Primary School Design Guidelines: Technical Guidance Document TGD-022

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Edition, October 2007
Revision 2 dated August 2010

Planning & Building Unit

Planning & Building Unit

Department of
Education and Skills
Tullamore, Co. Offaly.

Telephone: (057) 9324300
Fax: (057) 9351119

Primary School
Design Guidelines

Edition, October 2007
Revision 2 dated August 2010

Technical Guidance Document
Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 2


1.0 Introduction 3
1.1 General 3
1.2 Design Guidance Suite 3
1.3 Design Team Procedures 4
1.4 Application 4
1.5 Further information 5

2.0 Project Brief 6
2.1 Brief 6
2.2 Typical 16 Classroom schedule 7

3.0 Planning a Primary school 8
3.1 Introduction 8
3.2 Curriculum 8
3.3 The School timetable 8
3.4 Areas and heights 9
3.5 Wall to floor ratio 9
3.6 Grouping of spaces 9
3.7 Circulation 10
3.8 Construction programme 10
3.9 Sample Room Layouts 10

4.0 Room Data Sheets 11
4.1 Application 11
4.2 Schedule of Rooms 11
4.3 General requirements 11
4.4 Classrooms 13
4.5 Library/ General Resource Area 16
4.6 Multi-Purpose Room 17
4.7 Special Education Teacher [SET] Support Room 18
4.8 Administration / General Office 19
4.9 Teachers/ Staff room 20
4.10 Principal/ Deputy Principals Office 21
4.11 General Purpose Room 22
4.12 General Purpose Room Toilet Suite 24
4.13 Adult toilets including Universal Access 26
4.14 General Storage including Safe, Cleaners, & External Stores 27
4.15 Electrical Metering and Electrical Distribution Centre 28
4.16 Data Communication Centre 29
4.17 Heating Centre (Boiler house) 29

5.0 External Facilities 30
5.1 Site 30
5.2 Landscaping 30
5.3 Car-parking & Set-down/Pick up areas 30
5.4 Rainwater Recovery 30
5.5 External Play Areas 31

Appendix A 32

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 3
1.0 Introduction

1.1 General

(a) These Primary School Design Guidelines state the specific design
requirements and room inter-relationships applicable to the design of
primary schools.
(b) They should be read in conjunction with TGD-020 General Design
Guidelines for Schools which describes the general design principles of
school design (Primary and Post-primary), and TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools.
(c) This document, in conjunction with the other relevant design guidance (see
below), is intended both as a design tool-kit for the Client* & Design Team
and as part of a set of reference documents for the evaluation of design
* In the case of Primary Schools, where the site is owned by the Department of
Education and Skills, the Department is the client, but for the purposes of this
document the term Client shall also encompass the School Authorities.

1.2 Design

(a) The Primary School Design Guidelines is part of a suite of Department of
Education and Skills [DoES] design guidance documents for Primary and
Post-primary schools which include:

DoES Technical Guidance Document [TGD] DoES TGD
General Design Guidelines for Schools 020
Construction Standards for Schools 021
Primary School Design Guidelines 022
Post-primary School Design Guidelines 023
Post-primary Fixed furniture Details 024
Post-primary Room Layouts

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
Guidelines for Temporary Accommodation School
Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
Guidelines for Primary School Buildings
Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
Guidelines for Post-primary School Buildings
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Infrastructure Guidelines for Primary Schools
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Infrastructure Guidelines for Post-primary Schools
Energy Information Form 006

All of the above Guidance Documents are available on the Department of
Education & Skills web-site at
(b) This Suite of Design Guidance documents is intended to assist in the design
and proper planning of buildings in response to the educational needs of a
particular school as determined in the brief formulation process.

Continued overleaf

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 4
1.0 Introduction (continued)

1.2 Design

(c) These Guidelines and the other relevant documents in the Design Guidance
suite should be read in conjunction with
The Brief,
The Design Team Procedures and
All other DoES Technical Guidance Documents published on the
Departments web-site.

Always check the Departments web-site for the most up-to-date version.

(d) In applying these guidelines to projects, clients and design teams will be
obliged to comply in full with the current Design Team Procedures, DoES
Technical Guidance Documents and other guidance issued by the
Department, except as stated in 1.4 Application below.
(e) The above Suite of Design Guidance documents replace all previous Design
Guidelines both Primary and Post Primary.

1.3 Design Team

(a) The Design Team Procedures [DTPs] set out the scope of service for all
consultants individually and collectively for all projects stating the
requirements and principles for each stage of the design and construction
process starting with Project Analysis, and proceeding through the design
stages to Tender Documents, obtaining tenders, Construction and Final
(b) The DTPs apply to all construction projects funded in part or in total by the
Department of Education & Skills unless otherwise directed by the
Department in writing.

1.4 Application

(a) These Primary School Design Guidelines together with TGD-020 General
Design Guidelines for Schools and TGD-021 Construction Standards for
Schools apply to all Primary construction projects funded in part or in total by
the Department of Education & Skills (unless otherwise directed by the
Department in writing) where a decision to commence architectural design
and planning has been confirmed in writing by the Planning and Building
(b) The scope of the building project will be the schedule(s) of accommodation
and other briefing instructions as agreed between the Client and the PBU.
(c) Where it is proposed to construct a new school these guidelines and all
associated documents in the suite of Design Guidance should be applied in

Continued overleaf

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 5
1.0 Introduction (continued)

1.4 Application

(d) The dimensions and areas stated in this document and the schedule of new
build accommodation apply to the new build portion of the project only.
(e) In the case of existing school buildings, where an extension, conversion or
renovation is proposed, a flexible pragmatic approach will be applied by the
PBU. The dimensions areas and room designation in the existing building
will be retained except where the PBU specifies otherwise (based on
educational need).
(f) In existing buildings the room, dimensions, and areas will be as specified in
the Future Use of Existing Accommodation.

1.5 Further

(a) This document and all other Guidance Documents mentioned above are
available on the Department of Education & Skills web-site at

Always check the Departments web-site for the most up-to-date version.

(b) For further advice on these guidelines or any other matters relating to this
document, please contact:

Department of Education and Skills,
Planning & Building Unit,
Portlaoise Road,
Co. Offaly.
Telephone: (057) 9324300
Fax: (057) 9351119

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 6
2.0 Project Brief

2.1 Brief

(a) Each project will have an agreed written Brief setting out the scope of works
and the Clients requirements for that project. Every brief will comprise
(where applicable):
(i) A Schedule of Overall Accommodation
(ii) A Schedule of Future Use of Existing Accommodation (with room areas)
(iii) A Schedule of Residual Accommodation (extensions to existing)
(iv) A schedule of alterations to existing accommodation, where necessary
for the implementation of that project only (if required)
(v) A provisional Schedule of essential remedial works applicable to that
project only (see also Design Team Procedures)
(vi) A Cost Limit for New Build per square metre (if applicable).

(b) In all cases the determination of the brief will be based on an assessment of
overall medium-to-long term educational need, and the capacity and
suitability of existing accommodation to provide for this need.
(c) For Primary School projects, this brief is determined by the Planning and
Building Unit [PBU], in agreement with the relevant School Authority as
(i) The School Planning Section of the Planning and Building Unit [PBU]
first determines the projected long-term enrolment for the school.
(ii) Then based on the current design guidelines, staffing levels, and current
area norms, the School Planning Section determines a Schedule of
Overall Accommodation.
(iii) The PBU then assesses the Educational Suitability of the existing
accommodation and prepares both a Schedule of Future Use of Existing
Accommodation and a Provisional Schedule of Alterations & Remedial
works (if applicable).
(iv) The deficit in accommodation (i.e. the difference between the Schedule
of Overall Accommodation and the Schedule of Future Use of Existing
Accommodation) is called the Schedule of Residual Accommodation and
the total area indicated is the Total Floor Area (area limit) of new build to
be funded.
(v) The Schedule of Residual Accommodation plus the Future Use of
Existing Accommodation, plus the Provisional Schedule of Alterations &
Remedial works (if applicable) and the applicable cost limit all form part
of the brief for the project.

(d) The Project Brief setting out the scope of works must be agreed in writing by
both the School Authority and the Planning & Building Unit before the
appointment of Design Consultants, and before commencement of Stage 1
Preliminary Design.

Continued overleaf

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Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

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2.0 Project Brief (continued)

2.2 Typical 16

(a) Below is an example of a 16-classroom schedule of overall accommodation.
It must not be taken as an accurate or typical 16-Classroom schedule for all
schools. .

The number, sizes and types of rooms may not match your schedule of
overall accommodation, as each schedule is determined individually based
on a range of factors including the number of pupils and teachers. Always
refer to the schedule of accommodation for your own school project.

No. of
spaces Area (m2)
Total Area
16 80.0 r2 1280.0 r2
1 195.0 r2 195.0 r2
1 8.0 r2 8.0 r2
1 20.0 r2 20.0 r2
( 1 ) 13.0 r2 13.0 r2
1 0.0 r2 0.0 r2
1 13.1 r2 13.1 r2
2 13.1 r2 2.8 r2
1 1.0 r2 1.0 r2
1 50.0 r2 50.0 r2
1 13.1 r2 13.1 r2
( 1 ) 12.0 r2 12.0 r2
( 1 ) 35.0 r2 35.0 r2
( 1 ) 2.0 r2 2.0 r2
( 1 ) 1.0 r2 1.0 r2

1748. m2
.0 101.9 r2 101.9 r2
18.0 311.Z r2 311.Z r2
1.0 r2 1.0 r2
2185.0 m2

0.0 r2

2 585.0 r2 11Z0.0 r2
1 130.0 r2 130.0 r2

XXXX National School, address,TOWN, COUNTY Roll No: XXXXXXX
Based on a Projected Long-term Enrollment of xxx pupils
P.E. Equipment Store
(Teaching Accommodation for 2 Full-Time Equivalent SET(s) in Library/Resource /Multi-purpose Rooms)
Description of Space
With Teaching Accommodation for 4 Full-time Equivalent Special Education Teacher(s)
Classroom(s) incl WCs & storage
General Purpose Room

WC Area [4 No.] associated with General Purpose Room
Library & Resource Area combined (incl storage)
Teachers & Staff Room
Principal's Office
2 Dual use Staff/Universal Access WCs with shower
General Storage, incl safe,cleaner's & external

Plus maximum 25m2 per stairs per floor [where approved by PBU only]
26 Car Parking Spaces for Teaching & non-teaching staff

2 External Ball Court(s)
1 Junior Play Area
Boiler House
TOTAL (Rounded up to nearest m2)
Internal Walls/Partitions @ 6.0%
Internal Circulation @ 18.0%
Multi-Purpose Room
Special Education Tuition Room(s)
Administration/General Office
General Purpose Room Servery

Aonad Pleanla agus Tgla, Planning and Building Unit
Bthar Phort Laoise, Portlaoise Road,
Tulach Mhr, Tullamore,
Contae Ubh Fhail. Co. Offaly.

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 8
3.0 Planning a Primary school

3.1 Introduction

(a) This guidance document, together with TGD-020 General Design Guidelines
for Schools and the schedules of accommodation, should be used as a
starting point for developing a design specific to the school.
(b) The Schedule of Overall Accommodation, Schedule of Future Use of
Existing Accommodation and Schedule of Residual Accommodation
(extensions to existing) lists the accommodation to be provided (refer to 2.0
the Brief for description of how these schedules are determined).
(c) TGD-020 General Design Guidelines for Schools describes the general
design principles for schools (both Primary and Post-primary) including the
Design Philosophy, the Built Environment, Health & Safety, Building Location
& Orientation, Universal Access, Security, External Circulation and the
general principles applying to the internal layout.
(d) This document provides detailed information on the spaces required (both
internal and external), their area, height and any special requirements
applicable to those spaces.
3.2 Curriculum

(a) The Primary School Curriculum 1999 incorporates current educational
thinking and effective pedagogical practices. Its implementation has
represented an exciting opportunity for change and renewal in primary
schools. It celebrates the uniqueness of the child and provides a structured
national framework that aids teachers in planning the learning experiences
most useful to the child at the various stages of his or her development. It is
designed to cater for the needs of children in the modern world.
(b) Building upon the child-centred philosophy of Curaclam na Bunscoile (1971),
the 1999 curriculum incorporates new learning objectives and embraces new
approaches and methodologies. Its design reflects six curriculum areas:
Language, Mathematics, Arts Education, Physical Education, Social
Environmental & Scientific Education (SESE) and Social Personal & Health
Education (SPHE).
(c) The Primary Curriculum articulates a progressive and developmental
learning experience for children as they proceed up through the primary
school. It is laid out at four levels - infant classes, first and second classes,
third and fourth classes and fifth and sixth classes.
3.3 The School

(a) In agreement with the education partners a standardised school year is
implemented in Irish primary schools. The minimum number of teaching
days per school year is 183 full school days. Generally, schools close for
summer vacation during the complete months of July and August. Schools
currently also have breaks of two weeks off during both Christmas and
Easter and two shorter mid-term breaks of up to five working days at
Halloween and in February.
(b) A full school day comprises a period of not less than five hours and forty
minutes. Schools are permitted to reduce the school day by one hour for
children in infants and first class where desired. In order to meet the needs
of the communities which they serve schools can, with some flexibility,
determine the start time within their daily timetable while maintaining the
integrity of the school day. (continued overleaf)

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

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3.0 Planning a Primary school (continued)

3.3 The School

A possible version of a full day in one school, for example, may be 9.20 am
to 3.00pm, while others may be 8.50am to 2.30pm or 9.00am to 2.40pm
3.4 Areas and

(a) The areas of all spaces in the Schedules of Accommodation are net areas,
measured to the internal faces of the enclosing walls. The Total Floor Area
(area limit) in the schedules is the total of all enclosed floor space
measured to the internal faces of the enclosing walls and corresponds with
the National Standard Building Elements definition.
(b) Ceiling heights should be considered in the context of the size and function
of the space and should take into account the physical environment within
that space. In larger rooms such as the General Purpose room the height
should be in proportion to the size and take into account the function and
any special requirements.
(c) The minimum finished floor to ceiling height for all teaching spaces is 3.0m
except those shown in the room data sheets and room layouts or as
required for the proportion of a room.

3.5 Wall to floor

(a) The wall to floor ratio is one measure of the cost efficiency of a building
layout (the lower the wall to floor ratio the more efficient the building layout).
(b) Designers should balance the need to minimise the wall to floor ratio (for
efficiency of layout and cost reasons) with the educational, planning and
design requirements as set out in this document and TGD-020 General
Design Guidelines for Schools.

3.6 Grouping of

(a) Spaces can be broadly described as Teaching and Learning spaces
(including the General Purpose Room), Administrative spaces and Ancillary
(b) Teaching and Learning spaces should be given priority with regards
orientation, daylight and ventilation.
(c) The following rooms/spaces are frequently used by visitors/community and
should be located so that it is not necessary to enter the general teaching
areas most frequently used by students:
Principals Office (if in schedule of accommodation).
General Office.
General Purpose Room.
Multi Purpose Room.
3.7 Circulation

(a) The design solution for the school should ensure ease of circulation and
orientation for students, staff and visitors. On accessing the school via any
entrance, it should be possible to move to any point in the school without
meeting an area of congestion. The minimum clear width of corridors shall
be 1.8m.
(continued overleaf)
Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

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3.0 Planning a Primary school (continued)

3.8 Circulation

(b) Where a public access balcony is provided, designers in determining the
balustrade height, should consider the risk associated with projectiles
[school bags, books, and pupils] being dropped over the handrail. A height
of not less than 1,400mm is recommended.
(c) Entrance lobbies should be secure controlled lobbies with a door control
mechanism provided to the internal access doors of the lobby. Matwell/
matting carpet should be provided to the main front and rear entrance
3.8 Construction

(a) Where construction work is being carried out on the same site as an
operational school or portion of that school, and such work is unavoidable,
particular care should be taken to minimise disruption to the school
curriculum. Consideration must be given to the Schools policy on Health
and Safety in planning and organising this construction activity.
(b) The Construction programme must also take account of the internal school
timetable. Tasks that are likely to be disruptive should be programmed to be
carried out outside school hours or during holidays.
(c) Refer also to Health and Safety sections in the Design Team Procedures

3.9 Sample Room

(a) Sample layouts of the following rooms are appended to this document.
These Room Layouts are recommended as best practice, if the Design
Team decides not to use these layouts then the Design Team must
demonstrate to the Departments satisfaction that any alternative layout
meets with the Departments guidelines.
Classroom including WC & storage
Library/ Resource Room
Administration / general office
Principals office
Kitchenette unit details

(b) These layouts may have been amended or up-dated subsequent to the last
revision date of this document. The most up-to-date version can be found on
the Department Web-site at
(c) Further examples of these layouts or other sample room layouts may also
be added to the web-site so designers should regularly check the web for
the up-to-date list.
(d) Where a designer uses an alternative layout or where a room layout is not
given, the width to length ratio shall provide comfortable and flexible usage
of the space.
(e) Where alternative room layouts to those in the Departments website are
offered, the designer shall demonstrate the suitability of such layouts and
how the same functionality, or better, is being achieved.
(f) In all cases (whether a Sample Room Layout is available or not) the
guidance provided in this document on teaching spaces, administrative
spaces, ancillary spaces and the General Purpose room shall also apply.
Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 11
4.0 Room Data Sheets

4.1 Application

(a) Room data sheets are provided for all spaces including Teaching,
Administrative, and Ancillary Spaces. General requirements applicable to
all or most rooms are listed below. These requirements are deemed to
apply unless otherwise stated in the relevant data sheet.
4.2 Schedule of

(a) The following is a schedule of Primary School rooms for which data sheets
are provided. (The number and size of rooms varies depending on the
number of Classes and Teachers.):
Room Description
1 General Classroom(s) incl WCs & Storage
3 General Purpose Room (Junior & Senior)
4 General Purpose Room Servery
5 PE Equipment Store
6 Toilets associated with GP Room
7 Library and Resource Area
8 Multipurpose Room
9 Special Education Teacher [SET] Room(s)
10 Administration / General Office
11 Teachers/Staff Room
12 Principals Office
13 Adult toilets incl. Universal Access with shower
14 General Storage incl. Safe, Cleaners, & External
15 DCC
16 Electrical
17 Boiler House

4.3 General

Design Considerations
(a) Natural day lighting should be exploited when designing rooms, to minimise
the dependence on artificial lighting. Glare must be avoided. Windows for
teaching spaces should have a horizontal vista. See TGD-020 General
Design Guidelines for Schools (Primary and Post-primary).
(b) Ventilation should be natural ventilation by means of permanent wall vents
and windows with opening sections. Vents should contain baffles for noise,
wind and rain. See also TGD-020 General Design Guidelines for Schools
(Primary and Post-primary). The ventilation area provided through
permanent vents (whether in walls or windows) and opening sashes shall
meet/ exceed the current Technical Guidance Documents to the Building
Regulations, and shall be designed to suit the class environment having
regard to the high levels of occupancy generally.
(c) Windows generally should be double glazed, easy to clean and maintain,
and have high and low level opening sashes. The position and size of
opening window sashes must take into account ease of operation, natural
ventilation requirements and maintain an adequate level of safety. Stays or
restrictors should be used on all opening windows both high and low level.
(d) Doors should be easy to open and close. Care should be taken in the
design of the door, frame, and opening mechanism to protect against injury
to fingers, etc. An adequate glazed viewing panel in the solid core door
from all rooms to the corridors should be provided for the benefit of small

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 12

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.3 General

(e) A good quality daylight distribution is required in each room with the
average day lighting factor for each room to be in the range 4.5 to 5.5%
with the emphasis on an even light distribution throughout the space. A
schedule of all rooms and associated daylight factor is to be provided.
(f) All spaces should have the benefit of 1/3 high and 2/3 low level natural
ventilation opening sections in the windows. Tilt and turn windows are not
appropriate. The window design with respect to geometry and opening
sections must be based on overheating calculations which should take into
account the air tightness standard. Adequate natural ventilation should be
achievable without draughts.

(g) Refer to DoES TDG-020 General Design Guidelines for Schools (Primary &

(h) The objective is to provide acoustic conditions in schools that (a) facilitate
clear communication of speech between teacher and student, and between
students, and (b) do not interfere with study activities. Refer also to TGD-
020 General Design Guidelines for Schools for performance standards on
Indoor Ambient Noise Levels, Rain Noise, Airborne Sound Insulation
between Spaces, Impact Sound Insulation of Floors, and Reverberation in
Various Spaces.

(i) Floor finishes must safe, hardwearing and suitable for their intended use.
Designers should consider the Health and Safety implications of the
selected flooring (e.g. non-slip, chemically resistant, etc.) and in particular
the risks associated with junctions between surfaces with different slip
resistances. Floor finishes will normally be a sheet flooring consistent with
the rooms use and Health & Safety considerations
(j) Wall finishes generally to be durable, resistant to wear & easily cleaned

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(k) Refer to DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006 Mechanical & Electrical Building
Services Engineering Guidelines
(l) Provisions for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) should
be in accordance with TGD-004, Information & Communication Technology
(ICT) Infrastructure Guidelines for Primary Schools.

Furniture & Fittings
(m) Fixed furniture and fittings (e.g. sink & units to wet areas, hat & coat hooks
and rails, kitchenette units, translucent blinds, shelving, etc.) are described
in the relevant Room Data Sheets and are part of the Building Contract.
White boards and notice boards shown on the typical room layouts are
deemed to be fixed furniture and are part of the Building Contract.
(n) Loose furniture and equipment (e.g. tables, desks, chairs, Soap or Towel
dispensers, bins etc.) are not part of the Contract.

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

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4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.4 Classrooms
(Page 1 of 3)

Sample Room Layout Area Min clear height
TGD 022 D01 & D02 80 m
incl. WCs & Storage 3.0 m

(a) Classrooms are used for whole-class, group and individualised teaching and
learning in general across the subjects of the curriculum. For pupils, the
classroom environment is very important. The shape of the classroom and
interior areas, the colour scheme of the walls, the layout of furniture and
flooring, the amount of light, and the room arrangement will all influence how
pupils learn.
(b) The orientation of Classrooms and their location relative to the external
environment must be considered in the planning of the school. Glare must
be avoided where practicable or controlled by means of translucent blinds.
Refer also to TGD-020 General Design Guidelines for Schools 4.4 Passive
(c) A floor to ceiling height of 3.15m (e.g. multiple of standard concrete block
size) is required, taking into account an even distribution of natural light and
natural ventilation across the whole floor area of the room.
(d) In designing the Classroom the class group that will use the room (agreed in
conjunction with the school authority) should be taken into account. Careful
consideration should be given to the activity zones within teaching spaces,
and to the positions of chalkboards, white and green boards, and pin-
boards. The position of these boards should be determined at design stage
and should not conflict with the location of surface mounted services.
(e) Due consideration should also be given to the room furniture layout so that a
number of flexible layout options are available for consideration and
discussion with the School Management.

(f) A suitable water-resistant, durable, easy clean sheet vinyl/linoleum/rubber
floor finish should be used with a slip resistance of R09 to DIN: 51130

Classroom Storage Area
(g) Storage in classrooms should be provided in presses associated with the
space and within the overall classroom area limit. A separate classroom
storage room is not recommended.
(h) Each Classroom should be provided with a main storage unit containing a
minimum of 11000mm of 600mm deep heavy duty adjustable shelving and
11000mm of 300mm deep heavy duty adjustable shelving. In addition
4000mm of 300mm deep shelving should be provided, this can be a
separate open shelving unit or form part of the overall storage unit. No part
of the shelving should be greater than 2200mm above FFL.
(i) The main storage area shall be designed so that it can be screened off from
the Classroom area by means of sliding doors or other similar arrangement.
The layout should allow for some lockable doors. The door surfaces should
be suitable for hanging posters, artwork, teaching materials, etc.

Continued overleaf

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Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 14

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.4 Classrooms

(Page 2 of 3)

(j) Each Classroom should have a dedicated space of not less than 3.0 linear
metres for the storage of cloaks. It should include a rail with 30 coat hooks
easily reachable by the pupils of that age group (fixed 750mm 900mm
above FFL) and sufficient space in front to allow for putting on or taking off
the coats without obstructing circulation.
(k) The cloak space should be so located that it doesnt interfere with the
operation of the space within the class or any teaching activity zone. The
consequences of storing wet or damp coats should also be considered in the
design and location of the Cloaks Area.

IT Area
(l) Each Classroom shall have an I.T. or Computer area designed to
accommodate five workstations. This area should be located and arranged
so as not to be a distraction to other teaching activities. Note: I.T. facilities
shall be provided on the teaching wall. Refer to sample room layout TGD022
D01 & D02 appended to this document and available on the Department
(m) Refer also to DoES TGD 004 Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) Infrastructure Guidelines for Primary Schools.

Wet Area
(n) Each Classroom shall have a wet play area. The wet area serves to support
the teaching of a number of subjects such as arts and crafts, nature,
science, etc.
(o) It should contain a floor mounted kitchenette unit at least 3200mm long x
600mm deep x 760mm high (closed off with unit doors) with 1500 x 500mm
stainless steel double bowl double drainer sink & single swivel on/off mixer
tap (refer to TGD 002) with 3200mm x 300mm high tiled splash back above
unit. Mains drinking water should be provided at sink.
(p) The worktop height should be 760mm for all classrooms (including Junior
and Senior Infants).

En-Suite Toilets
(q) 2 WCs should be provided en-suite to each classroom. These toilets should,
unless unavoidable, be located on an external wall.
(r) They must be adequately and naturally ventilated to the external air, directly
or ducted. (In addition to any openable window).
(s) The doors should be easy to open and close (with pull-handles on the lobby
doors at low level suitable for children). Internal W.C. doors may be undercut
to assist air movement. Door transfer grilles are not permitted.
(t) All lockable doors should have an external thumb-turn override.
(u) Toilets for all Classrooms should be separated by a full height partition and
accessed via separate lobbies.

Continued overleaf

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Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

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4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.4 Classrooms

(Page 3 of 3)

(v) One wash-hand basin [WHB] incorporating a single low pressure drop anti-
scald percussion spray tap per WC is required. It is recommended that all
W.C pans (including those for Junior and Senior Infants) be standard height
(w) All lobbies must also be adequately naturally ventilated to the external air.
(x) The provision for hand drying facilities shall be paper towel or cotton/linen
towels. Hand dryers are not permitted. The toilets should have adequate
space for disposable hand towel dispensers and a refuse bin for the disposal
of paper towel.
(y) Hand towel dispensers, soap dispensers and refuse bin are loose furniture
and fittings and are not part of the construction contract. Mirrors, toilet roll
holders, and grab-rails to Universal Access W.C.s are part of the contract.
(z) A suitable water-resistant, durable, easy clean sheet vinyl/linoleum/rubber
floor finish should be used with a slip resistance of R10 to DIN: 51130.

(aa) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools and also to sample room layout TGD022 D01 &
D02 appended to this document and available on the Department website.

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(bb) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006 and to sample room layout TGD022 D01 &
D02 appended to this document and available on the Department website.

Furniture & Fittings
(cc) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements and also to sample room layout TGD022
D01 & D02 appended to this document and available on the Department

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 16

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.5 Library/ General
Resource Area

Sample Room Layout Area Min clear height
TGD 022 D03 & D04 60 m
3.0 m

Design Considerations
(a) The Library/General Resource Area comprises 2 interlinked rooms
capable of use as a single space. There should be a (45db) acoustic
folding partition between each functional area.
(b) Windows with a horizontal vista should be provided in both functional
areas. Glare must be avoided where practicable or controlled by means of
translucent blinds. See also TGD-020 General Design Guidelines for
(c) Both the Library and the General Resource area may be used for a
variety of supplementary teaching and learning purposes and other uses.
The Designers should consult with the School Board of Management to
ascertain the intended uses, but should also ensure that the design is
flexible enough to cater for unforeseen activities.
(d) When designing the Library/General Resource Area, due consideration
should be given to the room furniture layout so that a number of flexible
layout options are available for consideration and discussion with the
School Management.
Special Requirements
(e) The Resource Area should have an I.T. or Computer area designed to
accommodate 6 work stations. This area should be located and arranged
so as not to overly distract from other activities. (Refer to the DoE&S
TGDs and to sample room layout TGD022 D03 & D04 appended to this
document and available on the Department website).
(f) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools (Refer to sample room layout TGD022 D03 &
D04 appended to this document and available on the Department
Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(g) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006 and also to sample room layout TGD022
D03 & D04 appended to this document and available on the Department
Furniture & Fittings
(h) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements and also to sample room layout
TGD022 D03 & D04 appended to this document and available on the
Department website

Continued overleaf

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 17

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.6 Multi-

Sample Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a As schedule 2.7 m

Design Considerations
(a) This Room may be used as a
A Medical Inspection Room
A Psychologists Room,
Teacher /Parent Interview Room,
A Special Education Tuition Room (depending on school size),
Staff Room (depending on school size).
(b) The Multi-Purpose Room should ideally be located near the main entrance
to the school and the administration area, in order to facilitate the above
functions. The design and layout of the room should facilitate eye and ear
testing programmes. The room may also, from time to time, be used as a
Sick Bay and a section should be provided within the room for this, with
space for a bed/bench.
(c) A floor to ceiling height of 2.7m is required, taking into account an even
distribution of natural light and natural ventilation across the whole floor area
of the room.
(d) Windows with a horizontal vista should be provided. See also TGD-020
General Design Guidelines for Schools
(e) A high level of acoustic separation between adjoining spaces will be
required to facilitate psychological assessments and hearing tests. Refer to
4.3 (h) General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction Standards for
Special Requirements
(f) To facilitate medical inspections, the room should be provided with a sink
(single bowl, single drainer), worktop, and storage presses. Mains drinking
water and hot water should be provided at the sink, see Drawing No. TDG
022 D07 appended to this document and available on the Department
(g) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools see also Drawing No. TGD022 D07 appended to
this document and available on the Department website
(h) A suitable water-resistant, durable, easy clean sheet vinyl/linoleum/rubber
floor finish should be used with a slip resistance of R09 to DIN: 51130
Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(i) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006
Furniture & Fittings
(j) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements and also see Drawing No. TGD022
D07 appended to this document and available on the Department website
(k) The room design and layout should facilitate the provision of a desk and
chair, a suitable table and chairs for interviewing and filing cabinets for
record storage, if required.
Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 18
4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.7 Special
Teacher [SET]
Support Room

Sample Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a As schedule 2.7 m

(a) In addition to the allocation of special needs assistants within classrooms,
there may be a number of types of teaching posts allocated to meet the
supplementary learning needs of some pupils. These can include Learning
Support Teachers, Resource Teachers, Visiting Teachers and other
supplementary services, Home School Community Liaison coordinators,
Early Start personnel and coordinators now working under the DEIS
initiative of the Department. The school may also have Speech & Language
services provided by external personnel.
(b) Support teachers such as learning support teachers and resource teachers
can provide additional teaching support for pupils in the mainstream
classroom in collaboration with the class teacher. They may also provide
more intensive and focused tuition for small groups of pupils in a separate
smaller room, to be known as the Special Education Tuition room.
(c) Some children enrolled in mainstream primary schools may have significant
physical or mental difficulties and/or learning needs. In accordance with their
assessed needs, these children may be enrolled in a mainstream class or in
a special class established by the board of management in the school.
Where separate dedicated accommodation is required this will be as listed
in the Schedule of accommodation.
(d) Where the Department has approved a specialist teacher allocation, the
design should take account of the provisions below
Design Considerations
(e) The Special Education Tuition room should be located near the Multi-
Purpose Room. In all instances support teachers will use the Multi-Purpose
Room as an office when necessary. Confidential documents should be kept
in the General Office.
(f) Special Education Tuition rooms are teaching spaces and their orientation
and location should be considered in that context. Refer also to TGD-020
General Design Guidelines for Schools 4.4 Passive Energy
(g) In designing Special Education Teacher Rooms consideration should be
given to the room furniture layout so that a number of flexible layout options
are available for consideration and discussion with the School Management.
(h) Windows with a horizontal vista should be provided. See also TGD-020
General Design Guidelines for Schools
(i) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools
Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(dd) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006
Furniture & Fittings
(j) Storage for confidential documents and files for the Specialist Teachers
listed above shall be provided in the General Office.

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 19

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.8 Administration
/ General

Sample Room Layout Area Min clear height
TGD022 D05 As schedule 2.7m / 3.0 m

Design Considerations
(a) The General Office is the first point of contact for all the visitors and should
be located near the main entrance and easily visible from the entrance
doors. There should be a clear line of vision to the main entrance from the
office. It should be located near to the Principals office but not necessarily
directly accessed from it.
(b) The General Office should have a secure counter hatch opening directly to
the Entrance Foyer for queries from visitors or students. The counter and
hatch opening should facilitate wheelchair users and should be located so
that a group of people waiting at the hatch/counter are out of the main
circulation route and will not obstruct circulation through the school.
(c) A Waiting Area in the Entrance Foyer off the main circulation and adjacent
to the General Office should be provided.

Special Requirements
(d) A glazed viewing panel between the Office and the Entrance Foyer must be
provided. A glazed panel should also be provided in the solid core door to
the corridor.
(e) A Door Control Mechanism shall be provided to control the internal access
doors of the entrance lobbies operated via the administration office or
Principals Classroom. The control mechanism shall be located so that
visual contact between the controller and the door is possible.
(f) A panic alarm point shall be provided linked to the intruder alarm system (if
one is to be provided).
(g) A PABX system shall be installed in the general office, and be capable of
taking a minimum of three exchange lines and extension to the Principals
Office or Classroom, Staff Room. Refer to DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006
Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines

(h) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools and also to sample room layout TGD022 D05
appended to this document and available on the Department website

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(i) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006 and also to sample room layout TGD022 D05
appended to this document and available on the Department website

Furniture & Fittings
(j) The design of the General Office should facilitate the following: a
photocopier, general filing, filing cabinets, roll books, confidential
documentation storage, Public Address System, etc. Refer to 4.3 General
Requirements and also to sample room layout TGD022 D05 appended to
this document and available on the Department website

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 20

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.9 Teachers/ Staff

Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a As schedule 2.7m / 3.0 m

Design Considerations
(a) The Teachers/Staff Room should be located near the reception/general
office area.
(b) Members of the public should not be able to gain direct access to this
room without first reporting to the reception.
(c) The staff room is an integrated social and work area. The separation of
these functions can be achieved by the arrangement of furniture. The
emphasis on the design and furniture layout is relaxation and an area with
easy chairs etc., should be provided.
(d) An area for computers should be integrated with the normal work area.
Lockers when provided should not be intrusive. Refer also to DoES TGD
004 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure
Guidelines for Primary Schools
(e) Provision for a staff telephone should be included.

Special Requirements
(f) The Teachers/Staff Room should be fitted out with built-in kitchen units,
see Drawing No. TDG 022 D07 appended to this document and
available on the Department website.
(g) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools

(h) A suitable water-resistant, durable, easy clean sheet vinyl/linoleum/rubber
floor finish should be used with a slip resistance of R09 to DIN: 51130

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(i) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006 and see Drawing No. TDG 022 D07
appended to this document and available on the Department website.

Furniture & Fittings
(j) The room should not be used for the storage of sensitive materials etc.
These should be stored in the General Office.
(k) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements and see Drawing No. TDG 022 D07
appended to this document and available on the Department website.

Continued overleaf

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 21

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.10 Principal/

Room Layout Area Min clear height
TGD 022 D06 As schedule 2.7m

Design Considerations
(a) The Principals Office should be located near the General Office but need
not be accessed directly from it. The layout should afford the Principal every
opportunity to engage in administrative functions appropriate to the role with
a reasonable level of privacy.
(b) Members of the public should not be able to gain direct access to this room
without first reporting to the reception.
(c) See also 4.08 Administration/General Office

Special Requirements
(d) A glazed panel should be provided in the solid core door to the corridor.

(e) Adequate acoustic separation from adjacent rooms, circulation, etc., must
be provided. Refer to 4.3 (h) General Requirements, and to TGD-021
Construction Standards for Schools

(f) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools and also to sample room layout TGD022 D06
appended to this document and available on the Department website

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(g) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006 and also to sample room layout TGD022 D06
appended to this document and available on the Department website

Furniture & Fittings
(h) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements and also to sample room layout TGD022
D06 appended to this document and available on the Department website

Continued overleaf

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 22

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.11 General
(Page 1 of 2)

General Purpose Room
Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a as schedule 4.2m

General Purpose Room Servery
Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a as schedule 2.7m

The General Purpose Room Store
Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a as schedule 2.7m

General Purpose Room
(a) The General Purpose Room is a teaching area that caters primarily for the
teaching and learning of physical education. It may also be used for the
teaching of other subjects across the curriculum. The GP room may also be
used for general school assembly and occasionally for other functions
requiring a large assembly area.
(b) The General Purpose Room should have a minimum height suitable to its
proposed function. A minimum floor to ceiling height of 4.2m throughout the
room should be provided taking into account an even distribution of natural
light and natural ventilation across the whole floor area of the room. Where
a Junior and Senior G.P. room are linked together for common usage (very
large schools only), the height should reflect the greater floor area.
(l) The General Purpose Room should be designed to allow for community use
outside of normal school hours without having to open the main part of the
school to gain access. Toilet facilities should also be located near the
General Purpose Room to facilitate their use by children and adults outside
of hours (without having to access the main part of the school).
(c) Chairs used for adults should be capable of being stacked for storage.
Where childrens chairs are required these can be obtained from the

Special Requirements
(d) Sharp angles and projections must be avoided for Health & Safety reasons.
Radiators should be recessed. Doors should be easy to open and close.
(e) Care should be taken in the design of the door, frame, and opening
mechanism to protect against injury to fingers, etc., and adequate vision
panels for small children should be considered.
(f) The size, location and extent of opening sashes to windows should be
carefully considered in the context of the height of the windows and must
take into account ease of operation, natural ventilation requirements and
Health and Safety.

Continued overleaf

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 23

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.11 General
Servery &

(Page 2 of 2)

(g) Glazing down to floor level should be avoided. Window sill heights should
normally be at least 900 mm above finished floor level, high level glazing to
facilitate ball games etc in the GP Room is preferable see also TGD-020
General Design Guidelines for Schools (Primary and Post-primary) Section
(h) Stays or restrictors should be used on all opening windows both high and
low level. Roof-lights should also be considered to provide an even
distribution of natural light. Glare must be avoided.
(i) Lighting should be functional with switching provision allowing for separate
control of artificial lighting, to complement varying levels of natural lighting
within the hall. Recessed and pendant light fittings should be avoided. Light
fittings should be robust and protected from damage during sport and play.

General Purpose Room Servery
(j) The General Purpose Room Servery should be linked directly to the
General Purpose Room by means of a hatch with a roller shutter. Separate
access to the Servery is required
(k) The Servery shall be provided with built-in kitchen units, see Drawing No.
TDG 022 D07 appended to this document and available on the
Department website. Mains drinking water should be provided at the sink.
(l) A suitable water-resistant, durable, easy clean sheet vinyl/linoleum/rubber
floor finish should be used with a slip resistance of R09 to DIN: 51130

The General Purpose Room Store
(m) The General Purpose Room Store is for Physical Education equipment, and
should be designed with the width greater than the depth and wide access
doors to facilitate storage of such equipment.
(n) The General Purpose Room Store should open directly off the GP room
(o) The layout of the storage area should be based on sizes of equipment to be
stored and should take access and ease of removal into account.

(p) Refer to 4.3 (h) General Requirements, and to TDG-021 Construction
Standards for Schools

(q) The floor build-up and finish in the General Purpose Room should be
suitable for the intended purpose and use of the room. Appropriate footwear
should be worn by all users, which will not damage or mark the surface.
(r) Refer also to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(s) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 24

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.12 General
Purpose Room
Toilet Suite

Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a As schedule 2.7m

Design Considerations
(a) The General Purpose Room Toilet Suite should be located adjacent to the
GP Room with access from both the GP room and the main school to allow
for use by the staff and visitors during school hours and for after hours
activities where the main body of the school is closed.
(b) They should also be available for use by the children when using the
external hard play and grassed areas.
(c) The General Purpose Room Toilets Suite should consist of male toilets
female toilets and a universal accessible toilet (with shower facilities).
(d) Unless unavoidable they should be located on an external wall naturally
ventilated to the external air directly or ducted. (This is in addition to any
openable window).
(e) Lobbies to all toilets must also be adequately naturally ventilated to the
external air.

Special Requirements
(f) Bowl urinals should not be specified
(g) Hot and cold water should be provided to all wash hand basins.
(h) The doors should be easy to open and close (with pull-handles on the lobby
doors at low level suitable for children). Internal W.C. doors may be
undercut to assist air movement. Door transfer grilles are not permitted.
(i) All lockable doors should have an external thumb-turn override. Care should
be taken in the design of the door, frame, and opening mechanism to
protect against injury to fingers, etc.
(j) If more than one toilet cubicle is being provided for male / females then the
cubicles should be separated by a full height partition and each pair of
toilets should be accessed via separate lobbies.
(k) One wash-hand basin [WHB] incorporating a single low pressure drop anti-
scald percussion spray tap per WC is required. It is recommended that all
W.C pans be standard height pans. Where feasible, wash hand basin
should be located back-to-back on partition walls.
(l) The Universal Access toilet with universal access shower shall be fully
equipped with grab-rails etc, and capable of accommodating a changing
bench and a lifting hoist. The room should be sized accordingly. A disabled
persons alarm shall be provided in all Universal Access WCs, comprising a
pull chord with an audio unit located outside the room
(Continued overleaf)

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 25

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.11 General
Room Toilet

(m) Refer also to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools
(n) A suitable water-resistant, durable, easy clean sheet vinyl/linoleum/rubber
floor finish should be used with a slip resistance of R10 to DIN: 51130

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(i) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006

Furniture & Fittings
(j) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements.
(a) The provision for hand drying facilities shall be paper towel or cotton/linen
towels. Hand dryers are not permitted. The toilets should have adequate
space for disposable hand towel dispensers and a refuse bin for the
disposal of paper towel.
(k) Hand towel dispensers, soap dispensers and refuse bin are loose furniture
and fittings and are not part of the construction contract. Mirrors, toilet roll
holders, and grab-rails to Universal Access WCs are part of the contract.

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 26

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.13 Adult toilets

Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a As schedule 2.7m

Design Considerations
(b) All sanitary facilities in the school, other than those in classrooms should be
available for use by staff and general public visiting or using the school
(c) The toilets should, where possible, be located on an external wall and shall
be adequately and naturally ventilated to the external air directly or ducted.
This shall be in addition to any openable window.
(d) Lobbies to all toilets must be adequately naturally ventilated to the external
(e) All lockable doors should have an external thumb-turn override.
(f) Bowl urinals should not be specified.
(g) At least one Universal Access toilet should be provided on each floor level
(this includes Universal Accessible toilet with shower in GP Room Toilet
See also TGD-020 General Design Guidelines for Schools Universal Access

Special Requirements
(h) Doors should be easy to open and close. They may be undercut to assist
air movement. Door transfer grilles are not permitted.

(i) A suitable water-resistant, durable, easy clean sheet vinyl/linoleum/rubber
floor finish should be used with a slip resistance of R10 to DIN: 51130

(j) Refer also to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(k) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006

Furniture & Fittings
(l) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements
(m) The provision for hand drying facilities shall be paper towel or cotton/linen
towels. Hand dryers are not permitted. The toilets should have adequate
space for disposable hand towel dispensers and a refuse bin for the
disposal of paper towel.
(n) Hand towel dispensers, soap dispensers and refuse bin are loose furniture
and fittings and are not part of the construction contract. Mirrors, toilet roll
holders, and grab-rails to Universal Access WCs are part of the contract.

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 27

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.14 General
including Safe,
Cleaners, &

Room Layout Area Min clear height
n/a varies 2.7m

Design Considerations
(a) The number, designation, and arrangement of storage areas or rooms, is at
the discretion of the Board of Management in consultation with their Design
Team. However the design should ensure that adequate storage (both
internal and external) is provided within the area limits.
(b) General Storage is deemed to include such items as books, stationery and
office supplies, cleaning equipment, gardening equipment, audio/video, etc.
The number and type of stores to be provided shall be agreed before
architectural planning commences.
(c) Classroom storage is already provided within the allocated area for each
classroom. See 4.4. Classrooms. Separate storage associated with the
G.P. Room is also provided (to include P.E. Equipment such as mats,
vaults, chairs, etc.) See Section 4.13 General Purpose Room Store
(d) Internally storage may be provided either in dedicated storage rooms or as
recessed cupboards to the circulation. The areas given above may be
grouped together or spread over a range of uses and dispersed throughout
the school.
(e) Storage areas that contain chemicals, cleaning agents, etc. must be
suitable for the intended purpose, provide adequate security, and be
properly ventilated.
(f) The Cleaners Stores should be provided with a heavy duty cleaners sink in
fireclay/ stainless steel with integrated splash back and bucket grating.
(g) Where a Safe Store or Secure Store is to be provided the door and frame
should be of a sufficient standard to safeguard the contents, i.e. steel
sheeted security door and frame. It should not be on an external wall and
should have suitable security protection to floors, walls, and ceiling. The
level of physical protection should take into consideration the presence or
otherwise of a monitored intruder alarm system.

(h) Refer to 4.3 General Requirements, and to TGD-021 Construction
Standards for Schools

Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering
(i) Provision of low temperature protection in stores should be provided via
distributor pipes or pipe coils only. Radiators are not to be located in stores.
Lighting provision should reflect the use of the space.
(j) Refer to Mechanical & Electrical Building Services Engineering Guidelines
DoES TGD-002, 004 & 006

Furniture & Fittings
(k) Two rows of fixed/ adjustable fitted shelving suitable for intended use
should be provided to two walls in each store as part of the Contract. Any
supplementary shelving required may be added later by School Authorities.
Refer also to 4.3 General Requirements

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 28

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.15 Electrical
Metering and

Design Considerations
(a) Location of electrical switchgear must conform to the latest edition of
National Rules for Electrical Installations as published by the Electro
Technical Council of Ireland Ltd.
(b) The Electrical Utility Provider is ESB Networks, and its requirements are set
out in the latest edition of its National Code of Practice for Customer
Interface. Any particular solution must be in conformity with this code.
(c) The above facilities should be centrally located to optimise the electrical
services distribution and should not present difficulties for services
distribution from adjoining plant spaces or rooms.
(d) The particular solution will be determined by the size of the building and its
electrical load level. For large electrical loads ESB Networks may require a
dedicated ESB Sub-station and adjoining Customer (Schools) Switch
(e) However it is envisaged that most Primary Schools will not require a
dedicated ESB Sub-station. Such schools will require a location for ESB
equipment and Customers Main Isolator to conform to the above
mentioned regulations and Code of Practice. Acceptable solutions are an
Outdoor Metering Enclosure, located in an external recess, or a Dedicated
Switch Room.
(f) If an Outdoor Metering Enclosure is proposed this can house the Electrical
suppliers isolator, switchgear, meter, etc. The Schools electrical controls
and distribution equipment can be housed on the ground floor recessed off
circulation areas within built fire stopped construction with appropriate door
self closers and locks.
(g) If a switch room is required, this should be housed in a dedicated room
located on the ground floor with an external wall and door and also have
internal access. With this solution a Firemans Emergency Switch should be
provided in the secure entrance lobby at high level in accordance with
current standards and codes of practice.
(h) For the Primary Schools the ESB equipment and the Main Electrical Isolator
should be located at Ground Floor within 2 metres of an external door. This
should be recessed off circulation areas within built fire stopped
construction with appropriate door self closers and locks. The Schools
electrical controls and distribution equipment should also be housed on the
ground floor recessed off circulation areas within built fire stopped
construction with appropriate door self closers and locks. With this solution
a Firemans Emergency Switch should be provided in the secure entrance
lobby at high level in accordance with current standards and codes of
(i) Refer also to DoES TGD-002 Mechanical & Electrical Building Services
Engineering Guidelines for Primary School Buildings

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 29

4.0 Room Data Sheets (continued)

4.16 Data

Design Considerations
(a) A dedicated Data Communication Centre (DCC) must be provided, size 2m
x 2m x full ceiling height (min 2.7m) and shall have no windows. This room
shall house the Main Distribution Facility (MDF).
(b) The DCC shall be suitably positioned off the circulation area or off a general
store (subject to fire regulations) and be located in the main building. The
location should, as far as practicable, be such that the cable run (actual
cable length) to all network points is within the limit of 90 metres. Only
where this is not physically possible an Intermediate Distribution Facility
(IDF) shall be provided as detailed in TGD-004 Information &
Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure Guidelines for Primary
(c) The room door shall be fitted with a key operated lock as part of the master
key suite of keys.
(d) The DCC shall be naturally ventilated with air inlets at low level and air
outlets at high-level opening to the corridor or to the store. Ventilation to the
outside is generally not required.
(e) The enclosure to this room should give a 30-minute fire rating; intumescent
passive fire protection shall be used where necessary.
(f) Refer also to DoES TGD-002 Mechanical & Electrical Building Services
Engineering Guidelines for Primary School Buildings

4.17 Heating
Centre (Boiler

Design Considerations
(a) The heating centre shall be located at ground level within the building with
external doors only, opening outward. It shall be of a square shape (not L
shaped or rectangular).
(b) It shall be reasonably convenient to an access road and shall be positioned
centrally so as to minimise distribution runs and it must not be annexed to
or positioned on the periphery of the building.
(c) The building design in the vicinity of the heating centre plant room shall
allow for appropriate sized and accessible distribution zones for the primary
services to and from the heating centre on more than one side and must
also include reasonable capacity to accommodate future additional
(d) Where the Electrical Distribution Centre, metering enclosure or substation is
located close to the heating centre plant room, care must be taken to
ensure that their location does not restrict the distribution zones for primary
services from the heating centre plant room.
(e) Refer also to TGD-004 Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Infrastructure Guidelines for Primary Schools.

(f) All boiler flues shall be located on the back wall of the boiler room opposite
the doors and shall rise vertically through the building to the atmosphere.

Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 30
5.0 External Facilities

5.1 Site

(a) The designers should make the maximum use of the site provided which
should be reflected in their design proposal. The layout should be designed
to minimise the need to dispose of excavated material off-site. See also
TGD-020 General Design Guidelines for Schools (Primary and Post-
primary) Construction & Demolition Waste Management
(b) The site constitutes the building, playing fields, any agreed supplementary
area, and access which should be designed to ease the management of the
school. Sites should generally be of regular shape, reasonably level, have
good road frontage, be without obstruction and have reasonable space for
developing a set-down/pick-up area.
(c) In assessing site suitability, the location and adequacy of public utilities,
including Gas, Mains Water, Telecom, Electricity, Foul & Surface Water
drains, and the cost of connecting into them, shall be taken into account
5.2 Landscaping

(a) Provision should be made for the preparation and landscaping of the area
around the school and between the school and the site entrance. Such
landscaping should be simple, cost effective and easy to maintain. The
Designers should consider the natural paths and routes through the site to
the school entrances in determining the appropriate location and the extent
of paths provided. Large areas of hard landscaping should be avoided.
(b) Design Teams should consider the design of landscaping elements to
promote more imaginative play and complement the teaching environment
in their design proposals. External space for planting, weather recording,
sundials etc., should all be explored.
(c) An allowance for planting of trees and shrubs should be made. Such shrubs
and trees should help define the site boundaries and external circulation
routes, and should be hardy, durable and low maintenance.
(d) In a new school site, the cost of the main entrance gates and front
boundary treatment is included in the External Works Allowance.
(e) The provision of other boundary fencing and walls does not form part of the
External Works Allowance. Where for security reasons, boundary protection
is required, the cost should be minimised, subject to the suitability of the
boundary treatment for the location. If such boundary protection is still
required, the nature, cost and scope of the works should be indicated at the
earliest stage and a submission made to the Department justifying the
additional cost of such works.
5.3 Car-parking &
up areas

(f) Refer to TGD-020 General Design Guidelines for Schools (Primary and
Post-primary) - External Circulation for guidance on Car-parking & Set-
down/Pick up areas
5.4 Rainwater

(g) The provision of water storage tanks associated with rain water harvesting
should be addressed. Where rainwater recovery is practicable appropriate
water storage tanks should be provided.
(h) In rural schools the provision of a well on the school site to provide water for
flushing toilets etc merits consideration as part of the design process.
Primary School Design Guidelines 1
Edition 2007 Revision 2 dated August 2010

Pg 31

5.0 External Facilities

5.5 External Play

Ball Courts & Junior Play Area
(a) In new schools, the hard surfaced games courts and junior play area should
be provided as specified in the schedule of accommodation. The area of
hard play is inclusive of ball-courts and junior play but exclusive of roads,
paths, etc.
(b) In the case of an extension to an existing school, the existing hard courts
should be retained where possible. If additional courts are required to
provide the total specified in the Schedule of Overall Accommodation, the
cost of these courts should be assigned to the External Works Allowance.
(c) Laying out a variety of courts within a single multi-use games area makes
supervision easier and extends the range of games. The location of the
hard play area should be considered in the context of future expansion of
the school in order to eliminate future disruption, nugatory expenditure, and
rebuilding at a later stage.
(d) Hard-play areas may be designed to cater for occasional use as overflow
car parking and should be located adjacent to the external vehicular
circulation. The location of play areas shall be integrated into the external
environmental education plan.
(e) Separation of Junior and Senior hard play areas should be agreed in
discussion between the school and the Department.
(f) A ball-court area is 585 m (19.50 x 30.00) approx. It includes a 1m run-off
space around the playing area and shall be properly graded, drained and
appropriately lined. Poles with hoops and backboards for basketball shall be
supplied and fitted (as part of the contract) The courts shall be marked for
basketball and a 2.4m high power coated weld mesh fence around the
courts, with lockable access gates should be provided.
(g) Where more than one court is provided then the fence should surround the
group of courts and not individual courts.
(h) Sockets shall be provided at the half way point on each court for possible
future installation of volleyball poles and net.
(i) Adequate surface water drainage shall be provided from all hard play areas
without compromising the safety of the user during play. In providing such
drainage, consideration must be given to the possibility of some games
being played across the basketball courts.
(j) A 150 mm duct with draw wire should be provided to allow for possible
future services to hard play areas from the nearest internal services position
(e.g. plant room/switch room/store etc.).

Soft Play Area
(k) The residual site area after the development of hard play area should be
seeded for grass.
(l) Where site area and configuration permits, an area should be reserved
suitable for use as a practice playing field. The levelling and preparation of
this area for use as a pitch is not part of this brief and the cost of such work
should not be included in the Project costs.

Primary school Design Guidelines APPENDIX A SAMPLE LAYOUTS

Pg 32
Appendix A

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