National Seminar On New Criminal Laws
National Seminar On New Criminal Laws
National Seminar On New Criminal Laws
RUAS School of Law is affiliated to the Bar Council of India (BCI) to cater to the
legal profession's requirements. Students across the globe are groomed for bright
professional careers by providing a wide range of exposure to theoretical and
practical aspects of law.
This interactive forum is not just for legal scholars. Law students and researchers
will find this seminar an invaluable learning experience, providing a platform to
engage with leading experts and gain a practical understanding of the evolving
legal framework. Additionally, policymakers and government officials will benefit
from the discussions, fostering informed decision-making as they navigate the
implementation and potential future revisions of these pivotal enactments.
The National Seminar on New Criminal Laws is your chance to be at the forefront
of this legal transformation. Network with fellow professionals, engage in
stimulating discussions, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the new era
in Indian criminal justice. Don't miss this opportunity to shape your knowledge and
contribute to a more informed legal landscape.
Research scholars
Impact on society
The abstract shall not exceed more than 250-300 words including
keywords (maximum 5). Author(s) name, designation, and their
affiliations are not included.
Best paper under each theme and best student paper presentation
shall be awarded with cash prize and a certificate of merit.
The paper should be the original and unpublished work of the author(s) and any form of
plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
Plagiarism criteria: 10 percent, excluding footnotes and bibliography.
The word limit of the final full submitted paper should not be more than 4000 words.
The author(s) shall solely be responsible for the accuracy of statements, opinions, and views
presented in the paper.
The full paper must be accompanied by a cover page which must include the following details:
1. Title of the Paper
2. Name of the Author and Co-author (if any)
3. Designation
4. Affiliation
5. Contact details of Author and Co-author (if any) (E-mail ID, Contact number etc.,).
Format for main body: All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, justified and
with 1.5 line spacing, paper size: A4 Sheet with a margin of 2.54 cm.
The full paper shall be submitted via email (email ID will be provided to those participants whose
paper is accepted and who will register themselves after paying the registration fee).
Headings Guidelines
1. LEVEL 1 HEADING: All Capital & Bold
2. LEVEL 2 SUB-HEADING: First Letter Capital & BOLD
3. Level 3 Sub-Sub-Heading: First Letter CAPITAL & BOLD & ITALIC
4. Level 4 Sub-Sub-Sub Heading: Normal
5. Citation format- Blue book 21st Edition.
No Registration Fee
RUAS Students
Rs. 350
Early bird Registration
Late Registration
03-05-2024 &
Date of the Seminar