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Opportune Landing Site Program

Predicting California Bearing Ratio from Trafficability Cone Index Values

Sally A. Shoop, Deborah Diemand, Wendy L. Wieder, George Mason, and Peter M. Seman October 2008

Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

COVER: Graphic illustrating the correlation between California bearing ratio (CBR) and cone index (CI) strength measures, showing the field test method for each.

Opportune Landing Site Program

ERDC/CRREL TR-08-17 October 2008

Predicting California Bearing Ratio from Trafficability Cone Index Values

Sally A. Shoop, Deborah Diemand, and Peter M. Seman
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center 72 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03755-1290

Wendy L. Wieder
Science and Technology Corporation 10 Basil Sawyer Drive Hampton, VA 23666-1393

George Mason
Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center 3909 Halls Ferry Road Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Prepared for Under

U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Air Vehicles Directorate Customer Order Number GWRVA00472412



Abstract: California bearing ratio (CBR) soil strength measurements are commonly used by the U.S. Air Force to identify locations suitable for use as expedient runways. Field CBR testing is a time-consuming operation requiring a skilled operator, and can be hazardous for the evaluation teams in hostile environments. Limited amounts of published CBR data are available. The measurement of trafficability cone index (CI), widely used by the U.S. Army for similar applications, is a process that is fast and simple, and for which a vast amount of published data worldwide are available. This report describes methods reported in the literature to correlate CBR to CI based on Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) soil type, as well as a systematic program to develop an algorithm to predict CBR from CI using a database of measurements of both CBR and CI made concurrently by the U.S. Army, many of which were taken in undisturbed soil. The database is described and related soil properties, such as plasticity information, soil density, specific gravity, and moisture content, are given.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. DESTROY THIS REPORT WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED. DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE ORIGINATOR.



Figures and Tables..................................................................................................................................v Nomenclature........................................................................................................................................vii Preface....................................................................................................................................................ix 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 2 Opportune Landing Site program ................................................................................. 2 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 3

Background..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 CBR test ......................................................................................................................... 4 CBR prediction ............................................................................................................... 5 Cone penetrometer tests .............................................................................................. 8 Existing correlations between CBR and CI ................................................................... 9
2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 U.S. Army TM 3-240 trafficability of soils ................................................................ 10 Comparison of temperate and tropical soils ........................................................... 10 Helicopter movement on unimproved terrain ......................................................... 12 Boeing/WES mobility test for transporter tires ....................................................... 13 FM 5-410 military soils engineering ........................................................................ 14 FM 5-430-00-2 airfield and heliport design ............................................................ 15

Database .......................................................................................................................................17 3.1 3.2 3.3 Database field description..........................................................................................18 Geographic and soil type distribution.........................................................................18 Statistical summary..................................................................................................... 21

Analysis..........................................................................................................................................22 4.1 4.2 First-, second-, and third-order equations .................................................................. 24 Exponential equations.................................................................................................29

5 6 7

Results...........................................................................................................................................41 Discussion .....................................................................................................................................44 Conclusions...................................................................................................................................46

References............................................................................................................................................47 Appendix A: Soil Designations and Cross References ....................................................................50 Appendix B: Database Field Descriptions.........................................................................................52 Appendix C: Statistical Summary of CI Database............................................................................62



Appendix D: Additional Regression Analysis Equations and Graphs.............................................78 Report Documentation Page


Figures and Tables

Figure 1. Relationships between CBR, USCS, and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (ASSHTO) soil classification, and other soil parameters (Fang 1991)........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 2. CI versus CBR (U.S. Army 1948). ............................................................................................ 11 Figure 3. CI versus CBR for temperate and tropical soils (Meyer 1966)............................................. 12 Figure 4. CBR versus CI (AI) (Rush and Green 1974)............................................................................ 13 Figure 5. CBR versus CI (Willoughby and May 1981). .......................................................................... 14 Figure 6. Correlation of CBR and AI (FM 5-410) (U.S. Army 1997)...................................................... 15 Figure 7. Correlation of CBR versus DCP index (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b).............................. 16 Figure 8. Correlation of CBR with CI by soil type.. ................................................................................. 23 Figure 9. CBR versus CI for soil type CH................................................................................................. 24 Figure 10. CBR versus CI for soil type CL............................................................................................... 25 Figure 11. CBR versus CI for soil type MH. ............................................................................................ 26 Figure 12. CBR versus CI for soil type ML.............................................................................................. 27 Figure 13. CBR versus CI for soil type SM.............................................................................................. 28 Figure 14. CBR versus CI for soil type GP............................................................................................... 29 Figure 15. CBR versus CI for soil type CH. ............................................................................................. 30 Figure 16. CBR versus CI for CH soils..................................................................................................... 32 Figure 17. CBR versus CI for CL soils...................................................................................................... 33 Figure 18. CBR versus CI for MH soils.................................................................................................... 33 Figure 19. CBR versus CI for ML soils. ................................................................................................... 34 Figure 20. CBR versus CI for SM soils.................................................................................................... 34 Figure 21. CBR versus CI for GP soils..................................................................................................... 35 Figure 22. CBR versus CI for coarse-grained soils. ............................................................................... 35 Figure 23. CBR versus CI for fine-grained soils. .................................................................................... 36 Figure 24. CBR versus CI for high-plasticity soils. ................................................................................. 36 Figure 25. CBR versus CI for low-plasticity soils.................................................................................... 37 Figure 26. CBR versus CI for all CI database soils. ............................................................................... 37 Figure 27. CBR versus CI for CH soils at individual sites. ..................................................................... 38 Figure 28. CBR versus CI for CL soils at individual sites. ..................................................................... 39 Figure 29. CBR versus CI for MH soils at individual sites..................................................................... 39 Figure 30. CBR versus CI for ML soils at individual sites. .................................................................... 40 Figure 31. Correlations of CBR to CI for CI database soils. .................................................................. 43



Table 1. CBR by soil type from Semen (2006). ....................................................................................... 6 Table 2. Letter symbols in the USCS (American Society for Testing and Materials 1985).................. 7 Table 3. Fields in the OLS soils databases. ........................................................................................... 19 Table 4. Number of cases in CI database CBR subset by test location. ............................................. 20 Table 5. Distribution of USCS soil types in CI database........................................................................ 21 Table 6. Statistical summary of numeric features in the CI database................................................ 22 Table 7. Coefficients for initial exponential equations. ......................................................................... 31 Table 8. Coefficients for final exponential equations............................................................................ 32 Table 9. Coefficients and exponents of CBR prediction from CI values.............................................. 41



AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Airfield index Air Force Base American Society of Agricultural Engineers American Society for Testing and Materials California bearing ratio Cone index Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Department of Defense Dynamic cone penetrometer Digital terrain elevation data Engineer Research and Development Center Fast All-Seasons Soil State Field manual Foot Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory Inch Joint Rapid Airfield Construction Pound Liquid limit






National Cooperative Highway Research Program Opportune Landing Site Plasticity index Plasticity limit Pounds per cubic foot Pounds per square inch Society of Automotive Engineers Technical manual Theater of operations United States United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Air Force Unified Soil Classification System




This report was prepared by Dr. Sally A. Shoop, Deborah Diemand, and Peter M. Seman, Force Projection and Sustainment Branch, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Hanover, NH; Dr. Wendy L. Wieder, Consultant, Science and Technology Corporation, Hampton, VA.; and George Mason, Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, ERDC; the report was reviewed by Rosa Affleck and Lynette Barna, Force Projection and Sustainment Branch, CRREL. The authors thank the following individuals and organizations for their assistance through the execution of the Opportune Landing Site (OLS) demonstration program work: D. Biehle and associates at South East Purdue Agricultural Center (SEPAC); R. Almassy, P. Blake, and C. Hines of Boeing; J. McDowell, K. Eizenga, Captain J. Rufa, J. Johnson, and R. Haren of Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL); C. Ventresca and R. McCarty of Syngenics; D. and D. Ford, North Vernon, IN; R. Curry of North Vernon Municipal Airport; C. Harig of Fort Bliss; C. David at El Centro NAF; D. Walker, G. Machovina, M. Huffman, Maj Dumon, S. King, and M. Elrod at AMC; F. Scott, C. Scott, and W. Wieder of Science and Technology Corp; Captain Kost and Captain Roope of the Air Force Academy; R. and M. Rollings of Rollings Consulting; G. Mason, R. Peterson, C. Carter, L. Dunbar, and G. Brandon of ERDC-Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory; I. Maldonado and B. Cancel Calderon of the University of Puerto Rico Mayagez; and K. Laskey of George Mason University. We also thank the following ERDC-CRREL employees who participated in the program: C. Ryerson, S. Shoop, G. Koenig, P. Seman, L. Barna, R. Affleck, L. Danyluk, J. Quimby, C. Smith, C. Berini, G. Durrell, J. Buska, S. Frankenstein, V. Keating, M. Beck, A. Maynard, C. Grant, R. Melendy, J. Berman, J. Richter-Menge, J. Hardy, S. Barrett, K. Bjella, K. Claffey, R. Davis, D. Diemand, G. Gooch, E. Ochs, S. Orchino, and B. Tracy. Special thanks are due to the Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agencys Airfield Pavement Evaluation Team for its support of Air Force Research Laboratorys Opportune Landing Site System. Captain Michelle Harwood, Technical Sergeant Jason Rusticelli, Major John Lantz, Staff Sergeant Heidi Hunter, Technical Sergeant Jacob Sanabia, Major Erik Sell, Mr.


Richard Smith, and Mr. Jon Reed all were instrumental in the successful demonstration of the OLS system. Funding was provided by the U.S. Transportation Command through the Air Force Air Mobility Command, and managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory Air Vehicles Directorate at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. This report was prepared under the general supervision of Dr. Brad Guay, Chief, Force Projection and Sustainment Branch, CRREL; Dr. Justin B. Berman, Chief, Research and Engineering Division, CRREL; Dr. Lance D. Hansen, Deputy Director, CRREL; and Dr. Robert E. Davis, Director, CRREL. At the time this work was performed, COL Richard B. Jenkins was Commander and Executive Director of ERDC. Dr. James R. Houston was Director.


Current U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force (USAF) procedures for the planning and design of airfields in Theater of Operations (TO) entail several steps (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b). For an unimproved or expedientsurfaced airfield you must, (1) locate proposed sites of the proper size and geometry, (2) select the design aircraft with its associated gross weight, and (3) measure in-place soil strength. For most military pavement applications, the soils California bearing ratio (CBR) is used as an empirical measurement of shear strength, one of the two failure mechanisms of soil under load (i.e., bearing capacity) along with settlement (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b). CBR, obtained from either laboratory or field CBR testing, or by correlation from another soil strength measurement, is used with empirical design and evaluation curves to determine whether the soils at the site can support aircraft operational loads. To date, soil strength or bearing capacity values for potential landing sites have been provided by advanced military personnel on the ground performing standard field soil bearing tests before the beginning of aircraft operations. In non-hostile environments, specially trained civil engineer personnel conduct these evaluations. In hostile situations, combat control teams conduct the evaluations under clandestine conditions. There are several limitations to the current methods, including compromising the location itself and danger to personnel performing the evaluations in hostile environments. Compounding the difficulty of physically taking soil strength measurements in the field is the time-consuming test method. Standard CBR laboratory testing requires sampling, transport of soils to a laboratory, and then a four-day testing period. Field CBR tests are also time-intensive and are usually impractical for use in theater (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b). Therefore, it is USAF standard practice to determine strength using a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP), and then correlate the DCP readings to a CBR value for use in the empirical design and evaluation method. Alternatively, when the U.S. Army evaluates or predicts ground strength for vehicle operations, a trafficability cone index (CI) is used. Measurements and predictions of trafficability CI are common for Army terrain


analysis and for modeling and simulations of ground-based operations; therefore, relating CI to CBR is useful for tapping into this additional resource. This report presents correlations between CI and CBR based on Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) soil classification or gross soil descriptions and documents the methods and data used in the development of these relationships.


Opportune Landing Site program

The Opportune Landing Site (OLS) program, a joint industry/Department of Defense (DoD) initiative, is intended as a military planning tool to help select candidate landing sites, determine soil type, and infer the soil CBR to evaluate a sites potential to support military airlift operations. Within the OLS program, efforts are under way by Boeing to develop mapping software that uses commercially available Landsat imagery to remotely locate unimproved landing sites in natural terrain. Currently available Landsat imagery can identify areas that are sufficiently flat, and free of heavy vegetation, obstacles, and surface water, to allow airlift operations, soil and weather conditions permitting. Once a potential site has been identified, the second module of the OLS program, also under development by Boeing, determines the soil type based on the pixilated satellite imagery and digital terrain elevation data (DTED). Finally, under the third module of OLS software, the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) is using the Fast All-Seasons Soil State (FASST) model, with the inputs of soil type and measured or modeled weather data, to predict the soil moisture content and infer bearing capacity. Because the USAF design standard for airfields is based on bearing capacity expressed as CBR, any strength prediction must be converted to a CBR value for use in existing design methods. CBR is, in turn, used to evaluate the trafficability of the site by a specific aircraft. Together, the modules of the OLS program would eliminate or minimize the need for on-ground reconnaissance to locate potential landing sites before aircraft operations. The OLS bearing capacity inference is based on a database of soils and their engineering properties from throughout the world (see Section 3). As the OLS program has developed, and as its soils database has been popu-


lated, it has became evident that several different types of testing and instrumentation have been used to determine soil bearing capacity. Before the development of the DCP, the two most common methods, especially for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and USAF, were field CBR and cone penetrometer. However, because of the difficulty of the CBR field test, the amount of CI soil strength data outnumbers the amount of field CBR data 26 to 1 in the OLS database. Therefore, several different efforts are under way to provide a more diverse set of CBR values for global soils.


As a complement to the work of Semen (2006) and others in providing the greatest amount and variety of CBR data for use in the OLS program, this report focuses on the determination of a correlation between CBR and CI to access the large amount of historic CI data available. Also, as the U.S. Army routinely uses the vehicle trafficability cone penetrometer for soils evaluation, the OLS database will continue to grow, and for that data to be usable for airfield evaluation, a well-documented and robust CBR versus CI correlation is needed. The goal of this work is to document existing and improved CBR and CI correlations and to provide a database of soil strength values, and also a correlationby soil typeof CBR values to CI values for use in the contingency airfield site selection process within the OLS program.



CBR test
The CBR test was originally developed by O. J. Porter for the California Highway Department during the 1920s. It is a load-deformation test performed in the laboratory or field; results are then used with empirical design charts to determine the thickness of flexible pavement, base, and other layers for a given vehicle loading. Though the test originated in California, the California Department of Transportation and most other highway agencies have abandoned the CBR method of pavement design for the Hveem stabilometer and other methods (Oglesby and Hicks 1982). In the 1940s, USACE adopted the CBR method of design for flexible airfield pavements and USACE and USAF design practice for surfaced and unsurfaced airfields is still based on CBR today (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b). CBR may be performed either in the laboratory, typically with a recompacted sample, or in the field. The laboratory CBR test method is defined by ASTM D 1883-05 (American Society for Testing and Materials 2005). Because of typical logistical and time constraints, the laboratory test does not lend itself to use for contingency road and airfield design. In-situ CBR tests are also time-consuming to run and are usually impractical for use in theater (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b). To address the concerns with the standard CBR tests, the military has adopted other tools more suited for field operations. The airfield cone penetrometer and the dual mass DCP are most typically used in the field, and correlations are provided to translate their measurements into CBR values for use in design (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b). Historically, however, there is a great deal of directly measured field CBR information available. The field CBR test procedure is described in ASTM D 4429-04 (American Society for Testing and Materials 2004) and Army FM 5-530 (U.S. Army, Air Force, and Navy 1987). The field CBR test is performed by measuring the penetration resistance of a 1.954-in.-diameter (3-in.2 end area) cylindrical steel piston advanced into the soil at a rate of 0.05 in./min. The reaction force is measured, by means of a calibrated proving ring, at increments of 0.025 in. until a total penetration of 0.500 in. is reached.


To determine the CBR value, the reaction forces measured at 0.100- and 0.200-in. penetration are compared to standardized values of 1,000 and 1,500 pounds per square inch (psi), respectively. These represent the resistance of a high-quality, well-graded crushed limestone gravel with -in. maximum aggregate-sized particles. The values of two forces measured in the test are divided by their respective standardized value, and then multiplied by 100, to yield two index values. The larger of the two values is reported as the CBR of the soil, in percent. The CBR test method is most appropriate and gives the most reliable results for fine-grained soils. It can also be used to characterize the strength of soil-aggregate mixtures (e.g., subbases) and unbound aggregate base courses. In cohesionless soils, especially ones that include large particles, the reproducibility of the test is poor (Rollings and Rollings 1996). In the laboratory test procedure, test samples are prepared with soils of aggregate particle size of less than in. In the case of soils where particle sizes greater than in. exist, the large particles are removed from the sample and replaced with an equal mass of material that falls between the -in. sieve and the number 4 (4.75-mm) sieve sizes. In the field CBR test procedure, removal of larger particles that may adversely affect the test results is not possible, and therefore these types of soils are likely to produce unreliable results.


CBR prediction
There are several existing methods for predicting CBR values for soils based on soil classification, soil characteristics, and soil index test values. Semen (2006) discusses several approaches to CBR prediction: CBR values by soil type based on the USCS. From the literature, Semen summarized CBR values based on the specific soil type as defined by the USCS as shown in Table 1. Letter symbols for the USCS soils designations are defined in Table 2. The relationship between CBR and USCS soil classification is schematically displayed in Figure 1 (Fang 1991). Mechanistic-Empirical Design for New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures as developed under the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) (2004) uses a simple regression to


predict CBR based on grain-size characteristics for non-plastic soils, and grain size and plasticity index for plastic soils. Soil strength signature concept combines laboratory results from CBR and standard moisture-density tests (known as Proctor curves) to provide a relation between CBR, compaction, and molded moisture content (Rada et al. 1989).
Table 1. CBR by soil type from Semen (2006).
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1960), U.S. Army (1997), and U.S. Army and Air Force (1983) U.S. Army, Air Force and Navy (1987), and Portland Cement Association (1992)

USCS Soil Type

Yoder and Witczak (1975)

Rollings and Rollings (1996)

National Cooperative Highway Research Program (2004)


4080 3060 2060 2040 2040 1040 1040 520 15 or less 15 or less 5 or less 10 or less 15 or less 5 or less

6080 3560 4080 2040 2040 1525 2040 1020 515 515 48 48 35 35

6080 2560 2080 2040 2040 1025 1040 1020 515 515 48 48 35 35

6080 3560 4080 2040 2050 1025 2040 1020 515 515 48 48 35 35 <1

6080 3560 3080 1540 2040 1530 2040 1020 816 515 28 15 3570 2060 2560 2050 1530 1025 1530 1025


Table 2. Letter symbols in the USCS (American Society for Testing and Materials 1985).
Soil Groups (First Letter) Gravel Sand Silt Clay Soil Characteristics (Second Letter) Well graded Poorly graded Low plasticity (liquid limit under 50) High plasticity (liquid limit over 50) Organic (silts and clays) Organic (peat) Symbol G S M C Symbol W P L H O Pt

Figure 1. Relationships between CBR, USCS, and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (ASSHTO) soil classification, and other soil parameters (Fang 1991).


Joint Rapid Airfield Construction (JRAC) program in progress is developing a prediction model for CBR based on moisture content and compaction levels, for different USCS soil types. This approach is also based on regression analysis (Berney 2008)

Semen (2006) also discusses several site-specific or specialized prediction models, where soils from a specific location or region have been sampled and tested to determine CBR relationships specific to those soils. The equations developed include terms for field dry density, moisture content, plasticity index, and liquid limit, among others. These approaches, though developed to work in specific locations, may also have application in a global database and prediction model.


Cone penetrometer tests

There are three types of cone penetrometers that are historically or currently used by the USACE and USAF for field testing with regard to soils trafficability and pavement design: (1) the trafficability penetrometer, (2) the airfield penetrometer, and (3) the dual mass-DCP. The trafficability penetrometer is a handheld device with a dial-type load indicator and equipped with a choice of two sizes of 30 cones. The dial gauge for the Waterways Experiment Station (WES) cone penetrometer typically ranges from 0 to 300 and the numbers are often reported as unitless CI values or as pressure (pressure in psi can be read directly from the 0300 dial gauge depending on the cone size and the proving ring calibration). The agriculture community typically reports CI values in pressure units of kPa. The trafficability penetrometer is a simple probe-type instrument designed for quick and easy field use to obtain an index of soil strength. The use of the trafficability penetrometer is described in ASAE standard S313.2 (American Society of Agricultural Engineers 1985), SAE standard J939 (Society of Automotive Engineers 1967), U.S. Army TM 5-330 (U.S. Army 1968), and U.S. Army FM 5-430-00-1 and Air Force AFJP 32-8013 (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994a). The cone is pressed into the soil at a uniform rate of approximately 30 mm/s (1 in./sec). The first reading is taken when the base of the cone is flush with the soil, and then every 2550 mm (12 in.) thereafter, depending on the application. The larger cone, with a base area of 0.5 in.2 (323 mm2), is used with soft soils and sands whereas the


smaller cone, 0.2-in.2 (130-mm2) base area, is used for harder soils and soils with fines. The airfield cone penetrometer, consisting of a 30 cone with a 0.2-in.2 base area, has a range of 015 (CBR value of 0 to approximately 18). Similar in design to the trafficability penetrometer, airfield cone procedures are described in U.S. Army FM 5-430-00-1 and Air Force AFJP 32-8013 (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994a). Force is applied to the penetrometer at a rate of 1 in./sec, with readings taken at 2-in. increments, up to 24 in., or until a maximum reading of 15 is obtained. The 0-in. reading is discarded. Readings from the airfield cone penetrometer are reported as the airfield index (AI). Readings from the 0.2-in.2 cone trafficability penetrometer must be divided by 20 to obtain the AI; the reading obtained with the 0.5-in.2 cone must be divided by 50 to obtain the AI (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b). The DCP is the current USAF standard for measurement of bearing strength for airfields. The use of the DCP is described in ASTM D 6951-03 (American Society for Testing and Materials 2003). The dual-mass DCP consists of a 5/8-in.-diameter steel rod with a steel cone attached to one end, which is driven into the soil by means of a sliding dual-mass hammer. The angle of the cone is 60, and the diameter of the base of the cone is 0.79 in. The DCP is driven into the ground by dropping either a 17.6-lb or 10.1-lb sliding hammer from a height of 22.6 in. The cone penetration caused by one blow of the 17.6-lb hammer is essentially twice that caused by one blow of the 10.1-lb hammer, and is therefore preferred for highstrength soils. The depth of cone penetration is measured at selected penetration or hammer-drop intervals, and the soil shear strength is reported as the DCP index in millimeters/blow. The DCP index is entered into an empirical equation to get a corresponding CBR value for use in planning or design, as discussed in Section 2.4.6.


Existing correlations between CBR and CI

There have been few comprehensive studies to correlate CBR with CI, with either field or laboratory CBR data. However, beginning almost as early as the adoption of the CBR test by USACE in the 1940s, several studies have done at least some preliminary analysis of the relationship.



2.4.1 U.S. Army TM 3-240 on trafficability of soils U.S. Army TM 3-240 (U.S. Army 1948) includes some consideration of the relationship between CBR and CI as incidental to the main focus of the report, which was to explore the effects of moisture content and density on the trafficability of soils, with heavy emphasis on the soils plasticity. However, TM 3-240 does present both CI and CBR data for a number of different soil types and presents a composite plot of CBR versus CI as shown in Figure 2. Of these soils, Numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5 are non-plastic. Apart from these four, all but one (Number 11) of the remaining fine-grained soils appeared to share a linear relationship between CBR and CI with a similar slope, although the logarithmic plot obscures the wide disparity in the values, and none can be extrapolated through the origin. The authors of the TM concluded that there is no direct relationship of CBR to CI in nonplastic soils. (Note: Cross references for soil designations used in Figures 2 and 3 and Table 4 are given in Appendix A.) 2.4.2 Comparison of temperate and tropical soils In a later study, whose purpose was to determine the similarity between tropical and temperate fine-grained, plastic soils with regard to trafficability characteristics, Meyer (1966) created a similar family of curves for these two classes of soils. These plots, based on visual straight-line fit to the data, are given in Figure 3 along with the average for each of the two plots. Meyer concluded that there is no significant difference in the relationship between CI and CBR for tropical and temperate soils.



Figure 2. CI versus CBR (U.S. Army 1948).



Figure 3. CI versus CBR for temperate and tropical soils (Meyer 1966).

2.4.3 Helicopter movement on unimproved terrain Rush and Green (1974) plotted the data used in the above two studies, with additional data of their own, for their work with helicopter operations on unimproved surfaces. To this plot, shown in Figure 4, they added an upper boundary curve and a widely used correlation function between CI and CBR originally presented in TM 5-330 (U.S. Army 1968) (discussed in Section 2.4.5). Frankenstein (2005) fit equations to these correlations, labeled Approximate Upper Boundary and Curve from US Army, 1968, defining them as Approximate upper boundary:

CBR = 0.00003 CI 2 + 0.0315 CI + 0.5916

Curve from U.S. Army (1968):

CBR = 0.00002 CI 2 + 0.006 CI + 0.129 .



Figure 4. CBR versus CI (AI) (Rush and Green 1974).

2.4.4 Boeing/WES mobility test for transporter tires In a project to test the performance of transporter tires in various conditions, Willoughby and May (1981) measured a number of physical and engineering properties of a limited number of soil types. With regard to CBR, they concluded

CBR CI/20 (for clay soils with high plasticity); CBR CI/50 (for less plastic silts and clays); CBR CI/70 (for essentially non-plastic soils).
In a plot shown in Figure 5, CBR data are plotted against CI data, giving a best linear fit of CBR = CI/25. However, this relationship becomes CBR = CI/70 if it is calculated including CBR values derived from DCP measurements that were also collected at the same sites and plotted against both CI and CBR.



Figure 5. CBR versus CI (Willoughby and May 1981).

2.4.5 FM 5-410 on military soils engineering FM 5-410 on military soils engineering (U.S. Army 1997) gives an overview of soil properties and testing procedures, including CBR, as well as how it relates to the AI, which is occasionally referred to in other sources. Figure 6 indicates the correlation between CBR and AI that originally came from TM 5-330 (U.S. Army 1968) and was presented in the graph by Rush and Green (1974) shown in Figure 4. FM 5-410 recommends this correlation for planning and design use.



Figure 6. Correlation of CBR and AI (FM 5-410) (U.S. Army 1997).

In addition to the graph, FM 5-410 offers tables of soil characteristics pertinent to road and airfield design. CBR data from that table are given in Table 1 (data under heading that references U.S. Army 1997). 2.4.6 FM 5-430-00-2 airfield and heliport design FM 5-430-00-2, Planning and design of roads, airfields, and heliports in the theater of operationsairfield and heliport design, Vol. II (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b), duplicates Figure 6 above from FM 5-410. It also adds an additional relationship for CBR versus DCP index, shown in Figure 7. The use of the DCP and the correlation provided in Figure 7 are part of the current official guidance for determining CBR for planning and design, and are under use by the USAF for contingency airfields within theater. The U.S. Army does not currently have the DCP in its testing inventory (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b).



Figure 7. Correlation of CBR versus DCP index (U.S. Army and Air Force 1994b).



The OLS soils database was designed to represent a global range of soil types to allow evaluation of any potential landing site, regardless of location (Seman and Shoop 2007; Shoop et al. 2008a). This database was used to generate relationships between soil physical characteristics and CBR strength (Semen 2006; Seman 2008; Shoop et al. 2008b). The cone index portion of the OLS soil strength database is fully described in Diemand et al. (2008). The rationale for selection of data to populate the database included the following objectives and restraints (from Semen 2006): 1. Incorporate as many of the 26 USCS soil types into the database as possible. 2. Ensure the database is representative of the relative prevalence of the USCS soil types worldwide. The data should reflect the probability of encountering a given soil type and the variability within some of the more common soil types. 3. Focus on geotechnical parameters, especially those used to characterize engineering behavior of soils in the civil engineering community. 4. Concentrate on records that contain field CBR measurements, primarily, and for the purposes of this report, corresponding CI measurements. 5. Make sure that the data encompass the range of conditions that would be found in naturally deposited soils, both those that have been selected for construction, and those that are unfit for construction or use as contingency airfields. The OLS program must be able to select or reject sites on the basis of soil bearing capacity. 6. Incorporate as much geographic, geologic, environmental, and dispositional diversity as possible to reflect the wide variety of conditions under which natural soils can form.



7. Bring together a consistent and well-documented dataset populated with standardized test method results and parameters. Ensuring that individual data records are referenced to their proper source is useful in several respects: any peculiar soil can be isolated and dealt with separately, if needed; further information may be collected and added from the source to support future efforts; and inferences due to test locations or seasonal variation may be possible. The CI database, with 14,574 entries, came from several different sources as discussed by Diemand et al. (2008). The subset database used for correlation between CBR and CI is much smaller, and came from three sources: Meyer (1966), U.S. Army (1948), and Willoughby and May (1981). The CI database includes 562 entries that have both field CBR and CI measurements.


Database field description

A total of 62 fields were identified to store information about identification, reference source, site description, soil classification, physical properties, strength index testing (both laboratory and field), particle size and shape, and remarks. Table 3 lists the OLS database field identifiers. The contents of each of these fields is described in further detail in Appendix B. The CI database uses the same field descriptors as the OLS database.


Geographic and soil type distribution

The data used for the CBR versus CI correlation came from 42 separate test sites, shown in Table 4. The number of cases is listed for each site. These sites include 462 from within the continental United States, 55 from Puerto Rico, 32 from Thailand, and 13 from Panama. They encompass a broad range of geologic and environmental conditions, such as arid deserts, humid tropics, glacial till, coral islands, alluvial plains, volcanic deposits, dry lakebeds, and frost-active areas.



Table 3. Fields in the OLS soils databases. OLS Data Point # JRAC Soil # Test or Sample Date Report # Report Date Report Title Country Code (ISO-3166) Location Test Station Latitude Longitude Landform Lithology of Parent Material Deposition Type Depth to Water Table Soil Type, USCS Alternate Soil Type Alternate Soil System Soil Description Clay Mineralogy Specific Gravity Sample Depth Below Grade Plastic or Non-Plastic Liquid Limit (LL) Plastic Limit (PL) Plasticity Index (PI) Compactive Effort Molding Moisture Content Dry Density (laboratory) Optimum Moisture Content and Maximum Density Unsoaked CBR (laboratory) Soaked CBR (laboratory) Moisture Content as Tested (weight %) Moisture Content as Tested (volumetric %) Trafficability Cone Index Remolding Index DCP Index (dynamic cone penetrometer) Field CBR Field Dry Density Field Wet Density 3/4-inch Sieve, Maximum Percent Passing 3/4-inch Sieve, Minimum Percent Passing 3/8-inch Sieve, Maximum Percent Passing 3/8-inch Sieve, Minimum Percent Passing # 4 Sieve, Percent Passing # 10 Sieve, Percent Passing # 40 Sieve, Percent Passing # 100 Sieve, Percent Passing # 200 Sieve, Percent Passing Clay, Percent Roundness, Gravel Roundness, Sand Sphericity, Gravel Sphericity, Sand Remarks



Table 4. Number of cases in CI database CBR subset by test location. Location Bang Khen Barcelometa Barksdale Army Airfield, Shreveport, LA Blythville Army Airfield, Blythville, AR Camp Huelen, Palacios, TX Chanthaburi Chieng Mai Clayton, GA Corozal Corvallis, OR Delta, LA Fort Kobbe Fort Pierce, FL Guanica Jackass Flats Test Site, NV Khon Kaen Laurel, MS Lop Buri Mayaguez Mound, LA Newport Army Airfield, Newport, AR Oxford, AL Pedro Miguel Pomaria, SC Port Hueneme, CA Ramey Roosevelt Roads Naval Station Salisbury, NC Selmon Army Airfield, Monroe, LA Shaw, OR Shreveport, LA (Gifford Hill Sand & Gravel Co.) Shreveport, LA (Meriwether Supply Co. Gravel Pit) Stuttgart Army Airfield, Stuttgart, AR Tillamook, OR Vicksburg, MS Vicksburg, MS (Rifle Range) Vicksburg, MS (WES) Wahiawa, Oahu, HI Country Thailand Puerto Rico United States United States United States Thailand Thailand United States Puerto Rico United States United States Panama United States Puerto Rico United States Thailand United States Thailand Puerto Rico United States United States United States Panama United States United States Puerto Rico Puerto Rico United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States CBR and CI Cases 7 9 21 15 49 6 5 11 9 8 40 6 45 9 9 6 11 8 6 22 32 7 7 7 19 7 8 6 10 6 15 10 22 8 21 16 6 17



Table 4. Number of cases in CI database CBR subset by test location (contd). Location Wainaku, HI Winterhaven, CA Yabucoa Total Country United States United States Puerto Rico CBR and CI cases 7 22 7 562

A summary of the USCS soil types contained in the CI database appears in Table 5.
Table 5. Distribution of USCS soil types in CI database. USCS Soil Classification CH CL GP MH ML SM SP-SM Total CBR and CI Cases 170 174 25 95 44 49 5 562


Statistical summary
Table 6 provides a statistical summary of the numeric soil property fields in the CI database that included significant amounts of unique data (i.e., none that were empty or contain data that do not vary between entries). Additional statistical information about the CI database is included in Appendix C. One point of interest in the summary is the wide range of values for CI in the data. A maximum CI value of 926 was reported for one CL soil. However, subsequent refinement of the test method caps the CI value at 300 for vehicle trafficability, and 90 percent of the soils in the database have a CI value of 250 or less (see Figure 8). The higher CI values (greater than 300) were left in the database for the subsequent analysis because they also represented some of the higher CBR values for fine-grained soils. In addition, three data entries of CBR greater than 17 were reported, all for sandy gravels or gravelly sands. Because the field CBR and CI test methods



are known to have difficulties with granular, cohesionless soils (i.e., penetration into a large particle may skew the value of CBR for the soil high), these data were excluded from the regression analysis.
Table 6. Statistical summary of numeric features in the CI dataset. Feature (Units)
LL (%) PL (%) PI (%) Specific gravity Moisture content (wt. %) Dry density (pcf) CI Field CBR

Valid Cases
11,006 10,873 10,872 6,035 9,982 7,748 13,980 562

Quartiles 0%
10 10 1 1.53 0.3 4.5 1.0 0

34 22 10 2.55 25.4 58.1 103.0 .5

59 33 19 2.65 39.0 79.7 155.0 1.95

82 51 34 2.68 65.0 92.0 254.0 4.82

454 302 176 3.10 552.5 124.6 926.0 116

66.9 42.9 24.3 2.59 52.0 74.7 212.9 3.4

Standard Deviation
48.6 33.6 20.3 0.20 47.4 22.0 179.8 7.1



An initial attempt was made to find a single curve that would relate CBR to CI for all data similar to Rush and Greens analysis (Figure 4). It quickly became evident that a single algorithm could not be used for all soil types. In Figure 8 below, the upper limit of the Rush and Green (1974) data and the curve from TM 5-330 (U.S. Army 1968) are plotted along with the CBR versus CI data from the CI database by soil type, showing how several data in the database are outside the previously defined boundaries, especially for the coarser grained soils.

All CBR data

25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 CI
Figure 8. Correlation of CBR with CI by soil type. The upper limit shown is the upper limit from Rush and Green (1974) and the lower limit is the correlation from U.S. Army (1968) (same as in Figure 4).
Lower limit Upper limit CH CL GP MH ML SM








First-, second-, and third-order equations

Because a universal equation relating CBR to CI regardless of soil type was not evident, analysis proceeded by soil type using first-, second-, and third-order equations. Figures 914 show the resulting regression equations and R2 values. Although R2 was quite good in some cases, particularly CL soils, curves with negative slopes were considered to be inappropriate, as logic indicates the CBR versus CI relationship should always have a positive slope.

CI vs CBR for soil type CH 15

10 CBR 5 0 0 100 200 300 CI 400 500 600

Figure 9. CBR versus CI for soil type CH.

(Grey line) (Solid line) (Dashed line)

y = 3E-08x3 7E-052 + 0.0421x 0.1391 R2 = 0.8436 y = 6E-05x2 + 0.0394x 0.0778 y = 0.0197x + 0.7069 R2 = 0.843 R2 = 0.7136



CI vs CBR for soil type CL 20 18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1000

Figure 10. CBR versus CI for soil type CL.

(Grey line) (Solid line) (Dashed line)

y = 5E-08x3 8E-05x2 + 0.045x 0.3791 R2 = 0.9084 y = 2E-05x2 + 0.0309x + 0.0846 y = 0.0182x + 0.7844 R2 = 0.8734 R2 = 0.8002



CI vs CBR for soil type MH 10

6 CBR 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 CI 400 500 600

Figure 11. CBR versus CI for soil type MH.

(Grey line) (Solid line) (Dashed line)

y = 8E-08x3 + 4E-05x2 + 0.0154x + 0.1368 y = 3E-05x2 + 0.0277x 0.2062 y = 0.0141x + 0.4641

R2 = 0.816 R2 = 0.8064 R2 = 0.7415



CI vs CBR for soil type ML 20




0 0 100 200 300 CI 400 500 600

Figure 12. CBR versus CI for soil type ML.

(Grey line) (Solid line) (Dashed line)

y = 5E-07x3 + 0.0003x2 + 0.0111x 0.1772 R2 = 0.6531 y = 7E-05x2 + 0.0559x 1.1516 y = 0.0244x + 0.4772 R2 = 0.6298 R2 = 0.4609



CI vs CBR for soil type SM


6 CBR 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 CI 40 50 60

Figure 13. CBR versus CI for soil type SM.

(Grey line) (Solid line) (Dashed line)

y = 4E-05x3 0.0018x2 + 0.1735x + 2.693 R2 = 0.1072 y = 0.0044x2 + 0.2175x + 2.5232 y = 0.0276x + 3.8841 R2 = 0.1066 R2 = 0.0135



CI vs CBR for soil type GP 12 10 8 CBR 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 CI 50 60 70 80

Figure 14. CBR versus CI for soil type GP.

(Grey line) (Solid line) (Dashed line)

y = 5E-05x3 0.0105x2 + 0.6814x 5.63 y = 0.0035x2 + 0.4271x 3.209 y = 0.1278x + 1.2753

R2 = 0.5564 R2 = 0.547 R2 = 0.4568


Exponential equations
To eliminate the negative slope, data were analyzed using an exponential equation of the form: y = a + bx c where: y = CBR x = CI. (1)



Each soil was first analyzed separately and then subsets of data were analyzed by soil functional groupings. Subsets started with coarse-grained soils (SP-SM and GP), then proceeded to fine-grained soils (CH, CL, MH, and ML), and then high-plasticity (CH and MH) and low-plasticity (CL and ML) soils. Figure 15 shows an example of this analysis for one soil type. The coefficients and R2 values for the curves generated using this form of exponential equation are given in Table 7. The data plots are provided in Appendix D for all of the other soil types and soil subsets.

CH - All sites
y =a+bx^c 12.5


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI

Figure 15. CBR versus CI for soil type CH.





Table 7. Coefficients for initial exponential equations. Coefficients Soils Type USCS Classification CH CL MH ML SM GP Coarse-grained Fine-grained High plasticity Low plasticity SM + GP CH, CL, MH, ML CH + MH CL + ML a 1.63462035 1.22094966 0.95392315 3.14595803 7.60469356 31.4829214 0.851525079 1.37924971 1.76349771 1.48393600 b 0.686080639 0.368299769 0.276153413 0.928789277 9.826607694 24.68279433 0.707683834 0.485100981 0.757343985 0.438444720 c 0.429374997 0.545342184 0.539104503 0.430012159 0.074386815 0.121810957 0.580775420 0.483650036 0.399824150 0.522076596 R2 0.8035 0.8866 0.7808 0.5680 0.0612 0.5248 0.3500 0.7725 0.7653 0.8175

Although these curves represent a reasonably good statistical fit to the data, and do not have negative slopes, the decision was made to fit the equation through the origin because logic dictates that a soil with CBR equal to zero would also have a CI of zero. Table 8 and Figures 1626 are based on equations of the form: y = ax b where: y = CBR x = CI. Included are all soil types, the four soil subsets, and an All soils regression, in the order in which they are listed in Table 8. (2)



Table 8. Coefficients for final exponential equations. Coefficients Soils Type USCS Classification CH CL MH ML SM GP Coarse-grained Fine-grained High plasticity Low plasticity All soils SM + GP CH, CL, MH, ML CH + MH CL + ML a 0.1264 0.1266 0.0820 0.1111 2.657 0.5009 1.1392 0.1305 0.1460 0.1281 0.2985 b 0.6979 0.6986 0.7174 0.7390 0.1859 0.7047 0.4896 0.6776 0.6432 0.6984 0.5358 R2 0.8516 0.8701 0.7715 0.5193 0.0553 0.4803 0.3495 0.7724 0.7741 0.7962 0.4715

CH - All Sites
12.5 10 7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI
Figure 16. CBR versus CI for CH soils.





CL - All sites
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI
Figure 17. CBR versus CI for CL soils.




MH - All sites
10 9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI
Figure 18. CBR versus CI for MH soils.





ML - All sites


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI

Figure 19. CBR versus CI for ML soils.
SM - All sites



9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 CI 30 40 50

Figure 20. CBR versus CI for SM soils.



GP - One sites only



7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 20 40 CI 60 80

Figure 21. CBR versus CI for GP soils.

Coarse grained soils (SM and GP)




7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 20 40 CI 60 80

Figure 22. CBR versus CI for coarse-grained soils.



Fine grained soils (CH, CL, MH, and ML)


20 17.5 15 12.5 CBR 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

Figure 23. CBR versus CI for fine-grained soils.

High plasticitysoils (CH and MH)




7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

Figure 24. CBR versus CI for high-plasticity soils.



Lowplasticitysoils (CL and ML)


20 17.5 15 12.5 CBR 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

Figure 25. CBR versus CI for low-plasticity soils.

All soil ty pes


20 17.5 15 12.5 CBR 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

Figure 26. CBR versus CI for all CI database soils.



In addition to the individual soil types and the four subsets, regression analysis was performed on soils from each individual test site for four soil types: CH, CL, MH, and ML. Figures 2730 show the data for individual sites, grouped by soil type, used for this analysis. Tables of regression coefficients and R2 values and the regression graphs for each individual site are presented in Appendix D.

CH - All sites
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 CI 400 500 600

Bang Khen Camp Huelen Corozal Corvallis Guanica Laurel Lop Buri Pomaria Roosevelt Rds Salisbury Vicksburg 48 Vicksburg 66 Wahiawa Winterhaven


Figure 27. CBR versus CI for CH soils at individual sites.



CL - All sites
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI
Figure 28. CBR versus CI for CL soils at individual sites.

Blytheville Camp Huelen Chieng Mai Delta Fort Kobbe Khon Kaen Newport Oxford Shreveport Stuttgart Vicksburg 600 800 1000

10 9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 CI 400 500 600 Barcelometa Chanthaburi Clayton Pedro Miguel Port Hueneme Yabucoa Mayaguez Ramey Wahiawa Wainaku Tillamook

Figure 29. CBR versus CI for MH soils at individual sites.



ML - All sites
12 10 8 CBR 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 CI
Figure 30. CBR versus CI for ML soils at individual sites.

Monroe Shaw Vicksburg 1 Vicksburg 2






Based upon regression analysis of all CBR data from the CI database, it seems clear that an exponential equation forced through the origin provides the best fit for CBR data relative to CI, and also assures that CI and CBR will converge at zero. Higher values of R2 did result when an equation of the same form was applied to site-specific data, but the corresponding curves and coefficients varied considerably. It is beyond the scope of this study to determine the properties or conditions of the individual sites that drive this variability. This is a topic for future study. Because of poor R2 values and limited data, particularly for GP, it is recommended to use the combined Coarse-grained soils group for SM and GP soils. The following exponential equation represents the CBR versus CI correlations with the highest R2 values that are not specific to soil from one test site: CBR = aCI b where: a and b are defined in Table 9.
Table 9. Coefficients and exponents of CBR prediction from CI values.


Soil Type All soils Clay, high plasticity Clay, low plasticity Silt, high plasticity Silt, low plasticity Coarse-grained Fine-grained High plasticity Low plasticity

USCS Classification CH CL MH ML SM + GP CH, CL, MH, ML CH + MH CL + ML

Coefficients and Exponents a 0.2985 0.1264 0.1266 0.0820 0.1111 1.1392 0.1305 0.1460 0.1281 b 0.5358 0.6979 0.6986 0.7174 0.7390 0.4896 0.6776 0.6432 0.6984 R2 0.4715 0.8516 0.8701 0.7715 0.5193 0.3495 0.7724 0.7741 0.7962



The proposed usage of the equation is as follows: 1. For coarse-grained soils, use the Coarse-grained soil coefficient and exponent. 2. For fine-grained soils, a. Is the USCS classification known? If so, proceed using the coefficient and exponent for the appropriate USCS soil classification. b. If no USCS classification is available, is the soil plasticity known? If so, use the low- or high-plasticity coefficient and exponent. c. If no further information other than grain size is known, use the general Fine-grained soils coefficient and exponent. 3. If no information on the soil is known, use All soils coefficient and exponent. Figure 31 shows the regression curves for the equations that result from using the coefficients given in Table 9, by soil type and soil subset.



Figure 31. Correlations of CBR to CI for CI database soils.



Regression analysis of data from the CI database indicated that an exponential equation, originating at zero, would provide predictive equations for CBR given a value of CI with reasonable R2 values (0.51930.8701) for clay and silt soils, but not for coarse-grained soils. Because SM and GP soils had such poor R2 values individually, and there was a limited amount of GP soils data available, SM and GP were combined into a soil subset to provide a final correlation equation. The prediction yielded slightly higher (0.7962 versus 0.7741) R2 values for high-plasticity versus low-plasticity clay soils. These predictions are an improvement over the R2 value obtained from a regression for all soils data (regardless of soil type). For all soils data, an R2 of 0.4715 is returned. Predictions for CBR using CI correlations produced higher R2 values for fine-grained soils than for course-grained soils, indicating that the equations developed are more accurate for clays and silts. This is an artifact of both the CBR and the CI tests. The field CBR test, with its blunt tip piston, is more reliable and consistent in fine-grained soils. In coarse-grained soils, where larger particles, greater than in., may restrict the piston, CBR values tend to be inconsistent and high. The trafficability cone penetrometer is known to work better in soils with some cohesion, thus it is not surprising that the correlations for coarse-grained soils are marginal at best. Several of the equations that resulted from regression of single test location soils resulted in higher R2 values than found in the USCS-based equations shown in Table 9. Although the purpose of the research is to develop generic equations based on universal soil types for global application, the site-specific information should be helpful in understanding the specific soil properties that influence soil strength and is a topic for future research. It is important to consider the error within the CBR and CI measurements themselves when using prediction methods to determine an applicable CBR value. Any value derived from predicting CBR by a model based on



actual CBR data cannot be more precise than actual measured CBR values. Freeman and Grogan (1997) indicate that the coefficient of variation for CBR of natural soils is approximately 25 percent, and therefore it is unreasonable to expect predicted values to have any higher level of accuracy. When the error in the CI reading is also factored in, CBR prediction must be used judiciously, with these limitations considered. Selection of an alternate soil strength indicator would not necessarily overcome this problem. Tightly controlled laboratory soil strength tests (e.g., drained triaxial) have a coefficient of variation of approximately 10 percent, whereas other tests (e.g., undrained triaxial, shear vane, plate bearing subgrade modulus, deflectometer, shear box, and unconfined compressive) have coefficients of variation up to 40 percent (Freeman and Grogan 1997). Choosing a soil strength index other than CBR would not necessarily improve the accuracy of prediction models when the variability is inherent to the nature of soils and their physical and engineering properties. Furthermore, very few other strength measures benefit from the large historical database as CBR and the cone penetrometer. In addition to the error introduced by testing methods, soils are extremely variable materials naturally. They vary both vertically in the soil profile, as a result of moisture migration and soil formation processes, and they also vary laterally. For example, during testing at the OLS demonstration site at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB), California, CBR values ranged from 2 to more than 80 in an area of only 100 ft2 (Ryerson et al. 2008; Shoop et al. 2008a).



The proposed method of CBR prediction from cone index (Figure 31; Eq. 4) would provide the military planner using the OLS program with a prediction of the bearing capacity of the proposed sites soils in areas where CI is already measured or predicted for vehicle ground trafficability. CBR = aCI b where: coefficients a and b are defined in Table 9. The CBR values that result from the prediction may vary significantly from those of the actual in-situ soil; therefore, the prediction should be used in a conservative manner when applying these values as a basis for selection or rejection of a contingency airfield site. It is clear that many of the correlations generated in this effort fit the data very well, especially for site-specific correlations. However, there are aspects that need further analysis. Most important among them is the need to assign coefficients based on physical parameters. It seems likely that plasticity and moisture content are at least contributing factors; however, other factors may be involved. Analysis of these factors may help in refining the soil strength predictions in the future. (4)



American Society for Testing and Materials. 1985. D 2487-83, Classification of soils for engineering purposes. In Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM. American Society for Testing and Materials. 2003. D 6951-03, Standard test method for use of the dynamic cone penetrometer in shallow pavement applications. In Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.03. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM. American Society for Testing and Materials. 2004. D 4429-04, Standard test method for CBR (California bearing ratio) of soils in place. In Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM. American Society for Testing and Materials. 2005. D 1883-05, Standard test method for CBR (California bearing ratio) of laboratory-compacted soils. In Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 1985. Soil Cone Penetrometer. Standard ASAE S 313.2. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. Berney, E. 2008. A rapid soils analysis kit. Technical Report GSL-TR-08-03. Vicksburg, MS: Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center. Diemand, D., S. Shoop, G. Mason, and G. Brandon. 2008. Trafficability cone index dataset, opportune landing site program. Technical Report ERDC/CRREL TR08-2. Hanover, NH: Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Fang, H.-Y. 1991. Foundation engineering handbook. New York: van Nostrand Reinhold. Frankenstein, S. 2005. Personal Communication. Hanover, NH: Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Freeman, R. B., and W. P. Grogan. 1997. Statistical analysis and variability of pavement materials. Technical Report GL-97-12. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. International Standards Organization. 2005. ISO 3166, English country names and code elements. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO. Krumbein, W. C., and L. L. Sloss. 1951. Stratigraphy and sedimentation. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. Meyer, M. P. 1966. Comparison of engineering properties of selected temperate and tropical surface soils. Technical Report 3-732. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.



National Cooperative Highway Research Program. 2004. Guide for mechanisticempirical design of new and rehabilitated pavement structures. Final Report for Project 1-37A, Appendix CC-1: Correlation of CBR Values with Soil Index Properties. Washington, DC: NCHRP, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. Oglesby, C. H, and R. G. Hicks. 1982. Highway engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Portland Cement Association. 1992. PCA soil primer, EB007.05S. Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Association. Rada, G. R., C. W. Schwartz, M. W. Witczak, and S. Jafroudi. 1989. Analysis of climate effects on performance of unpaved roads. Journal of Transportation Engineering 115.4:389410. Rollings, M. P., and R. S. Rollings. 1996. Geotechnical materials in construction. New York: McGraw-Hill. Rush, E. S., and C. E. Green. 1974. Helicopter movement on unimproved terrain. Technical Report M-74-1. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Ryerson, C. C., S. A. Shoop, and G. Koenig. 2008. Opportune landing site program: final report. Technical Report ERDC/CRREL TR-08-13. Hanover, NH: Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Semen, P. M. 2006. A generalized approach to soil strength prediction with machine learning methods. Technical Report ERDC/CRREL TR-06-15. Hanover, NH: Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Seman, P. M. 2008. Machine learning approaches to CBR prediction for unsurfaced airfields. Transportation Systems Workshop, April 2008, Phoenix, AZ. Seman, P. M., and S. Shoop. 2007. A global CBR database: opportune landing site program. Technical Report ERDC/CRREL TR 07-21. Hanover, NH: Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Shoop, S., C. Ryerson, R. Affleck, J. Buska, and J. Kost. 2008a. Predicting soil strength for opportune landing sites. Transportation Systems Workshop, April 2008, Phoenix, AZ. Shoop, S., P. Seman, D. Diemand, G. Mason, and L. Danyluk. 2008b. California bearing ratio database for soil strength prediction. Transportation Systems Workshop, April 2008, Phoenix, AZ. Society of Automotive Engineers. 1967. Off-road vehicle mobility evaluation. In SAE Recommended Practice Handbook Supplement, SAE 939. Warrendale, PA: SAE.



U.S. Army. 1948. Trafficability of soils, laboratory tests to determine effect of moisture content and density variations. Army TM 3-240, 1st Supplement. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. U.S. Army. 1968. Planning and design of roads, airbases, and heliports in the theater of operations. Army TM 5-330 and AFM 86-3. Washington, DC: U.S. Army. U.S. Army. 1997. Military soils engineering. Chapter 5, Soil Classification. Field Manual 5-410, Change 1. Washington, DC: U.S. Army. U.S. Army and Air Force. 1983. Soils and geology procedures for foundation design of buildings and other structures (except hydraulic structures). U.S. Army TM 5818-1/Air Force AFM 88-3, Chapter 7. Washington, DC: U.S. Army and Air Force. U.S. Army and Air Force. 1994a. Planning and design of roads, airfields, and heliports in the theater of operationsairfield and heliport design, Vol. I. U.S. Army FM 5430-00-1/Air Force AFJP 32-8013, Vol I. Washington, DC: U.S. Army and Air Force U.S. Army and Air Force. 1994b. Planning and design of roads, airfields, and heliports in the theater of operationsairfield and heliport design, Vol. II. U.S. Army FM 5430-00-2/Air Force AFJP 32-8013, Vol II. Washington, DC: U.S. Army and Air Force U.S. Army, Air Force, and Navy. 1987. Materials testing. U.S. Army Field Manual 5530/Air Force AFM 89-3/Navy NAVFAC MO-330. Washington, DC: DoD. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1960. Characteristics of soil groups pertaining to roads and airfields. Appendix B: The Unified Soil Classification System. Technical Memorandum 3-357. Vicksburg, MS: Waterways Experiment Station. van Engelen, V. W. P., and T. T. Wen. 1995. Global and national soils and terrain digital databases (SOTER): procedures manual, Revised Ed. Wageningen, The Netherlands: ISRIC. Willoughby, W. E., and C. R. May. 1981. Boeing/WES mobility tests of transporter tires on Terex 33-15 (Draft). (Note: This consists of a series of these reports used to build the database.) Yoder, E. J., and M. W. Witczak. 1975. Principles of pavement design, 2nd Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons.



Appendix A: Soil Designations and Cross References

Soil Designations Reference U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) U.S. Army (1948) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Figure 2 1 Shreveport Gravel 2 Shreveport Gravelly Sand 3 Fort Pierce Sand 4 Monroe Silt 5 Fort Pierce Silty Sand 6 Vicksburg Loess 7 Vicksburg Clayey Silt (WR-7) 8 Shreveport Clayey Sandy Silt 9 Blythewille Clayey Sandy Silt 10 Vicksburg Clayey Silt (WR-6) 11 Vicksburg Clayey Silt (WR-5) 12 Stuttgart Silty Clay 13 Newport Clayey Sandy Silt 14 Camp Hulen Silty Sandy Clay 15 Port Nuenene clay 16 Vicksburg Buckshot Clay 17 Camp Hulen Clay 18 Winterhaven Clay CZ-1 CZ-2 H-1 H-2 Figure 3 Table 4 Shreveport, LA (Gifford Hill Sand & Gravel) Fort Pierce, FL Monroe, LA Fort Pierce, FL Vicksburg, MS (WES) Delta, LA Barksdale Army Airfield, Shreveport, LA Blythville Army Airfield, AR Delta, La Vicksburg, MS (Rifle Range) Stuttgart Army Airfield, Stuttgart, AR Newport Army Airfield, Newport, AR Camp Huelen, Palacios, TX Port Hueneme, CA Mound, LA Camp Huelen, Palacios, TX Winterhaven, CA Fort Kobbe Pedro Miguel Wahiawa, Oahu, HI Wahiawa, Oahu, HI Country United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Panama Panama United States United States Shreveport, LA (Meriwether Supply Co. Gravel Pit) United States USCS Soil Class. GP GP SM ML SM ML ML CL CL CL CL CL CL CL MH CH CH CH CL MH MH CH



Soil Designations Reference Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Meyer (1966) Willoughby et al. (1981) Figure 2 Figure 3 PR-1 PR-2 PR-3 PR-4 PR-5 PR-6 PR-7 T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 US-1 US-2A US-3 US-4 US-5A US-6 US-7 US-8 US-9 US-10 US-11 Mayaguez Yabucoa Roosevelt Roads Naval Station Barcelometa Ramey Corozal Guanica Chanthaburi Lop Buri Bang Khen Chieng Mai Khon Kaen Corvallis, OR Shaw, OR Tillamook, OR Pomaria, SC Salisbury, NC Clayton, GA Oxford, AL Vicksburg, MS Vicksburg, MS Laurel, MS Vicksburg, MS Jackass Flats Test Site, NV Table 4 Country Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States




Appendix B: Database Field Descriptions

N = numerical feature O = ordinal feature C = categorical feature B = binary feature

OLS Data Point # {N} Specific ID number given to each line of data as a unique identifier in the database. JRAC Soil # {N} Specific ID number given to each unique soil that was identified in the Joint Rapid Airfield Construction programs ERDC database. Test or Sample Date {N} Date on which measurements or tests were performed. Report # {C} Report Date {N} Report Title {C} Citation information for source of soil test data. Country Code (ISO-3166) {C} Standard two-letter ID code for country in which test site is located (International Standards Organization 2005). Location {C} Geographic location of test site (name of military base, town/state, airfield name, etc.). Test Station {C} Location or ID for test site within the geographic location given above (test pit #, location #, station on runway/taxiway, etc.). Latitude Latitude given in degrees (N), minutes, and seconds as reported.



Longitude Longitude given in degrees (W or E), minutes, and seconds as reported. Landform {C} The category of landform based on slope, relief, and relation to surrounding lands for the general area surrounding the test site. Hierarchical categories based on van Engelen and Wen (1995) include
L Level Land LP LL LD LF LV Plains Plateaus Depressions Low-gradient footslopes Valley floors

Sloping Land SM SH SE SR SU SP Medium-gradient mountains Medium-gradient hills Medium-gradient escarpment zone Ridges Mountainous highland Dissected plains

Steep Land TM TH TE TV High-gradient mountains High-gradient hills High-gradient escarpment zone High-gradient valleys

Lands with Composite Landforms CV Valleys




Narrow plateaus Major depressions

Lithology of Parent Material {C} Category of rock type that forms the basis for the soil, primarily based on geology and mineralogy. Hierarchical categories based on van Engelen and Wen (1995) include
I Igneous Rock IA Acid igneous IA1 IA2 IA3 IA4 II Granite Grano-Diorite Quartz-Diorite Rhyolite

Intermediate igneous II1 II2 Andesite, Trachyte, Phonolite Diorite-Syenite


Basic igneous IB1 IB2 IB3 Gabbro Basalt Dolerite


Ultrabasic igneous IU1 IU2 IU3 Peridotite Pyroxenite Ilmenite, Magnetite, Ironstone, Serpentine

Metamorphic rock MA Acid metamorphic MA1 MA2 Quartzite Gneiss, Migmatite




Slate, Phyllite (peltic rocks) Schist

Basic metamorphic MB1 MB2 MB3 MB4 Slate, Phyllite (peltic rocks) Schist Gneiss rich in ferro-magnesian minerals Metamorphic limestone (marble)

Sedimentary rock SC Classic sediments SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SO Conglomerate, Breccia Sandstone, Greywacke, Arkose Siltstone, Mudstone, Claystone Shale Ironstone

Organic SO1 SO2 SO3 Limestone, other carbonate rocks Marl and other mixtures Coals, Bitumen, and related rocks


Evaporites SE1 SE2 Anhydrite, Gypsum Halite

Deposition Type {C} Method of natural deposition for soil material at the test site. Categories for unconsolidated sediments based on van Engelen and Wen (1995) include
UF UL UM Fluvial Lacustrine Marine




Colluvial Eolian (Aeolian) Glacial Pyroclastic Organic

Depth to Water Table {N} Depth in feet to natural groundwater from grade level at test site. All values in the originating reports used feet and inches. None were converted to metric. Soil Type, USCS {C} Soil classification according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Twenty-six possible entries include
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH Pt CL-ML GW-GM Well-graded gravel Poorly graded gravel Silty gravel Clayey gravel Well-graded sand Poorly graded sand Silty sand Clayey sand Low-compressibility silt Lean clay Organic silt or clay High-compressibility silt Fat clay Organic silt or clay Peat Silty clay Well-graded gravel with silt



18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


Well-graded gravel with clay Poorly graded gravel with silt Poorly graded gravel with clay Silty, clayey gravel Well-graded sand with silt Well-graded sand with clay Poorly graded sand with silt Poorly graded sand with clay Silty, clayey sand

Alternate Soil Type {C} Alternate Soil System {C} Soil classification with non-USCS system. Soil Description {C} Remarks on descriptive soil characteristics included with test data (textural description, color, etc.) Clay Mineralogy {C} The dominant type of mineral in the clay fraction of the soil. Can have a large influence on mechanical behavior for certain minerals. Categories based on van Engelen and Wen (1995) include
AL CH IL IN KA MO SE VE Allophane Chloritic Illitic Interstratified or Mixed Kaolinitic Montmorillonitic Sesquioxidic Vermiculitic



Specific Gravity {N} Relative density of soil particles compared to water. Sample Depth Below Grade {N} Depth in inches from grade level at site where testing was performed. Plastic or Non-Plastic {B} Indicates whether the material passing the #40 sieve exhibits plastic behavior at some moisture content (e.g., clay) or does not (e.g., sand). During the data entry process, sources that reported numerical values for liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index were entered as P. Sources for which the plasticity was explicitly reported as non-plastic were entered as NP. No entry in this field indicates that the source reported no liquid limit, plastic limit, or plasticity values, nor did it provide an explicit indication that the soil was non-plastic. LL {N} Liquid limit of the soil in percent. The gravimetric moisture content at an arbitrary limit between the liquid and plastic states of consistency where the soil begins to exhibit a liquid behavior and will flow under its own weight. PL {N} Plastic limit of the soil in percent. The gravimetric moisture content at an arbitrary limit between the plastic and semi-solid states of consistency where the soil begins to exhibit a plastic behavior and will deform under pressure without crumbling. PI {N} Plasticity index of the soil in percent. The numerical difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit of the soil. A larger plasticity index indicates a soil that is more likely to exhibit plastic behavior. Compactive Effort {N} The amount of energy in foot-pounds per cubic foot put into compacting a unit volume of soil in preparing a laboratory sample. Different test standards result in different compactive efforts, influencing the shape and location of the compaction curve relating soil moisture to density.



Molding Moisture Content {N} The gravimetric moisture content of the soil in percent used in preparing a laboratory sample. Dry Density (laboratory) {N} The density of the soil in pounds per cubic foot used in preparing a laboratory sample. The dry density includes only the oven-dry mass of soil particles present in a unit volume, not any of the adsorbed or free water that may exist contributing to the samples moisture content. Optimum Moisture Content and Maximum Density {B} An indication of whether the previous three measurements relate the peak on the moisture-density curve for that compaction energy (Y) or simply a single data point from a Proctor test on the moisture-density curve (N). Unsoaked CBR (laboratory) {N} Soaked CBR (laboratory) {N} Laboratory measurement of the California bearing ratio in percent. The soil sample is prepared at a given compaction energy, molding moisture content, and dry density. It is then tested (unsoaked) or allowed to soak in water for four days to reach a nearly saturated moisture condition. Moisture Content as Tested (weight %) {N} Moisture Content as Tested (volumetric %) {N} The moisture content of the soil tested in percent. Gravimetric moisture content is the weight of absorbed and free water in the soil that can be driven off by oven-drying divided by the dry soil weight. Volumetric moisture content is the volume of absorbed and free water relative to the total volume of soil. Trafficability Cone Index (CI) {N} Index test of soil strength used for ground vehicle mobility. Performed by pushing a standard rod with a 30 cone-shaped tip through the soil surface and recording the reaction force in pounds per square inch. The test is performed on soil that is undisturbed.



Remolding Index {N} A ratio of the trafficability cone index for undisturbed soils to those that have been remolded. This gives some indication of the change in vehicle mobility after many passes have occurred. DCP Index (dynamic cone penetrometer) {N} Dynamic cone penetrometer index test for soil strength, measured in millimeters per blow. Performed by using a sliding weight, repeatedly dropped from a constant height, to dynamically drive a 60 conically tipped rod through the soil. The distance of penetration is measured versus the number of blows and can be correlated with CBR. Field CBR {N} In-situ field measurement of the California bearing ratio in percent. Field Dry Density {N} Field Wet Density {N} The density of the soil measured in situ in the field in pounds per cubic foot. The dry density includes only the oven-dry mass of soil particles present in a unit volumenot any of the absorbed or free water that may exist contributing to the samples moisture content. The wet density includes both the oven-dry mass of soil particles present in a unit volume and any of the absorbed or free water that may exist contributing to the samples moisture content.



-inch Sieve, Percent Passing {N} -inch Sieve, Percent Passing {N} #4 Sieve, Percent Passing {N} #10 Sieve, Percent Passing {N} #40 Sieve, Percent Passing {N} #100 Sieve, Percent Passing {N} #200 Sieve, Percent Passing {N} Clay, Percent {N} The gravimetric percentage of particles in a soil that are smaller than a certain size. Determined by shaking coarse soil particles through a stack of standard size sieves. Sand was taken as material passing through #4 sieve unless otherwise indicated. Silt was taken as material passing through #200 sieve, and clay was taken as material with grain size <0.005 mm. Roundness, Gravel {N} Roundness, Sand {N} Standard measure of the relative angularity of a soil particles edges and corners, determined visually (Krumbein and Sloss 1951). Sphericity, Gravel {N} Sphericity, Sand {N} Standard measure of the aspect ratio of a soil particles dimensions, determined visually (Krumbein and Sloss 1951). Remarks {C} Catch-all for any remarks associated with test data.



Appendix C: Statistical Summary of CI Database

This appendix summarizes the entries in the CI Database that contain CBR data as of June 2006 based on the information gathered by the Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL), Vicksburg, MS. Sources of data and correlation analysis are from reports listed in the bibliography.

Testing locations
There are a total of 14,574 entries in the CI database. Approximately 97 percent of the database entries come from testing locations in either the United States or Costa Rica. A small number of entries were obtained from locations in Thailand and the Panama Canal Zone. Of these, less than 4 percent (560 entries) provided useable CBR data. The statistical breakdown that follows includes only these entries. The geographical distribution of the test sites was as follows: United States, including Hawaii.........82.3% Puerto Rico .........................................9.8% Thailand ..............................................5.7% Panama Canal Zone ............................2.3%

Less than 40 percent of the entries (220) included a landform designation. Of these, 167 (76 percent) were noted as Level Land, with the remaining 53 (24 percent) noted as Sloping Land. No second level categories were given.

Lithology of parent material

Figure C1 and Table C1 below show the distribution of the descriptors used for the lithology of parent material. Only 210 data entries reported this information, 37 percent of the total.



IA & S





Figure C1. Lithology of parent material.

The observed lithologies were distributed into the proportions shown in Table C1. Codes are shown in Table C2 below.
Table C1. Breakdown of lithology of parent material. Level I I&M I&S IA IA & S IB IU NS S Total Count 85 9 8 14 9 44 6 11 23 209 Probability 0.40670 0.04306 0.03828 0.06699 0.04306 0.21053 0.02871 0.05263 0.11005 1.00000





Table C2. Lithology descriptors (from OLS database format). Major Class Group IA1 IA Acid Igneous IA2 IA3 IA4 II I Igneous Rock IB Intermediate Igneous Basic Igneous II1 II2 IB1 IB2 IB3 IU1 IU Ultrabasic Igneous IU2 IU3 MA1 MA Acid Metamorphic M Metamorphic Rock MB Basic Metamorphic MA2 MA3 MA4 MB1 MB2 MB3 MB4 SC1 SC2 SC Classic Sediments SC3 SC4 S Sedimentary Rock SO Organic SC5 SO1 SO2 SO3 SE Evaporites SE1 SE2 Granite Grano-Diorite Quartz-Diorite Rhyolite Andesite, Trachyte, Phonolite Diorite-Syenite Gabbro Basalt Dolerite Peridotite Pyroxenite Ilmenite, Magnetite, Ironstone, Serpentine Quartzite Gneiss, Migmatite Slate, Phyllite (peltic rocks) Schist Slate, Phyllite (peltic rocks) Schist Gneiss rich in ferro-magnesian minerals Metamorphic limestone (marble) Conglomerate, Breccia Sandstone, Greywacke, Arkose Siltstone, Mudstone, Claystone Shale Ironstone Limestone, other carbonate rocks Marl and other mixtures Coals, Bitumen, and related rocks Anhydrite, Gypsum Halite Type

Deposition type
Only 10 of the 567 entries (1.8 percent) indicated deposition type. All were UE (Aeolian).



Depth to water table

None of the entries noted depth to the water table.

Soil classification
Figure C2 shows the relative abundance of the various soil types whereas Table C3 gives a numerical breakdown.

Figure C2. Distribution of soil types among CBR entries in the CI database. Table C3. Breakdown of soil classifications within the database. Level CH CL GP MH ML SM SP-SM Total Count 170 174 25 95 44 49 5 562 Probability 0.30249 0.30961 0.04448 0.16904 0.07829 0.08719 0.00890 1.00000










Clay mineralogy
Figure C3 and Table C4 summarize the data for clay mineralogy for the CBR entries. There were 209 entries, or 37 percent of the CBR data, containing clay mineralogy descriptions.






Figure C3. Distribution of entries for clay mineralogy. Table C4. Percentage distribution of clay mineralogy. Level CH IL KA MO VE Total Count 7 22 102 70 8 209 Probability 0.03349 0.10526 0.48804 0.33493 0.03828 1.00000

Physical property data and strength index test data

Of the 564 total entries, all are described as either plastic (483) or nonplastic (81). The soil types having plasticity characteristics include CH, CL, MH, ML, SM, and SP-SM. Table C5 below lists the minimum and maximum range of values for the CI database by soil type, for the moisture content as tested (gravimetric, percent), laboratory dry density (pcf), field CBR, and Trafficability Cone Index. Remolding Index was not given for any of these entries. The percent column next to each range reflects the number of entries for that soil type used to determine those ranges.



Ranges of values for the Atterberg limits are listed for the CBR entries in the CI database in Table C6. Figures C4 through C5 graphically show the Atterberg ranges for the entries in the database. Figures C6 through C11 show the range of values for the CI database for the dry density, moisture content, trafficability cone, remolding index, rating cone, field CBR, and field dry density. Figures C12 through C16 show the range of values for Atterberg limits, moisture content as tested, trafficability cone, and field CBR for each major soil type in the database.

ERDC/CRREL TR-08-17 Table C5. Breakdown of significant parameters by soil type among CBR entries in the CI database. Specific Gravity Min / Max 2.50 / 2.82 2.64 / 2.71 2.42 / 3.1 2.79 / 2.79 Moisture Content (% as tested) Min / Max 16.6 / 90.6 8.3 / 46.5 0.3 / 10.2 25.1 / 92.2 14.2 / 35.8 0 / 7.5 1.2 / 2.3 Dry Density (pcf) Min / Max 47 / 102 81.3 / 118.1 47.9 / 87.8 83.1 / 94 100.5 / 114 96 / 129.2 Field CBR (%) Min / Max 0.09 / 11.7 0.1 / 16.7 0.1 / 11.3 0.04 / 9.2 0.1 / 10.4 .1 4 / 25 Trafficability Cone Index Min / Max 4 / 538 2 / 926 7 / 76 3 / 547 7 / 581 2.5 / 49 % 100 100 100 100 100 92 0


Soil Type CH CL GP MH ML SM SP-SM Total entries

Number of Entries 170 174 25 95 44 49 5 562

Percent % 57 17 0 80 14 0 0

Percent % 100 100 100 100 100 100 80

Percent % 57 17 0 80 14 8 80

Percent % 100 100 100 100 100 100 80

Table C6. Ranges for Atterberg limits for all soil types among CBR entries in the CI database. Soil Type CH CL GP MH ML SM SP-SM Total entries Number of Entries 170 174 25 95 44 49 5 562 Percent of Total 100 100 0 100 77 18 0 Liquid Limit Minimum 50 23 53 26 23 Maximum 130 45 96 45 23 19 15 28 23 21 Plastic Limit Minimum Maximum 48 25 77 27 21 22 8 11 2 2 Plastic Index Minimum Maximum 82 27 38 18 2



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Figure C4. Range of liquid limits for CBR entries in the CI database.









Figure C5. Range of plastic limits for CBR entries in the CI database.




20 30 40 50

60 70 80

Figure C6. Range of plastic index for CI database.

50 60 70

80 90 100 110 120 130

Figure C7. Range of dry density values (pcf) for CBR entries for the CI database.



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure C8. Range of moisture content as tested values for CI database.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

a. b.

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175200 225 250

Figure C9. Range of trafficability cone index values for CI database. (a) Shows all CI data. (b) Shows all data below 250 after the 51 CI readings greater than 250 (10 percent of the population) were removed.



-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

110 130




Figure C10. Range of field CBR values for CI database. (a) Shows all data. (b) Shows only data below 14, excluding five data points out of 563.

50 60 70

80 90 100 110 120 130

Figure C11. Range of lab dry density (pcf) values for CBR entries in the CI database.



Figure C12. CH soil type: range of values for Atterberg limits, moisture content, trafficability cone index, and field CBR.



Figure C13. CL soil type: range of values for Atterberg limits, moisture content, trafficability cone index, and field CBR.



Figure C14. MH soil type: range of values for Atterberg limits, moisture content, trafficability cone index, and field CBR.



Figure C15. ML soil type: range of values for Atterberg limits, moisture content, trafficability cone index, and field CBR.



Figure C16. SM soil type: range of values for Atterberg limits, moisture content, trafficability cone index, and field CBR.



Appendix D: Additional Regression Analysis Equations and Graphs

CBR = a + b(CI)c
Regression analysis table of coefficients and graphs for the equation of the form CBR = a + b(CI )c .
Table D1. Coefficients for initial exponential equations. Coefficients Soils Type USCS Classification CH CL MH ML SM GP Coarse-grained Fine-grained High plasticity Low plasticity SM + GP CH, CL, MH, ML CH + MH CL + ML a 1.63462035 1.22094966 0.95392315 3.14595803 7.60469356 31.4829214 0.851525079 1.37924971 1.76349771 1.48393600 b 0.686080639 0.368299769 0.276153413 0.928789277 9.826607694 24.68279433 0.707683834 0.485100981 0.757343985 0.438444720 c 0.429374997 0.545342184 0.539104503 0.430012159 0.074386815 0.121810957 0.580775420 0.483650036 0.399824150 0.522076596 R2 0.8035 0.8866 0.7808 0.5680 0.0612 0.5248 0.3500 0.7725 0.7653 0.8175


The following graphs are for soil types CH, CL, MH, ML, SM, and GP:



CH - All sites
y=a+bx^c 12.5


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

Figure D1. CBR versus CI for soil type CH.

CL - All sites
y=a+bx^c 20 17.5 15 12.5 CBR 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

Figure D2. CBR versus CI for CL soils.



MH - All sites
y=a+bx^c 10 9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600

Figure D3. CBR versus CI for MH soils.

ML - All sites
y=a+bx^c 12.5


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

Figure D4. CBR versus CI for soil type ML.



SM - All sites

9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 CI 30 40 50

Figure D5. CBR versus CI for SM soils.

GP - One sites only



7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 20 40 CI 60 80

Figure D6. CBR versus CI for GP soils.

The following graphs are for the soil subsets:



Coarse grained soils (SM and GP)





0 0 20 40 60 80

Figure D7. CBR versus CI for coarse-grained soils.

Fine-grained soils (CH, CL, MH, ML)

20 17.5 15 12.5 CBR 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

Figure D8. CBR versus CI for fine-grained soils.



High plasticity soils (CH and MH)



7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI

Figure D9. CBR versus CI for high-plasticity soils.



Low plasticity soils (CL and ML)

20 17.5 15 12.5 CBR 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 0 200 400 CI
Figure D10. CBR versus CI for low-plasticity soils.






CBR = a(CI)b
Regression analysis table of coefficients and graphs for the equation of the form: CBR = a(CI )b . (D2)

These data are by soil type, and by individual site. In addition, for the MH soil, the data are divided into two groups, one with higher CBR, and one with lower CBR.
Table D2. MH soils regression coefficients. Coefficients Soil Type All MH MH Lower group* MH Upper group** Lower Group MH Ramey MH Wahiawa MH Mayaguez MH Wainaku MH Tillamook Upper Group MH Clayton MH Yabucoa MH Chanthaburi MH Barcelometa MH P. Miguel MH Port Hueneme 0.1444 0.0271 0.0220 0.0234 0.0253 0.0418 0.6308 0.9608 0.9551 1.0030 0.9618 0.9704 0.7817 0.9870 0.9863 0.9019 0.9163 0.9567 78.9 73.9 74.5 72.7 70.1 37.4 43.4 44.5 43.1 47.1 46.4 67 77 53 76 76 72 49 39 42 48 44 41 18 38 11 28 32 31 0.1159 0.0498 0.2206 0.0277 0.0145 0.6111 0.7712 0.4798 0.8081 0.9605 0.9337 0.8507 0.7502 0.8806 0.7743 74.3 72.0 83.0 55.7 53.4 42.2 44.1 36.6 72.7 68.1 65 64 58 96 89 34 46 38 76 77 31 18 20 20 12 a 0.0820 0.0592 0.1002 b 0.7174 0.7154 0.7123 R2 0.7715 0.8280 0.8672 Dry Density pcf 70.9 67.0 74.4 MC wt % 47.4 53.4 43.7 Plasticity LL PL PI

* Lower group: Tillamook, Mayaguez, Ramey, Wainaku, Wahiawa. ** Upper group: Pedro Miguel, Barcelometa, Port Hueneme, Yabucoa, Clayton, Chanthaburi.



Grouped sites
MH - Lower Group
10 9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600

MH - Upper Group
10 9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600



Individual sites

MH - Ramey
10 9 8 7 6 CB R 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600

MH - Wahiawa
10 9 8 7 CBR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600



MH - Mayaguez
10 9 8 7 CBR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600

MH - Wainaku
10 9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600



MH - Tillamook
10 9 8 7 CBR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600

MH - Clayton
10 9 8 7 CBR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600



MH - Yabucoa
10 9 8 7 CBR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600

MH - Chanthaburi
10 9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600



MH - Barcelometa
10 9 8 7 6 CBR 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600

MH - Pedro Miguel
10 9 8 7 CBR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600



MH - Port Hueneme
10 9 8 7 CBR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 CI 400 600

Table D3. CL Soils regression coefficients. Coefficients Soil Type All CL CL Blythville CL Camp Huelen CL Chieng Mai CL Delta CL Fort Kobbe CL Khon Kaen CL Newport CL Oxford CL Shreveport CL Stuttgart CL Vicksburg 1 (aka Vicksburg, MS (Rifle Range)) CL Vicksburg 2 (aka Vicksburg, MS) a 0.1266 0.0121 0.8006 0.0677 0.0242 0.0184 0.0102 0.0454 0.1591 0.0044 0.0366 b 0.6986 1.2201 0.0733 0.8154 1.0509 0.9589 1.0853 0.9371 0.6440 1.3919 0.9911 R2 0.8701 0.9315 0.9903 0.9182 0.9739 0.9595 0.9964 0.9499 0.9404 0.8392 0.9566 93.6 98.3 110.4 99.6 Dry Density 99.8 MC wt % 23.7 21.2 31.4 21.0 24.3 23.3 14.3 25.1 23.6 17.3 24.5 25 45 31 35 34 23 40 39 27 37 17 18 22 22 25 15 20 22 19 20 8 27 9 13 9 8 20 17 8 17 Plasticity LL PL PI


















Individual sites

CL - Blythville
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

CL - Camp Huelen
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03



CL - Chieng Mai
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

CL - Delta
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03



CL - Fort Kobbe
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

CL - Khon Kaen
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03



CL - Newport
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

CL - Oxford
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03



CL - Shreveport
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

CL - Stuttgart
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03



CL - Vicksburg 1
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03

CL - Vicksburg 2
18 16 14 12 CBR 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 CI 600 800 1e+03



Table D4. ML soils regression coefficients. Coefficients Soil Type All ML ML Monroe ML Shaw ML Vicksburg 1 (aka Delta, LA) ML Vicksburg 2 (aka Vicksburg, MS (WES)) a 0.1111 0.0321 0.0325 0.0074 b 0.7390 1.1194 0.8844 1.2918 R2 0.5193 0.7882 0.9619 0.9314 88.8 Dry Density pcf 88.8 MC wt % 23.6 19.4 29.8 24.2 45 26 27 23 18 3 Plasticity LL PL PI







ML - All sites
12 10 8 CBR 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 CI 400 500 600 Monroe Shaw Vicksburg 1 Vicksburg 2



Individual sites

ML - Monroe


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

ML - Shaw


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600



ML - Vicksburg 1


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

ML - Vicksburg 2


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600



Table D5. CH soils regression coefficients. Coefficients Soil Type All CH CH Bang Khen CH Camp Huelen CH Corozal CH Corvallis CH Guanica CH Laurel CH Lop Buri CH Pomaria CH Roosevelt CH Salisbury CH Vicksburg 48 (aka Mound, LA) CH Vicksburg 66 (aka Vicksburg, MS) CH Wahiawa CH Winterhaven a 0.1264 0.0165 0.0989 0.1339 0.0245 0.0738 0.0088 0.1997 0.0627 0.0584 0.0221 b 0.6979 1.1349 0.7674 0.6882 1.0297 0.8017 1.2762 0.6142 0.7754 0.8348 0.9524 R2 0.8516 0.9981 0.9652 0.8035 0.9191 0.9857 0.9878 0.8141 0.9058 0.9732 0.9415 Dry Density 78.1 86.5 ND 58.6 75.8 68.1 77.0 90.6 85.0 87.1 91.1 MC wt % 41.2 32.2 44.4 64.9 41.1 50.0 40.5 28.0 32.6 31.4 28.2 56 75 130 66 90 81 56 55 55 50 24 26 48 30 38 27 19 29 28 28 32 49 82 36 52 54 37 26 27 22 Plasticity LL PL PI









0.0908 0.2269 0.0907

0.7559 0.5847 0.7585

0.9083 0.8198 0.9424

75.5 75.6 ND

41.0 44.0 45.4

72 71 76

31 33 25

42 38 51

CH - All sites
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 CI 400 500 600

Bang Khen Camp Huelen Corozal Corvallis Guanica Laurel Lop Buri Pomaria Roosevelt Rds Salisbury Vicksburg 48 Vicksburg 66 Wahiawa Winterhaven




Individual sites

CH - Bang Khen


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

CH - Camp Huelen


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600



CH - Corozal


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

CH - Corvallis


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600



CH - Guanica


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

CH - Laurel


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600



CH - Lop Buri


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

CH - Pomaria


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600



CH - Roosevelt
12.5 10 7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 150 300 CI 450 600

CH - Salisbury



2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600



CH - Vicksburg 1948
12.5 10 7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

CH - Vicksburg 1966




0 0

200 CI





CH - Wahiawa


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600

CH - Winterhaven


7.5 CBR 5 2.5 0 0 200 CI 400 600


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October 2008

Technical Report

Opportune Landing Site Program: Predicting California Bearing Ratio from Trafficability Cone Index Values


Sally A. Shoop, Deborah Diemand, Wendy L. Wieder, George Mason, and Peter M. Seman


U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory 72 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03755-1290



U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Air Vehicles Directorate


Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


California bearing ratio (CBR) soil strength measurements are commonly used by the U.S. Air Force to identify locations suitable for use as expedient runways. Field CBR testing is a time-consuming operation requiring a skilled operator, and can be hazardous for the evaluation teams in hostile environments. Limited amounts of published CBR data are available. The measurement of trafficability cone index (CI), widely used by the U.S. Army for similar applications, is a process that is fast and simple, and for which a vast amount of published data worldwide are available. This report describes methods reported in the literature to correlate CBR to CI based on Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) soil type, as well as a systematic program to develop an algorithm to predict CBR from CI using a database of measurements of both CBR and CI made concurrently by the U.S. Army, many of which were taken in undisturbed soil. The database is described and related soil properties, such as plasticity information, soil density, specific gravity, and moisture content, are given.


OLS, Opportune Landing Site program, soil, strength, bearing capacity, trafficability, cone index, CI, California bearing ratio, CBR, prediction
area code)


Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239.18

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