Call For Papers For Conference On Vedic Maths

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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF VEDIC SCIENCES TRUST 58, Raghvendra Colony, 5th Main, Chamarajpet, Bangalore-560018 Ph: 08026914637, 08026607741

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Call for papers for 5th International Conference on Vedic Sciences Main Theme on ' Applications and Challenges in Vedic / Ancient Indian Mathematics"

Dear Sanskrit Scholars / Researchers / Scientists / practicing Vedic Mathematicians / Academicians /Students, The National Institute of Vedic Sciences is now leading towards research oriented topics for conference focusing on vedic maths. This being the international conference, after long deliberation we have selected Applications and Challenges in Vedic / Ancient Indian Mathematics as one main theme for the proposed conference on 20, 21 and 22nd of Dec 2013, the topic to be discussed in the sub-themes are: (1) Historical development of Ancient Indian Mathematics (AIM) Innovative perspective. (2) Rare works on Vedic / Ancient Indian Maths (VM/AIM). (3) Applications of methods / techniques from VM/AIM, including Astronomy to modern times (Analytical/computer bases methods and R & D by the authors).

(4) Frontier areas of research and applications. (5) Indeterminate Equations in Indian Mathematics and its applications in Indian Astronomy from Vedic Period. (6) Applied Mathematics in Physical Sciences. (7) Linguistics and computational Mathematics NIVS has so far held 4 Vedic /Ancient Indian Science Conference, 1st was on Panchaboothas, 2nd National Seminar on Energy, 3rd Conference was on Ancient Chemical Sciences and Technology 4th International Conference on Life Sciences and now this 5th International Conference we decided to have on Applications and Challenges in Vedic / Ancient Indian Mathematics as the topic for discussion. We need much more relevant studies on these subjects and blend of Modern and Ancient Sciences to usefully put them on to test. We expect a good number of research paper for this conference. We are in touch with almost all the universities of India and few Universities abroad also. We expect minimum 2 special lectures on the subject from foreign Universities. We have planned to have 3 days conference consisting of 12 sessions each. Hence, the scholars / Researchers / Scientists / practicing vedic mathematicians / Academician's /students and general public who are pursuing studies on Ancient Indian Mathematics are requested to submit the papers and attend this conference positively. This forum gives excellent plat form for sharing the latest research & developments in this domain and provides opportunity to establish contacts for collaborative research with all like minded researchers. Students and general public who are interested to participate in the conference deliberations as participant delegate are also well come. They can register as participant delegates by paying nominal registration fees of Rs 500/- per participant. You are requested to give wide publicity about this conference in your area / institution / organizations / university / your friends etc so that large number of like minded people can submit papers / attend the conference.

The attached conference broucher gives details of the dead line for receipt of abstract and full papers and also general guidelines for authors to prepare papers. It also contains the registration form, you are requested to kindly go through. Mr. A. Ananda Rao of NIVS is the Admin secretary for this conference, his contact details are as follows: Telephone: 08026914637, 08026607741 Mobile No : 7760579424 E mail id :

Thanking You, for National Institute of Vedic Sciences

Secretary Place: Bangalore Date: 21.05.2013

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