年計画、土地改良長期計画等の計画が策定 Collapse Countermeasures, the Five-Year Plan for Sewage
され、次のような国土保全事業が推進されています。 System Improvements and the Long-Term Plan for Land
Improvement have been formulated, and the following
national land conservation projects set forward:
・河川の改修 - Soil conservation project to prevent mountainous
・洪水調整機能を有するダム建設 regions from collapsing and discharge of mountain soils
and sediments
・土砂の流出及び土石流の防止のための砂防事業 - River improvement
・地すべり災害の防止と軽減のための地すべり対策事業 - Construction of dams for flood control
- Soil erosion control project to prevent sediment
discharge and debris flow
・海岸侵食を防止するための海岸事業 - Landslide prevention project to prevent and decrease
・下水道事業 landslide disasters
- Steep slope countermeasures project to prevent earth-
falls etc.
・地盤沈下対策事業 - Coastline conservation project
- Sewage system project
- Agricultural land and facilities disaster management
国土保全事業に係る各種計画の実施状況 project
Various Plans and Projects of National Land Conservation Put into Practice - Land subsidence countermeasures project
区分計画/Plans 次 数 Orders 計画期間(年度) Duration(FY) 計画額(億円) Bil.¥
治山事業      第1次   1st 昭和35∼39(42) 1960-64 729 72.9
五箇年計画     第2次   2nd 40∼44(46) 65-69 1,670 167
第3次 3rd 43∼47 68-72 2,900 290
第4次 4th 47∼51 72-76 5,800 580
Soil Conservation Project 第5次 5th 52∼56 77-81 10,300 1,030
Five-Year Plans 第6次 6th 57∼61 82-86 14,700 1,470
第7次 7th 62∼平成3 87-91 14,100 1,410
第8次 8th 平成 4∼ 8 92-96 19,000 1,900
(七箇年計画)Seven-Year Plans 第9次 9th 9∼15 97-2003 20,000 2,000
治水事業 第1次 1st 昭和35∼39(42) 1960-64 3,650 365
五箇年計画 第2次 2nd 40∼44(46) 65-69 8,500 850
第3次 3rd 43∼47 68-72 15,000 1,500
Flood Control Project 第4次 4th 47∼51 72-76 30,000 3,000
Five-Year Plans 第5次 5th 52∼56 77-81 58,100 5,810
第6次 6th 57∼61 82-86 82,500 8,250
第7次 7th 62∼平成3 87-91 80,000 8,000
第8次 8th 平成 4∼ 8 92-96 109,000 10,900
(七箇年計画)Seven-Year Plans 第9次 9th 9∼15 97-2003 116,000 11,600
海岸事業 第1次 1st 昭和45∼49 1970-74 3,200 320
五箇年計画 第2次 2nd 51∼55 76-80 5,100 510
Seashore Project 第3次 3rd 56∼60 81-85 8,200 820
Five-Year Plans 第4次 4th 61∼平成2 86-90 7,600 760
第5次 5th 平成 3∼ 7 91-95 10,400 1,040
(七箇年計画)Seven-Year Plans 第6次 6th 8∼14 96-2002 13,400 1,340
急傾斜地崩壊対策事業 第1次 1st 昭和58∼62 1983-87 3,900 390
五箇年計画 第2次 2nd 63∼平成4 88-92 5,000 500
Steep Slope Collapse Countermeasures Project 第3次 3rd 平成 5∼ 9 93-97 5,800 580
Five-Year Plans 第4次 4th 10∼14 98-2002 5,900 590

国土保全事業予算の推移 National Land Conservation Projects Budget

(billion yen)
(十億円) (%)
 国 2,500 一
Percentage in General Public Works Budget

 土 般
 保 公
 全 Percentage in General Public Works Budget 共
 事 2,000 事
 業 一般公共事業予算に占める割合 25 業
 予 予
 算 算
Conservation Projects Budget
Appropriation for National Land

20 め

1,000 Appropriation for National Land 合
Conservation Projects Budget  
国土保全事業予算 15

0 資料:各省庁調べ
1962 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 (年度)
(FY) Source : Each ministry

(3)防災意識の高揚と防災知識の普及 (3)Increasing Disaster Management
Consciousness and Disseminating
Disaster Management Knowledge
必要です。このため、学校教育、地域防災活動などを通じて、 In promoting disaster management activities, it is important
防災に関する知識の普及と防災意識の高揚が図られています。 that every citizen is cooperative and conscious of the
importance of disaster management. Accordingly, knowledge
、「防災週間」(8月30日∼9月5日) of disaster management will be disseminated and increase of
を定め、この期間を中心に、防災フェアや防災講演会、防災ポ citizens will be requested to pay attention to disaster
management through school education and regional disaster
management activities.

「防災とボランティア By designating September 1st as“Disaster Management
にも、災害時におけるボランティア活動及 Day”and the period from August 30th to September 5th as
“Disaster Management Week”, a variety of events such as the
び自主的な防災活動普及のため、各種の行事が開催されてい Disaster Management Fair, Disaster Management Seminar
ます。 and Disaster Management Poster Contest are held.
Additionally, various events are held to promote volunteer
activities and local disaster management activities based on
neighborhood associations on Disaster Management and
防災ポスターコンクール入賞作品 Volunteer Day (Jan. 17) and during Disaster Management
Prize-winning Posters of the Disaster Volunteer Week (Jan. 15-21).
Management Poster Contest

Disaster Management Fair

(5)自主防災組織とボランティア活動 (5)Local Voluntary Disaster Management

Organizations and Volunteer Activities
When a disaster occurs, it is important for local residents to
助・救出、避難誘導等を行うことが、被害の拡大を防ぎ、円滑 take the initiative in performing urgently required activities
に防災活動を進める上で重要です。このため、地域住民の連 such as fighting fires, fighting floods, search and rescue, and
evacuation in order to help disaster management activities
proceed smoothly. For this reason, residents aware of the
備し、日頃から防災訓練等が実施されています。平成13年4月 need for solidarity in the community establish local voluntary
現在で、自主防災組織の組織率は57.9%となっています。 disaster management organizations. These organizations
prepare materials and machinery in the region, and practice
disaster management drills etc. routinely. As of April 2001,
活動に取り組んでおり、国や地方公共団体などではその活性 about 57.9% of the households are participating in local
化を図るため、広報・普及啓発、活動拠点の整備等の活動環 voluntary disaster management organizations.
Various groups, including the Japan Red Cross Society,
境の整備促進を行っています。 work as volunteers. To encourage these groups, the
Government and local governments promote the preparation
of a learning environment by the dissemination of pertinent
information through public relations, education and
preparation of an activity base.

(4)防災訓練 (4)Disaster Management Drill
When a disaster occurs or when it is feared that a disaster
災害発生時または発生の恐れがある場合、被害情報などの will occur, the organizations involved in emergency response
収集・伝達、被災者の救出・救助などの応急対策に当たる防災 ― those who collect and distribute information about the post-
disaster situation and conduct search and rescue operations etc.
― must work in close cooperation and respond appropriately
が求められます。 and in a timely manner.
防災訓練は、災害発生時のこのような諸活動が円滑に行わ Disaster management drills are conducted in order to
confirm and verify that the disaster management system of
each organization is capable of smoothly carrying out the
れるものです。さらに、防災訓練は、広く住民などが訓練に参加 required activities should a disaster occur. Furthermore,
し、又は報道により訓練を見ることを通じて、国民の一人一人 disaster management drills are a perfect opportunity for
citizens to think about disaster management, as residents
が防災に関して考える絶好の機会となっています。 participate in training activities or watch such activities on
9月1日の「防災の日」には、政府をはじめ防災関係機関相互 television.
On September 1st, Disaster Management Day, the
government and related disaster management organizations
ています。また、それぞれの地域で、過去の災害を踏まえた訓 mutually cooperate to hold wide-ranging, large-scale disaster
練が、年間を通じて行われています。 management drills in regions all over Japan. Additionally, in
each region, drills based on past disasters are carried out
近年では、訓練参加者が事前に災害情報を与えられずに、 throughout the year.
訓練開始後に与えられる情報を基に状況判断や対応を行うロ In recent years, practical disaster management drill methods
ールプレイング方式の図上訓練など、新しい方式の実践的な防 like role-playing exercises have been introduced. In such
drills, the participant is not given any disaster information
災訓練も行われ始めています。 beforehand and must make judgments and respond to the
situation which is based upon the information that is provided
during the training session.

総合防災訓練  Comprehensive Drill for Disaster Management 消火競技  Fire Fighting Contest by Local Residents
写真提供:川崎市 Photo : Kawasaki City 写真提供:神戸市 Photo : Kobe City

Local Voluntary Disaster Management Organizations
100,000 60

組 組
織 織
数 90,000 55 率
︵ 組織率(Percentage in the Total of Households)

Number of Organizations

Percentage in the Total of Households

80,000 50

組織数(Number of Organizations)
70,000 45

60,000 40 地域の防災マップづくり
Making a Local Hazard Map
50,000 35

Inspecting and Investigating
40,000 30
the Local Area

30,000 25
1982 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01
年(year) Photo : Suginami Ward, Tokyo

3 災害応急対策 Disaster Emergency Response

災害が発生した場合には、国や地方公共団体は、まず被害 In the case of an emergency, the national and local

governments must immediately collect and analyze information
on the state and scale of the damage and exchange this
機関に伝達・情報交換することにより、災害応急対策を実施す information with related persons and organizations. After this,
る体制を確立します。災害応急対策の具体的内容は、避難の the system for executing disaster emergency response is
established. The contents of disaster emergency response include
勧告又は指示、消防、被災者の救難・救助、緊急輸送の確保、 providing advice or directions regarding evacuation, fighting
公共施設の応急復旧等です。災害の現場となる市町村や都道 fires, rescuing victims, securing emergency transportation,
emergency recovery of public facilities etc. In municipalities and
府県では、災害対策本部を設置するなど、組織をあげて災害応 prefectures where a disaster actually occurs, disaster emergency
急対策を実施します。さらに大規模な災害の場合には、国も災 responses such as establishing a headquarters for emergency
measures are conducted by the municipal government and the
害の態様に応じて非常災害対策本部(本部長は防災担当大 prefectural government with full mobilization of their resources.
を設置して Furthermore, at the time of a large-scale disaster, the
Government may establish a Headquarters for Major Disaster
対策を推進します。 Management (headed by the Minister of State for Disaster
国においては、各省庁の局長級職員が発災後直ちに内閣総 Management) or Headquarters for Urgent Disaster Management
(headed by the Prime Minister) and promote emergency
理大臣官邸に参集して、関係機関からの情報、防衛庁、警察 measures.
庁等の実働省庁のヘリコプターから送られてくる被災地の映像 As a nation, the director general of each ministry and agency
gather at the Prime Minister's official residence immediately
による被害の推計などによ after a disaster occurs. Utilizing the information collected from
り被害情報を把握・分析し、速やかに内閣総理大臣に報告し pertinent organizations and images of the disaster-stricken area
provided by a helicopter from a related ministry or agency such
て、基本的な対処の方針を決定します。さらに、地方公共団体 as the Defense Agency or National Police Agency, damage is
の対応能力を超えるような大規模災害の場合には、警察庁、消 estimated by the Early Evaluation System (EES). With this
information, it is possible for the members to better understand
the damage information, which is then analyzed and
道府県知事の派遣要請により自衛隊が災害応急対策活動に immediately reported to the Prime Minister so that the basic
policy can be decided promptly. In case of large-scale disasters
that exceed the response capabilities of the local government,
また、被災地に政府調査団を派遣して、より詳しい状況を把 wide-scale support for disaster emergency response from the
握したり、迅速に対策を実施するため、被災地に国の現地対策 National Police Agency, Fire and Disaster Management Agency
and/or Japan Coast Guard is available and according to requests
本部を設置することもあります。 from the prefectural governor, the Self-Defense Forces can be
dispatched for emergency response activities. There are also
instances in which the Government establishes an On-site
Disaster Management Headquarters at the actual site of the
disaster by dispatching a governmental investigation team to the
stricken area in order to obtain more detailed information so that
prompt measures are taken.

A Regular Joint Meeting : at Mt.Usu On-site
Disaster Management Headquarters

Photo : Kyodo News

Disaster Emergency Response of the Cabinet Office

内閣府 大規模地震 内閣官房(官邸)

Cabinet Office Cabinet Secretariat
Large-scale Earthquake (official residence of Prime Minister)

Information Reception and Communication
24-hr system
Simultaneous communication to ministries, agencies and emergency
organizations, Emergency concentration

被害情報の収集・集約 Cabinet Information Collection Center
Collection and Centralization of Damage Information
Comprehensive damage information...
Automated damage estimate (within 30 minutes)
Visual information from aircraft (images sent from helicopters)
First-stage information from public organizations
●情報先遣チームの派遣 内閣総理大臣
Dispatch of information collection team Prime Minister

Communicate Information to Prime Minister's Official
Residence and Related Organizations
Information-sharing within government organizations
Prime Minister's official residence
Cabinet Information Collection Center
Related ministries and agencies 緊急参集チーム会議
Emergency Assembly Team Conference

被害規模の把握 Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary (Administrative Affairs)
Determine Level of Damage and bureau directors of each ministry

Liaison Conference of Ministries and
Agencies Concerned with Disaster Management

災害対策本部設置 意見の具申    
Offer opinions
Establishment of Disaster Countermeasures
Decide policies to be implemented 了解・指示

決裁 閣議
Approval Cabinet Meeting 緊急災害対策本部(本部長:内閣総理大臣)
(非常∼) (緊急∼) Headquarters for Urgent Disaster Management (chief: Prime Minister)
(Emergency ~) (Urgent ~)
本部設置 Headquarters for Major Disaster Management
(chief: Minister of State for Disaster Management)
Establishment of Headquarters

本部の運営 Headquarters Administration

 各省庁の対策とりまとめ、総合調整 等
Priority arrangement of countermeasures for individual ministries and agencies,
comprehensive coordination etc.
  ・政府調査団の派遣、現地対策本部の設置・運営 等
Dispatch of governmental investigation team, establishment and
administration of on-site disaster management headquarters etc.

阪神・淡路大震災時の行方不明者の捜索:神戸市長田区 東海豪雨時の救援活動
Searching for Missing People in the event of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Relief Activities after the Tokai Region Torrential Rains
Earthquake (Kobe City) 写真提供:愛知県
写真提供:神戸新聞社 Photo : The Kobe Shimbun Photo : Aichi Prefecture

4 災害復旧・復興対策 Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction

被災地の復旧・復興にあたっては、被災者の生活再建を支 The objective of promoting the recovery and reconstruction

援し、災害の防止に配慮した施設の復旧等を図り、より安全に of a disaster-stricken area is to aid victims to return to normal
life, restore facilities with the intention of preventing disasters
配慮した地域振興のための基礎的な条件づくりを目指します。 in the future and implementing fundamental development
災害により地域の社会活動が低下する状況にかんがみ、 plans that focus on safety in the community. In view of the
decline in social activities in a community following a disaster,
recovery and reconstruction measures are conducted as swiftly
なお、近年に発生し、被害の大きかった主な災害のうち、 and as smoothly as possible.
平成7年1月の阪神・淡路大震災については、内閣総理大臣を At the time of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in
January 1995, one of the biggest disasters causing major
を設置し、政府一体 damage in recent years, the government established the
となった総合的な復興対策を推進し、同本部の設置期間が満 Headquarters for Reconstruction of the Hanshin-Awaji Area,
を設 which was headed by the Prime Minister. Comprehensive
reconstruction measures were promoted with the Government
置しました。 acting as the supervising body. Following completion of the
また、平成12年3月の有珠山噴火災害については、防災担当 headquarters, the Coordinating Committee for Reconstruction
of the Hanshin-Awaji Area by related ministries and agencies
was established. In the case of the Mt. Usu Eruption Disaster,
置しました。 the Mt. Usu Eruption Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
このように、災害からの復旧・復興に関しては、上記のような Council was established in March 2000 and the State Minister
for Disaster Management took office as chairman.
会議において、地元の意見等を踏まえつつ関係府省庁が連携 Utilizing the above-mentioned means, the councils take the
して様々な施策を講じているところです。 opinions of the local society into account and work in cooperation
with related ministries and agencies to devise various measures
to assist areas in recovery and reconstruction matters.

Restoration of the Highway which Collapsed in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
高速道路の崩壊(平成7年1月) 高速道路の復旧工事 復旧した高速道路(平成8年9月)
Collapsed highway (Jan. '95) Restoration work on the highway Restored highway (Sep. '96)

\ \

写真提供:神戸新聞社 写真提供:共同通信社
Photo : The Kobe Shimbun Photo : Kyodo News

Contents of Disaster Recovery and
Reconstruction Measures
① Disaster Recovery Project
①災害復旧事業 The recovery of damaged public engineering facilities,
被害を受けた公共土木施設、文教施設、厚生施設、 educational facilities, welfare facilities and agricultural, forestry
and fishery facilities is either conducted directly by the
農林水産業施設等の復旧は、国により直接あるいは国 Government or put into practice by the local government with
からの補助を受けて行われます。 subsidies from the Government.
②災害融資 ② Disaster Relief Loans
被害を受けた農林漁業者、中小企業者、低所得者な Persons engaged in agriculture, forestry or fishery, small
enterprises and low-income people who incurred damage are
どに対して、通常よりも緩やかな条件で各種の融資が行 eligible for a variety of low interest loans with rather generous
われます。 conditions as compared to normal ones.

③災害補償及び災害保険 ③ Disaster Compensation and Insurance

Damaged enterprises or persons engaged in agriculture,
forestry or fishery business can obtain compensation for
震保険制度が設けられています。 economic losses. Also, earthquake insurance is provided by the
④税の減免等 Government.

被災者に対して、所得税・住民税の軽減、免除、徴収 ④ Tax Reduction or Exemption

For the affected persons, measures are taken for the
reduction, exemption and postponed collection of income and
⑤地方交付税及び地方債 residential taxes.
被災地方公共団体に対して、特別交付税の交付、地 ⑤ Tax Allocation to Local Governments and Local Bonds
方債の許可等の措置がとられます。 For the affected local governments, measures such as delivery
of special tax allocations and permission to issue local bonds are
⑥激甚災害の指定 taken.
⑥ Designation of Extreme-Severity Disaster
なされ、災害復旧事業等に対する各種の特例措置がと When a disaster causes extremely severe damage, it is
られます。 designated a“extreme-severity disaster.”Various special
measures are to be taken for disaster recovery projects.
被災した地方公共団体の復興計画の迅速・的確な作 ⑦ Assisting the Reconstruction Plan
Assistance is provided for the local government reconstruction
成と遂行に対し、必要に応じ支援が行われます。 plans that should be quickly and accurately formulated and
⑧生活再建の支援 executed.

被災者に対して、災害弔慰金、災害障害見舞金及び ⑧ Assistance for the Recovery of Victims Livelihood

Assistance is provided for victims to restore their self-
supporting livelihood. Disaster condolence money, disaster
生活福祉資金の貸付により、自立的生活再建の支援が impediment sympathy money, money for support of
reconstructing livelihoods of disaster victims and loans such as
disaster support funds and livelihood welfare funds are available.

(神戸市長田区) 有珠山噴火災害時の仮設住宅
Inside One of the Shelters (Kobe City) Temporary Housing Following the Mt.Usu Volcano Eruption
写真提供:神戸新聞社  Photo : The Kobe Shimbun

Information and Telecommunication
5 情報・通信システム System
災害予防、災害応急・復旧対策を円滑に進めるためには、そ In order to carry out disaster preparation measures,
の前提として、災害に関する情報が的確かつ迅速に収集、処 emergency disaster measures and restoration measures
smoothly, collecting, processing, analyzing and transmitting
理、分析、伝達されることが重要です。 information of the disaster quickly and accurately is a
わが国では、気象防災情報、地域気象観測情報、河川・流 prerequisite.
In Japan, in addition to collecting and analyzing information
about disasters via meteorological disaster management
する情報の収集・分析に努めているほか、情報が円滑に伝達さ information, river/basin information or road disaster
れるように、国の機関を結ぶ中央防災無線網、全国の消防機 information systems, exclusive disaster management
communications networks such as the Central Disaster
関を結ぶ消防防災無線網、自治体内の防災機関あるいは地元 Management Radio Communications System which connects
住民を結ぶ都道府県・市町村防災行政無線網等、防災専用の national organizations, the fire disaster management radio
通信網を整備しています。 network which connects fire fighting organizations, and the
prefectural and municipal government disaster management
radio communications networks which connect not only
disaster management organizations of the local government
but also the local residents have been established.
防災関係通信網 Disaster Management Related Communication Network

Prefectural Government
Prefectural Disaster
Government Management
Disaster Management
Radio Communication
Radio Network
Communication Network
(Communication Network
for Flood Control, Road Construction)

Construction Work Office

(Communication Network
for Police)

(Communication Network
for Defence)

(Communication Network
for Maritime Safety)
Maritime Safety Agency

(Communication Network
for Meteorology)
Local Voluntary Disaster

Other Disaster Management Other Disaster Management

Related Agencies and Related Agencies and
Authorties Authorties

内閣府では、公衆回線が輻輳あるいは被災により使用でき Assuming that public telephone lines would be jammed
なくなることも想定して、指定行政機関及び指定公共機関の間 due to excessive traffic or damage caused by the disaster, the
Cabinet Office prepared the Central Disaster Management
に中央防災無線網を整備して通信を確保しており、ホットライン Radio Communications System for the purpose of securing
で電話、FAXが使えるようになっているほか、ヘリコプターなどか communications between designated administrative and
public organizations. In addition to the preparation of a fixed
communications network for telephone and facsimile hotlines,
うに画像伝送回線を整備しています。また、首都直下の地震で a circuit for transmitting visual data has been prepared so
地上系の通信網が被災して使用不能になった時にも通信網が that images from helicopters etc. can be received and
teleconferencing meetings can be held. A communications
確保されるよう、バックアップとして衛星を利用した通信システム system that utilizes a satellite communications circuit has also
を構築しています。 been constructed to backup the terrestrial communications

Outline of the DPRC System


A s

Damaged Area

On-site Disaster

Communications Network for Regional

9 Disaster Management Organizations Disaster Management Organizations
Located in the Tachikawa Garrison
of the Defence Agency
Cabinet Office
(Disaster Management)
Communications Network for Disaster Management
Organizations in Central Tokyo
Communications Network for Disaster Management Organizations
Located in Tachikawa Wide-area Disaster Management Base

6 震災対策 Earthquake Disaster Countermeasures

(1)震災対策の現状と今後の展開 (1)Present State of Earthquake Disaster

Countermeasures and Future
阪神・淡路大震災の教訓を踏まえ同年7月に制定された地震防 Japan's earthquake disaster management programs are put
災対策特別措置法に基づき、都道府県知事による地震防災緊 into practice in accordance with the Five-Year Plan for the
Emergency Earthquake Disaster Management Project formed
急事業五箇年計画の作成及び同計画に基づく事業に係る国 by prefectural governors and the Special Measures for
の財政上の特別措置により、地震防災施設等の整備が積極的 National Finance based on this plan. These are based on the
Special Measures Act for Earthquake Disaster Management
enacted in July 1995 in response to lessons learned from the
ます。 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake that occurred in January.
しかし、甚大な被害が予想される南関東直下型地震、東海 There are good results such as active preparation of earthquake
disaster management facilities.
地震及び東南海・南海地震の発生の切迫性が危惧されるな However, there is much apprehension and a sense of
か、建築物の耐震化を進めることや、震災時に具体的に動ける urgency regarding the possibility of the occurrence of the
Southern Kanto Earthquake of which the hypocenter is
directly under the region, the Tokai earthquake and the
実践的な危機管理体制を確立するためには、①国及び地方 Tohnankai and Nankai Earthquake which are all capable of
公共団体の役割・目標の明確化と効果的な連携体制の構築、 causing immense damage. This threat suggests that the
earthquake-proofing of buildings and the establishment of an
earthquake disaster management system that ensures
連携による地域の防災対策の推進、④様々な主体が積極的に appropriate response during an earthquake disaster are
防災に参画する防災協働社会の実現などが必要です。 required.
また、経済成長の鈍化や少子高齢化の進展など、近年の著 The establishment of a practical risk management system
しい社会情勢の変化に対応した新たな対策も求められていま requires:
① Clarification of roles and objectives of the Government and
the local government, and construction of an effective
でのハード・ソフト両面にわたるメリハリのある対策の推進など、 contact network.
ITなど先端技術を活用 ② Establishment of a wide-area disaster management system.
③ Promotion of local disaster management measures with the
した防災対策の推進なども図っていく必要があります。 partnership of citizens, companies, NPOs and
④ Participation of various groups and organizations in disaster
被害のあった地震の震源分布(1885年以降) management so as to actualize a society that works together
Distribution of the Epicenters of for disaster management.
Earthquakes Causing Damage (from 1885)
Also required are new measures that correspond to the
recent remarkable changes in Japan's societal situation such as
the slowing down of economic growth, low birthrate and the
shift to an aging society. It is therefore important to
implement the introduction of market principles for disaster
management, promote effective and efficient measures
utilizing both hardware and software sides in spite of a limited
budget, and utilize the latest technologies such as information

M≧8.0 資料:国立天文台編「理科年表 平成14年」丸善(2001)
Source : National Astronomical Observatory (ed.) :
“Rika nenpyo 2002”: Maruzen Co., Ltd (2001).

(2)観測体制 (2)Observation System

The Meteorological Agency monitors earthquake activity

気象庁では、全国に設置された震度計や地震計により地震 utilizing a network of seismic intensity indicators and
活動を監視しており、地震が発生するとただちに震源を推定し、 seismographs positioned throughout Japan. When an
津波予報や観測された震度などの地震情報を発表しています。 earthquake occurs, the hypocenter is located immediately and
tsunami forecasts and other earthquake information such as
また、地震防災対策特別措置法に基づき設置された地震調 seismic intensity are reported.
により、関係行政機関及び大学 The promotion of surveys and studies about earthquakes
and monitoring adjustments are determined by the
Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion (Ministry
っての調整が図られています。 of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
さらに、科学技術・学術審議会測地学分科会(文部科学省の under the Earthquake Disaster Management Special
Measures Act and in cooperation with related administrative
で建議された「地震予知のための新たな観測研究 organizations and universities. In addition, research on
計画」に基づき、関係機関が地震予知のための研究を行って earthquake prediction among related organizations is

conducted based upon the New Observation Research Plan
for Earthquake Prediction proposed by the Geology Division
おいて、関係機関の地震予知に関する学術的情報交換等が行 of the Science and Technology Council (advisory committee of
われています。 the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology), and also related organizations exchange
scientific information about earthquake prediction within the
Coordination Committee for Earthquake Prediction (private
advisory organization to the Geographical Survey Institute).

Continuous Earthquake Observation Network in the Tokai Area

凡例 Legend

地震計 約210
seismograph approx.210
地殻岩石歪計 約50
strainmeter approx.50
伸縮計 約10
extensometer approx.10
傾斜計 約50
tiltmeter approx.50
検潮計 約30
tide gauge approx.30
地下水位計 約10
groundwater level gauge approx.10
GPS 約130
GPS approx.130
合計 約490
total approx.490

注: 東海地域等で発生した地震の監視は、当該地域内だけでなく当該地域外に設置されている地震計も利用しており、そ
Note : When monitoring earthquakes of the Tokai region, seismographs of other areas are also used. As the number
of seismographs used are different according tothe size of the earthquake, figures above are round numbers.

Source : Prepared by the Cabinet Office based on data from the Japan Meteorological Agency.

(3)東海地震対策 (3)Mitigating and Responding to the Tokai
1854年に、南海トラフから駿河トラフまで破壊の及んだ安政 Concerning earthquakes that occur along the Suruga
東海地震が発生しました。しかし、1944年の東南海地震では、 Trough, the Ansei-Tokai Earthquake of 1854 occurred along
駿河トラフ沿いが未破壊のまま取り残され、安政東海地震発生 the Nankai Trough causing destruction in the vicinity of the
Suruga Trough simultaneously. However, there was little
後約150年間の歪みが蓄積していることから、駿河トラフ沿いに damage caused along the Suruga Trough by the Tonankai
大規模な地震が発生する可能性が高いと考えられています。こ Earthquake of 1944. According to these statistics,
approximately 150 years has passed with no destruction along
the Suruga Trough. Considering this in combination with the
東海地震については、予知体制の整備が図られており、直 ensuing deformation of the earth's crust in and around Suruga
前予知に有効と考えられる観測データをリアルタイム処理し、総 Bay, the possibility for the occurrence of a large-scale
earthquake along the Suruga Trough is high. This is what we
合的に監視を行っています。 refer to as the“Tokai Earthquake.”
また、昭和53年6月に制定された「大規模地震対策特別措置 A prediction system for the Tokai Earthquake has been
prepared, and comprehensive monitoring is being conducted
with real-time processing of the observation data which is
においては、地震予知のための観測・測量の強化 believed to be effective for predicting the earthquake just
「地震防災基本計画」 before it occurs. Furthermore, in areas subject to intensified
measures against earthquake disasters (263 municipalities, 8
prefectures), as designated under the Large-Scale Earthquake
「地震防災応急計画」の作 Countermeasures Special Act established in June 1978, in
成により、予知を前提とした避難・警戒体制の構築を図ってい addition to increasing monitoring and measurement activities
for predicting earthquakes, evacuation warning systems
ます。 assuming the utilization of prediction were constructed
さらに、昭和55年5月に制定された「地震防災対策強化地域 through creation of the Basic Plan for Earthquake Disaster
Management (drafted by the Central Disaster Management
Council) and the Intensified Plan for Earthquake Disaster
」に基づき、避難地、避難路等 Management (drafted by designated administrative and public
の整備を推進するとともに、税制上の特例により動力消防ポン organizations) and preparing the Emergency Plan for
Earthquake Disaster Management (drafted by private
プ、防災用井戸等の整備を推進しています。 companies and others).
The preparation of evacuation sites, evacuation routes,
firefighting pumps, wells for fighting fires and other
equipment falls under special stipulations in the tax system
based on the Special Measures for National Finance
Concerning Urgent Earthquake Measure Improvement for
東海地震に係る地震防災対策強化地域 Areas Requiring Intensified Measurement to Prevent
Areas to Strengthen Earthquake Disaster Management Earthquake Disasters, enacted in May 1980.
Measures Concerning the Tokai Earthquake
Number of Municipalities Strengthening Earthquake Disaster
Management Measures Concerning the Tokai Earthquake
8Prefectures 263 Municipalities
東京都 新島村、神津島村、三宅村
Tokyo Niijima Vill., Kozushima Vill., Miyake Vill.

神奈川県 平塚市等8市11町
Kanagawa Pref. Hiratsuka City etc. 8cities, 11towns

山梨県 甲府市等7市37町17村
Yamanashi Pref. Kofu City etc. 7cities, 37towns, 17villages

長野県 岡谷市等6市9町14村
Nagano Pref. Okaya City etc. 6cities, 9towns, 14villages

岐阜県 中津川市
Gifu Pref. Nakatsugawa City

静岡県 静岡市等21市49町4村
Shizuoka Pref. Shizuoka City etc. 21cities, 49towns, 4villages

愛知県 名古屋市等21市31町6村
Aichi Pref. Nagoya City etc. 21cities, 31towns, 6villages

新たな強化地域 三重県 伊勢市等4市13町1村

新たな想定震源域 Areas to Strengthen Earthquake Mie Pref. Ise City etc. 4cities, 13towns, 1village
Probable Source Region (new) DisasterManagement Measures(new)
旧来の想定震源域 Areas to Strengthen Earthquake Disaster 計 8都県263市町村
Probable Source Region (previous) Management Measures(previous) Total 8prefectures, 263 municipalities

(4)南関東地域の地震対策 (4)Mitigating and Responding to the
Southern Kanto Region Earthquake
わが国の政治・行政の中枢機能や経済産業活動が集中して The potential of an earthquake measuring in the range of
いる南関東地域直下において、マグニチュード7クラスの地震発 magnitude 7.0 occurring directly under the southern Kanto
生の切迫性が指摘されています。 region, a vital location with heavy economic and industrial
activity in Japan, has been pointed out. In December 1998,
南関東地域における地震対策として、中央防災会議は、昭和 the Central Disaster Management Council established the
を、平成4年 Guidelines for Emergency Activities for the Prevention of
Earthquake Disasters in the Southern Kanto Region, and in
April 1992, General Principles Regarding Countermeasures
います。これらは、阪神・淡路大震災の教訓や中央防災会議大 for Earthquakes Occurring Directly Below the Southern
都市震災対策専門委員会提言を踏まえて、平成10年6月に改定 Kanto Region. Both were revised in June 1998 based on
lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
されました。これらに基づき、防災関係機関は南関東地域にお and proposals from the Expert Committee on Earthquake
ける各種の対策を実施しています。 Countermeasures for Large Cities.
Based on the above-mentioned information, organizations
involved in disaster management are carrying out various
南関東地域の直下の地震により著しい被害を生じる measures for the Southern Kanto Region.
The Sphere of Regions where there is Possibility of Extreme Damage by an
Earthquake Occurring Directly Underneath the Southern Kanto Region
139° 140° 141°

N 南関東7都県市訓練
Disaster Management Drills Practiced by
7 Prefectures and Cities of the Southern Kanto Region

36° 36°

35° 35°

Seismic Intensity Scale used by the JMA
縮尺 ● 震度Ⅵ相当以上
scale Seismic Intensity 6 or more
0 20 40km ⃝ 震度Ⅵ相当未満
Less than Seismic Intensity 6
写真提供:川崎市 Photo : Kawasaki City
139° 140° 141°

政府東海地震図上演習 The Government Practicing 静岡県大規模図上訓練 Shizuoka Prefecture Practicing

a Role-Playing Simulation of the Tokai Earthquake a Role-Playing Simulation of a Large-Scale Disaster

(5)東南海、南海地震対策等 (5)Mitigating and Responding to the
Tohnankai and Nankai Earthquakes
プレート境界型地震である東南海、南海地震については、歴 The Tohnankai and Nankai earthquakes which are
史的に見て100∼150年間隔でマグニチュード8程度の地震が interplate earthquakes with magnitudes of nearly 8 have
発生しており、最近では昭和19年及び21年にそれぞれ発生し occurred at intervals of 100 to 150 years. Recently they have
occurred in 1944 and 1946, so it is feared that massive
ています。このことから、今世紀前半にも極めて大規模な地震・ earthquake/tsunami damage will be caused by a large-scale
津波被害が発生する恐れがあるとされており、今後、事前の対 earthquake in the first half of this century. Accordingly, it is
important to steadily implement countermeasures from now
「大都 Learning from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the
市震災対策専門委員会」から大都市の震災対策についての提 Expert Committee on Earthquake Countermeasures for Large
Cities made proposals to the Central Disaster Management
言が中央防災会議になされ、南関東地域、近畿圏、中部圏に Council regarding ways to improve the earthquake disaster
ついての大都市震災防災対策の改善が指摘されました。近畿 management countermeasures for the southern Kanto, Kinki
and Chubu regions. Regarding the Kinki and Chubu regions,
it is believed that disaster management countermeasures for
型の地震に対する対策も含め、速やかに防災対策の確立を図 earthquakes that may occur directly under these regions
る必要があります。 should be implemented immediately, other than Tohnankai
and Nankai earthquakes. As a result, the Special Survey
Committee for the Tohnankai and Nankai Earthquakes etc.
に関する専門調査会」が発足し、対象とする地震、地震動、津 was established by the Central Disaster Management Council
波波高予測、被害予測、地震防災対策のあり方について検討 in October 2001. The study of specific earthquakes,
earthquake movement, estimation of tsunami wave height,
が進められており、平成14年度中を目途に結論を得て、中央防 estimation of damage and how to implement earthquake
災会議に報告がなされる予定です。 disaster management countermeasures is being conducted.
The study is scheduled to be finished by the end of 2002, after
which the findings will be reported to the Central Disaster
Management Council.

Assumption of
the Tohnankai Earthquake 駿河トラフ
Suruga Trough
Assumption of
the Nankai Earthquake

南海トラフ 東南海、南海地震の想定震源域の概念図
Nankai Trough
Probable Source Region of the Tohnankai
and Nankai Earthquakes

(6)津波対策 (6)Mitigating and Responding to Tsunami

(昭和8 Japan is an island nation surrounded on all side by ocean.
、日本海中部地震津 As such, an immense amount of damage can be caused by
、北海道南西沖地震(平成5年、同167 tsunami. In the past, the Sanriku Earthquake Tsunami of
1933 killed 3,064 people, the Nansei Nihonkai-Chubu
名)等の大きな被害が発生しています。 Earthquake Tsunami of 1983 killed 100 people and the
このため、沿岸地域における津波対策として津波予報の発表 Hokkaido-Nansei-oki Earthquake of 1993 killed 167 people.
Therefore to protect coastal areas, measures for avoiding
tsunami hazards such as promoting quick announcement
整備が図られています。 and transmitting of tsunami forecast information and
construction, improvement of sea walls and sea wall
watergates etc. are taken.

(7)地震防災情報システム(DIS) (7)Earthquake Disaster Management
Information System
阪神・淡路大震災においては、被災状況の早期把握と的確 The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake reminded all how
な初動対応、関係機関における情報の共有化と緊密な連携の important it is to quickly assess the extent of damage, implement
重要性が改めて認識されました。 appropriate measures first and of the need to share information
and coordinate efforts among related agencies and authorities.
この経験を踏まえて、内閣府防災担当では、被災状況の早 The Disaster Management Bureau of the Cabinet Office is
期把握と関係機関における情報の共有化により応急対策にあ developing a Disaster Information System (DIS) that will
quickly determine the extent of damage, enable related agencies
and authorities to share information and provide support to
の開発を行っています。 make quick, accurate decisions when implementing emergency

(EES) ① Early Estimation System (EES)
は、地震発生直後の情報 The Early Estimation System (EES) enables an assessment of
the amount of damage caused by an earthquake to be evaluated
within a short period of time and utilizing limited information.
のです。政府の初動体制確立のため、迅速かつ適切な判断に Introduced in April 1996, the objective of the EES is to provide
資する情報提供を行うことを目的として、平成8年4月より運用を information capable of enabling quick, proper judgment that
leads the government to an initial setup.
A database containing information on geographical, ground,
EESでは、地形、地盤、建築物、人口等について日本全国の building and population conditions throughout Japan has been
データベースを整備しており、気象庁からの地震情報に基づき、 created for the EES. It is utilized to assess seismic mesh
distribution based on seismic information from the
メッシュ震度分布、建築物被害及びそれに伴う人的被害の推 Meteorological Agency and damage to buildings and human life.
計を行います。震度4以上が観測されると自動的に起動し、地 The EES begins operation automatically when an earthquake of
seismic intensity 4 or larger on the Japanese scale is detected
and produces an assessment report within 30 minutes of the
occurrence of the earthquake.
② Emergency Measure Support System (EMS)
は、災害時に関係機関におけ The objective of the Emergency Measure Support System
る情報の共有化の仕組みを構築し、政府の応急対策活動を支 (EMS) is to enable various related agencies and authorities to
援することを目的としています。 share information during an emergency and support
implementation of various emergency measures by the
EMSは、道路、鉄道等の基盤施設及び消防署、病院等の防 government.
災関連施設に関する情報をあらかじめデータベースとして整備し The EMS possesses a database of information on
infrastructure facilities such as roads, railways and disaster
management facilities such as fire stations and hospitals. It
を地図上に整理し、関係機関の間で共有するものです。 displays damage information together with information on the
situation of emergency measures taken on maps that can be
shared by related agencies and authorities.
Flow Diagram of Earthquake Damage Estimation 芸予地震における震度分布の推計
Estimated Distribution of Seismic Intensity in
気象庁 Heisei Geiyo Earthquake
Meteorological Agency

Earthquake information

被害推計に 被害推計実行の判断(震度4以上)
用いられるデータ Decision on executing estimate of damage (seismic intensity of 4 and above)
Data used in
estimating damage

Solid data and 震度分布の推計
topographic data Estimation of seismic intensities distribution
by mesh

Building data by 建築物被害の推計 結果の表示
mesh and Estimation of damaged buildings Display of results

Population data by 建築物倒壊による人的被害などの推計
mesh and Estimation of casualities by number of buildings collapsed etc.

Distribution to
related agencies

7 風水害対策 Storm and Flood Countermeasures

(1)気象観測・予警報体制の充実 (1)Improvements in Meteorological Observation

and Forecast and Warning Systems
風水害の発生を未然に防止し、被害を軽減するには、原因 Meteorological conditions including typhoons, low-pressure
となる台風、低気圧、前線活動等の気象状況を早期にかつ正 areas and front activities must be known exactly in order to
確に把握し、その影響を的確に予測し、迅速に予警報を発表・ prevent and/or reduce storm or flood damage by precisely
forecasting weather influence and quickly announcing and
伝達することが重要です。このため、気象庁は、気象レーダー、 disseminating forecasts and warnings. The Japan
気象衛星、全国に設置された気象観測装置等により気象観測 Meteorological Agency conducts meteorological observations
utilizing radar, satellites and observation instruments located
throughout the country, and makes forecasts and warnings
また、河川の水位や流域の雨量等については、河川・流域総 based upon this data. The information for river water level
合情報システムによりその情報が提供され、利用されています。 and rainfall amount in basins is provided by a comprehensive
river/basin information system and is used extensively.

(2)Promotion of Comprehensive Flood
①河川の治水対策 Control Measures
河川については、平成9年度を初年度とする第9次治水事業 ① River Flood Control Measures
これに基づいて安全な社会基盤の形成、 River flood control projects are systematically promoted
超過洪水等に備える危機管理施策の展開等に重点をおいて、 under the 9th Seven-Year Flood Control Project Plan
introduced in 1997. Flood control programs are promoted
治水事業が計画的に推進されています。 emphasizing the development of a safe social infrastructure,
②洪水対策及び高潮対策の推進 risk management for waters that exceed the designed flood
stage level etc.
予報河川を拡充し、洪水による浸水予想区域を指定・公表し、 ② Promotion of Flood Control and Storm Surge
円滑かつ迅速な避難を確保するための洪水予報・伝達体制の Countermeasures
Based on the flooding of small and medium-sized rivers and
を改正、平成13年7月より施 the occurrence of urban flooding, the Flood Control Act was
行されています。 revised and new regulations were enacted from July 2001. The
objective of the revised act is to expand and improve flood
forecast rivers, designate and announce areas where
街・地下室における水災、同年9月には熊本県での台風に伴う inundation is predicted and prepare flood warning and
高潮災害、さらに平成12年9月には、東海地方において豪雨に communications systems that will ensure the smooth, quick
evacuation of areas in danger of flooding.
An underground shopping district and basements were
するといった都市型水害が発生したことから、関係省庁ではそ heavily damaged during flood disasters in June and July 1999
れぞれ研究会等を設置し、推進すべき事項等について緊急提 and a storm surge hazard was experienced at the time of a
typhoon in Kumamoto Prefecture in September 1999. Also
言を行いました。 heavy rain caused urban flooding in which utilities were
damaged, in the Tokai region in September 2000 and
approximately 61,000 residents were advised or ordered to
evacuate their homes. These disasters led government related
organizations to conduct studies and make urgent proposals
regarding matters that should be promoted.

The Tokai Region Torrential Rains in 2000

Photo : Reprinted from Nagoya City, March 2001 "The Tokai Region
Torrential Rains Report"

(3)総合的な土砂災害対策の推進 (3)Promotion of Comprehensive Sediment
Disaster Countermeasures
Japan is a country subject to debris flow, landslides, slope
が発生しやすい環境にあります。このため、昭和63年3月に、国 failure and other sediment disasters. The Outline for
土保全事業の推進、予警報体制の整備、警戒避難体制の推 Promoting Sediment Disaster Countermeasures was
進等を内容とする「土砂災害対策推進要綱」が策定され、これ introduced in March 1988 with the objective of promoting
national land conservation projects and improving forecasting,
に沿って総合的に対策が進められています。平成6年には、土 warning and evacuation systems. Countermeasures are
砂災害対策に関し特に重点的に推進すべき事項について、関 comprehensively promoted following the stipulations of the
Outline. Regarding sediment disaster countermeasures,
related ministries and agencies made arrangements concerning
また、土砂災害が発生する危険性のある区域を明らかにし、 the promotion of matters that required special emphasis.
警戒避難体制の整備、開発行為の制限、建築物の構造規制、 In April 2001, the Sediment Disaster Management
Countermeasures for Sediment Disaster Prone Areas Act was
「土砂災害警 enacted for the purpose of clarifying areas considered prone to
戒区域等における土砂災害防止対策の推進に関する法律」が landslide disaster, preparing evacuation warning systems,
limiting development, regulating building construction and
promoting structure transfers.

広島県豪雨災害 海岸保全施設の整備(高知県高知海岸)
The Hiroshima Prefecture Torrential Rains Disaster Coastal Conservation Facilities (Kochi Beach, Kochi Prefecture)
写真提供:広島県 Photo : Hiroshima Prefecture 写真提供:国土交通省
Photo : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

(4)海岸整備の推進 (4)Promotion of Coastline Conservation

In order to prevent storm surge disasters caused by waves
高潮、波浪等による災害や海岸侵食を防止するため、平成8 and erosion on coastal shores, improvement of coastline
年度を初年度とする第6次海岸事業七箇年計画に基づき、海 conservation facilities and surrounding environments are
being systematically carried out in accordance with the 6th
Seven-Year Plan for Coastline Projects, introduced in 1996.

8 火山災害対策 Volcano Disaster Countermeasures

(1)観測体制 (1)Observation System

A variety of phenomena can occur when a volcano erupts
火山の噴火により、溶岩流、火砕流、降灰、泥流等のさまざ including lava flows, pyroclastic flows and/or ash fall and mud
まな現象が発生し、大きな被害をもたらすことがあります。そこで、 flows, and any of these can cause extensive damage. Various
火山の活動状況を把握するため、周辺に地震計、GPS等の機 types of equipment such as seismographs“GPS”have been
setup in the vicinities of volcanos for the purpose of monitoring
器を設置し、地震活動や地殻変動等の観測が行われています。 earthquake activity, crustal deformation etc. These facilities
気象庁ではこれを監視し、異常が認められれば、注意や警戒 are monitored and the data from them is analyzed by the
Meteorological Agency. If anything abnormal is found, the
Agency announces the information to draw attention and warn
においては、火山の活動状況についての総合的判断 related authorities and agencies. The Volcano Eruption
等を行っています。 Prediction Council (founded in the Meteorological Agency)
conducts comprehensive judgments regarding volcanic
また、科学技術・学術審議会測地学分科会(文部科学省の activity.
で建議された「第6次火山噴火予知計画(平成11∼ The monitoring research performed for volcano eruption
prediction is carried out by related organizations based on the
6th Volcano Eruption Prediction Plan (fiscal years 1999-2003)
実施されています。 proposed by the Geodesy Division of the Science and
Technology Council (advisory committee of the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).

(2)活動火山対策特別措置法に基づく対策 (2)Countermeasures Based on the Active

Volcano Disaster Special
Countermeasures Act
」を昭和 The following countermeasures are applied in accordance
に基づき、①避難施設緊急整備地域の指定に with the Active Volcano Disaster Special Countermeasures Act
enacted in April 1978 (a revision of the Improvement of
基づく施設整備、②防災営農施設の整備、③降灰防除地域指 Evacuation Facilities in Vicinity of Active Volcanos Act
定に基づく施設整備、④降灰除去事業、⑤治山・砂防事業の enacted in July 1973) : ①Improvement of facilities based on
designation of areas for emergency evacuation facilities
improvement. ②Improvement of disaster prevention facilities
阿蘇山、有珠山、伊豆大島、十勝岳及び雲仙岳の周辺地域が for people engaged in agriculture. ③Improvement of ash fall
避難施設緊急整備地域の指定を受け避難施設を整備するな control facilities based on designation of areas of ash fall
prevention and removal. ④Volcanic ash removal. ⑤Promotion
どの対策が実施されています。 of soil conservation and soil erosion prevention projects.
By March 2001, the regions in the vicinity of Sakura-jima
Island, Mt. Aso, Mt. Usu, Izu-Oshima Island, Mt.
Tokachidake and Mt. Unzendake were designated as areas for
emergency evacuation facilities improvement, and measures to
prepare evacuation facilities have been implemented.
Mt.Usu Prevention Measures against Debris Flow

有珠山における無人化工法  Restoration Work at Mt.Usu under Remote Control

写真提供:室蘭土木現業所(北海道) Photo : Muroran District Public Works Management Office, Hokkaido

の作成 (3)Preparing a Volcano Hazard(Disaster
The Volcano Hazard Map provides a graphical indication of
施設等を地図上に示したもので、火山防災対策の基礎となるも the areas predicted to be influenced by an eruption together
のです。平成12年有珠山噴火災害の際にはハザードマップが with evacuation facilities. It is a key component utilized in
determining disaster management countermeasures. At the
事前に住民に周知されていたことなどから、避難が的確に行わ time of the Mt. Usu eruption disaster in 2000, residents were
れ、死傷者がありませんでした。このことからハザードマップへの familiar with the Volcano Hazard Map. Progress has been made
according to the establishment of the Mt.Fuji Volcano Disaster
Management Conference by related oraganizations and
いるほか、未作成の火山でも作成が進められています。富士山 agencies of the Government and the prefectural and municipal
では、地元都県や市町村及び国の関係機関が富士山火山防 goverments.
Given the environment (e.g., hot springs and beautiful
災協議会を設立し、ハザードマップの作成をはじめ火山防災対 landscapes) offered by volcanic mountains, it is important to
策の推進が図られています。 plan to live in harmony with them. The Volcano Hazard Map
火山は周辺に温泉や美しい風景などの恵みも与えています。 has this role.

マップはその役割を担っています。 有珠山ハザードマップ
Hazard Map of Mt.Usu

Classification of Volcanos







Izu-Tobu Volcano Group



注: で囲んだ13火山が「活動的で特に重点的に観測研究を行うべき
火山」 。それ以外の24火山が「活動的火山及び潜在的爆発活力を有
Note : Volcanos which are active and for which observation and
investigation are made selectively, others active volcanos or volcanos
having eruption potential.

Source : Prepared by the Cabinet Office based on data from the Japan
Meteorological Agency
The Fumes with Volcanic Gas Continually Rises from Miyake-
jima : July,2001
写真提供:産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
Photo : Geological Survey of Japan, AIST

9 原子力災害対策 Nuclear Disaster Countermeasures

平成11年9月に発生したJCOウラン加工工場における臨界事 The Special Measures of Nuclear Disaster Act was enacted

原子力災害対策特別措置法が制定されました。 following the critical accident at the JCO uranium processing
plant in September 1999. The act clarifies reporting standards
同法は、災害発生時の迅速な対応を可能にするため、通報基 and stipulates the requirement of a systematic communications
準等の明確化、国と地方公共団体の有機的な連携の確保、国 link between the Government and the local government bodies
so as to ensure prompt response at the time of a disaster, and
improve the timeliness of the nation's emergency response
的には、原子力災害が発生した場合に国、地方公共団体等の system. The act also requires that a remote emergency
関係者が一堂に会して情報を共有し、相互に協力して応急措 response control center be setup when a nuclear disaster occurs
and that national and local authorities involved meet at a single
置を実施するための緊急事態応急対策拠点施設(オフサイトセ centralized location where pertinent information can be shared
を全国21か所に設置したほか、災害時には原子力災害 in common and emergency measures implemented under
合同対策協議会を組織することとしています。また、国、地方公 mutual cooperation. There are currently 21 such locations
designated in Japan. In addition to this, the Council for Joint
共団体、原子力事業者等は、毎年共同して、原子力災害を想定 Measures on Nuclear Disasters is to be established, and the
した原子力総合防災訓練を行っています。 Government, the local government and companies involved in
the nuclear power industry join together every year and
cooperate in conducting comprehensive drills to prepare for
nuclear disasters.

Emergency Response at the Time of Nuclear Disasters

Instruct, Direct and Supervise


Source : Nuclear Safety Commission

10 その他の災害対策 Other Disaster Countermeasures

(1)雪害対策 (1)Snow Disaster Countermeasures

In Japan approximately one-half of the country is subject to
日本の国土の約半分の地域は、冬期に積雪が多く、豪雪地 heavy snowfall during the winter months, and are therefore
「豪雪地帯」に指定されており、交 designated“heavy snowfall areas,”under the Special
Countermeasures for Heavy Snowfall Area Act. Various
countermeasures including securing transportation and
います。 communications and improving national land conservation
豪雪地帯及び特別豪雪地帯指定区域 facilities are carried out.
Designated Areas of Heavy Snowfall and Special Heavy Snowfall

(2)Large Accident Countermeasures

In response to changes concerning transportation and
infrastructure in recent years, such as the formation of a
system for traffic and transportation in great volume, more
frequent use of various hazardous materials and increased
construction of high-rise buildings, underground shopping
malls and massive roadways, accident disaster measures
have been taken and placed in the Basic Disaster
Management Plan. These include measures taken to deal
with Marine Disaster, Aviation Disaster, Railroad Disaster,
豪雪地帯 Road Disaster, Hazardous Materials Disaster, Large-Scale
heavy snowfall area
うち特別豪雪地帯 Fire Disaster and Forest Fire Disaster.
special heavy
snowfall area

Source : Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport



Responding to the Accident at the JCO Uranium Conversion 新宿区歌舞伎町ビル火災 
Building A Fire at a Building in Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku Ward
資料:平成11年度原子力白書  Photo : Nuclear White Paper, 1999 写真提供:東京消防庁  Photo : Tokyo Fire Department

Ⅵ 国   際   協   力 International Cooperation

1 世界の災害 2 日本の国際協力
Disasters Throughout the World Japan's International Cooperation in Disaster Relief

自然災害により、1975年からの25年間に全世界で約150万人 わが国は、災害の経験国、防災の先進国として、防災分野で
が死亡し、直接の物的被害額は9,520億ドルを超えています。 の国際協力について積極的に活動しています。政府部内では、
近年の自然災害は、台風・サイクロン・洪水などの風水害が多 ①研修生の受入れ、専門家の派遣等の技術協力、②無償資
く、特にアジア地域で大きな被害をもたらしており、2000年代に 金協力、③円借款、④国連機関を通じての協力の4分野で活
入ってからもインド西部地震・南アジア諸国の季節風による豪 動を進めています。昭和62年には「国際緊急援助隊の派遣に
雨、及び東南アジアのモンスーンによる豪雨等の災害が発生し 関する法律」が制定され、救援物資の供与を含む総合的な緊
ています。 急援助体制が整備されました。民間部門では、日本赤十字社

Approximately 1.5 million lives were lost and property をはじめとする民間団体が災害時の緊急援助を行っています。

damage exceeded 952 billion dollars as the result of natural
disasters in the 25-year period from 1975 to 1999 in all the Japan has suffered many natural disasters, and has
world. Since the year 2000 there have been disasters such developed many innovative disaster countermeasures as a
as the earthquake of Western India, torrential rains in result of its vast experiences. Today, the country is working
South Asia caused by seasonal winds and also in Southeast hard in the promotion of international cooperation in the field
Asia caused by monsoons and so on. of disaster management.
The Japanese government promotes international cooperation
activities in four areas : ①Technical cooperation, such as
世界の自然災害に占める各地域の割合(1996-2000年) providing training courses for specialists from other disaster-
The Percentage of the Occurrence of Natural Disasters, Casualties and prone countries and the dispatch of specialists to such countries.
the Amount of Damage in Regions all over the World. (1996-2000) ②Granting of funds. ③Providing loans. ④Multilateral
計 1,420 164 1097,9 238,9
cooperation through United Nations organizations.
66 2.5 10.7 2.7
In 1987, the Japan Disaster Relief Team Dispatch Law was
20.8 59.5 28.9 enacted, leading to organizational arrangements that allow
228 55.7
and promote comprehensive international emergency disaster
relief activities (e.g., providing relief goods) The country's
389 58.2
non-governmental organizations, such as the Japan Red Cross
Society, are also active in this area; especially in terms of
emergency disaster relief assistance.

20% 507

発生件数(件) 死者数(千人) 被災者数(百万人) 被害額(百万ドル)
Number of Disasters Number of Deaths Number of Victims Amount of Damage
(thousand) (million) (millions of dollars)

オセアニア ヨーロッパ アメリカ アフリカ アジア

Oceania Europe America Africa Asia

注:「20世紀アジア自然災害データブック」 (アジア防災センター) 、CRED資料を

Note : Prepared by the Cabinet Office based on data from "Data Book on Asia
Natural Disasters in the 20th Century" (ADRC) and provided by the CRED

2001.1 インド地震における医療支援 Rescuing Victims Buried Alive Following the Kocaeli,
Medical Support after the Gujarat, India, Earthquake of January 2001 Turkey, Earthquake of August 1999
写真提供:国際協力事業団  Photo : JICA 写真提供:国際協力事業団  Photo : JICA

3 国際防災戦略への取組 4 アジア防災センター
Working on the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Asian Disaster Reduction Center

に引き続き、この活動を引き継ぐ「国際防 「国際防災の10年」
」の活動を実施する決議が、1999年の第54回国 図るためには、災害の形態や災害対策に共通点を有する地域
連総会において採択されました。 レベルにおける国際協力を推進していくことが重要な課題と認
同国連総会において、国連事務総長から、この活動を実施 識されています。特に、1995年にアジア諸国等28か国の閣僚レ
することのほか、同活動を進める国連の組織・体制を整備する ベルの参加により神戸市で開催された「アジア防災政策会議」
こと、国際防災の10年を契機に設立された各国の国内委員会 において、災害の多いアジア地域で多国間防災協力を推進し
の維持強化を図ることなどが提示されました。 ていくことの必要性が提唱されました。
具体的な活動内容は、 これを受け、1998年7月よりアジア防災センターが兵庫県神戸
1)現代社会における災害リスクについての普及・啓発 市で活動を開始しました。アジア防災センターでは、アジアの24
2)災害防止に対する公的機関の主体的参画の促進 か国との緊密な連携の下、防災情報の収集・提供、防災協力
3)災害に強いコミュニティの形成に向けた地域住民の参画 の推進に関する調査、災害発生時の各国の緊急援助等の情報
の促進 収集、防災研修や普及啓発等のプロジェクトの実施等の活動を
4)社会経済的損失の減少に向けた取り組みの強化 通して、アジア地域における多国間防災協力を推進しています。
わが国としても、2000年5月、関係省庁の課長クラスからなる It has been recognized that it is crucial to promote
を設置し、積極的に同活動を推進してい international cooperation among regions that share aspects
of disaster vulnerability and disaster management measures
ます。 to add further momentum to existing measures, taking
advantage of the“IDNDR” . The need to promote multilateral
disaster management cooperation in the Asian region where
In 1999 the 54th General Assembly of the United Nations
disasters occur frequently was especially emphasized at the
adopted the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
ministerial-level Asian Natural Disaster Reduction
(ISDR), successor program to the International Decade for
Conference held in Kobe City in 1995, attended by delegates
Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR). Secretary-General
from 28 countries in Asia and other regions.
proposed in the Assembly to arrange a UN system and
The Asian Disaster Reduction Center, located in the city
organization to promote this activity requiring each nation to
of Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, started activities in July 1998. It
maintain and strengthen the National Committee set up
promotes multilateral cooperation for disaster management
during the decade, in addition to starting new activities.
in the Asian region, under close ties with 24 participating
Activity objectives include:
countries who gather and provide disaster related
1) Increasing public awareness of risks that natural,
information, promote studies and research in disaster
technological and environmental hazards impose on
management cooperation, collect information for multilateral
modern-day society.
emergency disaster relief activities, and carry out disaster
2) Obtaining participation of public authorities concerning
management training and education programs and other
disaster prevention.
3) Obtaining participation of local residents to create
disaster-safe communities.
4) Proceed with reduction of economic and social losses of
Japan continues to actively promote international
cooperation in the area of disaster management. The Japan
National Committee for International Disaster Management
was established to promote activities and has as its members
section chiefs of many related ministries and agencies.

世界防災会議  World Conference on Natural Disasters


■発行 ■Published from:

内閣府政策統括官(防災担当) CABINET OFFICE
〒100-8969 東京都千代田区霞が関1-2-2(中央合同庁舎第5号館) 1-2-2, KASUMIGASEKI, CHIYODA-KU,TOKYO 100-8969, JAPAN
TEL. 03-3501-6996 http://www.bousai.go.jp TEL.+81-3-3501-6996 http://www.bousai.go.jp

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