Snakeheads Channidae
Snakeheads Channidae
Snakeheads Channidae
Peter K. L. Ng ; Department of Zoology, National University of Singapore Kelvin K. P. Lim ; Department of Zoology, National University of Singapore Table of Contents (ToC)
Introduction General Taxonomy Affinities of the Channidae General Characters Snakeheads of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo, Sumatra, Java Channa bankanensis Channa gachua Channa lucius Channa melanoptera Channa melasoma Channa micropeltes Channa pleurophthalma Channa striata Key to the species Snakeheads as food fish Snakeheads as pests Snakeheads as game-fish Snakeheads as aquarium exotics
General biology of snakeheads The suprabranchial cavity Habitats Terrestrial habits Feeding Behaviour Role of adult colouration Colouration of the young Discrimination of sexes Schooling Breeding Care of the young Conclusion Acknowledgements References
Snakeheads (genus Channa) are one of the best known and most sucessful predatory freshwater fishes in Southeast Asia, but surprisingly, little is known of their natural history and biology. They are renowned food fishes, and are popular in most markets. Many of the smaller and more exotic species are also prized as aquarium fishes, commanding high prices. The genus Channa thus, is valuable both as food and as aquarium fishes. Some snakeheads are also important as sport-fishes and as pests in fish farms. They are also called snake-headed fishes, serpent-headed fishes or murrels in other parts of Asia. In Malaysia, they are known as Ikan Toman, Ikan Haruan, Ikan Aruan, Ikan Bujok and Ikan Bakak, depending on the species (see Tweedie, 1952a, b; Lim & Ng, 1990). Channa are air-breathing freshwater fishes with some 30 species known from Africa and Asia ( Myers & Shapovalov, 1931 ; Wheeler, 1985; Roberts, 1989). There are however, a large number of subjective synonyms which will have to be checked. The Asiatic species range from Afghanistan through to India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Indo-China, China, Japan, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, including the Lesser Sunda Islands, Philippines and Sulawesi. The family is absent from
Australasia. Southeast Asia appears to be the centre of diversity, with some 10 known species. Nine of these occur in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia (part). Five species, viz., the Giant Snakehead, Channa micropeltes ; Common Snakehead, C. striata ; Forest Snakehead, C. lucius ; Black Snakehead, C. melasoma and Dwarf Snakehead, C. gachua , occur in Singapore. Historically, Peters (1868) described a new subspecies, Ophiocephalus guachua var. malaccensis (spelling of guachua incorrect) from Songei Kranjei, nrdl. von Singapore (p. 262). He however, appeared to have had available only a single specimen. His subspecies is now generally regarded as a junior synonym of C. gachua . Interestingly, if the Southeast Asian specimens referred to C. gachua at present should prove to be distinct from the Indian specimens (see next section), this name might well become available. The present article is designed to collate what is known about the biology of Southeast Asian channids, particularly the Singapore species, and to present the potential in deriving a better understanding of their biology. ToC
General Taxonomy
Much attention has been paid to the taxonomy of snakeheads in the past 60 years. Most of the older literature refer to the genus as Ophicephalus Bloch, 1793 (e.g. Herre & Myers, 1937; Smith, 1945; Boeseman, 1949 etc.). More complications arise as this name is often incorrectly spelled Ophiocephalus (e.g. Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822 ; Karoli, 1822; Peters, 1868 ; Day, 18781888 , 1889 ; Weber & de Beaufort, 1922 etc.). The name Channa Scopoli, 1777 finds its place only in more recent works. Even this name has had problems as it was first used by Gronovius (1763) , but that name is a nomen nudum. It was subsequently used correctly by Scopoli (1777) , although a type species was only designated 24 years later by Bloch and Schneider (1801) .
Fig. 5a: Schematic drawing of the genus Ophicephalus: the two ventral fins between the pelvic fins was the sign of the genus Ophicephalus, introduced by M.E. Bloch, 1793.
The crux of the main taxonomic problem is that although most ichthyologists at present agree that the Channa and Ophicephalus are synonyms, the type species (original species on which the genus is based) of both are very similar. The problem is with one character - the presence or absence of pelvic (= ventral) fins. The type species of Channa - C. orientalis Bloch and Schneider, 1801 does not have pelvic fins, whereas the type species of Ophicephalus - C. punctatus Bloch, 1793 has. While the presence or absence of pelvic fins seems to be a good generic character, there is much evidence to suggest it is not. Myers & Shapovalov, 1931 suggested that the presence or absence of pelvic fins, being variable, was not important as a character for differentiation, even between species. They
commented that the two closely related species, C. orientalis and C. gachua HamiltonBuchanan, 1822 (which has pelvic fins) were actually synonyms, and the absence of the fin was by loss, and not by design ( Fig. 5A , Fig. 5B ). As orientalis was the older name, it had precedence over C. gachua . Hence Channa and Ophicephalus cannot be distinct. This view was adopted by many ichthyologists of that time, including Smith (1945) who however made a plea to retain the better known name of Ophicephalus over its legal older name as dictated by the rules of nomenclature. The rules of nomenclature however, had to be followed nevertheless.
Fig. 5b: Schematic drawing of the genus Channa: the missing two ventral fins between the pelvic fins was the sign of the genus Channa, introduced by A.J. Scopoli, 1777, Gronovius 1763 respectively.
A prominent dissenter to the synonym of C. gachua and C. orientalis was Sri Lanka's Deraniyagala, who in three papers ( 1929 , 1932, 1963), provided strong evidence that the absence or presence of pelvic fins was genetic - not accidental. The two are otherwise extremely close morphologically. Deraniyagala based his conclusions on extensive field work and examination of numerous specimens, and the evidence was far stronger than Myers & Shapovalov, 1931 . Yet, Deraniyagala's findings were generally ignored until the 1980s. Myers & Shapovalov's observations influenced a whole generation of ichthyologists, and resulted in the synonymisation of numerous species and forms under the catch-all name of Channa (or Ophicephalus) orientalis(see DeWitt, 1960; Alfred, 1961, 1966, 1971; Roberts, 1989; Kottelat, 1989). Deraniyagala ( 1929 , 1932) observed that all the young of gachua and C. orientalis follow the characteristics of their parents. He commented that despite Day's (1878-1888) observation that it was not uncommon in lndia to find specimens of Ophiocephalus gachua having a ventral fin deficient but I have never observed both wanting ( Day. 1878-1888: 368 ) (which was used as supporting evidence in Myers and Shapovalov's 1931 paper ), this was certainly not true in Sri Lanka. Myers and Shapovalov , while citing Deraniyagala's ( 1929 ) observations that the two species were very similar, failed to note that he had numerous specimens on hand and no anomalous ones were found. Myers and Shapovalov (1931) also citedHora's (1921) paper in their comments that the loss of pelvic fins is a well-known phenomenom (p. 34). They however, neglected to report Hora's conclusions correctly.Hora (1921) writes: The only character, therefore, that distinguishes Channa from Ophiocephalus is the absence of the ventral fins. The occasional absence of the ventrals has been regarded in other genera as an abnormality or a case of genetic variation; but in Channa this character seems to have become permanent, for large series of specimens with the ventrals absent have been collected from the same locality (p. 31) I conclude, therefore, that the cases of Apua [a cobitid] and Channa are not to be considered parallel. Channa has been found by numerous collectors at many different places over a wide area and
the ventrals are invariably absent. Apua, on the other hand, has only once been collected and only two individuals were then found. (p. 32). In a later paper, Hora and Mukerji (1934) synonymised C. harcourtbutleri Annandale, 1918 with C. gachua and reported an aberrant C. gachua from Burma. The aberrant specimen is interesting because although it lacks both pelvic fins, rudiments of the fin and the basipterygia are still present. Their dissections of C. orientalis from Sri Lanka showed these structures to be absent. They suggested that the Burmese specimen which lacked the pelvic fins had lost the fins through injury or disease (p. 137) whereas the absence of the pelvic fins in C. orientalis was natural. Jayaram (1981: 306) incorrectly noted that it was Hora and Mukerji (1934) who synonymised the Indian C. orientalis and C. gachua - they had merely commented on their close similarity.
Ng and Lim (1989) noted that none of the specimens of C. gachua they have examined from Malaysia and Singapore areabberant with regards to the pelvic fins. This is also true for specimens of C. gachua the authors have examined from Indo-China, Kalimantan, Sumatra and Java (unpublished data). A German aquarist, Gnther Ettrich (1982, 1986 , 1989a, b), who first managed to breed C. orientalis and C. gachua from Sri Lanka in the aquaria, noted that all the offsprings of C. orientalis lacked the pelvic fins of the parents, supporting Deraniyagala's belief that the differences observed were genetic. Myers and Shapovalov's (1931) comment that ... it seems reasonable to suspect that Channa orientalis may be nothing but a series of anomalous specimens of C. orientalis, a species which in certain streams of Ceylon, more than elsewhere, shows a tendency to lose its pelvic fins ( p. 34 ) should thus be taken as it stands - a suspicion no more, and as the bulk of evidence seems to indicate, an incorrect one at that. Kottelat (1989), while using Myers and Shapovalov's (1931) concept of orientalis , admitted that it was probably incorrect, and the lumping of gachua and a host of other synonyms with orientalis had been unjustified. Kottelat and the present authors now share the belief that C. gachua is clearly distinct from C. orientalis although the similarity between both species is remarkable (see Ng & Lim, 1989; Lim & Ng, 1990; Lim et al., 1990a, b). Zakaria-Ismail (1984) also uses C. gachua rather than C. orientalis . To make matters even more complicated, what we call C. gachua is might not even be that species. The original Channa gachua was described from India, and there are indications that the Southeast Asian and Indian species are different. All the synonyms will need to be critically checked and the original material examined before these problems can be resolved. Considering the geographical distribution of C. gachua/C. orientalis and its complex of species ranges from Afghanistan to Bali, including Burma, India, Taiwan and Sri Lanka - this is no mean feat. A final note about the absence or pelvic fins seems pertinent. Myers and Shapovalov (1931) did not consider one species which is also crucial (or perhaps fatal?) to their case Channa asiatica (Linnaeus, 1758) . Like C. orientalis , C. asiatica consistently lacks pelvic fins (see Wheeler, 1985; Hay & Hodgkiss, 1981). The synonyms associated with C. asiatica will also have to be reexamined. On a broader perspective, it is still uncertain if the three African species belong to the same genus as the Asiatic taxa. Roberts (1989) noted that the genus Paraphiocephalus Senna, 1924 is available for the African species, but as yet, remains poorly defined. Most ichthyologists prefer to classify the African species in the genus Channa for the time being. ToC
General Characters
The main taxonomic characters used in channid taxonorny include scale counts, the presence or absence of large canines on the vomer and palatine, pelvic fins (see earlier), and a black ocellus on the tail and proportions of the pectoral fins to the head. The use of the caudal ocellus may not always be reliable as it is obscure but still just visible (on a dark background) in C. melanoptera . The canines are reliable only in adults, the condition in young specimens being less distinct. Colour patterns are useful, but only for live specimens. The distinctive colour pattern of C. melasoma is assumed only when the animal is well conditioned. Freshly caught animals are very pale and uniformly coloured. Freshly dead specimens on the other hand, are uniformly very dark (which might have lead to the species being named melasoma ). The red margins of C. gachua become white on preservation or in some aquarium specimens. Dark colour patterns are sometimes useful. The very dark green to black pectoral fin base of C. gachua is always present, as is the black spot on the opercula of C. lucius , C. bankanensis and C. pleurophthalma . The concentric black rings on the pectoral fins of C. gachua and C. lucius are almost always distinct, being more obvious in C. gachua . The scattered small pale spots on the pectoral fins of C. lucius not always apparent, and disappears rapidly after preservation.
Fig. 5g: Schematic proportional drawing of the dorsal fins of C. marulioides and C. melanoptera: the rays get progressively longer as moved to the caudal.
Another useful character is the proportions of the first few dorsal fin rays. In C. marulioides and C. melanoptera , the rays get progressively longer as we move backwards. When raised, the proximal part of the dorsal fin is thus gradually sloping ( Fig. 5G). In the other species (e.g. C. striata ), the first is only slightly shorter than the second, and the subsequent rays are all subequal in length. The slope is thus absent ( Fig. 5F ).
Fig. 5f: Schematic proportional drawing of the dorsal fins of C. striata: the first ray is only slightly shorter the the 2nd and the subsequent rays are all subequal in length.
Deraniyagala (1929) used the form of the head shields and structure of the cephalic sense pits to effectively separate the Sri Lankan species. The cephalic shields are especially useful in separating out Channa gachua (see Deraniyagala, 1929 ; Munro, 1955), and their figures agree very well with Malaysian and Singapore specimens of this species. We have also noted that the cephalic sense pits increases in complexity as species like C. striata grow, being simple pits in young fishes but becoming more sieve-like in large specimens. In C. melasoma and C. gachua however, the pits remain simple. This is especially obvious in C. gachua . The function, variation and value of these characters is being studied in detail for the Southeast Asian taxa. We have also found the short nasal tentacle or tube extending from the nostrils to be useful in separating some species. This tube is the most well developed (relative to its body size) in C. gachua , and is distinct in adults of C. lucius , C. striata and C. melasoma . In C. micropeltes , the tube are evident only in the younger specimens. In adults, it becomes very reduced and indistinct. This character has been featured in some figures but hardly ever described. The tubes can be damaged through burrowing or terrestrial locomotion, and may be folded against the side (especially in preserved specimens), and are thus not always obvious. Its taxonomic value for the other species will have to be assessed.
Channa Scopoli, 1777 Channa bankanensis ( Bleeker, 1852 ) Channa gachua ( Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822 )
Channa lucius ( Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831 ) Channa marulioides ( Bleeker, 1851 ) Channa melanoptera ( Bleeker, 1855 ) Channa melasoma ( Bleeker, 1851 ) Channa micropeltes ( Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831 ) Channa pleurophthalma ( Bleeker, 1851 ) Channa striata ( Bloch, 1793 )
In the last revision of the freshwater fishes of Peninsular Malaysia, Mohsin and Ambak (1983) recognised nine species ( C. striata , C. micropeltes , C. lucius , C. bistriata , C. punctatus , C. orientalis , C. melanosoma , C. marulioides and C. gachua ) as present. This work however, does not take into account most of the modern developments and represents nothing more than an uncritical compilation of older literature (see also Zakaria-Ismail, 1983; and last section of present paper). Of their nine species, only six are valid ( see Conclusion ). Roberts (1989) recorded all nine species from the Kapuas drainage in western Kalimantan, Borneo, and noted that the area had the highest concentration of channids in Southeast Asia. The authors have examined specimens of all nine species, and the differences in body colour and morphology are quite obvious (Fig. X). Of these nine species, five occur in Singapore. Peninsular Malaysia has seven - C. marulioides and C. melanoptera occuring only in the northern half of Peninsular Malaysia, with the fauna of Johor and the southern states sharing the same fauna as Singapore.Channa pleurophthalma and C. bankanensis are known only from Sumatra and Borneo. Weber and de Beaufort (1922) and Roberts (1989) record C. bankanensis from parts of Borneo and the island of Banka (=Bangka) off southeast Sumatra. We have examined specimens from central Borneo and the Sumatra mainland. Boeseman (1949) also recorded a new fossil species,Ophicephalus palaeostriatus (ostensibly allied to C. striata ) from Java. Some general taxonomic notes seem prudent. Of these species, C. bankanensis
Fig. 5 c: In comparison to C. bankanensis, C. lucia has a longer snout and its head is proportionally also longer.
bears a striking resemblance to C. lucius , but the body of C. lucius is not only longer, but the head is proportionately shorter, less cone-shaped, and the snout more blunt ( Fig. 5C , Fig. 5D ). Otherwise, they share similar body patterns.
Fig. 5 d: In comparison to C. lucia, C. bankanensis has a more blunder snout and its head is proportionally shorter.
Channa pleurophthalma has a similar body facies to C. lucius , but has generally shorter body proportions.
Channa pleurophthalma also has, proportionately, the shortest and most laterally compressed body of any Asiatic channid. Its live colouration and patterns are also very different (Figs. 3I , 3J ; 4F , 4L ). The figure of
Channa pleurophthalma provided by Sterba (1973) is very inaccurate. Not only are the shape of the head and body proportions very different, the last ocellus is also not just on the caudal peduncle but straddles part of the caudal fin as well. Channa melasoma and C. striata are superficially very similar, especially smaller specimens, but their head structures and especially the live colour patterns (of small juveniles and adults, are strikingly different (see Ng & Lim, 1990). The intermediate sized specimens are the ones which pose the most serious identification problems when dead. Channa melanoptera and C. marulioides are both similar to C. melasoma , but are generally longer fish. Their first dorsal fin ray is also always distinctly shorter (about two-thirds length)
than the second. From the specimens we have examined, C. melanoptera seems to be a generally larger and more brightly coloured species. While many authors separate these two species mainly by its smaller size, plainer colouration and the presence of an ocellus on the upper part of the caudal fin (absent in C. melanoptera ) (see Weber & de Beaufort, 1922 ; Tweedie, 1949), this character is less than ideal. We have examined very large specimens of C. melanoptera and found a faint but obvious black ocellus on the tail. The generally dark colouration of the species tends to obscure the ocellus, but it is usually there nevertheless. Smaller specimens of C. melanoptera generally have more distinct ocelli. The body scales and patterns appear to differ significantly. Scattered patches of dark-coloured or black scales along the midaxial line of C. melanoptera have a white outer border, which contrasts strongly with the black and orange scale pattern of the body. Such white-bordered scales are not known to be present on C. marulioides , the body colouration being more uniform (cf. Weber & de Beaufort, 1922 ). The black patches of body scales however, may well be due to variation or are sexual features. Certainly, in one Malaysian specimen of C. marulioides , several dull grey patches of scales can be discerned. Channa marulioides is poorly known and is represented by few specimens, none of which are very large. Weber and de Beaufort (1922) records the size range as up to 270 mm, and we have examined specimens from Peninsular Malaysia smaller as well as slightly larger than this. The Malaysian specimens of C. melanoptera we have examined are all (with one exception) longer than 270 mm. It may well be that what has been called C. marulioides is merely a colour-morph or juvenile of C. melanoptera . If this is so, then C. marulioides becomes the valid name. Some colour notes of an aquarium specimen of C. melanoptera seem pertinent. The dorsum is dark brownish-green, the lateral areas below the lateral line being predominantly yellow; the ventral surfaces being white. The brownish-green areas jut into the yellow areas in altemate patches. Many of the dark scales along the distal part of the body have a white margin at the edge of their scales. The black patches of scales mentioned by Weber and de Beaufort (1922) probably include these. The fins are bluishgreen, with small white flecks on the anal, caudal and dorsal fins. The colouration of the head is similar to the body, except that the upper part of the operculum has a large lightcoloured spot against a brownish-green background on each side. The cephalic shields of C. melanoptera are also very pronounced, the scales separated by deep grooves. We have also examined specimens of a species from northern Sumatra which do not fit the descriptions of any known species. It is allied to C. melanoptera in body form, but differs in several important aspects, as well as having a very characteristic colour pattern It appears to be an undescribed species. Much has been written about the dramatic changes in body colour and patterns between young fishes and adults. That of C. micropeltes has been documented and figured by Day (18781888) and Tweedie (1949) (Fig. 1A , 1B , 1C ), while Alfred (1964) showed that the species known as C. bistriata is merely a juvenile stage of C. lucius (Fig. 1G , 1H , 1I ). The changes in C. striataare already well known (see Smith, 1945), and Ettrich's (1982, 1986 , 1989a, b) studies provide data for C. gachua and C. orientalis . Recently, the young of C. melasoma were described (Ng & Lim, 1990) (Fig. 1D , 1E , 1F ), validating beliefs that C. rhodotaenia is probably a junior synonym (see Roberts, 1989). Some brief nomenclatural notes about the following species are necessary:
Channa bankanensis
No known synonyms. ToC
Channa gachua
Synonyms: This species needs to be revised (see earlier), and the status of many synonyms are uncertain. Weber and de Beaufort (1922) listed the following synonyms: Ophicephalus aurantiacus Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822 ; Ophicephalus marginatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 ; Ophicephalus limbatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 ; Ophicephalus coramota Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 ; Ophicephalus fuscus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 ; Philypnoides surakartensis Bleeker, 1849 ; Ophiocephalus kelaarti Gnther, 1861 ; Ophiocephalus guachua var. malaccensis Peters, 1868 ; Ophiocephalus harcourt-butleri Annandale, 1918 . 1 The species name is sometimes incorrectly spelled as guachua (e.g. Peters, 1868; Sterba, 1973). ToC
Channa lucius
Synonyms: Ophiocephalus polylepis [sic] Bleeker, 1852 ; Ophiocephalus bistriatus Weber & de Beaufort, 1922. Kroli's (1882) species, Ophiocephalus bivittatus is synonymous with bivittatus C. lucius , but as the name is already preoccupied byOphiocephalus bivittatus Bleeker, 1845 , Weber and de Beaufort (1922) changed it to bistriata . Both Weber and de Beaufort (1922) and Tweedie (1949) had commented that C. bistriata might be merely the young of C. lucius , but it was Alfred (1964) who showed this to be so. ToC
Channa marulioides
No known synonyms. ToC
Channa melanoptera
No synonyms, but has often been confused with Channa marulius Hamilton Buchanan, 1822 . The presence of this species in Java (Bean & Weed, 1912: 607) was challenged by Weber & de Beaufort (1922: 316) , and there have been no confirmation that this species is in fact there. ToC
Channa melasoma
Synonyms: Ophicephalus rhodotaenia Bleeker, 1851; Ophicephalus mystax Bleeker, 1853; Ophiocephalus baramensisSteindachner, 1901. 2 Frequent incorrect spelling: Channa melanosoma. ToC
Channa micropeltes
Synonyms: Ophicephalus serpentinus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 ; Ophiocephalus bivittatus Bleeker, 1845 ;Ophiocephalus stevensii Bleeker, 1853 ; Ophiocephalus diplogramme Day, 1865 ; Ophiocephalus studeri Volz, 1903. ToC
Channa pleurophthalma
Synonyms: Ophicephalus urophthalmus Bleeker, 1852 , possibly Ophicephalus spiritalis Fowler, 1904 . Tweedie (1940: 78) reported this species from Malaysia, but later (1949) corrected his identification and referred the specimen to C.lucius .Channa pleurophthalma is thus absent from Peninsular Malaysia. ToC
Channa striata
** Synonyms: Ophiocephalus wrahl Lacpde, 1802, Ophiocephalus chena Hamilton- Buchanan, 1822 ; Ophicephalus planiceps Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1831 ; Ophicephalus sowarah Bleeker, 1845; Ophiocephalus cyanospilos Bleeker, 1853 3 ;Ophiocephalus vagus Peters, 1868 . ToC . Two other species previously recorded from Peninsular Malaysia or Singapore, Channa orientalis s. str. and C. punctata Bloch, 1793 are regarded as erroneous records ( Weber & de Beaufort, 1922 ; Fowler, 1938; Alfred, 1966; Ng & Lim, 1990).
Snakeheads as pests
Being a valuable food fish and pest may seem contradictory to the many reports which have praised them as valuable animals. The culture of aquarium and food fishes like Koi, Goldfish, Guppies, Mollies, Red Tilapia etc. however, can suffer greatly if snakeheads, C. micropeltes and/or C. striata , are in the ponds, especially the former (see Lim & Ng, 1990). In Singapore, the introduction of valuable carp or other fishes into large ornamental ponds often necessitates the removal of the snakeheads by the draining of these ponds. The same procedure is necessary in cases where snakeheads have inadvertently entered cultured stocks of aquarium fishes. ToC
Snakeheads as game-fish
The value of snakeheads as food is also complimented by the fighting spirit of the fish when hooked, especially of the giant C. micropeltes . There are many reports of the strength and sport-worthiness of this fish (e.g. see Smith, 1945). In many angling areas, C. micropeltes is intentionally introduced for sport. Baits used range from frogs, pieces of meat, poultry viscera to small live ducks and fish. ToC
presence of ridges and papillae ( p. 80 ). For the local species, large C. micropeltes have highly vascularised papillae all over the surface of the cavity, vaguely resembling the arborescent structure of the airbreathing clariid catfishes. It is also present, to a lesser extent in C. striata , C. melasoma and C. gachua . Smaller specimens of all these species however, lack the papilliform structures. Only in C. lucius is the cavity simple . This is not unexpected as many channids can be very active animals, especially when hunting, and such structures will greatly aid oxygen uptake.
How the suprabranchial cavity functions is uncertain. Each cavity is approximately divided into two parts by a muscular flap (see also Munro, 1955: 99, Fig. 11) arising from the edge, but how this flap works is not known. Air exchange in channids is via the mouth, not through the operculum (except inadvertently when hunting prey or disturbed). The roof of the mouth has a narrow groove which probably aids this process. The muscular flaps of the suprabranchial cavity are likely to be associated with the respiratory mechanism. ToC
The habitats of the five species is extremely interesting, and detailed studies in their ecological preferences will certainly have dividends. In open country areas, only two species can be found - C. striata and C. micropeltes . In shallow areas overgrown wit: grass and vegetation (averaging one metre of water or less), C. striata is the main species. We have encountered many specimens and their fry in canals, drains, ponds, small streams etc. They seem equally adept in stationary as well as slow flowing waters, but seem more common in the former habitat. This agrees well with reports that they art common in padi fields. Channa micropeltes on the other hand, is a pelagic fish, and prefers larger and more open bodies of water. Its native habitat is large lakes and river, but also adapts very well to large reservoirs and ponds with stationary water. Schools of young C. micropelteshowever, have been found in slow flowing streams. Whereas C. striata tends to lurk among vegetation ambushing its prey, C. micropeltes seems to be wandering hunter, using occasional bursts of speed to capture pelagic fishes.
Fig. 2: C. melasoma in its habitat favors forested areas with slow flowing waters with submersed roots.
In wellshaded forested areas, C. lucius , C. melasoma and C. gachua dominate. Although no exclusive, each species seems to havecarved an approximate niche for itself. In very shallow waters (slow flowing or stationary) of less than 20 cm depth, the main species is C. gachua , the smallest species. In deeper, larger streams with slow flowing waters C. melasoma is more common, and seems to fill the same role as C. striata in open water, particularly favoured habitat for adults of C. melasoma seem to be the fibrous submerse roots of trees, with a muddy substrate, in slow flowing streams ( Fig. 2 ) Channa lucia most common in faster flowing waters, and tends to stay closer to the surface. While some habitats do overlap especially for the younger fishes, there is sufficient habitat exclusion to minimise competition. ToC
Terrestrial habits
Other than the air-breathing cavity, some channids also appear to have relatively well developed locomotory abilities on land. While walking fishes like Anabas and Clarias (see Smith, 1945; Ng et al., 1987 etc.) have been frequently reported upon, walking snakeheads are less well known. Deraniyagala (1929) , Smith (1945), Munro (1955), Mohsin and Ambak (1983) all note that the fish can move across land. Smith (1945) even records that C. striata can aestivate to a limited degree under mud when ponds dry out. There are however, no other reports, and we have not observed, that local C. striata , or any other snakehead does this. Mohsin and Ambak (1983) noted, that C. striata ... can survive in small holes and crevices of a pond which is drained prior to fish culture; all it needs is a little water inside the crevice (p. 158). The most adept at walking seems to be C. gachua . Specimens can move a considerable distance on all kinds of surfaces, squirming and skipping. Deraniyagala (1932) has commented they move in
leaps. They are able to move in a straight line, alternately twisting their body to and fro, balanced, and possibly dragged along by their low-set pectoral fins. Channa melasoma and C. striata move across land in a similar fashion. The ventral scales before the pelvic fins in these species tend to be very smooth. It is tempting to speculate that the loss of the pelvic fins in species like C. orientalis might perhaps be related to their terrestrial abilities. The agility of these three species on land comes as no surprise, as all tend to inhabit shallow waters. Not unexpectedly, the species which lives in the mostprecarious habitat - very shallow streams ( C. gachua ) is also the most agile. This habit probably explains their presence in seemingly inaccessible pools. Channa micropeltes and lucius on the other hand, are extremely clumsy on hand, and basically incapable of sufficient or directional terrestrial movement. The form of the body and pectoral fins is a rough guide to the prowess of these animals on land. In transverse section, the bodies of C. micropeltes and C. lucius appear evenly rounded, whereas those of C. striata , C. melasoma and C. gachua are more dorso-ventrally flattened, the ventral surfaces being flatter. The approximate position of the pectoral fins is also indicative those in C. micropeltes and C. lucius are directed more horizontally and the bases of both fins are unable to touch the ground simultaneously. This is not the case for C. striata , C. melasoma and C. gachua , which have their pectoral angled in such a way as they can prop up the body and assist in crawling. These features are in agreement with observations of their habits C. micropeltes and C. lucius being mid-water to surface fish whereas C. striata , C. melasoma and C. gachua tend to be bottom dwellers. ToC
All channids are voracious predators. Prey is not exclusively fish, and small birds, amphibians etc. have also been reported to be eaten by the larger species (e.g. C. micropeltes ). The most ravenous is believed to be C. micropeltes , and Smith (1945) reports that they will sometimes kill more than they eat. In Singapore, we have once observed three sub-adult C. micropeltes harassing and mortally injuring a carp ( Cyprinus carpio ), almost as large as the snakeheads themselves by repeatedly trying to swallow it and spitting it out again as it was too much of a mouthful. The form of the teeth is interesting. While all the species possess numerous sharp teeth for gripping prey, some, like C. striata and C. micropeltes have enlarged caniform teeth. Even C. gachua has these caniform teeth. The caniform teeth of C. striata and C. micropeltes are also quite different when examined carefully. That of C. striata is cylindrical in cross-section, not like a dog's canine - ideal for gripping, killing and tearing. The caniform teeth ofC. micropeltes more closely resembles a knife with two cutting edges in cross-section, the cutting surfaces being perpendicular to the animal's longitudinal axis. We have observed micropeltes catching fishes ( Oreochromis mossambicus ) obviously too large to be swallowed whole. The snakehead then shakes its head violently left and right, and the prey gets (literally) sheared in two! The cuts are relatively smooth and not very jagged, and certainly not due to tearing. The blade-like caniform teeth in C. micropeltes easily explains this. The teeth of the other species remain unstudied. ToC
Other than C. micropeltes , we have observed that the other Malaysian species are predominantly nocturnal hunters; especially C. gachua , C. lucius and C. melasoma . Channa micropeltes hunts mainly in the day, although fishermen do get them occasionally at night. Channa striata and C. lucius tend to move at dusk. Channa melasoma and C. gachua are almost wholly nocturnal. We have collected numbers of both these species mainly after dark. This probably explains why the latter two species were either believed extinct or not previously found in Singapore (see Ng & Lim, 1989, 1990). The habits of the some species are worth noting. To catch C. striata , C. lucius and C. melasoma at night, the fishes can easily be dazzled by light, and chased into a net placed in their path. Once in the net, they keep trying to push their way through and are easily caught. We have also caught these species (and occasionally younger C. micropeltes ) by placing nets downstream and trashing the vegetation along the bank upstream. Channa melasoma does not always move from cover - it more often than not burrows its way deeper into the submerged vegetation and mud ( see Habitat ). Channa gachua reacts somewhat differently. When chased violently, the fish tends to move towards the source of the disturbance; and even when the fish enters the net, it quickly back-tracks . Most of our specimens were caught at night. After the fish have been sighted, they are gently coaxed (with our hands) into the net which is then quickly lifted. ToC
The colour of adult C. striata , and to a certain degree, C. melasoma , is quite dull, and helps hide the fish among its preferred habitat - submerged vegetation and debris. Adult C. micropeltes are strikingly coloured, but the role of these patterns is not known. The smallest species, C. gachua , is the most colourful. The dorsal, caudal and anal fins have an iridescent green base colour, the margins being bright red or orange. The pectoral fins are also distinctively striated semi-concentric rings, the base of the pectoral fins being dark green to black. The rich colours of this species possibly have a role in courtship, as males are always more intensely coloured. The colours are easily affected by the quality of the water (see Deraniyagala, 1929 ). Animals living in more acidic, leaf-litter laden and brownish waters tend to be darker coloured, the red in fins being more intense. Specimens in aquaria tend to lose their red colours, fading to orange and sometimes white unless sufficient leaf-litter is made available. ToC
The reasons for these drastic changes in colour and pattern remain unknown, but is possibly associated with their schooling behaviour as young fishes. All the young have longitudinal stripes (which endures especially long in C. micropeltes and appears to be the shortest in C. gachua ) which may help break the outlines of the animals, and possibly confuse would-be predators. The smaller individuals of species like C. striata , C. melasoma and C. gachua have well developed black ocelli at the base of their dorsal fins. These false eye-spots probably serve to confuse possible predators, similar to what is widely reported for the marine butterfly fishes. These ocelli usually disappear or become obscure as the fish grow. Deraniyagala (1929) reports many adult C. gachua and C. orientalis as having these ocelli, but in local specimens of C. gachua , these ocelli always disappear once the animals are mature. ToC
Discrimination of sexes
Sexing of channids is extremely difficult, and there are no known reliable external morphological characters. Colour is useful in C. gachua , the males been more brightly and intensely coloured. Size is also relatively useful as females tend to be larger and stouter. Even in well fed aquarium specimens (including C. gachua ), males tend to be more slender and smaller. An effective way to separate the sexes (and form potential breeding pairs) is to keep two individuals in a tank separated by a glass or mesh panel with an removable opaque screen. At regular intervals, the screen is removed and the response of the animals determined. If they show threat displays toward each other on every occasion, they are almost certainly of the same sex. Other than C. micropeltes , similar-sexed adults are highly aggressive towards each other. ToC
While schooling of young channids is usual, this is not the case for the adults. Only for Channa micropeltes have we observed small schools of adults - hunting not unlike aquatic wolf packs . Adults of the other species tend to be agnostic towards members of the same sex. Heterosexual pairs are frequently encountered. As noted by Breder and Rosen (1966) and Roberts (1989), the young (particularly small fry) form tight schools when disturbed initially. We have observed this for C. micropeltes , C. striata , C. melasoma and C. lucius . This behaviour probably aids the parent in defending the young. If the intruder (e.g. man) persists however, and the parents are unable to do much, the young disperse in all directions. The young tend to aggregate in shallow slow-flowing water with thick vegetation. ToC
Interestingly, all channids reproduce in a similar fashion to many anabantoids.
In clearings (natural or by the fish), spawning occurs, and the oil-filled eggs float to the surface. A simple bubble-nest may be built. The eggs are then guarded, usually by both parents (see Deraniyagala, 1929 ; Soong, 1945; Roberts, 1979). The spawning embrace in channids is almost identical to many anabantoids, the male encircling the female (see figures in Ettrich, 1982, 1986 , 1989b; present Fig. 5H, 1). Channids are generally regarded as monogamous fish (see Soong, 1949), but whether the fish spawn with the same partner for their entire life-span is not known. Certainly, we have observed or collected numerous heterosexual pairs of C. lucius , C. melasoma and C. gachua in close proximity. ToC
parents are prepared to go to protect their young is not clear. We have collected fry of this species while half-submersed in water, but have not been attacked. There have however, been local reliable reports of serious injuries due to charging parent fishes. The size and bulk of C. micropeltes makes them especially dangerous. Both parents are also known to participate in fry-care in C. lucius . Other than visual threats, for example the displaying of opercular spots in C. lucius (see Role of colour); splashing of water at the intruder has also been observed. Parental care has also been observed for C. melasoma and C. gachua . In both cases, only one parent has been observed taking care of the fry. The parent C. melasoma may sometimes be a few metres from the fry. Channa gachua is a known mouth-brooder. Ettrich ( 1986 , 1989a, b) has recorded mouth-brooding (by males) for both C. orientalis and C. gachua from Sri Lanka, and the same is true of local C. gachua . One male, sheltered in a shallow burrow (not necessary of his making), was seen caring for 12 small fry. Another male disgorged 16 fry when captured. These observations seem to indicate that this species has a relatively small brood size. Special mention must be made of the dedication and altruistic nature of male C. gachua's care for their young. In one instance, the male, but not its young, had escaped the intentions of our net. He promptly turned back and went into the net in an attempt to nudge the young out. For C. striata , the parents are less often seen. It is uncertain if they are nearby but well concealed in the undergrowth or some distance away. Willey (1909) and Soong (1949) provide more information about parental care in C. striata . For all species of Channa, the parents will attack any fish which comes near the fry. ToC
In summary, it is prudent to note that the trade in snakeheads as both food and exotic aquarium fish is very large. There is an increasing demand for tropical Asian exotics especially carnivorous forms. A case in point is in the Golden Dragon Fish (Scleropage formosus ) whose high value has resulted in natural stocks being critically depleted. None of the Channa species in Southeast Asia are believed to be threatened with extinction. Alfred (1966, 1968) had indicated that C. gachua (as C. orientalis ) was extinct in Singapore but the species is still extant (Ng & Lim, 1989). Mohsin and Ambak's (1983 book on the Peninsular Malaysian fishes gives the highly incorrect impression that only
C. striata is still common, with C. micropeltes and C. lucius being endangered (p. 248), and C. bistriata (= lucius ), C. punctatus (=punctata ), C. orientalis (= orientalis ), C. melanosoma (= melasoma ), C. maruloides (= marulioides ) and C. gachua as rare or extinct (p. 249). Channa micropeltes is certainly not in any danger as it is widely cultured and abundant in all large bodies of water; and C. lucius remains common in many forested areas. Such uncritical generalisations are neither useful nor help conservation efforts.
In any event, it is the wholly forest species who potentially face the severest threats. In recent years, quantities of C. luciushave become available in local markets, the stocks of which are almost certainly from the wild. Whether such fisheries are sustainable remain to be seen. Channa gachua faces other problems. It not only appears to have more fastidious habitat requirements but also relatively smaller brood sizes. Its shallow water habitat also easily avails itself to collecting, especially at night. While this species has a wide range and appears to be
quite successful, increasing deforestation and a growing aquarium trade will pose serious problems for it. ToC
The authors are most grateful to Dr. Maurice Kottelat for the many interesting and useful discussions we had on the subject, and his kind help. The staff of the zoology department, Bogor Museum were also most helpful in our studies, and kindly loaned us many of the specimens. Our work would not have proceeded so well had it not been for the generosity of the staff of the Zoological Reference Collection (National University of Singapore) in permitting us to examine the older specimens kept there at leisure. Thanks are also due to our colleagues (too many to name individually) who have helped us in our field collections. ToC
Alfred, E. R., 1961. Singapore Freshwater Fishes . Malay. Nat. J., 15: 1-19. Alfred, E. R., 1964. Channa bistriata (Weber and de Beaufort), the young of the snake-head fish Channa lucius (Cuvier) . Bull. Natn. Mus. Singapore, 32: 155-156. Alfred, E. R., 1966. The Fresh-Water Fishes of Singapore . Zool. Verh., Leiden, 78: 1-68, 8 plates. Alfred, E. R., 1968. Rare and Endangered Freshwater Fishes of Malaya and Singapore . In: Technical Session IV - Threatened Species, Conference on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Tropical South-east Asia, Bangkok, Thailand. IUCN Publications, new series, Number 10, part 4, pp. 325-331. Bean, B. A. & A. C. Weed, 1912. Notes on a collection of fishes from Java, made by Owen Bryant and William Palmer in 1909, with description of a new species . Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nat. Hist. Proc., 42: 587-611. Berg, L. S., 1940. Classification of Fishes, both recent and fossil . Trav. Inst. Zool. Acad. Sci. URSS, 5: 87-345. [In Russian] Bloch, M. E. & J. G. Schneider, 1801. Systema lchthyologiae Iconibus cx illustratum . Berlin. pp. i-lx, 1-584 Pls. 1-110. Boeseman, M., 1949. On Pleistocene remains of Ophicephalus from Java, in the 'Collection Dubois' . Zool. Med. 30(6): 83-94. Breder, C. M. & D. E. Rosen, 1966. Modes of Reproduction in Fishes . The Natural History Press, N.Y., xvi+941 pp. Cuvier, G. & A. Valenciennes, 1831. Histoire naturelles des Poissons . Vol. 7, Paris-Strasbourg, xxix+531 pp., Pls. 170-208.
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Hora, S. L., 1921. Notes on the occasional absence of the paired fins in fresh-water fishes, with some observations on the two apodal genera Channa Gronow and Apua Blyth . Rec. Ind. Mus., 22: 27-32. Hora, S. L. & D. D. Mukerji, 1934. Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XXII. On a collection of fish from the Southern Shan States and the Pegu Yomas, Burma. Rec. Ind. Mus., 36: 125138. Inger, R. F. & P. K. Chin, 1962. The fresh-water fishes of North Borneo . Fieldiana, Zool., 45: 1268. Jayaram, K. C., 1981. The Freshwater Fishes of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri Lanka - A Handbook . The Zoological Survey of India, 475 pp., 13 pls. Karoli, J., 1882. Prodromus Piscium Asiac orientalis a domine Joanne Xanthus annis 1869. 70 collectorum . Termesz. Fuzetek Budapest, 5: 147-187. Kottelat, M., 1989. Zoogeography of the fishes from Indochinese inland waters with an annotated checklist . Bull. Zool. Mus., Univ. Amsterdam, 12(1): 1-55. Liem, K. F., 1963. The comparative osteology and phylogeny of the Anabantoidei (Telcosti, Pisces) . Illinois Biol. Monogr., 30: 1-149. Lim, K. K. P., M. Kottelat & P. K. L. Ng, 1990. Freshwater Fish of Ulu Kinchin, Paliang, Malaysia . Malay. Nat. J., 43(4): 314-320. Lim, K. K, P. Lim, P. K. L. Ng & M. Kottelat, 1990. On a collection of freshwater fishes from EndauRompin, Johore-Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia . Raffles Bull. Zool., 38(1): 31-54. Lim, K. K. P. & P. K. L. Ng, 1990. A Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Singapore . Singapore Science Centre, Singapore, 160 pp. Mohsin, A. K. M. & A. Ambak, 1983. Freshwater Fishes of Peninsular Malaysia . Penerbit Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 284 pages. Munro, I. S. R., 1955. The Marine and Freshwater Fishes of Ceylon . Dept. Ext. Affairs, Canberra, 348 1pp., 56 pls. Myers, G. S. & L. Shapovalov, 1931. On the identity of Ophicephalus and Channa, two genera of labyrinthfishes . Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. , 6: 33-37. Ng, P. K. L. & K. K. P. Lim, 1989. Rediscovery of the Dwarf Snakehead, Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1822) (Channidae) in Singapore. Raffles Bull. Zool., 37(1 & 2): 172-174. . Ng, P. K. L. & K. K. P. Lim, 1990. The Black Snakehead, Channa melasoma (Bleeker, 1851) (Channidae): First Record from Singapore. Raffles Bull. Zool., 38(1): 21-24. . Ng, P. K. L., H. K. Tan & H. P. Ng, 1987. Anabas, the Climbing Perch. Nature Malaysiana, 12(2): 16-19. .
Peters, W. C. H., 1868. ber die von Herm Dr. F. Jagor in dem ostindischen Archipel gesammelten Fische . Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1868: 254-281, 460-461. Roberts, T. R., 1989. The Freshwater Fishes of Western Borneo (Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia) . Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 14: 1-210. Scopoli, G. A., 1777. Introductio ad historiam naturalem etc. Pragae, x+506 pp. Smith, H. M., 1945. The Fresh-Water Fishes of Siam, or Thailand . U. S. Natn. Mus. Bull., 188: 1-622. Soong, M. K., 1949. Fishes of the Malayan padi-fields. II. Aruan: Serpent-head fishes . Malayan Nat. J., 4(1): 29-3 1, Pl. IV. Sterba, G., 1973. Freshwater Fishes of the World . Vol 1: 1-456; Vol. 2: 457-877. TFH Pubins. Tweedie, M. W. F_ 1936. A list of fishes in the collection of the Raffles Museum . Bull. Raffles Mus., 12: 16-28. Tweedie, M. W. F., 1940. Additions to the collection of fishes in the Raffles Museum . Bull. Raffles Mus., 16: 68-82. Tweedie, M. W. F., 1950. Notes on Malayan Fresh Water fishes. 2. The species of Channa Scopoli & Ophicephalus) in the collection of the Raffles Museum . Bull. Raffles Mus., 21: 99105. Tweedie, M. W. F, 1952a. Malay names of fresh-water fishes . J. Malay. Br. Roy. As. Soc., 25(1): 62-67. Tweedie, M. W. F., 1952b. Notes on Malayan fresh-water fishes. 5. Malay names . Bull. Raffles Mus., 24: 80-95. Weber, M. & L. F. de Beaufort, 1922. The Fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago . 4: i-xii, 1-410. Wheeler, A., 1985. The World Encyclopaedia of Fishes . MacDonald Book, London & Sydney, 368 pp, 501 figures. [first edition, 1975] ToC
Today C. harcoutbutleri is a valid species. See: Ng, Ng, Britz: Channa harcourtbulteri (Annandael, 1919): a valis species of snakehead (Perciformes: CHannidae) from Myanmar . Back
The authors have revalidated C. baramensis themselves: Ng, H.H.; Tan, S.H.; Ng P.K.L. Revalidation of Channa baramensis (Steindachner 1901), a species of snakehead from northern
Borneo. The sarawak museum journal. vol. XLVII, no. 69 (new series), dec. 1995. pp.219226. Back
Unjustified hatred Adaptable fish Small and neat A well designed survival strategy General care Predatory fish food Quarrelsome fish? Breeding
Amongst all the predatory fish that are more or less often kept in the aquarium, snakeheads have the worst and most undeserved reputation. An often used quote is: snakeheads are not fish for the comunity aquarium . With this attitude, generations of aquarist have been preventing the snakehead from taking his rightfull place in the aquaristic hobby for several decades now. The reasons are obvious. Most species
of snakeheads will grow to enormous proportions. For example the Northern snakehead, Channa argus , will reach about 80cm (33") and isn't really that big then. Some snakeheads can a reach total lenght of 1.2 m (4') and are real heavyweights at around 10 kg (22 pounds).
This C. micropelte s can hardly be called an aquarium fish. At least for at home. This fish weights 10 kg and is caught in Thailand. Now one easily understan ds why this fish is commonly called Giant snakehead .
Unjustified hatred
Occassionally we can see juvenile snakeheads in the aquatic trade but sales are not very high. Because of the striking colouration there is always a small group of specialists that will house the fish in a adequate sized tank. There the fish will grow into mostly colourless monsters. this is more of a writen joke then a fact, as this quote does not reflect the true character of these wonderful fish. Nevertheless the gigantic size and the ferocious appetite of the fish are the cause that snakeheads are only short guests in most aquariums, but lets put the public opinion aside, because snakeheads are in fact recommendable aquarium fish. The reason is that amongst the many species of snakehead, we can find fish with a total lenght of 20 to 35 cm (8 to 14") which are easily kept in a home aquarium. ToC
Adaptable fish
Snakeheads are widely distributed in tropical asia. About 25 species are known of which some are rare and not often caught. Just as diverse as the fish, are the natural environment snakeheads call their home. Snakeheads live in all sorts of water, from fast flowing mountain creeks, river systems and water canals to rice fields as well as standing waters and small
ponds. Besides Asia, snakeheads are found in some regions of africa but these are all characterised by a large bodysize. ToC
This is one of the oldest drawings of the suprabranch ial organ by Cuvier (1832). For this Channidae are well known in Ichthyology
This accessory breathing organ enables the fish to survive in waters poor of oxygen where the gills are not capabale of providing the oxygen needed. In waters poor of oxygen the fish will raise regulary to the surface to breathe air and immediately swim back down to take cover. This behaviour makes the need of good quality air above the water surface in the aquarium, as with all anabantoids , essential. ToC
General care
Depending on how many snakeheads are to be kept, the smaller species can be housed in a 100200ltr tank. Ideal, would be a pair in a 100 ltr tank. Sadly it is not easy to sex snakeheads and even if a pair has found itself breeding, they still need a portion of good luck. Occasionly the fish will fight amongst each other and show a lot of aggression but this does not give any conclusions towards the sex of the fish. It is important to cover the top of the tank well to prevent the snakeheads from jumping out of the tank. It is also essential to filter the water as the always hungry fish produce a lot of waste with their very high metabolism and will pollute the water very quickly. Even so snakeheads are very hardy and undemanding in their water requierments. A regular weater change is needed to keep the fish succesfull in the long run. Cover and hiding places should be provided to give the fish the most natural environment possible. This can consist of coconut shells, bogwood and dense plantcover. To make sure that the plants will not be uprooted by the
snakeheads the plants should be properly rooted or have stones placed round the bottom of the plant for added protection. Many snakehead friends also add bioleafs or beechleaf to the tank which is beneficial to the snakeheads. ToC
Quarrelsome fish?
If snakeheads are kept with other fish from a very young age, they can be very sociable, for a snakehead. Nevertheless, when they are adults snakeheads will bite every new fish, even if its too big to eat until they have learned the fish is not prey. Larger fish, like catfish are perfect tankmates for snakeheads, where as any fish with vail tails will cause prob- lems. Permanently attacked fish will need to be removed from the tank. ToC
Most aquarists will breed snakeheads through pure coincidence as it is really difficult to find a harmonic breeding pair. As mentioned before there are no big differences between make and females. With fish of the same age the male will always be larger then the smaller females. Specialists can recognise the female because of its bigger belly, before spawning. During the breeding period the pair seem to be more at peace with each other. 1 Zugleich sucht das Mnnchen einen Laichplatz aus.
At the same time the male will choose a spawning site. In many points the breeding procedure is similar to labyrinth fish as the fish for example also embrace each other in a simular fashion. After spawning the female, or sometimes both partners will incubate the eggs in their mouth. 2 The young will swarm all around their parents and some breeders believe to have seen the young feeding on a mucus on the adults skin. In reality the female will feed its young with unfertilized eggs for a while. In the following weeks the colourful baby colouration will fade into a inconspicious colour that camouflages the young well. At this point the young snakeheads will become agressive and canibalistic. ToC
Judging on the grounds of our literature data base , we have not found a single proof for this claim - how good are we in searching ? ;-) There are only a few species showing a clearer sexual dimorphism. But size has never been one. The best sign is the point of time when a couple has found themselves from a group of adolescent (!) fishes: that couple remains together permanently and the female tries to displace the rest of their kind from the spawning site which the male has found. It is the female which is in the defending role of the couple. The male takes over mouthbreeding and afterwards the care of the hatchlings. So, it would really make no sense, that the female takes over the care of the hatchlings! Are you in the lucky situation to choose channa from stuffed channa tank, take yourself time to watch them for a while. Depending on their age, one might be able to recognize a couple already. Dwarf snakeheads are sexually mature when they have reached a size of 12 to 15 cm which is equal to an age of one year. In the meantime it is proven that most dwarf snakeheads do eggfeeding. Of these no case is known where the female part had taken over the care of the hatchlings. [] Back
This form of spawning is true until now for all but one dwarf Channa species. Channa bleheri is the exception. The breeding of this speciescan be read in this article . [Ulrich for] Back
An extraordinary species with a very bad reputation How to keep snakehead fishes? Breeding eggfeeding snakeheads
Nevertheless, there are some important steps to be taken in keeping and caring for snakehead fish. ToC
Water Chemistry
By and large, snakeheads are not bothered by water chemistry. One can keep them in any water that could be used for cooking or dringking. Water hardness and ph value are not critical factors; the only precaution is to avoid alkaline is or very hard water. To keep in mind, however, is that large individuals consume large amounts of protein and have a correspondingly high metabolism. The excrement places a heavy strain on the water the water by increasing the amount of nitrogen compounds (ammonia, ammoniac, nitrite, nitrate), which are toxic for fish or decreases their vitality over time. The negative effects of nitrogen compounds, however, are less felt by snakeheads than by other aquarium fish. A regular partial exchange of the tank water (every two weeks) helps to combat the decrease of the decrease of the water quality. The ideal temperature depends on the origin of the species.
Aquarium Decoration
Snakeheads are generally considered to well-behaved aquarium decoration, neither grubbing nor causing harm to plants. But, during breeding they dig holes and remove plants which "stand in their way". Therefore it is recommended that the tank be decorated with with large stones, roots, and a dense collection of plants around the edges of the tank. Fine-stemmed plants, as well as light ground should be avoided. A better solution is to use coarse sand, which for example, can be shaded with foliage or covers of swimming plants. This is close to their environment of their natural habitat. Some species love to hide beneath swimming wood to wait for their prey. A paludarium decorated with large roots hanging down into water is ideal for these types. In the wild, during the early morning hours I have observed snakeheads lying in the sunlight just below the surface (some kind of warming up for the day?). In captivity,
however, the fish seem to be more at ease in dark tanks, so that strongly lit aquariums should be darkened by means of swimming plants or wood.
Feeding Requirements
With respect to food, snakeheads are considered to be trouble-free predators. With a little bit of patience and a lot of skill, most species can be made to get used to nearly all kinds of substitute food as long as it is of animal origin. But one must be careful not to feed them too much mammal's meat (and surely not exclusively mammal) because it strains their digestive tract. This consideration also goes for fatty meat. It is optimal to have a varied menu. Here is a small excerpt of a snakehead's menu: feeder fish, heartof beef, earthworms, mealworms, coarse frost food (mosquito larvae), insects (including maggots), trout pellets.
A male C. spec. Assam. It differs from the female in having less red scales, more metalic blue color in the unpairy fins, and having a broade r head.
Nevertheless, in this article I intend to present a comparison of this three species as well as their extraordinary reproductive behaviour.
Channa gachua is the most widely distributed snakehead. It could be found, from West to East, in Iran, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam up to China, Tawain, as well as down to Indonesia (but no further than Bali). Channa orientalis is a genuine endemic species on Sri Lanka, i.e. it only exists on this one island. The habitat of Channa spec. 'lal cheng' is the Indian state Assam and probably bordering states. All the species prefer streaming waters as for example mountain streams, small rivers, jungle streams. But I also was able to find channa gachua in oxygen-deprived wastewater ponds in Rayong (Thailand), in which all life seemed to be extinguished. There, it lived up its reputation of a tough survivor.
These three species belong to the smallest of their kind. Channa gachua can reach 20 cm (7.88 in) which is depending on their geographic origin, but are usually much smaller. 3 Channa
orientalis is not larger than 16 cm (6.3 in). But Channa spec. 'lal cheng' is the smallest. I started breeding them when they reached a size of 9 to 10 cm (3.5 to 3.9 in), thereafter I could observe no further growth.
Gender Differences
The breeding of this mouthbrooders is relatively easy, provided one has a harmonizing couple. Pairing should be allowed to occur naturally within a group, otherwise complications might arise as the sey of the fish is often difficult to determine. During breeding season, females are fuller than the males because of the spawn. The sex differences of Channa spec. 'lal cheng' can be determined relatively well by comparing the individual from bird's eye view. The male' s head is broader, especially in the gill area. The female's body color contains more red and her fins are not as blue as the male's. Determining the sex of the fish by comparing head forms also works well for channa bleheri. I suspect the same to be true for channa orientalis, and channa gachua, as well as for their close relatives. 4
A couple of C. spec. Assam. Left hand the male with its broader head and its more colorful dorsal fin. Right hand, the female whose head is not so broad but its belly.
Labyrinthish Copulation
If there is a harmonizing couple, one can expect the brood soon. A 120-litre tank (25 gl) should suffice a well harmonizing couple, whereby surface area is more important than aquarium height. Many aquarists still assign channa to the labyrinth fish (anabantoidei). Tyson Roberts' hypothesis concerning the close kin and common origin of both groups of fishes is disputed. But the resemblance of their mating behaviour is undisputed. Copulation occurs during an embrace
in which the male wraps himself around the female's stomach area. A few days before spawning, the couple has more and more skin contact. There follow several pseudo-copulations, which serve to perfect the timing of the actual mating. Finally, there is one long and intense embrace during which all the necessary sexual products are discharged. The eggs are oily, so that they slowly rise to the water's surface, where the male partner takes them into the mouth. In the mouth, the eggs are securely guarded.
A female C. spec. Assam. It differs from the male in having more red scales, less metalic blue color in the unpairy fins, and having a broader belly.
Differences in Breeding
Up to this stage, the process of pairing is the same for all the three species. But there are several important differences concerning the kind and the length of the care. For comparison purposes, I have listed them in the table below.
Differing Aspect
channa gachua
channa orientalis
Release of the hatchlings from after 3 days the mouth The number of the fry
after 2 to 3 days
about 200
below 50
below 65
about 6 days after First air their release into the breathing on the water, i.e. about 9 surface days after pairing
about 10 to 12 days about 10 days after their after their release into release into the water, i.e. the water, i.e. about 20 about 13 days after pairing days after pairing
living closer to the Living pattern of swimming freely after ground. Possible reason: the fry 7 days as a close group living in mountain streams the parents weak in Behaviour of the the function of fry and the leading, rather they parents follow their fry.
firstly living close to the ground, and after 6 to 10 days swimming freely, only in lockerem Zusammenhalt close body contact to the parents, especially to the father, the primal guard of the brood.
A male C. spec. Assam guarding his hatchlings. Hatchlings must be put separate after they get about 2 cms. Then they are seen as food.
The period of feeding of the fry with feeder egg lasts for about a month. The reason for this highly specialized method of feeding can probably be traced back to the species' original habitat. These two reophilous species live mainly in jungle streams, the socalled trout regions of the tropical Asia . In such nutrient-deprived environments, the feeding of the brood is ensured through this measurement.
In how far this is valid for Channa spec. 'lal cheng' is (still) unknown. There are, however, indications that support this hypothesis. In a trial, I was able to observe the following: two weeks after hatching, I had separated half of the breed from their parents and placed them into 54-litre (16 gal.) tank. Up to this point, the whole brood seemed to be well fed, althoug I had given the young no special food, only large amounts to the parents. (Why were the young nonetheless well fed?) After ten days I reunited the brood and stared in amazement at the differences in size of both groups. The hatchlings that have remained with their parents in the 160-litre (47 gal.) aquarium were predominantly double the size of their siblings. And this although I neither changed water nor fed the remaining ones specially. On the contrary the parentless fish were covered in live food and the water was changed constantly. Similar experiments with channa gachua and orientalis resulted in exactly the same outcome. 8 Unfortunately, those 'experiments' with snakeheads are rather the exception than the rule and therefore their reporting is accordingly rare. I do not begin to assume that this report will trigger a channa-boom, but maybe I have inspired the one or the other aquarist with the penchant for the extraordinary. ToC
Scopoli is the one who is accepted to have introduced the name of the genus, though it was introduced by someone else. Back
A different author for breeding channa bleheri suspects them to feed its brood also with feeder eggs. See here for the article. Back
Dr. G. Ettrich reported that the largest channa gachua can be found on Bali and the smallest in Myanmar. Back
Dr. G. Ettrich reported considering the sex differences that he himself cannot determine the sex of c. orientalis when they are in juvenile state in which they are already sexual mature. Only when they are adult he might determine female ones because of the spawn. Back
Dr. G. Ettrich reported that he could breed in the year 2002 a couple of channa orientalis whose fry resulted in an amount of more than 200. The couple was caught by a member of It was not older than 18 months. Dr. Ettrich said he had neither heard of a larger amount nor had he achieved a larger number. Back
5 6
The author refers to the discovering of Dr. Ettrich which was described by him in: Ettrich, G. - Fische voller berraschungen.DATZ 86/7 pp. 289-293 . This article is in German you can find the English pendant here . Back
Those result have also been reproduced with channa bleheri. To read about it go here . Back
1.) Check wether it has a pelvic fins, if so, there are only 5 to 6 species possible. 2.) Count the dorsal rays, 3.) Count the anal rays. 4.) Look up the correspondin g numbers in the below given table. If you cannot find it, start counting the scales along the lateral line (which needs some patience and some food for the fish to hold still on the ground). Another source of failure is the fact that each individual fish can have a ranging ray number count. Is it really impossible to identify the fish, go for the snakeheads.o rg gallery and try to identify the fish visually.
This table is only a humble starting point on channa identification. We promise, to build really cool interfaces for easy as well as complexe (not complicate!) access for identification and information retrievel on the identified species. We only need some time. By the time, we do add other species than those originally published by Dr. Jrg Vierke. They are not explicitely mentioned.
Numbe Latera Valid r of l band scientific anal with name rays Channa orientalis
D 36 A 24 37
Channa bleheri
D 38
A 28
Channa burmanica
CHAUDHURI, 1919 12
Nothern Burma
D 4446
A 2630
LINNE, 1758
mLR D 47 - A 31 55 51 33 63
Channa nox
Channa punctata
BLOCH, 1793
Channa harcourtbutle ri
Southern/Southeas t-Asia
Channa panaw
17 Irrawaddy and MUSIKASINTHOR (Standar Sittang River N, 1998 d Length) basins, Myanmar
Channa melasoma
Southern/Southeas t-Asia
Channa cyanospilos
D 39 A 27 40
Channa stewartii
Channa bankanensis
Channa lucia
Parachanna insignis
Central Africa
Parachanna obscura
GNTHER, 1861
Western Africa
Channa maculata
Parachanna africana
Central Africa
Channa micropeltes
Southern/Southeas t-Asia
Channa melanoptera
mLR D 45 - A 28 51 47 30 54
Brahmaputra River Channa 19 MUSIKASINTHOR basin at Dibrugarh aurantimaculat (Standar N, 2000 (nothern Assam), a d length) India
Channa marulia
Southern/Southeas t-Asia
Channa marulioides
D 50
A 35
mLR 81
Channa amphibeus
Chel River basin in 23 (ZSI the Brahmaputra MCLELLAND, 1845 F11435/1 River drainage of ) northeastern India and Bhutan