Telephone 01395 443167 4 th June 2014 Newsletter 32
Summer Term Academic Year 2014
Summer Term 2014
Thursday 5 th June Sports Day Thursday 5 th June SPSA meeting 8.00pm school staff room Monday 9 th June FSU Come and watch a swim Monday 9 th June Year 2 Athletics Festival Thursday 12 th June Year 1 trip to the Aquarium Friday 13 th June Year 2 Trip to the Aquarium Thursday 17 th June Year 6 RNLI Hit the Surf, Exmouth Tuesday 24 th June FSU Letters and Sound Tea Party 3.10pm - 4.10pm Friday 27 th June Mufti Day Monday 30 th June Year 1 Potted Sports/Multiskill Festival Tuesday 1 st July Reception trip to the Aquarium Thursday 3 rd July Year 5 Outdoor and Adventure Beach Day Friday 4 th July Year 6 Outdoor and Adventure Beach Day Thursday 3 rd & 4 th July Year 4 Trip to Escot Saturday 5 th July SPSA Summer Fayre Thursday 10 th July St Peters School Open Evening 4.00pm 6.00pm Friday 11 th July FSU Family Fun Day Out to the Fun Park, Exmouth 10.00am 2.00pm Tuesday 15 th July
FSU Goodbye Tea Party and presentation of Learning Journeys 3.30pm Wednesday 23 rd July Leavers Service St Peters Church 10.30am 11.30am Friday 25 th July SPSA Cake Sale from 3.30pm in the playground Friday 25 th July Last day of term Monday 8 th September Start of the Autumn Term
Dear Parents/ Carers
With the large number of certificates, medals and silverware children have bought into school for me to show and present at next Friday's assembly , I can see that many families enjoyed and participated in the full calendar of Gala Week events. It is a great week and the organisers deserve much credit.
Many of you know that the future of Devon's public libraries is up for debate and I encourage all families to get involved in suggesting ways forward to secure our library at Budleigh Salterton. There is a consultation questionnaire that can be got on line or hard copies are available from the library. One way to show our support is for all family members to become members and to regularly use the services the library provides. As a community we need to be pro-active and constructive in ideas to secure the library. Your help is essential if we are to safeguard the local library provision. Any parents who havent had a chance to fill in a consultation document can do this online at Collective Worship Jesus said I am with you always, even to the end of the age
As you know, Mr Steve Hitchcock will take over from me as Headteacher in September and I am working closely with him to make arrangements for staffing. Leaving staff are Mr Perkins, Mrs Taylor who retires, Mrs Moore who takes maternity leave and Ms Salter who is looking for a new post nearer to her home. Currently we are seeking a new full time class teacher for KS2 and a two days teacher to cover the maternity leave in KS1. Details of the organisation for the school for September will be reported at the beginning of July when the appointments have been made.
Family service at St Peter's Church will be held this Sunday at 10 am. when the focus will be on the Feast of Pentecost, sometimes referred to as Whitsuntide. All are welcome and we would very much be encouraged by your support. The service will be very family orientated and less formal and I hope you will be able to come and join us.
Tomorrow, the collection of foods and toiletries for the Exmouth - Budleigh Salterton Larder will recommence with a box placed beside the packed lunch trolley.
At this moment in time it is strongly hoped that we will be able to hold Sports Day tomorrow as the forecast is fair and is improving and we hope the ground will dry out over night. Mr Elliott Parent Volunteers At the last Parent Forum meeting, the school was asked if they needed any more parent volunteers. We do currently have vacancies for parent volunteers in the school, particularly to support with hearing readers. If you feel that you might be able to spare some time to support the school in this way, then please let the School Office know. Mrs Lewis Governors Meeting Invite All parents are warmly invited to attend our Full Governors meetings. The next Full Governors meeting is on Tuesday 24th June at 7pm.
Mr Elliott
Sports Day Thursday 5th June 2014
Times Sports Day will take place for all Foundation 2 and all KS1 pupils on the morning of Thursday 5th June, starting at 09:15 and ending at 12:00 approximately. Your child will be representing their House in a series of races and a carousel of multi-skill activities.
During the morning, pupils in Foundation 1 will also take part in a special Sports Day event The Big Toddle at 11.00am, the theme is space.
Sports Day will take place for all KS2 pupils on the afternoon of Thursday 5th June, starting at 13:00 and ending at 15:30 approximately. Your child will be representing their House in a series of races and a carousel of Sportshall Athletics/Quad Kids Athletics events.
Equipment Your child will need to arrive in school wearing their PE kit, including their green PE t-shirt, dark/black shorts and trainers. In addition, they will need a hat to protect their head and necks from the sun and a full water bottle. In the event of sunny/hot weather, we strongly recommend that parents apply a high factor and long lasting sun cream on their children before they arrive in school. In the event of cooler weather, pupils will need some warmer clothing (including their school jumper).
Your child will need to bring their inhaler (even if they have not used it recently) to school.
Your child will not need their school uniform on Thursday 5th June with the exception of their school jumper.
Result By taking part in events, your child will earn points for their House.
The overall winning House in Foundation 2/KS1, the overall winning House in KS2 and the overall winning House in the whole school will be announced in school on Friday 6th June (the maths can be complicated).
Values of the Games The Spirit of the Games values of Honesty, Respect, Determination, Teamwork. Self-Belief and Passion will be celebrated on Sports Day. Houses in each year group will be awarded points for demonstrating these values during Sports Day. A trophy will be awarded to the House which most consistently demonstrates each of these values.
Spectators Parents are very welcome to come to watch Sports Day and we will put seats/benches on the school field. Due to the quick turn around between all events we will be asking children to stay with their Sport Day groups otherwise they may miss part of the Sports Day event.
Members of staff will be taking photographs of pupils who have provided photographic consent and these photographs will be uploaded onto the new school website. Parents may take a photograph of their own child, but must not include any other pupils within the image.
Parents who are watching both the morning and afternoon Sport Day events are welcome to eat their lunch on the school field with their children. However, during the lunch break the Young Sport Leaders from Exmouth Community College will be helping to set up the Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 events and so all pupils will be asked to play on the playground rather than on the field.
Please follow us on Twitter @BudleighStP for the latest information.
School Dinners The school kitchen will be operating their normal menu on Thursday 5th June. There will be no special Sports Day menu.
Girls Football Due to other commitments, Coach Tom will only be able to continue with KS2 Girls football up to the end of June. Therefore the last girls football club will be Friday 27th June.
Tennis Club KS2 Tennis Club with Coach Liam will restart on Thursday 5th June (7:55-8:45). Only 1 per session.
Otterton Football Tournament - Saturday 21st June We have been invited to take part in the 8th Annual Otterton C of E Primary School Football Tournament on Saturday 21st June. Unfortunately, due to a family event, I am unable to accompany pupils to this tournament.
If you are willing to manage either our Under 8's team (7-a-side plus subs) or Under 11's team (7-a- side plus subs) at this event, then please contact me as soon as possible. You will need to have a current First Aid qualification as the organisers have asked for each team to bring their own First Aid kit.
Mr Lee
Dinner numbers for week commencing 19/05/14
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday St Peters 82 26 sports day 105 67 145 Otterton 17 21 School trip 29 27 Drakes 20 22 28 16 33
Weekly Total 628 Daily Average 126
SPSA News The SPSA would like to say a thank you to all the support and donations given at the various events that have taken place recently. We had a successful coffee morning and second hand uniform sale on the last day of term, cakes and other items were donated for gala week. We are proud to say that we had a great team of helpers at the fete on the Green on Saturday 24 th
May. The day ended well with a disco for the St Peters School children, joining forces with Otterton and Drakes Primary Schools. The Disco raised over 510 and was split between the three schools. A well organised community event was enjoyed and the whole day raised over 222 for St Peters! Without your support this could not have been achieved.
Drinks Provided for Sports Day The SPSA will be providing Tea, Coffee and Squash at the childrens sports day. Dates for the Diary Spsa Meeting - Thursday 5 th June 8pm School Staff Room Our SPSA meeting will take place in the school staff room this Thursday 5 th June. All our meetings are finished by 9:30. Please come along to find out what we're all about. We welcome any new faces. You could also e-mail us at and we will add you to our e-mail list.
Coffee Morning - Friday 27th June 9am-10am School Hall
Come into the school hall for our monthly coffee mornings and enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit. We have toys for little ones so bring them along also! Open to all of the Budleigh Community.
Second Hand Uniform - Friday 27th June - On the Stage
This will be available on Friday 27th June on the stage from 3.15 to 3.45 p.m. As usual all items will be available on a voluntary contribution basis. We always welcome any clothes donations you may have.
Mufti Day (wear your home clothes) - 27th June
Pupils can come to school dressed in their own clothes for the day, in exchange for bringing in one of the following; bottles (e.g. cordial, wine, bubble bath etc), smellies, in-date food items, unwanted gifts, toys etc. The items will be used for the Tombola and to raise money at the Summer Fayre on July 5th. Summer Fayre Saturday 5 th July at St Peters School Please join us on Saturday 5 th July for our yearly School Summer Fete. There will be lots of things to involve the whole family; stalls, face painting, games (for children and adults!), ice cream factory, tombola, BBQ and cream teas for sale. There will also be displays from the children. Requests
Do you have any second hand books, toys or collectables (such as Trash Packs, Lego Mini figures, Match Attax, Moshi Monsters etc) that you no longer need? If so, please bring them into school on Friday 27th June (Mufti Day) as the SPSA are collecting them for stalls at the Summer Fayre on July 5th. Our Summer Fayre is fast approaching and as always we need volunteers to help. Would you like to help? If you do, you do not have to sign up for the whole day as this year we have time slots for helpers, so you can still enjoy the Fayre with your family (although you can of course specify your own time too): 1. 10am 12pm setting up 2. 12pm -2pm helping out at the Fayre 3. Helping out at the Fayre and tidying up. Additionally, we are also looking for more face painters if you have a talent please do consider helping out even if its just for half an hour. If you think that you would like to get involved please do get in contact with us it is always great to get new people involved. Please e-mail us at , or speak to either Jenny Wood or Ruth Cheesman.
Reduced Price School Uniform We have a small supply of school uniform left from our previous supplier, School Trends. This is new stock with the school logo on them. We need to sell off this stock and so have decided to sell them at HALF PRICE. If you would like any of the items, please contact Lorraine Ralph in the playground or email All items will be sold on a first come first served basis. Any remaining stock will be available alongside the second hand uniform, but at the prices detailed below:
We would like to say a very big thank you to everybody (around 350 people in two hours) who came to show their support for the library on the morning of the 29th May. The senior managers who were in attendance were overwhelmed by the turnout (as were we!). They went away with a very clear idea of how important the library is to the community.
We are aware that because we were so busy, some people did not have the chance to put their views across. In particular, we know that a number of children waited extremely patiently to speak to someone, but werent able to. We think that it is just as important for the children of Budleigh Salterton and surrounding villages to have their say, so we have launched a new consultation, just for our young supporters.
Forms for the consultation will be available to collect from the library from Saturday 7th June. We will need them to be returned by the end of June - we will send the responses on to the Devon Libraries Senior Management Team. We will also be happy to pass on any letters or drawings if children would prefer to present their thoughts in their own way.
Any teachers or parents who havent had a chance to fill in a consultation document can do this online at We also have paper copies of the document at the library.
Devon Orienteering Club is putting on an event this Sunday 8th June at Wheathill pLantation on Woodbury Common. It is suitable for families and new comers as well as those competing in the League. There will be assistance on hand for those new to the sport.
How to get there!.....Grid Ref: SY 041846 (Take Hayes Lane from East Budleigh or go past Bystock Ponds from St Johns road Exmouth). It will be sign posted with a red and white orienteering symbol from the Woodbury Common road B3180 (after Back Hill Quarry) There is a map on the Devon Web site (follow this link) common-jun-8-2014
Orienteering is an adventurous sport that requires you to complete a course visiting control points in and certain order with the aid of map and compass. You use an electronic dibber to register that you have been to the controls and this also records your time. Courses are colour coded for technical difficulty. White and yellow being on paths, orange and light green are a bit harder and longer and then short green, green, blue & brown are fully technical and get progressively longer. So there is something for everyone!
Course are 2 for Juniors (under 21) and 7 for adults plus 1 to hire a dibber. Family groups get a discounted rate. There are a few compasses at registration that can be borrowed if you do not have one and you get the map at the start!
Very many thanks Tess Stone Devon Orienteering Club (East Devon Coach) 01297 553421