Cultivation Practices For Allspice
Cultivation Practices For Allspice
Cultivation Practices For Allspice
Cultural Aspects:
It is raised through seeds. The seeds. can be stored as ripe berries after collection without extracting seeds up to three weeks. But viability gets reduced slowly after a period of 3 weeks and is lost completely after nine weeks. The seeds are sown on raised beds of 15 to 20 cm high, one meter width and convenient length. The beds may be made of loose soil sand mixture having sand in the top layer. The seeds germinate in 15 days and continue up to 40 to 45 days. The seedlings can be transferred to bags 3 weeks after their mergence above ground level. Six months old seedlings are planted at a spacing of 6 m either way. There is no manorial scheduler available for allspice and hence the
schedule recommended for clove can be followed for this. Plants start flowering when they are 7 to 10 years old, but the peak harvest is obtained from 15 to 20 years.