Crne Fact Sheet

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Canadian Registered Nurse Examination

Applicants for nurse registration in British Columbia are required to pass an RN entry to practice examination. In 2014 applicants will continue to write the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination (CRNE). Effective January 1, 2015 applicants must write the new computerized examination. If you would like more information, please visit for the latest announcements regarding the development of the new examination. E X AM I NA T I O N C O N T E N T Refer to the CNA website Under the quick link tab, click on the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination (CRNE). E X AM I NA T I O N L E NG T H Candidates will be at the examination centre for approximately five hours. The examination begins with registration at approximately 0730 hours, followed by a four-hour examination session. E X AM I NA T I O N R ES U L TS The examination result is reported as a pass or fail. You will receive your result by mail six weeks after the examination. Results are not released over the telephone. Examination papers are not available for review. A P P LI C A TI O N S Graduates from British Columbia nursing programs writing the examination for the first time obtain examination applications from the CRNBC website The examination application must be accompanied by Form 50: Application for Nurse Registration in British Columbia - B.C. Graduates. CRNBC provides examination applications to all other applicants. E X AM I NA T I O N F E E
( S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E W IT H O U T N O T I C E )

Partial refund provided CRNBC receives a written withdrawal request between the application deadline and the withdrawal deadline.

Withdrawal requests received after the withdrawal deadline are not eligible for a refund. W R I T I NG C E N TR ES The following are the available centres to write the examination in British Columbia. If you would like to write in another Canadian jurisdiction, email There is no provision to write outside Canada. As writing centres can fill up quickly, there is no guarantee you will be in the writing centre you requested. Therefore, please apply early. February June October Vancouver, Surrey Vancouver, Surrey, Victoria, Kamloops, Castlegar, Prince George, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Terrace, Quesnel Vancouver, Surrey, Kamloops, Nanaimo

E X AM I NA T I O N D A T E S AN D D E AD L IN E S Your signed application, accompanied by the required fee, must be received in the CRNBC office by the deadline date for each examination sitting, as shown below. Examination Date Feb. 5, 2014 June 4, 2014 Oct. 1, 2014 Application Deadline Nov. 20, 2013 Mar. 26, 2014 July 30, 2014 Withdrawal Deadline Jan. 29, 2014 May 28, 2014 Sep. 24, 2014

$645.75 ($615 + GST). Payment must be submitted with the examination application. CRNBC does not accept cheques. CRNBC accepts payment by credit card, bank draft or money order. Candidates wishing to withdraw from the examination are eligible for a: Full refund provided CRNBC receives a written withdrawal request before the examination application deadline.

C O N FI R MA T I O NS Confirmations of examination will be e-mailed to your e-mail address on file. This will be sent approximately four weeks prior to the examination date. C A ND ID A T E ID E N T IF IC A T I O N C AR D A candidate identification card will be given to you at the writing centre on the day of the examination. Please be sure to present government issued photo identification in order to be allowed entrance to the writing centre.

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S P E CI A L A C C OM MO D A TI O N If you have a disability that could adversely affect your performance on the examination, you may request special accommodation to write the examination. Email four months prior to the examination date to obtain the necessary forms for special accommodation. E X AM I NA T I O N R ES O UR CE S Information and fact sheets to help you to prepare for the examination are available at s.aspx

Measures and statistical procedures to detect cheating have been implemented by the CNA. Any form of cheating is considered unethical behaviour. Cheating on the registration examination may lead to ineligibility for registration in British Columbia. This includes unauthorized disclosure of exam contents. A candidate who fails the examination may request rescoring of their examination. There is a fee for this service. Specific deadline dates for the submission of rescore applications will be communicated following each examination. A candidate is eligible to write the registration examination three times only unless the CRNBC Board grants permission for a fourth or subsequent writing. This includes all writings of the CRNE or other registered nurse examination in other Canadian jurisdictions.

R E GI S TR A T I O N EX AM I NA T I O N P O LI CI E S An applicant from a British Columbia recognized nursing education program must have successfully completed his or her nursing education program in order to be permitted to write the registration examination. The program must have been completed in the previous five years. An applicant who is a graduate from a nursing education program outside of British Columbia must meet all requirements for registration (except the 250 hour Canadian reference requirement) before writing the registration examination.

Copyright College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia/March 2014 2855 Arbutus St., Vancouver, BC V6J 3Y8 Tel 604.736.7331 or 1.800.565.6505 Fax 604.738.2272 Pub. 604

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College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia

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