IRC Code
IRC Code
IRC Code
th~icatwgn ti
New Delhi
SP: 111988 First Published in July, 1973 First Revision : December, 1977 Reprinted : October, 1983 Second Revision : April, 1984 Reprinted : September, 1989 Reprinted E January, 1994 Reprinted: January, 1997 Scplcinbci. 2t )(U)
(1000 Copies)
Page Introduction CHAPTERI CHA PTER2 CHAPTER3 CHAPTER4 CHAPTER5 CHAPTER6 CHAPTER7 CHAPTER8 General Earthwork Sub-base Courses Base Courses
Bituminous Surface Courses Concrete Pavements Control of Alignment, Profile and
- -.
3 13
23 39 53
- -.
Surface Evenness
- -.
List of Standards/Specifications of Indian Roads Congress referred to in the text List of test standards of Bureau of Indian Standards and other bodies referred to in the text Range of equipment required for a testing and central, regional and field laboratories Sample forms for quality tests Procedure for certain field control tests not covered by published standards Procedure for checking surface regularity using a straight-edge
97 98
2. 3. 4. 5 6.
112 125
of.roads. Towards this end, a three-day Symposium on Quality Control in the Construction of Roads and Runways, was organised
under the joint auspices of the Indian Roads Congress and the 29th February, 1968. At the concluding the following resolutions were adopted
Central Road Research Institute in New belhi from 27th to Session of this Symposium,
(1) that quality control of materials and the end product together with process involved should form an integral part of construction specifications of road and runway projects, and that materials survey be carried out for each project at the rough estimate stage; (2) that wherever necessary, the existing specifications be reviewed so as to be realistic and to provide for adequate quality control measures fair to all concerned; (3) thatadequate financial outlay be provided in the form of either a basic budgetary provision or as a percentage of each project estimate to meet the expenses of quality control; (4) that a Committee of experts be set up to prepare a handbook giving all the details of quality control code and that the handbook be reviewed periodically based on experience gained; (5) that short term training programmes be organised to provide the requisite trained personnel for quality control.
In pursuance of Resolution No. 4, a Committee consisting of the following members was constituted for drafting the Handbook: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Shri S.N. Sinha Shri M.K. Chatterjee Shri J. Datt Dr. M.P. Dhir Dr. R.K. Ghosh Shri T.K. Natarajan Dr. M.L. Purl Shri R.P. Sikka Dr. Bh. Subbaraju Prof. C.G. Swaminathan Dr. H.L. Uppal Cornenor
The above Committee, in turn, constituted four Subcomm tees to prepare drafts of various Sections. Later, the Committ decided that, before finalising the Handbook, its main tentati recommendations regarding the quantum of testing, control tes acceptable tolerances and method of interpretation of results, in summarised form, be placed before the National Seminar Roads and Bridges at Bombay in October, 1968 for wider disc sion. For this purpose, a Working Group consisting Dr. M.L. Purl, Dr. M.P. Dhir and Shri R.P. Sikka was entrust with responsibility of preparing the required summary for circu tion to the delegates attending the National Seminar.
The Recommendations of the National Seminar we discussed by the Committee and in light of the discussions, a dra ing Subcommittee comprising Prof. C.G. Swaminatha Shri T.K. Natarajan and Dr. M.L. Pun was formed to comple the draft.
The draft prepared by the Subcommittee was discussed the Committee in a series of meetings and a Working Grou consisting of Shri R.P. Sikka, Dr. M.P. Dhir and Dr. M.L. Pu processed the same. It was then considered by the Executi Committee of the Indian Roads Congress, in its meeting held Gandhinagar on 25.11-72. Thereafter, the Council of the Indi Roads Congress at its meeting held at Gandhinagar on the sam day finally approved the draft of this Handbook of Quality Contr for being published as a Special Publication ofthe Indian Roa Congress.
The Manual was revised in 1977 (First Revision) to incorp rate the new standards on surface evenness approved by the I.R. Council at its Meeting held in Madras on 28.8.76. The secon revision includes the prescribed equipment for different labor tories and the forms to be used for recording the results observation/test results by the field officers.
1.1. 1.1.1.
Need for Quality Control Quality control is an essential part of any production
exception. Quality
control is an important requirement for highway construction for ensuring quality and for creating durable national assets. The
need for quality control on these constructions has increased considerably in recent times due to a significant increase in traffic intensities, and the level of service expected of highway facilities. Improved level of service of the highways will result in considerable savings in vehicle operating cost and in favourable road user reaction and public opinion. Quality control in the form of sensory checks which are intrinsically subjective and qualitative is grossly inadequate for present-day needs and must instead be based on proper objective and quantitative measurements. 1.1.2. It is common knowledge that quality control, besides leading to constructions of improved quality ~nd uniformity, and ensuring a more economical utilisation of materials, also affords a
General (ii) Adequately trained staff and equipped agency for exercising quality control should be set up. (iii) Periodic appraisal of the quality control data should be made not only for implementation during construction but also for effecting possible improvements in quality control and construction techniques themselves. (iv) Updating of knowledge by on job training. L3. Organisational Set-up for Quality Control
1.3.1. The requirements of a quality control organisation will obviously vary on different projects depending on the departmental set-up of the concerned highway agency. For. example, the organisation of quality control work at a single centrally situated large project will need to be on quite different lines than at average sized scattered projects. In this chapter only the broad guidelines for the organisation of quality control work at road projects are discussed. The actual set-up may be evolved in the background
of various factors involved. For the suggested pattern of quality control set-up in this handbook a typical Organisational set.up ha
been drawn up and shown below: Organisational Chart of Quality Control Set-up ENGINEER-IN-CH!EFJ CHIEF ENGINEER
DIRECTOR Head of quality control, should not be below the rank of S.E. Located at Head-Quarter or where Central Laboratory Exists
REGIONAL LABORATORIES Headed by Executive Engineer QfC will deal with specific cases, all policy matters, training of staff etc.
Field Laboratory
Depending upon the job it will deal with the routine field tests at site of the work
1.3.2. In any organisational set-up, the central agency has an important role as regards implementation of quality control standards by way of drafting and constant review of the quality control criteria included in the construction specifications. The implementation of quality control in the field would normally involve three sub-agencies viz, the construction staff of the Engineer-inCharge, the constructing agency and the quality control team. The construction staff and quality control teams must have distinctly defined functions and inter-relationships so as to avoid possible
conflicts. The quality control team may consist of staff of regional laboratories and field laboratories working under the technical
direction of the Central Laboratory. 1.3.3. As far as the field laboratories are concerned, the periodic quality control data collected by them should be promptly fed to the site engineer, as the latter is responsible for ensuring quality and speed of construction. In addition, the data will also
be submitted to the Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer as well as to the Head of the Central Laboratory; to the former with a view to ensure continuity as well as compatibility of the
specifications in practice, and to the latter for purpose of feedback. This may be regarded as a tentative recommendation, subject to review and modification, as and when experience accumulates. 1 .34. The expenditure on quality control may be charged to the works and the staff as well as equipment shifted from project
staff should not be on work-charged basis but form part of regular staff and be properly trained for the work they are required to handle, for which suitable training facilities should be afforded by the department, either in their own Central Laboratory or any other Laboratory. To provide for the cost of quality control, it is
suggested that this may be included as a distinct item in the various work estimates. 1.4. Types of Quality Control 1.4.1. Over the years. two types of methods have emerged for exercising quality control during the construction of works. One is generally known as Process cdntrol and the other as End
result type of control. In the former, the designer makes the decisions regarding the type of equipment, the procedure of construction and the amount of work required to obtain the desired result. In the End result type of control, the construction agency,
product. 1.4.2. The choice of either type of control is largely a matter of judgment, depending on the magnitude of the job, different environmental factors involved, and the available facilities. In India, gradually the .*rend is towards End result type of working on highway pavement and embankment construction jobs. But In several situations, for example on small jobs, or where .input type of tests like material gradation and purity of lime are to be carried out, expediency would be in adopting Process type of control.
Because of circumstances, a combination of the Process and End result types of control will continue to be adopted in India, depending on the nature and size of the job. 1.4.3. in the End result type of specification, the field engineering personnel carry out tests on finished work at regular
intervals to evaluate, whether it meets the specification requirementS or not. On the other hand, in Process type control, the
responsibility of field personnel is to make sure that the work in its different phases is executed in the manner predetermined and laid
down in specifications.
1.4.4. The details given in this Handbook arc for a combination of Process and End result types of quality control which is generally being practised in this country. 1.5. Specifications for Work
The handbook draws heavily upon the existing Standards! Specifications of Indian Roads Congress by way of abstracting
essential requirements of construction for the various items of work. Reference is given to the relevant Standards at appropriate places in the Handbook. A complete list of all the standards referred to with their full title is included at Appendix 1.
1.6. Control of Materials 1.6.1. The quality control testsorl materials indicated in the subsequent chapters, are intended essentially to be carried out on
the material brought to site. However, at times, from practical and other considerations, some testing could be done advantageously at the material source. In these circumstances, the Engineerin-Charge may do additional testing at site as may be found necessary to ensure that the materials being incorporated in the construction are of specified quality. 1.6.2. All the materials brought to the site shall be stacked and stored as specified so as to prevent deterioration or intrusion
by foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality
and fitness for work. Materials which have been improperly stored or have been stored for long periods shall be re-tested where their
suitability for incorporation in the work is in doubt.
1.7. Test Procedures 1.7.1. The procedure for testing of different materials and
work shall be in accordance with the relevant standards of Indian
Bureau of Standards where these are available. Reference has been drawn to these standards at appropriate places in the Handbook. A consolidated list of the standards with their full title is at
Appendix 2.
1.7.2. Where specific procedure of testing is not indicated, the tests shall be carried out as per the prevalent accepted engineering practice to the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 1.8. Frequency and Extent of Testing
The frequency and extent of testing indicated in the Handbook
is the minimum considered necessary for normal conditions. It is envisaged that additional testing shall be carried out for abnormal conditions where variations may be excessive or where circumstances so warrant otherwise. Acceptance Criteria 1.9.1. Acceptance Criteria for different items of work where
I .9. sufficient experience was available have been setforth in the
8 considered judicious.
the contract documents. 1.10. Range of Equipment for a Central, Regional and Field Testing Laboratory
1.10.1. Range of equipment required for a central, regional and field testing and control laboratories is indicated in Appendix 3 for guidance. The list includes such equipment as will normally be required for quality control operations spelt out in the Handbook. Individually, quality control units could be suitably equipped with the help of this list depending on the type and vol lime of work to be controlled. Special equipment as given in the
appendix can be procured depending upon the requirement. Testing facilities should comprise Laboratories at Central, Regional and Field levels. The Central laboratory located at headquarterswill (a) provide testing facilities for tests of specialized nature, (b) act as regional laboratory for works circle (s) at headquarters, (c) act as the nodal 1.10.2. Testing facilities :
laboratory for Research schemes in the State and Central sectors, (d) bring out manuals for testing procedures. The Central laboratory headed by the Director. may have for quality control work, scientists from Geology, Chemistry and Physics disciplines. The list of suggested equipment to be provided in Central laboratory are avilable at Appendix 3. The Regional laboratories located at circle level will be headed by Executive Engineers (Quality Control) assisted by scientists from Geology, Physics and Chemistry disciplines. Regional laboratories will provide testing support to the (a) Engineers working in the circles and (b) Research teams from Central and State Highway R & D institutions. In addition they shall provide all facilities for training of all the Quality Control staff in the Region. The list of
suggested equipment to be provided in Regional laboratories is given at Appendix 3. It is neither feasible nor advisable to send samples for routine
tests all the way to the Regional laboratories and delay the work for want of test results. Setting up facilities for basic tests at the level of Junior Engineer/Engineering subordinate is therefore necessary. Sonic other equipments may have to be provided at sub Divisional/Divisional level. A list of equipment suggested to be provided at Site/Sub divisional/Divisional level can be seen at Appendix 3.
with every third running bill so that the payments get linked with
the assured quality of work. 1 .12. TraIning for Quality Control In order to bring awareness in the officers of department and
to update their knowledge of methods of testing, regular workshops on quality control should be held. To make the participants aware of basic necessities like specifications, required test acceptance
criteria, frequency of testing and methodology of tests for understanding the quality control system and operation of regional/field laboratories. The training could be imparted by known road research institutes or through on job training.
1.13. Scope of the Handbook 1.13.1. This Handbook is intended to be a handy reference for the general work of quality control at various highway constructions. It is not in any way meant to be a substitute for the relevant departmental specifications for construction and materials, but
only as a guide to complement these. For certain items, where need was felt, broad guidelines on salient construction features have
been included in the Handbook. These are for guidance only and should not be taken to constitute specifications. 1.13.2. Even though the Handbook is intended mainly for highway constructions, it will be found equally advantageous for a number of facets of runway constructions as well.
2 Earthwork
2.1; General
2.L1. It is the responsibility of the field engineer to ensure that the density assumed by the designer is achieved at the expected moisture content. The way to ensure this is to test samples for moisture and density and to take appropriate corrective measures, as necessary. The rate of testing on a given project would depend on several factors, such as the homogeneity or otherwise of the material from the borrowpits, the nature and quantum of machinery or manual labour employed, and terrain conditions, so that the number of particular tests to be conducted for say 1000 cubic metres of the material involved, would entirely be a matter of engineering judgment. Therefore, the frequency of testing indicated at the end of this chapter should be regarded as indicative of the minimum number of tests to be conducted with full realisation of the fact that the rate of testing would have to be increased if circumstances so warrant.
2.1.2. Discussion of other aspects such as the minimum densities to be obtained, selection of rolling equipment, thickness of layer, etc~, are considered to be outside the scope of this chapter. For guidance in this respect, reference should be rn:idc to the relevant specifications, IRC 36-1970 Recommended Practice for Construction of Earth Embankments for Road Works.
2.2. EarthworkMaterials and Process Selection of Soils 2.2.1. The soil to be used for making up the embankment
shall be free from stumps and root rubbish which might affect the stability of the embankment. 2.2.2. The selection of materials for construction of the embankment shall be made after conducting necessary soil surveys and laboratory investigations, as set out in IRC : 36-1970.
14 2.2.3.
2.2.4. Ptoce.slng and placement : To obtain adequate compaction, the embankment shall be constructed in uniform layers. Due care shall be exercised to ensure that loose thickness of each layer does not exceed the specified limits. Successive layers of embankment shall not be placed until the Layer under construction has been thoroughly compactedto satisfy the specified requirements.
2.2.5. After adjusting the moisture content whether at the road side or at borrow area, (making due allwance for evaporation losses), the soil shall be processed by means of graders, harrows, rotary mixers, other suitable equipment or even manually if no equipment is available until the moisture distribution is reaso eably uniform. Clods or hard lumps of earth where present shall be broken down to sizes preferably of the order of 5 cm but under no circumstances shall the maximum size of clods exceed 15 cm when soil is being placed in the body of the embankment and 6 cm when it is being placed in the top 50cm of the embankment.
2.2.6. Moisture content at the lime of compaction: Unless otherwise specified, the moisture content of each layer of soil at the time of compaction except in the case of highly expansive soils should be at optimum moisture content subject to the permitted tolerances. Highly expansive soils such as black cotton soil should be compacted at the specified moisture content which is usually on the higher side of the optimum moisture content. The tolerance limits for variation of moisture content from the specified moisture content are normally + 1 per cent and 2 per cent.
2.2i. Densities to be aimed at in the compaction process shall be chosen with due regard to factors such as soil type, height of embankment, drainage conditions, position of the individual layers and type of plant available for compaction. 2.2.8. Each compacted layer shall be tested in the field for density and accepted before the operations for the next layer commence.
2.3.1. In situations where no previous record or experience concerning the needed number of passes with a particular rolling equipment relating to a particular soil type is available, it may be desirable to conduct field trials on compaction so as to obtain data which would serve as an aid to planning of compaction operations. 2.3.2. A test area about 20 m long and 5 m wide is prepared after removing the top soil. The fill material to be used is spread over this area, the depth of the loose layer being 25 cm. The Tnositure content of the soil should be as specified subject to the tolerance limits indicated. 2.3.3. The test layer is then compacted with the type of compaction plant decided upon, and the mean dry desnsity to the full depth determined over the range of about 4 to 16 passes. The number of passes required are dependent upon the weight and type of rollers employed. The dry density shalt be determined in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part-XXVHI) and the mean of 5 determination should be obtained for each compaction condition. The mean dry densities are plotted against the number of roller passes. From this graph, the approximate number of passes required for the compaction equipment to obtain the specified dry density is determined. 2.4. Quality Control of Earthwork 2.4.1. Quality of fill material and its compaction shall be
controlled through exercise of checks on the borrow material, com-
paction process, or the end-product, singly or in combination as directed. However, in every case, the end-product must conform to the construction specifications. 2.4.2. Details of control tests on borrow materials and compaction are dealt with in Clauses 2.5. and 2.6. 2.5. Control Tests on Borrow Material
2.5.1. The particular type of tests required to be conducted on the borrow material and their frequency would depend on interplay of several factors such as the nature of plant or machinery employed on the project, the quantum of manual labour in-
volved, the nature of specifications to be followed whether they call for particular tests on borrow niat~rials,the uniformity or other wise of materials coming out of borrowpits, terrain conditions, etc. The recommended frequencies indicated in the succeeding para graphs and in Table 2.1. are therefore only to be taken as applicable to routine cases. These tests are meant to verify during executior of the work that the material coming to site conforms to specificat iOflS, for borrow matetial and should be regarded as distinct from the test referred to in Clause 2.2.2. which relate to the initial selec tion of soils for embankment construction. All the tests would not be applicable on all projects. Depending upon site conditions, etc., only particular tests may be found necessary for a particular project. The frequency of testing indicated releates generally to the minimum number of tests to be conducted. The rate of testing would have to be stepped up much more than is herein indicated, depending upon the heterogeneity of the material and the compac tion technique adopted in any particular project.
2.5.2. Gradation (IS: 2720Part JV)1965 : At least, one tes for each kind of soil. Usual late of testing, 1-2 tests per 8,000 m3 of soil. The test would be necessary only if specifications call for checks using gradation or grain-size distribution as a criterion for selecting the soil. However, sand content determinations should be carried out invariably, at the rate of 1-2 tests per S0O() m~
2.5.3. Plasticity index (IS: 2720Part V)1970 : At least, one test for each kind of soil. Usual rate ~f testing 1-2 tests per 8000 m3 of soil.
2.5.4. Proctor test (IS: 2720Part Vll)1965 : This test is performed to ensure that soil of requisite quality is coming out of borrow areas as also to provide information on optimum mc~stur content and maximum laboratory dry density. Usual rate at test ing, 1-2 tests per 8000 m3 of soil.
2.55. 1~eteterious onstituents (IS: 2720Part XXVH)1968: c The soil shall be free of harmful salts like sodium sulphate and organic matter (permissible limits)~of 0.2 and 1 per cent respec tively. The tests will be done as and when required.
2.56. Natural moisture content (IS 2720Part 11-1973) (Second Revision): One test for every 250 ma of soil. The natural moisture content of the soil coming out of the borrowpits will have to be determined in order to evaluate how far the natural moisture content tallies with the optimum value and whether further addition or reduction of water cctntent would be necessary.
25.7. quen cies. 2.6. 2.6.1. CompactIon Control Compaction control mainly involves two operations, Table 2.1. gives a summary of the tests for borrow
namely, control of moisture content just before compaction and density of compacted layer.
2.6.2. MoIsture content determinations: Moisture content determinations for compaction control shall be in addition to those on borrow material spelt out in Clause 2.5.6. Thit test is necessary for ensuring proper moisture content at the time of compaction which significantly influences the density results. Usual rate of 3 testing should be 2-3 tests per 250 in of soil. 2.6.3. Density measurements: Except when otherwise
directed, at the last one measurement of density shall be made for each 1 000 in2 of compacted area. Test locations shallbe chosen
only through predetermined random sampling techniques. Control s~a11not be based on the result of anyone test but on the mean value of 5-10 density determinations. The number of tests in one set of measurements shall be 5 as long as it is felt that sufficient control over borrow material and the method of compaction was being exercised. But if there be any doubt about this control, or considerable variations are observed between individual density results, the number of tests in ont set of measurement shall forth with be increased to 10. The acceptance of results shall be subject to the condition that the mean dry density equals or exceeds the specified density and the standard deviation for any set of results is
2.6~4. In general, the control at top subgrade layers of the formation shall be more strict than stated above with density measurements being carried out at the rate of 1 test per 500-1000 m2 of compacted area. Further, for the determination of mean density ~nd standard deviation (refer Chapter 8), the number of tests in one set of measurements shall not be less than 10. Acceptance of the work shall be subject to the same conditions as stipulated in
Clause 2.6.3. 2.6.5. Table 2.2. sets out the minimum of tests for compaction control.
desirable frequency
Minimum desirable frequency
Test method
2. 3.
CBR on a set of 3
speCimens* * 5. Deleterious constituents Natural moisture content IS: 2720 Part XXVII-1968 As required
of soil
S. No,
Test method
I. 2.
Moisture content IS: 2720 Part 11 just before Compaction 1973 (Second Revision)
Dry density of compacted layer
,f loose soil.
15: 2720 Part XXVIII Generally, one iest 1966 per 1000 & of compacted area for the body of the embank-
ment to be increased
to one test per 500-1000 m of compacted area for top subgrade layers, i.e. top 500 mm portion of the embankment.
Sub-base Courses
3 Sub-base Courses
3.1. General
3.1.1. Chapter The following sub-base courses are dealt with in this
(i) Stone Soling
3.2.1. General Stone soling, as a rule, is gradually becoming outmoded as a sub-base owing to its inferior load spreading properties as well as the liability to sink into poor or slushy subgrades. However, where it is still used, control on the materials and works should be exercised as described hereunder.
Materials Before incorporation in th.e work, the materials for stone soling shall be checked for specification requirements either at the quarry or at the site. The stones shall be granite, limestone, sandstone, etc., as specified, reasonably free from laminations, foreign matter, unsound and weathered fragments and be in a clean condition.
3.22.3. The filler material shall be sand or any other granular material having a plasticity index of not more than 6.
3.2.3. Processing and construction
Subbase Courses
3.2.3l. Preparation of snbgrade: The subgrade shall be checked for line, grade and cross-section as spelt out in Chapter 7.
All irregularities beyond the permitted tolerances shall be rectified. Soft and yielding places and ruts shall be corrected and rolled until firm.
properly by hand as specified. All voids should be filled, first by wedging in spalls and then with filler material accompained by sprinkling of water, brooming and rolling.
(iii) Rolling shall commence at the edges, progressing gradually towards the centre parallel to the centre line of the road except at supercievated portions where it shall proceed from the inner edge to the outer.
The finished surface shall be checked for lines level and regularity as indicated in Chapter 7. Control tests and their frequency
3.2.4. Quality control tests on materials and work as well as their minimum desirable frequency shall be as shown in Table 3.1.
3.1. Minimum desirable frequency One test per 200 m 1963 One test per 25 m Regularly
S. No.
Test method
Aggregate Impact Value/ Los Angeles Abrasion Value Plasticity index of filler material Control of grade, camber, thickness and surface finish
2. 3.
Sub-base Courses
25 Irregularities present in the finished surface beyond the tolerances specified in Chapter 7 shall be rectified in the following manner: When the finished surface is too high or too low, the soling shall be dismantled to the full depth and reconstructed as specified. Jn no case shall the filling of depressions with filler material be
permitted. 3.3. Brick-Soling
layers either flat or on edge. 3.3.2. MaterIals The quality of bricks shall be checked for specfication requirements before their incorporation in the works. Bricks to be used shall be of full size and brickbats shall not be used. The filler shall be sand or any other material having a plasticity index of not more than 6.
mind while
Soling work: The following points shall be kept in executing the work
(I) [he bricks shall be hand laid with each brick touching the other. (ii) Pattern for laying of bricks, such as herringbone, shall be as speci. fled. When more than one layer is to be constructed, the bricks shoi~ldbe so laid as to break joints in successive layers. (iii) The material used for filling the interstices shall be sand or any other mineral matter with plasticity Index not exceeding 6~
3.3.4., Quality control tests on the materials and the work and their minimum desirable frequency shall be as indicated in Table 3.2.
TA~t.E 3.2.
Sub-base Courses
S. No.
I est method
IS: 3495
IS: 3495
(Parts Ito V)1973 First Revision IS: 2720 (Part V)-1970 First Revision
3.4.1. General For use as sub-base water bound macadam sha~lbe constructed with oversized aggregates of 40-90 mm size. The materials used and the work shall conform to the requirements of 1RC: 19-1977 and their quality shall be contro~leci~in the same lines as outlined in Chapter 4 for water bound macadam base course.
SoII_Gra,el/Moorum* Sub-base
3.5.1. General : This type of sub-base is constructed using mooruni, soil-gravel mixtures and similar naturally occurring lowgrade materials. 3.5.2. Materials : The materials shall be in accordance with the specifications as laid down. 3.5.3.
Sub-base Courses
35.3.2. Construction of sub-base: The following points shall be kept in mind during execution of the work: (1) Before compaction, moisture content ol the material shall be brought to the desired level. (ii) Rolling shall commence at the edges, proceeding gradually towards
the centre parallel to the centre line of the road, except at superelevated portions where it shall proceed from the inner edge to the outer. Rolling shall be continued till the specified density is
(iii) The surface after rolling shall be well closed, free from movement under compaction plant, any compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material., (iv) After rolling, the sub-base layer shall be checked for density, the control and permissible tolerances for which shall be the same as set out in Clause 2.6.4. This presupposes that Proctor density is known through prior testing. (v) Unless otherwise specified, no traffic of any description shall ply directly over the finished sub-base.
3.5.4. Control tests and their frequency: Quality control tests on materials and work with their minimum desirable frequency are indicated in Table 3.3.
TADLC 3.3.
S. No. I.
Gradation Plasticity
Test method
IS : 2720 (Part IV)1965 IS: 2720 (Part V)1970 IS: 2720 (Part II)i973 IS: 2720
3. 4.
(First Revision) Moisture Contents prior to compaction Density of compacted layer Control of grade, camber thickness and surface
tPart XXVII)
IS: 2720 (Past II)1973 One test
As required
per 250 m
One test per 500 m~ (Part XXVIII)1966
IS : 2720
Regularly As required
(Part XVI)1965
This test, unless specified otherwise In the Specifications, is for the purpose of design only,
28 3.5.5.
Sub-base Courses
RectificatIon of smiace irregularities Where surface irregularities of the finished sub-base layer fall outside the specified tolerances given in Chapter 7, the same shall be rectified. If the surface is too high, it shall be trimmed and suitably compacted. If it is too low, the deficiency
shall be corrected by adding fresh material. The degree of compaction and the type of material to be used shall conform to the specification requirements. 3.6. Mechanically Stabilized Soil
3.6.1: General Mechanical stabilization is mainly of three different types, namely, stabilization of sandy soils with admixture of clay, stabilization of clayey soils with admixture of sand and stabilization with soft aggregates. 3.6.2. MaterIals The blending/grafting materials used for mechanical
3.6.3. Mixing and laying of stabilized soil : The following ooints shall be kept in mind while executing the work:
(i) Stabilization shall be carried out preferably by mechanical melDs. In all cases, it shall be ensured that the plant used and met!~bds adopted are capab]e of pulverising the soil to specified degree to full thickness of the layer being processed and of achieving the desired degree of mixing and uniformity of the stabilized material. (ii) in the event of manual mixing, it shall be ensUred that there has been uniform mixing of various ingredients to the full depth of layer processed, (iii) Degree of pulverisation shall be as specified. (iv) Grading and plasticity index shall be checked.
Sub-base Courses
(v) Before compaction, moisture content of the mixed material shall be brought to the desired level, which in general is the same as the
(viii) The surface after rolling shall be well closed, free from movement
under compaction plant, any compaction planes, ridges, cracks or
loose material
(ix) After rolling, the sub base layer shall be checked for compaction, the control and permissible tolerances of which shall be the same as set out in Clause 2.6.4. This presupposes that Proctor density is known through prior testing.
(x) The surface shall be cured as s ~c1tied.
(xi) The finished surface shall be checked for line, level and regularity
in accordance with Chapter 7. (xii) Unless otherwise specified, no traffic of any description shall ply directly over the stabilized layer.
3.6.4. Quality control tests on materials and work with their minimum desirable frequency shall be as indicated in Table 3.4. Specific tests and their frequencies on soft aggregates where required to be used are also included in Table 3.4. Where for any test, the procedure of testing is not indicated, the same shall be performed as per accepted engineering practice.
3.6.5. Where surface irregularity of the stabilized layer falls outside the tolerances mentioned in Chapter 7, the same shall be rectified. If the surface is too high, it shall be trimmed and suitably compacted. If it is too low, the deficiency shall be corrected by adding fresh material. The degree of compaction and the type of material to be used shall conform to the specification requirements.
30 TA aLa 3.4.
S. No.
Subbase Courses
Minimum desirable
I. 2.
IS : 2386 (Part IV)1963 IS 2386 (Part I1I)1963 (Part V)1970 (First Revision) IS : 2720
(Part IV)1965 15: 2720
3, 4.
6. 7.
Sand content of mixed material Moisture content prior to cornpaction Dry density of compacted layer
thickness and surface finish CBR test on material mixed at site (a set of 3
in6 IS 2720 (Part II)1973 (Second Revision) One test per 500 m IS: 2120
9. 10.
Vide Chapter 7
(Part XVI) 1965
Deleterious constituents
* ~
Where apphcable. This test is for the purpose of design only unless otherwise specified. Lime Stabilized SoiljMoorum
3.7.1. General Besides lime stabilized soil, this sub-section covers constructions involving stabilization with lime of materials like moorum.
3.7.2. MaterIals Lime, at delivered at site, shall be checked for purity and available calcium oxide content as specified The quantity of lime for incorpo#ation in the soil related to its calcium oxide content, shall be expressed as per cent by weight of the dry soil. The lime content shall be predetermined on the basis of laboratory tests.
S ubbase Courses
3.7.3., Processing and construction
31 Stabilization: The following points shall be kept in mind while executing the work:
(i) Stabilization shall be carried out preferably by mechanical means.
If single pass stabilisers are not available, rotavators or agricultural machinery like ploughe and disc harrows shall be made use of. In every case, it shall be ensured that the plant used and methods adopted are capable of pulverising the soil to specified degree over the full thickness of layer being processed and of achieving the mixing and uniformity of the stabilized material to desired degree.
(ii) In the case of manual mixing, it shall be ensured that there has been
a uniform mixing of lime and soil to the full depth of the layer processed.
(iii) Degree of pulverisation shall be as specified.
(iv) Mixing shall be uniform and no streaks of free lime shall be visible.
(v) After mixing, the lime content of the mix shall be determined. The lime content values shall conform to the following (also see foot note under Table 3.5):
(a) Moving average of 10 tests not to be less than the specified lime content. (b) No test value to i~eless than 75 per cent of the specified lime content. (vi) Before compaction, moisture content of the mixed material shall be brought to the desired level, which, in general, is she optimum moisture content.
(vii) It shall be ensured that the time interval between mixing of lime with
outer. Rolling shall be continued till the specified density is achieved. (ix) Care shall be taken to ensure that during rolling the compaction plant does not bear directly on hardened or partially hardened
treated material previously laid except as may be necessary for achieving the desired compaction at the joints.
Subbase Courses
(x) The surface after rolling shall be welt closed, free from movement under compaction plant, and any compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material.
(xi) After rolling, the sub-base layer shall be checked for compaction the control and the permitted tolerances of which shall be the same as set out in Clause 2,6.4. This presupposes that Proctor density is known through prior testing. (xli) The finished surface shalt be checked immediately after laying tor line, level and regularity in accordance with Chapter 7. (xiii) The surface on completion shall be cured for 7 days soon after which subsequent pavement courses shall be laid to prevent the surface from drying out and becoming friable. No traffic of any description shall ply directly over the stabilized layer.
3.7.4. Quality control tests on materials and work with their minimum desirable frequency are indicated in Table 3.5. Where for any test the procedure of testing is not indicated, the same shall be performed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. 3.7.5.
falls outside the specified tolerances given in Chapter 7, the same shall be rectified. Where the su~face is top high, the same shall be suitably trimmed while taking care that the material below is not disturbed by this operation. 3.7. 5.3. However, where the surface is too low, the same shall be corrected as described hereafter. When the time elapsed between detection of irregularity and the time of mixing of the
material is less than 3 hours, the surface shall be scarified to a
Sub-base Courses
Purity of lime and available calcium oxide
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
IS: 1514@-1959
IS: 2720 (Part II)-1973 (Second Revision) IS: 2720 (Part XXVIIE)-1966 Vide Chapter 7 IS: 2720 (Part XVI)-1965 IS: 2720 (Part XXVI)-1973 (First Revision)
@Tbis test method is inconvenient for wide application in the field. As such, it will be desirable to exercise close control over material quantities and their processing. * Unless otherwise specified, this test is only for the purpose of design.
Soil proposed for cement stabilisation shall not have The cement used shall be checked for compliance with the requirements of IS: 269(1967), 455.1967 (Second Revision) or 1489-1967 (First Revision) as applicable. The quantity of cement for incorporation shall be expressed as a percentage by weight of dry soil. This shall be predetermined on the basis of laboratory tests.
a sulphate content of more than 0.2 per cent.
Sub-base Courses
3.8.3. Processing and construction Preparation of subgrade: Clause shall apply. Preparing and laying of cement modified soil sub-base: The operations involved in processing and construction of cementmodified soil are the same as those for lime stabitzed soil except that the stabilizing material will be cement instead of lime. As such, Clause shall apply but for the maximum time interval between mixing of cement with soil and compaction which shall be 2 hours in this case.
3.8.4. Control tests and their frequency Quality control tests on the materials and the work and their minimUm desirable frequency shall be as indicated in Table 3.6. Where for any test the procedure of testing is not indicated, the same shall be carried out as per the prevalent engineering practice.
S. No.
Test method
1. 2.
(Part XXVII)-1968
IS : 2720
IS 269/455/1489
5. 6. 7. 8.
Cement content immedia. tely after mixing Degree of pulverisation Moisture content prior to compaction
Dry density Control of grade, camber
thickness finish
Chapter 7
IS : 2720 (Part XVI)-1965
@Under finalisation with 1St. This test method Is inconvenient for wide application in the field. As such, It will be desirable to exercise close control over mater*aI quantities and their processing.
This test unless otherwise specified is for the purpose of design only.
Subbase Courses
3.8.5. Rectlficstion of surface irregularities: Clause 3.7.5. shall apply except that the time criterion spelled out in Clause shall be 2 hours in this case.
3.9. Sand-bItumen Mix 3.9.1. General: Sand-bitumen can be used both as subbase and base, the composition being designed accordingly. 3.9.2. MaterIals
3.9.2.L Sand shall be non-plastic. The per cent fraction finer than 75-micron sieve shall be within the range of 5 and 10. Binder shall be as specified. The per cent binder content in the sand-bitumen mix shall be predetermined in the laboratory. 3.9.3. Processing and construction Preparation of subgrsdes: Clause shall apply. Sand-bitumen mix laying: The following points
shall be attenced to while executing the work: (i) Mix proportions of constituent materials shall be as specified. (ii) Where sand is found to be.wet, it shalt be dr-led before mixing with binder. (iii) The means adopted for mixing shall be as specified and it shall be
ensured that sand particles are uniformly and properly coated with
binder. (iv) The sand-bitumen mix shalt be laid at site and if the binder is a cutback aerated for about 24 hours. It shall then be regarded to proper camber and rolled. (v) For this type of construction, edge confinement shall be provided. (vi) The thickness of individual layer of sand-bitumen mix shall be as specified.
(vii) Provisions regarding rolling shall be the same as described in Clause (vlll-x). (viii) After rolling, the compacted layer shall be checked for density as
laid down.
(ix) The finished surface shall be checked for line, level and ~egularity in accordance with Chapter 7.
Sub-base eourses
3.9.4. Control tests and their frequency : Quality control tests on the materials and the work and their minimum.desirable frequency shall be as indicated in Table 3.7.
TASLF 3.7.
S. No.
Test method
I. 2.
Sand fraction finer than 75 micron sieve Plasticity index of aand IS : 731961 IS : 2171961
IS : 2720
(Part IV)1965
IS: 2720 (Part V)1970 (First Revision)
Quality of binderBinder content of mix *Stabilityofsandbitumen mix by Hubbard-Field method Density of compacted mix
IS : 73/217
Method, vide Append(x-4 ASTM~D-ll38
IS 2720 1966
Chapter 7
3.9.5. RectIfication of surface irregularities : Where the surface irregularity of the sand-bitumen layer sub-base is outside the specified tolerances as given in Chapter 7, it shall be rectified. The rectification shall be done while the mix is still workable. Where the surface is too high, the same shalt be suitably trimmed while taking care not to disturb the material below. Where the surface is too low, the depressed areas shall be filled up with sand-bitumen mix and rolled according to specification
Base Courses
4 Base Courses
(b) Bituminous penetration macadam (C) Built-up-spray grout (d) Bituminous macadam (e) Soil-cement base (f) Lean concrete (g) Lime puzzolana concrete (h) Sand- bitumen base 4,2. Water Bound Macadam
4.2.1. General: Water bound macadam may be used as a base course under a surfacing or as a wearing course without any surfacing. In either case, the construction shall generally be in accordance with I1(C: 19-1972. 4.2,2~ Materials : All materials used in WBM construction, viz., coarse aggregates, screenings and binding material shall be
checked in advance of their incorporation in
fication requirements, either at the quarry or at site. 4.2.3. Processing and construction
4,2.3,1. Preparation of sobgrade/sab-base: This shall be checked for line, grade and section in accordance with Chapter 7. ~,iIts or soft yielding places shall be corrected suitably and rolled ~until firm. Arrangement of lateral confinement of aggregate shall
Base Courses
surface shaH be scarified and reshaped to the required grade and camber. The following points shall be carefully attended to
the centre while lapprng each preceding rear wheel track by one half width. The weight and type of the roller shall be relevant to the type of coarse aggregate. At horizontal curves, rolling shall proceed from the inner edge to the outer. No roiling shall be carried out when it causes a wave-like motion due to softness of the subgrade/sub-base. Irregularities that develop during rolling shall be rectified either by adding or removing aggregate. In no case shall screenings be added to make up depressions. Rolling shall be discontinued when the aggregates are partially compacted with void space sufficient to permit application of screenings. However, where
screenings are not to be used, compaction shall be continued until the aggregates are thoroughly keyed. (iv) Screenings shall be applied in three or more apptiL~tions to fill the interstices while dry rolling is continued. Vehicles carrying screenings shall be so operated as not to disturb the coarse aggregates. (v) It should be ensured that the sub-base/subgrade does not get damaged due to addition of excessive quantities of water during construction. (vi) Binding material, if required, shall be added after the application of screenings. It shall be introduced at a uniform zate in two or more applications accompanied by copious, sprihkling of water so as to form a slurry which could he swept with brooms to fill the
The finished surface shall be checked for line, level and regularity In accordance with Chapter 7.
Base Courses
4.2.4. Control tests and their frequency Quality control tests nn the materials and the work and their minimum desirable frequency shall be as indicated in Table 4.1.
1. Los Angeles Abrasion ValucJ IS: 2386 One test per 200 m
One test
4. 5.
(Part V)1970
4.2,5. Rectification of surface irregularities: Where the surface irregularities of water-6ound macadam base are outside the tolerances mentioned in Chapter 7, the same shall be rectified by lemoving to full depth theaflected area, which should not be
In no case 2, and relaying with fresh materials. less than 10 m shaU depressions be filled up with screenings or binding material.
4.3.1. General : Construction of bituminous penetration macadam base shall in general be carried out in accordance with. IRC: 20-1966. Control over the quality of materials and work shall be exercised as set forth hereunder.
42 4.3.2. Materials
Base Courses Coarse aggregates : The aggregates should be checked for conformity with the requirements stipulated in IRC: 20-1966. Bituminous binder: The type and grade of bituminous binder shall be as specified. The binder shall be checked for its quality before and during construction as may be.required. 4.3.3. shall apply. Processing and construction PreparatIon of subgrade/sub-base: Clause Construction of bituminous penetration niacildam base course : The following points shall be given proper attention during construction: (I) The coarse aggregates shall be spread uniformly and checked by template (see Chapter 7).
(ii) Provision for rolling and checking of finished surface shall be the same as in Clause Provided however that rolling shall stop before the voids are closed to such an extent as to prevent free and uniform penetration of binder and key aggregates.
(iii) Bituminous penetration macadam work shall not be carried out when the atmospheric temperature In shade Is less than 16Cor when the underlying course is damp or wet. (iv) The specified quantity of approved bisaler shall be sprayed at the appropriate application temperature, preferably using mechanical sprayers. The ends of the stretch shill be covered with thick paper so as to avoid double spraymg of binder. The rate of spray of binder shall be frequently checked and regulated to be within 21 per cent of the specified rate of application. Excessive deposits of bin~Ier
shall be immediately removed.
(v) Key stones shall be uniformly spread immediately after the application of bituminous binder by mechanical or manual means. The surface shall be broomed to obtain a uniform distribution of key stones and rolled. 4.3.4. Control tests and their frequencks: Quality control tests on the materials and the work and their minimum desirable frequencies shall be as indicated in Table 4.2.
Base Courses
TAaLi~ 4.2.
S. No.
Test method
IS: 2386 (Part IV}l963 IS: 2386 (Part I)1963 iS: 2386 (Part I)l963 IS:624l1971
2, 3. 4.
5. 6.
Control of gradc~ camber,
Vide Chapter ~7
4.4.1. General : Construction of built-up spray grout shall generally be done in accordance with IRC : 47-1972. The quality of materials and work shall be controlled on the same lines as outlined in Clause 4.3. for bituminous penetration macadam. 4.5. Bitumsnous Macadam
4.5.1. General : Construction of bituminous macadam premix base shall generally be done in accordance with IRC 27-1967. For ensuring the requisite quality of materials, and work, the important points to be kept in view and the control tests to be carried out are set forth below.
4.5.2. Materials
Base Courses
4.5.2,1. Preparation of subgrade/sub-base Clause shall apply. 1~addition, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned, first with wire brushes and finally by dusting with sacks.
Construction of bituminous macadam : Proper attention shall be paid to the following points during construction (i) The bitt~minous macadam construction shall not normally be carried out when the atmospheric temperature (in shade) is less than l6~C or when the underlying course in damp or wet.
(ii) All mechanical equipment, like hot-mix plant, paver roller, etc.,
shall be checked br their work worthiness. (iii) Where specified, a tack coat of bituminous binder shall be applied on the base/sub-base and control shall be exercised on the rate uniformity and temperature of its application. (iv) Mix pruportions of the constituent materials shall be as specified. Binder content with mix shall be ch~ekedperiodically and controlled so that there is no variation beyond 0,3 cent by weight of the per total mix. (v) Unless otherwise specified, mixing of aggregates and binder shall be carried out in hot-mix plant. (vi) Binder and aggregate temperatures shall be consistent with proper mixing and laying of the mix and be within the specified limits. (vii) Mix shall be spread uniformly preferably using a paver-finisher to the correct thickness, grade and camber. Temperature of the mix at the time of laying and rolling shall be within the specified limits. (viii) Tne roller shall proceed on to fresh material with the drive wheel leading. Rolling shall commence from the edges and progress towards the centre except on superelevated curves where the rolling shall commence from the lower edge and progress towards the upper edge. The rolling shall be continued, with off-set of half rear wheel width, till the layer has been fully compacted. The wheels of the roller shall be kept moist to prevent the mix from adhering to them and being picked up but in no case shall fuel/lubricating oil be used br this purpose.
Base Courses
(ix) Longitudinal joints and edges shall be constructed true to the delineating lines parallel to the centre line of the road. All joints shall be cut vertical to the full thickness of the previously laid mix and the surface painted with hot bitumen before placing fresh
x) Traffic shall not be normally allowed on ~hccourse till the mix has cooled down to the surrounding temperature. (xi) The finished surface shall be checked for line, level and regularity in accor~lance with Chapter 7.
4.5.4. Control tests and their frequencies: Quality control tests on the materials and the work and their frequencies shall be
S. No,
Test method
IS: 731961 (Revison)
Quality of binder
Two tests per day on both the consituents and mixed aggregate from the dryer
6. Control of temperature of binder and aggregate and of the mix at the time of
laying 7.
Periodic, subject to minimum of two tests per day per plant Regularly
Base Courses
4.5.5. RectificatIon of surface irregularities: Where the surface irregularities of the bituminous premix macadam base course are outside the tolerances given in Chapter 7, these shall be rectified as per procedure given in Clause 4.2.5. 4.6. Soil-Cement Base
4.6.1. General: As distinct from cement modified soil, this construction is envisaged to be of base course quality with mix designed as per strength and durability considerations. 4.6.2. Materials: Clause 3.8.2. shall apply except that the materials shall be proportioned to achieve the specified compressive strength. 4.6.3. shall apply. Processing and construction Preparation of subgrade/sub-base: Clause
4.6.4. Control tests and their frequency : Quality control tests on materials and work and their minimum desirable frequency shall be as indicated in Table 4.4. Where for any test, the procedure of testing is not indicated, the same shalt be carried out as per prevalent engineering practice. The strength of the material mixed at site shall be controlled by carrying out cube strength tests. It shall be ensured that in a set of ten test results, the average strength shall be equal to or more than the specified strength and that not more than one test shall give a value less than the specified value by more than 10 per cent.
shall apply.
Clause 3.8.5.
Base Courses
TABLE 4.4. S. No. ITest Deleterious constituents of
Test method
As rcqu~rcd
Quality of cement
5. 6. 7.
Cement content
Degree of pulverisatlon Moisture content prior to compaction
Dry density
Control of grade, camber, thickness and surface finish Cube strength of materials mixed at site (a set of 2 specimens)
of mx
@ Under finalisation with 1St. This this method is inconvenient for wide
application in the field. As such, it wilt be desirable to exercise close control over material quantftles and their processing.
4.7.1. This type of construction is suitable as a base both for flexible and rigid pavements. 4.7.2. MaterIals All materials, viz. cement, sand, cnarse aggregates and water used in construction shall satisfy the relevant specification requirements. The mix proportions f~r lean concrete shall be predetermined in the laboratory so as to obtain the specified compressive strength at 28 days.
Base Courses
laid over an absorbent suhgrade/sub-base(base, the latter shall be kept moist so as to prevent absorption of water from the concrete marta r. Mixing and laying of lean cement concrete: Attention should be paid to the following points while carrying out the work: (i) Unless otherwise permitted, the mix shall be prepared in a powerdriven batch mixer of approved type. lii) Proportioning of constituent materials including water shall strictly be as specified. Due allowance shalt be made for the free moisture
content of aggregates.
(iii) Concrete immediately after mixing shall be transported for placement in such a manner that segregation or loss of constituent materials is avoided. (iv) Concrete shall be spread uniformly and the surface struck off with surcharge over the desired finished Level. The amount of surcharge shall be determined in the field by actual trial. The surcharge shall
be uniform over the entire area and the concrete as spread shall be
to the same camber and slope as desired in the finished surface. (v) No joints other than constiuction joints shall be provided. (vh Concrete shall be compacted with a suitable roller within the period specified which will not exceed 2 hours since mixing of the material. (vii) During compaction, the grade and camber of the surface shall
(viii) Where lean concrete is to be laid in two layers, the second layer shall be placed within one hour of compaction of the lower layer. (ix) A minimum of 72 hours of curing shall be done before placing the next pavement course. If the next pavement course Is not laid immediately after this period. curing of the lean concrete shall
continue subject to a maximum period of 14 days. (x) Strength of lean concrete shall be controlled by carrying out cube strength tests. It shall be ensured that in a set of ten test results, the average strength shall be equal to or more than the specified strength and that not more than one test shall give a value less than the specified value by more than 10 per cent.
Base Courses
4,7.4. Control tests and their frequency
49 Quality control test on the materials and the work ~nd their minimum desirable frequency shall be as indicated in rahle 4.5. TABLE 4.5. S. No.
Test method
Minimum desirable frequency As required One test per 20) m One test per 100 m~ As require~1 As required
1. 2.
Quality of cement Los Angeles Abrasion Value/Aggregate impact Value Aggregate Gradation Aggregate moisture Content
IS:269- 1967/4551967/
IS: 2386 (Part IVt1963 iS: 2386 (Part 1)1963 IS: 2386 (Part lll).~-963 1 IS: 11991959 Vide Chapter IS: 5161959
Wet analysis of mix Control of grade, camber, thickness and surface finish Strength of cubes (2 specimens for each age of 7 and 28 days) 43.5.
7. The finished surface shall be checked for line, level, grade and surface finish as in Chapter 7. The checking and rectification should be effected when the mix is still plastic. Surface irregularities left in hardened layer will have to be removed by cutting out sufficiently large patches and relaying to specification. 48. LIme-Puzzolana Concrete 4.8.1. General: This type of construction is suitable as.a base both for flexible and rigid pavements. 4.8.2. Materials All materials, viz., lime-puzzolana mixture, sand, coarse aggregate and water used in construction shall satisfy the relevant specification requirements. The mix propor-
tion for the concrete shall be predetermined
Base Courses
in the laboratory so as to obtain the specified compressive strength at 28 days. 4.8.3. Processing and construction Preparation of subgrade : Clause 3,2. .1. shall apply. Mixing and laying of lime puzzolana concrete:
4.&4.l. Quality ci~ntroltests on the materials and the work nid their minimum desirable frequency shall be as indicated in Table 4.6.
TABLE 4.6.
S. No.
Test method
1. 2.
Quality of lime~ puzzolana mix Los Angeles Abrasion Value/Aggregate Impact Value
Aggregate gradation
Aggregate moisture content Control of grade, camber, *hckness and
As required
Regularly One test for 50 rn
Vide Chapter 7
surface finish Strength of cubes (2 specimens for each age of 7 and 28 days)
IS: 5161959
4.8.5. RectificatIon of surface irregularities: shall apply. 4.9. Sand-bitumen Base Clause 3.9. shall apply.
Clause 4.7.5. 1.
Courses Surface
(1) Single and two coat bituminous surface dressing. (2) Surface dressing using pre-coated aggregates. (3) Thin bituminous premix carpet. (4) Asphaltlc concrete surfacing. Single and iwo-coat Bituminous Surface Dressing 5.2.1. General: Construction of bituminous surface dressing in single or two coats shall generally follow the specifications laid down in IRC : 17-1965 and IRC:23-1966 respectively.
Materials ~.2.2.l. The materials, namely, aggregates and binder should be checked for specification requiremei~tsstipulated in IRC:17-1965 or TRC:23-1966 as applicable. 5.2.3.
Processing and construction
made up and compacted to the required lines1 grade and section. Any fat patch on the existing surface sball be corrected. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of any caked earth and other matter before the binder is applied. Where the base is an old bituminous surfacing, the extent and manner of rectification will be as indicated. Where specified, bituminous prime coat shall be applied and cured before laying the surface dressing. The edges of the surface to be treated shall be properly defined The prepared base shall be checked for line, grade and section in accordance with Chapter 7 and all irregularities beyond the permitted tolerances corrected.
Bituminous Surface Courses 5.2.3.:. Construction of bituminous surface dressing : Whilc kept in mind
(I) No surface dressing work shall be carried out if
a. atmospheric temperature in shade is less than 16C,or b. base Is damp, or c. construction materials are damp, or d. the weather is fogey, rainy or dusty. (ii) The work should be so Organised that no traffic or dust gets on to the cleaned or bituminous painted base, (iii) The specified quantity of approved binder shall be sprayed at the appropriate application temperature, pref~rablyusing mechanical sprayers. The ends of the stretch shall be covered with thick papcr so as to avoid double spraying of binder. The rate of spray of binder shall be frequently checked and regulated to be within 21 per cent of the specified rate of application. Excessive deposits of binder shall be immediately removed. tiv) Immediately after application of the binder, cover aggregates of approved quality shall be spread uniformly at the specified rate. If necessary, the surface shall be broomed to ensure uniform spreading of aggregate. (v) Cover aggregates shall be immediately rolled with roller of approved weight. Rolling shall commence at the edges progressing gradually towards the centre parallel to the centre line of the road except at superelevated portions whcre it shall proceed from the inner edge to the outer. Rolling operation shall continue till all aggregates particles are firmly embedded in the binder. Excessive rolling resulting in the crushing of aggregates shall be avoided. (vi) The second coat, if specified, shall be applied immediately after laying of the first coat, (vii) Generally, no traffic shall be allowed on the finished surface for 24 hours. If allooed, its speed shall be restricted to 16 km per hour during this period. If cut-back bitumen has been used, the finished surfaceshall be closed to traffic till the binder is adequately cured,
5.2.4.~ Control tests and their frequency: Quality control tests on the materials and the work and their desirable frequency shail be as indicated in Table 5.1.
Quality of binder
IS: 731961
2151961, 2171961 or 454 as applicable IS 2386 (Part IV)-l963
As required
Los Angeles Abrasion Value/Aggregate Impact Value Stripping value of aggregate Flakiness index of aggregate Water absorption of aggregate Grading of aggregate Temperature of binder at application Rate of spread of binder
3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8.
iS : 62411971
IS 2386 (Part l~1963
is: V86
Tray test vide Appendix 4 Tray test vide
Appendix 4
by itself cannot remove any uridulations present in the base or the surface on which it is applied, it is therefore essential that all operations of rectifications to meet the requirements Set out in Chapter 7, be carried out on the receiving surface before the work of surface dressing is begun. 5.3. Surface Dressing with Pre-coated Aggregates
5.3.1. General: Construction of bituminous surface dressing with pre-coated aggregates shall generally be carried out in accordance with IRC : 48-1972. The construction is similar to conventional surface dressing except that the cover aggregates are lightly pre-coated with binder. As such the quality of materials
and work shall he controlled on the same lines as set out in (lause
52. with additional checks on the following aspects (I) At the time of mixing, the binder and cover aggregates shall be at their app. opriate temperatures. (ii~Coating of the aggregates with binder shall be unifotrn. (iii) The aggregates after coating shall be aerated and cooled properly before using them in wt~k. During cooling, these shall not be piled in big heaps and care shall be taken to protect them from dust.
Thin Bituminous Premix Carpet 5.4 I. General : Thin bituminous premix carpet may he constituted from pen graded or closely graded mixes a~specified. Where the mix is open graded, tie car p~tis generally provided v~ ith
a seal coat. The construction for open-graded premix surfacing shall be in accordance with IRC 14.19/0. 5.4.2. Materials The materials, namely, aggregates and binder should be checked for specification requirements (IRC 141970 or other relevant specification). Processing and construction 54.3.1. Preparation of base: Clause shall apply. 5.4.3.,
Construction of premix carpet : The following points attended to during construction of this type of
(ii Mix proportion of constituent materials shall be as specified. Binder content in the mix shall be checked periodically and regulated to be within 24 per cent of the specified quantity.
(ii) Tack coat, where necessary, shall be applied uniformly over tbe
prepared base at the specified rate. (iii) Mixing shall preferably be done in mechanical mixers.
Where straight-run bitumen is used, the aggregates should be suitably heated prior to mixing with binder. The binder heated to appropriate temperature should be mixed with aggregates until the atter are thoroughly coated.
(v) The mixed materials shall be spread evenly with rakes or spreaders to specified thickness and camber.
(vi) Rolling shall start immediately after the material is spread. The wheels of the roller shall be kept moist to prevent the premix from adhering to the wheels and being picked up but in no case shall the use of fuel lubricating oil be permitted for this purpose. (vii) Where specified, a seal coat comprising premix sand or liquid seal
and fine aggregates shall be evenly applied and rolled. The points to
be attended to during application of seal coat shall be the same as
those for Surface Dressing (Clause 5.2.) and Thin Premix Carpet (Clause 5.4.) when the seal is of liquid type and premix sand respectively. (viii) When straight-run bitumen is used, traffic may be allowed immediately after the carpet has cooled down to the surrounding tempe-
rature but with restricted speed of 16 KMH for the next 24 hours. However, wher cut-back bitumen is used, traffic shall not be permitted till the binder is cured. (ix) The finished surface shall be checked for line, level and regularity in accordance with Chapter 7.
Quality control
tests on materials and work with their desirable frequency are indicated in Table 5.2.
5.4.5. Rectification of surfac~Irregularities : Premix carpets can improve the evenness of an existing surface only in a limited
way. Therefore, if there are large irregularities in the surface these should he rectified just prior to laying of the carpet. Where the surface irregularities of the finished carpet are outside the tolerances given in Chapter 7, these should be rectified in the manner described here. If the surface is too high, it shall be cut out and replaced by fresh materials laid and compacted to spedfications. Where the surface is too low, the depressed portion shall be filled up by fresh material laid and compacted to specifrcations. At times, it would be found advantageous/necessary to have an enlarged urea for the patch.
5.5.1. General: Asphaltic concrete surfacing shall, in general, be constructed in accordance with requirements of !RC
S. No.
Test method
Quality of binder
Los Angeles Abrasion Value,aggregate Impact Value
Stripping value of
3. 4. 5. 6.
IS: 731961, As required 2151961,, 217.- 1961 or 454196 as applicable IS: 2386 One test per 50 m5 (Part lV)1963 1S:6241197l tS: 2386 (Part 1)1963 IS: 2386 (Part IIl)1963 -do-do-do-
aggregate aggregate
TS: 2386 (Part I)1963 One test per 25 m Regularly Method vide Appendlx-4 Two tests per day Regula. control through checks on
materials and layer
8. 9.
5.5.2. Materials Ah materials, viz., bituminous binder, filler and fine and coarsc aggregates, shall satisfy the specification requirements laid down in IRC : 29-196& 5.5.3. Processing and construction Preparation of base : Provisions of Clause 5.2.3. I. shall apply. If necessary, a bituminous levelling course shall be laid to make up undulations. Construction of asphaltic concrete surfacing While carrying out this type of construction, the following points shall he properly attended to:
(I) Gradation of combined aggregates and binder content shall satIsfy the design criteria of the relevant IRC specification.
(ii) The design mix proportions arrived at in the laboratory shall be based on representative samples of materials actually available at the site and shall be followed to the maximum extent possible. In the event there is a change in the material available at site, a fresh job-mix formula shall be arrived at. In all cases, variations from the job-mix formula shall be within th~ specified limits. (iii) Tack coat where necessary shati be applied over the prepared base at the specified rate before laying the surfacing. (iv) Mixing plant shall be of adequate capacity to yield a mixture of proper and uniform quality. It should have the necessary accessories such as aggregate feeder, dryer, weight or volume batcher. binder heater, binder measuring unit, filler feeder unit and mixing unit. (v) Quantities of various sizes of aggregates shall be fed to the dryer in such proportions that the resulting combination complies with the job-mix formula. This shall be strictly followed on small plants with no gradation cont:ol unit. (vi) The temperature of binder at the time of mixing shall be in the range 150-177C and of aggregates in the range 155 163C. Care should be taken so that the difference in temperature between the aggregates and the binder does not exceed l4~C. (vii) Mixing time should be shortest possible to obtain uniform distribution of the binder and a homogenous mix. (viii) Binder content with mix shall be checked periodically to ensure that the same conforms to specification. A variation in binder content of 0,3 per cent by ~eight of total mix shall, however, be permissible. (ix) The mix shall be carried to the sire by tipper trucks and spread and compacted to obtain a carpet of required thickness, Spreading shall be done by self~prope1led mechanical payers provided with scieeds for spreading, tamping and finishing the mix true to grade, line and cross-section. The temperature of mix at the time of laying shall be in th~range 121163C. Cx) Soon after laying of the mix, rolling shalt be started with 8 to 10 t~nneS rollers at a speed not more than 5 km per hour. Rolling operation shall progress with the drive wheel of the roller in the direction of the paving, starting from the low side of the spread and proceeding towards the high side, The initial breakdown pass shall be made as soon as possible, i.e., as soon as the roller can be operated without its wheels picking up the mix. When adjoining lanes are placed, the same, rolling procedu~shall be followed after compaction of the fresh mix at the longitudinal joint with 15 to 20 cm of the roller width (with the remaining roller width on the previously compacted lane). The mix shall be further compacted
5.5.4. Control tests and their frequency Quality c&ntio~tests on the materials and the work and their frequency shall be as indicated in Table 5.3. T*~is5.3. S. No. Test Test method Minimum desirable
As required
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Quality of binder
Los-Angeles Abrasion Value/Aggregate Impact Value Stripping value of aggregates Water absorption of aggregates Flakiness Index of
IS: 731961
IS: 2386 (Pat t IV)1963
IS: 6241 1971
Sieve analysis for filler
IS: 2386(Part III) -do. 1963 IS: 2386 (Part I) For each size, one test per 1963 50.100 m ofaggregate -doOne test for each consignment subject to a minimum of one test per 5 m IS: 2386 (Part 1) 1963
of filler One set of tests on indimixed aggregates from the dryer for each 100 tonnes of mix subject to a minimum of two sets per plant per day
vidual constituents and
ASTM: D-1559
For each 100 tonnes of mix produced, a set of 3 Marshall specimens to be prepared and tested for stability, flow value. density, and void content
subject to a minimum of two sets being tested per plant per day
Method vide
One test for each 100 minimum of two tests per day per plant One test per 500 m~
surface irregularities of the asphaltic concrete are out side the tolerances given in Chapter 7, these shall be rectified as per the procedure given in Clause 5.2.5.
Concrete Pavements
6 Concrete Pavements
CONCRETE PAVEMENTS 6. 1. General 6.1.1. Construction of concrete pavements shall in genera!
6.2.2. Proportioning of different aggregate fractions shall be so controlled that the combined aggregate grading falls within the specified limits of gradation. In case of non-compliance, the proportioning of the various aggregate fractions shall be suitably adjusted based on actual gtadation of the different fractions. Statistical approach to this problem is explained in Chapter 8. 6.2.3. Mix proportions for concrete shall be predetermined on strength basis using representative samples of materials proposed to be actually utilised in the work. While proportioning, adequate allowance should be made for the expected strength variations so as to ensure the specified minimum strength in the field, subject to the permitted tolerances. Guidance in this regard can be had from IRC : 44-1972 and IRC 59-1976 for continuously and gap graded mixes respectively. 6.2.4. Where cement from more than one source is to be used, proportions for the mix shall be determined for each cement. In such cases, cement from different sources shall be
shall be maintained.
Concrete Pavements
stored and used separately and a record of the type o.~hrand used 6.2.5. All materials required for the woric shall be stored
and handled in a manner so as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of its quality and fitness for the work (Ref. 1RC 15-1981).
Test method
Minimum frequencies
I. Cement
iS: 2691967 445 1964 1489 1967 8112 IS: 2386 (Pt. L)1963 IS 2386 (Pt lI).1963 IS: 2386 (Pt. I1I)1963
(I) Gradation
Once for each source of supply and occasionally when called for in case o long and/or improper Storage One test for 15 in of each fraction of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate do Regularly as required subject to a minimum of one test/day for coarse aggre~ateand two tests/day for fine aggregate Once for each source
aggregate (for
volume batching)
3. Coarse aggregate
(Pt. V) 1963
JS 2386 (Pt. V1I)1963
IS: 2386
relatinship Once for each source of supply and subsequently when warranted by changes in the quality of aggregate As required do
IS: 4561964
Concrete Pavements
6.3.1. Weather and seasonal limitations Unless special precautions as specified are taken, concreting shall not be done during extreme weather conditions, e.g., during monsoon
months, and when atmospheric temperature in shadu is above 40C or below 4C. For guidelines for construction of cement concrete pavements in hot weather, reference may be made to IRC : 61.1976. 6.3.2. Preparation of base The base to receive the cement concrete shall be checked for line, grade and cross-section as spelt out in Chapter 7. All irregularities beyond the permitted tolerances shall be rectified as specified, Where concrete is to be laid over an absorbent surface, the latter shall be kept moist in saturated surface dry condition or covered over by a water-proof kraft/polyethylene sheeting
63.2.3. Where required, the strength of the base shall be checked for k value by carrying out plate bearing test. 6.3.3.
Fixing of formwork The formwork shall be of correct shape, free from bends and kinks and sufficiently rigid to maintain its shape and position under the weight anl working conditions of the laying and compacting equipment.. It shall be set to true lines and levels and securely fixed in position to prevent any subsequent disturbance during compaction. Trueness of the formwork from the specified profile shall be checked and any deviation greater than 3 mm in3 m rectified. No deviation shall, however, be permitted at the joints. 6.3.4. Unless otherwise permitted, the coarse and fine aggregates shall be proportioned by weight in an approved weigh batching plant. The weighing mechanism shall be regularly checked for accuracy, once daily before the work starts, over the ful
Concrete Pavements
Cement may be measured either by weight or by
Where cement is used in full bags, frequent checks shall be
made to see that the bags contain the full specified weight of cement and any shortage of weight made good. Alternatively, 10 per cent of the bags in a consignment shall be weighed in advance and batch-weight of materials adjusted on the basis of average weight for the consignment. Water may be measured by volume using standard measures. The designated water-cement ratio shall be strictly adhered to and due adjustments made in the water to be added on account of free moisture content in the aggregates. Suitable adjustment in the weights of aggregates, due to moisture in
standard filling procedure. Also the volume of fine aggregates in a batch shall be duly corrected for hulking. Mixing of concrete shall be done in a power driven batch mixer of approved type that will ensure a uniform distribution of materials throughout the mass. The minimum mixing time shall be fixed in relation to the mixer type and capacity and adhered to strictly. Workability of concrete shall be checked as specified by performing slump test or compacting factor test in accordance with IS 1199. Frequency of testing shall be as indicated in Table 6.2. The permissible tolerances from the specified value for workability shall be Slump Compacting factor
... ...
.E 12 mm 0.03
Necessary adjustment in water content, keeping the same watercement ratio, shall be made where variations beyond the permitted tolerances are observed so as to britig workability within the specified limits.
Immediately after
transported for placement in such a manner that segregation or loss of constituent materials is avoided in transit.
Concrete Pavements
69 Concrete shall be placed on the prepared base between the formwork in such a manner as to avoid segregation and uneven compaction. Concrete shall not be dropped from a height greater than 90 cm and shall be deposited within 20 minutes from the time of discharge from the mixer. It shall be laid in a horizontal layer as near to the final position as possible thereby avoiding all unnecessary rehandling. 6.3.48. Adequate surcharges of concrete shall be given over the desired finished level. The amount of surcharge shall be determined in the field by actual trial, The surcharge shall be uniform over the entire area and the concrete as spread shall be to the same camber and slope as the required finished surface. 6.3.49. The concrete shall be compacted fully using vibrating screeds and/or internal vibrators as specified. The vibrating screeds and internal vibrators shall conform to IS 2506 and IS : 2505 respectively. Compaction shall be so controlled as to prevent excess mortar and water working on to the top due to overvibration. During compaction, any low or high spots shall be
while concrete is still plastic, the slab surface shall be tested for trueness with a 3 m straight edge in accordance with the procedure set forth in Chapter 7. Any depressions or high spots showing departure from the true surface shall be immediately rectified. High spots shall be cut down and refinished. Depressions shall be enlarged to about 8-10 cm and filled up with fresh concrete, compacted and finished. All the above operations shall be completed within 75 minutes (60 minutes in hot weather) of mixing. After correcting the surface for profile but just before the concrete becomes non-plastic, the surface shall be finished by belting, brooming and edging as specified. Where the slab is to be laid in two layers, the second layer shall be placed within 30 minutes of compaction of the lower layer.
during the progress of work, cube/beam samples shall be cast for testing at 7 and 28 days. Sampling and testing shall be in accordance with IS 1199 and 516 respectively. Frequency of testing shall be as indicated in Table 6.2.
TAELE 6.2. S. No. Test Test method Minimum desirable
I. 2.
IS :11991950
IS 5161959
One test per 10 m 3 cubejbeam samples as specified for each age of 7 days and 28 A progress chart indicating the strength values of individual sets of specimens shall be maintained. The statistical parameters, viz., mean strength and upper and lower control limits shall be calculated per set of 15 test specimens and indicated appropriately on the progress chart, These paramcters and procedure for statistical analysis are explained in Chapter 8. Where the average strength of concrete shows a consistent increase or decrease from the field design strength, the mix shall be re-
designed. Acceptance of the work shall not he based on a single test result but on statistical basis, such that the lo~er control ]imit calculated for a tolerance level of 1 in 15, for sets of 15 test
results, shall not be lower than the specified minimum strength. The lower control limit is given by the mean value of the set of
tests minus 1.61 times the standard deviation. The work shall be taken to meet the specification requirements when the lower control limit is above the specified strength. Where the above require.
Concrete Pavements
ments are not met with or~ where the quality of concrete or its compaction is suspected, the actual strength of the hardened concrete in the pavement shall be checked as set forth in
Clause 6.4.,
6.3.6. JoInts 6.3.6,1. All materials required for the joints, viz., tie bars, dowel bars, expansion joint filler boards and joint sealing compound shall be checked for specification requirements before their incorporation in the work. The sealing compound shall conform to IS: 1834. Dowel bars shall be placed parallel to each other and parallel to the surface and centre line of the pavement. The permissible tolerances in this regard shall be
The dowel assembly shall be firmly secured in place to prevent dislocation during concreting. Bulkheads in pairs with tight fitting holes for dowels may be used for this purpose.
6.3,6.3. All joint spaces and grooves shall conform to the specified lines and dimensions. During concreting special care shall be exercised at dowels and in the vicinity ofjoints. Care shall also be taken to ensure that joints do not cause any discontinuity in the riding surface. At the end of the curing period before opening to
traffic, the joint grooves shall be cleaned thoroughly and sealed as specified in IRC: 57-1974. Care shall be taken to see that the
sealing compound is not heated beyond the specified temperature. 6.3.7. CurIng of concrete Curing shall commence soon after the finished pavement surface can take the weight of the wet burlap, cotton or jute mats normally employed for initial curing, without leaving
any marks thereon.
Concrete Pavements
The mats shall extend beyond the pavement edges at least by 0.5 rn and be constantly wetted. Initial curing shall be for 24 hours or till the concrete is hard enough to permit
labour operations without damage. Final curing, after the removal of the mats, etc.,
shall be carried out by wet earth, ponding of water or other means specified. Where water is used for curing, it shall be
ensured that the entire pavement surface is kept well saturated Where water is scarce or pavement is on a steep gradient, impervious membrane curing shall be adopted as per details specified.
6.4. Checking the Quality of Hardened Colicrete 6.4.1. Soon after the initial curing period (see Clause 6.3.7.),
the surface of the hardened concrete shall be checked for surface regularity in accordance with the procedure set forth in Chapter 7. Surface irregularities beyond the permissible tolerences shall be rectified as indicated in IRC:15-1981.
6.4.2. Where the strength of concrete tested vide Clause 6.3.5. falls below the specified limits or where the quality of concrete or its compaction is suspected, the actual strength of the hardened concrete shall be ascertained by carrying out tests
on cores cut from the hardened concrete. Frequency of testing shall be as indicated in Table 6.2. Crushing strength tests on
cores shall be corrected for heightdiameter ratio and age for obtaining the corresponding cube strength at 28-days in accordance with the procedure given in IRC : 15-1981. The corrected test
results shall then be
Reinforcing .steel, where required to be provided, Reinforcement shall be placed as specified.
Due care shall be taken to ensure that the reinforcement is not displaced during concreting operations.
7.1. General 7.1.1. All works shall be constructed to the specified lines,
grades, cross-sections and
with respect to the centre line of the road as shown on the plans.
It involves checking the geometry of the roadway as well as
of the various pavement layers, vis-a-vis the design centre line. Horizontal alignment can be controlledproperly only if the centre
line~of road has been marked in the field by means of reference the pillars on both sides of the centre line located at frequent intervals
along the straights and at all changes of horizontal curvature. Manner of doing so is explained in IRC: 36-1970. To ensure compliance with plans, edges of each pavement layer should be delineated with respect to the centre line before placement, with the help
respect of horizontal alignment are recommended to be as (1) Caruageway edges Edges of the roadway and
lower layers of pavement
25 mm
40 mm
7.3.1. Surface levels of pavement courses calculated with respect to the longitudinal and cross profiles shown on the drawings shall be checked through grid levelling/spot levelling, etc., from the subgrade upwards for each successive layer. Actual levels of the different courses shall not vary from the design levels beyond the tolerances indicated below Subgrade Sub-base Base course Bituminous wearing course (of premix type) and cement concrete 25 mm 20 mm 15 mm 10 mm
7.3.2. Care shall be taken that the negative tolerance for wearing course indicated in Clause 7.3.1. is not permitted in conjunction with the positive tolerance for base course if the thickness of the former is reduced by more than 6 mm. 7.4. Control on Layer Thickness
7.4,1. Even though checks on surface levels of pavement courses provide an indirect control on the layer thickness, additional measures may be necessary to establish that the thickness of constructed course is in accordance with specification. These measures could be in the form of thickness blocks, or cores as may be applicable. Control on the spread of materials also provides
an indirect check on the layer thickness. Whereas small deviations
in thickness may be unavoidable, larger deviations would unduly vitiate the pavement designs.
7.4.2. In general, the average thickness should not be less
than the specified thickness. In addition, the spot reduction in thickness should not exceed 15 mm in the case of bituminous macadam and 6 mm in the case of asphaltic concrete and cement concrete. 7.5. Standards of Surface Evenness 7.5.1. The criteria for surface evenness, both for longitudinal and transverse profile, have been reviewed and the latest recommendations approved by the Indian Roads Congress in August 1976 (Published in IRC: Special Publication 16: 1977 Surface
N ~L aM
Fig, 2.
,.., p.,
1 U,
11w I 4
~ Z
IU. 0
,~ -~
~ Oo
(.~h ~
I +~aT~
an0 Oo
~ ++
SI. No.
Type of
Longitu dinal Profile with 3 metre straight-edge Maximum Maximum number permissible of undulations undulapermitted in any tion, mm 300 metre length, exceeding mm 18
under cam-
I. Earthen subgrade 2. Stone soling BrIck soling 3. Stabilised soil 4. Water Bound Macadam with oversize metal (40-90 mm size) 5.. Water Bound Macadam with normal size metal (20-50 mm and 40-63 mm size), Penetration macadam or BUSO
24 20 15
30 30
12 12
12 8
6. Surface dressing (two coat) over 12 W13M (20-50 mm or 40-63 mm size metal), Penetration macadam
or BUSO 7. Open graded premix carpet 20-25 mm thick
8. Bituminous macadam 10 20@@ 6 9. Asphattic Concrete 8 /10@ 4 10. Cement Concrete 8 I0@ 4 For surface dressing in all other cases, the standard of surface Notes: I. evenness will be the same as for the surface receiving the surface dressing. 2. ~@ I hese are for machine laid surfaces. If laid manually due to unavoidable reasons, tolerance upto 50 per cent above the values In this column may be permitted at the discretion of the EngineerIn-Charge. However, this relaxation does not apply to the values of maximum undulation for longitudinal profile mentioned in column 3 of the table. 3. Surface evenness requirements in respect of both longitudinal and cross profiles should be simultaneously satisfied.
7.6.1. The checking of transverse profile should commence right froni the subgrade level and continued for each successive layer upto the top. Checking is done with the help of camber boards/templates, a few typical designs of which are shown in Figs. 1,2 and 3. 7.6.2. The template in Fig. 1, has adjustable reference pods so that the template can be pre-set for any desired profile. Fig. 2, shows a template in which the bottom piece for checking is replaceable to correspond to the specified profile. These designs are meant usually for checking the profile over a single-lane width. For twolane or multi-lane roads, generally the checking operations will require to be carried out individually for each lane. Fig. 3, depicts a design of the scratch template used for checking the regularity of the base for concrete pavements. 7.6.3. For obtaining correct transverse profile on the finished surface of a layer, it is necessary that the spread material (before compacting/finishing) should conform to the desired profile as far as possible. Therefore, the profile of the spread material should be continuously regulated with template/camber boards (placed perpendicular to the road centre line). Normally, a set of three templates should be used in series at an interval of about 10 metres. Checking of the finished surface subsequently should be on the same lines. Additional checks may be made where visual appearance suggests an excessive variation. 7.7.
7.7.1. The longitudinal evenness is specified in terms of the maximum permissible irregularity under a 3 metre straight-edge. Typical designs for a metallic straight-edge and measuring wedge are given in, Fig. 4. The checking of surface evenness must also commence right from the subgrade level. 7.7.2. The procedure to be followed for making surface unevenness measurements with a straight-edge is given at Appendix 6. ous. 7.7.3. Straight-edge measurements are slow and rather tediTravelling and rolling type of straight-edges as well as other
8.1.1. It is to be appreciated that the road and runway construction, like most other construction process, has certain amount of variability inherent in the materials and methods involved. It will thus be prohibitively expensive and rather impracticable to have acceptance criteria for quality in such absolute terms as would imply the rejection of a piece of construction or a material on the basis of single sub-standard sample. Because of the inherent variability, the aim of quality control is to limit this variability as much as practicable. The acceptance criteria are thus required to be based on statistical evaluations so that they are not only realistic, but restrictive and as required by the design and performance requirements of the structure. 8.1.2. The statistical evaluations of the quality data provide a scientific analysis of the entire production process with respect to quality. They not only point out the general trends in the quality variations but also many a time go to expose the unsuspected causes of variation and thus lead to a striking improvement in constructional quality. 8.2. Definition of Common StatIstical Terms
8.2,1. ArIthmetic mean (also referred to as the average) is the sum of observations (strength results, say) divided by their number:
8.2.2. Standard devIation is an average of the deviations of the observations from their mean. This is defined as the square root of variance which is the mean square deviation from the true
mean value.
A more convenient formula, as given below is, however, generally used (3) 8.2.3. Co-efficient of variation is the standard expressed as a percentage of the mean .l00.j
x=any value In the set
n=number of values of observations in the set tarithmetic mean j=standard deviation i.=coefficient of variaLion
8.3l. It has been established that when values from a large number of tests are considered for any of the tests on concrete in general, and its strength in particular, they conform to the Normal Gaussion Distribution Curve, Fig. 5, the spread of which, for all practical purposes, may be taken as 3 times the standard deviation on either side of the mean value. The value which will have only a specified number (1 in N) or percentage (p%)termed as tolerance levelof test data falling below it, is given by x,,~tn=(xrj),where r is a factor dependent upon the specified tolerance level. The values of r for various tolerance levels are given in Table 8.1.
IX ~
U, U, Lit
+ IX
0 I-
z it
0 uJ
U 0~
g 420 ~ 385
~ 315
280 245
E 0 Li
Sampi. P4e.
strength, against the serial number of sample tested. To obtain a general idea of the average variation in quality, the moving average of five tests which for any sample is the average of the five consecutive tests (including the sample under reference and four immediately preceding it) is also plotted on the chart. The U.C.L. and L.C.L. for stipulated number of samples as well as he specified x,~,,are also drawn. The progress chart enables seeing at a glance whether the desired quality is being achieved or not.
Confide nce level in terms of e~tenof test t values t hat can be tolerated be low the specified minimum value
in ~66.00(0.15%)
*Corresponds to infinite number of samples and appropriate for app1ica~ Lion to major concretiag jobs. For small number of samples r value could be found in standard reference books, for example IRC: 44-1972. 8.5. IllustratIve Example Strength Test Data 8.5.1. The data for the 28 day bompressive strength of concrete cubes from a construction project are given in Table 8.2.
(columns 1 and 2). The minimum specified concrete strength x,~. on the project was 280 kg/sq. cm, with a tolerance level of I in 10
S. No.
strength kg/sq. cm
x 2
Moving average
1. 2. 3.
II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30, 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37, 38, 39. 40. 41.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
360 330 385 340 290 295 350 .340 350 320 280 420 400 330 295 290 325 275 350 280 345 315 295 340 385 400 340 360 315 340 345 440 420 340 310 385 330 350 280 330 370
20 10 45
310 330 330 330 330 340 350 350 350 350 330 300 310 300 320 310 320 310 340 350 350 370 360 350 340 360 370 370 370 380 360 340 330 340 330
45 10
10 20 60 80 60 10 45 50 15 65 10 60 S 25 45
100 400 3600 6400 3600 100 2025 2500 225 4225 100 3600 25 625 2025
45 60
20 25
5 100 80
25 10000 6400 900 2025 100 100 3600 100 900 2025
30 45 10 10 60 10 30.
43. 44. 45. 46.
47 48. 51.
300 340
45 40 30
370 360
20 25 5 45 20
45 45
~(x.~= 87505
(1) Check whether the stipulated specification requirements are being met Tabulation of data for the calculation of various statistical parameters is shown in Table 8.2. Ex= 19220 kg/sq. cm
L.C.L, = .~-rj = 340l.28x40 288.8 kg/sq. cm As L.C.L.>x~ the specification requirements are met. (2) Calculate the tolerance level actually achieved for specified concrete x,,4 Taking xmo~= L.C.L. = ~rj ~ 340280 = 60 r= = 1 5 j 40 40
8.6. Aggregate Grauatlon Data Table 8.3. shows the aggregate gradation data for the project. Both the stipulated aggregate gradation required to be achieved with a confidence level corresponding to r=2, and the results of gradation tests run on aggregate samples are shown in this table. (I) Check whether the stipulated
j, L.C.L.
and (J.C.L.
Specification limits (%pauing) (1) (2) 100 (3) 100 (4) 100
Sieve analysis (% passing x) for test samples (5) 100 (6) 100 (7) 100 (8) 100 84.8 65.1 42.0 33.1 32.4 31.5 30.7 24.7 4.2 (9) 100 85.3 64.1 48.0 35.6 32.5 30.7 29.5 22.9 6.3 (10)
(11) 100
(13) 100 84.2 57.5 42.0 33.8 32.0 30.7 29.0 21.2 2.9
(14) 100 82,9 68.2 48.1 33.8 30.2 28.0 26.1 18.6 3.5
(15) 100 81.9 69.2 54.7 3*5 33.7 31.0 29.7 23.3 3.7
0) C,
40 mm 20mm 10 mm 4,75 mm 2.36mm 1.18 mm 600 micron 300 micron 150 micron
100 86.1
85.9 84.2 66.7 64.3 49.5 47,8 36.6 35.8 33.0 31.5 30.5 28.9 28.6 26.9 19.2 18,6 2,7 2.9
85.5 81.5 61.9 64.9 47.5 53.9 37.0 39.0 32.6 32.3 29.7 29.0
85.4 85.1 68.0 68.1 50.3 54.4 35.3 38.8 32.3 32.5 30.2 30.6 28.3 28.6 20.7 19.7 3.7 5.7
83.~ 826 59.4 62.7 53.4 50.1 36.1 38.3 33.2 33.1 30.9 30.5 28.6 28.4 20.4 20.5 6.2 4.4
0 01 C, :7 0
C 0)
C-) 0
0 20.1 5.7
(I) I.S.
(16) 100 82.2 70.2 60.0 40.5 32.6 286 27.1 19.4 2.7
(17) 100 86.2 64.1 47.8 34.6 31.7 30.0 28.7 2L1 2.2
3 U.C.L. 2j
L.C.L. !2j 100 81.2 58.4 38.5 31.1 29.8 27.4 25.3 15.8 0.2
50 mm 40 mm
100 87.1 67.2 50.7 37.1 31.3 28.8 27.3 17.2 1.2
100 85.6 64.2 42.9 33.7 31.0 29.1 27.6 18.6 2.2
100 84.3 65.9 42.0 32.0 30.3 28.8 27.4 18.9 1.9
100 83.1 68.8 52.8 36.2 31.9 30.2 29.1 17.7 2.0
100 82.6 689 39.2 32.6 30.4 28.2 26.6 21.4 4.7
100 84.0 61.2 43.9 33.6 30.5 27.2 24.7 18.2 4.5
100 83.8 68.2 50.2 35.3 31.5 29.8 28.6 16.1 2.0
100 87.8 65.0 43.2 32.4 30.6 28.8 27.0 17.2 1.7
100 87.6 fl.4 58.9 40.3 33.8 31.8 30.5 23.8 6.6
84.4 1.6 65.4 2.5 48.7 5.1 35.7 2.3 31.8 1.0 29.6 1.1 27.9 1 3 19.8 2.0 3.4 1.6
D 0 - 0
0 C
0l C, 0
1.18 mm
600 micron 300 micron
150 mIcron
Step H. On a plot of the stipulated gradation zone, plot ~. In case ~ lies within the zone, plot L.C.L. and U.C.L., as well. If both L.C.L. and U.C.L. lie within th~ stipulated zone, the specification is being met. The actual plot is showi~in, Fig. 7. It is seen that the specification requirements are being met, except for sieve Nos. 300 and 600 micron for which U.LC. does not lie within the stipulated zone.
Appendix I
Recommended, practice for 2 cm thick bitumen and tar carpets (First Revision) Standard specifications and code of practice for construction of concrete roads (First Revision) Tentative specification for single coat hiiuminous surface dressing Standard specifications and code of prae~ice water for bound macadam (First Revision) Recommended practice for bituminous penetration macadam (full grout) (First Revisic~n) Tentative specification for two coat bituminous surface
dressing Tentative specification for bituminous macadam (base and binder course) Tentative specification for 4 cm asphaltic concrete sur-
face course
Recommended practice for the construction of earth
431972 441976
embankments for road works Recommended practice for tools, equipments and appliances for concrete pavement construction Tentative guidelines for cement concrete mix design for
road pavements (For nonair entrained and continuo. usly graded concrete) (First Revision) Tentative specification for built-up spray grout
IRC : 481972
IRC : 571974 IRC : 591976
611976 161977
Tentitive specification for bituminous surface dressing ~~t1gprecoated aggregates Recommended practice for sealing of joints in concrete pavements Tentative guidelines tor design of gap graded cement concrete mixrs for road pavements Tentative guidelines for the construction of c.~ment .~oncrete pavements In hot-weather Surface evenness of highway pavements
Appendix 2
Number of Standard IS 2151961
aoad Tar (Revised) Cutback Bitumen (Revised) Ordinary, Rapid-hardening and Low Heat Portland
IS : 5161959
IS : 1199195~ IS :12031958
Dlgboi Type Cutback Bitumen (Revised) Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement (Second Revision) Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete (Second Revison) Test Seives (Revised) Methods of Test for Strength of Concrett Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete Determination of Penetration (Procedure for testing
tar and bitumen products)
IS : 14891967
IS :15141959
Portland-pozzolana Cement (First Revision) Methods of Sampling and Test for Quick Lime and
Hyderated Ume
IS :1834-1961
IS : 2386
(Part I)1963
(Part II)1963 (Part flI)1963
Sealing Compounds, Hot applied for Joints in Concrete Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete Particle Size and Shape Estimation of deleterious matesials and Organic impurities
(Part IV)1963
(Part V)1963
(Part VI1)1963
IS : 25051968 IS : 25061964 IS : 25141963 IS : 2720
tPart JI)I973
(Part IV)1975
99 Determination of Water Content (Second Revision) Grain Size Analysis Determination of Liquid and liastic Limits (First Revision) Determination of Water Content-Dry Density Relation using Light Compaction Determination of Water Content-Dry Density Relation using Heavy Compiction Determination of Unconfined Compressive Strength (First Revision) Laboratory Determination of C.B~R. Determination of Total Soluble Sulphates Determination of Dry L)ensity of Soils, in-place of
Sand Replacement Method (First Revision) Method oftest for Clay Building Bricks (First Revision) Llmepouolana Mixture
40981967 62411971
A STMD-1 138-1952
~tSTMD-1559 1965
Method of Test for Determination of Stripping Value of Road Aggregate Test for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Fine Aggregate lituminous Mixtures by means of the Hubbard-Field Apparatus Test for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures using Marshall Apparatus
3 General Equipment (It High sensitivity proving ring 100 kg (ii) 200 kg (iii) 500 kg (iv) 1000 kg (v) 2000 kg
Dial Guages
2 2 2 1
12 mm Travel
(ii) 25 mm Travel
1 2 1 2
Balances (1) 7 kg capacityaccuracy 1gm (ii) 500 gm capacItyaccuracy 0.001 gm (Iii) Chemical Balance100 gm. Accuracy 0.0001 gm (Iv) Pan balance5 kg capacity
(v) Physical
balance0.00l gm accuracy
(vi) Platform scale5 cwt. capacity Ovens : Electrically operated, thermostatically controlled (i) Upto 1 10C-Sensitivity 1C (ii) Size 24x 16x 14 (iii) Upto 400Frotating type Determination of loss on heating bitumen 5. Sieves (i) B.S. SievessizeiS dia. 3, 1~, 2 2, f, (ii) B.S. Sieves8 dia. 7, 14, 25, 36, 52. 72, 100, 170 & 200 6. Sieve shaker capable of taking 8 and 12dia. sieves electrically operated with time switch assembly 7. Proving Rings (it 400 lbs. capacity (ii) 6000 lbs. capacity (iii) 5 ton capacity
2 1 1 set 1 set
Indian testing equipment, instrumeots and materials shall conform to ISI specifications and shall bear, IS Markings, as far as possible.
2 3
6 I
Ii. 12,
13. 14. B.
speed control 200 tan compression testing machine Stop watches I/S sec. accuracy Glass ware
Miscellaneous Hot plates 7 din. Sub-surface Investigations
*2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. *8, 9
Static penetrometer equipment (10 tonnn~, Hydraulic Jacks (30, 50, 100 and 200 tonn..s) Undisturbed soil samplers (Dension & Piston Sampler) Plate load test equipment Thin ~va1I sampling tUbes (100 & 50 mm dia. and 0.75 m long) SPT Test equipment and static cone penotrometers Soils
Watter StiLt Liquid Limit device and tools
I. 2. 3.
Sampling pipette 6tted with pressure and suction inlets, 10 ml. capacity B compaction appratus (Proctor)
10% 1
Modified A ASHO compaction apparatus
6. 7. 8.
9. 10. II. 12.
Sand pouring cylinder with conical funnel and tap Capillary water absorptIon test equipment Sampling tins with lids 03dia. x 21 ht. 1 lb,sfzelOOno&. and miscellaneous Items like moisture tips, etc. PH meter Constant head & variable bead permometer
Unconfined compression test apparatus 4 springs and masks Lab. CBR test equipment with 12 moulds with a set of
17. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
I 1
1 3 I
Vacuum pump Proctor needle (spring type) Consolidation test equipment Bitumen Constant temperature bath Petrol gas generator (laboratory model) Ring & Ball softening point a~pparatus
(BRTA) Viscometer with 4 mm and F ogler viscometer for emulsions
6 1 I 6 3 1
3. 4. 5.
10 mm cups
2 3
ment and needles Soxhlet extraction appratus type SiB 50 Moisture determination apparatus with still (copper) and
other accessories
15. 16.
B. I. 2. 3.
Extraction thimbles 43 x 123 mm size Laboratory mixer 1/2 cft. capacity, electrically operated fitted with heating jacket Ductibillty testing apparatus with variable speed gears complete with moulds Moulds for Hubbard-Field stability test 6x 2dia, Equipment for distillation of tars, cut-backs, etc. Hveem stabilometer Marshall compaction apparatus Rock testing equipment
Rock sample height guage Rock classifaction hammer Portable rock tester
1 1 1
F. 1. 2, 3.
Variable frequency and amplitude vibrating Table size 2 x 3 load 200 lbs. Aggregate crushing test apparatus
Aggregate Impact test apparatus Los-Angles abrasion apparatus D-val attribution apparatus
1 2
13, 14.
15. 16. 17, G. I. 2. H. I.
Flexural attachement to compression testing machine Concrete laboratory set up In-situ concrete strength testing equipment, test hammer & pachometer UTM for tension, compression and other tests Strain measuring equipment set
Equipment for Hydraulic Studies Current meter Echo sounding equipment Road Testing Equipment Ilenkelman Beam Profile meter (hand towed 1
2 ~3.
4. 1. *1. 2. *3 4. 5. 6.
2 2 4 I 1 I 1 6
Electronic traffic counter
I, 2. K. 1.
1. 1, M. I. N. 1. 2. 3, *4
Equipment Special Research Equipment Equipment. (individual items should be identified depending on actual needs) Quality Control EquIpment In FIeld Equipmcnr (individual items to be identified depending
on actual needs) Miscellaneous Electronic Desk Calculator Slide Projector Camera Photostat Machine
Grimilaboratory blender; Winkworth laboratory miser; Dieters compaction apparatus; speedy moisture tester;
conductivity bridge; electrical earth pressure apparatus: sand equivalent test apparatus; soil density probe with utility seater; automatic compaction machine; platform vibrator with relative density kit; rotary high vaccum
pump; Genco presso-vac pump; mechanical stirrer; mechanical mixer; shrinkage factor apparatus; Proctor
needle; Abbots cylinder: calcimeter; soil centrifuge apparatus; sand equivalent test apparatus; vane shear
Concrete and
Distillation apparatus: electro-hydraulic kneading compactor; float test apparatus; settlement ratio appratus; new model versa tester; Higler speaker absorption meter; barometer; Gilson testing screen and accessories; Kipps apparatus; hydro-vapourising unit. Prestressing bed; jack and other equipments, concrete caring equipment; beam breaker concrete test hammer; twisting machine; Universal testing machine; boring plant; supersonic tester; Acrow wcighmore consistometer; drying shrinkage apparatus B.T.L. oven; muffle furnace; internal vibrator; shutter vibrator: masonry
saw: briquette testing machine; K.C,P. tensile testing machine; fatigue tester; cold bend test: Askamia
4. Aggregates Dorrys attrition test; Stewarts impact test; Page impact test; jaw crusher slitting, grinding and polisbing
5. Traffic Electronic traffic counter; electric speed meter; Skykes
vehicle counter; enoscope wheel weigher; brake inspection decelero-meter; instrument for tracing track
width of curves; hand tally counter. 6.
Road Tcstlng
Benkelman beam; bump integrator; immersion tracking machine; skid resistance tester electronic roughness tester.
Photographic~ Photometer; lox meter; recording camera; super cameras; sound equip- enlarger; movie camera; sound projector; slide proment jector; ~pidiascopc ; amplifiers; photostat machine. Electric!
and other
miscellaneous equipment
Po1ar~singmicroscope; electronic weighing machine; generator; oscilloscope; vibration pick up; excitation amplifier; strain measuring bridge; oscolo script; G.K. Varistant; electronic calculator; duplicating machine; pallet trucks; mobile van; gas generator; electric tube, furnace, cassette tape recorder; refrigerator, analytical and other prelcsion balances.
Nos. required
2 2 3
Ovens - ElectrIcally Operated, Thermostatically Controlled: (i) Upto llOC Sensitivity I.C. (ii) Upto 200C for determination on loss on heating bitumen
Sieves: as per I.S.
(i) 1.S. Sieves 450 mm internal dia. of sizes 100 mm, 80 mm, 63 mm, 40 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm, 12.5 mm, 10 mm, 6.3 mm, 4.75mm complete with lid and pan (ii) IS. Sieves 200 mm internal dia (brass frame) consisting of 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 microns, 425
I set
I set
1 4. 5. 2 3
Sieve shaker capable of taking 200 mm and 300 mm dia, sieves-electrically operated with time switch assembly 1 No. ProvIng rings - coaplete with dia guage and calibration charts: (i) 250 kg capacIty (ii) 2000 kg capacity (iii) 5 tonnes capacity Dial Guage (i) 25 mm travcl-0.01 mm/division Load frame-S tonnea capacity electrically operated with speed control 200 tonnes compression testing machine Stop watches 1/5 sec. accuracy Glassware comprising Brakers, Pipettes, dishes, measuring cylinders (100 to 1000cc capacity) rods & funnels Hot plates 200mm cia. (1 no 1500 watt) Enamel trays (i)600mm x 450mm x 50mm (Ii) 450mm x 300mm x 40mm (iii) 300mm x 250mm x 40mm (iv) Circular plates of 250 mm dia SOILS
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12.
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Water still Liquid limit device with Casagrande and A.S.T.M grooving tools and as per t.S. 2720-Part V-1970 Sampling pipette fitted with pressure and suction inlets, 10 ml. canacity Compaction apparatus (Proctor) as per I.S. 2720 Part VlI-1974 Modified AASHO compaction apparatus as per 1$. 2720-Part V1Il-l974 Sand pouringcylinder with conical funnel and tap and complete as per LS. 2720 Part XXVIII-1974 Sampling tins with lids 100 mm dia x 50 mm hi * kg capacityand miscellaneous items like moisture tins, etc. Unconfined compression test apparatus with a set of 4 springs and masks and complete as per 1.S. 2720 Part X-l974
I No. 2
2 1 1 doz. 2 dot
2 9.
Lab C.B,R. test equipment for conducing CBR test as per I.S, 2720-Part XVI.1965 and consisting of following: (1) CBR moulds 150 mm dia. 175 mm ht, complete with collar, base plate, etc (ii) Tripod stands-for holding dial guage holder (iii) C.B.R. plunger with ~ettlementdial guage holder (iv) Surcharge weight 147 mm dia. 2.5 kg wt, with central hole. (v) Spacer discs 148 mm dia., 47.7 mm ht. with handle (vi) Perforated plate (Brass) (vii) Soaking tank for accommodating 6 CBR moulds each Field C.B,R, test equipment consisting of hand operated mechanical jack of 5 tonnes capacity, capable for sliding on I section fixable to truck chassis, proving ring of 2000 kg, extension pieces (of adjustable length upto 1 metre length), CBR Plunger, settlement dial guage holder~datum bar, 254 mm (10 in) dia. surcharge wt. with central hole (47.7 mm dia) and 4.53 kg (10 lb)-2 nos. and 9.07 kg (20 ib)-2 nos, and one I-section of 1.25 metre length having arrangement of clamping to truck chassis Plate bearing test equipment consisting of following items : (i) M.S plates 25.4 mm I in thick and dia 762 mm (30 in.) 660 mm (26 in.) 558 jnm (22 in.) 457 mm (18 in.) 305 mm (12 in.) 228 mm (9 in.) and 154 mm (6 in,) (ii) Hydraulic jack 20 tonnes capacity with remote control through flexible tubing of 2-3 metre length iii) Proving ring 25 tonnes capacity with dial guage and calibration chart (iv) Hall bearing plates 25 mm thick and 100 mm dia. with centre groove (v) Datum Bar 3 metre long with stand and dial guage clamps (2 nos.) with suitable attaching arrangements Standard Penetration test equipment 3. BITUMEN
I set I set
2 NOs.
Constant temperature batl~for accommodating bitumen test specimen, electrically operated and thermostatically controlled.
1 2. 2 Petrol gas generator (Laboratory model or any other alternative arrangement for heating of specimens in laboratory) Penetrometer automatic type, adjustable weight arrangement, and needles as per I,S. 1203-1958. Soxhlet extraction apparatus complete with extraction thimbles, etc. Laboratory mixer about 0.O2cu. metre capacity electrically operated fitted with heating jacket Hubbard-field stability test apparatus complete Marshall compaction apparatus as per ASTM 1559-62 T and complete with electrically operated loading unit, compaction pedestal hearing head assembly, dial micrometre and bracket for flow meaSurement, load transfer bar, specimen mould (4 in. dia) with base plate, collars, specimen extractor, compaction hammer 4.53 kg. (10 Ib) x 457 mm (IS in.) fall Distant reading thermometers CONCRETE AND MATERIALS I. 2. 3. Water still Vicat needle apparatus for setting time test with plungers, as per I.S. 269-1967 Moulds (i) 100 mm x 100 mm x 500 mm (ii) Cubicals 150 mm, 100 mm (each size) Air permeability apparatus High frequency mortar cube vibrator Concrete mixer power driven, I Cu. ft. capacity Variable frequency and amplitude vibrating table size I metre 1 metre, as per LS. 2514-1963 Flakiness index test apparatus Aggregate Impact test apparatus as per IS. 2386Part LV1963 Los-Angeles abrasion apparatus as per IS. 2386 Part IVl963 FiowlableasperLS.7I2-l973 Equipment for slump test Equipment (or the determination of specific gravity of fine and coarse aggregate as per l,S. 2386Part 1111963 3
3. 4. 5. 6.
1 No
I N~ I No I No 4 6
4 4 4
I 14. 15. 2 Flexural attachment to compression testing machIne Core cutting machine
3 2
5. CONTROL OF PROFILE AND SURFACE EVENNESS I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Survey level and staff 1 set 3 metre straight-edge and measuring edge 1 set Unevenness indicator (optional) 1 Camber templates Single lane 2~ Double lane 2 Profilograph for checking pavement unevenness Automatic road unevenness recorder LIST OF TESTING EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAiNED AT DIVISiON/SUB DIVISION/FIELD, LEVEL Requirement S. No. Particulars Dnl level (1) For testing soil Set of 1,S. Sieves Sand replacement equipment Core cutter Sub DnI level Field (each selection)
Field oven Electric oven Proctor Mould & hammer Proctor needle Balance (i) 5 to 7 kg (ii) 500 gramms 1.9 Pan balance (15 kg) 1.10 Load frame for testing CBR (5 tonnes capacity) 1.11 CBR Moulds 1.12 Equipment for testing LL & P1 1.13 Speedy moisture motors (2) For Testing Aggregate 2.1 2.2 Impact test equipment Flakiness index testing equipment
I 2 2 (Optional) 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
I 1 I 1 9 I
1 1 1
I 2 1 1
3.1 3,2 (3) For Testing Concrete Mortar Slump cone & tamping rod moulds Moulds (i) 150 x 150 x 150mm (ii)70~< 7 70.7~:70.7 (iii) 50 x 50 50mm (i) Proving ring for 1 ton (ii) Proving ring for 5 tons (4) Bitumen Test trays Thermometers Spring balance I I 3 3 3
12 12 12
I 1 I 1
3 12 I
FUNCTIONS OF THE DIREcTOR QUALITY CONTROL (i) To carry out the, instructions of the Engineer-in-Chief/Chief Engineer regarding policy matter, work audit, arrange seminars and training programmes, help in nomination of the staff for outside training and as directed. (ii) To issue guidelines to the regional Quality Control Executive Engineers and other staff from time to time. (iii) To keep in touch with the latest developments on use of new materials Quality Control methods and K & D activities in the State and elsewhere. (iv) To frame and organise the training programmes for the new entrants and in-service staff (v) To analyse the reports received from the regional Quality Control Officers and issue necessary instructions to the officers concerned with the works. (iv) To arrange closer association with Quality Control aspects in case of major projects for roads and bridges. FUNCTIONS OF QUALiTY CONTROL DIVISIONS (i) To provide all assistance to the field officers for compliance of the instructions contained in the Circular connected with quality control, (ii) Inspection of works identified by Chief Engineer or Superintending Engineer concerned to ensure quality control. (iii) To carry out tests on constrtiction and road materials locally available and to suggest use of alternative materials. (iv) To give suggestions for mproving the quality at Ihe site of work. Iv) To identify he various types of building and road construction tnaierials available in a specified area or for the execution of a particular project. While doing so the desired properties of the material and also the economic viability of their use, should be kept in view. (vi) To provide testing and investigation facilities to the field officers. (vii) To educate and train ttie technical personnel engaged at construction sites for carrying out the field tests.
Appendix 4
The samples of the suggested proformae for recording the test results for the undermentioned Items of the work. Road Works (I) Q/R/1 (2) Q/R:2 (3) Q/R /3
Characterstics of Borrow Materials Compaction Characterstics of Earth Work/Gravel/Stabilized layers Characterstics of Aggregate/Binding Material/Screening for WB M (Surface, Base, and Sub-base) Characterstics of Bricks for Sub-base/Base Courses Aggregate Characterstics for Bituminous Courses Rate of spread of Binder, Aggregate and Bitumen content for Bituminous work Temperature Record for Bituminous Work Surface Evenness Record Coarse Aggregate for Concrete Fine Aggregates for Concrete Water for Bridge Construction Works Cement Concrete
(4) Q~R/4 (5) Q/R/5 (6) Q/R/6 7) Q/R7 (8) Q/R/8 (9) Q R 9 (10) Q/R/I0 (11) Q/R II (12) Q/R/l2
Note: Frequency of the test to be carried out shall be as per the requirement prescribed in the handbook. The quality control records in the prescribed proformae should be maintained in serially numbered registers, issued to personnel in charge of quality control tests on works in the same way as measurement books are issued. These registers should be presented with every third running bill. The pay ments of bills should thus be linked with assured quality of work.
Proctor Density
(b 0.
mm mic 3 5 6
mic mic
% Ref ii.!
(/~ 0~
3 Test &equcncy: For gradation. of 3 specimens) one test per 3000 m test 1-~--2est per 8000 m CBR (on a set Plasticity Index and standard Proctor t Deleterious constituentsas required. Natural Moisture contentone test per 250 m of soil.
-~ -~
MCDDRef ~C 4 5 6 7 8
Recorded by to 1 JE AE 36 El 37
LegendRef: Reference of observation sheet number (page) and observation No.
MC: Percentage moisture content at the time of compaction. DD: Dry Density achieved In gm/cc. %C: Percentaae Compaction. 0 0 Ce 0. C, Ce Ce
CHARACTERSTICS OF AGGREGATE/BINDING MATERIAL/SCREENING FOR WBM, SURFACE, BASES & SUB BASE COURSES QIR!3 S. LocatKm/rn Layer Number from bottorn 3 Type of aggregate Grading % Passing through IS Slew 100 80 mm ma. 63 mm 50 mm 40 mm 20 12.5 10 6.3 mm mm mm mm 4.75 mm 600 mic
Ce 0.
No. ion
Flakiness Index
Recorded by
Ref 21
Ref 23
LL P1 Ref 24 25 26
lB 29
AB 30
BE 31 32
BRICK CHARACTERSTICS FOR SUB BASE AND BASE COURSE Q/R/4 S. Location Layer Water absorption Compressive strength .6 to .8 .8 to 10
Kin rn
to .2 Ref 5
.2 to .4
4 to .6 Ref 8 9
.4 Ref 20
Ref 7
Ref 11
Ref 13
.6 Ref
.6 Kg/cm 22
.e Ref 23
.8 Kg/cm
1 Ref
Recorded by JE 24 AB 25 BE 26
Kg/cm~ 21
27 0. C) Ce Ce
SI. No.
Location Km/rn
Type of aggregate
. -
20 mm 1 2 3
12.5 mm 5
~ 10 6.3 mm mm 6 7
4.75 mm 8
2.36 1.7 mm mm 9 10
180 mic 13
150 mic 14
75 mic 15
CD ~
Stripping value
Recorded by Remarks JE 25 AE 26 BE 27 28
Ref 18
Ref 24
RATE OF SPREAD OF BINDER, AGGREGATE & BITUMEN CONTENT FOR BITUMINOUS WORK Q/R/C TEST RESULTS 0 to .1 B 1 2 3 A Bc 4 5 Ref 6 B 7 .1 to .2 A Bc Ref B 8 9 10 .2 to .3 A Be Ref 14 B .3 to .4 A Bc Ref 18 B .4 to .5 A Bc Ref 22 B .5 to .6
A Bc Ref 26
11 12 13
15 16 17
19 20 21
23 24 25
.7 to .8 Ref B 30 A Bc Ref 34 B
.8 to .9 A Bc Ref 38 B
.9 to 1.0 A Be Ref 42 JE
Recorded by AE 44
Remarks V
A Be
BE 45 46
27 28 29
31 32 33
35 36 37
39 40 41
~ CD J 0.
s. No.
Temperature TA
Recorded by Remarks TL
JE 10
AB 11
BE 12 13
Legend: TA TB TM TL TR
= =
Temperature of aggregate Temperature of bitumen at the time of tack coat Temperature of mix Temperature while laying the mix Temperature while rolling
88 1.)
S. No.
Location Km/rn
State o
Work at .6 left
~ ._____.__~
from edge
at .6 right
from edge
0 0 CD Note : Ths test is to be done regularly along with the progress of work at different stages starting from sub-base to B/T
0. CD a)
Q R/9
S. No. Qty. Collected cu.m 80 1 2
Ce Ce
0 V CD D C)
Checking by
Sound. ness AE
Deleterious constituents
Water absorption
One i~st for each source of supply and subsequently when warranted by changes in quality of aggregate.
Maximum Ce One
Q/R/10 Bulk,ngCe
passing 4.75 4
IS. 2.36 5
Sieve 1.18 6
size 600 m
DeleteriousCe constituents
150 m
300 in 8
CD a,
5, No,
0.1 Normal NaOH, 0.1 Normal Nd to neutralise 200 ml tO neutralise 200 ml of sample of sample (ml) (ml)
Alkali Chloride
Minimum ~e test for each source of Water or subsequently when Warranted by change in quality.
Checked by
S. Date No.
UI 10
II lit IV
ID 0. C,
Appendix 5
A. TRAY TEST FOR CONTROL OF RATE OP SPREAD OF BINDER Light metal trays of about 20 cmx 20 cm and 3 cm deep previously weighed and numbered are placed at Intervals along the road in the path df the binder distributor beta een the wheel tracks~ After the distributor has passed, the traysare removed one wrapped in weighed sheets of paper so that they can be handled, stocked and weighed as soon as convenient, The spacing and the number of trays can be varied to suit the circumstances of the particular site, but at least five trays shall normally be used, The tray test gives a measure of the variation in rate of spread along the road and a good approximatIon to the average rate of spread. The trays shalt be weighed correct to first place of decimal in graM. The maximum longitudinal distribution error shall be within 10 per cent of the specification. Similarly, transverse distribution by the machine can be checked by placing a number of ira~s collect the bindeV sprayed over each 5 cm of the to width of the spray bar, The variation in transverse distribution shall not be more than 20 per cent from the mean (not counting the extreme 15 cm at either side of the sprayed area). B, TRAY TEST FOR CHECK OF RATE OF SPREAD OF GRIT TN SURFACE DRESSING
area covered by each lorry load of known capacity. This can also be checked by removing the chippings from small areas of the road and weighing them. A smill square metal frame is laid on the new dressing and all the chippings within tne endosed arca which is 10cm square arc collected and washed in solvent to remove the binder, weighed and the rate of spread is measured at points along the road at intervais of between 1 metre to 4 metre, The
mean. transverse variation
shall be
The test is intended for determination of binder content in the mix by cold solvent extraction. The mineral matter recovered from the test can be use4 for checking the gradation of the aggregates in the mix.
A representative sample about 500 gm is exactly weighed and placed in the bowl of the extraction apparatus and covered with commercial grade of bcnzene, Sufficient time (not more than 1 hour) Is allowed for the solvent to disintegrate the sample before running the centrifuge. The filter ring of the extractor is dried, weighed and the.~ fitted around the edge of the bowl, The cover of the bowl Is clamped tightly. A beaker is placed under to collect the extract, The machine is revolved sl~,wlyand then gradually, the speed is increased to a maximum of 3600 r.p.m. The speed is maintained till the solvent ceases to flow from the drain. The machine is allowed to stop and 200 ml. of the benezene is added and the above procedure is repeated. A number of 200 ml. solvent additions (not less than three) are used till the extract is clear and not dark er than a light straw colour. The filter ring from the bowl is removed, dried in air and then in oven to constant weight at ll5~C,and weighed. The fine materials that might have passed through the filter paper are collected back from the extract preferably by centrifuging. The material is washed and dried to constant weight as before. The percentage of binder in the sample is calculated as follows Percentage binder on the total mix
WI(W2+W3)+W4 WI
1= weight of sample
of the sample after extraction W1=weight of fine material, recovered from the extract
W~ ..increase in weight of the filter ring La the case of road tar which is not completely soluble in benzene,
necessary correction Is made on the basis of the per cent insoluble of the neat
The metallic tray of the field density unit is kept on a level spot of the surface and a hole, 10 cm in dia, Is cut to the entire thickness of the carpet. All materials removed from the hole are carefully collected and weighed. A known weight of dry standard sand, passing 25 and retained on 52 B.S, sieve, Is taken in the sand pouring cylinder. The cylinder is kept directly over the hole and the shutter of the cylinder is released without any
jerk and closed when the hole Is filled with the sand. The qauntity of the residual sand in the cylinder as well as the quantity filling the cone of the cylinder are weighed. The in-situ density of the carpet is calculated as follows 4 gmpercc. natty where A = weight of the materials removed from the carpet hole W = initial weight of sand taken in the cylinder = weight of the sand filling the cone of the cylinder d bulkdenslty,gmperccofthesand weight or sand remaining in the cylinder
Appendix 6
The procedure to be followed for checking the surface regularity with a straight-edge is as follows (i) The 3-metre straight-edge may be made of steel or seasoned hard wood When made of wood, it may be 75 mm wide and 125 mm deep and its test face should preferably be shod with a metallic plate. The edge should be perfectly straight and free from warps, rots or defects of any kind. (ii) Periodically, the straight-edge should be checked for its trueness with a string or a metallic master straight-edge. The straight. edge should be rectified/replaced as soon as the same has lost its trueness,
(iii) The depressions under the straight.edge ate to be measured with a
graduated wedge. The wedge should preferably be metallic but may alternatively be of seasoned hard wood. These should be graduated to read undulations upto 25 mm with a least count of at least 3 mm. Typical designs for a metallic~staight-edge and measuring edge are given in Fig. 4. (Iv) For recording undulatlons in the longitudinal profile the straightedge is to be placed longitudinally parallel to the centre line of the road. Measurements along two parallel lines may normally be sufficient for a single-lane pavement and along three lines for the two-lane pavement. One additional lir* may be covered for each additionai lane, ~ The straight-edge has limitations as regards the measurement of undulations at vertical curves. Additional templates may be made for this purpose especially if the curves are sharp.
(vi) The straight-edge may be placed at the starting point, wedge inserted between it and the test surface where the gap is maximum and reading taken. The edge may then be slided forward by about ~ length. I.e., 1.5 m, and the wedge reading repeated. This process should be continued. The straight-edge need not always be moved forward but may be moved backward and forward to record the maximum undulation existing at a loeation. Locations with undulations in excess of the specified magnitude should be marked cn the surface.
(vii) A team of three persons consisting of two workmon and a supervisor and equipped with one straightedge and two graduated wedges would be required. The two workmen wil operate the straight~edge while the supervisor will take measurements with the wedges and do the marking on the surface