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Circular UGC2F12B

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Pro-forma applying for recognition of Colleges under section 2(f) and 12(b) of the UGC Act


1 Full Name of the College/Institute as

affiliated/Recognized with the University

2 Name of the Principal

3 Year of Establishment
(as a degree Institute)
4 Whether College/Institute is getting Funds
from any Government Sources or it is a Self
Financing College

5 Name of the University to which affiliated

6 Degree offered by the college/Institute

7 Subject Taught

8 Total No. of students on roll as on 31st

December of the preceding year.

9 No. of Teachers employed as on 31st

December of the year.

10 Has the college/Institute been granted

permanent or temporary
affiliation/Recognition, please indicate year
of affiliation (a copy of the notification
issued in this respect be attached)
11 In case of temporary affiliation the period till
which the affiliation is effective

12 Does the college /Institute fulfill all the

conditions laid down by the UGC for being
brought on the approved list of affiliated
colleges Under Section 2(f) of UGC Act
Is the College/Institute Being run by Private
Management or by Central/State
Government or it is a University College
14 Is the College/Institute registered under the
Societies Registration Act 1860 (21 of
1860)? Or is a body incorporates under a
Central or State Act or is a trust with trustees
being appointed and vested with legal
powers and duties. If so, a copy of the
memorandum of Association And certificate
of Registration of the society trust deed as
applicable may be attached
15 In case of College failing under clause 1 (iv)
of regulations prescribed for recognition of
colleges , please indicate whether the
Indemnity Bond and other documents
prescribed have been attached or not.

16 Any other Remarks

Signature of the Principal Signature of the Registrar of the

Of the College with seal affiliating University with seal.

1. Information in respect of only those colleges are to be reported which have actually
started functioning and which are teaching for the first degree.
2. Colleges against which complete information is not given, will not be included in the
list till such time information is made available.
3. This proforma should be countersigned by the Registrar.
4. If the Institute is not affiliated but is recognized by the university, please send extracts
of the relevant Act and status under which the institute has been recognized by the

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