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UGC Inspection Performa Filled

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Proforma for submission of information by State Private Universities for ascertaining their norms and standards A. Legal Status 1.1 1.2 Name and address of the University Headquarters of the University Information about University a. Website: b. E-mail: c. Phone Nos.: d. Fax Nos.: Information about Authorities of the University a. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Chancellor: Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab-140413 Chandigarh University Campus, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab a. b. c. d. a. Website: http://www.chandigarhuniversity.ac.in/ E-mail: info@chandigarhuniversity.ac.in Phone Nos.: 0160-3014411 Fax Nos.: 0160-3014402, 3014415



Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Vice-Chancellor:

c. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Registrar:

Chancellor S. Satnam Singh Sandhu Phone Nos.: 0160-3014400 Mobile No.: 9781934000 Fax Nos.: 0160-3014402 E-mail: chancellor@chandigarhuniversity.ac.in chancellor.cu@gmail.com b. Vice-Chancellor Dr. R.S. Bawa Phone Nos.: 0160-3014448 Mobile No.: 8146652000, 9814175181 Fax Nos.: 0160-3014402 E-mail: vc@chandigarhuniversity.ac.in vicechancellor.cu@gmail.com c. Registrar: Dr.Shakti Kumar Phone Nos.: 0160-3014417 Mobile No.: 8146354000, 9728400808 Fax Nos.0160-3014415 E-mail: registrar@chandigarhuniversity.ac.in


Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and e-mail of Finance Officer:

d. Chief Finance and Accounts Officer: Mr. Malihar Rampaul Dhiman Phone Nos.: 0160-3014425 Mobile No.:9501032000 Fax Nos.: 0160-3014402 E-mail: cfao@chandigarhuniversity.ac.in 10 July, 2012 Chandigarh Educational Trust, House No. 2368 Phase -10, Mohali, Punjab, (copy enclosed)




Date of Establishment Name of the Society/Trust promoting the University (Information may be provided in the following format) (Copy of the registered MoA/Trust Deed to be enclosed) Composition of the Society/Trust Name Address Occupation Designation in the Society/Trust (Details to be provided in Appendix-I) Whether the members of the Society/Trust are members in other Societies/Trusts or in the Board of Governors in companies? If yes, please provide details in the following format:Name Address Occupation Designation in the Society/Trust (Details to be provided in Appendix-II) Whether the promoting Society/Trust is involved in promoting/running any other University/Educational Institution? If yes, please provide details in the following format:Name of the Activities University/ Educational Institution (Details to be provided in Appendix-III) Whether the promoting Society/Trust is involved in promoting/running activities other than educational? If yes, please provide details in the following format:Name of the Activities Organization (Details to be provided in Appendix-IV)

(Composition of Society enclosed) Appendix-I


(Yes, Details attached) Appendix-II





Act and Notification under which established (Copy of the Act & Notification to be enclosed) 1.10 Enclosed Not Enclosed Whether the University has been established by a separate State Act?

The Chandigarh University Act- 2012 (Punjab Act No. 7 of 2012) Copy enclosed 1.10 Yes, by Punjab Act No. 7 of 2012



Organization Description
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Whether Unitary in nature (as per the UGC Regulation) Territorial Jurisdiction of the University as per the Act Details of the constituent units of the University, if any, as mentioned in the Act Whether any off-campus centre(s) established? If yes, please give details of the approval granted by the State Government and UGC in the following format:a. Place of the off-campus______________ b. Letter No.& date of the approval of State Government_______________________ c. Letter No. & date of the approval of UGC_____________________________ (Details to be provided in Appendix-V) (Please attach attested copy of the approval) Whether any off-shore campus established? If yes, please give details of the approval granted by the Government of India and the host country in the following format:a. Place of the off-shore campus_________ b. Letter No.& date of the approval of Host Country__________________________ c. Letter No. & date of the approval of Government of India__________________________ (Details to be provided in Appendix-VI) (Please attach attested copy of the approval) Does the University offer a distance education programme? If yes, whether the courses run under distance mode are approved by the competent authority? (Please enclose attested copy of the course-wise approval of competent Yes Within the campuses of Chandigarh University No, there are no constituent units of the University.

No off campus center has been established.


No offshore campus has been established.


No, the University does not offer any distance education programme.


authority) Whether the University has established study centre(s)? If yes, please provide details and whether these study centers are approved by the competent authority of the University and UGC? (Details to be provided in Appendix-VII) (Please attach attested copy of the approval from the competent authority)

No study center has been established by the University.

C. 3.

Academic Activities Description Academic Programmes

Details of the programmes permitted to be offered by Gazette Notification of the State Government and its reference (Details to be provided in Appendix-VIII) The programmes being offered are as per The Chandigarh University Act, 2012 (Punjab Act No. 7 of 2012) Clause 4, Objects of the University and Clause 5, Powers and Functions of the University. The relevant clauses and detail of courses offered are given in Appendix VIII. Programme Current number of academic programmes/ courses offered by the University (Details to be provided in Appendix-IX) 3.2 Sanctioned Intake Actual Enrolme nt 2514 383 -------


UG 2880 PG 522 Diploma -PG Diploma -Certificate Course -M. Phil. -Ph.D. -Any other (pl. -Specify) Detail annexed as Appendix- IX.


Whether approval of relevant statutory council(s) such as AICTE, BCI, DEC, DCI, INC, MCI, NCTE, PCI, etc. have been taken to: a. Start new courses b. To increase intake If yes please enclose copy of approval and give course-wise details in the following format:Name of Statutor Whether the course y council approval taken (Details to be provided in Appendix-X)

The courses have been started as per the Chandigarh University Act and approval of the different statutory councils is not applicable.


If the University is running courses under distance mode, please provide details about the students enrolled in the following format:Name of the Courses No. of students Study Centre offered enrolled (Details to be provided in Appendix-VII) (Please enclose attested copy of the competent authority) Temporal plan of academic work in the University Semester system/ Annual system Whether the University is running any course which is not specified under Section 22 of the UGC Act, 1956? If yes, please give details in the following format:a. Name of the course(s) b. Since when started c. Whether the University has applied for permission from UGC? (Details to be provided in Appendix-XI)

The University is not running any course under distance mode.


Semester system


No, there is no such course being run by the University.


Student Enrolment and Student Support.

4.1 Number of students enrolled in the University for the current academic year according to regions and countries (Please give separate information for main campus and off-campus/off-shore campus. No. of students from the same state where the University is located No. of students from other States No. of NRI students No. Of overseas students excluding NRIs Grand Total

Particula rs

Foreign Students UG M F T M F T M F T 1502 294 1796 113 127 240 ---679 125 804 100 69 169 ----------------------



Person of Indian Origin Students ----------

2181 419 2600 213 196 409 ----

Ph.D Diploma








PG Diploma Certificat e Any other (Pl. Specify)

M- Male, F- Female, T- Total 4.2 Category-wise No. of students Category SC ST OBC PH General Total Female 29 3 23 0 519 574 Male 117 9 184 0 2013 2323 Total 146 12 207 0 2532 2897


Details of the two batches of students admitted Batch 1 Year of Entry UG PG 2600 409 86 26 Batch 2 Year of Entry UG PG -----


No. admitted to the Programme No. of drop outs (a) Within four months of joining (b) Afterwards No. appeared for the final year examination No. passed in the final exam No. passed in first class

Total 3009 112

Total ---

2514 2283 1720

383 341 284

2897 2624 2004





Does the University provide bridge/ remedial courses to the educationally disadvantaged students? If yes, please give details

Yes, University is providing bridge/remedial courses to the educationally disadvantaged students, especially who have come from schools located in the rural areas to improve communication skills in terms of language, presentations and also st personality development from the 1 semester onwards. Students admitted in various university institutes who do not have proper exposure of the concerned discipline, are offered bridge courses before the start of regular classes in the University. Students admitted to MBA programme who do not have management or commerce background and Students admitted to MCA programme who have not studied computer as Elective subject, are offered bridge courses. Similarly, before the start of the session students admitted in Hotel Management who do not have proper exposure to Hospitality and Tourism courses and the students admitted in Animation and multimedia who do not have proper exposure in the subject are offered bridge courses before the start of the session. The details of the bridge courses are attached in annexure 4.4. Yes, The University provides financial help in terms of fee concession to the students from socially disadvantaged sections and also helps students to avail benefits of welfare schemes of the Government. . The same is attached as annexure 4.5. The concession is also given to the students studying in same University as real brothersister/Sibling cases University has no M.Phill/Ph.D. programme at present. However, university proposes to start Ph.D programme from next academic session in subjects of Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Computer Science Engineering (CSE),


Does the University provide any financial help to the students from socially disadvantaged group? If, yes please give details


In case the University is running M. Phil/Ph.D. programme, whether it is full time or part time and whether these programmes are run as per UGC Regulations, 2009 on M.Phil/Ph.D.


Whether the University have a website? If yes please give website address and whether the website is regularly updated? How are the prospective students informed about the criteria for admission, rules & regulations, facilities available, etc? Whether any grievance redressal mechanism is available in the University? If yes, please provide details about the complaints received against malpractices, etc in the University in the following format:Name of Complai Date of Action the nt complai taken by complain against nt the ant University


Business Management and Sciences .The UGC regulations on Minimum Standards and Procedures for the award of Ph.D Degree, Regulation 2009 shall be followed. A written test shall be conducted to select candidates for Ph.D programmes. All candidates shall be required to undergo course work for one semester as required under UGC regulations. Yes, University has its own website with following address www.chandigarhuniversity.ac.in. This website is regularly updated. Prospective students are informed through University website, Prospectus and admission advertisements in Newspapers. Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted with the objective of resolving the grievances of students, parents and other parties concerned. Details of complaints received are given in appendix - XII


(Details to be provided in Appendix-XII)


Curriculum, Teaching Learning Process/Method, Examination/Evaluation System

5.1 Which University body finalized the curriculum? The composition of the body may be given. (Board of Studies, Academic Council, Board of Management) The Board of Management of the University finally approves the curriculum. The academic council recommends the curriculum to Board of Management. The concerned departments propose the curriculum on the basis of discussions held during workshops, departmental meetings etc. The proposed curriculum is discussed and approved by the members of concerned Board of Studies which consists of atleast two outside experts from industry and four outside experts from academics. The recommendations of the Board of Studies are considered by the respective faculties which deliberate and recommend the curriculum to the

Academic Council. The composition of the Board of Studies, Faculties, Academic Council and Board of Management are enclosed as annexure 5.1. The concerned departments send proposals for revision of curriculum after having thorough discussion through departmental meetings and also holding workshops involving outside experts from industry and academics in that particular discipline. The revision is finalized in the meetings of Board of Studies, Faculties, Academic Council and Board of Management. All curricula were last updated in the meetings of Board of Studies of different disciplines held on dates 10.09.12, 11.09.12, 03.12.12, 05.12.12, 10.12.12, 15.12.12, 18.12.12 and 22.12.12 5.3 Whether approval of statutory bodies such as Board of Studies, Academic Council and Board of Management of the University has been taken to start various courses? If yes, please enclose extracts of the minutes. Furnish details of the following aspects of curriculum design: Innovation such as modular curricula Inter/multidisciplinary approach Yes, approvals of statutory bodies such as Academic Council, Board of Management and Governing Body have been taken to start all courses and finalize the syllabi. Extracts of minutes of the meetings of statutory bodies are enclosed as annexure 5.3. Following feedback from National and International experts from academics as well as Industries and based on feedback from prospective employers, the curriculum has been structured in such a way that the students cannot indulge in partial coverage of the syllabus and yet can score high. In this regard, each syllabus has been divided into three modules. The candidate cannot attempt more than two questions from any module in the final examination. To ensure that the candidate should go through the whole syllabus, one compulsory question is also part of the question paper. The question papers are designed to test the basic knowledge as well as the analytical and design capabilities of the student. The system, approach followed by the University requires interdisciplinary knowledge. Accordingly, the departments have designed courses of interdisciplinary nature which can be opted as additional paper during the course of study of their main degree to give wider choice of career, skill development and knowledge updating to the students.


What is the Rules / regulations / procedure for revision of the curriculum and when was the curriculum last updated?



Has the University conducted an academic audit? If yes, please give details regarding frequency and its usage.

Yes, the University conducts academic audit once in each semester by a committee of prominent outside experts. The report/outcome is shared with the concerned HODs/Principals/Directors and all the suggestions are implemented. The deficiencies pointed out are removed and additional resources are provided wherever required. The other avenues of learning available to the students include: field visits, industrial visits, hands on training, surveys, group discussions, seminars, Industrial trainings, Lab projects etc. The students are also provided the eresources through a pool of source material procured from Institutes of repute links IITs (NPTEL), NITTRs and some International Institutions. University follows examination system which involves evaluation of both Theory and Practical Examination 1. Theory Examination: The examination system of the University has been designed keeping in view the best available Option of testing and evaluation along with their global acceptability. The system has been designed with enough external components to make it acceptable to the corporate world. The basic principal of the system being that it should be Scientific, objective and transparent with least possibility of subjectivity caused due to the individual evaluator, particular subject or a particular batch of student. The salient features of the examination system are listed below:2. Practical Examination: The Practical component of the curriculum has two parts. Internal (weightage 60%) External (weightage 40%) The Internal component is Based on evaluation of each practical conducted by the students and the final internal component is the average performance of all practicals. The External Practicals is conducted by outside experts and the practical are actually conducted in the lab for evaluation. 3. Credit and Grade point system of evaluation system At the end of the semester, the student are awarded a letter grade in each registered course for the semester depending on the performance


Apart from classroom instruction, what are the other avenues of learning provided for the students? (Example: Projects, Internships, Field trainings, Seminars, etc.)


Please provide details of the examination system (Whether examination based or practical based)


that may consist of mid semester examination s, tests, and quizzes(announced and surprise) , laboratory evaluation, tutorial work, seminars, home assignment and end semester examination. Letter grades are awarded to the students as indicated below. Each letter grade indicates the level of performance in the course and grade point for the purpose of computing the SGPA.AGPA and Letter Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D E F I CGPA. Performance Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Average Below Average Marginal Exposed Poor Incomplete Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 0 0

E Grade: - This grade is awarded to the student who has attended 75% of the scheduled lectures of the subject but unable to complete evaluation process. F Grade: - This grade is awarded to the student who has attended 75% of the scheduled lectures of the subject but scores very low marks in the subject. I Grade:-This grade is awarded to the student who is unable to the attendance requirement of 75% of the scheduled lectures of the subjects. In case student has to register again as and when it is offered.


Cumulative Grade Point Average

CGPA is the weighted average of all the grades awarded to the student since his/her entry into the university up to and including latest semester and is computed as follows:


Where Ci is the number of credits assigned to i course and Gi is the grade point equivalent to the letter grade th obtained by the student in the i course. When a student repeats a course, the new grade will replace the earlier one in the calculation of the CGPA.



What methods of evaluation of answer scripts does the University follow? Whether external experts are invited for evaluation?



Evaluation of answer books is done by the concerned teacher or in his/her absence, any other Faculty appointed by Dean Examination. Evaluation is done on Central Evaluation System under supervision of Dean Examination on notified dates and time. Evaluators are assigned to evaluate only specific Questions of all answer sheets and, thus, to evaluate one answer book, a number of evaluators are participating so that evaluation may be uniform & fair. Evaluated answer books are shown to students on the specified date and time before final preparation of result. The signatures of the students for being satisfied with the evaluation are obtained on the Answer Book. If student is not satisfied, then case is referred to Committee comprising a board of three teachers for review of evaluation. Yes, The External Experts are invited for evaluation of. Final Practical Examination. For randomly checking of 10% answer books of all theory Examination.


Mention the number of malpractice cases reported during the last 3 years and how they are dealt with.

University has constituted flying squads to visit Examination Centre regularly in order to prevent any malpractice in Examination. 10 cases of malpractice used in Examination were reported during exam (2012-13) semester I.



Does the University have a continuous internal evaluation system?

Malpractice cases were presented before University Committee for Prevention of Unfair means (CPUM) which has also one student member for decision making according to University ordinance/rules. . The detail is annexed as Annexure 5.9. Yes, The University follows continuous internal evaluation system. This system has provision of three Internal Term Tests along with Surprise Test. Tutorial Assignment and Quiz are also additional components of evaluation. Performances of students are continuously monitored by Teachers & Head of Departments and suitable guidance is provided to students for improvement. Continuous Evaluation System has following objectives: 1. Evaluation of students attainment of desired competence in the subject. 2. Regular mechanism of self assessment and self feedback for the teacher for quick rectification during the semester. Marks assigned for continuous evaluation: Sr. Element Marks No. 1 1-Hour Test 6 2 2-Hour Test 12 3 1-Hour Test 6 4 Surprise Test 3 5 Quiz 3 6 Assignment/Case Studies 4 7 Tutorial/Short report 4 8 Excellent Attendance 2 9 End Semester Examination 60 10 TOTAL 100 Surprise tests are conducted without any advance intimation to students. Question papers are set by External Paper Setters. Question paper is set from whole syllabus, which is divided into three units, and has four sections named A, B, C & D. Section A has only one compulsory Question of 10 marks with five sub parts of 2 marks each from whole syllabus. Whereas sections B, C & D have three questions each st nd rd corresponding to units 1 , 2 and 3 of given syllabus. Students are required to attempt only six questions in all including the compulsory question and not more than


How are the question papers set to ensure the achievement of the course objectives?



State the policy of the University for the constitution of board of question paper setters, board of examiners and invigilators.

two questions from each of the sections B, C and D. Normally three sets of question Papers are set by Qualified and Experienced teachers of other Universities/ Institutions recommended by BOS. Out of these three Question papers, any one of three sets can be selected by Vice-Chancellor to be used in the Examination and rest of other two are preserved in University Question Paper Bank. Approved Syllabi along with instructions, guidelines& model question papers are provided to the paper setter for setting the Question paper. Paper setter is also required to provide solutions of numerical component of Question paper and outline answers for other questions. University policy is as follows:-For paper Setting 1. Expert panel is approved by Board of Studies. 2. Selection of paper setters from panel by the ViceChancellor. -For Examiners & invigilators 1. Selection of examiners & Invigilators by Dean Examination from University teaching faculty in consultation with concerned HODs. 2. Approval of Vice-Chancellor for appointment of examiner & Invigilators is required. 3. External evaluators for evaluation of 10% of answer scripts to be appointed by Vice-Chancellor.


How regular and time-bound are conduct of examinations and announcement of results? Substantiate with details of dates of examinations and announcement of results for the last 3 years. Details to be provided in the following format:Yea Date Date of r of announcement of Exam results s

Conduct of Examinations and announcement of results is strictly time bound as laid down in the University Academic Calendar. Date of Examination (Date-Sheet) is enclosed as annexure 5.14 along with Academic Calendar. Details of last exam is as follow:Year Date of Exams 10.12. 2012 to 24.12. 2012 Date of announcement of results th 4 January 2013

Decemb er 2012



Admission Process
6.1 How are students selected for admission to various courses? Please provide faculty-wise information a. b. c. d. Through special entrance tests Through interviews Through their academic record Through combination of the above We select candidates for admission to various courses in all the faculties through. a) Special entrance test b) Through academic record Only one of the individual criteria is used for admission as an alternate. No separate weightage is required.


Please also provide details about the weightage give to the above Whether the University is admitting students from national level entrance test or state level entrance test? If yes, please provide following details:Name of the National/ state level entrance exam No. of students admitted % of students from the total admitted Remar ks

University admitted students from national level or state level entrance test. Name of the No. of % of Remar National/state students students ks level entrance admitted from the exam total admitted AIEEE 500 34.22 State Level CAT,MET, MAT, Others 14 31 1165 0.96 12.4 52.42

6.3 6.4

Whether admission procedure is available on the University website and in the prospectus Please provide details of the eligibility criteria for admission in all the courses

Yes , available in the university website and also available in the prospectus eligibility criteria for all the courses enclosed here with as annexure 6.4



Whether University is providing any reservation/relaxation in admission? If yes, please provide details in the following format:Category No. of students admitted % of quota provided for reservatio n and preparatio n in respect of actual enrolment Remar ks

Yes, the University provides reservation/relaxation admission as per policy of Punjab Govt.
Categor y Total No. of students admitted % of quota provided for reservation and preparation in respect of actual enrolment sc/st 25% 25% 25% SC Students actually admitted

UG PG Total

2514 383 2897

145 13 159


Whether any management quota is available for admission in the University? if yes, please provide details in the following format:Total No. of Seats (Cours e-wise) No. of total student s admitt ed No. of stude nts admit ted under Mana geme nt quota % of students admitted under management quota

No, University has no Management Quota.


What is the admission policy of the University with regard to NRI and overseas students?

Admission policy for NRI & Overseas students is annexed as Annexure 6.7.


Fee Structure
7.1 Present Course-wise fee structure of the University (Please provide head-wise details of total fee charged) Any other fee charged by the University other than the fee displayed in the UGC website (e.g. Building Fee, Development Fee, Fee by any name etc.) As per Annexure -7.1


No fee other than prescribed is charged by the University.


7.3 7.4

Whether fee structure is available on the University website and in the prospectus? Whether fee is charged by the University as per fee structure displayed in the University website and in the prospects or some hidden charges are there? Mode of Fee collection

Yes, the fee structure is available on the University website as well as in the prospectus. Fee is charged as per fee structure displayed on the website and there are no hidden charges.


1. 2. 3.

Demand draft Online transfer Cash


Whether University is providing any concession in fee to students? If yes, please provide details.


Details of the Hostel Fee including mess charges

Yes, The University is providing concession in fee to the students as follows: The rural students of Kharar Block who have more than 70% marks in qualifying exams are given 25 % concession tuition fee, if admitted on merit basis. The students having their sibling studying in the University are given concession of 10% in their tuition fee. The students with high merit but lacking in means are given fee concession as per the merit of particular cases. Lodging Charges = Rs. 19,200 /Semester Mess Charges = Rs. 10,800/Semester Total Semester fee = Rs. 30,000/ Semester. The University is not charging any other fee. Cost per student. The University has not received any complaint regarding fee structure so far.

7.8 7.9 7.10

Any other fee Basis of Fee Structure Whether the University has received any complaint with regard to fee charged or fee structure? If yes, please give details about the action taken. Whether University is providing any scholarship to students? If yes, please provide details


Yes, University provided scholarship to students on merit basis scholarship. The detail is annexed as Annexure -7.11



8.1 Total no. of Sanctioned and filled up posts (Institutionwise and Department-wise) Dept. Professor Sanctioned UIE USB UIAM UIHM UIC 8.2 18 02 01 02 02 Filled 17 04 01 01 02 Associate Professor Sanctioned 35 06 02 03 03 Fill ed 31 06 01 02 03 Assistant Professor Sanction ed 102 16 06 08 09 Filled 112 16 11 12 10

Details of teaching staff in the following format (Please provided details Institution-wise and Department-wise) (Details to be provided in Appendix-XIII) Na me of the Tea che r Designati on Age Educational Qualificatio ns (whether qualified as per UGC Regulations ) Teaching experience in years Date of appoin tment Whether full time or part time Regular or adhoc Scale of pay No. of pub licat ions


Appendix attached 8.2 8.3 Category-wise No. of Teaching Staff Category SC ST OBC PH General Total Female 20 15 16 -54 105 Male 13 18 23 -70 124 Total 33 33 39 -123 229


Details of the permanent and temporary faculty members in the following forms

Particulars Total no. of permanent teachers No. of teachers with Ph.D. as the highest qualification No. of teachers with M.Phil as the highest qualification No. of teachers with PG as the highest qualification No. of teachers with Non-PG as the highest qualification

Female 105 04 09 89 03

Male 124 22 03 92 07

Total 229 26 12 181 10


Total no, of temporary teachers No, of teachers with Ph.D. as the highest qualification No. of teachers with M.Phil as the highest qualification No. of teachers with PG as the highest qualification Total no. of part-time teachers No, of teachers with Ph.D. as the highest qualification No. of teachers with M.Phil as the highest qualification No. of teachers with PG as the highest qualification Total No. of Guest/ visiting teachers Annexure 8.4 (Foreign Faculty Details)



--------20 (9 from industry and 11 from Foreign Institutions)








Ph.D 26:0 M.Phil 12:0 PG 181:0

time/contract teachers


Process of recruitment of faculty

Process of Recruitment of Faculty is as follows. 1. Advertisement of the post Receipt of applications both online and hardcopy. 3. Constitution of Screening Committee Short listing of the candidates by the screening Committee. 5. 6. Call for Interview. Selection of candidates by duly constituted Selection Committee and approval by Board of Management. 7. 8. 9. Issue of Appointment Letter. Joining Reports. Service Book.

-Whether advertised? (pl. attach copy of the ad)







constituted as per the UGC Regulation?

Yes, the Selection Committee is constituted as per UGC norms and as per the Statute of the University. The same is enclosed as Annexure 8.6 8.7 Does the University follow self-appraisal method to evaluate teachers on teaching, research and work satisfaction? If yes, how is the self-appraisal of teachers analyzed and Yes, the University follows self appraisal method of evaluation. A well designed instrument is used to evaluate the performance of the teacher during the year. A copy of proforma attached. The self appraisal


used? Whether:-

report of teacher is reviewed by the HOD/ Principal/ Director and comments/ recommendation is given

Self Appraisal Evaluation Peer Review Students evaluation Others (specify)

about the performance. The same is enclosed as Annexure 8.7(a) Student feedback about the teacher is also used for the purpose. Student feedback is obtained on a well designed format. The students are required to give feedback about various aspects of teacher in the class, online. Students are also encouraged to provide online feedback about teacher on regular basis through the University website and on individual links of higher authorities. The same is Annexure 8.7(b) Feedback of students is used as an important parameter in deciding enhanced increment and promotion of the teacher. enclosed as


Institution-wise and Department-wise teacher student ratio (only full time faculty)

1. University Institute of Engineering = 1:13 (160/2130) 2. University Institute of Hotel Management = 1:9 (15/138) 3. University Institute of Computing = 1:10 (15/153) 4. University Institute of Animation and Multimedia = 1:10 (13/132) 5. University School of business = 1:13 (26/344)


Whether the University is providing UGC Pay Scales to the Permanent Faculty? If yes, please provide the following details:Scale of Pay with all the allowances

Scale of Pay Professor 37,400 67,000 + GP 10000 Associate Prof.- 37,400 67,000 + GP 9,000 Assistant Prof. -15,600 39,100+ GP 6,000 Mode of Payment Cash as well as Cheque.

Professor Associate Prof.Assistant Prof. Mode of Payment (Cash/Cheque)



Pay/Remuneration provided to:-

Part-Time Faculty- @ Rs. Temporary Faculty-

500/- Per Lecture Salary


Part-Time FacultyTemporary FacultyGuest Faculty 8.11 Facilities for teaching staff (Please provide details about Residence, Rooms, Cubicals, Computers/Any other)

Guest Faculty Rs. 2000/- to Rs 5000/- Per Lecture of 1 hours

Flats for some faculty members & Hostel for some single faculty members on campus. Rooms for office space, cubicals and department wise laptops & computers are provided to the teachers.


9.1 9.2 9.3 Does the University have sufficient space for Land & Building? Does the University have sufficient class rooms? Laboratories & Equipment (Details to be provided and AppendixXIV and Appendix-XV) Item Description (make and model) Location (Department) Value (Rs.) Present Condition Date of Purchase Library Total Space (all Kinds) Computer /Communication facilities Total no, of Department) Ref. Books (Each Yes, The University has Sufficient Land. Total Land area is 41.72 acres. Yes, The University has sufficient class rooms for all the courses.

a) b) c) d) e) 9.4 a) b) c)

Laboratories Details are enclosed as Appendix XIV Equipments Details are enclosed as Appendix XV

Total area = 2489.29 Sq. Meter(Four units) There are 50 Computers installed in the Library. UG Engineering & Technology Total Books & Titles Requirement Vol & Titles 2012-13 V T 2752 3181 2615 486 524 591

Courses UG E&T




2957 863 847 885 1132 1159 1148 1371 594

485 365 257 245 289 162 109 314 105

Courses PG E&T

19504 3932 PG Engineering & Technology Total Books & Titles Requirement Vol & Titles 2012-13 V T 425 832 205 458 1920 125 206 58 149 538


Total Books & Titles Requirements Other Courses Level MBA BBA B.Com BCA MCA BSc. HMCT BSc. ATHM Total d) All Research Journals subscribed on a regular basis PG UG UG UG PG UG UG Vol & Titles 2012-13 V 1150 1296 1050 1235 1285 1163 1298 8477 T 260 252 160 382 300 268 159 1781

There are 89 journals and 6402 E-journal subscribed on a regular basis. The list of the same are attached as Annexure 9.4(d).


Sports Facilities (Details to be provided in Appendix-


XVl) a) Open Play Ground(s) for outdoor sports (Athletics, Football, Hockey, Cricket, etc.) Name of sports Athletics Football Volleyball Badminton Basketball Handball Gatka Ground Cricket Kabaddi b) c) d) e) f) Track for Athletics Basketball Courts Squash / Tennis Courts Swimming Pool (Size) Indoor Sports Facilities including Gymnasium g) Any other One ground (outdoor) One ground (Outdoor) Two ground table tennis (Boys and girls, Outdoor) Nil 1. 2. 1. 2. 9.6 Does the University has provision for Residential, Accommodation including hostels (boys & girls separately) Two Gyms (Boys and Girls). Weightlifting, Powerlifting (Boys, Indoor ) Two chess rooms (Boys and Girls) Two Carom Board rooms (Boys and Girls ) Total count 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1

Yes, The University provides Hostel facility for Boys (1890) and Girls (850)separately.


Financial Viability
10.1 Details of the Corpus Fund created by the University Amount FDR No. DatePeriod (Documentary evidence to be given) Amount
1000000 1000000 1000000 1500000 5382649 5382649 3500000

FDR no. and date

31395969268 31642190422 31835981448 31235685085 31641350660 31641351143 458200PR000 02346

Period 8.9.2010 23.2.2011 15.7.2011 30.6.2010 23.2.2011 23.2.2011 14.6.2010 14.6.2010




02355 1500000 458200PR000 06548 1000000 420700PR000 06548 1000000 420700PR000 06557 50000000 420700GR000 00208 10000000 079844700214 45 40000000 079844700215 75

14.6.2010 23.2.2011 23.2.2011 21.12.2011 16.8.2012 5.8.2012


Financial position of the University? (please provide audited income and expenditure

S. No.


Income (Rs. Lacs) in

Expenditu re (Rs. in Lacs) 2217 3716 3014.29

statement for the last 3 years) 1 2 3 2010-11 2011-12 201213(Budgeted) As per annexure- 10.2

2330 4467 2613.26


Source of finance and quantum of funds available for running the University (for last audited year) Fees Donations Loan InterestAny other (pl. Specify)-



474000 446655739


-9972 SBI TERM LOAN -3837 SBI OD A/C 1754 SBI OD A/C 9535 PNB TERM LOAN 0924 PNB TERM LOAN 1004 TOTAL G.TOTAL 189344395




278642184 752877512 1199533251

As per annexure- 10.3 10.4 What is the Universitys unit cost of education? (Unit cost = total annual expenditure (budget accruals) divided by the number of students enrolled) Unit cost calculated excluding the salary component may also be given 1 UNIT COST OF EDUCATION (2012-2013) S. NO. PARTICULARS TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURE BUDGETED NO. OF STUDENTS ENROLLED UNIT COST OF EDUCATION (1/2) UNIT COST OF EDUCATION WITHOUT SALARY COMPONENT AMOUNT (RS.IN LACS)





As per annexure-10.4


I. 11.

Governance System Organization, Governance and Management

11.1 Composition of the statutory bodies of the University (please give names, profession & full postal address of the members and date of constitution):Governing Board Executive Council Board of Management Academic Council Finance Committee Board of Studies Others (Details to be provided in Appendix-XVII) Compositions of the statutory bodies of the university along with complete details of the members are appended as XVII.

11.2 Dates of the meetings of the above bodies held during the last 2 years (Enclose attested copy of the minutes of the meetings)

Dates of the Meetings of Board of Studies in:EE & EEE 07. 9.1 2 18. 12. 12

Da te/ de pt. 1st me eti ng 2nd me eti ng




App. Sci.


Civi l



30.8 .12

04.09 .12

31. 8.1 2 22. 12. 12

10.9. 12

01.9. 12

07. 09. 12 05. 12. 12

11.9.1 2


3.12 .12

15.12 .12


10.12 .12


18.12.1 2

Dates of the Faculty Meetings of:Sci en ce s 06. 10. 20 12 Tourism and Hospita lity 06.10.2 012 Managem ent Computer Application s Engineering




Dates of the meetings of other Statutory Bodies are as follows:-


Acade mic Counc il 19.11. 2012

Board of Management

Governing Body


1 = 28.07.2012 nd 2 = 19.12.2012


Attested copies of the minutes of the meetings are enclosed as Annexure 11.2. 11.3 What percentage of the members of the Boards of Studies, or such other academic committees, are external? Enclose the guidelines for BOS or such other committees.

Percentage of External Members of the Statutory Bodies Academ ic Council Board of Management Governing Body

Board of Studi es

Upto 60%


Only 3 members (1 Govt. representative and 2 trustee)



Are there other strategies to review academic programmes besides the academic council? If yes, give details about what, when and how often are such reviews made?

Guidelines as laid down in the Statutes of University for members of various bodies are enclosed as Annexure 11.3. Review strategies of Academic programmes are as under:a. Feedback from industries and placement department. b. Feedback from students. c. Feedback from external examiners / evaluators. d. Feedback from academic experts who are not the members of statutory bodies. e. Feedback from the University Higher Authorities. f. Feedback from Internal Quality Assurance Committee. g. Feedback from External Academic Audit Team. These feedbacks are forwarded to respective departments for consideration and necessary action required.


12.1 J. Research Work Faculty-wise and Department-wise information to be provided in respect of the following: Student Teacher Ratio Class Rooms Teaching labs Research labs (Major Equipments) Research Scholars (M.Tech, Ph.D., Post Doctoral Scholars) Publications in last 3 years (Yearwise list) No. of Books Published Patents Transfer of Technology Inter-departmental Research (Inter-disciplinary) Consultancy Externally funded Research Projects Educational Programmes Arranged

Attached as Annexure 12.1

13.1 K. Details of Non-Teaching Staff

Nam e




Scale of Pay

Date of Appointment

Trained Yes/No If yes, Details

As per Appendix- XVIII



Summary of the NonTeaching Staff

Particulars Administrative Staff Group A Group B Group C Group D Sub total Technical Staff Group A Group B Group C Group D Sub total Grand Total

Female 02 13 08 09 32

Male 14 17 27 12 70

Total 16 30 35 21 102

02 00 01 00 03 53 Female 05 03 05 -23 36 Male 15 13 11 -81 120

02 08 41 00

04 08 42 00

51 103

54 156 Total 20 16 16 -105 156


No. of Nonteaching staff category wise

Category SC ST OBC PH General Total



Ratio of Nonteaching staff to students Ratio of

1:18 is the ratio of non-teaching staff to students. (156/2897)

1:1.4 is the ratio of non-teaching staff to faculty. (156/217)


Nonteaching staff to faculty


Academic Results
14.1 Faculty-wise and course-wise academic results of the past 3 years Sr. No. No. of Candidates appeared

Courses Faculty of Engineering A. Bachelor of st Engineering 1 Sem CSE CCE ME ECE EE EEE CIVIL B. Bachelor of Engineering rd 3 Sem (LEET) CSE ME ECE EEE CIVIL Master of st Engineering 1 Sem CSE IT EE ECE Faculty of Management & Commerce A. MBA B. BBA


S. No.


No. of Candidat es appeare d

Result 15.1

Pass 1460 321 43 411 236 37 59 353 535 133 150 54 68 130 134 63 29 7 35 56 26 7 31 127 139 59 49 118 298 38 383 221 33 53 325


23 5 28 15 4 6 28

6 11 9 5 12

7 3 0 4

1 62 9 0

144 74

18 16


C. B.Com Faculty of Computer Application A. MCA B. BCA D. B.Sc ( Anima tion) Faculty of Hotel Management & Tourism A. MBA(T&HM) B. B.Sc ( HMCT) C. B.Sc ( ATHM) 8 3



7 7 5 1 32

70 60

8 15



9 1 00 2 9

7 88 26

2 12 3

15. Accreditation
15.1 Whether Accredited by NAAC? If yes please provide the following details: Date of Accreditation Period Grade CGPA Grading System Followed Chandigarh University has been established on 10 July, 2012 vide notification of the Pb. State Govt. Act 7 of 2012. University shall become eligible for accreditation only after 5 years of its existence. However, one of our institution named Chandigarh College of Education has obtained following accreditation. Name of the Institute: Chandigarh College of Education Date of Accreditation: 27 March,2011 Period: Valid upto 26 march,2016 Grade: A grade CGPA: 3.01



Whether courses are accredited by NBA? If yes please provide course-wise details as under:-

S. No.

Cours e

Whethe r Accredi ted

Period of Accredi tation

The Chandigarh University has been established in 2012 only. But one of our institution named Chandigarh Engineering College, has got accredited with following particulars Sr. Course Whether Period No. accredited of Accreditatio n 1 Information Accredited 3 years technology 2 Computer Science and Engineering Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engineering Accredited 5 years


5 years

4 15.3 Other Accreditations, if any


5 years

1. Our Institute University Institute of Engineering has been awarded OUTSTAINDING ENGINEERING INSTITUTE (North) by ETNOW. 2. Our Institute University School of Business has been awarded B-SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AWARD by ETNOW. 3. We have been accredited and validated by TCS, Cummins L&T Infotech Brilasoft, Mahindra & Mahindra, Verizon, Infosys, HCL Commet, EMC academic Alliance, and Empanelment for Joint Placement- Indian Army, Indian Airforce and Indian Navy. Chandigarh University has taken a unique initiative to increase the employability of students through UniversityIndustry interaction/tie-ups. Research/Project labs are setup under various tie-ups to provide the participating students opportunity to work on these platforms and do authentic research in these areas. 1. University-Industry Tie-Ups. a. Wipro Mission10x Technology Learning Centre. b. Oracle Academy. c. IBM (in process). 2 d. EMC Academic Alliance. e. Goodrej and Boyce (in process). f. Infosys Campus Connect Programme. 2. Research a. Centre of Excellence has been set up in the University for research in Mechanical Engineering


Any other information (including special achievements by the University which may be relevant for the University)



and inter disciplinary research, for undertaking the Industry sponsored projects. b. A centre of research in e-governance and esolutions has been set up in the University to meet software requirements of the University and provide e-solutions to outside institutions. Consultancy. a. The teachers from Management, Bio-Pharma, and Engineering departments are providing consultancy to the Industry. b. University is bringing out a research journal in Management Management Review. c. Academic events organized a. Panel discussion on FDI in retail. b. National Seminar on Quality Issues in Higher and Professional Education. c. Panel Discussion on Youth and Gender Sensitivity on Youth Day. d. National Seminar on Research Methodology & Project Innovation. e. State Level Tech Fest CU FEST 2K13. f. Work Shop on J-Gates. g. Two day workshop on Computer Aided Engineering. h. The University celebrated the following important days. i) Teachers Day. ii) Engineers Day. iii) World tourism Day. IV) Blood Donation Day. V). World Food Day. VI). Le Corbusier week. VII). International Mother Language Day. VIII). Data Protection Day. d. Good number of Guest Lectures by Indian and Foreign experts.



Strength and Weaknesses of the University

16.1 Strengths of the University 1. Experienced faculty from National Institutes like IITs, NITs & Universities of Repute 2. State of the Art-Infrastructure 3. Latest Top Quality-Equipments. 4. World Class-IT resources. 5. In house development of customized ERP based on the MIS requirements of the Chandigarh University. 6. Transparent, Scientific and objective Examination and Evaluation system. 7. Multi faceted continuous evaluation system. 8. Cutting edge curriculum development with industrial inputs. 9. Training for placement as part of curriculum from Semester-I. 10. Senior and experienced experts on University bodies. 11. Guest faculty from industry and foreign institutes.(List Attached) 12. Strict-Campus discipline. 13. E-surveillance based campus security. 14. Strong legacy and glorious record of the Group. a) Our e-Governance Center has been setup in collaboration with Punjab Infotech. The center has developed functional websites for various departments Punjab Government. b) Regular University Merit Positions (Students of the group bagged 9 out of 10 positions in PTU in 2010 B.Tech) c) NBA accreditation for 5 years for CSE, IT, ECE and ME received by parent institution. d) The World Bank has given a TEQUIP grant of Rs. 4 crore for infrastructural developments. e) Four patents for the group. f) AICTE sponsored grant of 6.3 lacs for establishing EDC cell in parent institution for the group. 15. Strong training and placement record. 16. Effective Feedback System: a. Student feedback for immediate grievance redressal.


b. CR system for effective grievance redressal. c. Emphasis on hands-on practical training/experience. d. Open house with all students, batch wise at the beginning of each semester. e. Teacher evaluation by students as online feedback. 17. Wi-Fi campus with optic fiber based LAN. 18. Regular complete internal audit through constitution of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). 19. Academic Audit by external experts. 20. Holding of orientation cum induction program for new students. 21. Annual teacher appraisals based on various parameters including student evaluation. 22. Transport facility for students as well as faculty. 23. Others: a. Employees welfare fund. b. Employees healthcare/medical insurance. c. Employees group accidental insurance. d. Group insurance for all students. 16.2 Weaknesses of tile University 1. 2. 3. Yet to get accreditation from NAAC. Sports achievements are moderate. Cultural participation is moderate.

Certificate This is to certify that all the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. The University will adhere to the rules, regulations and guidelines of the UGC, Central Government and relevant Statutory Council(s) and abide by all the provisions under the UGC Regulations. The above information is also posted on the website of the University www.chandigarhuniversity.ac.in.

Signed and Sealed by the Head of the Institution


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