Newsletter 19 180713

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After four years, my time at Ashton Hayes Primary School as Headteacher is now coming to an end. I have had many happy memories in the school and I thank all the children, staff, parents, governors and friends for the memories made. I am very proud of all the achievements I have made whilst being the Headteacher at the school; but I could not have achieved these without the help from many people. As I move to a larger school in Sandiway, I will always hold close to my heart the time I have spent with you at this school. I will really miss all your lovely children. I will continue to watch out for news about the school as I am confident that it will continue to go from strength to strength. I am very happy to be handing the school to Mr Hover in January when he starts his Headship, and I know that Miss Corker will continue to work hard in the Autumn Term as your Acting Headteacher.

had a couple of incidents of children being scared of the dogs. They are no longer permitted on the school playground at the beginning and end of the school day.


Thank you to the parents and friends who supported the children on their sports morning and the sports evening. We all had a wonderful time and I hope you enjoyed watching the children take part in the events we had planned for you. Thanks to the staff for their time in organising and running the event and giving up their evening for the children.

Another big thank you to the children in Class 5 and to their teachers for all the hard work that has gone into their end of year production. There will be one more showing of their play tonight (Thursday). Following this performance, the Y6 will have a celebration of their time at Ashton Hayes Primary School and we wish all 7 children well as they progress onto High School. We will be saying goodbye to the following families, who have been associated with the school for many years and their last child now leaves the school: the Lukeman family, the Telford family, the Goldsmith family, Handley family and the Pattinson family. Thank you for all the support you have given the school over the years.

Please can you leave any dogs under the shelter at the front of school at the beginning and end of the day, making sure they are well tied up. We have

Thanks too to all the families who supported the Family Camp Over. It was such a lovely evening I really enjoyed watching the children enjoy the fun. The adults had plenty of fun too! I know it has spurred a few families to go off on longer camping holidays with their children, which is great news!

It was wonderful to see so many parents, friends and relatives in school last Friday. The children thoroughly enjoyed showing their guests around and having biscuits and squash with them.

We also need to say goodbye to Mrs Niki King who will be finishing working at School over seven years. We wish her well as she focuses on her business and thank her for all the contributions she has made for the school. Thank you and goodbye to Miss Jo Clegg, who has worked with us for just one term. We wish her well as she starts a new teaching position at the primary school in Saughall.


We have vacancies for Midday Assistants at school please speak to Mrs Stubbs if you would be interested in helping out on some of the lunchtimes - thank you.

A lovely time was had by all at the Family Camp Over. It was wonderful to see the children having so much fun and for families to be sharing their barbecues as the sun set.

Please add Sunday 15th September to your diaries for the next Rose Queen event in the Village. More details to follow in the new term.

We will be holding a service in Church on Tuesday 23rd July at 2.00pm. This will be a service to celebrate all that we have done this year and to wish all the leavers well (staff and children) as they move on to the next stage in their lives. All parents of all the children and friends are invited to the service. The school governors have kindly offered to serve tea and cakes after the service in school - all are invited to return to school after the service.

The children will continue to receive high-quality sports coaching during the week; you may have heard that the government is giving all school ring-fenced money that is to be spent on such a provision. I am working with Miss Corker to confirm the sports provider and how it will work for the school. We are looking at a wide variety of after-school clubs, some of we we hope to subsidise the cost.

Please note that school dinners will increase to 2.15 per day next term. This still represents very good value for money, with the vast majority of children in the school enjoying a school lunch every day.

I would like to say a big thank you to S4YC and in particular Dave Richards for all the time he has given to the school coaching the children each Monday and leading many after-school clubs. Dave has been brilliant with the children and staff and all have greatly benefitted from his energy and expertise. Dave will now be working in another school next term.

The last day for the children will be Wednesday 24th July, with the school day finishing at 3.10/3.15pm as normal. The children will be welcomed back on Wednesday 4th September (Monday and Tuesday are both training days for members of school staff). Children are welcome to continue wearing their summer uniform. On behalf of the staff and children, thank you all for your support this year. I wish you a very happy holiday!

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